Repairs Design Furniture

Warming of a broken roof. The insulation of the attic from the inside if the roof is already covered - the nuances of the process and the selection of heat-insulating material how to insulate the attic with a broken roof

Bath with an attic is convenient and practical. Such a bath has an additional room, it can be used as a rest room or even for overnight stay. An excellent option will be the insulation of the attic, in this case it will be a full-fledged room where you can stay at night not only on a summer day, but also in winter.

Especially relevant, the presence of a residential attic with insulation in the event that the bath is located in the country area, where there is no full-fledged house. She will get rid of the need to build an additional building.

Bath with mansard

For the insulation of the attic, you can invite specialists or do everything with your own hands. The first option is suitable for people who have no time or enough knowledge. If you are confident in your abilities and want to save, then it is better to use the monsard insulation option with their own hands.

But before starting any work, it is necessary to determine what is better to insulate the attic.

How to insulate the attic for winter accommodation? What material to choose?

Choosing than to separate the attic from the inside, you need to focus on the winter in the region: if it is not too long and not harsh, then you can restrict not too expensive and thick insulation. If you live in a region where a cold winter is, it is better to use high-quality material and lay it in several layers.

To insulate the attic can be one of the following materials:

Mineral wool in the form of plates based on basalt fibers is the most popular material for thermal insulation. Minvata is sold in the form of rolls, mats and rectangular plates. This material fireproof, does not contain harmful impurities, has high heat and noise insulating properties. But it absorbs moisture, so mineral wool is better used for the insulation of the walls, and for the ceiling and gender it is recommended to choose another material.

Mineral wool

Polyurethane foam is a viscous self-conforming composition, it spans on the walls and roof, fills all the gaps and ensures effective protection from the cold. Polyurethane foam has good thermal insulation properties. The disadvantage of the material is that it is necessary to use a special sprayer for its coverage, so if you want to make a mansard warming with your own hands, then this option does not fit.

Polyurene Foolder

Glasswater is budget material. It is environmentally friendly, fire-resistant, has good thermal insulation properties, does not contain toxic compounds. The main disadvantage is that there is glass in its composition, so the independent installation is quite difficult. In addition, with poor fixation of the material to the inclined surface, the heat-insulating material may begin to move away from the walls, and this will lead to the fact that it will be cold in the room.


Equata - material consisting of cellulose and antiseptics. Equata itself is afraid of fire and is susceptible to the appearance of rodents, so it is covered with special protective equipment. Material for insulation is absolutely safe for humans, but its use requires the use of special equipment.


Penoplex - environmentally friendly, safe and durable material. It is resistant to moisture and fire, has a low price. Such material can be mounted with your own hands.


Polyfoam is a cheap material, but it is absolutely not suitable for the bath. Polyfoam is toxic, fire hazardous, it is often rodents. From its advantages you can select the low weight and ease of installation.

Of course, it is impossible to definitely say that it is better to see the attic from the inside. Everyone decides for himself. But to help you decide what to sheathe the attic inside, we can give another little advice.

Usually, the attic has no rectangular shape, so the insulation must be laid under the tilt. For this reason, it is better not to use flexible and soft materials for thermal insulation. Solving, the better to insulate the attic from the inside, it is better to stop on a tiled material that is easy to install.

How to insulate the attic? Methods

There are several ways to see the attic.

Installation of thermal insulation material between rafyles

This option has an advantage - the absence of the need to create a ventilation gap between the roof and the layer of thermal insulation. But in this case, an additional requirement is presented to the material: it should have a thickness like a rafter.

Installation of thermal insulation material between rafyles

Installation of thermal insulation material above rafyles

In this case, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room will not be reduced due to the heat-insulating material, and the beams can be used as a decor element. But it will be necessary to make hydro and vaporizolation qualitatively.

Installation of thermal insulation material above rafyles

How to insulate the attic from the inside with their own hands: instruction

To carry out the insulation of the attic from the inside correctly follows at the stage of construction or overhaul. But before switching to thermal insulation, you need to prepare the surface.

Step 1. Preparation for the insulation of the attic floor

First you need to clean the wooden rafters from dust and process them with an antiseptic agent.

If the sizes of the attic are large, then you can equip with overlaps and partitions. Standard rectangular room.

Preparation for the insulation of the attic floor

Step 2. Warming Paul Mansard Bath

You need to lay a waterproofing material on wooden lags. If the reinforced concrete overlap in the bath, then you need to fix the additional layer for sound insulation and make the holes in the corners for ventilation.

At the next stage of work, it is necessary to prepare a draft floor: to fill wooden lags with a height of 15 cm.

Between the bars, fold the thermal insulation material. For bulk sex, polystyrene foam is suitable for wood - mineral wool.

After that, you can move to the installation of the finish floor and the finish coating.

If you put the thermal insulation material in several layers, then you need to lay them in such a way that the seams of different rows do not coincide, in which case you can avoid the appearance of drafts.

Insulation of floor mansard bath

Step 3. How to insulate the roof of the attic from the inside?

The largest loss of heat indoors occur through the roof, so she needs to pay special attention.

Before starting the insulation of the attic roof from the inside with their own hands, should be checked. If leaks are revealed, you first need to repair the roof and only then go to laying the insulation.

When we warm the attic, when working with the roof, you need to start with the waterproofing layer and put the material from the bottom to the skate along the rafter. At the next stage, it is necessary to choose and attach the windproof vapor barrier to the gap for ventilation over the rapid legs.

After you need to fill the insulation all the space between the boards. The junctions between the wall and the rafters should be sealing sealant.

Make sure that the layer of the heat insulator is equal to the thickness of the beams. If the material is thinner, then the insulation of the attic roofs should be done in several layers, and if the beams are thinner, then type wooden slats.

The next layer in the insulation of the roof of the attic will be a vapor barrier membrane, it can be attached using a construction stapler. The joints need to lay the pectorist at least 10 cm and make the material with a metallized scotch.

Handling of the attic roof from the inside with their own hands

Step 4. Warming of the Mansard walls from the inside with their own hands

This step is not always the relevant, there are attic, where the roof comes to the floor. But if you have a different design, you need to know how to warm the attic and its walls.

To do this, it is necessary to attach a good waterproofing film to the walls, install a wooden frame around the window niche. At the bottom of the timing. Put between the timber and the crate of the heat insulator. Fix a vapor insulation membrane on the wall.

Insulation of mansard walls from the inside with their own hands

Step 5. Warming of the Mansard Fronton from the inside

FRONTON is considered the least protected part of the construction, so its insulation needs to pay special attention.

If we talk about how to insulate the fronon attic from the inside, then, in fact, the process of work is similar to the warming of the other parts of the bath (walls, roofs, gender): you need to clean the surface, cover its waterproofing membrane, make the crate, put a layer of thermal insulation and vaporizolation.

As we all are known for certain, the tariffs are not cheaper, so many owners of country cottages are thinking about maintaining heat. Any builder will tell you that the house, at its base, loses heat through the roof. In a number of buildings there is an attic floor, which can be very cold. Therefore, the insulation of the attic is a very important task requiring a thorough and thoughtful approach to its solution. If you treat it with neglect, you can earn a miscalculation, which will be very expensive to you after a little time - much more expensive saved money on the attic.

You will be able to insulate the attic of the attic from the inside of the roof, but it will be better if the external layers of the insulation will put professionals. Therefore, our material will hold a libez in insulation and tell how to insulate the attic with his own hands, while saving a considerable amount of money that can be spent on much more interesting acquisitions for your country house.

If we talk about the insulation of the attic with their own hands in general, in all cases, the hydraulic and vaporizolizing material should be laid in obligatory. This is the basis, without which further work is meaningless. Then, as a rule, an adhesive is placed in which the insulation itself is mounted. How to maintain a comfortable temperature on the walls and floors in the house, with the help of fiberboard and drywall, you can read in the conclusion of our material.

