Repairs Design Furniture

How to make corners at plinths. Ceiling plinth: how to make an angle beautiful and smooth. The formation of the corner of the ceiling plinth without the use of stusl

Planning in the premises of its apartment, many think about how difficult work can be. However, everything is not so scary: the ceiling plinth can be installed with your own hands - the main thing is to know about some features of the materials from which this finishing element is made.

Different materials and their features

  • Wood . The most durable material in comparison with the two other shown below, the advantages of which are to hardness, impact resistance and ability to withstand certain mechanical loads. However, wooden plinths (another name - cartoons), glued on the ceiling, are also relatively easy to process - they can be cut (for this it is used with a tree with a varnish. The tree will give the interior warmth. Of the minuses you can call higher than that of the foam, the cost. However, the appearance of wooden cartoons retain longer than foam.
  • Styrofoam . Perhaps this material is the most fragile - it is unstable to mechanical damage, scratches and even non-mounted shocks. Of the advantages - light weight, the possibility of staining in various colors and simplicity in processing (it can be cut by the stationery knife - the truth is very neat).
  • Polystyrene foam . This material can be considered a type of foam, however, its strength characteristics are slightly higher (extruded polystyrene foam is more dense than foam). As for processing - polystyrene foaming is as easily cut in a conventional sharp knife, and also has a small weight, and this is an important factor in taking into account the load on the walls.
  • Both of polyfoam, and polystyrene foam has one significant advantage: the softness of the material allows you to closely press the plinth to the corners and to each other, as a result of which the gaps remain. In addition, modern polystyrene plinths are manufactured in such a way that they have a small deepening - especially for hidden laying of wiring.

    Useful. Can turn the appearance of a standard apartment into an elegant stylish interior.

    Stuslo - Tool for cutting the corners of the plinth

    There are two ways to cut the corners - using the tool (stus) and without it. We will look at both methods.

    Plastic stuslo

    Stuslo - a carpenter tool, which is a small rectangular tray (it can be made independently from the tree or purchase ready-made of plastic or metal), in the walls of which there are grooves. The grooves directed the blade of the hacksaw at a certain angle to the tray axis.

    Important: the cutting angle of the base of the plinth is always oblique and equal to 45 ° when items are processed for installation of the bug in the ceiling corners. Kosy slice provides a more dense adjacent of cartoons.

    Making a stouch with your own hands

    Unfortunately, not all at home has all the arsenal of carpentry tools, but the semblance can be made independently. To do this, the rectangular tray made of dusts is labeled, then the grooves are cut in the walls - at an angle of 45 °.

    Homemade plywood stub

    To measure the angle, you can use 2 knocked boards and a vehicle or a conventional rectangular triangle - here is the stouch and ready!

    1 method - trimming the edges of the plinth using stub

    It is worth noting that the ceiling angles can be internal and outer, and the difference between them lies in the methods of docking and different angles of cuts. The first are in the joints of two walls and the ceiling, the second - when designing protrusions, columns, outer edges of niche, pilasters, etc.

    The angle of inclination of the groove in the stub can be equal to 45 °, and 60 °, and 90 °. Professional carpenters acquire a stood with a swivel mechanism - in such a very convenient to turn the cutting tool when cutting the plinth.

    Cutting "inland" angles

    Important! For cutting "inner" angle, the cartel should be put on the bottom of the stouch with the upper part - the one that will be glued to the ceiling. In this case, the lower part of the bar must be tight pressed against the tray wall.

    Step 1: The correct measurement of the plinth length according to its marking on the wall, the application of the "serif" with a pencil on the material for the future cut.

    Step 2: Installing the material in the stub. From the correct placement of the plinth in the tray, the correctness of the edges of the cartel, and, accordingly, the accuracy of accuracy of them on the ceiling will be dependent.

    Step 3: After the plinth is installed and tightly fixed in the stupid (it is possible to just press the material with one hand), a knife is set to the groove under 45 °. Now the material can be cut. The edges of the second plinth, which will be adjacent to the first, are cut in the same way, only as if in the mirror reflection (the plinth is installed in the opposite direction, the edges are trimmed also at an angle of 45 °).

    Important: when trimming the edges of the cartel, jewelry accuracy is needed - otherwise the material will be spoiled, and the appearance of the plinths in the joints of the walls too. If polystyrene foam plinths are used, then the edges can be cut off with a conventional sharp knife without stouch. However, it should be remembered that cutting angles should be made from the front side.

