Repairs Design Furniture

How to make repairs in a new building. Repair in a new building with your own hands: recommendations from which to start repair and phased process. Rapid repair from scratch

The concept of "rough finish" firmly entered our lives in the last twenty years. In Soviet times, the housing was given "turnkey".
What quality was the decoration of apartments is a second question. Most often, the housewarming had to start with repair.
But then the apartments were received for free, and now we pay our blood. Moreover, each person wants the interior of the apartment consistent with his own ideas.
So what's the point of paying more for the finish, if you still do the repair. That is why new-built new buildings appear with roughing - the price of an apartment in such a house is much lower.

So, let's deal with what is included in the draft finish. It is clear that in a ready-to-stay apartment, all the surfaces of the supporting structures and partitions must be cosmetically decorated.
But in order to produce this the cleaner, the surface should be qualitatively prepared. No legal substantiation The concept of "finishing of the Blacks" does not carry, but only reflects generally accepted conventions.

  • The main goal of such a finish is the text of the disadvantages and irregularities of the supporting structures, so the walls and ceilings must necessarily be plastered.
  • The characteristics of the black wall decoration are quite vague, most often we are talking about the starting layer of plaster. That is, if you will then paint the wall or glue the wallpaper, you will have to primed it and put it, bringing to perfect smoothness.
  • Without stucco, there can be only walls in the bathrooms. This is due to their specificity. The decoration of these premises is often made by a frame of a frame when aligning the surfaces and is not necessary.
  • The walls of the toilet or bathroom are more often mounted cement-chip plates for roughing. They are an excellent basis for any kind decorative coating: ceramic tile and mosaic, painting and self-adhesive film.

  • Be sure to be performed the floor screed, and if the project is provided - warm floors must be arranged under the tie. Well, to string a linoleum, put the tile on the floor, or make a parquet - to decide and do it will have to you.
  • As for engineering communications: heating, sewage and water supply systems should be mounted in full. There will be only Sanafayans and mixers.
  • The same with electrical wiring: only conclusions for chandeliers, outlets and switches will be visible from the walls. Buy and mount all this you will at your own expense.
    Phone and television cables should be summed up in the apartment. Radio in our time already few interests.
  • No one is building at home like "Khrushchevkam". Improved planning of apartments provides spacious studios rooms.
    If you need to zonate such a room, or make one big room Two small, you can make partitions at your discretion.

  • Installing entrance doors and windows with double-glazed windows is mandatory - interior doors do not include.
    The glazing of the loggia or the balcony can also be attributed to the draft finish, but these works developer, in this case, does not produce. This means that you will need to start the apartment with this.

Conducting draft

To the question: "What is a draft finish?" - We answered as much as possible. Now it is the turn to consider how, and in what sequence, it is performed.
It is not at all necessary that you bought an apartment in a new building. Maybe you build a house with your own hands, or decided to produce overhaul in old apartment - Then our instructions will help you.

Preparatory work

In the case of repair, it will be possible to start the walls only after being produced preparatory work:

  • This include dismantling of electrical and gas equipment (lamps, switches, stoves, water heater).
  • This also applies to the cleaning of brick walls from old plaster. That is, first the most time-consuming and dirty work is performed.
    When the stripper is performed, the turn is electrical work.
  • To do this, you must clearly represent: which design of the ceiling will be performed; How many and which lamps should be installed; Where and which household appliances will be located. It is clear that it is necessary in order to properly make a layout for the socket and the conclusions for the lamps.
  • If necessary hidden wiringThe surfaces of the supporting structures are performed by shoes. This work is pretty dusty, therefore it is performed before starting work on finishing.

It is worth saying that if you are familiar with electricity, to entrust the electrical part of the repair is needed by a specialist. After all, there are also many nuances - from the correct selection of the cross-section of the wires to their high-quality connection.
Competent posting execution will save you from possible closures or fire.

Windows and doors

If necessary, replacing window blocks, they are dismantled and immediately installed new ones.
This can be done both before the start of preparatory work and at their end:

  • Risk is strongly stained with window sills or spoil plastic during wall decoration, there is practically no - on plastic elements of windows there is a protective film that can be removed after the end of the repair. And the windows still have to wash.
  • FROM wooden windows A little more complicated, but for their protection there is a greasy tape - they are rushed with a wooden surface frame.
  • The same with the doors. Rather, you first need to install only door boxes And close them with painting scotch.
    Scotch will protect their surface from entering the mounting foam, as well as from the gypsum plastering solution that slopes will be sealed. And the panels are hung after finishing.

In repair, everything needs to be done logically. If, let's say, you want to carry an unnecessary partition, then it must be done before making the installation of new interior doors.
Answers to questions: "How to install the doors to install what slightly and how to get perfect smooth corner? " - You can get, having read the desired literature and watching the video. It is possible that you yourself will not do this.


Having finished the preparatory work, you can start aligning surfaces. The actions of actions will depend on how it is planned to decorate the ceiling.
If it is painted or wake up, the alignment must be started with it. In the case of a suspended ceiling device, its surface in the draft does not need - can be taken beyond the walls.


Performing a rough wall decoration begins with door and window slopes.
FROM window slopes It is easier, recently they are made from plastic sandwich panels. It is much faster than to derive angles with a gypsum solution.

  • Plastic does not need to be painted, it does not fade in the sun and is easily clean. That is why most people prefer this particular option.
    A decorative corner covering the joint between the wall and the panel can be laid in the last queue when finishing finish will be performed.
  • To finish the door slopes, plastic can be applied only if the walls are completely finished. In other cases, the slopes must be made from a gypsum solution.
    This requires a template that allows you to make an even angle.


The way of alignment of the walls will depend on which room is finished, and what material for the wall decor you are planning to use.
If the hallway or kitchen is planned to be sewn plastic, or a board-clapboard, you do not need to level the walls. In the residential rooms, it is not accepted to separate the walls.

  • There are two acceptable ways in order to make walls smooth and smooth. First and most cheap way - It is shuffling.
    Modern plaster solutions are sold in a dry form in bags of 25 kg.

  • They contain all the necessary components in their composition, you will only have to dissolve it with water in the desired ratio. These mixtures may have a gypsum or cement knitting base.
  • Cement-based solutions are applied in rooms with high humidity And for outdoor work. The inner surfaces of the walls and ceilings are mainly plastering with gypsum compositions.
    Especially if painting will be made, because the gypsum has white.
  • The walls of the walls can be produced and by covering their plasterboard sheets. They are attached to the metal frame, the joints of the sheets are close to the shplatovka, polished, ground - and only then are subject to further decoration.

  • This option is good for private houses, cottages, corner apartments multi-storey houseswhose walls are often freezing. In the internal cavity of the frame, you can put the insulation, as in the photo.

  • When the walls are ready, consider that the dirtiest works are completed. Now you can do the ceiling.
    And now it can not only be mounted, but also to separate it.
  • Floor screed makes last. For this, there are also dry mixtures, which are also, as well as plaster solutions are simply diluted with water. They are also called "self-leveling".

Only after a complete durability of the screed begins to further decorate the room. The more carefully, and the above-described works were performed without a rush, the better the result would be.
If you understand that you can not cope yourself - contact the specialists, and simply control the process.

Many people dreaming about their own home are often fantasized on various topics associated with the arrangement of residential premises.

Someone dreams of making a bar counter, others seek to create an exquisite wooden interior in an apartment or house with the use of lining and bamboo wallpaper.

Knowing how to decorate the walls in the new building will significantly save on the costs and create a pleasant atmosphere indoors.

Start of repair in a new apartment, wiring and preparatory work

Apartment without finishing easier to lead to good viewbecause you do not need to take care of the dismantling of the old coating

When purchasing new housing, each person always experiences a large mass of positive emotions, but over time, people begin to think about how this empty room without communications is turned into a cozy family corner.

The main question that will ask himself every owner: "Why start repairs?"

Indeed, a huge number of cases "pop up" to the surface. IN new apartmentIn the first place, as a rule, electrical lines are made.

