Repairs Design Furniture

Bathroom repair do-it-yourself - the best ways to create a beautiful interior! (71 photos). Bathroom repair do-it-yourself: Bathroom repair ideas and work process How to make repairs in a bathroom tiles

Sooner or later, it comes the time when it is impossible to postpone the renovation in the bathroom, since the tile or wallpapers lost their appearance or, worse, began to lag behind the surface, and metal pipes rusted. The desire to transform the bathroom becomes the stronger than more and more often notice the most modern materials that are able to turn an unsightly shapper room in a neat room of the euro class.

- It is quite large, but still a fully executed event, if you adhere to the instruction and perform all types of work in stages. Considering the fact that the repair materials are not suiced, and practice shows that the cost of performing work will cost at least half the price of materials, it is worth attaching own forces And save a very decent amount.

If it is decided to independently perform repairs in the bathroom, you must first understand the sequence of construction work:

  • Start, probably, you need from planning. You can make a sketch of the room and display in it what I would like to get on the completion of the repair, including all the planned to the installation in the circuit.

In this question, it is necessary to take into account the fact that old bath You can replace a new one, but there is an option and simply update it using an acrylic tab. In addition, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is very small, but I want to make it more spacious, you can install a shower cabin instead of a standard bath with an angular seating bath.

Such a trial capext will help to approximately decide on the scale of the covered works, with repair and finishing technologies, with quantity essential materials, with exemplary deadlines for the entire planned volume. Of course, in the course of work in the general plan, you will certainly be made by certain changes. In many ways, it will depend on the state of the floor, walls, ceiling, pipes, and to see all this "beauty", it is necessary to dismantle the old one.

  • Thus, the next step can be moved to the removal of the old finish and dismantling that served, unnecessary plumbing.

On the dann In any case, the bath should be removed and make it out of this room so that it does not interfere with repair and finishing works.

  • After the dismantling, it is necessary to clean the room from the construction trash. After cleaning, it is necessary to conduct a revision of the walls and gender for the subject of its condition (for example, to understand the need full replacement Coatings or the ability to restrict ourselves to the repair of loose or detached areas, cracks, cracks, etc.) everything that does not inspire confidence is subject to mandatory removal.
  • The premises are then carried out, and on the basis of them, it is calculated and a list of necessary materials, consumables, tools, accessories are compiled.

Further, with a compiled list, in which plumbing devices, pipes with all components, materials for construction and finishing works should be sent to a specialized salon shop. Do not forget that finishing materials are usually acquired with a small reserve - about 15%.

  • Repair (if necessary) wall surfaces, floor, ceiling.
  • New plumbing and sewage tracks are laid. For what, it may be necessary to cut the strokes with their subsequent seal after mounting pipes.
  • If the power points are summarized (installation of sockets), then for them there are similar manipulations with a slit of strokers, laying cable in and subsequent sealing.
  • Work is held According to reproduce the surfaces of the walls and gender to finishing works - waterproofing plastering, shtatleving, pouring screed, and the like. At this stage, you can think over the placement issues. ventilation canals, Montaja decorative klyobovthat will help hide the pipe wiring.
  • Further, work is performed on the decorative decoration of the room. The usual order is top down, that is, the ceiling → walls → floor. In some cases, it is possible to change a similar order, for example, mounting a suspended ceiling → Laying of ceramic tiles on the floor → wall decoration with washing wallpaper or plastic clapboard.
  • The following important stage is the installation of plumbing with the appropriate sealing of all nodes and adjoints, connecting household appliances (washing machine, shower, etc.).
  • And finally, in conclusion, they are attached and hang on the places all characteristic for bathroom Accessories - mirrors, hangers, lockers, shelves, etc.

Even just a list of work performed is very impressive. And now it will meet with the listed items closer.

Repair planning and the acquisition of the necessary

Drawing up a sketch project

  • The slit of the strokes is made with a grinder with a circle around the stone, and the perforator, according to pre-marked places on the walls.
  • Pipes are mounted from their entrance to the bathroom and bred to the connecting points of mixers, baths and sinks, to other water outlets, for example, for a drain toilet bowl or to supply water into a washing machine.
  • When installing the sewer pipe (Usually under the conditions of the bath use PP pipe Ø 50 mm) It is necessarily taken into account that it should be located under the slope towards the central standing of the sewage. It should be extended and for a washing machine located away from the sink or bath. If you can set washing machine Next to the washbasin, the tee (45 °) is installed on the sewage pipe, which is connected both drains.

  • Pipes laid for starts are filled mounting foam - It will become an additional protection against heat loss (for hot water pipe) and from the formation of condensate on the surface. Then, after pouring the foam, it is cut off, and the large layer of the plaster mortar is superimposed on top.

Laying electrical wiring

To put the electric cable under the ceramic tile will have to make a shifter. For safety reasons, the wires must be well isolated (the best option is Vggling), and in addition, they are placed in a corrugated plastic tube.

The wires are laid to those areas of the surface of the walls and the ceiling, where the lighting devices will be installed and (if provided).

The shoes, as well as in the case of water pipes, are fought, and then attached.

If it is assumed to finish the walls of the laminate panels, then the wire gasket is also carried out in corrugated trumpetBut having them between the guides - to do the shorters in this case is not required.

After mounting wiring is performedchecking the correctness of its connection, and then it must be disconnected from the distribution panel until the complete end of all construction and finishing works in the bathroom. Exception - You can leave the connection point ceiling lightingBut in compliance with all the required security measures.

After the layer of plaster on top of the embedded strokers from T of rubles and wires will completely freeze, you can proceed to the processing of walls and waterproofing work.

Wall processing

Since in the bathroom, it is always "by definition" increased moisture, it is not surprising that the joints of the walls of the walls and the ceiling can very often be covered with black mold points. In order for such stains to not grow up, they must be removed by a special means.

After drying out the "medicinal" composition, the walls and the ceiling are applied. It impresses the walls and will become not only an additional protection against various fungal formations, but also create ideal conditions for adhesion of adhesive compositions with a wall.

Primer is applied using a roller or a wide brush. For a complete guarantee of the quality of processing, it is best to operate in two layers in two layers (the second is applied only after complete grazing of the first).

If the wall is preparing under the tile, and on it with an ax or hammer, notches will be made, then after this process, the surface must be truncated by another one.

Poland waterproofing

Waterproofing of the floor in the bathroom is always the most important of the events. In this room, like in any other, the likelihood of various emergencies is great. Pour yourself - it is Polwy. But if the "flood" spreads to the neighbors from the bottom, it can end not only with a large scandal and proceedings, nor, for sure, considerable financial losses.

Measures on waterproofing will not be in vain if there are no large cracks in the tie of the floor, especially in places of joining the walls. All these flaws need to be eliminated first.

For this, they are separated, processed by primer, and then fill with a sealant - this is the easiest way to get rid of them. It shows well as a repair composition shows epoxy twin - it quickly freezes and creates reliable "patches."

If, in addition to sealing the slots, the floor alignment is required, then you can immediately solve two problems using a bulk composition, which will fill all the separated cracks and leads the level to the ideal horizontal. How to spend the right way to learn in detail by passing the special article of our portal.

After the floor is ready, you can move to its waterproofing. There is a lot interesting technologiesBut the most affordable is a coating method. Work in this case is carried out as follows:

  • On the edge of the floor and the bottom of the walls (approximately 150 200 mm) densely applied brush special compositionSo that there is no lumen.
  • Then, on the freshly mounted layer in the joint of the wall and floor, the waterproofing tape is pasted (bleed), as it is that the joints are the most vulnerable to the leakage.

