Repairs Design Furniture

How to make the inner partitions in a wooden house. Interior partitions in a wooden house from which to make partitions in a wooden house

You can make an internal layout of the house or apartments using partitions separating the space on the functional zones. Bruce walls are ideal for building buildings. They are durable and dense, perfectly protect the warmth and protect against outsided sounds. We learn how the partition is made properly from the bar, how to mount a similar design so that it serves a long time and reliably.

The construction of a partition element from the bar is significantly facilitated by the fact that this does not need to do the work of designers or the additional tape of the foundation. The timber belongs to lightweight materials that do not create a special load on the support.

The functionality of the brusade wall in the apartment is based on its strength. As a rule, at the bottom of the partition has a reliable support (flooring, lags). When installing whole bulkhead, it is possible to do without additional mounting to the floor.

To the advantages of the partition in the house made from the bar can also be attributed:

It is also important to note that the profiled timber has a natural beauty that allows you to save on a decorative finish.

Assembling brusade partition

The timber is produced mainly of solid wood. In cross section, it looks like a square or a rectangle.

For the construction of partitions, a profile of a cross section from 30x30 mm to 100x150 mm is often used.

To build a truly reliable bulkhead from the bar with their own hands, if necessary, performing a support function for a variety of decorative elements, you need to know some nuances.

Features of laying timber

Before starting the installation of partitions from a bar, it is necessary to correctly pick up the material for them.

The tree should be dried to a certain humid indicator (no more than 15%), otherwise, during the shrinkage process, the partition may deform.

In addition, it is required mandatory impregnation with special means that prevent the appearance of rotting and cracks on the material.

There are several subtleties prompting how to make partitions from a bar:

Important moment How to implement?
Arrangement of waterproofing. The building starts from the lower bar, on top of which it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing material. This contributes to the prevention of the destructive impact of moisture that is permanently accumulated at the bottom of the bulkhead, for example, when washing floors or due to breakthrough of drainage pipes. It is recommended for laying a starting series to use a ram from aspen or larch, since these breeds have the greatest moisture resistance.
Improving thermal insulation and noise insulation. Before laying the next row, the panel or jute fiber is packed over the previous one. Compound the main wall with a bulkhead is isolated by the same material.
Stiffness design. Each row is attached to the previous one. Fixation of bars is carried out using wooden or iron wrenches. The brazen is installed in increments of 1.5 m, and the distance from the angles of 15 cm. There are shocks in a checker order.

After installation, the bulkhead is polished together with the main walls and apply antiseptic primer. The inner wall can be erected in the process of the main construction of the house or after.

Bruz connection with main wall

Features and decision to fix a partition element in a wooden house with their own hands depend on carpentry skills. The first method: Cut the grooves in a litter.

With the help of a pencil and level on the wall, two vertical lines are drawn at a distance equal to the width of the bar.

Then the neat washed down the depth of 50 mm for each line, and the middle can be removed using an ax or a chisel. The resulting groove is inserted.

If the experience is not enough for the work of the smooth, it is not enough, you can resort to a simpler method: the partition to the carrier wall is fixed with the help of nails riding at an angle.

Main stages of mounting

For the construction of a partition from bars with their own hands, you need to prepare tools.

The minimum set includes:

  • ax;
  • electrode with a drill on a tree;
  • disk saw;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • wide chisel.

It is also important to choose the appropriate lumber, and it is also facing for the skeleton.

Frame brusal partition

Interior frame partitions can be found on the basis of the bar. The framework is built from bars with a cross section of 5x5 cm.

It can be faced with drywall or dry-fiber sheets, chipboard and fiberboard, plywood. After that, such an inner bulkhead decorate by any materials.

The construction of such internal partition elements is possible anywhere in the house, regardless of the location of the foundation.

Construction of frame partitions in the house can be produced in two ways:

Type of structure Installation Method
Anyone (walls are not necessarily wooden). It is possible to use a pre-mounted frame of timber. It will only be recorded on the floor, walls and ceiling, for example, with the help of a dowel-nail.
Log The partition can be raised in place. To do this, first produce marking of walls, ceiling and floor to the place where the structural element will be installed. Further on marking lines long screws fix bars serving the main frame frame. After their installation, it remains to collect the rest. To attach vertical and horizontal bars to the frame, it is recommended to use metal corners with screws for the self-tapping screw.

