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Traditions, rites, signs and fortune telling on Carnival. Rituals, fortune telling and conspiracy on the carnival and the carnival week. Holiday Maslenitsa

Divination in the carnival week, Before the great post, always award the most patient very interesting predictions that often come true.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

On the night of Thursday, on Friday, girls hide under their bed the panon which the next morning oven pancakes will be. And before close the eyes and sleep, pronounce the following words: "My narrowed, muddy, come to visit me the pancakes." After that, until the morning you can not talk to anyone. The same night will dream of one who is destined to connect his life Or he will come the next day to visit.

Fortune telling on the bulb

For this divination it is necessary to cut the bulb And removing one scaly to sentence: "Small, old, widower, well done, poor, rich, static, humpback ..." What word the scales will end, he will be a ridicker At a gadget girl.

Department of coal

For fortune telling you need to take several smoldering coals and to make a young man (alleged or desired grooms). That corner that will get out of the last that guy and is capable of deep, loyal love To a gadget girl.


The carnival week lasts very long, from March 7 to March 13, 2016. But there will be enough time to experience fate and, on the narrowed, on the implementation of any case. And let it be a happy prophecy or just a game, in any case you will enjoy the process!

Carnival: Divination on pancakes Pancakes can not only have.
It turns out that they also guess.

It is possible to high throughout the carniatic week with the help of this delicacy, but the most truthful are the Saturday divination.
But on Sunday to do it forbidden.

For greater reliability, you need to guess the pancakes at night.

Fortune telling on opara.
In the future, you can even before you begin the bake pancakes. It is believed that if the opara is well and quickly suitable, then it is good, and if the dough rises badly, the whole year will not be too successful.

Fortune telling on the first pancake.
If the first pancake in the carnival week easily turned over and did not come out, marriage will be happening this year. If the pancake sticks to the pan, another 3 years have been destined to remain unmarried. At the same time, marriage promises to be happy if the baked pancake is smooth. If not, carefully look at your chosen one. Perhaps this is not your option. Also, the number of major holes at the first pancake shows how many children will be in the family.

Fortune telling on the last pancake.
The girl who wants to pay on the last pancake must keep silence and not laugh throughout the cooking. At this time, her girlfriends and friends will be disturbed. If the hostess managed to restrain, damn you need to take the night under the pillow, and the dream has a dream.

Dusting in appearance pancake.
This is a very comfortable fortune telling. First we predict the future, and then we boldly eat a delicacy. In order to determine the future in this way, we knead the dough and put a frying pan on fire. Before damn bake, you need to ask the question of interest. On the finished pancake then, and learn the answer - the main thing to attach a little imagination.

There is another option fortune telling in appearance pancake - so you can determine possible groom. First you need to prepare the dough, lubricate the oil with oil and put it on fire. Before pouring the dough on the hot frying pan, you need to pronounce aloud the name of one of the workers. Did damn come out unsuccessful? That and the groom. If on the contrary, ruddy and smooth, should be climing up for this young man.

Fortune telling on the narrowed.
Especially for fortune telling you need to bake a salty pancake, and at night with him to reach the intersection and treat the first oncoming man. What his name is and will call the groom.

Divination of the field of the future child. Close well to the festive table. If the first pancake from the table will take a man, there will be a boy, a woman - a girl will be born.

Dusting on items in pancake.
In the pancake you need to bake several items. After that, cut the finished dish into several parts in such a way that in each it turned out. To whom it gets, that fate is waiting (for example: pull the thread - it means to marry the tailor, the ring is married with a loving and generous spouse).

Fortune telling on the trash can)))))))))
The main attribute of this fortune telling is freshly damn. A girl who wants to know where his groom comes from, should be on him with a foot near the garbage heap. Where did the dog Lai be heard, from the other side and should be waiting for the appearance of the narrowed.

Tell me what you eat - and I will tell who you are ...

About men
It turns out that, in food preferences, you can learn about the character of a person. Offer your favorite several points of the filling. Which one he will dyate, such this is a person.

Pancakes with caviar prefer workers, homemaged men. They are usually smart and pragmatic. They prove his love rather, and not in a word, so gentle sighs and a laudatory one in your honor are not waiting for them. However, be sure that with such a man your family will be in prosperity.

