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Transport is not public. Characteristics of mainline modes of public transport

PUBLIC TRANSPORT- transport that meets the needs of all sectors of the economy and the population in the transport of goods and passengers, moving various types of products between manufacturers and consumers, providing public transport services to the population. To transport transport common use includes transportation on a commercial basis (for a fee) of passengers (including citizens using the right of free travel on public transport) or goods. Transportation carried out by a commercial organization is recognized as transportation by public transport if it follows from the law, other legal acts or a permit (license) issued to this organization that this organization is obliged to carry out the transportation of goods, passengers and baggage at the request of any citizen or legal entity.

The list of organizations obliged to carry out transportation, recognized as transportation by public transport, is published in accordance with the established procedure.

The contract of carriage by public transport is a public contract.

NON-PUBLIC TRANSPORT(departmental) - transport, which, as a rule, carries out the transportation of goods and passengers of its enterprise, association (association, concern, etc.).

Transport satisfies one of the most important human needs - the need to move. However, practically no mode of transport (except, perhaps, automobile, and even then not always) can independently provide a full cycle of movement according to the "door-to-door" or "house-to-house" scheme. Such movement is possible only with a clear interaction of the individual parts of the transport complex. The organization of the work of such a complex as a unified transport system of Russia is both a difficult task and an urgent need for the country's economy, which corresponds to the integration trends in the socio-economic development of mankind, the achievements of scientific and technological progress and the strategic interests of Russia. At the same time, the unity of the transport system of Russia should not mean its isolation from the routes of communication of neighboring states and territories, especially the CIS countries, the development and functioning of which for centuries has been carried out in a single complex.

In the recent past, the public form of ownership of transport resources was considered the basis of the unity of the transport system. In connection with the implementation of market reforms, corporatization and privatization of some vehicles, the concept of unity is being seriously tested. At the same time, the emphasis is on the fact that not unity, but competition, including between modes of transport, is the engine of the market. There is no single market scheme, and the market mechanism cannot be absolutized. The main thing is a positive end result, which are the conditions and quality of human life, his well-being, social and environmental protection, the generally accepted level of freedom. The specific end result should be an efficient resource-saving, providing a decent life human economy, the most important part of which is transport.

Structurally, transport can be represented as a system consisting of two subsystems: public and non-public transport (Fig. 1). Moreover, both parts of the system can be represented by enterprises of the federal (state), municipal or private forms property.

Public transport acts as an independent branch of material production. It serves the sphere of circulation, providing a link between the sphere of production and the sphere of consumption. Public transport is a transport that, in accordance with the current legislation, is obliged to carry out the carriage of goods and passengers, no matter who these carriages are presented: a state enterprise or institution, public organization, company or individual.

Unlike public transport, non-public transport carries out transportation of products within the sphere of production, i.e. for a specific enterprise, organization or firm. The transportations that he performs are in-house, or technological. Departmental transport industrial enterprises called industrial transport.

Highways or railways (usually of short length) belonging to a particular enterprise are called access roads. The country's transport system has a dense network of such roads. The total length of the railway sidings exceeds the length railways common use. More than half of the vessels of the river fleet (mainly of low carrying capacity and power0) belong to various departments (enterprises of the oil and gas industry, forestry, utilities, etc.). Unlike public transport, industrial transport It is also represented by special vehicles such as cable cars and cableways, pneumatic transport, etc.

1. Transportation carried out by a commercial organization is recognized as transportation by public transport if it follows from the law or other legal acts that this organization is obliged to carry out the transportation of goods, passengers and baggage at the request of any citizen or legal entity.

The list of organizations obliged to carry out transportation, recognized as transportation by public transport, is published in accordance with the established procedure.

2. The contract of carriage by public transport is a public contract (Article 426).

Commentary on Art. 789 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

1. The commented article gives a definition of public transport and, accordingly, the transport carried out by it. In the everyday sense, public transport is understood only as urban transport, with the exception of a passenger taxi, and, perhaps, buses and electric trains that carry out transportation in suburban traffic. The commented article as a whole does not refute this everyday meaning. At first glance, the concept of transportation by public transport is given through the prism of a public contract (Article 426 of the Civil Code): a commercial organization obliged to provide transportation services for everyone who turns to it is recognized as an organization obliged to carry out transportation by public transport. At the same time, attention is drawn to the significant difference between the definition given in the commented article from general norm Art. 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If by general rule a contract that a commercial organization is obliged to conclude by the nature of its activities is recognized as public, then in the commented article the obligation to conclude contracts of carriage at the request of any person should follow only from a law or other legal act, i.e. belonging to public transport is determined by the legislator (this is also indicated by the necessity of compiling lists of organizations that carry out transportation by public transport, provided for in the article being commented).

