Repairs Design Furniture

What a fence for the cottage and country house is better: species, advantages and disadvantages, from which to do. How to choose a fence for giving: Tips and ideas from bad people

The cheapest fence for giving the one that is made from the remaining materials from the time of construction, or simply lie idle. In this case, their initial cost is no longer important, and labor costs in any case will pay off. For example, if there is a yield of rocks in the neighborhood, and after construction, cement and sand remained, then you can build the most expensive type of fence - from natural stone. Or the second option - the fencing of trimming logs, cut on the trees

The fencing of the site can be built and in such an unusual way source

But these are more special cases - usually materials have to buy or order a turnkey fence.

Features of dacha fence

There are certain limitations in the height and nature of the fence between adjacent areas. The fence should not discard the solid shadow and be higher than 1.5 meters. Although in practice it is not always performed. But it is precisely such requirements that make this part of the fence inexpensive at the cost of materials. Everyone can build a relatively available fence to the cottage, options for materials used for these purposes:

  • rabitz;
  • wooden fence (stakenat);
  • welded sections made of metal.

For the part that protects the country area from the "Street", the choice of materials more, including the above and listed above. But such a "transparent" fence is rather bad protective functions, especially from curious views, wind and dust. Therefore, such a fence in the cottage is used in combination with a lively hedge - shrubs or curly plants.

Translucent fence from the grid and curly plants Source

If you need a "deaf" and a cheap fence along the facial boundary of the site, then the boards or professional flooring are chosen as materials. Thus, you can build a fence with your own hands cheap and beautiful.

Wooden fences

You can build the cheapest fence from the tree. With the right choice and timely care, wooden fences will serve at least 10 years. Moreover, this statement mainly refers to the columns, and if they are made from a steel pipe with an anti-corrosion coating, then you can speak at least twenty years of service. And, which is important, there are different types of fences for giving from this material.

Usually fence, or fence board, is the easiest option Wooden hedge of edged lumber. But the protective functions of the stakeholder are low, as well as its cost. The fence from the Unedte Board only denotes the border of the site, and its decorative qualities depend solely on the method of trimming the top of the rail and color of the paint.

Although if desired, the fence from the usual stakenik can also be made attractive Source

oh there is both "full-fledged" fences from a wooden stakenik, which are characterized by higher reliability and degree of protection against penetration into the site. Moreover, such a fence can even be "deaf", if used double packing boards for fence - With the facial and inner side.

Deaf Reiki Fence Source

Traditional type of decorative fencing from thin rail Source

Rack fence allows you to do and decoration section in the form of a decorative panel. And at first glance, a cheap fence, no longer looks very cheap.

You can collect and such a kind of fence, but this is already clearly not a budget version Source

And very original look "Wicker" fences From a wooden rail.

And so the modern interpretation of the shouldren's source looks like

Cutting board It can be both deaf and "holes". In the first case, the boards on the stirred are styled or on both sides (alternately with facial and internal).

In the second case, the laying circuit on the crossbar of the spans is similar to the fence of the stakeholder. To some extent, they are even similar, but this option is more "solid".

Cutting board fence - reliability and foundation Source

If a horizontal direction Wooden reikithe stakenik is a rarity, then for the edged board, such a decision is found more often. Perhaps this is the cheapest fence for giving, but it looks quite pretty.

Such a sheath of the span makes it look like a wall of the house Source

And in a separate category can be reached wooden louver fence. This type of fence resembles a wall lined with plaquene. The principle of the arrangement of the board (or reghets) is the same - at an angle to the vertical plane with hollow on the front side of the top panel above the bottom.

This type of fence has recently appeared, but already popular Source

Blind fence combines positive sides solid and "holey" spans:

  • the territory is protected from curious views;
  • the direct impact of the wind is reduced, penetration from dust and dirt street;
  • the site is ventilated, so excess moisture from the soil will rather evaporate;
  • the shadow from the fence is not such a "thick" and nearby you can land "low-minded" plants.

Video Description

Example of fences from other materials on video:

Another kind of wooden horizontal fence - fencing using block house. This type of facing panel has sufficient thickness to withstand serious mechanical loads. And the decorative properties of the panels fit perfectly into the rustic landscape, especially if the house is built from a rounded log, lined with a block house or siding with a similar profile.

