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How to ask for forgiveness on Forgiven Sunday. Forgiveness Resurrection in SMS is easy. stage - Forgiveness

Forgiveness Sunday is always celebrated before the first day of Lent. Everyone knows that you need to ask for forgiveness from your family and friends. But, it is important and correct to answer. Next, we will analyze how to respond to a request for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday, what words to say and what to put into them. Before fasting, you need to be sincere, of course, it is good to forgive offenders, but it also happens that you cannot forgive, is it worth it to dissemble then? Or you can answer sincerely, without concealing malice and without hiding the truth.

  • Psychologically moment
  • Forgiveness Sunday Story

What words to choose to answer a request for forgiveness from the point of view of the Orthodox faith

Traditionally, on the last Sunday of Shrovetide week, which precedes Great post, we ask each other for forgiveness and in return forgive the offenders. But many are lost and do not know what words to choose when they hear a request for forgiveness. It is important to understand here that some ask for forgiveness only because custom requires it, out of habit, since this is the day. But you need to answer the request. It is customary to say: "God will forgive!" Some also add: "And I forgive!"

Speak these words sincerely, from a pure heart. Priests advise to choose other words if there is no forgiveness in the soul or there is nothing to forgive. Better the answer will not be in the accepted form, but sincere, from the heart. If you cannot forgive the offense to the one who asks for forgiveness, answer that “God will forgive” and wish it sincerely. You can even say that while you yourself cannot forgive, but you really hope that the Lord will grant forgiveness. Such an answer will help to reconcile with yourself inside before Lent and may bring you closer to the person who offended you.

If there is no resentment and say that there is nothing to forgive, do not take the request formally, treat this rite with soul and understanding, do not think about how to answer correctly the request for forgiveness on Last Sunday, answer as your heart tells you.

The stereotyped answer that God will forgive is sometimes not welcomed by the church. There is no need to answer like this if there is no forgiveness in your heart, and you do not wish the offender forgiveness of the Almighty. If this is a formal excuse, then it is also not worthwhile to once again mention the name of the Lord in vain. This violates the third commandment. Choose other words, you can even say that you cannot forgive. It will be better than hypocrisy. Well, if there is no offense, then answer that.

The accepted answer “God will forgive” underlines the fact that we are all sinners on this earth and have no right to judge or conceal grievances. They will tell the person who asked for forgiveness that you are equal, that you are not going to judge, that you are turning to God for forgiveness and mercy. This is the essence of Christian forgiveness. In addition, the Gospel speaks of the importance of forgiveness. When we forgive, we can also claim that we ourselves will be forgiven by the Lord.

Psychologically moment

Psychologists say that it is necessary to answer the request for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday, but how, the heart will tell. From the point of view of psychology, the stereotyped answer is not always correct. Even he can serve as a source of resentment. This is possible if no one hurt each other. It is important to choose correct words and intonation.

If you have been asked for forgiveness, paying tribute to tradition, say kindly that there is nothing to forgive, that there are no offenses. Tell the one whom you have forgiven without fail. It will be important for a person who regrets that they have wronged them to hear sincere words of forgiveness.

Do not be formal about the need for forgiveness before starting a fast. The important thing here is to actually forgive, not to choose the words for the answer. But do not blame yourself for the fact that you cannot forgive, it is better to be sincere in front of yourself and your loved ones.

Asking for forgiveness is one of the customs that have been established since ancient times, back in the days of paganism, like Maslenitsa itself. There are several customs for Forgiveness Sunday, they all have the meaning of cleansing, letting go of those moments that pulled the soul.

Other customs for Forgiveness Sunday

Since ancient times in Russia, it was customary to conduct a noisy and fun Maslenitsa week, and on Forgiveness Sunday to ask for forgiveness, to clear the conscience and body. Here's what was started that day:

1. Visit the baths. This is a symbolic rite of cleansing. They washed off all the burdens and bodily dirt.

2. Ask for forgiveness. To remove from yourself all emotional experiences and worries, all that torments and torments.

Believers on this day go to church, confess, perform rituals of reconciliation and purification.

