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Firing wood in Japanese technology. Wood firing: open flame processing technology. Advantages of burnt wood

The wood burning technology is used to create a finishing material called "Elander Wood". Experienced builders know that wood is an environmentally friendly and very difficult material, always in need of processing special impregnations, before it can be used in construction and repair.

However, there are methods to protect the tree and make it suitable for construction without the use of antiseptics and flames, they were widespread in Europe, Asia, America.

What is the firing technology

1. Thermal treatment of wood lies in the firing of coniferous woods with a gas burner.

2. The whole procedure takes up to 10 minutes, then the material is immersed in water.

3. The board is extracted from the water, is thoroughly washed and cleaned with special metal brushes, which allow you to get rid of Nagara.

If the firing turned out to be uniform, it allows you to create a charred layer on the surface of the board with a thickness of 1-5 mm. Such work allows you to protect the material from water, harmful microorganisms, insects, and even fire. In this case, such a board as a building material does not lose its own and can be applied anywhere.

Thermal treatment of a tree at home at a certain skill really allows wood to become less susceptible to the effects of fire. As soon as the material is dry, it can be used immediately for its intended purpose. However, it can be rid of even better characteristics, if you can additionally be treated with special oils.

With a list of such oils can be found in any construction store, and their range is very diverse. You should not advise a certain manufacturer, you just need to clarify that negative reviews builders tend to leave about the cheapest oils.

Non-equal technology

It's amazing how effective wood processing is, especially if you know that in Japan, the burned wood is used on the facades of almost every home. However, this is not the only way to apply this technology.

It is noteworthy that roasting wood allows you to paint the material into a unique silver shade, which is impossible to give any paints. Moreover, the depth and saturation of this color directly depend on the skill of the master and the most important thing - the firing duration. For example, the board may acquire the color, ranging from gray, finishing with coal-black. Naturally, the material resulting in this work could not not interest many designers and decorators.

Today, if desired, the roast of wood can be done quite simply, for this you will need only accurate compliance with technology and skill. If you learn how to do this work, you will soon be able to use unique material when finishing the interior, floor, it turns out excellent furniture. At the same time, wood treatment by firing allows you to make a tree more durable, and all that you need is only possible to periodically apply oil impregnation on it.

Yakisugi - Japanese Tree Treatment Technology"Tomorrow Cedar"- This is a Japanese tree processing technology with fire. This simple process allows not only to show wood texture, but also protects it from fire, rotting and insects. The service life of such wood increases to 80 years, therefore it is used to facilitate the facades of houses and the construction of fences.
The story began in the 18th century with mass burning in order to fire protection for the Sugi Japanese cypress plots, tightly covered by Japanese villages. After some time, residents understand that the burned wood cypress is beautifully protected and amazing on beauty, the Japanese began to use it everywhere in construction.

But in fact, the roasting wood was used by almost all the peoples, because in antiquity, along with rationaling (impregnation of wood with hot resin), the firing was itself a common way to protect wood from rotting. The fact is that under the influence of high temperatures in the process of pyrolysis in the outer layer of wood, the fiber channels occurs, the blockage of their resins and combustion products, which significantly strengthens the top layer of wood and increases its service life. An ordinary bonfire was used to roast the wood. Very often burned out lags, floorboards and roofs. In Russia, this process was called "bribing".
The advantages of such wood after treatment with fire:

Protected from fires
- does not rot;
- protected from insects and fungi;
- Easy to manufacture;
- over time does not change the appearance and color;
- service life - up to 80 years.

Now for firing wood, the gas burner is most often used. To achieve the desired effect of the resinous breed, there are a triangular form so that they formed a box, and then burn for 7-10 minutes. The duration of thermal exposure affects the durability of the burned board and is determined by the type of wood, its humidity, the thickness of the board and the desired effect of the structure and color. Then the burning surface of the car, we clean with iron brushes from the remains of the ashes and rinse with running water. Ready!Now this wood can be used for facade facade, tracks or fences

Firing wood refers to one of the simplest ways to decorate and protect the surface from a variety of detrimental effects. How to properly do such an operation at home - step by step is described in the article.

Who came up with burning wood?

