Repairs Design Furniture

How to reflect the hall. Hall Design: Best Interior Ideas for Apartments. Development of individual design projects

In an apartment or private house, the living room occupies a special place. This room is most often used to receive guests. Also, this room can be multifunctional and combined several zones. The situation should have rest and be presentable. It is very important to carefully think about the design to be comfortable and cozy.

For the design of the hall in the apartment you can use the following interior styles:

Description of styles

Classic style - It is, above all, comfortable furniture, light pastel tones and soft lines. Furniture should be made of natural materials with gold-plated elements and a dear cloth. The massive crystal chandelier on the ceiling - will be an ideal illumination option, add solemnity to the situation. The curtains on the windows should be on the wallpaper. The cloth is better to take a satin, expensive. The walls usually decorate the paintings and large mirrors, in the center of the hall you need to put a carpet. For receiving guests You need to think about the table, it should be made only from natural materials.

If you are missing something in such a room, put a flooring or a beautiful lamp, hang on the wall of the sconce. Natural flowers There will be an additional decoration of the living room. Do not forget, everything must match the selected style.

High Tech Style For the arrangement of the living room, practical people apply. There must be a minimum of furniture and maximum comfort and comfort. The color of the walls should visually expand the living room space, cold and light shades are suitable. From materials, preference is given to metal, glass, steel and aluminum. The presence of bright accessories will make a room for a festive, festive.

Modern - Style for bold people who are not afraid to experiment. This affects everything: wall color, decor items, furniture. Forms and sizes can be completely unpredictable, lines - strict, smooth, asymmetrical and round. From the finishing materials, the preference is given to glass, metal, plastic and plaster. The main focus is on the sofa - He must ask the mood to the whole interior. The hall or living room must be equipped with the most modern technique.

Very expensive and therefore rarely found in the interior of the living room. Colors are used in gentle, pastel; Materials - only luxury and expensive. It is impossible to save here. In the living room must be elements of the English style. These include a massive bookcase and the same armchair that will have a high and wide back. The presence of a wooden fireplace is obligatory, then the hall will be completed. Do not forget about expensive fabrics that the furniture should be inhanced. From lamps - chandelier, sconce and lamp.

Loft style uncompressed. It combines modern interior design items with unfinished repairs: pipeline, brick masonry, neakkurat plaster. Such style suitable for apartment studiowhere at least two windows. Separate the room on the zone can be a glass partition, which is very relevant for the loft. The focus is on the sofa: chic, leather or covered with dear cloth. In addition to it, the chairs will go, you can unusual forms. As decorations can be vintage, valuable things, such as:

  • chest;
  • rocking chair;
  • metal candlesticks;
  • kerosene lamp;
  • samovar.

Decorating the living room objects of the antiquity, don't forget about modern needs Any person is a plasma screen of a large diagonal and a modern speaker system.

Gallery: Interior Design Hall (25 photos)

Interior of the hall in the house

Create a modern building of the audience wants everyone. The process covers wall decoration, ceiling, floor. For final design you need to buy furniture, equipment and different little things that will be add-on.

The living room can be saved by wallpaper, the choice of which is treated today. You can apply decorative plaster, which will be more universal and safe. Liquid wallpapers are suitable. For design in English style and not only you can build beautiful wooden handmade panels.

Ceiling in the rustic style, in the style of country, in theory, should cross the wooden beams. It is not worth worrying because of their presence. In the country house the ceiling can be:

  • suspended;
  • stretched;
  • painted;
  • saved;
  • plasterboard multi-level.

For floor decoration room Natural materials are used: stone, wood. But more familiar in our time will be such materials as: parquet, carpet, tile, laminate, linoleum. What a floor material preferred, depend only on your preferences and selected style.

In the daytime, the windows can provide the lights and what is more, the greater the light and heat. In a country house, the hall can have windows to the floor. With curtains you can emphasize or complement the interior. For each interior, the design of the windows is individually. Here can be: curtains, curtains, Roman curtains, blinds or something else. The living room should be cozy and chic.

Making repairs, you can purchase furniture. Its number directly depends on the size of the room. The interior design necessarily includes a sofa, to it - a couple of chairs and pouf. Journal or dining table, and better - a transformer table, and to him chairs. There must be cabinets for storage of things, servers for dishes, shelves. In such things appreciates functionality, they should not take a lot of space. Walls will decorate the paintings -proproduction of any interior.

