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Alignment of concrete floor after fill. This will not tell a neighbor - how to align the concrete floor. Video - How to Align Concrete Paul Cement-Sand

If you plan to make a major overhaul in an old house, garage or bought an apartment in a new building, then before laying outdoor coverage (linoleum, laminate, tiles, carpet) You may have a question of how to align the concrete floor. There are several ways to align the concrete base. Many gender correction methods are easy to perform with their own hands. The main thing is to follow the sequence and technology of concrete floor alignment. To make it clear, each method is accompanied by a detailed video instruction.

When should I lease concrete floor?

Several concrete base defects, which require alignment:

  • If the floor is old, then it has cracks, chips, detachal and potholes. Before laying tiles, linoleum or carpet such defects need to be eliminated.
  • On the surface there are visible bugs, influx or pit. When laying an outdoor coating on them, the materials will definitely repeat the outlines of all irregularities, quickly wear out, will be detached or swollen.
  • Floor surface drops More than 5 mm, deviations of the floor level from the horizon also require alignment. Moreover, the correction of such a floor should be made when laying any coating (linoleum, tiles, carpet, laminate, parquet, etc.).

Concrete base correction methods

Depending on the state of the concrete base, one of the following alignment methods can be used:

  1. Cement screed device. The price of this method is the most acceptable. It can be done with his own hands and is suitable for bases with irregularities no more than 7 cm. This method is used for floors in the apartment, in a house or garage.
  2. Alignment with self-deemed compositions is also easy to cover their hands. This method is used with floors with a height drop no more than 5 cm. But on the self-leveling mixtures you can immediately lay linoleum, laminate, tile, carpet or parquet.
  3. Dry screed is another way of correction of concrete floor with significant irregularities. This method is suitable for dilapidated overlaps. Light materials will not heat the old house designs. The method can be used for floor insulation in the apartment, garage or in the country, since the screed of bulk materials contributes to additional sound and heat insulation of the floor.
  4. Sometimes concrete floor is aligned with plywood. This method is also characterized by an acceptable price and is suitable for performing with your own hands.

Preparation of concrete base

When choosing any way of correction of concrete floor, it is necessary to carefully prepare the basis. To do this, it is cleaned of garbage, paints, dust and fat are divened. In some cases, it is required to remove the upper layer of concrete using the grinding machine. After that, the dust is better to clean the industrial vacuum cleaner.

Seeling cracks

Before aligning the concrete floor, you need to carefully close all cracks. This is done in such a sequence:

  1. The floor in the apartment, home or garage should be inspecting and measuring the surface level of the construction level.
  2. Garbage and detached concrete cleaned.
  3. All detected cracks are expanding with a tool with a cutter or chisel and hammer. If milling will be performed, then cracks need to be expanded by 1.5-2 cm on each side and in depth.
  4. Dynamic (expanding) cracks are reinforced by dowels or pieces of fittings. For this, the milling channel is performed. Armature is laid in them.
  5. Then the floor is again cleaned from dust, wash and give to dry.
  6. The base surface and all cracks are processed by primer.
  7. For sealing cracks, we use a solution from cement of grade 400, liquid glass or PVA glue.
  8. Fill all cracks with the resulting solution, where milling was performed, and we are waiting for it to complete drying.
  9. If there are no drops in the height of the floor, then to align the surface remains a grinding machine. Otherwise, additional correction will be required with one of the four methods.

Tip: Bougras from a concrete base can be cut with a milling machine and a diamond end milling cutter.

Eliminating pit

Alignment of concrete floor can be made without a solid screed, for example, in the garage. To do this, it is enough to make the holes. Sometimes the pits are repaired before using the alignment methods described above, for example, with plywood. Works lead in that order:

  1. The surface of concrete in the pit is cut with a grinder to remove a loose dusting layer. All garbage and dust are collected by a construction vacuum cleaner.
  2. Then in the pit we fall asleep rubble small fraction.
  3. We prepare the epoxybetonic mixture according to the instructions on the package.
  4. The prepared solution is poured into the pit on crushed stone so that the mixture level is a pair of centimeters below the floor surface.
  5. An hour later, the mixture hardens and you can put the floor to the desired level. The dry surface of the putty is rubbed by sandpaper.

