Repairs Design Furniture

Schemes of operational quality control in construction. Operational quality control of construction and installation work. Composition of operations and controls


Status: Suitable

Russian name: Maps of operational quality control of the main construction and installation work

Date of administration: 1999-01-01

Designed in: OJSC PKTIPROMSTROY 125040, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, d. 26

Approved in: OJSC PKTIPROMSTROY (01.01.1999)

Area and conditions of application: Operational control should be carried out in strict accordance with the standard of the enterprise (STP) "Regulations on the Quality Operational Control". The main documents of operational quality control are cards of operational control. They must constantly be on the facilities under construction at the head of construction and to be placed at the request of persons controlling the quality of work. They include the responsibilities of officials in the implementation of operational control. If the work on the object is headed by one-header (foreman, master), it performs all the control functions specified in the operational control cards.
Maps of operational quality control are intended for linear engineering and technical workers and brigadiers, and will also be able to be used by persons carrying out quality control.

Table of contents: 1. Map of operational control when installing reinforced concrete columns
2. Map of operational control when installing large-boring tape foundations
3. Map of operational control when installing reinforced concrete foundations for columns
4. Map of operational control when installing riglels
5. Map of operational monitoring of reinforced concrete farms and beams
6. Operational control map of the flooring panels (coatings)
7. Map of operational monitoring of wall formwork
8. Map of operational control installation of the formwork of columns and overlaps
9. Operational Control Map when installing Foundation Formwork
10. KAPTA Operational Control Construction Reinforcements
11. Operational Monitoring Map of Overlapping Concretion
12. Map of operational monitoring of wall concreting
13. Map of operational monitoring of concreting columns
14. Map of operational control of the brickwork pillars
15. Map of operational control of brick masonry walls
16. Operational Control Map Installation of Window and Door Blocks

The text of the document of the operational control card quality of the main construction and installation work

1.23. Operational quality control should be carried out during the implementation of construction processes or production operations and ensure timely identification of defects and adopting measures to eliminate and prevent.

1.24. Operational control, the performer checks:

· Compliance of the sequence and composition of the technological operations of technological and regulatory documentation that extends to these technological operations;

· Compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations;

· Compliance with the quality of the performance of operations and their results with the requirements of project and technological documentation, as well as the regulatory documentation that extends to these technological operations

The results of operational control must be documented.

(12-01-2004, p.6.1.6)

1.25. Performers of operational control are manufacturers of works, masters and workers of building laboratories, geodesic and other services of a construction organization, as well as representatives of the customer and the design organization.

The results of performing operational quality control are recorded in journals or in section 4 "General Journal of Work" (Appendix 3)

1.26. In the construction process, an assessment of the performance of work should be carried out, the results of which affect the safety of the object, but in accordance with the technologies adopted, it is impossible to control after the start of subsequent work, as well as the construction structures and sections of engineering networks, the elimination of defects of which identified by control Without disassembly or damage to subsequent designs and sections of engineering networks. Representatives of the relevant state supervisory authorities, author's supervisory, as well as, if necessary, independent experts can participate in these control procedures. The executor of work is not later than three working days notify other participants about the deadlines for the specified procedures.

The results of the acceptance of work hidden by subsequent works, in accordance with the requirements of the project and regulatory documentation, are issued by acts of examination of hidden work (Appendix 12). The developer (customer) may require a re-examination after eliminating the identified defects.

(12-01-2004, PP.6.2, 6.2.1)

Acceptance control

1.27. The procedure for assessing the compliance of individual structures, tiers of structures (floors) The artist must submit acts of examination of all hidden work that are part of these designs, geodesic executive schemes, as well as protocols of tests of structures in cases provided for by project documentation and (or) construction contract . The developer (customer) can perform the control of the accuracy of the executive geodesic schemes represented by the Contractor. To this end, the artist must maintain an acceptance axis and assembly guidelines until the acceptance of acceptance is completed.

The results of acceptance of individual structures should be issued by acts of acceptance of responsible structures (Appendix 13).

1.28. The manual provides forms of acts of examination of secretive work acceptance of responsible structures.

The list of covert work and responsible structures is determined by the project documentation.

1.29. When erecting complex and unique objects, acts of examination of hidden works of acceptance of responsible structures should be drawn up taking into account the special guidelines and technical conditions for project documentation.

1.30. In accordance with paragraph 4.4 of chapters SNiP 3.01.03-84, the project organization should also determine the list of responsible structures and parts of the structure to be executive geodesic when performing acceptance control.

1.31. The inspection of hidden work and the intermediate acceptance of responsible structures is carried out by commissions with the obligatory participation of representatives:

· Most-construction unit;

· Technical supervision of the customer;

· Project organizations - when accepting responsible structures and hidden works provided for by the Agreement on Certificate Supervision.

1.32. Examination and acceptance of work under paragraph 1.31 is made as they are readily. A bridge-building unit is obliged in advance to call representatives of the technical supervision of the customer and design organizations.

1.33. The acts of examination of hidden works and acceptance of responsible structures are compiled in two copies and after signing are stored at the contractor and the customer.

1.34. Before accepting hidden work, it is forbidden to make subsequent work. It is also forbidden to load the construction and operational loads of the completed responsible structures of bridges and pipes before making an act of acceptance of these structures.

1.35. At acceptance control, the following documentation should be presented:

· Executive drawings with submitted (if available) deviations or changes and documents on their coordination with design organizations - developers of the drawings;

· Factory technical passports, certificates, acts of acceptance by factory inspection on steel, reinforced concrete and wooden structures;

· Certificates or passports certifying the quality of materials applied in the production of construction and installation works;

· Acts of examination of hidden work;

· Acts of intermediate acceptance of structures;

· Executive geodesic schemes for the position of structures;

· Journals of work;

· Documents on the quality control of welded joints;

· Acts of testing of structures (if tests are provided for in working drawings);

· Other documents specified in the working drawings.

