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Methods of ceiling insulation. Ceiling insulation from the inside: the choice of material and the main stages of the work is it necessary to insulate the ceiling in a private house

Short review Technologies and facilities of ceiling insulation in a private house. The better to see the attic in the country to preserve heat.

Ceiling insulation technology in a private house

Houses with a reliably warmed ceiling will be kept warm in cold weather and, oddly it sounds to cool, cool in warm weather.

If we talk about private houses, then almost half of the heat that is in the house is lost through the ceiling, so its reliable insulation can significantly help keep warm in winter strules and prevent its penetration into the room in the summer.

The stern of all other things, the insulation of the ceiling is not only useful, but also economically beneficial. Such a procedure allows you to make your home more comfortable and significantly reduce bills for utilities.

Rises a reasonable question, and how to do it with the least costs? The market today can offer huge selection Solutions of this problem. Let's look at some of them.

What is better to insulate the ceiling?

Materials for ceiling insulation

In order to prevent the leakage of precious heat through the ceiling, many different materials can be used. Many masters use such as slag, sawdust, ceramzit, and even dry grass is used in the villages. It turns out quite reliably, it does not go anywhere, and the financial side does not suffer.

But there are in these inexpensive materials and some drawbacks. In dry grass, some liveliness may appear in the form of bugs and spars, and sawdusts have a property to rot. If we talk about the slag, although it is well kept warm in the house, but with large quantities it can negatively affect the floors in the house, and besides radiation background.

Ceramzit in this case (in comparison with sawdust, straw and other similar materials) significantly breaks forward, although it significantly loses modern materialsintended for insulation and insulation of premises. Let's consider this question more.

Methods of insulation ceiling in a private house

It is possible to solve the problem of heat loss in two ways:

  • First, you can insulate the ceiling outside the room;
  • Secondly - insulation the ceiling from the inside.

"The right to life" have both ways, as they both lead, in the end, to the desired result. With the help of these methods, there is a significant savings of resources, while the heat remains in the house.

The difference in the methods of maintaining heat not only in the procedure of work, but also to use different materials For insulation, which can be divided into two categories:

  • vapor-permeable;
  • playproof.

This is very important characteristicthat talks about how much various materials Capably absorb moisture. Owning information about this characteristic, you can use the material for the purpose.

The vapor-permeable material is most often used indoors, and the same materials that are playproof, respectively outside.

The first method - the insulation of the ceiling from the inside of the room

For work on the insulation of the ceiling from the inside of the room, you can use the mineral insulation, in the people it is called "glass gamble". Usually, the glass gamble rolls are mounted along with the suspended ceiling of drywall, which significantly reduces the amount of heat loss.

Consider the main stages of the ceiling insulation of the Ceiling of Minvata:

  1. collect metal carcass for attaching plasterboard;

  2. in a niche between the rice-carcarton frame profiles, mineral wool is glued to the ceiling using a special glue (well "holds" glue for the tile);

  3. encourage the resulting design of plasterboard.

At first glance, such a method of insulation seems fairly simple, but this is only an assumption. This technology has many subtleties that need to be considered.

For example, if you take the insulation itself, then you need to remember the fact that when installing it on the ceiling, in no way it cannot be contacted. There is a question, why? Yes, because in the mineral wat there are special air layers, which delay heat care from the room.

Second way - ceiling insulation outside the room

Insulation of the attic (foam or polystyolster) is perhaps this one of the most good ways Insulation of a private house.

Because many problems that exist in the case considered earlier are disappeared. No need to mount a plasterboard ceiling, the need for unnecessary "televizations" disappears. How to make it most effectively?

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove the attic room from excess garbage. This must be done for one reason - a clean surface is needed for further work.

  • Then we buy a simple foam, the thickness of which should be at least 50 mm. And of course, it should be quite a lot to cover the entire surface of the attic. It is possible to use polystyrene instead of polyfoam, but in this case it will cost much more than foam.

  • We put the foam on the surface of the floor, and the places where the connecting seams of sheets are coming, fixed mounting foam.

In principle, if the attic will not be used to store the "very necessary things", then on this all work can be finished. If it will be used to store anything, then additionally need to tighten the floor of the attic concrete screedAnd otherwise six months half a half cracks from frequent walk. It is also necessary to reinforcing a special mesh from the metal, with a layer of filling of the floor should be at least 50 mm.


Choosing from the two ways of insulation of the ceiling, consider which option is preferable for you. Perhaps, if in the house the crooked ceilings, that is, it makes sense to use for insulation in the first way, since the plasterboard can be perfectly cope with the alignment task. But less cost will be the second way. However, the choice, ultimately, is always yours.

In the fact that in private houses with a "cold" roof it is necessary to warm the ceiling on the last floor, you do not need to persuade developers. The question is different: how to make it properly, not overpaying the extra money for the materials. Find out the answer to you will help step by step guideset forth in this article. Here we will explain how to insulate the overlap by the attic (or room) and what to take action so that there is no condensate.

The better to insulate the attic floors

The range of materials for ceiling thermal insulation is so wide that the ordinary homeowner is not easy to make a choice. Judge for yourself:

  • mineral wool based on fiberglass and basalt fiber;
  • polymer insulation - foam, extrusion polystyrene foam and foamed polyurethane;
  • bulk construction materials - vermiculitis, ceramzit;
  • folk remedies - sawdust, straw or reed (can be applied in a hand with clay);
  • relatively new cellulose-based insulator - Equata.

