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How to paint the ceiling with water-level paint? How to paint the ceiling of water-mounted paint - everything is simple! How to paint the ceiling of water-mounted paint

Today, the trend of surface painting is very common. But not always the old surfaces have such actions. In so many apartments there are still ceilings with whitewash. About whether such ceilings can be painted with water-level paint and how our article will tell you.

Selecting paint

Today, thanks to new technologies and finishing materials it is possible to paint the whitewashed ceiling. But so that the painting has passed successfully, it is necessary not only to prepare the surface correctly, but also pick up the paint.

The most often the ceiling surface is painted with water emulsion. But in stores you can find several types of this paint, which may make it difficult to choose. So what kind of paint should be painted ceiling? In order to choose in this situation the most suitable option, you need to know the features of each type of waterfront paint. It happens the following types:

  • Polyvinila acetate. It is characterized by low cost, as well as high hydrophobicity. This waterfront paint can be covered with a surface exclusively in dry rooms. At the same time, the washing of such a surface is excluded.
  • Formulations based on latex additives. The cost of such solutions will be the largest. But with the help of such a water-level paint, it is possible to create a smooth and resistant coating to a variety of external influences.
  • Acrylic. This species is characterized by high resistance to erasure. Ceilings after processing acrylic paint can be washed. The use of acrylic compositions is allowed in any premises. Another advantage of such paint is its available cost.
  • Lumpy. Before applying this composition, pre-primer surface is not required. For such water-level paint, high vapor permeability is characteristic. Therefore, the processing of ceilings of this paint is relevant in the basement and the bathroom.

As you can see, there are a wide variety of water-emulsion. To properly select the composition, you need to carefully read the annotation before purchase. It is always shown on the side of the bank. Thanks to the annotation, as well as assistance to the consultant or seller, you can quickly choose the composition for painting the ceiling. In addition, with an annotation, you can find out the consumption of material on one square meter and accurately determine how much paint you need to carry out painting works.

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The ceiling must be prepared for processing its water-emulsion. Moreover, specialists are recommended when painting any compositions carefully remove the old finish. Only in such a situation you can paint the surface.

Despite the fact that the removal of the bliss seems to be a complex occupation, if you use the right methods of surface preparation methods, you can get rid of it relatively easily.

Removing the old coating from the ceiling occurs in two ways:

  • dry method;
  • wet method.

Consider both methods in more detail.

Dry fashion

In this situation, you will need the following tools:

  • electric drill equipped with a brush with a brush;
  • bulgarian along with a grinding disc;
  • sandpaper;
  • grinder machine.

Dry cleaning method, thanks to the application of the above tools, is carried out quite quickly. But it has several drawbacks, because of which it is extremely rare. The main disadvantage of this method is a huge amount of dust.

To carry out dry cleaning indoors, it needs to be carefully isolate. This requires good ventilation of the room. Since in the course of processing the ceiling surface a lot of dust will be formed, it is necessary to work only in personal protective equipment (glasses, respirator). After completion of the work, the all the dust tempered on the floor must be mixed. Then you need to rinse the floor well.

Wet method

The main advantage of this method is the minimum of dust, which is significantly safer to the health of people. Although specialists still recommend to conduct such surface preparation in the respirator. But but the wet method is much longer in time.

To remove finishing, you need the following tools:

  • metal brush;
  • sharpened small spatula;
  • roller having an average pile length;
  • spray;
  • water container.

Wet method involves the following actions:

  • Initially, it is necessary to remove the maximum layer of blissing by wetting the surface with a pulverizer nozzle or a simple roller. Please note that you need to make a small area to have time to wash off whitening to its complete drying.
  • The solution should be made abundantly, as the lime will actively absorb it.
  • To increase the sketching of the blots, it is necessary to add 5-6 spoons of ordinary soda to the water and several spoons of liquid soap.
  • After the solution was applied, it is necessary to wait a bit (about half an hour).
  • Then you can proceed to the removal of the old finish with a spatula.

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If any sections of the old finish are not deleted, you should not sharpen attention on them. It will be possible to return to them after processing the entire ceiling and read by sandpaper. It can be replaced with a brush for working with metal.

Before painting, you need to try to remove the main layer of whiten from the ceiling surface. At the same time, it is not necessary to use highly sharp objects (chisels, chisel, etc.), as they can lead to the appearance of scratches and other base defects. Especially this statement is important in the situation when a well-lined layer of finishing putty is located under whitelle.

If scratches and potholes were discovered on the ceiling, they should be shipped with putty. After drying it, all the resulting roughness needs to be sweetered with the help of sandpaper.