    Cutting "external" angles

    The difference between the "external" corner from the "internal" is that the plinths must speak a little from the edge of the wall - for the so-called adhesive.

    We repeat steps 1, 2, 3, similar to the cutting of the "internal" corners. However, it should be remembered that the upper part of the plinth (one of the edges) must have a small allowance. The second (adjacent) pad is cut off in the same way, only the mirror to the first.

    Cut the edges of the wooden ceiling plinth lighter (and better) with all the metal hacksaw - with small frequent teeth. Then cuts will be more neat and even. And the polyfoam is well cutting and the usual sharp knife (or construction) - but the blade should be well honed, otherwise the material will crumble when cutting.

Ceiling plinth performs many functions. The item is aesthetically hides all the irregularities on the ceiling, the walls, and also makes the joke smooth. In addition, the assortment of moldings is large, allows you to choose beautiful lining, which will become a true decoration of the ceiling space. Installation of lamella requires some skill. The main question of craftsmen - how to make an angle on the ceiling plinth. The process is really complicated and does not always work the first time. Consider what you need to perform work and how to make joints smooth.

Tools for work

The master will come in handy the next set:

  • pencil;
  • roulette or ruler;
  • hacksaw;
  • stuslo.

What is a stood for the ceiling plinth? This is a device that is a tray of wood or plastic and equipped with slots. The holes are made so that with their help, the trimming is performed for 45 and 90 degrees. Some trays have the possibility of trimming and with an angle of 60 degrees, as well as at any angle - for this there are rotating blades of a knife.

What and how to cut

A sharp stationery knife or hacksaw - what to choose? To start, decide which material is made of ceiling plinth. And depending on this, already choose the cutting tool:

  1. Polystyrene foam. Fragile material that is easy to crumble. The inexpensive option is suitable for any ceiling, and it cuts into a knife or hacksaw. When working it is impossible to push the lamel strongly so that it does not cracked. Also, you should not press the molding to the base, the texture is spoiled and traces of fingers remain.
  2. PVC. Slightly more durable material for budget repairs. But also need carefulness during processing. Cut with a knife or hacksaw. But when installing, take into account the high electrostaticity of the lamellas - all the dust of the room will fall on them.
  3. Extruded polystyrene foam. It has sufficient strength and reliability, which is more expensive. When cutting it does not crumble, it does not break. Cutting with a construction knife or hacksaw for metal.
  4. Wood. Durable, practical and expensive material. Cut with hacksaw with very small teeth so that the cuts are smooth. Large teeth often leave the jar, the lamel flies mooring.
  5. Polyurethane. Also reliable and durable material, but poorly carrying climate change. Cutting with a construction knife, with a metalwork. Bashed better in the living rooms, halls or bedrooms - where there will definitely not be an excess of cold / heat or moisture.

Tip! With the complete absence of the experience of trimming the corners, it is easier to use ready-made overhead for ceiling plinths. In this case, there are enough trimming cartel at an angle of 90 degrees, the errors will be covered with an overhead.

Cutting Corners Ceiling Plinth

As soon as the slats are selected, inspected on the subject of defects, the basis is ready, it is time to proceed. There are two trimming options: with a stub and without it. Consider how to cut the plinth on the ceiling in the corners of both ways.

Slicing with stusl

And here too two options for cutting: an angle of external and internal. Let's start with a simple.

The trimming of the inner corner has an algorithm of work such:

  1. To measure the length of the element, the part is applied to the ceiling.
  2. Now a member piece is installed in the stouch so that the molding location is the same as on the ceiling.
  3. Left hand hold the plinth, watching the element to be tightly pressed against the wall of the stouch, it is a little further.
  4. A part of the plinth that will be attached to the ceiling must be top, and the other part is tightly pressed for the bottom of the stouch.
  5. The blade of the hacksaw is turned with a level of 45 degrees - it is necessary to check and you can begin with a trimming knife. The location of the cutting tool is very close to the left hand.
  6. When cutting strongly pressing the knife or knife should not be.

After finishing the trimming, you can process the adjacent plinth. The feature of the trimming in the "mirror" reflection to the previous one - this turns out without gaps.

Important! Working with PVC quarrels, expanded polystyrene should begin with the front side of the product. So pruning is careful.

