Repairs Design Furniture

The ledge from drywall. Walls and partitions from drywall: do it yourself. Gypsum and Metal Profile Box Device

If you need to build a wall, a partition, an arch or a niche of drywall, it is extremely important to know not only the technical aspects of the installation, but also the features of the material itself.


A sheet of drywall is a light and flexible material, with which you can quickly and simply transform the room office, houses or apartments. From this material you can build a wall and to build an ornamental interior design.

The structure of the plasterboard sheet (GLC) is fully consistent with the name: its core is made of plaster with mineral pigments, to which the surface layer of cardboard is mounted using glue.

The advantages of the material are well known for professional finishing. They are as follows:

  • allow you to create perfectly smooth vertical surfaces and horizontally;
  • allow you to build curvilinear structures, as well as individual elements of various shapes itself and complexity;
  • different air permeability is distinguished, the air circulation and maintaining a healthy microclimate in the room;
  • different with noise insulation;
  • characterized by high thermal insulation;
  • made of environmentally friendly materials, do not cause allergies;
  • fire resistants are not prone to self-burning, do not support combustion and protect the walls in the event of a fire;

  • have low weight;
  • simple installation, do not require professional skills and special equipment when cladding;
  • the price of GLC and its consumables is affordable;
  • the coating of this fiber is optimally for the finishing finish of any type (staining, applying plaster, pasting with wallpaper);
  • leave few waste.

Using GLC makes it possible to significantly reduce the time spent on finishing work, for example, the plasterboard partition can be built in a few hours, while the construction of a similar construct from the brick will require two or more days.

Like any building material, drywall has some disadvantages that significantly limit the scope of its use - panels are not distinguished by strength, they are destroyed in mechanical damage, and in addition, moisture absorb.

Yes, and attach something rather problematic to this cover - to keep a picture or a bulky shelf can only dowels with screws. But even in this case, it is undesirable to place anything heavy, it will cause the wall collapse at any time.

Types of designs

With the help of drywall, you can build diverse in your own type and functionality of the structure, namely:

  • walls that share the room;
  • partitions of any form;
  • complex interior installations.

Plasterboard wall or partition has a practical functionality or performs a purely decorative function. With the use of sheets, you can smash the space on the zones, to build niches, change the location and shape of the doorway, create a falseland, achieve increased heat and noise insulation.

Glk's partitions are considered more appropriate than similar installations made from other materials: bricks, wood and foam blocks. Gypsum fiber partitions are produced in a short time, their cost is much lower than options for brick or wood. Fallestin inside remains a hollow, which allows you to lay the necessary engineering communications and produce additional insulation.

The material has low weight and small dimensions, it is easy to cut, so the installation can even conduct a person with minimal experience in the familiar tools that are available in every home.

Options for partitions from GLC Great set. Select the following:

  • according to the type of profile: ordinary and arched;
  • according to the functional purpose: temporary or capital;
  • by type of design: deaf or with opening for the door or window;
  • by type of installation: Sliding or stationary.

In addition, partitions and interroom walls from GOC are distinguished by thickness and some other criteria.

Decorative plasterboard partitions are usually mounted in order to hide the exemptions and close the heating batteries. They do not require serious fasteners, often complemented by stylish elements: backlit, mosaic, inserts from materials of another species. Typically, the same elements are fixed on the glue or installed on the frame. Models with practical purpose are mounted when carrying out internal repair work. They modify the general view of the room, contribute to its division into various zones and add additional functionality to elements. Such walls and partitions are mounted in a skeletal manner and are attached along all walls indoors.

Regardless of the type of partition, each has the same structure, namely:

  • the frame is made of wood or metal profiles;
  • hCL sheet covering is used for walls or partitions;
  • filling the wall - glass gamble or mineral wool, contributing to additional noise and thermal insulation.

Depending on the technical characteristics, several varieties of drywall are distinguished:

  • Wall Gl It is characterized by a thickness of 12.5 mm, a width of 1.2 m, and the length of the sheet can be 2.3 or 2.5 m. It does not contain any additives, used for mounting walls and partitions.
  • Ceiling Gol It has a thickness of 9.5 mm, the width is 1.2 m, the length is 2 or 2.5 m. This light modification has been widely used in the construction of niches and door arches, as well as in the cladding of the ceilings. From the first option differs only only thickness.

  • G Clac- This is moisture-proof material. Its thickness is the same as in the wall variant, the width is also standard (1.2 m), and the length is 2 or 2.3 m. The distinctive feature of the material is the introduction into the structure of moisture-resistant pigments and antifungal impregnations. Thanks to them, the material becomes hygroscopic, opposes moisture and is used in rooms with high humidity (in bathrooms and shower rooms).
  • GKLO- This is a sheet of plasterboard with fire-resistant parameters. It has standard parameters: thickness 12.5 mm, width 1.2 m, length 2.3 or 2.5 meters. The core of this type of fiber includes active ingredients, resistant to high temperatures and burning, all this is enhanced by special fireproof impregnations. The material is widely used in the premises in which increased fire safety requirements are presented, as well as for facing fireplaces and chimneys.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the cardboard coverage in all types of GLC is resistant to fire. This material is not lit, and the maximum is only charred. But the core opposes the flame only at GKLO.

  • Glover- This is a moisture-rippier material that combines all the advantages of G CLEB and GKLO.
  • Arched glused to create exquisite wave-like structures and rounded elements of the interior. Its width corresponds to standards 1.2 m, the length is presented in one embodiment - 3 m. But the thickness of the sheet is only 6.5 mm. A small thickness, as well as the introduction of fiberglass threads, determines the increased flexibility and plasticity of the material. Such sheets have a rather high price, and the fact that they are scheduled to be mounted in several layers, makes finishing works more expensive.