This is the applying of Eco

Comparing insulation, it is impossible to say that one is bad, and the other is good. They differ greatly by properties, price and scope of application. An important role is played by the budget allocated by the developer on the thermal insulation of the ceilings of a private house or cottage. Therefore, it is worth considering each group of materials separately.

Mineral wool products

These porous building materials are produced in the form of plates and rolls, the density varies in the range of 35-150 kg / m3. We list them features:

  1. Basalt minvat is absolutely not lit and calmly maintains temperatures up to 600 ° C, and with further heating it is destroyed without ignition. The heat resistance limit is 200 ° C, so it is considered a difficult-scale substance.
  2. Both isolators are well passed by water vapors and are able to absorb moisture, resulting in thermal insulation properties.
  3. At the cost of Vata occupies an average position between a cheap foam and more expensive expanded polystyrene.
  4. The thermal conductivity of mineral wool products depends on their density. The averaged value is 0.045 W / m ° C, it is a rather high indicator.
  5. Tight plates are extremely rarely eating rodents.

Plates of basalt wool

Reference. The standards of most countries are prohibited for the use of indoors, since it is unsafe for health inhabitants of residential buildings. The most famous manufacturers are URSA brands (Ursa) and Izover (Erult).

The main scope of the Ministry of Service of both types - Wooden and frame houses. Unlike polymer insulating materials, it allows wood to "breathe" and do not rot from humidity, because it has high vapor permeability. At the same time, fibrous insulation requires protection from direct moisture from the street.

Fiberglass plates and rolls are allowed to apply for ceiling insulation outside, from the cold attic. Stone cotton can be used from within the buildings, but at the same time hermetically covered with a vapor barrier film.

Warm polymers

By properties, this group of insulation is the complete opposite of the Minvat. Polyfoam and extruded polystyrene foam, well known under the name Penopleplex (brand name), is able to ignite and burn, no matter what the manufacturers argue. And only a polyurethane applied by a mechanized way in the form of a foam can be withstanding fire no longer than 30 minutes, but after collapses. At the same time, materials practically do not miss steam and do not lose properties during wetting.

So there is a spraying of polyurethane foam

Note. The foam is still permeable for moisture, although it passes it in smaller quantities than cotton.

Thermal insulation characteristics of polymers are the best among all insulation:

  • polyfoam - 0.04 W / m ° C;
  • exterzional polystyrene foam - 0.035 W / m ° C;
  • polyurethan - 0.03 W / m ° C.

Heaters are bad "friends" with wood, which often leads to its rotting at the point of contact. Therefore, in wooden dwellings and pairs of baths with high humidity their application is allowed with the active device support and exhaust ventilation. The best materials are combined with concrete ceilings and cellars overlap.

Polyfoam is the lowest, but inferior in durability, in addition it loves to nibble mouse. Foam polyurethane is also inexpensive, but requires costs to apply with specialized equipment. Polystyoltilol occupies an average position in terms of cost, and according to practicality - the first. It is durable and durable, besides easily mounted on the ceilings with his own hands, including inside the premises.

Here it is clear that the Penoplex is simply fastened with self-draws

Other insulation

We combined these building materials in general group One sign is a bulk structure. The indicators of their thermal conductivity are reflected in the table:

Funny insulation are popular thanks to the cheapness (except vermiculite) and ease of use. But it is necessary to understand that in moderate latitudes the calculated layer of the same clay should be at least 40 cm, otherwise thermal insulation will be mediocre. To load the ceiling is not always possible.

Straw on thermal conductivity is not inferior to foam, but in a dry form it is stored only a few years. To extend the service life, it is customary to mix with clay, but then the insulating properties are reduced, as can be seen from the table. The compromise option is small sawdust, fastened with a thick layer.

Reference. All organic insulation are very loved by rodents. They appear at the beginning of the cold period and arrange nests for the winter in a layer of sawdust or the Saman.

It turns out that these budget materials It can be used for overlapping heat insulation, but with reservations. Vermikulite roads, and fall asleep clamzit makes sense only in the southern regions. To use sawdust, you need to take measures to combat rodents, for example, to put ultrasound dischargers.

Determination of the thickness of thermal insulation

When we figured out how to insulate the ceiling, it is necessary to find out the thickness of the insulating layer. Ideally, such calculations must perform engineers designers using a rather complicated technique. It takes into account the thermal conductivity of all materials of the design, down to the plasterboard cladding.

We offer a simpler method that allows you to determine the thickness of the insulation in a simple formula with an acceptable accuracy. An algorithm of actions such:

  1. Learn the accurate thermal conductivity indicator λ (W / M ° C) of the selected material or take the value indicated below in the table.
  2. In the regulatory building documentation of your country of residence, find out the minimum allowable heat transfer resistance R (m² ° C / W) for overlap in a particular region.
  3. Calculate the thickness of the insulation in meters by the formula Δ \u003d R x λ.

Example. According to SNiP, the insulation of overlaps in Moscow should provide heat transfer resistance R \u003d 4.15 m² ° C / W. If a foam plate with a thermal conductivity λ \u003d 0.04 W / m can be placed on the ceiling, the thickness Δ \u003d 4.15 x 0.04 \u003d 0.166 m or rounded 170 mm will be required. The thinnest layer will come out of polyurethane foam - 125 mm, and the most thick - from the ceramzite (415 mm).