  • After drying out the corner strips of waterproofing, the composition is covered with the entire floor and the walls to the height of up to 150 mm. It is desirable for this procedure for insurance, perform in two layers.

Such waterproofing creates an elastic film on the surface of the floor, according to the type of solid "trough" - it will be able to protect the floor from leaks.

« Warm floor "in the bathroom

If the bathroom is planned to make a "warm floor", you can choose one of two suitable options for this is an electric or water from the heating system.

  • The optimal version of the electric heating floor in the bathroom conditions are mesh mats with a zigzag-like warming cable.

The convenience is that such heating can be placed under a thin screed or even directly under the ceramic tile (quite a bit, by 5 ÷ 8 mm thickening the layer of tiled glue). Under the mats it is recommended to lay the insulation with a foil surface, especially if the apartment is located on the first floor and the floor is cold.

Such mats are connected to a special thermostat that allows you to accurately adjust the heating temperature of the surface. The convenience of such a floor is that it can be included at any time, both in the summer and in winter, in contrast to the floor operating from the describl system. The disadvantage of it is the cost of electricity.

The mats are fixed to the floor on double-sided adhesive, and the solution is stacked on top or poured (it can be a conventional concrete composition or self-leveling), or tile glue.

  • Another option of the "warm floor" for the bathroom is a water circuit connected to the heating system. Such a floor will be warm only during the heating period, but it will not have to pay for heating at all.

Laying and fill of the water circuit of the "warm floor"

When installing such a "warm floor", the pipe is flex with snail or snake and fixes on reinforcement grid Or stacked between the Bars of Special Mat. An important condition that should be observed is the integrity of the pipe, that is, it should not have compounds all over the contour. On the floor of the floor in the bathroom - it is easy to perform, since the area is very small. In addition, you need to know that the pipe does not fit under the bathroom - it is absolutely meaningless. It should be located only in those areas where it is possible. barefoot Hosts on the floor.

Connecting a "warm floor" to the contour of the heated towel rail - not welcome

By the way, sometimes the ends of the "warm floor" contour are connected to the pipes going to the heated towel, that is, to the central of hot water. Is it new? From a technological point of view - yes. But from the point of view of unauthorized selection of thermal energy to heating the floor - very serious legal problems may arise.

In any case, before mounting a water "warm floor" in the conditions of an apartment with a centralized supply of hot water and heating, it is necessary to help references in the company engaged in the operation of housing. Surely, you will need to perform a number of specific specifications.

More exhaustive Information can be obtained by following the link to the appropriate publication of our portal.

Prices for electric heap floors

Electric warm floor

Alignment of walls

Before aligning the walls of the walls, the finished tie on the floor (if it was performed earlier) is best noted with a polyethylene film, so as not to sleep with plastering or adhesive solution. Align the walls using ordinary plaster on the installed beacons, it is easier to mount on glue on Plaster base and fix the moisture resistant plasterboard to the wall.

If crude plaster is selected, the guides will be installed on the wall to be the guide when aligning using the rule.

How to make this work correctly, and what method to choose in a particular situation, you can learn from the article published on the pages of our portal.

Plasterboard levets well in the event that it is not deformed, but has only small irregularities. If there is a significant curvature of the plane, then the likelihood that the material simply will repeat it, but does not lines.

To glue the plasterboard wall, you first need to point glue on the wall. On one square meter The area of \u200b\u200bthe area is applied at 5 ÷ 6 slides to the leying composition.

Then the sheet of drywall is applied to the wall and is well pressed. Glue on the plaster basis is quickly folded, so the plasterboard will quickly be fixed in the desired position.

Installation of this material on the walls with glue is produced in order to save space. But in the event. If the bathroom area is large enough, you can fix on the crate - wooden or made of metal galvanized profiles.

Aligning wall surfaces is made in cases where the tile masonry will be carried out. If the walls are planned to be separated pVC panelsThe alignment of the walls is not made by plaster, and a doomlet is installed at once in the level.

Installation prints

Okeekhet On the walls of the bathroom is installed from wooden Reques or metal galvanized profiles. On the wooden crate PVC CD meal panels are much simpler, so they are used for the frame more often. For crates, rails are used in the size of 40 × 15 mm or 50 × 20 mm. They are attached at a distance of 300 ÷ 500 mm from each other.

In the event that the ceiling is planned to be made suspended, for it the optimal solution will be metal profiles with special suspensions. These suspensions, by the way, no one forbids use and to install wooden rails, to which the facing panels will be fixed. Head - securely and rigidly fasten these brackets to the surface of the ceiling.

The suspended ceiling is especially necessary if the spotlight lighting devices will be built in it, which will be "recessed" to the level decorative surface. Therefore, you need to measure the height of the luminaire planned to install in advance to lower the ceaseplate level on such a distance.

Wooden rails, which are used for the crate, must be treated with antiseptic water repellent.

After installing the system of the guides on the ceiling, you can start the installation of PVC panels, since the preparatory works are completed and finishing procedures begin.

Finishing work


Bathroom decoration decorative materials Starts with the ceiling. If the ceramic tile will be laid on the walls, then you need to immediately make a transition from one material to another, distinguishing with its corner. The corner is cut around the entire ceiling perimeter in such a way that a peculiar frame is created for the ceiling panels.

When panels are installed in scheduled in advance Places, it is necessary to cut holes for the installation of them are made using a crown on a tree, which is installed on an electric drill (screwdriver).

Next, through the hole stretches outward electrical cablesTo which special lighting lamps are joined for suspended ceilings, having retainers in the form of spring-loaded "ears".


Each wizard chooses a sequence of work independently, but recommended first thing, put the tile on the floor, and only after that move to the walls.

Tile laying are carried out on a special tile glue made on a cement basis. Works start from the door and wall, which will be in sight. The process PR is in such a manner in order for incomplete, cropped tiles that will inevitably be in distant corners, closed bathroom, lockers, etc., and did not spoil the whole picture.

Between the styling tiles, calibration crosses are installed, which will withstand the same thickness of the seams on the entire surface. They are pulled out only after drying glue.

The glue is applied to the surface of the floor in size in one ÷ two tiles, is distributed in one direction to the toothed spatula. Many masters recommend precisely when laying on the floor, it also causes a layer of glue and on the tile itself. In this case, the laying is carried out so that the directions of the furrow on the floor were perpendicular to the furrows on the tile. This method gives a complete guarantee that there will be no air emptiness under the tile.

After laying the tile, if necessary, closed with a rubber hammer through the bar, laid immediately into two tiles, thereby aligning them into one plane. Control of laying each tile using a level is mandatory.

Another way to achieve a flat surface without internal voids is special fittings, which are used instead of crosses.

Video: Shock tile with plastic clamps

They solve two problems at once - withstand the same thickness of the seams and forcibly remove adjacent tiles for one level. If they are used immediately, starting with the laying of the first tile and to the latter, the surface is guaranteed to be smooth. These devices are used not only for facing the floor of the floor - it is quite suitable for walls.

After completing the laying of tiles on the floor and grip adhesive compositionMachine seams are rubbed. If the seams were filled with glue in the process of laying and fitting, they need to be cleaned with a special scraper, and then reissue residue using an old toothbrush.