To better maintain heat in the indoor indoor in the frame, it is necessary to be foam, minvata, other insulating material. In the bath is also possible installation of frame bulkhead. But do not forget that there is a high temperature - there should be no metal parts located on the surface.

Wooden frame base is attractive due to the availability of material and ease of construction of the wall.

The bar is well-processed, which allows you to collect a frame of a partition element of any configuration.

If it is assumed to build a bulkhead, then you will need to build a wall of two planes.

Mounting a solid partition with a bars frame

We will analyze how frame partitions are correctly installed in the house from the bar:

When erecting a double frame for a bar 100x100 mm, markup is carried out in this way. On the wall adjacent to the bulkhead, in terms of the level, the straight vertical line is stolen. From it make indents on each side of 50 mm and there are two more parallel lines. Further, the ceiling, the floor and the opposite wall are placed as the same method. According to these lines, the frames of the frame base are exposed to a cross section of 50x50 mm and fasten with long self-draws in a step of 400-500 mm. The result is a frame of a double bar with a clearance of 100 mm.

This gap is installed by the ends of the Bar of Future Lucky. But first on the floor under the frame lay the jute ribbon. The starting timber is fixed with a 100-300 mm long ducts. In the floor and lower part of the bar, the holes are drilled for naplings with a distance from the main wall 150 mm on each side and step at one and a half meters.

When laying the second row, the holes are also drilled in which the ducks are inserted into the first timber. Between the bars laid a jute insulation. In this way, we produce masonry of the entire partition from the floor to the ceiling.

Installation with spike and groove

BRUSEV compounds according to the "Schip-groove" method is permissible in the house of profiled elements.

How to make a partition from a bar in this case:

If the partition is assumed in the partition element, it is required to install additional stiffeners that are fixed on the upper bars using metal corners.

Installation in the groove without spikes

This is another way to connect timber.

Connections of a profiled bar in "Paz-Comb"

In this method, the construction of the wall is carried out according to the following technology:

  1. On the wall to which the bulkhead will join, outline the vertical line. From her they make an indent half of the profile width on each side of the line. For example, a bar width is 100 mm, then 50 mm is retreated and there are two more parallel straight.
  2. On the extreme lines, the grooves are cut in a depth of 30-50 mm.
  3. In this groove put the jute tape and stick the ends of the bar.
  4. Brous laying also produce as when assembly with spikes, with the help of ducts and jute seal

After completing the assembly, the wall is cocked by jute. When insulation, in the process of installation, a high-quality linen fiber ribbon is not required.

When designing a house from a bar, partition elements are placed in such a way as to obtain the minimum number of passing rooms.

Modern programs can create a three-dimensional model, which contributes to the assessment of how convenient there will be room accommodation, and where it is better to install door openings.

When choosing home structures, it is important to consider the material of the manufacture of its walls and other carrier elements, since they will transmit the load on the base ground. For example, concrete floors and heavy brick partitions do not fit for a light frame house. To understand what kind of partitions are needed in a wooden house, you need to get acquainted with their varieties and features.

What is the difference between partitions from the walls

Before proceeding to work, you need to master the theory. Often among non-professionals are confused by such concepts as walls and partitions (especially when the question comes to redevelopment).

To make clarity, the following definitions can be brought:

  1. Bearing walls- House designs that perceive the load from overlaps and roofs and transmit it to the foundation. These walls perform a very responsible function, so they must be calculated on the bearing capacity. The wall goes to the entire height of the floor (from the floor to the floor of the next), that is, as if cutting the discharge disk.
  2. Non-relaxing walls - Designs, which, as in the previous case, are laid out for the entire height of the floor, but transmit a load on the foundation only on its own weight (overlapping or roofing is observed).
  3. Partitions They are laid out on the height of the room (from the floor to the ceiling of one floor). Unlike walls, they are not based on the foundation, but to overlap. The carrier function is not performed, serve only as enclosing structures.

