Repairs Design Furniture

What better to put the doors in the bathroom and toilet. What door to put in the bathroom: types, materials and standard sizes. Doors with which coating and filling is better installed in the bath and toilet

The repair process of the bathroom is quite expensive, because it requires full updating of water supply, sewage systems, sanitary equipment, tiles and many other, in particular, installing a new door design. With all the seeming simplicity, such a task, as the selection of the door for the bathroom requires special attention.

The owners who do not have practical repair skills often arises the question of which doors it is better to put in the bathroom. To understand the variety of products presented in the market will help the knowledge of the basic types of structures and their characteristic features.

For the proper selection of the web need to take into account such characteristics:

  • the material from which the product is made;
  • appearance;
  • price factor.

The market shows the widest selection of metal-plastic, wooden, glass door cans, as well as laminated, made from MDF. Each of these types of products have their pros and cons.

When the apartment is repaired in the apartment, the bathroom doors are advisable to order on an individual project in advance. Experts will help you choose and mount a unique door block, ideal only for your home.

Doors completed to order complement any interior

The first thing to pay attention to is the design should not be subject to the influence of dampness, because because of this, it can change its dimensions, and this is unacceptable. Also, the bath doors should be resistant to temperature drops and be protected from the formation of fungi and mold.

Often the choice is hampered by the lack of experience. An important role is also played by the price. However, an expensive model will not necessarily be the best. The door should be purchased only when you have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe form of interior as a whole. It is recommended to install the door blocks decorated in one style in all rooms.

To give a special chic interior bathroom manufacturers offer various design versions of the door blocks. It can be a stained-in insert, matted glass with a pattern applied or a photoprot.

Symmetrical drawing on the glass harmoniously complement the laconic design

The selection of accessories is limited only to personal preferences - it can be classic spingages and handles of all kinds of forms and colors. You can also install so-called docks - rotary handles with lock.

Description of door canvases from solid wood

These are the most expensive designs. The main feature of the timber products is the ability to "breathe", that is, to absorb water under conditions of high humidity and give it in dry air. Such ability of the product often leads to its deformation. It can be successfully solved by this problem by applying a paint coating to the surface of the canvas.

In the bathrooms it is allowed to use door blocks from wood array subject to maintenance of the integrity of the protective layer. Therefore, the installation of doors is carried out only after applying antifungal agents, coating with tinting compositions and finishing varnishing.

Doors in the separate bathroom preferably pick up in one style

The frame is mounted in the wall using anchor bolts and polyurethane foam. Without anchors, the door frame is deformed, and will prevent closing.

It is important that wood products are more susceptible to swelling, so it is necessary to leave the mounting slots between the frame and the door.

Wooden blocks need a timely restoration of the paint and varnish layer. Maintaining products from an array or glued bar in due form costs very expensive.

The most inexpensive type of doors is considered canvas from coniferous rocks. Such blocks are covered with mourn and lacquer. It should be borne in mind that cheap lumber products have a property to absorb moisture much stronger than made of solid wood, such as oak, red wood (mahon), beech, housing, or maple. However, the cost of these webs is significantly higher. Often, in order to give a more noble and rich product type, use such a trick technology - a door block made of cheap coniferous rocks in a veneer of valuable wood varieties.

Often, elements made of metal and glass are used for decor of the door canvases. To avoid unnecessary problems when cleaning, we recommend refusing such jewelry.

Glass door and its characteristics

Glass doors to the bathroom, the photo of the samples of which are presented in the gallery of this article, it is appropriate to look in the design of the bathroom and are very functional in use. They are not infected with fungi and are very hygienic. Products made of glass have high traffic lights.

Usually, the design is a glass insert in a frame of aluminum or other metal. Such a door block will be very appropriate in a modern style.

Stylish glass sliding door

Buying a design, ask for a quality certificate. It is necessary to pay attention to the level of glass stability to mechanical damage. This material is perfect for use in the bathrooms, although it is also endowed with a number of shortcomings.

In terms of high humidity, the door canvas fades, and condensate appears. This is not a constructive drawback, and the question is more aesthetic properties, since the divorces will remain on the glass even after drying. In addition, water, staining down, will be collected on the floor.

Even considering a significant thickness, the glass remains fragile material. In order to increase the safety of operation, the plane is covered with a protective film. A glass detail of such a thickness is quite difficult to damage, and if a similar situation still arises, the fragments will not scatter. You can also adjust the light level of the bathroom with toning films.

This material is quite demanding in current service. The door leaf made of glass is recommended daily to wipe either can be content with a completely neat outdoor view of the bathroom door. Fortunately, it is possible to use completely any detergent to care for the surface of the product.

Laminated door leafs from MDF

The most budget option is door blocks with laminated coating. Such models of baths for baths are harmoniously fit into the interior of the classic style. These are light and durable products. The plane of these canvases is finished with a protective film, as a rule, with imitation of the wood structure. Over the time the frame of the door block is deformed, the necessary backlash disappears between the web and the box, which prevents the closure. This is due to the fact that the inner part of the frame adjacent to the doorway is not covered with a protective layer and is affected by dampness, despite insulation. However, there are other disadvantages. The laminating layer is short-lived - any random scratch can permanently spoil the appearance of the product. Coating over time is simply separated due to increased humidity in the room.

Laminated doors even feel not distinguished from wooden

MDF door leafs are also covered with a more wear-resistant plastic layer. It is environmentally friendly and durable material that does not contain harmful connections, and is absolutely safe. Door coating mimics not only the appearance of natural samples. To the touch, the material is also practically different from the original.

Door Bathroom Bathroom from PVC

Well established units from a metal-plastic profile. They perfectly imitate the external qualities of similar samples from natural materials. The price of such products is relatively low, which is advantage. PVC bathroom doors are distinguished by a number of positive qualities:

  • not subject to external influences material - plastic and aluminum - absolutely not afraid of dampness, it does not rot and is not deformed; The durability of the metal-plastic profile is ensured by the immunity of the material to the fluctuations in temperature and humidity;
  • a wide selection of colors and textures; Using PVC films, you can get a magnificent imitation of any varieties of wood;
  • require minimal care, it is enough only to occasionally wipe them with a wet rag, and cleaning with cleaning agents will be required quite rarely.