Self-confined composition

For surfaces with a height drop to 5 cm, special self-leveling mixtures can be used. They are sold in bags of 25 kg and prepare according to the manufacturer's instructions by adding water. Such formulations can be used for floors in the apartment, in the country or in the garage. The resulting surface will be perfectly smooth and suitable as the basis for linoleum, tile, carpet, laminate or parquet.

Tip: When the height drop is more than 3 cm, it is better to first use the basic self-leveling screed, and then fill a thin layer of the finishing of the bulk sex. Surface defects up to 3 cm can be eliminated by one bulk mixture, which will be the basis and faceplate.

Alignment of concrete floor with a self-determined composition is carried out in several stages (see video):

  1. After cleaning the floor and breaking the level of floor covering on the walls of the room we produce lightacits.
  2. The entire surface of the floor is coated with a primer solution of deep penetration. It will improve the adhesion of the mixture with a concrete basis.
  3. On the perimeter of the room on the walls, we glue the damper tape, which is needed to protect the coating from deformation damage.
  4. Cooking mortar. To do this, we add water to the dry mixture in the proportion specified by the manufacturer.
  5. The solution is pouring into the floor, starting with the room remote from the door. The mixture is reclocted by the rule and pass on the surface with a needle roller.
  6. After drying the floor, you can start laying the floor covering (linoleum, tiles, laminate, etc.).

Video about how to produce a fill of self-leveling composition with your own hands:

Cement strainer

Alignment of the floor in the garage or apartment can be done using a cement screed. This method is suitable for uneven grounds on the first floors of residential buildings. The process of performing such a screed is simple, so it can be made of hands. But note that the drying of the cement layer will need more time than on the hardening of the bulk sex from the method described above.

  1. First you need to clean the floor from garbage and dust, expand the cracks, primed and close with them.
  2. Then we make the markup of the first floor level on the walls of the room. At the marks stretch the cords. This will facilitate the process of installing beacons.
  3. We cut metal profiles along the length of the room and install them along the room, retreating from the walls of 30 cm. Pitch of the elements is chosen along the length of the rule. To mount the guides to the concrete base, use cement or gypsum solution. Using the level, exhibit all the profiles by the horizon (see video).
  4. We prepare cement-sandy solution and lay it between guides. The mixture is resurrected by the rules by profiles.
  5. In the first three days, the screed must be periodically moistened with water for uniform surface drying.
  6. After drying the screed, we take the lighthouses, process the holes with the primer and fill them with the cement mass.
  7. On the screed, you can lay the selected facial coating (linoleum, tile, carpet or laminate).

About how to align concrete floor in the garage or in the country with a cement screed, see the proposed video:

Dry screed

For equalization of very uneven floors, a dry screed is suitable. Its height can reach 7-10 cm. In this case, the load on the overlap is minimum, which allows not to overload the design of the house. This alignment method is suitable for any floor covering (carpet, linoleum, laminate, tile or parquet).

Whatever cover you have looked at the floor in your apartment, it is necessary to align the foundation. Then the linoleum, laminate or ceramic tile lay down beautifully and serves a long time. Different types of finishes have different surface quality requirements, so the alignment of the floor can be performed in several ways. The main materials serves Plywood, the same concrete, sometimes GVL. But before their laying in any case, preparation will be needed.

Correction of draft surfaces according to any of the following schemes requires evaluation and measurement of irregularities. This will help accurately calculate the level of alignment, in which the floor is needed from concrete, choose the optimal method for this and determine the number of building materials.

Rights in the apartment can be easily measured with a long rail. The two-meter bar is placed on a concrete base in different directions, and the detected vertical clearances are determined by the ruler. In panel houses such difficulties there are no smooth overlap themselves. Problems arise only if the plates initially laid incorrectly.

Before learning to align, the concrete floor should be cleaned thoroughly. After that, the base should be repaired if its state is unsatisfactory. All slots and chips should be covered or smeared with conventional tile glue. Bougras are better to bring down the chisel to reduce the consumption of leveling concrete mixtures or not damage to Phaneur.