Cut the wires strictly horizontally and vertically

Planning the power supply system of its residential premises, it is necessary to thoroughly study the features of all rooms and schematically outline where the electrical points (sockets and switches) will be.

It is from this action that will depend on how trace will occur electric cableAnd where the junction boxes will be.

Sketch the mounting scheme

Each owner, producing repairs in his apartment, should know a number of recommendations and rules when installing, which are regulated by the following publications: "Rules of electrical installations" (PUE) and "Rules for the safe operation of consumer electrical installations" (PBEEP).

These are quite voluminous work, which are postulated to perform various electrical installation work. By organizing wiring in the apartment, not necessarily study them completely.

Dock the guides of the terminals

The main thing is to comply with the general requirements and below the recommendations:

  • the electrical cable when mounting on the wall should pass strictly by horizontal and vertical lines;
  • junction boxes must be removed from the ceiling at a distance of 20 - 30 cm;
  • measuring and laying a plot of an electric line between a rosette or switch and a distribution box, it is always necessary to make a margin of conductors for 20 - 30 cm for convenient connection and installation of items;
  • all electrical components in the apartment must be removed from the corners indoors by 10 - 15 cm;
  • the electrical circuit breakers in the room should be installed at a distance of at least 90 cm from the floor;
  • mounting the outlets on the wall of the room, you need to climb around the wall by 30 cm or more;
  • in junction boxes, the conductors are recommended to be allowed using terminal compounds.

Some of the above requirements can be visualized on the scheme below.

You should not forget that the qualitatively organized wiring of the electric lines in your residential room ensures safety with various electrical devices. Many specialists for the organization of electrical wiring recommend applying Cable for VG and WGG brands. The thickness of the conductors is selected according to the power consumed of the connected devices.

Preparation of the surface of the walls before finishing

To get a flat flooring, perform the installation of bulk floors

After you have made an electrical wiring in the room, you can start, which will be made on all planes of the apartment.

Before aligning and lining the walls of the new apartment, you need to take care of the smooth of the flooring. Many construction professionals recommend this process using bulk floors or self-leveling mixtures on a plaster basis.

The use of such material makes it possible in a short period to create a flat floor to which you can install the finish coating.

Surface leveling

To date, there are two popular ways. This is the performance of work with plastering composition and method of creating a plasterboard coating. Both methods are widely used during finishing work.

Alignment of walls with plaster composition is a traditional creation of smooth walls, which has been used for many years.

On the aligned walls you can safely mount the finish finish

Before applying a special solution to the walls to align the surface, it is necessary to set the benchmarks and understand how the wall is twisted. The best assistant to solve this task will be laser level or rule.

After you have found certain irregularities, you should make the corresponding marks on the floor and the ceiling. It is according to the created marks and lighthouses (landmarks) will be displayed to create a smooth surface.

Plastering the benchmarks and determined with the layer of plastering (2-4 cm), it is necessary to install a special grid (using a solution or dowels), after which it is possible to throw an alignment composition to it, evenly distributing it on the surface, based on the marks (lighthouses).

Before applying on concrete or brick wall Plastering, the base should be qualitatively treated with primer composition. This is necessary to improve the adhesive properties between the wall and the coating.

Installation of plasterboard sheets and organization of finishing wall coverings

Performing repairs in the new apartment, you can often encounter the irregularities of the walls and genital flooring. In addition to plastering the surface, there is another way to level walls: installation of plasterboard sheets. All secrets of installing GKLS See in this video:

Seams close up putty

Repair of premises with GLCs is a fast, convenient and inexpensive option for creating a smooth wall and a great bridgehead for the work. finish finish.

On a frame made of aluminum profile or wooden bars. This design is quickly collected and allows you to create separate decorative elements In the apartment that may even have a functional value (shelves, niches, built-in wardrobes).

Plasterboard is attached to the frame using self-samples, which are later, as the entire surface of the material, is covered with a thin layer of putty, which is good base for anyone finish materialAnd wall decoration for such a base will not cause major difficulties.

Finish coating of walls

Wallpapers - the most democratic type of finishing matrial

Aligning the walls and prepare coverage for the application of the finish material and various elements Decor, you make a big step, putting repairs to your logical conclusion. It is worth choosing one or more types of products, with which you will decorate the walls, creating an interior in the room, which will like you.

Spacious drywall and posted wall are ideally suited for finishing the most popular material - wallpaper.

To date, there are many varieties of this product:

  • fliseline;
  • paper;
  • bamboo;
  • leather.

Each of the listed options has its advantages and disadvantages. IN last years People strive to apply natural materials. These include wallpapers made of paper, bamboo and skin.

Paper wallpaper is a budget option, but their sticking is a rather complicated occupation, since they are easy to damage. Leather wallpapers are an element of luxury who can afford not every person. They create a unique comfort in any room, but capricious to mechanical damage. For details on how correctly, look in this video:

Bamboo wallpapers are well combined with other elements of the decor, made using wooden products (lining, brushing imitation). This material is not quite simply mounted (after applying glue, it cannot be bent), but its operational characteristics will delight any owner.

In addition to wallpaper, wall color walls are often used as an finishing finish. Paint is universal Materialwell combined with any decor elements (wallpaper, natural stone, ceramic tiles).

When choosing various finishing materials for one room, it is necessary to represent how they will be combined with each other.

The number of houses today is comparable to those at the time of the mass Khrushchev resettlement from the barranes and basements to the apartment. But the present does not come up to a new building on a truck with furniture and homemade scrag: the new apartment now immediately requires installation repair, by complexity and costs of equal capital. Why is that? Why can't you immediately enter and live? And if it is still impossible, is it possible to make repairs in a new building with your own hands? After all, the cost of work at least equal to the cost of materials, and an excess of money after buying an apartment, to put it mildly, is not observed. Well, we'll figure it out in order.

Why repair in new building?

During the Khrushchev thawed with the Brezhnev "welfare", the mass of housing construction was provided by a barren uniformity of apartments and laid in projects with a halur settlement service life - 40 years. Here you will catch up and overbate America, the current generation of people will live with communism (in which each worker has 3, not 2 or 4, namely three costumes), then and begin to build the solar cities of the future. In the meantime - read, comrades, Efremova with Strugatsky, there are in any library. You can still Clark, he, though the capitalist, but it seems to be inclined in our side.

None of the fictionists guess the real course of life, people remained as, and everyone wants to live well and cozy now. And the apartment is now not received, but they buy for their blood. It will be, a bright coming or not, but for 15 years with a mortgage in its apartment is still better than the same 15 years languishing in a halabud with two children, waiting for two-line 30-40 square meters. m. And watching how comrades, who are not just comrades, make up improved without any queue. By the way, those improved now go on the secondary market for more than new penthouses.

But since I posted my own and the apartment I want to have my own not only on the papers, but also by type, and on the planning. That is, it makes sense to buy a naked apartment, and bring her individuality to himself, with his own hands or with the help of a designer. Builders are also beneficial: without a painstaking and low-tape finish, the cost of the square is much reduced, which provides demand, and modern construction methods allow you to build houses in which residents can be equipped as you like.

Such a strategy of housing construction justifies itself, but the Novosel needs to know the features of the installation repair in apartments and houses of different types. Otherwise, you will have to spend twice, and on the apartment and one day bite.

About the shrinkage not forgotten?

Any new house gives shrinkage, everyone knows. Even monolithic, about which it will be more about, too, we are settled. As a whole, without distortion, but can lean a little depending on local geology. The slope within the allowed and not affecting the durability of the building can be noticeable to residents: when the tip of the 22-stores is low, 10 cm vertically (for strength, it is permissible three times more) spilled in the kitchen will flow under the furniture.

therefore The first rule of repair in the new building - initially do repair the cheapestIf only it was possible to live, but bring the apartment to the ideal and to cope a housewarmer not earlier than in a year and a half. It is good and the fact that you can and spend money, and the interior design is better to think. Design without light is not a design, and during the year such nuances of lighting that initial dreams and even professional 3D layout will have to fully recycle.