Glazed door leafs will add sophistication to the interior

Such doors are usually equipped with an insulating layer, which becomes an additional positive characteristic. However, the presence of a door block from PVC will require compulsory equipment in a bathroom of good ventilation, since their hermetic design prevents the free air movement.

Deaf and glazed blocks

The door canvas can be deaf, fillety (in the case of the design of PVC, the role of the sealer performs a sandwich panel) and glazed. To ensure privacy, it is recommended to use stained glass inserts, matting, sticking on glass toning films - both non-ferrous and one-sided mirror. Photo printing can be used, drawing drawings with sandblasting and much more. Such a variety of decor variants will allow you to fully show your creative abilities.

Decorative insert will make a deaf door not so boring

Classification by way opening

Usually the bathrooms are equipped with swing doors, but they require a large area of \u200b\u200bopening. Along with them, sliding systems are used that occupy only a little space along the wall or placed in a specially equipped niche, but they do not provide due sound insulation. The same applies to the folding doors, and the so-called harmonica. As a rule, the optimal version of the design will still be the door of the swing type. But, in the end, what door to put in the bathroom, choose you.

An unusual solution for the bathroom - the door of the harmonica

Having understood in the manifold of various materials and structures, you can easily understand how to choose the door to the bathroom. Photo in the interior of samples of possible variations will help you make the right choice. .


For the maximum lengthy and successful operation of the door block, there will have several conditions. The bathroom must be equipped with a good ventilation system, since water evaporations should be quickly excreted in order to avoid condensate formation on the ceiling, walls, and plane of the door. After all, the humidity in the bathroom is high as in any other room. With a properly arranged air exchange system, the door leaf will last much longer.

As you can see, the competent selection of the door block for the bathroom can be done, carefully studied the general classification of doors presented in the market and purchase a model according to your needs.

Bathroom and toilet are rooms in which there is a characteristic microclimate. Increased humidity, temperature differences are factors that adversely affect the interior door canvas. Therefore, we often wonder: what door to put in the bathroom? At the same time, I want the product to light up for a long time and retained aesthetic appearance. In addition to these criteria, the combination of interior with the style of the room and the apartment as a whole is considered important.

Choosing a door of the door to the bathroom

The decisive factor in solving the issue, which doors it is better to put in the bathroom - this is the area of \u200b\u200bthe sanitary node. From this criterion directly depends on the level of air humidity. In a small room, the level of humidity will be high. This factor will be aggravated if the ventilation in the room is either missing or working weakly.

If you think about what door it is better to install in the bathroom, you can choose from the following options:

  • wooden or veneer-covered wood;
  • polymer coating doors (laminated, with a PVC film, covered with ecoschpon);
  • plastic models;
  • glass products.

Each of the materials or types of coatings of products is characterized by its advantages and minuses.

What criteria are guided by choosing?

On the question of what doors put in the bathroom, consultants are recommended to focus on the characteristics of the bathroom. If the level of moisture indoors exceeds 60%, experts recommend paying attention to materials, alternative to traditional wood and the usual wooded derivative. In this case, it is better to give preference to plastic and glass. If the room has a large area, equipped with a good ventilation, then you can install the doors made of array, veneered, laminated or enameled.

Of great importance in the question of which door to put in the bathroom, has the type of applying a protective coating on the web and the edge of the door. In the manufacture of some models, the following technology is used: the film is applied first on the canvas, and then on the edge. An unnoticed joint for the eyes is formed and if it is notometric, the moisture will penetrate in this place and the cloth will deteriorate over time.

In the manufacture of the door from the hygroscopic material (the tree and its derivatives), the upper and lower ends are usually not covered with moisture protective film. These weak zones will attract and accumulate moisture from the bathroom. When choosing doors to the bathroom from the tree, they must be covered with hydrophobic varnish.

Laminated products

Affordable, they are made from the base and glued to it by resin paper. The coating of low quality is easily damaged and humidity penetrates in place damage. Laminatin has the best consumer characteristics. It has a large layer thickness and varnished in several layers. The cost of such a product is higher than laminated analogs, but laminatine interior doors are durable to wear and withstand humidity in 60% or more.

PVC coating models

The frame of such products is made from the MDF with a PVC film coating. The coating gives the door with water-repellent properties, so they can be washed using remedy. The great advantage of such products in front of plastic counterparts is a wide range of colors and textures. The disadvantages include the probability of the bundle bundle, followed by moisture in the structure, as well as the presence of chloride films in minor quantities. If for you the choice of door to the bathroom is an aspect of security, then avoid purchases of products with PVC film. At elevated temperatures, chloride is released into the environment, so the PVC coating does not refer to the discharge of the environmentally friendly.

Covered Covered Doors

EcoChpon - a new generation bathroom material, a product of fusion of woodworking industries and a polymer plasticant. The latter is harmless and environmentally friendly. According to an external EcoCampone, not distinguish from natural material. However, according to its consumer qualities, an eco-friendly veneer exceeds the natural. It is resistant to moisture and mechanical effects, aesthetic and does not highlight harmful substances into the atmosphere, even at elevated temperatures, well suited for the bathroom. The only minus is bad noise insulation.

Wooden products or veneer coated

Wood products are rarely installed in the bathrooms due to their high hygroscopicity. However, if there is a coating of good varnish, paint, these models can serve not one dozen years.

The door frame with a veneer finish is performed from low-cost (soft) wood or chipboard, and the outer decoration is made by a thin cut of valuable varieties. Shipped products look very respectable, but they do not possess stability to moisture. Therefore, if the level of humidity in the room is high, then install models with a veneer finish are not recommended.

Plastic doors

They are available at cost, because they are made from cheap raw materials. The cavity of the product is filled with polystyrene foam. Plastic models are absolutely hydrophobic, they are not afraid of temperature differences, biological effects of fungic and mold. In addition to these trials, plastic doors provide good noise insulation and plug heat exchange.

The disadvantages of these products are their one-dimension and an unsequent appearance. Basically, interior plastic doors are performed by standard shape, size and painted white. In addition, when contact with high plastic, plastic begins to highlight chloride, therefore it is considered an environmentally unsafe material.