Block House, one of the most unusual finishing materials, looks great and as a fence Source

Of course, this is not the cheapest fence - on this characteristic, the block House does not lag behind most of the types of planed lumber fences.

Budget fences from infirred materials

First of all, it is necessary to understand here that not all infringement materials can be "legal." Often you can meet as a cheap fence example svetren or Palcolat made from branches or stories cut down in landing or neighboring forest. Now they often choose fences from pallets remaining after construction. In short, if you need an affordable fence to the cottage, there are many options.

Such a purely rustic fence can cause administrative punishment Source JTCASE.RU

But in this case, a police visit can be waited, since the illegal cutting of trees and shrubs (even lian) is punishable and administrative, and criminal code. For individuals, a fine is small - 4-5 thousand rubles. But this is if they do not find signs of a criminal act. If you find - a fine begins from 100 thousand rubles. Moreover, if such a fence is bought, and its wood is mined illegally, the buyer also expects a fine.

And if the purchase of a finished wicker fence can be considered an accessible option, then palcol from the log The discharge of the budget fence does not fall.

Palcol made of logs turns a house into the fortress, but for it will have to pay a significant price Source

The most inexpensive material is a hill.It refers to the production of sawn timber, but this does not mean that anyone will suit. It is divided into two classes: wood and business. And on the construction of the fence, it is necessary to choose only the second option, as the thicker and homogeneous geometry of the section. Moreover, the selection must be carried out in the quality of wood (lack of rot), and in size uniformity - it is desirable to choose a plate of approximately the same width and thickness. If there are suspicions in the contamination of a bug-cored, then the porridge must be taken and treated with the corresponding solution - so as not to infect trees on the site.

Such a hedge will be the cheapest among all, and in the rustic landscape it is quite relevant source Pinterest.Ru

The second value of the material is considered unedged board. It turns out available, but attractive wooden fences for giving. And there are nuances of choice - it is better to use a wide format.

Vertical fence from such a board Mount Motor, with alternate alternation of the "facial" and "invalid" side

And this fence of the site naturally looks in the countryside Source

For horizontal fences, the location of the plates is more diverse. For example, it may be "volumetric" installation of boards around a bar In the center of the span.

If you show a fantasy, then from the usual unedged board you can make the original fence for the site Source

Fastening the board "Christmas tree" Conducted by analogy with siding installation.

Another design of the deaf fence from the Unedged Board Source

There is such an inexpensive version of materials for the fence - pallets. More precisely, euro pallets. For their production, a pretty high-quality cutting board is used, from which enterprising people do even furniture. And not only garden, but also for residential premises with the interior in the style of Loft or Rustic.

Europoddon can be used as a source of "raw materials". That is, disassemble it on the boards, and make an ordinary vertical fence from them. Or to build a horizontal fence, borrowing from the pallet not only the boards, but also the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "double-row" volumetric design.

And fence and flowerbed Source

There are options when palletpractically unchanged goes on the manufacture of spans low fences.

Such a feet is perfect for a panelies in front of the house. Source

Metal inexpensive fences

In this category, the cheapest fences for giving are made from rabits grids. Their apparent unreliability is deceptive - it is impossible to climb through them, and to unauthorized penetration into the site, it is necessary to take advantage of at least scissors for metal. Choosing, from which make a fence, you should not discard this option.

Rabita grid - leader among metal fences for cottages Source

This can also include fences with spans from Welded construction gridwhich is still stronger thanks to the larger wire thickness.

Welded Mesh Fences - One of the most simple in the manufacturer of

There are quite many manufacturers of sectional "turnkey" sectional fences using welded grid As the basis. Moreover, in the simplest versions, it is not even attached to the frame from the corner. For fastening, special clamps are used, selected under the cross section of the profile pipe, from which the fence columns make.

And this is the most affordable version of the metal sectional fence. Source

And the next stage of the evolution of the welded grid as a material for the fencing of the site - Gabions. In the landscaped design, wire baskets filled with natural stone are usually used in the form of retaining walls. They found the use and for the construction of a fence with "deaf" spans. This design is more accessible than a stone fence, especially since Gabion does not need a foundation, and if necessary, it can be disassembled and transferred to another place.

Fence from Gabion - Metal and Stone Union Source

Another inexpensive option - Welded fences from smooth fittings or square bar.

Welded fence from smooth fittings - simple and elegant Source

And if you need to close the area from the street with a solid fence with high resistance to hacking, then wall home professional There are no competitors in the category of inexpensive materials.

