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Sympathy about death. How to choose the right words of condolences about death

When in a family or in a circle of close people, relatives, friends, colleagues comes hard news about the loss, you should remember the need for support and about delicacy. It is very bitter to lose your loved ones, but to find strength in yourself to find the words, express your sympathy and condolences in connection with the death of a loved one, necessary.

How to properly bring condolences to tell about how the deceased loved what his human qualities were especially valued and for what he respected?


Farewell words at the funeral must be concise and logical built. No matter how hard it is to pronounce them, they should not be unprepared, inseparable, overly chopping. This can be perceived as disrespect for the deceased. therefore over the words that will sound during the funeral and farewell, it is worth thinking in advance, allocate the basic theses in it, make a mourning speech scheme. Its main parts and examples are shown below:

Main pieces of mourning speech

  1. Appeal to the gathering at the funeral
    "Dear native and friends (the name of the deceased) ...", "Dear guests!", "Favorite and relatives ...".
  2. Representation of yourself, indicating the degree of relationship with the departed.
    "My name is (own name), we are with (the name of the deceased) were colleagues (friends, etc.) for ... years," we were neighbors with ... "," Dad was ... ".
  3. Memories of the tragic event and a brief story about your own experiences, about your pain.
    "Yesterday we met with him ...", "40 days have passed, like ...", "It is not with us ...".
  4. The characteristic of the deceased.
    "He always smiled ...", "He struggled to the end for life ...", "He taught me ..."
  5. Condolences or generally accepted memorial words.
    "Sincerely condolences ...", "Let the Earth be Pooh", "Eternal Memory", "Rest with the world."

Remembering the deceased person, at the funeral should not retell his biography. You can say a few words about any meaningful episode of life, an interesting fact that reflect the advantages of the deceased. It is worth emphasizing the attention of those who gathered at the funeral of people on the capacity that is highly appreciated. About negative features, sins, weaknesses, about ambiguous attitude to the deceased, better thanch, following the Russian proverb "On the deceased or good, or nothing."

Slaring words should go from the soul. Here is an example of a mourning speech, spoken by the adopted daughter of Alexander Abdulova Ksenia Alferova:

"How thank I am grateful to God, the fate that you were in my life. You're not native my dad - I really didn't feel it. When I learned about this, it was terribly upset. I thought that this is some kind of injustice - he should have a native child and by the end of his life he, or rather, she appeared! I first delighted, and then it was frightened that I won't need anymore. I now realized that it was stupid, I realized that I needed to you no less than you ... It's a pity that such things you understand too late. "

Examples of brief oral condolences

Selecting the words of sorrow, intended for well-known relatives of the deceased, it is worth considering a deeply personal sympathetic phrase. Words should be sincere and delicate. In minutes of bitter loss, at the funeral, the feeling of falsehood turns out to be exacerbated.

The choice of words and the format of oral condolences depends on the circumstances. If the narrow circle of relatives and close deceased is assembled, it can be especially penetrating, personal.

If a large number of people are going to carry out a person on the last journey, then brief expressions of condolences are more appropriate, because the words of sympathy and grief should have time to say all those gathered.

Here are examples of such words:

  • It hurts to all, but you all are harder. If I can help you, please contact immediately.
  • Bold. We grieve with you.
  • Sincerely sympathize with your loss.
  • Our family comes to you. With the departure (the name of the deceased) we lost the part of ourselves.
  • (The name of the departed) was such a beautiful person, we always took an example from him. He will forever remain in our hearts.
  • What a loss! I pray for (the name of the deceased).
  • (The name of the deceased) so much for me did, I will never forget it. Sincerely condolences to you.


To commemorate the deceased, it is customary to collect a circle of relatives and people close to him on, and through. Words sounding on commemoration are traditionally imbued with warm and light sadness. Speak on the commemoration of the deceased person, recall various stories and cases of life.

  • Measurement speeches, like mourning speeches at the funeral, are compiled by the classical plan. At the same time, it is impossible to forget about the need to declare a minute of silence in memory of the deceased. The role of the manager who announces it, and in turn provides the word of the gathering, as a rule, takes over the family of the late person.
  • The words of remembering speech along the tradition first utter the most native deceased person people - parents, spouses, children, brothers and sisters, and then friends and colleagues. The manager should always have several relevant harvested phrases in the case if the performance of some of the guests is interrupted.
  • Remembered words are always pronounced. Their main task is to resurrect in the memory of those gathered bright memories of the deceased.

Here is an example of the words of the memorial speech on behalf of children, remembering the Father:

"The father has always been an excellent example not only for all of us, but also for many people around. He has learned to see and distinguish true vital values, give other kindness. Many people who knew him admired his bright soul. We believe that the Father left us too early. Eternal memory to him! "

Poems and toasts

At the funeral, the poems are categorically inappropriate, whereas on the commemoration - for 9 or 40 days, a year after death, poetry can sound as ever sincere and penetrate. Poems in these cases are permissible, but carefully and in moderation, and better if they are their own essay.

Mourning torn at the table. They should not concern exclusively the personality of the deceased. Guests uttering toast can express words of sympathy and grief for all dead.

Here are examples of poems and toasts:

You left life too early

Our pain does not express words.

Sleep, native, you are our pain and wound,

The memory of you is always alive.

Without you my soul is anxious,

Do not need girlfriends and friends.