After the ceiling has become smooth, it is necessary before painting its surface to progress. The primer deposited before painting will make it possible to achieve greater adhesion and the uniform distribution of the coloring composition on the ceiling surface.


After the preparatory work was carried out, it is possible to paint. To achieve the maximum aesthetic effect, the water emulsion paint must be applied in two layers. Please note that when the second layer is applied, it is recommended to select the direction of movements from the window and towards the opposite wall. Thus, it is possible to avoid the formation of dark spots after drying the ceiling surface.

You can use the following tools for paint:

  • Brushes of different sizes. Given the surface area, work with tassels all the time will be uncomfortable and very expensive in time. Tassels can be used to bleed the paint in the joints of the walls and the ceiling.
  • Roller In this situation, the roller will help to cope with the work much faster and more efficient. For staining the ceiling Special products are sold with elongated handles. Special models of rollers are also sold to stringing the corners.
  • Kraspopult. With the help of such a tool, you can very quickly, high quality and effectively paint any surface.

Repair works associated with the ceiling construction finish are of particular importance, since this surface is always in sight, so any defect will be visible immediately. The ceiling finish can be carried out using a variety of paints, but the most popular today is a water-emulsion, since it is not only easy to work, but also safely. But do not forget that this paint has its own characteristics, which consist not only in the composition, but also in the methods of applying to the surface.

Features of coloring composition

The main component of the water-emulsion paint is water. It is in it dissolved particles of the substance. Some give a shade of the surface: these are pigments, and others contribute to the formation of a protective film. After applying the composition on the surface, water evaporates and substances dissolved in it form a solid film.

The paint may include a variety of substances., improving the properties of a particular type. The additives use thickeners, antiseptics, antifreeze, defoamers and other additives.

The source of white color is most often zinc oxide. Sometimes titanium dioxide is added. In low-cost brands, as many years ago, chalk. Also, minerals such as barite, calcite, mica, talc are used as dyes. In modern paints, as a rule, minerals can add comprehensively, thus improving paint properties.

All waterfront paints have a percentage ratio of incoming substances, where the share of the film is 50%, the share of pigments and fillers is 37%, 7% plasticizers, and on other additives about 6%.


To date, there are several varieties of waterfront paint.

The most inexpensive include those that include such a substance as polyvinyl acetate. Polyvinyl acetate based emulsion is used mainly in rooms with low humidity, since this composition poorly transfers the impact of moisture: the surface treated with it cannot be washed.

For concrete and stone domains, paint is used, which includes liquid glass. This species refers to silicate paints.

Silicone paints are capable of aligning the surface with small cracks (up to 2 mm) without preprocessing. The ceiling, treated with silicone paint, is resistant to water, so it can be used for a kitchen or bathroom.

For any surfaces, emulsions are suitable, having acrylic resins in their composition. The ceiling will turn into a flat surface, resistant to moisture, temperature difference. The composition of acrylic paints allows to hide small cracks, and the surface itself is resistant to the effects of gentle detergents.

How to choose?

In order to properly choose the paint, you need to pay attention to its characteristic specified by the manufacturer on the bank with this composition.

Usually manufacturers indicate the composition of the paint and the type of materialfor which it is intended. For surfaces made of concrete, brick, stone, wood and drywall there are their types of emulsions. The most universal is acrylic paint. It is suitable for processing any surface, including for staining ceiling tiles. After all, there is no possibility and the desire to change the ceiling surface completely, sometimes it is enough to update it, and the paint with acrylic resins is perfectly cope with this task.

Manufacturers always indicate annotations, for some premises paint is suitable.Here the level of room humidity and the degree of required surface resistance to detergents play a major role. Antiseptic and anti-grapple components in the composition of the emulsion are of great importance if the ceiling is located in a room with a large humidity, to which the bathroom belongs. The presence of these components will save the surface of the ceiling from mold and will extend the service life.

The choice of paint depends on how it can be careed after the ceiling surface after staining. Manufacturers produced three types of composition, on which the method of care of the ceiling surface depends.

The composition forms the washed coating is unsuitable for wet cleaning, so care for such a ceiling can be carried out only with a dry cloth or vacuum cleaner. The remaining two types of incommable composition are well tolerated wet cleaning. One type of composition does not tolerate the effects of detergents, so the surface of the ceiling is cleaned with simple water. And the other composition is resistant to the effects of cleansing means, so the ceiling can be washed using a suitable means.

An important meaning when choosing an emulsion has a degree of gloss surface of the ceiling.

Manufacturers produced a wide variety of paints that give the surface matte, semi-wave, deeply matte, glossy and semi-shaden.

