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What are the types of roofs in design. Types of roof roofs of private houses Roof shape of private houses

More and more people seek to embody a secret dream - get out of a multi-storey urban building in your own home. The purchased country area quickly turns into a construction site. And, in accordance with the natural mentality of the majority of Russian men, work on the construction of a new housing is very often carried out by their own forces. MoreoverMany of the amateur masters do not have extensive experience in this area at all, learn literally on the go, are looking for useful and reliable information in affordable sources, including on pages internet resourcesdedicated to construction. We hope that our portal will provide them with serious assistance in this matter.

So, after the walls of the house are raised on the reliable foundation, it is necessary, without tightening with it, proceed to the creation of the roof and roofing flooring. Options here can be a lot. And one of the most frequently used is the bartal design of the roof. It is not so complicated in the calculations and installation, as some others, that is, even a novice builder should cope with it. Therefore, the topic of this publication is the construction of the roof of the private house with their own hands on the example of a duplex line system with

It should be immediately agreed that the article does not give a ready-made "recipe". The goal is to demonstrate the principles for the calculation of the duplex roof and the sequence of its construction. A possessing the appropriate-consuming master must already bring the recommendations received to its specific construction conditions.

General information about the design of the bantal roofs

The basic principle of the design of the duplex roof is probably understandable on the basis of its name. The roof of such a roof forms two planes converging along the line of the skate, and resting on long walls of the house (on the cornisic lines). From the end sides, the roof is limited to vertical frontal walls. As a rule, both along the cornices line, and the frontal roofing coating are somewhat released out, beyond the building in terms of the emergence in order to form sows that protect walls from direct atmospheric precipitation.

Most often, the skates are symmetric. Sometimes they resort to asymmetry when the rods are located at different angles to the horizon and, accordingly, differ and their length. But these are some casesAnd within the framework of this publication will not be considered.

The height of the roof in the skate, that is, the steepness of the rod can sell different - it all depends on the planned use of the attic room, the architectural idea of \u200b\u200bthe owners, the species of the roofing used.

Duscal roofs have proven their high reliability. And relative simplicity of design and makes them so popular among private developers.

The external similarity of the bantal roofs does not at all mean the uniformity of the design of their rafter systems. This is exactly the matter of this issue there may be significant differences depending both from the size of the building and from its design features.

According to the principle of structure, the rafter systems of the bartal roofs can be divided into two groups:

  • If the rafter rely on the outer walls of the building and are connected to each other in the ski node, then such a system is called hanging.

To give additional stiffness of such a design, the rafter legs of each pair are enhanced with horizontal drains (fights). Vertical stands can be used on overlapping beams, or diagonally installed soaps.

  • In the event that the design of the house involves the presence of a capital wall inside the building, a consistent rafting system is often used. The name speaks for itself - the legs are "crowded" on the racks, which, in turn, rest on the chill, laid by upper end of the capital internal walls. MoreoverThis wall can be located both in the center and displaced from it. And for large buildings, two internal walls can also be used as a support. Several examples of change systems are shown in the illustration below.

  • However, the peculiar "hybrid" of both systems is often used. The rafters in these cases, even without the presence of an inner partition, also receive support on the central rack in the skate unit, which, in turn, relies on the powerful beams of overlapping or horizontal tightening between rapid legs.

In any of the systems, especially in cases where the rafter legs have a significant length, additional gain elements are applied. This is necessary to exclude the probability of the breaking of a bar or even its fracture under the action of loads. And the loads here will be tested. First of all, it is a static, due to the weight of the most rapid system, crates, roofing and its insulation, if it is provided for by the project. Plus to this - large variable loads, among which the wind and snow and snow are in the first place. Therefore, they strive for the rafter feet to provide the necessary number of support points to prevent possible deformation.

Some of their amplification elements are shown in the design schemes of the solo system:

The illustration above shows an example of a sprinkled rafter system:

1 - Mauerlat. This is usually a bar, rigidly fixed on the upper end of the exterior walls of the building. It serves as a support and reason to fix the lower part of the rafter.

2 - Liezhalan. Bar fixed on the inner partition of the structure.

3 - Rack (Other name - grandma). Vertical support that comes from Lecking to the skate run.

4 - skate run. Bar or board connecting the central racks and served as the basis for fastening the upper ends of the rafting legs.

5 - Stropile legs.

6 - Troopes. These are additional elements of amplification by which it is possible to reduce the free span of a rafter foot, that is, create additional support points for it.

7 is a doom, which should correspond to the selected roofing coating.

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In susceptible type systems, the gain is made by installing horizontal tensions (pos. 7), which toughly bind opposite rafting legs, and thus reduce the suspension load acting on the walls of the building. There may be several tighters. For example, one is installed at the bottom, closer to the level of the Mauerlalate or even almost twist with it. And the second is closer to the skate unit (E E is often called the Riguel).

With a high length, the rafter happens to apply also the vertical racks (pos. 3) or diagonal crackers (pos. 6), and often both of these elements in the complex. Opporting for them can serve the beams of overlapping (pos. 9), as shown in the illustration.

It should be properly understood that the scheme shown is not the dogma at all. There are other structures of rafter systems. For example, it is often applied to the lower part of the rafter feet not to Mauerlat, but to the floor beams rendered beams. Thus, immediately sets the necessary

In the roofs of large areas of houses, more complex schemes can be applied. For example, rafters are associated with additional longitudinal runs, which, in turn, rest on the vertical racks or to the soot. But to take on the creation of such complex systems, without having a well-developed experience in this area - it is unlikely reasonable. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to the consideration of the construction of a fairly simple in the design of the bantal roofs.

Calculation of the parameters of the bartal roof

The construction of the rafter and arrangement on its basis of the roof should always begin with the necessary calculations. What tasks are set?

  • First of all, it is necessary to deal with the ratio "The height of the skate - the steepness of the roof rods."
  • After that, it will be possible to accurately calculate the length of the rafter legs, both "clean" and complete, that is, taking into account the planned cornice skes.
  • The length of the rafter and the estimated step from the installation will be able to determine the cross section of a material suitable for their manufacture, taking into account the intended load on the roof. Or, on the contrary, based on the existing material to choose the optimal step and place additional points of the support - the installation of the gain elements mentioned above.

The listed parameters will allow you to maximize the scheme and drawing of the rafter system, correctly position all its elements. According to the existing scheme, it will be much easier to calculate how much and what material will be required for installation.

  • It will be necessary to find out the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roofing rods. This is necessary for the purchase of roofing material, hydro and vapor insulation membranes, insulation, if the roof thermal insulation is planned. In addition, the area parameter is important and to determine the amount of material for the arrangement of the crate under the selected roofing coating.

In order to present the procedure for calculating the calculations, the main values \u200b\u200bare schematically shown in the illustration below:

D. - width of the house (the size of the frontal wall);

VC - the height of the roof in the skate over the plane of Maurolalat or the beam of overlapping, depending on what the lower ends of the rafter legs will be attached;

but - the angle of steepness of the roof rods;

FROM - the working length of the rafter foot, from the skate to Mauerlat;

ΔC. - elongation of the rafter foot for the formation of the planned cornice sweep;

Sh - Step setting the rafter feet.

Let's start considering the issues listed above in order.

The ratio of steepness of the rods and the height of the roof ridge

These two values \u200b\u200bare closely interrelated. AND tothem calculation It can be suitable from different sides, taking for the initial one or other criteria.

  • For example, the owners see their home with a high roof, something remotely resembling the gothic style of architecture. It is clear that with this approach sharply increases the height of the roof in the skate and, accordingly, the steepness of the rods. True, it should not be forgotten that such roofs are experiencing maximum wind loads, due to their pronounced "sailboat". But the snow on such skates will not be lingering. So it is necessary to initially take into account these two factors. It is possible for closed from the winds of the terrain, but with the predominance of snow winters, this option will be generally the most acceptable.

Cool rises and high lumps are expressed - the snow on such a roof is not delayed at all, but the impact of the wind becomes the maximum

But do not forget about the fact that the longer the rafter legs, the more difficult the system itself will be in the arrangement that will require a lot of reinforcing parts.

  • Another consideration make the roof higher very often becomes a desire to have a functional attic room, up to the equipment in it a full-fledged living room.

For the attic room, definitely, preferably a broken rafting system. But if there is still a double, then a lot of space eat the angular zones along the connection line of the rafted Mauerlat. It is necessary to increase the steepness of the rods (see above).

True, there may be an acceptable solution. For example, Mauerlat is located not at the level of overlapping, as in the "classic" version, but on the side walls that are intentionally raised over the overlap on a certain height. Then with a large steepness of the rods, and without a special complication of the design of the system, Magnon achieve a very spacious indoor indoors.

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By the way, it is this option that will be considered below when the story will already be on the installation of the rafting system.

  • It happens that the owners of the future house, on the contrary, decide on the minimum corners of the roofs of the roof. This may be caused by the structures of material savings, the lack of need for useful area in the attic, the features of local conditions - for example, very windy, but not particularly snow locality.

True, with this approach, it is impossible to forget that any roofing coating has certain lower boundaries of rolling rods. For example, if laying of frame tiles is planned, it is necessary to provide an angle of steepness of at least 20, and for some models - even 30 degrees. So if there are already a roofing coating in the plans, its characteristics with a height and a steep roof should be correlated.

So, how the calculation is carried out. As a constant value - the constants are the width of the house on the front-wall wall ( D.). Using a well-known trigonometric formula, it is easy to find the height ( VC), pushing out from the planned steepness of the rods (angle but).

Sun \u003d 0.5 × d × tg a

It is clear that half the width of the building is taken to calculate the symmetric bone roof, that is, 0.5 × d.

Another nuance. When calculating on this ratio, the height of the skate and plane of the Mauerlat is taken as the height. That is, it is not always implied to excess over the attic overlap - it should be borne.

The mentioned formula is laid in the proposed calculator.

Calculator ratio of rolling row rod and height of her skate

Specify the requested values \u200b\u200band click "Calculate the height of the skate VK"

Planned angle of linker roof a, (degrees)

It is completely easy to perform with this calculator and reverse calculations. For example, the owners are interested in the height of the skate has a specific amount. So changing the value of the angle consistently on the slider. but, literally in a few seconds it is possible to determine with which steepness will be performed this condition.

What will get the length of the rafter legs?

Having the results of the previous calculation on the hands, it is quite easy to determine what will be "clean" the length of each of the rafter feet. Under the notion of "clean" length in this context is meant the distance from the point of the skate to Maurolat.

Here, the Pythagora theorem will come to the aid, exactly describing the relationship between the sides of the rectangular triangle. Two cateches for us are known - it is half the width of the house ( 0.5 × D.) and the height of the skate ( VC). It remains to find hypotenuse FROMwhich is just a long-range foot.

C \u003d √ (VK² + (0.5 × d) ²)

We consider manually or use an online calculator, which will be much faster and more accurate

Calculator calculating the "clean" length of the rafting leg of a bone roof

Enter the requested values \u200b\u200band click the "Calculate the Length of the Stropile Feet"

The height of the skate over the plane of Maurolalat VK, meters

Width of the house on the frontal wall d, meters

That's not all.

It has already been mentioned above that for the formation of the cornis of the roof, the rafter was often made somewhat longer. How to take into account this "additive" to the "clean" length of the rafter foot?

Trugonometry comes to the rescue. Everything turns out quite easily:

ΔC \u003d K /cOS A.

The same approach is practiced if the abnormal sinks will be formed by increasing the rafted by lumps.

The working length of the kill is calculated in the same way. This refers to the production of the fake, without a plot of its compound with a rafter foot.

In order not to force the reader to search for trigonometric functions, the calculator is located below:

Calculator for calculating the elongation of the rafter foot for creating a cornese ovel of the roof

Specify the requested data and click the button "Calculate the elongation of the rafter (the working length of the kobetka)"

Planned width of the cornis sink k, meters

The magnitude of the steepness of the skate A, degrees

Now it remains only to sum up the "clean" length of the rafter foot and its elongation on the sink is easy to do even in the mind.

The resulting value will become a guide when purchasing the necessary lumber and stripping blanks. It is clear that when installing the rafters do not cut immediately to the exact size - it's easier after the installation to bring tricks protruding on the overheads of the ends to the required length. Therefore, or the board usually takes longer than 200 ÷ 300 mm.

By the way, the option is not excluded that the resulting total length of the rafter will exceed standard sizes of sawn timber Can be purchased at the local base. So, it will have to build rafters - it is necessary to be ready for this in advance.

