Repairs Design Furniture

Stone wool: main characteristics and application. What is a stone wool: disassemble the characteristics and technologies of insulation the durability of the heaters of stone wool is low

During the construction or repair of repair, it is often necessary to provide the house sound insulation. Save warm inside the room helps all the same materials. There are many products for housing insulation on the building raw materials market. Choose that it is better: basalt wool or mineral wool, sometimes quite not easy. We can only make a final solution after a thorough comparison of goods.

Do not forget to compare the insulation

Types of raw materials and their composition

Under general concept Mineral raw materials is understood construction materialhaving a fibrous structure. It is made from minerals mined as minerals. Depending on the main raw materials, which is in composition, distinguish:

  • fiberglass;
  • basalt cotton wool (stone);
  • slag.

Basalt fiber is obtained at the production of basalt, a stone of volcanic origin. Being the most common breed on the planet, it is actively used as an affordable building raw material.

To obtain a stone wool, the stone is crushed and heated at a temperature of more than 1000 ° C. Under such conditions, melting natural element. The resulting mass becomes a tight as condensed milk.

In this video you will learn which insulation is better:

Next, the hard jet is inflated by air. The resulting fibers glue with a special composition based on phenol formaldehyde, but in the human body safe. Ready basalt mineral Wat Can be found in stores in the form of plates.

Due to melting ore in blast furnaces, slag is formed. It is used as the main raw material for obtaining the next type of insulation. Get slag when reaction ore with magnesium and calcium carbonate. Use this material is allowed only for insulation of industrial premises. This type of raw material contains harmful substances in large quantities.

The most affordable insulating material is a glass gamble. The composition of raw materials includes quartz sand and broken glass. Unlike the two above analogs, fiberglass is not harmful to health additives. Industry manufactures products in the form of mats, plates, rolls.

Characteristics of materials

Say that it is better: mineral wool or basalt wool, - impossible without studying. It is he who has a direct impact on the operational and mounting quality Products.

Basalt Vata.

Stone wool is endowed with high density. Conducted by this quality short, tightly adjacent to each other fibers. Wat absorbs little moisture, which helps to maintain good thermal insulation properties.

To say what the basalt wool is different from mineral, it will probably be when installed. Stone wool slabs are very fragile and require accurate circulation. Due to the dense structure of the product, it is allowed to apply for an external finish.

Inside the room, rigid plates are allowed to mount to the ceiling. From above on the plates are allowed to apply stucco. For embossed and curved surfaces, you can purchase special plates.

Mineral fiber

Speaking that it is better: Minvat or Stone Wat, - one should not forget about the characteristics inherent material. Mineral wool is customary to designate fiberglass. For its peculiarities, it is more air and has relatively not high density.

These qualities make it vulnerable to moisture. To protect against excess moisture, some manufacturers apply special compositionswhich are treated with raw materials. They allow to reduce hygroscopic properties up to three times and increase thermal insulation qualities.

In other cases it is recommended to use a steamproof polyvinyl chloride film. A variety of ways Production make it possible for fastening products on the surface of various shapes. For the preservation of heat-saving quality, raw materials are not recommended strongly pressing the wall when installing.

The fibers have a large volatility and with a string of material can fall into the respiratory paths of the worker. For protection, use a working suit, rubber gloves, glasses and a respirator or mask.

If you get small particles on the skin it is necessary to rinse with cold running water. Hot water will reveal the pores of the skin and the fibers will fall inside, causing burning and redness.

Factors affecting the choice

It is not always easy to choose between stone cotton and mineral wool. Differences are concluded not only in the production and natural characteristics of the product. There are other, equally important parameters:

  1. Cost. Basalt products are more expensive, even with identical characteristics of products.
  2. Fastening methods. When choosing a material, you should think about which fastening method will be used. Minvata is better suitable for indoor use, and stone - for outdoor.
  3. Gigroscopic indicators. Basalt wool is ideal for premises with high humidity. With highly high humidity rates, additional insulation may be required.

Mineral raw material is resistant to fire. It is harmless to humans when used indoors as an insulating raw material. The insulation indicators of extraneous noise are much higher in glass gambles than that of similar products.

Mineral Wat will be practical from the fact that it does not ignite

But some drawbacks of materials should be taken into account. Over time, glass and quartz, which are part of the glass gamble, begin to crystallize. This leads to a large shrinkage of products. The service life does not exceed 25 years.

Basalt product is able to serve over 50 years under the observing rules of operation. In addition, this type of raw material is allowed to use on all types of surfaces. The material is ideal for isolation of a private house. It is able to warm in the cold and create coolness in the heat.

Minvati manufacturing technology involves the use of additional additives that attract rodents. For this reason use insulation outside the building irrelevant. If the mice are headed in the house, then the insulating coating will be unusable. Stone wool in rodents interest does not cause.

These materials are incredibly similar in their characteristics. Make the selection follows from personal preferences and cash availability. In the presence of allergies, family members or building of children's premises it is better to make a choice in favor of stone wool.

