Repairs Design Furniture

How to glue paper wallpaper on the ceiling. How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling: step-by-step instructions. Preparation of the surface and adhesive solution

Among the many ways to finish the premises there are also wallpaper of various structures, such as colors. But one thing to stick the stripes on the vertical surface and completely different - horizontal. In this article we will try to figure out how to get a ceiling with wallpaper, that is, we will master the installation technique.

Process of pasting wallpaper

In order to shove wallpaper on any surface, it is primarily necessary to prepare for work. Sometimes the preparation takes more strength and time than the wallpaper themselves, but otherwise there is no point in pasting, because without a good reason it will not be high-quality facing (see).

Preparation for ceiling wallpaper

  • In order to glue the wallpaper to the surface of the ceiling - it must be aligned. This can be done in several ways: with the help of various plastering and sweep mixtures and with the help of drywall. The second option is faster and does not imply a lot of garbage, because all work is carried out "dry".
  • If the surface of the ceiling is quite smooth or, in any case, it suits you, then you need to make sure the strength of plaster, otherwise it's like a ceiling to go with wallpaper, if it falls around?! Perhaps the plaster itself will not fall, but there is such a concept like a cohesion. This is when, with an intermolecular adhesion of foreign bodies, one structure takes off the other. So wallpaper glue can tear the layer of paint, lime or plaster from the ceiling and, naturally, the wallpaper will not be kept.
  • In order not to have a cohesion from the ceiling, you need to remove the old painting or whitewash, and in other cases and the top layer of plaster. The resulting irregularities are sealed with a solution of startpatchee to create a single flat plane.

  • Whether your ceiling is smooth initially or you align it yourself - in any case, before pasting wallpaper, it needs to be rebounded. This contributes to adhesion (weak intermolecular clutch) and wallpapers will not fall off from the ceiling.
  • As a rule, the ceiling is stuffed with a painting roller in several directions so that the layer is dense. You can apply a primer and Maclavice, but in this case the liquid will be flipped on the brush, so that such work is still better to perform rolling com. Before gluing on the ceiling, the primer must dry.

Glue wallpaper

  • So, your ceiling is smooth and the primer is applied to it, which dried, it means that you can start closing the wallpaper. First of all, you need to cut them on the bands of the desired length in sufficient quantity, then not to take the floor.

  • If there are a drawing on the wallpaper to be customized when docking, the bands need to be cut into several centimeters (depending on the pattern) longer than the required value so that after fitting these excess remove.

  • Note that you need to cut wallpapers for the whole ceiling, because you can only do on the floor, which should be clean. In the process of pasting, you must install the floor and to roll the roll on it, you need to wash it, and give it to dry. You understand that this is an irrational waste of our own work and time.

  • To get the ceiling with wallpaper with wallpaper, it is necessary for the first sheet to conduct an indicative line. For this, labels are put on both sides, and the larger cord (chokline) is tensioned between them, which the control line is fought off. This mark is needed only for the first strip - the following will be oriented along the edge of the previous one.
  • It is especially important to make a control line if you are going to glue the wallpaper diagonally or if the uneven wall is nearby. Focusing on the line, you put the first sheet exactly, in spite of any visual interference.

  • Now you need to make glue in the bucket. The proportions of water and powder are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, but if you doubt the reliability of the glue, you can add a regular PVA from the calculation of 0.5 liters of PVA to 10 l diluted melting (see).
  • If you stick to the ceiling vinyl or acrylic wallpaper, then the material itself is not necessary to smear the glue - the solution is applied only on the ceiling. The diluted glue is gaining in a painting bath and with rollers are applied to the ceiling, separately, for each strip, standing in the edge of 5-10 cm for insurance. Be careful that the applied layer is uniform, and without galls.

  • The cut-off strip of the wallpaper is applied to the ceiling along the lines beaten on it and smoothes the wallpaper spatula. Also for smoothing the wallpaper is used woolen or foam painting roller. When sticking the next sheet on the site of the docking, the bands can get out glue - it is cleaned with a clean cloth, rushing the surface.
  • In general, the place of docking, a very important item in the installation of wallpaper, because it is quite often the edges of the bands are often dug. In order for this not happening - the edge of the wallpaper sheet is removed from the surface and the ceiling is additionally flashed with glue using a brush, and then canvas immediately applied and pressed.
  • But the ceiling with wallpaper does not mean that the process is finished - it is necessary that everything dried up and at the same time. In the room where the repair is not made should be hung on drafts, so you need to close all windows and doors until the ceiling is completely drying. Of course, it will be needed for two to three days, but as a result you will get high-quality work, and if the wallpaper was pasted under painting - an excellent surface for the embodiment of fantasies.

Useful tips. In order to love the ceiling on the edge of the wallpaper, it is necessary to make this brush in the glue, which is located on the floor and go down from the stepladder each time. You can do without it, if you cut off half a plastic bottle, gain glue into it and hang onto a wire hook to the step.

When the surface irregularities, the docking does not work, therefore, in such places, stick the bands of the brass. After that, along the double scar, swipe a sharp construction knife and remove the cut strips. The joke will be impeccable (see).


On the ceiling glued wallpaper and for painting, and with a pattern, but the first option is much more profitable in economically. After all, you understand how to salary the ceiling with wallpaper and how to paint it. Make the second not only easier, but much cheaper, to the same, the process of changing or updating color can be made five to six times along the same wallpaper.

How to stick

Cut ceilings with wallpaper began a long time ago. However, this idea remains popular so far, as it allows not only to decorate its room and make it original, but also solve some problems associated with the surface itself.

Since glued wallpaper on the ceiling is not always on the perfectly level base, often use dense and embossed species, with which many irregularities are smoothed: roughness, pits, cracks.

