Repairs Design Furniture

Which house what the shrinkage gives. Shrinkage of the house from the profiled bar of natural humidity. Shrinkage

In the early years, after a brick house is built, he is necessarily exposed to shrinkage. It can continue for quite a long time - up to 8 years, depending on the characteristics of the soil, on which construction was carried out. The bearing walls of the house are put on the foundation and if the soil is soft, then the house will see deeper. In order that, as a result of the shrinkage in the brickwork, cracks appear, are arranged, the so-called deformation seams. These seams are intended to reduce loads on the construction of the house in areas where deformation is possible. These seams are a kind of incision that the building is divided into blocks and give the structures a kind of elasticity. Seams seal with special insulation material.

Seams are different purposes - shrinkage, sedimentary, temperature, anti-semicircular.

The brick house, which is subject to shrinkage, should have, and shots, and temperature.

Features Shrinkage at home

Many happy owners of a new brick house do not carry out repairs in the house within 2-3 years. However, if we are talking about the only housing, you can make cosmetic repairs. He should not be very expensive, because then still will have to be alterated. It is necessary to make enough simple and not costly:

  • looking down the walls, whiten the ceiling and stick not very expensive wallpaper;
  • for the floor, the parquet is best suited, it is not afraid of shrinkage;
  • it is not necessary to use the tile and tile, the risk is the risk that it falls off or split.

Of course, it is possible to decide on serious repairs, but it must be remembered that it can be spoiled by the consequences of the shrinkage of the house and, in particular, the shrinkage of the cement mortar. In order for the consequences of the house shrinkage to the house are minimal, it is recommended to use the construction and finishing materials of the highest quality, produced by the best manufacturers. For work, you must invite experienced specialists who have already produced such work in the newly built brick houses. Brick buildings are quite rigid, so the shrinkage is not so significant.

Often in brick houses hold the foundation. This one can reach up to 150 mm. To make the size of the minimum, the foundation of the house is elevated on a sandy pillow and bury it on a sufficiently large depth. It is clear that this is done at the very first stage of construction. It is necessary to build drainage around the house, which will reduce the pressure of groundwater on the foundation.

When building your own house, you must remember that shrinkage at home is not something unusual, it always happens, from what material they would not be built.

Shopping cement solution

Cement mortar during drying reduces its size. In addition to changing the volume of binder material, due to which the shrinkage is shown, this process depends on the percentage ratio of the binder aggregate to the water-based. Also, a very significant role in this process plays the time of the solution of the solution and weather conditions under which it is free.

The larger the binder and the watering material in the solution, the more it changes the size when drying. Maximum quickly shrinkage occurs in the first stage of solidification of the solution. Over time, the changes are reduced and, in the end, stop completely. The shrinkage of cement solutions is stopped after 3 - 3.5 months. For standard solutions, the shrinkage value can fluctuate in fairly large limits - from 0.1 to 0.4 mm / m. Sometimes the maximum shrink speed is achieved equal to millimeters per meter length.

During facing works, as well as mosaic, the shrinkage is extremely undesirable. In order for it to be small, it is necessary to make a solution with a minimum amount of binder material and add special impurities to it.

During daily socks, clothing has a property stretch and change its original shape. Most of all it bothers the female half, striving to always look flawless and attractive. Therefore, women are always looking for opportunities, how to wash things so that they sat down, but at the same time they did not lose color and initial qualities.

Regular sock is most reflected on the clothes made of natural fabrics and blended. Exceptionally synthetic fibers to restore after stretching using only washing almost impossible. Therefore, the effectiveness of the recommendations provided will depend on the type and quality of product tissues.

Shopping clothes after washing

For washing, expensive special means and powders will not need. The whole secret of success will depend on the correct contrast of temperatures and competently selected under the form and color of the tissue of detergents.

Wool and its secrets on shrinkage

Knowing the features of woolen fibers and nuances of their washing, you can easily develop tactics so that they sat down.

In work with wool products, there is an important rule: wool does not tolerate sharp temperature drops and requires attentive relationship

Before washing, you need to read the washing instructions, learn labels, tags, product labels. Find out the special recommendations of the manufacturer for the care of the woolen web. For shrinkage, things will have to break the established rules a little, but it will have to do with accuracy and attentiveness.