And now about how to cut the outer corner of the ceiling plinth with your own hands. This will require several measurements and calculations:

  • measure the distance from the angle on the outside to the nearest wall;
  • on the reverse side of the plinth, mark the line along the length of the measurement with such a calculation, that the upper part of the dice came out a little.

Now you can cut. To do this, also set the peller in the stub, carefully trim the product. With adjacent overlay, perform the same measurements and cut the mirror, relative to the first cartoons.

Verification of the result

To evaluate the made, you need to attach lamella to the ceiling and see the jones of the joints. There should be no cracks, jar, the more densely adjacent, the better the trimming. If there are errors, they are corrected by a sharp knife - seeking the ideality of the fit.

Tip! The use of the stub is advisable when tringing an angle of 90 degrees. If you need to cut under a different angle, a manual processing option is suitable.

Conditioning ceiling plinth manually

The procedure will be a little more difficult. It is better to train on the trimming of the lamellae, to then trim the whole cartoons. The method of manual trimming has its advantages: it is more convenient to trim internal angles and cutting it turns out more accurately. Minus when processing heavy plinths - they are difficult to hold.

Work algorithm:

  1. Billets cut at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Attach the bar to the ceiling, resting the end to the wall, which is located perpendicular to the plinth.
  3. Pencil draw on the ceiling line contour cartel.
  4. The same to do with the adjacent plinth: attach to the ceiling, make markup.
  5. After examining the drawing, mark the lines intersection point - here and need to cut off. For accuracy, attach each quilk to the ceiling again and mark the trim points on the lamella. It is easier to spend from the point of trimming a line to the other edge of the plinth, and then trim along the drawn strokes.
  6. As soon as the trimming is finished, attach plinths to the ceiling, dock in the mounting zone. The absence of irregularities, cracks and dynamics of the docking will say that the work is carried out correctly.

If there are errors, for example, the gap between the cartoons, will help the putty, sealant. The composition will fill the emptiness without prejudice to the appearance of the ceiling plinth.

How to make a stub

It is not always possible to buy a tool, and then the question arises how to cut the ceiling plinth perfectly smoothly? Make a stood from a girlfriend. The master is useful to a sheet of paper or wooden dies. The paper option is suitable for the implementation of a small amount of work, but a wooden - for more serious processes, for example, when finished with moldings of ceilings throughout the apartment.

Paper stub

A little skill work with drawings will be by the way. For the manufacture you will need: watman or cardboard, transport and pencil.

First make a tool template:

  • to read the two parallel lines and determine the point of the center of each of them;
  • transporter to postpone the corners of the desired degree on paper;
  • corner check the distance between the walls, also measure their transport, and only after that you can be taken for trimming.

Tip! The right side of the element is cut on the left side, the left - mirror, that is, on the right. However, in the stub, the parts are placed in the reverse order: the right side is located on the left side, left - with the right. The main thing is not to confuse.

After the trimming is complete, the details are applied to the ceiling, and how to stick the ceiling plinth in the corners, you already know: without cracks, gaps and with the most dense adjacent.

Wooden stood with your own hands

Masters are offered two options for making the device:

  1. Take 3 boards or plywood strips. Then, with the help of nails and hammer, depict the figure of the letter "P". After that, on the sides of the form, outline the corners of the desired degree and make cuts. It turns out a stubble with cut holes with holes. It is suitable for trimming cartoons from any material - the angles are cut here with a degree that needs for your room.
  2. Universal version of wood and paper. 2 boards or plywood dies will be required, from which the usual corner is roeing. A pencil on a dense cardboard to draw the corner line of the cut slicer in 90 or 45 degrees (you can draw any angle of the outbreak, which is needed in this particular room). Now it remains to place the ceiling plinth on the stub, pressing the quilt with the left hand. The template is located right at the cutting point and you can cut exactly along the line drawn on the cardboard.

After trimming, once again combine the cartel, attach to the ceiling and, if necessary, modify. The second option with the manufacture of a paper-wooden stubby almost always provides perfect trimming.

The masters use the third way to replace the store product, but it is only for specialists. Any item forms an angle is taken (you can perform work on the table with even angles). Before you begin to cut, measurements are measured, and for the inner angle, the length of the length is performed from the angle. And to trim the outer angle, the landmark with the calculation of the fact that the plinth is in the room for the distance of the width of the cartel. Once measurements and calculations are made, you can cut.

