Repairs Design Furniture

How to mount the Euro woman and what accessories are needed. Mounting of eurry: overview of fixtures and tools. Preparatory moment. Marking and counting

How to fix the eurvagon to reveal all the beauty of these doctors?

The decades' lining is in demand. This preserving natural pattern material simultaneously reflects the room, retains heat and serves as a high-quality soundproofer. In the lined with environmentally friendly materials, the years remains healthy fragrance of the forest, and the humidity regime is always at optimal limits. Wooden lining absorbs moisture in excessive raw rooms and highlights it into the air if it is too dry. The panels are equipped with special locks, so the installation and fastening of the panels can be even a novice master.

Eurovantia is a popular material for finishing the premises due to its environmental friendliness and ease of installation.

However, those who for the first time independently make facing are often wondering how to properly make the fastening so as not to spoil the charming appearance of the lining.

There are several ways, all of them require not experience and special skills, but patience and accuracy.

Mounting with nails

Some experts on the question of how to fix this cladding, respond: nails or screws. How to implement it?

The most simple and at the same time the most barbaric way is the fastening of the lining with nails from the "face" of the product. It is possible that sometimes the intention of an architect or designer allows such a way, but then the plank is fixed with special finish nails. From ordinary, they are distinguished by a tiny oval hat and a small diameter. It is necessary to make a nail invisible on the background of the lined wall. Sometimes (very rarely) finish nails can have a decorative hat. Regardless of whether regular or decorative nails are fixed with lining outside, it is necessary to comply with special caution: the plank can split.

More experienced masters fasten the lining, kneading finish nails in the grooves. Without experience, make such work difficult.

For 10 square meters, approximately 600 nails will be required.

The nail must first be carefully started in the groove, then drive it into the fastening rail, then Dobobnik drown the hats so that they do not interfere with the further installation.

To secure the lining so much, you need skill, experience, skill and time. And still remains the risk of damage to the sheets.

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Mounting with self-tapping

The usual (not Eurovant chart) was often fastened with screws, guided by the following algorithm.

  1. Each panel drilled a hole under the screw.
  2. Covered a secret hole intended for a hat.
  3. Screwment with a screwdriver to the failure drove into a frame rack.

The first difficulty consisted in a fit of a screw of a screw flush with a clapboard. The second is in the risk to split the plate. Screwing was jewelry to enter the place intended. Otherwise, it interfered with the attachment of the next element. Today, when Euroovaga appeared (it has a groove and spikes more than the old configuration), this method of fastening has been somewhat simplified.

  1. In each wooden panel, neat openings are drilled, the depth of which is equal to half the length of the self-assembly selected for this purpose. Of course, the self-sufficiency can be tried to screw and without a preliminary prepared hole. Experience shows that the number of spoiled (cracked) powder increases sharply.
  2. With the help of the screwdriver, the screws are completely completely intermedible in the wood.
  3. The holes are muffled with pins and grind flush.

Such a molding technique also leaves the risk of damage to the panels and takes a lot of time. You need to have a lot of experience to correctly drive nails, screws, screws in the right place of lining or eurry. And still requires a certain physical force.

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Mounting of eurry card with a stapler and curvators

Fastening the clammer clammer is the most reliable.

How else can you fix eurvagon? Those who fucked Eurovantia on the wall independently for the first time, often argue that the most convenient way is to use brackets and a construction stapler. It is enough with a stapler to introduce a bracket in the groove at an angle of 45 °. If the bracket fell correctly, then the plank is connected as usual.

Today, the most practical and reasonable is the method of fastening of eurvagon with kleimers (klimmers).

Do it like this:

  1. Installed and lines the wallboard board.
  2. Kleimer is put on the lower part of the groove.
  3. With the help of nails or brackets, the kleimer is attached to the wall or bruus of the crate.
  4. The next board is inserted with a spike in the groove, the operation is repeated. Every 5-8 series, it is recommended to check the matches of the lining the selected direction (vertical, diagonal, horizontal).