The choice of material depends on your taste and capabilities. Wallpaper on vinyl-based or phlizelinovye use in great demand. Some like liquid wallpaper. In general, the choice is not easy enough, while the way of sticking is different, which we will talk about in today's article.


To date, there is a very large selection of such a material that is used not only as a ceiling coating, but also for walls, but it uses different types. Before you get a ceiling with wallpaper, you need to make their choice.

Ceiling offerings:

  • On a tissue basis.
  • On synthetic.
  • On a paper basis.

For sticking ceilings there are certain rules, but initially it is necessary to deal with the properties of each species.


  • Everything on any basis is impregnated with moisture-resistant means, which makes the material more durable. There are different sizes. Their width can be 60 cm or reach 100-120 cm.

Council. To make much less joints of the joints on the ceiling, it is best to use wide wallpapers.

But it is worth paying attention to but that those that have a smaller width are much easier to glue.

On paper based

Wallpaper on a paper basis for the ceiling can be vinyl and painted.

They consist of a layer of thick paper, on top of which there is a layer of foamed vinyl. They are found both in white color and multicolored. This type is considered the most durable, since in the process of pasting it is not rhat and not deformed.

Vinyl divide on:

  • The surface of the foamed vinyl.
  • Dense vinyl.
  • Silkography.

Consider more:

  • The best view is at the moment the wallpaper is considered using a coverage of dense vinyl. They are very resistant to cleansing. Their surface can be washed using a soap solution. It is also very easy to paint.
  • With the use of foamed vinyl, too good and according to its technical characteristics are similar to the previous one. But, they have one drawback - they are not able to pass the air.

Council. This type of vinyl wallpaper is best to apply in the kitchen area, bathroom and so on. It is not recommended to use them in children's rooms or in bedrooms.

  • Another species is silk-screen printing. They consist of two layers. The upper layer is simulated by the surface of silk, which can be smooth or embossed.

Several advantages:

  • Durable.
  • Durable.
  • Wear-resistant.
  • Have a presentable appearance.
  • Do not fade under the influence of direct sunlight.

Made such wallpapers on the specialty of dense paper, which, after impregnating it, does not change its adhesive solution.

Council. When choosing an option with a silk screen, applied glue is not on the wallpaper, but to the surface of the ceiling.

On a tissue basis

It cannot be said that this type of wallpaper consists of a tissue basis and only.

Textiles in the process of producing such a finishing material is applied to the phliselin base, and the facial side is the fabric:

  • Linen.
  • Viscose.
  • Silk and other materials.

Distinctive characteristics:

  • Mojogut give a noble and exquisite appearance to the room.
  • But they require quite careful and careful care.
  • They should not be subjected to wet cleaning.
  • These have a special instruction, according to which their cleansing is carried out.
  • It is also worth noting that the price of such a finishing material is high.

Council. Clean such wallpaper is best in a conventional vacuum cleaner.

On synthetic basis

The basis of this type is a layer of foam tissue. A layer of fabric is already glued to it.

This type of cover on the ceiling helps maintain permanent temperature regime for the reason that it can hold heat in the room very well. That is, in addition to the ceiling finishes, its insulation is also carried out.

How to glue material on a synthetic basis:

  • Very gently, since they are soft and one incorrect movement can lead to their deformation.
  • Have a large width and glue, they are quite difficult independently.

Council. In order for this type of wallpaper not absorbed dust and a variety of contaminants, their surface should be processed by special means. It is also worth noting that the wallpaper can be absorbed very well to absorb smells and best do not use them in the kitchen area.

They are also cleaned easily, as well as the previous ones - with the help of an ordinary vacuum cleaner.


The instruction proposed by us will tell how to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling correctly. All work can be done with your own hands, but the presence of an assistant will only be welcomed.

To do this, you should prepare such tools:

  • Acute knife - Take the stationery and pack of replaceable blades, as it will have to cut a lot, and the steel is fascinated about paper very effectively;

  • Roulette for marking - the long ruler does not hurt for accurate cutting off of the canvase;

  • Roller with tray or brush for applying primer and glue;

  • Scissors;
  • Cotton rags and a large sponge;

  • Narrow spatula - to remove old paint, and wide - for trimming, cloths around the edges;

  • Primer, better acrylic - need to reduce surface absorption;

  • Wallpaper glue - option for your type of wallpaper;

  • Plastic spatula or rubber roller - to smooth the cloth on the surface;

  • Stepladder or table;
  • Missing cord.

Before the start of work, if possible, remove all the furniture from the room. Close all windows and windows, turn off the air conditioner and the fan so that there are no drafts. If the air is too dry, put in the corners of the shoulder with water. Also required to de-energize and remove the chandelier.

Preparation of the ceiling

At the first stage will prepare the surface. Align the surface at the moment does not represent a special complexity.

For this there are two options for work:

  • Apply plaster.
  • Use of drywall.


This material was used for many years to align surfaces. The use of plaster is characterized by some knowledge in this area.

There are two types of such a fund:

  • Starting plaster.
  • Finish plaster.

To shock the surface, you will need:

  • Starting plaster.
  • Finish.
  • Two spatulas (big and small).
  • Level.
  • Construction grid (if necessary).
  • Sandpaper.

Stages of work:

  • Initially, the surface removes the extra layers of the old plaster or paint is removed. After that, a layer of starting plaster is applied to it.
  • As soon as he snapped it to handle sandpaper and then apply the second, then the third and so on. The number of layers will depend on the surface irregularity.
  • As soon as the layers of starting plaster are applied to the finish layers. The whole process is carried out similarly. Video shows all actions that are carried out using plaster.
  • The work process is pretty dusty and before the ceiling of the ceiling with wallpaper should be pre-cleaned the room with a vacuum cleaner and wet cleaning.


Plasterboard is currently a versatile material, without any repair work. With it, the ceiling surfaces are very quickly and efficiently aligned (see) and they are built on the most unusual designs (multi-level ceilings).

