Repairs Design Furniture

What and how to cut from plywood pubzik. Drawings for drinking from plywood: Features of the creation of a template and applying to the surface, cutting technology Decorative cutting with a jigsaw Drawings

DIY Masters, made by an electroll bison look elegant and stylish. In the skillful hands, the usual tool turns into a miracle of the jigsik, with which incredible masterpieces are created. Art duplication can be just a hobby or professional activity, because handmade products are always valued. On the peculiarities of the miracle of the jigsaw and the procedure for fulfilling interesting crafts will be discussed.

Characteristic features of the electrolovka

Miracle Lobzik provides a convenient cutting of lines on a wooden basis, this contributes to a narrow cutting canvas. To work on the tree, the tape saw is more useful, but drinking from plywood is better than a miracle with a jigsaw. The main advantages of the instrument are as follows:

  • Neat discharge of parts, the cut line is sufficiently smooth, not requiring grinding.
  • Due to the presence in a miracle jigsaw of a narrow canvas, drinking sharp angles and small parts.
  • Processing grooves begins with a hole prepared by Drilling No. 3.

Regarding the technical characteristics of the miracle jigsaw, such features are noted:

  • Easy pulling and fixation of the canvas.
  • The pumping process is much easier than the tape saw.
  • Writing a miracle by the jigsaw almost does not create a threat to injury.
  • The tool does not require frequent adjustment.

There are several parameters for which you want to navigate when choosing a miracle padzik for drinking:

  • The main thing is capacity, this indicator indicates the magnitude between the rear wall and the cutting web. There are miracle jigsaws with a value from 12 to 26 inches.
  • The thickness of the material that is capable of processing the tool.
  • The number of moves in 1 minute.
  • Pilking height.

To drank complex elements from plywood in a miracle jigging, two types of pylons made of steel are used.

Tip! Newbies are better to train on a canvas with large cloths intended for thick plywood. It is also used for the manufacture of cutting boards. Small cloves on a thin leg allow you to cut the filigree elements of crafts from fine plywood.

The result of the work of the highest class professional is presented in the photo:

Preparatory steps

The peeping miracle by the jigsion demands from the master of painstaking labor, develops both prison and patience. Initially, you should take care of the organization of the workplace. Mandatory conditions for comfortable work - high-quality ventilation and lighting. A private house provides more opportunities to choose a utility room, a glazed balcony will fit the city apartment.

The second important stage is the acquisition of material. The quality plywood reduces the risk of separating the details or the appearance of cracks when drinking a miracle with a jigsaw. The second cause of the violation of the integrity of the material is incorrectly selected web or nonprofessional actions. To cut the crafts, the plywood is 3-4 mm thick. The following actions will help prevent the bundle:

  • Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed surface, we split the desired volume of the mixture of water and the glue of PVA. For small sections, there are enough 2 tablespoons of water and a few drops of glue.
  • After careful stirring, the solution is applied with a brush on the rear wall of the blank of plywood in 2-3 layers.
  • The material is left to complete drying.

Comment! The adhesive solution will successfully replace furniture or parquet varnish.

Before drinking a miracle, Lobzik Phaneur needs to be cleaned. Squares, microscopic cracks, dark traces from bitch remove sandpaper with various grain grain. Put the surface maximum smoothness contributes to stripping plywood against fibers. First work with medium grain paper, the final strokes are applied fine-grained emery paper. The complete absence of burrs allows you to go to the main stages of work.

A simple example of crafts for beginners is presented below:

The process of creating crafts

Preparation of the drawing, sawing miracle with a jigsaw, assembly of parts and decorative finish - key steps to create original crafts.

Translation of drawing

Competently completed drawing will provide a quick assembly of ready-made elements into a single figure. Otherwise, after the painstaking work, a miracle jigsion is a risk to face the problem of incomprehension of the grooves and the need to remake individual details. Details drawings can be taken from this article or try creating a unique sawing sample. After printing or drawing on paper, the drawing is transferred to Paneru one of the convenient ways. In the first case, the drawing is fixed with buttons on the plywood and copied with the handle and ruler.