There are fewer requirements for the partitions than to the walls, so they may be thinner and less durable.

Features of partitions in a wooden building

Unlike walls, partitions are based on the overlap, and not the foundation and laid out to the height of the room.

To make interroom partitions with their own hands in a house of a log, a bar or a frame building, you need to remember the mass and strength of the wall material. In brick houses, partitions are often mounted from the same material as wall structures. But it is important to remember that the element with a height of 2.7 m and a thickness of 1.2 m from ceramics will weigh about 600 kg per mesmerum meter. This is about 100 kg more than the mass of the outer wall from the bar, 300 mm thick (optimally heat engineering). That is, there will be weight on the wall more of own, and if you add overlaps and roofs, the picture is not joyful. That is why it is important to remember one thing: the density of the material for partitions should not exceed the density of the bearing walls.

The next council can be given about the start time of installation with your own hands. Interior fencing structures should be mounted only after the walls of the house will be given shrinkage. If you do it before, the following situation will arise:

  1. Walls that are loaded by weight of overlaps and roofs begin to dying and dry out.
  2. At the same time, the septum shrinkage is given (if they are made of wood), but since the load on them is less than on wall fences, the process is slower.
  3. The difference leads to the fact that overlapping, relying on wall structures, pressure on interior fences and lead to their deviation from vertical, expansion and bending.

To prevent this phenomenon, it is required to wait time after the assembly with your own arms of the bar or a rounded log. Shield and frame houses practically do not give a shrinkage, so it is possible to install interroom elements immediately after assembly.

Types of partitions and technology of their manufacture

Partitions in a wooden house from a bar or a rounded log, as well as frame buildings may be the following types:

  • frame and frame-panel;
  • shield and carpentry;
  • frameless.

All the above types belong to wood designs. As an additional options, it is possible to make fencing from drywall or puzzle. They also have a sufficiently small mass and easy to install.

Plasterboard partition assembly scheme

To understand how to make interroom elements for the house from a bar or a rounded log, you need to consider each type separately.

Partitions on the frame

Such partitions in a wooden house from a bar or logs can be applied at the request of the future owner, and for frame buildings they will become the most optimal option.

Manufacturing technology as follows:

  1. The measurements of the room and placement on the floor, where interroom structures will be located.
  2. Bruces of lower strapping, guided by the amount obtained. Fasten the elements to the floor with screws or screws.
  3. Next, cut the racks and transverse frames of the frame. Mounting them in the project position with your own hands can be carried out in two ways: individually or installing the frame after assembling it on the floor. Mounts are performed by screws or screws. The extreme racks are fixed directly to the wall.
  4. The frame is crushed at the top and fixed fasteners.
  5. After between the framework elements, the insulation is laid (if necessary for sound insulation) and perform the trim. You can enjoy plasterboard or clapboard. At the same time, the sheets and elements of the sheath are dismissed so that their joints accounted for the middle of the frame rack.

Shield and carpentry

To make your own hands, interior fences of this type for a home bar or logs need to be guided by the following procedure:

Household partitions in the house
  1. OMDERS of the room and markup.
  2. Production of board panels (solid) from boards with a thickness of 20-40 mm.
  3. To the surface of the floor and the ceiling nourish the bars that form grooves to install the shields. The shield can be two-layer or three-layer. In the manufacture of a three-layer design for the inner layer, boards are used less thickness.
  4. Collect partition from shields in height. By inserting them into the grooves formed by the bars.
  5. Between the layers you can lay a sound insulation material.

Dimensions of joinery partitions depend on the destination. They look like door canvases, can be deaf or glazed.

They are manufactured both at the entire height of the room and with a gap of 30-50 cm from the top cutting to the ceiling.