To install, you will need:

  • Metal profiles.
  • Saws.
  • Dowel.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Perforator.
  • Sheets of plasterboard (it is better to take a ceiling moisture resistant).
  • Level.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Putty.
  • Sandpaper.


  • Mounted plasterboard is quite simple. Pre-on the surface is manufactured by a special metal profile frame.
  • Lists of material will be mounted on it. After that, the joints of the sheets should be placed with a special tape and covert and treated with sandpaper.
  • In some cases, the surface is placed, but before sticking such actions can not be carried out.
  • Problems should not be arising - as such material is capable of perceiving all the actions that are carried out on its surface.

Council. Before you bleach the ceiling of drywall, the surface of the material is necessary to be treated with ground solid.


How to glue the ceiling wallpaper - the principle of the operation of the folding cord

At the next stage, we make marking on which wallpapers will be glued:

  • we carefully place and apply the boundaries of the bands - you can only make the first, and subsequent glued, focusing on it;
  • marking makes along the comfortable wall - it is better that the joke be parallel to the light falling out of the window;
  • we apply glue and immediately put the band, strictly adhering to the lines of markup.

This must be done without delay, as the glue dries quickly. If you have chosen, the glue should be applied only to the ceiling, and if paper or vinyl, then you should be impregnated with their glue.

Process itself

And now let's make more clarity.

Fliseline Materials Punching


  • Cut the roll on the strip of the desired length;

Tip! Take with a slight margin so that the edges, it was then comfortable to cut.

  • We turn the cut bands into rolls;
  • We apply glue to the bandwidth, focusing on the markup applied earlier;
  • Click the edge of the roll to the surface and gradually spinning, while smoothing the strip with a roller or brush from the middle to the edges so that air bubbles do not remain;

  • Next, from the edges adjacent to the walls, it is necessary to cut off the excess part. To do this, we apply a long spatula, and as a guide, on it cut through the wallpaper with a stationery knife.
  • Watch for the sharpness of the blade, as the stuck can break the wallpaper.

After sticking, do not allow direct sunlight on the wallpaper, and there should be no drafts in the room. This is done to uniformly drying the glue. "How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling" - a video that will show the whole process in action.

Advantages of Fliselina

Fliselin wallpapers have several advantages over paper:

  • they are made of natural cellulose and textile fibers with the addition of binding polymers;
  • freely pass air, that is, "breathe";
  • made from absolutely harmless materials for man;
  • they are durable, it is easy to glue;
  • hold up to 15 cycles of painting.

Selecting a paper option

Such materials have their own advantages:

  • because of the cheapness, they are available to everyone;
  • work easily and with a certain skill this work can be made with your own hands;
  • it is possible to glue them in any room where air humidity is within 40 - 60%;
  • the abundance of the color gamut and various drawings will satisfy every taste;

Negative characteristics include:

  • Briefly.
  • They quickly burn out.
  • They are fragile, and therefore they cannot be painted.
  • It is necessary to carefully prepare the surface so that there is not a single hole or a tubercle left, otherwise after drying the adhesive, they will all appear.
  • Punching the ceiling with paper wallpaper is best to spend two or three people. This is due to the fact that the glue must be applied to the ceiling and on the wallpaper.
  • The paper is very fragile and rushes easily, especially after impregnation.

How to beat the ceiling wallpaper - any drawing is so combined

After sticking, the same precautions are needed as with fliesline wallpaper - drafts and direct sunlight are not allowed.

How to apply liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

Comparatively recently included in our life such a concept as. But you can already often see them not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling. They are called liquid because they are bred before use and apply with a spatula or a rigid brush.

Possess such coverage number of benefits:

  • durable;
  • hide all small irregularities and do not require careful preparation of the foundation;
  • after applying, a smooth seamless surface is obtained;
  • easy to apply;
  • extensive color gamut;
  • do not fade from sunlight (if it is not about cellulose);
  • do not disappear at high humidity;
  • produced from environmentally friendly material.

For application you will need a tool:

  • Spatula wide and narrow or grater;
  • Primer;
  • Rollers of different sizes;
  • Hard brush;
  • Drill with a nozzle mixer.

You also need raw materials that we will apply on the ceiling. Today there are three types:

  • ready for use, in plastic vendors;
  • dry mixes containing dye;
  • dry mixes without a dye, you add it at your discretion.

Tip! By the way, such wallpapers can be made independently of old newspapers and other waste paper.

We prepare the ceiling as well as for sticking other types of wallpaper. At the same time, it is possible not to worry about evenness, since such material is applied as plaster, so it effectively hides various defects.

Liquid wallpaper is bred by water strictly according to the instructions on the package and leave swell for 12 hours. After the expiration of this time, another 0.5 - 1 l of water is added and the mixture is mixed again.

After you can start applying. This is done using a spatula, after which the surface is carefully smoothed by a grater, as in the photo above.

Finally, you need to properly dry the ceiling. It will take 48 hours. At this time it is necessary to exclude drafts and differences of humidity. The price of this decision is not so low, especially if we are talking about silk wallpaper. However, if you try to make a mixture yourself, you can save it pretty.

Now you know how to punish the ceiling with wallpaper. As it was possible to make sure there is nothing complicated, but it is not very comfortable to work with constantly raised up and pleasantly. The video in the article will show how to effectively knead the cut neck and shoulders.

Ceiling wallpapers for all occasions


Taking into service our advice, you can create an exclusive interior with your own hands, and its price will be democratic, given that wallpaper is the most inexpensive way of cosmetic repair.

Potting ceiling wallpaper is one of the most difficult stages of repair in any room. This will require special preparation, effort and material. After all, the usual wallpapers for the ceiling will not fit.

