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Finishing plastic for walls. Instructions for interior decoration of walls PVC plastic panels. Payment and delivery methods

Visitors of the OBI hypermarket online order products for the construction and repair of the house. Decorative panels from durable and durable materials are constantly represented in the electronic catalog. There are more than 200 product items of proven manufacturers. The cost of goods is from 50 to 4500 rubles per unit. All products are provided with long warranty obligations, sold wholesale and retail.

When buying decorative panels, it is necessary to carefully select products according to the following parameters:

  • . Manufacturing material.
  • . Gabarians.
  • . Shade.
  • . Invoice.

Plastic products are distinguished by the minimum price and maximum resistance to moisture. Elements of wood, chipboard and MDF are not recommended to use indoors with high levels of humidity (bathroom, kitchen, bathroom, toilet). Products from natural and artificial stone are characterized by increased strength and complexity of machining.

PVC panels usually have a monophonic neutral color. They are often used for cladding walls when performing the repair of economy class. Decorative elements from MDF are highlighted by an attractive appearance. In the process of installation, they are protected from the destructive impact of moisture with the protective layer of paint or varnish. Mosaic elements are more expensive than other analogues, they are often used in the designer design of the premises.

Buyers of the Ob hypermarket when placing an order and choices of goods enjoy free consultations of trained employees. Additionally, our resource has built-in services. Services and operational work around the clock.

Payment and delivery methods

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Why do you need decorative wall cladding? This is necessary in order for indoors to be really a cozy, unique atmosphere. Today there are many different finishing materials that are suitable for the inner walls. For the exterior decoration, also plenty of different proposals.

Materials for internal cladding: Consider in detail

Decorative wall lining indoors you can do with:

  1. Plastic - we are talking both about panels (sheets) and on separate stripes;
  2. Do not write off the wall decorative panels from various types of materials;
  3. It is not worth refusing to use siding panels.
So that the decorative lining of walls inside the room turned out to be original, you can always choose a stone: artificial or natural. It is also often a decorative plaster, different wallpapers, other materials - the choice only for you.

Plastic and its varieties for decorative wall decoration

The decorative decoration of wall plastic is performed quite often. Today there are many different types of this material - for your room there will always be any interesting option.

Today, in demand are:

  • Paper-layered plastic;
  • Vinyl material.

These materials are although they are plastic, but there are many differences. This applies to characteristics, properties.

Vinyl plastic and its characteristics

It is such a material that is used for the inner cladding of the walls most often. The reason for such popularity is the presence of excellent properties and certain advantages. Other options we have considered in the article about.

Plastic from polyvinyl chloride and its parameters:

  • The material is moisture-resistant, because it can easily withstand wet environments even on an ongoing basis. It is relevant for any room in your apartment - a kitchen area, a bathroom, a bathroom, and so on. Also often.
  • It is distinguished by practicality, because in terms of hygiene work with it is very easy. The surface does not absorb dirt or dust. To clean - simply use a wet rag.
If we decided to apply this type of plastic in outdoor finishing works, wash it with a conventional hose - the main thing is that there is a strong water pressure.
  • Plastic from polyvinyl chloride is distinguished by durability. It does not fade under the influence of sunlight, that is, in the foreseeable future, its initial design will not lose. Due to this feature, you will be able to exploit my finishing for many years;
  • It is also worth mentioning about frost resistance. The material will endure even very low temperatures - it will not have a negative impact on its structure;
  • Another advantage: wear resistance. This indicator is achieved due to the fact that there is a protective layer on the surface of the material;
  • Easily copes with temperature differences both outside the premises and inside.

There are other features of such plastic:

  • In addition to the noted above, it should be noted - this plastic is washing without any problems, you can cope with this with your own hands very easily. The only moment: for such a work it is necessary to prepare the surface in advance;
  • Plastic in the stripes in its appearance is very similar to the lining of the tree. In the range today, many different shades, surface design options are a positive moment in the design plan;
  • Decorative wall lining with such plastic will look very aesthetic if you select a natural stone imitation, brickwork. However, even monophonic shades look winning. Due to such a feature, you can always create an original interior;
  • In its characteristics and methods of using plastic, without any doubt, the material is universal;
  • Its installation can be performed not only on the wall surface, but also on the ceiling - many do it;
  • In the decoration of the apartment you can use both plastic stripes and panels from such a material.
The peculiarity of plastic panels, in contrast to the strips, is that their size is larger. On the strips there are special locks on the end - on the panels you will see them much less.

  • Panels Decorative plastic for wall cladding can have different thicknesses. It all depends on whether insulating or insulating work will be carried out in your room. Quite often panels are glued on polystyrene foam extruded or foam
  • In this way, you will simultaneously be able to insulate your apartment, and separate it
  • By itself, plastic - magnificent insulating material. He does not miss moisture, the same can be said about couples. To some extent drowned the sound. Plastic, which is used for cladding, does not burn due to the exposure to high temperatures there will be no deform
  • If it happened that condensate is going on the plastic finish, you can easily get rid of it. This will always help dry rags. A similar phenomenon is often observed in the bathrooms or bathrooms.
Please note: the plastic surface can be two species - either matte or glossy. For cladding the ceilings, the second option is often used, the first is chosen for the walls.

