Repairs Design Furniture

Setting the mechanism of plastic windows. Adjusting plastic windows. Regulation of castles of metal-plastic window systems

Plastic window sash can function well and purge not only after a long life expiry. As a rule, with such problems do not need overhaul windows. It is enough to perform their adjustment.

The window adjustment is required in the following cases:

  • with poor installation (no horizontal or vertical is aligned);
  • with natural wear wear;
  • when sagging window sash (Open window clings accessories or window frame);
  • with insufficiently tight closing of the sash (blowing).

In fact, such a repairs, as regulation of plastic windows, can be performed independently without having special skills and skills. For proper fulfillment All works your window will serve for a long time.

Instructions for adjusting windows

To perform simple repair operations, a hex key is needed to adjust windows (No. 4).

How to adjust plastic Rehau?

Windows out rehau profile Proverted yourself as high-quality and reliable designs. Rechau adjustment depends on the type and quality of fittings. Regulation of windows with accessories Siegenia Aubi will be somewhat different than with Mako or Winkhaus accessories. In one case, it will be enough to pull the fastening screws, and in the other - you need to remove the sash.

Horizontal adjustment

A simple adjustment horizontally to get rid of the frame of the frame or, if necessary, move it, can be carried out independently. Quite simple is the window adjustment with the Siegenia Aubi accessory.

Horizontal regulation plastic windows This accessory is carried out on window loops. They have holes under the hex key. When the window is open, the key should be inserted into the hole and rotate clockwise. At the same time, the sash departs from the loop and the lower part, the opposite loop is lowered. The lower canopy can be adjusted from the outside when the window is closed. The possibility of a shift is no more than 2 mm.

Vertical adjustment.

Such adjustment is possible with the bottom of the hinged loop. To do this, you need to leake her cap. When rotating clockwise, the sash will rise against - go down. Adjustment is possible with an error in 2 mm.

In order for such problems, it is recommended to be recommended if possible to avoid a large width of the sash (more than 1 m), which ultimately leads to a savory with a frequent opening window. Otherwise, with such widespread sash, several times a year will have to contact the specialists.

Adjusting clamping clause

Climb is a window closing density. Check the clamp is very simple: To do this, it is necessary to close the window, and bring the burning flame of the match. If it fluctuates, that is, the gap. If the window is not tightly closed with the Roto accessory, then the eccentric is adjusted, which are located around the perimeter. When turning the handle, the eccentrics enter the clamping platforms. To press the sash to the frame, you need to move the eccentric clockwise, for weakening - against. Try not to change the position of the eccentrics strongly: the rotation of 2 mm is quite enough. All eccentrics must be in the same position. How tightly pressed the sash to the frame, you can determine with the help of special risks. If it is directed to the seal, then the sash is tight pressed against the frame if reverse side, then the climb is weakened. In some profiles, the eccentrics can be rotated wrench or pliers.

Other types of fittings for clamps can carry out plates. From the looping side there is a clamping mechanism with a tongue: when the ledge is extended, the sash is severely pressed against the frame, and vice versa. For windows with left hinges for dense pressing, the key must be rotated counterclockwise, for the right-sided location, the hinge clamp requires the rotation of the key clockwise. This species Adjustments can be made depending on the season: in winter - to press, in the summer - to weaken. Free clamp will allow rubber seals to stop slightly longer. Adjustment is possible up to 0.8 mm.

If such an adjustment does not bring results, then you need to call a specialist.

Repair knob

If you need to replace or simply fix the handle, you can turn its base for 90 degrees. At the same time, you will open screws that screw the handle to the frame. They are required to unscrew the screwdriver. Next, you should remove the old handle and attach a new one in its place with old screws. If you need to install a plastic comb, then it is fixed under the base of the handle. Required fitness To independently regulate plastic windows, you can purchase in building stores. In the same sequence, if necessary, you can install a window handle with a lock and a children's lock that prevents the window opening by the child.

If suddenly the window handle does not rotate, and the window does not close, you should not panic. In this case, the rotation of the handle was just incorrectly worked. For such a repair, it is necessary to first determine the brand of fittings by the name written on the metal constipation. For the accessories of the brand "AUBI" you need to find in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle thin metal plate Spring. With a strictly vertical position of the sash, you need to tightly press the plate to the seal and turn the handle to the open position mode. Now you can safely close the window.