Plasterboard found the use of surfaces in the facing and creating decor elements indoors.


Today, plasterboard is one of the most popular materials for facing the ceilings and the construction of multi-level suspended structures. Plasterboard is necessary for design design in the following situations:

  • with the uneven ceiling;
  • if necessary, hide engineering communications laid from above - pipes, a massive ventilation box, a non-psychic cable and others;
  • to implement original interior solutions.

The ceiling finish using HCL can be carried out in the rooms of any type and destination.


Practically any internal work on the finishing of premises are related to the installation of drywall. It is it that is used to create perfectly smooth coverage, the arrangement of all sorts of niches and shelves, as well as the construction of other elements of the design structure. In addition to the decorative function, GLC has a practical purpose - creates enhanced noise absorption and insulation of the room. The shears of the gypsum are mounted directly on the wall using adhesive or on a pre-assembled frame, as a rule, a thickness of 12.5 mm thick is used for this. Sometimes it is placed in two or three layers to ensure greater strength of the GCL design.

Facing with plasterboard is carried out in any rooms, it is the most effective for cold walls, which are freezed in winter.

The drywall wall with thermal insulation promotes the insulation of the room, prevents the accumulation of dangerous condensate and the appearance of fungus. The finish finish of the plasterboard wall can be any.


Gypsum can be used for finishing the floor with a dry method. Of course, extremely strong sheets with increased resistance to abrasion resistance and resistance to mechanical damage are used for this. Such a coating is applied in two layers, then covered with any standard finish coating - parquet, linoleum, carpet, tiles or laminate. The advantages of this method are obvious - this is a high speed of work and their economy.

The design is often used by GCC for the construction of multi-level compositions, for example, podiums and protrusions that effectively disguise non-psychic pipes and other communications.


To create partitions, drywall is the material number 1. It is precisely it most often used to split the room and create a stylish and functional zoning of space. Some structures can be constructed on the basis of a metal-powered frame, which is fixed to the walls and ceiling, and then trimmed directly by the plates of the gypsum.

Built-in niches

Very spectacularly look in the interior of the shelves with drawers in plasterboard structures, and in homes with young children they simply are indispensable, because the baby will not be able to hit the sharp edges of the attached elements. Niche is used to accommodate small decor elements in them, which make the room cozy. It can be photos, small souvenirs or books. The form of such niches may be the most different. As a rule, the backlight is mounted in them, which makes the interior unusual and spectacular.

Tip: When installing Nish, special attention should be paid to the weight of the products that are stored in the niche. Plasterboard can only endure light items.


Most often, work on the surface facing plasterboard is performed by a skeletal manner, for this, the wooden or metal crate is mounted. It is very important at the same time to apply the correct markup, since the strength and evenness of the future falseland depends on the loyalty of the calculations to a large extent.

To do this, first mark the place on the floor, from where the mounting of the carrier panel will begin, the resulting indicator is projected onto the ceiling - this is the length of the frame. The distance between the wall and markup is its width. Perpendicular to the floor on the nearby wall apply marking for racking metal products. The markup is represented in the form of vertical lines in 50-60 cm increments, in the future, when attaching drywall to the bar, the sheet edges will be located on them.

When lining the wall it is important to remember that one wall is finished first, starting by installing the guides and ending with the installation of HCL, and only then transition to the next surface.

Works are carried out in several stages, namely:

  • tags on the floor and walls need to be connected, and then guides are mounted along it;
  • the installation of the suspensions is made at a distance of 60-70 cm, their center must necessarily be located along the line;
  • fall metal profiles are fixed in the guides so that their middle grooves coincided with the upper and lower marks, and then they connect to each other;
  • the building level is controlled by a vertical based on the base and shelves, after which it is necessary to make the finish fixation by self-draws.

Application area

Plasterboard is used for various versions, such as:

  • trimming ceilings;
  • installation of partitions;
  • giving the walls of perfect evenness;
  • structures of interior compositions of a variety of arches, shelves, plinths;
  • masking of non-psychic and spoiled surfaces;
  • repair of old coatings;
  • imparting relief surfaces;
  • creating multi-level structures;
  • insulation, soundproofing cavities and openings.

Plasterboard with increased moisture resistance, as a rule, is used to finish bathrooms and kitchens. Fire resistant modifications are widespread during the cladding of communication mines and air ducts, when inside the cables of the phone and the Internet, water supply systems and heating pipes, as well as ventilation devices. Plasterboard is used both in wooden and in brick houses.

Installation of plasterboard

Installation technology is quite simple. First, cutting sheet is made. To do this, use the usual building knife with a spare unit of replaceable blades. The sequence of actions is described by the instruction according to which the following steps must be performed:

  • the sheet is placed on a clean smooth surface;
  • a markup is applied with a pencil;
  • with the help of a knife, cardboard is cut from the outside;

  • GLC is installed on the edge of the support, the sheet is neatly durable along the cut line;
  • the plasterboard panel returns to the initial position, put on the edge and bends;
  • cardboard on the inside also cuts over, while the blade should not pass through;
  • the sheet turns into the inner side, it is placed again on the support and is finally cleaned.

After the sheet is prepared, you should proceed to the immediate assembly of the installation with your own hands in accordance with the step-by-step instructions.

