Repairs Design Furniture

Repair of the bathroom do it yourself. Bathroom repair: Cost, stages of works, instructions How to start repairs in the bathroom

2017-02-26, 10:16

Surface preparation Installation of pipes in the wall Wiring ELECTRICS Sleet holes

Hello Dear Ammodylkins.

In this article, consider the nuances that you need to know when repairing the bathroom or toilet.

Bathrooms and san. All nodes are different on the material of walls, floors and ceilings, layout, as well as materials and design of sewer and water supply.

Therefore, I will not show repairs in one particular bathroom from and to, but focus on those moments that are usually common and are taken into account and are performed anyway.

Preparation of surfaces

One of the first questions: what to do with the old finish.

If repair under the tile (98% of cases), then the answer is one: the old finish is deleted.

Easy to say - delete. There are such problems like plaster painted with oil paint and the like of the sinking of the previous finishes, which is practically impossible to contempt.

The same meets in the floors. In the old days, the tile launched her for it, on a steep cement solution.

We must admit that it turned out quite exactly horizontally, without taking into account the seams, but they did not pay much attention to this.

To knock down such a tile - approximately the same thing that remove a small layer of concrete with a monolithic plate.

By walls, in such cases, there are two options:

1. Remove the old paint with the help of a construction dryer, having previously obtained the consent of the neighbors for possible toxic poisoning.

2. Make an ax frequent notches for which glue or plaster clings to alignment (again - unfortunate neighbors).

When applying notches and the need to align (the difference of more than 3 centimeters), a plaster grid is styled on the wall.

Old tile from the floor - to unambiguously remove. Do not experiment with concrekontact in premises with high humidity.

The grid on the floors will create a reservoir, but the solid clutch will not be able to create, with the result that the reservoir can be forced and give cracks.

San San Square Nodes are usually not large, so you can strain a little.

IN lately, in the primary finish, the walls in the bathrooms are sweeping and are covered with dispersion paints, and the tile is put on the glue, in connection with which it is not so difficult to delete all this charm. Although not just.

After removing the paint, or applying notches, the surface must be projected. The primer will connect dust, which in a huge amount is formed during this work and accumulates in surface irregularities.

One Nuanxik: When applying the primer, the roller needs to be back up with pressure. Then the primer is squeezed at the top of the roller, it saves the surface abundantly, and does not give her leaks.

Installation of water supply and sewer pipes in the wall

First, a slight retreat for that, and not dangerously tinted the pipes into the wall. What if something?

I am writing about this because I often hear this question. And now the answer.

Open wiring is now done only in cases of super economies options, in other cases it is hiding.

The choice arises: in the wall or in the box.

Valves and counters of course in a box covering inter-storey risers, here without options, but everything else is better in the wall.

If "what if something", then to the pipe recessed into the wall easier to reach, repair and make it like it was, than everything is done with the pipe in the box.

In the first case, it will be enough to remove a pair of tiles (depends on the size), and in the second it will have to break the entire box, unless of course scholars and make it immediately collapsible.

Let's return to the installation of pipes into the wall.

We will proceed from the fact that we do not have professional strokeware with a vacuum cleaner, the cost of which will pull half the estimates, but there is a perforator, it is possible without a bidder function.

We buy for 700 rubles. Crown D72 for picklers.

The crowns are made relatively faster and more careful than chisel.

Dust is formed less, as it, in the course of rotation, is mainly referred to down.

The lobes need to make such a depth so that the pipes completely drowned in the wall. Checked in connecting couplings water pipes and docking compounds of sewer.

You should not count on the fact that something closes the layer of glue. According to the law of meanness, just in the place where the pipe will perform from the wall, the glue layer will be the thinnest.

Pipes in the strokes need to fasten well so that later, during the sealing solution, they did not squeeze them out. Fasteners are made from dowels and an indoiled wire.

Now about the most painstaking and requiring accurate calculation of the part of the work - the pin with the terminal clutch and sewer input.

The requirements are as follows:

1. The end clutches must perform from the wall strictly perpendicularly, and on such a distance, so that after laying the tile they did not remain deep in the wall, or vice versa did not get out too far.

And in the other case, there will be problems with the connection of eyeliner, crants and installation of decorative reflectors, but it will not be possible to fix anything.

It will be necessary to suffer with the selection of extension cords, and to them reflectors, with winding and doubts - will not flow-whether on the thread.

2. Sewer inputs must be on the tile of about 0.5 cm. Otherwise, the same problems will arise as in paragraph 1.

When installing a drain for a toilet bowl, you need to know how the height of the floor is the release of the toilet so that it does not work out that the release will be lower than the plum.

When installing eyeliner for the shower cabin, it is necessary to provide that the watering of water fit together between the wall and back wall Cabins.

It is almost always, to ensure a normal sling of the cabin, it has to be lifted to the podium, which should be designed and made exactly the cabarians of the cabin.

Special attention should be paid to the conclusions for mixers, heated towel rails and batteries, if any.

If the cabin for the cabin and washbasin can still be hidden behind the tulip, moidodyr or cabin, then the above plumbing it will be outside.

And not only it is important. If the ends of the eyeliner are not perpendicular to the wall, it is not strictly parallel to each other and will not perform on the same distance, then the heated towel rail or the mixer will be crooked.

Let even a little bit, but the tiles are clear seams, and on their background it will be very noticeable.

And here you will not help any extension centers and eccentrics.

Therefore, for fastening the conclusions, it is necessary to clear the smooth pad in the stroke, and it is possible to use smooth lining (drywall, etc.) to fit all the bread in the tip.

Ends for a towel rail better not to mount hard at all, even if there is a bit stitching. The fact is that their compounds are practically no American, therefore several microns can become fatal.

If the pipe layout for some irresistible reason does not pass on clear geometric lines, that is, in parallel or perpendicular to the floor to the conclusions, then it should be noted schematically or photographed so that in the future it can be accurately determined where the pipes are used in the wall.

Wiring wiring

What same modern bathroom without sockets?

Outlets are needed and washing machine and shower and various cosmetic causes, so already in initial stage repair, you need to clearly know what you will have plumbing equipment And where it will stand to determine the exact space for sockets.