To say that plastic is very durable material, it is definitely impossible. However, if you use certain installation technologies, the plastic strip panels will easily cope with serious loads - this is a fact.

Plastic paper-layered and its features

The decoration of walls with the help of decorative paper-layered plastic has become very popular - but not so long ago. The demand for such a material has increased every day due to the fact that it has a very attractive, aesthetic appearance.

Features of paper-decorative plastic such:

  • This material is done using various paper varieties;
  • They are pressed under the influence of high temperatures, while complex substances are added. It is at the expense of them the material becomes so similar to the simplest plastic;
  • The cost is slightly higher compared with the ordinary material.
This type of plastic is released exclusively in stripes. At their ends, you will find special locks - they are needed so that the finish can be easily and convenient to fasten.

It is known that the material may have a different surface. Namely:

  • Metallized - that is, covered with the finest layer of metal alloy;
  • Structural - on the surface, several types of design can be applied (such a surface is uneven);
  • Glossy is also found (the defined brilliance is attached);
  • Matte option is considered the most reliable and practical.
The material has both front and theth sides. Most often they are accepted to decorate the same. Walls are facing a layered decorative plastic often - this solution can be called universal. This material is used not only for wall surfaces, but also for ceilings.

The choice of imitation and colors is impressive, we will talk about it in more detail..

Wood imitation can be called the most common - there are such as in cold and warm shades.

Most often that:

  • Brown;
  • Dark brown;
  • Sand;
  • Chocolate;
  • Brick.

The decorative lining of the walls by this material is about as well as the installation of simple vinyl plastic.

Paper-layered parameters include the following:

  1. Is practical, it is possible to apply boldly in any premises;
  2. It is impossible not to note durability: if the material is operated correctly, the finish will last for more than ten years;
  3. High moisture resistance: This can not be said about all types of paper-layered plastic;
  4. Strength and reliability - because after mounting work on the surface, the material will be able to withstand significant physical and mechanical loads;
  5. Wear resistance - due to the presence of a protective layer, paper-layered plastic does not lose its appearance for a very long time, the design of the material is not erased.

It should also be noted: paper-layered plastic - the material of frost-resistant. But it will not be able to cope with very low temperatures. Because of this, it is usually used when it is necessary to carry out indoor facing.
  • If this material you decide to apply in order to perform a decorative wall of walls in a balcony room, it is best to choose that plastic that has a protected surface from both sides;
  • This is explained by the fact that there are almost always a high level of humidity in balconies or loggias. And if the sealant does not handle the joints of the material, and it does not have bilateral protection - there will be moisture in them constantly. Over time, it will definitely begin to destroy the plastic structure - due to the like, your finish is simply deformed;
  • Decorative wall cladding in apartments can be made by paper-layered plastic. Inside the room of high humidity, there will definitely not be, the cardinal temperature differences here also does not happen;
  • Before purchasing plastic paper-layered type, be sure to specify the properties of the material from the sellers. In addition, on the packaging with the material you will find a special instruction where not only possible applications, but also the advantages of the specific of your plastic are very convenient.

Montage of plastic on the walls

First, preparatory work should be prepared on the surface of the walls. Namely: as part of the preparation, the framework is made to make it possible to apply decorative wall cladding (plastic).

To accomplish this task will be required.:

  • Profile metal defined size. Someone prefers to use wood planks. The main thing is that they were one diameter - so that the lamb will be high-quality, smooth;
  • Do not do without dowels - it is with their help on the surface of the frame that the finishing material is fixed. Self-tapping screws will be required to bind plastic panels or strips among them;
  • Under hand there must be a perforator - to screw the dowel. The screwdriver does not hurt - to work with metal or wood screws. You can replace this tool to replace the drill - if enough experience. The main thing is to choose the nozzles correctly;
  • You need a construction level: only with the help of this tool it turns out to be placed the frame of exactly, as well as its elements on the surface;
  • Pencil, roulette - without them anywhere;
  • Electrolovik or saw: Such tools are used to cut the wooden planks. You can use the metal hacksaw, if not, the scissors for metal are suitable;
  • Another important handicraft instruments are: dumping, hammer, nails, and so on.

More important moments:

  • Often, novice masters are asked - which frame is preferable? Wooden or metal? Everything is extremely simple: the choice should be done depending on what the functionality of your premises;
  • If you decide to make decorative wall cladding in the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the bathroom, it is better to choose a metal profile. And if in the room the level of moisture is normal, the temperature regime is permanent, usually choose the arrangement of the drying of the tree.

Even the life of the wooden drying can be significantly extended. To do this, lacquer is applied to the frame - this gives a guarantee of protection against possible fungal diseases and other negative lesions.

To perform decorative lines of walls in the apartment using a plasticYou need:

  • Sculpture and self-tapping screws. If you wish, you can also use the stapler construction and brackets of the desired shade;
  • Building level - to perform high-quality, smooth finish;
  • To cut the material uses the electrolovka;
  • An important element in the work can be called sealant. They are accepted to handle joints in the finishing material - if necessary.