In the law, the types of public transport are named:

- all railway transport, carrying out the transportation of both cargo and passengers and their luggage (Art. Art. 2, 4 UZhT; Art. 2 of the Law on Railway Transport);

- road and city electric transport, carrying out regular transportation of passengers and luggage (Art. 19 UAT). Thus, public transport does not include automobile transport carrying out cargo transportation, and a passenger taxi carrying passengers;

- inland waterway transport carrying passengers and their luggage (clause 2 of article 95 KVVT);

- the subway should also be classified as a public transport (in principle, you can find instructions on this in the Law).

See, for example: sub. 12 p. 1 of Art. 4 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N 115-FZ "On Concession Agreements".

2. There is no doubt that the transportation of passengers by all modes of transport is carried out on the basis of a public contract (including the contract for "chartering" a passenger taxi - clause 1 of article 31 of the UAT). Most of the transportation of goods is also carried out on the basis of a public contract in connection with the nature of the carrier's activities (Article 426 of the Civil Code). Nevertheless, the legislator, as has been shown, distinguishes between transportation carried out on the basis of a public contract and transportation by public transport. "Transportation by public transport" is a narrower concept. It appears that the legislator uses special concept public transport in connection with the intention to establish the specifics of legal regulation for it, in particular, to strengthen state regulation of relations on transportation by this transport. So, in paragraph 2 of Art. 790 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the amount of payment for the carriage of goods, passengers and luggage by public transport is subject to state regulation, regardless of whether given view transport monopolistic activity, and regardless of other reasons for which state regulation of prices is established.

3. Part 2 of clause 1 of the commented article contains an indication that the list of organizations obliged to carry out transportation recognized as transportation by public transport is "published in the prescribed manner." However, to date, such a procedure has not been established, the list has not been published. Obviously, this list is thought of as a register designed to provide the need for information on specific legal entities(and entrepreneurs) carrying out transportation by public transport, and this register should be kept both at the federal level (in relation to specific organizations carrying out transportation throughout Russia), and at the regional and local levels.

Transport is a branch of material production that transports people and goods. In the structure of social production, transport refers to the production of material services.

It is noted that a significant part of logistics operations on the path of movement of the material flow from the primary source of raw materials to final consumption is carried out using various vehicles. The costs of these operations are up to 50% of the total logistics costs.

By appointment, there are two main groups of transport:

Public transport is a sector of the national economy that meets the needs of all sectors of the national economy and the population in the transportation of goods and passengers. Public transport serves the circulation and the population. It is often called trunk (highway is the main, main line in some system, in this case, in the system of communication lines). The concept of public transport covers railway transport, water transport (sea and river), road, air transport and pipeline transport). Non-public transport - intra-industrial transport, as well as vehicles of all types belonging to non-transport organizations.

The organization of the movement of goods by non-public transport is the subject of production logistics. The problem of choosing distribution channels is solved in the field of distribution logistics.

So, there are the following main types of transport:


inland water (river)




Each of the modes of transport has specific features from the point of view of logistics management, advantages and disadvantages that determine the possibilities of its use in the logistics system. Various types of transport make up the transport complex. The transport complex of Russia is formed by legal and individuals- entrepreneurs engaged in transportation and forwarding activities on all types of transport, design, construction, repair and maintenance railway tracks, highways and structures on them, pipelines, work related to the maintenance of navigable hydraulic structures, water and air routes, carrying scientific research and training of personnel, which are part of the transport system, enterprises that manufacture vehicles, as well as organizations that perform other work related to the transport process.

The TC of Russia is over 160 thousand km of main railway and access roads, 750 thousand km of paved roads, 1.0 million km of sea shipping lines, 101 thousand km of inland waterways, 800 thousand km of airlines. About 4.7 million tons of cargo (as of 2000) are transported through these communications alone by public transport on a daily basis; more than 4 million people work in the TC, and the share of transport in the country's gross domestic product is about 9%. Thus, transport is the most important part of the infrastructure of the economy and the entire social and production potential of our country.

