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House plan 2 floors with attic. Choose a house with an attic: projects, photos of finished solutions. French-style attitudes at home

Attic is a significant savings on building materials and works for the construction of a full-fledged second floor, an additional residential premises, an office study, a children's or a guest room. The attic space is used rationally and does not require special investments for the construction of walls, overlap and interior decoration.

Private house with an attic is a unique design of internal planning and an original appearance. Favorable solution for the construction of substantive costs. After all, residential square meters are increasing, and the construction of additional capital walls is not required. Also saving is obvious if the land plot of small sizes. The main thing is that created the project.

Advantages of mansardes

Mansard adds residential meters at home, by using an additional level. The room can be an excellent place for a workshop or a smoking room, which are not always appropriate in the main part of the house. In compliance with all necessary technical rules, the attic decreases the heat loss of the structure through the roof. The room can be issued in an interesting, individual style, distinguished from the main composition of the house.

But there are difficulties. Mansard windows are not suiced, and the angle of inclination and the beams of overlaps require an experienced designer view, otherwise it will turn out a very comfortable room. In addition, when the snow drift accumulation is not so easy to clean the windows, if they are mounted in a scope roof. However, the pros is still larger, and technological moments can always be solved.

Features of the construction of a single-storey house with an attic

A simple one-storey house with an attic can be erected both from foam blocks and using brick or timber. Given that the roof will be subject to the negative impact of climatic factors from the outside and a certain effect from the inside, it is necessary to take care of high-quality hydro, heat, sound and vapor barrier. Ventilation should be fairly functional, for which there is a free space between thermal insulation and roofs.

Be sure to have a solid rafter system. The carrying design is performed from a tree or metal profile (stone and concrete is not worth using, it will create a high load on the overlap). The rafters are placed at an angle of 30-60 degrees.

All items of attic should be durable, but light. The roof is best covered with soft or metal tiles, slate sheets. Since the metal is warm too well, the room will not be protected from severe heat loss. As a heater, it is recommended to use mineral wool. Fencing is separated by plasterboard. Plywood or drywall sheets are suitable for internal partitions.

Even in small houses, attic can always be equipped very original and stylish: make windows in the roof, add decorative beams. Projects are particularly advantageous, where the roof has a different angle of inclination (but at least 38 degrees), this allows zoning the room.

What attics are better for a private house

How exactly to arrange the attic, what size it should be and what materials will be needed, depends on several factors:

  • how many people will live in the room;
  • purpose of attic: Cabinet, Gaming, Bedroom;
  • operating period: year-round or only in the warm season;
  • as the roof is designed (duct, dome, semi-haired or holm);
  • from which the building itself is built (brick house, foam block, slagoblock, etc.);
  • the material used for overlaps.

The fastest and simple one will become a single-level attic under the duplex roof. It will be required at least additional structural elements. Frontons are used in this case as a place to install vertical windows.

However, most of the area remains unused, so it is more profitable to equip the attic under the broken roof. This will complicate the design and construction work, but all the space will be used as efficiently as possible.

Preferably, the attic under the hollow (four-page) roof. The design is strong enough, not deformed under the influence of external factors, resistant to winds and snow. But if the building has very small sizes, it will not be possible to equip a comfortable attic.

Houses of houses with an attic

Mansard can become a decoration of the entire private house or be its functional addition. As the floor will be equipped and is located, depends on the wishes of the owners and the structure of the structure itself.

House with a duplex roof. The first floor is represented by one large room, all space above it is assigned to the attic. This is the easiest and budget decision, if there is enough light through the windows and additional sources of day lighting in the roof are required. The staircase in this case is deposited outside the house that saves space. This option is suitable for the country house without a garage.

House with attic and terrace. It can be viewed both as an option of a country rest, and as a full-fledged residential building. At the same time, the terrace does not have to be located on the attic floor. Drawing photo further.

But also a good terrace will look and as an element of the attic floor

A pretty simple project for combining attic over the garage. Ergonomically, convenient, and does not take extra square meters of the land. The staircase can be installed both in the garage and in the main part of the house. In the first case, the owner of the car receives complete autonomy, which is important if you take a house for rent. But the design of such a building requires consultation of a professional architect to properly distribute the weight on all design elements.

Mansard in cottages from a bar. Such houses are indispensable for a large family. Or even several married couples.

If you wish, you can combine everything: attic over the first floor and terrace over the garage.