Plastic Installation Instructions

To start we suggest you watch video: Decorative cladding of wall plastic.

  • In operation, plastic corners are often used - both internal and external. They are planted on the surface of plastic on construction glue or liquid nails. The stapler is also used here quite often;
  • Installation of plastic panels or strips is made from that corner that is closest to the doorway. Due to this joint, the material will not be very noticeable - when daylight will fall on your finish;
  • At the bottom and the top of the plastic, decoration is made with decorative plinths - they can be made of polyurethane foam, wood, other materials.

That is how you can easily get a high-quality decorative lining of the walls in any room. Investments will be more than moderate - plastic is not a particularly expensive finishing material. And the installation work, like the preparation, it is easy to be able to make it yourself even a novice master.

The wall decoration by plastic panels is now very popular. But before making a decision to choose this particular option, it is worth examining information about the properties of the material and the technology of its use. At first glance, you can find a lot of information about this version of the finish, but often it is distorted or provided in the form of uncomfortable perception. For this reason, the selection of the source of information is worth considering carefully.

Plastic as material

Wall finish with plastic panels has its advantages and disadvantages. They must be taken into account when making a final decision. The finishing material has the following advantages:

  • Absolute harmlessness. Many plastic are frightened due to the fact that it is an unnatural material. Modern technologies allowing to produce harmless products, easier and cheaper than old. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to meet dangerous material even among fakes.
  • Wall panels for interior decoration are very beautiful. There are many options for coloring and textures. In addition, manufacturers produce new seamless options that are very different from familiar office panels. You can choose a finish under a tree, monophonic, color. A photo printing is also applied to the coating.
  • Ability to use in cramped conditions. Plastic panels for interior decoration are perfect for various niches and other parts of the apartment or at home, where it is inconvenient to work with other materials.
  • Panels are easily mounted together with ventilation gratings, sockets. On any colors, these elements look natural and not striking.
  • Plastic is perfect for trimming bathroom and other wet rooms. The decoration of walls and the ceiling is distinguished by durability, does not require complex care, can be operated at low temperatures (for example, on a laptile balcony).
PVC panels look pretty good for their price.

The following negative points include disadvantages:

  • Combustion. The material is difficult to set fire, but when exposed to fire, it supports burning and distinguishes a large number of gases dangerous for a person.
  • Panels do not breathe. They completely overlap the movement of air through the walls, which is necessary to ensure normal ventilation. Because of this property, the type of finishing is not recommended for use in the bedroom and children's room.
  • In the voids of the panels can settle insects. This problem is especially relevant for the southern regions.
  • The need to use a special tool for cutting and certain skills when installing.
  • Wall decoration with PVC panels with their own hands requires careful preparation of the foundation.

The finish may look very nontrivial!

Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of the material, it is safe to take a weighted decision on the possibility of using this type of finishing.

What instruments will be required

To work with PVC panels should be prepared. First of all, it will be necessary to find a special tool:

  • Circular Saw. If there is no possibility to find it, you can apply the electrolovka. Pillet or disk should be with small cloths ("clean cut"). It is preferable to use a saw. The jigsaw feeder is highly flexible so the cut can be wavy.
  • Stewing under the jack with corners of 45 and 90 degrees.
  • Building stapler when trimming on a wooden crate.
  • Rubber sick with rug-hook. The same tool is used for laminate installation. Need for "domestic" the jammed panels. Making it with hands, you can easily damage the panel or crate.
  • The plaster spatula, which rebels the finishing profile when installing the last plank. The length of the spatula is 80-120 cm.

Also, when performing work, you will need:

  • pencil and roulette;
  • building level;
  • corolnic;
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws, dowel-nails, beammers);
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • sealant;
  • antiseptic.

Installation of plastic panels for wall decoration

Plastic can be perfectly replaced by wooden decorative elements and other finishing options. But it is necessary to attach it in strict accordance with the technology. Decorative wall panels will help make your home cozy and beautiful.

The decoration of walls in the bathroom and other rooms, as well as the ceiling by plastic panels performed in the following order:

  1. preparation of the foundation;
  2. markup;
  3. cutting device;
  4. installation of starting and finishing profiles;
  5. installation All other slats;
  6. facing of slopes;
  7. fixing plinths.

Preparation of the foundation

Working with plastic starts with the removal of an old coating. In order for the finishing coating to have an attractive appearance without curvature and other troubles, it will take carefully to close all the slots in the walls and ceilings, eliminate the irregularities.

Cleaning the surface of the walls is necessary to prevent the appearance of dust, fungus and mold


Before separating the room, it is necessary to determine the location of the racks of the frame. The decoration by plastic panels of ceilings and walls provides for the markup in this order:

  1. Mark point at a distance of 1-2 cm from the floor level or walls. Through this point spend around the perimeter line. For accuracy markup use a construction level.
  2. When marking the walls, the same line must be drawn under the ceiling.
  3. From the bottom line with a step of 40-50 cm, parallel lines are carried out for the entire height.