(3.03.01-87, p. 1.22)

Technical Supervision

1.36. Technical supervision of the developer (customer) for construction performs:

· Checking the availability of documents on the quality of documents (certificates in established cases) on materials, products and equipment, documented input control and laboratory test results;

· Control of compliance with the executor of the work of the rules of storage and storage of applicable materials, products and equipment; In identifying violations of these rules, the technical supervision representative may prohibit the use of incorrectly stored and stored materials;

· Control of the compliance of the work performed by the work of operational control requirements SNiP 12-01-2004, P.6.1.6.

· Control of the presence and correctness of the executive documentation by the Contractor, including an assessment of the reliability of geodetic executive schemes of completed structures with selective control of the accuracy of the position of the elements;

· Control over the elimination of defects in project documentation identified in the construction process, a documented refund of the defective documentation of the designer, control and documented acceptance of corrected documentation, transferring it to the performer of work;

· Control of execution by the executor of the prescriptions of state supervision and local governments;

· Notification of state supervision authorities of all cases of emergency at construction;

· Control of the compliance of the volume and timing of the work of work conditions and the calendar plan of construction;

· Evaluation (jointly with the performer) compliance with the work, designs, sections of engineering networks, the signing of bilateral acts confirming compliance; Control over the execution by the Contractor of work requirement of the inadmissibility of subsequent work before signing these acts;

· Final assessment (jointly with the executor of work) compliance with the completed construction of the object with the requirements of legislation, project and regulatory documentation.

For the implementation of technical supervision, the developer (customer), if necessary, form a technical supervision service, providing its project and necessary regulatory documentation, as well as instrumentation and instruments.

1.37. In cases stipulated by law, the developer of project documentation carries out the construction supervision. The procedure for the implementation and function of the author's supervision is established by the relevant regulatory documents.

Notes of representatives of the technical supervision of the developer (customer) and the author's supervision are documented. The facts of eliminating defects according to the comments of these representatives are documented with their participation.

(12-01-2004, PP.6.4, 6.5)

1.38. The author's supervision is carried out on the basis of a contract (administrative document) and is carried out, as a rule, during the entire period of construction and commissioning of the object, and if the initial period of its operation is also needed.

(SP 11-110-99, PP.4.1,4.2)

1.39. In the exercise of the author's supervision, the construction of the facility is regularly conducted by the author's oversight journal (hereinafter referred to as the journal), which is compiled by the designer and is transmitted to the Customer. Molds for filling the log are given in Appendix 5.

(SP 11-110-99, p.5.1)

1.40. The journal may be carried out both by the construction object as a whole and in its start-up complexes or individual buildings and facilities.

The magazine design must be made according to GOST 2.105-95. The magazine must be laid, numbered, decorated with all the signatures on the title page and is bonded by the customer's seal. The magazine is transmitted by the Customer to the Contractor and is located on the construction site before it is completed. The magazine is filled with the head or specialists carrying out the author's supervision, the customer and the authorized person of the contractor.

After graduating from construction, the Contractor transmits the magazine to the customer.

Each visit to the construction object by experts is registered in the journal.

The records and instructions of specialists are subject to clearly, with the necessary references to current construction standards and rules, government standards, technical conditions.

(SP 11-110-99, PP.5.1-5.5)

1.41. Representatives of state control (supervision) authorities for the notice of the contractor can participate in accordance with their powers in the procedures for assessing the compliance of the results of work hidden by subsequent works, and individual structures.

(12-01-2004, P.6.9)

1.42. When identifying inconsistencies, state control authorities (supervision) apply sanctions provided for by the current legislation.

11.9.1 In the course of the implementation of production processes and operations, operating control is carried out in order to identify defects that can be hidden when a process or operation can also take measures to prevent and eliminate these defects.

11.9.2 Operational control of a construction person checks:

Compliance of the sequence and composition of the technological operations of technological and regulatory documentation that extends to these technological operations;

Compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations;

Compliance with the quality of the performance of operations and their results with the requirements of project and technological documentation, as well as the propagating technological operations of regulatory documentation.

11.9.2 In the construction process, an assessment of the work performed, the results of which affect security objectbut in accordance with the adopted technology become inaccessible to control after the start of subsequent work, as well as performed building structures and sections of engineering networks, eliminating defects of which identified by control, is impossible without disassembling or damage to subsequent designs and sections of engineering networks. Representatives of the relevant state supervisory authorities, author's supervisory, as well as, if necessary, independent experts can participate in these control procedures. The executor of work is no later than three working days amends other participants about the timing of the specified procedures.

11.9.3 The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent works, in accordance with the requirements of the project and regulatory documentation, are issued by acts of examination of hidden work ( appendix M. ). The developer (customer) may require a re-examination after eliminating the identified defects.

11.9.4 To the procedure for assessing the compliance of individual structures, tiers of structures (floors), the artist must submit acts of examining all hidden work that are part of these designs, geodesic executive schemes, as well as protocols for testing structures in cases provided for by project documentation and (or) contract of construction contract. The developer (customer) can perform the control of executive geodesic schemes represented by the performer. To this end, the artist must maintain before the acceptance of the acceptance, enshrined in nature the centering axes and assembly benchmarks.

The results of acceptance of individual structures should be issued by acts of acceptance of responsible structures ( appendix N. ).

11.9.5 Tests of sections of engineering networks and mounted engineering equipment are carried out according to the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and are issued by acts of acceptance of responsible structures (Appendix N).

11.9.6 When detecting as a result of a phased acceptance of work defects, structures, sections of engineering networks, relevant acts should be issued only after eliminating the identified defects.

In cases where subsequent work should begin after a break in more than 6 months from the date of completion of the phased acceptance, these procedures should be renewed before renewing the work again with the design of relevant acts.

11.9.7 Places of performing control operations, their frequency, performers, methods and measurement tools, form of recording results, the procedure for making decisions when identifying, non-compliance with established requirements must comply with the requirements of project, technological and regulatory documentation.

11.9.8 The construction person appoints responsible performers for the implementation of operational control, documentation of its results and eliminating the defects detected by the controls.

The results of operational control must be documented in special work logs.

p. 1.

p. 2.

p. 3.

p. 4.

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p. 7.

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page 9.

p. 10.


N AU H NO O-and SSL DO VAT ate and also the design and experimental institute of the organization, mechanization and technical assistance to the construction of the USSR State Building

By implementation



Moscow - 1973.


