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Metal tile layout scheme. Step-by-step instructions for the construction of the roof of metal tile with their own hands: Famining features. Top Endov and Additional Elements

Metal tile is becoming increasingly popular every day. This is an excellent roofing material with the optimal ratio of operational characteristics and cost. Metal tile is suitable for finishing the roofs of almost any complexity. At the same time, you can cope with the tasks on the installation of the material with your own hands.

Metal tile is produced in the form of galvanized sheet material based on steel. The sheet includes several layers that perform important protective or decorative functions.

  1. Zinc layer. It is the basis for applying the following layers. Additionally, warns the development of corrosion.
  2. Passivating layer.Prevents static electricity accumulation.
  3. Ground layer. Provides the highest quality grip of the previous and next layers of sheet metal tile.
  4. Polymer layer. Protects the material from adverse external influences and gives it the required appearance. The coating can be matte and glossy. A variety of color variations are available, which allows you to choose the roofing material fully satisfying the owner's requests.

Metal tile has many advantages over other popular roofing materials, namely:

  • small weight. In the modern market there are many excellent roofing materials in their characteristics, but the possibility of using many of them is limited precisely because of the greater weight. Modern houses are increasingly elevated from the "light" building materials and additional loads them absolutely can not need anything. The metal tile weighs a bit, so it can be safely used even for the roof roofs of houses built on weak foundations;
  • many color variations. It is hardly possible to find another roofing material, presented in such a variety of color solutions such as metal tile;

  • good technical characteristics. Metal tile is resistant to atmospheric and other adverse effects. Installation of sheets can be performed at any time of the year;

  • comparatively available cost. Metal tile wins noticeably in the price of other coatings with similar parameters. Natural tile is much more expensive, although its properties are practically no different from the characteristics of modern high-quality steel sheets.

Metal tile looks perfectly on the roofs of almost any buildings. It is best suited for large and solid houses and cottages, however, if you wish, you can develop a great roof project even for a small country house.

Video - Metal tile mounting with your own hands Instructions

Before the start of arrangement of the crate and fastening directly sheets of metal tiles, it is necessary to think about reliable and high-quality waterproofing. Due to moisture insulating, the material will be excluded the possibility of condensate on the inner surfaces of the elements of the roofing system, which contributes to a significant increase in their service life.

The most popular waterproofing option is polyethylene film. This material available in its cost impeccably copes with all the tasks assigned to it.

Waterproofing should be laid on the rafter under counterball. Separate pieces of film are stacked with an overlap about 15-17 cm. Providing films between rafters can be no more than 1.5-2 cm.To fix the film, use galvanized nails or a building stapler with metal brackets. Waterproofing joints Clean the adhesive tape. It is desirable that she was metallized.

The technology of the roofing device from metal tile requires a mandatory laying of the insulation. It is more convenient to use mineral wool slabs. The material is stacked between rapid legs. To fix the plates, the construction stapler is perfect for you.

Cutting device

Metal tiles will be laid on the carrying structure known as the lamp. The framework of the system is assembled from wooden boards of a width of about 100 mm and a thickness of 25-30 mm. All wooden elements must be treated with an antiseptic agent. Otherwise, wood rotes in fairly short time.

The lamp is fastened between the waterproofing styling and the insulation mounting. The task is reduced to the attachment of wooden boards or bars to the rafyles. Start from the skate of the roofing design, gradually moving vertically down to the eternity. Fitting elements Fix in a horizontal position. Use nails of a suitable length. As a rule, the boards are mounted with a solid sheet.

Laying of roofing material

Laying the metal tile should begin with the lower corner of the roofing slope. It is best to start working from the left left corner. In this case, each next sheet will overlap the previous one. If you start the installation of the coating from the right angle, the next sheet of metal tiles will have to put under the already laid material. So do it is undesirable, because With such mounting, there is a high probability of damage to the roofing coating.

Laying the metal tile should be carried out in parallel eaves. Do not forget to leave Sve beyond the eaves of about 4 cm. There is a technology, according to which metal tile sheets can fit vertically. But in the absence of proper experience of roofing work, it is better to refuse this method, giving choice in favor of a more traditional and simple horizontal installation.

When laying, you will need to perform a slight turn of the corners clockwise. This is done in order for the right angles of elements laid in one row, they are located on a single straight line.

To secure adjacent sheets, 1 screws are used. Such a preliminary mount is placed at the top of the sheet. After that, it is necessary to align the elements of the system and perform their final fixation.

The longest sheets of metal tile are laid in the bottom row. With this option, installation is greatly facilitated, and the finished coating takes on a more solid and attractive appearance.

At 1 m2 of coatings, approximately 7-8 self-tapping screws. Big sheets are needed in transverse waves, screwing the screws in 35 cm increments. You can also install screws in longitudinal waves. With this method, it is necessary to attach through a wave, placing the screws in the upper ridges.

To twist the screws, the electrical screwdriver is best suited. An electric drill is also suitable.The main thing is that it has the function of slow and smooth rotation of the cartridge. To achieve greater mounting accuracy, the hole is recommended in advance.

Coating sheets need to be fixed in the lower ridge of the wave, where the material is pressed against the crate. This will create the most reliable fastening and not deform the material.

The lower sheets of metal tiles must be attached to the first obresatin in each wave, without skipping. At this site will be the most powerful wind loads, therefore the mount should be as reliable as possible so that the sheets do not break down at the first strong impact of the wind.

Fastening to other obresatinum at the minimum distance from below to the step. In this place, the sheet material has the highest rigidity. In addition, with this location, the screws will be practically imperceptible.

In the places of the allen sheets of metal tiles need to be fixed through the wave. If you wish, you can fix each wave. This will ensure the most high-quality adjacent of the upper sheet elements.

Galvanized tapping screws made from alloy steel are best suited for fastening the roofing material. Also perfectly proven self-tapping screws from stainless steel with a seal.Such fasteners can have the most diverse color, which will create the optimal color combination of screws and the main coating.

Self-tapping screws are accepted strictly perpendicular to the elements of the crate. Deviations are not allowed. The sheets of metal tiles should be most closely attracted to the crate. Any hauling of self-tapping screws can lead to the appearance of through holes in sheets. If the roof is subjected to long-term exposure to acidic or alkaline media for fixing the metal tile, the screws with plastic caps should be used.

After 3-4 months after the completion of roofing, check the screws. Under the influence of wind loads, the fasteners usually weaken. Tighten the thinning screws.

Thus, in the independent installation, the metal tile has nothing complicated. Follow the instructions, follow the recommendations received and everything will turn out.

Good job!

Video - Metal tile mounting with your own hands Instructions

Metal tile is a material that is used to finish the roof along with such popular materials such as slate, bitumen tile and galvanized tin. Excellent specifications make it excellent options for any home. And although usually to carry out this kind prefer to invite professionals, consider how to install metal tiles independently: step-by-step instructions and some recommendations of specialists.

The roof of the tile, especially if it is made of metal - one of the best options for housekeeping. Experts and users themselves note many positive aspects of using this material, including:

  • low weight (4-6 kg / m²), which provides a very small burden on the roof;

Differs on a democratic price, long service life and expressive appearance

  • simple installation procedure and ease of repair work;
  • a large range of color solutions;
  • the material is environmentally safe and does not contain any harmful components;
  • the coating is equipped with stiffeners, which makes it very durable. Provided that all recommendations for the installation are observed, the surface is capable of withstanding the load from 200 kg / m², even if sheets of 0.5 mm thick were used;
  • the material is extremely resistant to temperatures. No drops are terrible, and the thermal expansion rate is minimal.

It is practically no need to talk about the lack of metal tiles, except, except, an increased level of noise in the days when it rains. But even with this, it is quite possible to cope if the glass gamble layer is pre-laying.

Criteria for selecting a roof material from metal tile: Photo examples

Before you begin consideration of the process of installing this roofing material, it is necessary to determine how the material should be used.

Viewing photo of roofs, metal tile on which it looks attractive, far from the best method in this case, since in the process you need to pay attention to the list of challenges, as well as the labeling provided by the manufacturer. Consider what you need to know the buyer.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the presence of such good elements in the price list as:

  • different types of skates: Simple, curly and with aerators;
  • special passing units for installation of pipes, hatches, ventilation, antennas, as well as lighting windows;
  • elements designed to ensure the safety of surface maintenance - driving bridges, stairs, snowstores;
  • internal and outdoor infants;
  • other necessary elements - Wounded profiles, frontones, cornice plates Metal tiles, mounting which is a mandatory part of the roof arrangement.

Important! The presence of all listed elements among the proposals of the seller is the company's level indicator that produces metal tile, which may indicate the quality of the products themselves.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the study of marking, which must be present at each certified material. Typically, the production indicates all the characteristics of the material itself, as well as the level of quality of the anti-corrosion coating, which is applied over the sheet.

So, here's what information can be learned by reading the information provided on the back of the sheet metal tile:

  • the presence of polymers;
  • how much zinc is 1 m² of sheet;
  • production date and period of warranty period of use of the material;
  • manufacturer's name;
  • sheet thickness.

In the process of visual inspection, it is necessary to pay attention to the integrity of the protective layer, both with facial and from the wrong side of the sheet, as well as the availability of all mandatory labels.

Important! If we are talking about the material acquired from a major producer, then the marking will be present and the brand used steel.

Installation of metal tile: Step-by-step instructions for independent work

Given the fact that the installation price of metal tile has never been low, many prefer to try to do everything you need yourself. Although initially it is worth familiar with how much professional installation of metal tiles. The price of work per M2 begins from 250 rubles and may increase depending on the complexity.

The process of installing the roof of metal tile, the technology of which will be considered further consists of several stages, each of which has its value and must be carried out properly.

Staying Metal tile: Preparatory stage and settlement

The first thing that will be needed to be done in the event that a decision was made on the independent procedure for laying the metal tile on the roof surface - conducting preliminary calculations. This is necessary in order to determine which amount of what materials it is necessary and, accordingly, to avoid unnecessary costs.

Let's start with the fact that we clarify some of the basic concepts so that in the future the question of how the roof is arranged from the metal tile not arose. If you look at the roof that has already been covered with this material, you can see that it consists of rows that pass across the skate and waves. The distance from one row to another is called a step.

There is such a concept as "model". Under this title, the sheets of metal tiles are meant, the step of which is 35 cm, and the number of waves at the same time 6. On sale you can find the sheets of modules 1, 3, 6 and 10.

Helpful advice! In addition to the purchase of sheets of standard sizes, one can consider the option of the individual manufacture of metal tile under the order. Of course, it will cost it more expensive, but it is possible that this material can be obtained that it is suitable for you. The main thing is to remember that the length of one sheet should not be less than 45 cm or more than 7 m.

In the process of choosing the right size of the sheet, it is necessary to navigate that after installing the joints and the waves converged in such a way as to form a single coating along the entire length of the skate. The amount of material at the same time is quite simple to calculate, taking into account the length of the roof and sheets.

