Repairs Design Furniture

The minimum inclination angle of the roof of slate. The minimum bias of the roof for various coatings. Low-charted single roofs

The slope of the roof skates - from which it depends and what it is measured.

Such an important factory for the roof is its slope. Blope roof - This is the angle of inclination of the roof relative to the horizontal level. On the corner of the inclination of the roof rods ambolon (gentle), middle inclinations and roofs with steep (strong) shots.

A little roof That roof, the installation of which is carried out from the calculation of the smallest, recommended angle of inclination of the skates. So for each roofing coating there is its recommended minimum slope.

From what depends the bias of the roof

  • From the ability of the roof to protect the structure from external factors and impacts.
  • From wind - The greater the roof slope, the greater the value of the incoming wind loads. With steep slopes, the resistance of the wind decreases, the sailboat rises. In regions and places with strong winds, it is recommended to use the minimum bias of the roof to reduce the load on the roof structures.
  • From Roofing (material) - For each roofing material, there is a minimum angle of inclination at which this material can be used.
  • From architectural ideas, solutions, local traditions - So in different regions, preference is given for one or another roof design.
  • From atmospheric oyphans: snow loads and rains in the region. On the roofs with a big slope will not accumulate in huge quantities of snow, dirt and leaves.

What is measured angle of the roof

The designation of the roof shaping in the drawings can be both in degrees and in percent. The bias of the roof is indicated by the Latin letter I.

In SNEV, II-26-76, this value is indicated as a percentage (%). At the moment, there are no strict rules for the designation of the size of the roof slope.

Unit of measurement of the roof slope is considered degrees or percentages (%). Their ratio is listed below in the table.

Sad roof degree ratio percent

degrees % degrees % degrees %
1 ° 1,75% 16 ° 28,68% 31 ° 60,09%
2 ° 3,50% 17 ° 30,58% 32 ° 62,48%
3 ° 5,24% 18 ° 32,50% 33 ° 64,93%
4 ° 7,00% 19 ° 34,43% 34 ° 67,45%
5 ° 8,75% 20 ° 36,39% 35 ° 70,01%
6 ° 10,51% 21 ° 38,38% 36 ° 72,65%
7 ° 12,28% 22 ° 40,40% 37 ° 75,35%
8 ° 14,05% 23 ° 42,45% 38 ° 78,13%
9 ° 15,84% 24 ° 44,52% 39 ° 80,98%
10 ° 17,64% 25 ° 46,64% 40 ° 83,90%
11 ° 19,44% 26 ° 48,78% 41 ° 86,92%
12 ° 21,25% 27 ° 50,95% 42 ° 90,04%
13 ° 23,09% 28 ° 53,18% 43 ° 93,25%
14 ° 24,94% 29 ° 55,42% 44 ° 96,58%
15 ° 26,80% 30 ° 57,73% 45 ° 100%

Translate a bias from interest to degrees and vice versa from the degrees to interest using an online converter:

Measurement of the roof of the roof

Measure the angle of the slope with the help of a biasmaker or a mathematical manner.

Inclinometer - This is a rake with a frame, between the plackets of which there is an axis, the division scale and to which the pendulum is fixed. When the rail is in a horizontal position, the scale shows zero degrees. In order to measure the slope of the roof slope, the rake of the sucker is kept perpendicular to the skate, that is, vertical level. On the scale of the biasman, the pendulum indicates what the slope of this roof slope in degrees. Such a method for measuring the slope has become less relevant, as there are now different geodesic devices for zoom measurements, as well as drip and electronic levels with bias.

Mathematical calculation of the slope

  • Vertical height (H. ) From the top point of the skate (usually the skate) to the level of the lower (cornice)
  • Pinching ( L. ) - horizontal distance from the bottom of the slope to the top

With the help of mathematical calculation, the magnitude of the roof of the roof finds as follows:

The angle of the slope of the skate I is equal to the ratio of the height of the roof H to the downlusion L.

i \u003d N: L

In order for the ability to express as a percentage value, this relationship is multiplied by 100. Next, to find out the value of the slope in degrees, we translate the relationship along the table located above.

To be clearer, consider on the example:

Let it be:

The length of the embedding is 4.5 m, the height of the roof is 2.0 m.

The slope is equal: i \u003d 2.0: 4.5 \u003d 0.44 Now multiply on × 100 \u003d 44%. We translate this value on the table in degrees and get - 24 °.