Repair - the process of responsible, especially ate deal concerns radical change. The design of the main room at home is important. It is here that the whole family is going for the holidays, watching the movies, resting after work. It is very important to competently pick up a good interior. The first thing to pay attention to the design of the hall is the tastes of family members, and not fashion trends. Fashion varies, and each year it is not possible to cross the wallpaper every year. Therefore, you should be guided by your preferences and choose a classic style, then the design will be relevant for many years.

Choosing the design for the hall must be focused on the properties of the color and taste.

So for example, the red color is alarming and fear. Therefore, if the family is going to the living room often, it is not worth making it. Orange also provokes active activity. In general, designers do not recommend doing the hall too "screaming." It is better to stop the choice on neutral, natural shades. Also should be given to the attention of furniture, accessories and lighting.

The furniture should be placed like this:

  1. The sofa or chair should stand in the recreation area.
  2. Opposite the recreation area you need to place modern technique.
  3. From the bulky wall it is better to refuse, replacing it on the rack.
  4. In the dining area you need to put the table and chairs.
  5. It will not be superfluous.

Speaking of outdoor coverage, it is appropriate to laminate or parquet, a beautiful carpet. Carpets visually make the main room in the house warmer and more cozy. More, youth appearance will give Kavrolin. When choosing accessories, it is necessary to prefer things made in the same style direction as the whole interior. You should not overstat the room with a decor, it is always inappropriate and declares the absence of taste. As for the light, it should be enough, it should not be too bright, but at the same time must create a feeling of solemnity. It is important that the situation is harmonious and comfortable.

How to make repair in the hall

Whatever cozy living room in the apartment, sooner or later, an understanding of it is time to start repairs. Most people repairs start from the hall, and this is understandable after all it is here that the family meets guests, going for lunches, dinners and rests. For proper repairs, it is necessary to draw up a plan of action, stock patience and buy high-quality building materials.

The instruction looks like this:

  1. First of all, you need to decide how the hall will look like. This will be helped by photo interiors, or help professional designer. In the second case, you will have to spend money.
  2. The next stage is the preparation of the estimates and purchase of building materials. It is necessary to choose carefully, it will help to save financially.
  3. Next begins directly repair. You need to start from the ceiling. This is the most complex zone and if there is no confidence in your abilities, it is better to attract masters. Then you need to do floors. It is important to remember that each type of floor covering is laid in a special way and before installation, you need to familiarize yourself with the instructions. The last step is the wall decoration. What will be the decoration of the walls depends on the individual taste.
  4. At the final stage, it is necessary to place the furniture, decorate the window, add accessories, colors, interesting trifles.

A little patience, efforts, cash investments and the new hall will be ready for reception.

Instructions, how to make repairs in the hall: sequence of work

First of all, you need to fulfill all the dusty work. If the rooms are adjacent, the partitions are put or demolished, the arches are put or removed. Such work must be coordinated to BTI. The next step will be a rough finish. Dismantling of old finishing materials from the walls and ceiling. And at the final stage, finishing is performed. After repair, you can decorate the living room, the new interior can be given originality using the stretch ceiling arranged on one of the walls.

He can be:

  • White smooth;
  • Colorful non-standard;
  • With photo printing.

Bold designer move - mount the stretch ceiling, not at the top of the room, and on the wall. This move will help make the focus on one wall and give the room with a lounge of chic and sophistication.

What repair can be done in the hall: Living room finishing options

How to make repairs efficient and most quickly? We make repairs in modern 9-storey or in "Khrushchev" deliberately. Start, as they said better from the ceiling.

In the room you can apply different material:

  1. Wallpaper. This is the most economical solution. The situation is huge, different colors, textures, textures allow you to experiment and create an incredibly beautiful background.
  2. Paint. Ceiling painting is also an economical option, in specialized stores you can find a lot of coloring and textures.
  3. The polystyrene foam tile is also a profitable solution.
  4. Suspended ceiling. More expensive option, but it looks very beautiful, durable, practical.

Finishing walls, examples in pictures are presented on the site. Options for finishing material for vertical surfaces are also a lot.

It may be:

  • Paint;
  • Wallpaper;
  • Decorative plaster;
  • Plasterboard;
  • Panels;
  • Designer stone.

What material will be selected, depends on the style of the room, the taste of the owner and the budget, which can be spent on the repair.

As for the flooring, the options may be such:

  • Laminate;
  • Parquet;
  • Cork floor;
  • Linoleum;
  • Bulk sex;
  • Ceramic tile;
  • Carpet.