By purchasing metal tile, it is important to pay attention to some additional items that are included and allowed to carry out the correct installation. This includes steel strips with a length of 2 m, as well as the sheets of steel 200x125 cm, which must have the same coloring as the tile.

In the process of acquiring metal tile, you need to make sure that these auxiliary elements are available in sufficient quantities and meet all requirements. For example, the standard level of inclination of the plank is 30 degrees. Although other options are possible at the request of buyers - from 11 to 70 degrees.

Important! 11 degrees are a minimal slope at which the installation of metal tiles will be allowed.

Materials and tools for laying metal tiles do it yourself

In order to carry out the installation of metal tiles with their own hands, you need to take care of the presence of some tools and materials that will allow you to spend all the work as simple as possible and effectively:

  • screwdriver;
  • electric drill;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • yardstick;
  • a hammer;
  • marker;
  • mounting tape.

It is also worth taking care of the presence of a ladder and means intended for individual protection of the face and hands (glasses, gloves).

As for consumables, which will be required to prepare the base and fastening of metal tiles, then this list includes: waterproofing material, roofing plates, tiles, and a terrorist, planks for the skate and ends, guide board and 2,5x10 cm. ourselves, the fasteners are required - self-tapping screws and special sealing washers for them.

Helpful advice! To give an attractive appearance of the coating, it is worth using decorative lining.

How to mount metal tile: Stages of preparatory work

The weight of the metal tile allows the minimum amount of preparatory work, before moving to the laying. And nevertheless, it will still have to prepare suitable reasons. Since there is no need for an enhanced base, it is quite suitable for the usual wooden, made from the rails.

The procedure is extremely simple - based on the step of the selected metal tile, the slats are located on the surface. It is important to observe a single distance so that in the process of fastening the roofing material did not have to screw the screws into the emptiness. Another important factor that should be taken into account during the installation of the crate - the location of the windows. It is extremely undesirable to position rafters directly above the windows.

Article on the topic:

Terkesolation in the process of mounting the roof of metal tile

When it comes to a roof device from metal tile, the thermal insulation material is designed to solve two tasks at once - reduce heat loss, as well as reduce the noise level, which produce rain drops, fall on the surface. To do this, the steam insulation material is first put on rafters, and then the layer of thermal insulation. It is important that the thickness of the layer does not exceed 25 cm. From above, the antioxidant film is fixed, fixing it with wooden bars straight to the rafters.

Important! In order to ensure precipitation in the drain, the material needs to be recorded with a small allowance (approximately 2 cm). Due to such a small sagging there will be no problems with water flow.

Such a "pie" is the most efficient system of thermal insulation of the roof, which is allowed by the metal tile installation technology. As for the choice of heat-insulating material, there are several options that depend on the cost, quality and manufacturer.

Device of the roof of metal tile: Basic rules of work

Before starting to work related directly to the metal tile laying, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with some rules and concepts that will not allow widespread errors and make everything you need as high quality:

  1. There are two ways of laying sheets of metal tiles: right to left and left to right. In the first case, every next sheet must be laid on the previous one, and in the second there should be a previous sheet.
  2. It is not necessary to immediately fix each sheet fully. Before screwing the metal tile, it is best to put four sheets and slightly grab them with fasteners so that they keep. Then you need to make sure that they are located as needed and if necessary. For the final consolidation, one self-tapping screw is used, which passes through all sheets.
  3. The operational period of the whole roof strongly depends on the quality of the fasteners used. Therefore, the choice of self-sustaining needs to pay due attention. It is important that they are galvanized and necessarily had special seals on the heads, which will be able to hermeticly fill the holes when the self-spinning will be completely twisted into the hole.
  4. In those places where, with the help of one fastener element, several sheets were fixed, one way or another, a seal will appear. In order to smooth it, it is necessary to cut part of the angle or you can straighten the capillary ditch, which is located under a stamping feature.

Scheme of fastening of metal tile and other necessary elements

Certain rules exist for the installation of other mandatory elements, without which no roof could do. Here are some recommendations regarding the installation scheme of metal tile and other elements:

  • the end planks must be recorded by the flasure, which should be about 2 cm. In this case, the size of the wave should be fitted according to the width of the skate. Otherwise, you can face that the ridge will be put on the frontton;
  • for the cornice bar, it is also necessary to have an adhesion of 10 cm on the bottom line of the crate to which it is attached to nails;
  • between a sheet of metal tile and roofing plank, it is necessary to pave an additional layer of sealing material;
  • to arrange all the elements below the skate (pipes and windows), use one module sheets. Usually, 2 pieces are required for each design element;
  • if the roof is low, it is necessary to additionally install the airborol between the skating bar and the material itself. This will avoid penetration under the tank of atmospheric precipitation;

  • the fixation of the skate should be made to the straps, which are located in the end part of the whole design. At the same time, the calculations should be carried out taking into account the necessary protrusion, which is 2-3 cm. However, it is necessary to deal with a flat skate, then the mount is made by pectoris, and for semicircular elements according to the profile lines;
  • it is necessary to study in advance the specifics of the montage of the dropper under metal tile, and clearly follow all instructions.

Helpful advice! If it is necessary to work with the roof, the angle of inclination is more than 45 degrees, then it is necessary to carry out calculations that will allow to determine whether the installation of a particular model of the skating plank is possible in this case. It is necessary to do this, as otherwise, even the complete replacement of the entire roofing coating may be needed.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that, if necessary, the skating plane is amenable to some adjustment. That is, you can not bend it or disperse to ensure the most accurate repetition of the roof tilt angle. More information about such sublicties can be known from the video instruction in the installation of metal tiles.

Installation of endanda with a root of metal tile

Another extremely important element, whose installation rules cannot be neglected - Endow. For each such element, an additional board is defined. Fastening In this case, you need to start the bottom, gradually moving up and not forgetting about the need for an adhesion (in this case 25-30 cm). Below the level of the cornice is necessarily cut off the lower bar. Then follows the flap, which, like under the lumber, is paved seal.

Between the sheets and the axis there is a gap, the size of about 8-10 cm. Then, at a distance of approximately 1.5 cm from the stamping line into the trimmed sheets, screw screws. At the same time, the mount must be located 25 cm from the axis of the endand. If you follow this technology, then in the end, the sheet, in the location of the fastener, will come down with a board on which it is located Endow.

As for the installation of the endhouse at the bottom, it must be started before laying roofing material. It is important that in the future to ensure the flow of water directly into the diverse element.

Important! All errors in the process of conducting calculations and measurements can lead to the appearance of gaps on the surface, and when abundant atmospheric precipitates begin, most likely the roof will flow.

In order to cover the places where cropped sheets are visible, special decorative linings use. Installing them, you also need to remember a few simple rules:

  • the installation must be made from the bottom up;
  • the seal between the overlay and tile is not needed;
  • the lining must necessarily be laid by the milling minimum of 10 cm;
  • fasteners (in this case, selflessness) should not provoke damage to the endand.

It is often necessary to deal with situations when the beginning and end of the end are located directly on the roof scap. As an example, you can consider the case when the auditory window is set. In such a situation, it is necessary to put a separate board, and for the window itself in the sheet, the metal tile is done hole. The carnome cutout is overlapped with a bar. And along the walls, the sealing material must be laid.

How to lay metal tile on the roof with a triangular or trapezoid row

If there is a need to cover a triangular or trapezoid roof with a metal tile, then the installation of two additional bars must be required. They are installed along the lines of the roof bend on both sides of the "Range". After that, they mount the cornice board and start assembling the crates. The step of the crate for metal tile in this case is calculated in the same way as under the standard scheme. Then the installation of the cornisic system is carried out. Metal coaster start to lay only after all these procedures, orienting and even the first sheet along the cornice bar.

Important! The distance between the angular sheets, which was subjected to trimming and were installed near the "Range" should not exceed 10 cm.

In order to install the skate nodes, you need to pore the skate slats relative to the corner of the "Range". In the case of using a direct skate, it needs to be trimmed according to the existing corners, and special plugs are provided for semicircular. Moreover, it is best to use plastic models.

The skating bar must be located strictly along the "Range" axis. This is not a very difficult task if the corners of the slope are the same. If they have different magnitude, the task is significantly complicated. As an auxiliary material, a bright mounting foam is used, which allows you to determine the quality of the adjoining to the skates.

Installation instructions Metal tile "Monterrey"

A separate type of metal tile, undoubtedly worthy of attention - Monterrey. This option is very popular due to some exceptional characteristics:

  • an extremely high level of material stability both to ultraviolet radiation and other external factors, such as moisture and temperature;
  • due to the layer of polymer applied to the surface of the tile, it does not lose its appearance throughout the life of the service life;
  • the material is extremely durable and solid, so it is able to withstand serious loads;
  • the multilayer structure prevents the occurrence of corrosion;
  • due to low weight (one square meter of material weighs no more than 5 kg), the load on the solry system is significantly reduced;
  • using this option is an excellent savings, as there is no need to make a big step between fasteners. Initially, the installation instructions for metal tile "Monterrey" provides 35-centimeter steps.

The disadvantages of this material only two are a large number of residues after laying, as well as the need for high-quality sound insulation.

As for the peculiarities of which you need to know before, before putting Montray metal tile, such aspects play a role here:

  • for various models of this material, it is necessary to prepare a variety of crate. So, for metal tiles, the standard or super step will be enough step 35 cm, but for a suite or maxi step should be 40 cm;
  • in the most difficult places in the roof (usually internal angles, as well as the place where the yield of the chimney is located), you need to make a solid crate;
  • on adjoining placas, to exit the chimney, you need to install internal aprons;
  • installation instructions Metal tile "Monterrey" does not provide for the use of material, the length of which is more than 4 m;
  • before installing the material, it is necessary to remove the protective coating, as it may be impossible to do this in the future.

It is categorically impossible to cut the sheet in the transverse direction, as this may lead to the fact that the profile doubts. Also, in no case cannot be used for this purpose the Bulgarian or other tools with abrasive circles.

Interesting! The metal tile of the cascade looks perfectly, the installation instruction for which is not too different from all others. But but the appearance of such a roof is considered more aesthetic and original.

How to properly care for the roof coating with metal tile

Having studied step-by-step instructions for mounting metal, you can spend its high-quality laying. But in order for the material to serve for many years, you need to know how to care for him.

The top layer of metal tile is a polymer material that is designed to protect against corrosion processes. But as a result of the constant impact of external factors: atmospheric precipitation, ultraviolet rays, as well as dust and dirt, this layer can begin to collapse, which will lead to the need to replace the coating. In order to avoid such a phenomenon and extend the operational period of the roof, it is necessary to regularly carry out the following procedures:

  • remove dirt, dust and dry leaves from the surface using a wet luster brush;
  • if we are talking about the elimination of more complex contaminants, then it is permissible to use cleaning agents, but only those that are intended for polymer surfaces. Apply aggressive chemicals is prohibited categorically, since they destroy the protective layer and lead material to unsuitability;
  • purification of the drainage is carried out with the help of a jet of water, which should be directed from the skate to the cornily;
  • cleaning snow can be and necessary, but it is worth it only using such tools that are not able to damage the tender coating.