Why with no millions possible?

Why it is impossible without one?

"Friends, today is the day of grief. There was a time when we had fun and rejoiced from us. But today we drink this bowl of grief, spending a person close to us in the last path. But we will keep in our hearts a good memory of our friend, having hope for a new meeting in a new place. Let's drink to the bottom! "

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We are intuitive and subconsciously understand how to behave in joyful, lungs of life situations and festive events. But there are tragic events - the death of a loved one, for example. Many are lost, faced with their unpreparedness to loss, for most such events are beyond the adoption and awareness.

People who are experiencing loss are easily vulnerable, insidely feel insincerity and pretense, their feelings are crowded with pain, they need to help to take it, accept, accept, but in no case add pains by chance abandoned by a tactless word, incorrect phrase.

You need to be able to show elevated tact and correctness, sensitivity and condescension. It is better to silent, showing a delicate understanding than to cause an additional pain, to hurt the tall feelings, hook the nerves overvalued by experiences.

We will try to help you understand how to behave in a situation where a person next to you suffered a mountain - a loss of a loved one, how to condole and choose and pick up such words so that the person felt your support and sincere sympathy.

It is necessary to take into account the existing differences in condolences.

There will be a form of expression of condolences about loss:

  • Grandparents or grandparents;
  • mother or father;
  • brother or sisters;
  • son or daughter - a child;
  • husband or wife;
  • friend or girlfriend;
  • colleagues, employee.

Because the depth of experience varies.

Also, the expression of condolences depends on the severity of the experiences of a mournful person about what happened:

  • Inevitable death due to old age;
  • inevitable death due to severe illness;
  • premature, sustainable death;
  • tragic death, accident.

But there is the main thing, the general condition, independent of the cause of the coming death - the genuine sincerity of the expression of your grief.

The condolence itself should be short in shape, but deep in content. Therefore, it is necessary to find the most sincere words that exactly transmitting the depth of your sympathy and your willingness to provide support.

In this article we will give samples and examples of various forms of expression of condolences, help you choose sorrowful words.

You will need:

Form and method of feeding

Consolesons will have distinctive features in the form and method of filing, depending on its purpose.


  1. Personal individual condolences to relatives and loved ones.
  2. Official individual or collective.
  3. Necrologist in the newspaper.
  4. Farewell mourning words at the funeral.
  5. Mourning words on the commemoration: for 9 days, on the anniversary.

Feed method:

The factor of timeliness is important, so the mail delivery method should only be used to send telegrams. Of course, the most accelerated way to bring its condolences is to use modern communications tools: email, Skype, Viber ..., but they are suitable for confident users of the Internet, and there must be not only senders, but also recipients.

Use SMS to manifest sympathy and empathy is acceptable only in the absence of other contact features with a person, or if the status of your relationship is a remote acquaintance or formal friendly relations. At this link, get for different cases.

Feed form:

In writing:

  • Telegram;
  • email;
  • electronic card;
  • okritologist - a mourning note in the newspaper.

In oral form:

  • In a telephone conversation;
  • in person.

In prose: Suitable for the written and oral form of a grief expression.
In verse: Suitable for the written form of the expression of grief.

Important accents

All oral condolences should be short in shape.

  • Official condolences are delicately expressing writing. For this, the penetrated verse is more suitable, to which you can pick up a photo of the departed, corresponding electronic pictures and postcards.
  • Personal individual condolences should be exclusive, and can be expressed both orally and in writing.
  • For the most expensive and close people, it is important to express or write a sorrowful condolence with our sincere words, not formal, which means that not template.
  • Since the verses are rarely exclusive, exceptionally yours, so listen to your heart, and it will tell you the words of consolation and support.
  • Not only the words of condolences should be sincerely, but also the proposal of any assistance that you by the forces: financial, organizational.

Be sure to mention the distinguishing personal advantages and the characteristics of the deceased person who would like to preserve in memory forever as a sample: wisdom, kindness, responsiveness, optimism, vitality, hard work, honesty. ...

This will be an individual part of the condolence, the main part of which can be formulated by the approximate pattern proposed in our article.

Universal sorrowful texts

  1. "Let the Earth be Poham" is a traditional ritual phrase, which is pronounced after the sighted burial, can be a condolences on commemoration, comes even for atheists.
  2. "We are all grieving about your irreplaceable loss."
  3. "Incredible words pain from loss."
  4. "Sincerely condolences and sympathizing with your grief."
  5. "Accept my deep condolences about the death of an expensive person"
  6. "We will store in your heart a bright memory of the dead beautiful man."

Help can offer such words:

  • "We are ready to divide the severity of your grief, to be near you and to provide you with the necessary assistance to you and your family."
  • "Surely, you will need to solve many questions. You can count on us, take our help. "

To death mom, grandmother

  1. "The death of a close man - Moms - irreparable mountain."
  2. "Bright memory of her forever in our hearts."
  3. "How much we did not have time to say to her during life!"
  4. "Sincerely mournful and we condemn to you this bitter minute."
  5. "Hold on! In memory of it. She would not want to see you in despair. "

To death husband, dad, grandparents

  • "I offer my sincere condolences and express a deep sympathy in connection with the death of a loved one, who was a reliable support for you and your family."
  • "In memory of this strong person, you have to show persistence and wisdom to survive this grief and continue what he did not have time to complete."
  • "Light and good memory of him will carry through all your life."