Table 1 shows comparative logistic characteristics different types transport.

Table 1. Characteristics of modes of transport.

Type of transport




High carrying and throughput... Independence from climatic conditions, time of year and day.

High regularity of transportation. Relatively low rates; significant discounts for transit shipments. High speed delivery of goods over long distances.

Limited number of carriers. Large capital investments in the production and technical base. High material consumption and energy consumption of transportation. Low availability to end points of sales (consumption).

Insufficiently high safety of the cargo.

Possibility of inter-content transportation. Low cost of long distance transportation. High carrying and carrying capacity. Low capital intensity of transportation.

Limited transportation.

Low speed delivery ( great time transit of cargo).

Dependence on geographic, navigation and weather conditions.

The need to create a complex port infrastructure.


High carrying capacity on deep rivers and reservoirs.

Low cost of transportation. Low capital intensity.

Limited transportation. Low speed of delivery of goods.

Dependence on uneven depths of rivers and reservoirs, navigation conditions. Seasonality. Insufficient reliability of transportation and safety of cargo.


High availability.

Possibility of delivery of cargo "from door to door"

High maneuverability, flexibility, dynamism. High speed of delivery. Possibility of using various routes and delivery schemes.

High cargo safety. The ability to send cargo in small batches. Wide choice of the most suitable carrier.

Poor performance. Dependence on weather and road conditions. relatively high cost of transportation over long distances.

Insufficient ecological purity.


The highest speed of cargo delivery. High reliability.

Highest cargo safety.

Shortest transportation routes.

High cost of transportation, the highest tariffs among other types of transport. High capital intensity, material and energy consumption of transportation. Dependence on weather conditions. Insufficient geographic accessibility.


Low cost price. High performance (throughput). High cargo safety. Low capital intensity.

Limited types of cargo (gas, oil products, emulsions of raw materials). Insufficient availability of small volumes of transported goods.

So, first of all, the logistics manager must decide whether to create his own fleet of vehicles or use hired vehicles (public or private). When choosing an alternative, they usually proceed from a certain system of criteria, which include:

Costs for the creation and operation of our own fleet of vehicles

The costs of paying for the services of transport, forwarding companies and other logistics intermediaries in transportation

Transport speed

Transportation quality (delivery reliability, cargo safety, etc.)

In most cases, manufacturing firms use the services of specialized transport firms.

Article 789. Carriage by public transport

Commentary on Article 789

1. The commented article gives a definition of public transport and, accordingly, the transport carried out by it. In the everyday sense, public transport is understood only as urban transport, with the exception of a passenger taxi, and, perhaps, buses and electric trains that carry out transportation in suburban traffic. The commented article as a whole does not refute this everyday meaning. At first glance, the concept of transportation by public transport is given through the prism of a public contract (Article 426 of the Civil Code): a commercial organization obliged to provide transportation services for everyone who turns to it is recognized as an organization obliged to carry out transportation by public transport. At the same time, attention is drawn to the significant difference between the definition given in the commented article from the general norm of Art. 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If, as a general rule, a contract is recognized as public, which a commercial organization is obliged to conclude by the nature of its activities, then in the commented article the obligation to conclude contracts of carriage at the request of any person should follow only from a law or other legal act, i.e. belonging to public transport is determined by the legislator (this is also indicated by the necessity of compiling lists of organizations that carry out transportation by public transport, provided for in the article being commented).
The law specifies the following types of public transport:
- all railway transport, carrying out the transportation of both cargo and passengers and their luggage (Art. Art. 2, 4 UZhT; Art. 2 of the Law on Railway Transport);
- road and city electric transport, carrying out regular transportation of passengers and luggage (Art. 19 UAT). Thus, public transport does not include road transport that transports cargo, and a passenger taxi that transports passengers;
- inland waterway transport carrying passengers and their luggage (clause 2 of article 95 KVVT);
- the subway should also be classified as a public transport (in principle, you can find instructions on this in the Law).
See, for example: sub. 12 p. 1 of Art. 4 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 N 115-FZ "On Concession Agreements".