Need to follow these steps:

  • along the lines are fixed on the ceiling and the guides are fixed, for this, the screws are used;
  • under the fixed profile laid sealing tape;
  • to the profile on vertical markers, the planks are mounted, all work starts from the corners and lead to the center;
  • the ribs of rigidity fixed on the self-tapping screw;

  • next, communications, wires and cables are carried out in the cavity, also fill mineral wool;
  • on top of the frame fastened directly sheet of plasterboard;

  • the edges of the sheets are smeared with a putty or impose a reinforcing grid, then grind;
  • top panels are applied primer and carry out the finish finish.

It is worth paying attention to the following points when making the installation of HCL:

  • the sheet is attached to metal products using 3.5x35 mm screws;
  • first of all, the edges of the panel are attached, and then the central part. Saws are located in 10-25 cm increments;
  • self-tapping screws in such a way that the caps are slightly "drowned" in the drywall, in no case should not stick over the surface;
  • if possible, before the start of the facing it is worth seeing a master class how to install plasterboard.

Plasterboard is a very popular material, so it is widely represented in construction stores. At the same time, it absorbs moisture well, therefore, with improper storage in the warehouse, its consumer parameters can be significantly corrupted. To avoid problems and purchase the item of the highest quality, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • try to acquire a product only in large stores that have proven themselves as a reliable and stable seller, avoid dubious points of sale;
  • assess the conditions in which the GLC was kept, the cleanliness of the room and the level of humidity in it;

  • personally inspect each purchased sheet of GLK, it should not be chips and deformations. No curves, dents and scratches are invalid on the product of proper quality. Any integrity disorder will entail a breaking of the entire sheet in a damaged place;
  • carefully need to follow the loading and unloading operations. Even if the plasterboard sheet was purchased in perfect condition, this does not guarantee that he would come in the same form. If the goods were purchased and paid, but the defects were found already later, then the guarantee will not act on it;
  • if possible, it should not be purchased at once the entire batch with the required quantity. To begin with, you should buy one sheet to test it. For example, you can cut the sheet to the strip, the high-quality sheet of the core must be strictly uniform, cut without splashes, and the knife when cutting should go smoothly and smoothly;
  • if you decide to buy goods from a dubious supplier, but at a very attractive price, then it is necessary to remember that there is always a stingy twice. The products of handicraft production can not only crumble and break, but also to be unsafe for health.

To protect yourself from fakes and marriage, you should give preference to the products of famous brands.

About 70% of the Russian construction market occupies the products of the German concern Knauf.. This giant has production capacity worldwide. Only in Russia there are about 10 factories for the production of building materials. Knauf is associated with many high quality, reliability and practicality. About 10% of the market falls on other European brands - LAFARGE, GYPROC, RIGIPS.

Gyproc.- This is a Scandinavian brand who has successfully established himself on the positions of one of the leaders of the world plasterboard market. In terms of products manufactured in 2002, he ranked first, leaving all major competitors far behind himself. A distinctive feature of GLC of this brand is high environmental safety, confirmed by certificates of "Life License", "Validater". In addition, Gyproc has released a plasterboard, which is 20% lighter than the products of other manufacturers. However, the price of it is slightly higher than the cost of Knauf products.

Lafarge.- This is the Polish manufacturer, established the production of plasterboard worldwide. Even Knauf is inferior to this concern in the number of manufacturing workshops. This reduces the cost of production, which is why Lafarge plasterboard differs in a rather democratic price. It was this company at the beginning of our century that a real coup in the manufacture of plasterboard, to bring the sheets of semicircular shape to the market, all the faces of which are caught by cardboard. Such processing of panels has become a kind of business card of the company.

About 20% of the market belongs to domestic companies. From the leading Russian manufacturers, you can allocate the following:

  • "Gypsum" (Volgograd) - Releases plasterboard under the famous brand "VOLMA". Products of this brand are distinguished by excellent performance and acceptable price.
  • Gifas (Sverdlovsk) - produces products of extremely high quality, which in its operational parameters is not inferior to even popular European brands.

  • Abdullingips (Kazan)- set up the release of ordinary GLC and G Clac, has a low price relative to other Russian analogues.
  • Golden Group Gypsum (Tolyatti)- Releases plasterboard sheets on the equipment of the French concern Lafarge. Products are distinguished by exceptional quality and advantageous price.

Complex molds made of drywall are needed not only on the ceiling, sometimes for the uniqueness of the design or for spectacular changes in the layout, it is necessary to think about how to make a circular wall. More precisely, arcuate, since it would be impractical to completely scarce the design. But whether plasterboard is able to withstand such tests, and how to get the desired result from direct metal profiles? Let's figure it out.

Before making a round wall, find out what it will give

First of all, perhaps, you should summarize information about such a convenient, but not particularly durable drywall. This composite material is also known as dry plaster, and is actively used for wall decoration, and even indoors with high humidity or flavors using particularly stable sheets. However, in contrast to decorative coatings that are applied with a thickness of several millimeters and immediately represent the finishing option, sheets of two layers of cardboard, between which the frozen layer of plaster is concluded, finishing is required.

But if you do not pay attention to the decorative component, the drywall is very valuable, because it is possible to make a round wall of it quite quickly, only slightly moisturizing. Today, sheets of 6, 8 thickness are produced today, and 9.5 millimeters (the most popular dimensions, but they are thicker), which begged relatively easy, especially the first type, called arched. More massive modifications are needed in cases where it is necessary for a strong base, for example, so that the drywall niches can not only be decorative.

From here we conclude that almost no other material can be applied, say, for curved walls or for mounted ceilings in the form of complex figures (especially in the latter case), neither plywood nor plastic possess the desired stock of flexibility and durability. Brick is all the more not suitable for light designs. As for the roundness of plasterboard walls, it is necessary, first of all, in cases where it takes a slightly increase in the area of \u200b\u200bone room by removing the protrusions in it, by reducing the area in the adjacent room, where the angle will not become. In addition, the protruding details of the planning are damaged more often.