Glass models

They are characterized by the highest operational characteristics and is ideal for installation in the bathroom. Glass doors look unusually beautiful, attached to the room lightness and increase the space. Modern coilented glass or triplex is not afraid of mechanical effects, they can be washed using chemicals. If you doubt what door to install in the bathroom, give preference to this material.

Glass is absolutely safe from an ecological point of view and good stuff, and new technologies for the production of products from this raw material eliminate the possibility of wounding about the fragments. Even with a strong blow, the door will not split into the fragments, you will see only the network of cracks inside the polymer film. The disadvantage of the glass interior door is its high cost and heavy weight, which implies the forcing of the opening and the choice of durable accessories. In aesthetic considerations in the bathroom, you should choose models from matte glass.

What do the doors better put in the bathrooms?

From the abundance of models of interroom doors, sometimes it is very difficult to make a choice. To decide which doors are better for the bathroom, you will help the comparative characteristics of various products, presented in Table:

Evaluation Criteria

Type of door


Glass (Calen Glass and Triplex)


Type of coating

Moisture resistance

High coat

Temperature resistance


Mechanical wear resistance









Noise and sound insulation



Ecology, security











By taking the decision what doors to put in the bathroom, it is necessary to determine which criteria is most important: respectable appearance, moisture resistance, resistance to mechanical wear. Universal option will serve doors made of glass. They satisfy all criteria, but have a lot of weight and cost. More budget options - coated doors from ecosphon, laminatin, veneer. Plastic doors and PVC coating products have a potential health hazard, since chlorine is isolated under conditions with elevated temperatures. Wood products are not recommended to install in rooms with humidity level above 60%.

Doors in the bathroom - an important element of the interior, which should be organically combined with plumbing, furniture and facing. However, the main purpose of the door is still not aesthetic qualities, but its reliability and functionality.

Often, disputes arise among designers and owners of housing about what door to put in the bathroom, but there is no definite answer, because much depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the level of humidity, the quality of ventilation and the design features of the canvas itself.

Whatever stylish and expensive doors you have chosen, first of all, they should be moisture-resistant, that is, protected from high humidity, hot air and contact with water.

Without a protective coating, natural wood or MDF stove is deformed: swells, then it swells, which is covered by cracks and stops performing its main function.

The effect of moisture and high temperature can be softened if you install a bathroom or shower room from the wall opposite from the door or erect an additional partition.

In a spacious room with well-equipped ventilation, you can install a door with any type of construction - from the processed bagent array to metalplastic. The level of moisture in the large bathroom does not represent danger, and the direct water from entering the door cover is excluded

Most successful and glass canvases are recognized as the most successful for the gross bathroom, for the spacious room - any products that have a protective layer.

For example, laminate products are covered with a thick synthetic film that does not transmit moisture. In order for the appearance did not contradict the overall interior solution, the laminate is selected, simulating natural wood.

Let us also consider various types of doors and try to determine their advantages and disadvantages:

Types of fabrics for manufacturing material

Choosing the design of the product, its location, decorative design, is based mainly on the material from which the canvas is made. The texture of the tree involves one type of finishing, plastic - the other, the glass is the third, and the possibilities of each material are far from endless.

For example, it is difficult to place the PVC product into the palace interior, and the glass sliding flaps into the room weathered in the country style.

Budget version - MDF

If you are interested in attractive products of the average price segment, no doubt purchase doors from MDF, which are easy to characterize in one word - universal.

Manufacturers offer rather interesting models in shades of walnut, wenge and cherry, decorated with glass inserts, in just 2000-2500 rubles. Designer proposals will certainly be more expensive, however, for a couple of bathroom-toilet, the standard canvases, not attracting a look, as the main role is played by tiles, furniture and plumbing equipment.

The most common option from the MDF is a deaf canvas of a bagent or milled type, simulating popular varieties of wood (oak, ash, nut, maple) and enhanced by protective coating

You will be pleased with the relative ease and ease of use of products from MDF - they are not so fragile as glass. Thanks to the natural composition (pressed wood solids and binder lignin) and environmental purity, doors are good in homes with a large number of children and animals.

They are moisture resistant, but there is a risk of minimal change in the heating season. Primer and enamel covering their surface increases resistance to mechanical wear.

Environmentally attractive wood array

Fashion on natural materials led to the fact that the door of the massif is becoming increasingly popular and among the owners of country cottages, and the owners of urban apartments.

Wooden products do not need an additional decorative finish - wood texture is characterized by natural beauty. It is enough to impregnate the surface with varnish or special wax, like a soft, porous and pliable tree turns into a durable, waterproof, protected from pests and mold canvas.

Doors from the array, especially made of valuable or rare wood, can more often be seen in elite houses, the interior of which corresponds to the aristocratic style. Price range Great - from 20 to 200 thousand rubles

Many do not see a lot of differences from different wood breeds - and deeply mistaken. It is impossible to confuse the color of the bleached, with a dairy tint of an graph or almost black, with a noble wax glitter of sea oak. Alder, like a cherry, gives a light redness, and shades of pines represent a whole range - from brown-pink to yellow.

Elegant veneer

A veneer finish is a relevant offer as an alternative option for those who appreciate natural beauty and practicality. Veneer is a thin wood sheet obtained by a special way of cutting. For the manufacture of interior doors, sawn material is used, the most resistant to mechanical damage.

The use of veneering makes it easier to the door design, makes it more affordable, while the texture features and the wood pattern are preserved in its original form.

Special processing of veneer - usually this coating 2-3 layers of varnish - increases the strength of fine wood sheet and allows the use of interroom doors in kitchens, bathrooms and bathrooms, that is, in rooms with high humidity

Modern methods of wood processing allow you to produce veneer from various breeds - beech, apple, oak, poplar, olives. Walnut invoice is most popular due to a democratic price, and the model of oak veneer is distinguished by durability and wear resistance, therefore they are higher than them.

The versatility of veneered products allows them to harmoniously fit into any designer project - they are perfectly combined with plumbing and furniture for the bathrooms.

