Repairs Design Furniture

Bashed plastic windows in a wooden house. Installation of plastic windows in a wooden house - an instruction of the installer. Measures and design

Before starting direct installation, it is necessary to hold a number of preparatory activities:

  • dismantling the old window (if replacement);
  • cleansing the opening of dirt and remnants of construction waste;
  • make the necessary measurements and calculations;
  • drawing up the drawing and fixation of the measurement parameters of the opening;
  • alignment of the contours of the side of the window opening, if the hole is irreversible;
  • alignment is performed using putty or sealant;
  • decide on the design and functionality (the number of sash, their size, which of them will be opened);
  • determine the manufacturer and color of the product.

Only after the execution of all of the above manipulations, we order a window at the manufacturer, taking into account individual wishes.

Stage No. 2. Installation

As soon as the windows were delivered and the necessary preliminary work was carried out, you can start directly to the installation. Tools:

  • drill;
  • construction level;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • kiyanka;
  • pliers;
  • anchor plates and bolts;
  • key to adjust windows;
  • foam assembly;
  • wedge struts;
  • pulverizer with water.

Important! The installation of the plastic window in a wooden house is not recommended during a strong wind and at low temperatures (not lower than -10 degrees).

Planning: Purpose, Types and Design

The placade is a design in the form of a box, which is made of three or four boards and are installed around the perimeter inside the opening.

The system allows you to install a plastic window yourself, so that the window has fixed independently of the main design of the wall and has a floating nature. The window system is fixed using grooves on the side, which are planted on the spikes protruding the end of the logs and the bar.

For fixing and sealing, the covers apply only the pass, flanutin or a fiber insulation. In no case by the assembly foam.

Attention! From above, leave a gap at the calculation of wood precipitation.

Thus, the shrinkage of the walls of the wooden structure does not affect the window and the more it does not hurt it. Depending on the fixtures, you can classify the plates for the following varieties:

  • in spike This design is characterized by the presence of spikes, which is mounted on the side parts of the placade, and the groove that is located in the logs of the opening;
  • to the mortgage bar. The base of the fastening is considered a bar, which is placed in the groove in the ends of the opening and passes through the racks of the placade;
  • in a deck. The spike is located on the ends of the window opening logs, but the groove is in the racks of the placade.

The box is a floating mechanism that excludes the deformation of the plastic window during operation, regardless of the type of climb installation.

Calculations are worth producing with high accuracy, since even a minor error can lead to the deformation of the box of the window or leakage of the design. In addition, the correct installation is the key to the quality of the plastic window.

How to make a soup (check)

The design can be two types: complex and simple. The simple obosyachka is the system described above, with bars and grooves. Complex design is performed somewhat differently: the comb is cut into the opening of the window to which the boats with the grooves are put on. This option is more reliable. When shrinking the walls, the comb can slide and does not allow deviations vertically, excluding pressure on the box of the window.

The placade is usually manufactured from the bar. With the help of the chisel on a tree in the center of the bar, the grooves of 0.5 cm are knocked out, and a spike (0.5x0.5x, 25 cm) is cut from one end. From the end logs of the opening, the comb with spikes 0.5x0.5 cm. To do this, you can use a saw or a chisel.

Important! Marking of the ridge is an important point. The quality and reliability of the design depends on the accuracy of the markup.

After the ridge is ready, proceed to the installation of risers and the formation of the design of the opening between them. The bars are set according to the level of the gaps on the shrinkage of the walls (1 cm on the sides and 0.5 cm on top). Frame from BRUSIV is strengthened with the help of grooves with the main web walls and voices among themselves. The left gaps are sealing palauls or other fibers. That's all, now you can start installing directly plastic frame. You can see the process in this video in more detail in this video:

Stage number 3. Installation in the cooked opening

After carrying out the necessary preparatory work and installation of the souls, you can start setting the window.

Attention! Installing plastic windows in a wooden house without a cluster - the wrong option.

To begin with, we carry out the size check and the location of the parallels, the gaps between the casing and the frame. The margin of marking should be: 4-5 cm at the top, 2-3 cm in width and height, 3-4 cm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window sill. After making sure that the reserve correspondence to these indicators, proceed directly to the installation of a plastic frame.

Fix the window with special fasteners that are sold in any construction store. They are metal plates with holes.

The installation of the plastic window should be made by level. If you neglect by this factor, then you risk getting a construct with a slope, which significantly reduces the operational and aesthetic tasks of the window.