Further, purified gaps are filled with grout (diluted or ready to use fuga), excess which needs to be immediately removed from the tile surface. Honey with this is undesirable, since after drying the Fugues it will be more difficult to consider it much more difficult.

After completing the floor cladding, the gaps remaining between the extreme tiles and the wall, it is necessary to clean the entire depth and fill the sealant.

Instead outdoor tile Some apartment owners prefer the floor of a board or laminate. This is also, by and large, acceptable options, but you need to remember that both wood, and especially laminate (MDF), do not like moisture. If you lay the boarded floor, then the material for it must be previously treated with antiseptic and water-repellent compositions, and when using laminated panels, pay attention to the permissibility of the material to laying indoors with high humidity. And yet - it is better not to experiment, but to stay on the ceramic coating.

Wall decoration

The most popular finishing material for walls in the bathroom is also a ceramic tile, as it is durable enough and easy to care. IN lately No less demanded for cladding walls in the bathroom steel PVC panels. They really will serve a smaller time than the tile, but also the price. polymeric material Non-station, and the installation of panels is much easier and faster.

PVC panels - this is a winnings in price and in the speed of finishing

Panels are made with different drawings, and some models, by the way, imitate ceramic tiles very significantly.


Laying tiles on the walls - the process is quite complex, and if it is performed by a newcomer, that is, the risk to make a lot of errors. Therefore, accepting this work should not be hurry. To help beginner tiles will be already mentioned fit, which will not allow the surface of one tile to perform above or below the neighboring.

Laying tile begins on the floor. It should be understood that the first row sets the correctness and evenness for everyone else, so you must definitely accurately set the horizontal line of its installation with control S. The help of the construction level.

Tile glue is applied to the wall using toothed spatula Under the masonry of three ÷ four tiles. It is not necessary to hurry and cover the composition too much area, especially in case of lack of practice, since the solution is quickly grasped.

After complete cladding of the walls of the seams between the tiles, they are drained the same as when laying on the floor.

Before laying a tile in those areas where through the walls will pass water pipes or water "sockets" will be standing, in the right places on the slabkeverevers, the holes of the required diameter using the drill crown installed in the cartridge or " balker».

PVC panels

If the PVC panel is chosen to finish, they are fixed on the crate, mounted on the walls earlier. The installation of difficulties is not available - the panels are simple and understandable "groove - spike" system, and all fasteners (self-screws, carnations or stapler brackets) Completely hidden when installing each next strip.

Plastic panels - very simple in mounting

From above and below (with a vertical location of the panels), starting strips are installed, which will hide unsightly cropped ends and give the interior design.

In addition, special fittings are provided for internal and external corners, as well as vertical and horizontal edges of the finishing material.

By installing the finishing PVC panels, it must be remembered that evenness and, accordingly, the appearance of the wall coating depend on the perfect vertical or horizontal (depending on the direction of laying) of the first strip. At the same time, each subsequent element t accommodately checked for verticality.

Holes for pipes in plastic panels make it much easier - they are easily drilled with a screwdriver and crowns desired sizeOr even simply cut off with a construction knife.

Prices for model range of outdoor tiles

Floor tile

Video: Repair in the bathroom using PVC panels

Completion of work - installation of plumbing

After completing the installation of finishing materials on the walls, all plumbing devices and accessories are installed on their regular places - a bath or shower, sink, as well as mixers for them. The processes are considered in a special section of our portal.

  • After installing, leveling and reliable fixation of the bath, it connects through the siphon to the sewage drain, and after mounting the mixer on the eccentric sockets - is checked.

  • After that, it is necessary to seal the gap formed between the wall and the bathroom - this is done using silicone, tiled or plastic plinths.

  • Further, if you wish, the screen is mounted under the bath. It can be fixed on a wooden frame collected from the bar, or laid out from gypsum plates or blocks and lined with ceramic tiles. You can immediately purchase a metal frame to consolidate any selected decorative trim to some models of Baths of PR and their purchase.
  • Installed washbasin sink. If the "Tulip" model is selected, the water flexible pipes are closed with a ceramic footboard.
  • Subject to choice ordinary shell, you can pick up a bedside table that will hide all unsightly nodes and get storage for detergents. If in stopper bedside table holes for the installation of a sink bowl No, it will have to extinct and cut down.

Before installing the sink, it is turned over and installed on the ceasepoint of the locker to bring the place of the cut-out pencil. Further, the bandwidth is determined along the edge of the sink, and this distance is also transferred to the tabletop inside the outlined semicircle from the laid line. It is on it that will be made to drink holes for the installation of the shell.

If the sink is of a large width than the cabinet, then you will have to correct the front cabinet panel, and after installation, close the gap between the locker and the white silicone sink.

  • The mixer of the sink is connected to the water supply, and the drain is to the sewage.
  • If this is plans - set washer. It also connects to a plumbing "socket", that is, a fitting specially prepared for it.

The finish can be completed with the installation of a new beautiful ventilation grid or to enhance the effect - channel exhaust fan (in this case, the power connection point is in advance) for it)

Latest touches - bedside tables, mirrors, hangers, shelves and other accessories

AND recent step The bathroom hangs on the places all the accessories necessary for this room, such as mirrors, shelves, lockers, hangers, soaps, etc.

Make repairs in the bathroom - not so simple, despite the small room size. However, by attaching the necessary efforts and efforts and having the necessary materials and tools, it is quite possible to cope with it. An independent repair will be the pride of the owner, and in addition, will save a considerable amount.

Video: Bathroom repair - Benefitable

At the same time, at the same time, I finally arrive at each house when it is already possible to postpone the bathroom with your own hands, as the old tile and wallpapers that walls are saved, have lost their attractive look or, even worse - gradually began to lag even from the surface, and all Pipes just rushed to the impossible state.

An even stronger the desire to make repairs becomes at the same time that there are more and more on the counters of building materials different materialscapable of becoming fast and for the reasonable cost to turn even a small room into the room "Euro" class, which will admire all guests at home.

If you are interested in the instruction for bathroom repair, then the main essence that you must understand it is that a sequence of action takes place must be respected. Then even allowed errors without problems can be eliminated, without spending more time and strength.

Difficulties in independent repairs

Many builders suggest that the most difficult stage of repair is considered all those actions that will need to be done by the features of the room.

For this reason, it is especially important to approach the choice of materials to be used in the future for the ceiling and wall finishing, since all materials used must necessarily be waterproof.

Also complicated are works related to dismantling equipment and different coatings. It is much easier to repair the bathroom and toilet in the new building, since it is usually not more than a pair of square meters.

Before you begin to make it yourself repairs, be sure to disassemble the whole process in detail, since it will be necessary to take into account during the work of all parts of the installation of equipment and materials.

Bathroom repair nuances

First, in order to avoid education, the fungus is in no case to equip between the decorative and main surfaces of the cavity. For the same reason, the decoration of any walls of plasterboard, characterized by water resistance and plastic is prohibited.

Secondly, in accordance with existing construction standards, you should not install switches and sockets during repairs.

There are options how to get around this restriction, but still do not forget about high moisture indicators that determine a sufficiently high risk of lesion.

Thirdly, during the repair of the bathroom room, it is better not to use materials that are susceptible to rotting or are hygroscopic, corrosive.

Fourth, when the area of \u200b\u200bthe repaired room is quite small, it makes sense to install a modern shower cabin instead of the bathroom of large sizes.