The second point is a mirror over the washbasin. It also almost never happens without email. equipment. So you need to accurately know its location and dimensions to make the eyeliner so that it remains unnoticed after installing the mirror.

Wiring Wiring is done in the same way as in all rooms, i.e. The wire is laid in the shoes. In no case cannot expect that the wires will fit between tiles and wall in the glue layer. Do not fit.

The wire in the stroke is attached often, at a distance of 15-20 cm. So as not to be squeezed when entering the shoes. The layout geometry is observed clearly: parallel to the ceiling with an indent of 15 cm. And vertical descents to sockets.

In San. Nodes are a lot of wall influences that are attached to the self-tapping screw, so any master who entered there with a perforator must be visually clear where the wires pass under the tile.

Holes under the submersionals are made before laying the tiles, and the wire is displayed in them, but the submersion themselves are installed after laying the tiles.

How to cut down smooth holes in the tile

Holes in the tile are made by special crowns, the set of which costs approximately 800 rubles and the perforator in the drill mode, since the perforator has relatively not large revs.

Slowing holes in the tile is preferably on a flat, solid and not smooth surface, for example, on a piece of drywall.

Actually, place and drill a hole for a masterful person is not a problem. I will tell you how to be if the hole is between two tiles.

We take two tiles, ideally combining them on smooth surfaceAnd then tightly gluild the painter.

After that, you can safely make a hole between them.

In general, everything. I hope that my tips will be useful to you.

According to specific problems that arise from you, when repairing the bathroom and toilet, ask questions in the comments.

I wish you a good repair.


Did you think about repairing the bathroom with your own hands? There is nothing surprising in this, since the implementation of the entire repair process will independently come out much cheaper. On average, the amount of a possible payment is calculated from half the value of all essential materials.

But, of course, it should not be thought that everything will be simple: you will be required to calculate all possible costs, the availability of knowledge and sufficiently high skills. If not in repair, then at least in handling the tools. If you do not have listed, then you will be better to contact the specialists. Think and carefully weigh your solution. Read this article on the repair of the bathroom with your own hands with the viewing of the photo and then finally decide on your decision. In it, we will discuss in some detail at the production of actions in their chronological order indicating the materials and approximate cost Costs for the necessary materials.

To repair the bathroom with your own hands you have the following:

  • Choose plumbing, it is determined with its number and nomenclature;
  • Develop a bathroom design and choose the coloring you need:
  • Calculate and purchase the necessary finishing materials;
  • Prepare a room in which repairs will be carried out;
  • Assess the current state of the floor in the bathroom. Decide on the way it is repaired and purchased materials for work;
  • Repair the floor. In this point will enter:
  • its waterproofing is that there are measures to give the floor of waterproof.
  • replacing a screed, under the tie rises a layer created to align the floor, and to which the flooring is usually installed.
  • floor insulation;
  • Paving the pipeline;
  • Working with electrical wiring;
  • Plastering ceiling and walls;
  • Facing the walls, work on the grout of seams and sealing angles;
  • Flooring;
  • Installation ventilation system.
  • Installing the plumbing chosen by you.

The time that you spend on the repair of the bathroom with your own hands is counted from 2 weeks, in the case of replacing the bathroom and toilet. On the replacement of the floor screed will go away at least 2 months. Let's go directly at the points of the specified Plan:

Selection of plumbing

It is difficult to talk about specific councils, because everything will depend on your choice of brand and manufacturer. We mention only that when repairing it is necessary to think about what to do with an old bathroom. If she is must, then below, when considering the preparation of the premises, there will be ways to improve it.

Project Stage

This stage is directly related to the choice of plumbing, since it will affect the time consideration and the cost of repair itself. So, on the shape of the washbasin depends on the characteristics of the tiled wall covering. All items to specify will not be possible, this is a topic for a separate article. Consider that when building a house, the baths are drawn up equally alike and the same materials from one supplier, respectively, the cost of repair can reach 1/5 of the cost of housing. IN ordinary house It makes no sense to reflect on the mixer built into the wall, since such an opportunity is laid during the construction, and breaking the wall - the option is invalid.

Do not use ordinary business wood and simple steel parts. Such materials absorb moisture or prone to corrosion, so the use of them in place with high humidity Does not justify yourself. For the same reasons, installing outlets and switches in the bathroom are life-threatening. Of course, ways to make them, responding to a number of formal requirements, are available, but here we will not consider them. If your apartment has little space, consider the installation option of the shower. This will help free a little place in which you can set something more necessary. Fold and pick up the design that you have to do.


It makes no sense to explain why it is necessary to evaluate the equipment necessary for repair. Remember that you are guided by a smaller price when choosing materials for bathroom repair with your own hands. There are a number of parameters that are essential, but in which to deal, without having special knowledge, is pretty difficult. These are coefficients of moisture absorption, temperature expansion and the porosity of the material. Since the bathroom is a place with a big scatter temperature mode and high humidity, which affects both the strength of materials and the sanitary and hygienic situation in the dwelling, then proceed from the principle of cheapness will be incorrect.

Some parameters, you will most likely not find in the description of the material, so you should select materials directly intended for use in the bathroom. Materials used for outdoor construction can be approached, since the conditions of interest are interested in us.

