Repairs Design Furniture

Tissren Favorite. Plastic windows Thyssen favorite. Regarding the requirements for entrance doors, new norms prescribe

Became designed specifically for russian market The profile system of the favorite, which made it possible to deploy the company's active activity in Russia, satisfying the needs of the demanding Russian buyer.

Windows Favorite - New Comfort Standard

Concept new system meets the following requirements: plastic windows Thyssen Favorite significantly warmer similar systems from three-chamber profiles, it withstands all heat supply (including very low temperatures, strong wind and solar radiation), protects against the harmful effects of ulurafiolet and infrared light, is characterized by heat and moisture resistance. In addition, we consider important qualities elegant design, impeccability of components and profile surfaces as well long term System services. And the availability of price is pleasantly surprised by buyers.

Although we are supporters of application in glazed glasses with selective coating, the economic situation in many regions is still such that more justified the use of two-chamber glass windows. With an increase in the width of the air stroke of the glass unit by 2 mm in the range from 10 to 15-16 mm, it gives an average increase in its heat transfer resistance by 0.02 m² / W. As a standard windows for the system, the favorite is accepted optimal option A total thickness of 36 mm.

The system includes elite, and the possibility of using thresholds with a thermal master.

Regarding the requirements for entrance doors, new norms are prescribed:

The reduced resistance to the heat transfer RO, M2S / W, entrance doors and doors (without a tambura) of the apartment of the first floors and the gate, as well as the doors of apartments with unheated staircase cells There must be no less than 0.6 RREQ (works of 0.8 RREQ for the entrance doors to single-headed houses), wherein the RREQ is the reduced resistance of the heat transfer of the walls, determined by formula (3); For doors to the apartment above the first floor of buildings with heated staircase cells - at least 0.55 m2c / W.

No extra details, it is obvious that these are very high heat engineering prescriptions! Presented in the market typical doors from PVC profiles - This is overwhelmingly two-chamber systems with powerful closed steel, which do not fit into the requirements of the norms. The exception is the system favorite. The system includes luxury doors Of the five-chamber profiles of 71 mm wide, and the possibility of application. Thus, heat transfer resistance will be at least not lower, and when using a large space sandwich panels, higher than the windows that will fully comply with the requirements of the norms.

Tissren windows scheme Favorite:

  1. Five aircases For high heat protection (class 1 according to GOST 30673).
  2. 71 mm width for optimal temperature distribution in profiles.
  3. It is possible to install double-glazed windows with a width up to 47 mm.
  4. The headquarters with two supporting legs guarantee reliable glazing.
  5. Two planes of sealing pads protect against purge.
  6. Reliable steel liners, the same in the frame and sash, provide perception of rigid wind loads.
  7. Auxiliary profiles snap into assembly clamps.
  8. Installation loops is made through plastic and steel.
  9. Water removal and ventilation double-glazed fetsts go through the outer chamber.
  10. The axial size of the 13 mm accessories increases protection against hacking.
  11. The tilt of 45 ° serves for a good removal of water and elegant design.
  12. Increased heat protection due to 71 mm width and 5 aircraft with a width of at least 5mm. The heat transfer resistance of the system:
  • 0.78 m2c / W (with an amplifier insert)
  • 0.82 m2c / W (without amplifying liner).
Technical characteristics of Tissren Favorite:

Currently adopted and put into effect SNiP 23-02-03

The thermal protection of buildings (adopted and enacted from October 1, 2003 by the decision of the Russian State System of 26.06.2003 No. 113 instead of SNiP II-3-79 *). With elemental rationing, the principled and long-time justification principle was preserved, where the degree and day of the heating period were taken as the basis. But, despite the fact that the order of numbers remained the same, and the revolution, as it was with the introduction in 1998 the amendments to the old SNIPU did not occur, the required resistance of the windows was still a little changed. What is different: if about 0.03 m2s / W increased for the southern regions and Central Russia, then for cold regions (with a degree-days above 6000) the numbers remained the same. This is due to the fact that improving the design of windows in Siberia and on in the northern regions is difficult for economic reasons.

Selected Development Direction regulatory base In Russia, it fully complies with common European and global trends. For example, a serious impetus for development construction technologies ENEV has become adopted in Europe, the use of which should reduce energy consumption by about 30%. ENEV adoption in February 2002 gave impetus to the fact that in Germany began the transition from the designs of window bakes with three chambers and a width of about 60 mm to multi-chamber systems with a width of 70 mm wide. The system also includes a 128 mm width box.