Of course, all houses and roofs differ from each other - it is rare to meet several absolutely similar. But in all cases of arrangement of insulation, you will need to competently "bypass" all the irregularities and "underwater" construction stones: elements of rafters, beams and the design of the crate. Therefore, you will undoubtedly have to be pretty much and how to think about the action plan. It is for this reason that we advise you to think over the issue of insulation even at the time of construction of the house.

All private homes, as a rule, have a diverse, broken or trapezoid form, allowing ergonomically to use the attic space. For example, with duplex roofs, it is possible to build additional by filling out the insulating material of their cavity. Conduct global insulation activities is logical only if you intend to live in future attic. In the option, when this floor is planned to be made non-residential, like an attic, it will only be enough to insulate the floors - it will be quite enough for the insulation of non-residential premises, unless, of course, no one will stay out there.

Types of insulation

When choosing a insulation for the attic, you will need to answer two questions: What kind of construction is the roof of your home and in which climatic zone is the construction itself? Depending on this, you can establish certain insulation materials. What is the insulation for the attic to choose? How not to make a mistake in buying? It is impossible to say that the choice is so great that the eyes are missing, but it is still necessary to think about the choice in accordance with the desired characteristics. As a rule, according to the standard, mansard premises are insulated:

· Polyfoam;

· Polystyrethyrene;

· Minvata or glass coat;

· Equata;

· Polyurethane foam.

All these insulation have various properties and characteristics affecting the future to preserve heat in the house. Depending on the necessary exactly you will need to make a choice of insulation suitable in your home for a particular room.

For example, it is possible to insulate the roof of the attic from the inside with the help of foam. But this is a very expensive way, but absolutely does not use good reputation from the builders. The fact is that the foam is poorly misses moisture, and the liquid will begin to accumulate on the insulation, and this does not make this material and the effect from the insulation durable. To all, the peculiarity of the foam is subject to exposure to various deformations - one more minus in the piggy bank of the foam. So, when the rafter will begin in the construction, all sorts of cracks will appear in the layers of the insulation, through which cold air will penetrate into the house. Yes, and rodents, the insulation of the attic of the mansard foam clearly falls in taste: mice with a big hunt "try on the teeth" this material. In general, among the only plus - cheapness - a lot of minuses.

If we talk about polystyrene foam, he resembles the above-described insulation, but differs in the installation technique. Usually, polystyrene foam is put under rafters, so slots are formed on the tiles. The incomplete plus of this type of insulation is to similarly with, the details of which are attached to each other in the "grooves". This method of docking the details of the insulation makes it possible to create a smooth canvas, without gaps. This undoubtedly extends his life in comparison with foam, although not long.

A number of builders tends to choose the insulation of the attic of the attic from the inside of Minvata, when it comes to how to warm the attic. What are the advantages of this material? He is not a fuel, superbly keeps the heat, the liquid does not accumulate in the minvate, and its strength characteristics deserve all silence. Builders will very quickly lay this material, hiding his canvas in a special crate. Pluses are much more, with easier installation. So the insulation of the attic of the mansard of Minvata is not the worst way to keep the magnificent microclimate in the house.

Glasswater is something similar to Minvatu by the method of laying, but the first has a number of differences:

· Since the glass gambler includes very long fibers, it exceeds Minvatu in strength characteristics. All, glass gamble is better, perfectly retains heat and is characterized by excellent elasticity.

· Flakes are practically not hydrophobic.

In some cases, builders, arrangement of mansard insulation, resort to small tricks: they will install several types of materials at once. For example, rafting empties are filled with glass gambles, and polystyrene foam plates are placed on the roof itself. This allows you to save money and maintain the quality of insulation.

The most expensive method of insulation of the attic from the inside with their own hands is the arrangement of the heat-insulating layers of Eco. How does this happen? Builders crushed wool, and the hose is blowing it into the rafter emptiness. Since paper includes paper, the material is distinguished by excellent indicators on environmental friendliness: almost the same as the real tree. And since the composition of the eco-guns include a boor with antiseptic properties, the fungi and mold are not beginning to multiply multiply to multiply and mold - one of the biggest problems of country houses. The thermal insulation characteristics of this material are reminded by its qualities of glass gamble: a comfortable temperature is preserved in the house. It is important and the fact that for the entire use of the construction, you will not need to replace EcoWhat, because the latter does not settle and does not sit down, as it happens with cheaper insulation.

In the case of polyurethane foam, as a heater, everything is the "better". This material simply spare and, as you already understood, do not participate in the process, so work does not occupy a lot of time. Polyurethane Foolder makes great fills all the gaps, and its service life is calculated with decades. So with confidence you can say that this is the best insulation for the attic.

We hope that after such a detailed briefing you no longer torment the question: "How to insulate the roof of the attic" and you have mastered the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of materials used for this type of work. The choice, as before, remains for you - the type of insulation, its advantages and cons relative to each other.

How to insulate the attic minor

How to insulate the attic from the inside with their own hands? We will do it with the help of Minvati, having calculated the desired amount of material before installation.

So, prepare the necessary toolkit and do not forget to stock gloves, overalls and mask, because Minvata will dust.

You will use:

· Minvata;

· Hammer (for leaf alignment);

· Cyan, whitewash and chisel;

· Coupling from wood, nails and self-drawing;

· Ax and poberlem;

· Membrane, vaporizolation.

Since Minvat is usually stacked between the rafter, think in advance about the arrangement of waterproofing materials. To do this, you can use the waterproofing film, putting it from the bottom of the roof. The layers of the material must be over each other, and it should be fastened using adhesive tape. Put the film with a margin by the walls, slicing all the extra sections that will remain after the completion of the work.

Next, you should nourish the counterbask to the rafter elements. Between the plates, put the Minvatu so that it fits tightly to the rafters and did not form a slot. As you understand, in the process of laying insulation, with your own hands there is nothing complicated, it is worth only to want! We hope now it has become clear how to insulate the attic for winter stay.

Hansard insulation foamflast

If you have already covered the roof, or it is still open, it will be possible to insulate the attic with the help of foam. For this, as in the case of the Minvata, first of all, put the waterproofing film - it very effectively allows you to protect the place of work from unnecessary moisture. Well, if you enjoy the izospan with a membrane structure that allows the material to "breathe".

Put the layers of waterproofing on rafters, but do not pull the film. You can even mount the material so that it resulted a little. Unlock the isospan across the rafter elements, along the entire length of the roof. Keep track of which side you are placing the material: its water-repellent and the steamottopulating layer must be outside.

Next, put the film, overlooking it for ten centimeters, and suture with the tape. Leave the emptiness between the waterproofing and the crate, having a small bar, and putting the crate on it, followed by roofing.

Put the foam in the rafter emptiness, following the material to form the clearances. Polyfoam can be "fitted in size" using a construction knife. Attach the insulation is better than glue or special specks - the latter will even more accurately fix the elements of the insulation.

Make sure that during the insulation of the attic of the attic with their own hands you have not formed the gaps in which the cold bridges may appear. If in the "Pie" will change the temperature regime dramatically, the condensate and the roof will begin to rot on the insulation. Therefore, it's good if you put the insulation with two layers of "rotary", as if bumping with sheets previous seams. Such a two-layer "Pie" should be copped with glue. This will exclude possible gaps and the risk of rotting will be minimal.

By the way, both in the case of installation of minvats and in the option of installing foam, you can put soundproofing materials that have a fibrous structure. Further, on the "Pie" to install a vapor barrier film (just as well, laying the bracket, and sinking the ribbon), attaching the material to the rafters by a construction stapler.

The skin is usually attached to the profile of wooden bars. This is done for reasons to ensure the ventilation properties of the roof (between the vaporizolizing layer and the trim). Well, if for this you will apply eco-friendly materials who know how to "breathe", because condensate will not be formed on them, which subsequently leads to rotting and rapid decomposition of materials.

When arranged on the roof of foam, do not forget to take care of and adjustable. If you forget about these items, in the rainy, the roof can be rejected. If this happens, your works will almost certainly go to the Nammark. We hope that you concluded that the unprofessional will cope with these works, and you will no longer break your head, thinking about the question: "How to insulate the attic from the inside"?