They simply dug. But the process of applying ceiling wallpapers itself has many features that need to disassemble more detail. All nuances read in our current article.

It is better to refrain from this operation if you live in an old house. After all, in Soviet times, the ceilings were laid out of the plates, respectively, every one and a half meters the surface will have a junction that cannot be blocked.

In addition, the plates are often lying at different angles and have an unequal height. This can be seen only after removing the previous coating. If such a situation is familiar to you, much safer and thoughtful will install stretch ceilings that these disadvantages will effectively hide.

You should also not use the wallpaper on the ceiling in the kitchen and bathroom. After all, in these rooms, hot steam climbs up, and due to the moisture, the material begins to spare.

Thus, wallpaper on the ceiling in these rooms will not last long. Most likely, they will dial in a few weeks of use. Maximum - in a month.

What wallpaper fit for the ceiling?

Do not take wide rolls, because it is not easy to work with them. No need to try to look for ceiling wallpapers from foreign manufacturers. Basically, they produce only domestic.

It is not recommended to acquire wallpaper too bright colors. They look inappropriate in any design. It is considered the best option to be white or any approximate pastel colors, depending on the design idea of \u200b\u200ba particular room or an apartment as a whole.

It is also impossible to choose too thick wallpapers. After all, they are very heavy for the ceiling. Only specialized materials intended for this surface are needed.

In small rooms from sticking wallpapers with large drawings worth refrain. After all, this visually reduces the space. If you correctly choose the ceiling wallpaper, it is, on the contrary, will create a feeling of comfort and will expand the room.

What difficulties occur when sticking on the ceiling?

Do not forget that wallpaper on the ceiling will always be lit, and you will not be able to disguise the disadvantages to the object of furniture or, for example, the picture. Here each nuance will be noticeable immediately.

It must be remembered that the ceiling is the warmest place in the room. Consequently, the glue there will dry out at times faster. This gives an extremely limited time to the correction of any errors in the process of working with the material.

It should not be forgotten that you will not be able to avoid seams on the wallpaper. Consequently, it is necessary to come up with a way to disguise the joints of the seams or make them as less visible as possible.

Types of wallpaper

There are several types that differ in their destination and appearance. Among them:

  • Paper wallpaper. This is the cheapest category. However, the price here fully justifies quality. Paper wallpapers will not last long, so soon you will have to repeat.
  • Fliseline. They are considered ceiling wallpaper and fit perfectly under painting. Thus, they can act as an independent material. Moisture resistant, and this is a big plus.
  • Vinyl wallpapers. May not lose their original color for a long time, allow wet cleaning, as well as unpretentious in operation. This species can imitate a variety of surface structures.
  • Fiberglass. Not subjected to mold, as well as resistant to abrasion and do not combustible.
  • Liquid wallpaper. This is an alternative to plaster. They are evenly applied to the entire ceiling surface with a spatula.

Is it possible to glue the ceiling wallpaper on the wallpaper previous?

This question refers to the category "You can, but not need." Ceiling wallpaper can be applied. However, this is mostly excessive spending time.

The fact is that new wallpapers should be attached to something, and most often the glue uses for these purposes.

However, it absorbs into the previous layer, leaving traces on it. Also in order for glue frozen, oxygen is needed. Because of this, there are bubbles on the coating, or the surface is moving at all in some places.

This is explained by the fact that the number of layers causes too much load due to massiveness. Consequently, wallpapers are too heavy for the ceiling and begin to move away.

You can aggravate the situation if you try to paint the resulting composition. Wallpaper color is mixed with a column of paint. Both layers are impregnated with moisture, and most likely, the whole design will fall down.

However, it is only at best. At worst, it will have to ripple them in layers long and hard. And this occupation is not pleasant and requires tremendous patience.

Additional stages of training

First of all, you need to make sure that there are no multiple layers on the ceiling. If they are, it is advisable to get rid of them. After all, it is not known how they can lead themselves under glue or under the overalls in general.

You should also not forget that to cover the ceiling it will be necessary to turn off the electricity. Accordingly, it is best to start shook wallpapers in the morning to have time to complete all the work before the onset of darkness.

How to glue the ceiling wallpaper?

By producing this operation, you need to remember that it requires specialized glue, preferably high quality. It does not need to save. It is from this composition that the success of the work done will depend.

Step 1. Preparation of the surface of the ceiling

The first step is the most important, because all the further fate of the wallpaper is depends on it:

  • First you need to make sure that the ceiling is absolutely clean, does not contain extra paint or bliss. Some paint covers can be left, but they must be previously checked. It is enough just to join the sticky ribbon, and then with the power of it to tear. If the tape remains clean, this coating can be left and not worried about the wallpaper.
  • We must not forget that all cracks and potholes should be carefully sharpened. Otherwise, they will be noticeable on your wallpaper. Before putty, you need to clean the ceiling well. Then close all the flaws and only after that they sharpen everything from above.
  • If any paint or other coating remained on the surface of the ceiling, it must be thoroughly wash with soap, wait for complete drying and only after that you can begin to stick wallpaper. The reason is that due to glue, any of the surface of the surface will manifest on the wallpaper.


How to cope with the problem of visible seams? Before glue the ceiling wallpaper, you need to cut the material.

It all depends on the number of windows in the room and their placement. How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling? Ceiling wallpaper must always be applied towards the window.

If in one room is more than one window, it is recommended to cut the material along the length of the walls. This will help to avoid a large number of seams and junctions. In the process of cutting wallpaper for the ceiling, items should not strictly correspond to measurements.

Make them a little longer. There will be enough stock in three centimeters on each side so that the wallpaper is slightly visited by the wall. If this size is too much, you can cut it at any time.