If your favorite sweater, for example, stretched out, then you need to act as follows:

  • Making things for 30 minutes in water, which is 20 ° C of degrees higher than provided on the label.
  • Perform a rinse in cool water. The big shrinkage is needed, the higher the fluid temperature difference between the washing and rinsing should be.
  • Excess moisture is removed by losing things with a terry towel. To unscrew the products from the wool is not recommended, as it is possible to deform the product and get unpleasant rollers.
  • Dry the sweater in a horizontal position, placing it on a dry terry towel and attaching the necessary form.

For proper drying, such as a wool cap, there are good recommendations. After washing and rinsing, you need to wear a wet cap on a container with a rounded bottom and smooth surface of the appropriate size (bank, an inverted salad bowl, vase, etc.). This manipulation will allow you to give the form and achieve the desired size of the head.

Using a balloon for drying a woolen cap

How to wash a woolen thing in a washing machine so that she sat down? And do you need to do it with it? Only the hostess herself can answer these questions, whether it is ready for experiments and unpredictable results. After all, it is quite difficult to control the washing process in the automatic machine.

The only recommendation for making the solution to wash wool in the car will be the selection of special regime for such products. The degree of shrinkage of things significantly affects the level of revolutions of the drum of the automatic machine per minute during the press. Here you need to be vigilant.

Methods of washing cotton products to achieve their shrinkage

The ability to stretch during socks is most manifested in cotton clothes. Especially if before sewing things, the manufacturer did not proceed the matter accordingly so that the fabric makes the maximum shrinkage and did not behave unpredictably in the finished product.

There are several ways and recipes how to wash the thing so that she sat down. Due to the use of temperature drops, it is necessary to properly select the cleaning agent for white and color things to prevent the tissue molt.

During machine wash, it is necessary to set the level of water heating at 20 ° C the degrees above, rather than provided on the cotton label. The spin is recommended standard, and if there is a machine drying function, it must be adjusted to the maximum temperature.

Setting up a program on a washing machine

With manual washing, you can immerse the product in boiling water and leave it to the cooling of water. After that, move clothes into cold water. By pressing excess water, you can decompose the thing on the towel for drying.

It is important to remember that the color cotton things fall into boiling water, you need to be extremely careful. Even a short time spent in hot water can contribute to the tissue mole and loss of color brightness.

Also for shrinkage of cotton fabric, you can apply iron with a built-in sppache function. To achieve the result, you need to try the thing well-heated iron by applying steam.

Impact on denim shrinkage for shrinkage

How to wash jeans so that they sat down, but at the same time they did not lose color? Responding to this important question, it must be borne in mind that a cotton is contained in denim. Therefore, the washing needs to be performed as for cotton things. This rule concerns classic denim trousers. Jeans with the addition of stretch are unlikely to sit even on one size.

  • We can wash the denim fabric in a washing machine, setting the temperature at 40-60 ° C. The temperature above said can trigger the loss of the color of the fabric.
  • You can dry trousers on heating devices, in a drying machine, or just waving in natural conditions. At this time, they must be fully stripped. This will help subsequently stroke trousers using minimal effort.

Erasing jeans with hands, you need to soak them pre-in cold water, and after a quarter of an hour to transfer it to hot. When the water cools, you need to press trousers using a terry towel. To ensure the preservation of the length of things, it is necessary to dry it vertically. In this case, only the volume will decrease, and the length will remain unchanged.

Washing jeans manually in pelvis

Reducing silk products

Silk things are very delicate and easily losing their attractive look. Therefore, the treatment must be appropriate.

To achieve a decrease in the size of silk things, it will have to erase it manually, as the automatic washing of such products is not allowed. The thing should be lowered in warm water, after drying under normal conditions.

Methods of washing synthetic materials so that they give shrinkage

The easiest way to make shrinkage of nylon and polyester products. To achieve a positive result, it is enough to wash them in cold water. Such things are not afraid of drying in a washing machine-machine on high revs. But if the machine does not have a function of drying, then you need to dry on the battery, or having sinking in the sun.

Washing will not help reduce the size of acrylic, liqueur products, as well as things from spandex. It is almost impossible to return the initial shape of such a stretched product. It will help only the skillful dressmaker, to fit the thing in a figure, or a trip to the store for a new job of a suitable size.

We hope that we have disclosed in detail the question of how to wash the thing to sat down. Try to implement the above recommendations, but be extremely careful not to spoil your clothes.