Subject to these simple, but extremely important rules, the coating of metal tile is able to regularly serve as roofing material for about 50 years.

Common errors in the process of mounting the roof of metal tiles do it yourself

Inexperienced masters often allow mistakes that can lead to the fact that work will have partially, and sometimes completely, redo. Such negligence can lead to additional spending on the purchase of material and consumables, so it is better to familiarize yourself with the common mistakes in order to prevent them:

  • installation of metal tiles should be made exclusively in shoes with a soft sole, which cannot damage or scratch the coating;
  • it is strictly forbidden to adopted on the crest of the wave, as this may cause deformation;
  • moreover, it is not recommended to step on the sheets of full stop;
  • when moving on the surface of the material, the leg must be put in parallel, and not perpendicular to the skate;
  • you can only take the material in gloves.

Taking into account these not difficult rules, as well as acting in accordance with the metal tile laying technology, you can independently make a beautiful and reliable roof.

Installation of snowstanders on metal tile: Instructions and their varieties

The high level of security is one of the basic requirements that are presented to the roof from any material, including from metal tile. For this purpose, special designs are used, which are called snowstanders. And the main goal is to ensure a safe snow from the roof and prevent possible dangerous situations. In addition, they contribute to the preservation of the initial form of the design, and do not allow it to be deformed under the weight of iced snow. And considering that his mass in some cases can exceed the weight of the roof itself, this problem is quite relevant.

Important! The issue of the load distribution, which the snow has on the surface of the roof, should be thought out at the stage of laying the foundation. This factor must be counted in the calculations.

It is almost impossible to predict that the snow will be distributed on the roof surface. It depends on many factors, including the angle of inclination of the roof, wind directions, etc. Therefore, to produce calculations, a special formula is used:

Q \u003d g × s

In this case, q is the load that the snow has a snow on a flat surface of the roof, to find out from a special table, and S is a correction coefficient, which depends on the angle of inclination of the roof:\u003e 25 ° - 1, if 25- 60 ° - 0.7. If the degree of inclination is more than 60, then this is not accepted into the calculation, since in this case the precipitation on the surface is definitely not delayed.

In order to determine the G indicator, it is necessary to refer to a special table that provides information regarding snow cover for each region of the country.

Installation of tubular snowstores for metal tile: Mounting Rules

As a rule, a pipe that is paired along the roof is used as the basis for snow-colaspls. In the case of using metal tile as roofing material, fixation is made in places where the roof and carrier wall connects.

It is strictly forbidden to fix these elements on the cornice bar for metal tile, as this may entail the destruction of all systems. Moreover, if you have to deal with a skate, the length of which is large enough, then the installation of snowstanders on metal tile should be made immediately into several rows to ensure more reliable fixation.

The pipes themselves are attached to the roof or jack, or in a checker order. Special attention is worth installing such a system if there is an attic in the house. In this case, the installation must necessarily be made in such a way that a snow designer is located on each window opening. As for the distance from the edge of the roof to the elements, it is quite enough 40-50 cm.

Golded snowstores for the roof of metal tile: how to fix

The most effective are the lattice snowstores, so those users who are interested in the quality of the systems installed, choose this option predominantly. There are two types of such structures - ordinary and "royal", although it is worth recognizing that there is no special difference between them, with the exception of the supports and complexity of the lattices.

The high level of efficiency and safety of this type of snowmates is due to their considerable height, at the expense of which they may not be useful not only in winter when it comes to holding snow, but also in the summer. After all, it is in the warm season that all sorts of repair work is most often produced.

Corner snowstores for metal tile

Corner snowstores are thin steel sheets that are covered with a polymer coating that protects them from corrosion. This is one of the most budget options that makes it possible to effectively prevent snow rolling from the roof. Pick up the model that will approach the existing metal tile is very simple, as the range of color solutions is extremely large.

To fix corner snowstores on the roof of the roof of the metal tile, the screws and conventional metal corners are used. Fastening is made on the top wave of the sheet.

This is not all design options that can be used to prevent snow roll off from the roof. The metal tile is perfectly combined with many models and varieties of these elements, so there will definitely not arise problems with the choice and fixation.

Installation of a mansard window in metal tile

It is believed that the installation of attic windows is not a task for beginners, and with this question is best to contact the specialists who have due experience in this area. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to do independently, especially if you use step-by-step instructions for dummies. Installation of metal tile and installing the window itself in this case may well pass without any problems.

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the maximum possible width of this window should be 80-120 mm less than the existing opening between the rapids. In cases where the rafter step is very small, the installation of two small windows in adjacent niches.

The installation of the window is carried out after the roofing "pie" is fully made, then you need to install a mounting bar for which I use the same boards as for the solo system. Then they produce the installation of the frame and mounted sash. It is very important to take care of high-quality waterproofing so that later the window does not become a source of sediment penetration into the house.

Of course, you have to make some changes to the process of installing crates under metal tile, and pay special attention to the issue of mounting the skate metal tile, if a mansard window is planned. But all these difficulties are more than justified by an excellent result, which is waiting for owners as a result.

Installation of metal tile: video instructions for beginners

For those who have never been engaged in such works, it will be extremely helpful to watch the video on how to fix metal tile on the roof. A visual demonstration, as well as the recommendations of specialists will allow you to prevent errors, and independently make a beautiful and reliable roof, which will correct for many years.

Are you interested in the technology of laying metal tile on the roof? I will tell you in detail about the specifics of the installation work, I will definitely list the safety regulations and will give examples of frequent errors. Following the proposed instructions, you can do this work with your own hands.

You will need:

  • Manual electric saw with carbide teeth;
  • Skye scissors;
  • Lever scissors (for ease of use are produced in the right, left and direct execution);
  • Tongs with a bend by 40 °;
  • A hammer;
  • Kiyanka;
  • Building stapler and brackets;
  • Scissors for cutting a vapor barrier film;
  • Screwdriver with nozzles under the head of self-building;
  • Measuring instrument and marker;
  • Soft brush for swelling sawdust, which will appear when cutting metal tiles;
  • Enamel, selected for the color of the sheet, in case of formation of scratches in the protective coating.

Work at height requires the use of insurance. The simplest option is a durable rope, peroxide through a horse: On the one hand, the rope is attached at the bottom, and on the other hand, the rope is tied around the belt. If there is a special safety belt and professional insurance, use them.

From materials will need:

  • Metal tile with standard sizes (width - 1180 mm, sheet length - 3000 mm, thickness 0.50 mm);
  • Dobly elements;
  • Vapor insulation membrane;
  • Vapor barrier tape for sizing joints;
  • Barbed wooden 50 × 50 mm;
  • Construction nails (length 100 mm);
  • 50 × 100 mm board;
  • 32 × 100 mm board.

Mounting work in detail

In the diagram you can see two options for roofing systems. In the warm roof, the thermal insulation is mounted directly into the gaps between the rapid legs. In the cold roof, thermal insulation is placed on the overlap. In the instructions below, we consider how to put the tile on the warm roof.

Installation instructions Metal tiles consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparatory work;
  2. Installation of waterproofing;
  3. Installation of crates;
  4. Installation of elements of endanda;
  5. Installation of adjustment elements;
  6. Installation of the cornice bar;
  7. Installation of metal tile.

Consider the listed steps more.

Stage 1: Preparatory work

Illustration Process description
Check rectangle rant. It is carried out before the start of installation work.

Before starting installation work, check the rectangles of the skates.

On the optimal result of the installation work, you can count if the difference between the diagonals does not exceed 2 cm. If the difference is larger, then the skat has a breakdown, which will significantly complicate the installation.

Antiseptic processing. We process the wooden elements of the rafter system with antiseptic impregnation and antipirens, because after the installation of the roofing material is completed, it will be impossible to do it.

Stage 2: Installation of waterproofing

Illustration Process description

Installation of vaporizolation. After all the wooden elements of the rafter system were dried, roll off and secure a vapor barrier membrane according to shadows (angles on the adjoining of two rocks).

The photo shows how the vapor barrier membrane spreads on one of the roof slots.

Horizontally rolling the vapor insulation membrane along the rafters.

The membrane bands are in such a way that the upper strip is superimposed on the lower strip with an overlap at least 10 cm. The junctions of the strips are sampled by waterproofing tape. So that during the installation of the membrane does not shift, secure it with brackets.

Fastening the membrane with wooden bars. On the laid membrane, to the rafter legs, nails nail the bars with a cross section of 50 × 50 mm.

Stage 3: Installation of crates

Illustration Process description

Membrane fasteners to the edge of the cornice. Along the cornese swell, as shown in the diagram, you feed two boards 50 × 100 mm one to another and remove the edge onto their surface.

Stuffing the crate. To withstand the same distance between the boards, use the homemade template, for example, the cutting board.

Upon previously stuffed bars, you feed the crate of 32 × 100 mm boards with a step of no more than 30 cm.

Completion of the edge of the crate. Skate fill on one additional cutting board on each side of the skate.

Stage 4: Installation of elements of endanda

Illustration Process description

Lower plank. At the inner breakfast of the roof on the adjoining of the skates, we set the lower bar of the endand, which will ensure the flow of water with adjacent metal tile.

The connection of the sections is performed with the admission of at least 10 cm. We start mounting from the lower section so that the upper section is superimposed on it from above

If the installation is incorrect, as in this photo, the use of bitumen scotch is just a temporary solution. Such sealants due to the temperature difference sooner or later will be departed, and the gap will appear.

  1. Clauses on the adjuncing of roofing material to Endow.

The situation is similar to the gaps on the adjunct, when large gaps are not explained by anything else, except for the negligence of installers. Remember that any uncomplicated gap is the path in which the precipitates are guaranteed to fall inside the roofing pie and it will significantly reduce the resource of the entire structure.

If invited specialists are engaged in the laying of roofing material, make sure that the work has been fulfilled, since the considered defect is often found.

  1. Metal corrosion along the cut line.

One of the most common mistakes is cutting the metal tiles with a grinder with a cutting disc on metal. The error is characteristic of beginner assemblers who do not understand why buy a special cutting tool if there is a Bulgarian.

The cutting of metal rotating at high speed disk leads to overheating of the paint or polymer coating, which protects the tin sheet from corrosion. As a result, the sheet on the line of the cut will rust, and the coating - gradually climb.

  1. Curvating sheet with improper storage.

If the roofing material is purchased upward and incorrectly stored in the stacks, the leaf curvature is possible. As a result, there will be difficulties with styling metal tile, and you will have to spend time on the leveling of the material or spend money on the purchase of new sheets.

So that the sheets of the material are not deformed, the height of the stack, in which they are folded, should not exceed 70 cm. In addition, if the storage continues more than a month, the stack should be disassembled and shifted in reverse order.

  1. Thought or not swollen self-tapping screws.

This error is characteristic of beginner assemblers that do not have sufficient experience.

