Repairs Design Furniture

Entrance doors are better. How to choose the best entrance door to a private house. Entrance Doors in Private House: Choice Nuances

Entrance Doors in Private House: Choice Nuances

When choosing a door for a private house, the owners have to solve the problem of the optimal price ratio, reliability and thermal insulation properties. There are many options, each of them has pros and cons. In this article, we will look at the main types of entrance doors from the point of view of the listed requirements and help determine the best, and also tell me what to pay attention to when choosing.

What should there be an entrance door to a private house: basic requirements

Good entrance doors respond to two main requirements:

  • provide reliable protection against an extraneous invasion;
  • do not allow the cold air to penetrate the street into the room.

These qualities depend, firstly, from the properties of the material from which the door was made, and secondly, on the design features, in particular from the presence of insulation.

The entrance doors are most often made of metal, reinforced PVC profile, natural wood. Consider the features of each type of material.

  • Wooden entrance doors for a private house Malopopular, despite their aesthetic advantages. Attractive appearance is perhaps the only advantage of wood. Naturalness and environmental friendliness, which is focused in advertising, is dubious advantages: so that the product last long, the array is treated with chemical compositions. Under the influence of moisture, the wooden door swells and deform. In addition, it is not sufficiently resistant to hacking and is not distinguished by fireproof.
  • Metal plastic entrance doors for home Move from PVC profile, reinforced with metal frame. They have a lot of advantages: good heat and noise insulating properties, the ability to withstand temperature differences, moisture resistance, fire safety, affordable price. At the same time, the doors made of metal plasticism are not devoted. They are less durable than metal, fear mechanical damage. An attacker will not be difficult to hack the canvas, even if the door is equipped with anti-burglar locks. From the point of view of aesthetics, metal plastic doors are very inferior to wooden and metallic.
  • Metal entrance doors - the most sought-after version. This is due primarily to their high strength, reliability and durability. Steel is indifferent to high and low temperatures, the effects of aggressive media, a special external coating provides corrosion protection. If equipped with a metal door with an anti-burglar system, the house will turn into an impregnable fortress. And modern features of the finishes allow to embody any designer ideas. For example, thanks to the facing panels from the massif, the metal door will become indistinguishable from the wooden.

But this option has a weak point: thermal insulation. So that the metal door does not freeze in winter and delayed cold air, manufacturers have developed several design solutions. About them and will be discussed.

Inlet metal doors to a private house are insulated in different ways. Tell about the most popular.

  • Device Tambura. As an outer door put metal - it performs a protective function. In order to create thermal insulation, the second door is installed, which can also be made of metal, wood or metalplastic. A cold tambour helps to eliminate the cause of the freezing - the difference between temperatures from the inside and outside. But such a decision is laborious and not always feasible, especially if the house is already built. In addition, the tambour takes the useful area.
  • Installation of electrically heating doors. On the perimeter of the canvas and inside the box, and the electrical cable is paved along the contour of the locks. The heating system protects the metal door from the formation of Inea and the land even into severe frosts, and condensate does not appear on it in the spring and autumn. The only but substantial minus of this option is to increase electricity costs. And if in winter it will have interruptions with the supply of electricity, the door instantly freezes.
  • Installing the inlet door with a thermal survey. The metal door to the street always has standard insulation. But it does not cope with strong frosts, often for the middle strip and northern regions of Russia. Manufacturers have found a solution: created doors with a multi-layer heat insulating pie. It performs the same function as the airbag in a cold tambone: levels the temperature difference inside and outside.

The thermal survey is a physical phenomenon that occurs on the boundary of materials with different thermal conductivity. In the design of the doors, PVC is usually used, polystyrene foam, mineral wool, foil isol. These materials serve as an obstacle for cold air, do not allow it to penetrate the room. Thanks to the thermal separation, the inner surface of the door retains heat, even if on -25 ° C.

Inlet metal doors with thermal explosion are compact and easy to install. They successfully solve the same task as the unheated vestibule, but in contrast to it allow to save space. The only drawback of such doors is a higher cost compared to the traditional option.

What to pay attention to when selecting an inlet warmed door

As can be seen, the design with a thermal survey can be considered an optimal option for the entrance door for a country house. This popular solution is in the collections of many manufacturers, but not all models are able to meet the requirements of the owners. Reliability, thermal insulation properties and other operating characteristics of the door depend on its design features, and they should be considered when choosing.

Third thickness

The canvas doors are made of steel sheets of different thickness. On the one hand, the use of a thin metal mustache reduces the design, on the other, it reduces its reliability. The door of steel with a thickness of less than 1.2 mm will not protect from the invasion of intruders: it can be hacked without the use of complex tools. To completely secure the house from uninvited guests, choose a sheet of sheet metal without thinner 1.5 mm.

The same applies to the door frame: the thickness of the metal, the higher the reliability. In the best models, it is made of a steel profile with a thickness of at least 3-5 mm.

Thermal insulation material

Its properties ensure the effect of thermal separation. Therefore, the material depends on how well the door will hold heat. The more thermally insulating layers contains the pie, the better it smoothes the temperature difference. High-quality thermal vents have 4-6 inserts (for example, twice alternating isolon with foil coating and expanded polystyrene). The total thickness of the heat-insulating cake is at least 4 cm.