For the hall, it is best to choose a laminate or parquet, at worst, you can stop the choice on the plug or carpet. If the repair is done for the first time, the video and real step-by-step photos will help.

Modern renovation in the hall: ideas for a small living room

A small living room requires close attention during repairs. The room can be less than 10 squares and there is a not easy task, finishing, visual expansion of the space and furniture device, interior items. If the room is small, then the ceiling must be made white. A good option is a glossy surface. The game of light on the ceiling will help to visually increase the size of the room. The perfect solution is point lights, it is better to refuse the ceiling chandelier.

In the room you should use light colors, in no case will not fit:

  • The black;
  • Blue;
  • Burgundy;
  • Red.

When choosing a color, it is better to use a narrow color spectrum. As for the drawing, it is possible to take a horizontal strip. It visually raises the ceiling. Paul should also be light. Textiles on the window should be light translucent, no heavy curtains. The hall may present mirror surfaces, this turn will also increase the space. And transparent furniture creates the impression of its absence, which will also strengthen the visual effect of volume.

Repair hall (video)

The living room is the most public place from the rest of the rooms, its design is designed to show the preferences of the owners, and also impress guests. Therefore, the choice of interior design of the hall requires special attention. Registration must be in itself both the functional and aesthetic component, help relax after the working day in a family circle or take guests. The correctly selected interior option of the hall in the apartment will help allocate advantages and hide the disadvantages of the room.

Hall without exaggeration can be called the most important room in the house

A variety of directions allows you to get a design for every taste. For a small room, minimalism is suitable, and for some advanced High-tech hosts. But the interior of the living room in the apartment with a large square or in its own house can be issued in the classics and with a scope.


The design of the classic style hall is brightly expressed by luxurious furnishings, decor and interior decoration. Products in the style of Baroque with gold-plated elements, smooth forms and natural wood fit well.

The classic interior is perfect for spacious rooms with large windows.

Each part of the scenery and finishes should emphasize the luxury. A real or fake fireplace with decorative stucco, classic paintings in gilded frames. Textiles for furniture and curtains must be made of noble fabrics: velvet and atlas for curtains; Jacquard, velor, brocade for upholstery.
The mandatory attribute is the suspension chandelier, made under the old old. Together with the decorative modeling, it will add the accuracy of the room.


In modern, unusual design solutions are dominant, asymmetric options for decorating and finishing, contrasting colors, adding elements from other styles.

Modern perfectly combines practicality and functionality

For modernity, a bias is characterized in the functionality of furniture and decor elements. The main focus creates a large comfortable sofa, made in simple forms. The main features are convenience and functionality. The uniqueness of the design gives non-standard accommodation of accessories and decoration.

Style does not like excessive scenery, but houseplates welcome

Modern is equally suitable for spacious and small living rooms. Depending on the available area, different design tricks can be applied to visually increase or decrease the space.

High tech

High-tech style is popular, especially in advanced youth. It implies the most functional use of space. The room should be abandoned from an excess decor. It is understood by the use of modern smart techniques.

Perhaps in high-tek there is not enough soulfulness, but here there is nothing superfluous

Furniture is often embedded, metal and glass protrude as the main materials. The color scheme should prevail white, gray and black colors and their shades. In all design, High-tech traced the domination of strict straight lines.

flooring should be monophonic, without any ornaments and drawings

High-tech will suit modern business people. Thanks to the optimal use of the area, it is ideal for limited area.


Living room design Minimalism is perfect for small rooms. It implies minimum furniture, the minimum availability of decor, proportionality in the interior, straight lines and angles, are mainly bright colors. All this helps to make the most effectively use the area and create the effect of visual expansion of space.

Minimalism sacrifices decorative in favor of practicality, as a result, a peculiar "silent" aesthetics of forms and lines is obtained

Furniture in a minimalist living room is selected simple, geometrically correct, monophonic. Curtains on the windows should not stand out, so they take several tones more excellent from the walls. Fit rolled models well.

The color palette of minimalism is a few neutral colors, mostly natural origin

The finish is required to do one-photon. For this suit smooth plaster, wood, wallpaper. It is not recommended to have extra decorations. Accent can make a contrast picture or photo.


Loft is not suitable for lifting rooms, it requires a space without unnecessary partitions, high ceilings, large windows. In the interior of Loft, a cozy and convenient atmosphere of the attic is created:

  • walls made under coarse plaster or brickwork;
  • wooden beams as a decor element;
  • wooden or laminate floor.