The brands of the fittings "Roto", "GU", "Winkhaus" below the handles have a tongue sticking at an angle to the frame. Must be pressed into the tongue and turn the handle in right direction. If your actions were not crowned with success, then there was a temperature deformation. In this case, the tongue can slip by the passing element installed on the frame. In this case, you must open the window and find this response element to which the tongue should touch. It should be unscrewed between it and the frame insert a plastic lining. The clutch of the block and the response element of the handle will increase, and the handle will again function.

If the rotation of the handle requires certain efforts, then all moving parts (eccentrics, loops, presser mechanisms and platforms) must be thoroughly lubricated. It is possible to lubricate with machine oil with an oil wash or cotton wand.

Replacing the seal

This operation is easily executed: the seal must be pulled out from the groove, and without stretching, insert a new one. When the seal screen, you can lubricate it with silicone lubrication. Machine oil is not recommended. Seals change once every 10-15 years.

If it did not work independently, it is possible in the breakdown of the fittings mechanism. Damaged items must be replaced by new. Such work must be carried out by experts.

It is also necessary to take into account that the parts of the fittings must be protected from pollution, construction solutions, paints. In no case cannot use cleaning products containing aggressive compounds in their composition, which can damage the surface protective coat of fittings.

If you have not figured out or you need a serious repair of fittings, then you need to contact professionals. After all, the wrong window adjustment can ultimately lead to full failure of it.\u003dFYTCBNO5UYE. Video CAN "T BE LOODED: Video-PVC video tutorial (\u003dFYTCBNO5UYE)

Plastic windows have long been confidently included in everyday life and are not going to give up their positions primarily because of their reliability and practicality. Despite this, with time, the functionality may violate them.

Do not get upset and look for a specialist to eliminate problems in the work of metal-plastic structures. Adjusting plastic windows independently is quite real.

It is only necessary to explore some of the features of the impacts of the PVC window repair and technologies. Let's try using this article to help figure out how to adjust plastic design. Here will be presented detailed instructions for the adjustment and repair of plastic window mechanisms.

Types of disorders of PVC structures

How to adjust plastic windows yourself, and what problems can be eliminated without attracting specialists to this? To such violations of the functionality of the plastic window can be attributed:

  • window sash clins the frame;
  • the sash is not entirely tight;
  • shut-off strings were worn out;
  • the design does not close, since the handle is blocked in an open state;
  • do not rotate the handle with a closed sash;
  • the handle failed;
  • the handle turns badly.

To adjust plastic windows, you will need some tools:

  • passatia;
  • hex key 4 mm size;
  • disturbing of different types.

Basic requirements for adjusting windows

Hex key for adjustment

You can adjust the plastic window in several directions. With this feature, you can configure the design of the structure along the frame, as well as to control the degree of its climb.

The technology of adjusting plastic windows is in principle the same, not counting the minor differences in the fittings device of different manufacturers. Now imagine more detailed instructions By adjusting plastic windows on certain work defects.

The sash clins the frame from below

If the sash clings the frame from below, it means the design has saved

After some time the operation of windows and doors PVC There is a hook of the frame. This fact suggests that the design managed to prick.

With such violations, the upper loop of the plastic window is needed. When removing defects in the work of the window sash, it is necessary to move it towards the upper loop and from the bottom up, thus eliminating the sagging. The adjustment scheme is as follows:

  1. To begin with, open the rod.
  2. Configure the adjusting screw, which is located next to the top loop in the end of the sash. Perform this process using the hex key, which is rotated clockwise.
  3. On the bottom loop, the cap is removed and perform a pair of turns clockwise.
  4. We produce check the degree of adjustment of the sash, and if the defect failed to completely eliminate, perform these steps to the desired result.

The coat clins the frame on the side

Adjust the screws with a hex key

Opening PVC windows when the sash touches the frame, pulls the problems. Window device It will not be able to freely open and lean. Adjusting the windows with your own hands in the case when the sash clins the frame on the side, produced according to the following algorithm:

  • when the frame of the frame flap is only below, it is necessary to move it towards the loop at its lower part. This is achieved by the adjustment screw, which is located under the bottom loop;
  • when the frame of the frame of the frame around the perimeter, it is necessary to adjust the screw, which is in the end of the sash next to the top loop.

Setting the shut-off frame

From time to time it is necessary to check the operation of the shut-off strip. Their number is usually so: on one bar from all sides throughout the perimeter.

