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Beautiful name for construction firm list. Names of firms LLC. Neutaming techniques that will help you come up with company name

Today, professional nemine - the development of a commercially effective name for the brand, businessmen are ready to more eager to pay good money. But before you pay money to neminent specialists, you can try to come up with a name on your own. Often, the result of such a amateur approach after an examination conducted by authoritative branding specialists is recognized as quite successful. On the 10 most simple methods of developing a name for a brand, which can be adopted by each businessman, tells Vadim Gorjankin, CEO of PR & Brand Agency "Red Word", an expert in marketing communications.

Method number 1 - toponym (geographical name)

Pay attention to where your business is or from where your product or its key ingredient originates. According to this principle, such brands are formed as a meat processing plant "Rublevsky", the mineral water "Essentuki", the beer "Klinskoye", the oil "Vologda", Vodka "Finlandia", Kvass "Ochakovsky", Furniture "Shatura", Cigarettes "Winston", Liqueur "Malibu", telecommunication company "Nokia".

Method number 2 - name

One of the easiest ways to name the company or product is the name of a person. According to this principle, such brands are formed as chocolate "Alenka", the beer "Athanasius", frozen semi-finished products "Daria", Maxim Magazine, Women's magazine "Lisa", Mersedes car, Diana's dry-cleaning network, fast products Preparations "Alexander and Sophia".

We initially planned that the trademark is the first price in its price segment. Hence the name was born that as it would say - "put me on the end." And our main task is to participate in the promotions, this is the feature of promotion.

Method number 3 - surname

Along with the name of the base of the brand may be a surname. As a rule, the name of the brand is not just a surname, but the name of the company's founder. For example, autoconecern "Ford", Chocolate products "Korkunov", Beer "Bochkarev", Vodka "Smirnoff", network of restaurants "McDonald" s ", Jeans" Levi "s", Brooke Bond tea, hydromassage equipment "jacuzzi "Martini vermouth, Boeing aircraft, Parker handles, Adidas sportswear manufacturer.

Method number 4 - Nature

Nature can be a source of inspiration not only for artists and musicians, but also for non-neign specialists. It is worth noting that the animal, plant or natural phenomenon is associated with the properties of the product: the rival system of the Grad Fire, high-speed train "Sapsan", the Internet hypermack "WKONOS", a network of salons for children and future mothers - "Kangaroo", cars Jaguar, sports clothing "Puma", car alarm "Alligator".

Method number 5 - History

Often the brand name becomes a significant historical event or character. It is worth noting that the exploitation of history is particularly often involved in the formation of restaurant names. As examples, Moscow Restaurants "Godunov", "Pushkin", "Graph Orlov" or "Petrov-Vodkin" can be given. A lot of examples of the "historical neminiga" occurs in other areas of business: Cognac "Napoleon", Beer "Stepan Razin", Papiros "Whiteorkanal", Cars "Lincoln", Borodino Trade and Production Group.

Method number 6 - mythology

Neumbent specialists left no attention and mythology, which has become one of the most productive sources for brands names. For example, the car name "Mazda" received its name in honor of the Zoroastrian god of life named Ahura Mazda, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe name of the drink "Sprite" was born in the 40th century. At that time, the toddler sprite was particularly popular in the advertising campaigns - an elf with silver hair and a wide smile, which wore a drink from a drink instead of a hats. A little later, his name became the name of a new carbonated drink - "Sprite".

Mikhail Goncharov,On the network development strategy in the new market

- What is the name of the network transferred?

- The name of the network itself was not translated, the writing will be in Latin transcription - Teremok. No one confuses that the phones are called an apple. In the US, there is a pharmacy network Duanereade, it is not even read. In America, the strange names do not confuse anyone. And we can tell that there is a fairy tale in Russia about teremok.

Method number 7 is a composite word

Quite often, the brand name becomes a composite word formed by the addition of two words. For example, the commercial bank "Alba Bank", Aeroflot's airline, Beeline mobile operator, Volkswagen autoconecern, Aquafresh toothpaste, Sunsilk hair care line, MasterCard's credit cards, TV channel "EURONEWS", weekly socio-political magazine "NewsWeek".