  • The price of tile will be from 40 to 60 rubles per piece, depending on the producer country. The quality of the tiles of domestic and European manufacturers on average do not differ among themselves, but European samples usually have best Design. The situation in the floor and wall tiles is the same, the difference is only in size. Porcelain tiles will cost more expensive, from 50 rubles per piece, however, it is recommended to use it for flooring. In contrast to conventional ceramic tiles, they have a non-slip surface, and greater strength. Given the fairly high trauma of bathrooms in medical statistics, it is an important circumstance. The store should pay attention to the state of the tile surface. The presence of damage on it will lead to the appearance of non-purified dirt. In order to ensure the integrity of the tile you choose, lean it to the face and look at it along the light source. Another factor is the size ratio. If the tiles are different sizes, and it is quite possible, then when installing, the surface will look repulsively, and even if it is not installed - you have to spend time on the return of the goods to the seller. To check, take a few pairs and attach to each other edges and look around. The difference in the amount should not exceed a millimeter. Then test the faces, they must be even.
  • Tile glue. Given that the installation of tiles will be carried out by you independently - the best choice will be slowly dry glue, from half a day to days. This will correct all the possible mistakes performed and will give the opportunity to work in their pleasure. The spatula should be selected specifically to the glue, such information is contained on the package. If for some reason the packaging does not contain information about the step and the depth of the teeth, and the glue itself has proven itself well, then choose a small depth of 3 to 6 millimeters. The use of a spatula with large teeth will probably lead to the appearance of cavities under the tile.
  • Templates for laying tiles. It is best to take plastic crosses, because it is easier to work with them.
  • Grout for tiles. It is not necessary to purchase, since a piece of cable in 5-6 millimeters in diameter can come to the grout of the seams.
  • Glass adhesive sheet from 250 rubles per 1 sheet.
  • Laminate from 300 rubles per board.
  • Bulk floor. For the bathroom it is preferable to use two components, it is an initial viscous emphasis, then liquid, for alignment. approximate price From 220 rubles for 10 liters, the same with the effect of insulation - from 640 rubles per square meter.
  • Tick \u200b\u200bor larch floor. If you decide to make a wooden, not a tiled floor. It will cost more, but on the view and feel pleasant. Price from 500 rubles per square meter.
  • Pipes. The best option is polypropylene tubes: for cold water (PPN) from 24 rubles per square meter, for hot (PPR) from 35 rubles. The choice is due to the fact that work with steel pipes It is difficult, the metal plastic has a property with time to flow in fittings, while polypropylene can be welded and hide into the wall. Sewer pipes go from 45 rubles. In the same category we will attract fittings. Most preferred fittings made of solid plastics, as it will avoid possible leaks. The transition to the metal makes sense when connecting pipes to the boiler. Shut-off valves should be ball and soldered in plastic. The cost of fittings and reinforcement will be 60% of the price of pipes. When buying, measure outside diameter Pipes caliper. Diamond drills are required to work with pipes, in case of inconsistency of the sizes, they will have to buy more, and such drills are quite expensive.
  • PVA emulsion - from 240 rubles for 5-liter packaging.
  • Plumbing. It all depends only on your choice, let's just say not to buy on quality - plumbing should serve for a long time and conscientiously. Considering the options of the heated towel rail, it is recommended to take a stainless steel heated towel rail. Other options have either inappropriate quality, or an overestimated cost. Choosing a mixer, think about choosing a purchase with infrared sensorAutomatically including water when applying for hands with a predetermined temperature mode. You probably met such at airports. The mixer, of course, is not the cheapest, but will reduce the cost of water in half, and the heated energy percentage by 40-45%.

The prices are approximate and compiled based on the current market value. Nevertheless, you can somehow navigate at such prices and taking into account the square to count the bathroom renovation with your own hands. All of the listed directly when performing the work you will not need, some of the presented options are alternative, it will be described in more detail below.

We repeat once again: you should not be sent to the cheapest when choosing materials, their use will only lead to complication of work. When purchasing materials, take into account possible marriage and errors in calculations: almost always the need for some reserve. So, with tiles it is recommended to have 3-5% of the supercountable amount. When repairing a small bathroom, make a little more - 5-7%. Add 35-40% on other materials.

Now proceed directly to work.

So, as already mentioned: first of all, the question is in the old bathroom. Cast-iron bath It can be updated with an acrylic or epoxy compound. Installation new bath From the cast iron will not give some advantages as and the service life, and its dismantling and installing a new bathtub is quite laborious. For tin bath, in the absence of enamel chips or other serious damage, you can use an acrylic liner. With a bad condition of the tin bath, do not doubt and choose a new one. To reprove the bathroom, special skills you will not need. The difference between acrylic and epoxide is the price and time consuming, the last is cheaper, but it is somewhat more complicated to work with it. It is impossible to create an insert yourself - it is manufactured at the factory, where you will have to order it, the installation technology is as follows:

  • clean and degrease the bath thoroughly;
  • insert the liner and check the correctness of the drain holes;
  • check and apply glue to the inner surface of the bath.

The method is quite expensive, but still cheaper than a new bath.

Turn off the water. Disconnect the cold water supply from the flushed tank. If you are not going to go to repair, it makes sense to hold water into the kitchen through a temporary pipeline. Even the use of an ordinary hose will come down, the main thing is not forget to turn off the water for the absence period or overnight. Quality As you understand such a system far from perfect. But otherwise you have to do without water about 10 days, which is still the worst perspective.

Start a dismantling of everything in the bathroom. Only walls should remain. Sewage system At this stage, do not touch the heating for the heated towel rail to drag the threaded plugs. Next, disconnect the power supply in the bathroom.

Now you can proceed to stripping the surfaces of the bathroom. This part of the work is associated with garbage and dust, work in glasses, respirator and, if you do not want to clean the whole apartment, with closed door or film in the opening.

Work begins with the ceiling. For old tiles, use a perforator with a chisel in concrete. If the cement mortar was used for its attachment, then you will have to remove it completely. Be careful when working with the floor! If your old screed is in good condition, then the perforator when cleaning a cement substrate can damage it, and this is honest for you. If there are grounds for saving an old screed, then use a barrage with a diamond cup. The work will be accrued carefully and reduce the costs of overhaul floors.

For the top layer of plaster and old paint, a drill is used with 80-100 millimeter round metal brushes. In old houses, the plaster is often continuing, such a need to remove to the base, be it brick or concrete. Sturdy enough to align the drill with the use of a switched brush and level measurement. When working with plaster over the electrical wiring in the bathroom, you need a puncher with a chisel. Wires remove. Just in case, catch the walls and try to drill them: Hypus-fiber plates were used in a number of houses of the Brezhnev epoch. Finding something similar, you will have to dismantle them. Work will be added, but their replacement is necessary. Be careful when working with the ceiling, it can get to the collapse. Take care of the backups.