Pancakes with red fish will choose bold, brave, but bold men. Such people usually crave acute sensations, extreme. With such a spouse, calm, measured life is canceled. With him you always need to be ready.

Pancakes with honey love men romantic, emotional, sensual. As a rule, they are monochrome. To live with such a spouse - it means to swim in various kinds of romantic manifestations (kisses, love confessions), getting gifts about it without him. Such a man is ready to spend all his money on you without thinking about the future.

Pancakes with sour cream will choose very gentle, sensitive nature. Such men are even more wounded than women. Offended and make them suffer from them any act, any carelessly abandoned word. Live with such a spouse is really a pleasure. However, a woman should be borne in mind that every day, every minute will have to follow your behavior.

Pancakes with butter will come to the taste of men who are very important to maintain their kind name, so they prefer not to interfere with the scandals and clarify relationships. They are serious and how decent family mans are spent a lot of time with their family. However, "for the eyes" may not quite finding responding about their "half".

Pancakes with cottage cheese love people who hold for "Mamkina Skirt" until the oldest. They seem to never grow up. Therefore, in marriage, the role of the head of the family takes on a woman who, besides, also replaces his native mother for this "inexpressible."

Pancakes with jam love men who, as a rule, are not ready for family life. Often they turn into launched bachelors or donjuans.

About women
In turn, men can also pay pancakes, or rather the fillings that are invested in them. This or that pancake filling indicates the nature of the woman and its economic activity.

Filling from cheese or cheese is served, as a rule, women who have no sense of humor and fantasy.

Meat and fish fillings indicate that you have a powerful nature that everyone loves to take into their hands.

Stuffing with potatoes or rice love to cook quiet, feminine and good owners. In men, they are usually looking for support and support.

The mushroom filling testifies to the variability, the delicacy of a woman,

And Lukova - gives the nature petty and envious.

Stuffing with eggs and carrots says that the hostess is a selfish and narcissistic woman.

A filling with cottage cheese testifies to the very gentle nature, which you constantly have to hear the words of love.

Potential milfs, children whose children will always be fed and dressed are served from jam or fruits. As a rule, this is a good mistress and an excellent wife.

Most importantly, remember that everything is worth seeing only a good meaning, but predicted failures and losses not to give much importance. The man is the owner of his destiny, and if he decides to be happy, then no evil rock does not hurt him.

Maslenitsa in 2018 will begin on February 12. All carnival week, right up to 18th of Febuary, it is possible not only to enjoy delicious pancakes, but also try to look into our future. This time is not suitable for any kind of fortunes, which give surprisingly accurate and truthful predictions.

February 13 - This day is called a ray, and it is perfect for ghosting for the future.

The 14th of February - Wears a pleasant name - Landca. In this sweet day, you should guess the relationship with the beloved.

February, 15 - The day is called rampant, and divination will give a truthful answer to any issues related to finance.

18th of Febuary - The final day of the festive week - the wires of the carnival. The fortune telling will accurately respond to any of your question.

Traditional attribute maslenic gadasOf course, pancakes are considered. Divination on the pancakes - Very ancient custom, and not every pancake is suitable for him. In the old century, pancakes were baked at all as now, they kneaded on a yeast dough, from the flour of several varieties and jammed in a rustic oven, resulting in magnificent and very beautiful pellets.

In order to bake something similar in our time, it is necessary to take more corn, buckwheat or oatmeal in addition to wheat flour, and add some yeast to the dough divorced in warm milk. Such pancakes are best suited to prove the future.

Gaze It is possible on any day, but the most accurate is considered predictions obtained on Saturday. According to custom, on this day, the sisters of her husband came to visit a married woman and gave gifts, which is why he got the name of the Castle of the gathering. Having gathered together, girlfriends baked pancakes and sang songs, and young girls were guessing. If you are going to look into the future on this day, do not forget to invite your girlfriends and relatives. All other days of divination can be carried out alone.