To death sister, brother, friend, beloved person

  1. "It is painful to realize the loss of a loved one, but it is even harder to humble with the departure of young people who did not know life. Everlasting memory!"
  2. "Let me express the most sincere condolences on the occasion of the severe, irreparable loss!"
  3. "Now you have to be supporting parents! Remember it and hold on! "
  4. "Help you God to survive and endure the pain from this loss!"
  5. "For the sake of your children, their calm and well-being, you need to cope with this grief, find the strength to live and learn to look into the future."
  6. "Death does not take love, your love is immortal!"
  7. "Bright memory to a wonderful person!"
  8. "He will remain forever in our heart!"

If you are at a distance, find out using SMS. Select the appropriate message and send the destination.

To death colleagues

  • "We worked side by side in the past few years. He was an excellent companion and an example for young colleagues. His professionalism served as an example for many. You will forever remain in our memory as a sample of vital wisdom and honesty. Let the Earth be Pooh! ".
  • "Her / his devotion to his work has gained her / him and the love of everyone who knew her / his. He / she will forever remain in my memory. "
  • "You were an excellent employee and friend. How we will miss you. Let the Earth be Pooh! ".
  • "I can't accept the thought that you are not. It seems only recently drank coffee, discussed work and laughed ... I would not have enough of you, your advice and crazy ideas. "

On the death of a believer person

The text of the condolences can contain the same mournful words as for a secular person, but the Orthodox Christian should add:

  • Ritual phrase:

"The kingdom of heaven and eternal peace!"
"God is merciful!"

My dear, I am very empathy to your grief. Sweese ... Soft!
- Girlfriend, I will think about your loss. I know this is a hard kick for you and your family. I offer my sincere condolences.
- Lovely man left. My condolences to you, my good, and your whole family in this sad and difficult moment.
- This tragedy caused pain to all of us. But of course, she touched you the most. Accept my condolences.

How to condole in Islam (Muslims)?

Express condolences in Islam is a Sunna. However, it is undesirable to relatives of the deceased to gather in one place to take condolences. The main purpose of the expression of condolences is the appeal of people who have suffered misfortune, to patience and satisfaction with the predetermination of Allah. With the words that apply to talk when expressing condolences are: "Let Allah give you beautiful patience and so forgive the sins of your deceased (your dead)."

How to condole yourself by phone?

In the case when the words of condolences are pronounced by phone, then you can (but it is not necessary) add briefly: "Let the Earth be Poo!". If you have the opportunity to assist (organizational, financial - any), then this phrase it is convenient to complete the words of condolences, for example "these days you will certainly need help. I would like to be useful. Calculate call at me at any time! "

How to behave with a person who is experiencing a loss?

It is not necessary to grieve, crying with him, passing through yourself someone else's suffering. You will be much more efficient in your help if you act rationally, thoughtfully. One way to cope with the loss is repeatedly talking about it. At the same time, strong emotions are reacted. You need to listen to a person carefully, to answer his questions if necessary. Giving a person to express his emotions, experiences. It may be tears, anger, irritation, sadness. You do not give estimates, just listen carefully, you are near. Possible tactile contact, that is, a person can be hugging, take a hand, a child can be put on his knees.

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Condolences. How to sincerely express the condolences to the delicious deceased? Short words of grief about death and support in a difficult moment. "COLLECTED ..."

Words of grief and support in difficult moment

Sincere words of sorrow And delicate behavior is readiness to divide the mountain, support their neighbor to its presence or overall memory about the deceased. More importantly, active participation, willingness to help, give your time and effort to a friend or friend at the moment when he wounds, is depressed and needs to participate. Well, if you guess what exactly: in material assistance, organizational, physical. Maybe someone needs to ride or shelter for a couple of days. Offer your services eg:

  • How can I help you these days?
  • If / when something needs you, contact me immediately!
  • You have a lot of lot on you. What can I do for you?
  • I think you may need help. I would like to participate.

Soboletic ...

How to find the right sorrow words? If you closely know your relatives late, it is better to think over a more personal, personal sympathetic phrase. Thinking the words of condolences, we recommend that you look. Each necrologist is completed with the words of condolences from family and friends of celebrities. Some words of condolences to celebrities we led at the end of this article. On the site "Production of" provides 100 specific examples words of chagrin on the occasion of death.

Accept my condolences!

Delicacy and sincerity - That's what you need to remember, pronouncing words of sympathy. In the mountain, the feeling of sincerity and false exacerbate. Do not hesitate to pick up in advance, and at homerepeatedlyaloud spoke The phrase condolences. This will allow the right moment to not think about the wording and concentrate on a person and circumstances. Feel free to your feelings. I want to hug a girlfriend - touch your shoulder or hug, shake your hand to a friend - please. Rolled the tear - do not turn away, but wrap it. Take a bag of clean napkins with you - they can come in handy to you or someone from those present.

Death - final reconciliation... if take offense on the deceased, find the strength Forgive. Cleaning his soul and thoughts from the negative, the words of sympathy will sound from the heart, sincerely! If you had a conflict with the deceased, sincere regret, apology, please forgive - will be to the place.