The matte surface is a suitable option for the premises where it is necessary to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

She also helps to hide some small ceiling flaws. But it is worth remembering that care for such a ceiling is somewhat more complicated than the glossy. The glossy surface has a more presentable species, longer serves, but any defect is noticeable on it. The golden middle is the choice of an emulsion that gives a semi-wave or semi-chamber ceiling.

The shellability (density) depends not only on the composition of the paint, but also on the material covered by the emulsion. The more uneven and loose structure has a material, the more the mixture is needed to cover the ceiling surface.

Buying paint more than one bank, you should pay attention to the party number: it affects the shade of the mixture. All purchased banks must be under one number to eliminate the winding on the surface of the ceiling.

Required tools

For dyeing and preparation of the ceiling surface, you will need to purchase a number of tools, without which it is not necessary to do during all works.

The main tool for coating is a langer roller. The quality of the coating depends on the correct choice of this tool.

To date, there are many of the most diverse in terms of the magnitude of the manufacture of rollers. For paint application, foam rollers are less suitable, since bubbles can be formed on the ceiling surface due to the porosity of the material. The spinning base from velor allows economically to spend the mixture, but such rollers require ideal surface preparation.

The optimal option is a roller with a fur basiswhere the pile can be either medium or above the middle length. Roller with a short pile is not able to absorb the desired amount of paint, so you will have to more often to inceate it into the paint. For rollers with a long pile, the problem is different: they absorb too much emulsion. Because of this, herds can be formed on the surface.

The rollers are used to stain in a large surface area, and in order to paint the hard-to-reach places (corners, seams, joints), it is better to use a small width brush. As a rule, the width of the pile base is 4 cm.

You can also apply paint with a very convenient device - the paintopult. This tool is not only convenient in operation, but also allows you to apply the paint layer quite smoothly and quickly.

But it is worth remembering that the paintopult is more expensive than the usual roller. If the painting of the ceiling is not the main activity, it is better to be limited to the purchase of cheaper tools.

Using a brush or roller, it is impossible to do without cuvette. It helps economically spend the paint. This container consists of two compartments. In one paint poured, and the other with the corrugated side allows it to distribute it throughout the surface of the base of the roller. The paint smoothly falls on the ceiling surface without herds, excess the mixture remains in the cuvette.

An important adaptation when painting the ceiling is a stepladder. The presence of a stepladder allows you to get closer to the ceiling surface at the maximum convenient distance. But do not forget that the stirrer will have to move from time to time. In order to facilitate the work, you can use a special roller with a telescopic handle.

The stepder or table in a pair with a stool will help not only in working with painting, but also with the preparation of the surface to it. Stable classic version of the table with four legs will excellent human weight.

Polyethylene film will be needed to prepare the ceiling surface.Entering all surfaces and furniture, not subject to removal, you can avoid getting paint splashes.

Other tools may also be required for preparatory work. Cleaning and further preparation will be caused by a spatula, sandpaper, bucket and foam sponge.


Before preparatory work, it is necessary to understand one rule: any old coating needs to be removed, since there is a high probability of detachment of old paint when applied to a new coating. Regardless of whether the old layer is good or bad, and what a paint ceiling.

Properly prepared ceiling coating is a pledge of smooth, smooth and without the slightest surface flaws. As preparatory activities, it is necessary to make existing furniture in the room and set out the outdoor surfaces with film or old newspapers. For fixing protective coatings, you can use greasy tape. Now you should proceed to the preparation of the ceiling using suitable tools for these works.

How to clean the surface?

Cleaning the ceiling is always made depending on the type of paint. The surfaces covered with water-based paints or wallpapers are cleaned easier. The ceiling, covered with a solvent-based paint, is harder to clean, but it will still have to remove such a coating.

Any cleaning must be started with surface moisturizing using a roller or manual sprayer.

In order to remove the easily lagging one layer, it is enough to withstand the surface in a moistened state of 20-30 minutes. For difficult lagging layers, it is better to increase the wetting time, and to facilitate the task, you can open windows and doors in the room, setting up drafts.

The discarded layer of paint needs to be considered with a spatula.With solvent-based paints, it will not be possible to quickly clean the surface, you have to tinker. To facilitate, you can use solvents or other means to help in the processing of this surface.

After it is necessary to wash off the residues of paint or wallpaper using water and sponge. The dried surface must be carefully looked at the presence of different spots. To remove them, you can use effective tools. These include a 3% solution of hydrochloric acid, 5% solution of copper sulfate and composition in which there is a lime with denature in an amount of 50 ml.

How to make the basis of smooth?