Ceramic tile: Nuances of use

A rather important question is the choice for the walls of the ceramic tile, when you start repairing the bathroom in Khrushchev, because here it is necessary to take into account quite a lot of different criteria.

You should be very priority to know that all the tiles used to finish today the surfaces of the walls and the floor are divided into various types, to find out which you can carefully studying the packaging. The manufacturer must indicate it.

Considering international StandardsThe highest grade is used today, a bright red color is used today, the second grade is bright blue and, accordingly, for the third - green.

If you stop in detail on the highest grade of the tile, then you can see a 5% deviation from the norm, which is considered to be admissible today.

When buying a second grade, you can see about 1/4 part of the tile with defects. Therefore, having decided to save money, do not be surprised later, that in almost every batch of the party there will be something or another deviation from the standard that was installed. Of course, the photo repairs of the bathroom in the future are unlikely to become a model for other apartment owners who have decided to update the bathroom.

When buying a tile, be sure to take at least a small stock. Since the marriage when laying is almost inevitable, it is necessary to determine a certain amount with full compliance of the shade.

During the choice of flooring, look at the ideas of the bathroom repair, probably you will be able to find interesting options. One of the most popular materials today is a porcelain stoneware, as well as a special tile, intended exclusively for the floor. Materials are characterized by good durability indicators, they have a rough surface, which is especially important for the bathroom.

By buying several packs at once, do not forget to verify the specified part number on each of the selected packages, as well as check the tile size. If you notice that the difference is more than one millimeter, it is better to take another packaging.

All necessary for the repair materials buy with a margin, because a few percent of their total quantity will be written off on trimming and battle.

Make yourself quickly repairs in the bathroom may not be as easy as it seems at first glance. little size premises. Nevertheless, if you make all the efforts are needed, use quality materials and tools, cope with the task completely for everyone.

Photo repair of the bathroom

Bathroom renovation is 1.5-2 times cheaper with your own hands than the same repair made by the workers brigade. So if you have needed knowledge, skill, free time and want to save, then this option is for you. But remember that inexpensive repair Bathroom made with their own hands can give up the quality of repair made by professionals.

Preparation for repair

Cheap bathroom repair by definition should be made with your own hands. Therefore, preparation for it includes several stages. Let's consider each of them.

Layout and design

First of all, you need to decide on the future design of the bathroom, draw the bathroom planning - from this will further depend on sophisticated work With pipes and plumbing, and the need for additional wiring.

Calculation of value

Check out prices with prices in building markets. So you can understand whether your ideas are fulfilled and how much they fit into the budget.

For example, we present a table with the value of materials for independent inexpensive bathroom repair:

Purchase of materials

Buy building materials need to be based on the area of \u200b\u200byour bath. The volume of the required materials can tell you the seller itself on the market or in a construction store.

The tile battle is laid 3-5% when repairing a large bathroom and 7% when repairing small.

When buying cement, mixtures, sand, grouts, putty, sealant or silicone need to be added to the required volume of 30%. Let the better bag of dry glue remain in you than it will end in a responsible moment.

Stages of work

Bathroom repair is carried out in a strictly defined sequence:

  • Thinking out the interior;
  • Determining the number of sanitary devices;
  • Preparation of the bathroom to repair work;
  • Buying building materials;
  • Floor preparation (to choose from: waterproofing, screed, installation of a warm floor system);
  • Laying pipes and wiring;
  • Plaster;
  • Ceiling finish;
  • Floor finish;
  • Wall covering;
  • Installation of the ventilation system;
  • Installation of bath and sinks.

Let's start directly to the repair itself and consider in detail each stage.



Independent work S. steel pipes It is fraught with many difficulties, but today it is the cheapest option in the market. Another minus - such pipes rust inside and change them relatively soon.


Porcelain stoneware is a bit more expensive than the tile, but the strength of it is higher at times. Even smooth porcelain stoneware is completely non-slip, so we strongly advise you to choose it as an outdoor coating.

Tip: When buying, ask the consultant in the store to get 5-6 tiles from different packs and deposit their size.


You make the bathroom renovation with your own hands, as shown in the video below, so choose slowly dry glue. It will allow you to work without a rush, in time to eliminate errors and control the quality of the masonry.

The spatula is suitable with a teeth with a depth of 4-6 mm if the glue is not specified on the label.

Plightkores buy with a diamond drill, and for laying a porcelain booking or tile with seams, it is best to use crosses from plastic.

Bathroom preparation

Suppose your past bath has not yet been worn out, then you can update its appearance with an acrylic liner. But the old tiny "chest" we recommend sending to scrap.

Before you start repair, overcoat the water and take the bath to the "naked" walls. Wiring will also have to turn off. During the repair, you can use a portable lamp and an extension cord - this is not familiar, but safely.

Clean all the walls, ceiling and floor. Start working from top to bottom. When cleaning, use the respirator. Tile is easily removed using a perforator and chisel. The loose plaster is completely removed, durable - aligns.

Floor preparation

From the floor it is also necessary to remove the old tile and cement substrate. If the screed is good, you can leave it if not - remove with a perforator. If with a careful inspection of the screed you noticed only one or two small cracks, they can be eliminated by a liquid alignment.

A layer of bulk sex should be approximately 3-3.5 cm. But before that, the floor was waterproofing with aquaisol or polyethylene terephthalate.

Important: It is necessary to cover the walls with waterproofing at least 30 cm.

Communication and preparation of walls, ceiling


Sewer must be made with easy access to it for inspection, cleaning, troubleshooting and necessary repair. So we advise you to let sewer pipes At the bottom, along the walls, and close the galvanized, lined with tiles. The galconia is attached to silicone and, if necessary, access to pipes is easily removed using a special knife.

Replacing all pipes begins with sewer sewer. With this task you can handle one, maximum two days, and then proceed to water pipes.


All wires are laid before plaster. The wire with double insulation hides in the corrugation - plastic or metallic, depending on the budget.


Stuccup need twice. Here the quality of work will be played a big role, as you are plastering for lining. Plastering will have, as always, starting from top to bottom.

Heat ceiling

Even in the warmest apartment, when repairing the bathroom, it will be necessary to warm the ceiling. This will allow you to avoid the formation of condensate, which, by the way, is the main cause of problems with the safety of repair.

For this purpose, it is best to use a CML (glass chamber) on silicone or special glue. Remember that during its drying, you will need strong backups.

Bathroom finish


This is the most problematic part of the bath. Despite your decision to make inexpensive bathroom renovation, the ceiling will have to pay special attention.

The most suitable options for finishing the ceiling are an artificial laminate or plastic lining. If you have chosen the first option, before glueing the laminate, it will need to be treated with a special emulsion from PVA. Here you will also need railings that can be removed only after complete drying of the adhesive substance.


Floor tiles are placed on the mounting glue. It is better to avoid the presence of seams. The glue is applied on with the spatula on the hovering side of the tile and the floor itself.

Important: Stacking outdoor tiles must be started from the entrance, so incomplete tiles will hide under the bathroom.

In order to avoid the appearance of emptiness under the tile, it needs to be tagged with a rubber hammer immediately after laying.

Perhaps you decided to lay a wooden floor in the bathroom. It looks noble, and walk on it nice, but this option is much more expensive and more difficult to install and operate. Therefore, think several times before you stop at this option.

From the wood you can use larch, impregnated PVA and covered with moisture-resistant acrylic varnish. When laying, retreat from the wall by 2-3 cm, and then fill out this gap foam and close the plinth.