System Lag.

The alignment of the floor with the help of lag is required with a large difference in the levels in neighboring rooms of the apartment - about 8-10 cm. Most often such work must be done when redeveloping the premises and the joining of the loggia, the floor of which is located lower than in residential rooms. In the role of Lag, the bars of 50x70 or 50x50 mm are suitable, which is convenient to mount plywood sheets.

Floor alignment lags. Instruction:

1. Prepare nests for anchors for transverse lags in a step of 60-70 cm.

2. Wooden crate from contact with concrete Protect the waterproofing layer.

3. To put on the floor of the bars every 50 cm, tightly press and fix the anchor bolts.

4. At the highest point of the transverse row, put the first longitudinal timber and align it, referring to the level. If the bar need to lift, use mounting wedges.

5. In parallel, laying the second timber from the opposite wall.

6. To lay intermediate lags in a step of 50 cm, align, checking them in terms of level.

7. Final stage - laying of plywood sheets on the floor. Instead of plywood under laminate, you can take a cheaper chipboard or sew bases.

If the apartment is cold, under the coating between the lags of the lower row, it is necessary to lay thermal insulation (minorvatu or polystyrene foam plates).

Dry screed

A quick and easy way to align the concrete floor when heights from 3 to 5 cm. To work, the bulk material of fine grinding is needed: clamzit, sand or slag, plywood sheets or GVL. Further technology is simple:

1. To put on the base pergamine or waterproofing film is not thinner than 200 microns. Sheets need to lay a mustache and with a bend on the walls of about 8 cm.

2. On the perimeter of the room glue the edge tape.

3. Install on the concrete floor of the lighthouses for alignment in accordance with the zero mark determined at the measurement. If you have everything in order with the eye meter, this stage can be skipped.

4. Fill the gaps between racks of a bulk mass. Any girlfriend tool to ravibly and align the sand.

5. Top to lay the paneur, chipboard or any other sheet material. Plywood for the floor must have a thickness of at least 1 cm.

Such a budget alignment, however, is sufficiently reliable under linoleum, carpet or laminate. It is impractical to use it only under the laying of the tile. With a relatively small height difference, it is easier to make a traditional tie.

Alignment of the floor plywood without lag can be performed, without pulling out the furniture from the room, but making everything in parts. But the main thing is the dry screed has good thermal insulating properties and does not require other heat insulation under the coating.

Bulk floor

Quite expensive way to self-aligning concrete floor. Due to the high cost of self-leveling mixtures and their large consumption per square meter of the square, it is advisable to apply such technology only with small irregularities up to 3 cm.

At the same time, cheaper cement-containing compositions (the T-45, Bepors funds) after frozen form a perfectly smooth surface under any coating - be it the hard boards of laminate or a thin linoleum without a substrate. And the polymer bulk floors (liquid linoleum) and themselves are an excellent finish finish.

When the concrete floor is ready for alignment, it must be covered with soil and give to dry about a day. While working with a leveling mixture in the apartment should be warm enough, but not hot. The optimal temperature is + 10-30 ° C.

Align the floor under linoleum with your own hands:

1. Dilute the leveling mixture with water according to the instructions and thoroughly stir the drill with a nozzle mixer. Leave for a couple of minutes so that the solution is good enough.

2. While in the first container, the composition is defended, cooking the second portion.

3. The finished solution is still mixed again and is poured onto a concrete floor with a narrow strip of about 30-40 cm - to make it convenient to align each portion with a spatula.

4. The mixture on the floor is rolled with a needle roller on a long handle and release air bubbles. It is especially thoroughly necessary to pump the boundaries of neighboring dams.

5. After filling the entire area, once again align the fresh composition with a roller. It is necessary to do everything for half an hour until the solution has time to grab.

6. After a couple of hours after the fill, cover the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe film. In this case, the new concrete floor will not dry too quickly, and the coating is not cracking.

In the case when a tile was chosen for decoration, it can be styled already 3 days after soaring the concrete floor. And with leveled under laminate or linoleum will have to wait about a week.

Tip: If the concrete coating failed to be thoroughly rolled with a needle roller, and small tuberculi appeared, they will be released to the sharpening stone.