If you do not touch the self-tapping screw, water will fall into the hole and the corrosion process will begin. If you drag the screw, then the protective coating will also be damaged and in this area of \u200b\u200bcorrosion cannot be avoided.


Now you know how the roof is mounted from the metal tile. Lost questions and need exhaustive explanations? Ask about what is interesting or incomprehensible in the comments - Answers and comments guarantee. By the way, do not forget to watch the video in this article, I am sure that it will be interesting for you.

Metal tile is one of the modern materials for the roof arrangement, which combines a spectacular appearance and affordable cost with a number of important technological advantages. The installation process is not too complex: familiar with how to equip the roofing of the metal tile, you can perform such work with your own hands.

Of course, another option is always possible: get rid of yourself from hassle, trusting all the work of professionals. However, such a choice will cost much more expensive, as a result of which, not every way like this alternative.

So, if, weighing everything for both opposite, we decided that we own a metal roof with metal tile, then first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the technology and the peculiarities of this process.

Characteristics of metal tileage

Metal tile material is a type of metal products having a wavy surface characteristic of the tile. Its sheets are made of galvanized steel, and then a coating of polymer compositions is applied to them, giving products to the items and resistance to adverse external factors.

The metal tire for the roof has a number of important advantages, including the following:

  • High strength, resistance to mechanical and wind loads.
  • Light weight of products and simplicity in the installation. The roof of the metal tile is easy, it does not require too large physical effort or mastering too complex skills.
  • Aesthetic appearance.
  • High resistance to corrosion processes.
  • Long service life constituted several decades.
  • Affordable price.

After carefully having studied the technology and the coating of the roof of the metal tile, it is possible to carry out this work itself, which is noticeably saving at the same time. It will not be noted that the cost of installation works is more than a third of the total costs of roofing.

Composition and device of metal tile roofing

The laying of metal tile on the roof is the process of mounting a multilayer structure consisting of the following parts:

  • A vapor barrier layer presented by a film that transmits pairs, but blocking condensate and water so as not to let the wet insulation. Laying a vapor barrier film is made on the lower surface of the rafter, after which it is secured by the construction stapler.
  • Rafters, on the number and strength of which the reliability of the roofing coating in general depends. It is necessary to accurately calculate the places of attachment of the rafted and the distance between them, and then gently make their installation.
  • The layer of insulating material, which is attached between the rapid legs of the design. For this reason, the width of the insulation should be taken into account when arranging the rafter frame.
  • The waterproofing layer, the material of which is placed on top of the rafter and protects wooden frame structures from moisture or condensate.
  • Dooming, serving for subsequent laying of metal tile. Its function consists in a uniform distribution of the weight of the roofing coating.
  • Metal tile stacked on top of the cerema structure, followed by fixation by self-tapping screws.

It should be noted that the metal tire roofing can be of two types: cold and warm. In the composition of the cold roof there are no vapor insulating and thermal insulating layers. Naturally, such a roof will cost much cheaper, but at the same time, the heating of the attic and the top floor will represent considerable difficulties. Therefore, if there is a question, how to cover the roof of a metal tile, it is better to use a warm option of roofing.

Stages and order of installation of the roof of metal tile with your own hands

To ensure reliability and long service life of the metal tile roof, it is necessary to first examine the features and rules of installation work in detail, and then stick to the installation process.

If you disassemble in detail the question of how to properly cover the roof of the metal tile - the step-by-step instructions for this work is as follows:

  1. Arrangement of rafter structures. The rafter frame can be metallic, but more often is made of wood of coniferous trees, which is impregnated with antiseptic and antipiren. Initially, the reference timber of the Mauerlat is established, which is fixed by anchor bolts or metal spills mounted in concrete. Next, installation of tensions from a bar, fixing the Mauerlat, is 1-1.2 meters away from each other. After that, the vertical racks in the middle of each of the tighters are mounted, with intervals of 1-1.2 meters, using temporary backups for them. Then from above on the racks the skiing bar is stacked, on which the rafter feet are attached. The distance between the rafters may be different, usually from 60 to 120 centimeters, and depends on the severity of the roof, the thickness of the rafter and the width of the insulation.
  2. The coating of the rafter with a layer of waterproofing material, which is stacked horizontally, with some sagging and without stretching, to avoid breakthrough under the weight of water. The fastening of the waterproofing material is carried out directly to the rafters, by means of a bracket or stainless nails with a wide hat.
  3. Installation of crates, for the construction of which wooden rails are used with a thickness of about 3 centimeters, or the sheets of moisture-resistant plywood. The gaps between the cerebral elements can also be varied depending on the weight and circular roofs - for more gentle roofs, this distance should be less, and the shell itself is stronger.
  4. Installation of the cornice plank, to secure which in the region of the roof cornice to the ends, the winding board is mounted. The cornice bar is placed on top on the frontal board and fixed by galvanized nails.
  5. Installation of a vapor insulating layer, which is then covered with a layer of thermal insulation. The vapor insulation material is stacked on the lower surface of the rafting legs, and the subsequent laying of the insulation is carried out between the elements of the rafted. Mineral wool, glass gamble, polyurethane foam, foam, etc. can be used as thermal insulating material.
  6. Installing end elements of endands, the fastening of which is made to the design of the root.
  7. Flooring the highest tile coating. This process also includes several stages. First, if this is necessary, the cutting sheets of metal tiles are carried out to match the surface coated. Then there is an idle of the lower row of sheets, the adhesive in 10-20 centimeters. The following rows are further stacked. The butt areas between the sheets are desirable to handle sealant to prevent water flow. All sheets of metal tiles are fixed by galvanized self-tapping screws with pressshabiba.
  8. After completion of work on the installation of the main part of the roofing design, the installation of skate, end and other chapels, as well as the installation of the roof drainage system is made.

How to roof on different types of roof

Although, in general, the installation work on metal troops has a lot of general, regardless of the roof design, however, for certain varieties of the roofs, this process may have certain differences and nuances. For example, for someone who is going to equip the roof of the four-tie roof with a metal tile, or thought about how to cover the broken roof with a metal tile, it is important to study some additional features in this case before being taken for work. Otherwise, in the process of installation and further operation, you can face quite significant problems and unexpected situations.

The classic and most simple variants of the roof device are single-table and double-circuit structures. When searching for solutions, how to cover the two-screw roof with metal tile with your own hands, it is enough to just adhere to the general plan of the work outlined above. Even more simple answer to the question, how to cover a single-piece roof with metal tile. In this case, there is no need to equip Konk and Enda, and everything that is required is directly work on the installation of the roof itself. It is only necessary to remember that one-piece roofs can be with an attic or without, and like other roofs, they can be equipped either in the warmed or cold.

A slightly big difficulty represents the arrangement of multicate roofs, as well as roofs with a complex design. This can be attributed here, for example, the coating of the roof of the broken roof with a metal tile. The broken roofs may have a different number of rolling rods, increasing the inner space and the comfort of the residential premises as a whole. The process of arranging the broken roof of metal tile with their own hands is generally the same as conventional roofs, but additionally requires closure of butt sections that can pass water during precipitation. Waterproofing in this case is stacked along the skates, and in the same way you can install the insulating material and the crate.

In case of arrangement of complex roofs with four or more skates, it is recommended to use special steel elements that support rafters and maintain their location in constant state. The use of durable steel supports is also preferably for the most loaded skate beams. It should be noted that four-tight roofs differ from the two-tie lack of frontons, instead of which additional triangular rocks are mounted on the end areas. This kind of construction is more difficult for installation, but are characterized by greater reliability and durability.

Finally, it should be noted that the construction of the roof can determine the use of non-standard solutions and ideas, the practical choice of which always depends on one or another specific situation.

How to cover the roof of metal tile: Crow the two-tie and four-tie roof with your own hands, how to properly cover, step by step instruction

How to cover the roof of metal tile: Crow the two-tie and four-tie roof with your own hands, how to properly cover, step by step instruction

Roofing from metal tile do it yourself

Metal tile - is one of the popular roofing materials, which is characterized by reliability, viciousness and availability. In order to qualitatively perform work on covering the roof of metal tile with your own hands, you must follow the instructions below. But for starters, let's understand, what is so noteworthy this material and which it has drawbacks.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal tile

Among the advantages of this coating can be noted:

  • Low weight that allows the roof to be covered without much effort;
  • Work will not cause difficulties and special training, it is enough to have basic knowledge in this area;
  • The service life is very large, which allows for a long time not to think about the overlap;
  • Affordable price and high wear resistance no less important criterion when choosing roofing material;
  • This material is not lit, and under the action of high temperatures it does not melt and is not deformed;
  • A huge selection and stylish appearance will allow you to find a suitable option to everyone without exception.

The only minus, which is called many buyers is his noise. But even this can cope if when coating is taken care of sound insulation.

Crow roof metal tile correctly: step-by-step instruction

To fulfill these works with your own hands, it is necessary to follow all the rules marked in step by step instructions. So, where to start:

  • Conduct the necessary calculations to find out the number of materials, not forgetting about the insulation and fasteners;
  • Perform coating around the chimney;
  • Perform laying material using one of the options.

Calculation of the amount of metal tile on the roof

Typically, the width of the complete sheet is more than the workspace. This difference can be from 80 to 120 mm. Therefore, when buying a material, you need to know the exact dimensions of the working coating.

To calculate the calculation correctly, it is necessary to focus on such a formula:

  • The greatest length of the material is divided into its width. The resulting digit needs to round down in the direction of magnification.
  • First you need to measure the length of the skate, while the sinks of the cornice also need to be considered;
  • Taste is 0.15 m per 1 row. If there is such an opportunity to put a coating in one row, then the nestling is not necessary.

Measuring both indicators are folded.

If the acquired metal tile has been made to order on certain sizes, then to correctly calculate all the indicators better use the help of specialists.

The dimensions of such material are from 70 cm. Up to 12 meters.

But the most optimal option will be a coating with dimensions of 4 - 4.5 m.

Equipment "Apron"

Where the chimney passes overlap, take care of the inside of the adjunct.

Installation of apron with your own hands should be performed according to such a scheme:

  • The main material must match the planks in color;
  • The stroke made in the pipe must be a depth of about 15 cm, and the slope should be small;
  • Heat-resistant isolation should be laid on the chimney pipe. The place of contact must be glued with scotch;
  • Where the chimney undergoes the roof level, it is wrapped in a special film.

The decorative apron can be installed when the sheets of metal tiles will be laid on the roof. The chimney is superimposed by outer rails of adjoining so that their upper part moves to the prepared stroke. For more reliable protection, the location of the docks is filled with heat-resistant sealant. And the lower part of the rails must be attached by self-drawing to the crate.

And to protect the brick chimney from possible cracking, the pipe must be wrapped with its own steel with a polymer coating. To ensure good ventilation, it is necessary to leave a small gap, about 20 mm.