In the manufacture of its own hands, the simplest designs of this type of work are produced in the following order:

  1. OMDERS of the room and markup.
  2. Fastening the bottom strapping.
  3. Manufacturing on a bruse strapping groove by taking two bars. The groove should be equal to the thickness of the partition boards.
  4. The ceiling is performed by the triangular timber bar. It will result in an integral part of the groove for fastening from above, so the location must correspond to the lower mount.
  5. Install vertical boards, starting with the one that is located at the wall. It is pressed and naked to a triangular bar on top.
  6. Install all boards in turn. The space between the individual elements is filled with packles, mounting foam or insulating cord.
  7. After completing the installation of boards, the second triangular element of the groove is naked to the ceiling.
  8. Perform the cover of the partition.

Instead of bars for mounting to the floor and ceiling, you can use metal corners.

In order to competently make partitions for the house from a bar or other wooden elements with your own hands, it is necessary to correctly select their type, mount without deviations vertically and horizontally and reliably copold parts of the design. For the manufacture it is recommended to choose the wood of the first or second grade of coniferous rocks. All wood is necessarily processed by antiseptics to prevent rot. Optionally, you can handle the elements with antipirens to increase the resilience of ignition.

We buy a house, and we see rooms in it that are not planned as we need. The area of \u200b\u200bcombined rooms is not so, the partition is not located there. Uncomfortable ...
What should we carry out the existing inner brick wall and build another?

We interfere with local conditions. It is impossible in a new place, on a wooden floor, building a masonry, for this you need to remove the floor and lay out supports - concrete or brick stands that will carry a serious load from the brick wall.

Exit - erection of a less massive, but no less functional wooden partition. Under it, additional supports are not needed.

Initial data

We broke the existing partition in one brick

and they received such a huge space that we have to share in your own way:

View from here

View from there

Self-erection technology of the wooden partition

Nothing complicated, this is the simplest designer in which adults love to play. The most important thing is to determine the vertical of the wall, and the second in the region is to put the lower and upper guides.


On the wall, the vertically central bar, which has been saved several times by controlling the level:

To immediately "encap" immediately, you need to score (not completely) into the wall just one nail or wrap one long screw - approximately in the middle of the bar. On it you will rotate and correct the bar in the level. After each clogged nail, apply the level by checking whether the vertical has shown:

As a result, the bar is attached to the wall, the distance between the attachments should be not more than 600 mm. From each edge of the bar, respectively - no more than 300 mm.

Further, strictly observing the vertical, are installed in the same way the lower and the upper guides from the bar of the same section. To nail in a private house a bar to the wooden floor and the wooden ceiling will not be any difficulty, so there is no need to paint events.

If you have such an area that the floor with a screed (which in the residential room is unlikely) and the ceiling of concrete floors - well, well, use a perforator and dowel-nails.

And then the choice of material depends on the desired wall thickness. I decided that 100 mm will be very enough for me, so the timing of 50 mm was put on a small bar of 25 mm on each side, and on them already carried out the installation of plates.

Plates used wood polished. You can take unhealthy chipboard, fane, OSB and any other materials. Think only - is it worth it, so much pay for similar quality?

Do not be afraid of the tree in terms of huge sound permeability. We have chosen the technology to deprive the wooden structure of this big negative quality. Then it will be clear.

Next steps

As you wish!

He will still be inside, it is not visible. What would not write and not talked about typical frame forms, it's your shala. I, for example, reluctant to withstand strict squares and spend this extra forces on the drink of bars and extra bars, in fact. Money needs to save, although there are a lot of them.

No need to seek supermonolynity and the incredible fortress of the frame itself from bars. The wooden plate screwed to it will significantly strengthen the connection, serving an additional plane and a very durable rigid edge. And the second plate, on the other hand, will secure the future partition.

Having collected the brusade frame of an arbitrary non-commercial shape, attaching one bottom slab to it:

This is the type of "from the inside" wall. Pay attention to the location of the guides: inside the wall at the frame of the frame, the vertical is not only not observed, but even maliciously violated. What does not interfere with the wall itself to remain smooth and vertical, but it allows you to seriously save on the nonsense bars.

And here is the view from the other side:

Horizontal main guides in the framework are available, they are located in the middle - to impart stability and the ability to "attach" to them by mounting auxiliary.