How to make insulation on the side of the attic

The external thermal insulation of building structures is considered correct because it eliminates the fight against condensate that can be formed at the junction ceiling material With insulation. When the latter is located on the cold side, the water vapor from the residential premises cannot get into its thickness and condense, causing the appearance of mold.

To block the path of a couple on the attic, the first layer in the "Pie" goes the usual dense film, as shown in the diagram. Thermal insulation is stacked on top of it, and the lamp is bought from below interior decoration Ceiling. Over the insulation, you need to make a ventilation gap (product), and then hide the waterproofing membrane that transmits moisture only in one direction - outward.

Note. The gap between the insulation layer and the membrane is necessary for the conclusion of condensate generated due to the dew point. Without production, moisture is accumulated in the insulation, reducing its ability to resist cold. For this, natural ventilation is organized under the roof.

Ceiling insulation in the attic scope roof Performed by this technology:

  1. The vapor barrier film is attached to the beams of overlapping from the bottom in brackets or using slats of the crate. If the ceilings are already lined and lined, then place the film on the floor of the attic, bypassing the board, as shown above in the photo.
  2. Squeeze a row of slab or roll insulation between beams. If the step has not coincides with the width of the insulation, cut the last clearly in size between the boards.
  3. When you need to do 2 or 3 layers, plates put the rotor (with overlapping the lower joints) and the beams themselves. Soft rolled material Do not tram and not signate, it must be completely straightened.
  4. If the level of thermal insulation turned out to be below the roofing boards, then the ventilation product, count, is ready. It remains to cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe diffusion membrane, to pin the bars of the counterbalax and the boardwalk.
  5. Reverse situation: insulation above the level of beams. Then they need to build up wooden bars, fixing the latter across the boards.

The device of a claying or sawing insulation layer is also made using vapor barrier films. The material falls asleep between the beams at the estimated height, recalls and overlaps the membrane. Washing sawdust is not necessary, so as not to worsen their thermal insulation properties.

Concrete coating under the scope roof is insulated by the same technology. More The process of thermal insulation is demonstrated on the video:

Cleaning from within the premises

Not always there technical opportunity independently execute outdoor thermal insulation Coatings. There are many examples: Apartments of the last floors, loggias with balconies, attic of private houses. In these cases, nothing remains except to insulate the ceiling from the inside. So boldly proceed to prepare - close all the slots of the mounting foam, wood process with an antiseptic, and concrete - appropriate primer.

There are 2 methods of internal insulation of the coating:

  1. Installation of slab material - polystyrene or basalt wool - on glue with subsequent fixation of dowels, if it comes to a concrete surface.
  2. The device of suspended ceilings with a cladding isolation laying.

In the first embodiment, mineral wool or polystyrene plates are attached to the ceiling on the adhesive mixture or the mounting foam so that the joints of the neighboring rows do not coincide. After soaring glue, each element is additionally fixed by dowels in the form of fungi, as done in the photo. From the bottom the insulation is closed with steam insulation, after which the finish coating is mounted - plaster or stretch ceiling.

In the second case, a metallic or wooden frame is attached to the overlap with a row step equal to the insulation width (usually 600 mm). The lower plane of the frame must be defending the ceiling on the thickness of the insulation or be lower. Then the roll of Minvat is taken and inserted between the rims of the versius with additional fixation of the dowels, the plates of polystyrene foam are sitting on glue. Further - vaporizolation and finishing finish.


Performing independent insulation Ceilings, it is important not to confuse paro and waterproofing films, but put a superdiffusion membrane correctly - a labeled side up. This is the only difficult moment in the entire procedure, the rest of the work is quite simple. Last nuance: After unpacking the Roll of Minvati, let it straighten it and do not compress it anymore: this is a working condition of the material.

Typically, the ceiling and the roof consume up to forty percent of the entire heat exchange house. The insulation of the ceiling is a question of a topical question for many families. For such work, we need certain knowledge and skills of the builder. As in any building process, here there are features and difficulties. Currently, thanks to modern technologies, any novice builder and a simple man will work such work.


The so-called cold roof is built in several other principles. When it is erected, the usual types of layering of materials do not use. A similar species exists in those houses where the room under the roof is not residential and not heated in winter.

Due to such a building of the roof, it has lightweight weight and minimum costs When erected.The installation itself is much easier to perform than when building a roof with a warm design. It used to be believed that this is an ideal and inexpensive option in the construction of a simple country house.

It is important to know that due to the absence of heating in the upper room, the air there performs the role of a buffer that helps to avoid unnecessary heat losses.

By increasing the tariffs for heating, many people began to think about the insulation of the ceilings. A large amount of heat evaporates from the house due to the presence of slots in the ceiling floors. This is due to poor-quality construction and bad building materials.

The ceiling insulation and the presence of a cold roof is a topical problem for residents of the last floors. This is especially true for the old housing stock. This problem is relevant for the owners who live in a private house. The attic is a neutral territory, and the management company may not allow the layer of the insulation there. Therefore, the option with the ceiling insulation is in its own apartment.

A feature of such a solution will serve that several useful centimeters will lose from the height of the ceiling. But due to the possibilities of plasterboard and various lighting devices You can get updated and fashionable interior. To keep warm and pay for heating is not too much, it is worth thinking about the ceiling warming.