This markup is suitable for mounting the panels vertically. Facing is always fixed perpendicular to the framework, so if necessary, lay the elements of the casing horizontally, perform vertical markup.

Horizontal and vertical mounting types

Cutting device

Most often, a tree is used as a crate under the panel for interior decoration of the walls. In this case, the rails must be treated in advance with antiseptic composition to protect against destruction. Along the markup lines using a perforator, the holes for fasteners are performed with a distance of 50 cm. The frame racks are fixed to the wall. If you need to lay the wiring under the finish, it is necessary to consider at this stage:

  1. foreseen for wires;
  2. check that they do not play the plane of the crate.

Be sure to check the horizontal of the crate

When used as a metallic c-profile crate, it is required to additionally buy elements for fasteners. They are usually sold complete. Metal is fixed to the base on the tapping screws in dowels. All work must be performed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

To increase the thermal insulation or sound insulation of the walls, there are special mats between the frames of the frame. They are fixed depending on the type of material used. For different species, it can be used both attachments on a dowel and glue composition.

Fastening lamellae

The first plastic bar is required to fasten in the most illuminated and noticeable corner. Most often, one becomes one that is located opposite the entrance to the room. With the help of roulette make measurements. The panel is cut to the required length with a special tool (more often than disk saw).

One edge of the plank is inserted into a special side molding. This element is intended to ensure mutual fixing panels, which are located on different sides of the angle. An element with molding is applied to the corner and fix on the crate from the back side.

Next, you need to connect the first panel with the second. To do this, again use a puzzle system. The joint is tightly pressed and fix the bar to a wooden or metal frame. All subsequent elements are mounted along the same technology. To guarantee maximum tightness of the joints, it is recommended to lubricate the side edges before installing the panel with silicone. When installing the last part it is worth checking if it is suitable in width. If necessary, the element is cut into width. The last panel is not fixed to the crate. It must be snapped into the finishing element. If necessary, all joints are treated with silicone (sealant).

Installation of panels on the frame using curls and clips

To complete the installation, you need to install accessories. These elements include plinths and their plugs, angular elements. The latter are bought along with the panels and shade over them.

Accessories for panels will give your finish a neat finished view

To perform holes for switches and sockets, use a sharp knife. They cut holes required.

Installation of panels for glue

If necessary, the elements of the finish can be fixed directly on the wall without the use of the crate. In this case, an increased demand is presented to the ground. It will have to spend more time on its preparation, since the surface must be perfectly smooth.

Before starting work, they acquire special glue. It is allowed to apply liquid nails for installation. It is also important in the store to check the composition of the substance. It should not contain solvents that destroy plastic elements.

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. cleaning the base from the old cladding;
  2. treatment with antibacterial putty or primer layer, which contains components that can protect against mold and fungus;
  3. drying base;
  4. preparation of adhesive composition in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions on the package;
  5. the choice of the working tool is carried out depending on the glue consistency: roller, brush, spatula;
  6. work begin with angular elements;
  7. glue at once applied to a small area (equal to about 1 panels) so as not to dry;
  8. fix the angular part to which the ordinary element is mounted using grooves;
  9. the panels pressed against the wall with their hands for a short time, for which the adhesive solution will have time to grab;
  10. mount all other panels;
  11. decorative elements are installed, the seams are riveted with silicone sealant.

In addition to installing glue and the crate there are some more methods that use professional workers. But they were not widespread. At the end of this, you can give several general tips:

  • Panels are recommended for decoration of balconies, loggias, bathrooms, hallways and living rooms. For bedrooms and children, it is worth paying attention to more breathing materials.
  • It is best to apply seamless plastic in rooms with air conditioning or forced ventilation system.
  • In the bedroom for adults, it is permissible to use the material for individual sections of the walls.
  • It is unacceptable to use elements in the kitchen. On the surface of the panels in this case, fat and other substances will fall on, which will become an excellent reproduction medium of bacteria.

Plastic panels are universal finishing materials that are well suited for wall design. They differ in moisture resistance, durability and unpretentiousness. Many consumers choose to decorate plastic overlap, as it can be not only monophonic, but also multicolored and repeating various materials of natural origin.


Plastic is one of the most popular materials. It is used in the production of a variety of products. It does not rot, does not suffer from contact with water and does not require complex care.

Thanks to such distinctive characteristics, plastic is ideal for the manufacture of high-quality finishing materials. Currently, plastic panels are in enviable popularity, as they are not only practical, but also very attractive.

The range of such products is enormous today. Beautiful coatings will choose for every taste, color and budget. In stores you can meet monophonic, multicolored and canvases with different drawings. Separately, it is worth highlighting popular panels that imitate various materials. For example, it can be stone, brickwork or wood.

Plastic panels can be installed in almost any rooms. It may be not only a dry and warm living room, but also a bathroom or kitchen. The main thing is to choose a quality fabric that will serve for a long time and will not lose an attractive appearance.

Wall plastic panels are distinguished by a fairly simple installation - even an inexperienced homemade master will be able to cope with it.

