Repair Design Furniture

How much is the rough finishing of an apartment in a new building. What is a rough repair (finishing) in a new building Stages of work

In this article, you will learn:

  • What is included in the concept of rough repair
  • What stages does a rough apartment renovation include?
  • Where to start repairs in a new building
  • Is it possible to save on rough repairs in the apartment

Homeowners who dream of comfort in their apartment need to understand that a well-planned renovation with professional stage-by-stage finishing will lead to decent results. It is worth paying attention to the stages of a rough repair, because they are the basis for subsequent actions in finishing work and the embodiment of design solutions.

What does rough repair mean?

Rough repairs from the philistine point of view are preparation for finishing the walls, ceilings, floor in the apartment. Work surfaces are cleaned and leveled. If the house is old, then the electrical wiring, sewerage, water supply and heating communications are changed. Rough finishing is carried out in stages and requires significant costs. The subsequent quality of finishing and the durability of the interior depend on the attitude towards repairs.

Each stage of a rough repair is accompanied by the formation of a large volume of dust, dirt, remnants of the old finish (for example, a lot of debris remains after chipping). However, at these stages, there is a thorough preparation of the working surfaces for the final finishing of the premises.

Rough finishing includes the following works:

Stages of rough repair of an apartment

The most difficult and energy-consuming stages of a rough repair in a new apartment or in an apartment requiring major repairs. A lot of effort needs to be put in so that housing with concrete walls and floors ultimately takes on the appearance of a cozy and modern apartment.

What are the stages of a rough repair you need to go through in order to achieve the desired result? It is worth starting with a preparatory one, during which you need to make measurements of housing, think over a plan or design for an apartment. The plan marks the number and location of interior partitions, electrical communications, as well as a water supply and ventilation system. As in the design project, it is worth noting the location of equipment and furniture on the plan.

The preparation stage includes the choice of materials for finishing and communications, viewing prices for the provision of finishing services, as well as the opportunity to make important purchases for the home. This will save energy, time and nerves on the way to the planned repair.

After careful preparation, the following stages of a rough repair are distinguished:

  1. Installation of interior partitions. Old partitions are being demolished, new ones are being erected, openings are being arranged in the load-bearing walls. For the construction of partitions, bricks, aerated concrete blocks, and drywall are widely used. Each material has undeniable advantages and disadvantages. During the installation process, not only the wishes of the owner are taken into account, but also the quality characteristics of the erected walls, as well as compliance with the rules and regulations of safe operation.
  2. At the next stage, work with electrical wiring is carried out. Walls are gouged, wires are laid, including an antenna cable for the Internet, an electrical panel is installed. The placement of furniture and electrical appliances on the plan should be taken into account, since the wiring diagram, the number of sockets, switches, lighting devices and their location depend on the location and number of devices.
  3. Installation of the heating system, if provided for by the work plan.
  4. Next, the pipes for cold and hot water supply are routed, the sewer system is connected.
  5. If the replacement of windows is required, then they are dismantled and new double-glazed windows are installed.
  6. Leveling the floor. The rough screed will prepare the surface for decorative coating.
  7. If the project provides for noise and heat insulation, then they are carried out simultaneously with the floor screed.
  8. Aligning the ceiling and walls will be the next stage in the improvement of the apartment. The ceiling may not be leveled if the installation of tensioning systems is planned.
  9. The next step is the installation of underfloor heating, if they are provided in the plan.
  10. One of the final moments is the installation of sockets, socket boxes, switches.

Features of rough repairs in a new building

Until recently, new buildings were almost ready for full-fledged housing without the cost of renovation work. Currently, newcomers are increasingly being offered an option without repair and finishing. The cost of such apartments is much lower than the price of finished housing. But the owners can independently plan and carry out work to improve their own home. In this case, it will turn out to be good to save money.

Studios are very popular among apartments from new buildings. This type of housing completely lacks decoration and partitions. Painting walls, installing plumbing, leveling ceilings, walls, floors - these works will be done by the new settlers themselves. They also carry out both rough and final finishing. But you should remember about such a stage of rough repairs in a new apartment as pre-finishing work.

When planning repairs in a new building, it should be borne in mind that all finishing will be carried out from scratch. Especially a lot of work will be done when buying a studio. Inexperienced newcomers try to purchase expensive materials and make expensive finishes, and this is highly undesirable.

In this case, even a professional in design and construction will not be able to predict the degree of deformation. He can only guess how the structures and finishes will behave.