Professional property - Reliability and safety of the site for small money Source

Video Description

And some more options for beautiful fences in the video:


The final value of the fence is influenced not only by the materials of the span, but also its character. Wind loads have a strong effect on solid fences, so the supports for them should be more reliable than for through spans. And the calculation of their quantity and size of the underground part has the same algorithm as the pile or monolithic foundation. Therefore, a cheap, but solid fence in the end, it may end up above its competitor from more expensive materials that are freely blurred by the wind.

The land plot regardless of its purpose should have a fence.

The owner is useful to know from which it can be done and what advantages has one or another material for the fence.

This article will feature the most popular options, as well as their comparative characteristics.

The type of fence should be selected based on which objects are available on the site. If it is a garden or a vegetable garden, the most inexpensive bleeding option will suit. If there is a house on the site, the fence material should be harmoniously combined with it.

But before focusing on the material of the canvas, you need to decide what the support poles will be - a mandatory element of any fence. Three options are subject to consideration.

Wooden bar.

Such pillars will be the cheapest. In addition, it is easy to fix something to them - to drive the nail or screw, it is enough to have a hammer and a conventional drill.

However, you need to be prepared for the fact that in the conditions of the street, wooden racks will not last long, as wood, even after processing the most modern protective compositions, under the influence of external factors and biologically active medium it is quickly comes in disrepair. Poles will have to be changed in just a few years.

Wooden bar

For the manufacture of wooden racks take the timing with a cross section from 60x60 to 100x100 mm. Obtazav and Okariv, it is impregnated with an antiseptic, with an effort rubbing the last brush in the pores. The overhead part of the pillar is protected from moisture exposure by staining, for which alkyd enamel is best suited.

The bullet part needs to be more efficient hydraulic in: it is deceived by tar, bituminous or polymer-bitumen mastic, or windboroid (fixed with the help of a construction stapler). To eliminate the likelihood of rotting, this part of the pillar is helpful to burn.

Through the end of the veggine timber, the moisture is absorbed especially easily, so it is desirable to close the plastic or tin lining from above.

Steel pipe

Comparing the steel pipe with a wooden bar, it is easy to notice the following flaws:

  • it is more difficult to work with it, as it will take the electric welding;
  • cost is higher.

But there are significant advantages:

  • higher strength;
  • long service life (with a timely update of the paintwork, a decade eats).

Steel pipes for the fence

The pipe can be used both round and square. Since such a pillar is put for a long time, it is better to concrete it.

Brick or Stone Poles

In essence, this same steel pillar, but a closed brick or stone. For fastening sections in the masonry, mortgages are mixed, which are welded to the steel pipe located inside.

From above is installed tin, plastic or concrete cap protecting masonry from precipitation.

A stone or brick pillar is the most expensive option. Moreover, a complex and expensive construction will be not only an overhead, but also underground part: the foundation is required in terms of size, slightly exceeding the size of the brick shell.

Fence with brick columns for giving

But but the fence with such supports immediately acquires a solid and good view, even if the canvas represents only the usual stakenik. The best way with brick and stone pillars is combined with a wrought fence or built of the same stone or brick.

Durable fence should be made from durable materials. - One of these options.

The installation procedure for the collection of bricks and professional flooring is described.

The fence from the Gabion can be found not so often. However, such a fence looks very unusual. In detail about the pros and cons of such designs, we will tell.

What makes the sections?

To answer the question, you need to decide first of all, it will be a web solid or not. The solid has an important advantage: it does not allow a strange thing to see what is happening behind the fence. But there are disadvantages:

  1. On the south side of the site the vegetation available along the fence will be in the shade. The shaded zone will be quite large, because the solid fence in order to make it really unresumbered has to be built above human growth (at least 2 m).
  2. On a solid fence, the wind acts with a maximum force, with a forced increase in height increases and sailboat.

If a strong wind is often blowing in the construction area, then during the construction of such a fence will have to take additional measures (except for stone and bricks):

  • the fastening of pillars in the ground is done more durable: they are strongly plunged and be surely concreted;
  • under the web, a small-breeding belt foundation is satisfied to which it is attached.

It is obvious that the interface is built much easier and cheaper: it is not necessary to do high and the wind acts on it with a much smaller force. So if you are ready to put up with curious views of passersby (for the summer period, you can close the grapes with thickets), then you should stop the choice on such a hedge.