Cleaning completed old tile Removed. Time to wash the floors. After wet cleaning You can proceed to inspection of the installed screed. The presence of at least one crack will lead to the need to replace it, which means overhaul of the floor in the bathroom. Of course, if there is a small damage, this can be avoided using a layer of bulk sex. But more on that later. First of all, consider the need to remove the old screed and proceed to the floorproofing of the floor.

In order for the floor to hydroize, the options are a bit: it is aquaisol or its polyester analog. The usual fillet for the bathroom is not applicable, moisture, one way or another, will leak, the aquaisole will hold water at any temperature. Insulation should be made on the wall at least a quarter of a meter (25 cm) from the weight calculation. 4000 liters of water for 10 square meters - This is the limit of overlap strength. Pleats in the corners should not have cuts. The joints of the waterproofing layer are glued with mastic or weld with an industrial hair dryer. Before practicing such welding, it is not easy.

Having finished with insulation, proceed to the installation of a new screed. When evaluating possible expensesalready called need material. This is a chamber of the chamber. Her strength will allow you without delay to lay reinforcement grid And put lighthouses. There is no alternative, foam plastic concrete and foam concrete is too fragile, and the ceramzite absorbs water. This is an extremely long stage, the new screed should stand from 40 days before you can continue the work. For a screed there special requirements to cement mortar:

  • cement brand from the 400th; Sand must be quartz;
  • sand and cement belong to each other in proportions - 4: 1;
  • the volume of water should be equal to the volume of cement;
  • to the water you need to add PVA emulsion in the amount of 1/10 volume of water.

The formation of a screed is carried out on markers in layer 4-5 cm. Rapuping the formed surface, bring it to smoothness. The tile floor requires a smooth base surface for its flooring.

Go to replacing the pipeline. You should start with sewer pipes, since on seals with a sealant, it is collected rather quickly, enough one day. No welded joints are made on the waste pipe. After that, you can get up with a calm soul to start soldering water pipes.

How to lay them? In the open form, it is not worth it, the aesthetic pleasure is little to bring, to make a shifter, if the concept is not familiar to you, is a groove in the wall that lashes to the opportunity to remove the pipe, the occupation of the tedious and time consideration, and in the case of block houses, it is impossible Violate, and she herself will not give a stroke. The solution is nevertheless there is: pipes can be launched parallel to the floor, and then make slopes from galvanizing on them. Next, using silicone on the performed slope to glue the facing tile under the color to the future of the bathroom.

The slope is also glued with silicone, to the floor and ceiling, and can be performed after the end of work. If necessary, silicone can be tailored to the mounting knife. With a standard layout of the bathroom, the slope length will be approximately meter. It is still not to do without a stick, but it is only for vertically installed pipes: for the mixer in the bathroom, if there is in your bathroom, for the mixer in the washbasin, and another pair can be in the event that the boiler is installed in the bathroom. In the strokes of the pipe should be used, this will serve as an additional protection against fogging and heat loss. Installation process polypropylene pipes It is very simple, the main advantage is that in thirty minutes, from the end of welding, the last connection will be used by your pipeline system. E.

Remember, the connection of the jack is not allowed. Use fittings and clutches for their connection.

For welding connections, you will need: the apparatus for fuse-glass welding of polypropylene pipes; nozzles for used pipes; Truboresis; Shawer, Fatchesther. For the heated towel rail, metalplastic is good. Thanks to its flexibility, the lower fittings will be hidden under the slope, and the upper position will not change.

Pour it stands tightened to the corrugation with a wire in double insulation. The plastic is most often used, the price of it is low, however, if you have conceived the replacement of wiring throughout the house, use metal, wiring will be shielded.

Before starting work on plastering, take the protruding waterproofing to the wall with the help of construction tape, cut it, as already mentioned, it is impossible. Bathroom is a close room, so it is recommended to use the plaster to use the plaster, but a half rubber ball. They can be used for any types of work with alabaster, plaster or hardening compounds. It will be easier to work.

The plaster itself must necessarily be carried out under beacons - for subsequent cladding of the walls, a flat surface is required. It is best to take advantage of the beacon profiles, which are easy to get in any construction store. The manufacture of lighthouses independently should not be, you will only spend time and can hardly achieve a flat surface. The sequence of plastering is normal, to the floor from the ceiling. Overload two layers - for the conditions of the bathroom with its moisture and temperature drops, this form will be the strongest.

The ceiling insulation is required not to comply with the temperature regime, but to curb future problems that will certainly arise if the deposition of condensate does not stop. The best option will be the use of glass adolescent sheet, in contrast to the floor to be sealed with the surface of the CML ceiling will be silicone or mounting glue. At the time of work, use rails as a backup, somewhere 1-2 per meter ceiling. Do not remove them before the glue dries.

Having finished with insulation, go to the guidance of the gloss, although this gloss and is functional significance as condensate. Good option is such a material as plastic lining or laminate. Do not worry about the reliability of the material. Resistant to moisture glue, even if it turns into parts of the ceiling, the collapse will not entail - since the boards are interconnected by forming a single one-piece design. At the end of work with the ceiling, you will start facing the walls. Cutted tiles will serve for laminate support.

When preparing the material, follow these items:

  1. processing the inside of the PVA material emulsion;
  2. laying itself is carried out using mounting glue or construction silicone;
  3. the club of the tongue, under it understand the protrusions, due to which the boards are connected, as well as the method of such a compound itself, a thin layer of glue is applied, its drums should be removed immediately.

For silicone, a table vinegar is suitable for glue solvent. Please note - the last two boards of laminate should be put together, fold them with a house and insert, pressing the joint before it snaps. Do not forget about the backups to the pouring of the glue.

Corners should be sealed with silicone in order to avoid the penetration of moisture under the ceiling cover. When performing holes for wiring, do not produce them at the junction of laminate boards. I think you understand why. Having finished with the ceiling cover, move the hole or fill it with silicone.

Of course, there are other options. But independent manufacture stretch ceilings Often unreasonably, and we will not describe his ways here. If you wish to do this, check out the selection criteria. Possible I. rack ceiling - Also a very common option, but its manufacture is a topic of a separate article.