Insulation with covered roof

What to deal with the insulation of the attic from the inside if the roof is already covered? In this embodiment, you should think about the inner cover of the floor. You will also get this type of work with your own hands. It is possible to do this by using gypsum or fiberboard. Undoubtedly, if you have never been engaged in such work, it is better to study video materials in advance: then you will clearly understand for yourself what and how to do. Do not rely on "Avos" and hope that you will succeed from the first time without the help of professionals.

Everyone knows that gyroxes attached to metal profiles, to whose selection should be approached with all thoroughness. Place such guides at a distance of 50 cm from each other, using the level. Plasterboard can be attached to profiles using self-tapping screws. But do not forget to put under the metroproporophilic design of the hydrotreating film. And when the gyroxes and the film will be installed, separate or color plasterboard. Undoubtedly, the front of work in this type of insulation will be quite large. But if you're in advance "cuddle in the question", then, undoubtedly, cope with the task for a fairly short time.

In the second embodiment of the attic of the attic with the "finished" roof, you can apply the Fiberboard. This material is easier to install, rather than gyps. To all, the Fiberboard is inexpensive, it is distinguished by a slight weight and excellently isolates the sounds. If we talk about the finish finish, on the sheets of the Fiberboard perfectly fall as wallpaper and a number of other materials.
Just reveal the DVP knife and attach to the crate, with the help of dowels or self-tapping screws. The undoubted advantage of the Fiberboard is denoted by the fact that you and alone can cope with the entire front of the work on the insulation of the attic with a covered roof.

Well, when you warm the walls on the floor, do not forget to take care of the floors: to put the rubberoid, or the substrate, and stack the design of the Fiberboard. Only then on the insulated "pie" can be putting the finish coating.

Summing up our story about the insulation of the attic floor, we note that this is not an excessive task. Such work will be simple and easily performed if you carefully read the article, and took note of all our leaders. Do not be afraid to change something for the better something in your environment, and let the attic of the cold and dummy, thanks to your efforts, will turn into a cozy, having homemade floor.

Hansard insulation. Video

The attic floor is often used for housing, so it is necessary to properly carry out insulation to create comfortable conditions. The technology is similar to similar works in any other room, but the peculiarity is that by the streets of the attic of the mansard, the frontones and roofs are separated, and not overhaul. It is necessary to warm up all surfaces, and since they are distinguished by the device, then the installation of the insulation is carried out in different ways.

The better to insulate the attic roof

Usually there are no bearing walls on the attic floor with high thermal insulation characteristics, so the insulation of the roof and the frontoths should be carried out especially carefully and efficiently. Only so you can feel comfortable and comfortable as in the summer and in winter.

If you compare the roof of the attic room and capital walls, it is clear that it cannot compete with them in thermal insulation. In addition, the roof can not withstand heavy loads. All this must be considered when choosing a heater.

Properly insulated attic room allows you to significantly increase the living area of \u200b\u200bthe house

In order to maximize the useful scope of the attic floor, when it is construction, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  • to reduce the load on the rafter system, light roofing materials are chosen, in this case it is not recommended to use natural tile;
  • to reduce the layer of roofing cake, we choose modern and efficient thermal insulation materials;
  • special attention is paid to the organization of ventilation of roofing space, otherwise moisture in the room and thermal insulation properties will deteriorate.

Properly performed ventilation and waterproofing of the attic roof makes it possible to remove moisture from under roofing space, which ensures efficient thermal insulation and long service life of the materials used.

For the mansard roof it is necessary to choose light materials

The number of the necessary layers and the thickness of the heat-insulating "cake" depends on the selection of the insulation. Attic has its own structural features, so the insulation must comply with the following requirements:

  • have a low thermal conductivity, experts recommend using materials that the coefficient is below 0.05 W / m * K;
  • due to the possible leaks of the roof, the insulation must be moisture resistant and lose its minimum of its properties after wetting;
  • have a small weight so as not to overload the rafter system, it depends on the density of the material, which should be within 14-50 kg / m 3, the more dense insulation is not recommended;
  • should not burn and maintain burning;
  • since the heat-insulating material is placed on the roof, it requires that he keeps the form well and eventually not slipped, forming clearances;
  • to withstand significant temperature differences, not afraid of frosts;
  • have a long service life.

Materials for insulation

For insulation of the attic roof, materials are most often used:

  1. Mineral wool. This is an excellent solution, it does not burn and does not support the combustion process, it is easy to fit, has a small weight, high thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, mineral wool has an affordable cost, therefore is popular and in demand. Depending on the region of placement of the insulated building, its layer thickness can be from 150 to 300 mm. The main minus is that this material is well absorbing moisture, so it is necessary to make high-quality waterproofing.

    Mineral wool can be in rolls and mats, perform warming roofs with rolled materials more difficult

  2. Polyfoam or polystyrene foam. This material has a small weight, good thermal insulation characteristics, low moisture permeability, but its main disadvantage is a high degree of fire hazard. During the styling of foam, he cries, so the gaps remain to be additionally attached. After a while, the foam unprotected from the effects of external factors begins to gradually collapse, therefore, the insulation of the attic of the attic of the mansard is not recommended.

    For the insulation of the attic it is necessary to use a foam of a thickness of at least 50 mm, if necessary, it can be laid in several layers

  3. Extruded polystyrene foam. This is a good insulation for the specified work, as it is durable, not afraid of moisture, does not burn and keeps well. Such a sufficient material layer - 5-10 cm. Extruded polystyrene foam has low vapor permeability, therefore, to create comfortable conditions, it is necessary to properly make a supply and exhaust ventilation, and this is an additional time and expenses. In addition, it is higher than that of ordinary foam.

    When the roof is insulated with extruded polystyrene, good ventilation is needed.

  4. Polyurethan. For installation, special equipment is used, which makes it possible to apply material without cracks and gaps. It has good thermal insulation characteristics, low weight, does not burn, moistureproof, but its drawback in low vapor permeability. Without organizing forced ventilation, it will be uncomfortable due to high humidity.

    Perform the insulation of polyurethane foam independently will not work independently, as it is necessary to professional equipment

  5. Equata. This is the most suitable material for mansard insulation. It is also applied without gaps, penetrates all the cracks and it fills them well, no moisture is afraid, it does not burn, it has a small weight and good vapor permeability, is environmentally friendly. In addition, the cost of the specified material is high, to insulate the attic ancard will not work independently, so it will have to invite specialists to fulfill these work.

    Special equipment is used for applying

  6. Foil materials. They not only insulate the room, but also reflect warm. In order for such materials to effectively perform their purpose, the mirror layer should be directed inside the attic. Between the insulation and vaporizolation leave the gap of about 5 cm.

    Foil heaters are used for hydro, heat and noise insulation

In each case, the choice of the most effective insulation for the attic must be approached individually. When using mineral wool, the heat-insulating "pie" can be disassembled, estimate the status of the rafter and, if necessary, carry out repair work, and then put everything in place again. If the sprayed materials were used, then the rafters will not work.

The better the insulation of the roof of the attic from the inside

When choosing materials for the insulation of the attic from the inside, the climatic conditions are taken into account in which the house is located. Each material has its pros and cons. The most popular and affordable material, with which the attic of the attic inside is insulated, is basalt wool. Installation is carried out in several layers, while overlapping seams. Usually a layer with a thickness of 15-20 cm.

Basalt wool stacked in several layers

Experts often use polyurethane foam. It has high adhesion, so after applying there is no gaps. Polyurethane foam has high thermal insulation characteristics, so it is applied by a smaller layer, unlike other materials, which will need significantly more. But keep in mind that the cost of the specified material is high and without special equipment to carry out installation will not work. The plates of polystyrene foam are often used, the thickness of the required layer will depend on the density of the material used.