And about legal aspects?

Another good reason why for repair of a new building twice pays not a stingy, but Toropaga is the elimination of unfinished by a contractor. Recall, with you should get its supasport and fill the observation sheet, in which you specify the detected defects: too small cross section of wiring, indirect angles of walls, etc. Sign an act of acceptance without it - all flaws will be on your conscience and at your expense. The observation sheet can be typed typical, but it can be made in arbitrary form, according to the law it does not matter.

There is here the most important thing: If the Contractor's representative signed the observation sheet, then you can demand defects during the warranty period for an apartment. But under one condition: if there was nothing more serious than cosmetic repair.

Contractors are also people, they need to work, and not to drain and, if the claims are justified, and their bearer behave intelligently and is configured to a mutually acceptable compromise, often go to meet: redo the wiring, supply materials at wholesale prices due to cost compensation. With a competent acceptance of an apartment, the estimation estimate can be twice as well as completely independent, but it takes time to resolve issues.

Therefore, urged recommended at the reception of an apartment invite an independent expert - an experienced builder. He will take it inexpensive, work for him for an hour or two, but the defects will see hidden and those who can reliably substantiate complaints.

On legal support

The progress of the construction contract is also closely connected with the legal aspects of the reception-housing. If you have not concluded it, then you must know the following: the law recognizes only the turnkey surrender of an apartment, quite suitable for housing. "Free Planning", the delivery "Chernovaya", "finishing" from the point of view of the law no more than unfinished. Therefore, by concluding a contract, be sure to consult with the builder's lawyer, there are many such a lot, and they have enough work, so that prices are acceptable.

The ultimate goal is to get a treaty in which the rights and obligations of the parties and the state of the apartment in which you are willing to accept it are clearly prescribed. Otherwise, it can go out: "So, dear, you accepted incomplete! What do you want? It is now your problems! "

Typical contracts of bona fide developers are designed, as a rule, legally competent, but it is still necessary to give such a checking a lawyer - not intended to be inaccessible inaccuracy in more than tangible sums.

Video: About accepting an apartment in a new building

How are apartment rent now?

But what does it mean - in what condition to take an apartment? This moment is also not simple, and it begins with the design of the house, shrinkage depends on it very much. General rule This is: the less shrinkage, the more finished for living there should be a hand-held apartment. The contractor finishing the same degree and quality will cost much cheaper: the materials it takes in bulk, and works in the stream - one brigade makes one type of work or a few similar technologies without scattering. So first touch the building structures.

At home


Brick houses sit down for years, but very smoothly and uniformly. The new waves Khrushchev, with the then "take more - throw further" with cracks in the walls and strolled floors did not come across, and still these houses are standing, and there will still be for a long time.

But masonry Labor and road, so currently brick houses are built most often than low-rise business class and higher, see fig. Construction, as a rule, start by typing a package of orders with individual design projects And the apartments are turning turnkey with a guarantee.

If the client wants a box under an independent finish, then you will have to wait for the same year: brick house Well recovered on any soil suitable for it, keeping the floors horizontal and the walls vertical, but sitting in itself, on the seams of masonry. One seam "dries" on the insignificant shares of the millimeter, but how many of them? To take into account the shrinkage of the design itself and correctly choose the materials and ways to finish can only a specialist with deep knowledge and tremendous experience.

Panel houses

The world's most powerful production base in the world was organized in the world and, to the honor of its creators, it works effectively and so on. Panel houses It is built a lot, and now they are not similar at all (see Fig.) On the dull "Khrushchers", causing the irrepressible desire to listen to the circle or Shufutinsky.

Panel house consists of bearing elements that are kept for each other. Such a design retains strength with strong external influences and significant, to visible eyes, skews. But the panel house weighs a lot that, in combination with its flexibility, gives a greater and uneven shrinkage. True, speed: for the year panel house calms down.


The monolithic houses would be more correct to name collecting-frame or simply frame. In them, the entire load carries a spatial framework, see fig. On the unit of living space, the frame house has a weight of at least one and a half times less panel.

Externally, the monolithic house can be very similar to panel, see fig. On the right, but there is a principal difference, even as they say in Odessa, two differences. First, in apartments frame house No bearing walls: rewound - I do not want. Secondly, hard frame, passing the entire weight of the house on piles (and otherwise pile Fundamit Such a house will not build), settles without distortion straight down. Cases of settlement with distortion are rare and most often occur due to savings on construction geology.

But the ultimate cost of the square of housing in a monolithic house turns out to be at no lower than in more labor-intensive: apartments are rented under free layout, bare boxes. Note: If you intend to buy an apartment in a monolithic new building, oh how much money will need (see below) and time until it comes to the housewarm. But the apartment can be done completely in their needs.

Strike immediately final repairs in a monolithic house is also not recommended.: Suddenly there will be a skew, no partitions with expensive finish will endure the pressure of the strongest carrier structures. One or two main partitions and alignment of the floor is still better to do immediately, but without final finish: it will be possible to live, and for the year it will be visible, as the building behaves.

How to rent apartments?

According to the degree of suitability, modern "ready-made" apartments can be divided into three categories: under free layout, with rough and finishing finish, see fig. Separately worth the T. Naz. Municipal repair in a new building, we separately and touch it.

Free layout (In fig. On the left) is a naked box completely without finishing and laying communications. In the "apartment" there are electrical pipes, risers of water, sewage, heating, windows are inserted and the door from the stray cats and dog weddings is inserted. The windows, however, put more or less decent PVC: on the outside, part of the outdoor decoration that government agencies take. But such luxury, as a frame with ventilation, two-chamber double-glazed windows and a storm profile in medium latitudes, should not be expected.

Under the free layout, apartments with monolithic houses are surrendered. The conclusion is prudent, in general, good: the square is inexpensive, and you can get up as you like: light partitions from the puzzle blocks are blocked by the living space no worse than the walls, but they do not require redevelopment and do not require any design.

But the non-galberry rotos will be before you need to post the same as much as I have already paid for the squares, and if I broke and take anyone more? It is useless to argue and truth: an impenetrable agreement; Does not suit - who interfered to contact another developer? Neighbors who knew that they were taken, they would not understand white crow.

Note: some past builders, operating "free layout", manage to pass "apartments" without risers. This is a completely serious reason for a reasonable complaint with the most casuistic construction contract.

Delivery in rough finish (in fig. In the center) implies a lined floor with a screed, plastered ceiling and walls installed and connected heating devices, Outbreaks with sticking edges of wires, hook for chandelier, water wiring to cranes. Sometimes - inexpensive plumbing for the first time.

"According to Black" apartments in the panel house: concrete is not a brick, it does not observe the traces of thixotropy, so the plane will remain planes, and shrinkage cracks will go through the corners. For a quick instill, when the new building is not very good for repairs, this is the best option, you just need it at first, not to wisely with the floor: in a year you will probably have to top up a lumber. The rejection of the walls / ceiling from the vertical / horizontality of the large value does not have.

To decoration, the developer, of course, will let the materials of the cheaper (by the way, such domestic, as a rule, not at all bad quality), but they can additionally be further strengthened by impregnated primer in concrete (floor) and it is by plaster or water-polymer emulsion - walls. We can not think about redevelopment: the building design does not allow, incl. and connecting the balcony. The resolution on it in the panel houses is given no earlier than in 5-10 years of operation, when the box will completely calm down and the soil movements will not be revealed.

In fig. on right - Clean delivery: Everything is ready, except plumbing, lamps, furniture and electric booster. So rent apartments in brick and monolithic houses, if the conclusion in the contract stated the standard planning of the apartment from the developer offered by the developer. The floor is littered with a linoleum based on stepper after shrinkage and that the tenant will be replaced by laminate to his taste. Tone and drawing of the finish can be selected when concluding a catalog contract.