The project can look like this.

Technical Requirements for Mansardam

The roof covering should be durable, but easy, so it is better to choose ondulin or metal tile.

An attic tier is more susceptible to the loss of heat and the occurrence of condensate, which means that heat, waterproofing and good ventilation should not save.

The inner partitions of the attic preferably to make from drywall, wood and metal profile to reduce the load on the inter-storey overlap.

From whatever material there is no roof, there will be a lot of money on noise insulation. Return, and the sounds of rain, wind and falling snow will be heard quite strongly.

The crossing line of the inclined or broken roofs and the facade should be located at about 150 cm relative to the floor of the attic. With the recommended distance "Paul-ceiling" - at least 2.5 m for residential premises, in the attic floor, the space with such parameters should be 50% and most of the place.

In general, the attic can be built in any single-storey house, but it is better to design its location in advance, even at the stage of creating a plan of the future structure.

Project for home with an attic and garage

The beautiful project of the house with the attic and the garage will not be too expensive, if initially determine the construction plan and the necessary quadrature of all rooms.

If you build a house, with a total area of \u200b\u200b111.9 m 2 and residential - 70.60 m 2, plus a garage - 17.80 m 2, the development of an individual project will need to be spent 10-25 thousand rubles.

Depending on the purpose of the attic can be built only above the garage or use the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe house box. What are the projects of single-storey houses with an attic, the photo is given below. The finished plan with the attic without taking into account the territory allocated for the garage and in the absence of basement:

Projection of the first floor

Dersighted floor projection

In this case, the entire load falls only on the bearing walls of the house box.

The angle of inclination of the roof with such a layout of 42-43 degrees, the height of the skate is 8.0 m. The size of the attic is 32 m 2, which can be divided into three rooms, a staircase, bathroom, storage room and anterior.

Project for a simple single-storey house

For a house of foam block, an area of \u200b\u200b139-140 m 2, without a garage and basement, basement and basement, the plan of the attic floor may look modestly and unpretentious, the maximum saving free space for any purpose.

In small houses, to have more extra residential space, to equip the attic room for a comfortable stay, you can and above the box at home and you need a garage. The only exception is extensive basements. Then it will be better limited to the part of the structure where they are not.

The device of the rafter system for the house of a bar from a bone roof

First of all, the slope of the roof must comply with the climatic conditions of the region. Where abundant precipitation often falls out, the roof should have a sharp slope of 50-80 degrees.

In areas with high intensity winds, on the contrary, the roofs are suitable, which will help reduce the pressure on the roof design.

For the rafter systems for the attic, the installation of Mauerlatov is required. It is a bars of 10x10 cm, which ensure the distribution of the roof load on the entire surface that it covers. Mauerlates are put on a rafter foot or installed along the length of the whole building. Typically, wooden structures are used, but if the roof is supposed to be made from a metal roofing, you need to use Mauerlates from metal products.

The cross section of the timber is shown in the photo below.

All that is required for the attitudes of the attic, decide on the size of the room and its purpose, develop a project, explore the necessary materials, their number and can be bred.

Beautiful mansard houses: photo, catalog

The projects of mansard houses of our catalog can be erected from foam concrete, gas blocks, bricks, ceramic blocks. The project of the attic home before purchasing, we recommend to adapt to your site and the climatic zone - it will guarantee durability and high quality of construction!

Dersighted house project plans: Benefits

Plans of mansard houses remain relevant and in 2017 due to their rationality. If you decide what to buy a project of the house, choosing between one-storey, attic and two-story house - a house with an attic is the best and optimal option. His advantages are that:

  • The planning of mansard houses makes them the warmer of one-story and two-storey: you will not warm the attic in winter.
  • Its turnkey construction will cost cheaper than one-story and two-storey residential house of the same area (with other things being equal). Since, on the same foundation, under the same roof, the house with an attic will have a large area than one-storey. For its construction, fewer materials will need than for a two-storey cottage, which will significantly reduce cost estimates.
  • The length of communications in the house with the attic will be less than in one-story.
  • On the site he will take less space than the one-storey house.