Screed from concrete

In the apartments of the Old Foundation, this method of alignment is not applicable, as noticeably increases the load on the dilapidated bearing structures. But in a private house, and also on the first floor, the concrete screed of the floor is quite acceptable and inexpensive. The usual fill with concrete allows you to align the heights to 6 cm. Although this process is, of course, time-consuming and takes a lot of time.

Before filling the solution, the base must be coated with two layers of soil with complete drying of each. For this, the traditional concrete contact (TM Lacra) is used. According to the contour of the future screed, compensation seams leave, so there will be necessary to glue the damper on the floor and walls.

You can combine floor alignment with its insulation. To do this, the heat-insulating material (clay or polystyrene foam) and waterproofing is placed on the draft base. After all preparatory work, the leveling cement-sand tie is performed according to such a scheme:

1. Installation of beacons (metallic or cement) in increments of 1 to 3 m.

2. Preparation of solutions for alignment. For it, 1 part of the cement and 3-4 pieces of sand will be required. To facilitate the screed and reduce the thermal conductivity of concrete, the sand can be partially replaced by small granules of clay.

3. Laying on the floor of the finished composition in the intervals between the beacons and its smoldering by a wide range.

4. Re-primer.

5. Apply a thin layer of a leveling mixture if the floor is necessary to align the floor perfectly. From using the finish fill, the screed can be abandoned by replacing it with more laborious, but completely free grout.

All "wet" leveling processes to fulfill themselves will be difficult - the cement solution quickly freezes, so it is worth inviting a partner or find a way to align the floor under the laminate without a screed.

Choosing a method for aligning concrete surfaces, first of all, you need to navigate the thickness of the required layer. Naturally, it is less, the cheaper and faster it is possible to fix the units of builders. In any case, align the concrete floor will be easier than to regularly change the linoleum or cracked laminate on the beatings.

The smooth floor is the basis of quality repairs and allow the owner to fully experience the comfort of the house or apartment. This reduces the risk of irregularities and obtain any injury. Therefore, so that the entire further repair is perfect, you need to know how to align the concrete floor. The task is quite difficult, but if you do everything right, then quite real.

Preparatory work

Before aligning the cement floor, you need to properly prepare for work and spend some important events. They will help significantly reduce the cost of time and save the wizards from additional difficulties.

Before spending the alignment of concrete floors, you must select the required materials and tools. It is from their quality that will depend on the attraction, as well as the convenience of gender. Another important factor in the success of the leveling process is a clear observance of all stages of work and taking into account the advice of professionals. They will help beginners not only to avoid most mistakes, but also to perform work in the shortest possible time.

Professionals advise the following:

Choosing materials and tools

As a rule, the tool is used to align the concrete screed, which is easily found in the household. It can also be borrowed from neighbors familiar or rent in special services.

For quick and high-quality execution of the task, you will need:

  • building level;
  • putty knife;
  • perforated corners (will be used as beacons);
  • a bucket or a deep basin to mix cement mortar;
  • construction mixer or electric drill.

If the surface is not new, then it is necessary to carry out its sweeping and cleaning from dust. In the latter case, a building vacuum cleaner will need. It will help remove the smallest dust and prepare the surface better.

One of the most important stages of preparation is the choice of a mixture to align the floor or its manufacturer. The second option is less preferred, since in the mixing process you can miss one of the components or apply it to more. This property properties will change dramatically, which can lead to a low quality of the work performed.

For alignment of floors in ordinary apartments, you need to use cement-based mixtures. If the repaired room is constantly a high level of humidity, it is best to use a solution on a plaster basis. It is moisture-proof and is not afraid of sharp drops.

Methods of alignment

Before aligning the concrete screed, you must select the most suitable method for the room. It depends on many factors, such as temperature, humidity and premises.

There are three main methods of floor alignment, which are often used when repairing the premises. They are among them:

  1. With cement-sand composition.
  2. Using dry compositions.
  3. The use of self-leveling mixtures.


This screed version is considered universal and most commonly used. It received its popularity thanks to the cheaper and availability of materials used, which can be easily found in any construction store. Alignment with cement-sand composition is a rather time-consuming and long-term occupation. However, for such work, you can not invite specialists, but to cope with our own.