Independent adjustment of plastic windows is needed, if we notice the wear at least some shut-off plank. This may mean that the device causing. How to correct this disadvantage? You can perform this using such actions:

  1. Operate the design and remove special plugs from the loops, and use the bolts using the key.
  2. Go to the upper part, adjusting the screw, so as to adjust the frame horizontally, and then vertically. Adjusting the vertical position of the window is made using the bottom loop screw.

In order to control whether the configuration process is correct, you need to constantly open and close the design. If the sash can open and close freely, the process is completed.

Setting the density of the density of the sash

Zappa regulates the force of the clamp of the frame to the frame

With side on the end of the sash at the place of placement of the handle there is a system of eccentrics or other words of the TsAPF. With the help of them, the clamping of the plastic window is adjusted. The clamp of the design ensures the absence of drafts.

Each manufacturer has an appearance of eccentrics, but the principle of operation is similar. Adjusting the pin on plastic windows is performed using pliers. For this turn them into several revolutions.

The degree of clamping of the sash in the summer and winter is different. In the warm time of the year, the clamp should be weaker than in the cold time. In winter, so as not to blow, the sash should be lightened tight.

The adjustment of the clamp can be performed from the loop side, rotating a special screw in the bottom loop. Special attention should be paid to the swivel-flap. Setting the folding mechanism more labor-intensive process.

In this case, you need to adjust the clamp with the screw in the upper loop. The mechanism is located near the hinge. To use them, you need to open the sash, then, pressing the block, arrange the handle to the ventilation mode.

It is possible to properly adjust the screw as follows: with an increase in the degree of climb, the screw is rotated clockwise, when weakening, on the contrary - against the stroke. Do not forget during the configuration process, check the operation of the rotary-folding sash.

Adjusting accessories

We proceed to adjust the accessories of PVC windows. Mostly, for these purposes, screwdrivers and hex key are used. The handles are mainly configured using screwdrivers, and retaliatory strips using a hex key. If the sash is pressed poorly, the bar is shifted towards the street.

The degree of clamp is also configured from the location of the loops, where the mechanism is adjustable using a hexagon key. The degree of clamping is set using the tongue. The more he extends, the better the sash will be pressed. Consider other cases when you need adjustment window fittings. On the adjustment of the clamping of the sash, see this video:

Setting the handle that has been blocked with open sash

The Eurobon accessories works in this way that when the design is opened, the handle does not rotate to the "closed" position. For this, special blockers are provided in the fitness mechanism.

With certain disorders, the function of the handle may occur when the knob turned in the "closed" position, and the design is open. That is, the blocker fixed the position of the handle. To correct this situation, you must click on the blocking device and turn the locking mechanism to the "open" position.

The handle does not turn

How is the adjustment of plastic windows with their own hands when problems with the handle occurs? It is inspired or executed its turn is impossible.

With such a defect, the grip of the locking mechanism with the response element is not performed. This problem is solved in two ways:

  • fold shifts using adjustable screw to the response mechanism;
  • the mount is weakened and a plate of dense material is inserted between the sash and the frame.

The handle broke down

If the handle failed, then you can repair plastic windows with your own hands. Repair begins with the fact that the mechanism locking device Released by removing the lining.

To do this, it is necessary to delay it a little and turn it on 900. Next, you should turn the mounts with which the device holds, and mount a new handle to its place. For details on adjusting the handle, see this video:

The handle turns badly

Not always needed mechanical adjustment of the accessories of plastic windows. For example, the poor functioning of the plastic window handle occurs mainly due to poor-quality lubrication of the mechanism.

  1. Regularly check the seals in order to prevent their wear.
  2. Removing all the plugs, work should be done very carefully, so as not to spoil their appearance.
  3. If the frame deformation occurred, then the windows cannot be adjusted. In this case, you will have to refer to specialists. PVC windows repair is better not to produce.

An important factor in the long-term functioning of metal-plastic structures, this is the installation of products of generally accepted manufacturers. For example, to establish at home the windows "Rachu", the quality of this product is checked for years. Read more about Adjusting the PVC Window, see this video language:

To avoid the appearance of the defects of the plastic windows, there should be regularly lubricating all rubbing parts.


Modern plastic windows are manufactured using simple and reliable metal fittings, which for many years without problems performs its functions even in factory state. However, for greater comfort, it is sometimes necessary to adjust the plastic windows with their own hands - for example, to better preserve heat indoors in the winter.

