Repairs Design Furniture

Warming of loggia in a house with facade insulation. Methods of insulation of the balcony Outside with their own hands it is possible to remove the facade insulation on the balcony

The glazing of the balcony delivers the owners of the residential premises a lot of unpleasant moments. There is no high-quality noise insulation, condensate appears on the high-season on the glasses, the space inside the balcony is filled with wet air, as a result of which harmful fungal bacteria and mold are formed on the surfaces. In such a situation, the right decision will be the dismantling of the existing cold glazing and replacing the warm glazing without changing the facade, even though this process requires the presence of certain skills.

Benefits of facade insulation

The main task of warm glazing is to preserve heat in the room. Facade warming warm without changing the facade has a number of advantages:

  • after a qualitatively conducted, the loggia can become an additional residential room or a convenient working office;
  • in a small apartment, the union of a warmed balcony with a kitchen will help rationally equip the working area;
  • facade insulation will make it forever to get rid of condensate, the glasses will stop fogging, even if a minus temperature is established outside the window;
  • panoramic glazing opens a beautiful look and protects the inner room from unpleasant drafts and third-party sounds.
Types of profiles

To create the most warm glazing, reliable sealing is needed. As a result of all works, the replacement of facade insulation will not only make a balcony suitable for living, but also for the better will change the exterior of the building.

During the complete replacement of glazing, all disassembly works, including the installation of new double-glazed windows, are carried out on the outside. In the event that the apartment is located on the second and subsequent floors, for the upcoming work, you should contact the services of industrial climbers.

Warm glazing options without changing the facade

Fast glazing replacement is possible in two ways, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages.

Glazing with jumper insulation

All work is carried out without a reduction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia or balcony. At the moment, several variations are most actively used.

First option provides Thermal separation of an existing aluminum structure. Separating element are special thermally insioning Pads out polystyrene foam. After that, the glass inserts in the "warm" frame. For modern options, seals are used from rubber and fitness from aluminum, reliably fixed by self-drawers, and then covering decorative panels.

Scheme of insulation wind jumpers

In the process of work, you can set several additional flaps equipped with special swivel-folding mechanisms. This method allows you to conduct high-quality insulation of the indoor room without changing the initial magnitude of light openings.

The second stage consists of several phases. First of all, the existing glazing system is dismantled. Thereafter install Thermal stores. To do this should be applied heat insulating Polymer strips.

Principle of action of the thermal store
Fiberglass thickness compensator

Aluminum flaps are replaced with plastic double-glazed windows with a greater thickness and elevated degree of protection from cold and drafts. The new design slightly reduces the standard window opening. It is necessary to insulate the inner area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia and reliable sealing of the window structure. In this case, a small change in the exterior of the facade is possible.

Replacing glass on double glasses

Montage may be required additional A row of double-barakers. The inner space will slightly decrease. First of all, it is necessary to carry out the sealing of the already existing glazing system. Significantly reduce heat losses will help rubber seals.

Varieties of rubber seals
Fastening the sealer for windows

Next, ordered new plastic frames with double-glazed windows, indicating exact dimensions, relevant existing rams. The second outline mounting close to the already existing, both designs are connected to a single monolithic unit. Thanks to this in one way installed Two rows of glazing.

The clearance arose between the window contours should be closed by nicknames. These elements from plastic or aluminum are designed specifically for high-quality insulation of the gaps formed. It is possible to choose the shape and color of the nicknames, taking into account the shade and texture of the window system. With the right installation of the structure of the second contour also has swamping sash.

During installation, you should choose a new profile identical to initial glazing. For example, PVC profile. Qualitative differences will not allow to open an external frame.

Additional glazing significantly increases the load on the bearing elements of the construction, therefore this method requires prior approval in the relevant instances. In addition, it is required to carry out the most accurate calculations and measurements, otherwise the entire design will turn out to be uncomfortable and nonesthetical.

If you entrust the warm glazing without changing the facade of professionals, you can avoid many troubles, and the collected design will allow you to enjoy a lot of light and wonderful panoramic glazing.

Cold facade glazing before work
Dismantling outdoor clamps
Replacing cold glazing for warm double glazing Installation of distant attitudes and thermal Beatting facade butyl ribbon Warm glazing

The monolithic glazing of the balcony from the ceiling to the floor has recently gained the greatest popularity. Original French windows allow you to enjoy a wonderful panoramic view that does not hide the balcony fence. It is enough to use a balcony with panoramic glasses in the winter season.

Panoramic glazing

Most often, an unusual balcony has a remote construction that significantly nominates the facade of the high-rise building. The exception is spacious loggias, but despite its design, they are also an outdoor architectural element that is not intended for permanent residence.

