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Installation of plastic windows in a wooden house - an instruction of the installer. How to install a plastic window in a wooden house inserts PVC windows in a wooden house

Plastic double-glazed windows have gained popularity due to its operational qualities. But is it possible to use them during the construction and repair of wooden buildings? Of course, you can and need.

The installation of plastic windows in a wooden house has a lot of differences and features. The process includes a number of preparatory manipulations, primarily related to the fact that the design has a property to dry out over time.

Install the PVC window in a private house

Features of the installation technology of PVC windows in a wooden house of a new or old building do not have a strong difference. In any case, experts recommend technology using clusades - a time-tested, this technology avoids deformation, regardless of the material from which it is manufactured.

Installation of a plastic window in a wooden house or dacha with their own hands will require a performer of some luggage of knowledge and skills. Of course, if there are no, it is more expedient to contact the specialists. The complexity of self-installation of PVC systems in a wooden house is that the frame is mounted using the Schip-Paz mechanism. This design allows you to create such operating conditions in which the deformation and sawing of wood does not directly affect the glass.

The system allows you to install a plastic window yourself, so that the window has fixed independently of the main design of the wall and has a floating nature. The window system is fixed using grooves on the side, which are planted on the spikes protruding the end of the logs and the bar.

For fixing and sealing, the covers apply only the pass, flanutin or a fiber insulation. In no case by the assembly foam.

Attention! From above, leave a gap at the calculation of wood precipitation.

Thus, the shrinkage of the walls of the wooden structure does not affect the window and the more it does not hurt it. Depending on the fixtures, you can classify the plates for the following varieties:

  • in spike This design is characterized by the presence of spikes, which is mounted on the side parts of the placade, and the groove that is located in the logs of the opening;
  • to the mortgage bar. The base of the fastening is considered a bar, which is placed in the groove in the ends of the opening and passes through the racks of the placade;
  • in a deck. The spike is located on the ends of the window opening logs, but the groove is in the racks of the placade.

The box is a floating mechanism that excludes the deformation of the plastic window during operation, regardless of the type of climb installation.

Calculations are worth producing with high accuracy, since even a minor error can lead to the deformation of the box of the window or leakage of the design. In addition, the correct installation is the key to the quality of the plastic window.

How to make a soup (check)

The design can be two types: complex and simple. The simple obosyachka is the system described above, with bars and grooves. Complex design is performed somewhat differently: the comb is cut into the opening of the window to which the boats with the grooves are put on. This option is more reliable. When shrinking the walls, the comb can slide and does not allow deviations vertically, excluding pressure on the box of the window.

The placade is usually manufactured from the bar. With the help of the chisel on a tree in the center of the bar, the grooves of 0.5 cm are knocked out, and a spike (0.5x0.5x, 25 cm) is cut from one end. From the end logs of the opening, the comb with spikes 0.5x0.5 cm. To do this, you can use a saw or a chisel.

Important! Marking of the ridge is an important point. The quality and reliability of the design depends on the accuracy of the markup.

After the ridge is ready, proceed to the installation of risers and the formation of the design of the opening between them. The bars are set according to the level of the gaps on the shrinkage of the walls (1 cm on the sides and 0.5 cm on top). Frame from BRUSIV is strengthened with the help of grooves with the main web walls and voices among themselves. The left gaps are sealing palauls or other fibers. That's all, now you can start installing directly plastic frame. You can see the process in this video in more detail in this video:

Stage number 3. Installation in the cooked opening

After carrying out the necessary preparatory work and installation of the souls, you can start setting the window.

Attention! Installing plastic windows in a wooden house without a cluster - the wrong option.

To begin with, we carry out the size check and the location of the parallels, the gaps between the casing and the frame. The margin of marking should be: 4-5 cm at the top, 2-3 cm in width and height, 3-4 cm in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window sill. After making sure that the reserve correspondence to these indicators, proceed directly to the installation of a plastic frame.

Fix the window with special fasteners that are sold in any construction store. They are metal plates with holes.

The installation of the plastic window should be made by level. If you neglect by this factor, then you risk getting a construct with a slope, which significantly reduces the operational and aesthetic tasks of the window.

Tip! Before installing the window removed the sash. Thus, the design is facilitated and it is much more convenient to mount in the opening.