Planning of mansard houses: features

In order for a private house with an attic to be comfortable and convenient to carefully treat his features.
So, for example, changing the angle of inclination of the roof, the height of the attic wall, using falsely inside the attic, correctly choosing furniture and design of mansard houses, it is possible to make it even more cozy, turn out of the incomplete angular room into a cozy, original nest. To do this, it is better to seek help to experienced architects and designers. Our specialists of the project department for a separate cost, if necessary, will be able to make all the indicated changes in the selected house plan with the attic.
In most part, our typical projects of houses with an attic include the height of an attic wall of 1 m - 1.2 m, which is quite optimal, convenient option. In order for the attic floor to be "stuffy" in it, the ventilation system should be properly designed correctly. It must be remembered that the attic windows give more light than lug-free. Although lug-free emphasizes the cozy nature of the attic floor.
Be sure to remember that not every private one-storey house can be turned into a mansard. To do this, in the project of such a house should be initially taken into account by many of the overlapping, rafting structures, roofing pie, other designed for future attic.

Projects of houses from foam blocks, which can be found in the catalog, can be implemented from ceramoblocks, aerated concrete, other stone materials.

When purchasing individual and typical architectural projects of mansard houses in our company on average market prices, customers receive detailed project documentation, which includes 5 sections: constructive, architectural and three engineering (water supply, power supply, ventilation and heating). We draw your attention to the one that the cost of the engineering section is 20% of the price specified on the site. Below you can see an example of a mansard house project.

Dersighted houses, photos, videos, sketches, drawings and schemes of which are posted in this section, are protected by copyright and guarantee developers legal safety in the construction of houses on projects of our company. The certificate posted on the site is a confirmation that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500.

We offer you to watch a video selection of popular mansard projects:

The embodiment and synonym for home comfort for many is a comfortable country cottage. And if attic and terrace are attached to the house, then it's just a dream of a real romance. If in former times the attic space was not considered an elite and fulfilled the role of warehouse, now modern attic of country houses are placed on exclusive design projects.

Such buildings will become an excellent option for owners of small sites. Having made the floor under the roof, you get an additional living space, and it means that the foundation will need a smaller place for the sizes.


In addition, the attic floor and the terrace will help to functionably "unload" the room, as you can use these additional meters for games, feasts, gatherings with friends or storage of clothes.


Why do the villagers, as a rule, choose the projects of houses with a veranda and attic? Such covered design is good not only for outdoor meetings, but also creates an additional shadow. In addition, various daily business can be performed on the root or heat terrace or engage in the fall.

In the submission of the subsidence, it is the presence of a terrace or attic adds coziness to a country cottage. Meanwhile, not every project just just perform how it looks in the drawings and in the schemes. Of great importance here will have practical experience in designing complex, from a geometric point of view, structures.

An important feature of the attic is a pointed roof, the ceilings of which hang over the head standing inside the person. To find the attachment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic, the ceilings height at the highest point should be at least 2-2.5 meters. And the angle of the skate will be dumber, the easier it will be under the roof. A broken roof may also be out of such a situation, which will free the maximum planns of the attic.

Houses with attic and terrace are different from ordinary not only constructive features and unusual architecture, but also "stuffing." Since the floor under the roof is subject to temperature drops, it is especially thoroughly insulated and insulated both from the inside and outside. As for the interior decoration, it represents a free layout with a minimum partition. And the role of zoning may well perform the lighting, which there should be many in the attic room. You can originally to beat the unusual windows.

As for the features of the terrace, its construction is better combined with the construction of the house, so that there is a single foundation. And if you add a veranda later, pay special attention to the quality of the walls of the walls - so that the base does not crack when the terrace shrinkage, and the walls did not disperse.

Advantages and disadvantages

Homes with attic and terrace have both advantages and disadvantages, pay attention to this your attention when planning the construction.

The advantages are as follows:

  • mansard makes the interior original;
  • high functionality of the attic room;
  • the ability to save on building materials;
  • reducing heat loss through the roof;
  • the possibility of arranging non-residential premises.

From flaws can be noted:

  • inaccurate compliance with construction technology can entail condensation and moisture in the indoor indoor;
  • the complex mansard geometry and, accordingly, the considerable cost of the "under the order" windows, which, besides there should be a lot if you want to build a sunny attic, and not a gloomy attic.


Projects of finished country cottages with attic and terrace in principle allow the use of various styles and layouts. The buildings of the attic type are erected from wood, brick, bar, foam blocks. There are also stone houses and cottages, built on Finnish technology (their compactness is distinguished and at the same time efficiency and practicality in the organization of residential space).