We make rounded partitions

We already know that from you can get rounded partitions with ease, however, by observing the known degree of caution, since the material is quite brittle. But how is it to be with the frame to which the sheets need to be attached? Wooden bar disappears immediately. But with profiles, it turns out, the desired result is quite achievable. We will also need Minvat, a sufficient number of screws and some tools. In particular: a construction circuit and a knife, a saw-hacksaw and saw Bulgarian, a screwdriver, scissors for metal, a kitchen, a needle roller, a pencil.

How to make a round wall of plasterboard - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Base markup

We apply a semicircle to the inner sides of the partitions of partitions condensed in the angle, so that the flat side of the template is perpendicular to one of the designs, and draw an arc on the floor.

Exactly the same markup should be on the ceiling, but in the event that it does not work on it, we simply screw in a few screws the pattern itself in the same position, in which it lay down below.

You can also fasten a part cut from the billet from the same arc, the form of which received our template.

Step 2: Preparation of Guides

It is very important to properly bend the profile, which, despite what is made of metal, can easily take an arcuate form. To do this, measure the rear plane of the guide segment of 5 centimeters, making the mark.

Then they watched the transverse lines along which there are baccolor cuts.

Scissors cut from cuts one of the side of the profile.

The remaining wholeboard of Gohno in the arc necessary to us, turning with the line drawn on the floor.

Exactly the same profile is prepared for the ceiling.

Step 3: Making Template

At the first stage of the work, we measure the necessary radius of the bending of the wall (the minimum for the nine-millionth sheet is 50 centimeters), then proceed to the drawing of the template. As a workpiece, you can use a plywood sheet or even a piece of drywall, if there is a possibility of such waste.

As a result, a semicircle should be drawn on the sheet with the desired radius, which we drink with a hacksaw, resorting to the help of a building knife if it is plasterboard.

Step 4: Framework Fasteners

It should be verified that profiles are strictly vertically. So that in the process of the construction of the structure do not flush by profiles, draw on the floor and the ceiling at their bases.

Step 5: Installation of external arc coating

So that plasterboard sheets bend without cracks and other flaws, you need to wet them and leave for 20 minutes to a little softening.

Then carefully raise the finishing material, which can now be torn as an ordinary wet cardboard, and apply to the extreme vertical frame of the frame. We screw the screws to the first profile, slightly bend, until the second rack is touched, screw again and we repeat the process until the plasterboard is fixed on all vertical frames of the frame.

Sheets better cut into strips or use waste, so less likely to cracking them in the flexion process.

Step 6: Soundproofing Laying

Since the round walls from drywall are still unfinished design only with one-sided trim, we begin to lay the soundproofing plates from mineral wool between the profiles.

To do this, we cut them into narrow strips, which should be tightly logged between vertical frame racks, partially entering the inside profiles.

Step 7: Installation of an internal arc cover

Laying of plasterboard sheets from the inside of the curved design is performed in exactly the same way as with an external one, with a difference only - now form the bending of the trim can be on the external coating. I wash the gypsumocarton strips, but now we ride a needle roller on them from the other side that will be outside. When the desired degree of bentness is obtained on the outer part of the arc, we carry the sheet inside the frame and fix the screws.

Surplus Cutting with a building knife or saw on the middle of the extreme interface with the following elements of the casing.

The second layer is dripping the whole moistened sheets, also cutting them with them in the middle of the vertical rack.

One of the universal and affordable materials for finishing any premises today is considered to be sheets of plasterboard (GLC). They can be used to align the walls, ceiling and gender in any residential and office space, finishing of door and window slopes, the creation of various architectural structures and decorative elements of the interior in the form of partitions, columns, built-in shelves and niches, arched forms, dome vaults, etc. d.

There are similar designs of plasterboard sheets, fixed on the profile metal frame of the necessary form, followed by their final finish.

Advantages of plasterboard

Plasterboard structures used in the inner interior of the premises have the following advantages:

  • provide almost perfectly smooth surfaces;
  • make it possible to create curvilinear surfaces and individual elements of any form and complexity;
  • have high ecology and air permeability of the material;
  • have excellent heat and;
  • differ sufficient ease, strength and fire resistance;
  • are a convenient basis for final finishing (painting, wallpaper, ceramic tile);
  • have an affordable cost of consumables;
  • provide simple and quick installation, which does not require special skills and using special equipment and tools.
  • These properties allow the use of plasterboard sheets as a modern universal finishing material.

    The main types of individual structures from GLC

    The interior decoration of various surfaces and the creation of separate decorative elements in the interior of the room using drywall sheets has its own characteristics. Consider them in more detail.


    The ceiling finishes with GLC is at today one of the most popular and frequently used technologies along with stretch ceilings. It is usually applied in cases:

    • need to hide the uneven surface of the ceiling;
    • the need to hide various lines of communications passing on the ceiling (pipes, cables, ventilation cores, etc.);
    • creating the original interior of the room.

    The use of plasterboard structures for the ceiling allows you to implement almost any, satisfying the desires of the owner of an apartment or office.

    At the same time, the GLC ceiling finishes can be made in any room, including using for this special brand of drywall (waterproof, fire-resistant).

    The main types of plasterboard ceilings are:

    • single-level;
    • combined, in which the designs from the sheets of HCL and the elements of the stretch ceiling are combined.

    The device of the plasterboard ceiling begins with the installation of a carrier frame from metal products, to which GLC sheets are fixed with self-draws. After that, the surface is thoroughly applied and painted in the desired color.

