Repairs Design Furniture

Inexpensive apartment repair with your own hands. Photo. Fast and inexpensive repair do-it-yourself in the house is the most economical repairs

Even those of us who have never fond of savings, in the current crisis times began to look close to all prices. It touched even the sphere in which it would seem, should not be inexpensive solutions. On how to make a cheap repair, more and more people are conceived.

Why is it and it is possible to save on the housing updating, we will talk in this article.

Any serious matter requires planning.

What does not mind to spend money and the budget should be planned, everyone understood everything. What exactly needs to be saved, each of us decides. But there are things in life, requiring not only fast actions, but also large financial injections. And repair of the apartment, just among them.

The home interior update is necessary not only due to obsolete cladding or poorly working plumbing, but also our desire to change their lives, its level of security and comfort. It is high-quality repair and a new design of our own housing that are able to withdraw us from the state of depression and instill confidence.

Before starting work, plan them

But how to combine good and economical repair to one whole? First you need to plan all the estimated costs. Obviously expected article - the acquisition of materials and tools. In order not to get confused and not mistaken in the volume of purchases, imagine what you want to see as a result.

To do this, make a project repair or at least a plan and detailed estimate. Let's talk about it in more detail in the next block.

The second most important moment - who will build. If you are interested in a cheap room repair, apartments or your own home, it is worth thinking about the independence of all events. Of course, if there is at least initial knowledge and

We define with your finances:

Repair - a responsible event for each housing owner, it does not matter whether it will be carried out on its own or will have to hire specialists. As a consequence, the starting point for the start of construction is the calculation of its value.

With an accurate or at least an approximate presentation of the costs that await you in the near future, you will be able to quickly correct them and understand what the existing budget is enough.

  1. Decide with the price and number of building materials, devices and various devices that will be needed for the preparatory and finishing of the premises, as well as the arrangement of engineering communications.
  2. Count your budget and make sure that the required amount is available in full or expected in the near future.
  3. This item is very important. If you do not calculate your finance correctly, the money can end up at the most inopportune moment and repair will remain unfinished.
  4. Make a construction plan, in it, specify the sequence of preparation, facing of premises and redevelopment. Accurate follow-up will give the opportunity to save time and money.
  5. Based on the developed plan, make up the estimate. In it, specify a list of works for each of the rooms, the number of necessary building materials, devices and devices and the cost of each of the plots.
  6. Be sure to add 20-25% to the resulting digit on unforeseen costs and a sharp price jump.
  7. Visit large shops, markets, production and bases involved in the sale and manufacture of building materials, tools and equipment. Then compare prices. Do not forget to ask for discounts and stocks on certain goods. Choose the best option for you.

We choose the cheapest strategy

Preparatory work

Method number 1

The whole process of construction from before installing the plinths is made exclusively with your own hands.

Advantages. If you want to make an inexpensive repair - the cheapest option to do everything yourself. It provides for the convenience of the schedule of work, since you yourself will choose it.

A moral aspect is of great importance, in the event of a successful completion of the repair, you grow both in your own eyes and in the eyes of relatives and friends. Do not forget about new knowledge and skills.

Disadvantages. For example, the technologies of execution of some other types of work are so complicated that a rare novice can make them without errors. Everything else, repair requires a lot of time and strength, so you have to choose it to stretch it indefinitely, or leave work on vacation.

Method number 2.

Self make all the preparation. And other old coatings, dismantle plumbing devices, sockets, switches, plinth, handles, shelves, and for basic works to invite professionals.

Advantages. Selecting the time for preparatory activities, you can save well. In each individual case, the bonus can be 10-30% of the total value of all manufactured works.

Disadvantages. By ignorance you can too hurry and have to pay extra for additional work.

Method number 3.

Independent acquisition of all building materials after prior approvals with hired specialists.