Now let's see what materials can be used in the formation of the canvas.

Wooden fence

This name is hidden enough of a rather detachment of the elevation. Common for them is the following set of advantages:

  • the fence can be both solid and viewed;
  • the construction process is characterized by simplicity, as wood is easily processed;
  • in the countryside, the hedge of wood is always the most relevant and looks very colorful;
  • due to the low weight, the foundation is not required;
  • the cost of materials is quite affordable.

Wooden fence

The lack of the fact that such a fear is required to be permanent care and at the same time it cannot boast any longer service life.

You can highlight the following types of wooden hedges:


For a vacuum in the classic version, the material is a service vine and pole - you can get it yourself, so such a fence is free. True, and the expensive cottage to them, not too presentable species, it is impossible to protect it - only the garden or household, intentionally decorated in the style of Country.

There are also more durable varieties of the shoulder when not a vine is woven, but rheri and even boards. Weaving can be both horizontal and vertical.

Wild fence with your own hands can be made of thick branches

Today, many producers produce a polymeric vine - a polyethylene tube, which simulates the lot with its outer surface. Additionally, you can purchase everything you need to build the hedge - from the racks to the wicket with the gate.

The fence from the polymer vine is not necessarily placing itself - you can purchase ready-made sections that will only be attached to the racks.


This is the most common variety of wooden fence. The canvas consists of vertical planes with a width of 50 - 100 mm and a thickness of 20 mm, nailed to two horizontal alms with some gap.

Since the web is still viewed, there will be a height of 1.5 m.


Solid wooden fence

The same stakenik, only the planks are laid without a gap.

Gorny fence

It can be both solid and in the form of a stakeholder. In a separate group, we allocated it due to the characteristics of the material: a hill, which is a rounded sidewall of a log, is essentially woodworking waste. Accordingly, they give it very cheap.

Gorny for fence

Best to buy a sorted hill. It costs a little more expensive than usual, but the bar will have almost the same width (the fence will look better), and the amount of waste will be minimal.

It is important not to confuse ordinary trimming with a block house - expensive (costs about 10 times more expensive), high-quality and calibrated hill, designed to finish the walls in order to simulate a church.

Metal and forged fence

What a wrought fence looks like, imagines, probably each: elegant patterns of curls and other elements, grape vines, sockets and a row of peak on top. Similarly, everyone quite clearly imagines the cost of such a fence: not everyone will afford it.

But along with the real forging today there is a much cheaper analogue - a forging stamped, also referred to as cold forging.

Metal fence

For cold forging, a rod or plate is taken, and the necessary shape is attached to it not by blowing hammer, but by flexing or twisting on a special machine. When drammed, the parts are combined with the easiest way - with the help of electric welding. Thus, a forged fence becomes affordable not only for purchase, but also for self-making.

It is not scary if there is no access to machines for cold forging or there are only some of them available: you can buy such details in workshops or online stores - even so they will cost it at all expensive.

Do you know what can be made by cold and hot forging? Read about it on our website.

Wooden fences manufacturers see. Stakenatnik, porching, board and other materials for the construction of wooden fences.

From professional flooring

As for the manufacture of a continuous fence, Slate was often used, so today the more modern roofing material is used - professional flooring.

It is much more durable, since, firstly, made of steel, and secondly, has a double protective coating: zinc and polymer.

Fence from the professionalist

The polymer shell may have any color, so the fence from the professional flooring always looks bright and attractive.

Capture of bricks

This fence is not only unimproved, but also the most durable and reliable. But it is more expensive than others, besides, it will take the foundation for him.

If the brick is not supposed to be coated with a hydraulic protection finish, you should choose a brand with as much as possible (as far as the money is enough) frost resistance. It looks more spectacular to the special facing brick.

Brick fence

Instead of bricks, you can use untreated slices of natural stone - granite or butt (limestone, sandstone, dolomite). Such a material costs cheaper bricks, but it is harder to put it.

Video on the topic

A beautiful and reliable fence will decorate and secure any land plot. When only its construction is planned, the question arises - what is better to make a fence so that he fully fulfill its functions? To do this, consider the placement and purpose of the design. If the fence fences the area from the street, then it is made from more durable materials. For example, from stone, professional flooring, concrete, brick, wood. For fencing from neighbors or zoning of its site, you can build a fence from the chain, plastic, a stakenik. Sometimes such a structure is made from two different materials, successfully combining them among themselves.