Research and Design Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to the construction of the USSR State Building

By implementation



Moscow - 1973.

Quality of construction installation work

Publishing Literature on Construction

Recommendations for the implementation of operational quality control of the quality of construction and installation works were developed by the TNIIIMTP Gosstroy of the USSR (performer of Inzh. E. M. Solovers), NIISP Gosstroy Ukrainian SSR (performer NNJ. L. I. Paint).

The IF-III plan. 1971, m 14

1. These recommendations establish the general procedure for operational control of the quality of construction and installation and special construction work in the construction of buildings and structures of various purposes under construction in conventional areas and in areas with special environmental conditions (seismic, distribution of eternal draft and other soils, etc. .).

2. Recommendations are mandatory for construction and installation and specialized construction organizations, regardless of their departmental subordination, as well as for the technical supervision of the customer (developer), author's supervision of design organizations.

3. The main tasks of the operational control of the quality of construction and installation and special construction work are:

ensuring the compliance of the construction and special construction work performed by the project and the requirements of regulatory documents on construction. approved or agreed by the USSR State Building;

timely identification of the causes of defects in the production of work and the adoption of measures to eliminate them;

improving the responsibility of immediate performers (working links, brigades) for the quality of work.

4. Operational quality control of the performance of construction and installation work is assigned to manufacturers of work and masters, carrying out the construction of buildings and structures.

In the necessary cases, construction laboratories and geodetic surveying services are attracted to operational control, as well as specialists engaged in the control of certain types of work;

carried out in accordance with the schemes of operational quality control of the performance of work (SOCK),

attached to technological maps, which is an integral part of the work projects (PPR). Approved by engineers of construction and installation or specialized construction organizations in accordance with the instructions on the procedure for compiling and approved. Logination of projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of works (CH 47-67) approved by the USSR State Building.

For the construction of objects for which technological maps are not developed, groups of preparation of production and design work of construction organizations are required to produce typical or reuse of SOCK.

5. Compilation of SOCK is carried out on the basis of the requirements of regulatory documents on the construction and government standards.

6. SOCK must contain:

sketches of structures with an indication of permissible deviations for SNIP, and in the necessary cases the main characteristics of the quality of material or structures (strength, frost resistance, fire resistance, etc.);

a list of operations whose execution must check the manner of work or master;

data on the control of the controls established on the basis of the requirements of regulatory documents for construction and work drawings indicating that it is necessary to check (for example, the cross section of the reinforcement and the location of the reinforcement rods; compliance with the actual size of the elements of the project; deployment of plates of overlapping and coatings, interlocking them , as well as with strapping and anti-dispensary belts, etc.);

specifying the method of controlling the operations performed- How and how the verification should be carried out (visually, instrumentally - the name of measuring instruments and tools, etc.);

terms of control;

a list of hidden works subject to hand to representatives of the customer technical supervision (developer);

the reniegency of operations controlled with the participation of the construction laboratory, the geodesic-surveying service (compliance with the geometric parameters of the project, the accuracy of transfer of project data

etc.), as well as specialists engaged in the control of certain types of work;

The scheme is drawn up with 420x297 mm format, reduced when reproducing to the required dimensions.

Example SOX DAN in the application.

7. The list of hidden works subject to the present by representatives of the Customer's technical supervision is determined by the compilers of Sokk based on SNIP and other regulatory documents, while the sequence of passing hidden work is indicated (for example, welding of mortgage parts before the production of anti-corrosion protection, etc.).

Note. The specified list must necessarily include work on the layout of reorders (anchors) in the foundations, supports, overlaps in order to use them when applying anti-seismic belts.

8. When determining the list of operations controlled with the participation of a construction laboratory, a geodesic-surveying service, as well as specialists engaged in the control of certain types of work, should be guided by the current model regulations on the laboratories of construction and installation organizations and their production enterprises, the Regulations on the geodesic-surveying service in construction landing organizations and other regulatory documents approved or agreed by the USSR State Building.

9. SOKK is developed on orders of contracting construction organizations by Trests Orgtekhstroy (Org Stroy), groups of training and designing the work of construction and installation and specialized construction organizations, and for experimental construction - project and research institutes.

10. The management of a construction and installation or specialized construction organization no later than 15 days before the start of the work should be transferred to the direct supervisor of the construction of a building or structure (manufacturer of works, master) Sokk complied with PPR and technological maps. Sokk should be made at the request of persons controlling the quality of construction.

11. The beginning of construction and installation and special construction work should be preceded by checking

manufacturers of works and masters with participation in the necessary cases of representatives of building laboratories of the quality of building materials, products, semi-finished products, structures (as they are proceeded for construction), as well as the compliance of data of passports and certificates for their project requirements.

12. All defects (deviations from projects, standards, requirements for regulatory documents) should be eliminated before the start of subsequent operations (works).

13. The organization of operational control and the establishment of supervision for its implementation are assigned to the heads and main engineers of construction and installation and specialized construction organizations (sites, departments, trusts, etc.).

14. The main engineers of construction and installation and specialized construction organizations are obliged to provide:

instructing linear engineering and technical staff of buildings and workshops on the procedure for conducting operational control issued by the appropriate entry in the journal for the construction of the facility;

study by all engineering and technical workers and working requirements of SNIP in the implementation of construction and installation works in areas with special conditions, checking the knowledge of these employees, the design of the results of this inspection;

instructing newly enrolled in engineering and technical workers on the procedure for the implementation of operational quality control of the performance of work.

15. Engineering and technical workers who carry out the operational control of the quality of construction landing and special construction work are required to keep records of production marriage and defects identified in the process of specified control, and to make objects for the construction of facilities.


Scheme of operational quality control

(Installation of formwork foundations)

1 - deviations of internal dimensions (lengths, widths) of glasses of buildings foundations - 15 mm; 2 - deviations of ledges in terms of -20 mm; 3 - deviations from horizontal ± 5 mm;

4 - deviations in the location of the holes for connecting elements (wedges, bolts, etc.) - 0.5 mm;

5 - offset relative to the broken axes of the lower row of ± 20 mm;

6 - offset relative to the broken axes of glasses and upper row blocks ± 110 mm; 7 - permissible deviation of the top of the foundations ± 5 mm;

I-selection of marks of the reference surfaces of the foundations from the project-20 mm; P-Outlines from the vertical or from the design tilt of the formwork planes for the entire height of the foundation-20 mm, on 1 m of the dot - 5 mm; / 0 - deviations of stamps of foundation of ± 15 mm; L - deviations in length and width of shields and frames for

them - B mm.