How to make an angle on the ceiling plinth so that it looks neat and beautiful on any profile? This task is not from the lungs for novice masters, since not every plinth can be docked as it would like. Are there any rules and secrets of skill among experienced specialists?

In this article, you will find the answers to the most frequent questions asked by newcomers:

  • how to poison the ceiling plinth;
  • how to make the inner corner of the ceiling plinth;
  • how to keep ceiling plinths in the outer corners;
  • how to fit the plinth if the walls are connected in a non-standard way.

So, about everything in order.

Methods for docking molds depend on the material, as well as on its decorative features. For example, an array is advisable to mount on hardware. Large profile weight with an impressive width of the product will require the use of appropriate screws. Glue solutions will be unreliable in this case. It is quite another thing when it comes to foam or plaster profile. These are pretty light and easily processed strips that are perfectly kept on glue and putty.

When combining two or more planks, it is necessary to take into account the angle of the conjugation. In the smooth areas, docking under 90 and 45 degrees is applied. In the first case, the junk is simply tracked, and in the second - it cuts into a pattern or with a stusl.

Pruning, taking into account internal and external angle with stusla

If there is a relief or printed ornament, it is necessary to take care that the image alignment is made symmetrically. In this case, you will get a harmonious transition from one site to another.

How to keep the ceiling plinth, if there is a complex relief or a printed ornament? Making a cut, be sure to consider the features of the relief and print. Using the mirror, find the area that gives the most beautiful combination of the pattern. To do this, put the mirror on the bar at the desired angle and move it along the plinth to the right and left until you are satisfied with the result.

Remember that in direct stakes, the joints usually do not represent a special difficulty, so start working from the angle. In this case, the installation will look neat and professionally.

How to connect the ceiling plinth in the corners so that it looks beautifully? This can be done in two ways:

  • using a template or stub, a carter;
  • use factory cast elements.

Corners for ceiling plinths are usually sold along with cartoons. You can pick up any number of direct and angular elements for your project. At the same time, take into account the fact that when you deal with corners more or less than 90 degrees, the factory elements will have to change a little and customized under size.

It is important to have with you!

  1. Template. On the cardboard sheet, swipe a straight line along which the workpiece will be laid. Pencil or marker put the point on it. Then with the help of ordinary school transport, mark the angles of 90, 45 degrees. Spend straight lines through the mark so that when you work the saw, you have seen them well, and you were easy to navigate;
  2. stuslo. It can be purchased in the store or to build from the table and pairs of bars. Made with your own hand tools are no less convenient than the factory. However, there are also universal stusls, which provide for the ability to measure any angle and evenly make a cutting section.

Video instruction on the use of stusl

Video Instructions for trimming without stub

Internal angles

How to docile the ceiling plinth in inner corners with a simple relief? To do this, prepare a suitable tool.

To cut a foam profile, you can use the metal hacksaw or a hot nichrome wire. The adjustment of the hot method is good because the wire thread quickly, almost instantly, makes a cut, not leaving burrs and roughness.

For laminate, plastic, as well as plaster suitable canvas for metal. Small teeth will avoid unnecessary chips on the plinths.

Cutting inner corner

How to block the profile under the inner corner? Such angles have one feature. They are formed by elements that have a lower edge longer than the top. That is, when you attach them to the ceiling, then the bottom will fit to the walls, and the upper back will penetrate. It turns out that the upper perimeter of the plinth will be less than the lower.

Based on this, when writing, it is necessary to shorten the ceiling part cartel.

Corners for ceiling plinth substantially facilitate the task. They already have the necessary form, so it is enough to dock them in a straight area with cartoons. For plastic models of corners, the compound is used, whereas for other materials the technology allows you to make a jack on the latches.

Outer cuts

How to poison ceiling plinths on external corners? The outer angle is formed by increasing the bottom edge of the profile, since the upper perimeter will be greater than the lower one.

The ceiling base is selected according to the size, as well as the shape of the cartel. Use items from one collection and batch.

Non-standard situations

Often, erkers cause erkers when installing. In them, the walls are joined under stupid or sharp angles, for which suitable finished elements may not be found. Such, from the point of view of European-repair, the wrong site can deliver a lot of trouble and spoil all the work. So how to make external angles on the ceiling plinth in this case?


In this case, the docking of the ceiling plinth in the corners is complicated by the fact that the finished internal elements will perform from the wall to several millimeters. It is ugly and spoils the whole look. What can be done?