Minimum bias for roofing materials (coatings)

View of the roof Minimal roof slope
in degrees in % in the ratio of the height of the skate to the downstream
Roofs from rolled bitumen materials: 3 and 4-layer (weld) 0-3 ° up to 5% up to 1:20
Roofs from rolled bitumen materials: 2 layers (flooding) from 15
Folding roofing from 4 °
Ondulin 5 ° 1:11
Wavy asbetic sheets (slate) 9 ° 16 1:6
Ceramic tile 11 ° 1:6
Bituminous tile 11 ° 1:5
Metal tile. 14 °
Cement-sand tile 34 ° 67%
Wooden roofing 39 ° 80% 1:1.125

In the whole globe there are thousands and thousands of architectural traditions in terms of the appearance of the roofs. But modern architects completely changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe culture of country construction by entering single-skate forms of roofs as perfectly combined with landscape design and diverse performed. Of course, they asked this new fashionable tone of the inhabitants of Australia, where the lack of snow in general as a natural phenomenon allows them to create with the architecture of residential buildings all that fantasy is prejuitive.

But in the snow regions of Russia, such a roof can be built, but with a corresponding bias and in the right direction. In a word, the main parameter of functionality is the angle of inclination of a single-table roof, calculating which we will now teach you.

Step 1. Calculate Permanent and Dynamic Loads

First of all, calculate the load on a single roof. They are customary to share for permanent and dynamic. The first is the weight of roofing, which is always on the roof, installations such as antennas and plates, chimney, etc. Those. All that will be on the roof and day, and at night.

And the dynamic loads, or, as they are also called, variables, are those that come from time to time: snow, hail, man, repair materials and tools. And the wind, which, well, loves to tear one-sided roofs due to their sailboat.

Snow loads

So, if you make a slope of a single-table roof at 30 °, in winter the snow will put on it with a force of 50 kg per square meter. Just imagine that on your roof will sit one person for each meter! Here is such a load.

And if you raise the roof up to above 45 °, the snow is likely to be lingering at all (it also depends on the roofing roughness). But for the middle strip of Russia, where the snowfall is moderate, a single-piece roof is enough to do and in the range of 35-30 °:

The minimum angle that should be so that the snow can go from a single-sided roof itself is 10 °. And the maximum is 60 °, because it makes no sense to make the roof of the roof. The same applies to snow, which is even more clinging for such a roof.

That is why the owners of one-piece household buildings in winter are often taken for a shovel. It saves only the area of \u200b\u200bthe coating: the smaller, the less likely that the snow can get the material.

Wind Loads

But in the windy regions, it is impossible to build roofs with steep slopes at all. For comparison: the slope of a single-table roof at 11 ° is experiencing exactly 5 times more wind power than a 45 ° skate. In view of this, keep in mind that a single roof always make a low part to the leeward side.

Combined loads

And be sure to calculate such a value for a single-piece roof as a combination of the most adverse permanent and temporary loads. Those. The critical point should be able to withstand the rafter system. This, by the way, is often forgotten! Think, here, the snow roof will endure, the wind too ...

And what if you have a different storm and snowfall to get out to the roof? Is the design calculated at the same time on the snow, and on the wind, and at least two people? This is how trouble happens.

Step 2. Select the bias of the roof

The slope of a single-bed roof - in a rather wide range: from 6 ° to 60 °. It all depends on the terrain in which you have gathered to be built: if you need to successfully reset tons of snow every winter, then make the scat abruptly if you plan to protect yourself from the wind - then more canopy. And from many other factors, including aesthetic.

Steep single roofs

The greater the angle of such a roof, the faster the water flows into the gutter. There will be no leaves, nor dirt, and therefore the roofing coating itself will last much longer. In addition, visual aesthetics of selected flexible tiles or metal products are more visible on such a roof, which often plays a big role for the owners.

Low-charted single roofs

The speed of flowing rain and melt water on low-diagnose rods is much lower, and therefore there is a risk of stuffing water, collecting mud and ice jams. Moss quickly develops on such roofs and foliage sticks. Especially if roofing is rough.