Examples of brief oral condolences

Format oral condolences Depends on the context. In a close circle, you can afford heartfelt. But at the funeral or, during a farewell with a body or when equipped, only brief sayings. Many invited condolences should express their condolences.

  • [Name] was a man of a big soul. You sincerely sympathize!
  • Bold! / (Soft, friend)!
  • He was a light / kind / mighty / talented person. Example for all of us. We will always remember!
  • I loved it / (her) / [Name]. Sweese!
  • How much good she did neighbor! How she loved, appreciated during life! With her departure, we lost part of themselves. We are very empathy!
  • This is a tragedy: it is very painful for us at this hour. But you are harder all! If we can help with something - please contact immediately!
  • He meant a lot / did / helped me in life. Sorrow with you!
  • He left so much his soul in all of us! It is forever while we are alive!
  • Our whole family comongs to your grief. We condemn ... Soft!
  • His role in my life is huge! How small chalks are the differences that were, and the good and those cases that he did for me, I will never forget. Soboley to you!
  • What a loss! God's man! I pray for him, pray for all of you!
  • What a pity that I did not have time to say to him "Sorry!". He opened a new world for me, and I will always remember it! Sweese sincerely!

Religious condolences

Is it possible to express condolences to the use of religious rhetoric? When it is appropriate, and when it does not apply to contact quotations from the sacred books? How to use words of prayers if you express your condolences to a person of another faith or an atheist?

  • If a and condolent, and flavored - atheists or agnostics, I should not resort to religious rhetoric. The ideas of short phrases of sympathy can be learned from the section.
  • If a man, losing a loved one - a believer, and you are notThis briefly refer to the theme of the best share in another world will be correct, but the use of the church language will seem false. The ideas of phrases can be found in the section.
  • On the contrary, when combustible - atheist or agnostic, and you believerThe appeal on your part to or to the dogma of your religion will look a sincere form of sympathy. It is only a measure.
  • If you are, and incurred loss - both units, the appeal to single sources, the overall and observance of canonical rites of the commemoration is appropriate.
  • Even if the fans of the rhyme lover himself, still the moment of condolences - this unsuitable time for own poetry.
  • The poetic text in the context of condolences is devalued and can be perceived as verbal exercises during grief.
  • If popular, then - already exotic, and sobolean verses - This is the risk to be incomprehensible.

Sobolescence by SMS? Not.

  • The message may come at an inappropriate moment.
  • Even if your condolence is unlikely, the image of the SMS channel itself implies the transfer of facts, and not feelings.
  • If you send sMS SMS, then you have a phone in your hand. - It was hard to call? - That's what a person will think, suffering a loss.
  • If you do not meet personally in the coming days, then express the condolence by phone or by email.

What, condolences, can not talk?

  • Consult perspective. Pain - here and now, and on her background, to contact the future - it is either to show its tactlessness, or to wander close or at least to be unreasonable or incomprehensible. There are inappropriate words: "Everything will be fine ...", "Do not worry, marry in a couple of years," "everything will pass, and this is pain, too," "Time heals ...", "nothing, you are young, still give birth", "I wish you faster Survive grief "...
  • Demonstrate loss-related positive circumstances. Examples of tactless phrases: "Fit, friend! After all, it happens (so / worse / terrible ...) "," With such torment, death is relief, "" It's good that at least (something worse) did not happen, "" the child will have its own room, "" The opportunity appears (do something). "
  • Indicate the guilty, "find extreme". For example, "God gave - God took," "If you ... (((I would go to the doctor), they would not let him go, the advice would have obeyed ...", "such doctors are under court", "when it is not surprising."
  • Do not discharge as under what circumstances it happened. Now there is no time and not a place to ask for details.
  • Do not follow these minutes talk to any topics not related to experience. Neither about work, nor about common acquaintances - no foreign topics.
  • Do not appeal to your experienceEven if you had a similar grief. "Girlfriend, I know how hard you, I also lost ...", Even if it was said sincerely, at the time of grief can be perceived inadequate.
  • Obsessive or Banal Tips, such as "You must live for ...", "you need to calm down, wait for the time" ITP - all this is stupid and unnecessary in moments of grief.

All "not" cannot be listed. Guide common sense, a sense of measure, be sincere and separations. Be brightest, concise. Remember that sometimes it is better to sile and refrain than to trim or show tactlessness.

How to write a letter condolences

Not always condolences can be expressed at a personal meeting, and then in the first days after death, a letter of sympathy should be sent.

Written condolence on the postcard It is appropriate as an application to a restrained mourning bouquet (red, white colors) or with some amount of money, if it is, let's say, allowance or simply monetary help from the enterprise. Registration matters: You can not write condolences on a bright festive or greeting card. Use special, or take an absolutely neutral postcard with a restrained design.

Email-condescension Also should be concise, sincere, but restrained. The title must already contain the words of condolences. So, it is incorrect to indicate in the topic of the letter "Condolement on the death of such something", and it will be right: "[Name], condolences to you about the death of your father / (Mom)." Before pressing the "Send" button, read the condolences to the eyes of the flavor. It should be brief, essentially, without tribulation or tactlessness. Below are examples of condolences in writing.

Examples of written condolences

Sample condolence on a postcard about the death of mom

Dear / Dear [Name]!