As a rule, standard glazing is performed using a single glass package.

  • change the old profile for a new, energy-saving. High-tech frames have built-in plastic pads capable of securely protect aluminum from freezing;
  • disassemble old inefficient double-glazed windows and equip modern multi-chamber glazing. You can use three-chamber double-glazed windows filled with inert gas. They will greatly reduce heat loss.

The thicker layer of the insulation at the bottom, hidden for the mini parapet, the better

All work requires large cash investments, and sometimes permits for making certain changes in the design of a multi-storey residential building. But even after receiving relevant Permits to carry out work on their own simply unreal.

Stages of warm glazing

The arrangement of the loggia with panoramic glazing consists of certain stages of work. First of all, the floor insulation should be engaged. First of all, you need to close the mounting foam all the cracks and cavities on the balcony. As a rule, it is the places of docking plates of overlapping and vertical planes. Then the layer of a special insulation, the metal side, and is reliably fixed with the help of glue.

Next is evenly laid out a layer of polyplex that performs thermal insulation destination. Dense insulation is fixed using a dowel. Through the first two becks, the foil insulation is reappeared.

Floor insulation on the balcony

After the work performed, you can start the assembly of the "warm floor". All components of the heating system are uniformly located on the balcony area. At the same time, a slight retreat should be made from the wall.

After the final laying of all heating elements, the installation of the necessary thermoregulation sensors and the installation of electrical wires is pouring the screed with a cement solution. Only after the final drying of the surface can be proceeding with the insulation of the walls and the ceiling. The whole process is not much different from the insulation of the floor. The stages of laying the heating system and the fill of the screed should be excluded.

Warm floor diagram with cable

Replacing glasses

Panoramic glazing is found in several species: aluminum, plastic and without the use of frames. To create warm panoramic lighting, multi-chamber double-glazed windows are selected, components Insulated profile.

When arranging a spacious loggia with French windows, it should be borne in mind that everything that happens in the residential premises will be perfectly visible from the street. To minimize this feature, stained glass glazing is most often used, reflective film or tinting the bottom of the balcony.

The qualitatively installed panoramic glazing of the loggia or balcony will become a spectacular decoration of any interior. Designers offer to use various glasses:

  • mirrored;
  • electrochromic;
  • tinted;
  • energy-sensitive (low-emission).


To ensure greater residenting safety glazing is performed from a special tempered glass. Its thickness is about 0, 6 cm. In case of arrangement of sliding panoramic design, skipping rollers are made of durable material perfectly carrying atmospheric precipitation. Seals between the sash are made of an invisible polymer material.

Panoramic glazing of the balcony or loggia will significantly increase the illumination of the apartment due to daytime sunlight. Excellent protection from scoring sunlight will be vertical blinds or dense curtains. Decorative window design helps to create a luxurious and unique interior in the residential room.

The only minus of the excellent panoramic design of the balcony is to increase the cost of electricity used when heating the room of a warmed loggia. However, with the right choice of glazing, it is possible to significantly reduce the loss of heat and, therefore, reduce costs.


We offer to see the technology of replacement of cold glazing to warm.

Independent joining and insulation of the loggia is a whole story with additional construction, complex technologies and the sea of \u200b\u200bpaper rolls. And with an unpredictable result: it happens that after all the works, the warmed wall repents from under glazing, the handles of the windows are too high, and the condensate dripping from the ceiling. We will tell you how to make a loggia full part of the apartment and do not regret it!

Error 1: Reconstruction and redevelopment without permission

Even if you do not want to demolish the wall between the apartment and the loggia, but you wish only to warm the space outside the window, it is better to notify the representative of the representative of the BTI - to then do not have problems, for example, with the sale of an apartment in the presence of inconsistencies in the technical data sheet of housing.

Tip inmyroom: Glazing the balcony with sliding glazing with an aluminum profile - and to equip the summer unheated loggia thus. The spaces of this measure will still add (for example, for storage), and the drafts from the balcony will be significantly less. For such glazing, permission is not required.

Error 2: Transferring Radiator on Loggia

If you have received permission to reorganize, it is hardly planning to turn a similar trick. But in any case, know that it is not permitted to bring pipes for the radiator and the Battery itself for the outside wall of the building. Teplockotieri on the loggia is too large, the pipes with improper warming can freeze, accidents are possible; For heat supply, even recently non-residential meters would have to pay a tangible amount after an individual recalculation. Anyway, the batteries on the loggia are not transferred - remember this at the stage of designing a warmed balcony.

Tip inmyroom: You will help the electric heating floor system or oil radiator - it can be attached to the wall as well as the usual battery.