In this wonderful week, the sign of fate can be obtained, even engaged in the most simple household matters. First of all it is worth updated to the test for pancakes:

  • If it immediately turned out to be homogeneous - The year will be very successful for you and happily.
  • If lumps are present in the test and they cannot be broken down - You are expected to be difficult.
  • If you accidentally scattered flour or poured milk - Do not wait for the fate of fast change.
  • If a married woman has the first damn it turned out very beautiful and ruddy - All her family this year will be healthy and happy.
  • If the ruddy pancake turned out to be unmarried girl - This year she marries.
  • If damn came out "komom" or broke - This is not a very good sign. Be careful and look at your lover, perhaps this is not the wrong man about which you dreamed about.

Previously, if the first pancake succeeded in glory, the girl ran into the street, and gave it to his first met man, not forgetting to recognize his name. It was believed that the name of the future groom would be the same as the stranger. Nowadays, not to scare passersby, it is better to guess on a book or a site with the listing of male names, pre-guessing the string.

But back to the pancakes. Before pouring the next portion of the dough to the pan, you need to mentally ask the question of interest to you, and then carefully look at the pattern of the received pancake. If your dream is to buy a car, and you saw some kind of like the wheel - Your dream is destined to be fulfilled. Dollar sign can talk about raising the salary, and horseshoe serves as a harbinger of good luck. There are no special rules for the interpretation of characters in this fortune, so rely on the imagination and listen to your intuition.

When the last pancake is removed from the fire, again, mentally ask the question of the answer "yes" or "no", and calculate how much the pancakes it turned out. If the number even - the answer is positive, and if odd - Fate answered you "no."

Considering guests with freshly baked pancakes, you can also learn a lot of interesting things. For example, if you are waiting or just dreaming of a child, take a look at someone from the guests will take the first pancake. If it was a man - wait for a son, if a woman - your daughter will appear soon.

You can guess the pancakes also on their stuffing.. To the dish should post pancakes with different fillings, and offer each guest to choose one at random. Whom will get pancake with sweet fillingwill be lucky the whole next year. If a the filling turned out to be acuteFor example, a pickled fungus or a salty cucumber was a pickled mushroom, a man waiting for success in love affairs. Pancake with cottage cheese promises a calm and stable life, and with coin - Smell profit and wealth.

Such a fortune telling is also suitable for clarifying gatherings, especially if you guess several unmarried girls. On the stuffing pancake, you can find out the nature of the future husband. First you need to lend pancakes and wrap in them a wide variety of stuffs so that it is not clear where which one. After that, every girl chooses the most liked pancake. If caught damn with meat - The future spouse will be a serious and wealthy person. Sweet pancake with jam talks about the cheerful and broken character of a young man, and with honey - About fine and romantic nature. Damn with sour cream It warns that the groom will be a very humble and indecisive young man. Curd filling Promises a caring, but not too responsible husband.

If you already have the groom, ask him what kind of stuffing for the pancake he preferred. This simple fortune telling will help you learn more about the nature of the lover. However, if your chosen one likes simple pancakes with butter - be careful, you have a complete egoist.

Favorite filling can say a lot not only about a man, but also about the girl. Lover of fish or meat pancakes love themselves and strive to play a leading role everywhere. Inborn hostesses are likely to choose pancake with rice or potatoes. Sharp pancakes love the ladies "with a highlight", or even "with a peppercorn", and sweet - romantic and enthusiastic dreamers.

For a whole week you can forget about problems, take a walk with friends and relatives, tasty to eat, because the tables, during the celebration, are broken from all sorts of treats.

The holiday is celebrated every year at different times. The date of Easter is calculated in accordance with the lunar calendar, and the time of the carnival directly depends on this. The gap between these events is always the same - 56 days (or 8 weeks). Knowing the date of the celebration of Easter, you can easily calculate yourself when there will be Maslenitsa in 2018. You only need to take 48 days of the strictest post and 7 days of the carnival itself, it turns out the exact date of the start of the bright event. People are always looking forward to knowing how soon the date of Maslenitsa 2018 can be prepared to prepare, remove in the house, stock products and throughout the week, plunge into the world of fun and joy.

In 2018, the oil week begins on Monday on February 12 and will end on February 18, on Sunday, with blows of church bells.