During the construction of a house or an extension to it, many are faced with the problem of choosing a qualitative insulation. There are many materials in the construction market, therefore, to determine more suitable, it is worth learn about some of them in more detail. Many cannot decide that choose - stone, basalt or mineral wool. But during the choice it is worth considering the features of using the insulation, since these species refer to one class. To understand, mineral or basalt wool is suitable, it is necessary to consider in detail all the features of the materials of both species.

Features of basalt wool

The described insulation is also called stone wool. It is made on the basis of fiberglass by melting a mining basalt breed. It should be noted that this breed Used in other areas. For example, it is often used in the construction of roads, monuments and sculptures.

The slab basalt wool is very different from mineral, so it is better to talk about what the insulation is more unreasonable. During choice, you need to know exactly what conditions it will be used. At the same time, each type of thermal insulator has its advantages and disadvantages that it is important to take into account. In compliance with all rules for fixing, the material of both species retains heat well.

The basis of the insulation described is fiberglass. In the process of manufacture, additives are used that contribute to the binding of fibers. The resulting material has a loose structure, thereby possesses good thermal insulation characteristics. Due to the space between the fibers, the room temperature is held at one level. This means that when using such a heater in the summer in the house will be cool, and in winter warmth. Often, a foil basalt wool is purchased for insulation, which is protected from steam and moisture.

Advantages and disadvantages of basalt wool

High-quality stone wool is distinguished by many advantages. These include:

But the described material has the disadvantages. In an example, you can give availability large number Swiss in places of compounds. If the material fixing is made incorrectly or the heat-insulating layer is deformed, thermal insulation properties can be reduced. In addition, the material has a high cost, so not all land owners who wish to build a house may be purchased.

While working with basalt plates, you need to wear safety glasses. This is due to the fact that it may turn. It should be noted that the foil basalt wool is deprived of this shortage.

Differences of stone wool from mineral insulation

If we consider the features of basalt plates, it is worth noting a number of their advantages over other thermal insulation materials.

Considering the structure of the described heat insulator, it can be seen that short and thick fibers are located inside the material. This allows you to increase the degree of plasticity of the material. It also minimizes the likelihood of creeping the material during its fixing on the walls.

Features of mineral wool

If we compare the cost of minvati and basalt plates, it is worth noting that the first can be purchased at a lower price. This is due to the fact that manufacturing process does not require large costs. At the same time, the Ministry of Service is transported in packages and during its transportation does not require much space. Also, Minvata is characterized by a slight weight, which simplifies the transport process.

The benefits of minvati can be attributed:

  • low density;
  • chemical passivity;
  • lack of a tendency to fire.

In addition, the fiber minvati is twice as long than the fibers of basalt plates. This makes the material more elastic. Thanks to good flexibility, mineral wool can be laid in difficult places. It should be noted that minvat has better sound insulation characteristics than basalt wool.

If we talk about the minuses of the material, then it is worth noting a greater shrinkage. This is explained by the gradual crystallization of the fibers inside the material. Choosing a mineral or basalt cotton wool, it is worth learn about the density of the insulation. Depending on this parameter, you can choose the terms of use of the material.

What material is better

To determine which item is suitable for you, it is worth comparing the insulation described in more detail. Glasswater has a smaller cost than cotton plates. At the same time, the mineral wool has a smaller weight, so it is easier to transport.

If, during transport, the mineral wool loses its shape, it is enough to leave it for a while lie down and it again takes the initial shape. In this case, such a insulation can be used if the insulated surface has a complex geometry and a plurality of irregularities.

But on the basis of the described benefits, it is not necessary to make final conclusions. Before choosing, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of operation of the insulation. In some situations it is worth choosing mineral wool, and in other stone. That is why it is impossible to say that it is better, for example, basalt plates.

If we consider insulation from the point of view of their service life, it is worth noting that mineral wool can be used for a shorter time. Stone wool is capable of being operated for 50 years.

In this case, basalt cotton can be laid on the ceiling, walls and under flooring. This insulation can be used in any conditions and at the same time maintain its characteristics. Minvata cannot be applied in some cases. In an example, the situation can be given when the insulation may be subjected to constant exposure to moisture. Under the action of water, thermal insulation characteristics are reduced.

During the construction of residential buildings, many professionals use basalt Wat Tehtonikol.

Basalt wool brands

During the acquisition of stone wool, it is worth considering the scope of application of this material. If it is incorrect to choose the type of insulation, it may entail a decrease in its service life. The choice should be done on the basis of product density data:

  1. Light plates whose density is about 35 kg per cubic meter. Such products are used to insulate the inner surfaces of the walls and partitions. Also, this type of material is fixed on the ceiling and is used when insulation of pipelines.
  2. Soft plates with a density of 75 kg per cubic meter are most often used in the insulation of attic floors and attic.
  3. Semi-rigid products. The density of the material of this type is 125 kg per cubic meter. They are used in the insulation of horizontal enclosing structures, as well as during the insulation of floors and ceilings.
  4. Rigid plates are distinguished by the rigidity of 175 kg per cubic meter. Most often, such products are used in cases where it is necessary to insulate the roof or the facade of the structure.
  5. High rigidity plates are used for roofing and ventilated facades. Their density is 200 kg per cubic meter.