As for the rainwater, the main requirement to the roof, so that the water on it is on the melting of snow or after the rain to remain on the surface of the roofing material, and easily rolled. If it has too low bias (for a specific area), the liquid will stand for a long time in all irregularities and seams. And the longer - the more likely it has a chance to penetrate inside and create a lot of problems in the form of damp, spoiled insulation and corrosion of metal elements of the roof:

But, if a big roof of the house rises above such a construction, then nothing terrible:

But it still has its own plus: the less the angle of the tilt of the single-row roof, the greater the geometry of the interior to the traditional cube. And, it means, perceived easier and is used with greater benefit.

Therefore, the lower the angle of inclination of such a roof, the more it is necessary to take care of its waterproofing so that the thahno and rainwater could not penetrate into the rapid system. Therefore, there are already necessary roofing plates like membranes, rolled insulation or solid sheets.

With a standard angle of inclination, one-piece roof is built as:

Minimal Corner Single Roof

Single roof, the angle of which is only 3-5%, often make inversion. Those. Subject to its definite additional loads: go through it, grow on it the garden or even use as an open terrace. Like here:

In addition, at a certain corner, a single roof sends the air flow in the desired direction, exciting precipitation and reducing them. Remember this!

Step 3. Determines with the requirements for a slope

In a functional plan, one-piece roofs are divided into three main types: ventilated, non-ventilated and combined. Consider each option in more detail.

Ventilated design

Such are equipped in closed buildings. As ventilation, the special voids between the insulating layers through which the air, passing, captures the injection droplets from the insulation and makes them out.

If such ventilation is not provided, then the moisture will remain inside the insulation (and it still falls into it, albeit little), and the insulation will begin to dance, deteriorate. And as a result, it will be gradually all the roofing pie.

But the ventilated single-bedroom roof has its own limitations. Thus, the angle of inclination can only be between 5% to 20%, otherwise the air will not be able to effectively pass through the production.

Emerletent design

This type of single-sided roof is the advantage of building on terraces and housekeeping. Usually the angle of such a roof is in the range of only 3-6%, although there are no restrictions on it.

Ventilation in such roofs is not needed because the air indoors without walls or with often open wide doors (as in the case of a garage) and heels well fans, carrying out any water vapor to the street. Which, by the way, and themselves are especially not formed in such buildings:

Combined design

Such roofs combine the device of both previous species. Here the desired bias of the roof is attached due to thermal insulation. It turns out economically, but in the winter it will have to constantly clean the snow.

But the device of such a single-sided roof is already different, because the dynamic is also added to variables and static loads. And usually everything looks like this: from the bottom of the professional flooring, on it - two layers of the insulation and good waterproofing.

The angle of a single-bed roof also depends on parameters such as the type of connection of the rafted to Mauerlat or walls. Let's deal with more details.

Step 4. Calculate the exact drive of the skate

An angle of a single-table roof is called an angle under which the rafters and the roof slide are tilted to the horizontal plane of the ceiling. And we assume seriously to this scheme if you want to provide your roof the correct mechanical strength:

The angle of inclination of the skates is measured as a percentage and degrees. But, if with degrees even more or less understandable (thanks to the school course of geometry), what is interest? Interest is the ratio of the difference in the height of the skate and the cornice to the horizontal of the skate, multiplied by 100.

There is another interesting point: many architects specifically calculate the angular roof angle so that it is equal to the angle of elevation of the Sun in a given area in the middle of spring. Then you can calculate to the millimeter when and what a shadow will be important for planning the terraces in front of the house and other resting places.

Step 5. Limit the circle of choosing roofing

The modern roofing materials are also their requirements for the minimum and maximum angle of inclination of a single-table roof:

  • Professional flooring: min 8 ° - max 20 °.
  • Folding roof: min 18 ° - Max 30 °.
  • Slate: Min 20 ° - Max 50 °.
  • Soft roof: min 5 ° - Max 20 °.
  • Metal tile: MIN 30 ° - MAX 35 °.

Of course, the less angle, the more cheaper materials you can apply: rubkeroid, professional flooring and similar to it.

You will be surprised, but specifically for little roofs today are developing the same types of roofing, which is commonly used when tilting at least 30 °. What for? Such is a fashion in Germany, which reached us: a single roof is almost canopy, and the roof is stylish. But how? Simply manufacturers improve the quality of locks, make more an overlap area and carefully think over the protection against dirt. That's all tricks.

Step 6. We are determined with the rafter system

And from the chosen angle of inclination of the roof and planned on its loads, we are determined with the type of fastening rafted to the walls. So, all such species are three: hanging rafters, urban and sliding.

Hanging rafal

Hanging rafters are the only option when the connection must be tough, but for the rafted between the side supports there is no possibility to make support.