In order to align the ceiling surface and give it a smooth shape, it is necessary to use fine-grained gypsum plaster. It plastic and keeps well on all materials. First you need to handle the ceiling by primer. In addition, the existing cracks need to sharpen.

Next, you can proceed to continuous applying puttyUsing a special wide spatula. For the fence of the mixture of the container, they also use a spatula, but its surface is narrower, compared to the main tool, the basis. The product with a narrow base is gaining a mixture, and then shift it to the main tool. Only after this is applied to the ceiling surface.

At the end of the leveling process, you need to wait for the surface drying. After you can start grinding the ceiling. For this work, use a special abrasive grid having minor cells. Thanks to such a cellular structure, the surface becomes smooth and very smooth.

Applying primer

Processing the ceiling surface before direct application of the emulsion is a necessity. Emulsion is better adhesive with the surface of the ceiling. In addition, the likelihood of such defects, like cracks and bloating of the applied layer, is eliminated.

For each emulsion fits its type of primer.The basic substances involved in the formation of film on the surface should be identical to the substances contained in the primer. But you can prepare a solution for the priming of the surface and independently. To do this, you just need to dilute the prepared paint with water in equal proportions.

1 liter of water is taken to 1 liter of paint, everything is thoroughly mixed. You can proceed to the primer using a roller for a larger area and a brush for angles and joints.

Ground surface is better several times. As a rule, it is enough to prepare the ceiling to apply paint. After each primer, it is necessary to wait until the layer is completely drying.

How to dilute the material?

Before painting, it is necessary to check the consistency of the mixture. The water-making paint is bottled by manufacturers in banks, on which it is indicated how much water should be added before use. As a rule, water needs to be added directly before painting, having previously stirred the contents of the bank. The amount of water added to the container should not be more than 10% of the total mass of the emulsion.

The degree of concentration also depends on the type of use of tools for painting. For collapse collapse, breed the paint is needed in more than for a conventional roller or brush.

The mixing process of the mixture and dilution should occur slowly and gradually. Water streams into the container with small portions, it is carefully stirred. In the mixture there should be no clots and lumps. Before painting the main surface, it is desirable to check the consistency of the prepared emulsion on a small area. Only then can be started to the main painting.

There is an indicator that affects the cost of work and the density of the layer. Different types of emulsions have its own consumption per 1 m2.

This table indicates the flow rate for the first layer applied to the ceiling surface. For the second layer, less paint is required, so all the above indicators have smaller values:

Staining technology

Observing certain rules and following step-by-step instructions, you can achieve high-quality coating the ceiling surface with your own hands.

Any painting, as a rule, starts from a certain place. The ceiling surface is no exception. In this case, it is necessary to start to start the cakes of the ceiling plates with a wall, starting from a long corner relative to the door. To do this, you need a brush with paint to walk around the perimeter of the surface. The width of the scratched surface must be at least 5 cm. Such a stock will allow to protect the problem areas from paint surplus.

The main stage of the work is made in three right. From what direction will lay the layer, the appearance of the surface depends.

The main application of the layer should begin perpendicular to the window loan. The starting point is at the window. In the subsequent stage, the paint should be applied in a different direction, namely, in parallel the window. The final application of the layer should be carried out in the direction of the window, ranging from the doorway.

After applying the first layer of the emulsion, it is necessary to withstand a certain time. As a rule, the ceiling surface dries at least 8-12 hours. Apply the second layer should not be previously defined.

During drying ceiling, it is worth excluding the possibility of sunlight on the surface. In addition, in this period it is necessary to take care of the absence of drafts, otherwise stains may form on the surface, and the ceiling will have to be repainted.

Do not forget that the use of additional heating devices for accelerating drying will lead to deplorable results. Optimally carrying drying in vivo.

The phased process of painting the ceiling looks like this:

  1. A small amount of stirred and brought to a certain consistency of paint from the jar is poured into the cute. The prepared roller is wetted in the mixture and then for a uniform distribution of the composition is carried out on the surface with riflation.
  2. The layer imposition starts from a long corner located on the left side relative to the window loan. Gently crouch the ceiling. After the first enter, we change the direction, while watching the quality of the layer. The correctly applied layer should be homogeneous, without visible transitions.
  3. If there is surplus paint on the surface, then they can be removed by rolling the roller on the corrugated surface of the cuvette.
  4. Before the third time you can change the spinning part of the roller to the new one. This will help improve the quality of the layer.

Is it possible to paint on the whitewash?

Very often people have a question: is it possible to paint the ceiling surface if there is an old layer of whitewash, which is well held? How to lay a layer of a new emulsion? Will he stay a long time?