Typically, the walls are chosen for the walls. This is more a budget optionthan porcelain stoneware, and its strength does not play a decisive role here. The lining of the walls in the bathroom is made using plastic crosses, which are later removed, and the seams are filled with grouting, silicone or sealant.

The tile is placed on the glue, after its drying, the angles are filled with silicone. Excess silicone is immediately removed by vinegar. Sometimes the angles decorated with special linings, which are also attached to silicone, but it is not necessary.

Installation of sanitary ware

Installation of sanitary devices in fact turns out to be the most simple stage Work. It is much easier than many think. The whole process is described in detail in the instructions for each subject.

First, the bath or shower is installed, then the sink. After mounted mixers, water heaters and water meters are put. Hood and waterproof lamp are installed last. In the photo you can see examples of successful repairs of the bathroom made by your own hands.


August 26, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction plasterboard structures, finishing works and laying outdoor coatings. Installation of door and window blocks, finishing of facades, installation of electricians, plumbing and heating - for all types of work I can give detailed consultation.

In my own experience, I know that those who have decided to make budget repairs in the bathroom often spend even more than those who do not bother with savings. This is due to a number of factors: from the use of low-quality materials to hiring unqualified workers. I will share my experience and tell me how to meet the minimum budget and get an excellent result.

Description of the workflow

To understand well in all aspects of this topic, I will explain on a concrete example. So we have:

  • typical room in the nine-story building of the P-44 series,;
  • the size of the room is 1.7 by 1.7 meters, the ceilings height is 2.64 meters.

We will look at how much the finish will cost us, I will not affect the plumbing, since most often if the repair is made as economical as possible, then these elements do not change.

Step number 1 - competent organization of the process

If you want to save on repair, then these rules should be fundamental to you.

Do everything with your own hands If we consider the cost of services of specialists, then you can see such a feature that their work is about as much as materials. And taking into account the fact that we will use the most budget decisions, it is easy to guess that you pay more for the services of builders than for materials. Conclusion is simple: we do everything yourself and reduce the cost of the project more than twice
Use high-quality materials I tell about how to make repairs using inexpensive, but no low-quality materials. In pursuit of savings, many begin to overtake the stick and buy the cheapest options for products, but it is not worth doing this, as their reliability and appearance leaves much to be desired. I will tell you how to choose good solutions and at the same time pay a little
Observe the technology of work Below I will tell how to finish each of the plots, the process is painted in steps, and there is not a single excessive action. No need to skip separate stepsSince it will inevitably reduce the quality of work and negatively affect the final result.
Do not redefine If you want to change the layout except other things, then hope for the most cheap repairat least stupid. Any manipulation with the permutation of plumbing leads to the fact that you need to shift the communications, and then there is no point in saving, it is necessary to do everything expensive and reliably

Another very much important recommendationwhich directly affects the project's cost - the use of those materials that are easy to work and which you can qualitatively put or attach. I have completed many times repaired for those who overestimated their strength and, having completed a small part of the repair, understood that he would not master it. Further, it is natural to spend considerable funds for the remuneration of the builder.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time and instead of the cozy peaceful evenings for the TV will have to do, align, lay, saw, edge and so on. There is no free cheese in mousetrap, for savings will have to pay for its time, but if you take all the advice from this article, then the costs will be minimal.

You must have a plan of work in advance to make economic repairs From scratch do it yourself, you need to clearly plan each step and accurately calculate the materials so as not to acquire superfluous. Just read all sections below, and on the basis of them, you can easily make a clear plan.

Step number 2 - the acquisition of all necessary

I will tell you how the simplest estimate is made to repair the bathroom - the sample can be adapted to the room to carry out all the calculations. Estrase is a list of necessary materials with an indication of their quantity and cost, as we carry out work on our own, then their cost does not make sense, perhaps you assign yourself a material encouragement for a successfully implemented project.

The cost calculation is made in separate parts of the room, we will look at each of them and start from the floor. Linoleum will be laid on the floor, we'll figure it out how to choose it:

  • Since in the premises of damp, it should take options without the base or based on PVC, as it is not afraid of dampness and the mold and fungus are not formed in it.
  • The size of the bathroom is 1.7x1.7, the area is 2.89 square meters, but no one will cut the material on our sizes, it is sold in the route meters. In our case, the optimal width is 2 meters, since it will be the least all waste from it, we need 2 row meters, that is, 4 squares;

  • Opported all trade facilities, I found an option on PVC basis, which cost 224 rubles per square meter. When inspection, I made sure that the surface is durable without damage and marriage, the substrate is elastic, and the material. As a result, for 4 squares I paid 896 rubles;
  • To the joints of the floor and walls were neat, the plinth is needed, I found the plastic "comfort" for 56 rubles per piece of 2.5 meters long. We need to close 3 walls, and on the fourth there is a door of 60 cm wide with tickets for 8 cm, that is, the opening takes 76 cm. The opening is not located in the corner, so on the one hand you need 20 cm plinth, and on the other 76 cm, we have enough waste from the elements that will go on the walls;

  • As a result, you need to purchase 3 strips of plinth 56 rubles, 4 internal corners of 35 rubles and two plugs - right and left for adjustment to door boxThey cost 27 rubles. Folding all the results, we get (56x3) + (35x4) + (27x2) \u003d 362 rubles;

  • For fastening the plinth, we will use liquid nails, I bought a convenient tube for 200 ml for 104 rubles.

Now we summarize all expenses: 896 + 362 + 104 \u003d 1362 ruble I spent on decoration Materials For sex, if you compare with conventional projects, then the amount is several times less.

We will equalize the ceiling and paint white-resistant white, so we will need the following materials:

  • For alignment of the surface, I use the composition "Old VH", which is intended for use in wet rooms and guarantees a reliable result. The ceiling did not have significant irregularities, therefore one bag of composition weighing 20 kg, which costs 456 rubles;

  • For staining, we will need paint for wet rooms, I chose an option on a latex basis. It is necessary to apply the composition in 2-3 layers, so I bought a package of 3 kg, for which 190 rubles paid;

  • For surface treatment and its strengthening, a primer needs a primer, I acquired the products of the company "Tikkurila" with a volume of 900 ml for 124 rubles, this is quite enough for our purposes.

Now we summarize all costs: 456 + 190 + 124 \u003d 770 rubles we need to the ceiling.

Let us turn to the most cost part - the walls, for them I chose a PVC panel 250 mm wide and a length of 2.7 meters - waste will be at a minimum. This material is not afraid of moisture, it is easy to wash, so it is suitable for the bath just perfectly.