Another possible need to repair the moving parts of the window with its active use. The handle is loosened, clinical and requires replacement, sash - cease to open smoothly and effortlessly; In addition, from time to time they are shifted and begin to touch the frame. How to repair or adjust the plastic window without calling the wizard?

Required tool

It is not necessary to spend money on appeal to professionals to correct - repair and adjusting these structures do not even require a special tool. That's what you need to prepare:

  • hexagon with a diameter of 4 mm - is also used to adjust bicycles;
  • screwdriver with nozzles - t, TX (star, for some models of windows), cross;
  • passatia;
  • WD-40 or machine oil.

Basic adjustment points

Adjustment is made in four main points:

  1. Lower loop - to configure the position of the sash vertically and horizontally.
  2. "Scissors" at the top loop - to adjust the angle of folding the sash.
  3. Eccentrics throughout the perimeter of the sash - to adjust the pressure of the clamp to the frame.
  4. A pen.

Adjusting the clamp of the frame to the frame

Work with window has whole line Tasks, but most often adjustment for the winter, consisting in setting the stream of the window of the window to the frame. This setting is made by changing the position of the HDF, or the eccentrics, which are two types depending on the window model:

  • oval - are regulated by hand or passage;
  • round - adjustable by hexagon.

These parts are embedded in the grooves, in which when turning the handles, there are retaliatory planks, cling to the eccentrics and pressed the sash to the frame. Depending on the type of accessories repair Eurowls with their hands andit assumes the adjustment of either the pin or the response hooks.

Eccentrics have three positions:

  • exactly in the center of the groove - standard clamp;
  • the relevant center is a weak clamp;
  • lefter - strong clamp.

You need to use all three positions, as you need to adjust the double-glazed windows several times a year - it is stronger to press in winter, in summer - weaker.

If one permanently leave the pin in one position, it will lead to the deformation of the seal, and in the future the adjustment will stop saving from purge.

If you think about the loops, you should adjust the canopies. This is done like this:

  • a plastic cap is removed from the bottom loop, under which there are several bolts - the twisting perpendicular frame will lead to an increase in the force of pressed the sash;
  • the scissors are adjustable from above - for this, the same pin is used, as in the sash.

Adjusting the position of the sash

Sometimes the installation and includes an adjustment of the position of the sash in the horizontal and vertical planes. The design is rejected from its standard position due to damage to the moving parts due to the long stay of the window in the open state or due to neakkurat appeal With mechanisms.

Setting the corner of the folding of the sash during ventilation

The plastic window handle has 4 positions, two of which are folding the top of the sash. Rotate the handle to the end up - the maximum folding, its position between the horizontal and vertical position is the microwing mode, useful in severe frosts.

In some cases, there is no - the window is folded exactly at the same distance as with full ventilation. Adjusting windows for the winter includes a change in this distance. To adjust the degree of pressing the top of the sash, an axle is used on scissors.

This is done in this way:

  • Window opens in ventilation mode.
  • If there is no access to scissors in this position, you should open the window immediately in two modes - full opening and ventilation. Sometimes to do it interferes with the block - you can turn it off by pressing the metal tongue on the handle mechanism.
  • When the scissors open, they will be visible to eccentric - the same as to adjust the clamping of the sash. The delay in his hexagon will reduce the angle of folding, weakening will increase.

When the adjustment of the accessories of plastic windows will be completed with their own hands, the sash returns to the initial position.

Vertical position adjustment

The displacement of the sash in the vertical plane affects the convenience of opening and closing the window - the sash begins to touch the frame, you have to raise it with an effort or press the book.

The vertical position of the sash is adjustable using a bolt on the bottom loop. This is done like this:

  • A plastic cap is removed from the canopy.
  • From above of the metal part of the loop there is a hex bolt, walking parallel to the frame. His loosening shifts the sash down, tension - raises the design.
  • If window or balcony door It has a large mass and width (from 100 cm), metal closings are used to facilitate closure. Together with the adjustment of the bolt in the bottom loop, you need to adjust this part of the conservation.

Sash shift in horizontal plane

How to adjust in the horizontal axis? For this, both canopy are used - the loop from the bottom and scissors from above.

  • To adjust, it is necessary to remove the plastic protection from the loop and tweaked the side bolt, which is parallel to the frame. Access to it can be obtained from the side of the slope and inside, from the side of the sash. Bolt tension shifts to the right to the right, weakening - left.
  • To customize the position of the sash on top, you do not need to completely straighten scissors. You should open a window and found on the inner end of the sash recessed hexagon bolt - it is located near the upper edge of the structure. Its weakening and tension in the same way affects the position of the sash.