Error 3: installation of frameless glazing

Frameless flaps look great - in a closed form it is a smooth surface, sometimes not disturbed by even the edges. In addition, the sash is conveniently gathering "in the harmonica" without occupying the space of the loggia. However, for a warmed balcony, such a solution is not suitable: single glazing and cracks between the canvases will not be able to protect from the cold. In addition, dirt and dust and dust accumulate on them, traces from fingers and the mosquito net is not attached.

Tip inmyroom:take a look at the latest developments - for example, to thermally insulated lifting and sliding windows. But the best choice for glazing a warm balcony remains PVC double-glazed windows with old good swollen sash. In fact, they take not so much space - they can only be opened on the ventilation, and swing twice a year to wash the glass outside.

Error 4: Remote glazing on brackets

In an effort to increase the area, or rather, the volume of the joined loggia, the owners of the apartments build a frame for glazing with a removal of several dozen centimeters. A wide visor appears on the upper perimeter, on which the snow constantly accumulates, and rain knocks loudly in the offseason. Most importantly, glass growth appears on the facade, which spoils the appearance of the building.

Tip inmyroom:the alternative is possible only within the framework of the facade uniformity. If your home is completely open balconies (or they should, in fact, be such) - It is worth parting with the idea of \u200b\u200bjoining or even just glazing. And to enjoy the loggia with the help of green plants.

Error 5: Warming in one layer

To create a warmed loggia, parapet and walls are duplicated by masonry from foam blocks with a thickness of 70-100 millimeters - this material has excellent thermal insulation properties and frost resistance, so some believe that further insulation of the walls and parapet, which are not needed from the inside of foam blocks. In fact, the laying of such a thickness can freeze.

Tip inmyroom:add to the insulation cake or the extruded polystyrene panel, or stove stone wool.

Error 6: Paracoolement disengagement

Especially dangerous if you use Minvatu as a heater - without a vapor barrier material, it will reflect the walls and floor on the balcony, and the neighbors can detect condensate on the ceiling. Inside the accounted without vapor barrier, the street reinforcement is definitely condensate appears instantly.

Tip inmyroom:even if you use only foam or other foamed materials for insulation - nothing will prevent you from adding a thin layer of vaporizolation film to them. For Minvati Such an additive - Absolute Must-Have!

Error 7: Abuse sealant without protection

Sews with bubble mounting foam - a perfectionist nightmare. Aesthetically unattractive, they are also threatened to spoil the climate in the apartment: the fact is that polyurethane sealants foam does not tolerate the direct solar rays and the impact of moisture. And without proper protection, it is quickly destroyed by opening earlier clearances and gaps for drafts and street noise.

Tip inmyroom:carefully treat "stamped" seams - cut the excess sealant, polish the material with thin sandpaper and cover with putty or acrylate paint (better use both and the other option). If there is no putty or paint at hand, take a special assembly tape - but keep in mind that such seams will feel bad paint.

Error 8: Incorrect floor design

Do not try to make the floor perfectly smooth with the help of a thick sandbetonic screed, to which the solid layer of tile glue will later fall, and then ceramic lining. Overlapping is dangerous. It is better to warm the floor using ultralight materials (we will immediately agree that this example does not talk about the heat-mall system).

Tip inmyroom: Recipes for floor insulation cake for loggias are set, but they are all, in fact, go down to the use of a soft insulation right on top of concrete slabs (you can take the penplex or minvatu). Then it is recommended to put the second layer of the insulation - and be sure to apply waterproofing (the hydrochloxycol is used with over 15 centimeters with a solar). On top, you can make a thin screed - and many craftsmen just put the plywood, if there is no significant slope on the balcony: the plywood is thin, light, smooth, and on top of it in warm and protected from moisture of the loggia, both carpet and laminate. to little things

This error is normally found absolutely from everyone. But the most common punctures can be eliminated for the root:

  • when glazing, plan and discuss the height of the arrangement of the handles, as well as the material, thickness and method of mounting the windows (if you decide to add the windowsill);
  • understand whether the mosquito net will be attached;
  • the slots between the parapet and the slab overlap, which are not brought to the ceiling or the plane of glazing the wall will need to lay and complete. Determine what materials and tools will be needed - and run before the start of insulation.

Tip inmyroom: If the heating cake on the walls is obtained quite thick, take care of the good profile expansors - so that the wall does not perform far from under the glazing.

Balconies in the new houses under construction are made cold, which delivers inconvenience to residents. For this reason, the owners of the apartments decide to warm the loggia. For these purposes, you can hire a construction team that will perform the necessary work. Warming of facade glazing balcony requires knowledge and time.