Such finishing materials can be used in any interiors. It may be the situation in both classical and modern style. It is not recommended to install plastic panels in the setting, made in a coulter key (baroque, rococo, ampir), - plastic will be dramatically released from such an ensemble, making it disharmonious.

Pros and cons

Plastic panels are popular and demanded finishing materials. The relevance of such a cladding is explained by many advantages.

  • Plastic panels are wear-resistant materials. They are not terrible moisture and dampness. Thanks to this quality, the finish can be safely used when placing a bathroom or kitchen.
  • High-quality plastic panels for many years retain the original appearance.
  • This finish will not require complex and regular care. Plastic does not accumulate dust and dirt. If stains appeared on its surface, then for their removal it is not necessary to purchase special and expensive compositions - most of the pollution from plastic panels can be removed using a conventional wet cloth.
  • Plastic panels are inexpensive. That is why many consumers choose this finish option. It will cost several times cheaper than the design of the walls with tiles or wood.

  • Wall panels made of plastic boasts good noise insulation qualities.
  • The installation of such finishing materials is simple and fast. It can be made without the involvement of specialists, which allows you to significantly save money.
  • Using PVC panels, you can make zoning of the available space.
  • Such finishing materials have low weight, so working with them is easy and convenient.
  • Plastic is a material that is very easy to handle. Thanks to this quality, these coatings are represented by a rather rich assortment. For the design of the room you can choose a web with absolutely any images and colors.

  • Plastic is a safe material. Even in conditions of high temperatures, it does not highlight dangerous and harmful substances. However, when buying panels, it is worth requesting a quality certificate from the seller and make sure that there are no toxic compounds in plastic, since such components may still be contained in low-quality material.
  • Mounting finishing materials are not only in urban apartments, but also private houses. In addition, they are not bad for installation in cramped conditions.
  • With the help of such a material, you can hide many flora defects: cracks, drops, pothy, deepening and other flaws.
  • Over plastic panels, various communications can be hidden, such as electrical wiring.

Despite the large list of positive qualities, plastic wall panels have their weaknesses.

  • Material features high flammability. In case of fire, this product is burning very intensively and spreads indoors in indoor smoke.
  • In a room with plastic finish, a characteristic chemical smell can long hold. But it is worth noting that such a shortage did not notice many owners.
  • Plastic panels do not tolerate temperature differences. In such conditions, they may expose deformation.
  • Plastic itself is not the most reliable and durable material. Panels made of such raw materials can break from random strike or under the action of serious loads.

  • These products are not "breathable" finishing materials. They prevent the movement of air through the walls, and it is simply necessary for high-quality ventilation. For this reason, specialists are not recommended to maintain such coatings in children's rooms.
  • Voids that are present in plastic panels can become a house for insects. Such a problem is particularly relevant for the southern regions of the country.
  • Before installing facing material, it is necessary to carefully prepare overlaps. Many masters belong to this fact to the number of shortcomings, as it takes a lot of time.

Properties and characteristics

Plastic or PVC panels are products obtained from polyvinyl chloride - organic material, as part of which there are 3 main components.

  • chlorine (the percentage of its content is 75%);
  • carbon (42%);
  • hydrogen and various impurities (1%).

Previously, a small amount of lead was added to the initial raw material - he played the role of a material stabilizer. Currently, instead of lead, zinc and calcium is used in an equal ratio.

The service life of wall plastic panels in the conditions of our climate is about 10 years.

Modern manufacturers produce canvases with different temperature ranges of operation. For example, some types of panels can be used at temperatures from -30 to +80 degrees.

Different images and prints are applied to plastic panels using photo printing. As a rule, such additions are wear-resistant and durable. They fragilely withstand the hitting of aggressive sunlight and do not fade under their influence.

Often, in the production process, plastic panels are processed by a protective lacquered coating. It makes the material more wear-resistant and not susceptible to abrasion. In addition, the lacquered products are much harder to scratch. They are very easily cleaned of contamination.

Plastic wall panels can be used exclusively for interior decoration. They must be located in a room that is not subjected to a sharp temperature drops during the day.

Such materials can be separated by loggia or balcony, as such products are frost-resistant.

The strength of plastic panels directly depends on the percentage of polyvinyl chloride in them. Wall coatings are more durable than ceiling. As a rule, they have a thickness of about 8 mm. Such a material is not flexible - it is rather tough and is not designed for bending, but more resistant to mechanical stress.

Also on the strength properties of the panels affect the number of ribs.It should be borne in mind that these elements should not be noticeable through the front side.


In stores you can meet the wall PVC panels of different types.

  • Vinyl lining. Similar wall coverings are the most common and in demand. They are in great demand and occur in almost all stores that implement finishing materials.
  • PVC liningit is the sheets of rectangular shape. Their length is 3-12 cm, width - 0.1-0.5 m, thickness - 8-12 mm. Such wall coverings are permissible to apply almost for any work. In stores most often occurs white lining, other colors come across very rarely.