After the window fastened in the opening, it is necessary to fill the gap by mounting foam. To avoid displacement of the design during a fission, put the bars that will retain the position of the frame without deviations. After drying, do not forget to remove it.

Fixing the window in the casing is performed with caution. In this case, you must select the correct place of twisting of the screws. In no case can you fix the window in the ridge zone!

That's all, the process finish with complete fossi of the opening. We put on the sash and give foam to dry.

We presented the right way to install the windows of plastic in a wooden house. This process can cause difficulties, so if you are unsure in your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals.

However, the installation of a plastic window with its own hands is a significant savings. We offer to watch a video installation of the window installation with your own hands:

Finishing the finished wooden logging begins with inserts in the window of window glass. However, the amplitude of the shrinkage of the log or timber only subsides with time, but never disappears completely. Therefore, with improper installation, the troubles are inevitable, leading to the damage of expensive PVC products and wood as a whole. Below is the instruction for solving the issue - how to install the glass in a wooden house with your own hands, which will reduce the costs of attracting forces from the side.

Stages of work

Any process is preceded by training. For a wooden object, it is especially careful. It is necessary to clear the ends of the openings from fine wood dust to remove the protruding parts of the fastener and impregnate the material to the compositions preventing rotting and other damage.

  1. Measures for the manufacture of a glass package.
  2. Perform vertical grooves over the ends.
  3. Inserting chucks or stacks.
  4. The final installation of double-glazed windows in a wooden house and filling the gaps by mounting foam.
  5. Finish.

Read more:

  • It is not recommended to conduct calculations. Sometimes deviations in several mm can be a problem in the future. It is best to call for the master. If the owners decided on their own calculation, then you need to consider the following:
  • the height of the window is less than a 10-12 cm.
  • width \u003d Open - 3 cm for foam gaps - the thickness of the vertical racks of the casing - 1.5 cm for not foreseen sitting or swelling in a humid atmosphere.

The brought packets put in the slope to the wall, following the floor there is no distortion - a small weelound stone is capable of changing the crack.

  • For the manufacture of grooves use the chisel or disk saw, which is faster. First, outlines the outline over the ends and then choose too much. The process is needed to ensure that when installing a casing does not use fasteners, because the shrinkage will continue as it was said above.

The liberated groove is cleaned and soaked with protection. Further, it must be compacted by the same material that it was used in the construction of the crowns - panel, jute.

  • Assembling the souls. It is a box of boards, in an inch width. If there are extra money, you can buy special spike boards for this purpose.

With the reluctance, it is worthwhile to get a hand-made manual work or stitching bars in size for the groove on the middle of the vertical racks. The modification of the casing can vary - spikes and grooves change places.

Or manufactured fautles, dressed on the ends. And so, and the case is good. The opposite is inserted and its upper edge should not reach the top log or 10-12 cm. This is done in the case of a multiwater shrinkage.

  • Now you can insert a wooden double-glazed window or PVC product. By the way, many ecology adherents prefer exactly the first option, motivating the refusal of progressive goods by chemical components.

But it is rather prejudice - high-quality plastic windows have already proven themselves. Unlike natural frames, their durability is calculated with decades. But the owner of the barin.

  • Package insert is carried out by a couple of people in order to observe accuracy. At the request of the edge, the lower log or bruster or a slightly plug in the house at home.

At the fastening points around the perimeter, the windows are put on wooden bars, to provide the required clearance under the mounting foam. The frame is fixed with fasteners in advance drilled holes.

  • Filling the gaps are recommended only by foam - it is elastic, quickly grasps and has depreciation, which will work on a plus when shrinking. If the gaps turned out more than it was planned, such places should be paved by pieces of jute, foam and other materials. This is not the best option - the circulation of air is disturbed, so it is necessary to make the right measurements in advance when ordering windows, what is written above.
  • The top, the biggest gap is also filled with the seal, but it cannot be marked - the shrinkage is inevitable. Putting a jute into it, it is closed by a casing from a log cabin or a bar to the top plank of the casing.
  • The finish is understood as the installation of slopes, windowsill. If initially double-glazed windows in a wooden house are purchased by plastic, then the accompanying elements should be the same quality. It is impossible to separate the slope of the plaster - the compositions require the presence of water, with which the wood is completely not friendly.

Either it will have to install moisture-resistant drywall parts, and they are applied to them, which is troublesome and requires output by level, permanent look, eliminate cracks and peeling.