This is a whole plate, I did not even cut and cut around the edges. Fortunately, there is strength to carry yourself, without helpers. If you are working alone, being a building hermit, recommended or counting forces, or sawing the plates to be easier and more convenient to wear. But in this case, you need to prepare the frame accordingly - so that each plate is fixed enough at the ends. And for this you need to take into account the dimension of the blanks.

Do not forget to check the vertical!

After that, fasten the second whole slab:

Inside view"

View "Outside"

From above, it remains quite a bit - here without measurements and trimming can not do. As at the end of the wall, where it will be necessary to drink good items.

A total of 2 whole plates on each side, 2 "halves" on each side (collapsing strictly in half), plus one on all the good things.

Total seven on a wall of 4 meters long with a ceiling height of 2.75m, plan when counting expenses for materials.


There is nothing better when someone cares about you. For example, manufacturers of high-quality mineral wool insulation, which are part-time and soundproofing material.

Such insulation soundproofers are made taking into account the execution of several functions, so it is not necessary to search separately sound insulation. The question in more convenience - the materials sold in rolls are not as convenient to mount as tiled forms. They need to unwind, cut, and it will not always work out to observe the thickness of Minvati - it is stratified.

Plates of a specific size and cutting more convenient, and completely mounted simply.

Inside the finished frame, trying to tightly press the material to the already mounted plates, put heat-sound insulation:

Then we repeat the operations from the chipboard on the other side of the wall, and we get the almost completed design:

On the question of the method of fastening and the number of hardware on the sheet of chipboard answer:

1. Fasten up with sunswort on a tree at least 35 mm long.
2. Be sure to fix the stove at the edges.
3. The step along the edges should be at least 600 mm.
4. In the center of fixing the plates so, "to be firmly." There is nothing to seek non-existent technologies, especially since we have already violated them when a non-standard framework was mounted.

Shakes and conjugation

All on this?

With a wooden design - yes. Everything is clear there, but about how to measure and saw, I will not even talk. Measuring tape measure, saw a saw. Or electric saw.

But there is one nuance: the joints of the chipboard is better to immediately process, more precisely, to shap. So that there is no moisture that exists in the air does not penetrate the inside of sleep and did not make them drink and swell. When you finally separate the partition - it is still unknown, and the "swollen" joints are not needed at all.

In order to high-quality and smoothly slip joints and pairing plates with walls, you need to use such simple materials as self-adhesive mesh and corners, plastic or aluminum.

Slipped grid

At the end of the work, when the mesh dried and fixed, I preferred the whole wall, which we strongly recommend:

As you can see, the joints almost imperceptibly is one solid surface.

Interior partitions in the house are used to redecessing rooms, changes in residential space. The division can be done both in the construction process and after it. During the construction period, the separation will serve as stiffeners.

The advantage of the partitions from the bar is that they do not carry a load on the foundation, and the framework elements can not be planned during construction.

Separations from bars to build the easiest way. Construction is not delayed for a long time, not much money required. If desired, a person can independently build interior partitions.

Wooden interior partitions are built in houses of rounded logs, massive bars and other sawn timber. They allow the owner to quickly redeem the dwelling, mount the boards with simple tools, to obtain a favorable for health microclimate. It describes the features of construction of frame, frameless and shielding partitions, differing in the complexity of the design and the assembly process.

Interior partitions are three main species:

  • frame-panel;
  • wooden;
  • solid (brusade).

Each type has its own nuances and properties.

Frame-panel interior partitions

Frame interior partitions

The most popular and cheap option.

A similar type of inner walls made of wood is selected before the repair of the premises of the outdated house, if there are no information about the supporting abilities of the ceiling. Its assembly is accelerated by the lack of necessity in the examination of the state of the building, as well as the commission of complex construction operations. For assembly of the frame, vertically put bars with a cross section of 60x90 mm are used. If the covering will consist of drywall sheets, the optimal distance between the base parts should be 600 mm.

You can create in the house the frame partitions from the bar can only be necessary, you only need to know several nuances and acquire suitable materials.