Under this term is understood as the trim of the facade with glass material. Developers for saving money make in apartments cold loggias. This is done to exclude sediments, wind on this part of housing. To use balconies has become comfortable, owners apartments decide glazing and insulate the loggia The material suitable for the arrangement of the facade.

Figure 1. Insulated balcony.

Advantages and disadvantages of outdoor insulation

The insulation of balcony structures has a number of advantages:

  • increasing the useful area - on a warm balcony, you can equip an additional room;
  • elevated level of comfort;
  • reduction of electricity costs due to high traffic lights;
  • pleasant aesthetic species;
  • sturdy glazing reduces the possibility of penetration into an apartment of unauthorized persons.

Glazing and insulation has drawbacks:

  • reducing the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia;
  • in some new buildings, it is forbidden to make changes to outside buildings, which can lead to legal issues;
  • replacement stekolthe loggia will require additional financial costs;
  • the poor quality work on the insulation of the loggia leads to the appearance of mold.

Legal aspect

Before that, how to insulate the balcony And to reconstruct the facade, it is necessary to obtain permission to the technical inventory (BTI) bureau. The lack of a document encouraging changes in the construction of the building is a guarantee of fines and problems with the authorities. If the owner has not received consent from the management authorities to change the front side of the house, the extreme measures to which BTI can go is to recover the previous appearance. This entails material spending. In order to get approval by the authorities, you need to provide a list of documents whose collecting does not guarantee a positive decision.

Before starting the replacement of glasses in high-rise buildings, you need to agree on the event with the management company, as industrial climbers will be performed.

What material to choose

The efficiency of the work done depends on the material that was selected as a heater. The modern building market offers an extensive choice that is able to satisfy the most election. When insulation facade Loggia or balcony choose the following materials:

  • penoplex, foam;
  • mineral wool;
  • isolon;
  • penophol.

Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. Detailed information is given in the table.

Note to the table: The higher the thermal conductivity, the smaller the thickness you need to use when installed.

Polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam

These types of materials are among the leaders in the frequency of use. Frequency usefoam and expanded polystyrene when insulation Balcony It is caused by their low cost and good thermal conductivity.

Figure 2. Facade glazing balcony.

Polyfoam - frozen foam material, which keeps heat due to air content inside the pores. When choosing a foam for insulation, you need to pay attention to the thickness and density. The optimal indicator on the first criterion is 5 cm. The higher the density, the stronger the warm layer.


  • high thermal insulation qualities;
  • low cost;
  • long service life;
  • well absorbs moisture;
  • low complexity when laying;
  • with the right choice he has high strength;
  • does not distinguish toxins;
  • inside the plate does not develop fungus.

Has a number of shortcomings:

  • easily flashes and burns well;
  • does not pass air;
  • skips sound;
  • instability to chemical finishing drugs.

The extruded polystyrene is similar to the high-quality characteristics, but also has another advantage. It lies in the fact that this material is more homogeneous. Due to this, low thermal conductivity is achieved. Manufacturers produce several polyplex varieties, each of which is suitable for a particular type of work. For the insulation of loggias, it is best to use the series "Comfort".

Other materials for thermal insulation

The closest competitor of polystyrene foam when insulation cold balconyit is basalt mineral wool. The popularity of this material is determined by its good characteristics:

  • does not miss heat;
  • not absorb moisture;
  • breathable material;
  • resistant to ignition;
  • high strength;
  • does not miss noise from the street;
  • eco-friendly material does not distinguish harmful substances;
  • inside the Minvati does not multiply the fungus;
  • it is possible to use chemical preparations for finishing.

The disadvantages include high cost and the need for additional protection when working.

In order to insulate the loggia or balcony, foamphol is often used: is a foamed material having an aluminum layer for heat reflection. It has good defects from low temperatures, moisture and noise. Popularity is caused by universality: it is not necessary to mount several layers separately for thermal insulation, noise insulation and moisture protection. To improve the quality of heat shields, integrated use is necessary.

There is another material used in the insulation of the balcony. In its appearance, the isolon resembles the previous material. It has advantages and disadvantages. Benefits of Isolon:

  • long service life;
  • versatility of use;
  • does not burn;
  • resistance to temperature drops;
  • flexibility contributes to light laying;
  • good thermal insulation and soundproof properties.

The disadvantages include high costs, the need to follow the instructions for use, fragility.

Methods of insulation of facade glazing

Under the insulation of facade glazing, it is understood heat insulationbalcony with installation Ventilated facade. Experts identify several ways that are used to warm the facade cold glazing:

  • insulation of the available frames;
  • installation of two-layer frames;
  • replacing glass windows.