By purchasing an apartment in a new building or becoming a happy owner of a private house, I want to embarrass the interior decoration, so that the housing has finally acquired a cozy look and has become comfortable for habitat. But experts warn: do not hurry and buy finishing materials. Why? Because the building will have to go through another stage - shrinkage. All structures are subject to this process without exception. It is based on the interaction of the physical properties of materials and the environment. That's when the building resists, the shrinkage of the house will stop the finish justifies the tools and forces. Hoping, tenants risk spending in vain time, funds, because the finishing materials may be unusable under the influence of the internal deformation of the structure of the house.

After which time, you can go from the draft repair to the present, the solid can be found by finding out the peculiarities of the shrinkage in a different type of houses, taking into account the influence of factors. If everything was calculated and produced correctly, then shrinkage will pass practically without affecting the tiles used, wallpaper, laminate. The owners do not have to disassemble the raised floors and find the knuckle with the walls.

For the new buildings, shrinkage is quite natural process. The foundation and piles must be adjusted under the weight of overlaps and walls. In addition, if the house is multi-apartment, then we need to take into account the weight of all that the tenants will be taken inside. Developers include the period necessary for the final stabilization of the design, in the project plan. What factors affect the degree of shrinkage of the building? This is a whole list of criteria based on research results:

  • the feature of the soil on the selected area (on solid soils the process is completed faster than on movable);
  • type of foundation;
  • ground water level.

In the new house, the process can stretch for a period of 2 to 6 years. On average, the building is adapted for 2-3 years. It should be borne in mind that the greater the weight of the design, the more difficult the process takes place. The structure of the brick will be adapted worse than the construction of a cellular concrete, which has a much smaller weight.

Shrinkage of a brick-monolithic house
What is a shrinkage of a wooden house

When you can start repair and finishing

The desire to put the living space is more than clear. The rough finish does not add comfort. However, no matter how strong the desire to take up the repair, hold emotions and financial resources. Specialists in the field of construction strongly recommend waiting for at least 2 winter periods. During this time, the active part of the shrinkage of the house and the further finish will not suffer, or will pass with minimal losses.

In the process of shrinkage, overlapping and walls are somewhat shifted relative to the initial geometric shape. It is impossible to determine these changes to the eye, but it is enough to deform the finishing materials on the walls, the floor and the ceiling.

How is it shown? For example, in the kitchen or in the bathroom cracks or departs a ceramic tile. The appearance of cracks in the interputric seams in the same premises is possible. Wallpaper can be lagging behind, crack and turn paint and plaster on the ceiling and walls. The consequence of the shrinkage will be the "excitement" of laminate and parquet panels. Operactions of windows and doors spread.

The conclusion suggests itself: until the process of building shrinkage has passed, spending better exclusively on cosmetic repairs.

Due to the shrinkage, cracks may appear on the floor tile

Is it possible to make a thorough internal finish? Even experienced wizards finishers will not give 100 percent guarantees. If I really want, it is possible to use materials that have a sufficient degree of elasticity as an exit, to transfer the changing geometry of surfaces, refer here:

  • stretch ceiling;
  • vinyl tile;
  • fliselin or liquid wallpaper;
  • special plasters with an elastic effect.

If the type of building allows a small percentage of deformation, the materials used in the finish will be able to adapt to the offset of surfaces and retain the quality of the coating. "Gutta-reader" finish will cost more than usual, therefore, before you decide on the experiment, it is worth weighing your capabilities.

By purchasing housing with a decoration made by the developer, also get ready to make repair work in a few years. However, by the time the active shrinkage phase will already be passed, and it will be possible to safely use the materials that like.

The foundation shrinkage can contribute to the cracking of gas-silicate masonry

Features shrinkage in different types of houses

Shrinkage of the house is a change in the geometric parameters of the elements of the construction due to the drying of the materials from which they were produced. This process must be taken into account when erecting a structure, since it is natural and without it without it. With competent calculations, the shrinkage will pass harmoniously and without consequences for the design.

The sediment of the building with which the shrinkage is sometimes confused, on the contrary, natural is not and signals the instability of the soil on the selected area or the weakness of the foundation. The precipitate can cause not only the cracking of the walls, but even their collapse.

The degree of shrinkage of the building directly depends on the material chosen for the construction. Buildings from wood are considered the most problematic in terms of shrinkage. Concrete, foam blocks and bricks are also subject to this process, but not so pronounced.