Having considered these values, you can easily pick up the insulation for your own home. Buying basalt and mineral wool, should not be focused only on the cost.

Sergey Novozhilov - Expert roofing materials with 9-year experience practical work In the field of engineering solutions in construction.

Mineral Vata. Call material with loose structure obtained by melting rocks, slags or glass.

it formless fibrous massSometimes granulated with lumps, yellow or green-gray.

Requirements for the characteristics of mineral wool are given in GOST 4640-2011.

Main appointment Mineral wool is a decrease in heat transfer in the construction. This is a type of inorganic thermal insulation materials.

Inorganic Vata. actively applied:

  • in the construction of buildings, as a heat and sound insulation material;
  • in the manufacture of multilayer plates for construction;
  • while creating engineering communications for water and gas supply, drainage to reduce heat losses, increase their reliability and security;
  • for thermal insulation of industrial equipment ( refrigerated cameras, boiler equipment);
  • in chemical industry - To filter liquids and gases.

large compressibility at low loads. The result is an increase in thermal conductivity.

So that the fibrous material was ready for use (loading, unloading and installing), it gives one or another configuration and certain mechanical properties.

To do this, the binder is added to it (bitumen, synthetic resins, starch) and shapes form: plates and mats (If necessary with an additional layer - coating). And those and others rectangular shapeBut the plates, according to GOST 30309-2005, are necessarily flat, and the mats are flexible and considerable long.

Mat thin, from a compacted material, called mineral felt; Mat formed by firmware without adding a binder - a firmware mat.

For each product there must be standard or technical conditions. (For example, "GOST 9573-2012. Mineral wool plates on a synthetic binder heat-insulating. Technical conditions").

How to apply The product indicates the construction norms (SNiP), the rules (SP) vaults and the project of a specific heat-insulated structure.

Main types of Minvati

Properties of wool depend on raw materials and the method of its production. Product characteristics determine it geometrical parameters, Properties of wool and additional components and elements.

The choice depends on the purpose of the insulated object, the mode of its operation, climatic and conditions, etc. Mineral wool groups By type of raw materials:

  • stone;
  • slag;
  • glass.

From basalt volcanic rocks, thanks to them hardness and fine-grainednessMake cotton with very thin - 1-3 microns and long - up to 5 cm fibers (BSI, basalt super-thin fiber).

Thermal conductivity of such a wool lowest. Products from the BSI can be molded without a binder.

With increasing diameter of fibers, heat, sound conductivity, weight, strength and use of basalt wool are changing. Plates of the BSI work supported by framework, products from "Heavy" basalt wool They themselves are able to perceive the load (insulation for reinforcing and plastering).

Basalt mineral wool is part of fire protection structures.

Advantages of stone wool:

  • the greatest chemical stability;
  • the highest use temperature of UI - up to 1000 ° C;
  • hobbiness of the location of long fibers (increases porosity, elasticity, strength, flexibility);
  • absorption and air, and shock noise;
  • the possibility of using in residential premises for internal isolation;
  • the possibility of shelter by plaster, tie, use inside the wall;
  • high strength (except for the BSI);
  • durability (up to half a century);
  • low hygroscopic fibers (no more than 1%).


  • relatively high cost;
  • small maximum working temperature if the fibers are connected by the north-resistant polymer composition

Stone wool products - rolls and plates, with maximum 10 cm thick. Applied in unformed form.

Foil mineral wool

Foil mainly basalt cotton wool. Thermal insulation increases foil ability reflect thermal radiation.

Important! Foil mineral bathhouse is placed in a shiny surface toward a warm room.

Raw materials for this type of mineral wool are metallurgical. The length of its fibers on average 16 mm in diameter 4-12 Micron.

Slag properties Such that applying materials based on it is reasonable for the thermal insulation of non-residential buildings.

Minuses of slag wati:

  • gigroscopicity (excludes facade insulation and the isolation of the water supply);
  • the lowest limiting temperature of the application and the sintering temperature;
  • bad tolerability of sharp temperature changes;
  • knife;
  • the presence of phenol formaldehyde resins, hazardous health, if their concentration does not correspond to the manufacturer's declared;
  • incompatibility with metal surfaces, when the probability of contact with water (the cause is the acidity of slag).

The advantages of slag:

  • highest chemical stability;
  • the ability to be mounted on curvilinear, including rounded surfaces;
  • good sound insulation;
  • durability (maintenance of working qualities in operation until half a century);
  • low cost.

In the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of the Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union (TN EAES) "Glassovat" highlighted separate code - 7019.

Explained that this is a mineral wool, but with defined content Silicon oxide, alkali metal oxide or boron oxide. Other types of mineral wool are included in another commodity position (6806).

IN smelting furnace To produce glass cotton wool weave mixtures for the manufacture of glass - glass charges.

Advantages of glass goods:

  • the length of the fibers can be up to 5 cm;
  • fibers, due to the protective layer, remain fairly elastic with a significant thickness (obstacle to the path of shock noise);
  • high chemical stability;
  • ample opportunities to use (excluding contact with heated surfaces): from inland partitions to facades (with good waterproofing);
  • low price.