The stages of a rough repair in a new apartment will consist of the following sequence of works:

  1. distribution of sanitary communications;
  2. laying of electrical wires, lighting and power supply systems;
  3. pouring a rough screed and laying underfloor heating;
  4. alignment of wall panels;
  5. installation of suspended or stretch ceilings.

The rough work is done in the first year of the shrinkage of the built house, then the pre-finishing is done and only then the finishing. Dirty work is best done after receiving the keys to the apartment. The fact is that tenants pay for a container designed to collect garbage from construction work.

The management company monitors the garbage collection and tries to get rid of it for six months. If the repairs begin later than those of other new settlers, then the construction waste will have to be taken out on their own and at their own expense.

It is worth noting another convenience in roughing and pre-finishing work after receiving the keys - this is an unoccupied house. This means that you can deal with finishing almost around the clock, without fear of disturbing the peace of your neighbors.

Rough repair stages in an old apartment

When buying an apartment on the secondary housing market, it is worth considering the necessary stages of repair. Perhaps there will be enough cosmetic repairs, or there will be a desire to completely strip everything and radically change the finish along with the design. Then you have roughing and finishing work in full. Before creating a plan or project, it is better to seek professional help. Depending on the goals set, it is planned to carry out the finishing work in stages.

In an old apartment, the stages of a rough repair will be carried out as follows:

  1. dismantling of old partitions and materials, removal to special places for construction waste;
  2. replacement of windows (if necessary);
  3. installation of new partitions;
  4. screed walls and floors with cement and leveling them;
  5. wiring of electrical communications, installation of sockets;
  6. alignment and plastering of walls;
  7. installation of plumbing and air conditioners.

Based on the results of the work performed, it is possible to assess the quality of future finishes and choose the right interior solution. Therefore, it is important to entrust the repair to real professionals. Otherwise, minor flaws in the work will spoil not only the further mood, but also the most refined interior in the apartment.


In recent times, the quality of work was assessed with improvised means. For example, some customers used a $ 100 bill to evaluate the smoothness of the plastered walls. A rule of three meters was applied to the wall, and the bill was used instead of a probe. The quality of the work was considered low if the banknote passed into the gap.

There are opposite situations. Experts with no experience try to hide or fix flaws in the rough finish at the next stages of the repair. There are different extremes. Therefore, it is advisable when performing work to adhere to the standards and requirements of building rules (SNiP), trying to maintain a balance between quality, cost, complexity and laboriousness of the repair.

Regulatory documents to read:

  • SP 71.13330.2011 controls the quality of insulation and finishing coatings.
  • SP 73.13330.2016 regulates the requirements for the technology and quality of water supply, sewerage, heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems.
  • SP 76.13330.2016 introduces the rules for organizing the electrical network in the apartment.

Everyone decides for himself whether to adhere to these rules, but it will be useful to read about generally accepted standards. So you will have an idea of ​​the requirements for the quality of work. This applies to both the customer and the contractor.

How to save money on a rough apartment renovation

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What the rough finish includes: highlights

When buying a home, most people today prefer

New buildings.

And this is not at all surprising, because not only can such an apartment be purchased on fairly favorable terms, but the layout in them, as a rule, is much more competent and comfortable.

Almost every advertisement for such a sale indicates that the apartments are being rented out with a rough finish.

A lot of people do not know what exactly is meant by this phrase and have no idea in what form they will get housing, and then they begin to be tormented by a variety of doubts.

So, let's try to figure out what the rough finish of the house includes, and what it should be like at all.


It should be said right away that this term does not have a clear definition, but in general in construction, "rough finishing" is an obligatory work, which cannot be dispensed with during the delivery of a building.

Many builders perceive this concept in their own way, and therefore each apartment can be rented in a different way, but of course there will not be any special difference.

But in any case, if you are thinking about purchasing a home in a new building, you need to have at least some idea of ​​what work will be done and how the room will look in general.

Basic moments

In most cases, rough finishing refers to the preparation of the premises for the final renovation and the application of final decorative coatings.

Construction of partitions in the apartment according to the original project. In the same case, if open-plan apartments are built in your house, only load-bearing walls will be erected in them.

In this case, you will have to think about partitions on your own.

Floor screed. It is carried out using a cement-sand mortar and is performed along the lighthouses. Most often, the floors in the apartment are simply poured at the same level.

Leveling the walls with plaster. It is carried out with the same composition as the screed; in some cases, lime mortar can be used.

Gas supply, water supply and sewerage. Water supply and drainage risers will be installed, but the wiring will also need to be done independently.