Carnival is divided into two periods - narrow and wide, in the first half, you can do household, and from Thursday, any work is prohibited. In addition, according to the established traditions every day of the festive week, has its own special meaning and name:

"Meeting of Maslenitsa" - occurs on Monday. That is, in 2018, the meeting of Maslenitsa falls on February 12. People finish the latest preparations, completing swing and various slides. A mandatory attribute of events - scarecrow from straw, dressed in women's clothing and attached to a stick, put in the middle of the streets. The hostess, meanwhile, "sang" in the kitchen, bakeing gentle pancakes, because it is on the carnival, they are so delicious that it is impossible to break away. The first baked pancake is never eaten - they give a nourishment or put outside the window, in memory of the dead. In the evening, everyone is going, behind a common table, noting the beginning of the festive week and making up a plan, further events.

"Blash" - celebrate on Tuesday, February 13, 2018. Day - When, the dreams of the second half can come true. During the daytime, young people ride roller trees or swing, visit the fair, evening dancing await them in the evening. All events are invented, with the aim of creating as possible, new couples in love. And for the newlyweds, the opportunity to strengthen their feelings, on this day, the holiday impregnated by the "magic".

"Lacomka" - on Wednesday Carnival, it is customary to visit the mother-in-law. According to tradition, the more diverse treats on the table, the better the attitude of the woman to the son-in-law. In the evening, there are often caming battles.

"Razgulay" - exactly on Thursday, begins massive walking. People postpone all their concerns, joyful laughter is heard from each corner. Everyone treats each other with delicacies, go to visit and sing funny songs. Traditional fun for this day is a struggle for a snowy city.

"Techs of the evening" - celebrate on Friday. Mother's mother-in-law with their friends, with a return visit comes to the son-in-law. It is from his hands that she takes treats, showing everything wonderful son-in-law.

"Castle of the gatherings" - on Saturday, the daughter-in-law collects in his house of all relatives of her husband. If the girl is not married, then spends time in the circle of his unmarried girlfriends. Everyone gives each other gifts and praise cooked dishes.

"Forgiveness Sunday" - the main day of the holiday. People let go all the sorrows and resentment, accumulated in the year, asking for forgiveness from each other. And in the evening, solemnly burn the scarecrow, and welcome the arrival of spring.

Ritals, fortune telling and signs for Maslenitsa

In the Orthodox calendar, the holiday is known called - the cheese week, due to the large amount of cheese, oil and sour cream on the tables, while completely lacking meat products. They are used for the last time, the day to Maslenitsa, on Sunday the day of "meat spending." Otherwise, you can eat absolutely everything and the more, the better.

Maslenitsa - primarily associated with a huge number of pancakes. The hostess compete in the skill, trying to invent their unique recipe and bake the most delicious pancakes. As a filling, absolutely everything is suitable for which, just enough imagination, cheese, caviar of all kinds, any fish, mushrooms, sour cream. For sweet tooths, there are many sweet fillings, with a jam or custard. According to the folk summary: "To bring happiness and wealth to the house, you need to bake so much pancakes as much as the strength is enough."

Knowing in advance when Maslenitsa begins in 2018, it is possible to prepare well and find truly unique recipes. In the secret of experienced hosts so that the pancakes turn out to be air and "melted in the mouth," it is necessary, be sure to sink flour to make the dough lush. Milk and eggs should be room temperature. For the elasticity of the dough, a spoonful of vegetable oil should be added to it. And bake pancakes, it is best on the cast iron frying pan.

Signs of Maslenitsa

There are many old-Russian traditions and adopted that inserted for centuries and preserved to this day:

The girl will successfully marry this year, if the first damn it turns on the rosy and does not stick;

The edges of the pancake will tell if a happy newlywed union will be. If they are torn and not even, there will be such life, and if the ideal form, the family happiness is provided;

The number of holes suggests, the number of future children in the family;

If the pancake burns on the side, the girl needs to be vigilant, the husband can go. It will be true if the delicacy was twisted in the middle;

Thick damn means - tests for family for a whole year, and thin - to success;

If a person for a holiday came up with the enemies, forgave them all the insults, he will return to him in a three-year size;

A child who won the ride on a swing or a slide on a hill, this is a sign - the family will have the best harvest and all ideas are implemented;

If there is a lot of guests on the threshold of the house, on the holiday, which they did not expect, you need to feed them delicious, do not greed. Then the well-being and prosperity will come;

Rain on Maslenitsa - to the abundance of mushrooms in the fall. Frost - to a warm summer and a good crop.