We will deal with what you will need to work:

  • You need to calculate the number of panels, with their width of 250 mm, you need to divide the length of the walls to this indicator. But it is not necessary to forget that on one of the surfaces there is an open size of 700x2100, from one side one panel will be the entire panel, from the other three, and three pieces of 540 mm long will be needed above the doors, that is, we will cut one element. So, on the wall with the door we need 4 whole panels, remember this figure and move further;
  • The length of the wall in 170 cm divide by 25 cm, we obtain 7 panels, this result multiply on 3 and get 21 pieces. I add 4 panels from the above item above and get 25 elements - so much is needed for the design of walls in the bathroom. I found the products for 127 rubles per piece, the final costs amounted to 3175 rubles;
  • To install, we need components, first of all it is an internal angle, these elements are sold with pieces of 3 meters and cost 50 rubles. We need 4 pieces, that is, the cost will be 200 rubles;
  • From above, from below, and around the perimeter of the opening, I decided to put a starting profile, which is sold with pieces of 3 meters, you need 4 elements to the end of the door opening of 2 elements, below can be shown and pieces, since this part will be closed by a plinth, but still need 1 Whole piece. Total need 7 starting slats, costs at 45 rubles will amount to 315 rubles;
  • We will mount the panels on the bar with a size of 25x50 mm, it will be located horizontally in a step of 30 cm in order for the surface to be durable and not bent. At an altitude of 264 cm, it is necessary to fix 9 rows, we consider 9x1.7 \u003d 15.3 meters in the route meters, multiply by 3 whole walls and we get about 46 meters;

  • On the wall with the door of the material, there will be less than 3 pieces with a length of 170 cm, 6 pieces with a length of 80 cm and 6 pieces of about 20 cm long. In addition, you need to kill vertical strips on the way, 2 pieces of 210 cm for its reliable framing. As a result, we obtain such a result (170x3) + (80x6) + (20x6) + (210x2) \u003d 1530 cm or the same 15.3 meters;
  • Summarizing all the numbers, we get 61.3 meters, the bar is sold by pieces of 3 meters, that is, we will need 21 pieces. We have a sawn timber worth 40 rubles per piece, that is, I spent 840 rubles for the entire volume;
  • I will mount all the elements I will use a stapler, I will need brackets, packing in 1000 pieces costs 45 rubles, and this is quite enough to work.

  • The bar will be attached to the dowels of fast installation of 6x50, they will go about 200 pieces to all walls, at a price of 25 rubles, the amount of costs is 500 rubles.

Consider all expenses: 3175 + 200 + 315 + 840 + 45 + 500 \u003d 5075 rubles.

For clarity, I will show all the results in the pivot table:

Paul in the bathroom
Name of material number Amount, rubles
Linoleum 4 m.KV. 896
Plinth 2.7 meters 3 pcs. 168
Corner internal 4 things. 140
Head Left and Right 2 pcs. 54
Liquid Nails 200 ml. 104
Washing "Old VH" 20 kg 456
Latex paint 3 kg 190
Soil firming 900 gr. 124
PVC panel 2500x250 mm 25 pcs. 3175
Internal corner of PVC 4 things. 200
Starting Planca 7 pcs. 315
Brush cut 25x50x3000 mm 21 pcs. 840
Staples for the stapler UE. 100 pieces. 1 pack. 45
Fast mounting dowel 6x50 200 pieces 500
TOTAL: 7207

As you can see, cheap renovation in the bathroom with your own hands is not fiction and not a fairy tale, while I used not the cheapest compounds and materials, everything that I have acquired is a good quality and attractive appearance.

Stage №3 - Disassembly of old coatings

It is impossible to carry out work, not removing the old tile or removing the worn outdoor coating. Of course, if you have a floor or ceiling in good condition, that is, it makes sense to leave them. For example, if the tile on the floor looks normal, then you can refresh the surface, removing the old fugu and filling the seams with a new composition. The same applies to the ceiling: if it is smooth, you can remove the old coating and re-paint it.

But in practice, it is most often happening so, then you need to do the floor, both walls, and the ceiling, so I will consider this option, before it is budget to make repairs, you will have to sweat to remove the remains of old coatings.

Such works are coming:

  • On the ceiling, most often the old whiffs or paint, which has been handled from time to time. Sometimes there are many layers on the surface, and to remove them, you need to spend a lot of time. I use a scraper, but you can use a spatula, a knife and any other device convenient to you, the main thing that you can remove the old coating;

Old whitewashing and water-level paint will be much easier if the surface is well mixed and leave for 20-30 minutes.

  • As for the walls, they can be either many layers of paint and bliss, or an old tile. The compositions are believed as described above, but with a tile will have to be tinker, it is best to use a perforator with a special spatula. If there is no power tool, you will have to work on the old manner - the hammer and chisel, the work is tedious, but one way or another it needs to be done;

  • Lastly, the surface of the floor is prepared, in my case there was a linoleum there, so the work was simple: I removed the old coating and received a flat surface, fully ready for work. If you have an old tile, you will have to tinker, removing it from the surface, the same tools are used for work as in paragraph above.

Naturally, out of the room you need to make everything too much, you must remain only prepared walls.

Stage №4 - Ceiling Finish

It is from this part of the bathroom that I advise you to start work for the simple reason that a lot of dust will be formed in the process, and the putty can fall down. The option of finishing the most budget in question - you can achieve an excellent result for the simple reason that the ceiling area is small and perfectly align it will not be difficult even with a lack of experience.

The work instructions look like this:

  • First you need to check the plane with a level or flat bar to see which irregularities need to be eliminated;
  • The surface must be treated with a primer for its strengthening and dedusting, the composition is applied with a brush and dries about an hour;
  • Then the composition is preparing, it retains the plasticity during a clock pair, so at a time I advise you to do not more than 5 liters, you will be small for work, so you are unlikely to spend more. All features of kneading composition are indicated on the package, so there should be no problems with this part of the work;

  • The first layer needs to eliminate all significant irregularities, if there is no, then just cover the entire surface, creating a kind of base, do not worry for divorces, they will eliminate. After drying the surface of the influx is easily cut off with a spatula, after which you need to check it with the level again;
  • The second layer should align the ceiling, try to do the job carefully, there should be no eyes on the surface, but it should not remain to remain, as they cannot be eliminated. In extreme cases, you can walk and the third time, if the ceiling was uneven and you have to remove the plane with large drops;

  • After drying, the dirtiest part is to put the surface, supasite the respirator and glasses, since with grinding the dust will fly into the eyes and get into the respiratory tract. In order to control the plane, use a simple reception: Keep a light bulb at the surface, it shows perfectly all the irregularities and allows you to perfectly align the surface at once;
  • After the work is completed, the surface is cleaned with a brush or broom, after which it can be painted. Work is carried out in 2-3 layers, it is possible to use both a brush and roller, it all depends on the convenience. Each subsequent layer is applied after complete drying of the previous one.

Stage No. 5 - flooring flooring

When considering the question, how to make economically gender, linoleum will always be out of competition not only due to its low price, but also the reliability and durability of the coating. In the bathroom, this coating is very simple:

  • The surface is cleaned of dust and garbage, it can be wiped with a damp cloth to clean as much as possible;
  • Next, the material is spread, it will go on the walls, so you need to position it exactly, after which it is construction or any other sharp knife Cut surplus. Do it carefully, as it is unlikely to glue what the error is cut, it is hardly possible;

  • We have no joints, which simplifies the process, the only thing - in doorway It may be necessary to fix the material, for this you can buy metal spawns.

Due to the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is small plus on the surface there will be a bath, then stick the linoleum is not necessary, if you want to strengthen the coating, you can use bilateral tape. The plinth will be fixed later, this stage can be considered complete.