Each of them has its own characteristics and requires a certain algorithm of actions. When choosing a method, the technical side of the issue is taken into account (the possibility of applying in a specific situation), security, customer preferences, material base.

Figure 3. Replacement of glazing.

Installation of plastic design

Under this term referred to the glazing of the balcony plastic windows. To accomplish such a job, you need to adhere to a definite sequence: dismantling old window frames, installing plastic windows into a pre-mounted frame, elimination of cracks with a construction foam, waterproofing. After controlling tightness, the installation of platbands is carried out. This is done for additional protection against low temperatures and giving the aesthetic room.

Additional contour

Insulation facade glazing of loggia with second circuitit is appropriate in the case when dismantling the previous one is technically impossible. Under this, the term implies the installation of the second absolutely identical design. To carry out this type of insulation, it is necessary to obtain permission from the authorities, since the second outline not only performs the function thermal insulationbut increases twice the pressure on the slab of the balcony and the supporting structures building. This method has several drawbacks - inconvenience when opening, reducing the useful area.

This type of insulation is considered radical, as it requires the removal of previously established wooden frames and windows Loggia. After dismantling, double or triple glass is installed. This method is effective because the new glazing does not miss the cold air due to hermetic. In this case, the installation of heating devices is possible, which allows the loggia to make a full-fledged room. It will take insulation of walls, ceiling and floor to eliminate heat loss.

If the owners are going to choose a glass unit, differing from the architectural plan of the whole house, then you will have to get permission from the authorities.

Installing a warm aluminum profile

The term "warm aluminum profile" indicates the presence of insertion from polyamide in the middle of aluminum design. In the cold profile there is no heat holding layer. For this method of insulation cold balcony facade Replace on aluminum window profileIn the middle of which elements made of plastic are built. This requires 2 or 3rd glazing. This species will be the best solution for southern latitudes and will not suit the northern regions.

Figure 4. Insulated glazing balcony.

Installation of plastic windows

In this case, the old cold glazing is dismantled, the frames remain in place. On the prepared framework structures are installed window blocks With good heat insulating properties. Before mounting the decorative facing, it is necessary to conduct a tightness control.

The use of warm plastic windows allows you to save the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia or balcony. The advantages of this method refers to low cost and a small consideration.

Insulation of single mines

Provided that the previous frames are quite strong, the second layer of glaler frames is installed to preserve heat on the loggia. Before mounting the framework of the frameworks themselves, it is necessary to make supports to which the second layer of glazing will be installed. To the disadvantages of this type window repair These are large material costs and inconvenience to use.

Balcony insulation with brick parapet

Before making a decision on reconstruction and insulation of a balcony with a brick parapet, you need to agree on your actions with the management company, which will determine the burden for plates of balconywhich she can withstand. After receiving permission and calculations, it is necessary to check the condition of the brick parapet. If the balcony fence is outdated, it should be gained or completely disassembled it. Without sufficient strengthening, the parapet will not be able to withstand the weight of window structures.

Figure 5. Design of facade glazing.

The insulation of the parapet takes place in several stages:

  • the closest layer close to parapet - waterproofing (foam or isolon);
  • at the next stage, the lamb is performed, between the bars of which is placed in the insulation;
  • for tightness, the seams are filled with construction foam.

Strengthening Parapet

Before installing window frames, it is necessary to strengthen the parapet, as the mass of double-glazed windows is large. The balcony adopted fence is not able to withstand the load. Strengthening is carried out by several types of material: brick, blocks, metal.

When choosing a brick, you need to take into account the big weight, but at the same time it can withstand heavy window frames. The balcony stove is not always able to cope with such a mass. It will be necessary to resolve the management company. In order to install a brick parapet, the old one is dismantled. The brick row should be folded strictly vertically.

Strengthening the metal design may not require the removal of the old parapet, it is possible to connect a new frame with the old. If the previous fence is outdated, then it is necessary to dismantle it, leaving the bottom for the subsequent attachment of the new frame. For the construction of structures, pipes or corners are used.

To strengthen the existing parapet, foam blocks are often chosen due to small weight and long service life. Stacking technology is similar to mounting a brick option. Disadvantage - Reduced area.

Warming Stekol

The construction market offers a film on a glass that is able to reduce the loss. For heatting brake balconywith existing facade glazing Evenly distribute the energy-saving film on the glass, the location of the docking with the frame is closed with a transparent sealant.

This method is chosen if there is no financial capability for radical insulation. Dignity of film:

  • low cost;
  • easy use;
  • reducing heat loss;
  • does not affect the passage of light.

The disadvantages include short-term lifespan (2 years). This type of insulation will not be able to replace the high-quality installation of warm structures.