It is much easier to install double-glazed windows for a wooden house, freeing the frame from the sash. All components are then screwed into place and adjust. If the work goes with one-piece impected structures, then the presence of helpers necessarily - packages are quite difficult.

Errors when inserting windows in a wooden house

According to the inexperience, many homegrown masters can spoil expensive PVC products by incorrect actions. Below is a list of common actions, leading to at least the short-life of the glass package. So:

  1. Wrong measurements. Independent work will lead to the fact that the gaps will be too large or, on the contrary, small. Given that the mounting foam is notice, it is better to give the process of determining the correct parameters to the deposit of specialists. In addition, it is free of charge in the company where the windows are ordered.
  2. Saving synthetic seals. We are talking about foam. If it is not enough, it threatens the adoption of the metal surfaces of the cold for itself. What threatens the occurrence of condensate.
  3. Dense fit. It is not recommended to screw the frame close to the wood. When shrinking, compensation will be lost and the package threatens to be crushed.
  4. Use too long fasteners. Just only parts, 2/3 swirling in the casing. Necks should not contain pieces of metal. The mount occurs diagonally with the gradual screwing of the screws. So you can achieve the perfect landing.
  5. The gaps are needed with a complete window, that is, plastic or wooden double-glazed windows for cottages and houses should stand in finished form, with sash and other fittings. This will give a true load, and the foam will fall as it should also in a smaller volume.
The weight of the design is quite impressive, if only we are talking about small auditory enders. Therefore, installing double-glazed windows yourself, you need to have at least an observer that locks the battery in the working lineup.

New or already in operation, wooden houses with a double-glazed window look fresh. In addition, the industry producing these products took care of the external diversity of structures - you can find indistinguishable from wood, or colored, contrasting with a common type of object.

It is known that wooden windows in the houses raised from the timber, are rightfully considered the safest and practical solution that is favorable affecting the microclimate in the housing room.

The fundamental in the submitted case is that when it is dried, the window system and walls behave monotonously. The decisive role here is played by their installation according to technology.

Features installation of windows in a wooden house

Assembling windows in the structure of timber has certain features. As you know, wood gives a density. In the houses of chopped logs or during the first 5 years, the dewushka is about 10-13% of the height of the structure, while gives a shrink no more than 2%.

If there is a warping of window structures, the formation of interventic gaps in the walls or cracking of the glass package is observed, this indicates a violation of technology in the installation process.

  1. In houses of chopped wood, rounded log, planed or profiled bar window support is advisable to install after shrinkage of the house (no earlier than 1.5 years after the construction).
  2. The installation of windows, after the construction of a cut, is not rationally due to the absence of the possibility of calculating the shrinkage of the walls. This indicator depends on the humidity of the timber.
  3. In houses from glued timber, installation of windows is allowed immediately after The construction of the walls and installation of the roof of the house.
  4. The installation of windows must be carried out solely by sliding compounds - support bars and tissue. The blockage of window blocks and the designs of the sinks to logs or bruster is categorically prohibited. Dense fastening during the drying leads to a violation of the integrity of the window modules and the walls of the structure. In fact, the window system should be balanced separately to the wall.
  5. In the upper part above the window boxes it is necessary to provide a shrink stock - slots at 6-7 cm. Opports of spare gaps can lead to poor closure of windows or interventional gaps in the walls.

Wooden windows mounting scheme

Preparation of window opening

Before mounting the box, prepare a window hole. The opening should be a rectangular shape without cracks, recesses, distillations and other flares. From all its surfaces it is necessary to remove the construction trash, dirt, dust and layers.

To further avoid the distortion, the accurate measurements of the external, internal and side sides of the opening are required.

In the case when the disklooke is substantial, and it is not possible to correct it, it is recommended to expand the windows parameters in such a way that the highest level of the outer opening exceeded the width by 2.5-4 cm, and the height is 1-2 cm.

Expansion makes it possible to install an additional profile on the window. This will warn the appearance of slots between the box and the hole in the zones of maximum skew.

In addition to the option of expanding the size of the opening to correct the skew, there is such an option as an increase in the parameters of the window frame.


Special design, which is a wooden box without a lower crossbar, the purpose of which is a reliable mounting of the window and the preservation of the shape of the window frame, regardless of the degree of shrinkage of the house is called a casing or a soup.