The thermal insulation of the ceiling in a private house has its own characteristics.Work is customary to start from the second or extreme floor. It may be an attic room, the last floor or attic area. Laying special material with thermal insulation properties occurs on top of the overlap or in empty slots and helps retention of heat in the room.

No need to think about additional finish Ceiling. The master will not need to be mounted insulation on the ceiling itself. Thanks to the placement of the insulation, condensate will not be formed in the overlap.

You need to know that it is impossible to insulate the rod of the roof. This will contribute to the melting of snow and the formation of icicles. In addition, insulated attic on construction standards already mansard. It is important to know about such a feature that the next layer directed from the room should be more parreroping than the previous one.

Another feature is that the condensate is impossible. This rule applies to oblique ceiling. There are drained walls. It is very expensive and complicated pleasure for owners of a private house. Cool and hot side of the ceiling in apartment house may vary in places. It depends on the time of year.

It is worth knowing that modern technology The ceiling insulation is focused on the absence of condensate in the material itself.

And if he was still formed, he should have the opportunity to go out.

Another feature is the process of laying in cold overlap. When using loose material, it is necessary to leave the gaps. Another gap remains between the insulator and the insulation layer. This technique is a safety in the event of condensate.

In a private house or cottage, insulation the next floor ceiling is possible using a special material that is laying on top of the overlap or in existing emptiness. The features of the overlap depends on its type. It can be made of wood or concrete.

To put insulation on beams, which are a wooden floor, it is worth using lightweight and falling materials. Materials will fit well and in the form of a roll. In order to insulate the concrete, it is worth using not very loose mats and dense materials.

If the question of insulation was not resolved at the construction stage or we are talking about the last floor of a residential building, it is quite justified to begin insulation as needed.

If we are talking about the insulation of the roof of a private lady out of wood, then in this case there are a number of advantages. Insulation will create additional sound isolation. This is especially important in moments of heavy rain and wind on the street. In the heat, the insulation will retain hot air from the street. Due to this, a pleasant climate will remain indoors.

In winter, the warmed roof will help to significantly save electricity and will be prevented from the outlet of the heat out of the room.

Warm the ceiling in a private house from a tree can be independently. It is important to prepare well. It is necessary to know the properties of different materials, their advantages and cons, own specific technology for ceiling insulation, explore the video structure.

It became fashionable to warm the attic and turn them into the attic. A feature of such a premises is the criteria of ventilation area, which are located between the room and outdoor design. The size of such ventilation usually varies within fifteen - twenty centimeters. But the usual roof has an attic with auditory windows. Therefore, to create a warm climate there, it is important to take care of sufficient air circulation.

When heating, good ventilation reduces the degree of heating the roof and prevents the formation of ice blocks on the roof.

For residents of multi-storey houses or private in the absence of a roof insulation possibility from the top floor, you can consider another option. We are talking about insulation from below. This type of work is possible if the reconstruction of the premises with good overlapping In the attic, when there is no possibility to get into the attic room. This is especially true for tenants. apartment houses and non-promotional managers. In this case, the design of the framework based on the framework will be carried out wooden Reques or metal elements. Insulation can be in the form of plates.

With this form of insulation there is a big minus. As mentioned earlier, the height of the room and precious centimeters is lost at the expense of such a reception.

In addition, such works require more experience and time on their execution.

It must be remembered that good and durable isolation will turn out to be a comprehensive approach. In addition, indoors with cold roof Additionally, you need to warm the door, window openings and in obligatory floor. With the help of a thermal imager, you can easily calculate the plots through which it goes the greatest number Heat. Usually they are red and yellow.


Currently, building stores contain a large selection of insulation. In order to choose the desired options, it is worth carefully examining the samples presented and their main characteristics. They must comply with all the necessary requirements.

There are several nuances, on the basis of which it is worth choosing materials.It is important to know that the means with a small thermal conductivity are suitable for this best. The material must be moisture resistant. This is an important criterion when choosing a heater for the outside and with a rather worn roof.

Insulation and other materials are required to serve for quite a long time, so there must be durable. Don't forget about environmental safety. To work, you need to choose non-combustible or low-minded funds.

For a private house best insulation - This is a ceramzite.

Often use chips or sawdust, often use stone or mineral Vata., eco-tailed, foam, penplex, aerated concrete. Polyurethan is a sprayed type of material.

For the insulation of the roof in a wooden house it is worth using certain types of insulation. Select the material must be strictly in accordance with the type of overlap. It happens two types - from concrete or tree. For concrete it is worth using insulation heat. They are in the form of a mat or stove. As a rule, they are a falling type.

Often builders use and insulation natural origin. These include sawdust, hay, coniferous needles, last year's leaves, algae or reed. However, it is worth remembering that all natural materialsIn addition to sawdust, are subject to severe rotting.

It is important to approach the issue of the selection of the material is extremely responsible.

Which to choose?

The insulation in the form of chips or sawdust is considered the most ancient material. In areas where woodworking production is strongly developed, this material is very cheap. It is perfectly suitable when creating a layer of isolation from above wooden overlap. The essential minus of this type of insulation is its high flammability.

In the construction industry there are three types of mineral wool:stone, slag and glass. Stone Vata. It turns out of rocks with the addition of clay, limestone and formaldehyde.