Clean delivery is the most economical, if it is satisfied with the standard layout and finishing from the set. Competition on the construction of housing is rather tough, and developers are trying to separate at least cheap, but not bad. Contrary to popular conviction, in such an apartment, it is possible to live without repair problems for a long time, and suddenly what - to cherish the wallpaper, cast the floor and sew the ceiling with the walls will be cheaper than from zero to make a tie, plaster and all the finish.

On municipal repair

Municipal repair in the new building make those who have the right to free housing: Slaves, military, socially vulnerable. Tender sites of specialized firms in big cities abound; Many municipalities allow the Novosel to choose the performer himself, if only he was licensed and operated in his area.

The result is cheap finish, a cork counter, sockets with switches on the ground, from the ceiling hanging bulbs in cartridges, inexpensive, but suitable for the use of plumbing and stove in the kitchen. In general, put furniture - and you can live.

The quality of the materials, contrary to the common belief, is also quite satisfactory: there are enough control agencies, the newly often from the socio-active protest electorate, so that the power of it is to pour oil into the fire. But the quality of work is a bug-and-shrimp. There is no one to take from whom: the same socially active oppositionists who skill and accuracy are not enough to get a decent salary in a serious firm.

However, in the last 2-3 years there have been serious shifts for the better: the reckless jerk of the economy behind, the competition has tightened, unemployment has grown. Now it is not uncommon municipal finish at the level of finishing. But about the design - as you did, so it will be, what else do you want for without money? The ceiling cranes do not flow, does not blow from the windows - and live on health. In general, as in Soviet times.

And how much does it cost?

What start repairing in the new building? From comparing prices for him. Works are heavy, complex and first that should be done - to estimate, and whether it is impossible to hire a pro? This is especially true of the apartments of free planning, accepted in the cold season: from all sides, the neighbors who will not like the Ice Cave on the side.

So, after receiving "in black", comprehensive repairs in the new building will cost an average of 2400 rubles / square meters in the regions with a developed construction infrastructure. m. Economy (and as much - municipal), 4200 rubles / sq. m. Basic (standard) and 6000 rubles / sq. m Full (all inclusive). What does it mean?

  • Economy - on the floor, as it is, linoleum, putty of walls and slopes, sticking wallpaper, painting the ceiling, installation of master plumbing, counter with a machine gun, sockets with switches, ceiling lamps. In general, the municipal repair for their own.
  • Basic - the same plus floor alignment, wall covering, tile laying, plumbing replacement, windscreen insulation and doors. Replacing windows and doors, repairing the bathroom - for a separate surcharge.
  • Full - from a bare box make an apartment, i.e. Communications are bred, form a tie of the floor, install partitions, are separated.

Note: The cost of work is indicated; All materials - master. As a rule, repairmen are offered to buy them in themselves, and this is quite justified - it turns out much cheaper.

However, these are approximate, for the choice of the artist: if, for example, it is taken to be twice as cheaper, then obviously chiller. From the point of view of own finance it is more correct to go from the apartment: for example, a bathroom should be done everywhere, and this is very hard work. It turns out that the more rooms in the apartment, the cheaper the square turns out:

  1. Repair of odnushku-new buildings The entire economy in the central regions of the Russian Federation is on average 140,000-165,000 rubles.
  2. The two-room apartment is already at 210,000-230,000 rubles.
  3. Three-room - from 250,000 rubles.

Basic repairs will cost approximately 1.5 times more expensive. The price of complete is accurately determined on the site by a contractor's specialist, so it makes no sense to give averaged indicator. If we are talking about free layout, and you will be able to agree on the "Flat" from the amount already paid for the apartment, you can be proud of your business abilities and society.

Note: All indicators also substantially depend on the region; Speaking statistically, dispersion (scatter) is great. For example, in St. Petersburg, many firms in the repair of economy include plasterboard ceilings with arches, and the realtors are bought by new building, they are separated by basic and sell at the price of economy, while remaining with a decent profit.

We will give the same averaged indicators for certain types of work, also for orientation by performers, you need to see for sure:

  • - From 150 rubles / Pog. m.
  • The same, under water supply and plumbing - from 200 rubles / p. m.
  • Gasket wiring - from 30 rubles / pog. m.
  • Installation of electric shoes - from 200 rubles / pcs.
  • Installation of plumbing and - from 2000 rubles / point.
  • Without insulation - from 400 rubles / sq. M. m.
  • The same, with insulation - from 1000 rubles / sq. M. m.
  • (Cement bulk floors with fibrovolock) - from 350 rubles / sq. m.
  • Erecting interior partitions from GVL - from 500 rubles / sq. M. m.
  • The same, from the puzzle blocks - from 600 rubles per quarter. m.
  • Plaster Rotband walls - from 280 rubles / sq. M. m.
  • By lighthouses - from 500 rubles / sq. M. m.
  • Installation of plasterboard - from 700 rubles per quarter. m.
  • Walking wallpaper - from 150 rubles / sq. M. m.
  • Laminate flooring on cork or - from 250 rubles / sq. m.


  1. This is again the cost of work; Materials - master, and the performers reserve the right to refuse to work if the quality of the available materials does not suit them.
  2. Prices for walls and ceiling - for the height of the ceiling to 3 m. Above - the coefficient is most often 1.2.

As you can see, the simplest counting shows that dIY repair In the new building it makes sense to take only someone who knows how to do himself, do well, and is equipped with everyone necessary tool. Otherwise, it is best to order a comprehensive repair, otherwise the first challenge of the hired brigade will eat all the savings. An exception can be in the new building. Mastere-self-delicer of the Middle Hand with them will have to take long, and there is no good quality work. And providing seven electricity and places common use, the rest can be gradually completed. What and how - about it next.

What to do?

Stages of repair in the new building are further specified in full, as for repairing a bare box under free layout. If the apartment is adopted "in black" or thought, some of them can be excluded or simplified, meaning the above. In general, repairs in the new building is produced like this:

  1. Layout;
  2. Repair without decoration;
  3. Draft repair;
  4. Temporary finish;
  5. Finishing repair;
  6. Final finish.

As you can see, the order of repair in a new building differs from the overhaul in a well-established building by the presence of a temporary finish and the separation of the repair of the floor and the ceilings into two stages - rough and purish. Black work It is made before shrinkage, immediately after the instill, and they are chisty - in a year and a half.

In monolithic houses: a small slope of the floor from shrinkage with a small area is incomplete. But in the panel houses, on the contrary, first the bathroom needs to be done, if only it was possible to use, and after shrinkage, it was completely replaced by the tie of the floor with. Otherwise, shrinking cracks in the corners will be reduced by all efforts and costs: the floor in the bathroom must represent a waterproof pelletium 20-30 mm below the total floor level to hold down at least 400 liters of water without leakage.


Without a plan of the future apartment, it is physically impossible to divide communication. Finishing works of the NAVAUM are doubled and more expensive than pre-calculated on surfaces of surfaces. To spend time on planning at least the placement of furniture after the misfortune again, it is meaningless - properly thoughtful furnishing and interior design will save a lot of money.

The conscientious developers at the conclusion of the construction contract are given (and are obliged to do this by law) the shareholder plan with the explication of the future apartment. In terms of the equation, the heights of the ceilings and surface area are indicated, which is designed to compile estimates.

If you are just offered to the contract, and about the plan and explicit circuit and judles - think seriously, and do not turn to another. In this case, you are most likely to get less paid, under favorable pretexts, and the quality of construction work will be low.

What to do before finishing?

Repair without finishing includes first of all the construction and with free layout, then the wiring of communications: and repairing the floor of the bathroom. Now, many houses start fiber, in which all the weakness is reduced: telephone, Internet, TV. You must not forget to purchase an adapter for it, which will turn optical into electrical signals. There is an attempt moment: several adapters on the installation places of specific sources / receivers (TV, computer) will allow you to abandon separate electrical distribution: fiber can be allowed in one stroke or even in one corrugation with power wiring.