Loft allows you to combine old things, furniture with new technique. It is often chosen creative personality. The room must be a big soft and comfortable sofa with pillows and plaids. Pictures in modern techniques also look good. Chandeliers do not particularly fit into such a style, sofa or ordinary lamps hanging on wires are much better.

Loft Hall is an interior for those who keep up with the times and watch the fashionable novelties.

Style includes incompatible, at first glance, elements

Textiles may include skin, felt, suede. The windows should be made as low as possible. To do this, use short cotton curtains or blinds.


Provence presents, a kind of, provincial version of the classical design. It is characterized by light pastel colors, wallpapers with natural motifs, refined old or aged furniture, handmade products.

Provence looks like a classic, but it is distinguished by simplicity of decorations and a provincial charm

Bright colors visually increase the room, so Provence is suitable for a small hall. Provence creates a cozy bright atmosphere of a country French house by the sea. It is this situation that contributes to relaxation and recreation in a family or friends.

The finish can be made by plaster, paint, mimic brick (necessarily light). Light wallpaper with floral motifs also apply. For sex, natural materials are used: a tree or parquet. Cheap coating, imitating wood, can spoil the whole design. Furniture and decorative things can be decorated with carvings.

Style of everything naturally, so there must be more natural materials

For decoration use various wicker baskets, knitted napkins or capes. For curtains take natural fabric, decorated with embroidery or pattern. The main rule in color design is to choose two or maximum three main colors and most of the surfaces are performed only in these colors and their shades. Family photos of how it is impossible to complement the decoration.

Decoration and decoration hall

After selecting the style, it should be focused on the decoration of the hall and the subsequent decoration. A complex finish is better to assign masters, as it is the most important part of the work. With a shortage of experience or knowledge, you can easily spoil the conceived living room decor.

Wall Decoration Materials

When choosing a finish option, first of all, you need to consider the features of the selected style.

Minimalist interiors fit light colored walls

In addition, it is worth considering the positive and negative sides of the materials for their successful combination:

Material pros Minuses
Paint waterproof;
easily clean;
it is not difficult to repaint.
high paint costs;
Wallpaper just stick;
a large selection of colors, textures;
hide defects;
mostly inexpensive.
relatively short service life;
Decorative plaster unique view;
wear-resistant coating;
hides flawswalls;
requires additional skills or involve a master;
costs for additional coating of plaster with paint or varnish.
Wood environmental friendliness;
good sound insulation;
just clean from contamination.
high price;
humidity poorly tolerate;
Decorative brick or stone naturalness;
stylishly looks;
no moisture is afraid.
high price;
complexity of installation;
Surrounding helps visually increase the hall; quickly contaminated.

Without wallpaper, it is almost impossible to do in classic and rustic interiors


For sex in the hall, almost any materials satisfy. Here it is necessary to take into account your preferences, features of the style and, of course, financial opportunities.

The most budget option is a linoleum imitating any floor covering.

The most common options for the floor:

  1. Laminate. It looks perfectly imitating wood, besides easily and quickly mounted. However, a perfectly smooth floor is required to install.
  2. Parquet. It keeps well and looks great, but it will be more expensive and need to hire an expert.
  3. Ceramic tile. It has a good view and practicality. The disadvantages include the complexity of the installation, cold and slippery floor.
  4. Linoleum. A small price speaks in his favor, but you should carefully choose the manufacturer, as many low-quality products. Also easy to install.
  5. Carpet. Very easy to install, well insulates the floor and at the same time relatively cheap. But requires constant cleaning, as dust collects greatly.
  6. Bulk floor. It is distinguished by practicality and unique design. However, it is not suitable for everyone and has an increased price.

Ceiling design

The choice of the desired material will help to emphasize the positive aspects of the room and hide the shortcomings. For example, for a small living room, a stretch glossy ceiling is often used due to its properties illusively increase the room size. For the large hall, multi-level structures are suitable, thanks to which you can divide the visual room to the zones.

Much depends on the height of the ceiling, if it is low - sufficiently smooth light coverage

More expensive and technically complex elements, such as stucco and art painting, will suit the luxurious classic interior. This option will perfectly complement a large crystal chandelier.