If you conduct thermal insulation of the attic roof from the inside yourself, it is best to use polystyrene foam, basalt or mineral wool, as they are simply mounted. Often they are combined: first lay mineral wool, and then polystyrene plates.

How to insulate the roof of the attic

The technology of these works does not differ in difficulty, especially if insulation is performed by mineral wool. During the installation of thermal insulation, it is necessary to observe personal safety measures: be sure to wear tight and closed clothes, use glasses, gloves and respirator.

Sequence of work:

  1. Preparatory stage. All wooden surfaces are well treated with antiseptics, metal parts are coated with anti-corrosion impregnation.

    The treatment of wooden elements of the roof by an antiseptic can significantly increase their service life.

  2. Fixing waterproofing. On the rafters, the waterproofing film is fixed, and the neck is mounted on top. The waterproofing material is stacked between the neck and rafters, all the seams are sangs with a mounted film, for example, "Ontutis B" or "Ondutis ML". First, the tape is fixed on the canvas, located below, make it 5-6 cm from the edge, then the protective layer is removed from the tape and fix the upper cloth. Laying the material is carried out from the lower row of the roof. First, the film is fixed by the stapler, and then install wooden counterbashes to create a ventilation gap. Carnate racks to rafters can be nails or powerful brackets, but it is better to do with the help of self-samples. Then go to the installation of the insulation.

    Laying insulation layers are produced in a certain sequence

  3. Installation of insulation. The insulation is laid between the rafters, work is started at the bottom and gradually move upwards. So that the insulation is tightly lying, its size should slightly exceed the distance between the beams. For fixing the insulation, special anchors or frost-resistant glue use. It concerns rolled and slab insulation, such as mineral wool, foam and expanded polystyrene. Equata and polyurethane foam are applied using a special installation, therefore there is no empty emptiness.
  4. Fastening the parobamire. After laying the last layer of the insulation, the maintenance of the parobacker is carried out. It is attached to a wooden cut, laid on the heat insulating layer. It is not necessary to pull the vapor barrier membrane strongly, it should be 2-3 cm, this will ensure the presence of a ventilation gap between the thermal insulation and the outer decoration.
  5. The final stage is the installation of finishing materials. To do this, on top of the stacked parobac fees, it is possible to use wooden slats or a metal profile, and there are already plasterboard sheets, plywood, chipboard or lining with the help of special self-tapping screws.

    Installation of drywall is carried out on a metal or wooden cut, which is attached to the rafters on top of the parobamire

When mounting the insulation, the slabs must be tightly adjacent to each other, and to eliminate the cold bridges, it is recommended to lay the second layer with the overlap of the joints.

Useful tips on choosing and installing various types of insulation:

  • if mineral wool or fiberglass is used, then to ensure high thermal insulation characteristics, their layer should be 15-20 cm;
  • basalt wool can withstand temperatures up to 1000 ° C, does not absorb moisture, but it is damaged by rodents;
  • The 2.5-centimeter layer of polyurethane foam in its heat insulating characteristics corresponds to the 8-centimeter layer of mineral wool;
  • The 15-centimeter is an eco-insulation layer for thermal insulation characteristics corresponds to 50-centimeter wood;
  • to roll or slab material tightly between rafters, its width must exceed the distance between them by 1-2 cm.

Features of the insulation of the insulation for the attic roof

During the design of the building with the attic floor, it is necessary to correctly calculate the distance between the rafters to ensure the maximum strength of the design. When installing the insulation between the rafters, the material is necessary to lay the material, so that no gaps remain, otherwise the cold bridges are formed.

Only the correct laying of all elements will effectively insulate the attic

During the installation of waterproofing, all operations are performed from the lower rod of the roof and the material is stacked. On top of the insulation matte, it is recommended to put another solid layer, which will completely close the rafted. Wooden or metal rafters have thermal conductivity higher than insulation and are cold bridges. If they are closed with insulating material, it will be inconvenient to mount the finishing elements. To simplify this task, it is necessary during the installation of the last layer of the insulation to mark the location of the rafter.

If we talk about the insulation of the attic roof from the inside, then not all materials are conveniently mounted, the roll insulation normally put it almost impossible. To enhance the rafter system, various bonds often use that complicate the laying of the insulation layer.

Video: Hansard roof insulation from inside

Mansard Fronton Warming Outside

With the insulation of the front, the majority of specialists and home masters use extruded polystyrene foam or ordinary foam. For the performance of these works, construction forests will need, as it will be difficult to do everything with the stairs, long and tedious.

The technology of insulation of the frontion outside consists of the following steps:

  1. First preparation of walls. To do this, they are purified from dirt, and then ground. The primer will allow adhesion better to show its characteristics. It is recommended to primitive in two layers, the second is applied after drying the first.
  2. If you plan to use such a finishing material as siding, then it is necessary to make a doom for fastening. It can be from wooden bars or galvanized profiles. The height of the root should correspond to the thickness of the insulation used.

    To easier to install foam, the pitch should be equal to the width of the sheet, then the material will fall tightly and waste will be minimal

  3. The foam sheet in the corners and the center is lubricated with glue and presses 30-35 seconds to the surface of the front.
  4. If the foam will be placed, it is better to additionally fix it with plastic dowels.

    If the foam will be placed, it is necessarily fixed with the help of a dowel, and if siding is mounted, then enough fixation is only glue

  5. After laying the insulation, the waterproofing film is attached. If the lamb is wooden, then it is done with the help of a stapler, and it is fixed to the profile with the help of a counterbuilding, which is then fastened by siding. To create a gap between waterproofing and decorative finish, the drying thickness should be 20-30 mm.
  6. At the last stage, the installation of siding or foam plastic is placed, after which it is painted.

    To finish the front, you can use both metal and vinyl siding

Video: Fronton Mansard Warming

Warm attic with your own hands is easy, it is enough to have basic knowledge and skillful hands. If we talk about the insulation of the front, then when using the mounted facade, it is better to take such thermal insulation material like mineral wool. If the facade is wet, then it is better to warm up using foamflast. Only under the observance of the developed technologies and the proper execution of the stages of work on the insulation of the attic will be the expected result. If you do everything correctly, then use the attic as a residential premises throughout the year.

Increasingly, when erecting a private house, the owners plan to use the underfloor space as an attic. It is very important to ensure the comfort of living is no worse than on the full floors, for this is warming. Before insulate the attic, it is necessary to carefully examine this question.

Advantages of mansardes

The attic floor is considered heated room under the roof, while the height of the outer walls should be from 0 to 150 cm. Planning such a floor has the following advantages:

  • the possibility of interesting design of the premises;
  • reducing the cost of a square meter of residential area;
  • additional residential space.

Drawing of a mansard floor

Heat area

When designing an attic space, you need to think about the heat of the roof and walls. The insulation of the attic make it possible to significantly save at the stage of construction or repair and fully monitor the process.

The insulation of the attic roof from the inside allows to significantly reduce thermal losses, since the heated air moves up. The heat shield of walls can be carried out both from the inside and outside. The choice of method depends on the technology of insulation of the outdoor walls of the entire building. Competently from the point of view of heat engineering, the material from the cold air is mounted.

If necessary, the thermal insulation material is also placed in the design of the overlap. In this case, the insulation plays the role of noise insulation and provides maximum residence comfort.

Wall insulation

To carry out the insulation of the attic floor and ensure the maintenance of temperature during the winter period, the following materials are used:

  • styrofoam;
  • extruded expanded polystyrenex (PESEROPLEX);
  • mineral wool (glass gamble, basalt, slag);
  • polyurethane foam (mounting foam).

These materials are most effective for heat shields. If necessary, thermal insulation can be mounted from the inside of the room, but it is best to mount the material from the outside. The insulation of the attic of the attic from the inside with their own hands has the following flaws:

  • reduction of the useful space of the room;
  • protection from cold only internal building volume, not including external fences;
  • displacement of the dew point (condensate falling in the cold period) deep into the design of the outer wall.

But it is worth noting that this method can be used in any weather, it does not require an additional construction of scaffolding and scaffolding. Work can be performed without special qualifications.