Chimney with a round cross section should be exhausted where the surface of the roof passes. To do this, you can take a special tape, which has the ability to self-secession. It perfectly seals all the holes, including throughout the diameter.

Installation of metal tile: sequence of work

To install the roofing coating with their own hands, did not cause much difficulties, it is necessary to take care of the method of supplying metal tile on the roof. For this, it is recommended to make lags.

If the roof of large sizes or not the ability to store the entire acquired material near the house, then you can try to make your own hands a kind of rack. All materials will need to be transferred there, and then make them install. So that the sheets are not damaged during the storage time, in the process of moving, they must be shifted by spacers.

As soon as the metal tile turns out to be in its place, the protective film coating should be removed.

If you have to walk along the laid material, then you need to know how to do it correctly, so as not to damage it. First, it's caution. Before going somewhere, it is necessary to carefully select a place for this. Secondly, movement needs to be carried out only along sheets and stall only between the material waves.

If you need to go across the coating, then the place where the leg will turn, should be a fold. Thirdly, the roof is roofing in soft shoes, it will help to avoid damage to the material.

If the wings fall into rainy weather, then water can get into the place of docking. All moisture is squeezed up under the power of the second sheet. In order for moisture accumulations to completely exclude, each sheet of the material contains a special groove, which helps stroke unnecessary water. There are some species that have such a groove from two sides, but mainly it is on the one hand to the right. When the sheets of metal tiles are stacked, it should be monitored so that this groove is overlapped with the subsequent coating.

Setting the beginning of a number you can continue to cover in any direction:

The direction of laying is selected from personal considerations regarding convenience. But the start of the stacking should begin by side on which there are no cuts and squeezes. You need to cover, focusing on the other slope of the roof or endand.

If the process begins to the left, then the sheets stacked after, should lie on the wave of the sheet in front of it. And the groove should be on the left side of the coating.

If the principle of laying provides for the direction of the right, then the overlap of the groove occurs with the asset of the next sheet, turning to be under the wave of material. The second method is much easier and easier, since the shift of the laid material is excluded. But, scratch it is also very easy.

No matter how this work would be carried out by this work, but the initial sheets should be placed in parallel to the eaves, and the sink length should not be more than 50 mm.

Cover the roof by sheets by two technologies:

  • Put the material in one row;
  • Perform multi-layer laying.

How to put metal tile in one row

Such technology involves the installation to the right of the edge. So, the coating should be peeling, focusing on the ends and eaves. When the first leaf was leveled towards them, it must be fixed in the middle, not far from the skate. Subsequent materials are superimposed with a small overlap. Usually, for good strength there is a single wave of sheet. After aligning the second sheet, in relation to the first, it is also fixed, but not in the middle, and with the previous web. This method lay out blocks, 4 sheets. The resulting unit is equal to the eaves and the end and, leaving the place on the sink, fasten the entire design to the shells of the crate. The last sheet in the lock block is necessary when the last block is adjusted. In the figure below, it is possible to consider this way this method of laying.

Multi-row fastening method

Such a laying method implies roof coating according to such a scheme:

  • It is necessary to cover on the right side. The initial sheet must be roving, relative to the end and eaves. From above, another coating element is mounted and attached to the first sheet, after aligning two sheets. The subsequent sheet must be mounted on the left of the first element of the coating, and also bore it. The fourth element should be put to the top of the third, and so continue until the end of the roof. Having finished two rows of such a coating, the block is fixed on a wooden crate.

In the picture below, you can see the described scheme.

Laying material on the skate

Before starting the laying, perform marking on the skate and determine the central axis. On one sheet, the metal tile should do the same, outline the central axis. Complete together the surface of the skate and sheet of the material, the latter must be fixed using screw-screws. Subsequent sheets should be laid on both sides of the skate, one of the above methods.

What moments need to pay attention

  • Metal tile fasteners should only occur in the touch of the shell boards;
  • The bottom sheet must be mounted, passing one wave over the step;
  • Subsequent rows are attached at a short distance, relative to the steps;
  • During the fastening of the material from the start of the end board, all waves must be used;
  • The laid material is obliged to firmly fit into the shells of the crate;
  • With vertical overlap, the material is fixed using self-samples into the deepening of the waves.

After breaking the process of covering the roof sheets with metal tiles with their own hands, you need to pay attention to the processing of sheets.

  • It is prohibited when working with metal tiles to use the grinder, as the coating can be damaged, and this will entail further corrosion. For these purposes, it is recommended to use cutting electroleums or an electric bike. Handling for metal work is also suitable.
  • Material damage locations need to be handled paint to avoid further rust.

In the figure below, you can consider laying the material with your own hands.

In the figure below, number 3 means a film for waterproofing;

  • Number 4 means the crate;
  • Number 21 is an end board;
  • Number 22 - an outer corner;
  • Number 23 - self-tapping screw.

Facial Planck

If it is installed correctly, then it serves not only as a decorative element, but also as a protective. It allows you to protect fasteners from the harmful effect of environmental factors. Do not allow moisture from getting into its competence.

It is designed to reflect external joints. The discharge of excess moisture is also in its power. During the attachment of the upper end, it is necessary to control the screws do not damage the lower end, it can lead to waste waterproofing.

  • straight.

If the roof is a straw with a straight break, then boards for the crate need to have enough closely relative to each other. The coating material is obliged to cover the place of a straight break, with a small protrusion.

If the roof has a reverse break, then it is necessary to use a wall adjoining, which will perform the functions of the mating element. Where there is a reverse breakfast, shell boards must be close enough towards each other. A layer of sealer should be between the metal tile and adjoining.

The device of the rafter system of the bone roof under metal tile

Metal tile - lightweight, durable, spectacular roofing material, perfectly decisive tasks of low-rise construction. Its steel endurance is perfectly combined with indisputable technological advantages. Laying of large-sized sheets is carried out in tens of times faster in comparison with piece rivals. It serves a long time, does not require a powerful base. Conduct the installation of the roof and build a simple laying frame with your own hands. There will be no difficulty in work, if you know how the bartal roof is arranged - the rafter system for metal tile and the styling process is required to take into account the technical and technological features of the coating.

Metal tile - Roofing with "Iron" character

Metal tile refers to the class of products of rolling production. In fact, it is an old familiar sheet steel, profiled in two mutually perpendicular directions. The longitudinal and transverse waves formed as a result of profiling give sheets similar to the ceramic roofing prototype. The outer side is equipped with a non-ferrous polymer film that performs protective and decorative functions.

Disadvantages of material and ways to eliminate them

The ability to imitate roofing ceramics did not save material from standard metal flaws. Thin sheets are rapidly heated under the sunny rays and quickly say goodbye to heat at the slightest lowering of the surrounding temperature. Insulating None: Thermal and sound waves easily penetrate through steel roofs inside and unhindered outwardly. The list of minuses Vesko complements the ability to assemble condensate due to the difference in the heat engineering qualities of the coating itself and contacting it elements of the rafter frame.

Low insulation indicators and condensate - two "beaches" of a metal roof. You can get rid of them, armed with information about the competent construction of a frame with a properly laid roofing pie. If the device of the rafter system under metal tile was carried out in accordance with all technological prescriptions, complications with the styling of the material and the operation of the construction will not arise.

In order for the traditional behavior of the steel roof, it bothers the owners and did not cause premature wear, it is necessary to correctly distribute the layers of roofing cake. Responsibilities for the distribution carries a rafter system, in the list of responsibilities of which:

  • The hold of the components of the roofing pie is stacked on top, from below and between rapid legs.
  • The formation of air channels that eliminate condensate, and often the possibility of its appearance.
  • Preparation of a series of supports put in the same plane for the device of future skates by laying profiled sheets.

If it is figuratively comparing the roofing system with a living organism, then let's say so: to live and normally function "Patient" will be only with a healthy support device. In our case with a rafter frame. The method of combating the deficiencies of the steel coating is precisely in the choice and accurate observance of the immaculately suitable scheme of mounting the rafter system under the subsequent laying of metal tile.

Types of rafter systems for metal roof

The roofs with metal troops are watered above the objects of constant and temporary accommodation. It is interesting to look at the metal "scales" arbor, verandas, baths. Depending on the designation of the structure and conditions for its operation, the roof with metal tile is arranged with or without insulation. The presence of thermal insulation is closely related to the structure of the rafter frame:

  • For insulated roofs, a system is constructed, including three insulating layers and one or two ventilation circuits.
  • For cold roofs, a system with one insulating layer and one ventilation contour are arranged.

Insulated roofing structures are elevated if they plan to actively use the attic all year round. Slinged frames of warm roofs are calculated so that the plates of the insulation are located in space between the rafalines. Analogs without insulation are waters to small daches and buildings intended for temporary stay.

The roof without heat insulation is also constructed in the case of insulation of the attic overlap. For example, over a bath or residential house with a low, clearly not intended for operation, an attic space is wiserfully to put the insulation between the ceiling beams or above them.

In the construction of rafal frames under the laying of profiled sheets, metal rolling and lumber are used. Metal products closer according to the properties to the coating, but the tasks of private construction are more suitable for wood. It is easier to work with it to work as an independent owner who has decided to build and cover the roof with your own hands.

From the lumber is easy to make all the framework elements, collect and connect them into the rafter system. Tree is warmer and attractive on environmental aspects.

Advantages of a two-sheet design

The easiest way to build a solo system for laying metal tiles is considered to be a design with two slopes. Its rectangular planes are ideal for laying similar to the form of sheets. Much more efforts with zeal will require a holmic or broken roof. Many owners depress the increased consumption of large-grained material on roofing facilities with full and shortened valves, does not please the complexity of cutting.

Manufacturers argue that the optimal for laying the metal tile will be the design with an angle of slope from 12 to 15º. Constructions of smaller steepness need to be equipped with a reinforced waterproofing carpet. On the roofs, the amount of fasteners increases in a cool and decreases the step of its installation. In both situations, the budget for arrangement will be increased by the acquisition of additional insulation materials and metic groups.

Depending on the size of the metal tile and the dimensions of the decorated design, the sheets are stacked in one, two or more rows. In priority, laying in one row, because the transverse seams reduce the parameters of insulation and are potentially dangerous for leaks. The best length sheet for arrangement of roofs of private houses. Manufacturers consider 4-4.5 m. Among the proposals of most suppliers, metal tiles have a very popular service for cutting sheets in size, which is incredibly convenient for styling on the rocks with individual sizes. The length of the sheet is equal to the sum of the length of the skate and the length of the overhang component of 0.4-0.6 m, depending on the architectural solution.

Metal tile is mounted on a crate, which is attached in turn to the rafting system. Lines of all the design details of the two-tie roof are strictly vertical and horizontal, which significantly facilitates the process of laying profiled sheets having similar edges. If the rafter systems are built without flaws, then with the installation of the crate and roofing problems there will be no problems.

Device of the rafter system

It turned out that the rafting system works in a pair with roofing pie. The scheme of the device of the rafter frame is directly related to the number of "cake" layers. We will analyze the most complex warmed design option and find out which components we will not be needed for the construction of a cold roof.