As for the gas, it will be conducted to the apartment, but you will have to connect the gas stove with your own hands.

Heating installation. The apartment will be supplied with hot water pipes with connected radiators. What kind of radiator will stand in your case depends only on you, since this detail is discussed in advance in the project.

Installation of windows and doors. Do not count on high-quality double-glazed windows and doors in the new building.

Most likely, the developer will choose the cheapest and simplest option. By the way, in some cases the windows can even be wooden.

Electricity supply. An electricity meter will be installed for you, as well as wires will be brought to sockets and chandeliers.

In this case, the wires themselves will be removed, and their ends are insulated.

If the house is modern, there may also be external wall insulation and waterproofing of floors in the bathroom and kitchen.

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Of course, if desired, the rough finish may include some changes, but this will also need to be negotiated separately at the initial stage. For all services, of course, you have to pay.

When all the load-bearing walls are built, the layout of the rooms is made in the apartments, each of which is separated from each other by partitions. Most often they are built from:

It should be said right away that they will most likely not be aligned in the best way, and if you want perfect walls in the apartment, then you will need to do this yourself, or hire professionals.

When erecting such buildings, they try to cope with all the work as soon as possible, therefore, special attention is not always paid to quality, because builders often simply have no time to level the walls.

The floor screed will also be carried out using the most common technology, and the finished surface will be smoothed along the beacons.

In most cases, concrete is poured into apartments with a concrete pump, and then it is simply leveled due to vibrations.

By the way, for the sake of fairness, it should be said that this method is really very effective and the floor will eventually turn out to be even.

The only negative is that the surface may not be ideal, with small drops and grooves.

In order to eliminate all these flaws, you will have to cover the floor with self-leveling mixtures or compositions for self-leveling floors.

Also take a note if you want warm floors in the apartment, this point will also need to be discussed at the initial stage.

This stage of finishing is the most problematic, very often there are significant differences on the ceilings that will literally be striking.

All this is due to the fact that during repairs, builders simply fill up the seams between concrete slabs, and sometimes they also plaster and whitewash them.

But in any case, such work will be performed imperfectly and you, for sure, want to redo the ceiling as soon as possible.

This can be done using a suspended multi-level ceiling, which is assembled from plasterboard sheets.

But, of course, you will need to pre-assemble the metal frame. Stretch ceilings, which can be installed on any surface, even the most uneven, are also very popular today.

We figured out what a rough finish at home includes. Roughly speaking, such processing simply prepares the apartment for further full-fledged renovation.

In any case, you will have to glue the wallpaper or paint the walls yourself, as well as take care of the flooring.

But if you want to do it all really well, you will most likely have to re-level the walls and floor, as they usually leave a lot to be desired.

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The same applies to windows with doors, it would be much wiser to replace them immediately than to redo all this after a couple of years.

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What is a rough finish of an apartment

Buying an apartment with a rough finish really allows you to buy housing cheaper than if it is being repaired by the developer. However, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises as a result of such an acquisition, it is useful to understand what exactly is included in the concept of "rough finishing".

Rough finish concept

The concept of rough finishing is very common in today's construction market, so there is a certain set of apartment characteristics that are usually included in it. Typically, this kit includes a fully completed construction and a minimum amount of finishing work.

The walls in the apartment, where the rough finish was carried out, are usually plastered with coarse plaster, that is, they have a fairly flat surface, but at the same time they require finishing with a finishing putty before applying a decorative coating, for example, gluing wallpaper or painting. There is a screed on the floor of the apartment, which makes it suitable for flooring work. The room has windows and doors; however, it should be borne in mind that if the windows are usually plastic, then the door is a simple wooden or plywood structure, which residents most often change.

All communications, including electricity, water supply and sewerage, are usually connected to such an apartment, batteries or other heating devices are installed. However, at the same time, electrical appliances in the apartment are usually not installed, and the rest of the cables - television, telephone and others, if provided, require wiring around the apartment.

Legal definition of rough finish

Some uncertainty in relation to such a concept as a rough finish is created by the absence of the corresponding term in the current legislation. Therefore, in fact, this concept today is a kind of collective set of characteristics that have been established in the course of the practice of communication between developers and buyers in the market of housing under construction.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that in each specific case, the developer can put his own meaning in the concept of rough finishing, which does not necessarily coincide with what the buyer understands by it. Therefore, when purchasing an apartment for a rough finish, carefully study the equity participation agreement, in which all the characteristics of the apartment, which the developer undertakes to provide at the time of its transfer to the buyer, must be recorded without fail.