Why is it better to fix eurvagon klimmers? Because the benefits of kleimers are obvious:

  1. Eliminated the possibility of cracking of the plank.
  2. The process of cladding is accelerated.

In the installation process, perfectly smooth wall covering is obtained.

Euromagle has gained great popularity at the expense of its technical characteristics. If we compare with the usual clapboard, the Euro woman has a higher cost, but, despite such a disadvantage, this finishing building materials uses great demand among the owners. However, many are interested in the question, how the Euro woman is fixed. Before you familiarize yourself with the independent installation of the finishing material, you must first examine the features of raw materials.


Evrovago is a lining made of wood. Production technology meets European quality standards.

The main distinguishing characteristic of Euroovali from identical finishing building materials is the presence of grooves on the parties to the building materials. Such channels have a dual purpose. During the period of exploitation, the material is ensured by the best ventilation. In particular, it is important for premises, where the conditional air humidity prevails, variable in large limits (baths, saunas, hallway). As well as the presence of groove facilitates the installation of hidden electrical wiring and other communications.

Thanks to the installation of eurograms indoors, you can create comfort and comfort.

The advantages of such finishing building materials include:

  • highly stable product parameters;
  • antiseptic workflow of products;
  • grinded surface material;
  • simplified installation of products on various surfaces;
  • it is possible to staining products in any shade;
  • easy cutting of materials for any necessary size.

By minuses of building materials include some types of wood:

  • the tree is well combustible;
  • without special processing, the risk of mold and fungus appears;
  • expensive building material.

Eurovantia can be treated with specialized varnishes, paints, oils, decorative plastering mixture or stuck with wallpaper. But the last option is not particularly often used, because the natural color of the product creates a favorable atmosphere in any room.

Thanks to the advantages of finishing building materials, it is possible to accurately determine the amount of the desired material for the installation. But the Euro woman can be used both for external and internal works.

Methods of fastening

The fixation of eurry card can be performed in various ways.

Consider more demanded ways of fastening.

  • Saws.In this case, the fastening of the material is carried out on the side where the spike is located. The magnitude of the fixing elements should vary from 1 to 1.5 cm. After the screws twisted, they need to be covered by the dust. At the end of the finish, all the protruding elements are cut, and the surface is carefully polished. To work with self-drawing, drill will be required. The disadvantage of self-samples is the risk of splitting products under the drill.
  • Hidden fasteners through a bracket.The initial product of the lining is installed to the right corner, cutting on the required size. Next, it is fixed through specialized brackets (kleimer). They securely fasten the finishing building material to the crate. The minuses of the use of the bracket are the high cost of products and the fact that it is necessary to have a certain skill and experience to work with these instruments.
  • Nails. This method of fastening is identical to the method of fixing the wall paneling by means of kleimers. But in this situation, thin galvanized nails use. Hats nails should be as deeply scored in the finishing product, otherwise such discover parts will prevent the fastening of the subsequent lining elements.

Montage with your own hands

Even the inexperienced master can be implemented even the installation, the main thing is that all the rules and patterns on the laying of finishing construction materials are respected. Before entering the process of laying, you need to stock all the necessary tools that will be needed in work, as well as explore the options for laying the finishing building materials.

Wall or ceiling can be seen in various ways.

  • Horizontally. This method of the skin assumes the installation of the Euro woman from the top of the wall. The final eurry card is cut into the desired size. If the hole occurs between the floor and the wall, it is closed with a decorative plinth.
  • Perpendicular. Such a variation of the installation does not allow to accumulate to a large amount of moisture inside the design.
  • Diagonally. In this case, it starts to fix products with the angular part of the wall, the subsequent strips are cut down according to the desired size by means of an electrolovka.
  • Mixed masonry type. For such a masonry, a certain skill and experience will be required, a newcomer to perform a combined type of laying will be quite difficult. Despite the laboriousness of the work, the final result of the installation will delight you with an unusual pattern.