This method allows to achieve high strength and reliability of the coating. It should be borne in mind that the mixture can be laid with a layer with a thickness of at least 3 cm. Otherwise, the screed will not be reliable and can collapse.

The procedure for performing work:

Dry screed

This method of alignment of the floor is made using mixtures consisting of quartz sand, granulate, polystyrene foam, ceramisit. Any moisture-resistant material, plywood, chipboard, fiberboard can be used as the main material. The finished screed not only aligns the floor, but also additionally hesitates, and also sounds the room. Because of these properties, it is often used to repair apartments in a high-rise building.

This work is performed quite simple and even a beginner will easily cope with it. Among the positive moments of the dry screed should be noted by such:

  1. Small time spent on work.
  2. The possibility of laying the coating immediately after the end of the alignment process.
  3. If necessary, you can put the wiring or pipes inside the screed.
  4. For the preparation of the solution, you do not need to use liquid.
  5. The possibility of performing work alone.

A large number of advantages makes this method of floor alignment one of the most popular. Professionals advise to divide the entire surface on separate squares and work gradually.

The process of performing such an alignment is simple and consists of the following steps:

During operation, some unforeseen problems may arise. The most commonly occurs the situation when the master must move the material sheet to another place. However, such actions are not recommended, since it is possible to break the uniformity of the leveling layer and get the field curve. In such cases, only return to the initial stage of work can correct the situation.

Self-leveling mixture

In modern construction, special solutions are used to equalize the floor, which are independently spread over the surface and are evenly distributed over it. Such mixtures are made on the basis of cement with the addition of modifiers that contribute to obtaining a more liquid consistency.

After such an alignment, it is necessary to sharpen on the floor of linoleum, carpet or tile. If this is not done, the surface of the mixture will absorb various liquids that will result in rapid destruction of the coating.

Floor alignment is as follows:

Alignment of concrete floor is a rather difficult and energy consumption. In some cases, it can stretch not for one week. With the right approach to the case and compliance with all the recommendations of professionals, it is possible to significantly simplify the entire process and fulfill it in the shortest possible time. Perform the task yourself on your own for each owner.


During the repair, the mandatory need is the alignment of the outdoor concrete base. Since it is possible to align concrete floor in various ways, you should choose the most suitable one. Experts say that there is nothing difficult in this. It is enough to purchase the necessary materials, of course, first of all certain knowledge. What is the alignment of the basic floor base, if it is still subsequently covered with finishing material? So that the base in the end had a perfectly smooth surface. The horizontal, for example, the laid parquet directly depends on the quality of the draft base.

Conducting work

List of materials and tools used to level outdoor base:

  • water;
  • composition for alignment;
  • electrode, concrete mixer (if there is such an opportunity);
  • needle roller;
  • level, rule;
  • capacity for the preparation of an aligning mixture;
  • polyethylene material;
  • spatula with a trowel;
  • the shoes are paintaining.

Phased work on the equalization of concrete base:

  • After preparing tools and material, the old base is cleaned. Be sure to close all the cracks, the dirt is removed, dust. You can use a vacuum cleaner.
  • The next stage is the processing of the base in the primer material of deep penetration. This is necessary to increase the adhesion.
  • Next, the surface is dried during the day. Only then the concrete floor alignment is carried out with their own hands.

Experienced specialists advise, on the perimeter of the room of the walls, shook a specialized tape so that the used solution for the screed is used.

Move on the floor-bounted floor is necessary in a special shoe, which is called kraskostups.

Choice, calculation of the casting material

To date, the construction market is filled with multi-way equalizing compositions for concrete floor grounds, of which many types of mixtures are self-leveling
. If you want to level the base, you can make a solution based on cement.

To calculate the required volume of the solution to fill the floor base in the apartment, it is necessary to first measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which work will be performed, as well as to decide on the required screed thickness. For example, if you need to lift the surface in an apartment for 1 cm, then for 1 meter square it will take about 13-16 kg of dry mixture. We take the average number of 15 kg per 1 m2 and multiply on the floor area. Accordingly, if the thickness of the screed is 2 cm, then the area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is multiplied by 30 kg.