Remember that such an adjustment is carried out only in the open position of the sash, otherwise the mechanisms can be damaged.

Repair and adjustment of the handle

Active use of the window, the constant impact on the main mechanism - the handle - leads to breakdowns of different types. A wizard call in such cases is not required, as it is very simple to adjust the handle on the plastic window.


If the handle breaks out, it is enough to pull the two bolts hidden under a plastic decorative lining. To dismantle it does not need a tool - it is enough to pull the handle on yourself and turn the item 90 degrees. Bolts are tightened with a cross screwdriver, then the accessories return to the place.


If the handle turns with the effort or does not fall into standard positions, the reason is usually clogged by the mechanisms. In this case, you should unscrew the handle and clear all moving parts of the WD-40 aerosol design. After that, the window is lubricated with machine oil.

Adjusting the handle of the plastic window

In addition, the reason for the poor functioning of the window sometimes becomes:

  • incorrect position of plastic windows - repair and adjustment with your own hands, in this case, consists in changing their position using a hex key, as described above;
  • if the handle does not get up to the "closed" position, it speaks of too much pressing of the sash to the frame - it is necessary to adjust the pin around the perimeter, a little weakening them.


Stick jam in one position - a consequence of the blocking mechanism. It is necessary not to break the accessories - the metal tongue of the block does not give, for example, open the window when it is in the ventilation mode. However, the block is sometimes triggered at an inappropriate moment, not allowing to close the window. This happens due to improper circulation - too much change in the position of the handle.

Adjusting the handle of the plastic window in this case depends on the manufacturer of the accessories:

  • The blocking is disconnected as follows: the sash opens, the metal plate is located near the handle, to which you want to press and turn the handle to any side.
  • Maco and others. Under the handle there is a steel tongue, which sticks out at an angle in blocking mode. You need to click on it, putting to the position "parallel to the frame", and change the position of the handle.


If it is damaged by the standard handle or the need to replace it with a shut-off mechanism, it is possible to install a new part with your own hands. It is done very simple:

  • SO old knob Plastic protection is removed.
  • Two cross bolts are unscrewed.
  • A new handle is installed and fits.

This installation and repair of plastic windows does not take much time, and the new item can be found in any construction store.

Thus, everyone can cope with the work, since it is possible to adjust the plastic windows with their own hands quickly and without using a complex tool.

A qualitatively new level of comfort in our dwelling is considered metal-plastic windows from polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

When installing such structures, you will need a professional assistance, but how to adjust the plastic devices on their own during everyday use, is shown below in the recommendations.

Replaceing traditional old wooden windows Modern, you need to periodically inspect the operation of the opening and closing mechanisms, the condition and functioning of the fittings, which will increase their durability and functionality.

Plastic windows and adjustment tools

Adjusting serious breakdowns and faults We recommend implementing the experts of the company's experts expert ()

The most common faults with which can be copped without a specialist:

  • When closed, the fraumuga hits the frame from the bottom or side.
  • Insufficiently tight fit to Framuga frame.
  • The shut-off planks were isolated.
  • With an open sash in "Closed" mode does not open window frame Due to the locking of the handle.
  • The handle, overlooking, loudly adjacent to the frame or turns very tightly.

To eliminate malfunctions using the tool:

  • passatia or pliers;
  • hex key (4 mm size);
  • flat and curly (crusad) dumping;
  • a set of "keys-stars" to adjust the strength of the clamp;
  • scissors to cut the sealer;
  • massel for lubricating accessories.

Basic rules for setting up windows from PVC do it yourself

In modern metal-plastic windows To achieve the optimal pressing of the sealer throughout the perimeter of the sash, the adjustment is carried out in three projections.

Separate elements, framuga accessories setting and tools may differ, but the instructions below are taken as the basis.

Summer and winter adjustment mode

The distinctive characteristic of modern PVC windows is the possibility of its transfer to the "Winter" or "Summer" regimes.

Window fittings happens:

  • budget;
  • standard;
  • specialized.

Due to the low price, the fitness of the budget type has limitations of functionality. It is produced mainly by domestic manufacturers and is used in new buildings. In such metallophurity there is no translation function in different seasons, it allows Framuge to close and open.