Practical laminatin

If you liked the laminated doors, you will definitely ask what type of film was used in their production. The cheapest products are covered with a layer of cellulose impregnated with synthetic resins. Obviously, a paper "shirt" is absolutely not suitable for bathroom equipment.

It is necessary to choose models tightened into a polyvinyl chloride elastic film with a thickness of 0.5 mm, or even more durable two-volume laminatin with a thickness of up to 0.8 mm, more expensive and in appearance resembling veneer.

Care behind the door leafs covered with laminatin is to wipe the film with a wet sponge or a piece of fabric (microfibra). You can use non-aggressive detergents, such as a shopping soap or cleaning gel for the bathroom

For a bathroom with a budget interior, laminated doors fit perfectly: cheap, differ in easy installation and simple care. If desired, among monotonous models, you can find options with curly chickens or glass design.

However, it is necessary to remember that the exquisite design from the doors of this type is not worth waiting for, as well as special strength - products with cellular filler are rarely reliable.

Plastic: a variety of choice

Plastic bathroom doors do not have to resemble standard white balcony blocks. Manufacturers offer a variety of dispense, sliding, folding structures consisting of plastic, metal plastic and glass.

If it allows the thickness and structure of the wall, you can stay on the original modern solution - cassette doors. They do not require an additional place to reveal, and are placed in the wall or in parallel to it.

White plastic is perfectly combined with plumbing equipment and furniture similar shades and organically fits into the interior in pastel, dairy, beige or pearl gamma

To save place and money, many choose the "harmonic" - a folding door from plastic slats. Immediately after installation, you will notice the disadvantages of convenient, at first glance, devices: structural instability, large slots, lack of reliability.

The door-compartment on the rollers is much more convenient and functional, and with the exactly selected sizes, it is not inferior on noise insulation of a conventional swing structure.

Impact resistant glass

Glass systems are not so common as metal-plastic, but their popularity is growing every year. Beautiful, perfectly decorated, durable and absolutely not reacting to the effects of water the doors are created for bathrooms. Glass is perfectly combined with faience, chromium chromium and gilded fittings.

Safety of glass doors is guaranteed by using modern materials: polycarbonate, tempered glass, plexiglass, triplex. Split the product from listed materials is very difficult, and in case of damage, the fragments are hanging on sash or scattered with pieces without sharp corners

How to observe privacy and deprive the glass inherent transparency? Recommend some successful ways:

  • gold, silver, colored spraying;
  • film coating on adhesive basis;
  • drawings and ornaments with stained in paints;
  • matte or darkened glass;
  • stained glass window from colored glasses.

Often, glass doors are made to order, so there are no problems with the design, framing, selection of texture or image. A small minus glass is the appearance of divorces when the condensate is accumulated, but from this trouble you can get rid of the ventilation and using ventilation.

Sliding and folding door systems

When it is necessary to save space adjacent to the doorway, or perform the original design project, choose not traditional swing doors, but designing folding and sliding type.

The easiest way to install is the installation of the invoice system. It includes a door leaf, which moves along the guide (metal profile or decorative suspension) along the wall.

Some designs for their functionality resemble the front part of the wardrobe: for opening the door canvas, it is necessary to move aside with a slight movement

The design is so simple that many install it independently, choosing the canvas as doors from various materials: wood, MDF shield, plastic.

The sliding one-sided or bilateral system consists of the following details:

  • 1 or 2 door flaps;
  • guide profile (suspension) mounted above the doorway;
  • rollers fixed in the upper end of the sash;
  • emphasis, which does not allow the doors to swing and located on the floor.

To make a latch, you need to install the rack from the opposite side and configure the locking mechanism. An optional of sliding systems are cassette internal structures that are well suited for the houses of the new building, but problems with their installation can occur in the old Stalinist, panel and block houses with their installation.

The design, the choice of material and the external design of sliding doors largely depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom and the corridor, as well as from the design purposes. Suppose glass doors visually increase space space

Despite the recommendations of the specialists, some tenants choose folding doors-book and doors-harmonica. These are two similar options combined with one principle of disclosure. "Harmoshki" consist of a variety of identical elements, which are collected when folding, like the furs of the musical instrument of the same name.

The "books" sash consist of two large parts folding in a certain direction. To use both solutions for landscaping the bathroom is extremely impractical, as it is difficult to achieve good sound insulation and reliability. These designs are more suitable for the device of intricant partitions.

The weakest place of laying doors is accessories connecting the plates and fixing them to the upper guide. If the family has three or more people, fasteners wear very quickly

Selection of doors and style solutions

One of the starting points when choosing a door model is a bathroom style. It takes into account when cladding the walls, selection of sanitary equipment and furniture, and, of course, it is reflected in the design of door and window openings.

The favorite of the Households is the classic - noble, elegant, calm, ideal for decorating the room intended for the adoption of water procedures. It is allowed to use wooden or veneered door cloths in a traditional bagent framing.

The door of the doors in the classic interior must intersect with a tint of the surrounding walls, most often it is pastel tones - beige, gray, pearl, golden, pink or light blue

Country style is characterized by simplicity and deliberately illness. Doors are suitable from any material: array, MDF, veneer, laminatey.

To give the door to the shade of a rustic imperfection, they can be used using special impregnations and paints, as well as praise an imperious, outdated design.

In the minimalist interior of the door as if merged with the wall, do not stand out on a general background. The design is the simplest, for the manufacture of glass, plastic, moisture resistant veneer use.

One of the principles of minimalism is the lack of extra details, which is also manifested in the design of the doorway, but it can still be decorated with neat careless details, for example, inserts from matte glass

Luxurious Art Deco style emphasizes the wealth and sophistication of the interior. This is reflected in the general bathroom device and in separate details, including doors: rare wood species are chosen for their manufacture, handmade stained glass windows or skilled wrought iron.

Unlike minimalism or high-tek, Art Deco's style is prefabricated, extravagant and eclectics. Sample door design - Figured carving against the background of Venetian plaster and designer tiles

Whatever the doors you have chosen, the main thing is that they match the interior design and your taste.