Note. If the work on the object is headed by one manager (foreman or master), it performs all control functions according to the scheme.


What is controlled

As a contraly




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Compliance with the project and quality of formwork shields, blocks and fasteners, geometry

Visually, steel meter

Before installing the formwork

sizes of all


elements, condition

formwork Materials The correctness of the stored

elements of

About Lzhenag.

Operation to be controlled

What is controlled

As controlled



Compliance with the design marks of the ledges, the top of the formwork, the bottom of the glasses, the sizes, horizontal and vertical of the formwork


During the installation of tier formwork

Quality of fastening formwork, fixing formwork, making conjugation

Quality of the inner surface of the formwork, cleaning from garbage, land

Condition state

Before installing the formwork

Installing formwork

Compliance of the position of the lower tier formwork by the installation axes



After installing the lower tier before consolidation

Installing formwork

The correspondence of the position of the upper tier and the glass by the installation axes



After installing formwork, upper tier and glasses

Accuracy of installing mortgage parts and their fixing


After installing the formwork

Moskaa, K-31, Kuznetsky Bridge, d. 9, Stroy --DATA 0

Editor of the publishing house V. V. Petrov Technical editor K. E. Tarkova Corrector M. F. Kazakova

Put in the set 22 / XI-1972 signed to print 13 / XII 1972. T-20 236 Paper Typographic No. 2 84x108 "/ * - 0.126 boom. L.

0.42 hood. Pechs. l. (ud. 0.4 l.)

Circulation 50.000 copies. Ed. № XII-3936 Zack. Ni 463 price 3 kopecks.

Podolskaya Typography of the Glavalpprint of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for publishing houses, books from books in Podolsk, ul. Kirov, 25

Design and Technological Institute of Industrial Construction


Maps of operational quality control of the main construction and installation work

1. Map of operational control when installing reinforced concrete columns

2. Map of operational control when installing large-boring tape foundations

3. Map of operational control when installing reinforced concrete foundations for columns

4. Map of operational control when installing riglels

5. Map of operational monitoring of reinforced concrete farms and beams

6. Operational control map of the flooring panels (coatings)

7. Map of operational monitoring of wall formwork

8. Map of operational control installation of the formwork of columns and overlaps

9. Operational Control Map when installing Foundation Formwork

10. KAPTA Operational Control Construction Reinforcements

11. Operational Monitoring Map of Overlapping Concretion

12. Map of operational monitoring of wall concreting

13. Map of operational monitoring of concreting columns

14. Map of operational control of the brickwork pillars

15. Map of operational control of brick masonry walls

16. Operational Control Map Installation of Window and Door Blocks

The technological card does not replace the Poland (see SNiP 3.01.01-85 *) the quality of construction and installation work is characterized by the degree of their compliance with the requirements of projects and SNiP. Any deviation from these requirements should be timely detected and corrected, which can be achieved only when organizing everyday operational quality control. Operational quality control of construction and installation work is carried out by the manufacturer of works and a master with the involvement of representatives of the Laboratory of Quality Management (Association) in the necessary cases. The main tasks of the operational quality control of the performance of construction and installation work: - ensuring the required level of quality of buildings of buildings; - ensuring the implementation of construction and installation work in accordance with the project and the requirements of regulatory documents; - timely identification of the causes of defects in the work of work and the adoption of measures to eliminate them; - Improving the personal responsibility of immediate performers and linear engineering and technical workers for the quality of construction and installation work. All defects identified during operational control should be eliminated before the start of subsequent operations (works). Operational control should be carried out in strict accordance with the standard of the enterprise (STP) "Regulations on the Quality Operational Control". The main documents of operational quality control are cards of operational control. They must constantly be on the facilities under construction at the head of construction and to be placed at the request of persons controlling the quality of work. They include the responsibilities of officials in the implementation of operational control. If the work on the object is headed by one-header (foreman, master), it performs all the control functions specified in the operational control cards. Maps of operational quality control are intended for linear engineering and technical workers and brigadiers, and will also be able to be used by persons carrying out quality control.

1. Map of operational control when installing reinforced concrete columns

Tolerances for installation of reinforced concrete columns in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 1. The difference in the vertex of adjacent columns or reference sites (brackets, consoles) ± 10mm 2. The difference in the top of the columns or reference sites within the exhausted area: at a 12 + 2 contact setting, where - The sequence number of the tier when installing under beacon 10 mm 3. The displacement of the axes of the columns of one-storey buildings in the upper section from the vertical with the height of the columns H: in meters to 10 m ± 10 mm more than 10 m 0.001 n, but not more than 35 mm 4. Displacement of the column axes multi-storey buildings in the upper section relative to the centering axes for the column height: up to 4.5 m ± 10 mm over 4.6 m ± 15

Table 1

Oproirations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time


Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

The correctness of the storage


Before starting installation

Stack of Fondament

With level of level

Before starting installation


Installing columns

Reliability of the sling, vertical installation, alight; Marks of reference sites; Temporary fastening

Visually; with level of level; With the help of theodolita

In the process of mounting


Welding metal parts

Quality of welded seams


In the process of mounting

Anti-corrosion protection of metal parts


In the process of mounting

If necessary, the laboratory

Forecasting columns

Carefulness of deposit


In the process of mounting

Preparatory work (admission of structures)

The presence of passports, drawings, geometric dimensions, external defects, application of the center axes, rice, the size of the platforms of the content, the correct location of the mortgage parts