Method number 8 - acronym

Acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters, parts of words or phrases, which is uttered as a single word, and not by letters. Example: Abbreviation "GUM", formed from "Chief Universal Store" pronounced as a single word GUM, and not GE-U-EM. Those. not by letters. As well-known acronies, you can bring the name of the ABBA music group, formed from the first letters of the names of its participants: AgNetha, Björn, Benny, Anni-Frid or the name of the VAZ car brand (Volzhsky Automotive Plant).

Method number 9 - quote

Well-memorable name of the brand due to its fixedness in conscious consumers can be the name or expression from the product of mass artistic culture: cinema, animation, music, literature, etc. As examples, such brands like dairy products "Prostokvashino", restaurant "White Sun Deserts ", a chain of skin stores and furs" Snow Queen ", a chain of building materials stores" Old Man Hottabych ".

We spent the master class in the Hobby hypermarket "Leonardo", do you always need to create your brand?

For lovers, the trade brand does not matter much. They are often indifferent to them, which company produces cardboard blanks. The main thing is that the goods are high-quality and satisfy the need for creativity. It gives Leonardo's promotion to create their own trademarks, bypassing the complex path of the dealership of international brands.

neuming, which is part of branding and devoted to the development of commercially effective names for trademarks, has at least 30 basic methods. It is worth noting that the brand name should not just like its owner, but also to cause the association necessary for the positioning of the Association from the target audience and rely on the iconic characters and established concepts. All this is achieved by relevant research. In addition, the brand name must be guarded. Before investing in the promotion of brand, it is important to clearly understand that the latter has exceptional rights regarding the relevant goods and services. "

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  • What are the requirements for the title?
  • What will help make a choice?
  • Original examples

Before how to open a business from scratch, you need to think about the name of your company. You will be surprised, but the success of this constituent depends very much and, of course, the income began. Next, we will tell you how to name the company so that it is successful and has contradicted with regulatory acts. In addition, below our readers will be provided with a list of the best examples of LLC Ltd. and IP in Russia.

What are the requirements for the title?

Before you call your company, you must familiarize yourself with the following requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 14-FZ dated 08.02. 98 "On Limited Liability Societies":

  • The title must necessarily indicate the organizational and legal form of a new company.
  • Use such words as the "Russian Federation" and "Russia" can only be obtained after receiving a special permit.
  • It is forbidden to give the name of the firm if it will contradict the principles of humanity, morality and public interest.
  • If there is already such a name in another city and the trademark is registered, it is also prohibited to call the business.
  • It is unacceptable to use the name of the name of the power structures of the Russian Federation, their subjects, as well as the use of names of any states.

In principle, the requirements are quite adequate and even if you have not familiarized in advance with them, a very small chance that there will be problems due to the contradictions to one of the points. However, you still need to know about these rules, because Some names of the company can not be appropriated, no matter how you wanted!

What will help make a choice?

So, now we will talk about how it is better to call our company to get success and attract customers.

Take into account the following tips and then your business will only flourish:

  1. Add to the name of your company's activities. For example, if you want open photo studio, it will be good to sound a "photociety" (but such already is there, look for alternatives).
  2. Tie your name to the region in which the firm will be involved. For example, Kubanezhilstroy LLC.
  3. Bentally, but sometimes it works - to nicely call the company, use your name or name. Remember the same Ford company, the founder of Henry Ford or Mercedes.
  4. Include its main advantage over competitors in the name of the company. If you want to open the delivery of products, customers may like the name "Lunch MiG!".
  5. Use abbreviations, because They are easily remembered that not only logical, but also recommended to the ancient science of Feng Shui. The well-known construction company "Peak" will be one of the simplest examples.
  6. The introduction of foreign words, such as "Food", "Market", "Corproreishn". They give the firm an unusual and at the same time a sonorous name (remember "Mamamarket", one of best franchises for women's business).
  7. Be sure to be named after your company, write it in the search engine and see what falls on the first search page. In this regard, it is necessary to originally call the organization to, when the client wanted to find you, it was exactly you. No need to call the coffee shop "Aromatic Coffee", because There will be clearly several of these items in Moscow or another large city, and the client can not go to you, although it was originally interested.
  8. Include fantasy and rely on the interests of your target buyers. It is their opinion that should be taken into account when choosing a company name. If it is a youth cafe, analyze which words are now in fashion and how goodly it will use them.
  9. Please note that when opening an IP business will be registered for your name. The company name can be assigned only when registering LLC. However, it is not worth upset, because You can call an open store in my own way, no one forbids making signs, IP IP I. Ivanov will be spelled out in checks and documents.
  10. If your company has a fairly large turnover of goods, add such consoles like mega, a giant, super or even an island. As practice shows, such consoles for the Word are interested in customers.