Advantages. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the procurement services of the necessary materials are provided by construction companies and private traders for a certain remuneration. You will have to pay for the official service, and if a person is unclean on his hand, which also happens? I hope you understood my not a two-digit hint. Ultimately, becoming an expedition to themselves, you can save from 10 to 20% of the total repairs budget.

Disadvantages. Weight of lost time, constant hassle, and the most unpleasant - periodic errors.

Method number 4.

Do not purchase products of imported production, well-known and promoted brands, and pay attention to domestic manufacturers.

Advantages. An unfair stereotype that the Russian is obviously worse than foreign, far from always corresponds to reality. Some of our manufacturers successfully compete for the right to be called the best. Yes, and fakes on the market a lot and disassemble whether this is a product of a well-known company, sometimes impossible.

Disadvantages. For some reason, it is believed that if the materials are domestic, then must be inexpensive. As a result, really high-quality Russian products are often ignored, and it is purchased, worse, but cheaper.

The result is a cheap apartment renovation with their own hands has become almost synonymous with poor repair.

Method number 5.

Hire builders in the "dead" season (in winter).

Advantages. Indeed, in the winter it is possible at the expense of dumping to work to hire workers for the price, less than summer by 35-40%.

Disadvantages. Climatic conditions in winter are much less favorable for most construction work. For example, or painted walls will dry longer periods.

Therefore, winter repairs are much longer than summer. In moral terms is also hard - most of the fun winter holidays will have to spend out of the house.

  1. The price of repair, as you understood, consists of two components: the cost of building materials and works. At the same time, professionals can sometimes do even more expensive than materials.

Tip! To save, make yourself everything you can. Actually, specialists need to be invited only to the two most responsible areas of work: electrician and plumbing. For the rest of the professionals, it is not necessary to hire.

  1. The easiest option is to make inexpensive repair with your own hands in residential premises and corridor. To put the ceiling in order, you will need paint and better matte, it will allow you to hide irregularities. Buy also a paint roller, durable or foam.
  2. Cheapest wallpaper - paper. Of course, they are not so durable as vinyl, but cost 2-3 times lower. Special wallpaper glue to buy is completely optional, you can cook the hubber from starch and flour.
  3. To the selection of materials to update the bathroom and kitchen, come more carefully, since in these rooms the humidity is increased. For the ceilings in them, buy waterproof paint with marking "for wet premises."
  4. The walls of the bathroom can not be tiled. If they are in good condition, cover their paint based on acrylic or become washing vinyl wallpaper.

A little more expensive, but at the same time, the option is quite stacked by the concept of "cheap repair with your own hands" - plastic wall panels. They look aesthetic and easy to care.

Inexpensive bathroom facing

  1. To facing the kitchen, also use the wallpaper - vinyl or fiberglass, sticking them to the ceiling or up to the middle of the walls. The kitchen apron from the ceramic tile can be replaced by plastic panels having a drawing of a tile or wake the working zone by self-adhesive film. It has very good moisture resistance.


We hope our article was useful for you. In order to more accurately deal with the technological and practical question, our website presents a detailed photo and video instruction in which you will find useful information on this issue.

Stylish and modern apartment renovation

The desire to repair in its own apartment is caused by the thirst for change, updates, shake. At the same time, these desires are accompanied by distrust of the contractor, as well as the wild desire to spend as little time and money as possible. That is why the option of rapid renovation of the apartment is considered to be so patched. It is not so difficult to make it, if you have at least the basic skills of repair and construction skills.

First of all, all the vital components, such as heating system, wiring, plumbing and sewage, change in the apartment. At this stage, you should think about possible redevelopment of space, as well as the arrangement of the modern system "warm floor".

In case you purchased housing in a new building, it will be necessary, since most often such apartments do not have a finishing finish. Even if the apartment was purchased in the secondary market, we recommend also to make full repair of the apartment quickly and efficiently, in order to feel in absolute security. Perhaps you have to spend a little more, but your apartment will not need alterations over the years.