Calculation of the loads falling on the roof, the choice of the optimal cross section and the arrangement of the rafted

This stage of preliminary calculations can be considered the most important and complex. It is necessary to determine with what loads to cope with the roof designs. This will, in turn, to choose the right section of the lumber for rafting legs, find the optimal step of their installation, find out whether the elements of the gain are needed to reduce the free spans rafted the installation of additional support points.

The total load on the rafter system, as mentioned above, consists of several quantities. We will understand them alternately.

  • Static weight loads are the mass of the solo system itself, the onset roofing with the proper doom, and if the roof is insulated, then the weight of the thermal insulation material. For different roofs, their average indicators of this load are characterized, expressed in kilograms per square meter. It is clear that the specific mass, for example, the roof covered ondulin, does not compare with any comparison with the roof of their natural ceramic Tiles.

Such indicators are easy to find on the Internet. But below will be offered an online calculator, in which all these averages are already taken into account. In addition, this indicator has already included a certain margin of safety. Such a stock is necessary, for example, to move the roof of a person who performs certain repair work or the cleaning of the skate

  • But the static pressure of snow nansions is just the following factor of external influence on the roof design. And Ignore it - it is impossible. In many regions of our country, due to their climatic features, this criterion for assessing the strength becomes almost defining.

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- Climatic features of the region. IN the result of long perennial meteorological Observations specialists developed zoning the territory of the country to the average level of falling winter precipitation. And, accordingly, on the burden of construction structures provided by the snow masses. The map of such zoning is shown below:

Quantitative load indicators for zones on the map are not given. But they are already entered into the calculator calculation program - it will only be enough to specify the zone number for its area of \u200b\u200bresidence.

- The second factor, directly affecting the level of snow load, is the steepness of the roofing rod. First, with angle of the angle, the vector of force is changed. And secondly, on the steep rods, the snow is less detained, and at the corners of steepness from 60 degrees and above the snow nansions on the root there are no in principle.

  • With wind exposure will be somewhat more complicated, as more source criteria are taken into account here. But you can also figure out. The calculation algorithm applies a somewhat simplified, but giving result with a sufficient level of accuracy.

First of all, by analogy with snow load, on a special card scheme, it is necessary to determine its zone by the level of wind pressure. The map is presented below:

The average wind pressure indicators for each of the zones are listed in the calculator calculation program.

But that's not all. The level of wind exposure to a specific roof depends on another number of criteria:

- Again is taken into account the steepness of the skates. It is easily explained - the moment of the application of force changes, and the area of \u200b\u200bwind exposure, as with steep rods, their sailiness increases, and with too gentle, it is not excluded anti-directional, lift.

- The overall height of the house in the level of the skate is important - than it is more, the more significant wind loads.

- Any building is characterized by the presence of natural or artificial obstacles around it. So, the division of such conditions for the location of the building into three zones is practiced. Their estimated criteria are made to the corresponding calculator field, and select the desired option will be easy.

But when this parameter is selected, another nuance should be taken into account. It is believed that such natural or artificial obstacles really affect the level of wind pressure only if they are located on a removal not exceeding thirtiethitrot House heights. For example, for a building 6 meters high, a forest array, located, say, 150 meters from it, and will be a natural obstacle for wind. But if the edge will be home from home than 180 meters - the area is already considered open to all winds.

All static and dynamic loads are summed up, and the final value becomes decisive for the selection of material for the rafter feet. However, if you operate the specific pressure parameter on the area - it will not be quite convenient. It is better to bring this value to the distributed load on the rafter legs.

Let us explain: the smaller the setting step of the rafter pairs, the smaller distributed load falls on each running meter of the rafter. And here on this distributed load and the choice of the optimal cross section of the bar or the boards, which come to the production of rafters will occur.

All the above factors affecting the level of load drop-down on rafters are made to the calculator calculation program. That is, the user is sufficient to indicate the requested values \u200b\u200bin the corresponding fields, and get the finished result of the distributed load, that is, on the lineal meter of the rafter timber (boards). By changing the value of the installation step of the rafter pairs, it is possible to move, as the result will change, and select the optimal arrangement. And the resulting final value will be required to us slightly below.

Calculator for calculating the distributed load on the rafter legs

Green lines.

Suppose, after calculations using the proposed calculator, a distributed total load turned out to be 70 kg / p. meter. The nearest meaning in Table - 75 (Naturally, rounding is carried out in a majority to ensure the supply). In this post, we find the indicator of the free span of the rafter legs, that is, the maximum distance between the points of the support. Let it be in our case 5 meters. So, from the left side of the table, you can write down all the values \u200b\u200bof the sections of the bar or the boards, which are guaranteed to withstand such a load without the risk of deformation or a break. By the way, the values \u200b\u200bfor the diameter of the log are shown if the rafters are cooked from the rounder.

It is clear that there is space for choosing the optimal option. In addition to the above-mentioned change in the step of a rafter foot, which, as we remember, leads to a change in the distributed load, you can try, while still in the diagram, additionally place the elements of the enhancement system, racks or sores to reduce the free span. It also makes it possible to apply a lifetime lumber.

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Computation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe duplex

On this question, probably not to stop in detail. It is easier for the task than to determine the total area of \u200b\u200btwo symmetric rectangles, it is difficult to imagine.

The only nuance. For payment Skates of the skate do not forget that the length of the skate from the skate to the eaves is coming by carnery. And the length along the cornice line - taking into account the frontal soles on both sides of the house. And the rest is simple, the usual multiplication of these spirit of the sizes among themselves.

How much material will be required for the roofing crate?

With dimensions, the amount and place of the arrangement of the rafter feet and the elements of the enhancement system figured out. They caused a drawing on the scheme, and to calculate the necessary number of materials will not be difficult. But a large amount of blackboard or timber will also be required for the crate under roofing. How to calculate?

This question primarily depends on the type of roofing planned to the flooring. Secondly, in many cases, especially when using sheet roofing materials, the steepness of the rods has the value. But since, as an example in this article, the metal tiles will be shown, then the calculation of the crate will be made precisely for it.

This is just that coverage for which there is no point in doing solid flooring, and the installation of the guide clamps will not depend on the corner of the roofing corner. It is only important that each of the longitudinal (in the direction along the cornice line) rows of "tiled" modules relied on its "step" on the crossbar of the root, where it is made with the help of roofing screws.

Thus, the setting step of the guide crates depends only on the model of the metal tile itself, that is, from the length of its modules.

In addition, it is recommended to enhance the adhesiveness of an additional board on starting and finishing sites (along the lines of eaves and skate), as well as, necessarily, along the funds on both of them, if they are present in the roof design.

For the crates, 25 mm thick boards are used if the installation step of the rafter pairs does not exceed 600 mm. With a larger distance between adjacent rafters, but not exceeding 800 mm, it will be more reliable to use a 32 mm thick board. If the step is even more, then a 50 mm thick brushes should be preferred, since the deflection of the guides under the outer weight and dynamic load cannot be allowed at such considerable distances.

The calculator below will allow you to quickly and accurately determine the amount of lumber for the crate. MoreoverThe result will be shown in bulk expression, in the overall routine length of the selected board or bar, and in the amount of standard 6-meter boards (bars).

In the modern concept, the roof of the house is not only covered, protection against snow, sun or rain. Now the roof is an architectural continuation of the construction, able to emphasize its individuality and originality, change the visual perception of the house. It should also be noted that the roof type will affect the inner atmosphere, comfort and comfort.

Whatever it was, but first of all the roof should be reliable, because the beauty of snow or rain will not save. In general, the types of roofs there are many, but we will talk only about the most popular, reliable and practical versions that are best used in the construction of a private house.

If we consider all the roofs in general, they can be safely divided into two categories: flat and scope. Both alone and others have advantages, and disadvantages.

Flat roof

Flat roof Although it is popular, but does not always find a place in a residential house building. The main disadvantage is the absence of inclination, and, consequently, the constant accumulation on its surface of snow and melt waters. Because of this, the service life of a flat roof decreases sharply, thereby it looks less acceptable, in comparison with the scope roof structure. Often, a flat roof is used only when its surface will be operated (accommodation of the palication, pool or terrace).

Scope roof

Scope roof It is much more preferable, because on its surface, the precipitate is practically delayed. In general, this type of roof is more reliable and attractive. Under such a roof, you can equip an attic room in the attic. The only drawback with which will have to face face to face - an increased cost of building this type of roof and is difficult to repair.

Roof with attic

Roof with attic It is very easy to build and install it can be built. The angle of inclination of the attic roof directly depends on which material is used for its roof. It is also necessary to take into account the maximum load assigned to the roof, the cost of its construction and materials. Such a roof is convenient to repair, but at the initial stages it is necessary to choose the optimal roofing material. An important point will be the decision on the attic, it will be used as a residential premises or not. Depending on this, the height of the overlap will be solved, its quality and materials used for its structure, as well as what should be roofing cake, heat and waterproofing.

Bescaneous (mansard)

Celebrate (mansard) roof It is distinguished by the fact that the outer mills will be the surfaces of the roofs located under a sharp corner. This roof is interesting outwardly, but the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room will be slightly reduced, since it is necessary to fit the roof. It is almost impossible to build such a roof, it is better to attract professionals.

In most cases, the roof without a attic has a break, therefore, from the inside there are special systems of backups that reduce the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic. Having a fantasy and designer ideas of the backup can be seen plywood, after which there is a niche and lockers for seasonal things.

Single Roof

Single Roof - cheap and easy to install option. In fact, this is a kind of flat roof mounted on the walls of different height. It is due to this that the natural slope of the roof is created at a certain angle in one of the parties. This roof is convenient and practical, but it is very boring outwardly, and do not equip the attic under it.

Double roof

Double roof - The most popular option in villages and small towns. This roof is one of the most ancient, but relevant now. It is based on two skates connected at the top point "Skate". The double roof can be like symmetric and asymmetric. In general, this is a very convenient and practical option, the perfect solution for those who want to equip the attic.

Walm roof

Walm roof - A variety of four-piece roof. Two skate of this roof have a trapezoidal shape, and the end planes (hips) are triangular. Create and build such a roof much more difficult, so it is better to turn to professionals. The dignity of the roof is its operational characteristics, because it is very resistant to weather vision.

Semi-Walled Roof

Semi-Walled Roof - It is something mean between the holm and the two-tie roof. The lateral planes are truncated - have a half-haired form, their length is 2-3 times less than the main planes. At the front of the building you can put vertical windows, and the half-hail will become a decorative element.


Tent - The design of this roof has 3 or more slopes that are collected in one top point. There is no shock roof "Konk", and the symmetry of the skates is pleasantly surprising. If the house has the right geometric forms (square, polygon), then the tent roof will become the best solution. It is resistant to winds, originally externally and is able to reliably protect the house.

Multi-line roof

Multi-line roof - The most difficult, dear, but at the same time an interesting option. Ideal for houses of a polygonal form, where you want to create something special. The rafter system of multi-line roof is complex in implementation, so the involvement of professional builders and architects here. If everything goes well, then in the end it will be possible to get a dream house.

Loaven roof

Loaven roof - A kind of attic roof, because it is precisely the attic room to be often equipped. The upper part has a small angle of inclination, after which there is a break and the angle increases sharply, thereby not afforded the useful area of \u200b\u200battic, and its side walls will be reliably protected.

Conical and dome roofs

Conical and dome roofs - This is a very rare phenomenon, because almost no one uses them. This type of roof is not convenient to operate, it is difficult to repair them. It is best to use them only as separate items that can be covered with round veranda or creating decorative towers.

Combined roof

Combined roof - It is difficult, but perhaps. This roof often combines such types of roofs as tent, hip and multi-tape. It is logical that it is too difficult to calculate and build such a roof, therefore, to implement the project, you need to attract a professional architect. Having created a combined roof, you can surprise acquaintances, cause envy from the neighbors and delighted with your loved ones. By building such a roof, you need to be prepared for the fact that it is difficult to serve it, and it is necessary to fully spend on the implementation of this project, whether it is worth it to solve only the owner of the housing.

As you know, there is no roof at home. It is the shape of the roof and its coating attachment to the structure of a completed image, walked it, decorate. The main purpose of the roof is the protection of the construction of rainflow, hail, snow, solar radiation. Therefore, the roof at the house should not be just beautiful, but first of all, a solid, reliable and practical design.

The importance of the right building

Earring any structure, even the most simple, be sure to know and strictly fulfill certain rules for construction. Thus, all regulations relating to the design and construction of the roof are registered in the document "SP 17.13330.2011", which is the actual edited by the editors of another document "SNiP II-26-76". The requirements contained in these rules operate throughout our country and are submitted to the construction of all possible buildings in various purposes in the appointment of buildings. The document contains a list of allowed roofing materials and requirements for them.