Being aware of the prepared new standards, simultaneously with their introduction to Russia, the favorite concept was published in Russia company THYSSEN POLYMER. group dekenink companies . The main principle of the system is assumed that it should be warm and withstand all rigid climatic loads in Russia. For this, the system should have five aircases and a total width of 71 mm profiles.

Practice and calculations show that profiles of about 60 mm wide in terms of improving thermal protection exhausted their development potential. The latest attempts were ideas to turn the profiles of 60 mm into four-chamber, and apply an amplifier steel with thermal separations, according to the principle of aluminum. But research and testing in all European laboratories have shown the lack of difference in the heat-stash between the three- and four-chamber profiles of 60mm wide. The effect of heat-preserves only air chambers in which the thickness of the air layer is at least 5mm, and in profiles with a width of 60 mm can only be taken along the crushing of air chambers to the departments of 2-4 mm wide. As a result, filters made by all firms for four-chamber profiles 60 mm dust wooden shelves In the storerooms ... As for steel with thermal ladders, here you can get an increase in heat transfer resistance, but this decision was too expensive. Therefore, the system of the favorite has four heat-insulating chambers with a width of at least 5 mm wide, and, based on accounting for statics, the size of the fifth, the inner chamber for steel is determined. The overall necessary width of the profiles, based on these two considerations, the system turned out to be 71 mm.

High resistance to the heat transfer of the profile system increases the resistance of the heat transfer of the windows as a whole. According to the calculated data, for the system favorite with the same glass packages and with the ratio of glazing area to the area of \u200b\u200bproducts 0.7, this important indicator increases 0.03 m2c / W.

This is just the same amount to which the requirements of the norms increase. For windows manufacturers, this means that without changing the design of double-glazed windows, but using a new window system, they will automatically fit into new norms without increasing the cost of products.

In practice, heat transfer resistance is obtained above the calculated values. According to tests conducted in the Ural region (company Spetsrestroy LLC) (Testing Center Building materials, products and designs of FSUE GRC KB. Academician Makeeva V.P.), the following test results were obtained:

  • when double-blade 4m1-12-4m1-12-4m1: 0.66 m2c / W;
  • with double-glazing 4m1-12-4m1-12-and4: 0.80 m2c / W;
  • when double-blade 4m1-16-4m1: 0.48 m2c / W;
  • under the double-blade 4m1-16-i4: 0.74 m2c / W.

1. The decrease in the edge effect in double-liquor, due to the width of the profiles of 71 mm and the height of pinching the double-glazed glass package. A surveillance analysis of the distribution of isotherm in the system profiles showed a significant decrease in the edge effect of the glass package, that is, condensate formation.

2. In the window it is possible to install double 47 mm wide width. Although we are supporters of application in glazed glasses with selective coating, the economic situation in many regions is still such that more justified the use of two-chamber glass windows. With an increase in the width of the air stroke of the glass pack for 2 mm in the range from 10 to 15-16 mm, it gives an average increase in its heat transfer resistance by 0.02 m2c / W. As a standard glass window for the system, the favorite is made the optimal version of the total thickness of 36 mm.

3. Compound (raw material mixture) prepared for the use of profiles in a tough Russian climate.

  • Plastic windows must withstand the most severe frosts, therefore, its composition paid special attention to the modifier for shock viscosity. The profile on the perception of climatic influences belongs to frost-resistant execution ;
  • the softening temperature of the Vic is +89 C;
  • shock viscosity of Sharpi 44 kJ / m2;
  • strength corner connections exceeds the requirements of the norms in two or three times!;
  • confirmed durability of 50 conditional years of operation (for temperate climate) and 20 - for the northern regions.

4. High static reliability and imagingness of the system due to increased moments of inertia steel amplifiers and strength of the PVC profile itself. The immod of the Impost is twice the similar indicator of other profile systems.

5. The height of the River: Outside 8mm, from the inside 9 mm. The height of the fabric is guaranteed reliable fit of the flaps to the frame and the wide possibilities of adjusting the accessories. Together with the elastic seal of a special form, it gives high noise insulation and density of windows. At the same time, if necessary, a climatic valve REG-EYR can be installed in the window

6. In the designs of the windows of the system, the favorite applies the welded seals from thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) gray. The sealer. The new, elegant design gives the windows. Extended seals are welded together with profiles, which speeds up and simplifies the manufacture of windows.
As for the physicomechanical properties of the seals, they are entirely dependent on their chemical composition. The Receiver used by Thyssen Polymer GmbH allows you to use TPE seals in rigid climatic conditions of Russia.