If you chose the wallpaper with a pattern, you must first measure the length of the first strip, and all subsequent cut down strictly in the same place. Thus, you can achieve a successful matching of the drawing or texture. Excellent practice during sticking is not only the application of glue on the wallpaper, but the treatment of the ceiling.

How to cover wallpaper glue?

For this it will be necessary to turn the piece of material so that the front side is lower. The band must necessarily be located on a flat and clean surface.

Stages of sticking first stripes:

  1. Kneading glue. The composition should be made as thick as possible, depending on the length of the wallpaper. While he swells, go to the next step.
  2. It should be noted the middle of the ceiling from two different parts of the room. To do this, you can use a chalk cord, it will need to be delayed and click on the ceiling. Thus, it turns out a flat line, which can be used in the future.
  3. The light from the window should go along the junctions, if you doubted how to glue the ceiling wallpaper correctly. In this case, defects will be less noticeable. As mentioned earlier, the wallpaper need to be glued along the length of the room in the direction of windows.
  4. In the process of blending wallpapers, turn off the electricity just the switch is not enough. It must be turned off on the shield or unscrew the plugs. Only so you can be sure that the wiring will not be closed and you will be safe.
  5. To learn how to bleach the ceiling wallpaper, or rather, how to smear the first strip, it is enough to use the instructions from the manufacturer. Do not forget that the instructions differ depending on the type of material and the manufacturer. General tips can only lead to useless web spending.

Subsequent stages of blending wallpaper

For effective work, it is best to work on sticking at least 2 people. In this case, one can stand on a stepladder under the ceiling, and the second to feed the wallpaper canvases, holds them as high as possible to the ceiling for convenience. This will significantly speed up and facilitates the workflow.

We must not forget about the reserve on each side of the wallpaper canvas. There will be enough three centimeters, but you can take up to five. If the cloth is too long, it must be trimmed.

To avoid negligence and glue the ceiling wallpaper as in the photo, you need to use a spatula for neat removal of excess. For these purposes, scissors are not suitable or even a sharp knife. After all, they can leave torn edges.

To organize a continuous blowing process, it would be nice to acquire also a third partner who could prepare the next piece of the canvas. The process must be made as fast as possible, because then the wallpaper will dry evenly and will not arise extra difficulties.

If there are small air bubbles when connecting a piece of ceiling wallpaper, it is necessary to immediately align them with a spatula.

Later it is not possible to fix such a mistake. This procedure must be repeated with each piece of wallpaper. All the following (after the first) band must be glued to join.

As for how to properly glue the ceiling wallpaper so that the seams are not visible, it is necessary to slowly attract one strip to the other. It is done in such a way that in the end the data of the bands in contact with each other.

It should be remembered that all excess glue needs to be removed immediately.

For these purposes, white rags will fit better. Preferably stock large amounts. It is important that the vehicle is dry and clean.

Then it does not printed on new ceiling wallpaper and help gently remove the remnants of the glue applied earlier. The stripes that glue the last or are applied along the edges of the room, it is necessary to cut off even below. Thus, it will be possible to save and strength and time spent on the installation.

General conclusions

The methods of how to glue the ceiling wallpaper, there is an infinite set.

However, the above tips are the most efficient and common. They will help even a newcomer to cope with this difficult task. True, to simplify the work still will require the help of one or two acquaintances.

Beautifully separated ceiling is able to create an unique atmosphere in the room. Good results can be achieved using wallpapers.

They will help add comfort in the room, distinguish between space on the zones and even hide some defects. Working with wallpaper is easy, and everything can be done on your own. The main thing before glue the wallpaper on the ceiling, prepare everything you need and deal with some nuances.

Without a well-prepared foundation, it is impossible to produce high-quality shots of wallpaper.

Diverse world of wallpaper

The modern building market offers a large selection of various wallpapers: vinyl, paper, phlizelin, photo wallpaper, material under painting and other species. Choosing the material, you should be guided not only by your preferences, but also the interior of the room. Wallpaper should harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the finishes.

For the ceiling it is better to choose special wallpapers.

They differ in that they have two dense layers with applied over embossed, but at the same time less weight than coating for walls. Due to the embossed surface with their help you can hide small irregularities and defects on the basis. In its composition, wallpaper on the ceiling can be divided into paper, flieslinic, glass and liquid, which are in the root differ in the technology of applying to the surface.

Types of wallpapers for the ceiling.

Recently, wallpapers have become popular. For them, special water dispersion paint is used. The surface can be painted in one color or apply the selected pattern.

Back to the category

Before sticking wallpaper, you need to find out which amount you need. For this, the surface area is measured. Holding the number of bands, do not forget about the reserve.

The band must be 2-3 cm longer on each side and when sticking to enter the walls. After completion of the work, you can delete all too much. Remembering that rolls are 10.5 m long, it is easy to find out how much it is necessary.

The ceiling primer provides better adhesion of the base with glue.

The end result depends on how qualitatively preparation was carried out. So that in the future the room pleased with its appearance before glue the wallpaper on the ceiling, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface.

From the ceiling you need to remove all old coatings.

If it is planned to stick the wallpaper on the plastered ceiling, the plaster must be removed, and the surface is primed. All cracks and chips should be shaded. Special attention should be paid to the shakes of ceiling plates.

The primer is best to use acrylic deep penetration. Apply it in several layers.

Each new layer is applied only after the previous one dries. Then the surface is processed by sandpaper. This is done so that the surface is smooth and smooth.

From the room, if possible, you need to remove furniture and household appliances so that nothing bothered to work. The windows indoors are better to close, avoiding drafts.

If the apartment is on the sunny side, you will have to curtain the windows. The sun rays that will fall on the wallpaper will not let them dry uniformly. It is still very important that the air in the room is too dry.

Otherwise, the wallpaper will start to unwind. Moisten it is quite simple. It is enough to put several tanks with water in the room.