The possibility of using other compositions to roof coverage needs to be confirmed in the manner prescribed by law.

These requirements must be strictly carried out not only in the construction of a new house, but also during the reconstruction or overhaul of roofs of buildings with a roof from these materials. In addition to the performance of construction norms, it is necessary that all materials used literally to each nail corresponded to GOST. Only in this case the elevated roof will be reliable, and accommodation in the house is safe.


The roof is such a concrete roof link, its finishing coating that performs protective and aesthetic functions. The roof is obliged to be a moistureproof, easy, durable, inexpensive in service, meet the requirements of fire safety.

Choosing a roofing coating, take into account factors such as:

  • roof shape;
  • features of the rafter system;
  • roof inclination angle
  • climatic conditions.


As the roof of the building will look like, they define even before all the work.

All types of roofs can be combined into two groups, taking into account the magnitude of the slope and the number of lateral planes, called Skates:

  • roofs having a flat shape;
  • roofs having one or more rods.

A flat roof is a rectangular, flat pad having a slope of not more than three degrees. This kind of roof in modern housing construction is used only when it is planned to apply it. For example, equip a recreation area, swimming pool, helipad. In small private houses, the use of such a form is impractical, as stagnation of rain and melting water can occur on it, and it is not necessary to talk about her great reliability and durability.

Undoubtedly, the pitched roofs are more practical, although they are more expensive and difficult to build them. The advantages include the fact that the main enemy of the roof - water easily flows down the roofs, without lingering and not harm.

Depending on the characteristics of the device of the roofing system, the pitched roofs are either with a attic, or with an attic room. An attitudes called the room organized directly under the roof and suitable for housing. Different attic from the second floor by low walls (no more than 1.5 m). Existing varieties of pitched roofs are divided into types depending on the design features.

Scope roofs are as follows:

  • single one;
  • double;
  • walm;
  • half-haired;
  • tents;

  • multi-line;
  • broken;
  • dome;
  • conical;
  • combined.

The most inexpensive at cost and simple in the device is a single-table design.Such roofs are found on the sheds, garages and other economic buildings. A single roof has a flat roof based on the walls of different height. It is due to the different height of the support and the slope is obtained. The lack of such a design in the absence of at least some attic room, and the appearance of such a roof is not happy.

The shape of the bartal roof reached us from time immemorial and is perhaps the most common and familiar roof for one-story house, especially in rural areas. An explanation of this one is practicality. Skates can be located both symmetrically and at different angles of inclination, be equal in length and not quite. This shape of the roof allows you to easily create an attic or attic under it.

The design has two skates combined from the end sides by the frontons, and on top of the "skate", which strengthens and protects the roof seams formed at the junction of the skates.

Frontones are mandatory and very important elements of the duplex roof. They cover the space between the skates, thereby preventing the attic room from the impact of wind and falling out of precipitation. The roofs are based on the frontaths, so that the load on the walls of the building is redistributed. Finally, due to its location, the frontton can be a nuns wall.

Walm roof is obtained from a bounce designby replacing the frontons to two more skate, having a triangle shape. Skates in this case are called Valmami, hence the name of the whole roof. At the top of one of the Valm is a hatch, called an auditory window. In fact, the hollow roof is a four-piece design, complex in the construction, but very resistant to natural cataclysms, such as hurricane wind or pouring rain.

If the bartal roof is a trapezoidal form, and the upper part of the front is to cover with a small triangular slide or, on the contrary, the lower part is to overlap the rod, and the top of the front is triangular, the roof of the semi-haul form will turn out. From the point of view of design, the construction with such a roof acquires an interesting appearance.

The tent shape is also a type of a hip roof. Sectors (Valm) can be three and more depending on the form of support. There is no rustic, and the valves converge in the corners at one point with the strikingly ideal accuracy, forming the tent over the building. Buildings having complex, polygonal forms are covered with a multi-cycle roof.

Designing such a roof is complex, but nevertheless makes it possible to create unique in the appearance of structures.

The broken type of roofs are often called a naked roof. This is an economically favorable design, as it allows you to organize additional residential space.

Dome, like the conical forms of roofs, during the construction of private residential premises in our time are rare. The use of such a form implies under the roof of the round form. Often, not all the building is covered with such roofs, and its individual parts. For example, a terrace of oval form or any decorative elements: towers, rotunda.

Combined roofs possess the most complex design. In essence, they are combinations of various types of roofs, which gives large space for designer ideas. Such structures are difficult to build, easy to maintain. However, it is precisely the combined roofs that can be met more often on modern cottages.

All coating options

The following types of roofing materials are used in the modern construction of private residential buildings:

  • rolled;
  • mastic;
  • membrane;
  • leafy;
  • piece or set.

Rolled coatings include well-known Ruberoid and Tol. These coatings are made of polymer and bitumen materials. As a reinforcing base, layers of cardboard, fiberglass or polyester are used. Such a coating can be used to perform a roof in both flat and pitched roofs.

A feature of the application is a solid drying of wooden rafters.The sleepener panels are used to be used as solid flooring. The angle of inclination of the roof should be 10-30 degrees. The roofing material to the flooring is attached by the hot way: the roll is heated and rolls the roof roller. For reliability, the material is placed in several layers. At the same time, if a flat roof, having a wooden overlap, then for the purpose of fire safety, the first layer is nails on nails, and the next one is already filled.

Repair such a roof is simple: the old coating is cleared of dirt and the new layer is stacked on top.

The rolled materials include such a modern roofing as a bitumen tile. This is a glass cholester with bitumen impregnation. One of its sides has an adhesive surface, and on the other hand, the canvas is covered with multi-colored mineral crumb. The cloth is easily beaten, therefore it is possible to easily, without much effort, take the surface shape. Thanks to this properties, bituminous tile is increasingly used to perform a roof on non-standard roofs.

Rolled coatings have their advantages and disadvantages.

The following can be attributed to the following:

  • high sound insulation;
  • thermal insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • a small mass;
  • lack of corrosion.

The main disadvantages are that:

  • the coating can break, crack up;
  • ruberoid and only time are susceptible to rot;
  • the material is fire hazard;
  • under the influence of sun rays, the coating fade.

Mastic roof is applied only on flat roofs due to the fact that it is a bulk material. It is characterized by simplicity of laying. A pre-prepared, dried base, was covered, for example, fiberglass, several layers of mastic are applied. It is used in the erection of large residential and industrial buildings.

The disadvantage is the complexity of obtaining uniform coating thickness.

Mastic roofs are such three species as:

  • reinforced
  • unmarked;
  • combined.

The advantages of a mastic roof are as follows:

  • cheaper than rolled materials;
  • high moisture protection indicators;
  • quickly mounted;
  • tightness;
  • fire resistance;
  • thermal stability, since the roof is withstanding the temperature drops from -40 to +100 degrees.

Membrane roofs are made of a film made from a special polymer. Membrane coatings are used mainly on flat roofs. Film canvases, called membranes, laid out on the surface of the mustache and fasten to each other with the effect of hot air or using a special adhesion. To the surface of the roof of the membrane is attached with nails, self-draws or glue.

Such a roof has high strength. It is quick and easy to mounted. But, quite expensive, the material quickly fades under the action of sunlight.

Perhaps the most common were roofs made from sheet materials. Steel, slate, ondulin, professional flooring, metal tile, asbanener are attached to a wooden crate with self-draws or nails. Steel roofing does not burn and will last up to 30 years. The angle of the skate must be 18-30 degrees.

Slate is also not lit, it is well withstanding low temperatures, does not heat under the action of sunlight, does not let the electric current. The angle of the skate should be 8-20 degrees.

Ondulin is a carton-bitumen sheets. It is produced by impregnation by bitumen organic fibers. The process passes at large values \u200b\u200bof state parameters, such as pressure and temperature. Since there are no asbestos compounds in the material, ONDULIN is considered one of the most environmentally pure roofing coatings.

Professional flooring is called metal sheets covered with a layer of zinc or paint. Pretty durable and practical material. When used, additional sound insulation is required.

There are three brands of professional flooring.

  • Brand H.It has a large bearing capacity, used for horizontal structures.
  • Brand C. Used for vertical structures.
  • HC brand.Universal material that can be used for both horizontal structures and vertical use.

At the same time, the professionalist of stamps H and HC is more suitable for roofing works. The material of the brand with is used only on small buildings with a roof slope from 60 degrees. When buying a professional sheet draws attention to the thickness, height and type of profile, as well as its protective coating.

Metal tile is similar to Slate galvanized sheets covered with polymer. It is inexpensive, light, simply mounted, fire-resistant, not afraid of heat drops. But, while possesses bad sound insulation, heats up under the influence of sun rays, and corrosion is susceptible. In case of improper transport, it is easy to crack.

Asbofer is as easyly mounted, like all sheet materials.It practically does not burn, but will last long, because it can dance. To enhance waterproof, the coating from asbaneners will have to be periodically to cry.

Perhaps all the shortcomings of sheet coatings are taken into account in a new, modern material - composite tile. This is a sheet roofing covering sheets of steel, on both sides covered with an aluminum alloy. Next, layers of aluminum primer, stone granules and acrylic glaze are followed. The material does not know what corrosion is, does not pass warm and sound, does not change the color under the action of solar radiation, does not let and does not absorb moisture. It is attached forged nails.

Composite tile can last half a century, but during the construction of the roof it will be necessary to provide vapor barrier, since the composite tile of steam does not pass. The second minus lies in the fact that the material has a high cost.

The set or piece roof includes such coatings as natural, polymer-sand, cement-sand, ceramic tile. Beautiful externally, with all possible advantages, having almost an age-old service life, tile is not the most common roofing material. The tiled roof has a very high cost and no less heavy weight. Therefore, it is used in the construction of only elite structures and requires an enhanced rafter system and high-quality crate.

Color solutions

Properly pick up the color of the roof of the house is very difficult.

At the same time, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the locality of the structure;
  • climatic conditions;
  • color gamma facade;
  • color near standing buildings.

Most often the roofs of the following color performances are found:

  • brown;
  • red;
  • burgundy;
  • dark green;
  • black.

The prevalence is explained by the fact that these colors are well combined with the facades of various types and colors. When choosing a color of the roof, it is necessary to understand that dark colors absorb solar radiation, so the dark roof will heat up in the summer heat.

For this reason, dark roofs are more often used in the northern regions. While light roofing materials are used in the southern regions. Bright colors on roofing look very effectively, but quickly fade and used only for buildings built without architectural delights.

Selecting the color solution for the roof, it is necessary to remember that the shades of one spectrum are always blinking. For example, if the facade is painted in warm colors, then both roofs make warm colors. Cold colors are combined with cold shades. The classic is considered to combine natural shades with beige and brown flowers, as well as with ocra.

For the roof of gray, you need an interesting facade, otherwise the house will look boring.

Review manufacturers

The modern building market offers a huge selection of coatings for roofing both domestic and foreign manufacturer. The most famous brands of roofing coatings that are in demand and have proven themselves to the modern construction market can be classified by the manufacturer's country.

  • Germany is represented by three well-known manufacturers as:
  1. concern Lafarge is famous for the Braas brand roofing coatings;
  2. cROTOP concern produces roofing accessories;
  3. creaton manufactures ceramic tile.

  • The Spanish company CUPA NATURAL SLATE produces the roofing shale of the CUPA brand.
  • The Italian company Tegola Canadse produces a flexible tile on a bitumen TEGOLA brand.
  • French company OFIC SA produces onduline roofing materials;
  • The French company Terreal produces the Terreal ceramic tiles.

  • The most popular Finnish manufacturers are the following:
  1. Lemminkainen produces roofing coatings from bitumen, mastic, rolled coatings and flexible tiles of Pikipika brand;
  2. KatePal Oy produces roofing and waterproofing coatings of the Ruflex brand;
  3. WECKMAN Steel Oy produces metal tile and professional flooring of Weckman brand.

  • Among Russian manufacturers are the most famous are the following:
  1. trading house "Omi" produces roofing coatings of the same name;
  2. Tehnonikol produces a flexible tile of the Shinglas brand;
  3. LLC "Supron" produces roofing coatings of the SUPRN brand from eco-friendly components.

Do not fall behind in the diversity of species, types and color solutions and Chinese roofing coatings.

  • Chinese-made coatings are the following:
  1. metal - from copper, zinc, galvanized steel;
  2. mineral - from crushed natural stone;
  3. organic - for production use bitumen, polymers, wood dranco, straw.