Tip! Before installing the window removed the sash. Thus, the design is facilitated and it is much more convenient to mount in the opening.

After the window fastened in the opening, it is necessary to fill the gap by mounting foam. To avoid displacement of the design during a fission, put the bars that will retain the position of the frame without deviations. After drying, do not forget to remove it.

Fixing the window in the casing is performed with caution. In this case, you must select the correct place of twisting of the screws. In no case can you fix the window in the ridge zone!

That's all, the process finish with complete fossi of the opening. We put on the sash and give foam to dry.

We presented the right way to install the windows of plastic in a wooden house. This process can cause difficulties, so if you are unsure in your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals.

However, the installation of a plastic window with its own hands is a significant savings. We offer to watch a video installation of the window installation with your own hands:

Nowadays, with constantly increasing prices for "life", our head is attended by all thoughts on the conservation of heat in your home. Everyone knows - metal-plastic windows retain about 25% of heat, and therefore they will help you save us a lot of money with the onset of cold weather.

Installation of a plastic window in a wooden house is not cunning. Almost every person can do it, having in its assortment the usual tools located in every garage. Installation with your own hands will help keep money and nerves, as workers in the house - not always to good. Consider the process in more detail.

Choose a plastic window for a wooden house

First of all, you will need to carry out accurate measurements of the window niche. Moreover, accuracy must be up to a centimeter, without "approximately". If measurements are less - you have to beat the wall, if more - close the space between the window frame and the wall. When installing PVC windows in a wooden house, the clearance should be as little as possible. But it should be borne in mind that the tree has a property expanding, absorbing moisture. Subsequently, the window opening can be deformed. After all the measurements are made and recorded in your leaves - go to a specialized firm for the manufacture of plastic windows.

When choosing a new window, it is worth emphasizing your attention to 4 components:

Double glass. Glass is the most important component of the modern window. About 65% heat loss passes through it. The most popular double-glazed windows are two-chamber, in the chambers of which there is gas having a minimum thermal conductivity. Now popular windows with an additional film. The assortment has a transparent and prechange film. It additionally reduces the return of heat through the glass. The windows with a darkened film is better installed on the sunny side.

Profile. An important role, in the structure of the plastic window, playing profile. Profile characteristic is determined by the number of aircases that serve to reduce thermal conductivity. Their number is significantly reflected on the thermal conductivity of the window. If your wooden house is in a place, with an elevated noise level (for example, near the highway), then the six-chamber profile with double double glazing will provide elegant sound insulation in the house.

Furnitura. It must be made of high-quality metal. Furnitura takes considerable overload, especially when the mechanism of the rotary window with ventilation is applied. Furnitura, made of poor-quality metal, serves you a small amount of time. With further long-term operation, such troubles are possible as sash sowing, poor closing and not tightness.

Sealers. Also, it is worth paying attention to the seals. They must be made of a special material, which remains elastic under any conditions, be it frost or heat. Ordinary rubber loses its elastic properties with a decrease in temperature, and during prolonged exposure - cracks and crumbles.

It is all necessary to consider before installing a plastic window in a wooden house. If you correctly pick up all these elements, then your eurowindow will not let you down, and will store homemade warmth. And remember that expensive is not always good. It is always necessary to select the golden interlaced.

Removing the old window and preparatory work

It is better to do without hurry, but first-class. Specialized workers make everything quickly, but they do not bother over the quality of the implementation of dismantling. Very often, they leave broken walls, broken old frames and glasses.

Performing all the work on the installation of windows in a wooden house, you do not need to rush. You can make everything much careful, leaving all the elements in the preservation and suitability for recycling. They will come in handy for giving or garage.

Extraction of the old window is carried out in the following sequence:

1) Remove the sash.
2) pull out the frame.
3) Remove the windowsill and sings.

Manufacture of window clusades in a wooden srub

This step can be missed, but in the future there may be serious problems. The placade will prevent the window opening of the window opening. The material must be dry and durable, the thickness of the board - more than 4 cm. Otherwise they will be deformed with the opening. The width of the placade must correspond to the thickness of the wall.
Methods for performing a clusade:

  • Schip-monolith.
  • Lining timber.
  • In a deck.

The most difficult and reliable is the first type of placade. But newcomers who do not have special skills to install windows, prefer to make a cock with a lining bar. This requires in the middle of the window opening to make furrows.