Floor insulation

Without additional insulation of the walls, the floor, the ceiling cannot be turned the loggia into the residential premises. In order to eliminate heat loss through the floor, the ceramzite is placed on which a warm floor is mounted. Top of the heating element is made with cement.

Wall insulation, ceiling

To insulate the walls and ceiling on the balcony, It is necessary to make a doom. The waterproofing material is mounted on the parapet, on top of which the lamb is mounted. The insulation is stacked between its elements, and the finishing cladding is carried out.

Preservation of heat panoramic balconies

Insulation windows on balconies panoramic windows Requires a lot of strength, time and money. In order to turn a panoramic balcony in a residential premises, you need to install double or triple glass windows. They have a lot of weight that will not be able to bring the balcony stove. Therefore, the load calculations should conduct a special organization. Without the available documents on the permissible load, the Windows installation companies will not cooperate. If the replacement of windows is technically impossible, the floor and ceiling remains.

The procedure of insulation of balconies and loggias is a time-consuming process, but as a result there is an opportunity to get a warm, comfortable additional room or a full room.

Using a balcony (loggia) as an additional room with non-peculiar functions - as a greenhouse, kitchen, recreation areas or the working office in recent years has gained almost ubiquitous. With the advent of PVC structures that allow you to quickly and efficiently perform glazing 2-3 layer glass, which perfectly holds heat, insulation balcony outside or from the inside with your own hands, quite successfully solve these tasks.

But the balcony (loggia) is a small room. Therefore, high-quality insulation, especially in the northern regions, leads to a critical reduction in its area due to the thickness of the insulation and finishing materials.

There is a need for outdoor insulation, which allows not only to save the area and but also to solve a number of technical problems associated with the exposure of the "dew point" for the perimeter of the balcony area.
In this article we will tell how to insulate the balcony outside.

Outdoor insulation: "For" and "against"

When we are talking about insulation with your own balconies from the outside, with the exception of balconies located on the uppermost floors, it is impossible to insulate the entire balcony (loggia). In the overwhelming majority of cases, we are talking about the outer insulation of the balcony parapel and (in very rare cases), the outer insulation of the balcony slab serving the "roof" for the top floor balconies.

Among the advantages of external insulation, you can select two main:

  • Savings of the balcony area.
  • Reaching the "dew point" on the outer surface of the parapet fence, the service station allows you to avoid condensate and the formation of mold on the balcony.

The disadvantages of outdoor insulation are:

  • The need to coordinate work on outdoor insulation and change in the design and appearance of the facade of the building with architectural and building and housing and communal bodies.
  • Obtaining permission to carry out work.
  • The need to attract specialists - industrial climbers or special equipment - autotower.

  • Restriction on the choice of materials for insulation.
  • A significant increase in the cost of warming work.

Preparatory stage of work

Before conducting their own hands, work on the insulation of the parapet of the balcony (loggia) from the outside, it is necessary to assess the amount of upcoming work, the state of the material from which the parapet is made, and calculate the cost of work, taking into account the involvement of industrial climbers or rental of special equipment. If the calculations do not scare you and we are not a price and not about the time spent on obtaining permission in controlling authorities to make changes to the design and the appearance of the facade of the building - then the case!

We have already written in the article on the difficulties with associated with the introduction of changes to the external enclosing structure of a small balcony and the facade of the building. In addition to the lack of Russian legislation of regulatory documents, which would provide such an opportunity, and would be legitimate such insulation, it will be necessary to still agree on working with the owners of an apartment building, since the exterior walls and structures are the joint property of all owners of an apartment building.

Unauthorized introduction of changes entails not only discontent of the neighbors, but the duty at its own expense to restore the design of the facade in the same form.
If you get the necessary permissions, then you can start working.

Strengthening the design of Parapet

Parapet balcony can be:

  • Metal - from the "professional flooring", rod, metal strip, pipes - in old houses.
  • From the zhb slabs "Light" concrete - in the bar houses from 121 series.
  • From bricks - in most modern brick or monolithic-frame residential buildings.

The material from which the parapet is performed, plays a significant role in choosing not only the insulation material, but also its thickness and installation methods.

If the parapet of the balcony is made of professional flooring or metal welded structures - it will take a preliminary trimming of this metalwork on the side of the balcony (loggia) - otherwise the metal "ribs" of the professional flooring will spoil the entire type of insulated balcony and will serve "bridges" of the cold, which will be reduced by all your efforts.

In addition to the internal screen device, which hobs the metal structures (from chipboard, drywall, PVC siding, plywood), it will be necessary to create such a layer of insulation, which would completely conceal the elements of metal structures, otherwise in winter they will freeze the cost of heating the balcony ( Loggia) will be excessive.