  • Sheets.The second most popular is plastic sheets. Such materials have more impressive sizes. Accurate lengths of length, widths and thicknesses depend on the manufacturer that has released this material. Plastic sheets are good in that they have no connecting seams. Installation of such coatings can be made directly to the surface of the overlap.

Some of the most common plastic sheets are the surface of which mimics the tiled masonry. Such coatings are often used in the decoration of walls in the bathroom or apron in the kitchen.

  • Sandwich panels.In enviable demand today, high-quality sandwich panels made from polyvinyl chloride can boast. Such materials have a beautiful appearance. With this finish, you can transform the room beyond recognition.

  • Thin. Most plastic panels consist of two layers interconnected by jumpers. Such materials have many advantages, but their main disadvantage is low strength: if they hit them or stronger to their surface, these products can get serious damage. Most often, precisely because of this consumers refuse to buy such coatings. Manufacturers decided to correct this situation by issuing thin plastic sheets to the market. They do not have cells, and their thickness can be only 3 mm. Such materials are a thin layer of plastic with drawing applied to it. Thin PVC panels and panels are easily fixed on the walls - they just need to be glued to the overlap.

It is possible to use similar materials even in small-sized premises, because they do not "eat" extra centimeters of free space.

  • Lacquered. At such varieties of PVC panels, drawings and ornaments are applied by thermal translation and offset printing. So that the images were more wear-resistant and durable, they are covered with an additional layer of varnish. It protects the drawings deposited on the panel from fading and cracking. After translating the image, the texture of such a plastic sheet may be matte, perfect smooth and silky or glossy.
  • Laminated. Such varieties of the product are the most common. A decorative film is applied, which effectively imitates various materials - stone, wood, granite, brick and other surfaces. In addition to imitation of a variety of materials, laminated panels can be decorated with beautiful drawings and prints. These products are distinguished by durability and abrasion resistance.

  • With 3D effect.If more original finishes are required, then it is necessary to look at the spectacular plastic panels with 3D photo printing. The surface of such materials may present imitation of gypsum stucco, tile, natural compositions and different ornaments. These products are more expensive, but they look interesting and fresh.

Dimensions, shape and decor

Wall plastic panels are produced with different lengths of length, widths and thickness.

  • vinyl lining has a rectangular form: a length - 3-12 m, width - 0.1-0.5 m and a thickness - 8-12 mm;
  • plastic sheets are larger and wide: the length is from 1.5 to 4 m, the width is up to 2 m, the thickness is up to 3 cm;
  • the length of the sandwich panels is most often 3 m, the width is from 0.9 to 1.5 m, the thickness is 10-30 cm.

As a rule, plastic panels have a square and rectangular shape, raised details are less likely. In stores you can also meet the web with embossed edges - most often the wall sheets, imitating stone or brickwork, in which individual elements are highlighted slightly more than others.

Plastic wall panels have a different design. For example, mirror PVC-tiles on a self-adhesive basis look beautiful and carefully. Such materials are a good alternative to glass tiles with a reflective surface - firstly, they cost much cheaper, and secondly, they are not so fragile.

Also today are very popular with embossed panels with a 3D effect.and beautiful openwork coatings. Such canvas look simply and cheaply, because with their help you can give the interior with a special charm and emphasize his style.

An attractive appearance has a canvas that decorate silk-screen printing. Such panels having calm and neutral color are perfectly suitable for decoring bedrooms and cozy living rooms.

In addition, plastic panels can be painted in a variety of colors.

To date, the most popular and relevant are:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • peach;
  • cream;
  • gently pink;
  • light chocolate;
  • caramel tone.

Such covers fit easily into most interiors, as they have neutral and classic coloring. Moreover, with the help of light panels, you can visually expand the space by making it air.

Of course, in stores you can meet more brighter, saturated PVC panels of juicy colors. In great demand today is unusual canvas with surfaces whose color mimics bronze, gold and silver. They have beautiful sparkles that are spectacular to sparkle in the sun's rays.

Often, one plastic panel combines several different colors and shades in itself.For example, it may be a simple white canvas, decorated with contrasting black patterns or a bright pink panel having more delicate peach ornaments.

In addition, wall PVC panels are available with different textures:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • smooth;
  • rough.

Criterias of choice

Today in the stores selling finishing materials you can find plastic wall panels of various modifications. It is quite difficult to choose ideal covers because of a rich assortment of such goods.

Below are the criteria for selecting plastic panels for walls.

  • Application area. All plastic panels are divided into ceiling and walls. Externally, such materials are equivalent, but the second options are considered more durable and reliable. Do not stand for finishing overlaps to buy ceiling canvases if they cost much cheaper.
  • Panel sizes.For large walls, the corresponding panels most often acquire, and for small - miniature, for example, vinyl lining. Before you go to the store, it is recommended to measure all the reasons you want to separate plastic.
  • Temperature stability.Specialists are recommended to acquire more wear-resistant PVC panels, resistant to temperature differences. This criterion is especially important if it is planned to be separated by such materials a balcony or loggia.