Type of house Period of main shrinkage Features of leakage
Panel 2-3 years
  • based on the reinforced concrete structures of factory production;
  • during construction initially, admission to assembly seams are taken into account;
  • the ultimate shrinkage is the longest of all, can stretch for an indefinite period;
  • most often, the formation of cracks along the seams between the tiles.
Monolithic frame 1 year
  • based on cast seamless concrete design, lined with panels or brick;
  • the thickness of the floors and walls is small - the weight of the structure is less than in other options. The load on the foundation is distributed evenly;
  • when compliance with construction technologies, the minimum shrinkage term.
Brick From 3-4 to 5-6 years
  • refers to heavy designs, plans to the foundation special requirements;
  • there are no seams between panels;
  • if the technology is broken, when shrinking gives cracks not only on the joints and corners, but also diagonal on the walls;
  • the shrinkage process occurs unevenly.

Deformation in concrete slabs of floors


Shrinkage panel houses occurs on average per year. Changes occur so noticeable that the draft coating in no way can hide traces of deformation. It is recommended for first repairs to use coatings, which can be easily dismantled - laminate or linoleum. The main part of the shrinkage may be rather noticeable in terms of changes in the geometry of wall planes, gender and ceiling. The result can be noticeable cracks and skews in the area of \u200b\u200bcorners and tiled joints. Directly plates remain unharmed. Very often after the shrinkage, the owners of apartments have to think about the need to align the floor. Ideally, of course, it is better to wait at all with the repair before the active stage of shrinkage passes. Maybe this is not so cozy, but the financial losses will be minimal.


In the production of building materials, the technology includes the so-called shrinkage protection. Therefore, if the shrinkage has a significant percentage - this signals a low quality material, or on violating the builders of standards when building a building.

At the production stage, the brick passes the drying procedure, due to which the percentage of moisture in the product comes down to zero. This means that further evaporation that could lead to the shrinkage of the material is excluded. Concrete in itself does not hold water in principle. In this case, the cause of the shrinkage can be freezing in the cold season or the improper distribution of the load inside the design. If the building was erected in the autumn-winter period, the likelihood that materials can get wet, and having had moisture - to freeze. As a result, inside cracks and pores, the moisture turns into ice, which has an extension property. This can lead to the formation of serious outer cracks.

Another disadvantage of brick buildings is a large number of seams. These gaps, if the masonry was not high-quality, can accumulate in itself moisture, which under the action of temperature drops will expand or decrease. The porosity of the brick, compared to other types of building materials, is its dignity and disadvantage simultaneously. When erecting brick houses, builders should carefully ensure that all the gaps are minimal and well-worked. The degree of shrinkage of the brick house compared to the wooden minimal, but by duration will take 3-4 years.

A crack on the ceiling is the first sign of a building shrinkage

Monolithic frame

At the heart of the monolithic framework - the carrier frame, manufactured not using welding works, and made using a vertical type column. This is a solid system in which the framework is assigned the role of support for the design as a whole. With this approach to construction, the risk of cracks is reduced to a minimum.

Shrinkage in houses of monolithic type is minimal compared to other types of buildings, since one-piece design qualitatively distributes the load on the foundation, due to which the shrinkage occurs evenly. For people living in the house, changes are practically invisible, compared with the brick structure. However, under monolith there can be a soil drawdown. The durable frame takes place in this case the building from significant deformations. This makes it possible to carry out repair work in the new building almost immediately.

True, if sufficient geological and geodetic studies have been made or serious violations in construction technology have been present, even the monolithic structure is able to show the unusual wonders of shrinkage.

Consequences of a shrinkage of a brick-monolithic house

Factors affecting shrinkage

It was previously mentioned that the shrinkage of the foundation of the house is a natural and natural phenomenon. External and internal factors affect the degree of its severity. By taking into account their effect on the construction, you can further prevent unwanted manifestations.


The group of external factors includes the mobility of the soil - the uneven occurrence of the soil layers leads to the fact that the movement at different ends of the building may differ. Several types of this factor are distinguished:

  • the depth of the primer of the soil - the soil itself is actually freezing, and the moisture in it. When driving water makes the soil shrink, and when it comes to melting, it starts expanding. The ground around the foundation is exhausted and starts to squeeze it. With a significant degree of freezing, the foundation lies on a greater depth, as it should be deeper than the soil freezes. Accordingly, the shrinkage will be longer. In addition, the degree of freezing affects the strength of the foundation, because periodic squeezing leads to gradual destruction of the foundation of the house;
  • the depth of groundwater depth - moisture has a serious impact on the foundation of the building, but the degree of influence of its unequal. The scene protects against water the upper part of the foundation, but the lower part is located underground. Despite the fact that the soil penetrate the rainy drains, still the main impact proceeds from groundwater. Due to the difference in humidity, the foundation can be seated in the lower and upper parts in different ways relative to time. If the groundwater climbs close to the surface, drainage the foundation to reduce the impact of moisture;
    • horizontal - the offset leads to the inclination of the foundation on the parties;
    • vertical - here the movement of the layers is characterized by offset up or down. Foundation or fails, or pushed out;
    • mixed mobility can shift the basis of the building as vertically and horizontally. To reduce mobility and stabilize the soil, the foundation is installed on the foundation pillow of rubble, sand and concrete;
  • climatic conditions - the territory of our country is characterized by a wet climate, clay and samp soils, as well as low temperatures. Soil freezes deeply, which must be considered when erecting the foundation. Non-compliance with construction technology can lead to a serious deformation of the building in the process of shrinkage;
  • the time of year is not worth eating the foundation in the spring or autumn, when a lot of rains and the soil will be wrapped in moisture. This is especially important if the possibility of further freezing, which will negatively affect the integrity of the foundation.
Cracked sealing scheme for brick wall


  • expansion and compression of building materials. Due to the temperature difference, substances are expanding or compressed. In the case of the foundation of the building, there is an impact on both sides. The temperature affects the foundation itself and the soil in which it is immersed. So that this physical deformation does not cause the structure of harm in the foundation make deformation seams;
  • moisturizing and drying materials. The main process that causes the shrinkage is drying up building materials. When evaporation of moisture, the building structure becomes easier, decreases in volume. If the materials were wet, then, on the contrary, swelling, weight and volume increase. Shrinkage lasts exactly as much as required for maximum moisture evaporation, then the materials acquire maximum strength. The process rate of the process will be directly dependent on the air temperature and its humidity;
  • the quality of the materials used is the foundation carries a larger load, so the materials in its basis must comply with all the requirements, construction standards. Marks, fractions should be used only to be registered in regulatory documents. The quality of the building will depend on the film definition.

The foundation should stand before the building itself will be erected. Otherwise, the shrinkage process will continue under the influence of walls and bearing structures. As a result, some sections will cover, on the walls, the foundation formed cracks. If the deformation is overwhelmed, the house may simply collapse.

Based on the above, we can conclude: Shopping at home is a lawsuit, but far from always subject to warranty periods. It has a great influence on its flow, external groups of factors, as a result of which one and the same construction technology can give different results. Moreover, it is very important in addition to the quality of the walls and overlaps, the properties of the foundation and how well it was completed. Did the builders taken into account the type of soil mobility, were the depth of groundwater flow measured? Did you take care of drainage for the foundation and how good the foundation pillow is? There are many nuances, so the finish becomes a timely event, you should make sure that the house is built in accordance with all relying standards.


It is described in detail with what problems can be faced with the shrinkage of the building.

Photo with options for problems that may arise when shopping building

What threatens shrinkage of an apartment building.

Which is the biggest load, because it keeps all your home on my shoulders. From day to day, it is subjected to several influences, such as severe temperature fluctuations and humidity. Because of these adverse effects, it often happens that the foundation is destroyed faster than the building itself. What if the foundation gave a shrinkage?

If only cracks manifested themselves and there is no reason to worry about that the foundation gave an uneven shrinkage, in this case, no particular reason to handle serious measures to strengthen the foundation. You can only aggravate the situation. In the case of the appearance of cracks, it will be enough to simply close defects with cement. Serious damage to the foundation requires careful preparation and compliance with the rules of security, because the slightest negligence threatens the collapse of the part or even the entire structure.

In this article we will help you to avoid serious consequences when repairing the foundation using a few simple recommendations.

Find out the reasons for sending

To quickly and efficiently eliminate the deformation of the foundation, you should first find out the reasons. It should be borne in mind that if you do not work in a timely manner, it will be much more difficult to restore the foundation or practically impossible. To clarify the reasons you should dig a trench hole along the building. If the reason lies in the beaming of the foundation by the groundwater, it is necessary to draw it out; If the reason for the non-uniform drying of the concrete or its uneven distribution, it is necessary to strengthen the foundation coating with a metal frame, then pour places with concrete. Use concrete need the same brand that was poured when laying the foundation part.