7. The axial size of the installation of accessories 13 mm increases the counter-burglar qualities of the windows favorite.

8. Profiles have an elegant design with a bias of 45 ° and with impeccable surfaces. In order with all the above technical featuresThe company has taken care that the price of the recent favor is competitive compared to the dominant three-chamber systems of 60m width.

Specifications optimized for Russia, along with the availability of the mass consumer make the system favorite unique offer in the Russian market.
The presence of an excellent technical concept and balanced pricing policies are prerequisites for the wide use of windows from PVC profiles Favorite in municipal and private construction in Russia.

Natalya Sergeevna

I want to thank the guys from Ramokna for excellent and high-quality work. Thanks to the steamer Paul, which was played by the price and picked us the windows, I also want to thank the guys from the brigade from, Oleg and Viktor, they did everything quickly, efficiently. All very polite and pleasant. Thank you. Happy New Year! Successes and prosperity!

Boris Stepanovich, Moscow

I want to thank Ramokna for quality work. Yesterday I installed new windows. Worked by Brigade AS. I especially want to note the work of the electron of Alexander (unfortunately I do not know the names), as well as the measizer Sergey, who initially made a professional settlement. As a result, everything came up and fulfilled with excellent assessment.

Irina Khimki

Moved B. new apartmentThe windows seem to be good, but they are quite strong. I decided to immediately change, without waiting for the winter. According to reviews, Ramokna, the people praise. I made an order, on the same day the measureer came, and after another 5 days, Igor and Alexey guys have already made installation. I really liked everything, for quality and service I put a firm five!

Lyudmila Vasilyevna

Today I installed on Shipivskaya Street. I liked everything very much, ranging from the Oleg marker, ending with the installers Fedor and Alexander, the brigade is very qualified, installed everything on time. I express a lot of gratitude to the whole team. 08.12.17

Astakhov Maxim and Olga

We want to express my gratitude to the installer Fedor Georgievich, the installation was carried out on 09/27/14 (in Lublin). Very neat person, everything makes love. Installation produced efficiently! We are going to order a window more, and of course we ask us to put the window that Fedor Georgievich. The garbage was drunk, removed, everything took out! More such people!

Plastic windows Tissren (DeceUnink)

Tissren windows, the manufacturer of which is the Belgian Decanink company, which bought this brand in 2005, is distinguished by an excellent design, excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics, due to which, deserved to the premium production products, we strongly recommend setting them in cases where hard requirements are needed Soundproofing and energy saving. This is especially important in cases where heating costs lie burden on the owner of the premises.
Put reliable windows It turns out much cheaper than spending excess fuel, heating around the environment. Decanink company is engaged in production window profiles Tissren is already under the brand, opened a profile production plant in the city of Protvino in the Moscow region. Products Tissren (Decanink) has been widely used and respect for customers. Currently, two types of profiles are widely known in Russia from DECEUNINK products, they are both sevent-like series: a favorite of a five-chamber profile with a gray seal and a baute board three-digit counterfeit with black seal. The most popular are windows:

from the profile of Tissren Favorit

Choosing windows for your home it is worth paying attention to the window Tissren Favorite. This product was designed for areas with very low temperatures or in buildings where there are increased energy saving requirements.

Thyssen Favorit profile has improved heat insulation characteristics, profile width 71 mm, profile has flawlessly white View, 5-chamber structure. In the ThySsen profile, the favorite can be installed a double-glazed glass width to forty-seven millimeters. The optimal thermal insulation will be achieved when using a double-glazed width of 40 mm wide.

The composition of the raw materials from which the profile is manufactured is tested at low temperatures temperatures. Plastic should withstand without deformation of severe frosts, so there is special attention of the impact consideration in its composition. ThySsen's profile Favorite is a premium profile.

By the ratio of price, design quality, there is no equal.

In the ThySsen profile, the favorite is used by a special light gray seal from special material. This Know-how is decoNank. According to the test results, the durability of the seals of this system is 30 years. In addition to the seal in Tisssene, there are other nose-how: anti-arctic stroke, a special system of lining in a double-glazing, which would not be conducted plastic fastening Imposts.

Below can be familiar with the profile structure

Tissren "Favorit"

Concern Deceuninck, whose headquarters is located near the town of Roselare (Belgium), is a group of global companies and one of the leading developers and manufacturers window Systems and construction profiles from hard PVC for windows, doors, winter gardens and facades.