It is not customary to spend this day noisily with fun and feast. It is important to prepare for Lent physically and mentally.

Forgiveness Sunday Story

Today we are noisily celebrating the last day of Maslenitsa - Sunday, although initially it served to repent and prepare for fasting. Pagan traditions are at the heart of the Maslenitsa holiday, and the rite of repentance and forgiveness is Christian. It has nothing to do with Shrovetide, it just coincides with the calendar.

Before the beginning of the fast, which the monks spent in wandering and solitude, they asked each other for forgiveness for all insults, both voluntary and involuntary. This was important because they spent all the days of the ambassador in strict confinement, not caring about the bodily, retiring. Many did not return, died. The fact that they were forgiven before they died was of great importance both for those who passed away and for those who remained.

Over time, this rite went to the people. Before fasting, everyone asks each other for forgiveness and believes that they will be forgiven.

Therefore, it is important not to treat words formally, if it is important for you how to respond to a request for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday, speak from the heart, while trying not to hide grievances, but also not to dissemble.

Why is it so important for a person to forgive, even when the hurt seems too deep? Whom do we help with forgiveness first of all: ourselves or those whom we have forgiven? Forgiveness Sunday is a special day, not even a holiday, but an event dedicated to every believer. A Christian should know how to ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday and how to answer who exactly and why it is so important for ordinary people.

The importance of forgiveness

Those who have studied the covenants and the Gospel never tire of being amazed at the kindness and heart of the Savior. How could he forgive the wrongs inflicted, sometimes even fatal, forgave all people, even his own executioners and the one who sentenced Christ to death. Forgive me sincerely and asked my students to do the same. Why is this so important? After asking forgiveness from an enemy or offended relative, colleague, partner or children, people try to convey their feelings in prose, they open up as much as possible, making it clear that they are really sorry.

Many may disagree with. Like, if you forgive everyone, then nothing good will come of it, because there are grievances that are not available for forgiveness. For example, betrayal. Not necessary it comes about some crimes. The most difficult thing is to forgive betrayal, to survive betrayal, especially from loved ones, whom people sometimes trust infinitely. How to forget the grievances experienced, is the word “forgive” enough? And who will get better from this?

The Church believes that the burden of grievances torments both sides. And the offended, who constantly experiences what happened and torments himself, trying to find the reasons for what happened, is angry with the offender, wishes him bad. And the situation is not forgotten. The offender also suffers. He is worried about his conscience, yes, some do not have it, such people can sell their mothers, pass by. But the majority still have a sense of guilt, and then it will not let them fall asleep. The offender is crushed by this feeling, you constantly want to correct the mistake, but how? This applies specifically to serious grievances when the parties long time cannot make up.

Forgiveness Sunday, which will take place on February 26, gives a chance for all people, no matter whether they are Christians or Muslims, atheists or those who have not yet decided on their faith, to purify themselves. A load of guilt or a load of resentment prevents people from living in peace and harmony, forgiving the offender, a person cleans and own soul, and helps another. Therefore, forgiving is important and necessary, first of all, for oneself.

How do you express forgiveness?

Choosing the right words so that a person understands and accepts repentance is also important. You can't say, "Oh, I'm sorry," an apology, according to the church, is not a sincere desire for forgiveness, it can be said if you accidentally push a person or make a mistake. To sincerely repent and convey your feelings, you can say: "Please, I beg you, forgive me." Be sure to out loud, in prose, so that the interlocutor sees sincerity and good intentions.

Should I list all the mistakes and sins? No. Everyone remembers what he was guilty of and to whom exactly. It is a request for forgiveness, this is when a person himself understands that he is guilty and sincerely wants to be forgiven, accepted with his mistakes, perhaps given a chance for correction. And an apology is an admission of what happened as a simple accident, for which the person asking is not guilty. You can think of beautiful ones.

Who should I contact?