In the process of arranging the new electrically conductive system, various accounting devices are usually replaced. It should be noted that these works are extremely unsafe, because of which it is best to seek help to an experienced electrician. You can bring the wiring directly to the room and your own hands. It is enough just to have a perforator. This tool in the wall is done by grooves, it is done by the pre-drawn project.

Electrical installation in the apartment

Selected cables must have the most durable insulating layer. Otherwise, it is best to put them in a special box. At the end of work, the wall must be carefully placed.

Next, by means of a perforator and a special round nozzle, it is necessary to do in the wall of the hole for sockets and switches. The places of strokes are also determined by the pre-drawn project. In addition, the project provides for the layout of lighting devices.

After installing the electrocommunications, walls and ceilings are usually aligned. If plaster is used, the process promises to be very complex and very dirty, but it is precisely this material that provides extremely high-quality alignment. Many may have a question - why do you need? And we have an answer for him, because it is from how even the walls will be, further finish depends. The paint and wallpapers, and other possible materials are well on the smooth surfaces.

Alignment of walls of plasterboard

Align the walls with quick and inexpensive repair can be one of the available ways:

  • Through plaster, as mentioned earlier, a very time-consuming and dusty way;
  • With the help of sheets of plasterboard.

In order to perform the alignment of plaster, it is necessary to prepare the mixture, it must be viscous. Next, the resulting mixture is applied to a pre-treated with a primer wall. This is done by means of a wide spatula by semicircular hand movements. After the plaster serves, it is necessary to apply primer again on top of it. Only after full of the walls can be stained.

Gypsum fastening technology is somewhat more complicated. It is worth noting that for premises with high humidity, a moisture-resistant variety of this material should be selected, it usually has a light green color. For the rest of the residential rooms, you can use traditional gray plasterboard. Thanks to the plasterboard, you can equip the modern arches to date, as well as partitions in the rooms.

Among other things, using plasterboard sheets can be built:

  • The original walls within which the shelves will be;
  • Imitated stucco on the surface;
  • Different relief.

The installation of sheets is carried out by means of "crab" fasteners, then their surface is carefully plastered, and also painted or frozen by other materials.

In order not to spend time and strength on the alignment of the ceilings before you quickly do, we should consider the option of stretch ceilings. This method is faster, simple, and also not accompanied by a large amount of dust and dirt.

Stretch ceilings with LED backlight

It is installed in this way: the PVC film is stretched on the ceiling mounted around the past perimeter, or textiles. A distinctive feature of stretch ceilings is their high decorativeness. Here you can choose any pattern, print, drawing. Possible photo printing or painting, as well as the design of mirror ceilings. Only your fantasy can limit you and this is a certain plus.

Tip! Alone to perform the installation of this design is very difficult, because of which it is best to turn to a professional master.

Traditionally, wallpapers are used to finish the walls in the residential room. However, today the drapes of the walls are returned to the textile materials, which are manufactured specifically for these purposes. This option will not only provide an attractive wall decoration, but also create peculiar comfort and atmospheric indoors. Modern impregnations allow the draped walls to repel moisture, do not fill and do not flex, and also provide a fairly simple care for them.

Use of decorative plaster for wall decoration

Decorative plaster is also becoming increasingly popular. The key feature of this material is the ability to recreate imitation of anything - wood, metal, velvet, stone or skin. Here, materials similar to the texture are very successfully combined, or vice versa - absolutely different. "Combine incomprehensible!" - says today's fashion, and we try to follow her laws.

It is very important to keep harmony in the interior. For example, if you used bright and motley patterns in the walls of the walls, then the design of furniture should be more restrained, preferably monophonic. The same law is valid and vice versa, because for monophonic walls it is best to select bright and variegated furniture.

Tip! You should not focus on several color combinations, it is enough just to allocate one or two colors.

Today, modern staining technologies are also often used. Decorative paint can be applied on both smooth and relief plaster. It may contain various impurities, for example, creating a pearl effect, brilliance or imitation of the surface of any gemstone.