  1. The construction of partitions from GVL or Puzzle blocks on SNiP redevelopment is not, there is so straight and written. Those. Such partitions can be done as it yourself, without any approvals. But, from glass blocks, porous natural stone (shell) is already simple redevelopment, it is necessary.
  2. Between the riding partitions and the ceiling must be a stamped shrinkage gap in 30-40 mm. Purify the blocks back to the ceiling - doomed yourself to an endless and unsuccessful fight against shrinking cracks.
  3. How to deal with batteries? It is impossible to carry them on and to transfer, but what should I do if there are no longer them, but only a riser sticks with plugs? The only thing that can be advised is to work this issue with a lawyer at the conclusion of the contract, so that at least an arrow to translate to the developer.
  4. In high-rise buildings, water and heating risers are divided into sections in height - standard pressure on the network for feeding to thermal floors is not enough, and it is provided with a local (house) swap. If your apartment is above the 9th floor, the pipes for the apartment layout should be taken to at least 12 ATI (overhead atmosphere). These are only. See PVC at 12 ATI - do not believe our eyes. Or their manufacturer.

The second expansion moment is under water, sewage and heating in the bearing walls (thank God, finally!) We started to immediately make a shifter. Who himself spoiled in Naklowki with a perforator, choosing concrete-out-standing decades, he will appreciate.

Sold up the concrete will still have, but not so much. It will be necessary to choose a recess for electrical boards with automata and. With modern levels of power consumption and housing saturation by electrical appliances, the cork counter will not pull out in the apartment of any class.

In the bathroom it does not hurt to lay right on top of the screed (and on a concrete slab under free layout it is necessary) a film of waterproofing (aquaisole, etc.) and pour cement bulk floors at 15-20 mm. For the year it is enough, and before final finish It is easy and shortly to pepulate and pretend.

Chernovaya repair

Black repairs in the new building is to form a tie of the floor in residential rooms, ceiling, and plaster. In panel and monolithic houses after the plasters are made under the wallpaper or painting - the walls will not be arched. In bricks, weakly do not make sense at once; Before the end of the shrinkage will have to be content with wallpaper.

There are in it and a difficult moment :. Its, understandable, need, but how to hang out? In full scheme, with stability anchors - will lead from shrinkage.

Correct decision: to hang up so far only on the anchors of security and not bother with a quarter, and after a year to knock off door slope Plaster, align the door again, hang out completely reliably, overwork and make it finally. Since the door hanging in the foam on the anchor plates, it's not so difficult to hack, until the end of the shrinkage does not keep anything valuable in the apartment.

: Waterproofing, then 30-40 mm insulation (clay, fibrous mats under the tie), reinforcement grid and "dry" cement-sandy solution for plaster beacons. Introduction can not be afraid: the overlaps in all houses make from concrete slabs that will not be broken. Because of the shrinkage, the floor can be leaning out that then easily eliminated bulging floors. You need to read the screed thoroughly to put linoleum directly on it. Why without stem - see the next. section.

Temporary finish

In order of temporary finishing, the ceiling is saved by one of the following ways:

  • - Until the final clearance, this will give the opportunity to deal with all the nuances of natural light.
  • - At least some design for the time of shrinkage.
  • On PVA directly on the stove without stucco, in case there is a ceiling or device in the future. Year will last, cost cheap, and allow you to deal with the light.
  • The device will immediately give the final design of the ceiling, but it will be hidden, and the cloth can prick from shrinkage.

For the temporary finishing of walls of options only two: or. Dear textile or vinyl wallpapers, stretching behind the walls, in panel and monolithic homes, you can not buy - shrinkage cracks will go in the corners and hide under the plinths. Which, by the way, it is better to take cheap foam for the ceiling, and for the floor - a little more than plastic.

Buyers of apartments in new buildings after receiving the keys to relax early, because if the housing was bought without repair from the developer, then the new owner gets literally naked walls. The RIA Real Estate website decided to remind new settlements about the basic technologies and stages of the draft decoration, on the quality of which the quality of the future decor depends.

Technological memo

Currently, there are two main constructive schemes of apartment buildings. First, it is at home, frame and the outer walls of which are rebuilt from reinforced concrete panels. And secondly, it is at home, the framework of which is made of monolithic reinforced concrete, and the openings are filled, as a rule, blocks from cellular concrete. Other constructive schemes can occur, but they constitute a small percentage of newly built apartment buildings, explains the head of the training center "Knauff Gypsum" Alexander Bortnikov.

"It should be noted that the newly built buildings using reinforced concrete as the main material are prone shrinkage. Shrinkage is a feature of all materials based on cement, since the cement stone is reduced by hardening in volume. Therefore, it is recommended to start finishing workWhen all shrinkage phenomena go, and this is about a year after construction or take into account this phenomenon when choosing certain materials and systems for finishing, "the expert recommends.

Think about the design

Oddly enough, but even before the start of draft work, it is necessary to decide on the interior design, since, based on this, it will depend, where and what communications to put and what decisions on the finishing are applied. Before proceeding with the draft finish, if necessary, windows replacement, heating radiators, sanitary communications and wiring. The replacement of the total listed can be carried out both completely and selectively, it is important that all these works are completed before performing a draft finish, indicates Brites.

Align the floors

First of all, floor alignment is performed. If your apartment is completely "naked", then on the floor you have a monolithic plate, which you need not only to align, but also isolate, because it transmits all vibrations and sounds. To do this, it is desirable to first fall asleep a layer of clay, which has excellent sound and thermal insulation properties (layer thickness of approximately 5 cm). Before starting work, you need to make sure that there are no cracks in your concrete cerament, otherwise the water from the screed can flow to the neighbors down. Usually holes can remain in the area of \u200b\u200brisers and ventilation mines. They must be sealed by mounting foam or adhesive mixture. Next, we fall asleep clamzit, ranging from the place that has the greatest depth. Keramzit is poured by a solution of liquid concrete, according to the consistency of milk resembling milk. Such a solution is dry, two. You can also immediately make a ceramzit-cement-sand mixture and lay it out for the base.

For the bathrooms, it is advisable to make filling waterproofing before laying clay, with a wall at a wall to 10 cm. If it is already done before surrendering the house, then its quality must be checked, as marriage is often found.

Next, we start directly to align the floor. It can be done with a cement-sand screed or bulk sex. The main advantage of the cement-sand screed is its price, from 90 rubles (on average 150 rubles) for 40 kilograms, depending on the manufacturer, region and composition. The consumption of the tie depends on the superimposed layer. However, the screed does not allow to get a perfectly smooth and smooth surface, and the time of its drying is 28 days, which significantly delays the move repair work. Bulk floors are a more technological option. Thanks to a sufficiently liquid consistency, the mixture spreads over the floor surface and receives the level of the horizon, that is, is self-made. The master must choose the optimal amount of water and slightly help the mixture to host the surface. It must be said that in front of the liquid floor device, the base is necessary to be projected. It is possible to primitive with conventional or acrylic primer, rollers or tassels. Concontanect is usually used when the apartment from the Old Foundation and the base is very bad - there is no sense in the new building, especially considering the difference in price (3-4 times more expensive primers, namely 1500-2000 rubles for 10 liters). Progressing needs to be done either in two layers, or at a rich layer immediately - before applying the second layer of primer, the previous one should dry. Also, the liquidating floor must also be carried out on the dried primer, but the time gap between priming and performing work on the floor laying should not be large - no more than a day, and preferably an hour or two, in order to avoid sedimentation of dust on the surface.

Repair "naked" apartment in the new building on their own affected feat. For those who are going to implement it, the Portal "RIA Real Estate" has prepared infographics that will help navigate in prices for basic materials and work.

The only drawback of the bulk sex is the price - from 240 rubles per 25 kilogram (on average 400 rubles), therefore, typical floors are used with no more than 4 cm in the height drops. Also, the bulk sex can be laid on cement-sand tie (After it dries), it will allow to obtain a more flat surface at less costs. By bulk fields You can walk after 5 hours, laying the linoleum or tile in two days, and wooden coatings - after 7 days.