To everyone, because sometimes with a careless word or action, we can offend a close friend, or acquaintance, colleague, relatives. It happens that a person to whom you need to apologize in prose is far away, then call. You can't just unsubscribe, it is important that he listens and accepts repentance. Start with parents, then all relatives, colleagues, then acquaintances with friends. You can just say: "Please forgive me for all the wrongs I have caused you." Perhaps you yourself do not remember what happened, but you feel some kind of guilt for yourself. It is important to be sincere and not rushed. You can't just blurt out "I'm sorry" and run away, leave a note, or write a whole letter in prose.

Previously, people came to the cemetery to talk with already deceased relatives, friends, acquaintances and loved ones. Ask for forgiveness, sincerely repent. Yes, people have already crossed the line, physically they are already far away, but the soul is immortal in Christianity, and it is ready to listen. Now this is rarely practiced, but it is worth remembering the dead. After all, it is more difficult to apologize to them, they may hear, but how will they answer?

There are minor offenses, everyday ones, for which it is also easy to ask for forgiveness. There are averages, when the offended himself admits that the situation has occurred and now it needs to be corrected. Both are guilty, and if one comes with a request for sincere forgiveness, you can forget mutual grievances. There are difficult situations when it is sometimes impossible to forgive. Perhaps this resentment will resolve, but not immediately. It will play a role here how sincerely the offender regrets and how much strength the offended person will need to forgive.

How to forgive?

Yes, this question also torments people. After all, one "forgive" is not enough, it's just a word. It is important to let go of the situation, to let the offense go away, so that later it is possible to improve relations or just remember the former offender calmly. Even if not all of your offenders come and call, you need to forgive them. How is it correct? People respond to appeals: "God will forgive, and I forgive all the more." Inside, wishing well, let go. It means more, never to remember what happened, not to mention somewhere in conversations: "Like I forgave him, of course, but he is such a bastard ..." this is not considered forgiveness.

Not everyone is ready to forgive sincerely now. Sometimes the resentment is so serious that it is impossible to realize, accept, then let go of the situation immediately. It is important here, if the offender does come, to honestly say: "God will forgive, but I will try." And if, nevertheless, in the soul there is a desire to forgive, pray, ask the priests for advice, ask the Almighty for power. After all, forgiveness will enable you to move on.

Also, if you are not ready to forgive now, and you see it, do not be upset. The main thing is that you have taken steps, perhaps a person will need time, sometimes a long and someday longed for forgiveness will come.

What is considered wrong

You can't take Forgiveness Sunday lightly. If you do not like the event, then it is better to just skip it, after listening to everyone who comes to ask for forgiveness. Even the worst enemies should not be insulted with neglect or jokes, people come sincerely, open their souls. And if it is not serious about their impulse, then it will primarily play against the joker.

Lie. Lying is generally considered a sin, it is in one of the commandments. Therefore, when you are not ready to forgive a person now, it is better to honestly confess. Apply delicately, say before: “God will forgive”, and about yourself you can add: “I am not ready yet, but I will try, thank you for coming.” You should not falsely say “forgive” when an offense will live in your soul for a long time. By lying, you are deceiving yourself first.

Do not be rude or insulting, even if you came to the doorstep worst enemy... Situations are really different and sometimes the resentment simply does not provide an opportunity for forgiveness. But any person, even the worst criminal, has the right to be listened to. So welcome everyone calmly and be honest.

Age is not important - Forgiveness Sunday applies to everyone, sometimes children, even small ones, sincerely ask for forgiveness. They should be listened to carefully and answered like adults. This will help them become aware of themselves as a full part of what is happening and feel the importance.

Make you forgive. Sometimes it is very difficult to come for forgiveness and some may not stand refusal when a person is not ready to say “forgive”. You can’t force him, beg, or even more so, threaten. The step taken is important, the request is important. And it is important that you are listened to. Yes, maybe now the offended person will not be able to forgive, but accept his honesty.

And after a while, come again. It is not necessary to wait for the next Forgiveness Sunday, if his forgiveness is really important, take steps, make it clear that you care about the person's opinion. Water, after all, little by little, but wears away the stone. Take an example.