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  • What is a rough finish of an apartment

    When buying an apartment, many are faced with the concept of "an apartment with a rough finish", but not everyone clearly understands what is meant by this. However, not only the owners of new apartments are faced with this concept. When performing repairs in residential apartments, the so-called rough work and materials can be found in the estimate. What the rough finishing of the premises looks like and what includes, we will look at examples.

    Apartment with a rough finish

    The walls in such apartments are already plastered, but still far from ideal, so minor irregularities will have to be repaired with plaster and finally leveled with putty. With ceilings, the situation is usually worse, the drops can exceed 5 cm.

    The electrical wiring in apartments with a rough finish is usually already installed and the wires have been brought out in the places where the electrical points are installed. Separately, it is worth talking about the floor in a new building. First, it contains a huge amount of dust. Secondly, in most cases it requires additional alignment. Radiators in apartments with a rough finish are installed cheap, most likely you will want to replace them with more modern ones. This is how, in most cases, an apartment in a new building looks like with rough work done. The builders of the developer are not very interested in the quality of the work, therefore, renovation of the apartment is avoided.

    Rough finishing of residential apartments

    Rough work in residential apartments is carried out in order to eliminate irregularities in the walls, ceiling and floor. Thus, the basis for the finishing of the apartment is prepared: painting the walls and ceiling, wallpapering, etc.

    What kind of work does the rough finishing of the premises include:

    • plastering of walls and ceilings;
    • floor screed;
    • laying underfloor heating;
    • heating system installation;
    • installation of a water supply and sewerage system;
    • electric installation work;
    • installation of windows.

    Rough work begins immediately after dismantling all structures and old coatings.

    What you need to know before starting finishing:

  • Where will the furniture stand;
  • Locations of electrical appliances (sockets, switches, lamps, etc.);
  • Type of plumbing equipment and place of its installation;
  • Ceiling finish option;
  • Wall decoration option;
  • Floor covering type;
  • As you can see, the rough finish of the apartment depends on the finishing materials used.

    Wall decoration

    In most cases, plastering of the walls is carried out. The highest quality results are obtained when plastering the walls along the lighthouses. Then all the smallest irregularities are removed with a putty. In some types of premises, instead of plaster, gypsum plasterboards are installed on the walls - this process is faster, but reduces the usable area of ​​the room.

    Ceiling decoration

    In most cases, the ceiling is plastered with subsequent surface putty. However, you can quickly get a flat surface using suspended plasterboard ceilings. And if you plan to install a stretch ceiling, then you can completely leave the surface in its original form.

    Floor finishing

    In case of large differences in the floor covering, the floor screed is made. The screed is carried out using dry mortars. If the unevenness of the floor is small, then an even coating can be obtained using self-leveling mixtures. When shaping the floor surface, it is important to monitor the level. If there will be tiles in one room and a parquet board in the other, then it is obvious that the level of the screed in these rooms should be different (due to the different thickness of the floor covering). The floor screed gains strength within a month and in no case should this process be accelerated.

    Electrical and plumbing work should be carried out using modern materials: copper wires and plastic pipes.

    The main thing to remember is that the rough finishing of apartments does not tolerate haste. The more thoroughly the rough work is done, the better the finish will be.


    "As Remonta" complex renovation of apartments and houses

    The finishing of the apartment in the new building has been completed and the developer invites you to receive the keys - this is a long-awaited moment for every shareholder, however, in order for the joy of receiving the long-awaited apartment to not fade away, it must be preceded by two stages:

    Page content

    • checking the finishing of the apartment;
    • signing documents for the acceptance of the apartment.

    It is necessary to familiarize yourself in more detail with the intricacies of accepting an apartment so that later you do not have to eliminate defects at your own expense.

    Difference Between Fine and Rough Finishes

    When buying a home in an ad, we often come across the phrase “fine finish”. However, not everyone knows what a fine finish of an apartment is, and how it differs from a rough finish. In the primary market, an apartment is usually sold with a rough finish. In this case, the apartment uses the simplest and cheapest materials, and it is rented with "bare" walls, floor and ceiling. It goes without saying that it is impossible to live in such an apartment; it is necessary to make cosmetic repairs. Flats and houses with fine finishing are much more expensive. During the final finishing, all plastering and plastering works were completed, as well as other works that will allow, immediately after acceptance, to start furniture, move into the room and operate it as intended.
    However, the definition of "finishing" finishing is just a common term in everyday life, while only the provisions fixed in the documents have legal force. Therefore, before acceptance, it is necessary to figure out what is included in the final finishing of an apartment in a new building. There are currently no specific standards regulated by law that define the concept of finishing. In this matter, the parties, as a rule, are guided by the customs of business turnover, as well as generally accepted concepts in construction. As a rule, a shareholder who accepts an apartment with a rough finish has the right to expect to receive a bare box, but at the same time the apartment must be equipped with the necessary communications and interior partitions, namely, the following work must be performed:

    • plastering of walls;
    • floor screed;
    • heating system laying;
    • sewerage piping;
    • hot and cold water supply;
    • distribution of electricity without connecting electrical appliances;
    • connection of a telephone, radio and television cable;
    • installation of windows and an entrance door.

    The fine finish should contain everything that the rough finish provides, and in addition to this:

    • the floor must be covered (laminate, linoleum, etc.);
    • walls must also have a coating (wallpaper, tiles or paint), under the coating the walls must be plastered
    • in addition to the wiring of electricity, switches and sockets must be installed according to the project;
    • the kitchen must be equipped with an electric or gas stove, which must be installed and connected;
    • windows, interior entrance doors must be either made of a material that does not require painting (plastic) or painted;
    • if the building is multi-apartment, the elevator must function and, accordingly, be put into operation.

    Given the absence of regulatory requirements regarding the list of works that should include finishing, in this case, it is necessary to be guided by the project documentation and the equity participation agreement concluded between the debtor and the developer, which must reflect a complete list of all finishing work and materials. It is possible to demand from the developer the fulfillment of obligations only if they were secured by the contract; an oral promise regarding the characteristics of household and plumbing fixtures, window doors and finishing works cannot be taken into account.

    Features of acceptance of an apartment with a fine finish

    Finishing work on the premises is one of the most time consuming and costly. If you hurry up with the acceptance of the apartment, without fixing all possible shortcomings and hastily signing the acceptance certificate for the apartment, you will have to eliminate them at your own expense. Law No. 214 FZ tells about how to take an apartment from a developer with a fine finish. It provides for a special acceptance procedure, which has several stages:


    The shareholder is notified of the need to accept the apartment by postal notification. The timing and procedure for notification should also be fixed in the contract. If the approximate deadline has come, and the developer does not send an invitation for an inspection, you must contact the construction company yourself and demand that you schedule an inspection of the apartment.

    Advice to the shareholder! If the developer ignores the interest of the shareholder or unreasonably postpones the inspection time, it is necessary to go to court and demand the termination of the contract and the return of the money paid.

    Inspection of the apartment

    Before starting the inspection, familiarize yourself with the documents for putting the house into operation, which must be ready by the developer by the time the apartment is inspected. It is better to inform the developer about your intention to study the documents in advance in writing so as not to disrupt and postpone the inspection procedure. Participants in this procedure must:

    Advice to the shareholder! It is in your best interest to invite an expert in the field of construction for an inspection, who will point out violations and monitor compliance with construction norms and standards.

    Fixing construction defects

    A detailed description of the state in which the apartment should be rented out must contain a contract, it should be taken with you for inspection. During the check, you should:

    • inspect the apartment for cracks in the walls, ceiling and floors;
    • check the ventilation with a piece of paper or fire;
    • check the operation of windows and doors, the operation of fittings, the absence of cracks and damage to double-glazed windows;
    • evaluate the quality of wallpapering, flooring.
    • check the work of plumbing and electrical appliances;
    • compare the actual layout of the apartment with the technical documentation, it is advisable to double-check the area of ​​the apartment.

    All defects should be recorded in your notebook in order to further transfer them to the corresponding documents.

    Elimination of defects

    If defects were found, the shareholder has the right to demand from the developer:

    • eliminate defects within a reasonable time frame;
    • reduce the price of the contract by the amount necessary to eliminate them;
    • request to invite third parties to eliminate defects at the expense of the developer;

    The shareholder can choose any type of requirements at his discretion.

    Re-examination of the apartment

    After elimination of defects by the developer, the shareholder will be invited for a second inspection. The procedure in this case will be the same as described above.

    Signing of the apartment acceptance certificate

    Only after the quality of the apartment and the finishing finish satisfies the shareholder, you can agree to accept the apartment, sign the appropriate acceptance certificate and register the ownership of the apartment.