To cut the crafts, a miracle logs can use the technology of thermal transfer of toner from paper on Faneru:

  • The material with a low toner retention coefficient is selected (by type of glossy paper).
  • In the printer settings, high-quality printing is selected to enter more toner. The pumping procedure is facilitated by a junk in this case.
  • The printed image is applied to the front side to the plywood and handle iron. For A4 format, one minute is enough. Instead of an iron construction hairdryer is suitable.
  • After cooling the paper is removed. If there are gaps in the outlines of the sketch for drinking a miracle with a jigsaw, they are drawn with a pencil.

Decoration of holes and drinking

The discharge of the inner grooves miracle by the jib precedes the design of the holes. The process includes the following steps:

  • Prepare a drill with a drill diameter of 3 mm or seid the corresponding sizes.
  • The tool is placed in the middle of the groove and do the hole.
  • The desktop is recommended to pre-protect the plank.
  • The presence of an assistant is only welcome.

To make a miracle logs in the inner grooves, the sawing is inserted into the hole and fixes in the top of the tool. After processing a small section of the order of 2 cm check the smoother of drinking. With a poor-quality cut, the canvas is better changed with a more appropriate instance. If the slice was not flat, try to correct the flaws of the flat file.

Important! Observe the safety standards, do not allow you to enter your fingertips.

Stripping details

Upon completion of drinking, a miracle jigsaw, small chips on the reverse side of the details are cleaned with sandpaper. Also prepared cell elements need grinding. The ribs and the back of the parts are first processed by the paper of medium grain, the finishing stage use fine-grained skin. Internal grooves carved with a miracle jigsaw, convenient to clean the rounded file. Strive for the complete absence of irregularities and burrs at the end of drinking.

Having achieved the desired result, go to the assembly of the details of the crafts prepared by a miracle by the jigsaw. An interesting drawing for drinking and photo shelves are presented below:

The final stage

After assembling and fitting all parts, the crafts go to glue using PVA or Titan glue. Depending on the design, multi-layered elements are recommended to tightly tied with a durable thread and leave for drying. The process lasts no more than 15 minutes. An example of a sophisticated miracle miracle product is presented further in the photo and drawings:

Add decorative allows you to burn out patterns on separate craft elements. Previously, drawing is applied with a pencil, after which they work with the electro-infringener. An openwork vase for candies will be a worthy decoration of the table:

Drinking Miracle Lobzik - Current occupation. In order for the product for a long time, it needs decorative processing. The preservation of the pristine beauty of natural material contributes to the coating of a wood varnish. It will take the quality of the varnish and a comfortable brush for glue. Strive for the craft to be left scratches and visible divorces. When drinking a miracle logs of animal figures or models of mechanisms, sometimes resort to fragmentary coating with paints. This technique brings the craft to the original.

Openwork propical ornamental carving is perhaps the most beautiful view of wood artwork. The technique of propyl thread provides for the preliminary marking of the flat surface, on which the patterns subsequently peeps using the jigsaw. As a result, it turns out, as a rule, a beautiful openwork lace, although everything depends here only from the fantasy of the wizard.

Unfortunately, nowadays, many consider a more appropriate purchase of finished crafts, rather than its manufacturer. However, mass replicated production does not know such a concept as "exclusive".

And many of us would like to put something original on the shelf, which no one has more. And the most obvious way out - make such a product yourself, what we will talk about in this article.

Lobzik drinking technology

Probably, few people in school years did not take a jigsaw in the labor lessons. And those who not only kept this tool, but also tried to cut something to him, for sure they were convinced that with the help of a hand jigsaw, high-quality crafts are quite difficult. Only the most diligent and enhanced manage to become real masters of their case.

Putting the patterns of plywood figures, over time you can go to more complex patterns that will require greater accuracy in your work. However, in order to study all the subtleties of this craft, it is necessary to start mastering the basic principles of work.

Tools and devices that will be useful in the work

  1. First of all, you will need Lobzik himself. The price of this tool is small because it is distinguished by a very simple design.
    It consists of such elements:
  • Frame. Made in the form of the letter "P". It happens both metal and wooden.