You will need a circular saw, an ax, chainsaw or a chisel. The optimal size of the furrow 5x5 cm. On the bar, the same size, the edged board is stacked and attached by self-drawing or bolts. If the ship-groove is used, the T-shaped timber is cut into advance, and inserted into the furrow. The final stage is the laying of the mounting foam gap between the casing and the wall. Since foam has a property to collapse under the influence of sunlight, it is necessary to close the foam of the windproof membrane, inside - vapor insulation.

Installing a window frame in the house

Before the final fastening of the frame, first of all, it is necessary to make a fitting of the base in the window opening. If you are inconvenient to use the construction level - you can use a plumb. Then, with the help of wedge-shaped stations, fix the frame in the window box. This will help to avoid moving the frame horizontally, and facilitates the further final fastening.

To properly install windows in a wooden house, you should install fasteners. The gaps between the frame and the opening should be within 1 cm. Most often, anchor plates are used. They are fixed to the box with self-draws, a length of about 3 - 5 cm. At the end of all installation works, the gap between the frame and the window box should be filled with the mounting foam. If the gap is more than 2 cm, then the gate should be divided into several stages. Foam drying time - 10 - 12 hours.

Installation of window sash in the house

After mounting the frame, we install the sash. The sash is the movable component of eurowindows, thanks to which it is opened or closing it. It is fixed on special hinged-moving elements (loops) frame.

If the frame is exhibited correctly and in terms of the level, the flaps will fit perfectly. Nevertheless, nuances with gaps and locks may occur. They can be adjusted with a cross-hole screwdriver. The main rule of the installation of sash is to do it evenly. If the side should be lifted / omitted, then turn the bolts equal to the number of revolutions. After each manipulation, you need to open / close the sash, try changing the changes.

Installation of fittings, slopes, window sills in a wooden house

The frame was put, the flaps were screwed and gave the mounting materials a little to open. Now we approached the final stages of the window installation instructions in the wooden house with their own hands. It remains to finish some strokes and you can celebrate victory.
First, you need to choose and install the correct window sill. There are several common types of windowsill

  • Plastic. Very light and relatively durable multi-chamber view of the window sills, which are covered with PVC film from above. There are many colors and imitation of various materials. But consumers prefer a standard white or "under the tree".
  • Wooden. Wooden window sills react to moisture drops and as a result of which they can deform. The dignity of wooden window sills - naturalness and appearance. At the same time - coating with a special protective layer.

Consider how to install a wooden window sill in Siruba.

Step 1. Processing Materials. To begin with, it is necessary to cultivate our windowsill with moisture-proof composition, which will protect it from the premature appearance rot and damage the windowsill. The window opening must be cleaned of dust and mud deposits, and, if possible, to process the composition as the windowsill.

Step 2. Mounting of the window sill. Wooden window sill is attached to the nails, which must first be scored in the lower bar of the box. After placing the window sill in terms of the level, with the help of wedge strokes, tighten the screws, with the front side of the window sill, until it stops. All empties that remained should be seen by foam. After drying - cut over.

Choose a tree carefully for the manufacture of the window sill. It should not be overpowered and have chips and cracks. Wooden window sills fit well under any log house. As well as serve as a good shelf for various plants or small things.

After complete installation of the window sill - go to the installation of wooden slopes. The process of mounting the slopes of windows from the inside is fully identical to the installation of slopes from the outside, and will not be any problems during the work.

This is the final chord in the installation of windows in an old wooden house. Consider all the processes step by step.

Step 1. Side panels. For starters, secure the side panels using self-tapping screws. It is desirable to arrange the attachment points of the panels where the decorative corner will be installed, which will close all the screws. So we will retain the aesthetic type of panels at the maximum. Then, along the same analogy, we perform the finishing of the upper open window.

Step 2. Sealing seams.All seams and joints of the panels are wicked by a sealant, to prevent moisture penetration. Additionally, it can be treated with moisture equipment.

Step 3. Installation of corners. After all the seams and joints were dried - we produce the installation of decorative corners. They can be attached with the help of "liquid" nails, a construction stapler or foam. All work on the installation of windowsill and slopes should be carried out after a complete drying of the structure. And this means that you need to wait at least 12 hours after mounting the window.