Installation of Mayakov

To determine the highest point of the floor in the room, the level will be needed. After determining the maximum and minimum point, the thickness of the screed is calculated. All over the perimeter of the room in the apartment put markers, focusing on the highest point on the walls. Blind a horizontal line with a lacing. To do this, you can use thin rails made of wood. It will be much easier to control the level of pouring the screed.

Capacity for the preparation of the work maker should be absolutely clean. It is falling asleep the required amount of dry mixture, and then water is gradually poured.

If the manufacture of the solution is carried out from the acquired dry mixture, then it is necessary to make mixing it in the factory instruction printed on the package. At different manufacturers, the composition of the mixtures can differ significantly. And if the mixture add an extra amount of water into the mixture, then the base of the floor will begin to crack. On the contrary, if the required amount of water is noticed in the mixture, the solution will be too thick, as a result of which the working structure will lose the plasticity and work with it is inconvenient.

Working with self-leveling compositions

Alignment of concrete floor is carried out in several ways shown below.

Bulk way

Fast, easy alignment method. Its essence is the fill of the outdoor base with a liquid solution made on a cement basis. Such a mass spreads independently, evenly, quickly dries. A layer of such a screed is made up to 3.5 cm. This method is relatively inexpensive, and the screed is sufficient quality. One disadvantage: This method is not suitable for grounds that have serious irregularities.

Lineama alignment

One of the most popular methods of alignment. The resulting floor has high strength, quality and long operational period. For work, metal or wooden rails will be needed. This method is perfect for the leveling of complex surfaces. The main disadvantage - such a floor will dry for a long time. This may be needed about one month.

Installation of perforated metal corners is carried out along the room 0.3 meters from the wall. This is how the first and last rails are styled, while others are mounted in one meter step. The mounting of the rivers is performed using cement-plaster mixture, which is superimposed on a concrete base. The corners are put on top. When the solution freezes, the formed empties are poured.

Tile way

This method is used to perform an outdoor screed for ceramic tiles. There are more solutions on uneven areas.

Extension of the surface

In this case, it will take the use of wooden lags, plywood sheets. In such a design, we can position the communication systems, thermal insulation products. Extension is rarely used, because it is a rather time-consuming and expensive way.

If the base of the base floor is up to 3.5 cm, the alignment of the concrete base can be performed by the method of increasing or in bulk. With a bias of more than 3.5 cm, the alignment is carried out by lighthouses. If most of the base plane is smooth, errors are observed only near the walls, you can do the perforator. With its help, irregularities are knocked down, after which they are lubricated with mortar.

other methods

For alignment of the base, a self-leveling mixture is used. It is bred by water, according to the manufacturer's instructions. After the fill of a certain amount of the mixture, it is recreated using a needle roller. This is done to remove air bubbles remaining in solution. The roller is selected depending on the planned screed thickness: the needles length should be greater than the height of the layer of the applied solution.

Dry screed

On a concrete base, wooden lags are pre-coated with polyethylene film. They are mounted with anchors, special metal plates. Laying the adjacent lag is produced at a distance of 0.5 meters, from the wall you need to retreat by 5 cm. Wedges can be leaned for alignment. The fastening of materials to the base is carried out by self-draws. After laying thermal insulation materials, plywood sheets are mounted, which are also attached with the help of self-tapping screws.

Tips for specialists about how to align concrete floor:

  • Experienced masters are recommended when using any method of alignment of the outdoor base in the apartment, always take into account the temperature regime of the room.
  • Be sure to prevent the formation of drafts at the time of work.
  • When diluting the leveling mixture, it must be stirred thoroughly so that no lumps remain.
  • The working mixture must represent a completely homogeneous mass.
  • If there is no possibility to be found in the solution to get a concrete mixer, you can use the electric drill, but for this, it is necessary to purchase a specialized mixing nozzle.
  • When mixing the solution with an electric door, it is necessary to set it up for minimal rev.. Only in this case, you can achieve a good mixing of the mixture.
  • The nozzle can be made with your own hands. It will take a piece of thick wire. She needs to provide the shape of the blades.
  • To better control the quality of the casting of the leveling solution, the level is fixed on a long rail.