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So we provided a few tips on how to correct our company to flourish, attracted wealth and good luck. Next, we will provide a few best examples of names for each of the areas of activity, which will help you come up with a name for your business.

Of great importance is advertising on social networks, on the Internet. If you havenot time on the promotion of your site or group in social networks, you can use the helpkWORK Freelance Services Store, in which you can order a variety of services at affordable prices.

Original examples

So, so as not to load you with information, for each business option we will provide three best names that already exist and are popular with people.

Take a note on these ideas to name your own company beautifully and unique:

  • Building stores: "partner", "Stretch", "Builder";
  • Legal office: "Decision", "Robin Hood", "Shah and Mat";
  • Medical Center: "Line Life", "World Health", "36.6";
  • Accounting services: "Profbukhgalter", "Finnish", "Consult";
  • Electrical work and plumbing: "Energy", "Mastery", "Master House";
  • Clothing store or shoes: "U-Style", "Bolshevik", "Fashionista";
  • Wedding Salon: "Union of two hearts", "Dream", "Cupid";
  • Repair and decoration of apartments: "Spets", "Smart Repair", "Top-Builder";
  • Travel company: "Around the world", "In the summer!", "World of Travel";
  • Transport company: "Business lines", "KIT", "Transline";
  • Meat and grocery stores: "Myasouedov", "Appetite", "Dairy Dvor";
  • Ritual services: "On the last way", "Memory", "Necropolis".

Focusing on these examples of the names of LLC and IP, you can come up with your company name. The main thing is to fantasize and if possible, out of 10 invented examples, make an Internet survey to understand which option will like an independent jury. So you can call your company so that it is successful and brought profits!

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"As you can call a boat, so she sails." This is a simple rule applies to business laws. By organizing your own business, it is worth remembering that the choice of the correct name of the enterprise is the first step towards success.

The importance of choosing the right name for the company

There are different approaches to the selection of the company's name. This is the brand spinning, which consists of the derivatives of their surname and name. Some argue that the secret of success in the use of the specifics of the industry and the abstractness of the names. Someone at all argues that the name may not have a semantic load.
After all, there are examples of companies that approached the choice of their name precisely by this way, but still managed to conquer the love and dedication of consumers, as well as a stable position in the market. But even taking into account such contradictions there are uniform rules and recommendations when choosing a name that will turn it into a brand and ensure the competitiveness of the company in the market for the provision of goods and services.

1. Carrying out marketing research. This is required in order to determine the target audience for which the firm will continue to act. Orienting the name is necessary on that group of consumers, which will be interested in the activities of the future company. But if the external marketing research involves finding out the preferences and needs of consumers, the internal marketing study involves the study of pricing policies, an assortment and niche in the market, which the company plans to occupy. For example, you should not use the words "economy" and "low prices" if it is planned to open a boutique or store for highly secured customers who are important than the prestige of things and their quality. And it will not quite rightly make a sign on the presence of things for every taste, if only women's or male things in the store or only a certain item of the wardrobe (only dresses, for example).

2. Do not use names. Call the company with your name, named the beloved woman, daughters, etc. - It is inappropriate. Rather, this option will be perceived as the authority of the director or the banal lack of imagination. Consumers want them to communicate in their tongue. Moreover, the firms with such registered names are much more difficult to sell. And do not forget about the psychological component. For some people, names can be associated with any unpleasant or bad events in their lives, which means it can push them away from visiting your company.

3. The name should be remembered. It is necessary as a name to pick up such a phrase or a word that will be just perceived by a person and easy to remember. This name will create a reputation of the enterprise. If you choose the name of the name unsuccessfully, then the consumers themselves will call your company more convenient option, and this is the risk.