Visually; with a steel meter

Before starting installation

Preparation of columns

Cleaning glasses, sizes of a glass of foundation; Having rice on the foundation

Before starting installation

Installation of mounting equipment

Accuracy of fixing equipment


In the process of mounting

Welding metal parts

Compliance with the project; Ward electrodes; Sizes of seams


In the process of mounting


Forecast columns in foundations

Brand, concrete mixture consistency, seal care

Visually, using a standard cone

In the process of mounting


2. Map of operational control when installing large-boring tape foundations

Tolerances for the installation of large-bonded belt foundations in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -16-73 1. Displacement of the axes of the foundation blocks and blocks of walls of the foundations relative to the center axes ± 10 mm 2. Deviation of the upper reference surfaces of the foundations elements - 10 mm 3. Displacement of axes or faces Wall blocks in the lower section relative to the center axes or geometric axes below the set designs ± 5mm

table 2

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

Determination of the state of soils


Before starting installation

The correct location of the pit for the center drawing, the reliability of the attachment, the bottom of the bottom of the kittle

Visually, with levels of level and roulette

Before starting installation


Mark of the top of a sand or gravel pillow

With level of level

Before starting installation


The correctness of the storage


Before starting installation

Flooring axes of foundations

Accuracy of determining the position of the corners of the building. Compliance with the draft distances between the axes of national foundations

Using theodolite and roulette

Before starting installation


Installation of foundation blocks


In the installation process

Accuracy of installation, foundation blocks. Remaining and adjustment density

With the help of level and plumb

In the installation process

Compliance with project marks

With level of level

After installing blocks


Preparatory work

Sufficiency of the size of Kotlovanov

With roulette

Before starting installation

The thickness of a sand or gravel pillow, the quality of its seal

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

Before starting installation

Cleaning the foundation blocks from dirt in winter from snow


Before starting installation

The presence of passports for reinforced concrete structures; compliance with the geometric sizes of the project blocks; Outdoor defects


Before starting installation

Flooring the axes of foundation

The accuracy of the tension of the axes, the accuracy of the axes intersection on the foundation blocks

With the help of theodolita

Before starting installation


Installation of foundation blocks

Matching Mounting Technology, Technological Map


In the installation process

3. Map of operational control when installing reinforced concrete foundations for columns

Tolerances for the installation of reinforced concrete foundations under the columns in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -16-73 1. Displacement of the axes of the stacks of foundations relative to the center axes ± 10mm 2. Deviation of the upper reference surfaces of the foundations elements - 10mm 3. Deviation of the bottom of the bottoms of the foundations - 20mm

Table 3.

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

Preparation of the base under the foundations, its condition, dimensions, marks, protection against freezing in winter

With level of level, steel meter, roulettes

Before starting installation


The dimensions of the kittlers, the correctness of their location and reliability of the attachment of the walls of the pit, the mark of the bottom of the kittle

Visually, with levels of level, roulette, plunder

Before starting installation

Mark of the top of the base and horizontal pillow

With level of level

Before starting installation


Sidewaterproofing of foundation blocks

Insulation quality


After mounting

Preparatory work

The thickness of the sand or gravel pillow and the quality of its seals

Visually i with a steel meter

Before starting installation

Cleaning from dirt in winter from snow and land


Before starting installation

Check the geometric sizes of blocks, defects. Comparison of passport data of reinforced concrete structures with design

Before starting installation

Installation of control vise on the foundation axes

Compliance with the project transferred to the bottom of the axes.

Accuracy of the position of the top of control vision

With the help of theodolite, level

Before starting installation

Installing and reconciling blocks

Accuracy of installation, compliance with project marks and axes

With the help of level

During mounting


4. Map of operational control when installing riglels

Tolerances for mounting rheglels in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -16-73 1. Displacement of the axes of riglels on the lower belt relative to the geometric axes of supporting structures ± 6 mm 2. Deviation of distances between axes of riglels in the level of the upper belts ± 20mm 3. Tolerances of the platforms of the content and tolerances between the elements are determined by the project

Table 4.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

The correctness of the storage of structures


Before starting installation

Reconciliation of support surfaces on columns

Compliance of the markers of the reference platforms of columns by the project, the correctness of the deployment axes

With the theodolite, level, steel meter

Before starting installation


Installation of riglel

The correctness and reliability of the sling


In the process of mounting

Combining the axes of the riglel with centering axes on supporting structures, vertical and density of the Riel Irania

Visually, with a plumb

In the process of mounting

Welding mortgage parts in joints

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

In the process of mounting

If necessary, the laboratory

Measurement of jigs

Exterior of joints, concrete strength in the junction

Visually, with the help of a reference hammer

After breaking the junction


Preparatory work

Compliance with the geometric dimensions of the project, external defects, the presence of passports, the correctness of the location of the mortgages, cleaning them

Visually, with the help of a steel meter, roulette

Before starting installation

Reconciliation of support surfaces on columns

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

Installation of riglel

The correctness of the applying axial and control risks on the branches

Visually, with the help of a steel meter, roulette

In the process of mounting


In the process of mounting

Compliance with the design of the joint and the brand of electrodes on the project


In the process of mounting

Measurement of jigs

Formwork density and strength


In the process of mounting

Brand concrete

Before concreting


The quality of the joint seal


In the process of concreting

Quality of filling joints


After the platform

5. Map of operational monitoring of reinforced concrete farms and beams

Tolerances for installation of reinforced concrete farms and beams in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -16-73 1. Displacement of farm axes (beams) along the bottom belt relative to the geometric axes of support structures ± 5mm 2. Deviation of distances between the farm axes (beams) in the top belts level ± 20 mm 3. Tolerances of the interpretation and tolerances between the elements are determined by the project.

Table 5.