Distinguish several types of this design:

  1. Whole. It is made of specially treated solid material.
  2. Glue. Separate components are performed from the set of boards connected by micro hydroeners and glue. All burrs and small bitches are removed.
  3. Mixed. Part of the placade is made whole, and the other with the use of glue. Upon completion of the installation, the souls are covered with varnish. This species is suitable for the use of large sizes.

The chassis is made in size of each window. At the same time, if the inner cladding is planned, the sample can be done under it. When cladding on both sides, the sample is not performed.

An assembly of the cluster can be started after the preparation of the window opening.

Its manufacture is performed as follows:

  1. Based on which adjoins the window hole, the grooves are pulled out. They insert a bar of the same size that performs the role of the side of the cluscle.
  2. First placed the timber at the bottom of the openingthat warns the shift of the side elements.
  3. Under the ram fit the seal From linen pacles.
  4. In the recess placed sealing material And mount the side boards.
  5. The final stage is Fastening the top of the design board.
  6. Over the stacks leave space for drying wood and fill it with a seal. So in the process of drying, the logs on the window hole will not affect the load.

Installation of windows

Installing the window is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. On the bottom of the opening laid waterproofing and sealing material.
  2. Install the window frame and fix Its with the help of linings or wedges of wood.
  3. Using a construction level or plumb, control horizontal and vertical. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the actual horizontal and vertical, and not on the side of the window opening.
  4. On each side of the opening, with a 50 cm increments, drill holes.
  5. By self-tapping screws Fix box.
  6. Perform insulation space between the box and the wall sealing material.
  7. Next mounted frame. It is installed in the grooves of the box and attach to it by screwing.
  8. The blocks of windows are installed using loops (disconnecting and non-united). The difference between them is the ability to remove the hinge. The detachable is convenient in areas where there is no possibility of raising the window framuga. Smooth fastening of loops contributes to even hanging the window framug. Their mount is carried out with the help of screws.
  9. Locking the sash is performed by means of a shut-off or spiing. After checking the opening and closing of the fraumuga, the frame should be consolidated using nails.
  10. Next, go to the installation of window sills. They are mounted from the inside so that the side edges enter the walls by 4.5-5 cm on both sides.
  11. Immediately before installation using a lime-gypsum mixtureAlign the lower part of the window opening.
  12. The windowsill fixed through wedges. After laying the heat-insulating material, it is finally fixed.
  13. Installation of sings is performed from the outside of the opening - on the entire width of the layout of the frame in the base.
  14. The gaps between the base of the base and the box, as well as the upper and side sides of the windows are covered with a platband. It is desirable as a platband to use the same type of wood from which the house was built.
  15. All parts of the platband are connected to each other. For this use spikes, nails or glue solution.
  16. Pre-mark placement Fasteners (step is 10-12 cm).
  17. So that in the process of fastening the platbands they did not shiftThe design can be placed on glue.
  18. The final stage is the fixation of concubizians with nails or self-tapping screws, and closing the slots between the base and platbands of the sealing material.

  1. For the manufacture of placades, the wood is used by the moisture content of at least 10%Otherwise, within the design, cracks are formed inside the design.
  2. In the manufacture of the stacks categorically prohibited Apply metal fasteners.
  3. As a sealing material, an construction foam cannot be used when assembling. In this case, wood fastenings, which prevents its natural drying.
  4. In the process of installing windows, it is important to correctly perform holes for them. The optimal distance from the window sill to the floor is 85-90 cm.
  5. Specialists do not recommend installing windows without mounting the souls, even if the house was built many years ago, and the log house completely dry. This is due to the fact that throughout the entire period of operation, the tree has a tendency to dry.
  6. To ensure greater efficiency and retention of heat wooden windows It should be set closer to the outside of the window hole.
  7. As a material for the windowsill, you need to choose solid wood. The longest operational period has a glass side of a glued tree, the smallest service life has a windowsill, made of a solid array (as a rule, the product is carried out).
  8. The windows of the window hole must be 90 degrees, and the diagonals should be varied more than 10 mm. If the hole at base exceeds the allowable value, a larger amount of sealing material will be required. If you do not ensure the evenness of the angles, the box is possible.
  9. It is important to correctly calculate the depth of the landing of the window in the opening so that the dew point is an isolate, equal to 10 degrees, took place in its inner part. Then the formation of condensate on the inside of the window will not be.