The most popular Chinese metal tile from galvanized steel cold rolled steel. The material is durable, not lit, not deformed. It can serve up to 100 years.

Accessories and tools

To get a beautiful, high-quality roof, it is necessary to use the right fasteners - screws, screws, screws. And it is also necessary to have at least a minimum set of roofing tools.

To mount the roof you will need tools such as:

  • carpentry hammer;
  • building stapler for fastening a vapor insulation canvase;
  • hacksaw on the medium size of the length of the canvas up to 40 centimeters;
  • building cord for leveling roofing;
  • marker of contrasting color marker;
  • screwdriver with suitable nozzles;
  • pliers.

How to make yourself?

Since it does not require special techniques for roofing work, they can be performed independently.

Work on the construction of the roof can be divided into three stages, namely:

  • design;
  • erection of the rafter system;
  • roofing.

At the design stage, the shape of the roof and the steepness of the skates is determined.

Decisive factors will be the following:

  • climatic conditions: a lot of snow and rain - steep slide, strong winds - on the contrary, gentle;
  • view of the roofing material. For example, when using the tile, the angle of inclination should be at least 22 degrees, because otherwise the rainwater will leak through the joints.

The rapid system is the most important part of the roof and is a system of inclined rails, called rapid legs, vertically spaced racks and inclined ducts. The rafters ensure the stability of the roof, give the reliability of the roof, redistribute the load on the entire building. The location of the elements of the rafter system is directly related to the roof shape. The double roof will have one rafter system, the Walmova is different.

With independent erection of the roof, it should be remembered that even the smallest retreat from the mounting technology of the rafter can turn into the roof enabling.

After the rafter design is ready, start assembling the roofing pie, which is a multi-layered design located directly under the roofing material. Roofing cake serves to protect the roof from the penetration of moisture, heat losses, does not allow condensate.

It consists of the following elements:

  • vaporizoation;
  • layer of insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • monitoring;
  • ventilated space;
  • doom;
  • roofing material.

To properly mount roofing pie, you should perform a specific action algorithm.

  • From the side of the attic stapler to the rafters attach a steam-insulating membrane film, having it removing the inside of the attic. The seams between the cloth films are squeezed by scotch. This is the first layer of "Pie".
  • The top layer is laid on top - this is a heater, which is better to choose the criterion "on fire - not burning."
  • The third layer is a waterproof film, which the insulation is covered on top. It is fixed by the stapler, the seams are sinking with scotch.
  • The next step to the rafters nail a counterclaim. A controlled or counterbust is a bar, providing roof ventilation. Thanks to the counterclaim between the layer of the insulation and the crate, free space is formed, allowing air to circulate freely.

  • The counterbrue is nourished with a crate, that is, the boards to which the roof will be attached. It takes into account the material of the roof: for flexible tiles, solid flooring is required, for slate - rarefied.
  • Place and fix the coating using the instructions from the manufacturer.
  • Install the auxiliary roofing structures: snow shifters, drainage.

About how to carry out the installation of the roof, see the following video.

  • the roofing material is chosen when designing a rafter system;
  • the choice of roofing material depends on the angle of inclination of the roof;
  • the roof having two or four slides can be covered with any roofing coating;
  • when buying roofing materials it is necessary to take the installation instructions from the seller;
  • tiles are used if the roofing angle values \u200b\u200bare in the range of from 30 to 60 degrees;
  • if the slope is an angle of 8 to 18 degrees, it is more expedient to use bitumen coatings;

  • steel sheets every 10 years must be painted. The paint will protect the roof from corrosion;
  • multi-type roofs cover with flexible coatings: professional flooring, bitumen, metal tile;
  • installation of metal tile starts from the end of the roof. The first sheets are fixed to the rafter on one self-tapping screw, screwed into the bending of the wave. This will ensure the mobility of the sheet and will allow it to align it. Metal tile can be mounted at any time of the year;
  • all types of slate are laid by braziness using a hinge fastening;
  • asbestos-cement slate is laid regardless of air temperature, while Ondulin and Slate PVC in the frost acquire fragility;

  • for laying rolled coatings, dry, warm weather is needed;
  • soft tile begin to lay from the cornice;
  • before starting laying the roofing of ceramic tiles, it will be worth it first to take pictures. Tiles have a special lock system;
  • elements of cement-sand tiles have already ready-made holes for nails;
  • before the start of work, it is necessary to take care of the flame retardant and antiseptic impregnation of all wooden elements of the roof.

General rules for working with roofing material are presented as follows:

  • cutting is made on Earth. If still there was a need to cut the material, already on the roof, then the sawdusts are removed;
  • before starting the installation, you need to examine the plane of the roof on which the material will be laid. It should have a smooth and clean surface;
  • works are performed in soft shoes to feel the surface;
  • until the final consolidation on the sheets it is impossible;
  • works start with processing obstacles - chimneys, auditory windows;
  • the coating elements are fixed using the fastener recommended by the manufacturer.

Observing the instructions attached to the material and safety requirements, you can create a beautiful, high-quality and durable roof.

Beautiful examples in the exterior

Considering any building, the man first turns attention to its roof, or rather, on its visible part - the roof. The roof of the house, its appearance always remains the pride of his host.

Correctly chosen roofing is able to decorate even the most unwashed building.

  • In the modern world, the cubic houses are greatly popular. House-cube has a flat roof. It is not only beautiful and unusual, but also practical. On a flat roof you can arrange a seating area with a terrace and a green lawn.
  • The decoration of a two- or three-story private house can be a single-table roof. With the right choice of color solutions, unusual and interesting options are obtained.

  • The asymmetric duct roof on a single-storey or two-story private house is originally. The appearance of the building is immediately perceived differently.

The variants of the device asymmetric roof set:

  1. Place the rods at different angles.
  2. Make ramps of different widths.
  3. If the house has several floors, then one slot to lengthen, turning it into a canopy.
  4. Under one of the skates to build a veranda.

  • Surprisingly transforms a bounce roof using a soft tile as a coating.
  • The device of viewing windows on the roof rope gives the whole structure of originality.

  • Speecically look at several different types of roofs on one building.

The duct roof is well combined with a holmic roof:

  1. Skat is located above the fronton. In addition to the original appearance, such a constructive solution makes it possible to equip the room in the attic.
  2. Skat is located under the fronton. Decorate such a roof Little turns located on the frontions.

  • The appearance of the attic roof is becoming more spectacular when the angle of inclination rafters is changed.
  • Decoration of the house design will be a canopy device over a balcony in the shape of a naked roof.

Make a house in an extraordinary, memorable, unlike others allow the right color combinations of the facade and roof finish:

  • there are always harmonious buildings, in which the facade of light gray, white or lemon color, and the roof is green, or a cream facade under the roof of brown;
  • noble and silent, combinations of blue, green, white walls under black or gray roofing;
  • if the buildings are covered with brown and gray roofs, then the Red Roof will effectively allocate a house of a total mass;
  • blue facade with gray or white elements under the gray roof looks elegant and modern;

  • a classic combination is dark top and light bottom. The most common option. The light walls of the facade and the contrast color of the roof;
  • the combination of "tone is tone." Roofing and walls of one shade will give the building of monolith and elegance;
  • dark walls under light roofs. So that the roof does not dissolve on a general background, it is necessary to repeat it on the windows, doors, drainage.

Fashion Today dictates Rules in all areas - clothes, shoes, interior design and exteriors, garden design. She did not bypassed roofs. Most recently, decorative turrets were popular, and now, multi-level complex structures, under which children's rooms or dressing rooms are arranged, simulators, home theaters, billiards and so on. But fashion is a lady capricious and changeable. And if it is entirely to rely on it, you will have to update the roof of the house every 2-3 years, which is not for everyone by pocket. It is better to listen to your taste, taking the basis of separate stylish fragments. And in order not to drown in the ocean of diversity, it is worth familiar with the finished projects of beautiful roofs of private houses.

Roofs for private houses: what to choose

The appearance of modern roofs - the flight of designer fantasy and one of the motivators, and not the most important, defining roof design for a particular building. The main thing is the engineering development under a certain form - tasks that one or other roof configuration should be done as best as possible.

An unusual attic roof with asymmetric lines will emphasize the exquisite taste of the owner of the house and will allow you to get an additional room under the roof.

For example, a flat operated and broken roof roof have different goals. The first is suitable for creating a greenhouse on the roof, the second is to have an extra living area.

On a flat roof of a private house you can arrange a beautiful green area

But the main functions for all roofs are the same:

  • protection of the building from rain, snow and winds;
  • good resistance to mechanical stress and ultraviolet;
  • effective self-cleaning;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • simplicity in arrangement and repair;
  • accommodality in the construction and operation, as well as durability.

Country House for Seasonal Accommodation With A Simple Double Roof - Classic Design Non-Fashion

Therefore, choose the form of a roof follows from your needs: what is desirable to get in the end.In addition, you need to take into account the carrier load that the roof will have on the walls and the foundation of the house. Multi-type complex roofing, and even-coated with natural tiles, it does not suit the light frame building, no matter how it would not want.

Construct multi-line roof lovers of original design for beauty and opportunities to equip several small side attic at once

Conversely, a simple bartal roof, covered by an ordinary slate, will not look at the intricate the facade of a large building.

Even the location of the house plays a considerable role when choosing a roof. If the structure is at the very beginning of the site, then do fashionable, almost to the earth itself, the skates do not make sense. For such a form, you need a space, and in the cramping conditions it will not play as it should be.

The bartal roof is simple and reliable, but there are several complex hybrid forms, for example, a semi-walled construction - when the end skates do not reach the cornice, and the side are low from the ground

Why then spend money when you can choose something easier and significantly saved on construction. By the way, classic duct roofs have not come out of fashion over the centuries. And this means much.

Video: Unusual roofs of private houses

Beautiful roof design: options

Roofs of houses differ in design and by type of observer material.

Flat roofs

In private house-building, flat roofs are quite rare. The main reason is a large snow load compared to the scope, which falls on a flat shape, and low self-cleaning. It is believed that when the bias is 0-1 °, the water will be constantly stagnant and it will sooner or later lead to damage roofing. That is, a flat roof need a much greater care.

Flat roofing favorably combines with a common design and complemented by various small geometric details

In addition, such a project cannot be called. The rafter system, monolithic floors, insulating materials, the arrangement of flue and ventilation channels, drainage and drainage - everything should be durable and high-quality.

Minimalism and clear geometric lines produce stability and monolithic effect

Therefore, a flat roof is usually done when it is planned to use it - under the terrace, greenhouse, sauna or pool, etc. Here they are indispensable. If not, it is better to refuse from a flat roof.

In a modern individual residential building in the suburbs on a flat operated roof there are green plantings

A private house with a flat roof is unusual and interesting: an extraordinary roof creates a unique style and completes the overall image of the building.

Video: how to make a flat roofing operated and how much it will cost

Scope roofs

The construction of the pitched roofs costs the owners of private houses more expensive: there is more roofing, you need a more powerful supporting structure. However, they are more reliable, do not require frequent care and in form are very diverse:

  • single one;
  • duplex (straight, broken roofs or attic);
  • four-tight (tent, hip);
  • spherical;
  • multi-line;
  • cone-shaped;
  • combined, etc.

Video: Structures of pitched roofs for a private house - 10 ideas

Design of houses with a single roof

Such roofs are also called monoscota. They have one slope based on the bearing walls of different height, due to which very interesting projects are obtained.

The arrangement of a single-table roof is inexpensive, since the entire installation is the support of the canvas to the outer walls of the building of different height

If earlier, a monosicate roof is a terrace, a household, cellar, today is one of the currents of minimalism, which gives the structure a futuristic look.

The roof is beautifully streaming the building, performing several important functions at once: it creates an unusual design form of the whole house and delicately hides the second floor

Modern monoscate roofs are a whole complex of nodes and compounds capable of withstanding climatic disasters and protect the building. Therefore, more and more often you can see one-piece roofs in private home ownership.

Building attracts attention and fascinates the gaze of beautiful design and skillfully selected facing colors

In addition to stylish air design, single-sided roofs are light and not costly in the mounted. To mount such a roof will be able to anyone who has at least small knowledge in construction, even if he had never been engaged before. The main thing is to comply with the technology and the specifics of their device.

Both edges of the rafter feet have a reliable support and refer to the discharge of the revolving

The definition of a single-carbon roof reflects the essence of its device - one scope plane is formed by a rafter system.

Video: a single-piece roof device with your own hands

Monoscate roofs, thanks to their configuration, are diverse, for example, roofs-canopies that are so loved by residents of Australia, known for their commitment to all fashionable manifestations.