Combined fences are practical and often economically without loss of "presentability"

Consider more from which make a fence. We list the most popular building materials for the fence from which there are durable and presentable structures.

Concrete blocks

Concrete block fence

If you make a fence from two elements, concrete pillars and blocks, it will last longer than it can stand the cottage. This is a symbol of inaccessibility and reliability. The main advantages of concrete include:

  • Simple and fast assembly.
  • High strength to all types of influences.
  • It can be built on any soil.
  • There are many block design options. Thes of them may also differ.
  • Durability.

And now a few flaws:

  • High exhibition cost.
  • The plot will not be ventilated sufficiently.
  • To make it, you need to attract construction equipment.
  • In case of non-compliance with the manufacturing technology, the fence can shift after the winter season.


Fencing from the profile with pillars from the profile pipe

Often the choice of material for the fence is often resting in the availability of those in the local market. Professional sheet is one of the most common materials for the arrangement of the fence, especially this concerns the fence in the country. It combines the simplicity of installation, the available cost and durability of the structure. Fully closes the visibility of the site. There are many material on sale, and the size of the sheets make it possible to make fencing of different heights. It is recommended to use sheets not just galvanized, but also coated with a polymer layer, in view of which the period of service of the professional flooring increases significantly.

Pluses of the fence from the proflist:

  • Quickly erected. You can build a fence yourself.
  • The small weight of the sheets, which is why the need for the construction of a powerful foundation is disappeared.
  • Well combined with stone and brick columns, but the sheets can be installed on the frame of metal pipes.
  • Resistant to moisture, frost and heat.
  • Does not fade on the sunny rays.
  • In order for the new fence to be beautiful, it is better to make it out of the curricular professional flooring, the upper part of which resembles the dome or peaks.
  • Relatively inexpensive worth

Figured profile

Cons of material:

  • A impermeable wall is formed on the site, which is not very pleasant to the plants.
  • The fence looks monotonous, in the form of a solid monophonic wall.

Metal forged fence

Such a fence looks very stylish. It can be done in combination with or stone pillars. It usually consists of two elements: an overestimated foundation and forged lattices.


  • Presentable view.
  • The fence can be made according to an individual drawing, given the desired size of the sections.
  • Mature options for manufacturing.
  • The site is perfectly blocked by air.
  • With the proper processing of the metal, high-quality corrosion protection is ensured.


  • The site will be fully viewed inside. In some cases, some facing materials are mounted on the sections, which is why the visibility of the site is partially overlapped.
  • Periodically metal elements must be tangled.

Wooden fence

Horizontal fence of a chess made of wood - quite a modern version of the execution

The design of the tree is beneficial to do if there is an excess wood or there is an option where to take, non-thendition, may be decent quality ,. In all other cases, the cost of its manufacture will be high enough (with the exception of the stakenice). The following varieties of wooden fences are distinguished:

  • Fence. It can be shutty or solid.
  • Boards. Can be attached horizontally, at an angle or vertically.
  • Tree grille. Planks are usually arranged at an angle.
  • Hedge from boards.

What better fence do, decides every owner of the site itself. It is taken into account the location of the fence and the need to ventilate the site.

Pluses of a tree:

  • Eco-friendly material.
  • Pleasant appearance.
  • Easy installation.
  • It can be successfully entered into the design of the site.
  • Combined with any other materials.
  • It has a small weight due to which it does not require a powerful foundation.

Disadvantages of fence:

  • High price.
  • The need for periodic treatments from pests and dampness (especially suffer from pillars in Earth).
  • Wood service life is not too long.


The fencing of brick is considered traditional. It is successfully used for many years. Brick is a symbol of constancy and reliability, emphasizes the taste of the owners.


  • Reliable fence.
  • Harmonies with almost all construction materials: stone, metal, wood, glass.
  • Durability.
  • Does not require repair and care.


  • When the brick fence is made, poured a powerful foundation due to the significant weight of the design.
  • The cost of such a structure is considered one of the highest.
  • For masonry requires attraction of qualified masters.

A rock

The appearance of the fence from wild natural stone

For the manufacture of fence, the stone can be used both and artificial. The last option will be much cheaper. The advantage of a stone fence:

  • Excellent appearance.
  • Durability.
  • Reliability.
  • Lack of care.