Unlike foam or reinforced concrete buildings, wooden houses have high instability. Under this term is understood as the minimum, but constant shrinkage design. The tree "swells" not 2-3 years, according to some specialists, and at least 5 years. Of course, the shrinkage visible by the naked eye occurs during the first 12 months, but then the dwelling continues to decrease in volumes. If you do not consider this property and, for example, install a plastic window in a wooden house by analogy with reinforced concrete structures, you can seriously pay for miscalculation.

Shrinking timber and logs range from 1 to 2 cm for each masonry meter. That is, a two-storey wooden house can reduce height by 10-12 cm in 5 years. If the owners decide to insert plastic windows according to generally accepted technologies, they are already waiting for disappointment in a year. With all its mass, the design will be pressed on PVC products; First, the sash will stop opening, and then generally cracks the frame, having ceased to perform heat-insulating functions. But it is not necessary to make extraordinary measures to correctly install windows from plastic - just install the window in the window opening.

Design features

Purpose of the souls (otherwise referred to as the casing) - giving the windows of complete independence from the bearing walls of the house. The design has several undeniable advantages:

  • it eliminates even the minimum load on the vertical window, because it does not give logs to shifted;
  • does not interfere with the natural shrinkage at home;
  • it serves as strengthening the house in the window of the window opening.

Distinguish two types of clusades. In the first case, the grooves are performed in which wooden bars are placed by the same dimensions as the window opening. In the second, the crest is cut into the latter, which is fixed with a boat (log, trimmed from opposite sides, a more known as a double bar) with a groove.

It is desirable to install plastic windows in a log house (or brusade) with an assistant, since the mounting of the souls requires high accuracy, and with a weight of the glass package, it is sometimes difficult to cope with one person.

Required tools

To install the PVC windows, you will need a basic set of building accessories, including:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • kiyanka (wooden hammer);
  • self-tapping screws no more than 10 cm (elongated options to disrupt the integrity of logs or timber);
  • mounting foam;
  • wood spacers;
  • water pulverizer;
  • gloves.

In addition, they will need a special adjusting hexagon for window structures. On the subject of windows in wooden structures shot hundreds of video, which are easy to find. However, the basic and most valuable advice are given further.

Stage of surface preparation

It is paramount to dismantle the old window. If its condition is not bad, it can be useful in another case (for example, during the construction of a country greenhouse). Disassembling windows is accurately done so as not to spoil the wooden walls. After that, the opening is cleared of dust, dirt.

Measurement of the window opening parameters should be as accurate as possible. It is advisable to fix the obtained values \u200b\u200bon paper. Install the new window is simply, but because of one millimeter of the miscalculation, it can be strongly squeeed.

If the outrocity circuit is not quite even, it will have to be aligned with putty or sealant. A properly prepared surface under a new PVC product is characterized by ideal geometry (straight corners).

It is also necessary to withstand the stock under the shrinkage at home. It is about 6 cm in altitude, 2 cm in height and sides for fossing, 4 cm under the windowsill.

Depending on the time of the year and the current stage of construction, the order of glass windows is either preceded by dismantling, or becomes the final stage. Few people want to put a window in a wooden house and change it in a year, therefore it is necessary to take into account some points. The buyer should determine the number of sash, the direction of their discovery, shape, size, color of future products. And, of course, the order should be made from reliable manufacturers.

Installation instructions PVC windows

The perfect distance from the floor to the windowsill will be 80-90 cm. This is a little higher than the written table. The user must freely rely on the windowsill, the minimum bending the housing. Further sequence of actions is shown below.

  1. The exact markup is carried out under the side and lower spikes (5 × 5 cm), after which they are cut.
  2. In prepared earlier and well-dried boards (preferably inch), holes are cut out that fill the spikes.
  3. Window opening and billets are processed by antifungal impregnation.
  4. On the thorn with the help of a construction stapler, the insulation is attached (jut tape, pacting, etc.).
  5. There is a casing in the opening, starting with the windowsill. Its elements are connected by self-drawing, and the joints are wicked by sealant.