Among the main activities are the production of a compound, design, extrusion, final processing of systems and profiles from PVC and production of products from the secondary recycled raw materials.

The acquisition of THYSSEN POLYMER in 2003 made it possible to become a concern Deceuninck by the undisputed world leader in the production of PVC profiles for the construction industry. Thyssen Polymer, which occupies the fifth place in Europe and in the United States for the production of PVC profiles, owns three large plants: in Bogan (South Germany) and in the United States. The company's four priority market are Germany, North America, East, Central and Southern Europe. The main type of activity of Tissren Polymer is the extrusion of PVC profiles for the construction industry - coincides with the activity of DeceUninck, so together Thyssen Polymer and Deceuninck will take the first place in this sector. A group of companies will unite both joint activities and a holistic structure and general cost control programs and optimizing all existing processes. Of course, these programs are developed primarily taking into account the requirements of consumers, since the highest quality of products, its fast delivery and optimization of customer interaction are the main causes of the company's success.

To date, the concern works in 32 countries, having 18 subsidiaries (production and / or representative offices), has 2,700 employees, 560 of which work at the main plant.

The product range includes a wide selection of basic and additional profiles for the construction industry (as for new buildings, and for the renovation of old), the main applications: window and door systems, winter gardens, housing safety, multifunctional profiles, outdoor and interior decoration premises.


The production sites of Tissren Polymer are located in Germany and in the United States, there are also representative offices for the sale of products in Poland and Thailand. The company employs about 900 employees.

All equipment for the factories is manufactured in a modern shop in Bogane, which includes CNC processing centers with milling cNC machines, crushing machines, machines for the production of crates, waste pipes and wires, as well as measuring equipment CNC.

At the factory in Boren, 48 automatic extrusion lines with a total capacity of about 210 tons of profile per day; Work goes in three shifts. The Applied Technology Department guarantees maximum support for the processor.

Stable high quality All products and service level is provided by the implemented quality management system. A large number of The obtained certificates of international level confirms high requirements for the quality of the main components of PVC.

Quality control is performed at each stage of production, starting from the stage of receipt of the initial raw material. In a fully equipped own laboratory, physical and chemical properties raw.

Series of profiles manufactured

Number of chambers 3.

Profile width 60 mm

Width of the glass unit up to 39 mm

Number of chambers 5.

Profile width 71 mm

Width of the glass unit up to 47 mm


Number of chambers 3.

Profile width 71 mm

Width of the glass unit up to 47 mm


Increased thermal insulation of the four-chamber profile REHAU THERMO-DESIGN is provided by a systemic depth of 60 mm.

The high characteristics of this profile on airproof and waterproof (load groups A, B and C) were obtained thanks to a stubborn seal with a wide stain contact installed throughout the perimeter and sash. At the same time, the same appearance and system depth allow you to freely recycle the thermo-design system in parallel with the Basic-Design system, which is a huge advantage for processing firms.


Increased thermal insulation due to four-chamber design, the value Kr \u003d 1.5 W / m2k.

Optimization of the production process. The same circuit of milling in the identical geometry of the fold from the box, sash, impost and a hill eliminates the need to restructure the equipment. The ability to parallel processing of the REHAU-BASIC-DESIGN and REHAU-THERMO-Design series without the need to restructure the equipment.

Reliable mounting All additional profiles are provided with the help of protrusions on the bottom surface of the profile.

The same reinforcement types for the REHAU-BASIC-DESIGN and REHAU-THERMO-DESIGN series.

A wide range of profiles, including an elegant sash with roundings on the outer surface.

Capabilities diverse design Thanks to the standard palette of colors.

External profile contour allows processing as ordinary machinesand CNC machines.

The width of the seal fit is 8 mm, which is achieved due to the height of the pressure of the box 20 mm from the outside of the window. In combination with the internal fit of the width also, 8 mm is reached the impermeability of the seams to the load group S.

The elegant design of the Rehau-thermo-design profile profiles is given by 15 degree squeezes on visible outer surfaces.


This series is a five-chamber profile with a 70-mm system depth.

Window rehau profiles Brillant-Design have the value of the coefficient Kr \u003d 1.5 W / m2k, which makes the designs made of them suitable for buildings with passive heating. Such windows are also higher noise insulation, since it can be installed double-glazed windows with a thickness of up to 41 mm.