It was hard for us to accept the news of the death of your / your mother, [the name-patronymic of the deceased]. The stronger we empathize your / your loss. We are deeply grieving about death [patronymic name]. For us, she was always an example of care, sensitivity, attention to the neighbor (or other inherent in the deceased positive qualities) And conquered and good temper and humans. We are very sad on it and can only guess what a heavy blow has become her care for you. More than once we remembered her words: [Such something]. And in this she served as a sample [of this], thanks to her, we became / understood [the deceased influenced us]. Your mother, [the name-patronymic] gripped and brought up you / you - a worthy person who, we are confident, proud. We are happy that we happened to know her.

With deep and sincere empathy, family [Such something]

Sample condolences for E-Mail on Mom's death

Email header: [Name], condolences to you about the death [name-patronymic]!

Text of the letter: Dear [Name]! Today, sadness learned about your mom's death, [patronymic name]. It is difficult to believe - after all, not so long ago, she welcomed us at a party. I remembered her as (Positive qualities late) . It is difficult for me to imagine the whole depth of the grief that you are now worried. Sincerely condolences!

Perhaps these days you will have troubles associated with mourning events. I want to offer you my help: maybe someone needs to meet, help with a car or someone to notify ... Contact! I would like to at least help in this hard for all of us a minute!

I empathize your loss! Signature.

Condolences about the death of the father

Structure of the letter (postcards, email) condolences for the death of the Father Girlfriends or friend - the same as in the case of condolences to the death of the mother (see above). However, society appreciates in a man somewhat other qualities than in mother or wife. Words and phrases appropriate to express condolences about the death of Pope, the head of the family, are shown below. If more accurate consolation words come to mind, which reflect the features of this person, it is better to use them.

  • As soon as I met your father, on the same day realized that it was a person [such qualities]
  • It was a real man, the responsible head of the family and a caring person.
  • I did not know my father personally, but I imagine how much he meant for you.
  • There was an example for me in that matter.
  • Admired all foresight, erudition, sharp mind.
  • I realized that I knew little about him. When there is a suitable time, tell me more about your dad!
  • Knowing you, I guess how much the family and children gave your father!

Samples of condolences about the death of a friend, colleagues

Sobolescence colleague, an employee, subordinate - not only a sign of good relations in the team, but also an element of business ethics in a healthy firm. The condolence of a colleague is expressed in the same way as a condolence to a friend, a relative, a person close to you. Examples below emphasize on professional status - Head, responsible specialist, prominent official, Public figure ...

  • With deep regret, he learned about the tragic / missing / sustainable death of the president of your company Mr. [Name-patronymic name]. His contribution to the formation / development / prosperity of your company is well known and indisputable. Guide [Company name] and our colleagues, distressed by bitter news, transmit their condolences about the loss of a distinguished and talented leader.
  • Let me express our deep experiences about the death of [Position] of Ms. [Families Name]. Her professionalism, competence and devotion to the cause of her genuine respect for everyone who worked with her. Take our sincere condolences to your grief and sympathy about the irrelevant loss.
  • Deeply shocked by the news of the death [Position, name-patronymic]. Let me express the most sincere sympathy to you personally and all employees of your company. My colleagues, learning about the tragedy / grief / misfortune, share deep regret about his / her death.

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21. There are no such words to express all the pain and sorrow of our soul.

22. Eternal memory of you.

23. You are always in our memory.

24. I do not get it so much for complete human happiness.

25. I am empty on earth without you. 26. Thanks for the fact that you lived (lived).

27. Great torch not to measure, do not fill in tears, you are not with us, but forever in the hearts you will live.

28. We would all give, a piece of my heart, only again would beat yours.

29. The heart went out, as if the zarry, pain does not appeal the year, the image of yours will forever be stored in our memory always.

30. Everything was in it (her) - the soul, talent and beauty, sparkled everything for us as a bright dream.

31. How much our gone left with you, as much yours remains with us.

32. From life, you left (left) incomprehensibly early, Parents sadness oppresses and in the hearts of their bleeding wound, your son is growing, not knowing the words "Mom" ("Dad").

33. I left (gone) You're so early, without giving up and do not tell the words to us how to live on, making sure that you will no longer come back to us.

34. Enets will be about you tears of the mother, sadness of the father, the loneliness of the brother, grief grandparents.

35. As drops of dew on roses, on the cheeks of our tears, sleep quietly, dear (Aya), we all remember you, love and mournful. 36. Earth empty without you.

37. Sorry that we are under the sky Starry to your slab wearing flowers. I'm sorry that the air remained to us, how did you not breathe (las) you.

38. They do not part with loved ones, only begot to be stopped.

39. Do not find us words to describe our grief, not finding the world in the world, so that you rose you, our words do not fit even in the sea, as cruel fate that you took away.

40. Unable grief overcome, the loss of the pain carry, no one could help you, forgive us (name), sorry.

41. In the hearts of people, leaving a trace of their kind things, we do not say the words "no", we say: "You are forever with us."

42. Stopped the time of jogging and painfully squeezed, the man left his life, which is not enough in the world.

43. You left (LA) from life, and from the heart - no.

44. How do you want to scream from pain, what's not you in the light of Bole!

45. I will never meet you, and I know - it will always be so.

46. \u200b\u200bThe Earth became one flower poorer, heaven became richer than one star.