  • High price, especially if you make a fencing from natural stone. It is also necessary to take into account the cost of delivery of materials.
  • The timing of its manufacture can stretch for a long time.

Gabion - Fencing of stones in the grid


Fencing from the green grid Rabitsa

For fencing, a galvanized or coated with a layer of polymer grid is applied. It is better to use the material with a polymer layer, if there is such an opportunity. The dimensions of the grid are selected depending on which height is made.

The advantages of the Rabita:

  • The whole area is perfectly blown.
  • Inexpensive price - is the smallest among all materials used to build fences.
  • Simplicity and installation speed - important in the country area.
  • You can choose this size of the cells as you need.
  • Ease of construction.


  • The plot is completely visible.
  • Using a special tool, the grid can be cut, and penetrate the area.
  • The grid can be stealing from the site into your absence.


Plastic Stakenice Chess

Plastic fence is unsuitable for the fencing of the site from the street, but is successfully used to zoning the territory, as well as to establish boundaries between adjacent areas.

Pluses of plastic:

  • Make a plot more aesthetic.
  • Functional zones are successfully distinguished. For example, flower beds, platforms, recreation areas.
  • Plastic is resistant to temperature differences, no moisture is afraid, does not rot.
  • Over time, plastic fence will not change color.
  • There are many design options, from which you can choose the most appropriate type of fence.
  • The dimensions of the plastic sections give an even greater choice for creativity.

Disadvantages of plastic:

  • Insufficient resistance to mechanical damage.
  • It is advisable to use only inside the site.
  • The service life usually does not exceed 12-15 years.

We dismantled the most popular materials for the construction of fences. Which one is better to choose and from which it is possible to make a fence is solved individually, taking into account the many concomitant factors. Take into account the purpose of the fence, the location of the site (house or cottage), its financial capabilities, possible labor costs.

For many, the cottage and their own land begins with the designation of the boundaries of the site, that is, from the installation. To protect from the universal passersby, knitting the "cut" the road, their curious views, from raising domestic and wild animals. In the end - so that your children do not scatter around the surrounding area. Well, in order to get sinking a private-operated instinct: when you see the boundaries of my possessions, clearly marked by the fence, it becomes calmer and more pleasant to the soul.

As almost everything in our world, the fence costs money. And sometimes considerable, given the possible length of its length. It happens, the question is sharp: the hedge is necessary, and there is not enough funds to it. It makes no sense to establish an expensive overhaul and in the event that the site is in full swing.

The issue of saving in the country house is important, regardless of the welfare level of the owner. Billionaire Warren Buffett is attributed to the phrase, a better known from the Disney cartoon about the duck of Schurge McDeak: "Saved dollar-earned dollar." Therefore, why pay more, if you can think of how to save. Of course, everyone has different views on the concept of "cheaper", and, probably, it will be more correct to make a comparative price list, in which everyone can choose an option for themselves.

Why need a fence

From what reason turned out to be the main motive in the plantation, its physical and technical characteristics depend on, and therefore cost. Therefore, choosing options, you need to determine the actual need, and not proceed from considerations that "the fence is needed and everything."

You want a visual border "My-Alien"

This case is the easiest - enough symbolic fence of a small height of the most affordable materials.

It is likely that such a visual boundary trait can be arranged, simply putting flowers around the perimeter of the site. Unfortunately, this option is from the field of fiction, at least in most everyday situations of real life.

But if you soberly appreciated the circumstances and decided exactly to designate the borders, then you will use decorative fences that you can choose in our market. Look into the selection.

But this method is not always possible (it is possible to read this in more detail in the article). Therefore, use the grid, for example, the facade. Or grow a thick row of shrubs.

From bad people

The fence will help, as they say, from honest people - from the insignificant theft of what is on the site "badly lies." If you are planning to rob in purposefully, the banking security system will not save. Therefore, it is unlikely that it is necessary to turn your plot into the mode object, entangling it around the perimeter of the barbed wire.

Fence is beautiful

A neat fencing adorns the site, completing and complementing the image of the house - like a beautiful silk scarf suit. Therefore, if you do not threaten all the above, do not deny yourself the pleasure of having just a beautiful fence.

How much is the fence?

Having determined the concept of future fence, we turn to the second parameter of the choice - value. It depends, of course, from the material and design, but still the main priceing factor is the length of the fence.