Poems for Forgiveness Sunday to ask for forgiveness

Forgive me and I for you
I forgive, I hug
Forgive me and i you
I forgive everything for everything!
Forgive me and don't be silent
Forget all the sorrows
I forgive all your sins
And I do not notice evil!

Have higher powers today I forgave forgiveness,
My words are not honey, my actions are not boiling,
May thoughts be pure, and pure of hearts,
Let malice fly from the heart, like a fly, like a wasp,
And the light will illuminate the heart with magical kindness,
Let the blessing of love be with you again!

* * *
We give tenderness to each other and forgive words,
Let spring cover the field with daisies again,
May love give joy and peace of mind,
With new happiness in spring on any floor
There will be a joyful morning and a sweet dawn,
Do not keep evil in your heart - and your success will come,
May your thoughts, dreams and deeds be pure,
Know that we believe and love, we always forgive!

* * *
May spring be joyful and warm
Forgiveness boredom covered with a broom,
May a clear dawn and a beautiful sunset,
Will replace the snowfall in your soul
I wish you not to keep evil in your heart,
Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness and forgive,
Start a new day like a blank piece of paper
Like a gentle whisper of love and delight!

* * *
Farewell to winter is like a promise of caress,
Forgiving others is almost a love confession
The beginning of a new life, the light of wisdom, love,
Good luck and patience, warmth and kindness,
Let an affectionate word be beautiful, like day,
A beautiful lilac blooms on the heart,
Let the beautiful song flow under the window
And let the silver stream knock on your house!

* * *
Tenderness of lilac, fluffiness of mimosa,
Gives you forgiveness in the cold
Caress, love and peace of mind,
Happiness that is only with you
Loads of grievances dissolve into the night
The heart rejoices with joy very much,
Tenderness will give you sweet coffee
Joy of friends, affection like a ginger cat!

* * *
The load of resentment burns up in the night
In sms, words of forgiveness,
The dawn of kindness comes
Delicate, sweet, like a jar of jam
May the flowers of kindness and love
Mimosa will bloom in your heart,
We wish you a sweet dream
Delighted like the scent of a rose!

* * *
The joy of forgiveness is like a diamond
Gives love, inspiration and sweetness,
The bitterness of resentment will melt like poison
As the haze melts, and there is joy in the soul,
Let the light of spring days fill the hearts
And gives smiles of love and fun,
Let the soul not cry, it's time to rejoice,
But just do not cry from the grief of a hangover!

* * *
This is how tenderness comes. By the caress of spring
Let gentle silk dreams come
Let the grievances in the past hide forever
You will think about all the good things
Do not be angry with the weak, do not hold anger,
Try to believe even sweet lies
May tenderness wake up joyfully in hearts,
Let the image on your lips become beautiful!

* * *
Throw a heavy load of grievances off your shoulders,
Stop laughing at trifling meetings
Let the soul bloom with a beautiful rose
Let the insult go away, simply, penniless,
Rejoice good luck, give flowers,
To everyone whom only you forgive in your heart,
May luck give you light of spring
Let love beckon to a fairy tale of kindness!

* * *
Angelic tenderness illuminate the heart!
Let there be no bitterness of resentment in the heart,
May flowers give March a bright day
Let laziness attack evil taunts!
Forgive the insults, everyone will forgive you,
Let the thunderstorm sparkle with lightning in the night,
Let the pink dawn give flowers
The joys of communication and wonderful light!

* * *
Let the roses bloom in the soul, tulips bloom in the heart,
Forgive others and they will forgive you everything, even insult, jealousy and deceit,
Nothing lasts forever in the world on earth and God will answer everyone for their actions,
And may love, the queen on earth, arrive in your heart not for a day!

* * *
Kindness, like May flowers,
Gives tenderness, light, love, patience,
Do not carry the burden of grievances with you,
Into the world of love, like passion, regret,
Let the ocean give the night
A lot of happiness, a blank sheet of paper
Do not believe that wickedness is a deception,
It will turn out to be a wonderful blessing for them!

* * *
Tenderness is light, a haze of kindness,
Let it erase the grievances in your heart
I wish loyalty, love,
And defeat resentment with patience,
Let the star shine with tenderness
Among tears, grievances and sad songs
Kindness always wins
May peace be eternal in the human heart!