47. Angel, native, sorry, guilty (a), that was not (a) in the hour of death next to you

48. The heart does not believe in a bitter loss, as if you were not died (LA), but left (LA) somewhere.

49. When people are forgined, all your friends will forget, you will only remember the heart, and I will be with this heart.

50. The grief is unexpected, the grief is immense, the most important thing in life is lost, it is a pity that you can not repeat to live to give you again.

52. We come here so that the flowers put very difficult, native (Aya), without you to live.

53. We wish you good luck in that unknown and new world so that there is no longer you so that the angels do not go away.

54. Being bending, standing over your grave, watering the flowers with a hot tear, I don't want to believe, son (father) is our beloved that you are in this grave.

55. Sleep quietly, our dear son (Father)

56. You left too early, our pain does not express words. Sleep, native, you are our pain and wound, but the memory of you is always alive.

57. Love for you, my native son, will die only with us, and our pain, and our grief does not express in words.

58. You, unified, unique, bow your heads.

59. And the Earth's life ended, all the forces were faded in you, goodbye, our beloved, eternal memory to you.

60. Sorry that we did not dare to give our love during your lifetime, you forgave us, left us, we left the eternal debtors.

61. You lived your life with adequate, leaving us forever, in the silent world of the world a person's beloved people.

62. Heavy disease broke you, left life, not living, native, beloved our son, how hard to live without you.

63. We are forever, my sons with you, God, soul his calm

64. I loved you very much, you always lived, forgive me, my son is nice, that I did not save you.

65. You were for us an example for imitation, we now live, check with you. To you, Father, come on a date to consult in happiness and trouble.

66. The whole life is over with you, there is no life with you, and we have no, left the most native, favorite son, favorite child.

67. You are in us, native, like our blood, and death is not authorized over you, while there is love in the world!

68. Thank you, my clear, for what you were in the world!

69. You left us, the native, the separation came a mournful hour. But everything is still alive, you are in our heart among us.

70. You do not make leaves, our mom will not be.

71. From life, you left instantly, the pain remained forever, but the image of your favorite gentle we will never forget.

72. We love you and in our memory of our always you are alive.

73. Do not learn where I was the path bowed, in which limit of life crossed, oh, friend, I did everything earthly, I loved and lived on Earth.

74. You are us, Mom, gave their warmth, believe that your soul is calm and light.

75. Let him not go out the fire to the end and the memory will remain about the one that he wakes the heart to live, and now found eternal peace.

76. I loved you, I will not forget you, I will love you in eternity

77. Quiet, trees, foliage do not attach, mommy sleeps, do not buoy it.

78. Sometimes angels descend from heaven to warm up with their warmth and love, I was so angel, our favorite girl.

79. Sleep your daughter's favorite calmly, you went honestly and joyful your short way.

80. We love you very much, our daughter. Why did you hide the night so early

81. Was you as an asterisk clear, how became a dim world when the star went out.

82. What should I find words to hear you could my soul recognition? And on which string to play, so that you can take away, how before, on a date?

83. Fell rose, broken by the wind ...

84. Lord, we give you our smallest angel.

85. Could we think that on this day you step from childhood in eternity ...

86. You left too early, our pain does not express words. Sleep, native, you are our pain and wound, but the memory of you is always alive.

87. Our little angel returned to heaven

88. You're like an angel in the sky soared how little you were with us ..

89. Calm down, mom and dad! Gentle angels guard my dream.

90. No, I do not understand the very death, with a terrible burden of being that before the adults are dying children, that you died, I remained.

91. You, baby, cherished, raised, wore in their arms, drove into kindergarten. Sing you now, bending, ate farewell from the eternal cradle.

92. Wonderful child, you did not give me an unfair destiny, but I just showed and immediately took.

93. Do not express in the words of all the grief and sadness, in hearts and memory you (you) with us

94. You are grateful without end, you do not forget about you, and your souls and hearts we remember alive.

95. No ... they did not leave, but they repeated in the children.

96. What a pity that late we understood how we miss you

97. They were separated by life, but death connected. Two clean souls are now in one grave.

98. Spit quietly my myself, your memory I (we) I dedicate your life (devote).

99. You will never be on Earth anymore, but you gave us life, have grown and here left as your continuation.

100. Lord, let the will of yours will be!

101. Rest in the kingdom of heaven.

102. Sleep with the world and moths of God about us

103. Blessed with a pure heart, for they are a bit of God.

104. Lord, with the saints and the soul of the slave (s) of yours (her) (name)

105. Give the power to us to understand the Divine Covenant - everything is alive for God, and there are no dead.

106. How do we (I) you, our (mine) is not enough ... and only prayer to us (me) in sorrow helps.

107. It rests here in the world (name) so that there is no time to rise in Christ

108. The Lord himself sent you to Earth. He was a shepherd of yours and now called ...

109. You lived in a merger with God - now you are easy to go to him.

110. Do not pass, passerby, stop, my raw grave worship, sinful for me.

111. Life is the earthly speed, but ahead - heavenly paradise, we will remember you forever, so quickly resurrected

112. Help and save, saved and ukra, soft snow I will bring me, look at me, here I am all (all) before you, oh, Lord, give me peace.

113. The nature of Mudra and the Most High Eye sees each our step on the thorny road. There is a moment when each of us in the last feature remembers God.