This type of paints is quite simply applied to any surface, while filling the microcracks.

For premises with high moisture, ceramic tiles are also very often used. The best alternative to the tile, while it looks more beautiful. Walls in the bathroom, kitchen or bathroom will look great under the tiled trim.

The ceramic tile is stacked on a pre-applied adhesive mixture. You can mount the tile without seams, or with an indent, which should not exceed three millimeters.

Before starting to study the floor finish, determine how smooth it is. If the detected irregularity does not exceed two centimeters, it can be eliminated by a self-leveling mixture. If irregularity is more substantial, then without a concrete screed, it is not necessary.

Flooring floors in a wooden house

After the floors are completely aligned, you can start finishing. Usually used linoleum, laminate, parquet, porcelain tile. It is best to use porcelain tiles, because it is most durable and wear-resistant.

DIY repair of the apartment

So, we disassembled the whole repair process on the shelves, now you should think about how to reduce costs in the process:

  • The creation of the project will significantly save on alterations, amendments and corrections. It is thanks to the project that you can understand which of the obligatory cases will not be charged, and which you can leave for later;
  • Drawing up the estimates, as well as a complete adherence to it. Purchase the necessary materials and tools are best on large building bases;
  • An independent decision of some nuances will also significantly save on third-party assistance;
  • We recommend preferred to traditional finishing options. Modern technologies, it will also allow you to save significantly;
  • Dear materials should be replaced by more budget, but not inferior in quality.

Hello, my dear readers and guests blog! Very often to be so that the room requires repair, but there is no extra money on it. What to do? How to update the dwelling, so that it turned out beautiful and inexpensive. Immediately should be warned that budget repairs will require a lot of time and labor. Here, as they say, you have to choose, or we spend money or your time.

If you have conceived to make repairs in an apartment inexpensive, then the first thing you need to do is well plan and think over the whole organization of work. It often happens that the repair starts to do, and then it will go, from here and there are various shortcomings and mistakes.

Where to begin?

Starting with the inner residential rooms, it is a living room, children's or bedroom. Some take a place of living space, and make repair "clockwise". Other choose a room that is in the worst state, and start with it. After that repair the kitchen, and then the hallway and bathroom. Such a sequence is necessary to save on finishing materials and do not spoil repairs in the premises where it is completed.

High-quality and inexpensive dwelling renewal is held on the following basic principles:

  • we replace only those things that cannot be deposit the amount into several parts.

Make an approximate cost estimate based on the prices of building materials in your region. Something can be purchased in advance to win at the price in the future.

Subtleties of budget repairs

The best time for repair is the beginning or middle of autumn, it is still warm and can open the windows. In addition, during this period, traditional autumn discounts and sales begin. Most building materials and supermarket shops are trying to sell goods, which clearly does not fly to spring. For example, putty, smearing or sealant, whose shelf life ends in a month or two. Large companies will not take it, and it is quite suitable for you. Savings in this case can amount to 30,000 rubles, which is very noticeable.

Do not save on a good tool. Even having high-quality and expensive finishing material can be ruined all the work, using cheap and poorly working auxilia. You can take it from friends or acquaintances, or rent for little money.

Old and lost all kinds of plumbing should be triggered to renovate. If she finally came into disrepair, then you can get a cheap plumbing, knowing one trick. In expensive new buildings, tenants usually immediately start repairing and quite good bathroom items are on a landfill. For a little money, they are easy to buy from the garbered.

Another problem can be the removal of construction trash, which is expensive.

Most likely, you are not alone doing house repair, therefore the problem with the export of large-sized waste can be solved by having agreed with the neighbors about the joint hiring of the car under them. And the small garbage, such as dust, wallpaper and stucco. We gradually pour out into local containers for household waste.

Consumable material of type plywood, bar and boards are worth a lot of money, but you do not need to spend a lot of money. You can get a good and high-quality material for repair by making it yourself.