* * *
Cherry light is beautiful like magic
He is as pure as our attitude to grievances,
He's like a snowflake of light on Christmas
Forgiveness will give you naive!
Pure as children, thoughts and deeds,
Let's make peace with our neighbors forever,
May life not give you everything,
After all, the life of all people is not so eternal!

* * *
Gives you joy and happiness a new day
Let the harsh fast come ahead,
Let the purity in the soul be like a lilac in a meadow,
The border of the heart of loved ones will cross,
May there be kindness and purity
And the soul is pleasant, as in the south,
Always let kindness win
Appreciate you take care of each other.

* * *
May he give the last resurrection
To you and others, tender forgiveness,
Much happiness, gentle light of spring,
A lot of joy, and happiness, kindness,
May you be affectionate again
Start all over again, so easy
Say "I'm sorry" and again forgive each other,
When someone is suddenly unlucky!

Greetings, dear friends!
The wide Shrovetide ends on Sunday, which is called Forgiven. People are preparing for Great Lent and, according to tradition, before entering the period of purification and correction of their souls, they must ask for forgiveness from everyone who has been offended by inattention, word, deed, glance, condemnation, misunderstanding. Let's find out how to properly ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday.


Sin is a fire that burns our soul, and forgiveness is a fire extinguisher that saves it from destruction.

Before you apologize, you need to be able to forgive and, first of all, forgive yourself on Forgiveness Sunday.

After all, it is important to come to terms with yourself, to extinguish the destructive fire of passions in yourself.

This does not mean that one should leave everything as it is. Having accepted oneself and forgiving for the past, one must strive to correct and cleanse the soul and heart from everything bad.

But forgiving yourself is not enough. To get rid of sin, you need to ask unhypocritically to forgive everyone you have offended, to make peace and forgive the offenders yourself on the Forgiveness Resurrection.

See the advice from the priest on how to do it correctly

"God will forgive and I forgive"

In our time, asking for forgiveness for the Forgiven Resurrection before fasting has become just a tradition, it has become a formality.

People do this not from the heart, but from the fact that it should be so, without realizing their guilt.

The meaning of the Forgiveness Resurrection is for us to stop, remember who we have offended, and sincerely apologize with a broken heart.

This is a big work inside your soul.

Our pride prevents us from seeing how imperfect we really are. We can easily hurt, take offense and destroy good relationships.

Often we can offend a person without even noticing it. Say something rude, dismiss a request for help, or even look with an unkind look. Therefore, you need to ask for forgiveness for the Forgiven Resurrection from all your friends and relatives.

It will be correct to visit the church on Forgiveness Sunday and repent in confession.

The priest will help you figure out where you are sinful.

Elders should set an example of repentance on this day. They sincerely apologize to the younger ones and show how important it is to acknowledge their guilt.

In the evening, you need to go to the cemetery and ask for forgiveness from your departed relatives. After all, often, it is only when we lose loved one, we begin to understand how much we hurt him.

What is the right way to ask for forgiveness?

With sincere regret, it is worth saying the words of apology, realizing that you have offended, caused a person suffering, spoiled your mood, and possibly health.

When asked to forgive, it is customary to answer: "God will forgive, and I forgive." This means that the Chief Judge will judge and have mercy, but we, sinners, need only forgive.

And what to do if you cannot overpower yourself and forget the insult from the person? Leave everything with the words: “I am a weak person, I cannot forget the offense yet. I will pray that the Lord will forgive you and help me to do this ”.

And of course you need to break your pride and forgive all insults, realizing your imperfection.

After all, if they do not forgive on Forgiveness Sunday, then the person will not be forgiven, and the insult will corrode the soul and heart, destroy health.

We have no right to judge people. There is a High Court for this in heaven and judicial bodies on earth. But our mercy and kindness, the ability to forget grievances will help us when our time comes to give an answer for the life we ​​have lived.

We wish you, dear readers, to ease your soul, forgive everyone and ask for forgiveness with a pure heart on Forgiveness Sunday!