114. Return the dust to the ground than he was, and the Spirit to return to God, who gave him.

115. God created stars, Blue Dal, but surpassed himself, creating sadness about loved ones.

116. Passerspit, pray over this grave, he found shelter from all earthly alarms, here everything left, that it was sinful, with hope that his savior lives - God.

117. Lord, he had sadness and grief on earth, give him a repell in heaven.

118. Give him, God, his abundance, give him eternal peace.

119. The kingdom of you is heavenly and eternal peace.

120. God, forgive his (her) sinful soul and the introduction of him as he (a) was (a)

121. There is no need to cry for me, the soul is subject to only God, she went on the road at the unknown country. There, the kingdom of light, the kingdom of stars, there the kingdom of world harmonies, so take away from the eye of the palm and smile, do not need tears.

122. How crying the heart, pain not to pass. We mourn and remember every minute. Unable to take this pain. Oh, God, help us survive the separation.

123. When the escape will break out without pity, when the body in the dust turns forever. Let the jug be made from this dust and fill the wine: a person will come to life.

124. Life is empty without you. Where the dream lived dying in tears flowers. Gorky live without you. Do not believe that you will never return to us.

125. Do not part with your loved ones. All heart germinate in them. And every time I apologize, when you go on a moment.

126. And let the evening lights a candle. And your image envelops smoke. But I do not want to know that time heals. That everything passes with him.

127. Why and who needs it. Who sent you death is not trembling only so mercilessly, so evil and unnecessary. Who let you in the eternal peace.

128. Do not cry about me when I leave. After all, in the sky you will delete the star. And my sadness will go away from you. After all, before my star is such a distance.

129. Incurable pain separation. Sliding the one that forever.

130. You have an eternal dream, and we are eternal longing.

131. Dogrite farewell candle. And the eyes will be filled with tears. It's hard to live in the world without you. And believe that you are not with us.

132. So, HTO expensive buv at Zhivti. Vіd quiet, HTO PAM "Yatuє Ta Sumuє.

133. Bіl Cerez Stykuє, GIRKO crying the soul, the most important grief is mutely, Nіzh your lifestyle.

134. NOT SIDE LOVE SONDOW OTHER, І MІSYATIV TWIY VZHA is not shown, bo to Tobі Vіchnytl Lord.

135. Without you, the earth was empty for us. How cruel fate that took you away.

136. How much our gone left with you. How much your stay with us.

137. We do not return you to tears. Sadness do not measure sadness.

138. Live to present you so easy. What is impossible to believe in your death.

139. Our last duty, the mournful stone, the bowl of sorrow is full. There is no more joy in the world, there remained pain and sorrow alone.

140. That day, when your gaze was going out, and the heart stopped fighting, for us was the most terrible day, and we can not accept him.

141. Do not find in the world of words to describe our grief. Not found in the world of power so that you rose you. Do not accommodate our tears even in the sea. How cruel fate that took you.

142. kindness and love you left alive, how many years did not pass: I love, remember, mourn ...

143. And he stands before his eyes. Live, with a smile on the lips. Not! Not! He always, with us, and will live in our hearts.

144. The person leaves the world. Like a guest with a friendly feast. He tiring the cattle. I finished my glass, Konchin dinner. Tired. Pretty. Rest needed. It's time to go home.

145. From life you left instantly, and the pain remained forever.

146. For the rest of my life, we have grief and sadness, about whom we loved and so suddenly lost.

147. We could not lose more, our grief does not have a border. Mount does not express, do not describe, very little granite pages.

148. You believed friends. Was deceived with love. But there is God above us. The punishment is coming. God's car is not a myth. What passed, it will come back. Those who took you punishment will come.

149. Grief of suffering, despair full of sea of \u200b\u200beveryday stormy waves. Spray them - tears and blood. But man in Yudoli Tomny wonderful sisters are given to consolation. Faith Hope Love. And encouraging tired souls, faith brings us hardness with them. She drives doubt. We look forward. We hopefully bolder. Dark Dal and Clear, and Light. Joy wondrous full. The third sister is God's breath, no suffering is terrible with her. The temple of her is our hearts. In it, compassion, pity, fate. It has beauty, all-things, happiness. The kingdom of love without end ...

150. Your tired of fatigue knew. Your mouths never slept. You walked in the life of the work of loving. Let the earth be in a fortune.

151. I loved you, I loved my life, but not my fault that lived little. Now for you I am the wind, Berezka, Travinku, flowers. Purify their mother, this is me, forever with your pain your.

152. It's possible to truck on Dumzі Bulo, I can live. She did not bother.

153. Conduct about your grave bending. Flowers water with a hot tear, I don't want to believe my dear and beloved that you are in this grave.

154. Піошов від од родов отровое. Nіchto not zmig you save. On the SERTSI LISH Miliboka Rana. Sorry forgive, sorry, sorry ...

155. You went smiling in life. Left all of us not saying goodbye. How the heart is crying, it is not possible to convey. We mourn and remember

156. Піства зитья отровое отро ино. Boy is not loaded with Nіchto not ZMIG. Taka Milibok in the middle of the wound. The rest of the lives are us.

157. One flower the Earth became poorer. Heaven became rich in one soul. You in this life with us were so little. But you always have a memory of our hearts. 158. NI! Do not pisers in carelessly, wants the hearts wounded in flour. Having poured a frequency for the lodge of your Druzhini, Ditama Tyandy. 159. Do not blame grief. Do not Viplakki Slіz.ti Radіt Navіki іz house unis.