For some finish coatings, it is advisable to use a bulk sex in any case, for example, under the laminate - it is not attached to the floor, but simply lies on the substrate, which is why the surface can move during operation. If you have a sand-cement screed on the floor, dust will form, the bulk floors are completely excluded.

Another way to align the floor and the preparation of the base for laying finish coatThis use of dry prefabricated floors, indicates the expert "Knauf Gypsum". "When using this solution, floor elements or, for example," KNAUF-Super Poll ", fit or directly on the base, or to an insulating layer (polystyrene foam or mineral wool plates), or on a layer of dry fringe of clay sand. The last version of the dry team is the most Popular, because it allows you to quickly align the surface of the floor. Application of this method of preparing the base allows you to make a finishing coating device after one day after it is styling, while the load reduction is solved, the overlap sound is improved, "says Bortnikov. Hypus fiber plates (GWL plate) can be thick up to 20 millimeters. Their cost varies from 315 to 566 rubles.

Plastelling the wall

As for the walls, in the room you can face various surfaces made of reinforced concrete, cellular concrete, very often from gas-silicate and from ceramic bricks with which they can be performed internal partitions, Notes Bortnikov. It should be noted that at present some manufacturers produce reinforced concrete panels with high surface quality, which are enough to span, but in most cases it is required to align the walls with the help of plaster. "Inside the premises it is advisable to use plaster on a plaster basis, with the exception of rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, showers). Before applying plaster, the surface of the walls must be projected. For weakly sprinkling surfaces, for example, concrete, primer is used like" Knavel Betokontakt ", to improve adhesion. (clutch) plaster with the surface, "explains the expert. For the priming of highly absorbent surface moisture, for example, ceramic brick, aerated concrete, primers are used, which reduce the absorbency of bases and prevent uneven setting of the plastering solution.

How to calculate the number of building materials for repair?Repair itself is a very costly event, so I really want that in the process remains as little waste as possible and superior materials, because they cost money. The site "RIA Real Estate" together with the service of online repair repairs in and the repairman Andrei Simrichev made a memo, how to independently calculate the volume of building materials.

The maximum thickness of the plaster of one layer should not exceed 50 millimeters. The pairing places of various surfaces, such as cellular concrete and reinforced concrete, need to be reinforced with a 2x3 or 5x5 mm fiberboard. If necessary, performing a thickness of more than 50 millimeters, it is recommended to use cladding on a metal frame with plasterboard or drywall. In rooms with high humidity, it is necessary to use cement-based plasters or carry out lining of walls on a metal frame using plates (aquipite). The cost range of plaster - from 250 to 550 rubles per 25 kilogram.

Sorry partitions

In homes built from monolithic reinforced concrete, apartments are sold with free layout: that is, there are no interior partitions and the owner forms the inner space at its discretion. Most optimal option For the partition device in this case, the use of dry construction systems, that is, structures consisting of metal carcass and trimmed plasterboard sheets or leafs of increased strength. The advantage of such a solution is that such structures have a smaller mass compared to other options, allow you to create curvilinear configurations of partitions, have good sound insulation properties. In addition, their installation is performed in a short time.

But it is important to remember some features in the device of such structures, underlines the Bortnikov. "Installation of plasterboard and dry-fiber partitions should be performed when all wet processes are finished in the room, and more precisely, the plastering of the existing walls should be completed and the plastering layer should dry," he says.

For the carcass device, the expert recommends using a profile with a metal thickness of 0.6 millimeters. It is better to take plasterboard with a thickness of 12.5 millimeters as a skeleton. Its value fluctuates on average from 200 rubles per sheet up to 360 rubles. In the device, the partitions should not be placed on both sides of the partition, since it worsens the sound insulation characteristics of the structure, "the agency's interlocutor notes.

Attention at the ceiling

Another surface in the apartments, which can also need to align, is the ceiling. It can be placed (a layer of not more than 20 millimeters). The surface of the ceiling before plastering is necessarily ground to avoid detachment of the plastering layer.

We dress the ceilings: how to successfully choose the ceiling coating in the apartmentInsufficient height or shabby appearance The ceiling is able to reduce all the positive quality of the room, so it is necessary to approach its finish very carefully. Experts told the RIA Real Estate Site, how to successfully choose the ceiling coating for a model apartment.

"To equalize the ceilings, suspended structures on a metal frame and trimming can be created. sheet materials Based on plaster. Suspended ceilings have two basic design of a single-level and two-level framework. In case the finish is performed in buildings in which shrinkage phenomena did not pass, the choice is recommended to do in favor. duplex ceiling. In this case, the frame is fixed using suspensions to the overlap and is not attached to the walls and, accordingly, to a lesser extent exposed to deformations, explains the Bortnikov from the "Knavel Gypsum".

Clean finish of rough finish

"We aligned the walls and the ceiling, now we can proceed to finishing, but depending on which material it will be used for this, the finish shtlocking of the surface of plaster or sheets may be required," said the expert.

"If a tile or decorative plaster with a fraction of more than 1 millimeter will be glued onto the surface, then there is no need to perform the finish shtclotation. But when applying as a finishing layer of matte paints and structural plasters with a fraction of less than 1 millimeter, it is necessary to perform the surface to be performed, - instructs is he.

The putty is performed in this case by the thin layer of the "Osadir" method. "The technique of shtlivania" on the SDIR "is that a putty mixture is applied to the surface, then wide (not less than 600 millimeters wide), a rigid spatula leaning with an increase to the surface at an angle of about 70 - 80 o and carried out on the surface. With this method Surplus the putty "fights" from the surface, and small irregularities below the spatula level are filled with a spacing mixture, "explains the subtleties of Bortnikov technology.

When applied, for example, vinyl wallpaper, glaze or paints of the middle gloss, putty is applied to the surface with a layer to 1 millimeter and smoothed by a thin, elastic spatula (width of at least 600 mm, but it is better to use a wider spatula). The putty is performed using a bright lamp (spotlight) light from which is directed at a sharp angle to the surface in order to see irregularities. After drying, the putty is made to produce its grinding to remove small scaling, which remain from the edges of the spatula. If necessary, the transition is repeated, the expert explains.

For the finish shtpocking of the surface, plaster based plaques can be used or based on a polymer binder. Polymer putty can be ready for use, that is, it is enough to open a tank with putty, mix the contents and can be used.

"Pluckles on a plaster basis require experience and skill, since it is necessary to properly apply and process the mixture rather quickly. Polymeric putty allows you to work more measured. In addition, polymer putty preserves their properties and can be used within 72 hours, Provided that the product capacity will be closed. Finished polymer putty retain their properties and can be used for several months, but it is also necessary to tightly close the container with the product, "the agency interlocutor pays attention to. The cost of putty ranges from 200 to 1.3 thousand rubles per 25 kilograms, depending on the quality and destination.

On average, the materials for the draft finish will cost 6 thousand rubles per square meter.

When choosing an apartment in a new building most often given a preference to housing without finishing. This is due to the fact that the price of such real estate is much lower than apartments with simple repair. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to fulfill all repair and finishing work with your own wishes, preferences and financial opportunities. The apartment repair in a new building from scratch has many nuances, which are detailed in this article.

Photo of interesting design solutions. The main rules and effective techniques in the design of the interior design of the kitchen, living room and hallway.

Repair sequence in the apartment in the new building

What start repairing in the new building? With rough finish. These are the dirtier works that are performed immediately in all rooms. After that, the entire construction trash is exported, and the elements of the room are cleaned of dirt and dust. This stage is also called the name of the pre-trial decoration of the apartment in the new building. What this work will look at more detail:

  • dismantling windows and input doors with possible expansion or reduction of openings;
  • installation new door and windows;

  • demolition of old and erection of new partitions, according to the project;
  • strobling of holes and furrows in the walls for laying communications;
  • electrical layout is performed according to plan with the installation of a panel, distribution boxes, conversion, in which the ends of the cables are breed;
  • laying of low-current layout (telephony, Internet, TV, security systems);
  • soundproofing ceiling and walls;
  • gasket of hot and cold water pipelines, connection to sewer rim;
  • alignment of the ceiling and walls;
  • installation of the suspended ceiling;
  • putty and priming the ceiling and walls;
  • glazing and decoration of a balcony or loggia;
  • floor preparation: insulation, sound insulation and pouring screed with reinforcing layer;
  • finishing the bathroom and bathroom.