In general, the window box is ready, it remains only to insulate the upper boarding gap. Suitable the same jute; The lumen is caught as close as possible. Now you can fix the plastic window inside the opening. To do this, do the following:

  1. Insert the glass in the opening, ideally aligning it at the front edge. Applying the level, make sure the geometry of the side of the sides. Pre-for the convenience of work to remove the sash with stagnants.
  2. Fix the frame inside the opening with the help of self-samples, the holes are pre-dried in it.
  3. Fill the gaps between the double-glazed room and the casing of the mounting foam.
  4. While the foam is not hardened, install the windowsill, fasten it.
  5. After drying the foam, it is waterproofing from the outside by an acrylic sealant, a sealing ribbon or vapor-permeable membrane, from within a vapor insulation ribbon.

Due to the installation of an additional design (placked) it may seem that inserting windows in the brusade or a log house is difficult, but it is not. To be calm for the durability of the structure and reliable performance of the functions of PVC products, it is better to highlight a couple of hours for additional work. The placade will avoid unnecessary spending as housing shrinkage, and also will save a plastic novelty from deformations.\u003d6S3VKUXMY4O. Video CAN "T Be Loaded: Installation of a plastic window in a cluster in a wooden house or fire (\u003d6S3VKUXMY4O)

Wooden house is a comfort, heat and a special aroma. Today, when the rhythm rhythm of the big city is bored, as well as the abundance of reinforced concrete, wooden buildings return to themselves for her own popularity. In exchange for numerous advantages and logs, you have to put up with their features. For example, choose the first plastic windows and install them according to the standard technology will not work - here you need a special approach, otherwise there is a risk in a couple of years to change windows, no matter how high-quality them are. We understand what to select windows in a wooden house, and how to install them so that they work out the manufacturer's term.

№1. What windows put in wooden houses?

Earlier in wooden houses, as well as, and in all others, only wooden windows were installed - there were no other options, that's just the quality of them was very different. If old wooden windows are preserved in a good condition and sorry to dismantle them, it makes sense to restore them and. Nevertheless, in most cases, the old windows on new windows will be logically replaced, and here we will have great difficulties. The question for a wooden house is sharply worth it for those who do. Also, there will also have to pay a lot of attention to the proper installation of the window.

Such windows are suitable for a wooden house:

  • ordinary wooden;
  • wooden eurowindows;
  • plastic windows.

Speecually looks in a wooden window with a decorative layout layout.

№6. Features installation of windows in a wooden house

When it comes to a wooden house, the installation of windows is somewhat complicated compared to, concrete and other houses. The reason is strong shrinking tree, especially in the first years after the construction of the construction. Shrinkage occurs due to the loss of wood stored moisture, and the worse the tree was succumbed, the greater the volume it would lose. For the year, shrinkage can be up to 1.5 cm for each meter of height, the most active these process is the first 5 years old, then the tree can also change the volume, absorbing and giving out moisture. If you install the window according to traditional technology, then in the first year you may not notice any problems, because under the weight of the tree will be shrinking the layer, but the design itself will begin to deform and the design itself, and in the end the glass will crack.

Whatever the design is chosen, you will need clip, or Okosyachka. This is a mandatory element of a modern wooden house, which allows you to make a window design independent of the movement of the walls. The obosyanka does not allow moving to log in the vertical plane in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window opening area, but does not interfere with the shrinkage and normal breathing of the tree. In addition, the opposite allows you to further strengthen the wall.

If set window in a wooden frameThe installation can be carried out on simplified technology. It is enough to make a vertical groove in the ends of the log size of 5 * 5 cm, in this groove insert the appropriate sizes of a wooden bar, this will be a casing.

Second option Somewhat more complicated, can be used for any types of windows. It consists in drinking in a crest log, on which a vertical timber is installed with a groove called a fruit. You can make a groove in the log, and the comb on the boat. The puzzle design will allow a log freely to slide, not moving vertically. Installation in this case is performed in such a sequence:

Installing the window to the prepared scene comes down to such actions:

  • preparation of small (5-10 mm) grooves for mounting the windowsill;
  • installing the window sill with the help of the level and its fastening with self-draws. Plastic window sill requires the use of rubber washer. Holes make in those places that will eventually be closed by the window;
  • alignment of the window frame and its fixation by anchors with subsequent fossi;
  • checking the frame for vertical and horizontality, installation of double-glazed windows;
  • installing the strokes, gate gaps.

Of course, it is best to entrust the installation of the window in a wooden house to a professional - here you will need knowledge of the subtleties and details, which will depend on the durability of the installed structure.