    Documenting the apartment acceptance procedure

    A document that reflects the shortcomings of the apartment being accepted is called a checklist or a defective statement - the developer must issue such a paper upon acceptance of the apartment. The more that document is drawn up, the more chances the shareholder will have, in the event of a conflict, to defend his rights in court. The defective act should indicate:

    • serial number of the record;
    • the clause of the agreement stipulating the requirements for the condition of the apartment at the time of delivery;
    • a detailed description of the construction defect made;

    The act is drawn up in the presence of all participants in the inspection and signed by them. In case of refusal for any reason by one of the parties to sign, this is recorded in the act, after which it is sent to the party by mail with notification.

    Important. Not to sign the apartment acceptance certificate until all discovered deficiencies are eliminated is the shareholder's right. If the developer does not fix them within the agreed time frame, he will be obliged to reduce the cost of the apartment by the amount that the forthcoming repairs will cost.

    So, if the housing does not meet the quality requirements, the shareholder has two choices:

    1. Not to sign the acceptance certificate of the apartment until the developer has eliminated all the shortcomings.
    2. Sign the act, additionally drawing up an annex to it, indicating the acceptance of an apartment with defects, in which to reflect in detail all the shortcomings made by the developer.

    In both cases, the shareholder will have the right to recover moral and material damage from the customer in court.

    Protection of the rights of equity holders

    Having reflected all the flaws in the defective act, you should leave one copy with you, and hand the second to the developer, if he refuses to accept it against signature, send it by mail with a receipt acknowledgment. After that, the developer will have 45 days in order to eliminate all the deficiencies indicated in the defective act, or to compensate for the cost of elimination, if the shareholder eliminated them at his own expense.

    If the shareholder refuses to accept the apartment and the developer agrees with such a refusal, then the refund period will also be 45 days.

    Important. In accordance with Law No. 214-FZ, which regulates the issues of equity participation in construction, the guarantee for an apartment for a period of 5 years also applies to interior decoration. This issue must be specified in the contract. For homes that are not covered by this law, the warranty period is 2 years. However, very often developers do not indicate warranty periods in the contract at all. Therefore, when concluding an agreement, you should pay attention to the presence of such a clause.

    If the building defect turned out to be hidden and was discovered only during the operation of the apartment, after the act was signed, in accordance with Law No. 214-FZ, it is necessary to contact the developer before the expiration of the warranty period with a written notification of the identification of deficiencies. The developer is obliged to eliminate defects at his own expense or to compensate the costs of the shareholder who eliminated them on his own.

    If after your appeal the developer will be inactive, you can safely go to court. Shareholders who decide to take such a step can be given a few tips:

    1. Before going to court, collect as much evidence as possible indicating the developer's unwillingness to correct defects in work and, accordingly, to properly fulfill the contract.
    2. Submit all claims to the developer in writing and keep the correspondence.
    3. Invite expert builders to inspect the apartment;
    4. Record all defects in as much detail as possible.

    There is no sense in going to court without first preparing for this process, as judicial practice shows, most often the judge refuses a claim if the plaintiff's claims are not supported by a convincing evidence base.

    Responsibility of the developer

    When concluding an agreement providing for participation in shared construction, you should know that the developer, assuming the fulfillment of obligations for the implementation of construction, bears responsibility in accordance with the law and the agreement. In case of violation by the developer of its obligations stipulated by the contract, the shareholder may use the following civil law enforcement measures in relation to the developer:

    • Terminate the agreement (Art. 9 of Law No. 214-FZ), as a result of which the developer will be obliged to return the money to the shareholder with interest, taking into account the refinancing rate of the Central Bank. The contract will be considered terminated from the moment when the developer is notified of the unilateral refusal to perform the contract.
    • Collect a forfeit (Article 6 of Law No. 214-FZ). In addition to the requirements of the law, the contract may provide for a penalty. In this case, the contract can only increase the penalty provided for by law. If the terms of the contract reduce it, they are illegal and can be challenged in court.
    • Collect damages. This right is granted to the shareholder by several regulatory legal acts: the Civil Code (Art. 15), Law No. 214-FZ (Art. 10), Law No. 2300-1 (Art. 28). A shareholder's losses are understood, for example, the cost of renting housing for the period when the developer removes construction defects. A shareholder may claim losses at the same time as collecting a forfeit.
    • Compensate for moral damage (Law No. 2300 -1 Art. 15). Its size is determined on a case-by-case basis. The nature and degree of moral and physical suffering are subject to proof by the shareholder.
    • Compensate court costs (Art. 98 Code of Civil Procedure) All costs incurred by the shareholder in connection with the appeal to the court, subject to the satisfaction of the claim, can be recovered from the developer.