According to one of the versions, it is considered that the Japanese Wood began to burn fire. At the same time, they used this technology, oddly enough, not on their products. Initially, in such a way they retained forests from fire in the fire season. The burnt lower part of the trunk became so foolish and, accordingly, less inflated.
The second popular legend also comes from Japan. If you believe this version, then once the Japanese noticed that after a fire in the forest, the charred trunks were preserved longer than those who have passed fire. Including, they noted for themselves that the burned wood does not rot so quickly, as well as her at all insects.
Later this technology, suggested by the people of nature itself, began to apply in construction. So, the roofing board was burned before assembly, wall timber, wooden piles. This made the construction of a more durable, insect protected and, partly, from fire.
Even later, the foundation began to apply to decorate wood products, in particular, for furniture operated in the open air. The goal, at the same time, was not only the protection of the material from the detrimental effects, but also to give the surface of an attractive appearance.
There is also a version that the Wiking began to burn wood long before the Japanese. They used this technology to handle their ships.

Advantages of burnt tree

The advantages of the wood treated with open fire are as follows:

  • presentable appearance;
  • insect unattractiveness;
  • increased fire resistance;
  • compacted surface;
  • increased strength;
  • improved moisture resistance;
  • wear resistance;
  • security from ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, in the process of burning poor-quality sawn timber, almost all vices are eliminated - darkening, blue, light rot. The processed product also does not require planing and finishing grinding.

Application technology at home

In everyday life of sawn timber applied everywhere. The technology allows without the use of veneers, tons and oils to turn pine into the wood of a rare breed. In particular, with deep roasting, which is described in this article, the most defective pine is easily turning in Wenge (grows mainly in Africa).
It is especially useful to use the firing in the manufacture of products and structures that will be operated on the street. It can be garden furniture, fence, gazebo. Also, the fire is often processed by wooden housing elements - sheathing, frontal boards, terraces, bales of stairs and so on.
Beautifully looks like burnt wooden boxes, gift cases, frames for paintings, grooves and photos, various stands and lamps.

What wood can burn?

Not all wood can be protected and decorate in this way. First of all, it concerns fruit breeds, oak, ash and alder. However, the most common sawn timber is perfectly burned out - pine and tree. You can also handle fire veneer and multilayer Phane.
For firing, it is best to choose such a material on which the vesiable structure is visible. During processing, soft wood will be fused and removed, and solid fibers will allocate darker color. At the same time, the bitch, blue, fungus and other vices - no problem for fire.
When firing coniferous wood it is better to take the dried material. It burns significantly faster, it is less than a resin with which certain problems will later be subsequently. Crude wood is also quite possible to burn. However, it should be borne in mind that such a processing partially borders the pores of the material, and the remaining inside the moisture will be much longer to go out, which is not good.

Finger Tools and Materials

The main tool in this business is a gas burner. Just open fire (gas stove, bonfire, etc.) fits badly, and evenly burn a large surface will not work. Also undesirable to use a soldering lamp on gasoline. It is burning, of course, it is excellent, but from her nozzles can fly away from the burnt fuel, leaving the plots on the wood. Alternatively, you can try to apply a construction hairdryer. But much time spent with him, and it is precisely deep firing to achieve.
The gas burner for this business is suitable in the best possible way. It is worth a penny, safe to use is easily controlled and configured. You can even do with the cheapest version of Chinese production, which, together with a gas spray, will cost about 5 dollars.

For large-scale work, it is better to get a large gas burner, which is designed to lay a bitumen roof.
In addition to the source of directional fire, you will also need felt. In the extreme case, you can take a washcloth with a kitchen for washing dishes and apply to work a stringent side.
In essence, it's all that you need.

Phased roasting wood. Nuances of technology.

Deep firing should be started with a superficial passage of the burner by material. At this stage, it is necessary to evenly warm the wood, burn the sticking pile, as well as open the places where the resin is concentrated in large quantities. This sites will later need to pay special attention.

In the photo just clearly seen such places. As a rule, they manifest themselves on the bitch, and after the first passage they are not darker, and coated with boiling resin. It is easily flammable and can spoil the whole result, therefore it follows to warm the bitches. Warred, waited, while boils, then again. Repeat until boiling stops.