If the parapet is arranged from a zhb-slab or brick - everything is much easier - no additional work will be required to change the design of the parapet.

Selection of material

Considering that the balcony design is in 90% of the extension cases - that is, stands for the facade of the building (exceptions are blunting burdens), it experiences elevated wind loads and impact of atmospheric precipitation.

Therefore, as a heater, it is necessary to choose a material resistant to the effects of street moisture.

The best in this respect is the penplex, foam or sprayed polyurethane foam. It is undesirable to use mineral wool as insulation.

She is hygroscopic - well absorbs and keeps moisture, heavily, inconvenient in work and requires mandatory arrangement of the crate. Therefore, from the idea to insulate the balcony outside the mineral wool, it is better to refuse.

Pretty rarely used in the insulation with their own hands of balconies and loggia Material -Penopoluretan - is the perfect insulation for parapet of balconies made of welded metal structures or professional flooring. Due to the "flow around" with foamed polyurethane, all metal structures (ribs of the professional flooring) turn out to be immersed in the insulation and do not form "cold bridges".

In addition, the application of such a insulation on professional flooring does not require installation of any retention constructs. The only "disadvantage" is a high price. Both the insulation itself and the cost of its application. Do with your own hands to perform such insulation is unlikely to succeed.

But, but if you decide for renting special vehicles or brigades of industrial climbers in order to insulate their balcony outside, then the cost of applying compared to the specified works will be insignificant.

Foam or Penotapes

The insulation of the outer wall of the parapet of the balcony or loggia does not require additional waterproofing, since there is no condensation of moisture on the outer wall, the plates of the foam or foaming can be pasted on the outer surface of the paraperature, using any moisture-resistant adhesive mastic applied to the surface of the insulation plate with a comb-spatula. The glued plates are additionally fixed by dowels - "fungi" with a wide hat.

Considering that the thickness of the plate of foam or foaming rarely exceeds 50 mm. You can not arrange a crate for fastening the skin - an outdoor decorative screen, which will close the insulation outside (if only it is not PVC siding, which needs guides in which individual siding elements are inserted).
Cleaning - (Professional flooring, waterproof drywall, sheet metal, cellular polycarbonate or other waterproof sheet materials) that you decide to decorate the facade of your balcony outside, you can mount on an anchors with a length of 100-150 mm., Holes that are drilled through the insulation and the outer fencing of the parapet .

The length of the anchor should not exceed the cumulative thickness of the parapet fence and insulation, so as not to perform inside the balcony.

Let's summarize

Despite some savings of the balcony area with the outer insulation of the balcony (loggia), with their own hands, do the entire volume of work is quite problematic. This is due to the need to use special equipment (autotower) or safety equipment (climbing equipment). All this leads to the unreasonable rise in price of work on the insulation of the balcony (loggia). Before proceeding to perform such work - do not think more than once - whether the saved 0.5 square meters are. M Square of Balcony Attachment So significant funds and headaches with collecting the necessary bureaucratic permits?

Will the wall be insulated on the side of the house on the balcony? Yes, we always insulate the inner wall on the balcony or loggia. We are asked: "Why? She is warm! " Yes, the main part will be warm, but the most angles of the inner perimeter is not quite. They can deliver trouble in winter or put the cross on the warm balcony. There is nothing good if the angles begin to be covered with mold.

Therefore, we definitely work with this wall and it is not entirely thick with us - only 30 mm. A profile for the skin will somehow choose this thickness, and we will protect you (and ourselves) to work with it in this way.

There are three main reasons to thoroughly insulate the inner wall. Some are more relevant for panel houses, others for monolithic and bricks.

Three main reasons for its insulation

The first reason: possible freezing of internal angles

After the balcony insulation, most of the wall warms up and will really become warm. But the corners around the perimeter of the wall will remain cold and in long frost, in winter, there may be condensate on them.

Even if the condensate is not, then several centimeters of bricks or concrete is a non-serious barrier. These cold corners around the perimeter of the wall will cool the balcony, and this is a big problem - the loss of heat, where there is no central heating. Heat must be protected.

Dew point

In Figure 1, blue indicates the zone with the temperature of the dew point. This is a risk zone. If there is a warm wet air access from the apartment, then condensate will begin. To completely eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, from the very first order we always warm the inner wall on a par with others. Figure 2 shows how about it looks like.

It would be possible to limit ourselves to insulation only angles to a depth of 20 - 25 cm inside the room, and the remaining surface is thoroughly placed due to the one below. And it would be also right, but the resulting step does not need anyone and makes it difficult to finish. There is no benefit from it. We continue the wall to the window opening, as in the drawing on top. Those. Our work scheme is a continuous, closed contour from the insulation.