2. There is no doubt that the transportation of passengers by all modes of transport is carried out on the basis of a public contract (including the contract for "chartering" a passenger taxi - clause 1 of article 31 of the UAT). Most of the transportation of goods is also carried out on the basis of a public contract in connection with the nature of the carrier's activities (Article 426 of the Civil Code). Nevertheless, the legislator, as has been shown, distinguishes between transportation carried out on the basis of a public contract and transportation by public transport. "Transportation by public transport" is a narrower concept. It seems that the legislator uses a special concept of public transport in connection with the intention to establish for it the specifics of legal regulation, in particular, to strengthen state regulation of relations on transportation by this transport. So, in paragraph 2 of Art. 790 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the amount of payment for the carriage of goods, passengers and luggage by public transport is subject to state regulation, regardless of whether this type of transport carries out monopolistic activities, and regardless of other reasons for which state regulation of prices is established.
3. Part 2 of clause 1 of the commented article contains an indication that the list of organizations obliged to carry out transportation recognized as transportation by public transport is "published in the prescribed manner." However, to date, such a procedure has not been established, the list has not been published. Obviously, this list is thought of as a register designed to provide the need for information about specific legal entities (and entrepreneurs) carrying out transportation by public transport, and this register should be kept both at the federal level (in relation to specific organizations carrying out transportation throughout Russia) and at the regional and local levels.

The vehicle is technical device, the purpose of which is to transport people or cargo over long distances. There are more than ten thousand such devices in the world today. Therefore, in order to distinguish one transport from another, people came up with a standard classification, thanks to which all types of vehicles can be conditionally divided according to their purpose, energy used and travel medium.

Main types of vehicles

As mentioned above, depending on certain characteristics, all types of vehicles can be divided into three main groups:

  • by appointment;
  • by the energy used;
  • by the environment of travel.

Since the aforementioned types of vehicles have their own classification, features and differ from each other according to certain criteria, they can be considered in more detail.

Types of transport by destination

The purpose is understood as the area in which a particular mode of transport is used most often. That is, it can be vehicles:

  • Special use. These include military (armored cars, tanks) and technological transport (track vehicles).
  • Common use. This category includes all types of water, air and land transport used in trade and the provision of services. For example, a truck that transports goods is already a vehicle suitable for the general use category.
  • Individual use, that is, those vehicles that a person uses personally. The most common individual transport is a personal car or motorcycle.

In addition, there is also a separate subcategory of public transport. This includes urban (public) transport, that is, the one that carries passengers along certain routes, according to the schedule and for a certain fee. These can be buses, trams, trolleybuses, etc.

Modes of transport by energy used

Depending on the energy used, there are vehicles:

  • Propelled by wind power, for example sailboats (sailboats).
  • Propelled by muscular power (driven by human or animal). The most common human-driven transport is a bicycle, which is propelled by foot pedals. In addition, there are less used in Everyday life small rowing boats and velomobiles, which also move with the help of human power. Vehicles driven by animals are described in more detail below under the appropriate heading.
  • With a personal engine. This type, in turn, is divided into transport with a thermal and electronic engine.

Heat engine transport - mechanical vehicle, which works by converting heat into energy for movement. The source of heat in such engines can be, for example, fossil fuel. One of the most famous representatives of transport with a heat engine is a steam locomotive, which is set in motion by processing (kindling) coal.

An electronic vehicle is one whose engine is powered by electricity. The main vehicles of this type are trams, funiculars, monorails, electric vehicles and electric ships.

Modes of transport by medium of travel

Depending on the environment of movement, transport can be:

  • land (road, rail, bicycle, pipeline, as well as transport driven by animals);
  • air (aviation and aeronautics);
  • waterborne (surface and submarine vessels);
  • spacecraft (vehicles and vehicles moving along airless paths);
  • a different kind.

Other types of transport include stationary lifts (elevators), elevators, cable cars, etc.

Land transport

There are various ground vehicles, which are classified according to a number of characteristics:

  • According to the type of propulsion unit, there are caterpillar (some types of tanks, tractors and cranes), wheeled (cars, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles), as well as ground vehicles that are driven by animals.
  • By the number of wheels, there are: monocycles (one-wheeled vehicles), bicycles (two-wheeled), tricycles (three-wheeled) and ATVs (four-wheeled vehicles).
  • By the type of road types, there are railway and trackless vehicles. Rail transport includes any vehicle that transports cargo and passengers on rail tracks. That is, it can be locomotives, wagons, trams, monorails and overpass transport. Any land transport, including vehicles that travels on land, is classified as trackless.