  • Polystyrene foam Especially often used in the design of the inlet street warmed doors. It is lightweight, durable, non-combustible material with low thermal conductivity, besides, capable of withstanding any temperature changes. In the manufacture of input street doors with a thermal explosion, not less than two layers of expanded polystyrene are used.
  • Isolon (foamed polyethylene) with aluminum foil coating is also often present in the structures of warmed doors. It has excellent thermal insulation properties, easy, elastic, harmless to the environment. The material is placed in two layers, polystyrene foam or other insulation are placed between them. The foil creates the effect of the thermos, securely holding the heat inside.
  • Mineral wool In thermal conductivity, comparable to expanded polystyrene. It is environmentally safe and perfectly isolates noise.
  • Glass gaming Sometimes include the door of the thermal insulating cake. The advantage of the material is low cost. Nevertheless, it is better to avoid this option: in the heat of glass is heated and toxic substances.
  • Cork leaf - Material with excellent operational properties. It is natural, safe, durable, provides good heat and sound insulation, is not afraid of temperature drops. But with all the advantages, it is extremely expensive material.

Stiffening rib

Stiffness ribs increase the resistance of the door canvase with different types of loads. They are horizontal and vertical. The first provide stability to melting, the second does not allow you to bend the upper or lower edge of the web. The most reliable doors are equipped with a combined vertical horizontal rib system.

Reinforced loops

To hold heavy metal doors, reinforced loops are required. They provide additional anti-burglar protection. The best properties have hidden cylinder loops. They withstand a big weight door, impede her sagging. Hidden loops are almost impossible to knock out or cut. The lack of them is that they do not allow to open the door of more than 90 °.


The stability of the door to hacking half depends on the properties of the locking mechanism. Castles should be at least two and preferably a suvalid type (a cylindrical mechanism is not so reliable, its elements are prone to freezing). It is worth paying attention to the hack resistance class: for the metal entrance door to the house, choose III or IV.

The presence of anticipation pins

To increase the reliability, iron entrance doors for a private house equipped with anti-blank pins. They are fixed in the end of the canvas and in the closed position are included in the opening of the box. Thanks to the anticipable pins, the attacker will not be able to remove the door, even if he succeeds in hacking the lock or cut off the loop.

Exterior finish

The outer decoration should not only attach the doors an aesthetic appearance, but also to protect the metal from corrosion, to withstand the effects of precipitation, sun rays, heat and cold. Optimally, these properties combines hammer color - the most common type of coating.

Doors with trim from natural wood are very beautiful, but at the price not available to each owner. Materials imitating an array (chipboard and the like) are not able to withstand external influence and quickly come into disrepair.


Insulated thermal separation doors make many Russian manufacturers. Several brands are particularly popular among buyers. Among them - "Nord", Torex Snegir, "Argus", "Gardian", Termo, Bravo (Optim Termo series). Buying products of any of these brands, you may not doubt as.

The cost of the inlet door with thermal survey

Entrance doors with a thermal survey for a country house Presented in three price categories - economy, business and premium. The average cost of products fluctuates within 20,000-35,000 rubles. The price is affected by the following factors:

  • Third thickness. Economy doors are made of metal sheets with a thickness of 1.2-2 mm, premium - up to 5 mm.
  • Number of layers of heat insulating material. In low-cost doors, 3 layers are used, in premium products - 6 or more.
  • Type of filler. Polystyrene foam, mineral wool, isolon - standard materials. In the models of the upper price category, the cork filler is also often used.
  • Finish. In the doorway categories, the economy and business as an internal coating is often used by MDF with a PVC finish, a veneer, an ecoshpon, laminated. Premium class products from the inside are separated by a natural array. Inexpensive options for outdoor coating are presented mainly by artificial leather. More prestigious models are painted with hammer paint in two layers, decorated with drawing, steel overlays, wrought-iron elements.
  • Facility manufacturer. In the manufacture of thermodemers, locks, handles and loops of domestic and foreign production are used. Russian fittings are inexpensive, although in quality is sometimes not inferior to Italian.
  • Availability of additional anti-burglar elements. The second castle, anti-blank pins, armored lining and other means of gaining protection increase the cost of the door.
  • Method of purchase. Russian producers of thermal machines implement products through branded shops, dealerships, as well as through intermediaries. Buying directly, you can save an average of up to 40%.

Among all types of entrance doors for a private house, metal doors with a thermal survey are optimal from the point of view of heat and reliability. Modern models have different options for external design, equipped with anti-burglar protection systems. The cost of a warmed door depends on a number of constructive features.

Where can I buy the entrance door, including the thermal survey?

"You can buy the entrance door in the corporate store, in a construction hypermarket and even online, - tells the representative of the factory "Bravo". - But it is more profitable to acquire from manufacturers, especially if you need a wholesale party: bypassing intermediaries, you can save up to 40%. In addition, manufacturers know everything about their products. In the factory you will also be told about the materials, and the features of the installation, and the rules of operation of the doors will show certificates, will introduce a complete range.

For example, in the "Bravo" factory catalog - almost 400 models of doors, including input with thermal survey. Products manufactured under the brand "Optim thermo" have 6 (!) Layers of thermal insulation, 3 of the sealing circuit, are designed for the temperature range from -45 to 40 ° C. Doors are equipped with hack resistant locks with armored pavings, anti-blank pins, ergonomic handles and three groups of wear-resistant

Opinion edition

Choosing an entrance door to a private house with a thermal survey, do not forget that fittings should have similar properties. Castles and handles are weak construction sites: they are less than other elements are protected from freezing. High-quality insulated doors are equipped with thermo-protection accessories: in places the connection of the outer and the inner handles is provided by a layer of thermal insulation, and the locks are closed with curtains.

The correct entrance door is not only a reliable barrier on the way of unwanted visitors, but also aesthetically perfect item, which fits into the exterior, and in the interior of the house. And she should not produce heat and skip the sound. Tell me what to pay attention to when choosing a door.

Choose the dimensions of the entrance door

The standard height of the linen of the entrance door is 200 cm. Therefore, exterior doors with a smaller or large dimension will be sold only for an additional fee. The product over the edge of the standard is done piece, and such products are always more expensive.