There are some simple solutions:

  • plinth from the foam and plastic to warm the hairdryer before softening, then give them the necessary form by turning the "shoulders" to them;
  • gypsum models cannot be corrected, therefore the side elements are fitted through the carbonated angle, and the material is slightly shuffled on the back side so that the adjacent junction looks good.


How to make the corner of the ceiling plinth less than 90 degrees? To adjust the angles in plastic models can be in the same way as described above. That is, using the guilt and heating. It should be borne in mind that the ribs of stiffness interfere with bending the item during heating. Therefore, they need to be cut with a necessary way. For an external pairing, it is enough to just make an incision, and for the internal will need to remove part of the partitions so that they do not interfere with the correct displacement of the "shoulders" of the corner.

The docking of the acute angle on the example of an outdoor baseline


How to keep the corners of the ceiling plinth when forming curvilinear forms? For registration of rounded corners, it is necessary to break the arc into several sections. Their quantity depends on the bending radius and the length of the arc. Cut the required number of short fragments from the cartoons and combine them into one design with the help of connecting elements that are included. Or simply cut them with a necessary angle, if you do not have a plastic, and foam or gypsum profile.

It is possible that the plastic to be connected with each other simply does not want. We will have to rear a little bit the ribs.

How can I relieve work?

Use cardboard layouts. If this is your first experience, it does not hurt the module of cardboard in full size. It is simple to make it enough. But it will clearly show how to make angles for ceiling plinths of any size.

At the ceiling with a painting scotch, attach a sheet of paper. Observe the outlines of the angle as they look like. Remove the sheet, and on the basis of the dimensions removed from a dense thin (non-corrugated) cardboard, plywood or DVP template. It will help you to fit the corners as accurately as possible.

The mixture of the ceiling plinth can not be accurately easy to fit because of the existing irregularities of the wall. Small shortcomings are remarkably disguised either with a spacious mixture or a suitable sealant. At the same time, the mix of the ceiling plinth will look impeccably, if using a special tool.

In the case when you need to personally make repairs on a large area, it makes sense to rent or take a tracing saw from a swivel platform at a time to set any angle of thread in the vertical and horizontal plane. With its help, cutting can be done during minutes. The main thing is to correctly measure the angle under which walls and ceiling are joined. The saw is set to the level in the right position and produced propyl. Quickly and comfortable. There is no rigid framework like a stub. And you can specify any value of the angle.

How else can you get the necessary billet from the foam? You will need a tool called "String". It consists of a power supply, as well as a nichrome thread, stretched above the table at a suitable height. In this case, the billet is placed on top of the nichrome according to the markup on the baseline itself or on a flat template under the string. Ceiling plinth as oil cuts, and the question, how to make the angles of non-standard size or shape, loses its sharpness.

As you can see, arrange a beautiful transition from the walls to the ceiling in any situation using a different toolkit, as well as the knowledge you received.

Repair completed, you can admire the newly decorated walls and the ceiling as you like, but the look involuntarily rushes up onto the ceiling. And even if the interior is suitable with taste, then all the impression of the curvature of the coftenstening joints sharply drops. Learning to make the corner of the ceiling plinth - the task is not easy, but if you follow simple recommendations and be patient, you can easily make an even angle.

After decoration of the walls and the ceiling between them, unsightly transitions remain. To decorate this transition easily, using special devices - ceiling plinth. You can often hear a completely different name of the plinth - a quilt. They are used to fill the moves of the two boundaries - walls and ceiling. When installing cartoons, it is necessary to be neat and consistent, then the joints will turn out perfectly smooth.

There is no particular difficulty in this work, make a beautiful angle of ceiling plinth in one room in just a few hours, the main thing is to carefully measure each item and take advantage of small assistants.

Ceiling plinth material

Ceiling plinth can be different, but in most cases, when it comes to a modern "euro" repair, then each of us represents light building materials that will not load the interior.

Modern ceiling cartoons are made of materials:

  • foamed polystyrene;
  • plastic;

Chipboard and tree as a ceiling plinth recently used extremely rarely. This is primarily due to the high cost of materials. But the lungs of light materials are plastic or polystyrene are used often. This material is easy to use, and you do not need to invite specialists for installation. With the task you can cope with yourself, the main thing is that the joints in the corners of the room were not curves.

How to make the corner of the ceiling plinth

The options for performing a beautiful angle of ceiling plinth is somewhat:

  1. With the help of a special device - stusl.
  2. Manually (pencil labels) - without using an additional tool.
  3. With the help of a stencil.
  4. Arbitrary cutting.

How to cut the angle of the ceiling plinth with a stus

This simple tool was invented by carpenters a few more than a few years ago, to quickly trim the wooden parts under two corners - ninety and forty-five degrees. You can buy a device in any construction supermarket, and if you wish, you can do it yourself. Find in the store, among the diversity of all sorts of construction devices stuslo - easy. Looks like a tool as a small box (most often wooden, but can be made of metal and plastic) with holes for the hacksaw.

You can find a device for professionals with a swivel mechanism. In this case, the tool can be fixed and rotated in different positions.

If you do not have time for hiking on construction stores, you can make a device yourself. To do this, you need to take trimming of plywood (three stripes) or boards. The size of the bands should be the same. Then it is necessary to connect the parts so that the letter "P" turns out and perform marking for the corners. According to this markup, it is necessary to make slots using the jig in almost the very foundation.

To quickly cope with the task and make the corner of the ceiling plinth, in addition to the stub, you need to prepare such tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • acute building knife;
  • pencil;
  • rule.

When working with the ceiling plinth, it is very important to choose the right cutting tool. If the plinth is made of lightweight materials - plastic or foam, they should not be chuck to cut them in order not to damage the product. If a plastic plinth is used, covered with a veneer under a tree, then you can use the metal hacksaw - it will provide a smooth cut. A conventional building knife with a sharp blade will help smoothly cut off the foam plinth. If you are faced with the task to install a wooden plinth, it is better to use the hacksaw with small teeth.

When the question arises - how to crop the angle of the ceiling plinth smoothly, you need to carefully chase everything several times, and only then proceed to cutting. For each corner, you should make your workpiece, and it is necessary to leave a small supply of a material equal to five centimeters. In order to avoid the formation of the gap at the junction, you need to decide in advance, at what angle the wall in the room converges, and outline the cut line.

To mark the plinth directly on the ceiling it is desirable to use a simple pencil. Then each element must be transferred to the stub and position exactly the same as the plinth will be on the ceiling in the corner.

One part of the workpiece should be tightly pressing to the stouch and cut off with an acute tool according to a strictly intended line. Similarly, it should be done with the second part of the plinth, but the workpiece must be laid already in the opposite nest of the stub (mirror reflection). If necessary, the edges of the cut should be additionally treated with fine-grained emery paper.

In order to avoid large material overpower, it is desirable to make a template in advance from trimming. This is possible only if the corners in your room are simple.

Cut the corners of the ceiling plinth video:

How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth

Corners are internal and external. Consider individually how to cut the angle of the ceiling plinth.

Performing angle:

  • perform the necessary measurements;
  • install the plinth in the stub so that it is accuracy to be accommodated with the placement on the ceiling;
  • press the bar to the opposite panel of the stub. For the convenience of working, keep the plinth better with the left hand;
  • take a hacksaw or a sharp construction knife and place it at an angle of 45 degrees in the removal on the device;
  • perform a neat incision of the plinth;
  • a similar adjacent piece of plinth must be cut in the same way, only to arrange it in the mirror stouch.

The image shows how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth:

In this image, it is schematically shown how to cut a bar for an inner angle:

The outer angle of the ceiling plinth falls in the residential room is not as often as internal, and the cutting technology of such angle is not so complicated. Try making the angle of the plinth as well as the inner, only on the contrary. First, make markup on two elements, and then insert them into the stub and fix them. The long part of the plinth must be placed on the left side of the device. After trimming, each detail is first applied to dusting directly on the ceiling to check the smoke of the joint. If the edges are uneven, then they can be directly fired directly on the spot, and only then install the plinth.

If you did everything right, then you must have an ideal angle, provided that your wall is absolutely smooth. In apartments with non-standard layout, corners may not be ninety degrees, rounded or have several faces of intersection. In this case, the method with stupid is not suitable.

How to roll the corners of the ceiling plinth

With non-standard angles, it will be somewhat more complicated to perform the cutting of the corners of the ceiling plinth. It is necessary to use the construction knife - directly on the spot to attach a plinth to the wall and make an arbitrary cut "on the eye". Tracing the design on weight is not easy, this work is painstaking and long. But if you try well, then with maximum accuracy, you can get a beautiful corner. To the question of how to connect the angle, most experienced professionals meet that it is necessary to customize the plinth on the ceiling "dry", constantly trimmed by a sharp knife edge of the plinth. For such a fit, it is necessary to use a material with a margin. After receiving the perfect result, you can finally glue the plinth.

Smooth docking angle.

Installation of ceiling corners of the baseboard Look at the video:

How to fit the angle of the ceiling plinth without stub:

  1. Attach one piece of plinth to the ceiling and tightly press it.
  2. With a pencil, draw a horizontal line.
  3. Take the second item and do the same actions.

  1. Find the intersection point. If you spend from this point to the edge of the plinth, then you should have an angle equal to 45 degrees.

If you have a "good eye", then questions how to dock the corners of the ceiling plinth should not occur. Moreover, you do not need special devices - it is enough to be guided by a homemade drawing. Take a thin paneur and draw a rectangle. With the help of the transporter, mark a point of 45 degrees on the same side of the triangle. Spend lines to connect edges. With this layout, you can easily dock the corners of the ceiling plinth.

How to glue the corners of the ceiling plinth

The standard length of the modern ceiling plinth (plastic or foamed polystyrene) is two meters. When calculating the number of materials, it is better to take cartel with a margin. In addition, it should be necessary to decide in advance with the plinth width. So, for small areas of premises, narrow cartoons will fit, and for spacious rooms can be purchased wide.

Glue plinth in different ways:

  1. Directly on putty to the wall even before the wallpaper is glued.
  2. Right to new wallpapers.

Most experts advise to glue cartoons right on the wallpaper.

What plinth glue:

  • on the glue "moment";
  • on a shtaile mixture.

The first option is suitable for perfectly smooth walls, but even if a slight space will appear between the wall and the plinth, it can be filled with the same glue (white or colorless is sold). If this option is acceptable for you, you can proceed to work. Otherwise, it is necessary to pre-align the walls or install the cartel in the other way - on the spacure mixture.

Most experienced builders do and do, but it is unlikely that you can do the perfectly smooth cut wallpaper, besides, you need to spend more effort to fit them to the ceiling plinth.

In the event that you cannot cope with the ceiling plinth angle, you can purchase a plinth with a special finish that will approach the drawing of your plinths.

It often happens that everything is done correctly, but one corner still did not turn out perfect - it looks ugly. To avoid irregularities and lumen, you can fix the situation. Take a white sealant can and fill in dents or cracks, and you need to work solely manually, in this case there will be no trowel and other technician tools.

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How to cut an angle on the ceiling plinth internal and outdoor using the stub

Decided to install the ceiling plinth (cartel, molding)? Want to hide jokes and get a finished finish look? Performing work, you may encounter a mass of nuances. To avoid difficulties, you should deal with how to cut the ceiling plinth in the corners of the internal and external, which is a stubbling and how to make it. This will be done.


When installing the hallings, the question of how to properly cut the inclination of these decorative elements. To solve this task, certain tools are used, allowing to do everything correctly:

  • roulette and pencil;
  • hacksaw;
  • normal or stationery;
  • stuslo.

Stuslo is a popular, easy-to-use carpentry tool that allows you to cut the plinth under the desired slope. This fixture is made of metal, wood, plastic. On the side walls, the device has vertical slots for cutting, made under the tilt of 45, 60, 90 degrees.

Professional models are fixtures with a rotary mechanism that allows you to fix the pink relative to the workpiece almost at any angle. Thus, the question of how to cut the ceiling plinth at an angle is greatly facilitated.

Cut corners

How an angle cut the ceiling plinth , It depends on its location - the external or inner side.

Internal slope

The inner corner clamping is performed step by step in a certain order:

  1. First, you should measure the desired length of the plinth on the ceiling.

  1. Install the barrier bar inside the stouch as it will be located on the ceiling.

To properly carry out the work, it is necessary to place the plinth barn to the face up.

  1. Press the workpiece to the far wall tool, holding it with your left hand.
  2. The next step will be the installation of the peel under the tilt of 45 degrees so that its handle to the maximum came closer to the left hand. Cut the plinth should be without a strong pressure on the saw.

  1. Next you need to cut off the response. For this, the billet is installed to the far wall.
  2. Hold it with your right hand.
  3. Turn the knuckle under the tilt at position 45 degrees. In this case, the handle must be rotated to the right. After that, you can cut the plinth.

  1. At the end of the trimming, the inner corner of the ceiling plinth is checked by a dusting of the planks.

Following such an algorithm, you can perform work with an accuracy of a millimeter. And the question of how to crop the inner corner will already be closed.


Go to the cutting of an external angle is better only after internal, since otherwise molding may not be enough in length.

To decide how to properly stored an outer angle, it is necessary to act strictly in a certain way:

  1. The first step, as in the case of an inner angle, is the markup on the ceiling and applying to it with the help of a pencil of the necessary labels.
  2. In the second stage, the blocking of the plinth should be installed close to the near wall of the stub.

  1. Holding the bar with your left hand, turn the knob to the left to the left and cut off the plinth.
  2. To divert the response, you need to arrange it closer to the front wall of the device, holding the right hand. Split the plinth with a tilt of 45 degrees, turning the handle to the right.

  1. After that, the cut pieces are joined together and, if necessary, the surface is equal, forming an outer angle.

We make stubs alone


The template can be made using cardboard, wood or paper. The necessary markups are applied to these materials as follows:

  • first, two clear lines are applied;
  • there is a central point between these lines and is noted on paper;
  • using the vehicle, the desired angles can be drawn, which may be more than 90 degrees.

Before using the template, it is important to take into account the angle between the walls, as well as between the walls and the ceiling.


Making this tool can be carried out in different ways:

  1. Of the three wooden boards or slats, the P-shaped boxes are mounted. On its walls there are grooves under the desired inclons.
  2. Two boards are confused among themselves strictly in perpendicular planes. The paper is applied on the paper in the form of lines with tiltings 45 degrees for cutting. The billet is applied to the corner, pressed against it with hand, as in the case of the use of the stus, and the paper pattern is located on the opposite side. Cutting the cartel is carried out with oriented on the line, drawn on paper. When cutting the ceiling plinth, you can use everything that forms a straight angle.

Other ways to trim the corners

The most rational to use the stub, when the contacting walls are strictly perpendicular to the plane. In other cases, these tasks can be solved using the markup of the plinth on the ceiling. This method allows you to take into account all deviations in the size of the angle, as well as the irregularities of the walls.

It is important to carry out work in a certain order:

  1. First, two blanks are cut into a smooth vertical line.
  2. At the next stage, it is necessary to attach one bar, supervised it into the perpendicular wall of the end, and then do the same operations with the second bar.
  3. Outline contour on the ceiling with a pencil.

  1. The intersection point of the drawn contours and will mean a mark on which the plinth is cut, forming angle in the ceiling plinth.
  2. Then it should be re-attached alternately each bar and mark the cutting line on them connecting two of its edges.
  3. The plinth is cut along the outlined lines, after which the two parts must be docked and attached to the place of installation.

With this method, it is important to take into account two points: 1) it is more suitable for internal angles; 2) It is impossible to fix the cartel on one without preliminary docking and fitting their mutual location. The remaining gaps between two straps can be covered.

Types of cartoons

The field of how we dealt with the basic principles of trimming the corners, I want to mention that the cartel can be manufactured from different materials:

  • polyurethane;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polystyrene (foam);
  • tree.

And so that you have an idea of \u200b\u200beach of them, and could choose a suitable detail, briefly describe their characteristics:

  • Polyurethane stucco is distinguished by quality, strength, elasticity and resistance to moisture. Their main disadvantage is bad resistance to sharp temperature drops. Therefore, in rooms with high humidity, I would not recommend setting such details.

  • Polyvinyl chloride plinths are distinguished by a favorable price. However, the material is able to accumulate static electricity.

  • Polystyrene quarrels are resistant to moisture, have a good quality and attractive appearance. However, when mechanical impacts can break.

  • Tree plinths are natural materials, but their disadvantage is exposed to moisture, high temperatures, as well as relatively large weight.

Also, the cartoons differ in their length, width, form, relief. Most often, they are glued to ceiling jams to hide them. You need to choose molding based on the type of wall and ceiling, room sizes.

Now you know how to make a stouch yourself and how to make an angle on the ceiling plinth clearly. Following the rules described by me, you can easily decide this task. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments. A clearly algorithm will demonstrate the video in this article.

November 30, 2016.

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