Simply put, you only have external bearing walls, and no partitions inside. For example, this is a rather complicated rafter system, and it is necessary to approach its construction with responsibility. The whole problem in large spans and pressure, which turns out to be on the walls:

Or as in this project:


Here the whole roof gives a minimum of three supports: two external walls and one inner. And the rafters themselves are tight here, with a cross section of at least 5x5 cm of bars and 5x15 cm of rafter feet.


In this rafter system, as one of the supports serves as a log in a skate. And for connecting to it, such special elements as "sliding" are used. These are metal elements that help the rafter during the shrinkage of the walls a little move forward to avoid cracks. Very little! And thanks to this device, the roof easily transfers even a fairly tangible shrink shrink, without any damage.

The essence is simple: the more in the harrowing system of the nodes, the more flexible and stronger. Moreover, a single-povered roof is able to withstand the weight of the roofing and snow, and at the same time do not break. But there are rapid systems where the connection is generally static:

Step 7. Calculate the height of a single-sided roof

Here are the three most popular ways to accurately calculate the desired height of the future roof.

Method number 1. Geometric

A single roof has a view of a rectangular triangle. The length of the rafter foot in this triangle is hypotenuse. And how do you remember from the school year of geometry, the hypotenuse length is equal to the root of the square of the cathets.

Method number 2. Trigometric

Another option for calculating the length of the rafter feet is:

  1. Denote by the length of the rafter beams.
  2. Denote by the length of the rafter from the wall to the skate, or the length of the part of the wall in this area (if the walls of your construction of different heights).
  3. Denote the length of the rafted from the skate to the edge of the opposite wall.

In this case, B \u003d a * TGY, where y is the angle of inclination of the roof, and the length of the skate is calculated as follows:

X \u003d a / sin y

In fact, all this is not difficult - just substitute the desired values, and you will get all the parameters of the future roof.

Method number 3. Online calculators

Calculated? And now we turn to the construction of the roof itself:

We hope that you understand everything easily!

The construction of the roof is one of the important stages of construction. The roof protects the housing and performs aesthetic function, making the design of the building completed. The choice of a suitable material is not the only significant nuance. It is also necessary to correctly calculate the bias of the roof. About how to do this, this article will tell.


In modern projects of suburban mansions, a large number of requirements are taken into account. The performers are forced not only to abide by the norms, but also to implement the wishes and caprises of customers. However, in the foreground, there are still regulatory requirements, because the roof, first of all, should be reliable. Therefore, often architectural sings go to the background.

Roofing should perform its direct purpose - to protect against moisture.In some cases, thermo- and sound insulation are required. This is necessary to improve the functionality of the premises under the roof. Therefore, the design of the roof cannot be called a simple matter. This work requires emergency responsibility, especially if the customer insists on a complex configuration. In various situations, professionals apply various techniques. Calculations are made using appropriate software.

The theory of calculations can be interesting and owner of the house. For example, such knowledge makes it possible to check whether professionals applied properly. They also help competently represent their copyright ideas. In addition, the calculated parameters allow you to determine the desired amount of building materials and for the solo system, and for roofing.

Features of calculations are that professionals use different values \u200b\u200bfor measurements. For example, not all measure the angle of the skate in degrees. In the usual use of some masters there are such concepts as a percentage or relative aspect ratio. You also need to know what is accepted for the angle of inclination of the roof.

The angle of inclination of the roof is formed by the intersection of two parameters:

  • one horizontal plane;
  • one plane of the roof of the roof.

This parameter is measured from the top edge to the base of the rafter system. When calculating consideration, only sharp angles are taken, since stupid slopes are not by definition. Cool rods are rare. As a rule, they are used for decorative design (for example, when turrets are built in gothic stylistics).

Cool can be roofing a mansard species. In this case, the lower rafters are placed under a very large angle. On ordinary roofs are mounted to 45 degrees.

For a better presentation, it should look like, you can take the vehicle and look at divisions indicating degrees.

The inclined angle value is calculated as the ratio of the skate parameters to half the width of the structure, multiplied by 100. Most professional builders use so-called table charts. Depending on the indicators, the roof is customary to subdivide by type.


Experts allocate several main types of roofs.

  • Single bed. In this case, the roof looks like a flat plane. It has distinctive parameters in height.

  • Double roof.It is a reliable, easy-to-install option. The roof includes two slopes, connected at right angles.