Reading time ≈ 21 minutes

Classic painted door in the bathroom

Approximately 80% of the production of interior doors is associated with wood processing. Previously, this figure was approaching 100%, because alternative options, which are plastic and glass, entered our use relatively recently.

So - wood, plastic, glass ... If we distribute materials on hygroscopicity and, accordingly, moisture resistance, wood will leave last place. Nevertheless, the production of interior doors are not transferred to the polymer-glass foundation, because the door in the house is still durability, beauty, warmth and silence.

Since the other indicators of the wood wins the "allies", it is material number 1 in the production of interroom doors, incl., Installed at the entrance to the bathroom and bathroom. In order for a model worth 10-20 and more than thousand rubles, it did not stop closing after a couple of months, people came up with effective ways to protect products from moisture exposure, condensate.

Door EcoCampon in the bathroom

The question of how to choose the door to the bathroom and the toilet remains relevant. People want to know what they pay for high-quality goods. How to choose a door to a room with an ever-changing temperature and humidistic background? What materials are used in production, as they create protection against humidity, pick up accessories - answers to these and other questions you will know after reading our article.

All deadlines for the operation and the technical characteristics given in this article include high-quality products. Materials for this article are prepared by experts. the store of interior doors "in the house".

Why does the doors warp due to moisture

Different breeds of wood to some extent absorb and give moisture. It happens not always, but provided that air humidity in the surrounding atmosphere is greater or less wood moisture. When the humidity falls below 30% (overcomes the lower threshold of fiber saturation), the volume of wood mass decreases. Separate parts of the breed change the form, shrinkage occurs, the expansion of some parts, cracking the others. These and other phenomena on professional slang are called wood warming.

White door in the bathroom

Unfortunately, the deformation can happen with a lively and sawing tree, which has been processed. Why is wood warming when it is already operated in the image of the interior door? There are 2 explanations for it:

  • The manufacturer decided to save and used not dried wood;
  • Wood grade, coating materials or technology of protection are incorrect, so the door sensitively reacts to changes in humidity in the bathroom (cracks, increases or decreases in size, etc.).

Both cases are the result of non-compliance with production technology and are a factory marriage. It is difficult to detect the predisposition of the door to the charge at the purchase stage. To protect yourself from acquiring poor-quality goods, work with proven manufacturers and choose the doors from moisture-proof materials.

Doors from which materials are not afraid of high humidity?

The quality of assembly, accessories, color, decor - characteristics that are always important, regardless of the estimated operating conditions. When choosing a door to the bathroom, the bathroom (including, if they are combined), other qualities are of priority. They directly depend on the resistance to the structure of humidity and temperatures.

Interroom door EcoCampon Wenge in the bathroom

So, the door to the bathroom should be selected taking into account the ever-changing environmental conditions. After all, even a family of three adults people takes a shower at least three times a day. Add a wash here, wet cleaning, direct exposure to water on the design when it is close in the sink. It turns out that humidity in the bathroom "walks" 24 hours a day.

You will be able to avoid negative consequences if:

  • Communicate the doors from the manufacturer with a good reputation. You will have confidence that the doors are made of well-dried high grade raw materials;
  • The door is made of moisture-resistant wood;
  • Used high-quality depth and surface protection with high barrier features.

We offer to talk about suitable materials for doors in the bathroom and about the types of protection.

Which breed of wood is the most moisture resistant

List of wood with the highest moisture resistance rates are headed by exotic rocks. The cost of transporting and processing such varieties significantly increases the final price, so the doors from Ulyin, Meraba, Balau and other varieties are rarely found in the product line of enterprises. It is believed that "native" timber are more suitable for operation in a certain climatic zone. In Russia, this is oak, ash, beech, alder, pine. Each of the listed varieties in its own way refers to changeable humidity.

The door to the bathroom from the painted array of alder


Sound breed in the range of shades from dark red to light yellow. Oak is in demand from doors manufacturers, incl., Entrance, furniture, flooring, in construction, design due to high strength, hardness, resistance to rotting.

The breed has a beautiful texture and pattern. Oak is often used in the production of doors in the bathroom. Provides unlimited opportunities for the use of labor-intensive decor techniques, as well as the manufacture of natural veneer.


Another representative of the kernel family with brownish wood. It has high strength, moisture resistance. Due to its inherent shock viscosity and flexibility is easily processed. Widely used in carpentry business - in the production of parquet, furniture, finishing materials, stairs, railings, interior doors. Installation of models in the bathroom is allowed under the condition of careful processing by enamels, varnish.


It is loved for the naturalness and pleasant shade, although many are considered boring and inexpressive. Basically goes to the manufacture of parquet. Relatively high strength at low cost is the main advantages of the breed.

Beech is extremely susceptible to moisture. Raw material is quickly covered by cracks, swelling. It is rarely used in the production of doors in the bathroom: only subject to the use of multi-stage protection - deep and external.


Wetlands. To maintain the balance of humidity, an extra moisture is made through a bark. There are many tannins in the composition. It has favorable physical properties for the use of wood in the trim of the sauna, bath, for the production of drain systems, doors in a bathroom with a veneer or under painting.

Pine door with a translucent white wax covered in the bathroom


Wood soft, careful appeal is required to avoid chipping, other defects. Pine breed is easy to find out on a beautiful wood pattern and a pleasant resinous aroma, which is preserved even after treatment with varnish. More often used colorless protective compounds, so as not to disturb the natural beauty. Used in the production of doors in a low price segment bathroom.

The moisture resistance of the base, of course, is taken into account when choosing raw materials for the production of interroom doors. Nevertheless, paramount importance is given to the technological processing and characteristics of finishing coatings, which simultaneously decorative and protective properties. Choose interior doors made of array You can in the directory by clicking on the link.

Laminated doors in the bathroom

  • Laminate;
  • EcoChpon.

EcoChppon coated door installed in the bathroom

Doors in the coated laminate coating are the cheapest. They are made from the pine massif (sometimes from chipboard). Laminated by cellulose-based material. Doors class Economy, if and fit for installation in rooms with a constantly changing wet backdrop, then as a temporary option. In the atmosphere of galloping moisture and temperature, under the influence of condensation, the laminate of the year after 2-3 will be unusable and stopped performing a protective function. Extend the life of the structures can be created by the creation of good ventilation, by installing a powerful heated towel rail, possibly by heating the lower air masses with a "warm floor" system.