If you perform the installation for the first time, the process may seem quite complicated. It is better to immediately watch the video how to install plastic windows in a wooden house. The main feature of wooden structures is their environmental friendliness. Wooden timber has the "breathe" property, grow old and sit down. This is the main reason that makes it difficult to install windows and doors in a wooden srub.

Shrinkage occurs due to the loss of moisture of wood. It is especially noticeable to the first 4 years. Mounting foam and need to compensate for the minimum shrinkage. Making a cock, we make the window opening independent of the walls. The obosyachka limits the movement of the log of vertically, thereby ensures a normal, uniform shrinkage and does not interfere with the breathing of the log.

So we figured out how to set the window in a wooden house. Nothing is difficult in this. Everything is elementary simply and understandable if you perform all installation work on proven technologies and by simple step-by-step instructions.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

Each builder knows how to install wooden windows in a wooden house, but the usual residents of private houses cannot do it with their own hands. The reason is a lack of knowledge, although the order of such a procedure for experts will "fly into a penny". Read the information further so that your home is most comfortable and warm.

Grandparents knew perfectly well what a wooden frame is. After all, earlier such windows were on every corner. The installation process of the wooden window requires the master of special skills and skills to get the correct result. It is from the availability of experience and skills of the master directly depends on the quality of the installation, compliance with tightness, life, and the appearance in general. And to avoid drafts and unnecessary distortions, let's consider step by step proper instructions for installing wooden windows. When installing a wooden window, it is not without skill and certain skills, but then you can make an excellent glazed.

Features of installation and dismantling old wooden windows

Before installing wooden windows in a wooden house, it is worth listening to the recommendations of experienced masters in order to effectively carry out the operation with your own hands. Especially if you have never come across such work before. It is best to transfer such a process into the hands of the master who knows all the secrets of the installation is not obscured. After all, the absence of necessary skills can lead to the fact that the frame will be corrupted. And their cost is quite high, so we spend additional funds for repairs - invoice. In addition, the repair is not always possible. However, it is often necessary to install products, for example, in.

Fans of working with wood can deepen in more detail in particular installation and try their hand in this craft. If you follow the recommendations, you will be able not only to install a wooden window high quality, but also to save significantly.

Tip: In case of ordering a new wooden window, you should pay the installation in the manufacturer's hands. The fact is that in this way all warranties on this design will be maintained. And if the installation is independent, all your errors will remain on your conscience.

In any case, before putting new window frames, it is worth removing old structures. This item does not apply to houses that are under construction. Observing the correct sequence of actions, you will greatly facilitate the task:

  1. Before work, you need to prepare the room. If possible, it is better to transfer small details of the interior, clothing and furniture to another room. Thus, your things will be whole and unharmed.
  2. Furniture, which remained in the room, and flooring should be secure. To do this, it is enough to cover them with a film.
  3. Coatings on the floor should also be removed. This includes Palace, Carpet, Track, etc.

After such preparations, you can proceed to the very dismantling of the old window. To do this, carefully, but applying strength, you need to disassemble the wooden frame. At the same time, the slopes together with the plaster. This operation will help you determine the presence of a pitch. Without this element, the structure is danger. In older buildings, such "Halturka" meets completely and nearby. If you also got into this number of "lucky ones", then further actions are impossible without solving such a question with professional builders, and it is not necessary to independently. But experience will help you further develop in the direction, and then completely.

Then take off the slopes in all places. Persistently inspect whether there are bars in each wall, on which the windows frame is recorded. It is necessary to immediately determine their condition.

Mortgage bars in the wall

Tip: In order to find out, you need to replace these bars or not, use the usual sequel. It is worth sticking it to the bar. If it sits tightly and it is difficult to pull out, it means everything is in order. Their presence is not necessary to install the new window.

The importance of the correct measurement of parameters

Replacing any window requires the correct measurement of the parameters. It will depend on this how ideally the window will fit into the window opening. If you have a wooden house, then cleansing should occur to the level of the placade. Now you can proceed to the removal of the measure. It is important to make measurement in the right places. Even a small error can cross all.

Even if you have previous measurements, it is not a fact that they are suitable now. After all, with time, any building can be influenced by external factors. It is important to create a wooden window slightly less than the opening itself. So you can correctly set the frame in relation to the horizon by correction. To do this, it follows from a height to take 15 - 25 mm, and on the width of the whole 4 - 6 cm.