Materials for the ceiling:

Material Benefits disadvantages
Plasterboard ecologicaly clean;
easily bend, therefore it is suitable for creating various curved forms;
allows you to hide under construction wiring, air conditioning system.
not suitable for lowapartments;
Stretch ceiling wear-resistant;
easy to care;
also help to close disadvantagesceiling and communications.
high price;
required specialist for installation;
Paint a huge selection of color;
without problems applied;
requires a smooth surface;
enhances flaws and irregularities.
Wallpaper an extensive range;
affordable price range;
easy to stick.
low service life;
Polystyrene tile conveniently mount;
a wide range of;
affordable price;
can imitate plaster, stucco.
it is afraid of high temperatures (for example, from a close lamp);
loses color from sunlight;
Plaster exquisite view;
hides flaws;
an expert is required for work.
Lining it looks greatloft style;
low complexity of installation;
natural wood;
permanent care is required.

Height of 3 meters and above makes it possible to install multi-level structures

Choice of furniture

When arranged the headset in the living room, it is important to remember one rule: do not put it around the perimeter. Despite the established traditions, this location will make a large room more empty, and the little one is still stronger.

For a spacious living room, a sofa and armchairs can be located closer to the center. At the same time, it is necessary to make it so that no one turned back to the TV, if it is present in the room.

The choice of furniture is associated with the size of the hall, the number of residents and their needs

In small armchairs, it is better to arrange the windows. You can even buy an angular sofa. It has functionality and does not look large on the background of the window.

When choosing a furnishing, it is imperative to take into account the style and setting of the hall. So for classic design it does not fit the monophonic sofa simple and correct form. A vintage wooden headset with carved legs and backs will not fit into modern or high-tech.

Textile design features

For the living room, bright blonde curtains and textiles are suitable, which will create a relaxed atmosphere for rest and give ease. Type of fabric and color is obliged to fit the rest of the decor.

The selection of the curtain is directly connected with the style of the interior

Also, when choosing a fabric, it is necessary to take into account not only the decorative function of textiles, but also practical. In too bright room, curtains will help protect against excess sunlight. But in the shaded apartment you need more transparent curtains, so that there is enough light.

Always stylishly looking bright decorative pillows against the monochrome gamma of the rest of the space

Textiles in the living room can be applied to create a unique and exotic oriental design. For this, bright fabrics are used, which decorated not only windows, but also the ceiling and walls.

Living room in Khrushchev

For Khrushchev, small rooms are characterized, the hall is no exception. In this case, it is better to use minimalism or high-tech. If desires and funds, Provence can be used.
Color design must be in bright shades, so that the room looks more lit and spacious. Furniture for the Khrushchev Hard is worth choosing the most compact. At the same time, the folding sofa is most profitable from the point of view of its functionality.

Sofa, couple chairs, coffee table and wall or shelf - traditional set of furniture for the hall in Khrushchev

In the case when it allows planning and means, the hall can be expanded by combining with adjacent kitchen. Thus, combining the kitchen you can get a living-studio. However, in this case, you need to install a powerful extract over the stove, so that the smells did not apply around the apartment.

Interior of the hall in a private house

The huge advantage of your own big house is the ability to independently plan the size and location of the rooms. Therefore, there is a large scope for a designer flight of fantasy.

Ethnic style decoration

It is worth considering that the hall combines several practical functions:

  • family holiday place;
  • room for lunch with family or guests;
  • room reception.

Since the area gives complete freedom, you should zonate the hall for the dining part and a place to relax. This can be achieved by a small change in the design, the creation of the podium, the change in lighting, or to make a section with furnishing.

Country Style Interior

For a spacious hall of the house, an accent object is necessary, which would attract attention and at the same time corresponded to the design and preferences of the owners. A large rack with books, an exotic decor, a large room plant, an exclusive picture can be like such an element.

Another advantage of a personal house is the ability to establish a fireplace that will not only create a cozy atmosphere, but will also warm everyone with long winter evenings.

Fireplace in the interior

The fireplace adds the comfort and home atmosphere to any room. Easy crackling of firewood with a cold evening will not compare anything.

Currently there is a large range of fireplaces from various materials and colors. It is best to take a bright shade, so that he does not give to the room. The picture will ideally look over the fireplace, and on the contrary, it is necessary to place a coffee table and several chairs or a sofa.

The fireplace is almost always found in classic interiors.

Installation requires some conditions from the room:

  • the floor should be durable;
  • area from 20 square meters.

It is for this reason that the fireplace is so rarely found in urban apartments.

Real fireplace - Pleasure is quite expensive

Also worth paying attention to the types of fireplaces:

  1. Traditional. It needs chimney, difficult to install in the finished room. But it gives exactly the unique feeling from smoldering firewood in the fireplace.
  2. Gas. It is installed easier, requires gas supply. It looks identically standard, but the heat transfer is higher.
  3. Electric. It imitates the real fireplace well and works from the outlet. But nothing will replace open fire from firewood.
  4. False fireplace. Decorative element of the interior, which mimics only appearance. It looks good in many design options. Does not imitate the fire and does not hear.