The lines of the two-tie roof is a series of alternately installed pairs of rafter feet, the structural features of which depend on the architectural data of the cylinder box. The manufacture and installation of a solid system of a two-sheet roof is made according to the rules that regulates:

  • Sliding technologyrequiring the presence of two specific supports for the top and bottom of each rapid leg. It is used if the building has an inner bearing wall or instead of it has enough powerful columns. Using the utilization technique is allowed if the end of the ski run can be installed on the beams of overlapping with a high carrier capacity or if the overlap is made of railway plates.
  • Hanging technologyrequiring support only for the bottom of the rafter feet. The top of the elements of the pilots of the rafter system pairly rests on each other. It is used if the box does not have an internal bearing wall and the ability to set support for the skunk run.

Option # 1 - Stropile Frame for Warm Roof

The use of the insulation makes it resort to technological tricks, thanks to which an important layer can keep insulation qualities for the design. And they will inevitably reduce during wetting, because The water appeared in the body will contribute to the passage of heat waves.

Water in thermal insulation appears in three situation, it is:

  • Penetration of household evaporation attacking thermal insulation from the inside of the operated structure.
  • The formation of condensate due to the difference in temperatures outside the building and in the attic.
  • The leaks observed during the peculiarity period and abundant precipitation appeared as a result of non-compliance with technology and errors in operation.

To eliminate the listed attacks simply obliged to competently laid roofing pie, properly distributed and securely fixed with a rafter system. In addition, the duties of the rafter structure include the formation of ventilation channels, along which the air flows are washed with thermal insulation and the inner surface of the metal tile.

Created by installing crates and controls Channels-produced Create conditions for regular ventilation and removal of condensate from space under the roof, thereby extending the life cycle of the roof itself and wooden parts of the rafter system.

If you imagine a conditional cut of a warm roofing pie with a rafter system from the inside of the decorated already design, the sequence of layers and ventilation channels will be as follows:

  • Lining, plasterboard panels or similar material used for the internal finish of the attic space.
  • The inner case, intended for fixing the vapor insulating layer to the rafters.
  • Parosolation that prevents penetration into the insulation of household evaporations.
  • Rafters, between which the insulation is stacked. The width of the rafter foot should be 3-4cm more than the thickness of thermal insulation. In other words, between the upper plane formed by adjacent rafalines, and the outer surface of the insulation should remain the specified clearance for ventilation. If the thickness of the insulation is equal to the width of the stringlin, i.e. The thermal insulation is flush with the conditional plane of the skate, to the rafter feet nourged the crate from the side of 30 or 40mm. She will create a desired gap.
  • Waterproofing, which is a stealth either on trim legs, if in the installation there was no need for a counterclaim. The classic polyethylene waterproofing film is prohibited from contact with the insulation so that there is no moisture in its body. Waterproofing materials of the polymer diffuse membrane membrane materials are allowed to lie directly on the insulation, because they are able to pass out the surplus of moisture, not inlet inside. Therefore, when using polymer membranes, it is not necessary to create a ventilation channel between hydro and thermal insulation.
  • The outer doomer performing simultaneously three significant functions. It is used for fastening the waterproofing, to form another product between waterproofing and metal coating and serves as the basis for the installation of metal tile sheets.
  • Finish coating.

As waterproofing roofing systems under metal tile and professional flooring, bitumen varieties of rolled materials cannot be used. When heated, the insulation and roof will be released substances that destroy each other structure.

Summarize. The standard roofing pie of the insulated roof has three layers and two ventilation circuits, if the construction used classical waterproofing. In the cake with polymer diffuse waterproofing three layers and one ventilation channel. All components are attached to the rafter system, which is obliged to keep the weight of materials and snow load. For the domestic medium band, the amount of total load is approximately 200 kg / m².

Most often, the rafter feet under the metal roofs are made from the board with a cross section of 50 × 100 or 50 × 150mm, if the manufacturer recommended by the manufacturer of the plumbing installation was observed. If the distances between the rapid legs are greater than the recommended value, the exterior secession cross section should be increased.

Option # 2 - Stropile design for a cold roof

The scheme of the roofing design without insulation expressively confirms that it is the heat-insulating layer that there is no. And this means that the need to lay all types of protection of the insulation from wetting also disappears. However, waterproofing is still needed as protecting the wooden rafter system in case of leaks. And the ventilation between water-repellent material and metal coatings should also be built.

The cut of the cold roofing cake under the metal tile looks like this:

  • Stropile legs, the cross section of which is calculated without taking into account the weight of the insulation and the concomitant components.
  • Waterproofing layer laid on top of the rafter.
  • The lamp designed to ensure the ventilation gap, fixing the waterproofing and fastening of sheet metal tiles.

The lamp for both types of rafter systems is laid in a special way. The step of its installation is determined by the distance between the adjacent transverse steps of the metal tile sheet. The distance depends on the roofing brand, on average is 300, 350 and 400 mm.

The starting reshetin has dimensions from subsequent ordinary bars. For example, if all ordinary reshetins are made of 30 × 50mm bar, then it is necessary to take a bit of 50 × 50mm for the manufacture of the first cornice line from the cornice line. The distance between the starting Bru and the carnis line is always less than a step between ordinary reshetins. So it is necessary that the first transverse step of the sheet is accurate for sure.

Order laying Metal tile on a two-screw roof

In the overwhelming majority of cases, when repairing the roof, the choice drops on metal tile.

In addition to the long list of economic and operational advantages, this material is also interesting for the fitness for self-laying.

At the same time, even the basic skills of the home master will be quite enough so that the roof is not only durable and practical, but also attractive outwardly.

Advantages of metal tileage

The widespread spread of metal tiles is due to the combination of the following advantages in this type of roofing material:

Compared to most of the other roofing coatings, metal tile has a relatively low cost.

An even more profitable acquisition of such a roof makes it possible to refuse to hire builders for its arrangement, as well as long service life.

  • Low weight.

With an average weight of 1 square. M material of about 6 kg The total mass of the roof is obtained relatively small. This allows you to do without the use of a powerful and expensive rafting system. In addition, the light roof does not require the installation of a solid crate, which simplifies the calculation of the roof and reduces the cost of work.

  • Resistance to the impact of external factors. Protection is ensured by using several protective words in the design of the roofing sheet. Therefore, the metal base of the web is not afraid of a long-term exposure of moisture, nor direct sunlight, no damage during styling or during hay.
  • Aesthetics. Metal tile production technology allows you to form an absolutely any texture. Accordingly, on the market you can easily choose a suitable option to the general exterior of the building. Even more expanding the range of painting sheets in all shades of the palette.
  • Fire safety. The basis of metal tile is a sheet of galvanized steel. This material is completely non-combustible, due to which is absolutely fireproof.

The dignity of the coating from metal tile makes it the most practical, affordable and attractive Externally, an option to arrange a roof.

Materials and tools

For mounting sheets, metal tiles will need a set of traditional finishing tools:

  • electric screwdriver;
  • electrolovka or disk saw;
  • marker;
  • construction stapler with brackets;
  • scissors for metal;
  • scotch;
  • laser plane builder or construction level;
  • roulette.

From materials, in addition to the actual metal tile and accessories to it, the following will be necessary:

  • bars 50 x 50 mm;
  • boards 100 width and 25-35 mm thick;
  • sheet waterproofing material;
  • wooden rails;
  • galvanized selflessness, nails.

Individual protection and auxiliary devices will also need: staircase, scaffolding, brush for savory sour cream, etc.

The structure of the roofing "cake"

The basis for creating a roof from the metal sprinkler is slinge system. In a double (or twin, as it is more common in everyday life), the roof of the rafter system has the most convenient configuration for assembly work, since only two planes forms.

A layer of waterproofing material (3) is laid on top of the rafter system. Without it, the moisture condenses on the sheet of metal roof will be absorbed into the wooden structures under the roof, destroying them. Helps waterproofing and in cases where the roof begins to leak.

Vertical rails are attached to the waterproofing material on the racks - a counterclate (4). Their appointment is to organize the ventilated space between the waterproofing and the crate.

In addition, front boards (8) and cornice strips (10) are present in the roof design. The first is stuffed on the end part of the rafted (1) and protect from the moisture falling with the wind. The second serve to derive moisture flowing along the waterproofing layer.

Mounting order

On the duscal roofs Metal tile lays first on one slope, and then on the other.

Start laying sheet metal tile with nizhny The corner of the skate.

All installation work on the arrangement of the roof is carried out in several stages:

Checking the geometry of the carrier elements of the roof

At this stage, with the help of a roulette, the diagonal of roofing rods are measured and compared. If they coincide, the roof has a rectangular form suitable for laying metal tank.

In addition, you need to make sure that the horse and both eaves are strictly horizontal. Taste and flatness of the skates. Emergency sites of the rafter system are repaired.

Installing a frontal board and a swing swing

Place of fastening of the frontal board (8) - the end (lower) part of the rafted (1). This roofing element is fixed with galvanized nails.

Front boards should not be tightly isolate the underpants space from the street. To ensure the free passage of air, there should be ventilation gaps between them.

On the back side of the front board under the sink of the roof, a horizontal liner is installed. As such, you can use perforated plastic panels. This option is convenient to use fastening J-strips for plastic, navigable to the front board from the back. If the boards apply, then between them should be left ventilation gaps.

Installation of gutters of the drainage system

Hooks (9) It should be placed on one straight line with a slope In the direction of the planned drainage. Confident plums will be provided by an angle of a slope from 5 mm on the meter of the gutter.

Most practical and easy to install enlarged length hooks. They are sewed to the bottom of the rafted over the front board. To ensure the vertical arrangement of the hook, the grooves of the required depth are cut into the board and lower part of the rafter.

First of all, it is nailed or fastened to the top of the rafter the upper part of the hook. Then it bends to the desired position and fixed on the end part of the rafter. If the installation of the drain is made after styling the metal tile, then the short hooks use, the upper part of which is not started under the roofing coating.

Laying of waterproofing material

For roofing "cake" applies rolled water-repellent material (films). During the rafter, the roll unfolds horizontally, along the cornice. It should be started from the bottom of the roof. Each subsequent strip stacked with the allen on the bottom. The magnitude of the allen - 15 cm.

Fix the canvases of waterproofing (3) is followed by a construction stapler. Material sagging is allowed to 2 cm. The joints of the joints are punctured by scotch. The top and bottom of the film is determined by the factory markers applied to it.

On rafters over waterproofing are stuffed vertical (4) and horizontal (6) Wooden slats. They are nailed through the central part of the rafter bars.

Installation of crates

Bruks or boards of horizontal crates are starting to be cut back, from the cornice. The first lap shaft must have a cross section greater than the cross section of the rest of the bars. When installing it, it is necessary to control the strict parallelism of the eaves. Installation of sheets of metal tiles begins with fixation in the lower wheel of the crate. Therefore, the appearance of the entire roof will largely depend on the accuracy of its installation.