PVC coating doors

Films cover doors, trimmed by Fanroom MDF, or structures from an inexpensive array. Polymer is applied in special chambers. To achieve 100% of hermetic closure and eliminate the formation of seams, each part of the future design is covered with a film separately. After that, "dressed" frames and fillets (or kings) are connected to each other. The high-quality PVC door does not have butt connections on the surface, incl., On the edges. It reliably protects wood from moisture, and also gives the doors of wear resistance, beautiful appearance.

Snow white doors with PVC trim in the bathroom

All PVC doors are approximately one price range. The film is inappropriate to use for the coating of an expensive array. As a rule, these are doors made of coniferous rocks or composite MDF. To enhance the heat-saving, sound insulation characteristics of the canvas, inside the inexpensive and lightweight cell filler.

Covered Covered Covered Doors

The name of the material introduces the buyers to delusion. The ecoschpon is not related to a natural veneer, but it looks like it only outwardly. In fact, it is a thin film (up to 0.5 mm thick) based on polypropylene, ideally imitating the structure and color of natural wood. For the price, such doors are approximately one level with PVC models. The minimum thickness makes the material very flexible, so it gently envelops all the elements of the design, including end connections at an angle of 90 degrees, curly inserts, etc. The polymer does not pass inside moisture. The doors of the ECOCHPON are suitable for installation in the bathroom, in the kitchen.

National door from EcoChppon in the bathroom

Doors in bathroom coated with natural veneer

Natural veneer is the same array, only converted into a thin film. The material has the same properties as wood from which it is made. Perfectly absorbs moisture and quickly comes into disrepair, if you do not take appropriate protection measures.

Natural veneer does not have the flexibility of PVC and PP films. To apply to the design elements, another technology is used (a method of hot pressing). It is important to achieve a solid fit of the film over the entire surface, especially on the edges. To protect the door from the negative medium, several layers of varnish are applied over the veneer.

Veneered door in the bathroom in color White ash

Doors made of natural veneer cost more models with film coatings and require more careful circulation. After several stages of varnishing, the surface retains the noble color of the natural tree, and also acquires mechanical strength, moisture resistance.

The door of the massif in the bathroom

The most expensive and beautiful interior doors. The installation conditions in the bathroom are the same - it is important to choose the appropriate means for long-term protection and properly arrange technical gaps during the installation process.

To effectively deal with humidity, ensure the ventilating room (if there is not enough natural exhaust, install forced ventilation with automatic humidity adjustment), an electric heated towel rail (power is calculated based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room) and the "warm floor" system.

The door made of pine array installed in the bathroom

Decoration and protection of the door from natural wood from moisture and mechanical damage is carried out using enamels. At the disposal of manufacturers - a huge arsenal of flowers in order to be able to choose the tone, one in one coincident with the coloring of parquet, plinths, etc.

Is it possible to strengthen the protection of the design from moisture at home

In order not to wonder this issue, we advise you to immediately choose a door with moisture-resistant coating. Typically, manufacturers are selected and applied compositions in compliance with SNIPs and guests installed for certain types of goods. A person who does not speak knowledge in this area can cause harm to the product. For example, do not everyone know that when applying a re-coating of the LKm, a composition should be chosen that does not solve the previous layer, i.e., will be made on less aggressive solvents. To do this, you need to know which means the manufacturer was used. And several such nuances.

At home, you can spoil the existing protection and make the door even more vulnerable. If additional protection is very important for you, try to treat with a colorless lacquer space of the inserts of loops, locks and handles, as well as to go through the top and bottom ends, because it is usually these places remain untreated. To work it is better to use water-soluble varnish.

Nizhny end end of the door leaf with an ecosphon coated

Dimensions of doors in the bathroom: What should I do if the opening is non-standard?

The dimensions of the doorways in the bathroom, as in other rooms in the apartment, are trying to fit under standard parameters. Most of the manufacturers supplies a 190 and 200 cm highway to the market. The width can vary in the range from 60 to 100 cm. In the houses of the old building, the opening of a width of 60 cm is used. In the new structures, the opening is trying to expand to enable the shower cabins in the bathroom, Furniture, jacuzzi and other bulk equipment.

If the parameters of the doorways did not go beyond the specified centimeters, the problem with the choice would not have stood so sharply. After all, you can always compensate for several millimeters using mounting foam or telescopic sobers. Another thing, if the discrepancy is 10 and more see when it comes to a very high or wide door, you have to act differently:

  • Find a manufacturer working with a wide size assortment of doors: We are talking about the factory in which high, wide webs are delivered to the stream, and are made along with standard structures, even in a slightly smaller quantity;
  • Create an individual order.

Of the three options for the production of interior doors, the latter, imposing production according to an individual sketch, is the most expensive and long. In order not to overpay, try to find an enterprise where the models of the size you need are.

And you can go to another way ...

Not the door under the opening, but the opening under the door

Option time-consuming, but will solve the issue with the search for interior doors once and for all. We offer:

  • Expand (narrow) the opening;
  • Install Framuhu to fit under standards in height.

The recommendation to reduce the height of the canvas to several millimeters is suitable only for the doors of the array (not covered with film). In this case, accuracy is important, otherwise you can damage the decorative layer. After trimming the end, you need to handle varnish, paint.

It is impossible to cut the door with the MDF finish and hollow structures. Cutting at least a couple of millimeters, you open access to the internal layers. This door will swell very quickly.

Another advice - can be useful when redeveloping. For example, you decided to give under Bathroomanother room, at the entrance to which is installed a wide double door. If this option does not suit, use a wide opening for mounting the sliding system - beautiful, modern and economically.

You can add a little width using a good plank. To install it in modern designs there is a special groove.

An equally important parameter affecting the model performance is the thickness of the box. Everything is logical here - the thinner the material, the more he shows sensitivity to humidity.