    An additional element imparting a special originality of the ceiling of plasterboard is the installation of built-in with LED or neon lamps. This allows you to achieve, for example, the effect of the "starry sky" or "floating" elements on the ceiling, thereby creating a unique interior of the room.


    Using plasterboard sheets is often used for interior decoration of the premises.

    In addition to directly decorative functions, it allows you to create additional heat and sound insulation of the walls, as well as hide the wiring, pipelines and other lines of communications along the walls.

    In this case, built-in shelves, niches and other decorative elements complementing the overall design of the room can be performed.

    Glkl sheets are attached directly to the wall or on a predetermined frame from metal products or wooden bars. For decoration of walls, plasterboard sheets are used with a thickness of at least 12.5 mm, and in some cases two-layer installation is used to provide sufficient stiffness of the structure.

    Can be made practically in any room. It is most effective for external walls subject to freezing during the cold season. This allows you to additionally insulate the room and prevent the appearance on the walls of condensate, mold and fungus.


    To equalize the surface of the floor, the "dry floor" method is used using special sheets of plasterboard, which have increased strength and wear resistance.

    Such sheets are stacked in two layers on any prepared base and can be covered on top of any flooring (linoleum, parquet, laminate, ceramic tile). The advantage of this method of alignment of the floor is the speed and manufacturability of the work carried out.

    Plasterboard sheets for the floor can also be used to create various multi-level outdoor design designs, for example, hidden along the walls of heating pipes and other communications.

    Additionally, various lighting devices that attach special originality of the interior of the room can be embedded in them.


    The main purpose is the zoning of the introinate space into separate parts.

    Such plasterboard structures are performed from a metal-pylon frame, rigidly attached to the walls, floor and ceiling and are trimmed with plasterboard sheets.

    The inner space of partitions is usually filled with any soundproofing material.

    Operactions in partitions can be made in the form of arched structures or various curvilinear and wave surfaces creating a unique interior design of the room.

    Also inside partitions, built-in shelves and niches can be provided, performing both decorative and purely practical functions for storing various things.

    Built-in shelves and niches

    In plasterboard structures, it can be organically fit into the interior of any room and with the additional feature on the placement of various items (equipment, books, souvenirs, photos, etc.).

    The form and configuration of such structures may be the most diverse. Often, point illumination is installed inside them, which gives the originality of the entire interior of the room. The descriptive finish of such a design depends entirely on its further functional purpose.

    Arched structures

    Arched structures can be installed almost anywhere in the apartment. Most often they are arranged in corridors and interior openings.

    The form and size of the arch can be any, but in this case you need to consider the fact that the more the arches will be the height, the more aesthetically and more beautiful it will look.

    It is usually out of the three main elements: two semicircular sheets of GKL and a rectangular strip equal to the width of the doorway.

    For the device, the arches in the upper part of the opening is installed frame from metal profile of the desired form, to which the side sheets and the rectangular element are attached from both sides.

    Before the final finish, the external edges of the Arch are amplified by a special perforated corner or reinforcing ribbon.

A niche of plasterboard on the ceiling serves as a bright example of the universality of using HCL, which is used for both ceiling structures and niche with different functionality.

Varieties of niches from plasterboard on the ceiling

The ceiling of plasterboard with the built-in niche is mounted in any room.

So looks like a niche of plasterboard on the ceiling

Ceiling niches are used to illuminate any zone, hidden curtain cornices or for stretch ceiling. But still, in various rooms, niche in the ceiling can perform different functions.


With the help of a ceiling niche in the kitchen, you can hide the laid communications, install hidden eaves, set point lights. In some design projects, niche kitchens can be used as an additional place to store kitchen items, especially if we are talking about the rooms of a small area, where every square meter on the account.

Living room

Thanks to the installation of ceiling niches, in the living room you can change the geometry of the room and thereby carrying out any designer idea.

Project Nishi from plasterboard on the ceiling in the living room

However, the main function of ceiling niches is not only a visual effect, but practicality and convenience. For example, niches can be collected for highlighting in the living room, to install point lights and distribution of zones in the room. And also in them frequently mounted LED tapes. A niche of plasterboard for curtains can be combined with a box around the perimeter of the room.


Niches in the bedroom are used mainly to underline the ceiling geometry, in the center of which can be installed a stretch ceiling. In a niche on the ceiling, installed around the perimeter of the room, lighting can be built, hidden backlit eaves are installed. The ceiling niche not only decorates the room, but also creates an additional place to store things, allows you to hide many communications.

How to make a box of plasterboard on the ceiling

Plasterboard and profiles for installation of a box in Petrovich - How to make a box of plasterboard on ...

Niche design on the ceiling in the bedroom Return to the table of contents

Design features: drawings and calculations

To niche from drywall, with its own hands, it is technically correct, aesthetic and convenient, calculations and preliminary drawing of the structure should be prepared. Making a niche drawing follows from its design and destination. If this design is multifunctional, for example, with built-in backlight and a TV site, then such a design can be called a combined layout. In such drawings, all features of the frame should be taken into account. If the niche is collected in the form of a box under the stretch ceiling, then the installation of the canvase is taken into account.

Scheme and drawing of a niche design on the ceiling

In cases where the ceiling niche is used for cornice and several lamps, the frame calculations do not require additional tricks. If a niche is constructed under the cornice, the framework of which will be an additional load, you can add the amplification in the form of plywood or chipboard sheets.

As for the design drawings, it all depends on the fantasy of the master, as metal-plants and sheets of drywall allow you to create various designs of any complexity. The video shows the process of mounting a niche of plasterboard on the ceiling.