Before mounting, design should be fastened with fixing specials. Basically, 1 m2 of eurvagra is used by 30 brackets (kleimers), but the masters recommend purchasing parts with a margin. Fasteners must be high quality. It is forbidden to use mechanisms containing damage and irregularities. Thickness should be no more than 1 mm. When buying data of mechanisms, you need to make sure that the kleimers are covered with anti-corrosion specials.

The edition cladding can be performed both on the walls and on the pre-prepared wooden or metal crate. The metal frame is much more expensive than wooden plates, but this design is a reliable basis for facing material.

Wooden designs under the influence of high temperatures and high humidity can be deformed, which will result in a further dismantling of the entire design.

Mostly without a crate, walls made of brick or concrete are shed. In this case, heat-insulating material is established between the finishing construction material and the base of the surface. And also to simplify the installation of a facing material, the OSB plate can be fixed on the walls. On this basis, the product will serve for a long time. OSB plate in this case will serve as a thermal insulation material.

The first thing before installing a facing product it is necessary to handle the antiseptic.To prevent the deformation of products from high humidity, experts are recommended to withstand the finishing product in the room where the installation will be made, it is necessary so that the lining is acclimatized. When laying adjacent products, you need to perform small gaps, where the spike must be located at the top. Such an installation will not allow to accumulate to a large number of condensate. But also for work will require a vapor barrier material, which is mounted on top of the insulation.

Evrovagon fasteners can be carried out on an uneven surface by mounting the crate.

Despite the complexity of installation, such an installation has its advantages. In this case, the boards are able to breathe.

The cladding of the walls of the Eurovantia is performed not only in the house, it is often used to finish balconies and loggias.

  • If you decide to install a wooden crate, then this building material is pre-impregnated with a protective coating to extend the life of the structure. You can collect the system only after complete impregnation drying. Rakes are mounted at a distance of 80 cm apart from top to bottom. Before the walls of the walls, it is necessary to check the installation of the crate using the level. Installing the crate depends on the chosen type of lining fixation. With horizontal installation of the rails, the rails are nailed in a vertical position or vice versa.
  • If necessary, insulation the room over the crates are placed in thermal insulation material (mineral wool, polystyrene foam). For those rooms where elevated humidity prevails, it should not only insulate the walls, but also to produce waterproofing. For these purposes, it is possible to use a polyethylene film that you need to nail to the crate by the construction stapler. On the concrete surface, the insulation building material was glued with adhesive means. It is important that the film is laid in the brass (10 cm), and the joints were sick with scotch, so it creates the best waterproofing indoors.

  • The first board is installed with limiting alignment in the right corner. The smooth location is checked using a construction level. This condition is important to perform, because the first product is the leading, the further location of all elements will depend on its position. Following the fixation of the plank in any way.
  • The following product in the preceding board is inserted inserted, after which it is nourished along the board. Now it is necessary to check the evenness of the vertical location by level. If the slightest irregularities occur, the board must be reinstalled. Stacking angle should be 90 degrees.
  • The final board is cut through the required parameter. To decorate an angle, special material (wooden corner) is used, through which all inaccuracies and flaws are hidden. Regardless of the chosen method of fastening the finishing material, the last lining is fixed by nails, which have small caps.
  • The ceiling cover is produced by a similar method. Only on the completion of the work of the walls of the walls and the ceiling surface is closed with a special adorning baguette to give aesthetic look of the entire structure.

Before embarking on the facing of the walls by Eurovantia, you should familiarize yourself with some rules that will continue to help in the installation of this type of product.

The final result depends entirely on correctly performed actions.