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V Orthodox tradition there is a day when people ask each other for forgiveness for hurtful words and actions. Forgiveness Sunday occurs on the eve of Lent, 40 days before Easter. What does this day mean? What are its traditions and signs? How to ask for forgiveness and what to answer on Forgiveness Sunday?

The last day before Lent is called Forgiveness Sunday. It is a holiday that concludes a long preparatory period for the strictest fasting. For the Orthodox, this is the most significant day, because without forgiveness of those who have offended and reconciliation with enemies, reconciliation with God is impossible. This is perhaps the kindest holiday. He personifies main value, inherent in the Orthodox religion: the ability to leave grudges and not hold any grudge against anyone.

On Forgiveness Sunday, people ask each other for forgiveness. Some say "Forgive me", while others answer them: "God will forgive, and I forgive you." This is a very good tradition. But even for unchurched people on this day it is better not to limit themselves to just memorized phrases, which do not always come from the heart, but to go to church for the evening service.

Into this saint for all Orthodox people day, I want to wish peace and understanding, forgiveness. Forgiveness Sunday makes us closer and kinder to each other. Go to church, bow to the icons, thank the Lord for everything. Let all sorrows and grievances be forgotten. Forgive everyone, and you will be forgiven.

It is most correct to start asking for forgiveness not in the morning, but after you have defended the service. Asking for forgiveness, you seem to leave in the past the burden of heavy thoughts, experiences, quarrels and resentments that could gnaw you from the inside. After all, all this time you have been losing your spiritual energy. In a sense, Forgiveness Sunday has a kind of "therapeutic" effect - it heals the soul.

At the evening service, the Gospel is read. Scripture mentions the disobedience of Adam and Eve, which was the cause of the calamities experienced by mankind. After reading the holy texts, the rite of forgiveness is performed: first, the priest asks for forgiveness from the parishioners and church employees. He is answered with a humble bow. Further, the parishioners ask for forgiveness from the priest, from those present. The main thing is the sincerity of the words. Because the way a person treats others, the Lord will treat him. This evening service is the beginning of Great Lent.

You need to ask for forgiveness not for show, everything should come from the heart, as a result of painstaking inner work... And therefore, do not put such an important matter on the stream. I mean, you shouldn't do bulk SMS with the words “forgive me”.

1. Forgive me, darling, for my actions,
For not always realizing
Good concessions to be made.
I beg your pardon from the bottom of my heart.

2. I ask forgiveness from your heart
And in return I forgive you.
After all, the load, hidden for a long time, grievances
So burdens the soul.
And I don't hold a grudge against you at all
And if you ask for forgiveness:
"God forgive me", in response I will only say
Forgiveness Sunday.

3. May this Sunday be bright,
And I ask, repenting, forgiveness,
After all, since insults are inevitable in life,
And we all, yes, at least a little bit sinful,
I ask me to let go of my sins
Today, and forgive all the insults.

4. When you have caused an offense,
And pouring out pain into other people's souls,
Let's think for a moment
About what they managed to destroy.
Then we will succeed in full
Become cleaner and more beautiful.
Asking for forgiveness is not fault!
Forgiveness is the lot of the happy!

5. Today I apologize urgently
You have, after all, the holiday is now Orthodox!
I want you to forgive me for sure
Praying in churches this glorious evening!

1. My beloved! Sorry for my whims and mood swings. For the fact that sometimes I pay so little attention to you, plunged into work. I know that it is often very difficult with me, and it is difficult to reach me. But you should know that I value you very much and appreciate you and your patience. You are a reliable support for me, I am grateful to fate that we met. I am happy that I have you.

2. Nothing hurts so painfully and accurately as hurtful words dropped by the closest person! Let's forgive each other for our mistakes and continue to be wiser and more tolerant. Only a heart free from resentment and hidden anger is open to mutual love and happiness!