Required Material and Tools

List of materials

  1. Guide profile.
  2. Suspended profile.
  3. Connectors between profiles.
  4. Connector single-level "crab".
  5. Metal suspensions.
  6. Screws for metal.
  7. Dowel nails or clinia anchor.
  8. Insulation.
  9. Plasterboard size from 9.5 to 12.5 millimeters.

List of instruments

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Perforator - allows without much effort to make holes in the concrete ceiling under the fastening of the profile.
  3. Scissors for metal - used for cutting profile.
  4. Pliers - the tool allows you to connect two profiles without the use of hardware fasteners. Pliers can be replaced with self-draws for the profile.
  5. Malyary cord or laser level - both fixtures serve to mark the framework of the frame.

The design of the ceiling niche of plasterboard in the bedroom

  • Construction level - allows smoothly to construct a niche frame.
  • Hacksaw with small teeth or cutter for GLC - Tools for cutting plasterboard sheets.
  • Edge plans or a raner knife - a chamfer removal device on transverse plasterboard edges.
  • Roulette - for cutting material and frame.
  • Hammer - to clog the dowel of nails.
  • A set of crowns or a ballerina - the nozzle on the screwdriver, with which the openings of different diameters can be done under the lamps and sockets.
  • Spatula - for sealing seams and putty niche.
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    Preparatory work

    Before installing a niche, you need to make placement of the room. First of all, it should be declared for what a niche is being made. If its functions are to hide the ceiling cornice, first of all you need to measure the distance of the niche to the batteries so that the curtains subsequently hurt them.

    Niche device diagram for ceiling cornice

    For a niche with luminaires along the contour of the room, it is necessary to note the desired distance from the wall. Next, the folding thread to beat off the horizontal strips on the ceiling and with the help of the level of the line on the walls. The length of the vertical lines will depend on the thickness of the niche. For the bottom of the niches, markups on the wall are also made. They can be applied using a hydroevoy or laser level with the horizon function.

    Marking a niche from the ceiling concrete slabs is not recommended, as significant differences may be observed, which will affect the flatness of the design.

    If a niche is planned along the contour of the room with the installation of lamps, it should be pre-conducted in corrugated hoses attached by clamps to the ceiling. Cable output under cartridges must be respected equal to step.

    The main stages of the work on the creation of a plasterboard niche

    After the completion of the preparatory work, and in particular marking on the installation of guide and ceiling profiles, you can begin mounting the frame.

    Installation of metal profile

    Stages of assembly of a frame of a metal profile for the future niche:

    Fastening sheets of GCL and setting the backlight

    After the box is assembled, you can proceed to the installation of plasterboard sheets. First of all, the material should be cut and sew the side parts of the niches. For this, the GLC is assigned to the ends of the design and is screwed with the help of self-tapping screws. As for the lower part of the niche, the installation occurs exactly also, however, it should be noted that after installation it will be necessary to do holes for the reflectors of the lamps. Further, the wires of the lamps are outlined into the holes, after which the processing of the camp ends is coming.

    Diagram of device and mounting backlight and fastening of drywall

    In order to smooth out the protruding edges, you can use the stationery knife, gently cut off an excess cardboard from the edges of the box.

    After all the corners of the niche are sharpened and acquired a symmetrical shape, you need to output the cable through the holes and try to connect the lamps.

    After the check check, the lamps can be connected to the wiring. But they should not be attached to the deepening finally, since the box must be sharpened without damaging the external reflectors of the lamps.

    Finish finish niche

    The very first step in the execution of the finishing finish, this cutting of drywall in places of adjustment to the wall and to the ceiling, as well as on the seams of sheet connections. Further, the entire design of plasterboard should be primed using antifungal solution and roller. After that, at the junctions of plasterboard with the ceiling and walls you need to take a sickle. And already after pasting all the seams and joints over the sickle, you need to apply a layer of putty on the ceiling. And also you need to sharpen all spouts of screws.

    The next step is the sticker of the perforated corner along the outer corners of the niche. It is done in order to simplify the finish and avoid cracks. Next, the base putty is applied over the corner. The second layer of putty is better to apply after drying the first, usually after 12 hours. Before applying, clean the spatula of the mixture should be cleaned. Then, you can apply a basic putty with a wide spatula.

    Example of the finishing finish of a drywall niches on the ceiling

    The last step will be the application of the finish putty. Before this, the surface must be cleaned from the influx and put a putty into one thin layer. After the putty dried, the surface you need to take it, primed and stick the glassball, on top of which the finish putty is applied. After drying, the niche needs to be re-operated with a fine-grained skin. Upon completion of all stages, finishes can begin painting or pasting with wallpaper. Luminaires are inserted at the last stage when painting works are completed.

    How to make a two-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands: Masters Tips

    Those who want to independently make a two-level ceiling of plasterboard, in this article will find a detailed description of this process.

    There are quite a few forms of duplex suspended ceilings, but, while their installation is almost the same. The main difference is the creation of rectilinear or curvilinear structures.

    Conducting preparatory work

    Starting the installation process only after all materials and tools have been purchased. It is also necessary to check whether it is possible at an existing ceiling height to lower it by about 8-10 cm, but not less. In standard apartments, it is simply unreal. But, the exit from this situation is - as the upper tier it is necessary to use the base ceiling. It should be perfectly smooth, and if it has irregularities, they should be aligned. Only then can be started to install a two-level ceiling.

    Design of two-level plasterboard ceiling

    Having a detailed drawing of the design, it is best to do not even start work. In the case of a single-level ceiling, its presence is not necessary, since there are no particularly complex calculations. But, here to make a two-level ceiling of drywall without drawing almost impossible. The most optimal solution will be the creation of a 3D model of the future ceiling. This will help a little simplify work and decide on the form of the ceiling.