160. You loved everyone and sang songs. In the family hopes and support. The world has blackened. The light swept and loosely our grief.

161. You chose death with us without asking. How to live on and enough forces? Our fell and husband, you loved us. We remember you and in the mountain grief.

162. We will remember you forever, for the fact that we were all cordial. For your wisdom, kindness. For business attacks. For sincere smart advice. For the heat that I could send. Let the paradise opens God for you.

163. You left life too early. Our pain does not express words. Sleep your native, you are our pain and wound. The memory of you is always alive.

164. Oh, if B, mommy was alive. We all gave that I ask. Words ... words ... words ... words ... We all say them after death.

165. You lived and loved. You and live and bloom. But death was convicted. No one could save you.

166. Jac is disturbed by Sezce, I cry the soul. Navivo Rіdnenka Vіd in Ti pіsla.

167. I climbed the VID SLIZ ... Ti in the sophisticated zi me. Jac hard grief is to carry. Forgive ditikonko, sorry. Scho not a snoggle to save you.

168. Bіl Losses not to Zmitiy Slіzmi, and the sorboti Majaє Kіntsya. Ridna is ours, they are covered. In our spogs, our midts.

169. SPOKINO OUR RIDNY, IN TEMNY HATІ, VDALINI. Hai sadness Ta OUR SLOSE is not trivial to dream.

170. Having degraded Usa, schumbish dnі і mrії. Liva gave Tobі so little Lit. І Zadysti Yunutі, Kohannya І NADії, gave the Gran_t to Darunok.

Perhaps one of your friends or acquaintances lost a loved one. Most likely, you want to support this person, but often in such a situation it is difficult to find suitable words. To begin with, express your sincere condolences. Then have the necessary emotional support. Listen to a mournful person. It is also important to provide practical assistance. For example, you can help with cooking or cleaning.


Install contact with man

    Select the appropriate time to conversation. Before moving to communicating with a mournful person, make sure that he is ready for this. A man who has lost loved one can be very upset. In addition, he can be busy. Therefore, ask him if he can give you a time. If possible, talk with a mournful person alone.

    • A person who has lost loved one can very sharply perceive the attention of others, even after the funeral. Therefore, if you want to offer assistance, come to your friend or familiar when he is alone.
  1. Express your sincere condolences. Learning that your friend or friend died near a close person, try to contact him as soon as possible. You can send an email. However, it will be better if you call or meet with a person who has lost loved one, personally. You do not need to talk too much during such a meeting. Tell me: "I am very sorry, condolences." After that, we can say a few good words about the dead. Also promise that you will soon visit a person again.

    Make sure that you are ready to give a person help. During the next meeting, you can fulfill your promise by providing the necessary assistance. Tell me specifically what you can do for a grieving person. Thanks to this, he will know that you are ready to do for him, but it will be easier for you to keep your word. Tell me, what help you are ready to give, and how much time you need.

    • For example, if you have little time, offer a mournful person to take flowers from the funeral to the hospital or give them a charitable organization.
  2. Take a refusal to understand. If you offer help, and the confusion person refuses you, then listen to his wishes and leave your offer for help until the next meeting. In any case, do not take it on your own account. Since a mournful person can have many to offer their help, it may be difficult for him to take the right decision.

    • You can say: "I understand that you are now difficult to make decisions. Let's talk about it next week."
  3. Avoid tilting topics. During the conversation, be very careful, mentioning about something funny. If you do not know a person very well, avoid jokes at all. In addition, the causes of death should not be discussed. Otherwise, a person will treat you as a gossip, and not as a sincere and sympathetic person.

    Offer a friend to attend a group of help people who have lost loved ones. If you see that it is difficult for him to cope with his feelings, suggest enlist the support of people who can help him in this. Learn whether there is a group of people supporting people who have lost loved ones. You can spend the study using the Internet. Offer a friend to attend meetings with him.

    • Be very careful when you offer a friend to use the help of a support group. For example, you can say: "I recently found out that there are special groups of people who are going to talk about their favorite deceased loved ones. I don't know if you want to take part in such meetings. If you want to go, I am ready do it with you. "

Offer practical help

  1. Offer a friend or friend your assistance in providing the necessary information to other people. Most likely, a person who lost loved ones will be very depressed because of what happened, so it will be difficult for him to provide the necessary information associated with the death of close. Take this duty if necessary. Be prepared to provide any help to a mournful person.

    • In addition, you can help collect the necessary documents. For example, you can help with obtaining a death certificate. Such documents are required in order to close the deed accounts.
    • If the dead man was famous, then, most likely, many people will call him relatives. Take the duty to answer calls.
  2. Help with the funeral organization. Funeral, as a rule, are conjugate with the implementation of many tasks. For example, you can discuss with family deceased questions related to the funeral organization. Such questions may concern Finance and the last wishes of the deceased person. In addition, you can assume to write and publish a necrologist. You can also write thank letters if necessary.

    Find out whether financial assistance is needed. If the dead did not leave behind the material tools, find out how you can help in this. You may have to use special resources to collect money on the funeral.

  • If you are not familiar with a person who has lost loved one, send him a postcard with the words of condolences.


  • If you notice that a person who has lost loved ones is strongly depressed, suggest it to seek professional help.