All parameters are taken from perfect lines (horizontal and vertical). To create them use a building level. Modern devices, for example, a roulette with a laser, will significantly simplify all measurements. After all, it will give a real indicator for each parameter. It is also important to know how if they are located on the upper floors.

Step-by-step installation of a wooden window

Before carrying out the installation of a frame from a tree, it is necessary to prepare the necessary tools. To work, you will need:

  • drill and perforator;
  • passatia with a hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • perhaps saw and plans with an ax.

It will not be superfluous to buy sealant on silicone, mounting foam, rubberoid (polyurethane). These materials will be useful in order to seal the opening.

If a tree window is installed in a wooden house, the technology involves the use of support pads.

Initially, installing wooden windows in a wooden house with their own hands begins with the fencing of the window from moisture, which can give a wall of wood. After all, such moisture provokes the occurrence of mold and various fungal growing. And it all spoils wood very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to smoke parts of the runnerdoor in the opening. He sits well on silicone. That's what you should do:

  1. Pads (length 12 - 15 cm) made of wood. One end should be under the frame. The most wide place must correspond to the distance between the frame and the wall. Need minimum 4 pieces.
  2. 2 pieces are installed at the bottom of the opening. There should be about 80 cm between them (depending on the size of the wooden window).
  3. Remove the sash from your frame and put it in the opening itself to the supports. Keep the necessary slope at least 10 cm.

  1. The remaining pads are exhibited according to this scheme, as in the photo. They should not be tightly enter, therefore, if necessary, fed a little on the plane. Constantly stick the vertical (check with a plumb) and horizontal (level check) so that there are no small distortions.
  2. When everything is exhibited perfect, you can pull the block one by one, pour this place with a sealant and paste it back.
  3. The most difficult thing is behind. Now it's about the mounting foam. With it, it is close to all the slots around the perimeter. It is necessary to work with it carefully, and after drying, the extra parts are simply cutting up with a knife.

More detailed about the installation of windows can be found from the video. Now you know perfectly well how to install wooden windows in a wooden house, and you can do it with your own hands, and do not waste extra fundament workers. Main, attention and patience.

Installation of plastic windows in an old wooden house can be performed according to the standard instruction for such work. However, old houses have one feature that can be considered a big advantage over just built houses - the old house no longer gives shrinkage. In this case, you do not need large gaps that leave for shrinkage of new homes.

Sequence of work:

  • Preparatory stage - dismantling the old window, fit the size of the opening under the new window;
  • Production of placade
  • Mounting window

Preparatory work

If the house is old, then, most likely, the old windows were made of wood. Such windows are dismantled with scrap. If necessary, the old window is collected. The doorway is completely cleaned and examined to determine the state of the logs.

Important! If the house is old, then at the first installation of windows, most likely, the opening of the window was not processed by impregnation-antiseptics, which protect the wood from rot and bugs.

The old placade in the doorway is usually not suitable for a new window - it is either corrupted or does not match the size of the desired size of the desired size - between the windows frame and the casing are left about 2 cm on each side. If you use an old clue, the window can get too small. Therefore, the old opening is expanding with the size of the new plastic window.

New sizes of the opening:

  • Width - 220 mm are added to the width of the plastic window, which take into account the thickness of the new cloth bars (2 * 100 mm), the gaps between the frame and the drop of 20 mm on each side, 15 mm on each side for the jute insulation. The allowance is reduced by 50 mm due to the occurrence of spikes of the side opening windows in the bars of the placade;
  • Height - 245 mm for mounting gaps under the frame and over the windows frame, the thickness of the clusade is taken into account. For the old house, do not make a gap for shrinkage over the top bar of the cluster.

Attention! If there are even small doubts about the possibility of a shrinkage of the house, then over the top bar, the placade is better to leave a small gap of about 45 mm to compensate for a possible shrinkage.

Production of placade

You need to install a cluster even if the house does not give a shrink at all. The plug is needed to fix the linear dimensions of the opening.

Attention! For the cluster, use only well-dried wood, which will not give shrinkage.

In the end of the logs on the side parts of the window opening, spikes are cut out, and in the side bars, the chips are cut out the deepening, the size of which exactly coincides with the spike size.

After fitting the bars, the opening is processed by an impregnation-antiseptic and a jute seal is fixed before laying the bars of the placade.

On the lower part of the opening with the seal, the lamp timing is stacked, then on the upper part of the opening. The side bars of the covers are installed last.