Persons carrying out quality control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

The correctness of the storage of reinforced concrete structures


Before starting installation

Removing the supporting surfaces of previously mounted structures

Compliance of the marks of the reference platforms with the project, the correctness of the application of the center axes

Before starting installation


Installation of farms, beams

The correctness and reliability of the sling


In the process of mounting

Combining axes of farm beams with center axes, vertical design of design

Visually, with a plumb

In the process of mounting

Reliability of temporary fastening


In the process of mounting

Welding mortgage parts in joints

Welding quality, acts of welded compounds, sizes of seams

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

In the mounting process

Anti-corrosion protection

The quality of applying an anti-corrosion layer


Before deputy

If necessary, the laboratory

Preparatory work

Presence of passports, geometric dimensions, external defects, reinforced concrete structures

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

Before starting installation

Location of mortgage parts, cleaning them from rust and spuns of concrete

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

Before starting installation

Reconciliation of supporting surfaces of structures

Position of reference sites and mortgage parts


Before starting installation

Installation of beam farms

The presence and correctness of applying axial and control wrapping on structures

With a steel meter

In the process of mounting

The correctness of the Montaja technology


In the process of mounting

Welding mortgage parts in joints

Type of electrodes, compliance with a joint project


In the process of mounting

Measurement of jigs

Formwork density and strength


Before concreting

Concrete brand, compaction quality


In the process of deposit


Exterior of the joint, the quality of the seal


In the process of deposit

Compliance with the marks of the installed design designs, the distance between the axes


After mounting


6. Operational control map of the flooring panels (coatings)

Tolerances when installing overlapping panels (coatings) in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -16-73 1. The difference in the front surfaces of two adjacent slabs of overlapping (coatings) in the junction of ± 5 mm 2. Offset in terms of plates of coatings or overlaps relative to their project position on Support surfaces and nodes of farms and other supporting structures (along the support sides of the plates) are not allowed 3. Allowable deviations in the size of the bottling sites and gaps between the elements of the structures is determined by the project

Table 6.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted with control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

The correct storage of panels


Before starting installation

Compliance of marks and playgrounds design project

With level of level, tape measure, steel meter

Before starting installation


Installation of overlapping panels

Tool checking of the assembly horizon of each floor

With level of level

In the process of mounting


Anticorrosion Protection Anchors

Quality of anti-corrosion coating


Fixing the junctions


Measurement of jigs

Quality of insulating joints


After deploying

Preparatory work

The presence of passports, geometric exchanges, surface quality of structures

Before starting installation

The correct location of the mortgage parts, the mounting loops

Visually, with a roulette, steel meter

Before starting installation

Performing a supporting row of brick masonry with twist


Before starting installation

Device bed of solution

Compliance of the scheme of the project, the thickness of the layer of the solution


In the process of mounting


Installation of panels

Compliance with the area of \u200b\u200bsupport, the position of the panel in the plan, the density of the adjunatory surface to the support surface, the correctness of the installation technology


In the process of mounting

Anchoring panels

Compliance with anchoring project requirements


Before deputy

Measurement of jigs

Cleaning and moisturizing jammed surfaces, compliance of the grade of the solution or concrete project

In the process of deposit


7. Map of operational monitoring of wall formwork

Tolerances when installing wall formwork in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -15-76 1. Distance from the vertical or design tilt of the wall formwork and lines of their intersections at the height of the walls to 5m 10 mm with the height of the walls more than 5m 15 mm 2. Displacement of wall formwork axes : from the project position 8 mm 3. Internal dimensions of wall formwork from design sizes 3 mm 4. Local irregularities of formwork when checking a two-meter rail 3 mm

Table 7.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work


Before installing the formwork

Installing formwork

After installing the formwork of walls (before it is secured)


Accuracy of installation of mortgage parts, their fixation

With the help of meter, roulettes

After installing the formwork

Preparatory work

Compliance with the project and quality of formwork shields, correct storage

Visually, using a meter

Before installing the formwork

Installing formwork

Compliance with design sizes, vertical

Using a meter, plumb

During the installation of formwork

Quality of fastening formwork


During the installation of formwork

The quality of the inner surface of the formwork

During the installation of formwork

8. Map of operational control installation of the formwork of columns and overlaps

Tolerances for the formwork of columns and overlaps according to the requirements of SNIP III -15-76 1. The distance between the supports of the bending elements of the formwork and the distance between the bonds of vertical supporting structures from the design dimensions: 1 m of a length of 25 mm for the whole span of at least 75 mm 2. Distance From the vertical or design tilt of the formwork planes and the lines of their intersections: 1 m of a height of 5 mm for the entire height of the column height up to 5 m 10 mm - "- more than 5m 15 mm for the entire height of the beams 5 mm 3. Displacement of the formwork axes from the project position of the columns 8 mm - "- 10 mm beams 4. Distance between the internal surfaces of the formwork of columns, beams from design sizes - 3 mm 5. Local irregularities of formwork when checking 2 meter rail - 3 mm

Table 8.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

Determination of the state of the base (for columns)


Before installing the formwork

Installing formwork

Compliance of supporting forests and disability projects, their stability and rigidity

Visually, with a steel meter, roulette, plumb

Before installing the formwork

Matching the position of the formwork by the installation axes

With the theodolite, plumb, roulette

During the installation of formwork


Accuracy of installing mortgage parts

Using steel meter, roulette

Ambassador Installation Opalubka

Preparatory work

Quality of formwork shields and fixtures

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

Before installing the formwork

Correct storage of formwork elements


Before installing the formwork

Installing formwork

Compliance with design sizes and marks

With the level of level, removal, level, steel meter, roulette

During the installation of formwork

The quality of the formwork (density in the pairing of boards)

Visually, with the help of 2 meter rail

During the installation of formwork

Quality of fastening formwork


During the installation of formwork

9. Operational Control Map when installing Foundation Formwork

Tolerances when installing formwork foundation in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -15-76 1. The distance from the vertical or the design position of the formwork of the foundations and the lines of their intersections to the 1M height of 5mm 2. Offset axes of formwork foundations from the project position 15mm foundations for steel structures , (L is the length of the span or step of construction, M) 3. Local irregularities of the formwork (when checking the rail length 2m) 3 mm

Table 9.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

Determination of the state of the base


Before installing the formwork

Installing formwork

Matching the position of the formwork by the installation axes, the accuracy of the installation of mortgage parts and their fixing

With the theodolite, roulette, plumb, steel meter

After installing the formwork


Preparatory work

Compliance with the project and quality of formwork shields, blocks and fasteners, correct storage of formwork elements

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

Before installing the formwork

Installing formwork

Compliance with design sizes and marks. Horizontality and verticality of formwork elements, quality of fasteners, the quality of the inner surface of the formwork