Today, residents of Australia, known for their courage in the plan of fashionable legislation, confidently ask a new tendency to use roofs-canopies in construction

Single roofs can be attic and unbandinous, hemispherical, as well as sheds - saws, which are rare, however, you can see the walked private house. And completely in vain. Thanks to their design, with a skillful approach, you can achieve all the benefits of passive solar heating and good natural lighting.

The architect Howard Alan received a good result, which converted the roof of an ordinary Chicago house. The new roof has become a shadovaya (saw-shaped). Tests at the end of construction showed that at an outdoor air temperature -18.3 ° C on a winter sunny day the inner temperature was about +21.1 ° C.

With the conversion of the roof in the shadow, the height of the attic room has increased and their natural ventilation has simplified

Beautiful row roofs of private houses

Duscal roofs are the most popular types of roofs for a number of reasons:

According to the functionality, the duplex roofs are not inferior to a single one, the same simple and reliable. They consist of two slopes, which are based on, as in a monoscaption roof, on the bearing walls (or the feather-beam reference system), but the same height. The ridge skate ridge are connected. The gap between them is called a fronton or tongs.

Large windows and roofing with window holes create good lighting and interesting look against the rest of the buildings

The skates themselves until recently were traditionally the same length. But fashion makes its own adjustments and now they are often made different in size, which gives the house a kind of appearance.

The duct roof serves as roofs for the house, smoothly passing into a summer canopy for parking or a town, where you can relax and hide from the sun

Moreover, the long-rods do not mount the drainage system, since water and lowering snow quickly come from such roofs. On the one hand, it should be cheapening construction and guarantees a long service life to roofing. But on the other hand, under such a roof, a good drainage system is needed throughout the perimeter of the house, so that the foundation is not hidden.

Video: Roofs of private houses

Varieties of duplex roofs

The duct roofs are unlimited by supporting design and strengthened material, so there is a designer fantasy where to turn around.

The roof of the Dormer adds an auditory window to the attic, which serves to illuminate and ventilating the attic room, and also improves the appearance of the private house

There were so-called hybrid forms - more difficult in design, but, of course, much more spectacular. For example, semi-walled structures with end slopes that do not reach cornice.

The half-walled roof is more difficult in arrangement than the usual duplex, but it looks much original

The Danish shape of the duct roof and the Dutch, the difference between which consists in the method of cutting the hip - Danish offers small tongs, and the Dutch is the usual frontouts in the form of a trapezium.

The difference between the Danish and Dutch construction lies in the method of circumcision of the hip - from above or below

Such structures have their strengths and weaknesses. First include:

  • large rigidity of the frame at the expense of corner ribers;
  • the ability to withstand considerable snow loads;
  • good protection of the frontones of the house from the weather and the ability to establish the usual window in the indulgent (attic) room.

Cons of semi-walled roofs:

  • the complexity of the design provides for the accurate calculation of the soling system;
  • a greater consumption of sawn timber and roofing sheets.

Dersighted roofs are also a type of duplex. It would seem that in our time such roofing with broken lines will not surprise anyone. However, new-fashioned elements make modern attic roofs not only respectable, good, but also amazingly attractive and functional. For many, such a roof is a blue dream, despite the cost of its arrangement.

Rich home decoration profitably emphasizes an unusual roof

The courage of architects amazing imagination. So that the house retains its individuality, select unusual forms and materials that will serve for years.

The roof flows smoothly into the walls, creating a one-piece and completed image of the entire structure.

Before mounting the attic roof, it is necessary to check the status of the foundation and bearing walls - whether they can withstand an additional load.

Beautiful roofs of wooden houses

Frame or wooden houses, unlike stone, brick, etc. The buildings are more easily and do not need a powerful foundation. This must be considered when choosing a roof. In principle, it concerns the underfloor material, since the shape of the roof can be given any. Strengthen the bearing walls before this, strengthen the foundation, set the decorative beams of the backups near the house, to which the load from the roof will be transmitted, etc. options for the sea, but the observer material is still better to select light, do not overload the supporting structures at home with natural tiles for example.

Basically for wooden buildings use:

  • ordinary duplex roofs;

    Wooden walls emphasize the quality of the house

  • sALTBOX roofs - asymmetrical duplex roofs - allow you to expand the house, having lowered a long scat on the completed elements;

    The asymmetric duple roof of the frame house allows you to shift the load through a long scat on the drawable elements of the house

  • the roasting roof roofs are a brutal trendy direction designed just for wooden houses - a combination of simplicity and coarse natural materials.

    Roofing of roofing iron has an interesting form: the usual duplex, it unobtrusively changes the angle of the skates, as if the structure merges with the surrounding landscape

Beautiful roofs of complex designs

Recently, the roof of complex forms have become very popular among private homeowners. This is due to the original type, which such roofs give buildings, as well as the opportunity to rationally use the subcoase space. This group includes:

  • walp roofs;

    Under the roof, an additional floor suffered unnoticed, while the building seems compact and coherent

  • multi-line;

    Strong and reliable multi-line roofing perfectly combined with wooden beams and chimney

  • combined from different species;

    The noble gray color of the combined roof is profitably echoes with a dairy shade of walls and the decorative elements of the courtyard

  • vaulted roofs that are often equipped on additional buildings;
  • bubnoy, tents and conical;
  • the roofs of the M-shaped form are rarely used, only in special design solutions, when you need to combine 2 buildings under one roof;

    Two houses standing closely visually have individual roofs, but in fact the common ending, the load on which is very high

  • butterfly roofs - look very tempting, but are complex in design.

    The roof of the butterfly looks very beautiful and unusual, but impractical at the price, absence of an attic room, the complexity of the design

Of course, this is an incomplete list of sensing roofs for a private house. In the world of building fashion, you can see the stunning patterns of engineering and designer thought.

In addition to the functional and aesthetic side, it would be nice to consider a practical aspect - the ability to use the surface of the roof for energy saving. Is it possible to install solar panels without prejudice to appearance - this question is by no means idle. Energy prices are growing with enviable constant, so a simple installation of alternative energy sources on the roof of your own home will be quite by the way.

Have your own energy sources are always useful, especially with a constant rise in price of energy resources.

What exactly choose the shape of the roof is a solution that you need to think good. Consider all the versions you like. Determine with what difficulties is conjugated. To understand the conditions of operation and repair, as well as what advantages will give one or another roof type.

Video: Types of roofs - overview of single-table, duplex and flat roofs

What roofing material is more attractive

The choice of roofing is most often dependent on the angle of inclination of the roof. That is why you first need to choose the optimal version of the roof scenery. It is believed that the greatest snow load on the roof accounts for the shades of the slopes of 30 °. Therefore, that the roof is well self-cleaning, the angle of inclination needs to be made at least 45 °.

However, it is not necessary to arbitrarily increase the angle of inclination on the principle "the more, the better." Not better. Especially in the regions with an abundance of gusty winds.

With increasing slope inclination at 20-30%, the wind load on such a roof immediately increases 5 times.

But also reduce the slope no exit - the wind can undermine the roof of literally from the inside, having frightened through the unprotected shelves of the overlaps. So choose the form of a roof, considering the climatic conditions of a specific region, having previously calculated the angle of inclination by the formula: the length of the skate ridge is divided by ½ width of the house and multiply on 100. The result and will be the resulting angle of inclination.

Wind loads depend on slope

The greater the angle of inclination, the higher the expenses for the construction of the roof. It also needs to be taken into account when choosing a roof.

Video: How to make the right choice of underfloor material

So, roofing is what better:

  1. Slate - inexpensive roofing material. It is used with subtildity of 13-60 °. With a smaller slope in the joints of the joints, water will be seamless, leading to the disrepair of the already durable coating.

    A private house with a slate roof looks very stylish, however, the slate coating is highly dependent on the slope

  2. Ceramic tile is a beautiful and noble underfloor flooring, which is placed when cutting the skates at 30-60 °. If the angle is less, then there are additional ventilation and waterproofing of the roof.

    Thousands of years Ceramic tile remains one of the most beautiful materials for the roof

  3. Metal tile is the most perhaps the optimal coating option. It is suitable for almost any form of roof and also does not have the maximum value of the subtleness, and the minimum is only 15 °. Therefore, this roofing material is so popular.

    Metal tile - Material for those who choose stylish solutions for reasonable money

  4. Bituminous tile - it looks beautifully on unusual roofs with arc-shaped elements and an angle of inclination less than 12 °. The maximum subtleness value is not limited.

    Bituminous tile is suitable for roofs of an unusual shape

In a separate group, it is worth highlighting transparent roofs - externally incredibly beautiful, but also the cost of arrangement will require a lot.

The transparent roof, transmitting light and air, will become a business card at home, give him fragility, refinement and uniqueness

And, of course, premium roofs:

Advantages of copper and titanium-zinc roofs:

  • prestigious with high aesthetic indicators;
  • environmentally friendly and plastic, so that such coatings can be flattened by any contours and form the most incredible structures;
  • do not need special maintenance and painting;
  • differ in natural anti-corrosion protection due to patina (oxide film);
  • light, comfortable in the installation - are attached to the base with the help of false, and not nails;
  • withstand temperatures without losing their qualities up to +150 ° C;
  • mind to -70 ° C are transferred, so widely used in the northern regions;
  • mounted on the roofs of any slope;
  • durable - service life up to 150 years.

Video: Copper roof - Elite can be seen from afar

It is impossible not to mention the reed coating, which is capable of changing the color with the years, merging with the landscape over the years.

Reed roofs are becoming more popular every year

And if earlier it was believed that reed - the poor feet, now this environmentally friendly, warm and durable natural material is preferred mainly people wealthy.

Video: Charming straw roofs

The roofs-chameleons - so they are called in the people - fabulously beautiful, reliable, cozy and unique.

Video: photos of beautiful and unusual roofs

Houses are so different. Even built according to a single project, in the same area, but alone look like palaces, and others look just buildings. But the whole thing is in a properly selected in the form of a roof and a suitable underfloor material that are not required to be trendy, but must match the canons of style. Then the house will receive a modern beautiful "headdress", and its inhabitants are comfort and comfort.

Individual construction uses various types of roofs, and the choice is due to various factors, including:

  • decorative qualities and compliance with the selected style of construction;
  • hitkelectric solution of the house (including the geometric shape of the box, the presence of inner bearing walls, etc.);
  • climatic features of the construction region;
  • the difficulty of installation;
  • load on wall structures and foundation;
  • the use of certain roofing materials;
  • the possibility of insulation of construction, etc.

Main types of roofs

On the constructive design of the roof can be divided into two types:

  • The attic roofs - with a ceiling at the level of the top of the walls, which separates the space under the roof of the premises located at the bottom. This is a classic option for a cold climate, since the overlap can be inspired to reduce the heat loss at home. In addition, the space under the roof is suitable for use as an additional economic room or turning it into a residential (for this it is required to warm the roofing system).
  • Bescaneless (combined) roofs - no additional ceiling overlap, the ceiling of the lower floor serves the roofing design itself, flat or scope. More suitable for a warm climate, as in harsh climatic conditions it is more difficult to prevent heat loss through such a roof.

Children's roof

If we consider which types of roofs in the level of inclination and configuration of the roof, you can highlight systems:

In turn, the scope types of roofs in design are:

  • single one;
  • forcepets (two-tight);
  • mansard (broken nippy roofs);
  • tents;
  • walm and half-haired;
  • multi-volume;
  • conical;
  • dome;
  • combined;
  • free outlines.

Each type of roof has its advantages and disadvantages, operational features. Consider them in more detail.

Flat roofs

For individual house-building, flat roofs are uncharacteristic for a variety of reasons, including:

  • architectural inexpressivity, if we are talking about the construction of standard rectangular outlines;
  • high requirements for roof waterproofing;
  • the need for a high bearing capacity of the roofing system, if it comes to an exploited roof or construction in the regions for which elevated snow loads are characterized.

But today, flat roofs are increasingly equipped with private developers. First of all, it is associated with the popularity of Modern styles, minimalism and high-tech. At the same time, the combination of volumes of different parts of the structure is commonly used for the architectural expressiveness of the building. Another reason for growing interest in the flat roof was the emergence of durable and reliable waterproofing materials on the construction market.

Flat Roof House

The advantages of flat roofs can be attributed:

  • equip the platform for recreation, sports activities, etc.;
  • create a winter garden or greenhouse;
  • install the wind generator or other equipment to improve comfort and economic efficiency at home.