Fortune telling on Maslenitsa

Festive fortune telling, helping fun and find out what fate has prepared for the current year.

Young girls walking through the forest, collect coniferous twigs, all sizes. Deep at night, sit in a circle, and in the middle lay out the collected branches. With tied eyes, each, chooses one. If a beautiful and thick branch came across, it will be also narrowed. Thin, curved with loud bark, means - a non-clear guy will fall.

Often there are fortune-law on pancakes. There is a delicacy with various filling, sweet, sour, salt or fresh, and in one pancake, hide the beans or coins in one pancake. Everyone takes on a pancake. If you got sweet - it will be a good year. Salted pancake - to tears, sharp - promises a lot of adventures, and fresh - no change in life is not foreseen. Damn with a surprise - always to the money.

Divination at a desire with the help of a cake. The knife is sprinkled with holy water, asks a concern and stuck in the cake. If the knife looks to the left, then the desire will accurately turn, right - most likely not. The knife stands right - it means to ask the question too much. The main thing is that the knife does not fall, then exactly the whole year, you can expect only trouble.

On Sunday, at the end of the holiday, the stuffed stuffed on a huge birefront. People say goodbye to cold, with all the troubles and sorrows, throw old things in the fire. There is a belief that the scarecrow will be reborn, it will rise like, Phoenix bird and bring, with you all the best. Therefore, vegetable garden sprinkled ashes, for generous crop or facades of houses to attract money in the family.

Maslenitsa is an old holiday. Like his traditions and customs, fortune telling on the carnival was also an integral part of the holiday. There are many admission associated with carnival symbols for which you can define your fate and look into the future. Especially fortune telling loved the unmarried French representative.

When to guess?

Since the holiday lasts a whole week, you can guess all the days, but not on the last day of the carnival. Traditionally, folk festivities are held on Sunday, when they burn the scarecrow, symbolizing the winter, and meet the spring. And fortunening dedicated to Saturday, which is called "Castle of the gathering". Ritals on this day are considered the most successful and truthful.

Pinnings fortune telling on Carnival

Pancakes on Carnival bake are very different, but in honor, baking from wheat flour. But they are more suitable for festive feast. To guess the pancakes, it is better to use an ancient recipe. For the chief symbol of the holiday, rye flour was used. Pancakes are traditionally baked yeast dough using water or milk. Pancakes obtained ruddy and lush. During the cooking, the hostess spoke good words so that the pastries would be successful, and the fortune telling on it was a positive result.

On the video recipe pancakes for divination:

For the future

For the future, you walked like young girls and guys and couples. To find out your future, it is worth paying attention to the process of cooking the test. If it comes well, you are waiting for luck and prosperity. If bad, then you should wait for trouble.

Baking will prompt about the future financial condition of the family. To do this, during the preparation of pancakes, you need to mentally ask whether we want to wait for wealth or not. Smooth, lush and beautiful damn means a positive answer, thin and pale - negative.

Take about the future form of baking. If most pancakes are ruddy and beautiful, then the whole year in the family will be peace and happiness. The uneven edges promise problems in personal life. If damn turned out to be too thick, then a lot of work awaits in the coming year.

For the floor of the future child

Interesting fortune telling on the floor of future children. During the feast, a pregnant woman should put a pile of pancakes on the table. If damn first took a man, then there will be a boy if a woman, then a girl. In the old days, the forbidden Sunday women who were waiting for the child went outside, distributed pastries to passersby and carefully followed who the first takes a treat.

On the future husband

Festive baking helped unmarried girls to decide on fate. The girl was supposed to invite the girlfriends and along with them the furnace of the treat. Those who have become smooth, lush and blush, expected a happy marriage. Non-accurate baking with uneven edges foreshadowed family disorders and quarrels with her husband. On the first pancake you can identify the name of the future husband. For this, the unmarried girl must give a treat to the first counter-male. His name and will be the name of her narrowed. In the old days, this rite was carried out on the second day of the carnival.