If the site is large, it is advisable to consider several combined options among themselves to, for example, to make only part of the fence, and on the rest of the site it is less expensive. Or a fence that goes outside, arrange a deaf (to protect against noise and dust), because it is permitted, and the distinction between neighbors, as prescribed by the rules, is mesh.

Wooden fences

Traditional material for the device of fences in our country is a tree. Species of wooden enclosing structures a lot. This is a classic stakenik (vertically spaced boards, fixed with uniform intervals), and all sorts of wooden structures of different direction of the location of the boards and the degree of transparency.

The estimated cost of manufacturing a standard section (2.5 m long) of a wooden fence varies from 670 rubles (a simple stakenik height of 1 m) to 2750 rubles per design of 1.7 m height - approximately as in the photo above. When calculating, do not forget about the price of pillars and the cost of installation of intake sections (from 800 rubles per stranded meter).

If you have time and carpentry and construction skills, you can reduce costs by purchasing a material on the nearest sawmill and building the fence yourself. For example, using the Unedged Board (Review). The cubic meter of such material will cost you about 5,000 rubles. This is almost 80 tripme-meter boards with a width of 200 mm, which is enough for 10 sections of such an original fence.

Even more to reduce costs, and even in general, to reduce them to the cost of fasteners will allow the creation of a fence in ethnic-rustic style. These can be various options, the so-called Norwegian fence (although this type of fence has traditionally been used with us, in the north, in the Arkhangelsk, Vologda regions), the fences in the style of ranch and other exotically looking fences.

The material for this kind of fences can be arst, hill, branches, spins of trunks - all that is found on the started area when clearing it or in the surrounding area.

For some, it will be a great way out in a situation where a temporary fence is required. In another case, the original fence will be the decoration of the site, its stylistic dominant.

Metal fences

Today, with the phrase "Metal Fence", the majority is associated with a fence. And it is not surprising - this is one of the most popular materials for the device of fences: sufficient durability, simplicity and installation speed, presentable appearance, and most importantly - price. In the cheapest version (using galvanized professional flooring), setting the standard section (2000x2500 mm) will cost you at 3750 rubles. This cost includes the price of metal pillars.

In addition to a deaf fence from a steel profiled sheet, you can look at other proposals - to the metal stakenik (it is called the Ershtrokel) and a fever of metal blinds. Both variants are similar to each other: filling the intake section occurs profiled lamellas, fixed with a specific rhythm.

Metal stakenik, as it should be a stakeholder, consists of vertical slats, and fence-blinds - from the horizontally located. The cost of 2.5 meter section of a 2 m's height of the fence from EvroShnik - from 3150 rubles (with installation), and a metal fence-blinds is from 4000 rubles.

Metal fence-blinds. Photos from

You need to mention forged fences. Of course, the manual forging of the author's work is worth a lot of money. But the fence of a simple drawing, cooked from the bar, stripes and ready-made stamped elements, such as, for example, in the photo below, it will cost approximately 5,000 rubles per section of the standard size (excluding installation).

Today, Kuznets can feel like anyone who has the skills of the welder. If you want to make such a fence with your own hands, you will only have to buy ready-made decorative parts, steel rods and a strip. An independently made fence from wrought-iron elements will be cheaper by about a third.

In today's construction market there are many materials for fences. The fence can be both overhaul and lightweight design.

So, fences can be performed from the following materials:

  • wood;
  • reinforced concrete;
  • brick;
  • a rock;
  • metal;
  • combined.

Consider those for the fence that are most often used to build fences in the country, and in private construction as a whole.

Wooden fences

Tree - is the oldest material for the fence. The quality of the fence from the tree primarily depends on the quality of the wood itself.

Advantages of the fence from the tree:

  • ease of structures;
  • material is environmentally friendly;
  • good combination with other materials for fences;
  • a continuous fence perfectly protects against wind, noise and strangers;
  • wooden fence with sparse boards, perfectly reduces wind speed.


  • the need for additional periodic processing to protect wood from moisture, insects, regardless of the processing tools declared by the manufacturer;
  • exposure to temperature drops;
  • bad fire resistance;
  • weak resistance to mechanical stress (blows, cutting);
  • little service life (no more than 3 years).