  • Performing calculations of the required number of building materials, you need to use the correct parameters of products. If the real width of the Euro woman will be adopted into the calculation, then in the end result, the difference will be about 5%. Such an error depends on the available grooves that are established partially into the previous finishing system, as a result of which the work surface decreases.
  • For a small size room, the eurry card on the ceiling is mounted in such a way that it is located along the window structure, and in this case you need to use the combined laying method.
  • With the horizontal installation of eurograms, attention should be paid to the placement of spikes, they should be located at the top. And it is also necessary to constantly check through the construction level, the correctness of the masonry of products. As a result, perfectly smooth angles and impeccable facade of the surface should be obtained.
  • Finishing building materials after laying can be painted in any shade. But before this procedure, the products should be treated with primer.
  • When installing the euro in the areas where sockets and switches are placed, they must be de-energized.
  • When installing the crates should not be made of large openings between the rails, in this case the facing material may begin.
  • Installation of eurry should be performed at a temperature not lower than 5 degrees and with air humidity not more than 60%.

This stage is only needed if wooden lining is used (). Then before you start working with the material, you need to give it to stand in the room at least a day - the tree should dry and purchase a room temperature. Only after that you can chop the lining of the desired length. If such a time is not withstanding, then the boards may lie to each other.

For this purpose, take a film from polyethylene, foil or rubberoid. The installation of this material goes on the rails that need to be tied up to the wall. The width of the rails takes less than 3 cm, and nailed to the wall in increments of 1 meter. Below and at the top of the vapor insulation break through small holes to improve ventilation.

Important! This stage is not strictly mandatory, but it is extremely desirable for premises subject to the influence of high humidity from the street.

How to make a crate under the lining

Reiki with a cross section of 20 × 40 mm with a screwdriver mounted in a step of 40-50 cm horizontally, regularly checking whether they are installed correctly. The use of rail allows you to align the wall (so that it is convenient to fit the boards), as well as make a gap between the wall and the wallpaper, which is needed to create ventilation.

If the wall is uneven, then under the crate you have to put something to put something (or take the crate of greater thickness). As a lining, a mounting wedge is usually taken, a piece of wooden bars or a fane. The lamp is fixed with a long-length dowel-nail dowel. The lower rail will be part of the floor by 5 cm, since the floor will be attached at the bottom, and the top is as much from the ceiling.


Installation of the crate should also be produced around the openings, window and door. It is worth noting that the crates are plastic and metal. Learn more about the installation of the crates can be viewed here:

Combining crates and vaporizolation

If vaporizolation is not used, the installation of the crate is carried out directly to the wall.

If it was used, then the fastening of the crates of the crate depends on the exactly how the vaporizolation was attracted: if the rails, on which the vapor barrier was mounted, were vertically fixed, then the races of the crates should be attached horizontally and vice versa. Fastening the crate to the rails, on which vaporizolation is carried out with the help of long screws.

In the resulting space stacked insulation. Mineral wool is usually taken as insulation. In order for the insulation with time, it is desirable to be installed under the influence of moisture, it is desirable to fix with polypropylene twine, which is usually fixed using a construction stapler to wooden slats.

On top of the insulation, you can also install another layer of vapor barrier, which should be attached by the rough side to the insulation. It is not necessary to do this, but it is extremely desirable for the room, the walls of which can be affected by moisture. Sometimes (especially when wearing the outer part of the buildings) from the above of the insulation is another doomle.

The lamp should be placed around the window and doorways. You can also use a plastic or metal crate.

Tip! If the room will be quite warm, then the installation of the insulation is optional. When using MDF or plastic lining, the insulation is often not taken at all, communications is placed in the space between the crate and the clapboard.

Installation of the first wooden lining

The mounting of the first lining to the wall is carried out from the angle of the room vertically: at the beginning there is a hole with a thin drill, and then fixed with self-drawing all over.

Info! If the Wooden Lining Block is attached, the installation of the first lining begins on top of the room horizontally, and such a lining should constantly evenly be at a strained line or a horizontal level.

If plastic lining is mounted, then the mounting of the first lining is carried out in conjunction with the molding (plastic rail).