    When the project will fully satisfy all your requests and wishes, then you need to calculate the number of necessary materials and start laying electrical wiring.


    Multi-tiered structures make it possible to warm the ceiling and improve its sound insulation. But such works need to be carried out only after the framework was installed. If we talk about electrical wiring, ventilation channels and other communications, then their wiring must be engaged before working on the installation of the ceiling.

    Location of lamps and their models need to be thought out in advance. It also concerns the air conditioner or kitchen hood, if the ceiling is mounted in the kitchen.

    Professionals should be engaged in solving such issues, because they will definitely be able to make the right calculations and then engage in installation. If errors are allowed in the calculations, then after the completion of their work it will not be possible to correct.

    Sometimes the customer cannot immediately buy the necessary devices that need to be connected to the network under the suspended ceiling, for example, lamps. Then you need to rewrite their main parameters, among which are the power and dimensions of the fixing fittings (for embedded lamps). As soon as these works are completed, it is necessary to draw the electrical wiring scheme and apply accurate dimensions on it.

    Mounting process

    There are several options for mounting a two-level ceiling, and each specialist prefers one or another option. For example, some first completely make the frame of the upper tier, after it is crushed all its visible parts by plasterboard sheets. At the end of these works, they proceed to the installation of the lower tier.

    Other masters do it all the opposite, in other words, first the framework of the lower tier is made, and then it is attached to the base ceiling.

    To say specifically, which cannot be better, and its choice depends on direct design of the future ceiling and also from the square of the second tier. For example, if the lower level area is much higher than the top area, then the flat frame is not worth doing for the entire ceiling. First, these are extra expenses of the metal profile and fasteners, and secondly, the mounting to the basic ceiling in such cases is much more reliable.

    In the event that the upper level has the form of a narrow box going around the perimeter, or in the center there is a protrusion, then the two-level ceiling is best to mount the first way.

    About how the flat top-level frame is made can be found from the article on the mounting of the suspended ceiling from the plasterboard. Now we will look at the installation of the frame for the lower level.

    Mounting frame for lower level

    1. First of all, the ceiling should be applied to the design scheme in real size, to carry out horizontal lines on the walls, while you need to retreat from the base ceiling to about the depth of the second level.
    2. Further along the data of the lines it is necessary to secure the guide profile (PNP 27X28). To create a smooth bend, you need to cut 2 adjacent walls of the profile, and then give the necessary form. Then with the help of each segment you need to attach a profile to the ceiling.
    3. Further under the guide profile you need to make marking. For this markup, a longitudinal ceiling profile will be attached (PP 60x27). It is necessary to ensure that there is a distance of 40 cm between the axes.
    4. On the markup you need to spend perpendicular lines on the wall. These are projections of profile axes. It is over these lines that the spring suspensions need to be consolidated and abide by the distance of 60 cm between them. Remember that in no case should you use a dowel-nail. For such a type of work it is better to take anchor dowels. If a fire happens in the house, the plastic dowels will not be able to keep the design and it will collapse.
    5. From the ceiling profile you need to cut segments, the length of which meets the depth of the second level. Then in the same segments it is necessary to cut the side shelves, approximately a height of 3 cm, and the base is left. Further, these jumpers with a flat side are inserted into the upper guide profile and are screwed to it. If it is fasteners on a flat section, then you need to observe a step of 60 cm, and 20-30 cm - on curvilinear. If you are planning to place spotlights for drywall ceilings in the vertical wall, then before fixing the jumpers, you need to check the circuit.
    6. You need to form a bottom profile on the floor, repeating the shape on the ceiling. Follow the profile to turn to the wall. To generate bending, it is necessary to cut 2 parallel sides, but not adjacent.
    7. The finished design must be screwed to jumpers. At the same time, the profile tongue must be superimposed on the basis of the profile.
    8. It is necessary to cut stripes from plasterboard and fasten them to a frame. Their width must respond to the depth of the second level. On one side of the cardboard, you need to moisten with water and leave approximately an hour, but pre-using a special needle roller need to make perforation. It is necessary in order to bend the gypsum wake band.
    9. Now the turn of the longitudinal profile of the PP, which must be fixed between the guides. This is necessary to secure the second level. Each profile must be measured at the place. Before starting to install, you need to wear "crabs" for longitudinal PP profiles that are needed to connect them with transverse.
    10. Transverse profiles need to be installed in the "crabs" paws, then gripe with small screws for metal.
    11. Now it remains only to fix longitudinal profiles on the suspension and set them in terms of level.

    Installing top-level frame

    After you have completed the previous stage, you will all be aware of how to make a two-level ceiling of plasterboard.

    Flat frame for top level should be collected on direct suspensions, and all the nuances of the process are already known to you. It is also necessary to observe a 40 cm distance between the axes, and the jumpers are attached to the junction of sheet cabarton sheets.

    Facing plasterboard

    Before, how to start to the trim, you need to re-check with the scheme of communications, and if it is necessary, then in those places where heavy lamps will be mounted, you need to strengthen the design. After that, the ends of the wires need to be omitted, and take care of the heat and noise insulation of the frame. Only after the completion of these works can be processed.

    And at the end of the article, I wanted to note that where plasterboard adjoins the walls, you need to cut off the factory chamfer. The more you need to do in places of adjustment to the vertical stage of the second level. In such places, the sheet is thinner, and this can lead to problems with the ceiling trim.