Plastic window, even the highest quality and correctly installed, requires periodic maintenance. It can chase several years without any problems, but over time, friction can be felt when opening or closed. The second problem - thinks from under the seal, and the third - the handle turns with the effort. All these breakdowns are not difficult and easily eliminated and often optionally call the masters: adjustment of plastic windows yourself - the case of minutes. All that is needed is to pull or weaken several screws. The main thing is to know where and how. About this further in the photo and video format.

Winter and summer mode

Most often adjustment of plastic windows to the new season: in winter, complete tightness is desirable, and in the summer you can a little fresh air take This is achieved by adjusting the density of the clamping of the sash. Make it yourself easily. When you understand, surprise how much it is elementary ...

The sash of the window to the frame is pressed with the assistance of the TPEF. These are such movable metal protrusions on the side surface of the sash. When turning the handles they enter the response metal platesmounted on the frame. In order to have the ability to regulate the density of the fitting of the sash and the frame, they have eccentric - or they themselves are made of oval shape, or in the center of the round protrusion there is an adjustment with a displaced center. By changing the position of the TsAPF (see photo), change the degree of clips, that is, eliminate drafts from under the sash.

As you can see, the forms of shut-off protrusions can be different. To adjust them can be used different tools. If there are such eccentrics on your window, as in the figure on the left - the protrusions of the oval shape - their position is changed using pliers: clamp it and rotate in the desired side.

If the locking protrusion is round, as in the picture on the left, it can make a slot to a screwdriver or hex key. After watching them, you will easily understand which tool you need: a conventional screwdriver or hexagon number 4. Insert the key or screwdriver into the slot and also turn to the right position.

Expose all the protrusions in the same position. Please note that they are not only on one side of the sash - external, but there is also an internal (albeit one, but there is), and can also be at the top and bottom. Here all the existing locking protrusions are exposed to the same position, otherwise the frame will be blocked and blowing it from under it.

Adjusting the accessories of plastic windows, remember that weak clamp - corresponds summer regime Closing plastic windows, standard or strong - winter. If a preventive work Speak in the winter, to start, place the standard position and check if there is purging. Immediately press gums on new PVC windows Do not advise. In this position, the rubber sealer mounted around the perimeter is strongly pressed. Because of this, over time, he loses elasticity. On the normal seal, the warranty is 15 years old, but still ... if the presser immediately set the maximum, the rubber will deteriorate faster. As a result, once again putting a winter position on plastic windows, you will find that from under the sash still blows, and the rubber band is all in cracks. This means that it's time to change the seal. This is also not very difficult, but it requires more time, and you still need to buy rubber.

So: the winter and summer position of plastic windows is exhibited by changing the position of shut-off protrusions - the RACF. Everything is described in detail in the video below. After viewing, the adjustment of the plastic windows will independently cease to be a problem.

How to adjust the window so as not to blow

Sometimes, plastic windows, even after the translating of the trough to the position of a strong climb, is not sealed - from under the sash blowing and the replacement of the gum does not give anything. This happens usually when shrinking at home. In this case, they say that the window will see. When this happens, the contact of the shut-off protrusion and the response plate is lost. When turning the knob, the protrusion must go beyond the plate by pressing the sash. If this does not occur and there are drafts, heat out of the room blows.

Where are the axes are usually located (clamping protrusions)

When sending a plastic window, the adjustment is different: you need to move the sash in the moan to make the protrusions that do not get to the plates cluck behind them.

First, it is necessary to determine which of the TsAPF is not reached to the locking plates. This is done mechanically. To begin with, inspect the sash, remember where there are protrusions. Close window. Grasp the sash frame in the installation places of the TsAPF and pull it on yourself.

If there is contact, the frame remains still, if not, moves. So check in which places there is no contact and determine which way it is necessary to move the sash. Do it adjusting the lower and top loop.

Adjusting the bottom loop

If the PVC window does not close somewhere below, we will move the sash using the bottom loop.There are two adjustments: one in the horizontal plane - it moves closer to the loop or further from it, and the second - in the vertical - raises or lowers the sash to a couple of millimeters.

To shift low part Fasteners closer or further to the loop, they open it. At the bottom of the sang there is an adjusting hole for a hex key (sometimes under the "asterisk").

A hexagon is inserted into it, turning clockwise The lower corner approaches the loop, against - moves away. Moving a little sash, try to close it / open. As soon as the result is reached, stop. If the resource is unscrewed until it stops, and there is no result, return everything to its original position: this is not that adjustment.