It is worth noting that plastic PVC lining from all known PVC panels is distinguished by the lack of seam when connected (PVC panels are sometimes called seamless polymer clapboard). Therefore, PVC lining to the wall is attached almost just like the PVC panels, except that each plastic piece is attached to the stapler to the crate.

Methods of fastening and how to mount the lining

There are several options for how to lock the lining properly: with kleimers, screws or nails. The best option (for more than a long and expensive) is the installation with kleimers. Since in this case the surface of the lining does not deteriorate, and, if necessary, it can be dismantled without damage.

How to mount the lining on the kleimers

In the grooves of the installed lining the kleimer is installed. It moves with the help of a hammer in the lining groove and then nails are clogged into the kleimer holes.

Such a beam fastening is strong enough. The installation of the next will be implemented in the same way: in the groove of the molding, the new one is inserted, it is neatly clogged with a hammer (so that there are no lumen between the boards) and again fastened by cracks.

How to navigate the lining with nails or self-drawing

The method of fastening with nails or screws, unlike the previous one, "traumes" the material.

Bringing the wall paneling with the help of finish nails (with a small hat) can go with the front part of the board on the oblique from the longitudinal tongue (but not in the middle, otherwise you can go cracking).

This method has one more minus - nails or self-tapping screws will be visible on the front surface.

You can nail the crest of the lining board, if it goes with a displaced profile. In this case, each next board will cover the place of attachment and it will not be visible.

Important! Check regularly using a level, smoothly installed lining. No need to customize the boards very tightly to each other, otherwise they can wake up when moisture gets and move away from the wall.

Installation of fittings

After the lining is installed, you need to close the edges. This is best suited by a plinth or cartoon. Fastening to the wall of this element is carried out using small nails.

If plastic lining was used, the accessories sits on the glue.

Processing the surface of the lining

This stage applies only to wooden lining as it should be covered by a special composition that protects against insects and moisture. For this, antiseptics are used, biolalecting formulations and sometimes use anti-epires - a composition that reduces the likelihood of ignition. With the help of the coating, you can give various shades (for this use varnish), and it must be updated every few years.

Features of fastening the clapboard on the ceiling

If the framework on which the lining will be attached will be wooden, then the creation of such a frame is practically the same as crates on the wall. In this case, you can make a distance between the slacks of such a frame to do a little more.

If the frame will be metallic, then instead of the crate, a more complex suspension system will be used to which the guide profile will be attached. The maximum weight of the design of such a ceiling in this case can be increased by a large number of suspensions.

As you have already seen, the installation of the lining with your own hands is a completely saturated task with which it can cope with competent preparation and our step-by-step instructions each. In the end of the review, see the video. Good luck!

Differences Lining from Eurooval

  1. Euromagle is distinguished by the best quality of wood
  2. Has a more class profile
  3. Euromagle has a deeper puzzle fastening
  4. Has ventilation channels
  5. More expensive clapboard

The process itself, how to fix the eurvagon, does not differ from the sheaving by the usual clapboard, it is equal to the euro of the tilt to the humidity of the board and the quality of surface treatment above, so pay special attention to this.

How to mount the lining video

Wall trimming trunks

Installation of plastic lining with your own hands - video

How to fix the clapboard in the bath

The decoration of walls with clap is possible as standard in a wooden house, in a regular apartment, on the balcony, as well as in the bath. Cleaning wrappers, this is perhaps the best and most affordable solution. Installation clap in the bath has its own distinctive features. It is best for the steam room, ash, oak, birch, ox, pine, spruce, cedar or larch. Before sheeling with a clapboard, it is necessary to process it with special antifungal agents (antiseptics) twice.

The process of fastening the wall paneling on the walls and the ceiling of the bath does not differ from the standard, you can navigate the lining on the nails or the self-tapping screw, to be attached to kleimers.

Important! The lining after laying in the bath can not be covered with varnishes and paints.