While the resin and wood boils in these places, the second stage is performed in parallel - deep root. The task is to force the surface to charring and crack a little. The photo below clearly shows how it looks.

The next stage is cleaning the surface from soot. You can do this in several ways: With the help of felt, a soft brush or a special nozzle for a grinder (brush for the brush). The only condition for all cases is to consider soot only in the direction of wood fibers.
Sanding paper for these purposes is not suitable. It is advisable to use only with surface roasting wood. In this case, it is necessary to remove all the burnt soft fibers, and the sandpaper without scratches will not cope with this task.

By the way, if I want the result to be lighter than in the above photos, the surface must be brought longer. But it is possible to achieve brighter shades only with a brush. Felt "get to" to light wood will not work.
Some wizards wash off the soot with water, which, in principle, gives a good result. But it should be borne in mind that dry wood with direct contact with water will take a little moisture on themselves, which, in turn, can lead to deformities and other issues in the future. A more predictable result is obtained only on dry.
After firing, it remains only to coat the wood with a protective composition. To get a silky, matte surface, which will be touch, like a clean tree - use special oils. The glossy surface that is transfusion under the sunlight and at different angles of view from black to light - it turns out after applying several layers of ordinary varnish for wood.


In general, the decoration of the simplest pine is not a challenging procedure that requires experience, expensive tools and compositions. The main thing is to prevent long-term combustion of wood, fully evaporate the resin, to achieve cracking and delete soot only in the direction of the fibers.

Gorgeous texture! Only the Forces of Nature can create such.

Finishing wood, especially if contact with the environment is meant, in most cases it is carried out using chemicals. That already in itself negates the environmental friendliness of structures and items from the tree. Moreover, once a few years, you will have to update the coating on the surface of the wood so that it is to maintain the appearance and structure.

Environmentally friendly wood

In Japan, for centuries, the method was used to protect wood from environmental impact Shou Sugi Ban., you can literally translate as a "charred cedar board". The essence of the method is to burn the wood surface. A piece of ash is removed with a rigid brush. The resulting surface is treated with tung oil. Tung butter - Absolutely natural non-toxic oil without adding any solvents. It has a high impregnizing ability of any type of wood (without leaving the film on the surface), due to its properties, the surface treated with data is extremely resistant to water.

Japanese wood protection technique

100 years not the limit

As a result of the application of the SHOU SUGI BAN method, you will not have to update the protective layer of wooden products for 100 years, at least so say the masters owning technician. It will not only save your money, time and nerves, but also will greatly facilitate the life of your descendants. Overcome!

All new - the old old marked

Recently, in America and Europe, the wood finish by charring is widely used in the design of exterior and interior.

Look at how the technique is used in practice

Stunning texture

  1. Application
  2. Wood requirements
  3. Technology processing
  4. Use the burner
  5. Japanese fashion

Fire is the most dangerous enemy for wood and can quickly destroy any product from it. It is strange to hear about the use of an open flame for processing this material. When skillfully controlled roasting surfaces, the characteristics of the tree are improved.


Wood treatment with fire emphasizes the natural structure, reinforcing the contrast of the pattern, creates further immunity to rotten, damage to ultraviolet. In addition, such material acquires refractory properties. Surface loose layer, burning, closes the tubules and pores of wood, creating, sunlight and wind. Protect various impregnation and antiseptics from destruction. However, such expensive means contain chemical additives and can be toxic. The processing of the flame is eco-friendly, economical, does not require high professional skills.

The burned tree in the interior looks aesthetic. This is done homemade brash - artificial formation of products and furniture: chest of drawers, tables, chairs, panels, baguettes, caskets. It is possible to burn material for the installation of lags of floor coverings, window trim, frames, doors, stairs, arbors, technical buildings, benches, wellbores, fences. If it is necessary to process complex massive structures, it is desirable to burn wooden parts to the designs to successfully make a subsequent stripping of hard-to-reach places. Working with prefabricated structures is risky: you can not keep track of the direction and force of the flame, and this will lead to a fire. Inexperienced masters it is better to start with small boards or products.