It is necessary to purchase a size of 50 * 100 mm, step 50-60 cm. The horizontal strapping is used to connect the parts. It also gives the vertical part reinforced resistance.

When oriented chipboard are used, this distance increases to 625 millimeters. Vertical bars are recorded between the nozzle and the funeral, for the production of which the boards with a cross section of 60x110 millimeters were used, after which they are equipped with the coincisions from wood. Then the frame design is facing the canvas of the OSB material. Elements of such a coating are placed vertically and fixed by stainless self-pressing.

It is possible to warm the frame separations using foam or minvati, 50-100 mm thick.

Wood partitions need to be protected from moisture. For this purpose, a vapor insulation material is used: they are treated with design details on both sides. Frame separations have an increased property of sound insulation, in contrast to other varieties.

Installation of the frame partition is suitable for construction from and other sawn timber.
The average price for this material is about 100 rubles per square meter. meter.

Frame-panel partitions

This type of distinctive wall premises is formed by a maximum of three layers of the placed on delivery of boards. The edges of a relatively heavy design are made by special quarters, which are allowed to use when assembling. A fully assembled shield of 60x2500x60 millimeters weighs up to eighty kilograms.

Before the construction of such walls, the floor and the wooden house ceiling is placed by lines indicating the location of the bars navigated later. In the grooves formed between them, the installations of shields joined to each other with screw screws occur. To obtain the most durable design, it is recommended to buy wooden shields made on a specialized enterprise.

The weight characteristic of the panel has a high meaning. Therefore, the interior partitions under consideration cannot be used as the internal structures of the frame building. If the door system is attached to the shields, the thickness of its box must match the parameter of the fully trimmed wall between the rooms. The free space forming over it is closed with a shield with appropriate dimensions.

Wooden interior partitions

For systems of this type, joinery partitions are used between rooms. They are decorated with elements from expensive wood, or covered with lacquer and coloring agents. Such separations are rarely used, since they have bad sound and thermal insulation. They put them where such properties are not needed, for example, for the harness of the wardrobe in the bedroom.

These systems are palenechandes (Pilenka is thin plywood). The main advantage of this type is that it does not require a special finish.

The price for separation from the tree varies greatly: 250-1500 rubles per square meter. meter. When buying it is important to pay attention to the value of the material used. If you wish, separation from the bar can be created by our own, but for this you need to consult with a professional.

Solid (Bruce) Partitions

Such interroom partitions are several boards, installed in a vertical position by means of a tongue. They are fixed by the ceiling strapping-nozzle and outdoor strapping. When building a similar system, there are 40-50 millimeters of the boards with a thickness of 40-50 millimeters, which are put in the vertical plane of each other. To securely secure them, the floor must be equipped with special grooves.

In most situations, the solid construction is constructed from the material that was used during the construction of the house.

The assembly is carried out on metal spikes, in length 100 mm and a diameter of 10 mm. They also create designs extra rigidity. To secure parts in the upper and bottom of the wall, triangular bars are used.

To the bearing wall, the partition from the bar is attached with nails, or you can make special grooves in the wall where the elements are inserted. However, the second method can be applied in case the complete shrinkage of the house has not happened.

Sound and thermal insulation depend on the characteristics of the bar. If necessary, they can be strengthened: firmware with foam, but then the finish will be needed.

The average price for solid separations is 250 rubles per square meter. meter. However, this figure fluctuates, as it depends on the type of timber, from which the construction of the house was conducted.

How to make interroom partitions in a wooden house

Interior partitions are most often not supporting structures. They are used to divide rooms. Therefore, builders have a wide selection of materials for their erection. It is customary to create separation from the same material from which the house was built.

The most popular is a tree. Do with your own hands to make separation from it much easier and more economical. Before independent erection of the walls from the bar, you must consult with professionals. They can give practical advice, advise the method and material for construction.

Production of frame partitions

The design of this type is easily built and comes to room from any material. A person will be enough to understand the principle of making frame separations to make them alone, and you will not have to spend money on the hiring of a construction team.