Visually, with a level of level, removal, steel meter

During the installation of formwork

10. KAPTA Operational Control Construction Reinforcements

Tolerances for the reinforcement of structures in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -15-76 1. The reinforcement steel appropriate for the construction must be subjected to external inspection. Metters and control tests in the cases specified in the project 2. Replacing the shown by the reinforcement steel is coordinated with the design organization 3. Before mounting the reinforcement, the formwork is checked, fixing the linings that ensure the gap for the protective layer equipment 4. Mounted fittings fixes from offsets and is protected from damage During concreting 5. The displacement of the reinforcement rods during their installation in the formwork should not exceed 1/5 of the largest diameter of the rod and 1/4 of the diameter of the installed rod 6. It is prohibited to use gaskets for the formation of a protective layer from cropping of reinforcement, wooden bars and rubble
Table 10.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Accepting fittings

Compliance of reinforcement grids and framework projects (passport)


To installation

Installation of fittings

Installing grids, frames, mortgage parts in accordance with the project

Using a plumb, steel meter

In the process of mounting

Providing a protective layer

With a steel meter

When installing the formwork

Confirmation of joints, frames, grids (welding, knitting)


After fixing


Acceptance of fittings

The diameter of the reinforcement is selectively checked, the distance between the working rods in the grids and frames

With the help of the caliper and, steel meter

To installation

Position of mortgage details

With a steel meter

To installation

Quality of execution of reinforcement fastening places in mesh frame


To installation

Storage of fittings

Correct storage and storage


To installation

The correctness of the sling

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

During the installation of reinforcement

Installation of fittings

Compliance of technology adopted in a technological map or Poland


During the installation of reinforcement

The correctness of the layout of the grids, the correct fixation of the reinforcement in the formwork

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

During the installation of reinforcement

Correct installation of running boards on the stove


During the installation of reinforcement

11. Operational Monitoring Map of Overlapping Concretion

Tolerances for concreting overlaps in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -15-76 1. Local deviations of the surface of the concrete from the project when checking the structures with a rail length 2 m ± 5 mm 2. In the marks of surfaces and mortgage parts serving supports for metal or precast concrete elements ± 5 mm 3. In the location of the anchor bolts, Plan inside the contour of the support - 5 mm in terms of the contour of the support - 10 mm 4. The difference of marks in height at the junction of two adjacent surfaces - 3mm

Table 11.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

Quality of execution of formwork


Before concreting

State of reinforcement and mortgage parts, validation acceptance act


Before concreting


Surface quality, compliance with the project of holes, geometric sizes

Visually, using a meter

After the platform

Concrete strength, its homogeneity, the presence of cracks

Visually, ultrasonic device

After the platform


Preparatory work

Quality of base, removal of the upper layer at work seams, notch, washing


Before concreting

Laying of concrete mix

Quality of concrete mix

With the help of cone construction, press

Before concreting



In the process of laying


In the process of laying

Outdoor temperature

Using the thermometer

In the process of laying

Seal concrete mix

Step of permutation and depth of immersion of vibrators


In the process of seal

Delicacy of vibration and thickness of the concrete layer during sealing


In the process of seal

Caring for concrete when hardening

Using the thermometer

In the process of hardening

12. Map of operational monitoring of wall concreting

Tolerances for concreting walls in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -15-76 1. Planes and lines of their intersection from the vertical or project tilt over the entire height: walls supporting monolithic coatings and overlaps ± 15mm of walls that support prefaby beam structures ± 10mm 2. Horizontal planes on the entire plane of the selected area ± 20mm 3. Local deviations of the surface of concrete from the project when checking the structure of a 2 m long ± 5 mm 4. In the marks of surfaces and mortgage parts - 5 mm

Table 12.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

Quality of formwork


Before concreting

Compliance with the project mark

With level of level

Before concreting


Status of reinforcement s and mortgage parts, act of acceptance of reinforcement


Before concreting


Quality of the surface, compliance with the project of holes, openings, channels, geometric sizes

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

After the platform

Concrete strength, its homogeneity, the presence of supports, cracks

Using an ultrasound instrument, visually

After the platform


Preparatory work

Quality of base, removal of the upper layer at work seams, notch, lever, availability of waterproofing


Before concreting

Laying of concrete mix

Quality of concrete mix (mobility, cube strength)

Before concreting


The correct technique of laying a concrete mix


In the process of laying

The correctness of the execution of work seams


In the process of laying

The temperature of the outdoor and concrete mix (winter)

Using the thermometer

In the process of laying

Seal concrete mix

Step of permutation and depth of immersion of vibrators

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

In the process of seal

Delicacy of vibration and thickness of the concrete layer when laying

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

In the process of seal

Compliance with humidity and temperature modes

Using the thermometer

In the process of hardening

13. Map of operational monitoring of concreting columns

Concreting tolerances in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -15-76 1. Planes and lines of their intersection from vertical or from the project tilt to the entire height of columns supporting monolithic coatings and overlaps ± 15 mm The same, for columns that support prefaby beam structures ± 10 mm 2. Horizontal planes on the entire plane of an exhausted area ± 20 mm 3. Local deviations of the surface of concrete from the design when checking the designs of the rail length 2m, except support surfaces ± 6 mm 4. In the size of the cross section of the elements + 6 mm - 3 mm 5. In the marks of surfaces and mortgage parts serving supports for metal or precast reinforced concrete elements - 5 mm

Table 13.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons or divisions attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

Quality of execution of formwork


Before concreting

Compliance with the project mark

With level of level

Before concreting


Status status, mortgage parts, validation acceptance act


Before concreting


Determining the quality of the surface, compliance with the project of geometric sizes, the correct location of the mortgage parts, the tops of the top of the columns

Visually, with the help of a steel meter, Level

After the platform


Determination of concrete strength, its homogeneity

Using ultrasound instruments

After the platform


Preparatory work

Determination of the quality of the base (cleaning from dirt, nondes, snow, etc.)