  • Walm roof.It is supplied with four slots, two of which are triangles, and two more trapezoids. The top of such a roof looks cut. Despite the complexity of the design, such roofs are very economical in terms of consumption of material.

  • Vaulted roof type.It is rare, as it assumes a limited choice of materials. Such options are erected only from brick or stone. The rare choice in favor of such roofs is due to their heavyweight. In small private construction, this type is practically not used.

  • Multi-line roof type.It is composed of configuration, but very beautiful. Such a roof is difficult to labeled due to the set of adjoins and jumpers.

Also, experts allocate types of roofs that can be subsequently exploited, and options that are not subject to operation. If the professionals rank to the type of non-exploitable, it means that there is practically no space between the roof and the upper overlap. This territory can be used, but only as technical. For example, such a little single-sided roof.

Single roofs are most beneficial for construction. They require a minimum of materials costs, you can do the work yourself. If the roof is characterized by a small bias, then on its surface you can realize the resting place without the structure of a complex attic.

The space under the roof can be used if the type of roof is scathing.The attic territory can be used for household needs. Also, at the expense of it, you can expand the living space.

The choice of one or another type of roof is associated with many nuances. One of the mains is a climatic factor.

Climate influence

For example, a huge load on the rafter design may occur due to wind.Even a minor increase in the inclined angle increases the wind load. For example, if the angle of inclination of the roof is more regulatory indicators by 30 degrees, the wind load becomes greater than five times. Therefore, even a minor increase in the indicators can play with the owner of the house a dick joke in a spawning disaster.

No less destructively act on the quality of the roof of atmospheric precipitation. At the same time, a competently chosen slightly greater bias will allow to avoid accumulating snow on the surface. Snowborne snow will not be at all with the bias of the roof of 30 degrees. And with a bias of 45 degrees, regulatory indicators for snow load on the roof will be observed.

In the Northern countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, etc.), it is customary to do very high pitched roofs. Obviously, on high skates snow is not delayed. However, it is believed that some snow layer on the roof plays the role of additional thermal insulation.

To eliminate the risk of a breakfall break, a solid rafter system is performed, because the high weight will affect the entire design.

It is worth remembering that the larger the inclined roof angle, the more funds will have to spend on construction. Also, costs are associated with the choice of a roof covering option (not all materials can be laid on high scope roofs).

For different materials

Before choosing a roofing material, it is worth considering the technical features of the coating. This will help take the optimal solution and choose the most reliable option. There are rules that determine the connection of the roof inclination angle with the roofing structures used.

A slate or tile can be laid on the roof with a minimal bias of 22 degrees. On roofing with a smaller bias in places docking parts will accumulate and leak into the moisture. If the roof has a slope with a smaller degrees, you can use runneroid and other bitumen materials that are mounted by a solid web.

Manufacturers of the profiled sheet state that this material can be laid at the lowest permissible angles of 12 degrees. At the same time if the angle of the skate is minimal, then the joints between the sheets must be sampled by sealant.

For metal tiles, the minimum possible slope of the skate is 14 degrees. In this case, there are rules for arranging overlaps. For example, if angle is more than 45 degrees, the installation site of an uninterrupted board changes. Also changes and the way of mounting the skate itself. With small values \u200b\u200bof the magnitude between the skate bar and the tile attaches a bowl. He does not allow snow penetration under the roof.

For the roof covered with ondulin, the minimum possible bias is 6 degrees. For soft tiles, the optimal bias of the surface is 11 degrees. Although for this material is permissible and greater bias. At the same time, the shap must be necessarily solid.

Large versatility differ membrane type coatings. PVC membrane, EPDM membrane, the membrane TPO is modern materials suitable for the roofs of any form. The versatility of the materials is caused by excellent specifications and long service life.

When choosing one or another coating material, not only the features of the skates, but also the strength values \u200b\u200bof the roof. Designs must hold not only their own weight, but also a mass of roofing material. In addition, the entire roofing system must successfully confront external loads.

With the slope slope often associate not only the choice of materials, but also the choice of the type of crate. If the angle of the skate is of a slight value, the solid doom is mounted. Also, when installing a flat roof, a device for the drainage system is required. For any kind of roofing, there are regulatory parameters. They should be borne in mind, even if the simplest flat option is selected.

Regulatory values

Flat roofing is a simple event. The main thing is to use correctly selected high quality material. An important value is the flap of a flat roof.