Metal frame can be tubular (in the form of a tube) or a plate.
The tubular frame is more preferable, since it is provided with a uniform tension of the peel.
In addition, the length of such a frame is larger, which ensures the drinking of more remote edges.

Frame made of wood has a screw for fixing the pink. The metal frame of the screws does not.

To make sure the metal frame, it should be checked for elasticity.
To do this, it should be very hot with both hands, holds for about two minutes in this position, and then go smoothly.
If the distance between the clips is restored - the quality frame.

  • Pilking. To date, the market can be found in the market a wide variety of fillings for the jigsaw, however, you will have enough two: with small and medium tooth. Small-raised sawdresses are used in the formation of a small ornament with sharp turns of lines. The coarse-mounted are needed for drinking carved slots, large holes, etc.

Fixing the pink on the jigsaw, make sure that the teeth are "watching" down.

  1. To fit the details, you should stock knife, as well as appropriate: flat, rhombic and round.

  1. Wooden spilling table, The strengthening of which in the workplace is carried out using clamp. It is necessary when drinking small ornaments.
  2. Shilo for the implementation of punctures.
  3. Old copy paper (For not too intensive imprint) it is useful when the pattern is transferred to the surface being processed.
  4. Sandpaper To stripping the places drank.
  5. Clay joiner for making crafts.

Features of drinking pubsomy

Vepile work is carried out in several stages:

  1. Selected templates for drinking from plywood. Nowadays, they can be found anywhere: from specialized magazines to pictures, on our site, among other things. Many wizards also use patterns from knitting or embroidery magazines. (see also )
  1. It is transferred to paper using a copy.
  2. Next, in the paper pattern, all places designed for drinking are cut.
  3. The pattern is applied to the sheet of plywood and is transferred to it by means of a pencil.

  1. The feed pattern is fixed.
  2. The product passes a decorative finish (inspired by the sandpaper, revealed by varnish, or is assembled from several parts, etc.)

Getting to work

Preventing errors in drinking, the following instruction will help you:

  1. It should be proceeded only after all punctures will be done in the workpiece, since the workpiece will lose its strength during the work (drop-down contours are removed). "Relaxed" leaf when puncture can break. The holes are pierced in all places where "closed" patterns are present.
  2. Plugs are carried out with a sharp selay. It is impossible to calculate all plywood layers, because in this case its bottom layer will crack. The puncture is made as follows: We do a hole in such a way that only the tip sewn out from the other side. Then turn over the sheet, expanding the hole from the opposite side.
  3. Dumping stupid angles is carried out by turning the sheet in place. Dilling to the top of the angle, stop to open the sheet on the pink, while the jigsaw moves continue. Feeling more free pink, turn the sheet in the desired direction.
  1. Cut the patterns from plywood only with proper landing and handling. With incorrect landing, the cutlets deviate from the vertical. You can check the correctness of the cut as follows: when after, insert it into place from above. If it is inserted without effort - cut perpendicular and you do everything right.
  2. The sharp corners are also frozen, but in this case the pink should be slightly submitted, in order not to excess unnecessary rounding.


In this article, we reviewed the basic principles of openwork propyl threads. Possessing these knowledge, you can cut the drawing of any complexity from plywood. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Related Materials

The basic skills of which are taught in the lessons of labor discipline, for the bulk and remain a pair of three baubles into memory. But for some, a favorite hobby is likely to work with metal or wood, in the future, bringing pleasure from the opportunity to show fantasy, attach the skill and get at the exit of everybody or just a decorative product. One of these directions of folk art is to drink from plywood, popular and among users of the Forumhouse portal. On it we will focus more in our article, we will analyze from what and what technology are real carved masterpieces and in what cases are used stencils for drinking. Fortunately, our craftsmen are happy to share their experiences.

  • Plywood characteristics
  • Tools, templates, assembly

Plywood characteristics

Plywood is a multi-layered, leaf building material produced from a veneer of hardwood or coniferous wood, by gluing several layers into a single cloth. Due to the features of the location of the fibers (at one angle), the sheet usually an odd number of layers - three, five or more. If coniferous varieties are represented in plywood, a few (fir, spruce, pine), then delicious mainly of birch. There is a combination - coniferous "filling" and birch facing, in this case the plywood will still be birch. The best is completely birch plywood, but she is the most expensive.