The significant disadvantage of such a material is that in its composition it contains harmful substances. When heated, they turn into phenols and fall into the air. The balzat cotton wool is more secure, it is much smaller in it.

The slag wool is obtained as a result of the use of domain slags and other waste of the metallurgical industry. Due to the average thermal conductivity and ability to absorb a large volume of moisture, it is not suitable for cold ceiling insulation.

Glasswater is the most suitable materialMoreover, it has an extremely low cost.

An explicit minus is that when a piece of material on the skin or mucous membranes of a person, it can harm health. In this case, experts advise when working with this type of insulation to use gloves and special means protection.

The explicit advantage of the cotton as the insulation of the house is the simplicity of its transportation and installation. This is possible due to low weight. Wat has a small combustion and at high temperatures can only swing. For owners country houses And it is important to know the cottages that the glass gamble is not the most favorite material for the habitat of insects, various rodents and mold.

Polyeneetylene is a foamed PVC, which is applied by a foil layer. Manufacturer Releases this insulation In rolls width to one meter. You can warm the ceiling and with the help of foam. But it is important to know that in this case it will be necessary additional installation Suspended structures. In a private house, it is also good to use polystyrene foam. It fits tightly and at the expense of a good density is often used in the attic, as the basis for further putty.

Ceramzit has great popularity. Better if it is made of light alloy clay. Due to this, the material is an easy and rather porous structure. The production of modern insulation allows you to choose foam. Many builders are considered an avoard as insulation. This material on many characteristics is similar to mineral wool. But it is more elastic and stable to load.

Another decent option - Penophol. His a distinctive feature is a property to reflect thermal radiation. This material is well suited in the role of the insulation inside and outside the house. This means it is quite possible to warm the whole country house, not just the ceiling.

Do not forget about polyurethane foam. It is a convenient and good material in quality, meets all the necessary characteristics as a heater. It is a mounting foam that only needs to spray to get the desired result. He not only insulates, but also contributes to the sound insulation of the room.

For the tenants of an apartment building, it is best to achieve permission from management company And insulate the sex of the attic.

An excellent option in this case will be the use of clay. This material is fireproof and perfectly protects against moisture.

Inside the apartment often applied vapor-permeable insulation.In the process of holding repair work Master uses special materialsthat fill the entire ceiling area. After that, you can proceed to finishing work with the help of drywall.

Application area

As noted earlier, the materials can be used indoors, and above the ceiling. To eliminate the defects of wooden overlap perfectly silk and clay. The floor is worked with clay, then sprinkled with a thin layer of sand and sawdust is spread from above.

In order for the sawdusts, the mouse does not start, it is worth using carbide ahead with a haired lime. In the old house from the bar, the height of such insulation can reach thirty centimeters. When using the attic in economic purposes From above such a insulation, it is enough to put wooden boards.

Experienced masters Use a special film with waterproofing.

She skips pair particles from residential premises. For a residential building, you can use a mixture of clay with sawdust. Excellent option in a chopped or frame house.

On the concrete overlap of an apartment building in any case will go.This will happen in the process of repair work or preventive. In this case, it is worth choosing a dense foam or mineral wool. On the insulation, it is necessary to put a plywood or board.

These two types of insulation and less dense layer can be used. Due to this, the material will be released much cheaper. In this case, on the plate you need to make a tree crate. It is better if it is on the stands, because the altitude mounted can reach twenty or more centimeters. The insulation is stacked under such a crate and a clearance is made for ventilation.

For insulation reinforced concrete overlap in brick house Can be used foam. In this case, not this is speech On the release of poisonous substances during fire. Residential apartments are separated from it with a special overlap that does not burn.

In the presence of overlapping from a tree, the foam is undesirable.

This also applies to fire safety. The most common view of the floors between the floors is a tree. In this case, your choice is to stop on the eco-button. This type of material is put in the mound, it can fill any space.

Eco-plates are placed in several layers. It is important that the seams of the layers are blocked. After insulation, the attic is already turning into an attic, but it concerns private houses and cottages.

Recently, the question of warming in the basement has become recently.

IN modern houses This room can be equipped with a real living room.It can be a cabinet, a gym or workshop. In any case, it is possible to use this room only if there is a comfortable temperature for a person in it. Insulation of the basement is the right step In the way of maintaining energy and heat throughout the house. Even if the basement is unsuitable for equipment in it useful space, it still needs to be inspired.

This can be done internal, external or combined way. The selection of heat heaters is quite wide. The main thing is to choose the appropriate option for specific purposes.

Technology of work

It is very important that the roof of the house was warm. It is expensive, but subsequently saves the budget. After all, electricity costs are significantly reduced.

When the ceiling insulation works, the weight of the material itself is of great importance. Due to the weight of the cerazyt, it cannot be used in the presence of floors of wood. Due to the severity of the material, the flooring can completely fail. Ceramzit should be applied if available concrete overlaps. The ceiling and roof insulation scheme can vary somewhat.

Preparing the attic begins with clearing the entire area from the rubble and garbage.

If there is an old insulation, then it is also better to remove it. It can create an excess load on overlap.

The next step should be thoroughly insulated. It is necessary that in the spring it is not necessary to remove the effects of flooding. This uses a special membrane. It is laid between the lag so that about four centimeters it is screwed into the Boca Lag.