For lining of walls, tiled tiles are usually used. Porcelain stoneware has similar properties, but it costs more, the advantages of which were said when choosing a floor tiles, no values \u200b\u200bfor the walls do not have. The coating of the bathroom walls with plastic panels is distributed, it is quite cheap and meets the rules of hygiene, but in this article we will still consider techniques to work with such material.

When laying tiles on the walls, the seams should be observed. For this, crossbars are used to be inserted between tiles on glue and are immediately removed, as described above. Application of glue is carried out by longitudinal spatula strokes, with an average of 30 tiles, 30 centimeters - 0.25-0.35 square meters. The presence of emptiness is unacceptable under the tile, so overlay the glue so that the rusts are parallel to each other and are not too deep. Each tile, laid by you, should be hosted by a rubber hammer from the previous tile to the free edge. On those tiles, which will come to the conclusions of the pipes of the wiring, you need to drill the holes in the diamond crown in advance. When glue freeze, take the corners with silicone. The way is simple - the silicone is superimposed polyethylene film, Then the piece of the electrocable is applied.

Press, and then remove the flow of silicone using vinegar. A smooth concave surface will be formed. Optionally, the corner seams can be covered with the help of a decorative lining due to the same silicone. On the plane, the cutting seams are carried out special compositionWhat is cheaper than silicone. The cross is removed, the remaining seam is filled and attached to the cable - the film in this procedure is optional - the drums are removed. Do not cut the seams with your finger - not visible to the eye of irregularities will appear inside the seam, in which the mud is accumulated. Technology laying wall tiles and floor does not differ in itself, about small features For the floor will be told in the next section.

Consider if you use a mixer with decorative caps, then the crown should buy a larger diameter than pipes. Otherwise, you will have to measure the place under the opening, which requires jewelry work.

For the floor there are two options for tiles - the reasons for which the porcelain is better than the tile, or the wooden floor have already been illuminated.

In the case of a wooden floor, the procedure will cost more, but the result is more pleasant. The boards should pick up the tipped, the laying procedure will be similar to the ceiling, but with leaving the retreat from the wall in 2-2.5 centimeters. This space is designed to swell the boards. Do not leave cavities, fill the cleaners of the polystylentine before installing the plinth. PVA-covered emulsion and liquid acrylic varnish wooden floor just like a very long time.

Regarding tiles, laying should be carried out from the door so that the tropped tiles are under the slope or bathroom, where they are not visible. This the last row Cropped plates fit the last after pouring glue under other plates, in order not to shoot down the previously done work. The only difference from laying on the wall lies in the absence of seams - the tiles are adjusted to each other.

First of all, inspect the box, filmed when preparing for repair. Often, after cleaning and repainting, they are suitable for further use. Just install it back. Will be better if you additionally install a flap valve to avoid cold air flows in winter time. It is recommended to install a fan for the ventilation system, it will provide better air circulation in the apartment, and prevents the appearance on the walls of the fungus.

There are no fundamental features. Often, you can even meet the instructions for the sequence of actions to install. Your actions include the installation of the bathroom (to spend it yourself, without assistant will fail) or shower, as well as sinks. Then there are mixers, then the water meter. If you wish, you can connect a water heater to your bathroom.

In the bathroom, let's say the mounting of such stationary electrical appliances like exhaust fan, cord must be three-core, have protective conductor and eurovilku with hermetic introduction into the housing, and a ceiling lamp requiring waterproof performance. The washing machine is a topic for a separate conversation, since it does not apply to stationary devices.

All necessary steps for the production of repair in the bathroom are disassembled with their own hands. Look at the video where the bathroom repair procedure is described step by step. We have not mentioned about combined with toilet baths due to numerous features of the work and roughly twice as much capacity than to repair two separate roomsThe topic should be told separately. As you can see the time-consuming procedure, and if you are unsure in your skills, it is better not to accept.

It is better to trust this time-consuming and quite a long procedure to specialists. They know exactly how to do everything right. But you must all be familiar with all aspects of the bathroom repair, for higher chances to complete the entire repair procedure successfully and without complications.

At a minimum, reading this article, you can control the work of the performers who have decided to entrust repairs in the bathroom. On the other hand, in case of confidence in success, forward! Repair costs will be reduced significantly. For more successful bathroom repair with your own hands, we recommend that you watch the video for this procedure.

The bathroom is the room to which special requirements are presented. In particular, it should be well protected from moisture and temperature drops. That is why the bathroom finishing should be performed in accordance with the range of rules. About what start repairing the bathroom with your own hands, and will be discussed in this article.

Types of repair in the bathroom

Depending on the external reasons You can classify two main types of repair work in the bathroom:

  1. Plan new renovation . Scheduled repair work Can be both capital and cosmetic. In the latter case, the costs of step-by-step repair The bathroom will be relatively small - but the correction of visual defects is possible only if everything is fine with the functionality of all bathroom elements. This repair usually assumes only the renewal of walls, ceiling floors and outdoor coatingas well as mixers. Overhaul, respectively, aimed at restoring all the existing shortcomings, including serious constructive defects.
  2. Unplanned repairs. The sudden need for repairing the bathroom may appear due to the effects of external factors. For example, there is always a risk of breaking pipes or flooding neighbors from above - and in such situations will have to take action. In addition, an unplanned repairs include a number of works related to replacement or repair individual elements Bathroom (sewer pipes, plumbing or tiles).

To understand where to start repairing the bathroom, you need to decide on the type of repair - it is possible that the set of operations required for repair will be different.

Bathroom repair planning

Before starting work, you need to decide where to start repairing in the bathroom - this process should be consistent. First of all it is worth picking up suitable design and decide on the color decision. Most often, the bathroom is painted in pastel shades, Or the combination of two tones is used.

  • Tile;
  • Porcelain stoneware;
  • Mosaic;
  • Plastic panels.

Of course, the list of available options are not limited to the materials, so the possibility of choosing is quite wide. Selecting the finishing material and designing the design of the room, will not be superfluous to take into account their compatibility with plumbing. If the overhaul of the bathroom involves the replacement of sanitary devices, the question of visual compatibility becomes very important.

In addition, it is necessary to measure all the size of the room - height, width, length and area. Depending on these sizes, all other elements of the room are selected, including plumbing and communications, and the amount of materials required for repair is purchased.