3. Today is not an ordinary Sunday, but the resurrection of forgiveness. Sometimes in life there are situations that, without noticing, we can offend a person, even with a word. And then we reproach ourselves for it. Allow me to ask you for forgiveness on this glorious day. Excuse me, please, for my hot temper. I am so guilty before you, and I didn’t have the courage to ask for forgiveness earlier. Let only meet in your life good people... Let the Guardian Angel protect you from sorrow and resentment. Be happy.

4. In this world, we take care of our souls ourselves. What makes them cleaner? Poetry? Flour? Sorrows? Forgiveness is the only test worthy of our strength. Not everyone can ask for forgiveness and forgive another. But on Forgiveness Sunday, once a year, we all need to ask for forgiveness. Forgive me if you offended me in any way!

1. I want to ask for forgiveness,
Kohl did something ineptly,
I also ask you to forgive me
For what maybe he didn’t.

2. Forgiveness Sunday
I beg your forgiveness.
After all, even malicious intrigues
It's never too late to forgive.

3. I ask you today,
So that you sincerely forgive me.
Honey I love you
And I want you to forget about the bad
Happy Sunday forgiveness!

4. I am on this bright day Sunday
I ask you for forgiveness
For the wrongs inflicted -
And I'll tell you one thing:

I forgive you with all my heart
And I don’t hold evil, believe me!
I will hear "God will forgive" and too
I will say "God will forgive" in response!

5. It's time to ask for forgiveness:
Please forgive me

Today, this Sunday,
It's time to change everything in life
And I will forgive you, of course
Let's forget all the quarrels sooner,
And on this day we promise
We will be kinder and wiser!

Forgiveness Sunday. How to properly ask for forgiveness.

Forgiveness Sunday comes on the last day of Shrovetide

On this day, you need to ask for forgiveness from your loved ones and friends in order to cleanse yourself of possible hidden grievances, and enter Great Lent with a pure soul.

It is also helpful to know how to properly respond to forgiveness.

On this holy day for all Orthodox people, I would like to wish peace and understanding, forgiveness. Forgiveness Sunday makes us closer and kinder to each other. Go to church, bow to the icons, thank the Lord for everything. Let all sorrows and grievances be forgotten. Forgive everyone, and you will be forgiven.

On Forgiveness Sunday, we will sincerely ask each other for forgiveness and forgive mutual grievances, and then we will kind soul let's proceed to Great Lent and celebrate Easter with a pure heart. May peace and tranquility, love and understanding reign in every family. May every day bring joy, good luck and happiness.

On the holy feast of Forgiveness, I want to apologize to everyone I offended and wish you great, bright love, happiness and good! May all grievances dissolve on this day, and your hearts will be filled with peace and joy! May there always be people by your side who can warm you with their warmth and support you in any situation! Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

On Forgiveness Sunday, I sincerely ask you to forgive me for all the insults and griefs that I, intentionally or unintentionally, could bring you! Let them remain in the past and do not darken our friendship! I congratulate you on this holiday and, in turn, forgive you!

I would like to congratulate you on this great and bright holiday. This is the day when you need to let go and forget the wrongs caused to you, because it is the ability to forgive that distinguishes great people. I wish that unpleasant and unwanted things go around you and do not dare to darken your life. Happy Sunday forgiven!

I'm sorry if by chance

I offended with a word,

Though angry, but still the same

I adored you.

I'm sorry I couldn't

Sometime to support.

For trying

It's a pity to push.

Sorry for the carelessness

In the days of oblivion.

Forgiven Today

It's Sunday!

I ask everyone for forgiveness

Who have I offended.

Today is Sunday

Forgiven, friends.

Let's forget all the insults

We are with you,

And we will not remember

Everything is in the past, behind.

I beg your pardon with a sincere soul

For all the words that are on the ears with noodles,

For all the actions that only brought sadness.

Wave your hand and shout: "Well, let it!".

Let others sin, not us -

Both you and I are always full of goodness.

And so that it goes over the edge,

You just give me the word "forgive".

My thoughts are clear, my soul is warm

On this bright Sunday.

And today everyone needs it so much

Forget about grievances, doubts,

Smile and not be sad

Ask from the heart for forgiveness

And forgive everyone yourself

On the day of forgiveness resurrection.