Before sticking the wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to cook tools. For work will be needed:

The control line is necessary only for sticking the first wallpaper strip.

  • roulette;
  • ruler and pencil;
  • brush;
  • glue and container for its dilution;
  • paper painting tape under the seam;
  • rags.

And one more very important thing, without which it will simply be impossible to do anything - it is a flooring.

In a small room, an ordinary table can perform in this role. But for larger rooms, 2 stepladers and wide thick boards will be needed. The boards fit between the stepladers, and on them you can move freely and glue the wallpaper.

As for glue, it is better to use a special composition. It consists of strong binding elements that are rapidly collapsing, and the drying process takes less time.

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Ceiling Wallpapers Wallpaper: Step-by-step instructions

Before sticking the wallpaper on the ceiling, you need to ensure your safety. To do this, remove the chandelier and turn off the power to the shield.

The next step is the markup of the ceiling.

Thanks to this reception, the salary will be easier, and the stripes will be skipped smoothly. To do this, you will need a cord with two shipboards at the ends and chalk. Marking can be applied both in the center of the ceiling and on the site of the first strip.

The direction of the bands depends on whether the window is in the room.

If there is, the strips are glued perpendicular to it, in the absence of a window - along the length of the ceiling. You should start from the corner opposite to the input. So, the seams between the closers will be less noticeable.

The required number of bands should be cut in advance so that in the process of work is not distracted.

Also in advance you need to prepare the adhesive composition. The prepared strip is then stacked on a flat surface "face" down, and with the help of a brush it is applied with glue. Special attention is paid to the edges.

The ceiling global technology is no different from similar work on the walls.

More qualitative result can be achieved if working together with the assistant.

When working with paper wallpaper, the glue is applied first on the cloth. Working with phlizelinov does not require applying glue on the product. The adhesive composition, which is made by 10-15%, which is specified in the instructions, covered only the ceiling.

Elimination of defects when sticking wallpaper.

The canvas folds with the harmonica in such a way that the front side remains all the time inside and did not dirty. A paper painter strip under the seam is pasted on the ceiling markup.

Wallpapers are applied to the ceiling, focusing on the markup. A plastic spatula or an ordinary cloth is aligned, and aircases accelerate. Several times you should walk along the cloth in one and the other side, especially on the edge, so as not to leave a single flaw.

After that, you can start gluing the next strip. It is applied to the edge of the first and also thoroughly align.

After all aircases are removed, it is necessary to "pull" the seam between the strips. The edges should fit tightly to each other, but not overlapping one to another. For greater reliability and seal seal, it should be risted with a rubber roller.

In the process of work, all the time control the result. Each strip must be carefully examined, and if disadvantages are noticed, they need to be removed before the glue is completely dry.

The ceiling finish is always paid to high attention, as it is open to Ferris. Pokes, painting - standard solutions, and by separating it with wallpaper, you can eventually create a spectacular, interesting design of any room. How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling will be the topic of publishing.
Plasterboard, stretch structures are increasingly included in the list of finishing works, but not everyone can afford them for material considerations.
Low ceilings of old buildings do not allow you to take extra centimeters of the height of rooms for mounting these structures. Decorate your ceiling attractive ceiling wallpaper.
When comparing them with tension or suspended there are plays and cons.

Benefits of the wallpaper on the ceiling

  • Does not reduce the height of the room;
  • Small cost of material;
  • Easy when the ceiling is floating with wallpaper, the process is slightly different from the wamp of the walls, you can perform it alone with a partner.
  • This is a clean work performed in a short time.
  • A fairly large range of colors, material textures will create in conjunction with the wall decisive interior.

The shortcomings of wallpaper on the ceiling

  • Trelliers on it are not glued in rooms with an increased percentage of humidity;
  • The preparation of the base for pasting is required - alignment, which does not need to be performed during the suspension.
  • The service life is not well large (up to 5 years), if it is a domestic paper version, since during operation they collect dust, fat particles, are not soothed, painting.

Before you learn how to properly glue the wallpaper on the ceiling, get acquainted with the types of ceiling wallpapers.

Ceiling wallpaper information

The concept of "ceiling wallpaper" is applicable only for the material released in Russia under this title. According to the structure, they are more dense than wall, and consist of two compressed paper cloths. Have a relief surface, various patterns, white color, do not get scer.
Foreign firms produce wallpapers, which are applicable simultaneously for the walls of the walls and the ceiling without distinguishing the surface, which significantly expands the range of material for stickers.

Photo wallpaper

These are phlizelin, glass, liquid, cork, paper, textile, others. Their service life is more, with the possibility of updating some of the catching.

Preparation of ceiling under pasting wallpaper

Wallpaper from the ceiling under the action of gravity can turn out faster than from the wall base, so adhere to all recommendations, responsibly and correctly prepare the surface.
De-in place at the time of work. The chandelier should be dismantled, the wires suitable for it to insulate. This is a guarantee of safe work when sticker.
The ceiling square should be prepared approximately as under painting, that is, to be smooth, smooth, otherwise some types of chopper will repeat unevenness, they will not stick well.

Briefly preparation looks like this:

  • Cleaning from the former coating, removal of whitewash;
  • Primer base;
  • Putty starting putty for alignment of drops, finishing layer;
  • Grinding layer of putty;
  • Primer before sticking.

The basis is ready, it remains to cut the silests in the size of the room. We take with a margin of 3-4 cm on both sides and cut all the strips at once. If you need to properly adjust the drawing, we do it downstairs so that you can only stick them upstairs. From the reverse side, the bands numerate them if they are with the fitting pattern.
Considering how to properly glue the wallpaper on the ceiling, pay attention to the quality of the adhesive composition. It is selected depending on the type of wallpaper - paper, vinyl, flieslinic, glasses, others. Glue is divorced according to the instructions on the factory packaging, but a little bit.