The material is divided into varieties and brands, depending on the decorativeness and used in the production of chemicals. There are five varieties that feature veneer quality and the appearance of sheets:

  • Elite variety (e) - no defects on the surface of the material, homogeneous, one-photon, smooth invoice without bitch, cracks, wormworch or repair inserts.
  • The first grade (I) is perhaps the presence of microcracks (up to 20 mm) and bitch of small diameter.
  • The second grade (II) is permissible even the fragments of the bitch if their number does not exceed ten pieces per 1 m² of sheet, and the diameter is not more than 25 mm. There may also be some wormworch and repair inserts from veneer.
  • The third variety (III) is a bitch without quantitative restrictions, emptiness on the site of the bitch drops, to a dozen wormochin (up to 6 mm) per 1 m² of sheet.
  • Fourth grade (IV) - the sheet must have a durable adhesive connection, unacceptable peeling. The entire spectrum of external exemptions is almost in any amounts, but the diameter of wormochin, bitch and emptiness - no more than 40 mm.

Callness concerns only the outer layers of the sheet and is denoted by two digits, and the variety can be both common to both parties and varieties, more often, within one variety - I / I I / II E / I, and so on. In addition to the fourth, the lowest, all other grades of plywood are ground from both sides, and the elite can be additionally covered with varnish.

Naturally, the higher the variety and the decorativeness of the material, the more beautiful it is a finished product. But considering that the cost of elite, and the first grade is decent, and the parts are fired most often small dimensions, you can use the variety below, if you really cut a high-quality blank from the leaf. On the plywood, from which the workpiece will be peaked, there should be no bitch - they can fall out, and other defects. Pay attention to the ribs - you can not cut masterpieces, using fragments with voids in the middle layers.

The brand of plywood and its main characteristics determine the applied chemical compositions:

  • FB is an impregnation of veneer Bakelite varnish, giving resistance to high humidity.
  • BS - Bakelite glue (spiritual), gives high performance, such plywood is stronger and more durable.
  • BV - water-soluble bakelite mixes, plywood is afraid of high humidity.
  • FC is a gluing phenol-carbamide resin, relative water resistance, for indoor use.
  • FSF is a gluing phenol formaldehyde resin, moisture-proof material for outdoor use.

What plywood is suitable for drinking

For drinking products intended for home use (boxes, stands, shelves, utensils, decorative elements) The optimal version is FC funer.

The phenol-carbamide resin is safe for others and is well tolerated with high humidity, therefore, products from such plywood do not emit harmful substances and are resistant to deformations.

Plywood of the FSF brand is not suitable for household goods due to aggressive formaldehyde, but it can be used for design on the street - carved platbands, coffee tables for open veranda or arbors, various benches.

For cutting, the phaneer is most often used with a thickness of 3 - 5 mm. If loads are assumed (chairs, stools, benches, tables and similar), the thickness increase. Cut from thick sheet (more than 10 mm) more difficult, so lace openings from such a material is unlikely to succeed. As an option - the main canvas of thick sheets and carved inserts to increase decorativeness.

Member of the portal temernikIn 2011, the topic opened and to this day, it uses sheets of different thickness, depending on the purpose of objects.

temernik Member Forumhouse.

On the anniversary, the father saw a carved frame from plywood 4 mm, and on a stand under a flower pot, on bears, leafs of 8 mm thick went.

Tools, templates, assembly

Patterns on a plywood are cut by jigsaws - it can be both manual and electric tools. For complex, openwork elements are more often used manual jigsaw with interchangeable saws. They can neatly cut the most intricate ornaments, while the electrolybiz is more likely to spoil the drawing, if the skills are not enough.

Even in the labor lessons, the quality of the saw and the convenience of work in many ways depend on the tension of the peel - the relaxed headset is more difficult to perform sharks exactly according to the template.

Temernik Enjoys an old jigsaw of the son remaining from school pore. This simplest tool is enough for him to create his plywood agenv.