It is better to clean the surface from the old layer, but if it has a small density and holds hard enough, and the surface itself without defects, the ceiling can be painted without removing the previous layer. This approach to surface color will even save not only money, but also the time required for applying the second layer of the emulsion.

But there are some nuances that need to be taken into account before applying paint. On the old layer for better adhesion it is worth the primer.

It makes no sense to paint the ceiling on an old whitewash if there is even small spots of rust or ordinary heights.

The thick layer of the old whitewash is better to believe to prevent squeezing or detachment of a new paint layer.

Painting the ceiling takes a lot of time, so every person wants the process itself to go without additional spending of money and strength, and the result pleased. But excesses sometimes still happen. In order to prevent some errors, there are a number of recommendations, following which you can avoid many problems.

In order to paint the ceiling without divorce and ugly stripes, you need to follow the time. On the color of the surface it is better to allocate not more than 20 minutes.

After this time, the water contained in the emulsion begins to evaporate intensively, and visible transitions can be formed at the junctions of the feed layer.

The presence of good lighting makes it possible to view the painted surface at any angle.Include lighting is needed even during the daytime. So you can control the places of paint, without missing even a small area. It is also necessary to remember the heating system, the battery is better to hide.

But sometimes the paint is unevenly distributed over the surface, after which areas are formed with the shades differ from the rest. To eliminate such an error, it is necessary to observe the direction when staining.

It should not be fixed immediately: it is necessary to wait time, let it dry the layer. Only then can be painted distressed places.

Repeated coloring is not always able to correct the situation, so sometimes you have to clean the problem areas using sandpaper. Only a new layer of paint will help refresh the surface. If all efforts are in vain, you will have to repaint the ceiling again, and the surface before painting is clear and flushed again.

How to properly prepare and paint the ceiling with water-level paint, see the next video.

Available on cost and implementation techniques painting of the ceiling of water-emulsion paint Do with your own hands requires a certain preparation. There are nuances and paint on the ceiling, and in choosing tools for work. In addition, the success of repair depends on the state of the surface to which you plan to apply a water-emulsion composition. We'll figure it out in detail and find out the details.

Properties of waterfront paint

Briefly focus on the material itself. Why are more and more people refuse traditional bliss and make the ceilings with water-level paint? Because it gives the same effect of the purest whiteness, but devoid of flaws inherent in chalk and lime. The composition of the aqueous suspension introduced special pigments and particles of polymers, increasing its wear resistance.

After applying paints on the ceiling, the aqueous base evaporates, and the polymers form the thinnest film that is immune to moisture. Due to this, the water-making paint does not appear, long retains its fresh look, is easily clean and not deformed from moisture. It suits most consumers and at the price. Another plus is the high environmental friendliness and safety of the water-emulsion composition. It does not have a sharp smell characteristic of many paints and does not cause allergic reactions.

Painting options and their features

Before starting to finish the ceiling, it is necessary to find out which surfaces can be applied to the water coating. Obviously, the most competent way is to clean the ceiling from the former coating. But do we always resort to such a procedure by performing repair yourself?

If you are satisfied with the quality of the ceiling finishes with an old coating, and you just want to update it, then the painting of the ceiling of water-level paint in the old paint is quite possible. The main thing is to spend a thorough revision of the coating, remove explicit pollution, check for small cracks. Unfortunately, if you do not remember which primer was used for the initial decoration, you will have to abandon the application of a water-demulsion suspension to the old paint. The alum and vigorous primer will destroy the water emulsion, no matter how long the ceiling was painted.

Important! So that your work is not in vain, apply a new paint to a small area and wait a few hours. If the new coating does not fall and do not go with bubbles, boldly use the water emulsion.

When painting the ceiling of water-mounted paint on a whitewash should take into account the thickness of the chalk layer. Only on thin and well seized with the surface of the blades, the water-emulsion composition will fall without problems. In other cases, the deformation and deformation awaits you.

Choose tool

To exclude extra shoots to the store, immediately define with the tool that we need to fulfill all the work. The approximate list is:

  • thin spatula
  • bucket or paint tray
  • roller for primer
  • paint roller
  • brush (choose narrow, for painting small parts)
  • rubber gloves and goggles

Our main tool, on which the high quality of the final result depends, is a roller. Choose a roller for painting the ceiling of waterfront paint with an average pile and on a long handle. Neither the foam nor velor rollers are not suitable for working with the water-emulsion composition. The first forms bubbles from which it is difficult to get rid of, the second absorbs little paint, which leads to the appearance of strips and divorces.

Tip! When buying a roller, check it on the "Link". Scroll to the hand tool and make sure that there are no villi left on it.