It is by incorporating the attic to the general plan that it is possible to increase the internal volume of rooms.. And the additional extension of the terrace will not only increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house, but also make the design unique and unique.

If you are planning to use a terrace in the cold season, consider the heating system for an extension. Of course, verandas without heating will cost cheaper, but you can not make a living room or a winter garden. Such open terraces will serve for summer gatherings.

Each professionally made project of the country house takes into account the following factors:

  • climatic features;
  • features of the soil and landscape (for example, on the level locality there is a house or on a slope);
  • options for combining house design with the environment;
  • the possibility of organizing the most convenient space, taking into account the age of family members and their individual characteristics.

Even at the design stage of the cottage, the location of rooms, engineering networks and all communications is thought out. As a budget option, as a rule, a project of a house with an attic and a veranda of 6x6 square meters is selected. m. This area and 2-3 floors are enough to place all the necessary accommodation. For such a house, it is preferable to make a broken roof of the attic so that the room under the roof is roomier.

Compact and small country house 6x6 square meters. M includes everything you need: living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Such a project implies that you will receive not 36, but at least 50 square meters. M of the useful area. And if this is not enough, you can always make an extension or remake the existing terrace for a residential premises. The center has a living room with access to the kitchen, and separate bedrooms for adults and children - in the indulgent floor.

In order not to be closely in a similar mini-house, buy folding furniture that will help keep the maximum useful space.

You can choose a rectangular project of a house of 6x8 square meters. m when the facade is designed for a longer side. It is necessary that the attic does not turn into a "tunnel" and acquired a large width. The terrace is designed from the facade side of the building, which is well lit.

In the house of 9x9 square meters. m even more opportunities for planning functional premises. The kitchen and dining room can be combined with the living room. A small corridor leads to bedroom and bathroom. And in the attic floor you can place a bedroom, a gym, a nursery, a wine cellar, a dressing room or a rest room - in general, what you most needed.

For the home oblong shape with dimensions of 8x10 square meters. M is characteristic of the placement of residential rooms along the corridor. The advantage of such a project is that both floors fit on the bedroom, and it means that the place to relax guests will be provided with you.

Spacious house 10x10 square meters. m will be the perfect solution for a large family with children. There are several bathrooms, as well as a spacious canteen and kitchen room. In the attic you can place several zones at once: bedroom, children's, dressing room or guest room.

The terrace in all projects is attached to the house or is planned initially on the general foundation. It depends on the method of its fence and the presence of a roof. If you want to use a fabric cooking terrace (for example, barbecue or kebabs), it is worth making a common foundation that will be durable and withstand the maximum load. If the terrace space is planned to be used for recreation, games, or it will perform a purely aesthetic function of the decoration of the house, you can do the simple and easy wooden design on piles or pillars.

Of course, typical projects are cheaper than exclusive and personal, but with individual orders, designers and architects provide all sorts of nuances that will improve the quality of life outside the city, for example, equip the special comfortable stairs for the elderly or equip a luxurious winter garden on the terrace or attorney.


Now let's talk about the materials used for construction.


The most popular and eco-friendly variant of the country house in our compatriots are performed by a tree. Wood - Safe and even healthy material, but rather difficult to use. It is necessary to carefully comply with not only the technology of the house, but also take care of the special processing of the tree with the compositions that protect it from external influences.

The wooden house is the perfect choice for the northern regions of the country, because this material perfectly retains heat, so you will not even need an additional construction of the fireplace. The only disadvantage can be called the fact that during the construction of Ecodoma will have to wait half a year due to the shrinkage of the cut, and only then you can start finishing work.

Of the advantages of wooden construction, we also note that the tree absorbs moisture, and when too dry air, on the contrary, it highlights it. Therefore, in a wooden house, the microclimate is perfect for the human body. And you don't need to talk about the coniferous smell - it is healing for those who have problems with light, and the simple prevention of diseases for healthy people.

This material is suitable and those who have allergies to dust, because the tree does not accumulate it.

Frame elements

The frame option is suitable for small and simple, in the sense of architectural solutions, houses. Frame elements are easy to mount, so you will have a minimum of time on the construction of a country house. Domestic companies produce frames from wood and metal, ready or in the form of collapsible design. And the walls of such structures make from PVC, chipboard and insulation. Thus, with minimal financial and time costs, you will receive a mini-house for a full-fledged holiday on the Nature Lon.