4. Comfort. The name of your company should awaken positive associations from the consumer. The potential buyer should want to go to you at a subconscious level at least of interest. And in this case, the rule is triggered: a random visit becomes constant.

5. Occupation. Do not forget what your company is going to do. The market is very ruthless to the enterprise, whose name does not correspond to classes. The title should not be unnecessary descriptions. A person can be lost in descriptions and go to competitors with a simpler and understandable name.

: Newans and examples.

Business without leaving home: Native walls?

Names of firms LLC.

In accordance with the law, at registration, both the full name of the LLC and its reduced option is indicated. Complete name is used for official documentation, and abbreviated - for business correspondence and internal documents. An example of a full name: society limited liability "Magic Lamp", abbreviated - LLC "Magic lamp".

Mandatory law requirement: the full name must be in Russian. But the additional abbreviated can be on a foreign one. This method is most often used by those firms that operate in the international market. All items should be indicated in official documents, otherwise they lose force.

What can not be used in the name of LLC?

  • The word "Russia" is under the ban, including derivatives from him (for example, the word "grew"). To use them will require the permission of the Government of the Russian Federation, obtained in the prescribed manner and pay the state fee.
  • The prohibition also acts in relation to the word "Moscow" (and derivatives), "Federal (AA)", "Russian Federation".
  • You can not use the names of cities, subjects, regions of the Russian Federation.

When choosing a name for LLC, it should be started with the kind of activity. If we are talking about a hairdresser or beauty salon, you can choose the name of the famous beautiful woman or a wonderful goddess: Venus, Aphrodite, Marilyn. A good option will be the use of the word "beauty". For example, "beauty secrets".

If the spectrum has not yet decided yet, it is better to choose something neutral: triumph, prime minister, etc.

Title for the construction company

One way to quickly come up with the name of the company is a survey of future employees. It is possible that one of them will be able to offer quite a suitable option. Such a survey will allow you to collect a decent basis of options with which you can work. With this method of "brain attack", you can make a list of the most preferred options, among which and choose the best. The name for the construction company must contain sufficient semantic load. For example, the name "Dubovik" does not meet the specified requirement.

But the name "Stroynadejservis" is quite suitable. It emphasizes the reliable service and competitiveness of the enterprise to the accurate execution of this task.

Such examples will be quite successful:

  • "Slate" - building materials;
  • "RIMEYK" - reconstruction services;
  • "Stretch" - tools;
  • "Zhilstroy" - construction of houses.

Name for law firm

To choose the name, it should be remembered that the law firm should be associated with customers with reliability and professionalism. Therefore, in the title, you should use such words that will indicate such qualities. The name must bear the promise that the company employs real professionals in which you can rely. You should use simple words that would be hearing. You can use legal terms for focusing on the kind of activity, but only increasing names are suitable. It will be successful to the name "Legal Standard", but the failed "verdict" and "veto" is due to its banality and beating.

As a name will be suitable:

  • "Justina";
  • "Consult";
  • "PRAVOD";
  • "Juvesta".

Name for furniture firms

It is worth starting with the definition of future consumers. You need to accurately present the needs of your target audience. It is important to understand who, for what price and what will buy in your company. It is possible that the media consumers will pump you on the name of the company. The furniture market is in constant development. Therefore, in order to successfully call the firm, you need to prevent repetitions. This will help a thorough study of competitors. It is worth making a list of already busy names and you like to try to beat.

To select the name, you can use furniture topics (words and phrases related to furniture). It will be successful and focusing on the scope of applying furniture (for which it is purchased and where it will be used). In the second case, the use of verbs is allowed.

It should be checked the sound of the selected name and how it will be pronounced while leasing. This is important both for sellers and managers who will repeatedly utter him for a working day and for buyers. The name must be clear and clear, easily perceived.


  • "Residence" - a large furniture center;
  • "Verona" - the store of Italian furniture (the name is based on the place of production);
  • "Count Kitchen" - shop kitchens to order;
  • "Comfort" - home furniture.

Title for travel company

It should approach the activities (rest, tourism, travel). The name should be associated with this sphere, but not to be template (the name "Tourism", "Travel", "Equator") will be template. Banal names are not only uninteresting, but also have long been busy. The name must say that the company is competent and is ready to work with each client.