Video: Fashionable interiors halls

Photo: 50 Hall Designer Ideas

One of the most important and functional premises in the apartment is the hall. In this universal room, we most often rest, we spend time with guests and are going to the circle of family and relatives.

Designer decoration of the hall Even in a regular apartment should be carefully thought out and 100% compliant with its purpose.

The designer project of the hall is a center for the attention of any interior. The use of a variety of design options allows you to create in the room the perfect combination of styles with beautiful furniture and modern finishing material.

The correct and competent location of the furniture, a successfully selected situation emphasizes the attractive interior solution for the design of the hall and will provide a comfortable stay of guests and households.

Choosing style

Material styles used in the arrangement of the hall provide beauty, convenience and comfort. Each of them is an interesting and at the same time a responsible process, emphasizing the "face" of the premises.

The classic style is characterized by soft lines, calm shades of finishing material and comfortable furniture sets installed in the room. In the complex, these elements of the interior create an ideal harmonious picture, which is distinguished by a comfortable atmosphere and comfort.

Important importance and correctly selected accessories, corresponding to the classic style and emphasizing the completed interior of the hall.

High Tech today is becoming increasingly popular and recognized as one of the most functional and minimalist styles with everything you need for a comfortable stay in the room.

His characteristic features are:

  • clarity lines;
  • minimum decorative details;
  • calm color shades;
  • comfortable and simple furniture.

Modern is a style for those who love non-standard and creative solutions. It uses all sorts of interesting details, accessories, unusual furniture, abstract paintings.

The combination of all kinds of color shades and various innovations used in the design design of the hall also inherent with modern style.

Today, the owners of modern apartments are increasingly using the Scandinavian style, in which the elements of the fireplace imitation and massive furniture are present. This is an excellent choice, emphasizing the comfort and warm atmosphere in the dwelling.

Supplement to such a setting can be various panels or modular patterns on the walls, as well as artificial flowers in vases.

The characteristic feature of the ampir style is the luxurious furniture and multilayer design of windows, intricate decor and unusual accessories. This is the perfect option for the designer design of the impressive size.

In the small room it is advisable to use designer minimalistic techniques with maximum functionality.

For the design of the hall in this style, unusual accessories will become an impressive addition in the design of the room. It can be:

  • hand-made products;
  • figurines of animals or birds;
  • rare minerals;
  • memorial souvenirs of a particular country.

However, the interaction of the room with small objects can provide it with an outstanding look and emphasize the absence of taste, to effectively equip the hall with extravagant furniture of small sizes and several items that will create harmonious unity and chic.

Another option for the hall design is the avant-garde style. The room decorated in this style looks bright and contrast.

The basic principle of avant-garde - This is a combination of incompatible objects.

In the avant-garde direction, small decoration is not applied. All design items must be large. As decor you can use colored outdoor vases of an unusual shape or high abstract figurines.

Perfectly look in the hall with the above-mentioned style of works of contemporary art:

  • stylish reproduction;
  • modular picture;
  • modern realistic photo wallpapers;
  • original panel made by hand.

Avangard in the room is the original furniture of a strict geometric shape, with the presence of direct angles.

Many factors affect the overall design of the hall in the apartment. Room sizes play not the last role in choosing its style design.

The attribute of a pompous ampury or the unnatural complexity of the baroque in the hall of minor sizes will look ridiculous, emphasizing this factor.

An excellent indicator for the room, where modesty and simplicity prevails, is a competently selected furniture kit.

Below in the photo is the modern interior of the hall in the apartment with a fireplace - an artificial hearth only adds the hall of the home coat: how nice to be in such a homely peaceful setting:

Color solutions

To ensure the placement of unsurpasses, sophistication and stylish, as well as comfort and comfort, it is necessary to remember the main principles of its arrangement.

Determining the designer direction, it is desirable to use monophonic colors in the walls of the walls, and massive furniture to brighten with light accessories.

Council. Bright single accents can be emphasized with stylish soft carpets.

The walls of the hall are made up most often in neutral palettes to visually increase the room.

For admirers of the Valya or Unusual atmosphere in the room, it is recommended to use a bright finishing material in combination with light furniture, you can also combine light and juicy palettes when finishing the walls, and it is necessary not to overdo it and create a harmonious, and not screaming the picture of the interior.