If you comply with all the rules, listen to the advice of experienced masters, the alignment of the sex surface in your apartment can be performed high quality and do it yourself.

Alignment of the concrete floor without the help of hired specialists is not so complicated if approaching it "armed" certain knowledge. We will understand how you can perform this process yourself.

Why do you want to level the floors?

Outdoor concrete coating Nowadays can be seen in commercial premises, and industrial facilities, and in residential rooms. It has a lot of useful characteristics, but to use them is obtained only when concrete bases are qualitatively aligned. The most common defects of floors from concrete are the following flaws:

  • small "waves", called zyaby, which appear after the rule;
  • smooth repeated changes in the floor level - wave differences;
  • enhance (local) floor levels - influx.

With prolonged operation of poor-quality equipped concrete grounds, cracks, as well as cavity and lenses - lowering (local) floor levels are often formed. Sometimes on its surface, protruding slices of rubble filler appear, which indicate the destruction of the coating. All voiced defects lead to irregularities on the floor, which are able to cause human injury, the impossibility of a reliable installation of equipment used in everyday life and in the kitchen, furniture.

And from aesthetic point of view, uneven floor covering, you see, does not attach the premises of beauty. To avoid these inconvenience, the literate alignment of the floor is required with their own hands. Such a procedure conducted qualitatively, in addition, will make it possible to achieve a high level of noise, hydro and thermal insulation of the floor covering. The alignment of the concrete base is carried out by arranging a screed, which can be made with a wet or dry way.

In the first case, it is mandatory to use a special composition for alignment with the addition of water. With a dry method for applied dry mixtures. The choice of optimal technology for each specific case is based on the state of the initial flooring and the height differences available on the floor of the room. Usually, cement-sand formulations, "dry" compositions and self-leveling mixtures are used for screed. About them and talk further.

Cement-sand composition - classic alignment

The screed based on sand and cement is considered a classic and very effective way of giving floors of the desired "evenness." It is recommended for the premises where the platform level difference is five or more centimeters. The technology of the cement-sand tie is characterized by certain difficulties and the high complexity of the process.

But it can be performed independently in any residential room - in the bedroom, corridor, in the kitchen, and be confident in the strength and excellent reliability of the resulting coating. It is only important to remember that the thickness of the prepared mixture should be at least three centimeters. With a lesser thickness, the strength indicators of the screed will be unsatisfactory. Tell how to align the concrete floor with a mixture of sand, cement and water.

First you need to remove all dirt from it and accumulated dust, erase stains from oil solutions that were used when performing construction or repair work. Then the waterproofing material is stacked on the floor - it can be any. At this stage, it is important to smoke the joints of waterproofing well, and leave the allowances near the walls. Next, beacons are installed using the level. For their installation, the profiles of metal are used, fixed on the floor by plaster solidification solutions.

Between the guides of the executed "frame", the distance takes to one meter, not more. With a larger distance, it will be difficult to pour it on the mixture. The sand-cement mixture is prepared from cement M-300, conventional sand and water. Now, no one does this solution. Some more convenient to buy dry ready-made mixes and add water to them for the proportions that are recommended by the material manufacturer.

Stir the composition is very carefully. It is best to do a construction mixer. The finished solution should not be spread, but at the same time on an even base, it is obliged to break slightly. Note - the mixture is applied after stirring for 60-90 minutes (otherwise it simply hardens). Moreover, it is necessary to prepare it immediately to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Cement-sand tie - we work carefully

The prepared solution is beginning to fill the room between the beacons from the far corner. It is necessary to immediately jump the composition after applying each individual portion, using the rule. Move it to yourself, not from myself. The rule should also be "scattered" the mixture on the sides (some rolls it exclusively along the guides, which is incorrect) to achieve a good sealing of the screed layer and filling out existing voids.

Professionals also advise to calculate the applied metallic rod of a small diameter. Such a simple action will avoid the risk of the appearance of air emptiness in the screed. If the mixture of sand and cement makes a large thickness, it is desirable to strengthen the reinforcement of the reinforcement from the convenient (existing one) material. In addition, it is recommended to cut special seams in it (they are called shrinkage) every 250-300 cm. Long interruptions when laying cement-sand composition should be avoided.