  • "MONBLAN";
  • "Oasis";
  • "Rose of Wind";
  • "Lagoon".

Taking advantage of these non-hard rules, showing a little smelting, you can find a very original name for your future firm. What it will be brighter and fresh, the stronger the position of your company on the market, and the faster the consumers will be able to remember you.

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The name of the organization is indicated in the constituent documents. The Civil Code does not contain any instructions on how the firm should be called, except for some restrictions that we will tell below. The main thing is to indicate the organizational and legal form. Also in constituent documents should contain the full name of the organization and the abbreviated (if available).

The latter is not at all a prerequisite at registration. You can do one, however, it often makes it difficult to bureaucratic work. In addition, the abbreviated name of the organization can save a budget significantly. You will analyze these questions in more detail in this article.


The name of the organization is the name, the name of the company, which is submitted to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRUL). "How do you call the ship - so he sails" - wisdom, tested by time. To date, there are narrow-controlled specialists in the field of nemining (help in search of the optimal name) and branding (creating a recognizable image). We will touch on the legal aspect of this concept, we will analyze how the change in the name of the organization for further activities is influenced.

Mandatory use of words in the name

Above, we have already noted that the Civil Code does not contain any regulations, the requirements imposed in the establishment of a member name of the enterprise. However, there are certain areas of activity in which some words are required:

  1. The word "bank" or "non-bank credit institution" is mandatory for credit and financial institutions.
  2. Insurance organizations are obliged to use terms that are associated with their activities, for example, "mutual insurance", "Insurance broker".
  3. Non-commercial organizations are obliged to indicate the legal status and nature of their activities, such as the "Charitable Fund", "Public Religious Organization", etc.

According to the same logic, the name of the organization is prohibited, which will be misleading consumers. Such examples include the words "Microfinance Organization", "Lombard", "Exchange" for companies that are not related to that activity.

Abbreviated names

Abbreviated names are usually applied in those organizations that are required to include certain words. This greatly increases the full name. There are difficulties associated with the manufacture of signs, blanks, seals, etc. Also, long names are difficult to be perceived by consumers, it is difficult to create a recognizable brand. The Civil Code does not prohibit the parallel use of the abbreviated name in everyday activity.

Organization Name: Sample

So, in the law you can use two names. The first must fully comply with all paragraphs of the Civil Code, for example, a limited liability company "Primorsky Forest", a non-profit organization "Decent Future". Agradi, such long names will create difficulties in widespread work. Abbreviated names may look like this: LLC "Primorsky forest", NPO "worthy future". It is also allowed to have additional name in English, in the language of the indigenous and small peoples of Russia.

What can not be used in official names

In the corporate name of the organization, it is prohibited to include:

  • Full or shortened name of the authorities, controlling organizations, law enforcement agencies.
  • Official names of states, international, interstate and intergovernmental organizations.
  • Names that contradict the norms of morality, generally accepted standards, public interest, the principles of rationality.

The last item is subjective. There are many different disputes and opinions on this. However, common sense wins them in them, and we do not see on the shopping stages of the inscriptions that cause our negative associations. Of course, there are always dissatisfied, but these are purely individual cases, they are not expressed massively.

As for the official names of the states, there are some misunderstanding here: is it possible to use the name "Russia" or "Russian Federation"?

The name of our country is allowed only by permission. His order establishes the government.

Right to exclusive use

The state at the legislative level is struggling with dishonest competition. Sometimes dishonest entrepreneurs use a familiar brand for their own purposes: they call similarly their companies. Legically, this is prohibited. The identical or similar name is not allowed. An exception is different areas of activity: for example, two companies with the same name "Peresvet". The first sells electronics, the second is food. Such a case will not contradict the legislation, since the competition between firms does not exist.

If the two companies have the same name, sell similar goods or services, then the right of exceptional use has the right to account in the invoices first. For the second, negative consequences may occur: compensation for losses associated with unlawful use. In addition, she is obliged to rename its enterprise. Next, let's tell about it more.