The base of the wooden frame is the brushes (cross section 40-60 mm) and the board (thickness of 30-50 mm). As a rule, the inner walls do not make out of the boards, as this is not favorable use of sawn timber. Use them only when they stayed after construction, for example, after laying floors.

From the board you can get as many as 2 bars for the frame, if it has the appropriate parameters: thickness - 40 mm and more, width - 120 mm and more. Circular saw must be cut along the board so that 2 identical elements are obtained.

Wood frame is better to collect with nails or self-tapping screws. Plates for fasteners are rarely used. The error will use foam for mounting work.

Upstairs the frame is trimmed with sheet material or "lining" (thin board). The first option must be prepared for finishing. The "lining" should be cleaned, polished and coat with decorating agents for the indoor space. Partitions from "Lining" must be erected after styling the draft floor and mounting the black ceiling.

Frame separation is quite popular, thanks to its ease of installation. According to statistics, 95% of developers prefer to build frames.

Production of a wooden partition from a two-layer shield

With the development of the construction industry, two-layer shields (rush or female) began to create interroom divisions. Boards are knocked down with nails. For the manufacture of the rush shield, 3 rails or bars with a cross section of 30 * 35 mm are used.

Vertical on shields make quarters. If the partitions are plastering the wet method, the surface of the shield must be treated with cruciform plasterer.

Separations to the walls are fixed with special scaffolding at a distance of 1 meter.

Features of mounting solid partitions

When installing this type of separation, it is important to take into account some nuances. The partition from the bar requires special care.

Lower bar need to nail with long nails. The bar is best acquired from aspen or larch, as this material is more resistant to moisture. For an additional sewn, the waterproofing element is stacked.

Between the bars, the jute fiber is stacked for the heat and noise insulation of the room. Metal and wooden brazings will make the design more durable.

After mounting work, all the details should be seized and coat with an antiseptic. Next, you need to wait for shrinkage of the partition. The bar seats 5 months after the construction, but the design shrinkage can last a long time when the full operation of the room began.


The separation from the bar is quite popular in the construction sector. There is no need to buy expensive equipment, messing with concrete and other materials. Bruks do not clutter the space of housing and quickly erected.

All photos from the article

As a rule, interior partitions are built during the construction of the house, however, the need for them may also appear when zoning or redeveloping housing. The easiest way to make such walls made of wood, however, that the design is solid and durable, it is pre-familiar with some nuances of this work. Therefore, then we will look in detail how to make wooden interior partitions with their own hands.


Wood partitions are an excellent way to transform residential space in a house or even an apartment.

And they possess a number of positive qualities:

  • Have a slight weight, it is especially concerned with frame structures, as a result of which the overlappings are not required.
  • Easily manufactured.
  • The price of wood is quite affordable.
  • Allowed to use almost any finishing material.
  • In the event of a breakdown, it is easy to repair.
  • Wood from which the wall is performed is an environmentally friendly material.

Of the disadvantages of such a solution, it is possible to distinguish only the need for wood processing with protective compositions (antiseptics), as well as antipirens that prevent its fire. In addition, wooden walls need noise insulation, as the wood itself is a good sound conductor.

Primary requirements

Interior partitions, like any other building structures, must comply with certain requirements:

  • Sustainability, as the safety of tenants depends on this.
  • The absence of cracks at the joints of the surfaces.
  • Fire safety.
  • Good noise insulating properties.

In order for the design to have all these qualities, it is necessary to comply with a certain manufacturing technology with which we will read below.

Types of designs

By type of partition design there are two types:

Type of construction Features
Frames As the basis of such a design, a bar is usually used, which is subsequently sewn sheet material, for example, chipboard or plywood. At the same time, the space inside the partition is filled with noise insulating material, such as mineral wool, eco-art, etc.

Frame partitions are usually installed in the already built houses.

Moody Performed from solid boards that are fixed on guides. This design can also be installed in the built house.
Solid These partitions are installed during the construction of exterior walls. They are laid on each other who are crashed into a carriage wall.

As a rule, interior partitions in a wooden house are performed from a thinner timber than bearing walls.