Preparatory work

Want to achieve the perfect result in working with water-level paint - create optimal conditions for it. Let's figure out how to prepare the ceiling to paint the water-level paint so that it is flawlessly lay on its surface.

First stage

We remove the old blame. If it is chalk or lime, wash the ceiling with warm water to a concrete base. Oil or enamel paint remove with a spatula.

Tip! In places where the old paint fails to scrape the spatula, use the solvent.

Second phase

Excellent if your ceiling is a smooth surface, without structural seams and joints. If there are seams, you need to remove putty from them. We do it with the help of the same spatula.

Third stage

You will need a primer for the ceiling under the painting of the water-making paint, which can be purchased in the store. Take a soft paint roller and impose the primer with one thin layer on the entire surface of the ceiling. Such a procedure will help putty to securely secure in problem places, and it will not fall on your head.

Fourth stage

The last step to the beginning of staining is shuttering. We divorce putty and smear all the problem areas. We are waiting for a putty dry, and carefully clean all the irregularities of a fine sandpaper. Using the level, check the surface flatness and, if necessary, we put another layer plasters. We leave for 24 hours for drying. Our preparation of the ceiling to painting with water-level paint is completed. Go to painting.

Krasus right

Immediately, we note that the painting of the ceiling by water-mounted paint paint is faster, but without proper skill turns into a catastrophe. Drops of paints are scattered in all directions, and the surface is decorated with annoying divorces and erosions. However, in working with roller there are nuances.

  • Carefully learn the instructions attached to the can with paint. There are paint types that need to be diluted, and there are those that do not require additional water injection. Prepared Paint well mix and pour a small amount in a bucket or tray.
  • Swim the roller in the paint with one side and roll it on the wing of the tray or a piece of organity. It is necessary that the roller is completely covered with paint. If the first "bathing" turned out to be not enough, repeat the procedure.
  • Go to staining the ceiling. Paint is applied uniformly, strips with a width of 0.5-1 meters. We start painting from the wall opposite to the window. Roller lead across the length of the ceiling, not forgetting to dip it into the paint and roll out again. With transverse painting, the joint is less noticeable.
  • Each next strip must enter the previous one by about 15-20 cm.
  • Let me dry the first paint layer.
  • We apply the second layer so that the strips went to the light source, that is, to the window. We remember: the first layer is transverse, the second is longitudinal. In both cases, painting begin with a long wall.

Tip! Check the ceiling for skipping better standing on the floor. Nearby they are invisible, and below are clearly visible.

In order not to jump constantly from the stepladder, ask someone from households to inspect the ceiling under various angles for non-crushes. It is necessary to eliminate them immediately, before the paint will dry out, otherwise you are guaranteed to get a spot surface.

Thin brush process ceiling plinths And other decor elements.

Despite the large number of options for finishing the ceiling in modern conditions, painting does not lose relevance. There are only some details from changing: an environmentally friendly and affordable water-emulsion dyes came to the change of ordinary enamel. If you decide that this option is - for you, then hurry to get acquainted with all the tricks and the subtleties of the painting of the ceiling of water-emulsion paint. For your convenience, we have provided our story with photo users - so that after studying the material you do not have any questions about the voiced topic.

Before the immediate painting tedious and unloved stage of the preparation of the ceiling can not be avoided. One of the most popular questions, how do we set up the repair of the hosts - are the ceiling before painting emulsion paint?

Of course yes. Most often for this use thin-layer putty. If you want to spend high-quality and, most importantly, the correct preparation of the ceiling to paint the waterproof paint, then comply with the following algorithm for the work:

  • Remove the old layer of paint with a spatula, pre-impregnate it with moisture.

  • Align the ceiling putty. It is important that all the slots and cracks are embedded.

  • Primer. As we noted above, the same thin-layer putty is involved for this. To the next stage, it is embarked after its complete drying.

What instruments will need?

  1. ladder
  2. tray
  3. roller and brush
  4. sandpaper
  5. overalls and safety glasses
  6. film to protect various items indoors and gender from dye

Note: Roller for painting the ceiling of water-level paint is better to choose a durable. The optimal width is 20-25 centimeters. All other types of rollers are better to avoid: the foam will be pretty to bubble the surface, and the velor inhibit work due to small paint absorption.

As for the brush, you may prefer a comfortable, thin brush, which can be quickly and high quality to paint the edges and corners. The recommended width is not more than 8 centimeters.

What water-making paint to choose?

So we approached one of the most difficult issues of our repair. The quality of your repairs depends on the right choice of water-emulsion paint. The building materials market offers an infinite number of items, but all of them can be grouped according to the nature of the supplements used.