Among the advantages of such a building material, as a brick, we note its reliability and durability - the service life of such a house will be at least 100 years, and with careful use and more. The brick house is solid, fireproof and resistant to negative environmental impacts.

The construction company "Calm season" offers ready-made projects of houses with a nuclear area, we also carry out their construction. By the wishes of the customer, architects make changes to the finished drawings - as a result we will build a cottage that meets all the requirements and wishes of the client. We use high-quality materials and modern building technologies, thanks to which we have erected at home with a nuclear indices - these are comfortable, ergonomic, reliable and high-quality buildings.

Pros and cons


Projects of houses with the Erker and the Athenium are characterized by the following advantages:

  1. Savings on the area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment

These buildings are logical to erect on land bounded areas.

  1. Rational use of housing area

The projects of country houses with attic benefit in this regard with one-story and two-storey cottages, as the attic room is not rationally applied.

  1. Affordable house price with attic

If we compare the cost of the construction of the attic room and the second floor, the last option is greatly inferior in this regard. The first option is characterized by economy because fewer materials and construction work costs are required. The cost of the house with an attic per square meter is lower in comparison with other projects.

  1. Smaller heating costs

Warm air rises upwards, which entails smaller the cost of heating the attic room.


  • Insufficient illumination

Based on the own experience of the construction of such buildings, confidently declare that this minus conditional. Solving the problem - windows. Their special location allows you to penetrate the room more light than with a standard location.

  • Beveled corners cause depression

This minus projects of houses under the attic is also considered conditional. The thoughtful and competent design of the room eliminates this contradiction.


If we take into account how much it costs to build a house with an attic and carry out simple economic calculations, then these projects can be called the most profitable and optimal for private home ownership. We offer not only projects, but also carry out their turnkey construction. We guarantee the quality, available prices and the promptness of the construction. For all the questions you are interested in the numbers specified on the site. We will make the most advantageous offer!

Before taking on the construction of a country cottage, you need to clearly define what it will be. Any flags in this business may later affect the strength of the building or even on its appearance. Most of all it concerns the attic part, especially if you want to divide it into several rooms.

The walls in which the living area is located must be carriage for the roof. The attic floor is provided with warm, dry and should not be blown out by the wind. From what layout will have a house, your comfort depends. To do this, the project should take into account all to the smallest detail, even the rational location of window openings and doors, pays great attention to the form of simpleness and location of communications. Competently, it is necessary to determine the places for the beams of heating, the distribution of the electrical network, as well as the placement of the stairs.

when planning a attic pay attention to how the staircase from the first floor will be held on it

To maximize the placement of the room under the roof, the attic bulkhead should serve as the rear wall for the built-in wardrobe and shelves. Otherwise, it is worth placing it at the level of where the skates will reach the height, this is at least 1.4 meters, it will be possible to put a chair and a couch.

Although the attic part has the attic part, in each of them there should be a window, the dimensions of which will be 10% of the entire space space. However, if you are satisfied with the twilight, you can make it a little less.

Fighting plan for each free meter

The perfect option, especially when developing the planning of a single-storey house with an attic, is to cut the balcony or a whole gallery in the roof.

At the same time, it will immediately need to engage in insulation of bulkhead, or just make it part of the glass package. In this case, the frame will be opened in different planes. The inclined will lean up, and the vertical swallow.

There is another option - to install the railing along the edge of the overlap, almost above the sink of the roof. From the side, they will look like an equifiable triangle in an inverted form. In this embodiment, the upper part will rise, becoming a canopy, and the bottom - to lean forward, adjacent to the front part of the railil. This will allow you to go out to breathe air on the balcony.

An example of a 1-storey house planning with an attic and a terrace

Ground floor

On the ground floor there will be a living room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 26 square meters. m. It will be possible to get only from the hall, it is also possible to go from it into the rest of the rooms. On the same floor there is a kitchen-dining room, a bathroom, shopping facilities, a terrace and an exit to the garage. The bathroom includes more bath, shower and other plumbing accessories. Doors of all rooms and even bathroom are located in niches. This fact enables the installation of additional backlight and gives greater expressiveness of the hall.

plan 1 floor at home

The entrance to the living room will be carried out through a large beautiful opening. The kitchen-dining room is equipped with a single room that is divided into two zones. One of them is working, it will cook in it. The second zone is designed to relax, that is, it is a dining room in which the family will eat. Within each other, these zones can be distinguished by a sliding cabinet designed to store sets and other dishes. This method of layout is very simple and functional, for this reason it uses many designers.