Selection of plumbers and finishing materials

When the decision on what materials and plumbing will be equipped with a bathroom room from scratch, you can begin to choose. The market presents a wide range of various instruments and materials suitable for the bathroom, so there will be no problems with this moment.

Difficulties may arise in other points that are reduced to the next list:

  • Before choosing, you need to carefully design the future design of the bathroom;
  • Sizes of sanitary devices must correspond to bathroom dimensions;
  • In order not to encounter problems when working, you need to calculate the required amount of finishing materials in advance.

BUY building materials and plumbers are best in one store - besides the fact that in this case it will be possible to take a whole set of identical plumbing devices, there is a high probability of getting a discount for the wholesale acquisition.

Dismantling of old finishing and plumbing

When the previous steps are completed, you can do the following action - preparation of the room to repair. This stage is extremely important because it is precisely the quality of installation of finishing materials and plumbers. In addition, carefully conducted training significantly simplifies the further repair of the bathroom from scratch.

It is advisable to remove the sink and bath before repairs, even if there is no need to replace them. After that, the old tile is dismantled, and work is carried out on stripping all the surfaces of the room. All old coatings need to be removed efficiently - for example, the presence of a layer of paint will not allow the use of glue or new paints to finish the room.

Laying Communications

After dismantling old coatings and finishes, you need to make a replacement of various communications - this moment is most suitable for this work. In addition to the sections of the pipeline located directly in the bathroom, it is recommended to replace the vertical riser, and in some cases - and inter-storey segments of pipes. If in the process of operation, old pipes will flow, then another repair will be required, and it will be extra costwhich could be avoided.

Also at this stage you need to mount the wiring. Of course, the first thing you need to decide where the electrical appliances will be located, and already pull the necessary communications to them. In addition, in the bathroom, there must be good ventilation, preferably forced.

Aligning surfaces

Before leveling the surfaces in the bathroom, you need to consider them carefully and understand which particular works are required in this particular case. In any case, the scope of work directly depends on the state of the surfaces.

By and large, it is possible to divide the scale of the surface equalization into two categories:

  • If there are no special flaws on the walls and ceiling, then it will be enough to align ordinary spacure;
  • With serious surface defects, more serious repair work will be required (on the alignment of walls, gender and the ceiling is worth reading the relevant articles).

Finishing surfaces

Having completed previous operations, you can proceed to the finishing of the walls and the ceiling. For trimming bathroom suits a huge number diverse Materials - from moisture-resistant paints to various blends or facing tiles.

For the ceiling, the coating will be covered from water-emulsion paint. This finish looks quite good and has acceptable performance. However, there are excellent alternative options - for example, plastic panels or stretch structures.

Installation of plumbing, accessories and doors

Now you can proceed to the final step, which begins with the installation of plumbing. Old plumbing devices needed to dismantle for simplicity of repair. In addition, if the order of repairs in the bathroom does not imply a substitute for the plumbing, then its timely dismantling will allow it in the future - it will not be damaged during repair.

Then various bathroom accessories are installed - hooks, mirrors, lighting devices, etc. End phased repair Bathroom mounting doors. The need for its dismantling is caused by the same conditions as in the case of plumbing - the door will interfere with working, and it is very easy to damage it when repairing it.


Summing up, you can make this conclusion - the stages of repairs of the bathroom must go sequentially, with special difficulties in compliance proper technology not. Sequentially performing all work and paying attention to the details, you can repair the bathroom without any problems and bring it to the desired mind.

The bathroom is a room with special conditions: increased humidity, temperature differences. Therefore, sting in the bathroom, it is necessary to clearly glorify the entire workflow, think over the sequence of the steps. In this article you will find out where to start repairing in the bathroom and what types of work you need to spend

Phased instructions for repairs in the bathroom

Stage 1: Drawing up a plan and selection of a designer solution.

Bathroom renovation is two types:

  • unplanned, spontaneous, resulting in the will of unforeseen circumstances. For example, in the breakthrough of the pipes, flooding neighbors.
  • scheduled, which is cosmetic or capital. It requires planning, serious cash investments and time.

Start repairs in the bathroom stands with the definition of design, interior. Think up to the smallest detail, how it will be this room, select a color. Pastel tones are considered traditional, as well as a combination of blue with blue or peach with beige.

The next moment is a choice. facing material. As a rule, the trim in the bathroom performs tile, porcelain stoneware, mosaic, plastic panels. Check out the plumbing, whether it needs to be replaced. If necessary, select suitable option. We turn to the measuring work: we freeze all sides, calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Based on these data, place the location of the plumbing.

Stage 2: Selection of sanitary devices and material for finishing.

It is important to understand for yourself that the purchase of plumbing is preceded by the planning stage, and not vice versa. This means that we first develop a design project, make up a plan, and then we go to the store. Another point - you should clarify the dimensions of the plumbing like and refer to the plan, whether it will suit.

As for the materials for finishing, it is preferable to buy them immediately to the entire repair cycle, so that they are not distracted, if something suddenly did not have enough. Do not forget about the preparation of the necessary tools.

Stage 3: Dismantling Plumbing and Facing.

After all the preliminary works are completed, go to the beginning of the workflow:

  • we endure the sink and bath from the room, even if they are not replaced with new ones. So, you can save them safe and clean.
  • remove the old tile, testing after it all surfaces: ceiling, walls, floor.
  • we remove the old paint from the walls, if they were previously painted, as the adhesive solution or a new layer of paint will be bad on the surface.

Stage 4: Replacing communications: pipes, wiring.

Very often in the old house, it should be carefully examined and replaced not only the pipes that are in the bathroom itself, but also the main riser, and sometimes inter-storey pipes. Why should it be done? Old pipes at any time can leak, and then the new repairs will be spoiled, an additional investment of funds to eliminate defects will be required.

The next step is to replace the wires, switches, installing new sockets in convenient locations. Important moment This stage is the installation of the ventilation system, it is preferable to make it forced. The construction market offers different types of fans for the ventilation of the forced type.

Watch the video: repair in the bathroom with your own hands, where to start

Stage 5: Alignment of surfaces.