Instead of the Retek, buy trimming from sawing wood, they are cheap, and in terms of quality are not worse than edged boards. Only necessary to tinker with their processing. Tolstoy and durable faeer is easy to get from the usual packaging container, sicking the sheets with each other with the help of a conventional PVA putty.

The bar can be taken out of old pallets under loads, they are inexpensive, and if you try, you can get them for free.

On such things as electrical wiring, installation of plumbing, etc. It is not worth saving, since the elimination of unfinished and rapid wear due to low-quality materials will fall into a penny.

Each person at least a little possesses artistic taste, it is not at all the prerogative of fashion designers and employees of art. In addition, the person hired for these purposes will only reflect in the interior what you want to see, and this can be done on your own. Adhering to some simple rules, you can make a stylish and cozy interior inexpensively:

  • do not buy finishing materials - fakes

So linoleum with a parquet pattern or tile with a stone ornament will look cheap. The tree should be a tree, metal metal, and stone stone. If there is no money for a parquet, you can buy an engineering board. You can use cement tiles as an alternative to porcelain stoneware.

  • the ceiling must be as simple as possible.

A vaulted and multi-level ceilings will be suitable in residential areas where they are not high. It is better to win on the height of the doorways and the handles to arrange a little lower than usual. The ceiling is to make the most simple, not attracting special attention.

  • try to use a harmonious combination of colors in the interior

Try to repair in such a way that the premises contrasted. If the bedroom is made in light colors, then dark tones can be used in the decoration of the living room or hallway. Now the designer and inexpensive solution is gaining popularity, such as Pechvor. Surely you and friends have the remains of old wallpaper, from which you can make interesting ornaments for one or two walls.

Of all the types of wall decoration, the most acceptable and inexpensive are wallpapers. It is better to use phliselinic for which glue should only be laundry. Choose a monophonic wallpaper if a picture is present on them, it will have to be customized, which will lead to trimming and extensive cost of material.

  • purchase Dark Shades Furniture

Furniture of light tones always looks cheaper, so try to choose the dark, as simple as possible and do not need to save on the handles.

  • you should carefully approach the selection of curtains

Curtains play a huge role in creating comfort and emphasize the sophistication and simplicity of the interior, so it is necessary to give them a choice of separate attention. It is better to abandon the fabrics with a large pattern, they forgive the overall interior of the room and are complex when striking. Make sure that the cutter has provided natural folds on the curtains. They look better than those that are assembled on the rignery tape.

  • avoid buying furniture sets and sets

This makes the interior dull and boring. Farm items are possible to supplement the composition, but no more. You can include in the design of the residential premises a couple of things that will focus on themselves, for example, paintings, engravings, any objects of art.

  • the bathroom must be decorated as simple as possible.

It is better to buy ordinary high-quality plumbing without art sizes. Everything should be as simple as possible and functionally.

  • it is necessary to think through the location and color range of interior items

It is better to use a combination of calm tones and shades. For example, a beige, white, blue is well suitable for the bedroom. Do not use the motley colors and synthetic materials. The last trend in fashion is the use of collage and passecut. Any the most ordinary photos and drawings can be turned into artwork.

Finishing the main rooms

Before starting everything to handle in a residential room, you need to consider what scale for money and time you have enough. You can break everything very quickly, only often happens that they planned a lot of things to do, and there is not enough money.

If you started overhaul, it is necessary to start with windows, they should be selected from plastic or wood. The preservation of heat in the apartment depends on the structure of the frame and the correctness of its installation. It often happens that when installing, a number of errors were allowed, which is why the windows constantly blows cold. This happens because of poorly embedded slopes or not enough plots. You can determine the shortcomings using a special device - thermal imager.

Then you can start aligning walls. The easiest and cheapest way to do this, saving time and materials is to graze such a plasterboard. True, in this case, the total living space will be slightly reduced, and in the openings between the wall and sheet can begin mold or rodent. Another inexpensive and optimal option is the lining of the walls of the wall. You can cover it with varnish or paint and not spend money on the wallpaper.