The pitch of the bars of the crate depends on the distance between the horizontal waves on the sheet of metal tile and should coincide with it. Most often, the step is 300, 350 or 400 mm. The exception is only a step to the second bar of the crate. Here it should be reduced by 70 mm.

The top bars of the crates are also stuffed with decrease Step, up to the nipple of the bars closely. This will facilitate the installation of the skate elements and will add strength all design. Around the attic and hearing windows, chimneys, ventilation channels and other additional elements (bridges, snowstores, etc.) The doomle must also be strangle stuffing the solid cloth from BRUSEV.

Installation of cornice planks

Planks are attached along the entire eaves with galvanized screws. Fastening step - 300 mm. If the lengths of one bar are not enough, then it is increased. At the same time, the planks are stacked with a 50-100 mm scavente.

The cornice bar is attached with a slight tension, then the roofing material will be more resistant to wind gusts and less noisy.

Installation of the Lower Endament

Where the roof plane (for example, the roofs of the roof of the house and the roof of the roof of the hearing window) form an intersection at a low angle, the installation of a special plank is required - the lower end (20b).

Under it is stuffed with a solid carage (7). As a creewater material, the plates are superimposed with a cross section of 150 x 25 mm.

Under the lower end, a solid strip of the screaming of the width of about 300 mm will be required.

The position of the lower end is chosen in such a way that its edge in the sink area passed on top of the cornice board. The sheet of metal tiles and the bar of the lower end is not fastened directly, and they are paved with a porous insulation.

Installation of chimney output

For a chimney brick tube, the order of actions will be as follows:

  • the perimeter is superimposed by a layer of waterproofing with a nasce of 50 mm per pipe. For fixing, you can use heat-resistant tape;
  • mounted the bypass planks (28);
  • the pipe is cut out of a depth of about 15 mm, where the upper edges of the bypass plank are reached. It is possible to stroke only on whole brick, for the masonry seams to do this forbidden;
  • a discharge plank is organized with a removal of water, which is either merged into the nearest Unda, or sent to the eaves.

The decorative pipe of the pipe at this stage of the work is not established, the metal tile is first stacked. For round chimneys, the distribution is performed from the sealing tape. To ensure a dense adjacent to the pipe, the tape before sticking will be required to be cut through the top edge in several places.

Installation of sheets of metal tile

If there is an opportunity to put the sheets all over the roof of the roof in one row, the installation order will be like this:

  • the extreme leaf is superimposed and its position is selected relative to the cornice and side cutting of the roof;
  • the first sheet is fixed at the top of one self-tapping screw;
  • the next leaf is placed with the allen in the wave and levels vertically;
  • sheets are stitched by self-drawing, but the thread should not turn into a bars;
  • similarly, the following sheets are mounted;
  • the resulting assembly once again fails to relatively skate and eaves;
  • self-tapping screws are screwed into the crate.

If the height of the sheet is less than the length of the skate and you have to lay the metal tile into several rows, the order of work will be as follows:

  • the first two sheets are stacked by the same scheme as for single-row installation;
  • the third sheet is placed on top of the first with a displacement of 150 mm horizontally, after which these two sheets are bonded between themselves;
  • the next sheet is placed on the second and is attached to it horizontally. With a third sheet, the mount is carried out on the vertical side;
  • four bonded sheets are aligned together and by culping the self-tapping screws are fixed on the crate.

At the final stage fixation produced in the lower part of each wave lower slice Sheets. In places where the vertical fall, Self-tapping screws in B. crest Waves. Distance between self-timers It should be chosen with this calculation: there should be 6-8 pieces per square meter.

Hearing window device ("Cuckoo")

Location "Cuckoo" is determined early. When laying sheets of metal tiles in them, areas corresponding to them configuration Humor window.

Roofing cake under the window neatly peeps. By perimeter Windows are installed additional Bruss crates.

Gaps between the timber and sheet metal tile sealish. To remove the water are installed endovma top and bottom of the auditory window.

Installation of the end plank

Purpose of this planks (29) - Protection against atmospheric precipitation and sharp blows of wind penetrating under metal tile. In addition, the end planka performs and decorative Function: With the right installation, its upper face overlaps crest Waves metal tile. Screw The end bar starts from the cornice. If necessary, increase the nast 100 mm.

Installation of the upper endand

The purpose of this element is the removal of water, in addition upper Endow (20a) Makes the roof joints more aesthetic.

For installation, self-tapping screws, screwing them up so that do not disrupt Waterproofing layer. Between the Top Endament panel and the surface of the metal tile is laid self-seeping insulation.

Installation of adjustment planks

These planks allow you to organize orderly and sealed transition From the surface of the roof to the adjacent walls and other structural elements of the building and roof.

The adjoining of the wall is arranged by the same principle as the adjoining of the chimney.

Installation of skate slats and external corners

Before installing skown Plank It should be verified that the gap between the canvases of waterproofing of the adjacent roofing rods is not less than 20 cm. On top of the top solid crate can be laid additional Layer of waterproofing material with a strip of 150 mm.

The fastening of the skate is carried out by self-tested screws in print Through the wave of coating. To build up the ski plank, organize naughty employees of additional ribs stiffness.

Facial Parts of the skate are closed by external angles recorded on the self-tapping screw. Between the metal tile and the ski bar is laid insulation from elastic material.

Installation of stairs, transitional bridge, roofing fence and snowmobile

Roof Accessories Metal tiles are fastened over roofing.

Their places accommodation Defined in advance I. strengthen Additional bars and classes of crates.

Special attention is paid to the installation snowman (21). It is fixed in terms of rafters. complete reinforced self-drawing.

Installation of the drain system

When installed water removal systems From the roof, follow the following rules:

  • to one drain pipe it is impossible to sum up more than 10 meters of drain gutter;
  • part gutter above the funnel should be cut the angle with the parties in 100-110 mm;
  • funnel Must be located under a gate at a distance of 150 mm.

All elements of the drainage system, including plugs Funnels, etc., have a fixation system among themselves. However, after the installation work, they should additionally process them. silicone sealant.

Grounding the roof of a separate tire

Since metal tile has the ability to conduct electricity, then for security purposes it should be provided by the system ground.

Grounding is configured electrobrovod Big cross section with one end to the roof (through the self-tapping screw). The second end is securely fixed on metal Designs buried to the ground on depth At least meter.

Postal treatment

Metal tile canvas requires periodic inspection (semiannually). From the roof and the drainage system clean trash and foliage and surface clean Soft brushing.

The cloth in problem places can be tint This will increase its corrosion resistance.

Installation of counterparts under rafyles

The system of counterrelics under rafters allows you to produce insulation Roof. As counterchains are used wooden bars or strap nailing.

Laying vaporizolation and reiki mount

Leave insulation It is unacceptable open, because moisture can fall on it and to reduce the entire insulation effect. To prevent this, the insulation is superimposed parosolation film (sixteen). This material does not miss moisture, but effectively misses water vapor, leaving the insulation dry.

Wooden rails are stuffed over vaporizolation for fixation Total pie.

And how to build a garage with a double roof with your own hands, read in this article.

Safety technique

Work on the device of the roof of duct roofs belong to the work with high Danger level and the more bias Skatov, the stricter safety techniques. Do not neglect them, take care of your health:

  • be sure to wear safety belt, tied with a strong rope to the durable part of the building;
  • work in shoes that has good clutch with a surface;
  • stairs and the woods securely fix the walls of the house;
  • roof fence The gratings, forests, grid or sidelights with a height of at least 1 m.

When working S. metal tile. The following rules should be followed:

  • always use mittens;
  • to not allow applications of excessive effort to metal;
  • take into account the wind strength and sailing Metal tile sheets.

In addition, it will not be superfluous to use all available devices that facilitate work. For instance, inclined guides from long boards will not only increase security when lift Sheets, but also ensure the safety of the material.

In general, the installation of metal tile on double roof Not a serious problem. Sufficient to follow the safety rules and follow all the recommendations to get reliable and beautiful Blood with minimally possible costs.

The order of laying the metal tile on the two-tie roof: how to put it properly, technology step by step, video

In the overwhelming majority of cases, when repairing a bartal roof, the choice drops on metal tile. In addition to the long list of economic and operational advantages, this material is also interesting for the fitness for self-laying.

One of the important stages of the house construction is the roof and roofing device (roofing). One of the popular roofing materials can be called metal tile. And it is not surprising, because among its advantages you can distinguish low weight, ease of installation, large color gamut, strength.

Of course, there are disadvantages - this is a small rigidity that makes a problematic movement on the roof, and a significant waste of material, when laying on the rods with a complex geometry, poor sound insulation, heating. All of them eliminate, for example, the exposure of corrosion metal can be reduced, if you correctly perform the installation of metal tiles.

Device roofing from metal tile

The manufacturer has already taken care of the protection of metal tile, creating a multilayer roofing structure (see Figure).

As we see, the presence of several layers of the protective coating suggests that the tile is made of high-quality material. Therefore, that the roof is under such a coating for a long time, you need to adhere to the metal tile installation technology.

Basics of choice - Metal tile parameters:

  • Metal tile thickness. Metal tile is made of thin-grained steel. The thickness of the metal tile sheet is 0.5-0.7 mm, this is noted in SNIP II-26-76 "Roof".

Council. Metal thickness within one sheet may vary. Permissible change +/- 5%.

Note, poor-quality metal bends with a strong nagged.

  • The thickness of the zinc layer of metal tile. This option is not visually trapped. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the passport to the metal bay, from which the sheets roll back. According to the standard, the thickness of the protective coating should be 275 gr. / M.kv. If this requirement is not fulfilled, it can lead to the result presented in the photo.
  • The thickness of the coating metal tile depends on the type (view) of the coating.
  • Sheet geometry. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the sheets are not just cut off, but also did not have bends along the stubborn side.

Tight fit of the edges is shown in the photo.

With bad geometry, the result will be visually noticeable. At best, the place of the junction will be ugly. In the worst - water will be under the sheet. And do not even hope to tighten such an edge with self-draws.

  • Color metal tile. Plays a big role in the case of gradual development. Those., When you need to pick up a shade. In principle, there are two coding systems of colors, and, knowing their color, it will be possible to choose the corresponding one.

Types of metal coating

  • Re (polyester) is applied with a thickness of 20-25 microns. His drawback in fast, but uniform burnout. And also in the fact that the snow is not delayed on the smooth surface of the sheet.
  • PEMA (Polyester Matte). Its layer is 35 microns. It is more resistant to burnout, and to mechanical damage. A rough surface does not give the snow slide down quickly. In principle, matte coatings, almost eliminate the need for consumer goods.
  • PU (Poural) and Puma (Pural Matt - Matte Poural). The thickness of the coating is 50 microns. Such a coating can be used in regions with an aggressive medium.
  • PVC (plastisol). In metal tile with such a coating, the most protected metal core, since the layer is from 100 to 200 microns.

Nuance. The tone will be different. The color burnout depends on the metal coating.