Who decides to rename

The change in the name of the organization is obligatory occurred by the decision of the competent governing body. The procedure does not depend on what reason it happens. The court is not entitled to rename the enterprise itself. He can only oblige the competent governing bodies to change the sign. The procedure is defined by the relevant federal law, depending on the organizational and legal nature. For example, the functioning of the joint-stock company is governed by Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ "On Joint-Stock Companies". A meeting of shareholders is held. On it and the decision is made.

Change of organization name: sample order

Suppose some firm filed to the court to its competitor with a similar name. The local arbitration court satisfied the filed claim. Now a competitor who also has a similar name is obliged to change it in the near future. The legal procedure of such actions is governed by Federal Law of 08.02.1998 No. 14 - FZ "On Limited Liability Societies". The Constituent Assembly is convened, on which the decision to renaming is made. After that, the head publishes an order that contains approximately the following:

"Based on the recording made to the EGRUL on renaming a limited liability company ... (name) in a limited liability company ... (name, number of evidence of writing to the register of the Series ..., issued by the Interdistrict Inspectorate FNS of Russia number ... by ... Areas ... Date) Order:

  1. Use a new name.
  2. Head of the personnel department (Full name) make changes to employment contracts, books, personnel accounting documents.
  3. Deputy Director (Fm.O.) to make new branded forms, seals, stamps provided for by the current instruction on office work; Notify all existing counterparties about the change of society in accordance with the current legislation.
  4. Deputy Director for Economic Parts (FF) Order a new sign of society and make it installing to ... (date).
  5. Control over the execution of the Order Leaves.

Order of rename

Changing the name of the enterprise is a difficult process. In practice, large companies resort to it extremely rarely, by virtue of serious circumstances. To rename it is necessary to make the following actions:

  • change constituent documents;
  • re-register with new documents to the EGRUL;
  • change all prints, blanks, contracts, including labor contracts;
  • press the necessary local documents, etc.

After renaming, it is necessary to notify all partners and counterparties by official letters. If there are vehicles, real estate, trademarks, patented inventions, etc. on the balance sheet of enterprises, and others - it will also have to re-register. Those who came across this, know how difficult, for example, to get a patent for a brand in Roserestre.

The most important thing when creating a company is her name. The company name is the main business card for the client. The name must be consonant and the appropriate activity of the company. The correctly selected name is the main step towards prosperity.

The importance of choosing the right name for the company

Properly selected name, helps the company earn an additional income with the help of attracted customers. Selecting the name for the company, first of all, think about clients and target audience, in general.

  • With target audienceconsisting of the elderly, the company's name should consist of one capacious and short words, a maximum of two, but short and quickly memorable and rhymes.
  • The name must be created With the calculation of an increase in the company in the future. It should competently think about how you would like the company to sound for the whole world.
  • Good name choice - This is a combination of the name with the active activity of the company, this will attract customers already at the very beginning of the career of the company.

Properly chosen name for the company, turns her goods to a well-known brand, increases at times competitiveness among other companies, and conquers new devotee, which will lead their friends and relatives.

Regulatory acts (FZ №14, GK)

When creating a company, the rules on the protection of branded symbols and all legal obligations should also be taken into account.

The following must be taken into account:

  • Compliance with GK, RF, 1 and 4 parts.
  • Compliance with the federal laws of organizational form.
  • Regional and local documentation.
  • Compliance with the standard of other executive authorities, for example, the FAS RF.

The company must issue the following documentation:

  • Compliance with the norms of name Enterprises, indication of the organizational form, for example: "OJSC or LLC", non-compliance, will refuse registration.
  • Indication of the kind of activity and sectoral specifics.
  • Regulation documentationprohibiting use in the title of the city of the Russian Federation and other foreign countries. Also, names should not be used that contribute to the incitement of the national retail.