At this stage we focus on the state of surfaces. Uneven walls will need to be aligned using special plastering mixes. Previously, it will be necessary to sharpen all defects in the form of cracks, chosen. In fairly difficult situations, it will be necessary to apply several leveling layers of plaster.

Stage 6: Finishing surfaces of surfaces.

After all the surfaces are aligned and dried, you can proceed to finishing work: painting, laying tiles, coating.

An excellent option for designing the ceiling is the coating of emulsion paint. On such a surface, moisture will not accumulate, besides, it is easy to choose the desired color. Practical solution - Use plastic panels or stretch ceiling coating.

Stage 7: Plumbing Installation.

Plumbing install in its place, completing everything finishing work. In this case, all space will be available for cladding, and what is important - plumbing will not be damaged, fan.

Stage 8: Latest Strokes.

We place furniture, accessories: mirror, hooks, lamps. If necessary, we carry out the replacement of the door. It was not necessary to do this before, as you can scratch, damage the surface of the canvas at the time of the plumbing or during its installation.

Such a sequence of repair work in the bathroom, which meets the principles of practicality, rationalization. Moreover, all this workflow can be done by itself, and the result will be sparkling, impeccable in its purity, attracting a bathroom with its design.

Now you know where to start repairs in the bathroom and how to perform all stages of work. You can use the services of specialists, but much cheaper to do everything with your own hands. Beautiful bath - The dream of every person, because it is from this room that your morning begins. Watch the video and read step by step instructionsTo find out how to carry out repair work yourself.

So, this moment finally came. Moral fatigue from one of the views of the premises for everyday sanitary and hygienic procedures, not to mention the visit, exceeded all future costs. We must start repairing the bathroom. But why start it and how to plan work?

Planning actions when repairing the bathroom

The first thing is starting to repair the bathroom and toilet, - finding out which works of the owners of the apartment can make their own hands, and for which experts will be attracted.

If possible, assesses the state of the communications and screed, although it is difficult to dismantle it is difficult. Make up a complete list of works and their sequence. When contacting professional craftsmen, you need to ask for samples of renovated objects and do not be ashamed to ask questions.

Depending on the budget, it is determined whether it will be inexpensive light redecorating or capital re-equipment of premium bathroom.

Sketch and design of the future bathroom

Taking into account the size of the room and personal preferences decide that it is to install in the apartment. If the area is small, may have to be limited to a shortened or seating or shower.

In the spacious bathroom, on the contrary, it is appropriate to think about installing a jacuzzi and even a mini-sauna device. Options that do not pass not only because of the dimensions, but also by constructive features, cut off.

Tip! After the measurements of the room it is necessary to transfer his plan on paper or computer and try to find the most convenient location Plumbing and washing machine.

For the development of the design, it is better to contact the specialists of this case, but with a lack of funds there is a chance to master it yourself. On the Internet there are enough images and videos with an examples of repair and detailed description. Special attention is paid to the decoration of those details that should not be brought into the eyes.

Even before the start of repair, it is necessary to think through the backlight and electrician system. You should not be limited to one lamp. Multiple sources Lighting and additional mirror illumination will create a relaxed and pacifying atmosphere.

The outlet for the hair dryer and the electric shape, a washing machine, a switch for a mirror and a channel fan can be useful from electrical installation.

Furniture, mixers, fittings and lamps should organically fit into the overall picture and create a feeling of a single style. Wrong selection is able to reduce the whole most talented work of designers, and one-only successful item will make a new space around.

Choosing materials and plumbing

The main requirement for material repair materials is moisture resistance and corrosion resistance, and for electrician - water-proof version. Another important condition is high-quality plumbing. Unreasonable savings threatens not only loss external view, but also the way out of the equipment.

The main materials that can be applied in the case of bathroom repair, such:

  • pipes - there are metal-plastic, polypropylene, PVC, copper, stainless steel;
  • for walls, tile, mosaic, PVC panels are used, decorative plaster, panel, staining, different types wallpaper (vinyl, liquid, glassy);
  • the ceilings are separated by PVC panels, paint, drywall, make rush suspended ceilings, stretch;
  • floors - tile, bulk floors with 3D drawing, linoleum, plug, laminate, parquet;
  • partitions - blocks from celebrate concrete, plaster, glass blocks;
  • bath after repair can be new or restored acrylic liner, liquid acrylic;
  • toilet bowls - compact toilet, with a hinged or hidden tank, with wall mount, bendless, anti-flexure system, different flushing control systems;
  • washbasin - built into the bedside table, with a leg "Tulip";
  • luminaires - energy-saving, halogen, LED, LED panels.

In case of replacement or modernization of wiring electric wire It is preferable to take the NYM brands. Depending on the chosen idea of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom repair, a set of finishing materials may vary. An interesting option is a combination of contrasting colors.

Finishing materials are bought with a reserve of 10-15%, since the shade of different lots of goods does not match completely and subsequently will be difficult to choose the replacement. If you buy in one store, you can count on a discount. Checks are not thrown away to change the purchased goods in case of marriage.

Bathroom Liberation Procedure

When the design is thought out, the materials are chosen, the question arises, where to start repairing in the bathroom with your own hands, from which action? The answer is simple - start freeing the room.

After overlapping the water supply from the room, we carry out old bath, Remove plumbing and accessories, disassemble the sanitary wardrobe. Disassemble the water and sewer pipes, the input in the sewage riser is closed with a plug. Without this, comprehensive repair can not be held.

The heated towel rail is cut and taking into account the transfer of it to another place make a new insert with the discretions in the hot water pipe riser. Either completely replace in emergency to be the general segments of the water supply.

Cut the heated towel rail and replacing the risers will not work independently, the management company is attracted to perform these works.

Important! Old engineering Communication The apartment is necessarily replaced, otherwise, after a while, the leaks will begin and the repair will go to the pump.

When redeveloping or replacing the harvester structures, the doors remove and demolish the nonsense wall partitions. It is written old wall coverings and ceiling. Pre-wallpaper is swollen, the paint is softened by a construction hairdryer, then act with a spatula. Bloom off with water, the facing structures dismantle.