To answer the question of how to warm the attic from the inside correctly, it is necessary to consider laying layers. It is important to ensure reliable protection of heat-insulating material from any types of moisture.

For this, steam barrier and waterproofing are used. The most important rule in the insulation of walls and any other structures: vaporizolation is always located on the side of warm air, and waterproofing - from the side of the cold. If you do not fulfill this conditions, the entire pie of the wall as a whole will work not correctly and soon it will require not only cosmetic, but more serious repairs.

The procedure for carrying out work for all types of thermal insulation is not significantly significant.. To ensure reliable thermal insulation, it is best to act in the following order:

  • cleaning and alignment of the base (when using a mounting foam, it is recommended to improve the adhesion of polyurethane foam with the surface to moisten the base with water from the pulverizer);
  • fastening waterproofing;
  • mounting frame for fixing the insulation (if necessary);
  • installation of the insulation and its fixing;
  • layer of vaporizolation;
  • interior decoration of the room (for fragile materials it will be necessary to install plasterboard sheets).

When using extruded polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam can be neglected with vapor barrier. Polyfoam when installing indoors with a normal humidity mode also does not need it.

Hearth roofing

The technique of insulation of the attic roof in most cases is to lay the heat-insulating material between the rafted. It is best to apply the following materials:

  • mineral wool in the form of rigid plates;
  • styrofoam;
  • polyurethan.

It should be remembered that when working with the Minvata and the installation foam, the performer will require protective overalls. The thermal insulation of polyurethane foam is held in the project position due to adhesion (clutch) with the surface. To improve this quality before applying, it is recommended that the elements of the roof of water are recommended slightly.

When using mineral wool slabs, it is best to assign a step of rafter feet so that the distance between them clean was 580 mm. This will simplify the installation process when using standard 600 mm wide slabs and prevent the appearance of slots between the insulation and wooden structures.

The joints between the foam and rafyles are filled with mounting foam or sealant. Fasteners are performed with a recompication of special glue or nails. The adhesive composition should not contain solvents (alcohol, acetone).

How to warm the attic to your own hands? It is important to observe the next order of the roof layers:

  • finish;
  • doom;
  • vaporizoation;
  • rafters and insulation between them;
  • waterproofing;
  • windproof;
  • doom;
  • roofing material.

First, the carrying structures of the roof are mounted, after that, waterproofing and windscreen are stacked. After installing the upper crate, start laying the insulation. As windproof and waterproofing, it is better to use special vagism-proof membranes.

Staying insulation in the design of the overlap

To prevent increased audibility between floors, it is possible to put a 30-50 cm insulation into the overlap cake. Installation can be carried out under a screed or by lags. When using polyurethane foam installation of the lag is always required. When installing foam plastic under the screed, it is enhanced by additional reinforcing grids, the diameter of the reinforcement is taken 4 mm.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

Before you insulate the attic, it is necessary not only to choose the heat-insulating material, but also its thickness. It depends on the climatic area of \u200b\u200bconstruction and the thermal conductivity of the insulation. It is better to choose materials with a lower thermal conductivity value: how it is higher, the greater the thickness of the heat insulating layer will be required. The amount for private construction can be accepted.

You can perform a full-fledged heat engineering calculation using a fairly simple "Teremok" program. It is available in free access and is understandable enough to use. With this application, you can choose the thickness of the heat insulator or check already accepted.

Competent insulation of the attic from the inside will ensure the comfort of living and avoid problems during operation.

It is important to pay attention to all external surfaces to the same extent. The thermal insulation, selected correctly, is able to last for a long time and reliably protect the house from the cold in winter.

How to insulate the attic: methods and technology

In order to be warm in the house, it is necessary to produce competent insulation of the attic floor. We will tell you how to warm the attic to your own hands from the inside.

Mansard insulation technology from inside

  • Features of insulation and materials for the insulation of the attic from the inside with their own hands
  • Methods of mansard insulation do it yourself
  • The order of insulation of the roof and walls of the attic
  • Wall insulation

Mansard is an attic space equipped to accommodate people or any economic needs (greenhouse, office, etc.). Depending on what the placement, its layout and the roof type of the attic can be of different configurations, but general requirements, in accordance with which the insulation of the attic of the attic from the inside should remain the same.

The arrangement of the insulation in the roof of the attic.

Features of insulation and materials for the insulation of the attic from the inside with their own hands

It should be understood that this room, in contrast to all others, is colder, because From above has no "heat pillow". That is why the insulation of the attic of the house at home, performed with her own hands, should be especially high-quality. Based on this, the insulation should be selected, using which warming will be performed.

The complexity is that the surface is uneven, because Under the roof there are rafted beams that will have to go around. The waterproofing layer will need to be removed under the roof in order to drain the condensate. In the process of organizing work on the insulation of the roof and walls of the attic, with their own hands, it is necessary to take into account that the end walls also need coverage, because It is through them a huge amount of heat.

Scheme of mansard insulation.

Each private house has its own characteristic, form and configuration of the roof, wall material and roofing. Consequently, for each individual house there may be some special, clarifying recommendations, in accordance with which the warming of the roof and walls of the attic of the private house from the inside with their own hands. So that the insulation was high-quality and reliable, you need to choose the correct materials. The choice of material, using which it is better to insulate the roof and walls of the attic houses from the inside with their own hands, depends on the set of factors: the design of the roof, roofing material, climate in this area, etc.

Polyfoam is one of the least expensive and most popular materials, with the help of which you can insulate the attic of the private house from the inside with their own hands. It is easy to handle and install. However, it is distinguished by a small vapor permeability, which means that there may be raw in the room. So, if the attic will be used as a residential premises, it is better to insulate it with another material.

Correctly and qualitatively insulate the living attitudes with their own hands using polystyrene foam. When laying this material there will be almost no joints.

Mineral wool - excellent material in all indicators.

Having high strength, basalt minvat is fireproof, practically does not conduct heat and does not absorb moisture. Since this material has elasticity, it is well held at the installation site, resting the edges in the rafter. So it is best to carry out insulation of the walls of the residential attic from the inside of this material. You can warm my home with mineral wool correctly, even if you have never worked with this material before.

In addition to the insulation, it is necessary to arrange waterproofing, vapor insulation and ventilation system. Properly arranged waterproofing membrane will perform the following functions:

  • provide the protection of structural elements from atmospheric precipitation;
  • prevent moisture penetration inside the heat insulation.

Waterproofing needs to be laid on a layer of insulation. Among the waterproofing films are different:

  • diffusion and breathable superdiffusion;
  • anti-condensate waterproofing.

Parosolation consists of several layers of reinforced polyethylene film, which provides good protection for condensate design.

The ventilation system is needed in order to ensure the outflow of the spent and inflow of fresh air, and to effectively maintain normal air humidity in the indoor of the attic.

Methods of mansard insulation do it yourself

Hansard insulation, scheme.

There are several methods according to which you can correctly insulate the attic of the house from the inside with their own hands.

Warming between existing rafters is one of the most frequently used methods. With this method, the insulation is placed directly on the waterproofing, for the entire height of the rafter. The plates must be 10-15 mm wider than the gaps between the rafters.

Heat insulation above rafters. Immediately it is necessary to complete all finishing works from the inside, and the heat-insulating material is put on rafted under roofing.

Another popular way is the insulation of the attic under rafters. This method is not used in residential construction and low-rise houses, however, for industrial buildings, it is the best option.

There are also combined schemes. The most popular scheme includes insulation under rapid legs and between them. At the same time, the rafters themselves completely overlap. The vapor barrier film must be stacked over the layer of thermal insulation material. Among the shortcomings, some decrease in the useful space of the attic itself can be distinguished. This method of insulation is more effective, however, more complicated in the device. In this case, insulation is performed with a complete overlap of rafters and bars between beams and from the outside of the roof.

The order of insulation of the roof and walls of the attic

Scheme of mansard insulation: insulation, vaporizolation, waterproofing.