If you are noting, "cold seams" will be guaranteed on the surface. They will significantly reduce the strength indicators of the finished layer. For this reason, the alignment of the floor should be performed not alone, but with an assistant. Putting the entire cement-sandy solution, it is left for 24 hours, and then with the help of a pulverizer or a roller for painting work is carefully wetted. After 48-60 hours it will be necessary to check how well it grabbed.

After that, the screed is again moisturized and placed on it a polyethylene film. It protects the floor from rapid drying, fraught with cracks. Over the next 7-8 days, once a day, it is necessary to clean the screed with water. And then the film is cleaned and leave the floor to dry in vivo for another 1-2 weeks. On the card performed in the kitchen or in another room, you can safely lay the floor covering that you chose. But first make sure that the screed is performed efficiently.

If everything was done correctly, the floor surface has a homogeneous gray color, and when climbing it from a tree, it makes the same sound in all parts of the room. We hope that we explained quite clearly how to align the concrete floor by applying a wet mix of sand and cement. This technique can be used in all accommodations of housing, including in the kitchen and even on the street (on open verandahs, terraces). We add that the finished surface is allowed to be additionally polished. This procedure does not make sense to produce if the coating was done on the street. But for residential rooms, it will not be superfluous.

Grinding is performed by a special unit (machine), which quickly and high qualityly aligns all minor irregularities.

Dry screed - how to align floors without water?

More "clean" alignment of the floor with their own hands is carried out with the help of mixtures consisting of granulate, quartz sand, crumples or polystyrene foam, and DVP, chipboard, dry-fiber moisture-resistant sheet materials or conventional plywood. Such a screed sounds additionally and insulates the room, so it is used in the kitchen or hall in the apartments of multi-storey houses. Alone to make this alignment is easy to even very far from the construction of a person.

Advantages of dry screed:

  • fast operation and the possibility of laying the selected floor coating immediately after the end of the leveling operations;
  • no need to use water to mix the solution;
  • it is allowed to install engineering communications inside the screed;
  • works can be done without helpers, performing them gradually on small areas of individual areas of the room.

In addition, the dry screed makes it possible not to take care of the need for additional arrangement of the systems of sound and thermal insulation of the floor.

The scheme how to align the concrete floor according to this technology is as follows:

  • the base is thoroughly cleaned;
  • the waterproofing material is stacked - a 50 micron film from polyethylene (before it is desirable to prejudice the surface);
  • scatter dry mixture on the film and evenly distribute it;
  • put the plywood, sheets of gypsum or chipboard, bonding them with each other with glue and self-drawing;
  • ground the resulting screed and remove excessive film (cutting off its protruding parts).

Works are performed fast enough. The problem you may have only so that the sheets are forbidden to move along the layer of the leveling dry material. So, it is required to put them on the scheduled place from the first time.

Bulk floors - an affordable and convenient method of alignment

If in your kitchen or in another room, the floor level difference is relatively small - up to three centimeters, it is recommended to align their special mixtures that themselves diverge on the surface. Similar compositions today are very popular. They are manufactured on the basis of cement, in which additive modifiers, increasing the fluidity of the solution.

Such self-leveling coatings cannot be operated "bare" - without flooring on them ceramic tiles, PVC materials, linoleum, corks or carpet. If you decide to use, for example, in the kitchen, be sure to make their finishing finish with the specified materials. Otherwise, they will actively absorb oils and various liquids.

How to align the floor with your own hands using a self-adjustable composition? It is completely easy. Adhere to this scheme:

  • read the foundation - remove dirt from it, vacuuming, close even the smallest holes and cracks;
  • clean the primer (special primer composition) surface;
  • prepare the manufacturer's instructions a small portion of the mixture (it becomes unsuitable for use after 15-20 minutes);
  • apply with 30-50-centimeters by width strips, self-leveling solution on the floor and distribute it with a spatula.

Now just wait until the mixture does not completely freeze (from 6 to 24 hours).