You can make repairs in a new building yourself, but it is better to trust it with specialists, or use the services of performing a certain step. Among the large number of suggestions of construction organizations, you can choose the most acceptable option. Price rough repair In a new building with a material starts from 6000 rubles. per square. m. and depends on the nature of the works and types of building materials.

After performing draft works, it is embarked on the finishing stage of repairs in the new building. It lies in such a list of works:

  • cladding walls with finishing materials;
  • laying outdoor coating;
  • installing interroom doors;
  • fixing platbands and plinths;
  • installation of sockets and switches;
  • connecting household appliances;
  • installation of furniture and decor elements.

Helpful advice! The finishing stage of work is better to perform in a few years of operation of a residential building.

Where to start repair in a new apartment without decoration: dismantling work

Repair from scratch in a new building begins with a set of dismantling work. Before the beginning of this stage already prepared new plan Premises where all the necessary enclosing structures are displayed. The dismantling can be subject to existing non-carrying partitions in order to redecessing, expanding or reducing the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Usually these are partitions between the rooms. They are subject to installation without harm to the building.

Important! Capital bearing walls are not subject to demolition, the functionality of which is displayed in technical passport premises.

If you wish, you can disassemble a certain part of the balcony to be able to turn it into a loggia with stained glass windows. Often in new buildings are installed low-quality double-glazed windows, which require mandatory replacement to more expensive and reliable products. Also, this phase includes a device or strengthening door openings. In the new apartment, you may need to dismantle the elements of the heating system, when there is a need to replace the location of radiators.

All disassembly works can be performed independently, armed with the necessary tool and means of individual protection, or take advantage of the help of specialists, examining in detail the question of how much is the repair in the new building. Today, most construction organizations offer a list of services with their rates. So when repairing the apartment-new buildings turnkey, the price of dismantling the wall is 300 rubles / m², windows - 500 rubles. per piece, doors - 400 rubles. per pcs, radiators - 410 rubles. per piece

Installation of partition

What are repaired in a new apartment with free layout? Interior partitions are mounted for the formation of the indoor space of the room, according to the developed plan. The most optimal option in this case is the use of a dry construction system. These are structures that consist of a metal frame, a 12.5 mm thick, covered with a thickness of 12.5 mm. Compared to other options, such partitions have a small mass, which does not increase the load on the supporting structure of the building.

With this material, you can perform partitions of any configuration in a short period of time. In addition, the material has good sound insulation properties. The cost of the material is 200-350 rubles. per sheet. Installation price will be 1000 rubles / m².

Helpful advice! M. the ceiling and top of the partition should be left a shrinkage gap in 35-40 mm, which is filled with mounting foam.

Another equally popular option is to install interior partitions with gas or foam concrete blocks. The material is characterized by high surface quality, which does not need time consuming plastering. For premises with high humidity, it is better to use foam concrete, which is characterized by small hygroscopicity.

To create good sound insulation, use products with a thickness of at least 75 mm. In addition, thicker blocks are well withstanding the console load without disturbing the integrity of the structure. Thanks to the large format of blocks, the speed of installation work increases. The cost of products is an average of 800-850 rubles / m², taking into account construction and assembly work - 1500 rubles / m².

A less popular option is the construction of partitions from full-scale building bricks, whose mark should be no less than M100. In order for the partition to be stable, its thickness should be at least 170 mm, taking into account the plaster layer. Such partition not only takes a significant part of the free space, but also creates an additional load on the overlap due to high density products.

This design has high strength and increased moisture resistance. However, the construction process is very laborious, requiring significantly consumption of masonry material and plaster mortar, which affects the total cost of the structure. The price of work together with the material begins from 1650 rubles / m².

Electric installation work

How to start repairs in a new apartment without electrical wiring? The wiring in the apartment begins from the switchboard, which can be located on the wall or in niche. When the electrical stopper is installed outside the apartment, from him to the shield in the apartment you should stretch the cable with copper veins. Inside the shield, automatic switches are installed, a protective shutdown device and terminal blocks.

In new build apartments, the wiring is laid in a hidden way, i.e. cables are mounted under the layer of plaster, in the floor under the tie, over the tension or suspended ceiling. If the partitions are made of drywall, the wires are laid in.

Before performing electrical work, you should develop a detailed plan for the electricity supply of the apartment with the designation of all connection points. Based on the plan on the walls, the markup is applied, according to which the holes are stroke. The size of the shine depends on the amount of electric cable and wires paved and from their thickness. When the holes are prepared, the wires are stacked in them, which are attached by special clips. Then the grooves are lubricated by alabaster and shuffled.

Helpful advice! In all junction boxes, it is recommended to leave a small supply of wires to perform future repair work.

Electrical work can be performed independently, or use the services of specialists. The cost of electrical work during the repair of the turnkey apartment in the new building begins from 800 rubles / m². For apartments of 40 m², work will cost 18 thousand rubles, with an area of \u200b\u200b70 m² - 30 thousand rubles.

Basic Rules and Required Materials for Electrical Works

It is important to comply with some rules:

  • in each room there must be a minimum of two branches: for lighting and sockets;
  • wiring of wires is carried out strictly horizontally either vertically without slopes and angles;
  • all connections and branches of wires must be packed in insulating boxes;
  • switches in rooms should be located near the inlet door at an altitude of about 1.5 m;
  • outlets are located at an altitude of 0.5-0.8 m;
  • number of sockets for ordinary apartment With the average power consumption of electricity is 1 pc. on 6 m²;
  • to mount the wiring, stranded copper wires are used with a corresponding cross section in double insulation;
  • sockets and switches must have brass contacts, and the internal parts are made of ceramics.

For mounting wiring, such components should be purchased:

  • three-core jn cable for sockets with a cross section of 3x2.5 mm², for the lighting line - 3x1.5 mm²; To connect powerful electrical appliances - 3x4 mm²,
  • main machine with a par 25-32 A;
  • UZO 50 A;
  • automatic switch with a denomination of 10 A for the lighting line, or 16 A - for outlets;
  • sockets with a degree of protection at least 44;
  • backlit switches;
  • distribution boxes and terminals for connecting wires.

Installation of sanitary communications

Canding the question where to start repairing an apartment in a new building without communications, it is necessary to understand that the layout of plumbing in the apartment is performed on a predetermined plan, on the basis of which they are purchased necessary materials and plumbing devices. Wiring of hot and cold water pipes can be carried out hidden in pre-prepared strokes in the walls of the room. If the thickness of the partition does not allow such an installation, then the pipes can be hidden behind plastic or plasterboard boxes, which are facing the same material as the walls.

Today, polypropylene products are very popular for the installation of plumbing communications. This is a durable material high Quality. Installation of pipelines is carried out using fittings under the soldering. This assembly method guarantees a long service life of a product that can withstand the temperature of the coolant to 130 degrees. and pressure up to 12 atm.

When laying pipelines in a niche, the size of the shock must be twice as much as the diameter of the pipes. This is due to the fact that the material material is characterized by a high coefficient of temperature expansion, which contributes to bending and expanding the pipeline under the action of high heat carrier temperature. The water supply system can be a collector or tee. The first option is considered the most preferable. Here it is possible to install cranes for overlapping all plumbing devices.

Installation of plumbing devices is performed after the completion of rough repairs. They are located on specially trained places near which fittings are located to connect devices to communications. Water connection is performed after installation on the devices of cranes and other shut-off valves.