Stage No. 6 - wall decoration

First, the process diagram is presented, and below each stage is painted in detail:

  • The frame is set to the level, when fastening the elements, you can put sins and pieces of wood.To remove the perfect plane. A hole will be thrown in Bru, then a hole in the wall is drilled directly through it and a fast-edged dowel is clogged. You can fade your hand literally in 10 minutes, so the process will pass quickly;

  • Then the corners are attached to the corners, and on top and bottom, as well as around the perimeter of the opening profile. The main thing is to make sure the bar in the joints of the joints so that everything is careful. The mount is made with a stapler, it is very quickly and very reliable;
  • The panel is inserted into the upper and lower guides and start in the corner, after which it is fixed with the brackets to the bars. The work is done so while the entire wall will not be finished, the last strap is cutting it so that it is wider than 3-4 mm, the corner or starting profile is slightly rejected and the element becomes in place. Plastic is nice well, but it's still not worth it, do everything neatly.

After finishing the walls of the walls can be glued plastic plinthDo not forget to put corners and plugs so that all the elements are perfectly combined with each other.

This is a simple example of how to make a cheap repair in the bathroom, let you spend 1-2 thousand more, but still the costs are incompatible with those that you would have suffered using standard materials And hiring builders.


Transform the bathroom, while spent a little more than 7 thousand, quite real, and I showed it on a specific example. I tried to tell about everything in detail so that you could figure out the topic, and the video in this article will clearly show some important moments so that you even better understand some nuances. If you have any questions - write them in the comments below.

August 26, 2016.

If you want to express your gratitude, add clarification or objection to ask the author - add a comment or tell me thanks!

And now it's time to repair the bathroom. How to make a decision: give work to specialists or still try yourself? It is worth repairing the bathroom with your own hands, because the price of work of professionals is at least 50% of the value of the acquired materials. Since repairing the bathroom and the toilet (meaning quality) is "pleasure" not cheap.

First of all, you need to know the prices construction firmsthen make a estimate actually manual repairsand then draw conclusions. Let's see a little, what materials and tools will be required. After that, we will make final conclusions.


The choice of materials should be approached with all thoroughness. Since the bathroom is a room with high humidity, then the materials must be appropriate. That is, used in the repair of baths or for outdoor work. So what will take to make repairs in the bathroom with your own hands?

  1. Wall tile (tile). It has a little smaller size relative to sex.
  2. Tile flooring (porcelain stoneware).
  3. Laminate.
  4. The mixture for masonry on adhesive basis, grout and crosses for gaps.
  5. The solution of "bulk sex".
  6. See sheet (glass adhesive).
  7. Floor Filling Solution (THERMO Plast)
  8. Pipe plastic PPN (Cold) and PPR (hot water). The latter have a reinforced vein.
  9. Cranes, adapters and fittings for pipes.
  10. Sewerage, Du-50 pipe.
  11. PVA glue (emulsion)

Knowing what materials you need, we produce measurements of the ceiling of walls, floor. When purchasing tiles, you need to take into account the possible battle and add 3-5% of the total.

Tip: After calculating the number of materials and their cost, ask the masters not only the cost of work, but also by the price of materials. After all, often professional workers With permanent employment, construction stores offer discounts or give discount cards. If such a contractor does not turn out to be, there is a high probability to get to the "halchiers".

Design development and selection of plumbing

Choosing plumbing, it should be seriously thinking about the design after all without presenting external view The future bath is impossible to choose the required devices. You can search for photos ready-made solutionsAnd you can seek help to designers, the efforts of which the project bathroom turnkey will be prepared. Then proceed to choosing accessories according to your taste and means. It should also be considered how the washbasin and the bathroom is located, will they have a separate mixer or you can do one, and whether the bathroom is common or separate.

Also, picking up the mixer, you should pay attention to the expensive with the hand sensor (infrared). This type of fittings will be much more economical than usual. Indeed, in some cases, water savings will be 50% or more, and electricity to heating water, about 35-40 percent.

Order of work

Performing dIY repair bathroom , the accurate sequence of actions should be followed. Suppose the design has already been created, materials and plumbing, tools are purchased (purchased or taken for rent). So why start your home repair in the bathroom?

The most important thing to be confident in your actions and take up work:

  1. Prepare the room.
  2. We define, in what condition the floor, walls and ceiling.
  3. We begin the overhaul of the floor: waterproofing, insulation and screed.
  4. Mount the pipelines.
  5. Layout wiring
  6. Align the walls and ceiling (plaster).
  7. Warm and wealing the ceiling.
  8. Put the floor.
  9. We carry out the walls of the walls: Facing work, cleaning of seams and sealing angles (sealing).
  10. Install ventilation.
  11. Install and connect plumbing.

As can be seen, the repair of the bathroom is different from other types of repair. And why?

First, the bathroom is wet and warm roomwhere there are comfortable conditions for breeding bacteria. Therefore, the use of conventional drywall and waterproof on metallic frame It is inappropriate, because with time this coating will be a seating for the infection.

Secondly, the bath finishes cannot be made in conventional outdoor coatings (laminate, parquet, wood, etc.), fasteners, details, steel nodes, subject to corrosion or oxidation, as well as highly replenishing materials.

Thirdly, it will be necessary to pay special attention to the electrical safety: the increased and most importantly constant humidity of the floor, walls and the ceiling in combination with high voltage carries a large risk to human life.

To note: having a small bathroom, it is worth thinking about installing a shower room or an angular seating bath. These alterations will help make the bathroom with their own hands more spacious, which will allow you to install a washing machine.

We prepare the room to work

First of all, we begin disassembling the premises: we take all the devices, mirrors, etc. At the next stage, we make a decision that will be with an old bathroom. If replacement, then it should be dismantled and put new bath either the cabin or angular bath. In the case when the bath is cast iron, then it makes no sense to change the same new one. It will be easier to do redecorating Acrylic or epoxy compound.

At the next stage, turn off all pipes and sewers. Close the cranes and disconnect the cold and hot water, then dismantle all the pipes from the toilet bowl, washbasin, faucets, heated towel rail. After that we produce cleaning to bare walls.

Further turn off the electricity in the bathroom on the camshaft and continue. Remove the former tile and plaster on the walls to concrete or brick masonry. If the bathroom with his own hands has a strong plaster and in good condition, it will be easier to render. Also remove the coating, old paint on the ceiling and floor.

Caution! All work should be carried out in the respirator, protective glasses and gloves.

To remove the tile from the walls, we use a blower with a chisel (along concrete), it is necessary to remove everything, there should be no residual residues. In the case of plaster removed upper layer And the surface is aligned, it is considered to be all with a metal hair brush with a diameter of 80-100 mm.

Removing the coating from the ceiling, making the bathroom repair , Do not forget about security - take care of your head.

Since the work on the removal of coatings is very dusty, it is better to carry it out in a closed room, and if the door to the bathroom is removed, the opening is needed tightly close the film.

Repair floor, ceiling and walls

After dismantling the old tile from the floor, we make a revision of the old screed. If the surface does not have chips and cracks, you can apply a diamond circle on the grinder and simply align the surface. Otherwise, you will have to completely remove all the coating to the base. If producing repairs in the bathroom , You can replace the cast-iron bath on any other, you can apply a liquid equalizer. Otherwise cast iron bath It will have too much pressure on the floor and cracks to appear again.

In the case when overhaul is made, the best option It will be the use of bulk sex. Although Thermoplast material itself is expensive, but for small room Its use will be very attractive and not much more expensive than conventional solutions. And whatever the material for the new screed, you will have to make waterproofing.

For this procedure, you need to use only appropriate materials, such as polyethylene terephthalate or aquaisole. If the material has to cut, then the joints should warm the construction hairdryer and sneak with a special adhesive mastic. When the entire plane is laid by an insulator and pissed to the edges (at least 25 cm), you should pour a new gender.