Minuses of glass wool:

  • weak heat resistance;
  • low maximum application temperature;
  • bay (low at modern coatings fibers);
  • significant water absorption of fiberglass (steamers are necessary).

Standard: GOST 10499-95. "Heat-insulating products from glass staple fibers. Technical conditions."

Mats from mineral wool firmware

According to GOST 21880-2011 difference Mata. - Flexibility, with a thickness of 4 to 12 cm. Is easy to install and fastening on curvilinear surfaces.

Flash mats with wire, styling, flapiene cords, etc., are plated with a metal mesh, glass or mineral tissue, basalt-fiber mesh, foil, and others. These additional materials affect the limit temperature Applications Mata.

Important! The presence of a fold from the foil changes the combustibility group Mata from mineral wool with NG on G1.

The effect of insulation of mineral wool on dew point

In the thickness of the enclosing structure - the outer wall of the building, the dew point is set to vertical plane. It can be closer to an external or inner surface, or coincide with one of them. With changing seasons and weather, this border moves.

Device heat insulation "Moves" dew point plane:

  • internal - towards the room,
  • outdoor - out.

Specialists noted that only in one case out of ten inner heat insulation Fencing design it turns out possible.

When insulating from the street Parosolation is indoors. Between insulation I. facade facing (With windproof or without) leave the gap - so that the wool does not remain wet if the position of the dew point turned out to be in it. (From windproofs with outer insulation can only be refused if facing material Airproof - glass, ceramics, metal).

Insulation of the base and attic ceiling (if the basement and the attic is cold) isolate from the steam necessarily. Plates or Mattes of mineral wool are located on the ground overlap and covered on top vaporizolation membrane. The insulation of the attic overlap is closed with a film from below.

Important! If the role of a vapor barrier material performs a one-sided membrane (one side of which is glossy, the other is darling), then the glossy side is treated.

Advantages and disadvantages of insulation

Benefits Compared with materials from organic raw materials Mineral wool:

  • it does not burn (all types of mineral wool refer to the class NG, GOST 31309-2005, NPB 244-97);
  • well delays heat and sound;
  • standing tolerates the temperature fluctuations and the effects of aggressive substances;
  • not susceptible to rot;
  • does not mold;
  • not damaged by insects and rodents;
  • vapor permeable;
  • has good performance properties;
  • has an acceptable cost;
  • sufficient durable.


  • combining of funds individual protection with any manipulations with a material or thermal insulation product for protection against dust fibers and volatile components of additives;
  • compaction when fastening;
  • tendency to tear (unformed material);
  • motableness (the need for windproofs);
  • lack of vibration resistance, except for the BSI.

Important! Auxiliary elements The thermal insulation structure (reinforcing, fasteners, painting) increase its total thermal conductivity.

Precautions when working with Minvata

When installing, the debris is dangerous
Mineral fiber. Short and sharp, they cause inflammation of the skin and respiratory tract. The volatile components of the binders are dangerous.

During the operation With the high-quality execution of the entire heat-insulating system, the mineral wool is not dust.

Any action with cotton in a closed space must be accompanied by work support and exhaust ventilation. Using workwear and respirator, be sure. Waste, which formed during installation, are exported to polygons for industrial waste or returned to the manufacturer to dispose.

The most valuable propertymineral wool as an element of building structures - its fire safety.

I. the ability to skip: Dampness indoors is the cause of many diseases. Convenient variety mechanical properties, Wide range of products and acceptable cost.

For high Quality Insulation and a long service life of the heat insulating structure is important to use the labor of skilled workers, compliance with technology and technology manufacturing.

All truth about mineral wool, see the video:

About the properties of stone mineral wool Rockwool Look at the video:

To build a house you need to purchase a lot different materialsAnd each of them requires taking selection. There are no exceptions to this issue and thermal insulation materials. Today, manufacturers offer a large range of insulation, but many household owners in the same prefer to stop their choice on one of the types of mineral wool. Therefore, they often arise the question of the basalt insulation or minvata what is better?

The question, let's say, not quite correct. The fact is that the concept " mineral wool"Includes, including basalt variety, and this opposition will be incorrect. Therefore, probably, it is worth understanding that it represents the whole mineral wool, to consider each of its species and further learn their characteristics. Based on such comparisons and it will be possible to make a choice in favor of one or another variety.

What is mineral wool?

According to GOST 31913-2011 (European Standard - EN ISO 9229: 2007) "Materials and thermal insulation products. The terms and definitions of mineral are considered the following materials:

  • Stone wool, she is also basalt - made from melt rocks.
  • Glass wool - produced from molten glass.
  • Slag cotton wool - produced from waste of metallurgical and mining and processing enterprises, from the melts of a domain slag.

The concept of "mineral wool" includes a few of its varieties

Like heat insulation material It consists of thin fibers - their thickness depends on the raw materials from which they are made. Fibers can be layered horizontally, vertically or have a spatial or corrugated structural location. Any kind of such thermal insulator has a sufficiently high resistance to elevated temperatures, well saves heat and protects the house from external noise. But in terms of the effectiveness of insulation, for resistance to chemical exposure and other important parameters There may be very serious differences between them.