    Multi-level plasterboard ceiling is a modern solution that will give the room to the room will make it interesting. Such a ceiling has its undeniable advantages. He hides all the plates and irregular drops, makes the ceiling perfectly smooth. Under the plates you can hide all communications, so for the electrical wiring and removing air elements of air conditioners, it is not necessary to make the shoes in the walls. And if you place modern, light insulating materials under the ceiling, it will additionally warm the room and improve sound insulation. This ceiling can be given the most sophisticated and elegant forms. You can easily install a variety of lamps - point and suspended.

    Materials for work

    Plasterboard is an environmentally friendly and non-combustible material. Consists of a gypsum plate covered with a layer of cardboard. The ceiling drywall is a thickness of 8 mm, quite flexible and lightweight, it is easy to cut with a construction knife. Install a two-level ceiling with your own hands may even beginners.

    Metal profiles will be needed for work, which fasten the plasterboard plates. They are two species - guide profiles and ribbed ribs. You should also purchase special self-tapping screws.

    Choose form

    Design of plasterboard "Eat" the height of the ceilings. The first level lowers the surface by 3-5 cm, and the second is 10 cm.

    If the ceilings are relatively smooth, then they can serve as the first level to which curious plasterboard protrusions can be fixed.

    On the ceiling, smooth and rounded elements look very well, but strict geometric lines will fit completely harmoniously, for example, the protruding threshold around the perimeter of the ceiling, with the manufacture of which even newcomer can cope. It is enough to work with drywall, a poem even a simple protrusion can be rounded in the corners, thereby making it more attractive. For such a threshold, you can hide the cornice, and then the illusion of the curtains falling from the ceiling will be created. It is possible to hide the electrical wiring and set a number of point lights over certain zones or throughout the perimeter.

    The desired form of the ceiling is first born on paper, as a sketch. At which, in addition to the geometric shape, it is necessary to note the location of the vertical racks, at a distance of 30-40 cm. In rounded corners, the racks must be arranged more tight. After the drawing is transferred to the ceiling.

    Mounting frame starts with a lower level. The contours of the future ceiling are made from the guide profiles. Rounded and smooth lines are obtained by examining profile in places of bending with metal scissors and bending it around the circle. Connect the shape-defined profiles with racks with ribbies of such lengths to which the second ceiling level should be omitted. It is better to immediately prepare all the rounded corners so that they are the same.

    The frame is attached to the surface according to a given contour on special suspensions for plasterboard "crabs", with which you can adjust the height. The suspensions are located at a distance of 40 cm. In the corners, the design is fixed rigidly, you can add additional backups. The frame during installation necessarily measure the level. After fastening the basic design, the circuit of our future ceiling, set the rack profiles at a distance of 60 cm, which are fastened with transverse jumpers, also with a step of 60 cm.

    Sometimes transverse jumpers are not fixed, so that they can be moved, configuring under the fastening of the jacks of plasterboard.

    The suspensions are attached to the ceiling with two dowels with a screw of 8 * 80. Profiles are connected to each other with screws for metal 3.5 * 11.

    Installation of sheets

    After the frame is assembled and fitted in terms of the level, you can fill the cavities with insulating material, fiberglass or foam sheets and pave electrical wiring. Then mount the ceiling. Sheets should be pre-cutting on the floor. It is convenient to immediately cut hole holes for spotlights. It is advisable to leave the allowances of several centimeters along rounding line.

    It is better to trim on the spot and remove unnecessary than getting the unwanted gap between the plates. So that when installing it was easier to be bending plasterboard, covering smooth and rounded elements, the part can be cut from the back side by transverse slots and make the material on them. Some advise for this purpose just to shortly smoke the sheets.

    We proceed to the installation of the plates using the self-tapping screws with fine threads, you can take a size of 3.5 * 25 and 3.5 * 32. The operation is best done by a screwdriver. Self-tapping screws, slightly having a hat into the surface.

    It is unacceptable that he passes through the sheet completely, if it happened, you need to retreat several centimeters and remake the mount.

    The step of fasteners is 15 cm. The sheet can be released by attaching it at least two screws along each side. It is advisable to use whole sheets to get neat joints and cutting the material. If two cropped plates fall into the joint, their edge with the front part should be considered a slightly with a knife, so that in the future it is perfectly aligned with stucco. After the main array of the ceiling is fixed, the threshold is starting. Initially, the elements of the side part are attached and only then the bottom plates.

    When all stoves are installed, the ceiling is ground with universal primer. After complete drying, all the seams are sinking with a sickle mounting ribbon, and all the outer angles are fixed and aligned with special corners. Metal corners are used for smooth lines, and for smooth and rounded - special flexible plastic corner. The technique of its attachment is simple, the layer of plaster is smeared to the angle of construction, into which the corner is combined, and speaking through the holes of the surplus of the solution are cleaned with a spatula. After drying, the second layer of plaster angle is finally removed. All hats of self-tapping screws should also be sharpened. Previously check - there are no protruding, and twist them manually.

    Log in all seams in a slope with a stove. After all the leveling elements of plaster dried, the entire surface of the ceiling is dried, you can immediately use the finishing solution. The surfaces are allowed to dry and deteriorate from the irregularities and influx of plaster with a construction grinding fine grater. If the holes for point luminaires were not previously made in the plates, they can be cut into a special drill-glass of the desired diameter, the electrical wiring wires are pulled into the holes.

    At this stage, the ceiling baguette is lined on special glue or plaster. After that, the entire surface is ground, preparing under painting. Staining different ceiling levels in different colors, it is advisable to sneak the places of the joints with a special paper sticky ribbon, which will exclude incidence of paint. First, paint the ceiling, and then baguettes. After the end of the work, point lights are mounted, and the suspension is installed using special dowels or plasterboard mounts.


    This video will demonstrate the installation of a complex two-level ceiling.