The use of multi-colored styles on a sofa, a fashionable lamp or unusual bright accessories will create a chic design hall, which will delight the inhabitants of this dwelling and pleasantly surprise their guests.

The role of wallpaper in the interior

What should take into account when choosing a finishing material?

The variety of wallpapers in color palettes and textures allows you to create an amazing and unique atmosphere in the room using the following styles:

  • classic;
  • art Deco;
  • minimalism;
  • high-tec, etc.

Choosing a wallpaper for the hall, it is necessary to take into account its ideological stylistic direction, structural features and the amount of light in it.

In the classic style there are noble and restrained design elements, shouting shades and cordon are unacceptable.

Wallpaper with a harmonious combination of colors will be ideal for such an interior solution, and a slightly noticeable vegetable or fantasy ornament will give the hall of freshness and novelty.

In a weakly lit room, the wallpaper of light color is indispensable; With a sufficient amount of sun and light, the wallpaper of saturated and bold palettes will be an excellent option.

Little Hall

Registration of the interior of the small hall in the apartment, unlike standard rooms with an average area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m, is the task of not an easy and requiring a special approach.

To expand the small room space, some designer solutions apply to create stylish, comfort and give a special comfort to the room.

The main task - It is to make a small room presentable using classic style with clear forms and functional furniture or minimalist high-tech.

A small folding bed, instead of a massive sofa, a spectacular secret or a comfortable chest of drawers instead of a bulk cabinet - this is an excellent solution that allows you to create a room an impressive view and a comfortable atmosphere in it.

Attention! The practical and most successful option for interior design of a small room in the apartment is the use of laminate or parquet as an outdoor coating that visually lengthes the room.

Monophonic and light wallpapers, a stylish mirror, increasing space, will provide a room beauty and an impressive look.

For the harmonious type of a small front room, the lighting should be correctly thought out. In the bright hall, the sink distribution problem perfectly solve curtains in gentle pastel colors and transparent tulle on the windows.

Big selection: criteria and features of the choice, variety of options and design of popular models, sizes and filling.

See how the fireplace will look in the classic interior, you can.

Zoning the Hall

The designer design of the hall using partitions of various designs can turn an outstanding room into a solid stylish room, separated by functional zones.

Zoning is carried out using:

  • deaf or open partitions;
  • arches;
  • sliding doors;
  • visual zoning using finishing materials of different textures and shades.

Non-standard solutions in the interior

By issuing the room, in particular, the hall should be revealed to the maximum fantasy and creativity to please themselves with an amazing interior, beauty and comfort at the same time.

Raisin Interior - This is not a fancy of the objects of various sizes and colors, and at least the unusual objects, the unique unity of the color solutions, beautiful stylish curtains or tulle.

An amazing appearance of the hall will be provided thanks to the installation of laconic furniture, bright and dynamic accessories, decorative paintings from the ceramic tile of contrasting shades.

The simplicity and comfort of the room in ethnic style can be successfully emphasized by unusual shelves.

The embodiment of all sorts of concepts in the arrangement of the Hall involves compliance with the sense of measure and the minimum number of different parts and accessories. Several decorative techniques produce a greater effect than the accumulation of decor.

Mirrors, correctly installed in the room, are one of the designer tricks that ensure the illusion of the bulk space.

A couple of thin mirror strips, fixed opposite each other, shelves of small sizes and narrow lighting devices between them fit perfectly in the design of the hall.

Council. An excellent solution in the interior design of the room in an apartment with low ceilings will be the use of wallpapers with vertical patterns. Such a finishing material, as well as compact small chandeliers, are able to visually emphasize the high ceiling.

An excellent option will be a flat-shaped flat lamp or a large number of built-in lamps that are chaotic.

Council. Choosing the color of the floor covering, it should be remembered that the darker shades of the floor reduce the room, but at the same time, emphasize the cozy atmosphere in it.

The bright floor is able to create the impression of a cold situation in the room and visually make it wider. It is advisable to apply bright and neutral color palettes in most cases, but they most often depend on natural light in the room.

In rooms located on the south side of the apartment, it is advisable to apply muted colors (chocolate, bronze, herbal, thunder sky).

In order not to create an atmosphere of gloomy, such palettes should be combined with light.

When arresting the interior of the hall, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • style;
  • opportunities to organize space;
  • harmony color palette.

The modern living room of a large area can be divided into sectors, each of which performs its corresponding function:

  • recreation sector (Place my furniture and TV here);
  • sector for receiving guests with a coffee table.