Today, the construction market presents a large number of options for modern mineral wool insulation with improved technical characteristics, under different names, but also made on the basis of traditional raw materials.

Mineral wool applications:

  • Outdoor and internal insulation of unloaded vertical, horizontal and inclined enclosing structures in all types of buildings.
  • Thermal insulation of ventilated hinged facades.
  • Multilayer thermal insulation in the form of sandwich panels with outer and laid between layers with metal trim.
  • Production sandwich structures For chimneys.
  • Thermal insulation of industrial equipment - pipelines of various purposes, tanks, gas and oil pipelines, etc.
  • Warming and sound insulation flat roofs and the rafal structures of roofs, as well as ceilings and walls in private residential and utility buildings, including in the baths.

The use of mineral wool is regulated by GOST, which stipulates permissible synthetic binders for material fibers for a particular application.

It is necessary to note that individual manufacturers make insulation on their own technical conditions, in this case, on the package instead of GOST artaVATING TU designation. When gaining, such materials should be done special attentiveness - there are often deviations from standards that reduce the operational qualities of the insulation. In any case, it should always be familiar with the certificates of quality, sanitary and fire conformity, which manufacturers must accompany their products.

Criteria for the choice of mineral wool

Recommending which materials refer to the definition of "mineral wool", it is necessary to define the criteria that the insulation must be consistent with the residential building or, for example, inside the house at the cottage. The fact is that not all of them are fully suitable for this purpose.

So, thermal insulation material, (for example, installed g) must have the following qualities:

  • Environmental purity, that is, the material should not be dangerous to human health:

- Minvat should not distinguish toxic substances in no installation, nor during the operation of the building;

- the material should not cause allergic reactions and associated diseases.

  • Fire safety. The insulation must be non-combustible, self-fighting, not to highlight a large amount of smoke when exposed to high temperatures and open fire.
  • Low thermal conductivity, that is, the maximum preservation of the accumulated heat in the insulated room. The lower the thermal conductivity, the higher the quality of thermal insulation.

The density of the material should not be too high, since excessively dense material has an increased degree of thermal conductivity, and. In fact, there will be no insulation of the walls. Good thermal insulation can be obtained only from a porous material in which there is a kind of " air bag"Cooperating heat retention.

Gigroscopicity should also be as low as possible, as any insulation that actively absorbs moisture, quickly loses its thermal insulation properties. In addition, moisture contributes to the development of colonies of microflora - mold, fungus, etc.

The durability of the material should ensure the long-term operation of the insulation without its damage and decomposition into the components.

Material must well soundproof Room from external noise. This is especially important when the house is nearby from the lively route or railway line.

An important factor is the technology of installation of material. Therefore, to stay at a specific version, you need to study the process of its laying and make an acceptable choice. This moment is especially important if the owner of the house will carry out insulation on its own.

How to determine the degree of fire hazard heat insulator?

Separately, it must be said about how to determine the flammability of the heat-insulating material, since this question is worried about most acquirers.

The fibers themselves of any mineral wool are not combustible, but to create insulated canvases or blocks can synthetic binders - phenol formaldehyde resins that are able to withstand the temperature only at 300 ÷ 350 degrees without prejudice to the insulation. With increasing these parameters, the destruction of the binding components begins.

  • Since the insulation must be non-combustible or, in extreme cases, self-fighting, when purchasing it, you must definitely pay attention to the labeling, which must be on the package. It is indicated by combustibility with numbers and letters - r1, g2, g3 and g4. Accordingly, the numbers go in the increasing - if M1 denotes a weak flammability, then G4 indicates that it is faster and intensively combustible material.

In the event that the insulation has antipyrenes in its composition and absolutely not a fuel, on the package there is a NG designation.

  • The danger of some insulating materials containing binding resins consists not only in their flammability, but also in the creation of them when exposed open fire Strong smoke. This parameter also has regulation and digital-letter designation: from D1 to D3.
  • It is equally important to take into account another fireproof parameter - this is the rate of possible spread of fire. The manufacturer must indicate this indicator on the packaging of RP and numbers from 1 to 4. Accordingly, the designation of RP1 indicates that the flame does not apply if there are no flammable materials, and the RP4 indicates that when burning insulation, the fire can quickly spread All rooms.

Why all this says, because it would seem, mineral wool in this respect should be completely safe? Come back to GOST and TU - on the established state standards - no questions. But with that should be caution.

Therefore, buying a heater, it is necessary to carefully examine the packaging, where the characteristics of the material are indicated. If so are missing, then from such a heat insulator is better to immediately refuse and contact a more reliable seller, since health and even the life of households may depend on these data.

Mineral Wat - technical and operational characteristics

Now, knowing the criteria for which special attention should be paid when gaining thermal insulation material is worth considering each of the types of mineral wool.