Sealant is applied before installing the side bars to the connection site. All the gaps that were left over and under the cloth seal the panels.

The window opening in a wooden house has always been one of the most complex construction nodes. With the appearance of PVC windows to problems caused by shrinkage processes, an extensive list of new restrictions and requirements associated with the universal design of metal-plastic profiles were added. In this connection, the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house should be made only after a thorough study of all the features of this technology.

Immediately emphasize that the principle of fastening PVC windows in principle differs from the methodology for the installation of classic wooden frames, therefore, even experienced masters who did not have practices in this area of \u200b\u200bconstruction work, it is desirable to explore the relevant documentation and technological advice from windows manufacturers.

You will find general information about the technology of installing plastic windows in our article, and today we will give step-by-step instructions for self-installation.

When preparing for self-installing plastic window, special attention should be paid to the preparation of instruments and materials. Given that in most cases the installation of windows in wooden houses is made in the exit mode (cottage, country house, etc.), the absence of one specific key or device can create considerable problems.

Consider the main groups of tools that are needed to correctly install the window design.


From a mechanical point of view, windows made of plastic have a not standard design, so the usual set of a home master will be clearly not enough.

Below is a list of mechanical tools required for efficient operation with PVC profile:

  • the hammer is iron and rubber (elastic combed applied to position the frame);
  • universal screwdriver;
  • set of hex keys;
  • handle for disassembling pins (with hex tip);
  • electric drill;
  • rolled along concrete and metal (diameters from 3 to 10 mm);
  • installation wedges and gaskets;
  • universal adjustment key;
  • measuring kit (roulette, square, construction level, plumb);
  • device for capturing double-glazed windows ("glass containers").

Please note that for cutting expansion profiles of ordinary hacksaws may not be enough, since some types of good products can be reinforced with metal. Cut this profile by a hand saw, of course, it is possible, but for each item will have to spend much more time.

Considering the above, the above list is not suitable to supplement the mechanized version of the saw (electrolovka or circular), as well as fixture devices (clamps).

Clampsin is desirable to take with wide capture, because they may need not only for fixing materials during cutting, but also to attach expansion profiles.


An integral part of the method of assembling metal-plastic windows is sealing using sealing tapes and polymerized substances.

When installing PVC profiles, you can use sprayers supplied with cylinders with mounting foam, but it is desirable to purchase a separate adaptation for professional work, which will significantly reduce the cost of consumables.

Separately, we emphasize that in addition to the installation of foam, silicone is often used when installing windows from polyvinyl chloride, to squeeze which of the tube without a special "gun" is extremely difficult.


Any polymeric sealant - and polyurethane foam is no exception - in the case of constant contact with the outer air and moisture, it is quite quickly destroyed. To slow down this process, the internal and outer surfaces of the installation gaps must be protected by waterproofing (installed on the inner surfaces, such protection is called "vaporizolation").

This can be done both with the help of specially tape and through the applying of special pastes (putty).

Depending on how the type of waterproofing is preferred, the basic list of tools must be added with scissors or a set of spatulas.

Preparation for installation

After the PVC window is bought and delivered, it is necessary to check the completeness and compliance of the real size of the parameters that were specified in the order.

Before starting a technical description of the works on self-installing windows, we list the main terms used to designate the elements of their design:

  • frame (power base window);
  • sash (moving part of the window);
  • double-glazed windows (1-2-3 chamber set of braids combined into a single block);
  • impost (internal partitions frame);
  • strapboard (snatching strips necessary for fixing double-glazed frames in frame or sash);
  • accessories (control and regulating window elements);
  • sun (decorative panel, closing cutler or inner plane of the cluster);
  • windowsill;
  • good (expanding profile used to adjust the geometric sizes of the window).


As practice shows, window handles and other auxiliary fittings are often lost during transportation.

If a mosquito net was present in the order - it is necessary to check the availability of fasteners for its installation.

In addition to completeness, the check of the window size and cliffs are inspected. The main verification criterion is simple - the installation gap should be no more than 2 cm (but not less than 5 mm!). It must be borne in mind that when the linear dimensions are compared with the above, the tolerances are multiplied by two. That is, if the internal width of the placade, for example, 200 cm, then the overall width of the frame should be no more than 200-2 * 2 \u003d 196 cm.

In cases where the window was bought with the calculation of the extension of good, measurements are made taking into account the mutual overlap of locks.