In fact, the flat roof is not completely horizontal. On such a roof, a balancing is constructed equal to 15 degrees. The biases must necessarily be present, since only in this case the water will flush into the drainage. If the balancing is not done in accordance with the established norms, weaving water will be formed on the roof surface.

When choosing one or another fundamentals, the type of design should be considered. For example, if there are wooden floors, then the extra weight for the roof is contraindicated.

To date, you can find special plates that have high thermal insulation qualities. Such plates have a wedge-shaped form. Material is enough to put on a flat surface. It turns out a slope corresponding to the regulatory indicators. The only drawback of the material is quite high cost.

When using other materials to begin with, you need to make sure that the surface is absolutely smooth. Then the beaches are installed on it. The bias should be sent to the drainage.

When creating a balancing, it is worth considering the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof. For the roof of the garage, for example, it is worth considering one skate, which will be sent to the drainage funnel. Row for a standard house of 80 square meters. M will be 2-4 slopes. At the same time, they should all be sent to the drainage system in order to freely deliver water into it.

How to calculate?

If there is no difficulty with the arrangement of a flat roof, then engineering calculations are needed to mount the roof with several skates. The easiest way to count and determine the values \u200b\u200bin degrees. For example, for the arrangement of the roof with a blockage angle of 30 degrees, it is possible to use a mathematical manner.

For this, two measurements will be required.

  • Vertical height (H).The value is measured from the top point of the inclined plane to the bottom of the rafter system (from the skate to the eaves).
  • Laying (L).This is a horizontal length from the middle of the bottom of the slope to the cornice.

Mathematical calculation is made by the formula. You can calculate the desired parameter as follows: i \u003d H: L. For example, the length of the embedding is 5 m, and the height is 3M. In this case, the slope will be equal to 0.6 (when calculating i \u003d 3: 5). This magnitude must be multiplied by 100. It turns out 60 percent.

To transfer the value of the degrees, you can apply a special table of relations. It can be found in specialized textbooks. Sometimes such a table can be found on sale in construction hypermarkets. Translate relative values \u200b\u200bis optional. At the values \u200b\u200bfrom the given example, the angle of inclination will be 30 degrees.

Specialists in their dimensions do not always use the transferable table. The percentage coefficient can be applied on a par with a coefficient in degrees. In general, professionals are applied in the calculations special tools. For example, the area parameter can be measured using a special inclusion.

The tool is a rack ruler. One axis contains a familiar scale in centimeters, the other is a pendulum. If the rake with divisions lies horizontally, then the pendulum will show zero. When measuring the slope of the rake, it is mounted perpendicular to the skate. At the same time, the scale shows the result for a specific value immediately in degrees.

Currently, you can find a variety of tools on the market that can be measured. Levels can be both drip type fixtures and electronic devices. In this regard, the mathematical method of measurement cannot be considered relevant. Modern devices allow more accurate calculations.

Any house is wary of the roof - one of the main designs of the building that protects its indoor rooms from rain and snow. One of the main criteria for any roof is the steepness of the rod. Since the flat roof is distributed mainly only in multi-storey residential and industrial construction, this issue is especially relevant for owners of private houses and cottages.

The amount of roofing material depends on the inclination of the roof, so the choice of angle of inclination and its preliminary calculations should be made before the purchase of roofing material should be purchased.

Consider how to determine the angle of inclination of the pitched roof and its connection with the design of the entire roofing design.

In this article

What depends on the steepness of the roof?

The roof inclination angle directly affects its operational characteristics. In construction, 4 types of roofing structures are distinguished:

  • Steep with a bias of 45-60 °;
  • Scope - 30-45 °;
  • Gerier - 10-30 °;
  • Flat with a slope of less than 10 °.

The definition of this value depends on a number of factors:

  • Impact wind. The greatest pressure of the wind has a steep roof, as they have the greatest sailboat because of their large surface area. With the arrangement of such a design, it is important to pay special attention to the strength of the rafting system.

In areas with a large wind load, it is also dangerous to organize flat and gentle roofs: with a weak fastening of the design, it can happen. Thus, in areas with strong winds, the recommended roof skate angle is in the range of 25-30 °.

In areas where a significant amount of snow falls in the cold season, the steep roof is the opposite. Snow on it does not accumulate. With a smaller corner, the snow will lie longer on the roof, creating an additional load on the rafter system.