Name of parametersShagkovatGlasswaterStone (basalt) wool
Terms of use, ° Сup to 250.oT -60 to +450up to 1000 °
Middle Fiber Diameter, MKMfrom 4 to 12from 5 to 15from 4 to 12
Material hygroscopicity for 24 hours (no more),%1.9 1.7 0.095
The coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / (M × ° K)0.46 ÷ ÷ 0.0460.035 ÷ 0.042.
Sound absorption coefficientfrom 0.75 to 0.82from 0.8 to 92from 0.75 to 95
The presence of a binder,%from 2.5 to 10from 2.5 to 10from 2.5 to 10
Flavoring materialNG - non-combustibleNG - non-combustibleNG - non-combustible
Selection of harmful substances when burningyesyesyes
Heat capacity, j / kg × ° K1000 1050 1050
Vibration resistancenotnotmoderate
Elasticity,%there is no datathere is no data75
Sintering temperature, ° С250 ÷ 300.350 ÷ 450.600
Length of fibers, mm16 15 ÷ 50.16
Chemical stability (weight loss),% in water7.8 6.2 4.5
Chemical stability (weight loss),% in alkaline medium7 6 6.4
Chemical stability (weight loss),% in the acidic environment68.7 38.9 24

I would like to pay attention to the fact that in this table, in the column "flammability" is the designation of NG. However, it must be remembered that the insulation remains non-combustible until the temperature reaches a certain critical turning line (pay attention - each type of material has its own upper limit of permissible heating). Then the binders may be ignited, so it is impossible to say that mineral wool is completely non-combustible.

Relying on this table, you need to consider qualities different species Mineral wool more, since the "dry digits" sometimes not quite accurately tell about the insulation.

Prices for mineral wool Knauf

mineral Wat Knauf.


Fiber for making glass gambles produce from glass battle and sand, which are melted with temperature mode at 1400 ÷ 1500 degrees. When melting and stretching fibers, their thickness is obtained only in 4 ÷ 15 μm, and their length is 15 ÷ 50 mm. Thanks to this, the insulation mats are durable and elastic.

Positive quality material:

  • The advantages of glass gambles include high resistance to chemical influences. When conducting right mountingThe material is not subject to rotting and the appearance of mold foci in it.
  • Compared to other types of mineral wool, fiberglass do not complain about rodents, so they do not suit themselves in the form of a hole in it, which is very important if he is inspired a private house or balcony of the first floor.

  • The glass gamble is more affordable than basalt insulation, which can be explained by the availability of raw materials and the simplicity of manufacturing process.
  • A packed insulation has a compact size and a small weight, so it is easy to transport it to a construction site and easily raise on high floors. When removing the packaging material, the glass gamble is painted and takes natural dimensions.
  • Since the insulation has a small weight, it does not give a large load on attic overlap, roofing or walls.
  • The impact of the structural structure of glass gambles contributes to low thermal conductivity, which will protect against heat leakage.
  • The glasswater density can vary from 11 to 30 kg / m³. In order for the insulation "worked" properly, it is necessary to choose the right density of the material in each case.

- for example, for sound and thermal insulation of partitions, rafter systems Roofs and walls from within the building, you need to use glass gambler, having a density of 15 kg / m³.

- If the building is insulated outside, then the density should be at least 30 kg / m³. In this case, it is better to choose varieties reinforced with fiberglass cloth, which protect the insulation from blowing fibers and hardens the mats.

  • The canvas and blocks are fairly racks for fire. The melting of the binding elements occurs at a temperature of above 350 ÷ 400 degrees and the material changes the structure, loses its heat and sound insulation properties.
  • The material is enough elastic, which is extremely convenient when insulation of structures incorrect form, as well as when installing the insulation between metal profiles.

Negative quality glass gambles:

  • To one of the main disadvantages of this material, the fragility and the fragility of its fibers can be attributed, sharp edge which easily penetrate through the cloth, traumating the skin. Since microscopic fibers are very lungs, they can get into the respiratory tract or into the mucous membranes of the eyes.

This suggests that the installation of such thermal insulation material must be carried out by defending in open areas Body, putting gloves and a suit from dense fabric. Eyes protect special glasses, and the respiratory tract is a respirator.

After completing the installation work related to glass, all the clothes and mittens must be immediately thrown away.

  • Another disadvantage of this insulation that It is manifested in the process of its operation - this is a gradual shrinkage of the material. The glass refers to amorphous materials, and its fibers are crystallized over time and glued up, which makes mats thinner and less in size. Naturally, this process lies on the quality of the insulation of the walls - it is significantly reduced.
  • Since the binding fibers include phenol formaldehyde resins that are harmful to humans, the most important disadvantage of the insulation can be called a constant release of these substances into the air of the rooms. Moreover, we will not be able to destroy, while on the walls there are fiberglass mats.

Stone (basalt) wool

Basalt insulation produce from gabbro-basaltova, Metamorphic rock and Mergeli, who are close to each other in composition.

Stone wool has good resistance to elevated temperatures and low thermal conductivity. The stone fibers themselves are able to withstand the heating to 850 ÷ 1000 degrees, but the binders for them are the same phenol formaldehyde resins, which, as you know, withstand the heating only to a temperature of 350 ÷ 400 degrees, therefore, when they burn, basalt fibers disintegrate.