Below, consider the device of interroom partitions in a wooden house with the first two ways.

An alternative to wooden partitions are interroom walls from drywall, made on the basis of a frame of an aluminum profile.
This design weighs even less than a wooden one.
The only drawback is the brittleness of drywall and instability to moisture.

Frame partitions


For the construction of an intercomed wall, you will need a timber segment 70x100 mm. True, it can be replaced by 100 mm widthled boards. In this case, the design will be easier.

In addition, mineral mats or other suitable material should be prepared to fill the space inside the wall. It is also necessary to purchase impregnation for wood processing, which should have the properties of the antiseptic and antipyrin.

To perform a partition, you can use any wood.
The only thing to pay attention is its humidity and the absence of cracks.
Bar or boards must be dried and at the same time without visible defects.

Project preparation

Before proceeding with the design of the design, its project should be prepared. To do this, you must first decide on the main sizes of the future wall. If it contains the doorway, then its parameters must also be specified on paper.

In addition, the wall drawing should describe the basic frame elements, and their dimensions must be specified in millimeters. The presence of such a project will significantly simplify work and will allow us to properly prepare all the details of the future wall.

It is possible to engage in the installation of interroom partitions in a wooden house after it gives shrinkage.
This may be required up to two years.


The instruction for making a frame partition is as follows:

  • Work begins with the preparation of the floor surface on the site where it is planned to set the wall.. If necessary, it should be aligned and clean from any contamination.
  • After this future design according to the project and processed by the protective composition.
  • Then the markup is performed, on which the ram is stacked. You can fix it with long screws. The only one must be drilled by holes for them.
  • Next to the base brusade the vertical racks are attached. You can fix them using metal corners and screws. The step between the racks should be about 60 cm.

  • All racks are connected to each or three belts of the strapping, made by Brucks of the same section, like the vertical racks.. At the same time, between them and the ceiling should remain a distance (about 10 cm).
  • Door box running at the doorway location. It is the same racks installed at a certain distance from each other, between which the jumper is fastened from above. The latter serves as a doorway height limiter.
  • Then one side of the frame is sewn chipboard, clapboard, plywood or any other similar material..
  • Next, the mineral wool is stacked in the wall in the wall, which performs the function of noise insulation. If necessary, in the partition, you can pave communications, for example, wiring.
  • At the end of the work, the second side of the frame is trimmed, after which the design is performed. In this case, the space between the ceiling and the wall is filled with a fibrous material.

Inside the frame wall can be placed wiring or any other communications.

On this, the process of assembling the frame interior partition is completed.

Manufacture of a boardwalk

Now consider how interior partitions are made in a wooden house with their own handles. It should be noted that they are applied less often, as they will weigh more, and the boards are quite expensive. However, such a design is stronger than the frame, which is an important advantage.

The main material of such a partition is the boards with a thickness of 40-50 mm. The width can be any. In addition, you will need guides, which can be used by a sequence of 50x50 mm.

In the photo - Boards for partition 40x150 mm

The wall mounting process looks like this:

  • As in the previous case, it is necessary to start work with the preparation of the base and drawing markup.
  • Then the top guides are attached to the ceiling. It is desirable that they are fixed not only to the ceiling shields, but also overlapping beams. It should be noted that the distance between the rails determines the width of the future wall.
  • To the top guides you need to attach the plumbing and apply marking on the floor.
  • Next, the lower guides are attached to the floor. At this stage it is imperative that they are located strictly under the upper rails, since the verticality of the future partition depends on this.
  • After that, the boards are attached to the upper and lower guides with the help of screws. In this way, one side of the wall is sewn.
  • Then the second side of the partition is also used exactly, and at the same time noise insulating material is stacked between the boards.

Here, in fact, all basic information on how to make interroom partitions in a wooden house or even a regular apartment.


Wooden interior partitions are a simple and affordable way to distinguish between housing space. The only thing for them to qualitatively coped with all the functions assigned to them, in the process of their manufacture, it is necessary to adhere to the technology described above.

With further useful information on the topic vicked above, you can get acquainted with the video in this article.