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Layout at home on Feng Shui

It is successfully thought out that the kitchen can be accessed from both the hall and from the living room. Do not have to go around to cover the table. The terrace is adjacent to the living room, where you can drink tea in the summer evening, as the area allows you to accommodate a small company there, and if you wish, you can arrange a small greenhouse. But this is a matter of taste.

Second floor

Further, the plan includes. After you raise the stairs, a small corridor begins. From here you can get into any room located on this floor. Total residential rooms on the floor are three, and here is a comfortable and spacious dressing room. From one room there is a way out immediately to the loggia. In addition to these premises, there is another bathroom, an area of \u200b\u200b10.6 square meters. m. The overall altitude of the attic is from 1.9 to 3.8 m.

Much attention should be paid to the stairs. The living room is very spacious, so it will be possible to position not only furniture, but also. If still a significant part of the living room space will be occupied, then you can arrange the screw staircase from the other edge of the house, as shown in the diagram. One of the residential rooms can be converted and make a work studio or workshop.

planning attic

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe house is 163.71 square meters. M.

Illumination of the attic floor

It is important to make high-quality coverage of the attic floor. If people are constantly in this part of the building, the attitude of the surface area of \u200b\u200bwindows to the square of the room should be 1: 8. In the case of this planning, someone almost always will be in the attic. Consequently, if the total area is 100 square meters. m., then glazing should occupy an area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. m.

Planning at home with attic and veranda

When choosing the number of windows, it is worth paying attention to the fact that two small windows located at some distance from each other will give much more lighting than one window of the larger size. Mansard windows can become the main element of the entire style of the room, if they are placed on each other, or next to each other. Practice shows that the installation height of the window is selected individually. The recommended indicator is at least 80 cm, and 120 cm is considered the most common and optimal.

one of the most successful rooms for lighting rooms on the attic floor

The higher the window the window will be located, the more it will give light. When determining the height, it is worth considering the growth of a person who will be more often located in this room. Tip: The distance from the floor to half the window should be equal to the average human growth.

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Private house projects with fireplace

This plan of a single-storey house with an attic, though simple, but very functional. Receptions that were used in its creation can only bring convenience and comfort. With the use of decorative elements made of brickwork, you can achieve architectural expressiveness, even despite the small volume of the building.

To date, difficult at home, which possess their "highlight" begin to be very popular. This drawing of the house with an attic and a veranda is exactly what is necessary for a creative person who does not want to refuse all the possibilities of the modern world. Many benefits have, most importantly of which are comfortable. Such a structure will definitely enjoy every person, as it can be equipped at your own request.

Veranda at the entrance to the house

As soon as you go to the house, then you fall on the veranda. The veranda is called an open or glazed type room, which is usually not heated, but is ventilated using windows. In this regard, the veranda will be glazed, so you can arrange a reception room. Often this room is used simply as a transitional link from the street to spaces located inside. However, it can have a lot of appointments: starting from the winter garden and ending with the cabinet. The last option, of course, is not very convenient, but in practice it is often encountered.

In this video, see the original frameless way of glazing veranda in a private house.

The veranda will have three doors:
  1. Entrance from the street;
  2. Entrance to the main room;
  3. Weekend to the street.

in this case, the veranda has an additional emergence

The last option is usually used in order to show the most beautiful places on the plot. For example, an unusual flowerbed, a river or even a forest. From the window, too, you can observe a wonderful landscape, so that guests and owners of the house will relax in this room. The planning planning includes the heating of the veranda, since there will be chairs and a sofa for receiving guests. There must be a stained glass window. They will be located at a height of no more than half a meter.

Optimal dimensions for the veranda can be considered 4x6 or 4x5, the first option will be used in this structure. However, do not forget about the external finish of an extension. To implement this task, you can use facing brick. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe veranda will be 17 square meters. m.

1st floor

Immediately with the veranda you can get into the hall. Internal passes on this floor will not differ in anything notable, except niche, which is located near the entrance to the kitchen-dining room from the living room. It is recommended to highlight it from the surrounding space and set the backlight. This original move will be able to transform the entire appearance of the 1st floor. As a rule, the first floor in the afternoon does not need additional lighting, as the main light sources - windows. Kitchen-dining room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 17.5 square meters. m., has no individual outputs. Its windows should go to the household plot.