Before concreting

Laying of concrete mix

Determination of the quality of concrete mix (mobility, cube strength)

With the help of cone construction, press (PSU-500)

Before laying in the design


Compliance with the technology of laying concrete mix


In the process of laying

Seal concrete mix

Control of the temperature of the outdoor air and concrete mixture (winter)

Using the thermometer

In the process of laying

Compliance with the step of permutation and depth of immersion of vibrators, the correctness of their installation

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

In the process of seal

Determination of the adequacy of vibration and thickness of the concrete layer

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

In the process of seal

Care of the concrete mixture when hardening

Compliance with humidity and temperature modes

Using the thermometer

In the process of hardening


14. Map of operational control of the brickwork pillars

Tolerances for brickwork pillars in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III -17-78 1. Deviations from design sizes: Thickness 10mm in the sets of crops and floors 10mm on the displacement of the axes of structures 10mm 2. Deviation of surfaces and corners of masonry from vertical: one floor 10mm On the entire building 30mm 3. Overnight on the vertical surface of the masonry, detectable when overlapping the rails with a length of 2m 5mm

Table 14.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

The correctness of the pillars binding to the center axes

Visually, with a plumb

Before laying

Brickwork pillars

Determination of the correctness of the laying technology and stacking of seams

Using a plumb, steel meter, visually

In the process of masonry

Determination of the correspondence of the actual position of the brick column of the project, the coaxiality of the columns of different floors

Visually, with a plumb, steel meter

In the process of masonry

Marking of brick masonry and floors, correct device cushion under the beams, supporting beams on the pillows and their sealing in the masonry

Visually, with level of level, steel meter

After the device pillow and the installation of beam


Preparatory work

Determination of the base under the pillars, the presence of waterproofing


Before the start of the pillars

Determining the quality of bricks, reinforcements, mortgage parts

Visually, measuring, checking passports and certificates

Before the start of the pillars


Brickwork pillars

Sizes, filling and tissue of seams;

With a steel meter

After executing every 5m masonry

Geometric sizes of pillars cross section

With a steel meter

In the process of masonry

Vertical masonry, irregularities on the surface

Using a plumb, rail, steel meter

After the end of the post laying on the height of the floor

Reinforcement of masonry

The correct location of the reinforcement, the distance between the grids in the height of the pillar, the diameter of the rods and distances between them

With the help of steel meter, caliper

As the fittings styling

15. Map of operational control of brick masonry walls

Tolerances for brickwork walls in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -17-78 1. Deviation from design sizes; In the thickness of 15 mm in the stamps and floors of 10 mm in the width of the seasplets of 15 mm by the width of 15 mm openings along the displacement of the axes of adjacent window openings 20 mm on the displacement of the axes of structures10 mm 2. Deviations of surfaces and corners of masonry from vertical: one floor 10 mm on All building 30 mm 3. Deviations of rows of masonry from horizontal by 10 m of length 15 mm 4. Rights on the vertical surface of the masonry detected when overlapping 2 meter rail 10 mm

Table 15.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Brick masonry walls.

Quality of bricks, solution, fittings, mortgage parts

External inspection, measurement, check of passports and certificates

Before the laying of the walls of the floor

In case of doubt - laboratory

The correct part of the axes

Using steel roulette, meter

Before laying

Horizontal waggery settings for overlapping

With level of level, rail.

Before installing overlapping panels


Thecy of ventilation channels and sealing of ventilation blocks

Visually, with a plumb

After graduation of the walls of the floor

Reinforcement of masonry

The correct location of the reinforcement, the diameter of the rods, etc.

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

Before installing fittings

Installation of precast concrete slabs of overlapping

Opportuning overlaps in moans, sealing, anchoring

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

After installing the overlap

Anticorrosion coating of mortgage parts

Thickness, density and coating

Visually, with the help of a thickness gauge, engraving land

Before dressing


Installation of balconies

Grinding, mark, Balconies Balconies

With the help of a steel meter, level, 2 meter rail

After installing balconies

Brickwork wall

Geometric sizes of masonry

Using steel roulette, meter

Vertical, horizontal and masonry surface

Using level, rail, plumb

In the process and after the end of the laying of the walls of the floor

Quality of seams of masonry

With the help of a steel meter, 2 meter rail

After performing every 10m 3 masonry

Breakdown and marks Niza Operactions

With the help of steel roulette. Level, level

Before the start of masonry

Removal of the mark + 1m from pure floor

With level of level

After graduation

Layout of apartments


After the start of the masonry of the walls

Geometric size of premises

With steel roulette

After the start of the masonry of the walls

Installing jumpers

Position of jumpers, Opportion, placement, seal

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

After installing the jumpers

Setting staircases

Poster position, support, placement, sealing

Visually, with the help of a steel meter

After installing sites

Welding mortgage parts

Length, height, weld quality

Visually climbing hammer

To anti-corrosion coating

Soundproofing device

Construction, quality of execution


Immediately after the end of work

16. Operational Control Map Installation of Window and Door Blocks

Rules for installing window and door blocks in accordance with the requirements of SNIP III -19-76 1. The surfaces of the window and door blocks adjacent to the stone walls, antisepticated by waterproofing materials 2. The gaps between the box and the masonry of the outer walls are close to thermal insulation materials 3. Window and door boxes In stone walls and partitions, they are mounted with screws or steel jershoes scored in wooden antiseptic tubes. Each vertical bar of the box is attached at least 2 places, the distance between them does not exceed 1 meter
Table 16.

Persons carrying out quality control

Operations subject to control

Component composition

Method of control

Monitoring time

Persons attracted to control

Activated work

Manufacturer of work

Preparatory work

Appearance, factory readiness, compliance with standards, enzyme and project, completeness of the supply of window and door blocks, the availability of acts about antiseptation


When accepting blocks

Availability of antiseptic plugs for fixing blocks


Before installing blocks

Terms of transportation and storage


At construction site

Installation of door and window blocks

Correct installation at a given mark and for a given axis

Using level, plumb, roulettes

After installing boxes

Fastening boxes


After installing boxes

Fit density of window and door bakes


After installing boxes

Waterproofing blocks of blocks of blocks to masonry


After installation

Konopka thermally insulating material with sealing sealant. Coating with solving places of pairing blocks with masonry


After installing the box

The gap between the floor surface and the door canvas

With a steel meter

After installing the box

Installation of subcast boards

The presence of tearmen in wooden windows


Before installing windows

Antiseptation and isolation of the bottom board surface wooden windowsill


Before installing windows

Slide of the windows

Using rail, level, steel meter

After installing windows

Cooling wall

With the help of a hundred lion metro