Wood requirements

Deciduous trees - maple, birch, beech, cherry, alder and others - you can not handle fire. Albuilding only coniferous breeds: cedar, larch, spruce, pine. Their soft structure allows you to get a beautiful material without stains. For decorative products, a canvas of any quality is suitable: with bitch, complex bends, eyes - the more effectively there will be a result. The burning soft fibers form a vaccine, the rigid will become relief, after cleaning it will provide a textured contrasting surface. You can process wooden parts, chipboard plates, tinted veneer. If unhydown wood is needed for large-scale construction work, it is better to choose better, without the defects of the structure.

Fresh material is not necessarily pre-prepared before firing: the flame will remove all roughness, replacing grinding. Think about the appearance will have after the wood processing with fire. It is enough to consider the pitches of resin from sawn timber. In case of their fire, all work will be spoiled. If the surface of the furniture or other product was used to be covered with putty, paint or varnish, their residues are sanded to prevent unexpected ignition and protect against stains that cannot be cleaned. Wood impregnated with verses burned in general rules. Surfaces covered, processing are not subject to. The old darkened wooden canvas is better to open, reaching fresh fibers to get an externally beautiful material on the finish.

A fierce tree should not be raw. This is especially true of fresh boards. 15% is the permissible upper limit of moisture content.

Technology processing

In industry, large wood arrays burn in special vacuum furnaces. The thickness of the combined layers can reach 20 mm. At home, perform this job difficult. Protect material from destruction and make it beautiful with the help of household tools.

Before you begin to work, you need to take care of the safety of the surrounding space and items, in it are located. The firing must be produced in the open air into a windless weather. Small boards can be processed on the balcony, large items need to be taken out into the street. At the same time, from nearby surfaces, it is necessary to remove paper, plywood, cardboard products, rags, textiles, flammable chemicals. It is desirable to work on a refractory stone surface, a metal sheet.

For firing as a source of flames will fit:

  • powerful soldering lamp;
  • construction hairdryer;
  • burner;
  • gas cylinder with a special nozzle;
  • dremel.

In addition to the fire and wood, you will need a tool for cleansing the burnt layers. If you plan to process small bars and rolls, a hard metallic brush is well suited. Large-scale structures - large furniture, floors, stairs, buildings - it is more convenient to clean professional grinding, saw-grinder, a drill with a special nozzle.

To progress residues Gary Requires Flots - Brush with Soft Vars.

All work produces, protecting eyes, hands and clothing from possible sparks and Gary. Nearby put a bucket or other dishes with water to extinguish unexpected flashes of fire.

Use the burner

The firing gas burner is most convenient. The flame should be smooth, calm, oblong and have a blue shade. The highest temperature required for pyrolysis is located at the top. Strong yellow fire for firing is invalid. For successful processing, the flame is evenly carried out several times over the surface. Movements should resemble staining with a brush material. Start better from the top. The burned board should be burned to a depth of about 4 mm. For training in the inexperienced master, you can try to burn unnecessary trimming, achieving a high result.

When the surface is uniformly charred, the prepared tool is cleaned with a loose burned layer. A brush or grinding act along the fibers not to damage the structure. At the same time, flutz use, getting to deeply hidden particles of Gary, sulfing them out. The purification process is painstaking and time consuming. It is necessary to do it carefully and gently, removing the soot disconnected completely, otherwise the material will look ugly. The quality of work is checked by wiping a tree with a napkin or a soft cloth. To enhance relief, give the wood the type of real antiques, pyrolysis repeat and brush is repeated.

As a result of processing, a relief surface is obtained from dark gold to chocolate shades. Optionally, the dye is applied on the surface on the basis of aniline or immediately make the finish coating. You can use tinted primer mixtures, oil primers, nitrocellulose colorless varnishes, waxes.

Japanese fashion

According to this technology, only the top layer of ashes is observed from wood, the boards in water are washed, and then impregnated with tung oil having antiseptic and moisture-repellent properties. The processed material will acquire a noble black and silver shade and brilliance. Modern approach allows for convenience to use a gas burner, although in ancient for such purposes a tree just put into a bonfire or oven. The firing allowed Japanese masters to protect the wooden structures and residential buildings from the spread of fires - the layer of ash practically immune to the effects of fire.

The service life of the burned tree increases several times. As a care, it is enough to be laid or impregnated once every 1-2 years.