The insulator must be pressed to lags very tight. It is usually fixed using a stapler or glue.

Wooden overlap must have oxygen tolerance from at least two sides.

After that, laying of the first layer of the insulation begins. It is put to the level of lag. Then the insulation is covered with a membrane that has a small throughput oxygen. Then the flooring is stacked. Leave special gaps for ventilation.

It is necessary to competently pick up the thickness of the insulation.

It should be considered a layer of waterproofing. Often builders use a thickness of about fifty millimeters thick.

When conducting warming with polyurethane foam, you will need to call the wizard. The spraying process occurs under high pressure. Due to this, all the cracks are filling. The layer thickness ranges from ten to twelve centimeters.

Mineral wool as a heater has a different thickness. Indicators depend on the scope of work. The wool layer used as the insulation can be from two to twenty centimeters.

Polyenethylene is foamed polyethylene.

The thickness of such a material is from one millimeter to two centimeters. Polyfoam is placed by plates. The thickness of one plate varies from two to ten centimeters. This is obtained due to the fact that the material needs to be imposed on each other.

When insulation, attic uses various materials for insulation. But the average varies from fifteen to twenty centimeters. The layer of clay and straw is approximately ten centimeters. In order for everything to be exactly, it is worth using a special ruler or a stick.

Thermal insulation options

Cold ceiling and roof insulation options There are only two, or the ceiling indoors is insulated or insulated outside. Both of these options will greatly help maintain heat and electricity in the house. Each of these options has its own set. essential materials and installation technology.

Materials for thermal insulation are divided into two classes - these are vapor-permeable and steamproof.These readings indicate the ability to absorb moisture. It is for them that one or another type of material is chosen to perform work on the insulation of the ceiling or roof. For work on external insulation, a countertile material is used, and for internal works - vapor-permeable.

Inside use most often mineral insulation. Works can be done using rolled glass. Complete with plasterboard ceiling, hot air buffer will be obtained. The process of insulation is carried out at the time of installation of the suspended ceiling.

It will be right if the framework of the profiles will be made first, in which the insulation will be placed.

If the work is carried out with your own hands and own forces, do not forget about safety technician.

Glasswater is a rather dangerous material. Methods of fastening glass gambles to the ceiling are quite simple. The material is glued with glue for tiles. It is important that the glue drove as fast as possible. After the entire insulation is dry, it is sewn with plasterboard.

It is worth remembering that the cotton can not be traaming and pressing.

Due to such features, it is attached to glue, and not on the self-tapping screw. The whole thermal effect of mineral wool lies in the abundant amount of interlayers that are placed inside the wool.

High-quality ceiling insulation in the house allows you to keep warm in cool weather and do not give to warm the room into frying. Heat the ceiling in a private house - it means to win economically and increase the level of comfort. But how to insulate the ceiling for less? The market offers a large selection of solutions for this.

First steps with ceiling insulation: general rules

Ceiling insulation The necessary event, despite high labor costs. As a result, the owner will receive comfortable accommodation conditions at low fuel consumption for heating in winter.

How to insulate the ceiling in the house? Main rules:

  1. Choosing an eco-friendly and safe material.
  2. The insulation must be from non-flammable material.
  3. Material must have not only thermal insulation properties on high levelbut not to break natural humidity. That is, I have to breathe.
  4. The material should not be exposed to moisture.

Note! Only compliance with all parameters guarantees high quality Thermal insulation after work.

Preparatory work: the choice of material

The above criteria corresponds to 5 materials. They are recommended for use when installing the thermal insulating layer on the ceiling of the private house with their own hands:

  1. Styrofoam. The polymer for which the fire safety and the lack of susceptibility to moisture is characteristic.
  2. Penosole. Polymer with a porous structure, which has an unlimited life.
  3. Mineral wool. Feature - absorbs moisture, so water in one or another should not fall on it. The most popular material.
  4. Equata. Saves heat not worse than mineral counterpart. Produced on the basis of cellulose.
  5. Ceramzit. Made on the basis of clay - natural component. Dignity - rodents never come in it. In addition, the ceramzite is not afraid of moisture. Bulk.

Only 2 last material are natural. But the rest also do not negative influence on human health.

You can create a warm ceiling by budget funds that are always on hand in excess:

  1. Slag. Negatively affects the service life of overlaps. Rades a small proportion of radiation.
  2. Sawdust. With time, the insects are spoiled, losing some of the properties.
  3. Dry grass. Promotes the institution of insects and rodents.

Economical decisions have drawbacks, however, have the right to use in non-permanent housing and economic buildings of an old type, where large means are sorry to invest - dachas, old houses or in the bath.

Mounting insulation: location options

The main heat loss in the house occur through the ceiling of the last floor, over which the attic is located with the roof. Accordingly, the method of mounting insulation 2:

  1. Outer.
  2. Interior.

The desired result gives both ways. But there are differences. They conclude not only in the features of the installation, but also from what materials are used. Namely:

  • Paramotable.
  • Waterproofing.

That is, it is how the material can work with moisture - to absorb and skip it or repel it. For decoration inside the room use vapor-permeable material, and outside the repellent water.

Applied if residential floor No attic. Required:

  1. Install the framework. As a rule, from a tree, on the floor of the attic. The final construction depends on the insulation material.
  2. Fill the frame of the heat insulating material.