With the width of the door, everything is not so unambiguous. Manufacturers offer a wide range of sizes - from 80 to 120 or more centimeters. Moreover, meter street doors are made predominantly single-handed. Well, if the width of the input opening in a private house exceeds 100 cm, then there will most likely put a two-dimensional door.

An option with two sash allows you to bring and endure the collected furniture and other large-format objects from the house, but weakens the strength characteristics of the enclosing structure. In turn, the opening of 60-80 cm disrupts the throughput of the input structure.

As a result, in a private house it is better to put the doors with a height of 200 cm and a width of 90-100 cm. Such dimensions will arrange most of the homeowners.

Which door does not miss frost and noise

The maximum level of protection against low temperatures gives a polymer door. Such a protective design is assembled on the basis of polyvinyl chloride canvas, supplemented with double-glazed windows and reinforced with steel parts. In fact, such a design is not different from the already familiar plastic window. Therefore, for the owner of a similar door, it absolutely no matter what temperature shows a thermometer on the street: 5-chamber canvas does not freeze even at -30 ° C.

Low worse with frost and noise copes with a canvas made of wood. Therefore, two canvases are used to protect against strong cold weather, between which there is an unheated tambour. Moreover, a veranda, a closed porch or a whole extension can be used as a tambour. If you have only one wooden door at the entrance to the house, the thermal losses will be inevitable. For full protection from 20-25 degrees Claus, the thickness of the web should be at least 10-15 cm.

Fully steel doors do not protect any of the cold or noise. But if a layer of good thermal insulator is integrated into the metal shell, and the framework of the framework is provided by the thermal separations separating the outer layer from the internal one, then the situation changes to the opposite. Such doors will withstand 30-degree frosts.

True, manufacturers decided to supply steel structures with thermal separations in the canvas only after the noisy failure of the previous generation of metal doors. Therefore, among the ordinary people, this option has not yet enjoyed particular confidence. And the owners of the enclosing metal structures complement the main doors are optional, with a PVC cloth or wood.

What door to hack

According to this criterion, it is very difficult to choose which door is better, and what is worse, as the attackers can hack any enclosing design. But good doors with a high level of protection from hacking, you can still choose. To do this, you need to follow these selection criteria:

  • the door must correspond to at least the second class of resistance from hacking, and ideally the third. Sustainability class is specified in the specification.
  • door hinges should be placed not from the street (on the outer surface), but from the side of the house or in special grooves of the box.
  • inside the door can be a reinforcing frame, decorated in the form of a grid with narrow cells.
  • in the end of the canvas must be attended by anti-blank rigels - pins included in specially equipped grooves in the box.
  • all the gaps between the door frame and the opening should be closed with trim metal platbands.

The door chosen for such criteria is very difficult to break. Even with the second class of resistance to hacking attackers will have to be conjured for 10-15 minutes. And the third class can resist for 30-40 minutes. Moreover, statistics argue that after 10-20 minutes of unsuccessful attempts to open the door, thieves leave their idea, fearing the appearance of unwanted witnesses.

The inner location of the loop guarantees protection against inexperienced vorays, which open the enclosing structures, cutting the rotary mechanisms with a saw or a grinder. Therefore, such doors will be useful for a private house, and for the cottage designed for seasonal accommodation.

The reinforcing frame, platbands and anti-disconnecting rigels exclude a rough hacking, based on the physical force of an attacker. Punch the thin canvas doors are much easier than the grid of rotary rods, and the anticipable rigels will keep the door even after the thieves cut the loop.

However, only reliable locks can be given the maximum guarantee for the protection of entry into a private house. Since all these riggers, platbands and lattices are rather protection against hooligans than from experienced hackers.

Door locks: What model is better

Reliable locks give about 70 percent to stability from hacking. Moreover, the maximum result is provided by the valid devices of different types. Therefore, before buying a castle, the prudent owner should get acquainted with each kind of constipation. What we will do below in the text.

Now the mass consumer is offered four options for mechanisms:

  • suwald constipation with a "Safes" T-shaped key,
  • cylinder larva lock and plaque key with characteristic grinding on ribs,
  • conducting constipation with a bar key, the working part of which is framed under the cross section,
  • disc lock, the key of which has the shape of a semicircuit with sliced \u200b\u200bgrooves.

Maximum resistance to hacks gives the first pair: Suwald and cylindrical locks. Plates-Suwalds and spring-loaded cylindrical pins require from hackers of the highest level of skill. And the power to take these constipation is very difficult. The riglels of modern locks turn around the axis, it makes it difficult to spill.

As a result, even an experienced attacker should know the design and methods of working with the first and second type mechanisms, and universal specialists are very rare in any kind. That is why in the door it is necessary to establish different constipation, and not two suvalid or cylindrical castle. Although over burglary, maximum protection provides a suvalid version.

In addition, a disk lock is a good alternative to the cylindrical option. It gives good defense against bastards. Therefore, the pair "Suwald + disk constipation" can delay a hacker with high qualifications. But the cross-shaped locks in a private house use no need. Open this constipation may even be a smartly serious robber.

- The face of the house and the basis of its protection. We hope everyone so well understand how depends on the safety, thermal insulation and perception of the appearance of the private house from the selected door. Unscrupulous companies often try to sell us under the guise of a reliable product Chinese door of dubious quality, linguizing discounts and spending loud advertising. That is why it is necessary to know yourself how to choose the right door to the cottage, a country or private house, which is important to consider and what details to pay attention to.

№1. What are the requirements put forward to the output door?

Let's start with the declaration of variables, more accurately let's voice the characteristics that really have a really good entrance door:

№2. Door Flat Material Material

The choice today we are not very large. Entrance doors are often manufactured from such materials:

  • metal;
  • wood;
  • metal plastic.