Basalt fibers in their manufacture acquire a length of not more than 50 mm, and their thickness is about 5 ÷ 7 μm. After processing fibers with binders and molding, blocks or mats are passed twice through the press with simultaneous heating up to 300 degrees.

Prices for basalt wool Rockwool

mineral wool Rockwool.

This insulation has a lot of positive qualities, therefore, the basalt thermal insulator is often selected from three types of mineral wool:

  • The low thermal conductivity of the material is achieved by the chaotic content of the fibers, and the fact that they are laid in numerous layers, so that the structure of mats is sufficiently air.

The coefficient T of the region conductivity of basalt wool is 0.035 ÷ 0.042 W / (M × ° K), which corresponds to the heat-insulating properties of the extruded polystyrene foam or foamed rubber.

  • The density of the basalt insulation is much higher than that of glass grooves, and is from different samples from 60 to 90 kg / m³ (some types are even more). But this density does not affect the thermal insulating properties.
  • Practically zero hygroscopicity of stone wool allows you to exploit it for a long time, without the loss of its initial thermal insulation qualities.
  • The structural structure does not allow moisture to penetrate inside the insulation, which means that its thickens do not receive the development of putrefactive processes and does not appear molds (both, in the event of occurrence, dramatically reduce the insulation qualities of any porous material).

One of the main advantages is high water hydrophobicity

In fairness it should be noted that basalt wool still absorbs moisture, but this figure is so insignificant (about 0.095% in 24 hours) that hygroscopicity can be considered almost zero.

  • Parry permeability. Whatever density has a basalt insulation, it is breathable material, that is minimal amount The moisture that falls into the insulation along with the air is not delayed inside and does not form condensate. This quality allows you to use basalt wool for insulation of rooms with high humidity, such as saunas or baths. Parry permeability of stone wool is 0.2 ÷ 0.3 mg / (m × h × pa).
  • High resistance to fire, so in the above table, the stone wool is characterized as a non-combustible insulation. However, you need to remember the binders present in the heat insulator.
  • Basalt wool is an excellent insulator and can drown out sound waves passing inside walls. This quality is especially useful for insulation and creating noise insulation of apartments in panel houses, as building construction Have inside the cavity and reinforcement elements, well conductive sound oscillations.
  • The strength of the material gives the multi-layered and process PR ESSING in its manufacture. Therefore, even the lowest density of basalt wool does not reduce its resistance to high loads. Due to this, the material is little pronounced deformation and does not change its size throughout the entire period of operation.
  • Stone fibers racks for chemical and biological effects and are not affected by mold and various microorganisms.

Basalt insulation - very comfortable in the installation

  • The ease of installation of the material is explained by the strict "geometry" of the blocks and the absence of a large number of stuffed fibers. But the precautions are still needed - it is recommended to protect your hands, eyes and respiratory tract.

Negative sides of basalt insulation

  • No matter how convincing manufacturers that basalt wool is absolutely safe - this is not quite so. It is as well as glass gamble, can be distinguished toxic substances throughout the entire life, as the fibers are connected with a phenol formaldehyde resin, the evaporation of which is dangerous to human health. The question is how large the concentration of such components - will never know with the certificate of sanitary conformity of the acquired material.
  • Unlike the glass gamblers, the basalt insulation is pleasure to use rodents for housing, so it is necessary to provide in advance and protect the walls of the private house with a backfill around it at a distance of 500 ÷ 700 mM clamzite of the shallow fraction, the thickness of the layer of which should be at least 80 mm. Here this insulating material of rodents accurately bypass, as it does not have a density, simply speaking, they simply "drown".
  • Stone wool has a fairly high price compared to glass.
Video: Review of basalt mineral wool " TechnoNIKOL»


This kind insulating material Made from a domain slag. The fibers are slaging have a length of 14 ÷ 16 mm, and a thickness of 5 ÷ 10 μm.

Slag - disadvantages more than advantages

Such a heater is able to withstand the maximum temperature only at 285 ÷ 300 degrees, which is much lower than that of other types of mineral wat. If the specified threshold is exceeded, the fibers are sintered, and it almost completely loses its thermal insulation qualities.

The material is very hygroscopic, that is, quickly drinks moisture, which also leads to the loss of its main sound - and heat-insulating properties, and mold and rotting can appear inside the mats.

In addition, rodents calmly settle in this material, arranging nests and moves in it. It is especially important to consider if the insulation is chosen for a private house.

When installing, slag, as in the first two cases, it is necessary to protect the skin, respiratory tract and eyes from entering small stragging fibers. In this case, they are not so numerous as the glass gamble, but in order to get skin irritation, several such a zoom.

In addition, a residual acidity is present in the composition, therefore, if you apply this material for outdoor insulation or indoors with high humidity, it will aggressively affect the metal parts walking next to it, including the reinforcing belt of insulated structures. Hence the conclusion that equipped with slag is absolutely not suitable for insulation of water supply and sewer pipes.

The price of slag is significantly lower than on glass or basalt cotton wool. However, you should not choose it precisely on this criteria, as not only money can be spent in vain, but also such insulation is able to seriously harm the health of the residents of the apartment or at home.