  • Design. Plastic panels must be perfectly fit into the situation for which they are purchased.
  • Environmental Safety.When buying plastic panels, it is necessary to request a quality certificate for the product. It should be carefully learned. As part of plastic, hazardous chemicals should not be present.
  • Product quality. Before purchase, be sure to make sure that the plastic panels are integer and unharmed. If there are damages, chips or scratches on the surface of the finish, then it is better to refuse such coatings.
  • Manufacturer. You should not seek too cheap PVC panels, because such finishing materials and so have a democratic value. It is necessary to acquire branded products - as it is characterized by excellent quality.

Features of finishing work

Plastic wall panels are a noncain material that it is quite possible to install with your own hands.

Below are some features relating to similar finishing works.

  • Before mounting plastic, it is necessary to prepare overlaps. They need to be released from old coatings, hide all the gaps, align the differences and losing the base with anti-grapple composition. If it is planned to install plastic panels on the frame, then this stage of work is not mandatory.
  • Then you need to mark the walls. You should install the crate using the level to prevent breakage. The lower series of the crates must be 1-2 cm above the floor. At this point you need to make a pencil mark, and then from it to carry out a horizontal line throughout the perimeter.
  • A similar line is drawn under the ceiling, if it is decided to sneak overlap for the entire height.
  • After that, from the bottom line, you need to measure 48-50 cm and put the beacon - you need to do so much.
  • The panels must be attached to the crate perpendicular, so horizontal structures are squeezed vertically, and vice versa.

  • After the markup performed, you can mount the crate. For this, wooden rails or metal guides are suitable.
  • For metal rails, it is necessary to additionally buy fasteners - such elements are attached to the base by self-draws on the dowels.
  • Wooden frames need to be treated with antiseptic compositions before laying plastic.
  • By installing the frame, you can go to the installation of the panels. The first part should be fixed in the far corner from the entrance. If necessary, the panel is cut with hacksaw - the outstanding spike is cut.
  • After that, it is necessary to insert it with a cut side in the angular profile, and then set to the upper and lower element. After that, the plastic panel must be driven into the groove until it stops. You can check the mechanism of installation using a level and then move to further actions.
  • After mounting the starting panel, you can install the second element. It is docked with the first and securely fix. Actions must be repeated until all panels fall on the frame.

Plastic sheet for wall decoration are used quite often. This is essentially universal material that is suitable for residential and for industrial premises. This product has several species, and they differ in their characteristics.

Today we will look at what plastic panels are leafy for walls, which is better to choose and their montage rules. Also on the video in this article and the photo you can watch various types of finishes by this material and choose the most suitable.


Plastic sheets for walls have a number of their advantages that allow them to apply for many rooms. But this does not mean at all that there are no shortcomings.

Therefore, before buying, it is necessary to learn everything and only then make a decision:

  • Worthy appearance;
  • Simple care. To remove the dirt from the veneered panel, you should use the usual detergent and water, but abrasive substances are strictly prohibited;
  • Resistance to moisture and preservation of color from sunlight;
  • Although the price of plastic is not big, but it still needs to be changed. This is done not difficult and quickly. After all, the panel is attached in profiles and you just need to cut the desired size and replace;
  • A huge palette of various colors and shades, with the help of which almost any project can be implemented, even the most unusual.
  • Long service life.
  • Resistance to abrasion, discoloration, mechanical effects.
  • A variety of textures, textures and colors of products.
  • Easy installation.
  • Ease of operation. Does not require special care, easily cleaned by contamination.
  • Installation is possible on any surface.
  • It is allowed to use in rooms with elevated or reduced temperatures (baths, balconies, loggias, warehouses).

Sheet panels for plastic walls have a number of their drawbacks with which it is worth to be considered:

  • Do not install them in places of direct sunlight, in this case they simply burn out;
  • They are not lit, but with the direct impact of fire they highlight harmful gases for human health.

ATTENTION: Never purchase plastic panels for walls of non-known manufacturers, prefer proven. After all, not high quality plastic can be quite harmful.

Varieties of plastic panels

Plastic panels are a relatively new material on the construction market.

It is used for both internal and for the external wall decoration:

PVC panels for internal works

Plastic sheets for the walls are internal have a thinner profile. They do not always tolerate temperature differences. Susceptible to mechanical effects.

Panels facade PVC

These are tougher elements that have a thick profile and perfectly carry the temperature drop and high humidity. When carrying out insulation, they are not issued by the insulation.

The finished product is made by heating polyvinyl chloride (PVC), molding with subsequent cutting it. Typically, the panels produce two groups.

Sectional panels PVC

With standard thicknesses: 5 mm, 8-10 mm. Consist of two sheets of plastic bonded through a certain step by longitudinal ribs.

PVC leafy panels

Product width from 20 to 37 cm, height - 260, 270 and 300 cm, thickness - 0.4 mm.

The main difference of the first group from the second is the molding method. For the sheet material, it consists in sticking to the pre-prepared surface of the sheets.

Residential Rooms (Living Room, Bedroom, Children)

One of the important qualities is aesthetic appearance. Although it is worth saying that this product is not used in the residential premises. But individual details of the interior are still performed.