Steel door - Classic, sample strength and aesthetic. Today, such doors are in more than 70% of private houses. Pads made of wood and MDF, Powder Painting Other ways to finish the canvas make it possible to talk about a decent diversity. Strong competitor metal canvases have recently been considered metal plastic doors. Looking in advance, we note that they are distinguished by better thermal insulation and a little lower price, but the reliability is not inferior to the metal doors. Wooden doors Used less often. Today it is an outdated version that has a lot of flaws, and if the apartment can be used in the apartment, then in the cottage - is unlikely to, with the exception of rare cases.

Number 3. Metal entrance doors

Many prefer to buy entrance doors in the cottage, a country house or apartment from metal. Such designs possess a number of undeniable advantages:

So popular that the range grows the day day. Next to really high-quality samples are sold doors that can be damaged by an ordinary canning knife. They are made in China and can be implemented both at very tempting prices (that at least a little justifies their quality) and at the average market value. How to recognize a really high-quality door and not get caught on the tricks of cunning manufacturers and sellers?

Evaluating the metal door is necessary for a number of indicators:

Metal door design

The door consists of a frame, which is attached to the internal and sighted sheet of the door canvase. Between the canvases are the ribs of stiffness, in the cavities between which the insulation is stacked. The design is illustrated in the picture.

Metal canvases can produce from hot and cold rolled steel. The first option will be cheaper, but this material is more corrosion. Cold rolled steel for the entrance door in the cottage will be a predominant option: it is less susceptible to atmospheric precipitation and is more durable.

Sheets began to have thickness 1.2-2 mm, and better - even more, otherwise the canvas can be without much effort to damage the sharp knife. Some experts advise to install doors in country houses with a thick sheet thickness of about 4 mm. Please note that only an external sheet can be metallic (then the inner panel is made from MDF, for example) or both sheets. The second option is preferable because the door canvas will be more durable. In some doors between the external and inner steel sheet, additional layer of steel. From the point of view of reliability, this is the perfect option, but also cost it will be appropriate.

However, even if only the external part of the door was performed, the canvas still can remain reliable. The main thing that the castle zone was enhanced An additional sheet of steel or armoflower.

Frame doorto which the sheets and ribs of stiffness will be attached, can be made of whole profile pipe, whose ends will be connected only with one seam. This is the perfect option. If four segments of the profile are used to create the base, which is welded, it turns out less durable, but still satisfactory design. Worst of all when each side of the frame is cooked from a pair or more segments. In this case, it turns out too many seams, and each seam lowers the degree of protection of the canvas.

Stiffening rib Strengthen and strengthen the design. They can be:

  • vertical. It is well opposed to twisting loads and will not allow to bend the corners of the canvas;
  • horizontal. Protect from pressing and do not allow the door to the door from the box;
  • combined. Such doors have vertical, horizontal, and sometimes inclined stiffeners, so perfectly oppose any loads.

The more rigid ribs will, the better. Minimum - two vertical and one horizontal. Make ribs usually from rectangular pipe or corner. This is a classic and reliable option. There are doors where the ribs are made from a complex configuration profile. This approach allows you to create an equally durable web with a decrease in the weight of the structure.

Empties between rigidity ribs fills insulationwhich increases thermal insulation and allows you to get rid of the unpleasant sound of the empty door. Usually, for this purpose, use both options are quite effective. Poropolon, Sinypron, paper and pressed cardboard are not very suitable for thermal insulation of the front door.

By contour of the door canvase should be located sealwhich provides tight fit of the door to the door frame, protects against noise, drafts and smells from the street. If the seal is high-quality and installed correctly, there will be enough single contour, so that samples with two, three and more contours are wary. Best if the sealant is made of rubber. Silicone and polyurethane in this case behave somewhat worse, and one should not even consider the option with foam rubber and plastic.

Loops and door box

If the canvas doors do not succumb to hacking, the thief can try to cut the loops. Therefore, it is important to consider the entrance door as a comprehensive complex design where each element is important.

The loops can be such species:

Number of loops Depends on the set of factors: weight and dimensions of the door, metal thickness, outdoor and interior decoration. The required minimum is 3 loops. Less can not even be in the easiest designs. If the canvas happened quite heavy, you can take loops with support bearingswho facilitate the opening and closing process.

Door box also affects strength and reliability. It should be made of a p-shaped profile with a thickness of at least 3-5 mm.

Finishing of the door web

The door finish material must be combined with A (when it comes to the outside of the web) and the interior of the hallway or tambour, but this is not the main thing. The outer finish should be resistant to various weather effects and be wear-resistant. On the inside of such stringent requirements do not apply.

Such materials are used to finish the inner and outer side of metal entrance doors:

There are other ways to finish, such as own painting, lamination PVC film or using plastic panelsBut in this case we do not want to recommend. It is not solid, and in operation show themselves not very.

We also note that the metal canvas can have glass insert. She adorns the door, but makes it more vulnerable, so the glass take armored or protect it. Fine lattices look great, especially if they are supported by other forged elements in the design of the porch and the site.

Thermal insulation of metal doors

Perhaps the only minus of metal entrance doors is their ability to freeze and be covered by Founding. High-quality thermal insulation (as a layer of insulation inside the door) is able to practically neutralize this problem, but sometimes additional measures may be needed. To get rid of the freezing of the metal door, you can use the following tricks:

№4. Wooden entrance doors

The safety of metal models is no doubt. Durable material, high protection against hacking, fastness to fire and mechanical damage - all these advantages made them worthy competitors in the market. Can the inlet wooden doors surpass metal? To understand this, you need to figure out the main pluses of wood products:

  • strength. Input models are made as wear-resistant, so often made from oak. The material is quite difficult to damage;
  • many years of service. Wood itself is considered a durable basis. Thanks to the proper surface processing and subject to constant care The canvas can serve at least 50 years;
  • ecology. Wood - Safe and hypoallergenic material. It practically has no analogues;
  • exterior appeal. The classic tint of oak or pine looks very beautifully at the entrance doors and is harmonized with any facade. Metal canvas in this regard will have to choose carefully;
  • disability to corrosion. The tree does not rust (in contrast to the metal). Due to this, periodic surface treatment with various anti-corrosion products will not be required;
  • noise insulation. A sufficient thickness of the door provides protection against foreign sounds, even subject to the absence of filler;
  • low thermal conductivity. The wooden door will not be covered with condensate or it.