In which direction to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling

It all depends on the configuration of the room, the availability of windows. It is necessary to strive for the seams between the canvases less noticeable. Based on this, the bands are parallel to the light beams.
It turns out that it is necessary to glue from the window in the direction of the door, then the docking of the bands will be less noticeable. If there are two windows, sticking is made along the long wall. Then the amount of cloth is minimal as the junctions.
With a large length of the room, so that the bands do not have to be saved from high weight, sometimes it is necessary to glue across, then the length of the strip is less, it is easier to glue it.
Proceed from your situation. With modern adhesive compositions, excellent characteristics of the wallpaper material, a qualitatively prepared surface, the visibility of the joints is minimal.

Marking on the ceiling

Before the sticker, make marking on the ceiling - "beat off" the source line from which the sticker process will begin. A paint thread, tinted for example with a dry blue, stretch between two labels on opposite walls.
The gap between the labels should be the same from the near wall to exclude irregularities. Two people putting a thread to the labels, pull it down and let go. The line will be seen on the ceiling - this is the beginning of the salary.
Follow the entire area at once, while the first line retreats from the wall at a distance of slightly less than the roll width. Considering the process, how to glue the wallpaper properly on the ceiling, each master adheres to its technique, some begin to pasting from the middle of the room.
With any technology on the resulting markup lines, glue the painting tape from above. It will be located a bulk joint. The presence of a tape will improve the gluing, which will make the seams less visible, the joints will not dug.

Ceiling Camping Technology Wallpaper

We proceed directly to the sticker. Free the room so that nothing hovers work.
Prepare the necessary tools and fixtures:

  • Goat, table or stepladder;
  • Roulette, pencil;
  • Malyary knife, wide spatula;
  • Dishes for adhesive composition;
  • Brushes - big and smaller;
  • Plastic spatula, rubber roller;
  • Clean rags, sponge.

Depending on the basics, the glue is applied:

  • If a paper substrate, then on the ceiling and canvas.
  • If Fliselin, then only on the ceiling.
So we put the web

We smear a few bands with adhesive composition, fold them with the inside (where glue) as a harmonica, leave for impregnation. The glue should not get on the front side.
Together with a partner, raise them upstairs, unfold gradually, applying a painting line to which a painting ribbon is pasted. Critting them first with your hands, smooth the cloth from the center to the edges.
After properly fixing the web on the planned line, you can trust the process of a plastic spatula kicking bubbles. If glue appears on the edges or, if it came to the front surface, remove the sponge, cloth.

Trimming Exclosk

We prepare the same way the following canvas, apply it close to the first, produce its sticker in the above method and so to the opposite wall. Additionally compact seams, rolling with a rubber roller.
When you get to the place of fasteners of the chandelier, then the trenches in this place can carefully cut, flex, drag through the hole of the wire. After that, we glue the abrupt fragments. Lastra return to the place after drying the canvas.
Crop the correctly excess - along the ends of the sharp knife as Plutel attached to the strips. We met how to properly glue the wallpaper, we are waiting for their drying at closed doors and windows, excluding drafts.

Select the wallpaper ceiling under the color

If you decide to choose a painting trocers, it will allow you to change if you wish or need the color design of the interior. Only tarters are subject to painting.
This is an environmentally friendly view of the building material, a fairly dense structure, soaked in a special composition, which makes the surface moisture resistant. It allows them to be glued even in rooms with high humidity. The front layer is embossed, with a pattern, patterns. The main minus is a small life (up to 5 years), you can repaint up to 6 to 6 times.
This excellent material, completely natural, the surface under it breathes, has a relief structure, masks small flaws of the base, durable, they are inherent in excellent characteristics.
Easy glued, easily removed, leaving a substrate based on which other coatings can stick. When the glue is covered with glue, only the base is then applied.
Wallpaper Painting is better to choose monophonic, dive twice. You can repaint Flizelin to 10 times, service life up to 10 years.
Often, vinyl wallpapers belong to phlizelinov, but it is not so, because they only have a phlizelin substrate may still be paper. You can paint exclusively vinyl on the phlizelin substrate and that is not all.

When buying carefully read the symbols on a roll, if you decide to wake the ceiling with wallpaper under painting, select those that can be painted.
Glass equipment
Natural material made of thin glass filaments, therefore it is wear-resistant, vapor-permeable, waterproof, with a long service life (up to 20 years), the possibility of repainting (up to 15 times). Check out the article - than and how to paint the glass. They can be pasted into any room apartment.
You can make a ceiling for a fabulously beautifully, choosing a wallpaper based on your preferences. How to glue the wallpaper on the ceiling is dismantled above, it remains to buy them and for work.

When the issue of the ceiling finishes rises during repair, the surface painting, suspended, as well as stretch structures immediately remembers. There is an option that has been used for a long time, but leaves gradually into the past. These are the usual wallpapers that have their own positive qualities and maybe you should not forget about them. How to shove paper wallpaper on the ceiling in the right way? About this today's article. But, before finding out this question, it is necessary to learn about them as much as possible.

Premises in which it is not necessary to carry out

Almost any decoration in the room where low ceilings should be carried out thought out and weighed. Casting ceilings can be produced, only thoroughly thinking pattern. It should not be relief, and if the material is purchased under painting, then it should be painted into light tones.

If there is an increased humidity in the room, then even the most durable, as well as washable wallpaper is not recommended. In this case, even the process itself will be difficult to produce, as they will not hold on to long.

There are no more prohibitions, the ceilings in all other premises can be covered with wallpaper. It is necessary to perform work with regard to the design of the whole room. In some cases, a large drawing should be used, in others to apply a coating having a small, almost imperceptible relief.