Acrylic (acrylate) water-emulsion - Perhaps the most popular option that is applied almost everywhere. The painted ceiling is absolutely stable even to the most frequent and intense wash. Among the demanded brands are found as relatively expensive - Caparol (Germany), from 4.5 thousand rubles for 5l and quite affordable Bayramix, Texa - From 1.2 thousand for 3l.

With the addition of latex - ensure the preparation of a flawlessly smooth surface, do not smell and are not susceptible to washing using detergents. It does not do without flaws, and for the paint of this species, the main one is the price. For example, the cost of 0.9l of one of the most high-quality paints on the market - Teknos Superlateksi. - It is 900 rubles. At the same time, more affordable options from snowballs, Alpina and Caparol are presented and more often the scope of this paint is limited to technical premises.

Silicone, silicate - Convenient what can be used for painting even for ceilings without primer. Due to high vapor permeability, it is great for the kitchen and bathrooms, ensure reliable layer protection from fungi and other unpleasant microorganisms. Famous brands: Caparol, Parade Siloxane, Tikkurila, Lacra. The spreads at prices are quite decent: from 2 to 6 thousand for 9 liters.

Polyvinyl acetate water-emulsion - And here is the cheapest option. True, it is possible to use it only in isolated premises. Painted such paint ceilings, alas, you can not wash.

Attention: Even within the same category, both glossy and matte paints are found. Moreover, transitional semiam and semi-units are observed. The choice remains on your conscience, but keep in mind that the optimal version is transitional. It will wash well and hide all the shortcomings of your ceiling. If they, of course, you have.

Already decided on the fact that the water-free paint with what additive will be used to paint the ceilings? What, not excess will count paint consumption.

Usually on the jar itself, the manufacturer indicates which area you can paint with one liter. However, practice shows that most often consumption depends on the number of layers that you will apply. On average, 1 liter is enough for 10 square meters. It is better to purchase paint with a reserve: it will not only disappoint, but also very impractical if it is not enough for you, since in different parts of the goods can always be a discrepancy in the tone.

Features Painting Ceiling Water-Emulsion Paints

Diligently mix the paint, a small dilution of water is allowed - no more than 10% of the total amount of banks.

Roll over the roller in a pre-prepared bath.

We start painting with zigzag movements on the left side of the wall, which is located exactly opposite the window.

First we work with a perimeter, leaving after a line of 10 cm wide.

After painting the main area, keeping the roller in your hands at an angle of 45 degrees. From drops of paint you will protect the headdress and safety glasses.

The first layer is applied across the rays of sunlight, the second - along.

In some cases, painting the ceiling of water-level paint is carried out with a third layer. Please note that it is applied in the same way as the first, and, necessarily, fresh roller. So you can get a beautiful homogeneous surface.

Some excess paint is easily eliminated, if you carefully walk along the problem areas with a dry roller.

In order for the sunlight does not leave the ceiling yellow spots on the ceiling, cover the cloth with a window. Take care of the absence of drafts.

In no case, do not try to speed up the drying of paint with artificial ways - with the help of any devices, for example.

If there are slices of paint and tubercles on the surface, use the sandpaper for their full elimination.

The final stage - checking the result. If you have turned out about the same picture, as in the photo below, we hurry to congratulate: you coped with the task of painting the ceiling of water-mounted paint!

We reviewed the option of painting the ceiling by water-level paint with your own hands, but often in order to achieve a uniform distribution of layers, an arcuil or ordinary vacuum cleaner is used.

This allows you to save time that is spent on painting, as well as it is possible that a certain amount of nerve cells, as many of the owners, first encountered with such a type of repair work, may experience certain problems at different stages.


Painting the ceiling of water-level paint is quite a democratic price and fairly simple technology, the way to maximally restore your room, having achieved, thereby, perfectly evenly and homogeneous surface. A wide selection of water emulsion paints with various polymer additives allows you to use it even in rooms with high humidity. Want to experiment with color? Take advantage - when complying with all the above rules, you will receive a result that will not be able to please you!


The problem of how to paint the ceiling of the water-mounted paint, called in use by water-emulsion, remains relevant and now, despite the emergence of many newer and modern finishing materials.

Water-emulsion - what is it happening?

A lot of decades in a row, the waterfront paint was the most demanded option for finishing the ceiling surfaces. Everyone liked her versatility and high ecology, as well as the possibility of choosing the desired shade to arrange interior.

The ceilings painted with water-free, long time retain their aesthetic look, and care for them is most simple as possible. At the same time, the cost of such paint is low, which reduces the cost of repair work.