On the other hand, wooden canvas afraid of atmospheric precipitation, sharp temperature differences, fire and pests, so it will have to constantly process it - without them, even the door from the glued timber will not stand for a long time. In addition, if suddenly the sash behaves, then the repair is almost impossible. These disadvantages are able to cross all the advantages of wooden doors, so they are very rare today today. If the facade does not like anything other than the tree, it is better to take a metal door with a wooden lining. The best place for a purely wooden door will be south side of the house. Naturally, the porch must have reliable.

№5. Metal plastic entrance doors

Competition with metal doors can only be metal-plastic. They possess such advantages:

  • excellent heat and sound insulation properties. The canvas does not miss external noise, prevents the cold getting and does not freeze;
  • good strength quality. In terms of reliability and safety, such doors, contrary to prejudice, are not inferior to metallic;
  • resistance to negative factors of the external environment;
  • a variety of appearance;
  • ease of care;
  • low cost. Such doors will cost an average of 10-15% cheaper than metal.

By building Metal-plastic doors remind those known to all: the principle of production is the same, but the design is different. The profile for such a door has a minimum of five cameras, reinforced steel. It is not placed from ordinary glass, but from the armored or triplex. The glazing site can be any area, but for security items, it is better that he serve only a third of the door canvas.

№6. Burglar resistance inlet door

Large manufacturers are certified by steel doors in a class-resistance class. In total of 13 such classes, there are 13: doors from 1 to grade 4 are used in everyday life, the rest are armored doors for banks and safes:

№7. Castle for the entrance door

The durable door can protect against coarse hacking methods, and from intelligent. Types of locks are put on the entrance door:

  • suwald castles - The most durable and reliable. The degree of protection depends on the number of Suwald. They can be from 1 to 10. A good castle has 6 and more Suwald, and about their quantities can be judged even by the number of steps on the key (from their number it is necessary to take away the unit to obtain the desired value). For the entrance door, suvalden locks of the crab design are suitable, their riglels are shifted in different directions: to find and split them will be more complicated. Also nicely show locks with a manganese insert, which will protect the mechanism from drilling;
  • cylinder castle Works on the basis of cylinders located at a certain height. With the help of the knee, it is difficult to open it - it is much easier to knock out, so the mechanism is better to protect with a bron alphabet or special balls that will resist the drill. It is better not to use as an independent lock - only in a set with suvalden;
  • electronic castlesthat open on digital code, fingerprint or map, reliable, modern, but expensive, so until the spread has not received;
  • combined In one lock combine several mechanisms.

At the front door is better put a couple of castles. Suwald and cylinder is an ideal pair, but it is better to arrange them at some distance from each other, 25-30 cm will be enough. Choose castles 3 and 4 class security and trust the products of loved manufacturers.

We did not mention, but it goes without saying, - before contacting the company that makes and puts the doors, you need to know the dimensions of the doorway. If it is very wide, perhaps one sash can not do - it will be more convenient to put the door for two or a half of the flap. Note that the order of the non-standard size cannis will cost more. Also do not forget about the fittings (pen, etc.), which should also be high quality.

Choose an entrance door to the apartment - the task is not out of simple and cause many questions. You need to know what qualities the design should have, to pay attention to when choosing. The entrance door is a custodian of a focus that prevents the penetration into housing of noise, cold and irrevocable guests. It should also look presentable, as it acts as a business card of the apartment.

Requirements for the entrance door to the apartment

Any premises, residential or industrial, meet the visitor to the entrance door. Choose an internal door opening door into the apartment is not difficult now. However, manufacturers offer a wide selection of products, the difference between which in materials, dimensions, colors and stylized designs.

Many people are not able to make a competent choice due to a wide variety. This is especially true of those who buys entrance doors to the apartment for the first time. To avoid errors, you should consider the requirements for any input designs:

  1. General reliability parameter.The entrance doors perform many functions, but the main - ensuring the protection of housing. For this reason, the selected design should be durable and high-quality, capable of protecting from intruders.
  2. It should be possible to inspect the external territory. It is better if the entrance door in the apartment is equipped with a small eye. This will allow to see the situation for the accuracy of housing or on the staircase.
  3. Noise and thermal insulation.The product prevents the penetration into the house of noise and cold, improving the comfort of living.
  4. Appearance. It is better to choose a beautiful entrance door to the apartment so that she fit into the interior of housing with its style.

Before going to the store for the purchase, it is necessary to take into account other points:

  1. Price of the canvas. It all depends on the quality of the design. If you choose the door for the country area or in the old abandoned apartment, then it is not necessary that it is high strength. Celebrate analogues are also suitable. But if the product is installed in the apartment of a new building or residential country house, you can consider more expensive variations.
  2. Dimensions of the opening. The canvas should easily "enter" in the doorway. Therefore, before buying, all measurements should be removed in advance.
  3. Selection of fittings. We are talking about castles, hinges, eyes, handles and so on. Here takes into account the type of construction and your own preferences. Of course, it is better to choose appropriate accessories suitable for quality and style for a good entrance door to the apartment.
  4. Having certificates and guarantees. This is an important point while buying, guaranteeing that all installation and operation issues will be solved.

Types of entrance doors

The construction market presents a wide range of input structures, designer canvases and technical models also produce. Classify them depending on the material used in the manufacture.

Metal entrance door

This is the most sought-after type. Made on special technology from durable materials. There are models that are additionally covered with anti-corrosion composition, which allows to operate the canvas under different climatic conditions, extending their service life.

The thickness of metal sheets is also important: European entrance doors are 1 mm, Chinese - from 0.5 to 1 mm, domestic - from 1.5 to 3 mm. The strength characteristics of the input design depend on the thickness of the metal. European models have standardized sizes, our manufacturers produce and non-classical options.

The customer can choose the design and format of insulation.

Before choosing a metal door to the apartment, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification in terms of complexity:

  1. Economy class. These are simple and affordable products made from single-olte steel with a thickness of 1 mm. The design uses only painting, without insulation and sound insulation. A separate type - metal canvases in an apartment collected from two sheets (each 1 mm in thickness). For such products, finishing, heat and sound insulation filler.
  2. Middle class. These are products made of two sheets, where each thickness is 1.5 mm. The finish happens anyway and depends on the preferences of the customer.
  3. Elite class. Entrance doors with enhanced design, with sheet thickness up to 2 mm. They are separated by natural or artificial materials, weave with wood, veneer.

As decorations are used: thermofilm, polymer or powder paint, plastic or wooden lining, vinyl-skin, auto email, varnish, MDF lining and other materials.

Important! So that the selected metal entrance door successfully performs its functions, it is important to install it correctly.

Wooden entrance door

Not so long ago, the tree was used as the main material for the production of input structures. Now the user has a choice where each product is characterized by its operational properties. However, wooden canvases refer to a luxurious and practical classics. Thanks to innovative technologies, their function and property properties are improved compared to the first models, as a result, they serve longer.

Wooden products are no longer so popular as previously due to the fact that a large selection of artificial materials is proposed on the market. But some customers prefer the natural massif of the tree. Considering the structural features, you can select three varieties of inlet wooden doors:

  1. Shield. For the assembly of these products, shields up to 4 cm thick are used. The frame is collected from the elements of the wood array of glued together. Some manufacturers complement such inlets by aluminum frame, which not only keeps heat, but also prolongs the life of the product.

  2. Pilencated. In terms of design, similar to the shield. They weigh an order of magnitude less, which makes it easier to transport and install.

  3. Whole. This option is now most common. For the manufacture they take a one-piece array of wood.

What materials do entrance wooden doors:

  1. Oak. This is a high-strength and durable breed that can serve several decades. An interesting feature - oak with time hardly, which makes the canvas even more stable. The result is the most expensive entrance doors in the apartment.

  2. Ash. By analogy with oak, durable and practical material. The popular option due to a variety of colors.
  3. Beech. This door to the apartment is better installed in a high-rise building. Beech poorly tolerate moisture effects, so it is not used for country houses.
  4. Pine. Key advantage - affordable price. Pine is a soft material, so the canvas make a purely for apartments.

The wooden doors in the apartment give preference to those customers who prefer environmental friendliness and natural appearance.

Entrance door to an apartment with a mirror

This species is gradually gaining popularity. A lot of customers prefer exactly such entrance doors to the apartment, explaining the choice of small sizes of the hallway. Now the mirror can be mounted both in wooden and metal products.

The entrance door with the mirror works organically in any interior, often acting as a key element of the decor. The design is interesting for its decorativeness, but is capable of performing other functions:

  1. Practicality. Going out of the apartment, you can always look in the mirror, appreciating my appearance. Of course, for this you need to properly place sources of lighting so that the light falls per person.
  2. Visually increases the space.The light, reflecting, creates the illusion of a large size of the corridor.

Important! To ensure the desired effect, you must carefully select the shape and size of the mirror being installed. It will emphasize the style of the apartment and decorate the interior.

Mirrors themselves are practical products. Indeed, in a small in size of the hallway, it is sometimes difficult to place a separate large mirror. But the door cavals are just a suitable size.

Width of the entrance door in the apartment

Standard dimensions are defined by GOST standards, regardless of the design material. The main parameters are as follows:

  1. Height. The standard parameter is in the range of 2070 mm to 2370 mm. To determine the specific value, the overall height of the ceiling and the width of the door canvase take into account.
  2. Width. The minimum parameter is 910 mm. For single-handed - 1010 mm, one and a half - 1310, 1510 and 1550 mm, two-dollar - 1910 and 1950 mm.
  3. Thickness. There is no strict regulation on this value, as it all depends on the material of the canvas for the apartment. Thicks should be enough for the entrance door to perform its main functions.

Important! For input structures, standard size is greater than for interroom. Make so so that a person carrying freight can pass through the opening.

How to choose for apartments inlet metal doors

Metal structures are most common. Most often choose the steel door to the apartment, ensuring proper housing protection. There are both world and domestic manufacturers producing products of different styles and sizes on the market.

Metal has long been used for the manufacture of entrance doors to the apartment. This is the most durable material providing protection against hacking. For this reason, it is popular for both residential and industrial premises. Choosing an iron door to the apartment, you should pay attention to the material based. For the manufacture of products, the following metals are used:

  1. Aluminum. Such products are different in the texture and shades. Aluminum is a metal, easy to process, so it is somewhat simpler to make the entrance doors of it.
  2. Steel. This metal has greater reliability and durability. In addition to the main function, such inlet canvas are equipped with noise and thermal insulation. For the price they are more expensive than aluminum analogues, but also better quality.

Choosing a product in the apartment, pay attention to the thickness of the main layer - the more, the better the design will protect the housing. As the basis, only two material is used, but the products differ from each other by the decorative layer. As decor, use:

  1. PVC panels. It's easy to care for such a coating.
  2. MDF. In addition to ecological purity, this material provides good sound insulation. The most preferred option for office space.
  3. Powder coating. Budget exterior.
  4. Panels made of natural wood.Expensive, but environmentally friendly and visually attractive option.

To increase the mechanical characteristics of the entrance door to the apartment, manufacturers equip products with rigids. These elements provide deformation protection and increase burglar resistance. The more rigid ribs, the more resistant will be the design. It is worth understanding that due to an increase in the number of these elements, the weight increases, which means that the loops will experience elevated loads and will fail to be faster.

What color to choose an entrance door to the apartment

When choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the overall style of accommodation, the color of outdoor material, walls, main furniture. Right tips to help choose the color of the entrance door to the apartment:

  1. The best solution is to choose a neutral shade, which will not be combined with anything. Successfully look white, black, gray or beige options.
  2. Optimally, if the color of the canvase corresponds to the shade of window frames.
  3. Doors, decorated with drawings, stained glass windows or stickers look well. Blind make on designer design, so compatibility is moved to the background.

Important! These tips are suitable for choosing an inlet canvas in an apartment and for interior partitions.

Rating input metal apartment doors

The most claimed design of the following brands:

  1. Outpost. This manufacturer produces products at a democratic price. The enterprise is from Russia, but production is organized in China, which made it possible to optimize costs. The manufacturing process is controlled, so the products are distinguished by good quality, the immutability of technical parameters and appearance.
  2. Tapere The company produces entrance doors to the apartment for more than 25 years. Thanks to the solid practical experience, the web-made canvas have good consumer properties, without overpayment. The assortment presents fire prevention options.
  3. Elbor. The year of the start of the company is 1976. Not so long ago, a comprehensive modernization of the company was carried out, which made it possible to increase production capacity.
  4. Gardian. A distinctive feature of this company's products is a high price, but consumer properties correspond to the premium class. For the manufacture of entrance doors to the apartment takes into account strict international and domestic standards.
  5. Became. This is a group of companies producing input canvas for individual orders. Product feature - additional concreting, thanks to which the box is attached at times reliable, while maintaining tightness.

This is not a complete list of companies engaged in the manufacture of entrance doors for apartments.

Where the entrance door should be opened in the apartment

In this issue, there is a major requirement - in case of an emergency, the design should not create obstacles in the evacuation of people. If we consider the practical side, then take into account several points:

  • when opening inside, you have to stop in front of the door and move back to open it;
  • the canvas opened outside is characterized by hack resistance, as it is more complicated to knock him out;
  • if the product is opened inside, there will be no opportunity to put an additional door, which will not only retain heat in the apartment, but also reduce the noise level;
  • if there is a small entrance hall in the room, it is better to choose the opening option outward.

In the case of apartment buildings, the following points are also taken into account:

  • with the outer smashing, the canvas should not prevent the discovery of the door of the neighbor;
  • if apartments come into a common tambour, the tambour door open outwards, and the entrance is inside;
  • if during the opening the door hits something, for example, the counter, then it is complemented by the opening limiter.

For the most part, where the canvas will be opened - the solution of the apartment owner.


Choose an entrance door to the apartment is not a problem, since there are many proposals: these are metal, wooden products or designs with mirrors. The main thing is that the door ensure the proper protection of the apartment and at the same time corresponded to the interior of the premises. You can take into account the rating of the inlet metal doors in the apartment, but it is equally important to correctly install the canvas.

Modern entrance doors must meet a variety of requirements. First, they should be reliable, secondly, beautiful and, thirdly, convenient to use. Release steel doors today are a variety of manufacturers. On the brand, when choosing to pay attention should be required. Cheap models made little by well-known companies, an obstacle for uninvited guests will be unlikely.

What should be considered when buying

When choosing the most suitable door model, first of all, you should pay attention to:

  • the thickness of the steel sheet used for the manufacture;
  • the design of the canvas;
  • a variety of insulation;
  • construction and number of locks;
  • the presence / absence of platbands;
  • the number and design of the loops;
  • variety of eyes;
  • appearance of the outer and inner panel;
  • manufacturer's brand;
  • cost.

Of course, choose the front door follows depending on its future purpose. For the cottage, the first and subsequent floors of an apartment building are chosen slightly different in the design of the model.

What should be the thickness

Good metal doors, reliably protecting interior areas from penetration with coarse force, move from steel thickness of at least 1.5 mm. Imported designs with such an indicator are considered the highest quality.

They are made from doped steel, which, when shuffling, begged without breaking. Models of hard metal must have a thickness of at least 2-4 mm. Products of this type are most often made by Russian manufacturers.

In addition to the thickness, when choosing a door, you should pay attention to the canvas and frame. The first must be made from one whole sheet. The presence of weld seams in the canvas is not allowed, since such a design can be easily hacked by means of ordinary sledgehammer.

Best of all, if the frame will be made of solid steel strips. Prefabricated its options are less reliable. Pretty good consumer feedback deserved only welded frames, filled from within cement mortar.

What should be the structure of the canvas

The canvas itself input door must necessarily be insulated. It is best that mineral wool or polystyrene foam will be used as an insulator. In cheap models instead of these modern insulation Often used just corrugated cardboard. Of course, the microclimate in an apartment or house with such a cannol is good. Cardboard does not delay either heat or different kind of extraneous noises.

Determine how much the inlet metal door is good in this regard quite difficult. Oriented in this case should be primarily on the manufacturer's brand. It is better to buy models that have already deserved good consumer reviews. In the extreme case, you can also ask the seller to twist one of the locks and look inside the canvas. Also to test the quality of the door with regard to insulation and noise insulation buyers sometimes just knock on it. A good model is not "buzzing."

What should be the locks

Hackings of the inlet metal doors are made to more by the use of coarse force, but "in-cunning". That is, using the knee and other similar devices. Therefore, the quality of the locks when choosing should pay special attention. Good consumer feedback deserved only door structures, stipped at least two locks. At the same time, one of them should be cylindrical, and the other - Suvalden.

Also, you must see how many rheglels are in the castles. In good models there should be at least 4. According to the reviews of specialists, reliable locks can only be considered if the departure and thickness of the riglels are at least 20 mm.

Loops and plants

The number of loops is determined primarily by weight and intensity of the use of the door. For a model designed to install in an urban apartment or a residential building, there will be 2-3 pieces. In the design of the loop necessarily must enter ball supports. These elements significantly increase their wear resistance. Without them, the canvas soon will simply see.

Well, of course, the loops must be hidden by platbands. Without it, hacking the door becomes very easy. The loops of models without platforms can be easily cut off by a grinder or some other tool. In particular, the platband is relevant for the designs installed in country cottages. It is also very good if the door will be equipped with hidden loops and anti-burglar pins.


Of course, in the linen of the entrance door must be embedded in the eye. And very good if it is panoramic. As for the appearance of the web and the frame, in this case the selection depends mostly from the taste of the owners of the house or apartment. But of course, pay attention to the degree of practicality of the skin is in any case.

Finishing should be good enough resist different kind mechanical influences and unfavorable environmental factors. In particular, this is relevant for doors intended for use in country houses. The best reviews from Dachnikov deserved models with powdered anti-finished coating.

As for the interior decoration, it, of course, should make the most harmoniously fit into the interior of the hallway. Today on sale there are door structures with removable internal panels. The decoration of such models can be changed.

Brand manufacturer

This parameter when choosing an input door is considered hardly the most important. In no case should you buy, for example, cheap Chinese doors. Such models are usually made from very poor-quality and fine steel.

Metal thickness of the canvas and frames in most cases does not exceed 0.6 mm. For comparison: conventional tin cans have about the same thickness. That is, open the entrance door of Chinese production can not even scrap or the grinder, but a simple cans.

Bad reviews such models have deserved for very poor quality insulation. Polystyrene foam and mineral wool The Chinese for insulation are practically not used for insulation. Most often, they are insulated with a completely useless corrugated cardboard. Leaves to desire the best and quality of locks in Chinese models.

The most good reviews on the network are about the input metal door structures of Russian and Polish production. The most popular brands are:

  • "Gardian";
  • "Condor";
  • "TOREKS";
  • "Outpost";
  • "Elbor";
  • Galant;
  • Nova.

Models "Gardian"

Reviews about metal entrance doors of this brand are good primarily because these models differ in high strength and burglar resistance. The advantages of the designs of this manufacturer can also be:

  • multilayer protection of the locking well;
  • high-quality powder coating of the canvas;
  • ecology of materials used for insulation;
  • the possibility of individual selection is not only design and size of the canvas, but also locks, as well as other fittings.

The doors "Gardian" of the Russian company of the same name are produced.

Models "Elbor"

These metal entrance doors also have just fully deserved popularity from the domestic consumer. The models of this brand are manufactured at the plants of the Russian holding "Elbor" to their main advantages:

  • reliability;
  • easily changing decorative panels;
  • crystrous multipoint locking system;
  • the presence of an additional armored armor.

The advantages of the designs of this brand also considers the possibility of a canvas on any side.

Models "Condor"

With a not too high cost, this company has simply excellent quality. Thermal insulation in these door structures is arranged using mineral wool. Waters and frames are covered sustainable adverse effects External environment with paint and varnish coating. Those who want to buy a high-quality door for home and do not overpay, be sure to pay attention to this option.

Models "Tarex"

In the metal doors of this Russian brand, not mineral wool is used as insulation, but polystyrene foam, characterized by resistance to moisture. Therefore, the Taekos models are well suited for installation in country houses.

In some cases, they are mounted even in the absence of a tambour. But experienced daches build the latter still recommended. In any door of the average price category castles due to condensate in winter can be blocked. This disadvantage is devoid of very expensive imported models intended for country houses.

Products of the company "FORPOST"

This firm is one of the leading doors in Russia. The main advantage of the "outpost" brand models, in addition to reliability, strength and durability, is the presence of hidden loops. Cut such a canvas from the frame is very difficult. Also good reviews of the model of this manufacturer deserved for an attractive appearance. The products "outpost" looks like a truly beautiful and well fits into the interior of almost any entrance hall.

Polish models Galant.

This manufacturer to protect the locks from hacking also applies reliable armoflastic. The unconditional advantages of the doors of this brand, among other things, can be attributed impeccable solid appearance And not too high cost. The adjustment of the "Galant" models is equipped with additional protection, and the threshold is made of stainless steel.

Products of Novak.

The advantages of the doors of this type, which there are also many positive feedbacks, first of all, include high reliability of the canvas and the presence of additional protection of the gun. Besides, popularity Polish Models Novak Deserved thanks to the presentable design of the canvas and frame. They cost a little more expensive than Chinese, the quality is quite good.

About the Saratov doors "Tareyks" many speak too good. But in fact, the poor opinion about them has developed in people mainly due to not very conscientious installer masters. The doors of this brand themselves are quite kind and reliable. In my costs there are two locks - the main 4th grade of protection and an additional 2nd. Rama and cloth pretty powerful, and for insulation used minvat. Additionally, the canvas is filled with foam polyurethane. Therefore, cold, like extraneous noises, it practically does not miss. In general, a very good door at a price.

Valery Petrovich

Recently put the Russian door "outpost" in the house. It is still satisfied with quality. It looks beautiful and solid. There is a universal castle in our door. Yes, it is convenient, but I still consider this item too much. The Internet is written on the Internet that some "outpost" doors wizers know about the presence of this function and sometimes become on the path of crime, penetrating foreign apartments. Otherwise, the door is completely satisfied with us.

Stanislav Kochetkov