In practice, operation is too thin boxes as follows (example from life): The door box in the bathroom will swell several times a day and come to normal. This is due to the lack of defense of the installers when the groove is putting an insufficient number of mounting foam. If you leave the installation seam that is not processed (it would be correct to close it with a tiled glue), the moisture will freely penetrate the box. To prevent similar incidents when installing MDF doors, try making prevention: we advise you to keep the paint on the inner surface of the box. One layer will be enough.

Is it possible to put the door to the bathroom with glasses

There are 3 situations when you should abandon the door to the bathroom with glass inserts:

  1. The exit to the bathroom is in the general corridor, where the deaf structures at the entrance to the living room are already installed, in the kitchen, to other rooms.
  2. In the interior design, the style of Loft, minimalism, and the canvas with glass does not fit into the concept.
  3. The entrance to the bathroom is arranged through the bedroom, and the burning light will interfere with resting other family members.

Door with large glass and painted veneer ash in bathroom

For inserts use a multilayer triplex - matte or tinted. For the safety of the design, you can not worry. To break such a glass, you will need to make not one punch with a hammer. Polymer film is used as a layer between glasses. She keeps the triplex when hit, does not give it to turn into fragments and crumble on the floor.

Of course, the triplex does not affect high humidity and temperatures. The door with glass will be useful to scattered people. You will not forget to turn off the light in the bathroom whenever you leave.

How to fasten glass

So that the glass is rigidly sitting inside the frame, the seal is placed around the edges. It is better to use silicone with a special groove where glass is inserted. So that Silicone slid over the surface, it is wetted in water, and after stretching to the ends. A kind of vacuum connection is formed, very strong on the gap.

If the seal does not have a groove, the mount is produced on silicone glue. Check how tightly the glass is "sits" in a niche, you can, closing and opening the door several times. If the connection is performed efficiently, you will not hear the knocks, other extraneous sounds.

Accessories for doors in the bathroom - loops, handles, cleans

Door accessories for the door to the bathroom should be corrosion resistant, poet choose loops, locks and handles from brass or stainless steel coated with a layer of nickel and chromium. Brass models are more durable and expensive. The processing of steel components is carried out by galvanization. A durable protective film is formed on the surface, which will protect the metal from corrosion. Such materials are not afraid of either high humidity, no direct contact with water, therefore are often used in the production of mixers.

Door in the bathroom with clinch and magnetic latch

The design of the loop can be two types:

  • Overhead;
  • Curling.

Overhead models are attached to the self-tapping screws to the end sides of the canvas and the box. Such structures are inconsequent. To repair, you will have to unscrew the loops to remove the cloth.

To install mortise loops on the end sides of the design, there are grooves of the same size. The loops are inserted into them, after attaching to the self-tapping screw. These loops are more expensive. Their installation requires more time and work with a special tool. Cutting elements create a more stable molding of the web, so more efficient when hanging heavy structures from the array.

Three-deficted painted door in the bathroom with clinch

A variety of mortise fittings are hidden loops. Their advantages:

  • Beautiful design - they are more compact, produced in a wide range of shades, you can choose a mechanism for handle and locks for gold, silver, bronze, antique silver, stainless steel and other materials;
  • Simple adjustment: There are several cogs on the loop. Each performs its function. It is enough to twist the desired to adjust the position of the vertical cloth, horizontally;
  • Hidden installation: The loops remain invisible in the open and closed position of the door.

From a rich assortment of pens and locks for the bathroom more suitable three models:

  • An ordinary score: quickly installed, it is not necessary to make a hole, it is worth little;
  • Pen-Knob: The handle in the form of a bowl that is climbing the latch if you install it in a vertical position. Open the door outside will be impossible;
  • Plumbing cleaned: works like an ordinary mortise lock, only its simplified version. It is a little more expensive than the spinlet. The insertion is made in one hole done by the drill.

Browsing at the entrance to the bathroom - I need or not

The presence of a node at the entrance to the bathroom is fixed by the rules supplementing SNiP 2.03.13-88 and 3.04.01-87. It is assumed that the height difference will be able to prevent the spread of water in the apartment for a short time if flooding happens.

The door to the bathroom with the threshold

There are two ways to install the melode:

  • The floors in the bathroom and in the adjacent room are on the same level, the barrier is set to a height of at least 2 cm;
  • Paul in the adjacent interior above. At the entrance to the bathroom, the step is formed - the so-called bang bath.

Device of the clad - the personal business of the owner. Its presence will give, at least 15-20 minutes of the shape to notice the flooding and turn off the water. If the stream still has time to go behind the "board", you risk spoiling your floor covering, but you will not have time to flood your neighbors.

What way to open the door to the bathroom is the most convenient

All doors can be divided into 3 panel types:

  • Swing;
  • Sliding: on the roller mechanism, "into penal", folding (accordion, book);
  • Mixed: Rotodver.

The way to open the door to the bathroom can be any. The main thing is that the model does not create inconvenience in the open form, was established on a high-quality mechanism that cannot be exposed to humidity.


According to the SNIP, the swollen door to the bathroom should open out. It is easier to open or push over in a fire. If suddenly a person in the bathroom becomes bad, with a fall, it will not strike the door, and the help will be faster.

Just relate the opening option (left / right) with other doors located nearby, and select a method that will not be interfered when opening everyone at once.

Sliding door in the bathroom

Sliding (on the roller mechanism, "into the pencil")

Installation of the system on the roller mechanism is reduced to the attachment of the guides in the upper and lower part of the opening with the subsequent linse hanging. Such structures are called overhead. To save on the renewal of the door, you can only buy a mechanism and install the web from the swing door.

A little more time will require the installation of the castle. For the inserts, it is necessary to make a separate wooden rail, make a slot in it and fasten on the wall, where, in fact, a can be located. When closing the cloth with the lock will enter the design with the slot and snap.

The system called "to the penalty" is a cassette block with a finished door and falseland. Neither on the left, neither the right will need an additional free space where the canvas will roll out. Opening, the door enters the niche, and the mechanism itself remains invisible from the outside.

The system is supplied to the customer fully assembled, ready to install. Disadvantages of the cassette model:

  • Costly fittings;
  • Professional installation is required, which is also worth a lot;
  • Suitable for apartments and houses, where there is an opportunity to remove part of the wall near the doorway. If the entrance to the bathroom is surrounded by other doors, the installation becomes impossible.