Tip: Fluid for the filling floor is required to be two-component. Initially, a more thick solution is applied, and then liquid (for floor alignment).

Warming and screed

Continuing the repair of the bathroom with their own hands , It should be seriously thinking about the material for the insulation of the floor. After all, insulated floor is not only comfort, but also a guarantee of good health. So, among suitable materials It should be noted a glass magnesite sheet (SML), and the crumples and foam concrete disappear due to high hygroscopicity and fragility.

CML is very durable and provides the possibility of mounting beacons and grids from fittings.

Using cement composition For a screed, it is necessary to apply the quality cement 400 and above, quartz sand (sinking), water with the addition of PVA (10-15%) - the amount of cement is required. We make a solution in a ratio of 4 to 1, after which we apply a layer with a thickness of 4-5 cm (according to the predetermined markers) and align the rule with the subsequent dotrika halfter to create a perfectly smooth surface under the tile masonry.

Important! The new screed on the basis of the cement mortar should be over 40 days.

Installation of the bathroom starts with the gasket of communications. It should be started from the installation of sewage, after which the pipeline laying and the installation of the towel holder is made.

Since pipelines always interfere, look ugly and corn eyes, it is best to hide them in a niche. But when we repair the bath itself, you need to remember that sewer pipes can not be welding and they should always be available. Then the simplest solution will put all the pipes with one bundle on the bottom edge and close the galvanized sheet, covered with tiles (it sits onto the sealant, to make it possible to remove the cover).

Only vertical sections under the sewer, water pipelines, and tubes on the heated towel rail will be pulled. To reduce and simplify the installation of drying, it is best to use metal-plastic pipes, because they are easier to hide into the wall.

In addition to the pipes, the bath should be electrically safe, it is necessary to hide the electric pipe in it, they are best mounted in plastic, metal boxes or in corrugation. And the wires are used in double insulation due to increased risk of lesion to the current.

Facing the ceiling

Realizing the repair of the bath at home, do not forget about the ceiling insulation, even if your home is very warm. The most important advantage of insulation is to reduce or complete condensate formation. As a insulation, the best option will be, as in the variant with the floor, CML. The fastening of sheets is made with adhesive solution or silicone, and at the time of frozen glue, sheets are supported by rails with the calculation of 1-2 rails for each meter.

When we make repairs yourself in the bathroom, we want to achieve the best result, and beautiful and quality ceiling Is the key to success. Selecting the material for the ceiling, you need to remember the humidity of this room. And the best representatives for finishing the ceiling will be lining (plastic) or laminate. But there are several nuances:

  • All laying is performed using a special mounting glue or silicone.
  • Laminate before installation is processed from the wrong side of the PVA emulsion.
  • All the boards to complete drying of the glue are necessarily supported by the rails.
  • Each joint in front of the compound is laid with a thin layer of glue or silicone. And the remnants are immediately removed by the rag, impregnated with solvent (for adhesive solution) or ordinary vinegar (for silicone).
  • Two final boards are mounted together, in the form of a house with a subsequent snatching, after which the ceiling lining of the bath is completed.

If suddenly the questions appear: "Will the ceiling turn on the head?" Or "whale will not fall under him?", It is safe to answer that the bathroom finishing with their own hands is thus very reliable and durable. After all, you are fixed on the ceiling monolithic plate And it is glued throughout the plane, and its seams are sealed, which prevents moisture from entering. Also, after mounting the ceiling, a tile is mounted, which is slightly overlapsing the laminate, which is an additional fastening and is still saving the coating.

Flooring floor and walls

Laying tiles on the walls and the floor has a lot in common, namely:

  • The surface is obliged to be completely even when we make a bath with your own hands.
  • The mixture is superimposed on the size of 2 or more tiles with a spatula. Size somewhere 0.25-0.35 sq.m.
  • The adhesive mixtures are removed with a rag moistened with vinegar (for silicone) or flannel (microfiber).
  • Each tile is confusing rubber Cyansa (Starting from the last gradually to the edge) so that there is no empty space under the tile.
  • Can be used as tile tileand porcelain stoneware.
  • Holes for pipes, plumbing are made in advance, cut through with a diamond mill (crown).

In addition to the general moments described, there are several features. Among such nuances can be allocated:

  • The tile on the wall is placed with seams (through cross), and on the floor without.
  • The best option for the walls will be a ceramic tile (can and porcelain stoneware, but it is much more expensive), and for floors of porcelain. The latter has several advantages, in particular, strength to shock and "non-slip" in the wet state.

Briefly about materials and tools


Making repairs in your bathroom need to remember that from the quality of preparatory work The final result depends. Therefore:

  • plaster is conducted in lighthouses;
  • mandatory is the overlapping of 2 layers. Starting (chain base) and finishing (levels surface).
  • watching is conducted from the ceiling to the floor.
  • the edges of the waterproofing are attached with painting scotch and attaching.


Making repair with your own hands of the bathroom, it is better to choose polypropylene pipes. You can use both metal-plastic, metal, PVC pipesBut they are less reliable and durable, although cheaper.

Metal pipes - the cheapest, but very quickly rust from the inside and with outdoor, as a result come into disrepair.

PVC is suitable for cottages, private houses, that is, short-lived buildings, besides, are completely not suitable for hot water supply.

Metal plastic Suitable, but for large volumes where many bends, turns, etc. are required. (for water floors, gasket heating and pipelines). Also over time, fittings begin to leak.


To finish the bathroom with their own hands on summitYou need to pay special attention to the selection of tiles. When buying, see that the tile surface does not have sinks, chips, and other damage. To determine the best look at the tile from the sides.

Another selection criterion will be the same plates in different packages. Consequently, you need to ask the seller several pieces of a tile from different packs and see the height and width. If the difference does not exceed 1 mm, then it can be taken.

Another important condition is an evenness of the surface. That is, the absence of "propellers", bugrov, etc. To check, we apply two tiles with a glossy side to each other and look from the end.

Tools and mixes

When we make a bathroom with your own hands, you can highlight the main tools and materials, without which it is not necessary.

  • Glue for tiles. It is best to take a long drying (12-24 hours). This glue will allow work, slowly and straighten all the "shoals".
  • Spatula to establish a glue mixture. The optimal teeth step from 3 to 6 mm.
  • Platekorez.
  • Diamond circles, drills, crowns.
  • Rafting, microfibrous napkins, cross, patterns for masonry tiles, to the bathroom with their own hands it turned out flawless.
  • Bulgarian, perforator and soldering iron with nozzles for polypropylene pipes.

You may also need other technician materials: Wooden, spatula, spatula, level, staircase, etc., that is, everything is to be repaired turnkey bath with their own hands turned out perfect.

Let's summarize

You can even repair the bathroom and even need, but for many reasons it may be an impracticable task.

First, the lack of the required tool. Perhaps the repaired bathroom with their own hands with the acquisition of the tool will cost more expensive repair professionals.

And, secondly, the complete lack of experience, and, most importantly, the desire will also be a big problem.

If all these conditions are not terrible and the question "how to repair the bath with your own hands?" It is not something supernatural and frightening, certainly proceed to independent repairs.

And finally, I would like to clarify that this article is only a familiarization and describes the surface points of the repair. For a more detailed study, you can explore the photo report of the masters, as well as the video on the repair of available on our site. For example, "how to make a bath with your own hands."

And the most important rule of any master: "The eyes are afraid, and the hands do."