Currently, this trend is Loft style, it is when one of the walls leave a brick, simply covering paint or whitewash. It will also stylishly look if you leave it just concrete, covering the primer.

Paul plays a big role in the design of the house. There are many options for its finishing - linoleum, laminate, parquet, boards. An option that is called "cheap and angry", there will be a linoleum. It is practical, easy to clean and, if it is properly put, can serve for years. An option is cheaper than linoleum is a laminate, but it scratches, it is breeding from the impact of moisture and quickly begins to "walk" under his feet.

Carpet coating nonhygienically, especially if there are small children and animals in the house. After a couple of years, it will lose its kind, the challenge of dry cleaning on the house is expensive.

The best and inexpensive option will be the purchase of wooden canvases, from which you can make an author's interesting door than expensive stamping in the store. You can try to refuse to use doors into some rooms. Try to live for about a month without them, if you all arrange, then the doors can not be put. And in the summer, to protect against insects, hang mosquito nets into the doorways.

Repair kitchen

This is one of the most frequently visited places in the residential room. Therefore, it is important that the interior items are resistant to the effects of moisture, fat deposit and odor. Instead of ceramic tiles in the kitchen, you can try to use the glass. A place near the cooking surface and the sink, where the active process of cooking is most often happening, plane beautiful wallpaper and put it on top glass.

The budget option is to leave a bare concrete, covering it only with the primer. Linoleum or tile is best suited for kitchens from floor coverings. Since these materials are most resistant to fat, dirt and frequent mechanical exposure. Only with the tile should be somewhat careful because it can get off if you hit hard.

Repair sanuenus

It is not necessary to use foreign plumbing, domestic no worse. A reasonable solution will lay out the room inexpensive tiles. To save on it, you can buy a large sheet of mirrors and close it one of the walls. It will save time and money, but in the future it will require more time to clean the bathroom.

The shower cabin, of course, saves the space significantly, but it will take a lot of time and money on its installation. The most optimal option in this case will be a bathroom. It is better to acquire a cast-iron or acrylic. Do not buy a fine stainless steel product covered with enamel. Such baths quickly lose the mount to the wall and begin to "walk". They also have a good location and respond to each falling drop.

Pipes can be used from polypropylene, only you need to buy domestic, and not quite cheap Chinese. It is important to see what temperature they are withstanding, and the welding machine can be rented.

Most cheap towel dryers are made of steel. It over time is covered with rust. From above, they can be covered with stainless steel, but it does not save them from the destructive effects of water. Therefore, their use is possible only in private houses, where the water pressure is less and it is cleaner.

In general, it is better not to save on the heated towel rail, it will save you time for its repair, and money on underwear spoiled rust.

For some, the need to carry out repairs in its apartment causes a reaction far from positive. The first place becomes the financial side of the issue. The painstaking counting of funds begins, with the delimitation of the acquisition of materials and payment for the services of specialized construction brigades.

Repair can be cosmetic and limited to the colorful, pasting and appearance update. And may be capital with the replacement of electrical wiring, plumbing and installation of modern acrylic bath.

The reproduction process itself is perceived as a long period of time with a multitude of inconvenience. The result ultimately turns out of the desired in the laid, and instead of a sense of satisfaction, there is a feeling of fatigue and extension.

It is very different about people with figurative thinking. Visually presenting how the apartment will look like after decoration, they are easier to break up with money, in the hope of quickly seeing all the victims.

People from the same category that are not burdened in the means are often resorted to designers. Master Home Interior Designer using computer programs can develop a 3D apartment apartment. In many ways, this method is considered a strong incentive to action, since it allows you to see the results in advance.

However, people are targeted and high internal enthusiasm never lower their hands even in a situation where there is a strong limitation of funds. For such people, the output from the position becomes independent partial or complete repair.

Someone chooses a thorough capitalization of housing with redevelopment, and someone has enough to hold inexpensive repairs in the apartment, which is more often called cosmetic.