To insulate the attic with their own hands, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • foam sheets or mineral wool;
  • waterproofing film;
  • wooden bars;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • scissors;
  • sharp knife;
  • construction stapler;
  • nails;
  • mounting foam.

First of all, it is necessary to put waterproofing along the rafter. The film is placed all over the entire height - from the bottom and to the ridge of the roof. However, this is done not in all cases, because The roof material sometimes also performs the functions of such an insulator. If the coating is made, for example, from roofing, it will be quite enough. In the process of installing the insulation, you need to know the coefficient of its thermal conductivity. These data are usually given in the Certificate of Products. Relying on these information should decide whether there will be 1 layer enough or you need to do a double laying.

When installing this material, you must remember that there should be some distance between it and the roof. This air layer is necessary to provide high-quality ventilation at the installation site of the insulation. The thickness of the air layer depends on the material of the coverage of your roof. If the material has a wavy shape (metal tile, tile), then the air layer must be at least 25 mm. In the cases of the use of the "flat" format (sheets of steel, rolled materials, asbestos cement) The distance between the insulation and the roof should be increased twice.

Another important point is the thickness of the plates of the insulator and the rafter can be different. If the plates are "thinner", the first layer is laid between the rafters, and the second must be put on rafters. If the plates are thicker, it is necessary to fill wooden slats on the rafyled.

To protect the heat-insulating material from excessive moisture, it is necessary to overlay vaporizolation. As you know, warm air tends to up and condenses there. That is why the device of such protection is mandatory. As a material for a vapor barrier layer, polyethylene film, parchment, foil materials, rubberoid are used. It is necessary to know that the vaporizolation material is stacked by the braziness, and the places of such joints are definitely stuck (the most convenient for all scotch). Fastening, as a rule, is made with thin wooden plates.

Wall insulation

The monsard walls are insulated if the roof of your house does not reach the floor of the attic. First, the walls need to fasten the rails for laying the heat-insulating and vaporizolation layers. The method of performing work is similar to the above described, however, it is necessary to pre-lay a waterproofing material. For the insulation, the sheets of Fiberboard were very well established for the insulation of the mansard. It is enough to work with them, because They can be attached to the help of screws or nails.

The high-quality insulation of the attic of the house, made with their own hands, allows you to significantly reduce the cost of heating, forms a favorable microclimate in the house and increases the service life of the structural elements.

Hansard insulation inside with their own hands (photo and video)

The insulation of the attic from the inside can be performed in different ways depending on the features of the house, the roof configuration. So that the insulation was high quality, you need to choose the correct material.

How correctly and how to insulate the roof

The roof is one of the most important structural elements of the building. It is exposed to a variety of environmental factors. Protects the house from high and low temperatures, atmospheric precipitation, solar radiation. If the roof is not insulated in accordance with the construction norms, heat loss through the roof can reach a third of the total heat loss at home. The insulation of the attic roof is not such a simple process as it may seem, although with your own hands. If your house has an attic floor, the question will inevitably arise how to insulate the roof. Many owners prefer to make an extra room there. First, it increases the overall residential area of \u200b\u200bthe house. And secondly, a new original room appears. During the construction of modern cottage villages, the attic rooms are planned initially. But in old houses you can easily remake the attic with your own hands in the residential premises.

Insulating material used for the attic roof, in addition to preserving heat in the house protects against acoustic oscillations. Therefore, it is important to decide what is better to insulate the attic roof.

Mansard insulation do it yourself

First you need to decide how to insulate the roof of your attic. To date, there are many options for thermal insulation materials. Installation of them easy to make with your own hands.

There are many nuances in the installation of the roof itself. The walls of the attic room are either the frontmostones of the building or rods, or adjacent to the skates. That is why the intensive movement of air begins through the roof. Because of what it is constantly subjected to temperature drops. To avoid the above problem, the insulation of the attic must be carried out in the sequence (from the inner layer to the outer layer):


  1. Steam insulating layer.
  2. Heat insulating layer.
  3. Ventilation gap.
  4. Waterproofing layer.
  5. Directly roofing material.

If a high-quality insulation of the attic roof is performed, then the absence of the above layers is not recommended. It is especially worth noting the role of the heat insulating layer and the ventilation gap. It is due to the presence of all messages that the microclimate in the attic room is provided.

What is worth paying attention to when choosing insulation

When choosing a heater, it is worth a thermal conductivity at first. This is the ability to give and absorb the heat between the sacrifice space and the ambient air. Material is desirable with low thermal conductivity. First, it contributes to the best protection of the house from heat leaks. And secondly, a thin layer of heat insulating material will be required.

Properly insulated mansard

On the other hand, if there is insufficient insulation of the attic roof, the problems begin in the winter. In the winter months, the roof is covered with a layer of snow. Snow is a good additional heat insulating layer. But with insufficient insulation, it is covered with its own hands through the roof. Snow is gradually melting. The layer of ice is formed. Loda is not able to maintain heat. It has a mechanical impact on the design. Including the outer coating of the roof. This leads to its wear and gradual destruction. Sometimes because of this it is required after each winter to repair the outer roofing layer. With sufficient heat insulation, the snow does not melt in winter and does not turn into ice. The roof retains its design, and the snow provides additional protection against heat loss. Summer the situation is reverse. Under the influence of direct solar radiation, the roof is inclined to heat up and a suffocating atmosphere is created. If you lay a layer of insulation in sufficient quantities, this problem will not be a comfortable environment in the attic.

The main characteristics of insulation

When solving the question of how to insulate the roof of the attic home from the inside, in addition to thermal conductivity, it is necessary to pay attention to several more important parameters of the insulating material. The most important features:

  • waterproofing;
  • weight;
  • fire safety;
  • durability;
  • material thickness;
  • environmental characteristics;
  • terms of operation.

Resistance to moisture is usually indicated by a manufacturer of a particular material. It is an important parameter, since the roof can give to flow and wet. Therefore, it is desirable to choose a material with water-repellent properties. If this is not available for any other reason, the layer will have to be additionally hydroizing. It also has a great value of the weight of the material. What he is less, the better. The total weight of the material is determined based on its relative density. Mineral wool materials should be with a density of 45 to 50 kg / meter cube. When using fiberglass, the density should be within 20 kg / meter cube. Higher materials will have excessive pressure on the design.

Insulating layers must be non-flammable. This is usually reflected in the technical documentation. As for durability, the ability of the insulation for many years to maintain its form is important. After all, the roof can be multigid. If the insulation is deformed, the roof will simply lose its protective properties.

What materials are popular

It is necessary to disassemble each separately to decide how to properly insulate the roof of the attic. Main materials:

  • styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • mineral wool;
  • glasswater.

The better to insulate the roof, solve you. But before that, you need to get acquainted with each material.

Hansard insulation foamflast

Styrofoam - This is a sought-after material among people, in front of which the problem is worth how to insulate the roof. It has a suitable thermal conductivity, low density and, accordingly, a small weight. Polyfoam provides good protection against water, it is quite inexpensive. On the other hand, it has certain disadvantages. Its main minus is insufficient fire safety. Also when installing with your own hands, it often crumbs. As a result, gaps between rafters appear. This in turn leads to a decrease in the thermal insulation characteristics of the coating. Another foam has a short service life.

Mansard insulation extruded polystyrene foam

It has better characteristics. First, non-combustible and ensures the necessary fire safety. It does not crumble over time. It has water-repellent properties. The plus is also something that needs a very thin layer of material. Material is not recommended to warm living spaces.

Hansard insulation Polyurethane foam

Polyurene Foolder It differs from previous options by laying. Thanks to this, there are no cracks. The material perfectly retains the form. It has the necessary fire safety and pushes moisture. The disadvantage of polyurethane foam is considered a bad ability to skip pairs. Because of this, in the attic room there may be increased humidity. The problem is solved by the organization of adequate ventilation.