Causes of Summary of Fundament

The foundation is an integral part of anyone and the reliability and security of your home depends on it. As we have already mentioned, over time, under the influence of the external environment, the foundation shrinkage occurs. Shrinkage - change in linear sizes of the foundation and loss of volume under certain conditions.

Most often, the foundation sends to the following reasons:

non-compliance with construction standards;

inappropriate type of foundation building;

disorder function of waterproofing;

soil convergence.

Shrinkage can occur in all composite materials, since with the modified state the material is compacted and loses its original shape. When the house is erected, an important part of the construction and durability of the object is to fill a durable foundation.

Causes of Summary of Fundament

As in any other sphere, it is much easier to prevent the problem than to correct it. To prevent the basement of the foundation, it is worth paying attention to the composition of the soil and its strength. To prevent the soil failure under the foundation, it should be improved in advance its carriers and pour into the base of liquid cement.

Another factor contributing to the dating foundation is the choice of fragile materials for the construction of a foundation or such that do not meet the technical standards. Shrinkage can occur under the influence of external factors, which is particularly related to a brick foundation, a limestone solution. The impregnation of the foundation of moisture and its freezing has an extremely destructive function on the foundation. You can avoid serious consequences, we can carry out the basis of the house or building on temporary wooden bars or metal rails, after which the design should be replaced with a stronger one.

The foundation is seated due to moisture?

To avoid the sizing of the foundation due to its insufficient moisture resistance, the surface should be examined for the presence of cracks or bloats. Such defects on the surface are talking about the presence of humidity of the surface. Noticing this kind of disadvantages, it should be immediately taken for their elimination, as this may be the problem of the foundation foundation in the future. To eliminate it is worth cleaning damaged areas and covered with their mastic, while accurately observing technological norms.

Fundament Strengthening Technologies

What should I do if the foundation still gave shrinkage? There are many different technologies to strengthen the foundation of the building. All of them differ depending on the state of the building, features of the structure, such as soil and reconstructive data. If the destruction and shrinkage of the foundation is at the initial stage, you can do the simple seams and cracks. To do this, it is necessary to make a small deepening in the wall and expand the cracks, after which it is to close them with cement mortar, with the calculation three parts of the sand and one part of the cement. If the foundation deformation appeared due to the arms of flowing waters, the emptiness formed under the ground is also necessary to treat cement.

How to strengthen the foundation?

In order to strengthen the old foundation, you should pour a new base. In this case, the effect will be very tangible. To do this, make a proof along all walls half a meter deeper than an old base. Formwork is erected in it, and then the fill with concrete. Before that, it is necessary to clean and eliminate all cracks and other defects. For a stronger connection between the old and new parts of the foundation, it is necessary to place the reinforcement rods along the entire wall at an equal gaps of about 30 cm.

Method of one-way fortification of the foundation

Sometimes shrinkage at home occurs unevenly, only on the one hand. In this case, the plot on the covered side is divided along the wall several parts, about 2 meters each. After that, the ditch is digging for the first part. At the same time, it should be below the old base and more in width (or equal to) the old foundation. After that, drill holes for reinforcement rods, as well as make a finability to increase the area of \u200b\u200bcontact. Next, the rods of the old foundation are associated with a new frame, formwork is found, as well as the fill with the concrete of the first part. When concrete strength reaches percentage of 70, you can begin for the next part and so by analogy along the whole wall. At the end, the release of reinforcement rods from each part is made and associated them with each other.

Strengthening the old foundation when flushing the soil

If the foundation gave a shrinkage, it is recommended to strengthen it and not to let the case. At the same time, the choice of strengthening the foundation depends on several factors, such as the state of the building, the possibilities for its subsequent reconstruction, the design features of the building and the state of the soil. First, limit the sealing cracks with cement mortar, if they have stopped slightly and shrinkage. If the shrinkage is large, not only the consequences should be eliminated, but also the causes of the shrinkage. If the reason for the foundation shrinkage is a soil flushing, during nanice of special equipment, they resort to the pumping technology of the cement mortar into the resulting voids under high pressure, which fills them, impregnates the soil and compacts it. In addition, this technology allows you to isolate the foundation from moisture.