Prices for mineral wool Ursa Terra

mineral Wat Ursa.

Basalt mineral wool brands

So, the indisputable leader in operational qualities is still basalt insulation. Despite the increased value, the maternity owners choose it. However, one should not forget about one criterion to which you want to pay attention to when choosing. We are talking On the density of a specific type of material, since the scope of this thermal insulator will depend on this parameter.

Brand of insulating plateMaterial density, kg / m³Scope for insulation
Light plates30 ÷ 40.Inner surfaces of walls, partitions, ceilings, scope roofs, Pipelines of various focus (water supply, sewage, gas highway, etc.)
Soft plates - p7575 Attic floors mansard premises, inter-storey overlap, horizontal unloaded surface floors
Semi-rowers - p125125 Horizontal enclosing structures, floors, ceilings.
Hard Plates - P175175 Horizontal and vertical enclosing structures, roofs and facades
High rigidity plates - PPG200200 Roofs (under waterproofing flooring from rolled and mastic materials), plastering and ventilated facades.

When going to acquire one or another type of mineral wool, you need to carefully examine the packaging and check whether GOSTs that must be met during the production process are indicated:

  • Mineral wool plates - GOST 9573-96.

  • Mats are firmware from mineral wool - GOST 21880-94.

Mineral cooker plates of high rigidity - PPG

  • High rigidity plates (PPH) - GOST 22950-95.

Knowing all the information about the varieties of mineral wool, it will be quite possible to decide whether they are suitable for insulation of the house or its location. In any case, if it is even decided to purchase another heat-insulating material, it is also worth carefully studying its specifications.

Alternative to mineral wool - extrusion polystyrene foam

In some cases, the use of mineral wool is inappropriate or even impossible. Synthetic insulation comes to the rescue, among which the most used is polystyrene foam. On physical and operational, one of the most popular varieties of extrusion polystyrene foam - in a special publication of our portal.

Evgeny Afanasyevchief Editor

Publication author10.09.2015

Today, like decades, back many construction companies And private developers are used for thermal insulation of buildings and structures mineral wool. This is the collective name of all insulation, which were obtained by blowing fibers from hot materials.

At the same time, the peculiarity of concrete materials and several technologies different from each other, mineral wool can be divided into three groups: glass gamble, stone (basalt) and slag. What mineral insulation is better?


This type of insulation is obtained from waste metallurgical production. Material has the smallest dimensions The fibers, the smallest density, however, by the thermal conductivity coefficient is practically no different from other types of mineral wool.

However, due to the fact that the slag is very inconvenient, it is used mainly for the thermal insulation of industrial facilities and industrial equipment. In housing construction, slag is used for the insulation of horizontal surfaces.


Glass wool is made of glass waste melt or special rocks with high silica content. As a result, long fibers are obtained, so far the glass gamble has high strength, rigidity and excellent operational properties.

However, since the fibers have sharp ends, during the installation work, they annoy the respiratory tract and the skin. Therefore, when working with a glass gamble, the protection of the respiratory tract and open areas of the body by means of individual protection is required.

Stone (basalt) wool

it best Minvata.both on operational characteristics and security for others. Stone wool is made of rocks, as a rule, from basalt.

The fibers from which the basalt wool consists, have medium sizes, due to which it is perfect for the heat and sound insulation of vertical surfaces. And due to the lack of a stone wool of pointed particles, small volumes of installation can be carried out without using individual means protection.

Advantages and disadvantages

The basis of all "mineral" wat includes exclusively inorganic compounds, which determines the almost unlimited life of their operation. Mineral wool - "breathable" material, which is especially important for wooden buildings. During the entire service life, the material does not highlight the harmful components, perfectly opposed the heating and open flame, And the installation of it is simple and fast (possible with your own hands).

The disadvantages of mineral wool include increased hygroscopicity, as a result of which the surface of the insulation needs additional hydro and vaporizoles. In addition, if the material is not selected for specific work, the material is not the density, the wool has a property with time to lift and rush - loses its properties.

What minvatu is better to choose for insulation of a residential building?

Considering the foregoing, it is possible to conclude, despite the huge variety of brands, the entire mineral wool is commonly used for the heat and sound insulation of residential buildings can be divided into two types - stone (basalt) and glass gamble. Consider the difference in making and use a little, a little more.

  • Basalt Minvat is fibrous non-combustible material Fiber, which is allowed to heat up to 10 thousand degrees Celsius. It perfectly retains heat, vapor permeable, does not give a shrinkage, and its initial dimensions are stable over the entire life. In addition, the average size of basalt wool fibers determine its high density and excellent noise insulating abilities. The disadvantages include a low degree of elasticity and relatively high cost.
  • Glasswater is essentially foamed glass. Its main advantages are high elasticity and vibration resistance. These properties are determined by the considerable length and thickness of its fibers. It is these qualities that allow you to conntove and compress the rolls of glass gamblers "as you like." Lathe to lack: less heat resistance (400 degrees Celsius) and higher hygroscopicity.

Thus, summarizing the consideration of the issue what minvat is better, It is possible to summarize - if you are not constrained in financial resources, boldly buy basalt wool! Will wrong.