In addition, flat roofs are easier and safer to serve - clean from snow, repair the roof or eliminate the malfunction of the equipment installed on it.

Single roofs

If you compare what roofs of houses and household buildings are, it can be noted that in the second case, single-paced rafal systems are used more often. This type of roof is characterized by the most simple design - the rafter legs are based on the edges of the walls (or special supports) located at different heights. The angle of inclination is depends on the height of the height and length of the span.

Single roofs are most often installed on small-sized buildings, because with a large roof area, an inclination angle is required to ensure an effective drainage. And this turns into an increased roof sailboat.

If we are talking about a residential building, then for the architectural expressiveness of the building often I often use the reception when two (or more) single-sided roofs over different parts of the building visually mimic the two-tie (or multi-trumpet) design.

Single roofing

The advantages of single-sided roofs included:

  • easy settlement and installation work;
  • efficiency (used minimum materials);
  • low weight (suitable for structures on the foundations of a lightweight type).

If the angle of inclination of the row is relatively small, the roof maintenance is safer compared to other types of scanty structures.

The shortcomings of the system of this type include the limited attic space - it is difficult to fully utilize on economic purposes and it is harder to warm up well.

Double constructions

Answering the question of which there are roofs on private homes, most people first work will remember about the duplex roof, which is also called forcep. Its construction is quite simple - two identical slides are based on the bottom on the opposite walls (or laid across them beams), and in the upper part are connected in the skate.

The advantage of this system is the following:

  • the rafter design is easy to calculate and mounted;
  • space under skates can be used to store things or in other economic purposes, including to install ventilation and other equipment;
  • if desired, the attic is construed into residential premises;
  • due to a sufficiently steep slope of the rods (usually 15-60 degrees, depends on the atmospheric loads in the region and the selected coating material) snow and rain moisture easily from the roof;
  • financial investments in a two-sheet design relatively small;
  • the house with a plumbing roof looks aesthetically attractive.

However, it is worth paying attention to that the forcep roof is suitable for relatively small areas of the building area, since the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof grows noticeably with increasing the size of the house box.

Double roof

Two-tight roofs are not only forcepets, that is, equally chaired. To add individuality to the construction, you can perform an asymmetric roof, whose slots differ in size and angle of inclination. However, in this case, the professional calculation of the rafter system is required, the load on which is unevenly distributed.

Children's roofs

Under the attic roofs are usually implied "broken" two-tie structures. In this case, each slope consists of two parts located at different angles, and the lower mounted almost vertically. The feature of the rafter system is that it allows you to expand the useful space of an attic room, as if continuing the wall at home.

Financial investments in the system of this type are 25-30% higher than on the installation of a forcep roof, but the gain in terms of the functionality of the construction is much larger, since a full-fledged residential floor is almost added. And in comparison with the construction of a full-fledged two-storey house, you can significantly save, since the installation and insulation of the roofing system will cost much cheaper than the improvement of the enhanced foundation and the construction of the second floor walls.

Athenium roof

When arranging such a roof it is important to consider the following points:

  • the insulation of the attic will reduce the heat loss of the lower premises of the house, but the underproductive space needs high-quality ventilation, since it is inevitably the use of steam-recreated materials (thermal insulator from a foamed polymer or a special membrane protecting mineral wool from moisture);
  • if you cut the windows in the roof rods, you can provide high-quality daylighting;
  • when using special furniture, it is possible to maximize the space in the "dead" zones between the vertical walls of the room and the skates.

A mansard roof can be replaced by the existing forceps, provided that the walls and foundations are able to withstand an increased load.

Tent roofs

Visually, the design is four identical isceived triangles whose vertices are converged at one point, and the bases lie on the walls of the construction.

Tent roofing

Tent roofs (pyramidal) structures are ideal for erection at home, the box of which has a square shape. To their advantages can be attributed:

  • high resistance to atmospheric loads;
  • attractive appearance;
  • the possibility of using almost any roofing materials.

The disadvantage can be called increased requirements for system calculations and the execution of installation work. In order for the sling system to withstand the load and evenly distributed them to the walls of the house, its carrier frame must be made strictly symmetrically.

Walm roofs

Walm structures were primarily distributed in Northern Europe, in the edges for which strong winds and abundant precipitation are characterized. Like tent structures, the hip systems have four skate, but they are not the same, and pairs are symmetrical. On the short sides of the house of the races triangular, on the long - trapezoids, which in the upper part converge in the skate.

The hollow roof does not stop even a squall wind, at the expense of long sills, it reliably protects the walls of the houses from precipitation. An attic room under such a roof is quite spacious, and if you wish, there can be an attic, installing the window in the roof.

A variety of hip structures is the half-haired roofs. They differ in that the triangular rocks are approximately twice as short as side trapezoids and open the top of the front. Such roofs are used in two-three-storey buildings, in this case the upper (attic) floor of the window is available only on the frontones, since the side parts are closed with roof.

Semi-Walled Roof

The hip and semi-raid types of roofs for a private house belong to complex in installation, as they require increased accuracy in calculating the solo system and the framework of the frame. Also should be taken into account the increased consumption of materials for the construction of the frame and laying the roofing cake. But it is worth noting that buildings with such roofs look solid and respectable.

Multi-line designs

The original roof can be created by combining several two-tie structures among them. The most common option is to install small forceps over the attic windows on the frontions and rods of the roof of the house. Also, separate two-sheet roofs can be erected over each of the parts of the house of the complex configuration, which in general creates a unique ensemble.

It should be noted that the calculation and installation of multi-track designs is required to trust professionals, since the complex rafter system must properly distribute the load on building structures.

Multi-line roof

The weak place of multi-cycle roofs is the waterproofing of funds and the adjoins that are replete with the design. Such a roof requires in the installation of increased attention and the use of the most reliable waterproofing materials.

Conical roofs

Such structures in the "solid" form are usually crowned round or polygonal towers, round-shaped houses. Incomplete cones are used to create a roof over the protruding erker, in this case, a particular complexity represents the conjugation of the cone element of the roof with a rafting roof system over the main part of the house.

Conic roof

Not all roofing materials are suitable for the coating on the conical roof. First of all, you can use:

  • rolled bitumen materials with decorative protective coating;
  • bitumen tile;
  • natural tile;
  • copper or wooden "Czech";
  • slate, limestone;
  • reed and other vegetable materials.

Dome roofs

Thoughtful which roofs are on private houses, it is impossible not to mention the dome roofs. Two main varieties differ:

  1. insulated roof (with window structures or "deaf") as part of the dome house;
  2. panoramic glazed (or partially glazed) design over a part of a house of complex architecture.

The framework of the dome system in the first case can be made of wood. Fully glazed dome is made of metal (steel or aluminum) structures, while professional engineering calculations and competent framework of the framework, which should successfully withstand atmospheric loads.

As a translucent filling can be used:

  • reinforced or laminated glass (during the destruction of these materials, hazardous fragments are not formed, but their light transpact capacity is not the highest);
  • triplex (fully safe, well misses light);
  • plastic materials - polycarbonate, transparent slate, plexiglass (have low weight and safe when destroying, but should take into account the resistance of each of these materials to ultraviolet and light transpact properties).

Dome roof

Panoramic dome roof is complex not only in the installation, but also in service. Glazing must be installed regularly outside, because dust will be treated on its surface. In winter, the upper part of the dome will be covered with snow and forehead, if you do not provide a special system of heating.

The advantages of dome roofs:

  • originality and aesthetics of the appearance;
  • increased heat efficiency of insulated structures - the form of the dome contributes to the uniform distribution of heat, there are no frozen angles in the room;
  • glazed designs make it possible to create an original winter garden or stars observation room.

Combined roofs

Houses of complex architecture with a variable floor, replete with towers, erkers and other elements, require the construction of a combined roof. During the development of the project, specialists need to competently combine several types of roofs into a single harmonious ensemble.

Combined roof

In this case, the roof should be not only aesthetic and original, but first of all reliable and durable. For laying roofing, the material is selected equally suitable for flat and convex surfaces. Most often these are piece materials (natural tile, slate) or flexible bituminous tile.

Roofs of "free" forms

There are roofs of private houses that are difficult to classify. We are talking about original architectural solutions when the roof in general and most of its parts have no strict geometric shape. The surface of the roof has smooth bends, due to which the skates required for the removal of rain and melt water are formed.

Roof free shape

Houses with such roofing designs are as close as possible to the free natural outlines, and fully natural materials are used to create roofing flooring - first of all it is a slate. It includes the herbaceous coatings of houses built in the slope of the hill (and partially inside it) to this type of roofs, if the roof vegetation forms a single carpet with natural cover on the areas adjacent to the house.


Modern materials make it possible to implement projects of any complexity to the private developer. When choosing a type of roof, it is important to estimate the financial side of the issue, the complexity of installation (if it is planned to be built on its own), the functionality of the roof and the durability of the materials from which the roofing pie is planned. The shape of the roof, the material and color of the coating, largely determine the appearance of the house, create its individual "character".

Types of roofs for a private house

Types of roofs of private houses in design. What are the types of roofs according to a constructive solution and form of execution for a private house.

Varieties of roof houses and their characteristics

Popular roof configurations

In modern private construction there are a great many varieties of roofs of houses, and in our material it will be about their most popular options. It is possible to divide such important roofing structures depending on the shape, design features and on what materials were used during it.

Tilt angle

First, we suggest familiarize yourself with what the forms of the roof are. Depending on the angle of inclination, you can define two main categories of facilities:

  1. Flat, with an angle of inclination, not exceeding 3 degrees relative to the horizon. Since their service is very difficult, as well as precipitation, these options are rarely found. From the positive points here you can mark inexpensive installation and a small amount of consumables. On this design, you can equip the open-air terrace, which can also be attributed to the benefits.
  2. Scope, with an angle of inclination from 10 degrees and above. Such samples are characterized by ease of operation, therefore their popularity is very high. There is no accumulation of precipitation, and the water is perfectly displayed on the plasnets.

Selection of the type of roof depending on the angle of inclination

The roofs with scanty surfaces, in turn, are divided into subcategories:

  • single one;
  • double cool;
  • duplex gerier;
  • bantal attic with a broken configuration;
  • four-tight semi-walled;
  • four-tight tents;
  • four-tie hip.

To the most convenient implementation include single-bed roofing structures, the slope of the surface of which ranges from 4 to 6 degrees. They make sense to install on garages, sheds and other economic buildings.

What are the types of roof

If you need to build a attic, give preference to the attic roof, which can consist of two slopes and have a contour broken configuration. Walm samples are distinguished by practicality, they adequately withstand the wind load, but their installation cannot be called simple.

This will require materials in large quantities, and not to do without a professional assembly brigade. Choosing a type of roof, be sure to take into account all factors, and do not limit the information about the service life and the cost of the project.

So that the design pleased the eye and was a real decoration of the house, it is necessary to pay special attention to its design.

Popular types of roofs of private houses and their characteristics

Of course, the popularity of one or another type of roof is explained by the simplicity of installation, the savings of finance and time, the climatic features of the region and the personal preferences of the hosts. Let us turn to the detailed review of the options presented in modern construction.


This kind is the most popular and is being built in our country for a long time. Another name of the structure with two slots, which rest on the walls of one height - the "forcep roof". Installation is more difficult here than at a single-table option, but facing materials here can be completely different, which allows you to satisfy any requirements of the developer regarding the design.

Divine Design Device Scheme

In this case, we are dealing with four slots, the form of two of which repeats the trapezium, and the remaining two are made in the form of triangles. The design name occurred from the word "Valm" (front triangular rocks).

Approximate Walm Roof Scheme

In the process of installation, beams are installed here using double tightening and necessarily at an angle of 45 degrees are mounted by the drains for each slope. The construction of such structures requires additional efforts and skills, because the device of the rafter system in this case is quite complicated.


This is one of the options for holmic roofs, with the only difference that the truncated triangular shape has been formed here, and it has been installed above, rather than its trapezoid analogues. From the disadvantages, it is fashionable to celebrate only additional costs for the materials, because you will have to finish those areas of the planes that are adjacent to the roof edges. Such structures are well used in the regions with a windy climate.

Scheme of a half-racm structure

Mansard (broken)

Another type of bartal samples, characterized by broken skates, which allows to significantly increase the attic room, called the attic. Pentagonal frontones do not leave anyone indifferent, and their construction will not cause special difficulties from experienced masters. The only thing you have to face, it is to buy materials for the insulation of residential premises and establish them, thereby increasing the indicators of energy saving at home, which is not required in the case of an ordinary attic that is not intended for living.