It is important to remember that the ceiling color visually reduces the room, so it is better to work in such material in spacious rooms. It is possible to carry out experiments and combine several different textures that the shortcomings in the finishing finish are not so noticeable. The corded ceiling with wallpaper has a huge set of visual effects. It makes the room more comfortable, as well as a small space separated by zones. It is practical to use such a method in one-room apartments, where one room should be equipped as a bedroom, an office and a living room.

Types of wallpaper

It is necessary to understand how to glue the wallpaper properly on the ceiling, because not each of the existing species can be suitable. They should first pick up for a specific purpose. Wallpapers are divided into several types:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • fliseline;
  • glassworks;
  • liquid.

The main purpose of such a material: decorate the room, break the existing irregularities, as well as provide surface insulation and thermal insulation.


Paper wallpapers are a "breathable" material, and not expensive. Positive characteristics include:

  1. A wide variety. The choice of color scheme, as well as various visual solutions. You can pick up to any room, from the brightest to strict. There are many variants of the combination, as well as independent use. Therefore, the find for the designer.
  2. Material is environmentally friendly. Manufacturers use only natural raw materials, manufacturing technology is simple. The glue does not contain harmful components. The glued material on the wall does not prevent the exchange of oxygen.
  3. Easy to use. To perform work, special knowledge and extensive experience is not needed. The main thing is good to prepare the surface.
  4. Affordable price is the main advantage for such wallpapers.


On a number with positive characteristics there are a number of shortcomings that it is worth mentioning:

  1. Low strength. You need to handle them carefully. They can be single-layer, as well as two-layer. The second species is more durable than the first, which is easily contaminated, rifles, is afraid of moisture.
  2. The surface is exposed to direct sunlight, so they quickly burn out. This is especially noticeable when the furniture is rearranged, a large difference in color from the main background is revealed.
  3. Low moisture resistance and noise insulation.
  4. DISTRIBUTY, Limit of Operation Five years.

But, modern technologies allow the use of additional substances into the composition that make the surface of the wallpaper is stronger. If all of these characteristics are a proper option, you can choose paper wallpapers and without fear to carry out your ideas to repair.

There are several tips from professionals who will come in handy before starting glue paper wallpaper on the ceiling, right:

  • before sticking, remove existing old coatings;
  • poisle - wash off, and putty scraping by a paint spatula;
  • handle the surface of fine-grained emery paper;
  • so that the glued ceiling looks beautiful, when irregularity is detected - eliminate with a putty or plaster, depending on the drops on the surface;
  • remove dust and then produce primer, which will give the ceiling of strength and better adhesion.


When buying it is important to pay attention to all rolls from one batch. Otherwise, minor, and some cases and significant differences in the shade may be observed. If it happened that it was not accepted and there is one roll of not appropriate marking, you can use it on the wall that will be forced to be furnished, but if possible, it is better to exchange them.


It is necessary to use another important rule before glue the ceiling wallpaper. In order to avoid the appearance of the fungus on the ceiling surface, it should be treated with an antiseptic agent. Some experts give advice initially apply on the corners, as well as joints of the adhesive composition, but if high-quality primer was used, then this process is not required.

How to apply glide glue? In the right way, according to the instructions, the prepared glue is applied with a thin layer on paper wallpaper. The movements of the brush should be both in the vertical and horizontal direction. Carefully monitor not to pass and dry places so that air bubbles subsequently did not form.

Special attention to the borders of the canvas. Fold wallpaper in half and give the necessary time for impregnation. You can add the harmonica too long strip to glue it is more convenient, especially if the process is performed independently.

Tools and devices

To perform work on pasting wallpaper, many tools are not necessary, but without this small can not do. In this case, you will need:

  • malyary roller;
  • bruster of small size;
  • mcList;
  • rubber or plastic spatula;
  • steel spatula;
  • scissors or a sharp stationery knife with spares;
  • capacity for glue;
  • pure rag;
  • yardstick;
  • ladder.

The process of pasting

After the preparation of the ceiling to stick wallpaper will be prepared, you can proceed to cutting strips. It is better to perform this work at a time and cut off the required number of bands, as then it will do problematic. Places for cutting the desired length may not be. Each strip in size should be greater than 10 centimeters than the ceiling size.

To alleviate the sticking of the first strip follows the surface of the ceiling to apply a marking line in terms of level. After that, all other bands will navigate towards the first. Formed overlaps between the ceiling and the wall, it is necessary to neatly cut with scissors or a sharp stationery knife.

Wet wallpaper is bad, therefore, to facilitate the task, you can apply a wide steel spatula. It should be applied directly to the cut line and spend the knife at its border. Strip cuts smoothly and beautiful.

Strips to lay must be parallel to the window so that the incident natural light from the window does not emphasize the joints.

Casting wallpapers on the wall and feels is no different, only you need to carefully check the joints that are not so noticeable on the ceiling at first glance. The poorly glued junction will lag behind the surface, so it is better to make additional applying glue. Smoothing, as well as the removal of airbags, must be performed by a special plastic or rubber spatula.

Punching in difficult places

How to stick wallpaper to the ceiling correctly, if the chandelier is found on the way? To glue the lane near the chandelier, it is necessary to take care of it to be removed before the process. In this case, it will make it easier to work and it will be necessary only around the protruding wire. To do this, it will be necessary to make a small incision at the location of the cable to stretch it through the band out. Cutout must be done very carefully so that when the chandelier is installed back there was no missing piece of wallpaper, because it will correct this position, but is problematic. After drying the wallpaper, the chandelier should be connected and installed in place. It is not recommended to perform this work when wallpapers are still wet.

Climatic conditions after sticking

After carrying out the ceiling of the ceiling with wallpaper, some time to get into the area of \u200b\u200bdrafts and cold air should be avoided. Unwanted straight rays of the sun. To do this, the room should be closed, maintaining heat and natural humidity. Only in this way, the wallpaper on the ceiling is properly dried.