It is not necessary to equip the steep roof: a certain amount of snow delayed on the roof in the winter period has a useful property to retain heat. However, it is important to calculate the load provided by the snow cap on the design to prevent its collapse.

  • Roofing material. Each type of roof has its own restrictions on the corner of the slope. If you plan to use some particular roofing material, then it is important at the design stage to relate the desired inclination of the roof with its technical characteristics.
  • The size of the attic. The roof angle directly affects the size of the room under it. The cooler roof and above the horse - the more spacious attic and vice versa. Planning a room under the roofing can not be forgotten about risks, inevitably connected with a steep design, and its high cost compared with the construction of more gentle roofs. A broken type can come to the rescue in this situation, which allows you to save the maximum volume to arrange the room, saving at the height of the skate.

Minimal angle of inclination

Such a concept as the minimum inclination angle of the roof is in relationship with the roofing material used. All roofs are equipped with technical specifications in which, among other things, the limits of the scope are clearly indicated. It is impossible to violate these rules, since in this case the roofing material will not save its original functions and advantages.

Consider the main roofing coatings and minimum angles for them:

  • Roofing materials (slate, tile) are stacked on a roof with a slope of 22 °. This indicator is associated with the fact that in this case water does not accumulate at the joints of the roofing elements and, accordingly, cannot be leaked under them;
  • In working with rolled materials such as rubieroid, it is important to determine in advance with the number of layers. If 2 layers are planned, the roof angle must be at least 15 °, when laying 3 layers, this value can be reduced to 2-5 °;
  • Professional flooring is mounted when bias from 12 °. Less importance will require the processing of all joints with sealant;
  • Metal tile is steel at a value of 14 °;
  • Ondulin - from 6 °;
  • The soft tile can be on the roof of the slope of 11 ° in the presence of a solid crate;
  • Membrane roofing materials are the only minimum threshold for which is not indicated. They can be successfully used on flat roofs.

Following the above rules is extremely important, since even their insignificant impairment will be wrapped in the destruction of the roof and, possibly, damage to the rafter system.

Calculation of the angle of inclination

In addition to the minimum angle, there is a concept as the optimal angle of inclination. With it, the roof is subjected to minimal possible loads from the wind side, snow, etc. Let us give examples of such optimal values:

  • In areas with frequent precipitation in the form of rain and snow, it is optimally building a roof of a steepness of 45-60 °, since it is faster to get rid of precipitation, which minimizes the load on the rafting system;
  • If the roof is erected in the windy region, it will be good to place the angle of its inclination in the range of 9-20 °. She will not play the role of sail, catching the fluttering wind, but also does not belong to it with sharp gusts;
  • In areas where the wind and the snow are regularly referring to the average values \u200b\u200bof 20-45 °. This range can be called universal for scanty structures.

An independent calculation of the angle of the rods is reduced to an uncomplicated geometric process, which is based on a triangle. His katenets - the height of the skate and half of the width of the house, hypotenuse - one of the rods. And the angle between the hypotenuse and cathethoma is the desired quantity.

The roof angle is in direct connection with the height of the skate. Perhaps two options for calculating these quantities:

  • Known roof height. If a desire to equip under the roof there is a spacious living room with an acceptable ceiling height, the height of the skate can be determined in advance. Having known two categories, it is easy to learn the magnitude of the desired angle.

Let's take the following notation:

  • H - the height of the skate;
  • L - half of the house;
  • α - the desired angle.

We find the tangent of the desired angle by the formula:

tG. α \u003d H / L

The value of the corner for the resulting value will learn from the specialized table of tangents.

  • The angle of inclination is predetermined. If you wish to use a certain roofing material or due to weather conditions in the region, the roof slope can be defined in advance. By its meaning, you can determine the height of the skate at home and check whether the living room can be created under this roof. For the arrangement of the room, the height of the skate must be at least 2.5 m.

We leave the conventions from the previous example and substitute known values \u200b\u200bin the following equation:

H \u003d L * TG α

Thus, the process of calculating the angle of inclination is much simpler and faster than the analysis of all the aggregates to determine its optimal value for a particular region and building.

Due to the fact that a single-piece roof rests on the walls with different heights, then the calculation of the specified angle of inclination is made by simply raising one of the walls of the house.

We spend along the wall perpendicular L SD (the length of the wall of the house), originating at the point where the short wall ends and resting on the wall having the maximum length.