First pancake

The first pancake in gadania is especially important. He can fill health, good luck and success in the profession, happiness in the family, if it is possible to bake beautiful. Pale and thin baking foreshadows trouble and poor well-being. By the number of holes in the first baking determine how many children will be at the hostess.

It is important who the first eating prepared pancakes. If a man, then the family is waiting for peace and peace, a woman - to bells. If the first has been baking a child, then the family is waiting for troubles all year. The first pancake, eaten by animals, promises profit. Only specifically treat someone can not, otherwise the fortune telling will be incorrect.

Patter on baking could answer a person for his question. However, these were more comic gypsy divination, since it was possible to interpret the pattern. But such predictions enjoyed success during merry carnival festivals.

On crushed pancakes

On the last day of the holiday, it was customary to hand out pancakes passersby. If all the treats disassembled, then the family was waiting for happiness and well-being. If the pancakes remained, they were determined by their number, how old the girl wait for the groom.

According to the last pancake

If in the process of cooking the hostess never laughed, then the last pancake can be left until the evening. At night you need to put it under the pillow, then the dreams will be things.

If the pancakes on the table were stuffed, then the young girl should pay attention to the last. Baking with caviar predicted a wealthy husband and many children, there will be life with them full of surprises. The filling of oil or cottage cheese - the spouse will be economic and consistent. The jam was thrusting the cheerful groom, and sour cream - soft and indecisive.

By the number of pancakes

The amount of baking will also prompt the future. An even number carries a girlfriend a happy marriage, and a married woman well-being in family relationships. An odd number of pancakes speaks about the opposite. The more pancakes be baked, the better, but the most successful is the amount, multiple eight.

On stuffing in pancakes

In the big company, the girls were guessing on the stuffing. For this, a different filling was prepared and wrapped in pancakes so that it was not visible. When they started to eat, the girls disassembled one pancake and watched the stuffing. The meat was thrust out the rich bride, he had a romantic and gentle husband. The girl who chose the filling from sour cream, was waiting for an indecisive and timid fiance, jam foreshadowed a fun one, and cottage cheese - caring and undergoing narrowed.

The stuffing of treats could prompt both the nature of the future spouse. For this, the narrowed was invited to the house and treated pancakes with different stuffing. The economic familyman chose pancakes with meat. Such a husband and the family will take care of, and it does not get tired of work, and prosper in the house will be attached. If the young man chose treats with fish or honey, there will be life with him full of surprises and adventures. Sour cream or jam preferred wounded, weakly accuracy and unsure of himself a man, cottage cheese - Mamienekin Son.

Other fortune telling

They wondered on the carnival not only on the pancakes. This old holiday has many characters that are also capable of predicting the future. Divination and conspiracy on the carnival were performed on various dishes, kitchen utensils, household items.

On pies for future wife

Men for fortune telling on Maslenitsa used festive pies. At this treat, they looked after their brides. Baked girl a small magnificent and ruddy pie, which means a good mistress. Big pies with a simple filling characterized a girl as a lazy hostess. But the complex multi-layer fillings showed a girl not from the best side. Most often, such fillings chose the ladies of power and stupid. The best stuffing was considered potatoes and rice. Pies with such a stuffing baked women with a good and good character. Women who dreamed of motherhood, put fruit and berries in the cake.

On pies on married happiness

To find out the future, the cake must be sprinkled with holy water. After that, the knife sticks to the cake in the center. If the knife is worth it, there will be no change in the married relationship. If the knife is rejected to the left or towards the hostess, the joint life of the spouses will be happy. Deviation to the right or forward leads to bellows. But worse, if the knife fell. In this case, spouses are waiting for quarrels and troubles.

For another ritual for family happiness, you need to take 2 pieces of cake for my wife and husband. Each spouse blesses from his piece of cake. Then 2 pieces leave for the night on the street. If in the morning they remained intact, then the next year the spouses will be happy. If the pies eaten, the family is waiting for quarrels and resentment. If someone bit off his husband, then luck awaits him. If from a piece of wife, then she is waiting for a happy life with a faithful husband.