Calculation of metal tile on the roof

We illustrate an example of calculating the metal tile with a bartal roof with a skate size of 8 to 5.

The calculation of the number of sheets of metal tiles required to cover the slope of a rectangular shape is calculated as follows - the skate length is divided into the width of the sheet.

Nuance. By producing calculation, rely on the working width. Those., Taking into account the overlap. The dimensions of the sheet for metal tile of the Monterey are shown in the photo.

For example, the length of the skate is 8 m.p. Then it will take 7.27 sheets for work. Round up to the whole - 8 sheets. Two-skate - 15 sheets. Since one sheet is divided in half and is used on the second scath.

Nuance. At the same time, it will be necessary to start work with half a sheet.

For the convenience of calculating more complex clutches, you can use the designer (calculator).

You can make drawings of the roof rods and draw the scheme of laying metal tile, i.e. Location of sheets.

Nuance. The harder the configuration of the skate, the greater the material is the material.

The length of one sheet of metal tiles is determined by the height of the skate plus an oven (about 5 cm). It should be considered the larger the length of the sheet, the smaller the material goes to the twist. But, with a long sheet, it is difficult to work, and the transportation of metal browns is a large-size business. Therefore, a leaf is longer than 6 mp, they advise breaking apart. To make it right, you need to adjust the resulting length by overlap. The overheet must be at least 0.15 m. For skates with an angle of inclination of more than 25 ° and 0.2 M lower corners. For our example. 5 mp We divide in half - we will need 1 sheet 2.5 mp length, and the second is 2.65.

At the same time, the manufacturing technology of metal tile is such that there are impossible dimensions. Each manufacturer has their own and depend on the equipment used.

Then all the roof you need to buy 15 sheets of 2.5 m. And 15 sheets of 2.65 m.

Calculation of the number of challenges for metal tile.

Components include - skate plank, end and cornice planks, snow-setthel, internal and outer endands.

Calculate the challenges simply - the total length of the surface that needs to be closed is divided by 1.9 mp. - (2 mp. Standard strip length, minus nailestone 0.1 m). For the lower end, divided by 1.7. Taste is 0.3 m.

For our bartal roof, 5 skate slats need (skate length of 8 mp); 9 cornice planes ((8 + 8) / 1.9); 11 end. It is not necessary for the endow in the roof design.

Special planks. These are made to order, according to your size of good items.

Saws. Their consumption is 7-8 pcs. on M.KV. Metal tile and 3 pcs. per 1 mp challenge. Self-tapping screws should be with a brown, it will simplify installation, and preferably painted in the color of the sheet. This will give the coverage more completed.

We will need 768 pcs. On sheets and 3x (5 + 9 + 11) \u003d 834 pcs. Usually they are sold for packs of 250 pcs. Naturally, it is better to take with a margin.

Sealing tape for metal tile. It is recommended to be installed under the skate bar.

The film is equal to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe slopes minus tolerances to the overweight. For example, a roll of film usually has dimensions of 1.5 per 50 mp. \u003d 75 m.kv. The working area of \u200b\u200bthe film is about 65 m.kv.

The insulation under metal tile is also equal to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe skates.

From the tool it will be useful: screwdriver, hammer, mall, tape measure, marker, level, electrolovka or hacksaw.

Council. Cutting a sheet of metal tile of the grinder is categorically prohibited. From heating, the coating is destroyed at the scene, and the sheet will start rust. In addition, sparks can damage paint throughout the leaf.

How to store metal tile

If you purchased the material earlier than the rafter system, you need to know how to properly store metal tile (especially in winter). Sheets need to be put on a flat pad, preferably on the pallet. In addition, it is important to protect the metal from moisture, ultraviolet and ensure ventilation. If the sheets are stored for more than a month, they need to be put as shown in the photo.

Dobly planks are also stored in a lying position.

1. The device of the rafter system for metal tile

Installation of metal tiles begins at the stage of the device of the crate. It is important to initially fasten the shell boards at the desired distance. Namely, the distance between the first and second board is 300 mm, then 350 mm, 350 mm is the distance from one leaf bending to the next. In a professional, the distance is called a tile.

Council. At the exit site of the chimney, in Undova, near the windows you need to make a solid crate.

2. Checking the size of the skate

The main thing is that the roofs are smooth and flat.

3. Fastening the carnice bar for metal tile

The boards of the cornice directs water flowing from the roof into the drain system.

Nuance. On the carnice board you need to install the long brackets of the gutters of the drainage system. Short can be mounted after the completion of roofing works.

4. Laying the film of the hydrobericer under metal tile

In order for the attic to not wet in the case of a sudden rain, as well as to continue to protect the insulation from wetting uses the film of the hydrober.

The waterproofing film for metal tile is placed on the rafter system in accordance with the description that contains the installation instruction. To avoid the flow, it is necessary to ensure the filament of the film at least 10 cm. For low-pasted slopes at least 25 cm. For holm roofs up to 50 cm. (In the roof ridges). The film is attached by a construction stapler.

Council. The film spreads parallel to the end if the roof is more than 25 °. And parallel to the skate, if less. At the same time, it is necessary to withstand provisis 1-2 cm. On the edge of the rafter foot.

In the locations of the chimney, antennas, etc. It is necessary to remove the film by 4-5 cm. On these elements.

5. Installation of a counter test for metal tile

The control is needed to provide ventilation gap between the film and sheet of metal tile. Otherwise, in the place of adjusting the film to the metal, it will quickly lose its properties.

For mounting, the rail is used with a cross section of 30 mm and a length of 135 cm.

Nuance. When using a superdiffusion membrane with a high bandwidth, the counterclaim is not needed.

6. Installation of the Lower End

Endov for metal tile is set in the event that the roof configuration requires.

Nuance. It is better to install the lower end, not on the self-tapping screw, but on Kleimer. So it will keep the integrity that it will reduce the likelihood of pushing. Kleimer can be made independently of metal trimming.

7. Installation of the first sheet metal tile

In order to avoid deformation, the sheet rises to the roof with the use of polozov (see photo).

Nuance. Sheets are better not to mount with strong wind. Locked sheets can progress.

Installation is carried out on the right, so that each subsequent sheet covers the groove for water drain on the previous one.

The lower row of sheets should be mounted so that the sheet hangs over the edge of the rafter system by 50 mm. (That is why the distance between the first and second board of the crate should be 300 mm, and not 350). It is necessary to ensure ventilation and ease of water.

Methods of installation of metal tiles are shown in the diagram

Metal tile technology technology provides for the alignment of the first sheet to the end of the skate and the eaves. If everything is correct, the sheet is attached from above using one self-press. The second sheet is installed with the same requirements and fastened with the first sheet. After all the rows of the carnice sink are aligned, the sheets are attached thoroughly to the crate.


  • During the work on the roof you need to move. Therefore, it is better to shore shoes on a soft sole and step only at the bottom of the wave.
  • If during the installation process you need to cut the sheet, the location of the cut is better to paint with special paint.
  • After mounting the sheet, you need to remove the protective film from it (if any). Under the influence of ultraviolet, it will turn, and will have an ugly look. In addition, it will be much more difficult to remove.

8. Mounting metal tileage

Metal tile fasteners are performed by special self-draws. The presence of a sealing gum allows you to tighten the self most, while not deforming the leaf itself.

Scheme of fastening of metal tile with self-drawers - through one wave.

Nuance. At the end of the end, the self most is attached to each tile.

Many advise to mount the self-sustaining of the waves. It is not right. Because the tile groove goes water, which means that the slightest disorder is fraught with the appearance of rust.

In the photo below it is shown that the self-mounted is needed slightly to the right.

It is also important to tighten the self-tapping screw. Mounting rules are shown in the figure.

9. Installation of volunteers

9.1 Installation of endand metal tile. Depending on the roof design, the upper end is installed. When it is attached to twist the screws so that they do not fall on the lower screws. If kleimer was used, this requirement is descended.

9.2 Installation of wind strip on metal tile. Regardless of the roof configuration, the end (wind) plank is installed. The backstage of slats is 10-15 cm. They are attached with long self-drawing. At the rate of 1 Self-sores on 1 mp. Planks. The wind strap is placed on top of the tile sheet and fixed by self-drawing on both sides.

9.3 Installation of the skate plate Metal tile depends on its configuration. When installing a round ridge plank, it is required to close the ends with special plugs.

The broken plank is more tightly adjacent to the sheets, so the plug is not needed.

It is possible to protect the hob for metal tile from entering snow and moisture by laying a special skate sealing tape (skate seal).

9.4 Next Mount the aprons (layers of adjoining) for metal tile near the pipes or plank adjoining the skate to the wall. To do this, you need to last a wall for 1-1.5 cm. In the resulting band, start the bar, and the place of installation is treated with a sealant. It should be noted that the sealant will be collapsed. Therefore, the place of the adjoining should be inspected from time to time and seal in a new way.

Nuance. To start the layer of the adjoining into the masonry seam is prohibited, it can disrupt the integrity of the wall. And then the manufacture of a reliable design in the node adjoining will turn into a pledge.

9.5 Installation of snowstanders on metal tile. Lastly turn on the sheet metal tile setting the planks of the snow-settor. They are simply necessary if the metal tile is covered with polyester.

Snowmobiles for the roof of metal tile may be view shown in the photo.

Often snowstores are amplified by an additional plank.

Its cost is small, and the strength of the speaker rises at times.

The choice of the plank depends on the host preferences, as well as on the intensity of snow precipitation and the angle of inclination of the roof of the roof.

How to install snowstanders on metal tile?

The plank of the snowman is located in parallel eternity in one row or in two rows, in a checkerboard.

Total roofing pie is shown in the photo

10. Insulation of the roof, installation of a film of the parobamire and interior decoration

Installation of metal tile - video instruction

Mounting Errors Metal tile

In conclusion, I would like to briefly remind you of the most common installation errors Metal tile:

  • the non-lined skate will lead to the fact that the sheet will be a bug;
  • incorrectly chopped sheets can quickly rush. Therefore, do not use the Bulgarian in the work;
  • incorrectly screwed screws lead to leaf deformation;
  • it is necessary to use only high-quality screws with a special rubber seal;
  • savings on high-quality seals leads to the fact that snow is blundering in roofing cake or moisture falls;
  • it is better to examine a leaf several times on the subject of scratches and in time to paint it with special paint, rather than admire the rusty drums;
  • use special (made to order) Dobornye elements, if the standard does not completely close the openings. Their manufacturing will cost you cheaper than the subsequent replacement of a whole node or subsecutive materials;
  • do not buy long sheets of metal tile. Metal has a high linear extension coefficient. This means that the sheet will play and over time and the self-tapping screws are covered in it. Therefore, cut the sheet into several parts;
  • on the other hand, the more junctions, the greater the likelihood of leakage. Therefore, adhere to the golden middle;
  • to withstand the right naggers.


As you can see, the installation of metal tiles can be made independently. Adhering to certain rules, the laying of metal tile on the roof will be successful and in short terms.