REHAU-BRILLANT - Design system profiles have a glossy surface, squeaks or roundings on the outside of the sash and a wide color palette, which will satisfy the most demanding consumer design.


Rational production. The same circuit of milling in the identical geometry of the fold from the box, sash, impost and a hill eliminates the need to restructure the equipment. Reliable installation of all additional profiles is provided with the help of protrusions on the bottom surface of the profile.

The location of the drain slots is equally with the REHAU-BASIC-DESIGN and REHAU-THERMO-Design systems, i.e. No need to restructure equipment.

Identical reinforcement and accessories with Rehau-Basic-Design and Rehau-thermo-design.

Identical sizes of deduction with REHAU-THERMO-DESIGN.

Reducing warehouse costs: compatibility with various additional profiles (60 or 70 mm of system depths) due to the special location of the protrusions for attaching additional profiles.

Magnificent appearance due to a high-quality shiny surface, a sash with roundings or skeuses on the visible surface and a wide range of colors.

The locking accessories is attached through 3 walls from PVC or additionally to metallic reinforcement.

Thanks to the height of the pressure of the box 20 mm with outside The windows reaches the width of the seal seal 7 mm. In combination with an internal fitting width of 8 mm, the seams are impenetrable to the load group S.

35 mm reinforcement chamber width makes it possible to use reinforcements with high static properties.

Effective water removal is ensured by a slanting fold at the frame and sash.


Economical REHAU-SIB-Design system with system depth of 70 mm profile

created for customers, for which the most important "warm and comfort in the house". Features such as Rehau-thermo-block's progress and the design possibility of installing a double-glazed glass thickness up to 44 mm thick helps to reduce heat losses indoors. In addition, the depth of the box 70 mm in additionally improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the window.

Two of different ways constructive solution sash profiles make it possible to produce both one-lobed and window blocks with a displaced facial surface of the box and sash.

The ability to produce reliable window blocks with removal heights and widths is provided by improved mechanical characteristics due to the installation of reinforcing reinforcement.

Easy of care guarantees the absolutely smooth surface of the profile.

Due to its integrity, the window designs Rehau-Sib-Design have minimal water permeability.

The advantages of the REHAU-SIB-DESIGN window profile system:

REHAU-SIB-Design with a systemic depth of 70 mm complies with the highest standards: the heat transfer resistance of the reinforcement packet of RPD \u003d 0.72 m2 0 ° C / W.

Optimization of the production process. Milling loop is identical to the REHAU-BRILLANT-DESIGN system. Mounting legs on the bottom surface of the profile provide reliable fixing of additional profiles.

The ability to combine the REHAU-SIB-Design box with the REHAU-BRILLANT-DESIGN deck allows the processing company to expand the range of products through the manufacture of outdoor and internal opening doors.

Identical seals of the gunner in the box and sash.

Reducing warehouse costs: the ability to install a standard reinforcement to a box and sash. Reinforcement is identically used in other REHAU profile systems.

Effective water removal is provided by oblique folding in the frame and sash. Thanks to the height of the floor of the box with the outside of the window, the width of the adhesion of the seal is 7 mm. In combination with an internal adhesive width of 8 mm, a high degree of air and waterproof of the seams is ensured.

The elegant design of the REHAU-THERMO-DESIGN profile profiles is given by 20 degrees on visible outer surfaces.

A wide selection of colors and decorative performances of products from Rehau-Sib-Design press - from classic white to varnishing options and stitching with a tree texture.

About company

Concern DECEUNINCK, whose headquarters is located near Roselare (Belgium), is a global group of companies and one of the leading developers and manufacturers of window systems and construction profiles from rigid PVC for windows, doors, winter gardens and facades. Among the main activities are the production of a compound, design, extrusion, final processing of systems and profiles from PVC and production of products from the secondary recycled raw materials.

The acquisition of THYSSEN POLYMER in 2003 made it possible to become a concern Deceuninck by the undisputed world leader in the production of PVC profiles for the construction industry. Thyssen Polymer, which occupies the fifth place in Europe and in the United States for the production of PVC profiles, owns three large plants: in Bogan (South Germany) and in the United States. The company's four priority market are Germany, North America, East, Central and Southern Europe. The main type of activity of Tissren Polymer is the extrusion of PVC profiles for the construction industry - coincides with the activity of DeceUninck, so together Thyssen Polymer and Deceuninck will take the first place in this sector. A group of companies will unite both joint activities and a holistic structure and general cost control programs and optimizing all existing processes. Of course, these programs are developed primarily taking into account the requirements of consumers, since the highest quality of products, its fast delivery and optimization of customerial interaction are the main reasons for the company's success. In today, the concern works in 32 countries, having 18 subsidiaries (production and / or / or Representative offices), there are 2,700 employees, 560 of which work at the main factory.