On dumplings

In dumplings, the unmarried girl is most often burning to learn about their future fiance. For this, dumplings are baked and some of the following items are put into each:

  • ring;
  • thread;
  • buttons;
  • rose petal;
  • solominka.

Dumplings with a ring - marriage not far away. Thread will tell you that the husband will be wrong. If you come across a button, then marriage should not be expected in the coming year. Rose petal is a stormy novel, and the straw preders loneliness.

On narrowed

The fortune telling on the carnival on the narrowed was the most popular. A lot of information about the rites, which spent young girls, guessing on the groom. The passenger week was considered a particular time when nothing happened just like that. Therefore, people paid attention to any events that happened to them. Even dreams were considered special. In the evening, young girls thought about the future husband and went to bed. If a man appeared in a dream, who called his name, he was considered a fiance.

On love

The first pancake helped to open the mystery of family relationships. If the first baking is easily turned over in a pan, and she has smooth and neat edges, then the hostess is waiting for an ambulance wedding and a happy tank. Damn Komom predicts loneliness in the next 3 years. If the edges of pancakes are torn, then the hostess is to beware of a quick marriage, as the chosen one who will meet in the near future may be wrong.

On fir branches

On the carnival, the girls can block fir branches in the forest. For divination, you need to tie my eyes to each other and pull out 1 branch from the yekka. A strong fat branch with a large number of needles was a rich husband, straight and smooth - a beautiful groom. The damaged branch promised the ugly chosen one. If a long branch came across a small amount of needles, it meant that there would be little money in the family. Thick branch is almost without needles - the husband will be tyrant.

By towel

Young girls especially loved carnival fortune telling. For fortune telling on the narrowed, they used a towel. A girl who wanted to marry, needs to take a clean towel, post it outside the window and mentally ask the groom to wipe themselves. If the morning the towel turned out to be wet, then the girl was waiting for a quick marriage.

In a frying pan

When the frying pan, on which pancakes baked, will cool, it can also be used in fortune telling on the narrowed. Before bedtime, the girl should imperceptibly put the pan under the mother's pillow and speak the words: "

Delicious-rude, come to the mother-in-law Belopes to taste. "

Mother must dream of a man whom she feeds pancakes. He will be the fiance of a young girl.

On candlelight

Signs and fortune telling on the carnival are closely connected with fire: they baked pancakes on it, burned, stuffed. Candles and leaf paper used for burning. On a small leaf of paper they write their desire and bring to the burning candle. If the sheet is completely burned, then everything will turn out. The desire will not come true if the leaf caught fire or the candle was extinct. If the paper caught fire, but not completely burned, efforts must be made to perform a mandated desire.

On the cards

Playing cards that are a powerful magic tool are also used to burn on Carnival. The deck must be unused, as those cards that have already played are predicted incorrectly. You can not take cards from acquaintances or other people too, as you can pick up their fate.

On the carnival, the cards are used for fortune telling for pregnancy. The process occurs in complete loneliness or the presence of representatives of only female. There should be no men nearby, even male animals need to withdraw from the room.

Cards will prompt when the pregnancy comes. To do this, you need to pull 1 card from the deck. Map of red suit with a number will say that the pregnancy will happen soon if a woman wants. The number of black suit also predicts a quick conception, but only if the man is desired. A picture of a red suit predicts pregnancy after 3 months. A card of black suit with a picture of promises problems with confusion: a damage can be imposed on a woman, or a man is not suitable for conception. On the unsuitable time to conceive the child, peak lady and ace will say.

With coins

With coins spend a conspiracy for wealth. To do this, on Thursday you need to go on the street festival and look for a coin there. The coins of passenger days attract wealth, so such a discovery will provide cash wealth for the whole year. Only the found coin should be hidden and not shown anyone.

Someone does not believe in the carnival fortune telling, someone is too interested in them. Our ancestors believed that the carnival week is a favorable time for gadas and burning. However, it is not necessary to get involved in this occupation, as you can attract evil forces. It is better to limit ourselves to a few harmless rites that harm will not definitely apply.