Scheme of a malcardic design

On average, the cost of building the roof is about 20% of the total amount of construction costs, but we can maximize the useful area of \u200b\u200bconstruction and get a two-storey house with actually in one level.

At the time of subtle, such types of roofs of houses are gradually returned to the construction due to the unusual design solutions of modern architects. Flat roofs allow you to build a flower garden, a tennis court or a mini outdoor pool, especially if your home is located in the region with a warm climate. They can be improved by removable bends of glass or other materials that reliably protect the recreation area from precipitation and pollution. The transparent dome will provide space with natural lighting, and in the evening lighting devices will be helped. Here you can install solar panels and water heating elements, if you, of course, are needed.

Flat Roof Device Scheme

Of the advantages I would especially like to note the available expenses for materials and installation work. Do not forget about a high-quality storm system, with the help of which all the sediments will leave from the roof without a residue, besides, a flat surface still has a slope, although it is impaired at first glance. As for the deficiencies, there may be problems with thermal insulation, and this is primarily about the infection of the plane in the summer heat, but you can also fight with a cold, as in the case of the attic roof.

If the structure of the roof with skates has its own heat exchanger in the form of a attic, then flat options cannot boast such a feature, so in the event of an acute necessity it is necessary to separately resort to its construction.

The main rule here is the creation of ventilation between the ceiling of the residential premises and the roof, while it does not matter which form it will be.

You can equip both a ventilated attic and ventilation channels that will hide the rafting and facing roofing materials.

Less popular types of roofs

In addition to the most common roofing structures, there are other options that can also be found in private construction, though less often. Their form is somewhat different from those specimens that we have considered above, but they may not be less beautiful from this. It is necessary to approach the creation of such samples seriously, because their implementation may be satisfied only for professionals.

Single car

A distinctive feature of this type of construction is a rafting system based on the walls of different levels, due to which the skate is formed. Such structures are simple in construction, and for their cladding will be suitable any, even the most inexpensive materials.

Single-pole scheme

As for practicality, it is obvious, because there are no precipitation here, so you can not worry about maintaining such a building. The disadvantage is also essential - you will not be able to equip the attic or attic, and possibly, so today you can rarely meet single-table specimens on new homes.

The shape of such a roof is made in the form of four symmetrically arranged triangles on each wall of the building that form a kind of tent. It has an unusual chic look, but it is very difficult to build it because of the unnecessary wisdom of the rafter system.

Stropile System of Tent Design


It has one more name - end, and is characterized by one of the most complex rafting systems. Many outdoor and inner angles at the joints of two slopes are not easy mounted, besides, the Enda provoke the accumulation of snow and rainwater, which can lead to leaks.

Multi-line roof circuit

Multi-line samples can afford weissive people who build houses of polygonal shape with a large number of attacks and attic rooms.

Such types of roofs only in rare cases overlap the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe structure and are mainly installed above its part. Flexible elements will be needed for mounting the frame, and flexible or soft lining will be suitable as a decorative coating. As a rule, dome solutions prefer lovers of antiquity, oriental style, ancient castles and all unusual, carrying it into their home.

Dome scheme


Recently, spherical roofs are slowly gaining popularity among our compatriots, though it rarely concerns residential buildings. They are covered with gazebos, sports grounds, churches, so that we can observe the design varieties of the design almost every day.

The structure of spherical design

The point here is not in the color of the decorative coating, as it may seem at first glance. As a cladding, if you can call it, we are dealing with natural soil, in which plants are planted that serve as a real decoration of such an exotic design. Here you can note all the positive qualities of flat samples, improved by a special ventilation system. Thanks to such a laying of the roots of bushes and trees, they are limited in growth, there are always enough moisture for watering, besides, the conditions for the healthy aeration of the roots of green plantings have been created.

Scheme of green design

The undoubted advantage is the uniqueness of the open greenhouse, because to meet such green living structures if it succeeds, it is very rare. Looking at the rapid development of new technologies and the popularity of environmental projects, it is not difficult to predict that soon such aspirations on the tops of the houses will receive much more distribution. Want to distinguish between your neighbors and are not afraid to face the need to carefully care outside the open-air plants? Then the green roof will suit you, and you can enjoy her beauty.

Decorative cladding: What to choose?

In addition to personal preferences and financial opportunities, this issue needs to be considered the features of the design, which can be as limited to you in the selection, so allow it to expand. To date, the following materials are most common:

All these roofing materials differ among themselves according to the technical characteristics, composition and design, and are also installed on the surface of the design by different technology, so before the selection should be carefully familiar with their description, manufacturer's recommendations and cavity. If you are weigly come up to this issue and study all the subtleties and nuances of the roof device, you can create reliable protection and simultaneously decorating for your home.

Roofs of houses: varieties and configurations

During the construction of houses there are many roof options. Consider in this article the most popular types of roofs of houses.

Types of roofs of private houses in design and geometric forms

The roof of the modern house is not just a covering for it, existing in order to protect against rain, snow and sunlight. The roof is a kind of continuation of the house in the architectural plan, thanks to which its general appearance is formed. Moreover, from whether the roof of which type is installed on the house and its common comfort depends.

Although, the roof should be not only beautiful, but also reliable. In principle, there are numerous types of roofs of private houses, but only some of them are the most common, which will be discussed in this article.

Roofs depending on constructive features

So, in general, then all the roofs in their own characteristics in a constructive plan are divided into pitched and flat. Both those and others have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

1. For example, currently flat-type roofs during the construction of residential private houses are practically not used. The reason lies in the fact that the bias of 3 degrees, which has a roof of this type, leads to the fact that atmospheric precipitations are badly "rolled". And this means that there is no need to speak about the good reliability of the flat roof. Yes, and in the designer attitude, the flat roof is very losing the scope. Therefore, in most cases, the flat roof is equipped then if it is planned to organize any additional space of the type of basin, a barroom or terrace.

Flat roof design. Photo -

2. Much more practical in this plan, a pitched roof, which has several advantages towards the roof of a flat type. The sufficient angle of the skate contributes to the fact that the roof is independently cleaned of water and snow, and in general is a more reliable design, than a flat roof. Under such a roof, you can easily make a attic or attic. Despite a number of advantages, the pitched roof has some disadvantages that are associated with high-cost construction and with the complexity of its repair during operation.

The structure of the pitched roof.

Attic and unbanding pitched roofs

Justice It is worth saying that the owner of the future house tries to choose any 1 of several proposed options for roofs of houses. Those. Either the design of an attic type or an unbandinous (indulgent).

1. The roof of an attic type is characterized by its simplicity of the structure, so such a roof can be easily built even on their own. Very often from the type of roof material and depends the angle of the adhesion of the attic roof. At the same time, it should be taken into account as a load that such a roof should keep and the cost of building material during its construction. In addition, this type provides for the possibility of repair without replacing the entire roof. If the choice is made in favor of an attic roof, then it is necessary to immediately determine whether the attic will be operated in the future or not. Those. It is from this decision that the choice of the upper overlap of the attic will be dependent, which can be both wooden and w / concrete.

The attic roof is separated with the whole room.

2. To another type of roof there is an attic. She is Bescaneous. Its main difference from the other types of attic roofs in private houses is that roofing structures will perform the outer walls in this case. Such a roof is very original, therefore the appearance of the house itself will be very unusual. And everything would be nothing, but the working area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room in this case decreases, and the process of erection of the attic roof is very difficult and independently cope with it without relevant experience, it is not easy.

Dersighted roof from the inside.

As a rule, an underaly roof has some break, so in order to strengthen its strengthening, it is necessary to put wooden backups from the inside. However, with due fantasy and from this, you can benefit, if we have a plywood backups and turn all this into useful lockers and niches for temporarily unnecessary things.

Varieties of pitched roofs in geometric forms

In addition, the design features of the roofs can also determine the various forms of roofs of private houses.

Single Roof

At the moment, the simplest and cheap is considered a single roof. This is a flat view of the roof, which relies on the walls having different heights. As a result, the inclination of the roof occurs in one, which side. It is usually most often used in the construction of sheds, garages and other business buildings. But often it can be seen on dacha houses. With all its advantages, the main drawback of such a roof is that the attic in the house with such a roof cannot be equipped. Yes, and its appearance leaves much to be desired.

House covered with a single-board roof.

Gable roof

The 2-pitched roof is common in the villages and in small cities. This kind of roof reached this day for a long time. As you can guess, such a roof of 2-skates connected to each other with a "skate" consists. Interestingly, such skates are like symmetrical relative to each other, and differ from each other an angle of inclination or length. By such a roof, you can easily equip the attic or attic. This kind of roof can be safely considered the most practical and most common. Parts of the walls of the building that limit the attic room on both sides are called frontons.

One of the most common types of roofs is a scope roof.

Walm roof

If 2 slopes of the triangular shape are installed instead of the frontones, then this roof is called the holm, and the rods themselves are referred to as Valmami. The upper part of the skates has auditory windows. If you compare this type of roof with discussed above, it is much more complicated to build it. Therefore, the construction of such a roof must be trusted only by professionals. But the stability of such roofs to precipitation and strong winds is simply phenomenal.

An example of a house with a holm roof.

Semi-Walled Roof

The semi-walled roof type is considered an intermediate link between 2-pitched and holm roofs. Faceprooftones in this case are made in the form of a trapezium, and their top covers with half-haired. As a rule, in such roofs on the front, you can place a completely full-fledged window, and the half-waves themselves are quite interesting decorative elements.

There is another type of a half-range roof when the bottom of the front is simply overlaps with a skate. This allows us to ensure the correct triangular form of the remaining part of the fronton, in which the auditory window is usually organized. If you judge such a roof in its appearance, it is quite a great interest for designers.

On the left first variety, on the right, the second type of the hip roof.

Tent roof

The Walm Roof has another kind, which was named the tent roof. Structurally, it has 3 and more slopes converging at the same top point. This type of roof does not have a skate, besides the symmetry of the skates relative to each other, it simply amazes. If the house has the form of the correct polygon or square, then it usually uses the tent type of roof. In terms of resistance to winds, this type of roof has proven itself quite well. In addition, from the point of view of designer thought, there are few alternatives to such roofs.

An example of a tent roof.

Multi-line roof

If the building has the shape of a complex polygon, then it is usually covered with a multi-line roof. Such roofs are very complex constructively due to their difficult rafaling system. Nevertheless, with a successful project of such a roof, you can create a very unique design.

An example of a multi-cycle roof.

Loaven roof

The species of attic roofs of private houses are often attributed to the broken roof type. Such a roof is sometimes called the roof of a mansard type. They have a fairly large angle of inclination of a break, which makes it possible to more fully use the useful area of \u200b\u200battic in the building.

The variant of the broken roof.

Dome and conic roof

Dome and conic roofs are very rare, as for private residential buildings. As a rule, these structures are structures of a rounded form, but not all houses of the house are covered with them, but only the individual elements to which, for example, can be attributed to the veranda of the round shape, or decorative turrets.

Left dome and right conic roof.

Combined roofs

But the most complex design has combined roof types. If we speak a simpler language, then such roofs are a combination of multi-wheeled, tent, semi-walled design. Despite this, if the cottage has a combined roof, then its very unusual species attracts attention, because it has a large number of hearing winds, indoor small balconies, as well as open and closed veranda. And nothing, but such roofs are not easy to build and maintain in the future.

An example of a combined roof.

Whatever it was, but the roofs, regardless of their form or type, are constantly being improved and complemented by new elements.

Types of roofs of private houses of their shapes and photo options

We present to your attention all possible types of roofs of private houses that differ in both constructive features and forms. Consider all the advantages and cons of one or another shape of the roof of the private house and in what cases they can be used to cover your home.

Types of roofs for a private house

The roof of the house is one of the key elements of its reliability, strength, thermoregulation and presentable appearance. There are a variety of roofs of private houses that differ in configuration, type of roofing materials involved, the complexity of the construction. The roof is an important supporting structure of a house intended for its protection against atmospheric precipitation and external influences, so it must be durable, sustainable and durable. Yes, and aesthetic qualities play an important role, because a well-chosen configuration and design of the roof will definite the tone to the entire building, becoming its business card.

Forms and types of roofs of private houses

At the design stage, it is necessary to choose the correct construction of the roof, based on the form of the house and its purpose. The roofs are divided into species that differ in the number of hips and rods. The main types of roofs that are in modern construction:

Single car - Easy design and comparative cheap execution makes this kind of roof popular. Used for household buildings, warehouses and garages. Rarely - for a private house.

Double - Classic roof option that consists of two parts. Makes it possible to equip the attic.