The use of non-standard and exclusive decor elements allows you to create individual and unique interiors with a luxurious design.

Gallery of real photos

Modern designer ideas on the design of the interior of the hall Look in the photo gallery below:

Making repairs in the hall is a serious matter, especially if the changes are planned radical. We have prepared a list of the most beautiful challenches for you.

Just, elegant and very cozy. In such a room, you can watch movies with your family and have a good time with friends.

The predominance of motley color (in this case is pink) will make the atmosphere of light and relaxed. Such a design is suitable for people of the cheerful temperament, because it's great to sit here in the evening for a cup of coffee and discuss all the news that happened in the day.

At the sight of this photo, I want to scream "comfort!" Because the fireplace is already some extent testifies to the atmospheric atmosphere, and the rest of the design elements are beneficial to complement the overall idea. And even seemingly many cold blue becomes warmer thanks to unusual pillows of pleasant colors.

For a large number of square meters, you can choose such design. Made simply, it looks beautiful, but to lie on such a sofa for watching the New Year's musical - comfortable and convenient.

Flower decoration of walls is a success in eighty percent of repairs. The main thing is to make the room properly in general. In such a room, it is nice, you can warmly spend time with friends or sit with the second half.

Beautiful rose on the wall is great looks in the colors of the rest of the interior elements. Perfect for not very large halls.

Pastel colors and shades will always create a feeling of heat, you can see it in this photo.

This is an option for an amateur. In such a room, you can both gather in the evenings with a cup of tea, and carry out small home parties.

A lot of upholstered furniture, bookshelves ... What is not the perfect place to read and have a good pastime with relatives?

It was already said about the flower decoration of the walls, and this photo once again proves how interesting the spring flowers look at the interior of the hall. The overall design of the room is made in bright shades of gray, which is very unusual.

What a wonderful corner, spend time here - for sure this pleasure. The composition of flowers on the table and the painting picture on the wall is not better harmonized with a common interior.

Orange - the color of the sun and heat. Here, perhaps, the TV is not necessary. You can just sit and enjoy the surrounding beauty of the design.

For fans of perfectionism.

This design looks quite strictly, but in such a room there will always be a feeling of freshness and freedom. This type of repair is suitable for rooms with a beautiful panorama of the window.

Arches in the interior today are very popular. The original hall that borders with the kitchen.

Extraordinary option. Particularly unusual design is manifested in the form of arches and in the overall combination of elements.

Floral combination for creative atmosphere. To engage in any needlework in such a room - just perfectly, inspiration is provided. And the usual evening with green tea and the bowl of cookies will become warm and friendly for a large family.

A little negligence and designer room design ready. A wide and spacious room is interestingly filled with sofas and stuffing, where you can hide a fashion magazine, just sit and listen to music.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo the saturation and acidity of yellow. In the photo, his combination is simply impressive if you do not want to try to make something similar in my hall?

And the spring mood all year round is provided. Fill the room with bright colors and there will always reign a cheerful and warm atmosphere.

A small room is not a reason to give up a beautiful design, and even on the contrary - the reason to make an unusual design, which will benefit the size of the room.

Solution with an unusual ceiling for several floors. And if the appearance of the appropriate window is also a wonderful repair.

Here is probably great to spend romantic evenings, but just watch TV with friends - also the option.

In the summer, in such a room, you will be saturated with the colors of greenery and colors outside the window, and you can contemplate in frost and snowfall as snowflakes fall and rejoice in the comfort around you.

Not for all rooms fit the window to the entire wall, but in some cases it looks perfect. In this case, the house (or apartment) is located somewhere between urban high-rise buildings, but if you live closer to nature, the view will be much more exciting.

An interesting solution with the skin on the floor.

Is it possible to come up with something better for the evening reading of english literature?

Completed in the marine subject, but it is possible to change the theme. For example, you can make it solar, replacing a wavy blue picture on the sunset landscape, and turquoise-blue pillows - on yellow-orange.

An unusual solution with windows makes a common design extraordinary. The pattern of the chairs is also very interesting, imposing creative thoughts and ideas.

In such a room, it is possible to conveniently place your favorite and books or discs on the shelves around the home theater. On the table - a vase with fresh flowers, always fragrant and exacerating a pleasant unobtrusive fragrance. Light tones do not at all make a cold interior here, and even some extent attach to comfort.

The game of light in sunny weather is fascinating here. In general, everything is classically decorated, but there are notes of new design directions.