To start cutting out the drawing, they make a puncture with a sharp selection on a blank, in which the sawnur is inserted, the second option is to drill a drill with a thin drill. In both cases, it is not recommended to bring the hole directly to the contour line, if it allows the motive. Punch or drilling on the removal will help to avoid possible cracks and "shells". To process the edge of the films (ribs), files or emery paper with the appropriate grain are used, such a grinding gives the pattern a finished look and removes minor flaws, aligning the edge. In addition to the main tools, pliers, hammer, drawing kit (ruler, circular) and others may be needed.

Even the simplest pattern is muffled on the template applied to the Faneru - in the presence of artistic talent, drinking patterns are drawn "out of the head", if nature is not so generous - translated from the stencil.

Typical blanks are enough on the network in free access, in thematic publications. In the topic on the forum, many craftsmen shall be shared with each other liked templates. Temernik Helps the Internet and drawing talent of the spouse.


Pictures take from the Internet, then inventing the method of fastening and refinement, if something is wrong, then my second half is drawing, it does not work well with it.

From the stencil, the drawing on the fane is transferred with a pencil or handle, for convenience the base is fixed on the sheet with the buttons. Special attention is paid to small contours, several inaccuracies can spoil the entire type of finished product.

To increase the decorativeness, the products are bought from plywood are connected on the spike groove and are sampled, most often the pva glue for wood. First, dry "fitting" is carried out, and after fitting and stripping already glue assembly.


Molds everything as follows: in some details the grooves are peaked, in others, on the contrary, the protrusions, everything is adjusted at the beginning "dry", and then going to PVA glue. The ends handled the sandpaper.

After assembling plywood is covered by protective and decorative compositions - varnishes, veneer, paints, depending on the desired effect.

Examples of portal participants

Open temernik The topic found a lot of responses, many in it shared their work.

Boatswain1955 He started with similar equipment.

And now combines it with no less interesting, multi-layer discharge.

Boatswain1955 Member Forumhouse

I understood, finally, the essence of drinking plates of various shapes - two the same in the size of the drawing is done, the waves are drawn as opposed to each other. That is, where on the first - the ridge, on the second - Wpadina. After drinking, the details are collected through one. Thus, two plates are obtained. He dug a manual junk without any clauses, could not figure out how such forms were made. So I repulsed a little soul, I walked the plates, yes the basket.

56Vladimir1981also masterfully owns a jigsaw.

Prailers patterned cutting is one of the most beautiful works of art that contains elegance and ease. At the same time, in order to embody his ideas into the finished product, it is practically no need to resort to any expensive equipment - in most cases, it is quite enough to have a jigsaw and desire to create. With the right approach, the acquisition of initial skills is not such a complex procedure as it may seem at first glance.

The main role in the process of cutting patterns from plywood plays the ability to use the jigsaw, as well as the properties of the material used. Also, much depends on how successfully the drawings on drinking from plywood will be copied - only by means of a properly transferred sketch, you can turn the ordinary sheet of plywood at a real work of art.

Side sides - Drawings for drinking jib from plywood boxes

In this article, you will be given detailed instructions on how to learn how to cut the main figures from plywood with your own hands. Having worried about the cutting of simple drawing lines, you will understand the basic principles of this process - in the future you will not have difficulty with the development of the following steps of skill. It will also describe the most common ways to transfer the drawings on the workpiece.

Basic skills of figure cutting

There is also an electrical fitness modification that runs from the 220W network - its use is also permissible, which significantly speeds up the cutting process. However, the increased weight of the tool complicates the cutting of smooth lines, which may be a serious disadvantage for non-professional - if you master the ias from scratch, then it is much more productive to use a manual analogue.

Putting a body

The most optimal position for cutting is the position of sitting - cutting down quite tediously. The workbench (desktop) must be low enough so that you can sit with a smooth back.

To reduce the load on the working hand, it can be put on its elbow - so it will be less tired. Ideally, the workplace must be fully adapted to the above requirements.