The product range includes a wide selection of basic and additional profiles for the construction industry (as for new buildings, alone and for renovation of old), main applications: window and door systems, winter gardens systems, housing safety, multifunctional profiles, outdoor and interior decoration. The production sites of Tissren Polymer are located in Germany and in the United States, there are also representative offices for the sale of products in Poland and Thailand. The company employs about 900 employees.

All equipment for the factories is manufactured in the modern shop in Bogan, which includes CNC processing centers with milling machines CNC, crushing machines, machinery for the production of crates, waste pipes and wires, as well as CNC measuring equipment. On the factory in Burent, 48 automatic extrusion lines with a total capacity of about 210 tons of profile per day; Work goes in three shifts. The Applied Technology Department guarantees maximum support for the processor.

Stable high quality of all products and service level is provided by the implemented quality management system. A large number of internationally obtained certificates of international level confirms high requirements for the quality of the main components of PVC. Quality control is performed at each stage of production, starting from the stage of receipt of the initial raw material. In a fully equipped self-equipped laboratory, the physical and chemical properties of raw materials are also measured.

The plant has a department of lamination, which produces several types of films with various coating. Also available in the presence of a film of various colors and imitating wood structure.

The logistics department is located together with the warehouse in Choundderdoff with with total area 22,000 m2. The warehouse is located near the main road A3 6 km from the factory in Bogne.

ThySsen profile series

Number of chambers 3.

Profile width 60 mm

Width of the glass unit up to 39 mm

Color and Material Sealer Black, EPDM

The "Favorit" profile system embodies the ideas about modern design and the newest achievements of the window industry. The windows made by their profile of the Favorite series are ideal for operation in the context of the Russian climate due to improved heat insulation properties and big durability

Number of chambers 5.

Profile width 71 mm

Width of the glass unit up to 47 mm

Color and Material Sealer Gray, TPE


This is a unique three-chamber system of 71 mm wide, which is characterized by impeccable quality, reliability and efficiency.

Number of chambers 3.

Profile width 71 mm

Width of the glass unit up to 47 mm

Color and Material Sealer Black, TPE

Plastic window Tissren (DeceUnink)

Tissren windows, the manufacturer of which is the Belgian Decanink company, which bought this brand in 2005, is distinguished by an excellent design, excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics, due to which, deserved to the premium production products, we strongly recommend setting them in cases where hard requirements are needed Soundproofing and energy saving. This is especially important in cases where heating costs lie burden on the owner of the premises.
Put the reliable windows to get much cheaper than spending excess fuel, heating around the environment. Decanink's company is engaged in the production of Tissren's window profiles by its brand, opened a profile manufacturing plant in the city of Protvino in the Moscow region. Products Tissren (Decanink) has been widely used and respect for customers. Currently, two types of profiles are widely known in Russia from DECEUNINK products, they are both sevent-like series: a favorite of a five-chamber profile with a gray seal and a Butek three-skater analogue of a black seal favor. The most popular are windows:

from the profile of Tissren Favorit

Choosing windows for your home it is worth paying attention to the window Tissren Favorite. This product was designed for areas with very low temperatures or in buildings where there are increased energy saving requirements.

Thyssen FAVorit profile has improved heat insulation characteristics, the profile width is 71 mm, the profile has an impeccable white view, 5-chamber structure. In the ThySsen profile, the favorite can be installed a double-glazed glass width to forty-seven millimeters. The optimal thermal insulation will be achieved when using a double-glazed width of 40 mm wide.

The composition of the raw material from which the profile is manufactured is tested at low temperatures. Plastic should withstand without deformation of severe frosts, so there is special attention of the impact consideration in its composition. ThySsen's profile Favorite is a premium profile.

By the ratio of price, design quality, there is no equal.

In the Thyssen profile, the favorite applies a special light gray seal from a special material. This Know-how is decoNank. According to the test results, the durability of the seals of this system is 30 years. In addition to the seal in Tissren, there are other nose-how: anti-arctic stroke, a special system of lining in a double-glazing, which would not be carried out, plastic attachment of the Imposses.

Below can be familiar with the profile structure

Tissren "Favorit"