Strengthening tape fundament

The ribbon foundation is well amenable to work to strengthen it. Start with neutralization of groundwater action. To do this, in the selected place along the tailored wall of the house, proper the trench of such a depth so that the lowest point of the deformed base is located about a meter above it. The width of the RVA can equal to the width of the old foundation or be slightly wider. Do in the old foundation of holes for reinforcement, make a new formwork for the foundation, make a metal frame and clutch it with the reinforcement inserted into the old foundation. After connecting the new and old foundations into a single whole, fill the entire design of the concrete. The solution will penetrate into the openings of the foundation and reliably grab the pieces of fittings in it. Wait for the solution solidifies. Skip the renovated area and go to the next segment. At the same time, note that it is not recommended to perform work at once all over the perimeter of the house, and consistently, concreting plots about two meters long. Try to lead work as quickly as possible, not allowing long downtime and breaks. If the foundation will stand for a long time in the open form, the house will start to see.

Technology of deformation seams

A crack on a concrete basis so that the maximum secure themselves in this matter, you need to produce deformation seams that will significantly increase resistance to temperature differences. With their help, the burden on the design itself is also reduced. The technology of creating such seams is as follows: in the masonry of bricks, you need to make a certain incision. Relieve it with a special insulating material.

Choosing an apartment in a new building, most buyers prefer the so-called "black finish". In practice, this usually means that the nose-owned walls ("box") with water, gas, electricity and heating, and all other work - from alignment of floors and walls to the installation of plumbing, furniture and household appliances - they perform independently or attract specialists. Undoubtedly, such an approach allows you to transform the space of an apartment in accordance with the ideas of the owners about the comfort and comfort, as well as embody the most bold ideas in the interior design. However, before proceeding with serious repairs, many are thinking: "Does it start?"

The specificity of new buildings is that the building, increasing the floors, gives a shrinkage, and sometimes this process continues after the construction is completed. As a result, microcracks may appear in the walls and overlaps, the skews occur, sometimes not noticeable to the human eye, but capable of damaging the decoration finish. And new seals, frightened by the stories of suddenly cracked tiles or relying plaster, postpone repairs in a new house until better times.

To understand the truth and myths about the shrinkage, we turned to specialists and asked them to tell when it is better to start repairs in a new building, as well as provide recommendations regarding the choice of building and finishing materials.

Below, give the received answers.

What do you think it is possible to start a full repair in the new apartment in the first year, immediately after receiving the keys?

"It is widespread that in the first year it is better not to make repairs in the apartment, because different problems with cracks may subsequently, the house gives a shrinkage, he needs to" stand out "(as they speak in the people). But this is more myth, for that time during which the house is built, enough for a constructive shrinkage. Shrinkage is more connected with the movement of the soil, so a similar problem may later arise in the old house.

Cracks that appear in a new building after some time are more often associated with the general disadvantages of the house design, mainly with non-compliance with technology for building materials and other nuances, for example, hurry with the deadlines for the delivery of a new building.

I would recommend paying more attention to the following: if there is a possibility not to hurry with repair and settlement, wait at least the first winter after passing the house. Then you can check how warm it turned out the design of the walls, there is no freezing in frosts, whether the joints are sealed in the rain, make sure that the heating is working. This advice is more suitable for the situation when the house is surreated in the warm season, the heating is only experienced, and it is difficult to find out how high-quality thermal insulation in monolith-brick houses is well shut down in panel houses, etc. "

"Customers periodically ask me when to start repairs in a new apartment. I can't give a definite answer - it simply does not exist. Everything is individually and depends on many factors. How well built a house? Will he give shrinkage during the year or 5 years? Is the repairs made your closest neighbors? Do you have time to wait, or should you move faster? What repair do you plan? Etc…

For example, I will tell about repairs in my apartment. Monolithic-brick, 28 floors, a long-term house stood before the delivery of the year three. When they gave the keys in June 2012, I immediately began to make repairs, because we needed to enter the September (daughter went to the first class). Repair lasted 3 months in the literal sense of the word day and night. And, oh, miracle! September 5, we entered the apartment. From the tenants, I finished repairs first. I have a wall under painting, gypsum cornices, GLC ceiling.

Neighbors around repaired - left, right, bottom. It was noisy, but tolerant. It was a year: I had no cracks in my apartment.

And now the neighbors began to repair! They began to dismantle the walls of Ventskanalov. For two days, I had a house at home: the work of the bombard, pieces of falling walls on the ceiling and water leakage from above. As a result, the ceiling made of GLC, the gypsum eaves were cracked, covered the ceiling in the bathroom, cracked 2 tiles in the bathroom, where Ventkanal passes. All in two days. I treat it philosophically: I knew what I was walking, starting repair before everyone, and understood that it would be so with time. Repair of the apartment from above finished a month ago. For the summer I plan to make myself cosmetics, repaint the walls, restore the plaster and the ceiling.