Next, it is necessary to pick up the fasteners brazen, the length of which should be such that with the complete screwing, they did not pierce the clution.

This requirement is relevant only for those cases when the installation of the window is performed with a profile drilling. However, it should be remembered that this method of installation is a spare and applies only in cases where the window is mounted in the opposite, consisting only from the mortgage bar.

The main way to fix PVC windows in the opening is the installation on the anchor plates, the purchase of which should also be included in the list of preparatory work.

Disassembly and preparation for installation

The next stage of preparation for installation is the disassembly of the factory supplied set. Despite the fact that the installation of the window can be made without dismantling the glass, we recommend using the option with a complete disassembly, since it is much easier to put and clarify the light frame than a massive and inconvenient to manipulation window block.

Below is a step-by-step instruction of the disassembly process and preparation:

  • remove the packaging and protective tape (from the inner surfaces of the tape can not be removed, but if you leave it from the outside, then after 1-2 months it will "prevent" to the frame);
  • extract double-glazed windows. To do this, it is necessary to extract from the strokes of the chap. Start from the bottom;
  • dismantle the frames, for which you will need to remove blocking pins (for this operation, a special key mentioned in the previous section) is designed;
  • remove the auxiliary accessories, otherwise, during the installation, it can be lost or damaged (plugs on drainage holes, covers on the loop, etc.).
  • if the window is installed in a reverse quarter - paste to the outer perimeter of the frame sealing psyl tape;
  • drill holes under bent or mount anchor plates (depending on the installation method).

Separately emphasize the following nuances:

  • when removing double-glazed windows, it should be noted the initial position of the left and right staps;
  • the lower edge of the glass packs must be installed on special gaskets - it is necessary to note their position;
  • capture glass panels is best done using a special device (it is also specified in the list of tools listed above);
  • handicapped with seized double-glazed windows should be extremely careful not to damage the edges (as well as avoid vertical storage).

Installation methods

There are two ways to install PVC windows with their own hands: with disassembling the window block and without that.

This difference is due to two factors: the window of fastening the window and the mass of the structure.

The first option is more versatile and allows the window mounting in any way.

The second method is used only in cases where the fixation of the window block in the opening is carried out using anchor plates. It is used for mounting deaf windows, or to massively install the window format in the T-shaped cluscle.

Obviously, the installation of the window without disassembly occurs an order of magnitude faster than with disassembly. However, in view of the fact that most of the metal-plastic window blocks assembled are considerable weight, only the first option is recommended for self-installation.

Installation of plastic windows

To correctly put the window itself, you should clearly understand the main rule of the installation operations of this type: the efficiency of the window depends not only on the quality of the glass unit, but also from the correct assembly of the entire design of the window block, which includes several auxiliary subsystems.

Under the "auxiliary subsystems" in this case are understood:

  • waterproofing;
  • additional seals;
  • sucks;
  • films;
  • platbands.

Special attention should be paid to the provision and protection of sealants. The figure of the right shows the basic placement scheme for the addition of additional seals.

Please note that the seal on the external perimeter of the window is installed only when mounting in a reverse quarter. If the window is mounted in a conventional T-shaped selection (which is the most common case), the role of such a sealer performs slopes.

Now consider step by step, how to install PVC windows in wooden houses.

Removing old windows

When disassembling windows in the houses from a bar and logs, special attention should be paid to the safety of the souls, as the manufacture of the new will cost NEW.

In cases where the previous installation was performed correctly, and the fastening of the frame was made using self-tapping screws, the dismantling sequence consists of all of the three operations: removal of fasteners, removal of the window block and sweeping the cluster from the remnants of the mounting foam.

Some problems may arise if the old window was britched by nails, for the extraction of which an additional tool is needed - nail-tooth.

It is important to take into account that, before putting a new window, it is necessary to conduct an audit of the casing. Namely: it is necessary to check the presence of cracks, chips, as well as the absence of signs of rotting or defeat by the wood. If any of the listed factors is detected, the opponent should be replaced with a new one.

It should be noted that about the replacement of the chains in the network you can find a lot of contradictory recommendations, among which there are those in which it is argued that when repairing old houses, the windows with a metal-plastic frame can be placed without sinks. We consider this approach incorrect, because even the old log house in seasonal moisture changes can create a displacement sufficient for jamming or even the destruction of the window.