Stage in repair

Solving the question of what to start repairing the apartment, some believe that it is necessary to start purchased materials and tools. In general, it is correct, but in order to correctly spend money and not to acquire superfluous, you need to make preliminary calculations. Calculate the main geometric parameters of each room: height, length and width. Determine the size of window and doorways.

The data obtained will help determine the exact volume of work and calculate the amount of each type of building material.

When deciding to carry out a global change in the inner view of the apartment on its own, it is necessary to pre-draw a phased plan. It is the correctly developed plan that includes the phased repair of the apartment becomes a key to successful workflow.

The first point will go dismantling work:

  • layer enclosing the inner walls and partitions for expanding space;
  • dismantling wooden windows to replace plastic windows;
  • removing door canvases or complete dismantling of door boxes.
  • removal of old floor coatings;
  • dismantling wall coatings or clearing walls from painting compositions;
  • clearing or blur ceilings.

Categories of the complexity of working processes

The most labor-intensive works are the device screed on floors and plaster walls. It is especially difficult to deal with surfaces endowed with a large number of drops. Some of them are eliminated by hammering, but only an aligning screed or a similar plaster layer can truly save.

To carry out high-quality strokes of wall surfaces, plaster beacons are used. To do this, they buy aluminum rails or metal pipes of a small square or rectangular cross section.

In the first case, the material is inexpensive, but when buying it is worth aware that when removing the seams from the seams after drying the plaster, they are no longer possible to use in operation.

Metal pipes are more expensive, but the percentage of their preservation after dismantling is much higher. In addition, some people prefer to leave them in a solution for greater layer strength.

The most economical way to achieve flatness of the screed is considered a device of mortar lights on the floors. But this process is very painful and only those who have the appropriate skills can decide on it.

The simplest view of the work is painting. At least, the majority thinks so. The opinion is simultaneously true and erroneous. The truth of approval lies in carrying out the final process, that is, painting itself, using high-quality tools.

Paint rollers and brushes, plastic baths with grids for rollers rolling. Working with high-quality instruments, you can avoid leaps on the walls and the release of vertical painting strips.

Improve the impression

For the sake of interest and to confirm your personal participation, a large number of people make a photo of the apartment repairs before and after. Sometimes it is poured into a whole series of pictures with separate initial and final views of each room.

Some lovers lay out photos on the Internet, because today it is considered a fashionable occupation, and someone simply uses them for viewing with friends and acquaintances. In any case, photo repair of an apartment made with your own hands is not only memory, but also confirmation of personal skills.

Stock Foto Repair apartment with their own hands

1. Good mine with a bad game.

Silk from 100 percent polyester. Tile "Under Stone", Linoleum "Under Parquet", Laminate "Under Onyx", "Trigark" under Ralph Lauren. Cerambrants "under Python". "Artificially aged" something there ... It is even embarrassing about it. Alas, the room will not pass. Polyce good interior logs. There is a stone everywhere - it's a stone, and a tree - exactly what a tree. If there is no money for a parquet, and a simple laminate is below your dignity, look for a good engineering board. As a result, you will get the floor that looks much more expensive for money spent on it. A good alternative to porcelain stoneware for kitchens, bathrooms and hallways - cement tiles. The result will look more expensive than the stock edge.

2. Leave the ceiling alone.

All steel just obsessed with ceilings! If you think sensitly, causing attention to the ceiling, you just remind everyone about its existence. And accordingly its height. The ceilings with a height of two sixty will not turn into, although the magnificent vaults are melting somewhere in the unthinkable embroidery. This can not be that you would have enlisted "decorator tricks." Just accept it. High door openings can make much more for your home than a ridiculous five-layer ceiling with neon backlight. Let interior doors be height two, say, twenty. And the door handles slightly lower the centimeters for five to seven. Showing a non-standard approach, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result.