    In addition, there is an opportunity to bring an unscrupulous developer to administrative and criminal liability. Rospotrebnadzor bodies are authorized to carry out state supervision in the field of shared construction, since this area of ​​legal relations is subject to legislation on the protection of consumer rights, and executive authorities.

    Having understood the rules for accepting an apartment and having studied the rights guaranteed by law, you will definitely be able to become the owner of high-quality housing and nothing will darken your joy from housewarming. And in the event of a dispute with the developer, you will have the opportunity to legally demand reimbursement of upcoming material costs, as well as moral damage caused by the actions of the developer.

    Buying an apartment in a new building is unlikely to be able to immediately move in to live in it. And it’s difficult to call it an apartment. More like a stone or concrete bag. No plumbing, no amenities, nothing that is customary to see in modern comfortable housing.

    All there is is a concrete floor, brick walls, windows and doors that will most likely need to be replaced. The new settler immediately plunges into a long, painstaking renovation in order to create his own comfortable, cozy home.

    Where to begin?

    The main rule in the repair: do not rush... Moreover, if this is an apartment in a new building. Do not forget that the new house will shrink for about two more years. If you make a quick repair, then cracks can go with the shrinkage of the house. Therefore, everything is done slowly, as a last resort before a major one, a light cosmetic, inexpensive repair is done.

    Contemplate and plan

    A very important stage on which the success of the entire repair will depend. You can plan either yourself or using the services of a designer. If you decide to do the planning yourself, then it is recommended to use special computer programs, in which you can create a visualization and see the future apartment.

    Before starting the repair, a plan is drawn up, including:

    1. Moving walls (except load-bearing).
    2. Apartment layout.
    3. Design and style are determined.
    4. Arrangement of furniture.
    5. Places of installation of electrical appliances (the placement of the wiring depends on this).
    6. Location of plumbing and washbasin (for planning water supply and sewerage).
    7. The types and sizes of interior doors, doorways, threshold heights are agreed upon.
    8. Clarifies what materials the walls, ceiling and floor will be made of.

    After carefully planning everything and thinking it over, you can make an estimate, calculate the amount of materials needed and the approximate cost.

    Go to main

    Dirty work

    Repair should start with dirty work:

    • Transfer and dismantling of partitions is in progress... If some kind of rough finish has been performed, all this is removed.
    • According to the drawn up plan, wiring and pipes for water supply and sewerage are laid... It is not recommended to save on materials here. Wires and pipes will be embedded, and if they turn out to be of poor quality, it will be very difficult to replace them. To do this, you will have to break the walls and, accordingly, do the repairs again. Therefore, it is better to buy good materials right away, let it cost a little more.
    • Windows and doors are changing(those that are installed in new buildings are of very dubious quality).
    • Level the floor if necessary or bring it to one level throughout the apartment, a cement-sand screed is made.


    There are many communications in the bathroom: an extractor hood, water supply, and electricity. Repair in the bathroom begins with their installation.

    1. For electrical wiring, only whole pieces of wire are used and with a margin of power. They must be either plastered or located under drywall sheets.
    2. Junction boxes are installed outside the bathroom.
    3. If the water pipes are to be installed in a wall, it is recommended to use plastic or polypropylene pipes. They are more durable and reliable than metal-plastic pipes on corner joints (fittings).

    Tiles are traditionally laid on the bathroom floor. You need to pay attention:

    • After leveling the floor and completing the concrete screed, it is imperative to make waterproofing using a special impregnation or mixture.
    • When laying tiles, pay attention not to form air pockets.
    • Do not skimp on grouting. A high-quality grout will get rid of mold and mildew.

    Bathroom walls are plastered or sheathed with sheets of moisture-resistant drywall... Covered with tiles, plastic panels or wallpaper. Many people think that wallpaper cannot be used in the bathroom due to moisture and hot steam, but this is not the case. Vinyl, liquid, moisture-resistant washable wallpaper, fiberglass, are quite suitable for these purposes.

    For the ceiling, plastic panels, aluminum profile ceilings, synthetic stretch ceilings are used. It is not recommended to level the ceiling with plasterboard. Even moisture-resistant sheets will last no more than 10 years in a humid room. The most budgetary way to level the ceiling in the bathroom is a moisture-resistant putty followed by painting.

    After the completion of the repair, plumbing fixtures, sockets, switches are installed, furniture is brought in.