Automotive vehicles

The most popular and widespread type of ground vehicles is road transport. Automobile includes all types of means by which cargo and passengers are transported on trackless tracks. Many vehicles are designed not only for short, but also long distances, especially in cases where it is impossible to deliver passengers, food or materials in any other way.

All road transport is divided into:

  • On racing cars, which are most often used in car and sprint races (drag racing, auto slalom, etc.). These include, for example, monoposts - one-seater cars with open wheels used in Formula 1 races.
  • For transport vehicles that serve only to transport cargo and passengers. Depending on the purpose of their destination, they are passenger cars (personal cars), trucks (vans, tractors, etc.) and transport (buses, route taxis, etc.).
  • For special machines that, among other things, are equipped with additional equipment designed for one purpose or another. These include, for example, ambulances or fire trucks.

Vehicles driven by animals

People learned to use animals as means of transportation when other types of land transport did not yet exist. Although years have passed, modern vehicles have appeared, many still prefer to ride a horse or harness an animal to a cart in order to transport any cargo.

Transport driven by animals includes:

  • Cartage transport. Horses, dogs, camels, buffaloes, elephants and other mammals that can be tamed and trained to transport are mainly used as vehicles for moving cargo and passengers on carts, carts, people.
  • Pack transport. The very name of the pack transport comes from the packing bag (pack), which is attached to the back of the animal. A similar vehicle is used in cases where animal-drawn transport is impractical, for example, in mountainous areas where too steep slopes and narrow roads, which greatly complicates the movement of carts and carts. In addition to mountainous areas, pack animals are used in rural and marshy areas, as well as in deserts or in northern regions where there are bad roads or there are practically none.
  • Horse transport, which is designed both for the transportation of passengers and for participation in special sports competitions and competitions. Mostly horseback riding includes horses, camels and elephants.

Pipeline vehicles

The main purpose of pipeline vehicles is only to transport goods (chemicals, liquid and gaseous products) through special channels (pipes). This type of land transport is the cheapest and most popular, which has no analogues in the world. For example, on the territory of the Russian Federation, pipelines are used to transport more than 95% of the oil produced.

In addition to being cheap, pipeline transport has other advantages:

  • fast shipping;
  • low cost of transportation;
  • no loss of cargo during delivery;
  • pipelines can be laid wherever and however you like (not counting airways).

The main types of pipeline vehicles: sewerage, water supply, garbage chute and pneumatic transport (pneumatic mail).

Air Transport

Aircraft appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and quickly gained popularity around the world. This type of transport also includes helicopters, airships, airbuses, airplanes. This is one of the fastest, but most expensive types of vehicles, which is intended for passenger and cargo transportation over long distances (more than 1,000 km) by air. In addition, there are airplanes and helicopters that perform official functions (for example, extinguish fires, spray insecticides over fields, air ambulances, etc.). Usually, air transport is used by tourists and businessmen who want to quickly get to another country or even to another continent. These vehicles transport bulky and heavy items, products with a short shelf life, as well as valuable items.

Although this type of transport is a noisy, expensive pleasure, it is indispensable for scientific expeditions that go to distant continents or to others. hard-to-reach places where it is difficult or impossible to get there in any other way.

Water transport

This is one of classic types Vehicle. Such transport is intended for transportation along artificial (reservoirs, canals) and natural (lakes, rivers, seas, etc.) waterways.

Unlike air transport, water transport is one of the cheapest after pipeline transport. That is why almost everything is transported by such vehicles: from building materials to minerals. And such floating facilities, such as ferries, are even capable of transporting other vehicles.

But here's the passenger traffic in recent times has become much less. This is justified by the rather low speed at which ships move from one seaport to another.

The main types of vehicles moving along waterways: surface (boats, boats, liners, ships) and submarines.

Space transport (spacecraft)

Space transport (spacecraft) is a power-driven vehicle designed for the transportation of goods and passengers in airless space (in space). Of course, speaking about the transportation of people, we mean that they are both passengers and the crew that controls the spacecraft. Basically, such transport is intended for more specific purposes. For example, space stations are designed for various studies of the relief, oceans and atmosphere that cannot be done on Earth, and satellites allow people to watch international television programs and make weather forecasts for meteorologists. In addition, some spacecraft are used for military purposes (surveillance of war zones, reconnaissance of the activities of other countries, detection of approaching space objects, etc.).

From the main space transport can be distinguished: satellites, spaceships, orbital and interplanetary stations, planetary rovers.