Mineral Wool and Glasswater Widely known as insulation materials. Have a lot of advantages. Excellent fire safety, well kept heat, have a low density. Do not leave gaps and gaps when laying. The material provides excellent noise insulation, has a low price. The minuses include high moisture content and fervor.

Laying of thermal insulation material

With the insulation of the attic do not forget about hydro and vaporizolation

After selection of the material, it is necessary to prepare the room to install. The insulation of the roof of the attic begin with determining the step laying the insulation. We must try so that the sheets of the insulation are closely taken between the roof rafters. This will avoid the formation of gaps and further heat loss. If you are using foam, then this nuance does not matter for you. Waterproofing is placed in a mustache between rafters and a doom. Then, with the help of screws, wooden panels that provide ventilation are installed. The insulating material itself is mounted on the created platform between the rafter.

This will be useful when attaching a variety of designs in the attic room.

Handling of the attic roof from the inside with their own hands: analysis of technology

How to warm the attic roof from the inside of the room. How to insulate rational? We are determined with the choice and follow the simple step-by-step method of thermal insulation.

Construction of houses

Every year, more and more of our compatriots fall under the temptation to equip the residential attic in his house. This makes it possible to expand living space and adds some romance to the overall concept of the house, especially if you install the attic windows. Almost all new country houses are initially built with an attic, but in the old houses, cold attics are redoned, insulating, heating is heating and equipped. To winter in the attic, it was warm and dry, in the summer cool and materials served for a long time, it is necessary to understand the essence of the insulation technology of the attic floor and understand the processes occurring in it. Make the insulation of the attic roof with their own hands is easy, all work is quite simple, you will need only a partner and tool. The main thing is to do everything correctly, then the thermal insulation material will last long, wood rafters will not wet and does not rot, but as a result will not need a quick overhaul.

Why is the insulation of the attic roof

Attic is a special room, its walls are practically attracted to the surface of the roof and the ventilation gaps are no more than 10 - 15 cm. That is why the attic quickly cools in winter and is heated in summer. The whole area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is as if the drive of solar heat in the summer, through it most of the heat goes in winter. This is due to the thermal conductivity of the materials, of which it is made, and ventilation. For example, in winter, the heat coming from heating radiators rises upwards, spreads under the roof arch and safely disappear, since the roof material has a high thermal conductivity. The snow is tapping, turns into ice and destroys the roof material. And in the summer the surface of the roof is glowing and transfers the heat of the entire structure, in the end, even the air becomes hot and stuck. Two air conditioners will not be cope with such a problem.

The house with a classic cold attic is quite different. In it, the function of the thermal insulator performs snow on the roof in winter and air in the attic room. Filing heat-insulating materials on the semi attic plus air enclosed in an attic room, perfectly restrain the heat running from a residential heated room. As a result, even in the most severe winters, the temperature in the attic does not fall below 0 ° C - -2 ° C. Due to this, the snow on the roof is not pushing and serves as an additional heat insulator. In the summer, the air temperature in the attic can be adjusted, opening and closing the windows in the frontows, in fact it is the most real ventilation, which removes the excess heat from the attic, preventing overheating of the structural elements of the roof.

What to do with the attic? It is necessary to carefully heat the room, correctly selecting the material, its thickness, place of laying and keeping technology. For example, if you use insulation of insufficient thickness - on the eye, it may not be enough, the snow will be lifted, and will soon have to be prohibited roofing material, as the old one will come to complete disrepair. A sufficient width of the insulation will allow you to completely isolate the attic room from the roof, and competently made ventilation takes over the excess moisture and condensate from the underpants space. But first things first.

Mansard roof insulation materials

The choice of the best thermal insulation material for insulation of the attic roof is a very responsible task. From the type of insulation depends on which the thickness will be a "cake" of insulation and the number of layers in it. Due to the specifics of the place where the material will be applied, certain requirements are presented to it:

  • Low warmth. It is desirable to take the material with the coefficient below 0.05 W / m * to.
  • Low moisture permeability. Due to the fact that the roof can flow, the insulation material should be moisture-resistant and, if possible, do not wet or not lose its properties during wetting. If this condition cannot be observed, then the insulation must be hydroizing, eliminating wetting.
  • The low weight of the insulation is extremely important not to overload the roof design. It is possible to determine the weight of the material by its density. For the insulation of the attic, mineral wool insulation with a density of 45 - 50 kg / m3 can be used, from fiberglass - with a density of 14 kg / m3. Heavier slab options (200 kg / m2) are not suitable.
  • Fire safety. It is desirable that the material does not burn and did not support the burning.
  • Ability to keep shape. Since the place of laying insulation is unusual - between rafters at an angle, then with time, light rolled material based on mineral fiber can crawl down, leaving above large gaps - empty spaces. Therefore, it is important to choose the material that for a long time will keep the form and dimensions.
  • Stability to strong frost, temperature drops and the ability to withstand numerous shifts of defrost cycles / freezing.
  • Durability.

The thickness of the insulation for the attic is calculated for each case individually. This can be done with the Special Online Calculator. To calculate, it is necessary to indicate the construction region, the thickness of the walls of the house and their material, the thickness and material of the insulation of the walls, the thickness and material of the floor overlap, as well as the thickness and material of the warming of overlaps. All this is extremely important for the calculations of heat loss, based on which the thickness of the insulation is selected. If you choose "on the eye", then in most cases the minvati layer 250 mm is enough.

Consider the most popular materials that are used for the insulation of mansard roofs.

Mineral wool or glasswater - One of the most successful solutions for the insulation of the attic from the inside, although not perfect. Mineral wool fits perfectly into the space between the rafters, without leaving the gaps, does not burn and does not support the burning, it weighs little and serves as an excellent heat insulator. Basalt cotton wool positions perfectly hold the form. But at the same time, it strongly absorbs moisture, like any wool, therefore, waterproofing from the roof and vapor barrier from the dwelling, as Pair of Minvat also absorbs well. The wet minvat loses up to 60% of its properties irrevocably, and its complete replacement is required. In addition, over time, it is joined and crumbles, poorly withstands mechanical loads.

However, mineral wool remains one of the best materials for the insulation of the attic roof with their own hands. It is worth it inexpensive, it is easy to work with it, and compliance with the right technology will allow to level its disadvantages. For different regions, the insulation thickness is calculated individually, but the minimum minimum layer of Minvati for the middle strip of the Russian Federation is 150 mm, in the colder regions, the thickness must be increased to 250 - 300 mm.

Polystyrene foam or styrofoam - The material is extremely popular on the market, which are trying to insulate everything, and what can, and what is not worth it. Against the background of apparent ideal characteristics - low thermal conductivity, negligible weight, moisture resistance and hard form, the foam plastic has significant disadvantages. First, different brands of polystyrene foams have varying degrees of fire safety from G1 to G4. And as practice has shown, for some reason the combustible foam g3 is used for insulation, which can be very bad. After all, the fire applies up, if the melting material of the attic of the attic will be lit, it will be unrealized to survive in it. Secondly, it is not very convenient to work with foam, as it crumble when cutting and installing, there are gaps between rafters that have to be embedded by all sorts of cunning methods. Third, the foam in time begins to crumble and collapse. Given all the shortcomings, the insulation of the attic roof is not worth doing to the foam. This material can be used only in those metas where it will be hidden behind the tie of the floor or layer of plaster.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam - Excellent material for the insulation of the attic outside, i.e. If you put it on rafters under the roofing material. It is strong enough, no moisture is afraid, it does not burn, perfectly holds the form. And what is important - it takes a very small layer from 50 to 100 mm.

Polyurene Foolder - Modern material that is blown away with the help of a special installation, not leaving the slightest slots or gaps. This is an indisputable plus, especially since such a spraying is easy to avoid cold bridges in the form of rafting feet. Polyurethane foam is not afraid of moisture, does not burn, little weighs and perfectly holds the form. But he has another drawback - low vapor permeability, it almost "does not breathe." This means that indoors of the attic will always be unpleasantly wet, if not to equip forced ventilation.