In this layer, the insulation can not be touched. However, if the attic is periodically used in domestic needs and in its sex you have to go, then the insulation of the layer is required to cover:

  • Concrete.
  • Plywood or clapboard.

Internally insulation

If there is a regularly used room, in the form of an attic or warehouse, it is advisable to apply an internal insulation design. Disadvantages of the method:

  1. Thoughtfulness.
  2. Reduced wall height.

Note! For internal method Styling insulation will need waterproofing, between insulation and ceiling. It is needed if a vapor-permeable material is applied.

When building a new house, if the project was not provided inner insulation, Enough to make changes to the project. But for the already introduced house, it may become a problem, especially with a low ceiling height. And if the design of the ceiling of wood can be changed, then concrete ceiling Change is not subject to change.

For work, a framework is also formed, which is filled with insulation. The design is then closed with plasterboard.

Note! The feature of the use of wool (mineral and eco) is that it cannot be contacted to reduce thickness. It contains pores that reduce its thermal conductivity. Therefore, it should be used with caution during interior decoration.

Examples of performance

Each material is unique and stacked on the ceiling it is necessary in its own, separate technology. Required materials and tools:

  • Boards or metal profile for frame formation.
  • Insulation.
  • Tools for cutting.
  • Fastening.
  • Protection - glasses, respirator, gloves.

Nuances of the work:

  1. There should be no discontinuities on the vapor. Including between the seams. Runs should be laid outlaughter.
  2. The range of distances between the rails should be less than 1-2 cm. The width of the insulation sheet. The height of the frame - by 1-2 cm. Above the thickness of the insulation to ensure air circulation to the waterproofing layer from above.

Below are the methods of insulation of the ceiling by popular insulation.

Bulk material that has gained popularity as a thermal insulating floor layer. Lately It is used as an inexpensive insulation on the ceiling. Characteristics:

  • Not subject to oxidation, including burning.
  • Harmful substances do not highlight.
  • Does not attract rodents and is not covered with fungus.
  • Given the cotton and foam in the heat insulating properties.
  • Heavy. Apply only on strong ceilings with support beams.

Installation technology:

  1. On the floor, the attic rims a layer of vapor insulation. You can use the usual film.
  2. Niche between the beams fall asleep with clay. It is advisable to use fractions different size To form multiple layers. Thickness - at least 20 cm. When cold climates - from 40 cm.
  3. The material is aligned.
  4. Vaporizolation is mounted on top.
  5. Floor laying.

Alternative material - foam glass. It is better kept warm.

This material is called liquid foam. Special additives make it non-combustible and scare rodents. Failure to install - need qualified workers with equipment that can be improved correctly.

Technology is simple. On the vaporizolator, pre-shy, foaming the thickness of the layer layer 20-30 cm. When necessary, you can mount the floor from above.

the insulation of the ceiling overlap of mineral wool is the most popular way. Easy is done with your own hands. Types of mineral wool:

  1. Slag. Make from a domain slag. Inappropriate material for insulation due to increased hygroscopicity and high thermal conductivity.
  2. Stone. Produce from rock with clay adding. Has low thermal conductivity.
  3. Glasswater. It has the lowest thermal conductivity. Differs low cost. When hitting the mucous man causes irritation.

Installation order:

  1. Put a steam insulating layer.
  2. Mount the frame.
  3. Put wool.
  4. Attach the waterproofing to the cotton.

Polymer cellular material. By heat insulating properties, it is similar to glass. Properties of material:

  1. Low cost.
  2. Low weight.
  3. Gulf, with a poisonous substance. When heated, they can also be allocated.
  4. In it can reserve the rodent nest.
  5. Promotes the greenhouse effect.

Installation options:

  • With the skeleton.
  • On glue.

The frame of the foam falls like a method with cotton. However, it is necessary to pre-apply liquid nails on the frame racks and the top of the foam. Installation with glue:

  1. Stripping and washing surface surface. It will take primer.
  2. On the upper part of the foam should be glued and press the sheet to the surface of the ceiling.
  3. The glued sheets are covered with a layer of plaster, and then strengthened with reinforcing fiber. From above, it also goes to the plaster.

Any owner seeks to create a comfortable stay in his house. For this periodically controls possible heat losses, As a result, the room temperature may decrease, and the use of energy increase. Window I. door loans are the main conductors of cold air.

As a rule, they are primarily replaced by owners of houses on quality products. Many rushed to warm the walls, the foundation. And about the ceiling, for some reason, not always remember. And in vain! According to the laws of physics, heat loss due to poor-quality ceiling overlap can be over 20 percent. Created at the top barrier will prevent the outlet of the heat, and heating devices Do not have to give the environment.

Methods for insulation of the ceiling in a private house include both intomanny work and in the attic. These work on strengthening the energy protection of the house are equivalent, so each owner can choose a convenient option for itself.

The difference in methods is to install and the materials used:

  • The ceiling insulation from the inside is accompanied by the subsequent finish of the surface with plasterboard or other suspended structures. It should be noted that the height of the room after the end of the installation will decrease from 10 to 25 cm. The material used must have vapor-permeable properties. Such may be: mineral or basalt Vata., Penophol.
  • Outdoor ceiling insulation is performed in the attic. More economical and favorable option, since it does not require further finishing workIf it is not provided for the use of the indoor indoor. It is recommended to use the steamproof material to protect moisture to overlapping. Most often used: foam plastic, foamizol, mineral wool, ceramzite.