Flat - It is used mainly in the climatic belt, where a small amount of precipitation is envisaged. Otherwise, water will accumulate on the surface of the roof and flow into the house.

Walm roof - It is also called four-page. Differs complex design and high performance characteristics.

Polvalmovaya, Danish roof can be a duplex (attic) or four-page.

Tent - A variety of hip roofs for private houses, the design resembles a tent. It has simplicity of installation and high functionality.

Multi-type - consists of forceps, sets of funds, frontones and blocks. Provides a natural stack of rain and melt water.

Dome or cone The roof is mainly used on round and multifaceted buildings.

Roofs of a complex combination - Installed in private houses for two floors having an extension and economic premises. Installation of such a roof for only experienced specialists.

Unusual roof shape

Flat roof

The choice in favor of the roof of a flat shape occurs very rarely, because it accumulates snow too quickly, it delays the stack of water, it is easily deformed if the load has been hardened incorrectly. This variant of the roof is preferred in a hot climate, where precipitation is a rare phenomenon. It is also used to overlap multi-storey houses and industrial buildings.

Flat roof is popular with houses in the style of high-tech

Of the advantages of a flat roof can be noted:

Its smaller area compared to the scope, therefore the roofing material is less on it.

Conduct installation and service on a flat roof possible without problems.

Flat roof allows you to get an additional useful area that can be used, like a terrace, a place for sports, arrange a winter garden, build a gazebo with a fireplace.

Installation of such a design passes quickly, as well as repair.

Under the conditions of a soft climate, you can make a flat roof under the garden

Single roofs

The roof of the single-sided form has a flat surface that is tilted in one direction. Very often it is satisfied with the bottled walls. When installing, this is very important to choose correctly the magnitude of the inclination so that the part of the structure is located towards the winds.

The easiest version of the pitched roof

Pluses of a single roof:

A small cost compared to the attic or dome;

The possibility of subsequent completion of the floors without a grand dismantling;

Easy installation of chimneys and stacks;

A wide choice of materials for the roof;

High coefficient of use of the area;

The ability to mount a balcony and huge windows from the ceiling to the floor.

Also very popular for houses in modern style

Special deficiencies in a single-table roofing does not happen if not counting it

Not very presentable view.

However, if we competently design the design, combine several slopes at different levels, then it turns out a completely attractive roof. It is also important to choose the correct selection of material - if you choose, for example, metal tile, then it turns out a beautiful geometry of the skate, but the professionalist will turn the house in the barn.

Duscal roofs

The row roof design is most often used for a private house in our climatic belt. Located at an angle design does not allow to accumulate water and snow. The angle of the pitched roof is determined, based on the level of precipitation in the current region - the more precipitation, the greater the angle of the pitched roof.

Scheme of a bone roof

Pluses of a bone roof:

Practicality and opportunity to equip the attic;

No need to clean snow and water manually;

Wide design opportunities;

Most roofing materials are focused on a batch roof;

Small cost and speed of construction.

Classic version of the house with a bone roof

By minuses of the duplex roof in a private house include:

A large number of roofing materials that will be needed for its construction.

If the attitudes are planned, then it is necessary to take care of increasing the number of windows that complicates the design of the bartal roof.

Walm roof

The roof of the hip consists of four planes, which are arranged at an angle. Such a roof is considered one of the varieties of a four-piece roof.

Scheme of a holm roof

Advantages of a hospital roof:

Not subject to deformation in places of cornice canopies;

Original appearance;

Can resist strong winds;

Ability to equip a attic or a attic;

Well protects the facade from precipitation, thanks to the installation of additional soles.

Photo of the house with a holm roof

The disadvantage of the hip roof is considered:

The complexity of its installation, the complexity of laying roofing materials;

Due to the skates, the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room is reduced.

Semi-Walled Roof

The semi-walled roofs are also called Dutch. We have such structures are not as often as in Europe.

3d sketch of a half-raid roof

Pluses of half-raid roofs:

Resistance to wind and even hurricane due to the streamlined form;

Reliably protects walls and frontones at home from snow and rain;

Ability to equip under the roof of a residential or attic room;

Original and unusual design.

House with a half-haul roof

By cons of the roof of such a form include:

Difficulty of its installation, a large number of ribs and funds;

A large number of sawn timber;

Complex roofing finish - builders have to set many stops and subposses.

Tent roofs

The roof in the shape of a tent is one of the varieties of rolled types of roofs. It consists of four equal triangular shapes.

Stock Foto Houses with tent roof

Such an option of the roof wins in front of the bartal roof, thanks to a higher level of functionality and decorative attractiveness. The mass of the tent roof is less than that of a nippy or attic, so the load on the buildings is becoming less. The structure of the tent roof is durable, thanks to the ribs that provide support. By cons of such a type of roof, the complexity and high cost of installation can be attributed.


Multi-line roofs for private houses are a rather complex design, as they consist of a variety of rods, ribs, forceps, funds. Installation of such a roof is carried out only by masters with extensive experience in this area.

Pluses of multiple roof:

Attractive appearance;

Durability and strength of the structure;

Ability to equip under the roof additional room.

Minuses of such types of roofs is:

A large amount of roofing material.

Dome and conical

Cone types of roofs are installed above round or multifaceted buildings. For them, reference elements are used. The dome roof is considered one of the original and beautiful forms of roofs of private houses.

Dome - Used in modern post-modern style

Due to its configuration, the construction is well tolerated all the whims of nature, has increased strength and seismic resistance.

Such a roof gives home the castle-tested view

The disadvantages of this type of roofs are considered:

Emergency complexity of their installation;

The inability to place windows on them or equip the useful space under them;

This option is rarely used for a private house and is one of the most expensive.

Combined roof

Combined roofs are the most complex type of designs. They are a unique combination of semi-walled, holmic, row, conical, attic elements. Such a roof is undoubtedly a decoration of the house.

Consists of various combinations of all possible types

Can be embodied in various design solutions.

However, the installation of such a roof:

Very complicated, like design.

Yes, and the exercise costs and further maintenance are also great.

Therefore, the combined roof is installed most often on castles, churches and other buildings of this purpose.

Varieties of roofs of private houses: photo species of various designs of roofs

There are a variety of roofs of private houses that differ in configuration, type of roofing materials involved, the complexity of the construction.

Roof for a private house. Types of roofs in design

Throughout the service life, the roof should protect the dwelling from rain, snow, wind, the scoring rays of the sun and winter frost, while maintaining warm and comfort in the house. With the tasks assigned only a properly designed roof for a private house. Types of design roofs include many different options for arrangements, each of which should take into account all architectural nuances of house-building, as well as be relevant in a particular climate zone.

Choosing a roof design - an important stage in the construction of a private house

Existing varieties of roofs of houses

Choose the right and reliable roof - the mission is serious and responsible. After all, it is erected not for one season, but for decades. In addition, a beautiful roof is also a decent appearance of your home. Photos of private houses, beautiful roofs of which perfectly complete the architectural composition, visual confirmation. Also, each developer seeks to give the roof of an erected home rational form, which will be able to transfer all weather whims.

Combined Roof Type Country House

Forms of roofs for private houses whose photos can be found on the Internet, differ in amazing variety. Numerous design models can be the basis for bold ideas and help determine the choice. Modern projects of roofs of private houses allow you to realize the most original ideas in any style.

Before staying on the optimal version of the roof of a private house, you should familiarize yourself with the existing forms and constructive features of the roof. The main criteria for which the roofs of various types are classified are:

The choice of one or another roof design depends on many factors, such as climate in the region

How ideally one or another kind of roof for the house depends on the proper selection of all three parameters. The main factor affecting the roof design is the climatic zone. The features of the climate and will affect the bias of the design, its shape and selection of roofing material. It makes no sense to construct a roof with a small bias in the area where a large number of snow rainfall falls: they will accumulate and destroy the design.

Flat roofs relatively inexpensive, as in this case the minimum costs of materials and work on arrangement will be required. You can not worry that the roof is the wind. Many on flat roofs are equipped with additional open areas for various needs. But it should be borne in mind that the precipitates will spoil such a roof forming on the surface of the puddles.

In modern design houses, you can often meet the combination of various types of roofs

Helpful advice! To provide a flat design of a natural water removal, it is recommended to pour under a slight angle to the ceramzit layer.

There is also a separation of the roofs on the non-exploitable and operated, attic and unbelievable. Operated roofs are just used as sites for recreation and sports, covering them with a special material. The area of \u200b\u200bsuch a roof is usually equal to the area at home, so many owners think about the rational use of this space. A serious disadvantage is the insecurity of the coverage of precipitation.

When laying the metal tile, the maximum angle of inclination is not normalized, and the minimum is 15 °

An attic constructs are called when the distance between the overlap and the roof surface is not more than 1.5 m. Usually, the space under such a roof is operated for technical purposes. Bescaneous roofs are used when there is an idea to use the space under the roof as a residential room - attic. In addition, such an additional floor can be sustained above the existing home.

A variety of roofs are distinguished into a large group on geometric shape and the number of rods. The pitched roof is called if its tilt angle exceeds 10 °. The roofs are with one, two and four slots. More complex designs have combined skates - these are tent, multiple roofs. Less frequently in private construction there are dome or conical models. Roofs including several different forms are called combined.

Operated roof type: on a flat surface is equipped with a platform for recreation

Types of roofs for private houses: We select the optimal bias

Depending on the slope, the roofs are flat and scope. Under the slope understand the angle of inclination of the skate relative to the horizon line. It is measured in degrees or in percentage of the height of the roof to the length of the span. So, a 100% slope corresponds to 45 °. For the convenience of translation of these indicators, a special table has been developed.

The main reason for which the bias is arranged is a timely discharge from the roof. The roofs with a small bias (up to 1%) will often flow and deliver the inconvenience to the owners. In addition, in terms of the design of the surface of such roofs, it does not look aesthetic for private houses. Photos of flat roofs indicate that most often similar designs are used for households, garages and household buildings.

Table of conformity of the corner of the angle percentage of inclination of the roof:

In addition to precipitation, the impact of the wind has an impact on the roof. With an increase in the slope at 20-30 °, the wind load increases 5 times. And if the slope is small, the wind stream can penetrate the roof through the coating joints and easily disrupt the design. With the help of a competently selected project of a private house, you can get a faithful angle of slope and avoid the possible consequences of the elements.

Helpful advice! When choosing a roof option, it should be borne in mind that the maximum value of the snow load on the roof is achieved in the case when the slope is 30 °. So that the roof is capable of self-cleaning, the slope must be 45 °.

Single roof is often erected for garages, household buildings, household

In order to correctly determine the required slope, it is necessary to calculate the ratio of the size of the skate to ½ width of the house. The resulting value is multiplied by 100 - this will be the magnitude of the roof slope. For the convenience of determining the angle of inclination of the roof, professional builders use special calculations and graphs. They can be easily found on the Internet. As for the cost of the roof structure, the more bias, the more expensive construction will cost.

Single roof with your own hands Stepgovayovo: Mounting features.
Advantages and disadvantages of a single-row roof design. Choosing materials, their preparation and calculation of the required amount. The angle of inclination.

Despite the fact that the construction of pitched roofs is more expensive, for each developer in priority there will be a roof reliability, rather than the cost of its construction. Thus, the right view of the roof of the private house will be a scope model. The slope of such a roof will be caused by the wind and snow load on the design, as well as an attractive appearance. In addition, the angle of inclination is determined by the use of a particular roofing coating. For laying each of the types of material, manufacturing companies recommend a corresponding slope.

The roof with steep slopes strong wind gusts can overturn, with gentle - lift

Use roofing depending on the roof slope

So that the roof becomes a reliable protection for the house, in choosing a roofing coating must be taken into account the angle of inclination of the slopes:

  • slate (asbestos-cement wavy sheets) - such a coating can be used when the roof bias from 13 to 60 °. If the angle of inclination is less than 13 °, the water will be seized into the joints, and in the winter it is snowing. This will lead to a significant reduction in the life of the roof;
  • ceramic tile - the optimal bias for this material lies in the range from 30 to 60 °. When laying such a tile on the roofs, the slope of which is less than 25 °, measures should be performed to improve ventilation and waterproofing;
  • {!LANG-02bcc5b93997cc9ed9a7ea5b9a5cfb6f!}


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  • half-haired;
  • tents;
  • multi-line;
  • dome;
  • {!LANG-40636ffb0fed5942c6f2de175fa3ae15!}
  • {!LANG-fb85aeb524c1a1ba8a56c14583639326!}



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  • {!LANG-0a97a72fada68d8cf8e14e3abfb9d65b!}
  • environmental friendliness;
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