It seems to me that the main enemy of your repair is neighbors on top. It is better to wait for the end of their repair. The house can give a shrinkage for a long time, or not to give it at all how lucky. And then the neighbors with a snag and walls still "fit" the house (30-40 tons per 100 meter apartment). "

"This is a fairly global question, and much depends on the specific situation.

As for the start of repair work: certainly, safer work is the last. But this means that the apartment will stand, and its owner will derete pleasure from living in it. And life, as is known, alone. In addition, by experience, repairs subsidize in 7-10 years after commissioning, as in each house there is a fairly large number of investment apartments. And this means that even if after 2-3 floors you will be renovated, the risk of cracking increases at times.

In the panel house the risk of cracks are much less than in monolithic brick and brick houses. This is due to the construction of houses and the degree of their readiness. "

"Repair can and even need. The most important thing is that technologies are respected. Many argue that the new house can be asked, but in reality it is not. Shrinkage most often is insignificant, and it does not affect small deformations that occur in the house. If, for example, there are cracks on the walls in a monolithic house, it means they were made poorly. And from such a situation, it is difficult to protect yourself, regardless of other circumstances. "

Is it possible to solve the problems associated with the shrinkage of the house, due to the choice of materials, more resistant to deformation, or special technologies?

"When shrinking at home, the crack can break the integrity of the tile. As far as technology and materials can minimize the consequences of shrinkage, it is difficult to say.
In part, protect the repair is possible, but not from the shrinkage itself, but from minor shortcomings committed in the construction of the house.

These technologies are usually associated with falseland and ceilings, with an elastic adjoining them to the supporting structures of the house. High-quality finishing materials, for example, finishing putty and paints are protected from microcracks. In general, if you look forward to high-quality repairs, which will last for a long time, remember the saying "miser pays twice." And with the shrinkage of the house - here as lucky! "

"To avoid cracks, I recommend using a tissue-based wallpaper, stretched ceiling, parquet on the floor. If the walls are under painting, then I glue the facade mesh (instead of the usual under the plaster), glass cholester (or fliseline). Do not make textured stucco. If the ceiling is GKK, then under painting - fliseline. Parquet must be given to be searched in the apartment of the week two so that it adapts to the climate. The tile can crack, from this no one is insured, but it does not mean that it is not necessary to glue the tile. The main thing is to prepare well. In fact, in repairing a lot of aspects and nuances, starting with the construction of the walls of the apartment and compulsory reinforcement and ending with the finish cleaning and rental of the apartment. "

"Regarding materials of recommendations a lot. The walls are better to build from the puzzle plate, the geometry of which is such that the layer of glue is minimal, which means minimal and precipitate. When the walls and ceilings are made of drywall, GLC is better to do in 2 layers, and the glassball is glued on top. When making a screed, not only reinforce the grid, but also to install damper tape on the perimeter. When choosing finishing materials, it should be borne in mind that the wallpaper hide part of the cracks, leaving them for their layer. "

"As for the repair, I will start with the features of laying tiles. The main thing is to start with good training under the tile: high qualityly twist the walls, correctly choose the ridge (the size of the rowing teeth is determined based on the size of the tile). Carefully make sure that the thickness of the glue is not more than the manufacturer recommends. Otherwise, the likelihood may crack or disappear.

If you make the walls under painting, then small cracks may go on the corners and on interior partitions. Therefore, I recommend using smooth fliesiline, and then paint the walls. If microcracks are formed, then from under the phlizelin they will not be visible, and large gaps manifest as a small displacement.

If you are using drywall, it is necessary to smoke the joints between the surfaces and the metal structures of a special sealing ribbon, which softens the vibration and prevents the appearance of cracks.

As for the main points: if you make the floor tie, it is necessary to observe all the deformation seams around the perimeter, and the premises itself must be divided into accounts so that the screeds are not connected.

Do the same with the level: If you use it, watch it not to touch the walls, and do not forget to share it in the room. Please note that when laying a floor covering, the aligned surface according to the humidity parameters must comply with the requirements for the manufacturer.

I would recommend looking for newcomers of competent builders and before starting repair to find out how they work. Ask them for what technology they perform work, how do they prepare which materials are recommended to use at each stage. And already on the basis of this information, you will understand what specialist in front of you. After all, the technologies themselves are unchanged. "

We thank all experts who participated in the preparation of the material.