The water disposal is a suspension consisting of pigment elements and particles of polymers, which dissolve in certain proportions with prepared water. After such a composition is applied to the stained surface, the active evaporation of the liquid contained in the paint begins. In this case, polymer particles are securely fasten with the ceiling and form a high-resistant coating to high humidity.

To achieve the highest possible result of the color of the ceiling with your own hands, it is necessary to properly choose the water-emulsion composition. Such paints include a variety of additives that are able to drastically change the properties of water-emulsion. For ceilings, the following types of water makeup can be used:

  • Polyvinila acetate. The cheapest paints. The surfaces treated with them are forbidden to wash. It is allowed to apply exclusively in dry rooms. In the kitchen or in the bathroom it is impossible to use.
  • Acrylic. This is perhaps the most popular view of the water-emulsion paint, which perfectly protects the ceiling from moisture. Acrylic compositions are used in any premises. The ceilings painted by them can be washed many times and carefully.
  • Latex. Paints capable of aligning ceiling surfaces. The lack of such compositions is only one - they are expensive.

For staining ceiling surfaces, experts advise you to choose semi-wave and semi-unified water-emulsion. The first is able to "disguise" minor flaws of ceilings, and the second does not hide the existing defects, but they are easy for them to care.

How to prepare a ceiling to staining with water-emulsion?

Without preliminary preparation, it is impossible to paint the surface with the water-emulsion composition. Be sure to remove the old paint or blotch from the ceiling. Lime and chalk plays are removed by a painting roller, which is wetted with water, and a metal spatula (they scrape the coating "appeared"). After such processing the ceiling it will need to be thoroughly washed with a sponge.

It is more difficult to remove the old water emulsion with your own hands. As it was said, the water-level paint is very tightly connected with the ceiling. Therefore, remove it, wetting the roller, is unreal. We will have to work in the sweat of the face to remove the detached areas of the old coating from the surface. This procedure is best done by a paint spatula.

It is possible to simplify the process as follows:

  • double be rich in the old water coating (foam roller or from the sprayer);
  • create in the area of \u200b\u200bdrafts;
  • remove swollen slices of old paint.

Use the described reception to significantly facilitate the operation of removing the old coating with your own hands.

After cleaning the ceiling it is required to align. Usually, a thin layer plastic putty applies for these purposes. It grips perfectly with the ceiling surface and makes it truly even. You can additionally with the help of "sandwich" with small grain to polish the wrapal layer.

It is also performed by another way, with the help of oil special spacing. It is needed by a brush or a roller distribute (as evenly possible) on the surface on which all the available gaps and cracks are pre-close. Then it will be properly a thin layer to progress the ceiling of the water-level paint that you plan to apply.

Now the surface is completely ready and we describe in detail how to paint the ceiling with water-emulsion paint.

The use of water-based paint requires knowledge of the rules of its application. If they are not studied, you will receive a ceiling with bright dark and light spots as a result of painting work, strips from the passage of roller or brushes, striking irregularities of painting. To avoid this will help you with the following recommendations.

Always start painting from the joints and corners between the ceiling and wall surfaces. The very first to handle the angle that is at maximum distance from the entrance to the room. The color of these problem areas is made by a painting wide brush. It must be half moisten in the water-free and slightly squeeze, make a 3-5 centimeter passage throughout the perimeter of the room. Thanks to this technique, when you use a roller for coloring, the angles and compounds of walls with the ceiling will be obtained similar to the shade and uniformity of application with the rest of the surface.

The main work on painting the ceiling by water-free roller is made. With it, you need to perform three passages. The first passage of the water-emulsion system is carried out in parallel with the solar rays falling into the room through the window, the second is perpendicular to the window, the third is in the direction of the window opening.

After each staining should be waited at least 8 hours (optimal - 12) and only then apply the following layer of paint.

Follow these advice, and you will absolutely get to paint the ceiling with your own hands and without difficulty. The technique of painting the surface of the surface by water-emulsion is quite simple:

  1. You dial into wide capacity (for example, in a small bath) paint.
  2. Welcome in a water-free roller and distribute composition evenly on it (just a couple of times spend on any rough surface with a painting tool).
  3. Make the first pass (roller lead from left to right) from the far from the corner in the room, then go through again, but now right left.
  4. Excess water emulsion removes dry roller from the ceiling - spend it along the painted surface and it collects all unnecessary paint.

Note! Last staining is recommended to make a new roller. Then the ceiling will truly evenly and without the slightest flaws are painted.

During the drying of the surface, painted by water-emulsion, it is required to protect the room from penetrating the rays of the sun and drafts into it. Do not use heaters and other electrical appliances for drying the applied paint.