Ekwata. - One of the most ideal options in the question, how best to insulate the attic roof. She also poices in all the cracks, not afraid of moisture, practically does not burn, little weighs, "breathes" and what is most important - absolutely eco-friendly, in contrast to all other materials. Her evaporation or random particles are not able to harm, in contrast it is mineral wool.

When choosing a insulation for the attic roof, pay attention not only to the characteristics of the material itself, but also the purely design features of its use. For example, the laying of mineral wool between the rafters allows, in case of the need to disassemble the "pie" of insulation and check the status of the rafter, repair them, and then the plates of Minvata can be easily put in place. If they are sprayed into the space between the rafters of polyurethane foam, then the rafters become almost inaccessible to revision. So everything must be treated with the mind.

How to insulate the attic roof from the inside

The most common method of insulation of the attic - from the inside, if it allows space or not other contraindications. To do this, insulation based on mineral wool, glass gambles and less often - extruded polystyrene foam. Still less often, polyurethane foam or eco-art.

Horry roof insulation scheme from inside

Compliance with the right "cake" of the insulation of an attic roof is the key to the durability of materials and comfort of living in the attic room.

Harry roof insulation cake (from the inside out):

  • Finishing material.
  • Parosolation membrane.
  • Insulation - mineral wool or glass gamble.
  • Waterproofing membrane, publishing steam and not passing inward moisture.
  • Ventilation clearance with crate.
  • Roofing material.

Vapor insulation film It must be used, if the insulation will be cotton materials. So minvatu can save from wet vapors of residential premises. If instead of mineral wool, polyurethane foam or eco-wool will be used, then vaporizolation is not needed.

Waterproofing Need in any case, regardless of the insulation used, it will protect the wooden elements of the roof design. As a waterproofing, it is necessary to use super-diffusion membranes capable of producing steam outside and not to pass moisture inside. Between the waterproofing film and the roofing material requires a ventilation gap from 4 to 10 cm thick depending on the type of roof. Through it, there will be surplus steam from the insulation.

Laying the insulation between the rafters of the attic roof

The insulation of the attic roof is better to produce at the construction stage of the house. Then all stages of work will be completed correctly. Before the start of insulation, it is necessary to determine where we will insulate. To do this, draw the drawing of the attic with the exact dimensions and note where the decoration of the inner space will be. For example, if the living space will occupy the entire area, including the roofing raft until the overlap, then the insulation it is necessary to insulate the entire rod of the roof. If the room will be cut off, i.e. Below between the skate and interior decoration will be free space, then it will have to warm up a strictly on the drawn scheme, leaving free space for ventilation. But then on narrow areas near the edge of the roof it will be necessary to insulate the overlap.

Consider the option of insulation of the entire roofing slope:

  • Back at the construction stage, before siting roofing material, it is necessary to water the roof. To do this, from above, rafted filament the waterproofing membrane, we begin from the bottom up, making the reheast of at least 15 cm and sneaking the joints by self-adhesive ribbons. The film must be contacted not in the tension so that it does not break when frosts come. It must be stacked with the provis company not more than 2 cm per 1 m. To rafters, waterproofing are nailed by a construction stapler. If there is no such, then you can use galvanized nails with a wide hat.
  • Next to above you feed the crate of wooden bars. Their thickness is selected depending on the required size of the ventilation gap, at least 2.5 cm. I fix the crate of corrosive screws. In order not to injure the film once again, we make holes in the bars in advance.

Important! For greater reliability, you can make two ventilation gaps: between insulation and waterproofing, between waterproofing and roofing. This will protect the material from wetting, if suddenly condensate will accumulate on the film.

  • On the crate wept roofing material - tile, professional flooring, slate, metal tile. Here for installation of soft roofing first, you first need to penetrate the sheets of chipboard or moisture-resistant plywood, which will serve as the base for fastening.

  • Works are moved inside the attic room. Unpack the insulation - mineral wool and let her get sequished and straighten. Cut on the necessary pieces. The width must be 20 - 30 mm more than the distance between the rafters so that the canvas keep the "Mrosusor".

  • Pick up the insulation cloth into the space between the rafters. Press the middle of the canvas, and the edges straightened themselves. The thickness of the rafter should be 200 - 250 mm.

Important! The step between the rafters is convenient to pick up the size of the future insulation. Rolls are sold width 1200 mm. The step can be made 1200 mm or 600 mm, then the roll will need to be cut in half.

  • On top of the insulation, a steam insulation material with an adhesive is 10 cm, the joints are sicking with a scotch. Fix to rafters with brackets or with the help of the crate.
  • Put the crate from 25 mm thick cut.
  • On the rails fix the finishing material.

If you plan to insulate the attic in an old or already built house and do not want to remove the roofing material, then you can snatch a little. The waterproofing film can be disseminated inside the attic, turning the rafted and a crying into the space between them. But in this case, wooden rafters are obtained unprotected in case of leaks.

Laying insulation under the attic roof rafters

A little less often is a method of insulation when the material is stacked inside the attic on top of the rafted, and not into the space between them. The main reason is so you can avoid cold bridges, which are wooden rafters. And so the thick fit of the heat-insulating material will ensure the absence of slots, and the free space between the rafters will serve as additional ventilation. A very successful solution if the monsard space allows you to reduce its at least 30 cm on each side.

Hansard insulation from the inside of the room:

  • From the inside on the rafter, you feed the waterproofing membrane.
  • Krepim to rafters The suspensions for the ceiling from the drywall so that they look at their p-shaped hole.

  • We bring in the suspension insulation. Cut the canvas with a small nasha to eliminate the appearance of the gaps. As a result, a solid fabric of the insulation should turn out. We plan along the way where there are rafters.
  • We close the insulation with a vapor barrier film, creating it with brackets.
  • Put the crate for finishing material. For consolidation, use long nails 150 - 200 mm to break through the insulation and get to the rafter.

In principle, this method can be combined with the laying of the insulation between the rafters. The first layer will be between rafters, and the second will overlap everything, including the bridges of the cold.

How to insulate the attic roof outside

Warm the roof outside can only be on the construction stage or if you remove the roofing material. This method of insulation allows you to leave the attic space in its original form without loss of the area. Also, many design solutions suggest the use of rafters as decorative elements of the situation.

Horsery roof insulation technology

The insulation of the attic Outside is made only with dense slab materials. This include extruded polystyrene foam or penplex. It is not afraid of moisture, therefore does not require vapor barrier. "Pie" insulation of penplexes will look like:

  • Plates of extruded polystyrene foam.
  • Waterproofing membrane.
  • Ventilation clearance with crate.
  • Roofing material.

The indisputable plus of such a method of insulation is that rafters are available for inspection and repair at any time.

Laying the insulation on the attic roof rafters

Warming with extruded polystyrene foam on top of the rafter allows you to create a solid heat insulating layer without cold bridges.

  • In order for the material to not slip from the roof, at the very bottom to the rafters you feed the board, width equal to the thickness of the insulation (from 50 to 100 mm).
  • Elliprate the plates of the insulation in a checker order. It is necessary to start at the bottom, from the fixing rail.
  • Fix them to rafters using special dowels with a mushroom hat.
  • Withdraw the waterproofing film, starting from the bottom up, with the allen at 10 - 15 cm, the joints are sicked with scotch. Film is necessary to protect the material from leaks and condensate.
  • Put the crate from bars with a thickness of at least 40 mm.
  • Mount the roofing material.

No additional protection from the inside extruded polystyrene foam does not require.

Warming the fronons of the attic room must be together with the whole facade of the building, i.e. outside. The choice of insulation material depends entirely on the material from which the house was built and the host preferences. For example, if the insulation is performed using a hinged facade system, you can use mineral wool with vapor insulation and waterproofing films. And if the wet facade is planned, the foam can be laid under it. Do not forget that compliance with technology is the key to success.

Hor blind roof insulation with her own hands, construction portal

Construction of houses every year more and more of our compatriots falls under the temptation to equip the residential attic in his home. This makes it possible to expand residential space and