The second reason: drafts through the laying or seams of panels, plaster

No less important reason to be insulated and cut off the inner wall on a balcony or loggia from a message with an apartment. It never is done by anyone, but this does not mean that it is necessary. In most cases, the unsuccessful insulation of the balcony is another fat factor, not accounting to which leads to a sad outcome.


While the balcony or loggia is freely reported with the street, this phenomenon does not occur or it is not noticeable. There is no difference of pressures - there are no drafts through the seams of masonry or interpanel seams, the plaster "Coroed" in monolithic houses. But everything changes when hermetic windows are installed and all the outer walls on the balcony are sealed. The balcony becomes part of the apartment and the pressure also becomes common. As a rule, it is lower in the apartment than on the street with normally working ventilation. And then all the air that circulates in the masonry or between the panels, rushes through the inner wall to the balcony. Each small crack gives in the sum of the entire surface of the wall tangible in the end.

If the wall with insulation inside, it does not mean that it is warm

The wall in a brick house according to the structure resembles a sieve and tightness too. We know that well when all the other surfaces are insulated, and this wall is not yet. Each seam (although not always clearly) in the masonry becomes a source of drafts, so we will always warm and compress the balcony and the apartment from the message with the inner wall.

Very often it is its dispersion and is the cause of the cold on the balcony, and then in the apartment. Inside such walls, as in the drawing from above, there is a heater with a thickness of 150 - 200 mm. As a rule, this is Minvat. So it is loose and also communicated with the street through many seams below or above the balcony, which is simply impossible to do absolutely, hermetic. And the drafts are circulated inside this well in the wall.

It feels great when we make through the technological holes through this wall in the apartment. It starts blowing air like an oxygen burner, only very cold (in winter!). If you just close this wall with plasterboard on the frame, this draft starts walking over the trim and intensively cool it. Not to mention what will blow from all sockets on the balcony.

Insulated Wall in a monolithic house

The same applies to the warmed wall in a monolithic house. The thickness of the plaster "Coroed", which it is covered with only 3 mm. And she is all porous. After combining the volume of the apartment and the balcony, the active drafts begins through it. Many people think that since she is insulated, then nothing needs to do with it when the balcony is insulation. This is not true. In there is a detailed explanation of the reasons for problems with it, and the appeal is ineptly with it.

The third reason: we exclude condensate from the neighbors from above

Unfortunately, the condensation of steam near the neighbors is possible from above, if you insulated your balcony, but it was not enough. Water couples from your apartment through the slots in the walls or the ceiling of your loggia go upstairs to, perhaps a good neighbors. The walls on its balcony are covered with anter or even by Found. This is especially possible when ventilation in your home apartments is not right.

Look at the drawing on top: All these seams in the masonry are a potential threat of not only cold air drift on your balcony, but also the removal of warm, wet from it when the ventilation fails. That is, when the neighbors from above the pressure turned out to be lower than in your apartment.

Sealing and insulating the inner wall, we completely get rid of possible problems with neighbors. If they have condensate on the balcony, they can through the court demand you to return your balcony to your previous condition. And the court will most likely be on them side.

Therefore, it is important to fully isolate your balcony or loggia from the posts with the walls of the house, which are common with your neighbors.

Was it really an inner wall?

Also there is an argument that this wall, allegedly, herself hears the balcony - "she is warm." And it should not be insulated therefore. This is not true. Significant heating you will not wait for it.

Even if the wall has a battery (or in front of it, all the more), then insulation inside the wall. In the houses of the Soviet buildings, this is also like this (clay, for example). Now all the walls go with insulation inside. And this insulator does not allow the heat to penetrate the wall. Otherwise, there would never be heated with such batteries and walls due to excessive heat loss.

So this is not a serious argument and through such a wall it is impossible to heat the balcony. The usual open door to the balcony brings most of the necessary heat. And, if there is an additional source of heat on the balcony, for example, the balcony will be comfortable and in the apartment too. This is celebrated by our customers when we work in winter in frosts.


Warm the inner wall necessarily. And the main reason is not possible heat loss, and sealing. It is she guarantees that there will be no problems with your neighbors from above.

Of course, it is necessary to save every centimeter on the balcony. But this is not the case. In addition, the inner wall should also be separated by plasterboard with the crate. It is only a couple of centimeters less than we need.

All electric wiring we also do on the inner wall. With a warmed wall, we do this without problems. Through our sockets never blows.

You should not hope for Avos - make the inner wall on a par with other kindly. Then your warmed balcony will be in joy and will not deliver trouble to the neighbors.

Warm balcony, 2012 (updated 2015)