Useful tips on laying lining in the steam room you will find in this video:

The difference in Eurovantia from wooden lining is that it is carried out according to the European standard DIN 68126. Improved and modernized wood processing technologies contribute to this environmentally friendly and safe material. High moisture resistance. Noticeably simplify the installation and prolong the service life.

To make it possible to correctly install the Euro woman you will need the necessary tools:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • ruler with the level;
  • a hammer;
  • perforator;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • mounting thread;
  • drill;
  • kleimers.

Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe coating using the width of the working panel, which is 88 mm. The difficulties with the ceiling area occur quite rarely, but the surface of the walls for the convenience of calculation is divided into separate rectangles. The length of the board should be equal to one of the parties received by the sectors. Depending on both the window or doorway is located, the other side will be an arbitrary value.

Be careful when used in the calculations not working, but a real boards width, which is 96 mm, an error will be 7%.

There is a simple instruction that does not require a certain classification of the wizard. It sets out in detail how to secure the lining. It includes several points - from the preparation of walls and to the final finish.


Before installing a wooden trim, it is necessary to make an optimal version of the electrical wiring in the room. After the finish process is completed, the wires will be hidden under the panel. Place these wires into special channels called corrugations that are made of non-combustible material.

Boxes with boards need to open and keep in such a state from 24 to 72 hours. This is necessary for the material to get used to this climate, temperature and humidity indoors. As a result, you can avoid shrinkage or cutting panels in the joints.

From how to mount eurvagon, it will change over time and the appearance of the trim. The differences in colors and textures are very noticeable, as they make them from solid wood. Therefore, before installation, you need to select the most appropriate sequence of boards, it depends on the selected laying direction. Directions can be: diagonal, vertical, combined and horizontal.

Attention: when finishing the ceiling, panels located along the incident rays of light from the window can significantly increase the size of the room.

Installation of the crate

  • It does not matter which breed tree for the crate, the main thing that this material was artificial drying;
  • The plates of the sheath are fixed on the bearing carriers with a cross section of 20 per 45 or 30 per 45 mm;
  • Using the level, you can check the installation correctly;
  • The distance between the rails should be 0.4-0.8 m.

From how to fasten the Euro woman, the direction of the crate is depends:

  1. Reiki to ceiling and semi are attached with a diagonal or horizontal position;
  2. Horizontally install rails you need to be vertical, from the wall and to the wall. It is better to start on top and gradually move down.

Heat insulation

If you independently enhance the room, use mineral wool as insulation. Wat fills the space between the clapboard and the wall.

For additional hydraulic or vaporizolation from above, the wool is fastened with a stapler, silver side inside the water-repellent film. This may be Taurek, isoPan or other waterproofing materials.


Kleimers are secret clips, with the help of which will be fixed by Eurovantia. From the outdoor side, this fastener is imperceptible, does not expand or sitting the tree, it helps to avoid panel split. Fasteners for Euro-making are made of galvanized steel, which is under reliable protection against corrosion.

Galvanized nails, self-tapping screws and clamps are sold assembly at 100 and 200 pieces. About 20 clamps need for one square meter of Euro woman. The packaging price depends on the completeness. When buying, pay attention to the elasticity of the retainer, the presence of the coating and the thickness of the plate.

Pay attention to the first panel when fastening with self-draws. Then in the grooves of the board, the protruding part of the clamp is started, and the base is screwed to the beams or the base is sketched. In the pressed kleimer, the groove enters his spike each subsequent plank, fastening item, closing with itself. Under the required size, the last board is adjusted and cut. To beat the hammer in the end if the boards are joined with some effort, it is not recommended. When hitting the hammer, you can split a spike or groove. In these cases, the rack trim is put under the hammer.

ATTENTION: If the horizontal fastening of the Euro woman, then the planks are spike up, in order to avoid accumulation of moisture in the grooves.


When you complete the trim, treat the surface with an antiseptic, it protects the tree from fungus and rotting. For brightness of wood texture, use wax or sampling. The interior is beautifully covered with a matte varnish.