    Walls and ceiling

    Rough finishing of walls and ceilings, first of all, includes leveling the surface.

    There are two primary alignment methods:

    • Wet. Solutions based on dry building mixtures, plaster, putty are used. This method is very laborious and dusty, the thickness of the plastered surface should not be more than 80mm.

    When finishing with mixtures, 3 types of mortar are used:

    1. Plaster. It is used in cases where the surface has strong drops. Ceiling plaster is made on the basis of gypsum.
    2. Putty... Designed for patching up small irregularities, chips, cracks. There is a starting putty (for rough surface treatment) and finishing (for final leveling and creating perfectly flat and smooth walls and ceilings).
    3. Primer. Deeply impregnates the surface, improves adhesion.
    • Dry. Walls and ceilings are leveled with sheet materials, most often drywall is used. The disadvantage of this method is that the useful area of ​​the room is "eaten up".

    If you buy an apartment in a new building, as a rule, you have two finishing options to choose from: rough and final. In an apartment with a fine, the developer has already installed plumbing, made the floor, then the walls. All you have to do is bring in the furniture, and the apartment is ready to move in. But there is a minus in this - the design will be made to the taste of the developer, and the choice of finishes has limitations. So if you want an interesting interior that no one else will have, buy an apartment with a rough finish.

    Even 10 years ago, people were wary of finished finishes. It was chosen by only 10% of buyers from the general market. The arguments are usually as follows:

    "I do not trust the quality of work or materials"

    "I want to supervise the repair myself"

    "I will do everything myself"

    Today, about half of future new settlers buy apartments with ready-to-use renovation. To immediately move in and live there. And the other half prefers a "blank slate" for future renovations. And in this article we will tell and show what a rough finish should include. Although it looks like it's just a "concrete box", there is a mandatory list of what the developer must provide you. These components are prescribed in the contract for the purchase of an apartment in the section "Characteristics of the apartment" with a rather detailed description. The contract must contain the following clause:
    (text from the real contract of the author of the article)

    Read your contract carefully and know what you are entitled to.

    Different developers have slight differences in the list. For example, plastic windows or wooden ones. But the windows themselves must be required. So what is next

    The points

    Ceiling. Completely unfinished, just concrete slabs.

    Floor. A concrete screed made of cement that covers the material from which the house is built. It is done to level the floor, smooths out possible height differences. If the screed is made without large roughness, you can lay the floor covering (tiles, laminate, etc.) directly on it.

    Walls. There are two options here. Either the walls remain bare, like a ceiling, or they are leveled and covered with plaster. Discuss with the developer.

    Electrician. Wiring with a shield, meter, wiring around the apartment and the installation of sockets and switches. If you later want to have sockets and switches in more convenient places, you will need to redo the wiring yourself.

    Water supply. Main pipelines for hot and cold water. With meters and without wiring around the apartment. In fact: risers from which you need to lay pipes to the taps in the bathroom, in the sink, to the toilet and to the kitchen. The plumbing itself will not be there. There will be only a heated towel rail, the shape and appearance of which is different for all developers. Specify.

    Bathroom. Floor screed with waterproofing. Walls without plaster.

    Heating. Panel radiators are being installed, that is, there will be batteries.

    Window. Plastic or wooden frames, double-glazed windows. Most often plastic and white. With window sills. If you want a different color and with non-standard window sills, get ready to change the glazing.

    Doors. There will be no interroom. Entrance doors to all residents are installed the same. And then there are two options: very simple, easy and not inspiring confidence. Usually, buyers change them immediately after renovation, before moving into the apartment. If the front door from the developer suits the quality, it will be enough to change or add locks.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Rough finish
    Fine finishing

    You cannot enter an apartment with a rough finish immediately after accepting and receiving the keys. At the very least, you need to do the piping and put the toilet. Ideally, put in the floor, put in the bathroom, sink and faucets.

    Sockets and switches for finishing are mounted at the discretion of the developer. Therefore, if you want to move switches or sockets, it is much more convenient to do it before repair. That is, in the case of a rough finish.

    You may also just not like the shape of the sink and bathtub. And if the plumbing from the developer suddenly starts leaking or the sink suddenly cracks, you will have to redo everything.

    An apartment with a rough finish will give you the choice of how to plan everything inside, ideally according to your needs. After all, buying real estate is a serious matter, and it is not bought for a couple of years. Everyone wants to live in a beautiful and comfortable interior. And whichever finishing option you choose in the end, we have different tariffs for any request. You can see the prices.