To implement a figure cutting, you will need:

  • Lobzik complete with a filling - the main tool for cutting;
  • Shilo or drill with a thin tip - to create initial openings;
  • Set of files, nadfile and sandpaper - for processing edges;


Before seriously thinking about the question: What can be filled with a jigsaw of plywood? - Attention should be paid to the main features of this process, the non-compliance of which can lead to a damage of the tool and uneven sections.

  • The position of the jigsum should be strictly vertical - sawing movements must be taken up and down. Even a slight tilt of the jigsaw will make a slice oblique and the pink "will behave";
  • Sawing movement should be carried out smoothly, without excessive effort and push - it can damage the punch and cause it a break;
  • When cutting into the internal circuits, the initial opening is created by sewing or drill, in which the pedel is installed and only after that its fixation is carried out. In the right position, the teeth should look in the direction of the bottom of the holder;

  • The pink must be well fixed and stretched is a prerequisite for the normal operation of the manual jig. If the cloth is not tight enough, the cut will have a wavy structure, which will make the work impossible;
  • Vibrating plywood during the cutting process is unacceptable - this will lead to chips and an oblast web. If the sheet is thin and small - it is necessary to use a wooden bar with a propyl, which is fixed on the workbench;
  • As the teeth of the canvas will cut the wood - the plywood sheet should be moved towards the jigsaw. The jigsik should be in a strictly vertical position throughout the cutting process.

Drinking simple figures

Smooth lines

You do not need to make additional efforts and create pressure - continue to smoothly cut, returning the jigneling to the vertical position while the canvas is not aligned independently.

Sharp and stupid corners

Stupid Angles - Drawings for Beginners for Lobsik Lobzik from Plywood

For cutting out stupid angles, you need to master the reception "turn on the spot" - putting a cut to the corner stop moving to the Phaneur and start to turn it out, while without stopping to cut, until you caught the necessary degrees. In the same way, sharp corners can be cut, but in some cases it is not possible - in this case, the method described below is applied.

One of the sides of the angle is formed, then a small loop is cut along the outer contour of the line, by means of which the sharp angle is formed as in the figure below.

Internal angles are fixed in this way:

  • A hole is done with a shell or drill - it begins with a cut, which continues to the top of the corner.
  • Then the canvas returns to cut to the initial position.
  • After that, a small hole is cut in, in which the saw is unfolding to form the second side of the angle.
Drawings from Plywood Plywood Lobzik - Sharp Corners

Drawing transfer

Almost all patterns are transferred to Phaneur from a paper sketch - without this process, in most cases it is not necessary. The cheapest option is the use of copying tray - with its help the paper drawing is transferred to the workpiece.

Its price is quite democratic, but the process itself is quite laborious, since each line has to personally circle.

A less labor-intensive way to transfer drawings for drinking by a jigsaw from plywood is the use of a projector, through which the image will be projected onto the workpiece. This option is also suitable for those cases when the initial image size is not high enough and cannot be transferred without prior increase.

This method, though takes place in modern practice, is obsolete.

One of the most modern options is the use of self-adhesive sheets of paper, which the desired sketch is applied by means of the printer, after which they are pasted on the workpiece.

The paper fits sufficiently tightly to the plywood, and on the cutting process its presence is practically not reflected in any way. The only minus of this method is a relatively high cost.


Our guide will help you master the basics of this skill, which will later allow you to go to a more professional level. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Related Materials

Handling with manual jigsaw of plywood requires attention and time spending. As a result, beautiful practical products are obtained.

For processing the material in order to create decorative elements, a manual saw is used. As a result of wood processing, plywood, plastics are created crafts that have practical use and aesthetic value.

Figured peeling is a fascinating hobby that brings practical, moral and material benefits. From plywood and wooden blanks can be made:

  • candy Vase;
  • basket;
  • desktop stand for postcards;
  • lamp;
  • hanger in the hallway, living room;
  • photo frame;
  • needlenet;
  • breadpie;
  • panel;
  • candlestick;
  • stand under hot, for eggs;
  • casket.

Beginners for threads you can choose light pictures, simple schemes, drawings of crafts, sketches that have a pleasant appearance. After mastering the tubing techniques, you can try the forces on jewelry models with openwork fragments.