3. Selecting the paint for the walls, consider the color of the house.

Neighboring. If you have a bright living room, let the hallway be painted in a deep, relatively dark color. The cost of paint in any case will be the same, and the result may look really expensive.

4. Buy modular laminate cabinets in the store, And do the doors to them in a good joinery workshop.

It will give you a significant savings, which, however, no one will ever notice. The same is true for equipping the kitchen.

5. If you still acquire the finished cabinet furniture, Let the pilkers of the facades be dark, and the meter's panels are simple (rectangular).

Remember: Light tree always looks cheaper. Avoid yellowish and reddish shades of veneer. And, saving on the furniture itself, wait on good pens!

6. If there is no money on a good carpet, look for carpet from viscose or blended fibers, imitating a silk or woolen pile carpet.

Select the color and texture that suits you and order a piece of the size you need. For additional small money, its edges will be tested.

7. Put the curtains on a dense lining.

Even inexpensive curtain fabric from this will seriously win. Look for a three-meter width fabric. It gives significant savings. If you are not ready to spend a lot, refuse to adequate textiles (fabrics with a pattern). When laying tissues with a pattern, due to the need to properly docile the web, there are many trimming. The more rapport - the more waste. Do not use a curtain braid for the porter. Let the seamstress laid "manual" folds. It is not so expensive, but the folds collected on the braid look very cheap.

8. Set headset set. The same things in the interior are permissible only in one case: if these are paired things forming a symmetric composition. And leave the sconce from one set to whom God did not give imagination. They are also the sets of upholstered furniture "sofa-two chairs" and the like tender sadness. Read more - see the next item.

9. Finished solutions.

Bad news: they are not. At least for us. The shower room is erected by a construction method because it is a room. If you do not hold a student hostel or underground massage interior with a striptease, a shower (this is a sad construction of a yellow acrylic and a peasive door) you will not work. Do not shiver on the "designer" plumbing. Let the appearance of the plumbing equipment of the bathroom (kitchen, bathroom) will be dictated by the function. Buy washbasins and mixers of simple forms, without an inappropriate decor. The toilet must be inconspicuous and cope with its duties. Nobody will admire them, right?

10. Pictures, Estampa, engraving, photos and posters Frame into simple, but deep frames with glass and necessarily in the passecut.

Even the picture, printed on a home inkjet printer (or naive child drawing), in such a framed looks very significant. Play with the sizes of the passe. Little work in a very wide client looks like a very "designer". And, by the way, the cardboard for the passecut can be almost any color.

11. Comfort. Another collective fetish.

According to my observations, the fact that in our Palestines is referred to as "comfort", in 99 percent of cases - poetted close. In many ways, this is the bodily memory of the past childhood, about the warm and gentle scarce Soviet life with carpets, sisite saprophites, a good grandmother, Czechoslovak Crystam and by anyone who is not a reader in the polished Polish wall "Gankka". The coziness will not yet add an expensive shaveless type of a round bed with music and a minibar, a bar counter with a built-in aquarium, etc. The same is true for such rich things as Lambreken, Garland and Svag. Do not worry: in a good, thoughtful interior, the comfort inevitably comes naturally. Therefore…

12. ... Goodbye, Gypsy Sir!

Duples from the Boszya in small Nefertiti, towels in scarlet roses, "outstanding" shades of pillowcases, nylon blankets with Shanghai leopards. All this is the attributes of collective farm chic, sorry for the directness. They will not add comfort. The painting is often necessary for these things solely in order to hide their exceptionally lousy quality. Let bed linen and bath towels will be simply white (options: ivory, extractive). But from Excellent Egyptian cotton.

13. However, the ivory is also important not to overdo it.

Peach, beige, sandy ... The average nuance gamma is good for network hotels. As their screen interiors are obliged to like everyone. Your interior should like you. After all, he is the manifestation of your essence, right? Take in your hand fan palette of any manufacturer of paints. Do you feel pleasant severity? These are your features. Do not miss them!