This type of work can be performed with your own hands, or invite an experienced specialist. The average cost of repairing an apartment in a new building with materials is 50 thousand rubles.

Which ceiling is better to do in the new building?

Due to the shrinkage of the house on the ceilings there may be cracks. Therefore, you should choose the most appropriate finish option, which are not terrible such defects. How to start in a new building from scratch repair ceiling? The fiscal option is painting or whitening the surface of the ceiling. This is a justified method with a perfectly smooth surface. In addition, after the appearance of cracks, you can immediately restore the primordial look of the ceiling. However, if the surface has minor irregularities, they will have to be eliminated by plaster, which is a costly, time-consuming, painstaking and dirty process.

A more acceptable option is to install a plasterboard design of any configuration with floating frame mount, thanks to which the integrity of the surface does not break as a result of a building shrinkage. Such a solution allows you to get free space between the coating and carrier stovewhich can be used to install lamps or gaskets.

Note! The disadvantage of this option is the high cost of the material. Besides the construction attachment Reduce the height of the walls by 10-15 cm.

The most popular option is the installation stretch ceiling Using PVC canvas. this work Performed by a specialized organization in a short time. As a result, you can get a perfectly smooth ceiling of any color and texture. The cost of such a design is comparable to the previous option, however the process is less time-consuming, dirty and faster. The main disadvantage of such a ceiling is its low strength. Furniture or acute item can irreversibly damage the integrity of the surface.

Another one suitable option For a new building is a ceiling finish using PVC or MDF panels. Such a coating is not afraid of a shrinkage of the building. Among the wide range of products, you can choose products with imitation of expensive wood breeds.

Features of the preparation of walls

The walls indoors can be made of cellular concrete, reinforced concrete, brick or gas-silicate. In some cases, the developer can use reinforced concrete panels to build wall structures with a high quality surface, which is sufficient only to past. In most cases, the walls need to be aligned with plaster.

For interior rooms it is better to use mixtures on a plaster basis. For rooms with high humidity, it is advisable to apply cement-sand formulations for which the reinforcing grid is pre-mounted. To equalize the surface of the plaster walls, it is performed by the beacons in several layers. The layer of plaster should not be more than 5 cm. The price of the material is in the range of 250-550 rubles. Bag weighing 25 kg.

Helpful advice! D. to eliminate significant surface irregularities, it is advisable and less expensive to use drywall plates.

Before applying plaster, the base should be projected. For weakly sprinkling surfaces in the form of concrete, any primer will suit. For walls from aerated concrete or ceramic brick, it is advisable to use special compositions. They contribute to a decrease in the absorbency of the base and prevent the uneven settlement of the plastering layer.

After complete drying of the layer of plaster surface, the surface must also be progressed by using an acrylic composition.

Floor alignment and screed

Start of repair in a new building. Where to start the floor device? The floor in the new apartment is naked monolithic slabwhich you need not only to align, but also insulate and soundly insulated. To do this, you can use the clamzite, which has good heat and sound insulation properties. The minimum thickness of the layer is 5 cm.

Before performing work, you should close all the holes in the floor in the field of ventilation mines and risers using a mounting foam or adhesive mixture. Next is falling asleep layer of clay. It is necessary to start from the place with the biggest depth. This layer is filled with liquid concrete, which is reminded by the consistency milk. Such a base for about a day. You can use another option and put on the base of the ceramzito-sandy mixture.

Helpful advice! Before laying the ceramisite in the bathroom and the bathroom should be laid a layer of filling waterproofing with a wall at a wall to 8-10 cm.

Quality flooring - pledge long time Operation of flooring

Next, you need to perform directly floor alignment. This can be done using a cement-sand tie or bulk sex. The first option is more budget. The cost of a bag of 40 kg is only 150 rubles. The solution consumption depends on the layer of the screed. However, this option will not give a smooth and even foundation. In addition cement-sand mixture Fully dries after three to four weeks, which will stretch the course of repair work.

The more technological option is bulk floors. The mixture has a sufficiently liquid consistency, which allows it to evenly fill out all the space and take the level of the horizon.

Helpful advice! Before bulging the floor, the base should be progressing with acrylic primer twice.

The main lack of bulk sex is its value. The bag of 25 kg will cost about 400 rubles. In this connection, the bulk floors are more expedient to use when the height difference is not more than 4 cm. With a more substantial difference, it is possible to perform a cement-sand tie, and on top of it lay a layer of bulk floors to obtain a more smooth surface at less money. This option is most preferable when laminate or parquet will be used as an outdoor coating.

Bulk floors dried for 5-7 hours. You can put the tile or linoleum in 2 days, and the wooden flooring - in 7 days.

There is another modern solution. This is laying dry prefabricated floors. The material is represented by gypsum-fiber plates with a thickness of up to 20 mm, which are stacked on a layer of clay or other insulating material. it fast way Get a flat surface suitable for finishing finish after a day. However, the cost of the material is 310-550 rubles. per piece

Repair in a new top key with materials and without

When buying housing in a new house, the question immediately arises, where to start repairing an apartment in a new building? It depends on the degree of suitability of the apartment to settle. As mentioned above, it may be under free layout, with a pre-sicter or finishing. Depending on this, construction organizations are offered to perform one of the types of repair of an apartment in a new building, the price of which is determined by the list of works:

  • economy;
  • base;
  • full.

The package "Economy" includes such types of work:

  • wiring wiring;
  • installation of partitions;
  • floor screed;
  • alignment I. budget finish surfaces of walls and ceiling;
  • linoleum flooring;
  • installation of plinths;
  • door installation;
  • installation of plumbing devices on ready-made communications.

The cost of repairing an apartment in a new building will cost an average of 3,000 rubles / m². This price does not include the cost of materials. They can be purchased independently, and can also be ordered from the performer of work, which usually offers materials at reasonable prices and good quality. In this case, the price and delivery of materials will be included in the repairs price in the new building. It should also be borne in mind that the larger the area in the apartment, the cheaper the cost of repair will be square meter. Thus, repair in the new building will cost an average of 155 thousand rubles,

Having decided to make a major overhaul on their own, it is necessary to take into account additional waste for the purchase or rent of special equipment.

The package "Basic" consists of the same list of works to which:

  • installation of communications under plumbing devices;
  • device of the mounted ceiling;
  • trim tiled bathroom and bathroom;
  • installing lighting devices.

The price of an apartment from scratch in a new building will cost an average of 6,000 rubles / m² without taking into account the value of materials. In basic repairs at an additional cost, you can enable the replacement of windows and the installation of the loggia. So, the complex of work in one-room apartment It will be worth an average of 210 thousand rubles. Repair of a two-bedroom apartment in a new building will cost 300 thousand rubles., 3-room - 370 thousand rubles.

Full repair involves a set of events, which is able to turn a naked space into a cozy residential apartment. The following activities are added to the works that are executed for the base package:

  • creating an apartment design project;
  • decoration ceiling and walls with high-quality materials;
  • laminate flooring;
  • installation of engineering communications and plumbing of any variety and complexity.

Overhaul of the apartment of the new building will cost 8000-10000 rubles / m² without taking into account the value of materials. If the cost of the work does not include a certain type of installation, it can be issued additionally for a specific fee.

The price of repair in a new building with the material will depend not only on the type, volume of work and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The cost of concrete building materials is also taken into account. So the price of repairs in a new building with a material from the budget range will be on average 6000 rubles / m². Work using more expensive materials will cost about 12,000 rubles / m². The cost of repairing an apartment in a new-built turnkey key of the luxury class will cost at least 20,000 rubles / m².

Many organizations specialize in the development and implementation of exclusive design using high-quality finishing materials. The price of repair with the materials of the apartment in a new building of this level will cost no less than 30000 rubles / m².

Repair in the new building without finishing requires certain knowledge and skills. The desire to save can lead to additional costs. To get a good result in a fairly short time, it is better to entrust this business to professionals and order the repair of new-built turnkey with materials, the price of which will depend on personal preferences and the financial capabilities of the customer.