This screw can be corrected if, when you close the window, the flap hurts the frame at the bottom. Slightly bringing it to the loop, you will eliminate this malfunction.

On the bottom loop there is a second regulating screw. To get to it, you need to put the sash to ventilate and remove the decorative lining. It is easily removed, you need a lower edge to delay a little (by 1-2 mm) and pull it up. After removing the protective cap, you will see a deepening at the top. Hexagon is inserted into it 4 mm. Turning clockwise, the sash is slightly lifted, against - omit.

It is described in detail how to remove the decorative lining on the loop, how and how to adjust the lower loop on the PVC window in the next video.

Adjusting the upper loop

If the top corner does not close on the plastic window, you need to move it. To do this, open the window at least 90 °. It is possible less, but it will be inconvenient to work. On the sash at the top there is a loop. According to the design, it differs from the bottom, but it also has a hole under the hexagon.

The adjustment screw is on the side. Rotating it moving the leaf farther from the loop (if the distance from the hinges of the pin) or closer to the loop. One moment - a few millimeters should be a gap between the sash and the loop: it is necessary to go there a swivel-folding mechanism. Therefore, turning the key to the floor of the turnover, check how the window opens / closes.

Sometimes this adjustment does not help. Then required Press the upper angle to the frame.For this there is another screw - on a swivel-folding mechanism. To access this screw, you will have to open the window immediately in two positions. For this, the flap is discovered, the block is pressed. It usually happens two designs - in the form of a locking loop or tongue (see the photo below).

The blocker is discharged to the stop, holding it, turn the handle to the ventilation, pulling upper region sash a little on yourself open rotary mechanism. The device that holds the sash is open. On one of the plates there is a protrusion for the same hex key. By turning it, you can adjust the density of the adjustment of the top corner of the sash. It is necessary if the top corner of the plastic window does not close.

Once again, see how to adjust the plastic windows yourself, you can in the video. Explanations on the case, available and without unnecessary words.

Plastic window does not close

Sometimes the geometry of the window opening changes so much that even shifting the sash to the maximum, we do not get the desired result: the plastic window does not close. What to do in this case? If there is an adjustment on the response part, as in the version A and B in the photo, try to do with low blood - twist here. The principle is the same: insert the hex key and rotate it clockwise, putting forward to the maximum.

If there is not enough of a few millimeters not to the depth, and the lobby, then You will have to install under the back of the lining. They are cut out of a piece of white plastic. The maximum thickness is 3-4 mm. First, unscrew the screws, the stops are removed. Two strips are cut out: one is installed below, the second is sideways. As a result, the emphasis shifts on 3 mm deep into the sash.

Mounted first to the desired lining place, it is stopped, which is screwed with a self-tapping screw. Protruding pieces of plastic are cut sharp knife. Check, closes the window or not.

If it did not help - there is another way: to move the sash frame. It is quite elastic, and it can be moved about 5 mm. The procedure for such:

If you look closely, it can be seen that the frame is a bit twisted. The main thing is that the window is now closed. In 99% of cases of this enough. If you are not lucky, and all these tricks did not give the result, it is necessary to remove slopes and bent the frame.

View all the actions described above can be in the video.

Adjustment and replacement of handles

A fairly common problem: the handle turns hard. If the problem is not eliminated on time, due to the accompanying excessive effort, it breaks, there remains a short funeral, which will not make anything.

At first, how to make the pen closed easily again. The shut-off mechanisms first need to be cleaned and lubricate. First remove the accumulated dust and dirt, wipe dry, then all moving parts are lubricated. It is necessary to use clean oils, without alkalis and acids. The best way - Machine oil, you can any analogue or modern tool from the can

Greased all the rubber and moving parts, open / close the sash several times, turn it on the hinges. Everything should move smoothly, without jerks.

If there are problems now, most likely in the process of adjustments or changes in the geometry of the window, the blocker has shifted. It should be easily included in the opposite part and tightly pressing the frame. Then the handle turns easily. Move the sash and try again.

Now about how to change the handle. The fasteners on which it holds is hidden under the decorative lining. If you look around, you will see that there is a thin lid. Take your fingers for her or upset with nails, pull the slightly on yourself and turn into one of the sides. Two bolts open. They are twisted, the handle is removed, put a new one in her place.

We reviewed the most widespread problems and methods of eliminating them. Now it's not a problem for you not only to adjust plastic windows, you can do fine repair. You can also carry out service maintenance (Lubrication once a year).