Basic rules for determining the name

Before defining the name for the company, the following steps should be performed:

  • Conduct marketing research. This will help to identify the main target audience for which the focus of the seller will be directed. If the company name is aimed at consumers who are interested in the goods, the speedy growth of the company is guaranteed. For example: "Large sizes", only complete people will go to this store, knowing that it is here that you can choose our clothes. Slept people, it will not be here not to drive into a complex, full of people and in this store they will feel comfortable.
  • The use of names is prohibited. This technique has long gone to the past and is completely incomprehensible to people when the name consists of two names, her husband and wife. The main goal of attracting customers is to communicate with them, that is, the name must be created for the target audience.
  • Short name that is easy to remember. Light names, for example, from 4 letters, always on a hearing, if the site or blog is additionally created, then in this case, a person is easy to find your company and contact the services. Light names quickly bring new customers and become a brand.
  • The name must be interesting and encouraging. If the client came out once, the corresponding service will cause positive emotions, and it will come again and will lead a new client. The company should work in the name and earn positive assessments, respectively, the service provided, and must also be taken into account.
  • The name must match kind of activity.

The "neyming" of the company, first of all, should cause a positive attitude from the consumer. For example, the "house in the village", such a name of milk, immediately causes the Association of warm, pair milk in a bucket that brought grandmother from pasture.

This name, causes the confidence and the hand of the buyer, immediately stretches for the product. Milk seller, earned significant glasses, only for the name, if the taste of milk, corresponds to the approximate expectations of the buyer, the milk will become a brand, with appropriate advertising.

Tips for Namiming:

  • Light pronunciation and memorization A name that will not entail distortion or rephrase.
  • Interpretation of the name must be oneIf there are several of them, then it entails the wrong perception of the product.
  • Uniqueness.
  • Namewhich can cause emotions.
  • Name Must carry strong and favorable sides to the client.
  • Conformity The company's image in the title.
  • Appearance Associations when pronunciation of name.
  • Must be trustworthy.
  • Simplicity Pronunciations.

What can not be used in the title.

In the title should not be used by Russia, as well as the prepositions of "Ros", "RF". Prohibiting word in the company name is "Moscow". Under the ban, there are also any cities of Russia.

In the item should not be used by obscene and immoral words or words hinting for it.

Examples of company names

The main styles of company names are divided into 4 forms:

  • Standard style - Use of simple and everyday wordforms.
  • Difficult - Application of rare. Word words or using foreign letters.
  • Evident - Names that easily allow you to determine the company's activity.
  • Fashionable style - Apply in companies using new or promoted technologies.

The name for the company is chosen on the basis of its specification, examples of a construction, legal and travel company will be presented below:
Title for the construction company.

The best option when choosing a name for a construction company is to poll future employees. This method will create an impressive base that will allow you to select the best names. The name of the construction company should display the activity of the activity.

It is possible to arrange a contest on "Copywriting" by choosing the name - this method will be released inexpensively, but the company will receive a number of proposals.

Examples of construction companies:

  • « Krasko - A company providing different types of paints and varnishes.
  • "Slate" - provision of slate coating.
  • "Breed houses" - The name, speaks for itself, the provision of services for the assembly of log houses.
  • "Ladle" - Provision Stroy - Technology.

Name for law firm

The name must carry reliability and protection for the client. Addressing this company, the client must understand that professionals who can solve any problem work here. In a law firm, as in any other, the name should not be a "cheap twin". This Association is disgusting from customers and they feel deceived. For example: "Nike" and "Nike".

For the name of JUR. Firm, conduct research so that the name does not coincide with other legal consulting firms.

Examples of titles:

  • "Consul" - Conduct legal advice.
  • ""
  • "Consual".

Title for travel company

The name must comply with the nature of the activity. When choosing a name, the target audience should be calculated and the price of the tour is determined to this target audience from outgoing data, the corresponding name must be selected.

Examples of titles:

  • "TEZTOUR" - Advanced recilations of the tour from different countries.
  • "Novatour" - Any types of rest with the inclusion of excursions and guides.
  • "RUSSO TURISTO" - The name, speaks for itself, rest, intended for Russian tourists with their preferences and customs.
  • "ALEXTOUR" - Using a name in the title, this type of title you can offer to customers, if exactly sure about the services provided, you already have positive feedback that will lead new customers to your name.
  • "Coconut" - Types of summer holidays.

It is important to remember that the most important thing in the travel company - it is her .

After all, it is the name that is a business card that will lead to customers!

Stanislav Matveyev

The author of bestseller "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the book of records of Russia. Creator of the "Remember" Training Center. The owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing subjects. In the past, the owner of the franchise and the online store.