Selection of insulation

The modern building market offers a huge amount of materials for ceiling insulation. Even clamps, sawdust, hay, clay and slag, having a number of significant drawbacks among the benefits of significant flaws among the benefits of the benefit. The choice must comply with the requirements of technology.

The basic requirements for which the insulation must be answered:

  • do not release toxic substances;
  • have resistant to moisture;
  • have a low degree of flammability.

Popular Materials for Energy Saving House

Mineral wool in the form of sheets or rolls is widely used in construction work. The characteristic of the insulation is replied technical requirements Heat insulation. The use in residential premises is dictated by the absence of toxic substances in the composition and excellent thermal insulation properties. Mineral wool has components of limestone, basalt, diabase and dolomite.

Rock breeds give the material with valuable qualities:

  • low degree of thermal conductivity;
  • resistant to temperature differences;
  • lack of flammability;
  • environmental characteristic.

And yet the material has drawbacks:

  • ability to absorb moisture;
  • when installing, be sure to use the waterproofing film;
  • joints of the compounds to additionally handle the mounting foam for better sealing;
  • for fastening the insulation, a doomer is performed from wooden bar or profiles;
  • relatively short life (10-15 years).

The foam consists of interlayers of foamed polyethylene and aluminum foil. Combines the properties of several insulation materials with a fairly wide application area. Represents the basis in the innovative trim of balconies and loggias.

It has low thermal conductivity, which will ensure energy savings. Protective qualities will prevent the penetration of cold air, draft and radon to the room. In the summer, the foam will help keep cool in the house, create a comfortable microclimate.

The light weight of the material makes the installation convenient, and the structure of the structure is not dragging. To work with foam, the minimum amount of primary means will need: construction knife, tape and liquid nails.

Along with the advantages, there are disadvantages:

  • flexible surface implies ceiling finish suspended construction with a frame;
  • on some surfaces to fasten the material problematic;
  • to increase the heat shields, it is recommended to use mineral wool.

The polystyrene foam is more famous as a foam. Convenient material creates solid protection of heat in the room, without damage to the health of households. For proper fulfillment Installation completely justifies costs and retains its qualities for a long time.

Advantages make up:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • good thermal conductivity indicator;
  • lightweight, eliminating the strengthening of the structure;
  • simple installation.

The disadvantages include:

  • light flammability;
  • instability to the effects of ultraviolet rays and solvents;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage.

Penosop is a liquid foam foam. For the heat insulation of the ceiling outside, it is necessary to use special equipment for applying a binding substance to the surface.

The advantages of the material:

  • affordable price;
  • thermal insulation qualities;
  • ignition resistance;
  • easily fills in hard-to-reach places;
  • safe operation.


  • absence special equipment eliminates independent installation;
  • weak resistance to mechanical effects;
  • the first 2-3 weeks after installation evaporates a small amount of toxic substance;
  • the ability to feed moisture.

Warming with their own hands

If you adhere to technological process and do right choice Material, installation is quite able to perform yourself.

Ceiling insulation indoors with mineral wool

To perform work, the material will be required:

  • mineral wool;
  • metal profiles or wooden bars 150x30 mm;
  • hardware;
  • vaporizolation film;
  • brackets;
  • mounting foam;
  • dowel with a wide hat;
  • plasterboard.

Set of tools:

  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • construction knife.

Stages of mounting

  • On the ceiling to make a doomle of their wooden bars or a metal profile with a step of 50 cm.
  • Insulation to cut into the size of the cell of the root with an increase of 2 cm on the sides.
  • To put mineral wool on cells, without tamping it.
  • Places of connection of the insulation to be treated with mounting foam for sealing. Foam will still serve as a resistance to the shrinkage of the insulation.
  • Slow surface vaporizolation film. Material Connection Places should go to 10 cm. With the help of the bracket, consolidate the film to the crate.
  • With the use of plasterboard sheets, perform the ceiling finish.

Ceiling insulation in the attic using foam

Materials are needed for installation:

  • foam places thick 40 mm thick;
  • mounting foam;
  • oSP sheets 15-18 mm;
  • hardware.


  • drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • locksmith knife;
  • sculpture.

Stages of mounting

  • Clean the attic coating from garbage. If there are damaged places or holes, close them with cement or plaster mixture.
  • Share the foam on the surface, tightly docked with each other.
  • Mounting foam to treat connecting seams.
  • Butt the top of the sheets of OSP (15-18 mm) or boards.

If it is planned to use an attic room as a attic, a warmed surface must be pouring a cement screed, a thickness of at least 5 cm. It is necessary to use the reinforcing mesh.

  • Warming in the attic using foam sheets must be supplemented in the form of a screed or wooden boards. Unprotected foam is subject to mechanical damage that will affect its functionality.
  • Heat insulation outside is easier and saving.
  • Mineral Wat is forbidden to sprinkle. Losing structure, it deprives valuable properties.
  • Built-in luminaires in a warmed ceiling must be mounted with a fencing from the material with plasterboard inserts at a distance of 2-3 cm.
  • To increase thermal protection, you can put the attic complex: foam and mineral wool. The layer of insulation must resemble brickwork.
  • For vaporizolation use a marked film. Applying ordinary polyethylene is not allowed.
  • When using foam for insulation in the attic laying to produce foil down.