With the help of a jigsaw, you can make plaque for the design of the house. A variety of sketches allows you to create this item that will ensure interior decoration. By figured cutting, you can make crafts from a tree.

To cut the beautiful decor elements from plywood. Using the stencils for the jigsaw, from the blanks it is easy to make a frame for a photo, mirrors and much more. Handmade will complement the room design, the selected style will emphasize.

Operating procedure

To get a quality product and minimize the formation of defects, it is necessary to slowly perform work, focus on the process. Before you start, it is recommended to make sure that the plywood thickness is equal to the height of the groove on the printed sketch.

Preparation of stencil

Schemes for drinking tools can be of different sizes. To create an interior object drawing, such as shelves, you will need to use Watman A1 or A0 format, and you can use a standard sheet of cardboard toys.

The contour of the product is applied to the surface with accurate dimensions. Putting patterns with manual jigsaw can be found on special resources. But it is easier to come up with its compositions based on the type of workpiece. An individual approach to the development of the product schema will emphasize the texture of the tree.

Transferring images to the surface of plywood or boards

To qualitatively apply the contour to the surface of plywood or wood, print a template on thick paper. The transfer of the drawing from the drawing of A4 format can deliver a lot of trouble if draw ornament with a pencil.

In order to apply contours, complex patterns, you can use the auxiliary methods. One method provides for the use of copy paper. To do this, the copy is placed on the workpiece. The template is placed on top and outline.

The drawing can be glued to a 2-sided scotch plywood. When using glue, it is necessary to clean the surface with the emery paper. Available method provides for the use of a stencil made with manicure scissors. After preparation, the template is applied to the surface and describe each fragment with a pencil.

For convenience, the sheet is fixed with a scotch or insulating tape. The drawing can be applied in a thermal method. To do this, use an inkjet printer, with which the scheme is printed. After that, the drawing is applied to the surface of the face face and processed by a preheated iron.

Sawing technology technology

Cutting from plywood is carried out after applying the drawing to the workpiece. Processing is starting with internal elements of the product, and then cut the outer contour. This procedure for performing the work allows you to get a flat line, provides a convenient fixing of the workpiece.

Holes under the canvas need to drill in sharp places internal circuit. This requires attention, because chips can be formed on the back side. To avoid this, it is recommended not to completely do holes.

It is possible to limit the depth with the help of an insulating tape, which is winding the drill. After that, turn over the workpiece and handle the hole with a shell. After the end of operation, the product is grinding with a file or dad.

Small elements require delicate circulation, so it is recommended to show a mixture when processing. To do this, cut a thin strip of sandpaper and insert the jigsaw pylon instead of the web.

Handling with a manual tool requires the equipment of a special machine with a clamp. This device is used as a base. When processing, the workpiece is fixed at the chest level, which provides convenience and allows you to closely monitor the process.

For beginners, it is important in the process of using the jigger to observe accuracy to work out smooth movements. Cutting cloth for jigsaw fragileTherefore, it is recommended to avoid distortions, sharp movements, overheating.

When processing the workpiece must be reciprocated, and the tool must be arranged vertically. The use of electric jigsaw requires the fastening of the workpiece to the workbench. When using this equipment, you can process the blanks with a thickness of 5 cm.

Defects in work

When violating the processing technology, the tool is possible. Lobzik can cut crooked while the tool is tilted or improper. If the blade is stuck at the stage of formation of figured elements, it will take carefully to maintain a new line located in parallel to the fragment with a defect.

A little about safety technician

Lobsik for figure drinking is an arcuate frame. The tool is equipped with a handle, 2 fasteners for cutting canvas that allow you to cut patterns of different complexity.

Depending on the type of work, various nozzles are chosen. Thick saws are used to cut the contours, and thin canvas are used for openwork work. Mechanization processing process of blanks can be using an electrical tool. To accelerate the process, individual models are supplied with a mechanism with a pendulum move.

Stationary electric tool that is mounted on a static surface, according to the principle of action resembles a sewing machine. The use of equipment of this type eliminates the errors of the perpendicular cut.

Lobzik drinking requires compliance with security rules. The workplace must be properly equipped. When working, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment.