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How to make autogyro do it yourself drawings. Autogyr - flying remedy with your own hands. The main geometric parameters of the autogyry having a chassis with a nose wheel

How to make autogyro do it yourself? This question was most likely asked those people who love or want to fly. It is worth noting that, perhaps, not everything heard about this device, as it is not too common. They were widely used only until helicopters were invented in the form in which they are now. From the moment of the exit to the sky, such models of aircraft guns immediately lost their relevance.

How to build autogyro do it yourself? Blueprints

Create such an aircraft will not be much difficult for someone who is fond of technical creativity. Special tools or expensive building materials will also not be needed. The place that will have to highlight on the assembly, minimal. It is worth adding to immediately that the assembly of autogyry will save with their own hands, as the purchase of a factory sample will require tremendous financial costs. Before proceeding to the process of modeling this device, you need to take care of the availability of all tools and materials at hand. The second step is to create a drawing, without which it is not possible to assemble the standing design.

Basic design

Immediately it is worth saying that it is quite simple to build an autogyro, if it is a glider. With the rest of the models will be somewhat more complicated.

So, to start work, it will be necessary to have three duralumin power elements among materials. One of them will serve as a keel structure, the second play the role of the axial beam, and the third will serve as a mast. You can immediately attach a controlled nasal wheel, which should be equipped with a brake device. The ends of the axial power element must also be equipped with wheels. You can use small parts from the scooter. Important moment: if with your own hands, the autogyro is going to fly for a boat on a tug, then the wheels are replaced with controlled floats.

Farm Installation

Another of the main elements is a farm. This item is also mounted at the front end of the keel beam. This device is a triangular design that grips from three duralumin corners, and then amplified by sheet linings. The purpose of this design is a towing hook. The device of the autogyry with its own hands with the presence of a farm should be done so that the pilot pulling over the cord could be pulled off at any time from the towing cable. In addition, the farm is necessary in order for it to install the simplest air navigation devices. These include a flight tracking device, as well as a lateral demolition mechanism.

Another main element is the installation of a pedal node that is installed directly under the farm. This part should have a cable liner to the aircraft driving.

Frame for aggregate

When assembling Avgir, it is very important to pay due attention to his frame.

As stated earlier, it will take three duralumin pipes. These parts should have a cross section of 50x50 mm, and the thickness of the pipe walls must be 3 mm. Similar items are often used when mounting windows or doors. Since it will be necessary to drill holes in these pipes, it is necessary to remember the important rule: when working, the drill should not damage the inner wall of the element, it should only touch it and no more. If we talk about the choice of diameter, then it must be selected so that the bolt of the MB type can go as close as possible into the resulting hole.

Another important remark. When drawing up the drawing of the autogyry, you need to take into account one nuance. When assembling the machine, the mast must be rejected slightly backwards. The angle of inclination of this part is approximately 9 degrees. When drawing up the drawing, this moment should be considered to not forget. The main purpose of this action is to create an angle of attacking the loudspeakers of the autogyr to 9 degrees even when it just stands on Earth.


Assembly of the Rama Rama, with their own hands, continues to secure the axial beam. She is attached to Kil across. To reliably fasten one base element, it is necessary to use 4 MB bolts, as well as add finished nuts to them. In addition to this attachment, you need to create additional stiffness of the structure. To do this, use four disclosures that connect two parts. The disclosures must be made of steel corner. At the ends of the axial beam, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to fix the wheel axes. To do this, you can use pair clip.

The next step in the assembly of the autogyry will be the manufacture of the frame and the back of the seat. In order to assemble this small design, it is also best to use duralumin pipes. For assembly, the frames are perfectly suitable for details from children's clamshells or wheelchairs. For fastening the frame of the seat, two duralumin corners with dimensions of 25x25 mm are used, and it is attached to the mast with a bracket made from a steel corner of 30x30 mm.

Checking Avgilla

After the frame is ready, the seat is collected and attached, the farm is ready, navigation devices and the rest of the important elements of the autogyre are installed, it is necessary to check how the finished design works. It is necessary to do this before the rotor will be installed and developed. Important note: Checking the performance of the aircraft is necessary on the platform from which further flights are planned.