Tile with a plaster layer is also better to knock. Glue mixtures are now produced, allowing tile work on the previous cladding, but it reduces the volume of the bathroom.

The concrete tie in good condition can be left, except when it is planned to install the "Warm floor" system or when it is necessary to get rid of the high threshold and bring the floor in the bathroom and the corridor to one level.

Construction of partitions and leveling

Instead of the demolished partitions, new, provided for by the project, as well as falsely, for zoning space, niches, shelves. In parallel, restore the ventilation shaft if it is damaged.

Important! Door openings form with such a calculation so that the standard size box includes. Otherwise you have to pay more expensive for individual order Doors or study alteration.

For cladding on the frame or stretch ceilings of pre-alignment of walls and the ceiling is not required. An additional plus of such structures - you can hide communications without sticking, which will make it easier for the bathroom renovation.

If the alignment is still necessary, the surface is ground, the lighthouses are exposed and the plaster is applied. On the affected mushroom places, they first consider all layers to capital base and carry out treatment with an antiseptic. The plane of the finished surface is verified by the rule diagonally.

After plastering, poured the screed on the beacons on the floor. Simultaneously with this operation, the "Warm floor" system is mounted. If it is decided to leave the old screed, it is grinning and leveled with a thin layer of bulk floors.

Laying new pipes and wiring

The stroke of walls for pipes and wiring is proceeded, thoroughly equipped with the means of protecting the respiratory organs, vision and hearing. At the bottom of the wall, where the pipes pass a single bundle, communications are usually removed into the box. It is not necessary to hide the pipes in the shoes if they are closed with a bath or shower pallet.

Tip! It is very convenient to make a deepening in the wall under the hoses of the washing machine to move it closely.

Metal water risers for preventing corrosion are stained and packaged in thermal insulation material to protect them from condensate and extend the service life. Sewer riser is replaced with management company. In order to interfere in the apartment, the noise of the water drained the neighbors, the sewer risker is tinted with noise insulation.

Before wiring in a plumbing cabinet, the frame installation system is mounted for hidden Installation Tank toilet bowl, which allows you to save part of the space. After connecting the pipes of hot and cold water supply to the collector with the installation of meters and sensors, check the strength and tightness of the compounds - crimping. This is a mandatory procedure for major repairs.

Important! Installation of hot and cold water pipes is performed taking into account the location of the corresponding pitches on the mixer.

Wiring is summarized to places of electrical installation and equipment. For electrical safety, the wire is hiding in the corrugation and make a grounding contour. So that the wiring was performed correctly, the work should conduct an experienced person.

After laying communications, the plobs close and the walls of the plumbing cabinet with a hidden revision hatch are built. Depending on whether it is more convenient to open, forward or sideways, choose one of two options for the hatch design - sliding or swinging. For the period before the installation of new plumbing put an old toilet.

Installation of plumbing

Overhaul of the bathroom will not be without replacing plumbing. The floors are coated with coating or penetrating waterproofing. If the bath decided not to change, make a restoration. At the edge of the bath is applied silicone sealant. Then the bath is moved close to the wall and aligned horizontally for normal drain.

Tip! You can push the edges of the bath, adjacent to the walls in the stroke done in advance.

After connecting the joint is filled with waterproofing solution. He hard locks the bath and gives tightness of the seam on the junction with the tile, not allowing it to be cracked.

The bath grounds are connected to sewage, the mixer is installed and filled with water to test the functionality and tightness of the siphon and the suspension system. The space under the bathroom is closed with a screen.

Screen installation options:

  • non-removable. They are laid out of foam blocks or assemble on a carcass made of drywall with a suspicion in the drain area. Downstairs leave an in-depth niche for the legs;
  • removable. Buy B. finished video, put after laying tiles. The removable hatch looks less aesthetically, but the space under the bath can be used to store all kinds of economic trifles.

The toilet and washbasin with the mixer put later, after the finish is complete.

Plumbing is connected to the release of sewage and water supply and fasten on the floor or wall, not forgetting to align the horizon.

Pipes under the washbasin are masked by a furniture tab, the leg of "tulip", in advance of the foam blocks with a tabletop.

A seat with a lid is installed on the toilet. Beautifully classic white plumbing.

Finishing of the room

Decoration in the case of cosmetic and overhaul May be very different. Instructions for finishing the tile looks as follows.

Stacking tiles start from top edge Baths. Since the side of the side is not very smooth, to withstand the same width of the seam over the entire border with the bathroom is usually impossible. Tile accounted for very smoothly cut or close the seam or plinth.

Tip! Perfectly smooth seams obtained when cutting with mechanical tiles. Electric tiles C. diamond disk Makes on the surface of the chip.

In places of supply of communications make cutouts. Subscribers put so as not to get to the joke. On the external corners The tile is washed at an angle of 45 °. Fitting and laying of the bottom row of wall tiles are performed only after floor cladding.

When laying, the cropped tile is trying to remove from the field of view and hide in the corners, under the bathroom or boxes. For an accurate fit, manufacturers offer borders, friezes, inserts, but they are much more expensive. More affordable option - Use of tile trims of another coloring.

After the end of laying, the seams are filled with epoxy-resin-based grip, excessive fugues are removed immediately. It is harder to clean the frozen feud, and you can scratch the surface.

Installation of PVC panels easier than working with tiles, and takes much less time. PVC panels are attached to guides from wooden Reques, metal or plastic profiles hidden fasteners - kleimers. The tree is pre-treated with antiseptics.

From above and from below, the cropped ends hide the starting planks. In the corners, the external and internal corners are installed. Particular attention is paid to even vertical, especially the first plank, and the combination of the pattern. Complete the finishing process of tension or suspended ceiling by mounting.

The last stage of repair

At the final stage, the attributes of the bathroom are installed: mirrors, shelves, lockers, soaps, holders, racks. Attach hooks and hangers for towels, another small fittings. Connect the towel rail to the discharges hot waterMounted a shutter for the bathroom.

IN suspended ceilings Nisi cuts for lamps, connect wiring products and lighting devices to wires. Put ventilation grates and decorative lining. Finish the repair of the bathroom and toilet by installing doors.