With the help of competent installation of light and selection of invoices, you can choose amazing combinations. Smooth seamless, stone, wooden panels will help complement design.

Combining the original drawing and practical surface material becomes an alternative to the usual wallpaper. The panels are easy to clean, which is especially important in children's rooms (dust, stains, drawings).


Wearness, moisture resistance - the main characteristics to which the buyer should pay attention. For this zone, the highest quality material is needed, followed by just to care for.

For the design of the room it is best to select the panels of pastel colors (see the kitchen finish with plastic panels or a new boom). In this case, the trace of fatty spots will not be noticeable (if there is not high-quality material).


It is recommended to use moisture-resistant panels without decorative elements. It will provide easy care and ease of use. Often, two types of panels are used when cladding walls: dark and bright. This is done for practical considerations.


Huge variety, characteristics, practicality made material common to finishing office space. The main advantage is the available cost. A rich selection of products allows them to be used in the design of the premises of any type, betraying originality and sophistication.

Cellars and warehouses

Fireproof, low cost - characteristics, thanks to which the panels have become widely used in the interior of storage rooms. The material allows you to sow large surfaces and easy to operate. The possibility of working in conditions of high humidity and a sharp difference in temperature makes it one of the best.

Plastic panels are forbidden to use in places intended for the evacuation of people. With ignition, they distinguish toxic substances dangerous to people's health.

Sheet plastic for wall decoration offers a large selection of finishing options. These are various combinations with other materials and just interesting decisions. The gallery presents various finishing options to this material.

Possibly with the help of sheet panels and the desired drawing to highlight the areas in the room, even if it is not large

Siding is often used in facade cladding (see Facing the facade siding: the whole cycle of performance). It not only looks great, but also allows you to immediately make the insulation of the room.

The combination of different colors of the panels allows you to make original drawings and improve the interior of the room.

Having panels vertically, you can always visually lift the ceilings and increase the size of the room.

The use of various types of panels will allocate different planes indoors.

For large premises, contrasting colors often use and it can simply give the volume, but also be quite attractive.

Installing panels

Sheet plastic for walls repeat the contour of the base plane and therefore it must be perfect. After that, high-quality installation should be carried out, only then you will receive an attractive coating. Let's talk about the rules of installation now.


Plastic sheet for walls is attached to the crate. In rare cases, it can be simply glued onto the walls, but why they should be perfectly smooth. Therefore, most often it is done on the crate.

It can be made of metal and wood:

Metal obsechtka

The mounting structure can be made of S-shaped profiles. Depending on the material of the walls, the installation is carried out with the help of building screws and "superstars", dowel-nails.
  • Vertical and horizontal planes are installed with a plumbing and construction level. Elements are enshrined perpendicular to panels. Heat or sound insulation materials can be laid in the space between profiles (rails, bars).
  • The distance between the constructions of the crates is not more than 30 - 40 cm (for walls), 30 cm (for the ceiling). It should be not allowed editions of elements.

Wooden doom

This material is more convenient when working and everything can be done without any problems. Especially if it is hard to reach places. Pretty just processed

ATTENTION: Before installing the tree it is worth treating antiseptics, then it will serve much longer.

Installation of plastic

Installation instructions are not complicated. The installation of PVC panels is produced on a predetermined design of rails or bars - a crate or on the prepared surface of the walls.

The decoration of walls panels PVC is carried out in the following order:

  • On the prepared foundation establish a crate;

  • Mount the initial, finite and guide profiles;

  • The initial panel is installed by a narrow shelf towards the first profile;

  • The panel is fixed using a hardware device on the crate, after which the remaining products are installed in the row except for the latter;
  • The last element of the row is shortening from a wide shelf with a small gap, moving along the board;
  • With the effort insert the final element, gently flexing the shelf with the spatula and fasten it to the crate.

Arrange the modern interior with the help of plastic panels - painstaking work, requiring time and accurate compliance with technology to achieve a qualitative result. An option of applying such material is especially popular for finishing balconies and bathrooms.

A variety of color rows, prints, drawings and textures allows you to withstand, and the characteristics meet the most capricious operating conditions. Observing simple rules for installing panels, you can get the desired result.

  1. It is practical to install panels in rooms with a wet operating mode (bathroom), sharp drops of temperatures (balconies) exposed to pollution (hallway).
  2. When applied in residential rooms, it is necessary to take into account the need for normal air circulation. This is carried out by natural ventilation or with the installation of the air conditioner. Especially relevant when making facing seamless material.
  3. Do not install in the nursery, in the kitchen (especially in the cooking area), places of sports.
  4. When installing it is worth handling gently with a tool so as not to damage the material.
  5. Finish profile should always be used. It is an important element without which work will look rude and casually.
  6. Before choosing the panels and the profile, it is better to give preference to proven brands (not high-quality materials can crack, bend, flushing in joints).
  7. The crate is best to perform with maximum accuracy. The evenness and convenience of work directly depends on how you installed and secured the framework.

Leaf plastic panels for walls you can install completely independently. The most important thing is not to hurry and apply high-quality materials.