Of all the types of wooden buildings, only in a frame house can not put a moving clutch, but even in this case, the installation of the window is made in the finished wooden frame.

Unlike stone houses, in wooden buildings, it is rarely a need for a "snap" repair space for installation, since the placade almost always provides a flat rectangular discount under fixing the new window.

The only exception may be the situation when it is necessary to insert a window, the dimensions of which are less than the previous one (the need for such a replacement often occurs when repairing the bath). In this case, the preparation of the internal loan is to build up the thickness of the plane plank.

Fitting frame

The most common mistake made when installing eurobas with their own hands is the wrong initial size.

Therefore, before starting to fix the window, you must make sure that it really corresponds to the installation work.

The frame fitting is performed simply - the supports of 1.5-2 cm with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Rama is installed on them, after which the visual assessment of the rest of the gaps is performed.

If in any part of the window they exceed 2.5 cm - it is necessary to think about the correction of the geometric dimensions of the frame using a problem.

Separately, we note one nuance - if the size of the gap between the frame and the casing is greater than 2 cm, but less than the minimum thickness of the extender of the extender, then the temptation arises to blew its foam without any sizes correction. Many do it, after which they can not understand why from the expensive window from the polyvirihloride so blows the cold.

It is important to remember: the mounting foam is not a full heat insulator, and in no case cannot perform a replacement window of the window profile.

Installing the window frame

After the compliance of the size of the frame and the loop is established, you can start main operations.

We will list them in stages:

  1. Initial positioning. It is performed in the same way as the fitting: the frame is installed on the centerpiece pegs, after which it is necessary to achieve a uniform thickness of the installation gap throughout the perimeter of the frame.
  2. Alignment of spatial position. For positioning in the vertical plane it is better to use a plumb, in a horizontal - construction level. Working fixation is performed using side and upper trim.
  3. After the accuracy of the installation is confirmed, fix the vertical points first, and only after the additional check - the side. As mentioned above, long screws or anchor plates may be fasteners.
  4. Immediately after completion of the fasteners, we recommend installing the removal, since after assembling the window, access to the corresponding mounting positions will be difficult (the present point is especially relevant for windows located on the second floor).
  5. Installing windows in workplaces.
  6. Installing double-glazed windows. Please note that the glass panel cannot be installed directly on the plastic of the sash (special gaskets must be saved when dismantle).
  7. Fixation of glass strokes (in reverse sequence).
  8. We close the sash and check the positioning again.
  9. We perform installation of fittings.

Recall once again to what you need to pay special attention at the stage of installation of the frame:

  • the position of the transverse line of the window - for wooden houses, it should pass exactly in the center of the cut;
  • the length of the fasteners (if the cross-cutting method is used) should not exceed the total thickness of the frame and plaque boards;
  • to secure external "tails" of anchor plates, use fasteners, the length of which is less than the thickness of the casing boards.

Swimming window

The next step is to fill the installation gap by mounting foam. Despite the seeming simplicity, this stage has several technical features at once:

  1. Mounting foam during polymerization is expanding and the effort created at the same time can deform the metal-plastic profile. Therefore, the bunting should be performed only on a fully assembled and closed window.
  2. If it is intended to use a belt version of waterproofing, it is much more convenient to immediately bind the zazon zone from the outside of the frame.
  3. To simplify the installation of vaporizolation, we recommend cutting the tape and fix it on the window frame.

Joining is made from the inside, after which the seam is immediately stuck in the steam barrier tape installed in advance.

Possible problems with improper installation of windows

Avoiding long arguments on the topic "What better to put the windows to ensure that the savings were truly economical," we formulate a simple rule: anyone, even the most expensive window, will not provide declared characteristics if it is incorrectly established.

Therefore, in addition to the exact following the recommendations specified above, you must avoid the following errors:

  • incorrect location of the window thickness. Consequence of error - freezing and condensate. For classic houses made of wood, the windows are installed in the midline. In cases where the house is covered with brick or lined with thermal insulation, it is recommended to pay for specialists to calculate the position of the window;
  • lack of seasonal adjustment. Consequence of error - violation of air exchange standards. In those windows where it is possible, the adjustment is performed using the slots supplied to the desired position.

The company "Master of Surba" takes orders for decoration, repair and restoration of log and bruschers, turn on the installation or replacement of windows. You can clarify the details of cooperation and order the check-out of the marker by contacting our specialists by any of the communication methods published on the page.