Door with aluminum edge in the toilet

Folding door (book, harmonica)

The names of the models are assigned by analogy with the corresponding objects. They are similar to each other, only in the "book" there are only 2 folding panels, and in the "harmonic" 3 or more.

To open both the free space is required before the opening. Folds shift to the side and remain inside the box. The canvas is not extended along the adjacent wall, so it can be decorated with paintings, vases and other accessories. The minus of the folding doors is that in the open form they reduce the opening by the magnitude of the folded flaps. Perhaps the overall furniture and plumbing is better to refuse, or you have to remove the cloth at the time of unloading.

Sleeping door with veneer whisker oak and white matte glass triplex


The model looks stylish. A mixed type of opening is used: the canvas swallowed and at the same time drives to the side. One half of the door remains on the territory of the bathroom, the second goes to the next interior.

A complex rotary mechanism provides smooth silent opening. Installation is possible to carry out in the opening of any size. Magnetic lock prevents independent opening. To open the door, you need to push it away from yourself, with whatever parties you come.

Choosing a door to the bathroom, focus on the control parameters, which the quality of all interior models typically test. Make measurements diagonally. The error should not exceed 2 mm, otherwise minor skew can very quickly grow into a noticeable deformation.

After installation, check with the help of a building level, how exactly the door is "sits" horizontally and vertical. Open the canvas approximately half. With a high-quality installation, it must remain in place. Once again, carefully inspect the coating. Often, non-accurate use of stitching, cutting tools ends with a risen and dying PVC film or fucked enamel, and this is a sufficient basis so as not to pay for the work before eliminating errors.

The door to the bathroom should correspond to the specifics of the room and please the view. It is better to put the doors with PVC film or veneered doors with a good varnish, a budget, but practical option - plastic bathroom doors. Whatever the door you have chosen, take care of a good hood. What else you need to know when choosing a door for the bathroom you will learn from this article.

The choice of door to the bathroom is determined by the constructive features of the room.

It was so necessary that the bathrooms are repaired usually last, when the material and moral resources are depleted. And the bathroom, meanwhile, requires a special, very reverent relationship literally to all the details, because it has a number of features of both constructive and operational. The first detail of the interior that immediately attracts attention is the door, and in the bathroom too. So let's try to decide - which put the doors to the bathroom.

Having studied the opinion of specialists and consumers, it can be concluded that the starting point of your reflection will be a bathroom layout: its dimensions (method), the location of water sources (soul, cranes) in relation to the door, degree of soul tightness, i.e. Than isolated: banal adhesive curtain or there is a shower, for example.

If your bathroom is spacious to such an extent that you can make several, for example, steps, shower, bath and sink are located in the other end of the room, and the shower cabin is a closed box, then your choice of bathroom doors are completely unlimited.

The situation is complicated if the bathroom is close to the "Soviet standard": step to the right - step left and that's it. The door to such a bathroom needs to be chosen carefully, because wet air and temperature drops are a serious threat to its operational qualities.

Materials for doors in the bathroom: Universal and not very

First of all, pay attention to the materials. The win-win option will be a door made of glass. The glass door is not afraid of absolutely nothing, especially since it is usually made from heavy-duty, tempered glass. It looks great, because Glass frosted, with spraying, fusing or stained glass. But this beauty is an amateur, especially because of a very decent price.

  • Plastic doors for bathroom

It is convenient to operate plastic doors in the bathrooms, they are also not subject to adverse effects, are easy, reliable, do not require special care, rather durable and, which is important, their cost is low. If you are confused by a multiple treasury view of such a door (they are mostly white, although there are other colors in the modern market), you can pay attention to the perfect solution to the problem of choosing the door to the bathroom.

We are talking about the doors coated with PVC film, which perfectly protects the door from splashes, steam, scratches, quite environmentally friendly and hypoallergenne. Today it is one of the most qualitative and deservedly popular coverage. The PVC film coating doors are not deformed, extremely practical and comfortable in operation, it is easy to care for them using any detergents (but abrasive is better to exclude). The indisputable advantage of these doors is their magnificent appearance, since the coating perfectly imitates the texture of any natural wood and allows you to form the interior of your home in one way. The price is very and very attractive.

  • Laminate

"Close relative" PVC doors - a laminated door covered with laminated film. Qualitative characteristics also allow you to install these doors in the bathrooms. Laminate is almost indistinguishable from natural wood, resistant to external influences and is perfect. The cost relates these doors to the economy class. Such a door is not afraid of temperature differences, will serve you for a very long time and will be like new. Cheap laminated doors - economy class doors in a large assortment are presented in our store.

  • EcoSpon

EcoChpon is a modern material that is distinguished by high wear resistance. At the same time, the aesthetic properties of the EcoShPon are deserved. The production technology allows to reproduce the structure of a natural tree, while avoiding the disadvantages of natural material. Made by "mobromoy technology", such doors do not have the edges, so much the moisture is afraid. Pay attention to the special series of doors with an ecoshpon coating -. Materials and special production technologies make these doors resistant to moisture and high temperatures. Perfect choice for the bathroom!

  • Veneer

Choosing the door to the bathroom, should not be discharged and veneered doors covered with a thin layer of valuable wood. Modern manufacturers provide reliability and practicality of this type of doors using high-tech impregnation with special means and lacquering a surface with several layers of varnish (be sure to make sure that the model you like has accurately possesses these qualities). All of the above is true and towards the doors of their array of wood. However, and in another case the price of such a door is not available to everyone.

But whatever the door for the bathroom you do not choose, remember that it is necessary to carefully stead the room. Even the most resistant moisture coating may not withstand the effects of large amounts of water.

The diverse offers of the modern market make the task of choosing a door to the bathroom complex, responsible and fascinating. In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, it is wiser to seek help for help from consulting professionals that will help you choose a door ideally suitable for your bathroom. The most popular model of doors for bathrooms is presented below. We also recommend familiarizing yourself with the full catalog: interior doors, prices for which and the huge selection you will definitely please.

Difficult to choose from? Call, and shop managers "Doors Bravo" will answer all your questions and help in choosing doors for the bathroom!