Wooden fences can be such species:

  1. The boarding fence is a fence with spans from boards that are nailed to the vertical columns of supports or horizontal crossbar. Boards nailed overlap. This is a fairly reliable and durable fence, however, it has a not too beautiful appearance, especially from the inside.
  2. Stakenatnik - fencing from the rails that are nailed to horizontal crossbar. This type of fence is rather a symbolic fence, but its use can still perform the protection of your garden at the cottage from animals, which are simply a greens on it.
  3. Wovers - fence from intertwanted shoots of shrubs and young trees. The woven looks very decorative. She will not like long, but it can always be easily fixed.
  4. Palcol - the fencing is a row of stakes that close to each other are driven into the ground, after which they are connected by crossings. The use of this material for fences also provides for the use of wooden, metal or concrete pillars, which are mounted between the sections of the stakes.
  5. Fencing from wooden panels - panels, it is bonded with a tree slats, which are enclosed in a frame from lumber. Reiki can be laid in naile or interlaced.

Reinforced concrete fence

Reinforced concrete materials for fences are now fencing not only construction sites and industrial enterprises. Modern technology allows you to make concrete with various texture, their beautiful appearance will allow you to embellish the cottage, a country cottage, etc. The texture of concrete is in the form of bricks, stone and even a tree.

Concrete blocks can be monolithic, and can be carried out with openwork - it all depends primarily from the function that this fence will be performed.

Advantages Fences from reinforced concrete:

  • high strength;
  • large service life (over 50 years);
  • a great diversity of forms, textures and coloring;
  • high resistance to fire;
  • excellent protection against dirt, noise and wind;
  • high resistance to temperature drop;
  • for the installation of reinforced concrete design, there is no need to build a foundation;
  • the possibility of finishing, for example, natural stone.


  • when making installation, it is necessary to attract lifting techniques and additional labor.

Brick fences and fences

The use of this material for the fences will give the entire architecture of the country site a feeling of goodness, solidity and stability. For the construction of a brick fence in the country, the red construction or facing bricks is often used. The use of standard red bricks for the device of the fence requires its plastering, the fence is notworthy is left in very rare cases, as a rule, if necessary, for compliance with the designer's plan.

Processing is not required for facing brick, it can have a different color and can even mimic other materials. In order to increase fire safety, the use of refractory brick is allowed.

In order for the fence to serve for a long time, it is best to use a frost-resistant brick. According to experts, it is not recommended in one fence. The use of different varieties of bricks. Because each of these products has a different shrinkage, and due to this can be formed on the fencing of the crack.

Advantages of the fence from bricks:

  • large service life (more than 25 years);
  • high strength;
  • excellent protection against dirt, noise, wind and prying views;
  • good decorativeness;


  • high cost of material and installation;
  • during the construction it is necessary to attract professional workers;
  • the need to build a foundation.

Metal fences and fences

Metal fences are made from ordinary and alloy steel, in some cases the cast iron can be used. By type of production, metal fences can be forged and welded.

A variety of metal fences:

  • fence from professional flooring;
  • fence from the grid (slave);
  • welded metal fence.

Installation of this type of fences involves the use of metal columns for racks. They may be rapidly - it is a sheet of cold-made galvanized high-grade steel. It has galvanized spraying and polymer color coating with a thickness of 0.5 mm. For the construction of fences in the country or country house, a wall professional flooring is used. In square (60 x 60 mm) or round (diameter 76 mm). Lags made of metal profile (40 x 20 mm) are used as horizontal guides.

The advantages of the fence from the professional flooring:

Forged fence serves as more aesthetic purposes, but it costs such a fence more than other materials.

  • large service life (at least 20 years);
  • ease of installation;
  • excellent protection against dirt, wind and prying views;
  • good resistance to moisture and temperature difference;
  • high resistance to fire exposure.

Disadvantages of fence from the professional flooring:

  • the welding places are subject to corrosion.

The welded sectional metal fence is welded from the profile tube (20 x 20, 60 x 30, 40 x 20 mm), a metal strip can be used.


  • large service life (at least 15 years);
  • high strength;
  • high resistance to fire exposure.


  • there is no protection of wind and outsiders;
  • requires professional workers;
  • the need for periodic anti-corrosion protection.

Conclusion: Miscellaneous types of metal fences have the same drawback - weak corrosion resistance.Therefore, if you choose precisely on this kind of fences, it should be noted that you will need to periodically carry out anti-corrosion measures for the protection of the material.