Hornet autogyro drawings. 1997 - Development date. The design uses the engine with a capacity of more than 45 horsepower. Any engine type is used, for example: boat; motorcycle; Snowmobile. In the event that the engine fails, an emergency self-rotation of the carrier screw is turned on, and the landing is performed, which ensures high pilot safety.

Specifications of autogyry (used on the engine model - Rotex 447):
- rotor (diameter), mm - 7320;
- propeller, mm - 152;
- height, mm - 2280;
- width, mm - 1830;
- lifting weight, T - 0,280;

Weight, t - 0,160;
- maximum speed, km / h - 102;
- working speed, km / h - 80;
- Capacity of the tank, L - 20;
- flight distance, km - 90.

Autogyro is held in the air due to the screw (carrier). The screw is driven by the flow of counter air, and not the engine. The horizontal movement of the design is carried out by an additional screw planned on the horizontal axis of rotation.
Gyroplan is another name of the aircraft design. Take up vertically, not all the autogyrov models can not. Most models require a runway not more than 30 meters long.

Easy autogyro das-2m.

Developer: V.Danilov, M. Ananisimov, V.Smerchko
Country: USSR
First flight: 1987

For the first time, the autogyr das rose into the air in an inspext version, towed by the car "Zhiguli". It happened on one of the airfields of agriculture under Tula. But even years were required during which the designers worked on the engine before the most experienced pilot pilot Lii V.M. Semenov after just one jogging raised DAS-2M in the air. This event was noted in the future at the reviews of the Slave Prize of the OKB named after MLMil. The device, according to the test pilot, has good flight characteristics and efficient management.


The fuselage is a fermented, tubular, collapsible design. The main element of the fuselage is a frame consisting of a horizontal and vertical (pylon) of pipes with a diameter of 75 x 1, made of steel 30xgss. The towing device with the lock and the receiver of air pressure, the instrument panel, a pilot seat, equipped with a cobbled strap, control device, tricyclass, with a hand-controlled chassis wheel installed on a power unit with a pushing screw, a stabilizer, a keel with a steering wheel, ball Bearing screw hinge. Under the keel, an auxiliary tail wheel with a diameter of 75 mm is installed. The pylon together with a diameter of 38 x 2 with a length of 1260 mm, tubular beams of the main wheels with a diameter of 42 × 2 with a length of 770 mm, made of titanium alloy W-2, and with a diameter of 25 x 1 with a length of 730 mm from steel 30HGSS forms a spatial power frame, in The center of which is located a pilot. With a horizontal tube of the fuselage and a ball hinge, the pylon is connected with titanium shines. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe installation of Kosnokok in the tubes, emissions are installed from Duralumin B95T1.

Power unit - with pushing screw. It consists of a two-cylinder opposite two-stroke engine with a working volume of 700 cm3 with a gearbox, pushing screw and electric starter, friction clutch clutch of the pre-promotion system of the carrier screw, a gas tank with a capacity of 8 liters and electronic ignition system. The power unit is placed behind the pylon, on the engine frame.
The engine is equipped with a duplicate electronic contactless ignition system and a tuned outlet system.

The pushing wooden screw is driven by a clinoremable gearbox consisting of leading and slave pulleys and six belts. To reduce the torque unevenness, dampers are installed on the gearbox.

Running screw with a diameter of 6.60 m-Dvukhlobatny. The blades consisting of a fiberglass spar, foam foam filling and fiberglass covered with one horizontal hinge on the sleeve placed on the pylon. In the ends of the blades there are unmanaged trimmers to adjust the fostering of the carrier screw. On the axis of the carrier screw, the slave gear of the pre-promotion gear and the carrier tachometer sensor is installed. The drive of the gearbox is carried out with the help of cardan-slot shafts, an angular gearbox installed on the pylon, and the clutch friction clutch, located on the engine. The clutch friction clutch consists of a slave rubber roller, fixed on the axis of the cardan-slotted shaft, and the leading duralumin drum located on the axis of the engine. The control of the friction coupling is carried out using a lever installed on the control knob.

Changes on the roll and pitch are carried out by a handle that affects the position of the lower fork of controls associated with the upper fork, which, in turn, leads to a change in the inclination of the rotation of the carrier screw.
Travel control is carried out by the direction of the direction connected by the cable wiring with pedals with which the nasal wheel is controlled. To compensate for the hinge torque, the direction steering wheel is equipped with a horn compensator. The steering wheel and the thrower of the symmetric profile are made with a set of 16 plywood ribs with a thickness of 3 mm, pine stringers 5 x 5 mm, covered with poultry and coated with nitrolecom. Kiel is installed on the horizontal tube of the fuselage using anchor bolts and two cable braces.

Aircraft chassis - three-wheeled. The front controlled wheel with dimensions 300 x 80 mm is associated with pedals with a gear gear having a gear ratio of 1: 0.6, and is equipped with a drum-type parking brake with a diameter of 115 mm.

The instrument panel is located on the farm of the towing device. The dashboard is set to the speed pointer, variometer, altimeter connected to the air pressure receiver, tachometers of the carrier and pushing screws. On the control knob there are an emergency stop toggle switch and a friction clutch control handle. The throttle control levers of the carburetor and the device forced disagreement of the gear gear of the pre-promotion system are installed on the pilot seat on the left. On the right is the ignition switch. To the left of the dashboard is the parking brake brake lever. The drive of all mechanisms of autogyry is carried out with the help of cables with Boouden shells.

The diameter of the carrier screw, M: 6,60
Max. Run weight, kgf: 280
The weight of empty autogyro, kgf: 180
Fuel weight, kgf: 7
Specific, kgf / m2: 8.2
Power point,
- Power, hp: 52
-Max. Screw speed, rpm: 2500
-Diameter screw, M: 1,46
Speed, km / h,
- Lisens: 40.
-Tellic: 0.
-Kraisser: 80.
-Maximum: 100.
Pressure, m / s: 2.0.

Autogyr DAS-2M.

The child in childhood is definitely asked - who he wants to be? Of course, many answer that they want to be pilots or cosmonauts. Alas, but with the arrival of adult life, children's dreams evaporate, in priority the family, earnings of money and the realization of a children's dream is moving into the background. But if you want to want to feel very much, then you can feel like a pilot - although it is not for long, and for this we will design the autogyro do it yourself.

Autogyra can make any person, you need to understand a little in the art, there will be enough common ideas. There are many articles and detailed guides on this score, we will analyze the autogyrighs in the text and their design. The main thing is a high-quality auto shoot at the first flight.

Autogyrian gliders - assembly instructions

The autogyr-glider rises to the sky with a car and cable - a design similar to the aircraft serpent, which many, being children, launched into the sky. The height of the flight on average is 50 meters, when the cable is released, the pilot on the autogyry is able to plan some time, gradually losing height. Such small flights will give the skill that is useful when controlling the autogyr engine with the engine, it can dial up to 1.5 km and speed 150 km / h.

Autogyros - base of construction

For flight, you need to make a high-quality basis to mount the other parts of the structure. Kelema, axial beam and mast from duralumin. Front wheel shot from a racing card, which is attached to the killema beam. Of the two sides of the wheel from the scooter, screwed to the axial beam. A farm is installed in front of a keil beam, made of duralumin, applied to dump the cable when towing.

There are also the simplest air appliances - a speed meter and lateral demolition. The dashboard placed the pedal and the cable from it, which goes to the steering wheel. At the other end of the keel beam is a stabilizing module, steering wheel and insurance wheel.

  • Farm,
  • attachment for towing hook,
  • hook,
  • air speedometer,
  • cable,
  • demolition indicator
  • control lever,
  • the blade for the carrier screw
  • 2 bracket for the head of the rotor,
  • rotor head from the carrier screw
  • aluminum bracket for fastening seats,
  • mast,
  • back,
  • control handle
  • bracket for handle,
  • rama Seat,
  • roller for control cable,
  • mast attachment bracket
  • pitch
  • top dive,
  • vertical and horizontal plumage,
  • safety wheel,
  • axis and killea beam
  • fastening wheels to the axial beam,
  • lower split from the steel corner,
  • brake,
  • sitting support
  • pedal knot.

Autogyros - the process of operation of the flying agent

A mast is attached to a keil beam with 2 brackets, a pilot is located near it - a seat with safety belts. The rotor is installed on the mast, it is also attached with 2 duralumin brackets. The rotor and the screw are spinning due to air flow, thus, it turns out the auto shoot.

Planer handle for control, which is installed near the pilot, tilts the autogyr to any side. Autogyros are a special kind of air transport, their control system is simple, but there are also features if you tilt the handle down, then instead of the loss of height, they are gaining it.

On Earth, the autogyros is controlled by a nose wheel, the pilot changes its direction to your feet. When the autogyr goes into the auto shoot mode, the direction of the direction is responsible for the control.

The direction of the direction is a brake device plank, which changes the axial direction when pressed by the pilot with his legs on its part. When landing, the pilot presses the board, which creates friction about the wheels and quench the speed - such a primitive brake system is very cheap.

Autogyry have a small mass, which allows you to assemble it in an apartment or a garage, and then carry a place on the roof in the place you need. AutoNotation is what you need to achieve when designing this aircraft. Build perfect autogyro after reading one article, it will be difficult, we recommend watching the video on the assembly of each part of the design separately.

For many years, the autogyrira was considered very dangerous aircraft. And now 90% of flying believes that the autogyros are deadly dangerous. The most popular self-regulation statement: "They combine the shortcomings of aircraft and helicopters." Of course, it is not. The advantages of the autogyrov is enough.
So where does the opinion about the colossal risk of autogyrov?
We will make a short excursion in history. The authors were invented in 1919 by the Spaniard de la Siper. Do it, according to legend, he prompted his friend's death in the plane. The cause of the disaster was the dumping (loss of speed and loss of lifting force and controllability). It is a desire to construct la, not afraid of dumping, and led it to the invention of the autogyry. La Sierre's autogyr looked like this:

Ironically, La Sierva himself died when crashing the aircraft. True passenger.
The next stage is connected with Igor Bennice, an American inventor, who in the 50s invented the design, the most importantly of almost all modern autogyros. If Sierre's autogyry were, rather, airplanes with a rotor installed, then the Avtogyr Bensen was absolutely different:

As we see, the tractor location of the engine has changed to the pushing, and the design has been radically simplified.
This is a radical simplification of the design and played an evil role with autogyry. They began to be actively sold in the form of whales (sets for self-assembly), to be made by the "craftsmen" in the garages, actively navigate without any briefing. The result is understandable.
Mortality in autogylah reached unprecedented marks (approximately 400 times higher than on aircraft - I give in English statistics of zero anniversary, only the autogyry of Bensenovsky type, various kinds of self-herders, was attached to it.
At the same time, the peculiarities of the control and aerodynamics of the autogyr were not really studied, they remained experimental apparatus in the worst sense of the word.
As a result, when they are constructed, serious errors were often allowed.
Look at this machine:

It seems to be similar to modern autogyry, whose photos I led in the first post. It seems to be not like.

First, RAF-2000 did not have a horizontal plumage. Secondly, the engine traction line was significantly higher than the vertical center of gravity. Two of these factors were enough to make this autogyry "deadly trap",
Later, largely due to the disasters of RAF, people studied the aerodynamics of the autogyr and found "pitfalls" of this seemingly. Perfect aircraft.
1. Rotor unloading . Autogyro flies due to the freely rotating Rotor. What happens if the autogyr will fall into a state of temporary weightlessness (the upstream air flow, the top point "barrels", turbulence, etc.)? Rotor turnover will fall, along with them the lifting force will fall ... It would seem anything terrible, for such conditions will last long - the split of a second, a second to the maximum.
2. Yes, nothing terrible, if it were not for a high line of thrust that can lead to power Kuyrka (PPO - POWER PUSH-OVER).

Yes, it drew it again;)) The figure shows that the center of gravity (CG) is located significantly lower than the thrust line (thrust) and that the air resistance (DRAG) is also attached below the thrust line. As a result, arises, as they say in aviation, a dive moment. Those., Autogyro strives to kwwork forward. In the usual situation, nothing terrible - the pilot will not give. But in the situation of unloading the rotor, the pilot no longer controls the apparatus, and he remains a toy in the hands of the powerful forces. And tumbling. And it happens often very quickly and unexpectedly. Just flew and enjoyed views, and suddenly Batz! And you already in an unmanaged tin jar with sticks fall down. No chance to restore the controlled flight - this is not a plane or deltalelet.
3. In addition, the autogyros has more wonderful pieces. it Pio (Pilot Induced Oscillas - Longitudinal Running Laptop ). In the case of unstable autogies, it is very likely. The fact is that the autogyr reacts somewhat slowly. Therefore, a situation can happen in which the pilot will make a sick "star" - trying to repay the oscillations of the Avtogyr, he actually enhances them. As a result of the oscillations "up-down" grow, and the device turns over. However, PIO is also possible on the plane - the simple example will be a well-known habit of novice pilots to deal with the "goat" with sharp movements of the handle. As a result, the "goat" amplitude is only increasing. In unstable autochairs, this fool is very dangerous. The stable is treated very simply - you need to throw a "handle" and relax. Autogyr will return to a calm condition.

RAF-2000 was an autogrome with a very high line of thrust (HTL, High Thrust Line Gyro - autogyry with high passage lines), Bensenovskiy - low line lines (LTL, Low Thrust Line Gyro - autogyro with low passage line). And they killed a couple very, very, very many pilots.

4. But even on these autogiards, it would be possible to fly if there were no other thing - it turns out autogyros are not controlled at all as airplanes ! In the comments to the previous post, I described the reaction to the engine failure (handle from myself). So, in several articles I read about the opposite way !!! In autogyry, if the engine fails, you need to urgently load the rotor, giving the handle on yourself and removing the gas. It is necessary to say that the more likely the pilot of the aircraft, the more powerful the reflex sits in his orphan: when the handle is refused from itself and the maximum gas. In autogyry, especially unstable (with a high line of thrust), such behavior can lead to the most powerful knuckle.
But this is not all - the autogyros has a lot of different features. I do not know all of them, because he has not yet passed the course of study. But many are known - the autogyry do not like the "pedal" on the landing (slip, with the help of which "aircraft" often "etching height"), do not tolerate "barrels" and a lot more.
Those., In autogyry is vital learn from a competent and experienced instructor ! Any attempts to master the autogyro on their own are deadly dangerous! What does not prevent a huge number of people around the world to build and build their stools with a screw, their own to master them and beat them regularly.

5. Defecting simplicity . Well, the extreme underwater stone. Autogyry are very simple and pleasantly managed. Many make independent departures on them after 4 hours of study (I flew on the 12th hour on the glider, before 10 it rarely happens). The landing is much easier than on the plane, it shakes incomparably less - so losing people feeling danger. I think this deceptive simplicity killed no less than the people than squirrels with starches.
Autogyra has its own "Flying Envelope" (flight restrictions) that must be followed. Exactly as in the case of any other aircraft.

Games to good do not bring:

Well, that's all the horrors. At some stage of the development of autogyrov, it seemed that everything was over, and the autogyry would remain a lot of enthusiasts. But it happened completely reverse. Zero years have become the time of the gross boom of auto-coat. With the boom of factory autogyrin, rather than self-made and half-model whales .. The boom is so strong that in 2011 117 autogyrin and 174 ultra-light aircraft / delta (ratio, inconceivable in the 90s) were registered in Germany. What is particularly nice, the lsters of this market, which have only recently arose, demonstrate excellent security statistics.
Who are these new heroes-autoginatories? What did they come up with this to compensate, seemingly huge shortcomings of autogyrov? About this in the next series;)