We conclude that it is not possible to understand how the Eurovantia is attached, will not be much difficulty. In the workflow, there are advantages in that the installation can be made quickly and easily. And plus the fact that at the end of work in the room there are very few waste and garbage.

Lining is an excellent universal material for the final finishing finish of ceiling surfaces, internal and outer walls. Such a skin is perfectly suitable for the finishing of door canvases in combination with a similar type of platbands. Regardless of the selected objects for cladding, the mounting of the panels occurs every time the same scheme.

What is especially impressed, so it is a lot of work with this material. With the clapboard, you can easily cope with your own.

But first should always take advantage of the study manual. Such can be the instruction for mounting the lining with their own hands.

Using instructions

Detailed instructions are one of the best assistants in the process of learning to any cause. In the construction of the rates of professional teams for work quite high. Perform something on its own is beneficial, first of all, from a financial point of view. Moreover, when it comes to uncomplicated processes. Wood covering with wooden panels belongs to such a category.

For greater understanding, it is customary to use illustrated prompts. In this case, as an additional visual material, the photo of the mounting of the lining is suitable. And of course, it is impossible not to ignore the numerous video materials that the Internet is so rich.

IMPORTANT, using all training materials to learn all the details, master the technology. Then, being already confident that there would be no problems, you can safely begin work.

Stages of trimming

Step-by-step mounting of the lining with their own hands is to perform the following steps:

Perform preparatory work. The lining is prepared for installation. They impregnate with special compositions, such as an antiseptic and antipiren. For subsequent processing, use a simile or paint of the required color.

After drying the painting composition, the selected section is mounted with a latch of wooden rails or a bar with a cross section of 5x5 cm. The fastening step of the frame elements should be 10-20 mm less than the width of the insulation plate. For fastening the rails use screws or either self-tapping screws.

The position of the rivers or bars can be vertical or horizontal. The future order of the plating is depends on this.

The position of the installation position of the lining entirely depends on the desire to visually change the view of the room. This is built on the initial order of carcass fastening.

Vertical covering increases the height of the room. Horizontal montage of lining with their own hands allows the room to seem more spacious.

In the resulting cells, heat insulating plates are arranged when using timber. Upon completion of the work, the entire work area is covered with polyethylene film, fixing it on bars with thin rails. They will continue to be the element to which the lining itself will be attached.

The final stage is the finish finish with wooden panels. The room acquires a finished look.

The technology of proper installation of lining on the walls is distributed a few steps and is clearly observed during the entire period of operation.

The process takes place in the following order:

  • wall mount panels are conducted from the ceiling to the floor line.
  • the lining is attached on wooden bars or rails. The grooves are down. For the smooth panels make a lower fit, using a trim of a wooden board. This method eliminates the formation of slots between the trim and the floor.

The difference in fasteners and their characteristics

Fixing elements are used for fixing. The grooves are inserted by the spikes of the subsequent elements of the trim and are fixed by specially selected items. It can be brackets, kleimers or ordinary nails and screws. Each of these elements of hard record has its own value.

The nails scored in the grooves belong to the most accurate, almost imperceptible type of fastening. Kleimers are characterized as high-quality fixation. For the bracket, the use of the mounting gun is necessary, since the fastener occurs by a shot.

Receive panel alignment

The last board of the lining is adjusted by the width of the hacksaw. On the line of its docking with an angle, decorative plinth is laid. It is fixed on liquid nails. It turns out a very beautiful appearance.

A similar trim of a plinth is carried out on all lines of interface walls of walls with a ceiling, by wall corners and protrusions.

The order of the ceiling cladding

Installation of cladding on the ceiling with your own hands is carried out similar to the wall design. The difference consists only in the initial order of panels.

The layout and fastening starts from the window and lead towards the opposite wall. Thus, the shadows arising between the facing elements are hidden.

Photo of montage clapboard