If the length of the Wall LD Wall Length is 10 meters, then to get angle of tilt 45 degrees, the length of the W BC wall should be equal to 14.08 meters.


In the design of the roof, finding the optimal angle of inclination is important. This parameter depends on the correct estimate of weather conditions, the choice of roofing material, the desire to create a residential premises. Its correct definition is the key to the long and successful roof service in all weather conditions.

The content of the article

Roofs of private houses, as a rule, always have rods - such a roof design is most easy to operate and maintain. Water and snow are better and faster from such roofs, which guarantees excellent waterproofing. Yes, and the appearance of a private house becomes more attractive.

In addition, an additional room appears in the attic, which can be used for accommodation and devices of the attic or for numerous economic needs.

Factors affecting the form of a roof

To make the roof reliable and convenient, it is necessary to correctly calculate the angle of the roof of the roof, which depends on many reasons. First of all, these are climatic conditions for the residence and characteristics of the roofing material. Natural conditions affecting the magnitude of the roofing scope:

  • with an increase in the roof slope increases wind load on the roof design. For example, if the angle of inclination from 10 degrees increases to 45 degrees, then the load on the structure will grow from behind the wind five times. If the angle is made small, less than 10 degrees, then the probability of a breakdown of sheets of coating due to severe wind, which falls under the joints;
  • atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain and snow also affect the roof slope. With an increase in the inclination, the sediment is better going from roofing rods. The greatest snow load in winter is on the rods with an angle of inclination of the roof of about 30 degrees. At an angle of 45 degrees, the snow go completely.

With a small slope of the roofing rods, as a result of strong busting winds, water can get under the coating joints.

In the question, what angle of the roof rope must be done, the view is of roofing:

  • When used as roofing material, the metal tile, it is necessary to take into account the considerable weight of this coating. Therefore, the angle of inclination of the roof should not be very large. This is especially important in areas where constant and strong winds are dominated, as the mechanical load increases on the roof design. For this coverage, the minimum angle of the skates is approximately 22 degrees. In this case, the moisture will not accumulate, and will be effectively removed from the roof. In addition, coating joints will be securely protected.
  • Professional flooring is the most popular roofing cover currently for private houses. It has a small weight, easy to install and maintain a roof. The minimum corner of the roof slide using this material is 12 degrees.
  • When using rolled materials, they are also called a soft roof, the angle of inclination of the slopes depends on the number of coating layers. For coating, which consists of two layers, the minimum inclination angle is up to 15 degrees. For three layers, this value should be from two to five degrees. If the roof must be covered with a membrane coating, an inclination angle must also be from two to five degrees.

From the above, it can be concluded that the decision on the optimal coal of the roof of the roof depends on the natural conditions, such as roofing material and the capabilities of the home owner.

With a large slope, the consumption of materials during the construction of the roof increases.

In addition, the type and step of the crates depends on the inclination of the roof. The smaller the bias of the roof, the less should be the step of the crate. For minimum angles, it is from about 35 to 45 centimeters.

  • with the bias of the roof to ten degrees, the roof coating can be done using stone and gravel crumbs;
  • if the bias of the roof is more than ten degrees, it should be used waterproofing using bitumen materials. For rolled materials, it is necessary to use an additional protective coating;
  • when using corrugated flooring and slate, it is recommended to seal joints and seams, joints must be double.
  • If the amount of precipitation in the area where the residential building is large, then the angle of inclination is better to do 45 degrees. With a minimal amount of precipitation, the roof slides can be made in 30 degrees. With severe and frequent winds, the angle of inclination must be from 15 to 20 degrees. If the wind load is small, then it is better to make a roof, the angle of inclination is from 35 to 40 degrees.

When calculating the angle of inclination of the roof, it is necessary to take into account that the higher the average annual temperature and less precipitation, the more canopy you can build a roof.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the type and design of the drainage system of the whole house depends on the inclination of the roof.

Choosing an angle of inclination of the roof, depending on different factors

When determining the inclination of the roof, there is no perfect solution that is suitable for all climatic requirements. It is important to find the optimal option on which the consumption of materials and costs of funds depends.

The larger the roof area, the more expensive it stands.

The recommended roof skate angle is from 20 to 45 degrees.. When it is increased, it is necessary to take into account the creation of additional structures to enhance the entire structure. A decrease in the angle will result in additional consumption of materials to ensure normal waterproofing the roof of the house.