Repairs Design Furniture

GOST 5802 86 Construction solutions. The selection of the composition and test of the building solution. Determination of the water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture

Resolution of the State Committee of the USSR on the construction of December 11, 1985 No. 214, the deadline for introduction is established


This standard applies to mortar mixtures and mortars, made on mineral binders (cement, lime, gypsum, soluble glass), used in all types of construction, except hydrotechnical.

Standard setting methods for determining the following properties of the mortar mixture and solution:

mobility, medium density, decreasel, water-holding ability, water separation of the mortar mixture;

The standard does not apply to heat-resistant solutions, chemically resistant and straining.

1. General requirements

1.8. Before molding samples of internal surfaces, shapes are covered with a thin layer of lubrication.

1.9. All samples must be labeling. Marking must be immentable and should not damage the sample.

1.10. Made samples are measured by a caliper with an error before 0,1 mm.

1.11. In winter, for testing a solution with antiorrosal additives and without them, sampling and the manufacture of samples should be produced at the site of its use or preparation, and storing the samples in the same temperature and humidity conditions in which the solution laid in the design is located.

Samples should be stored on the shelf locking inventory box with mesh walls and a waterproof roof.

1.12. All measuring instruments and parameters of the vibropotchka should be checked within the deadlines provided by the Metrological Services of the State Standard.

1.13. The room temperature in which tests must be (20 ± 2) ° C, the relative humidity of 50-70%.

The temperature and humidity of the room are measured by an aspiration psychrometer of the MB-4 type.

1.14. For testing mortar mixtures and solutions of the vessels, spoons, and other devices must be made of steel, glass or plastics.

The use of aluminum or galvanized steel and wood is not allowed.

1.15. The strength of the solution taken from the seams of masonry is determined by the method described in the application.

The strength of the stretching solution during bending and compression is determined according to GOST 310.4-81.

The strength of a stretching solution during splitting is determined according to GOST 10180-90.

Clutch strength is determined according to GOST 24992-81.

Shrink deformation is determined by GOST 24544-81.

The water-separation of the mortar mixture is determined according to GOST 10181.0-81.

1.16. The test results of the samples of soluble mixtures and samples of the solution are logged on, on the basis of which a document characterizes the quality of the building solution is made.

2. Determination of mobility of the mortar mixture

2.1. The mobility of the mortar mixture is characterized by a submersion depth of the reference cone measured in centimeters.

2.2. Equipment

2.2.1. For testing apply:

device to determine mobility (damn);

steel rod diameter 12 mm, length 300 mm;


2.2.2. The reference cone of the device is made of sheet steel orness of plastics with a steel tip. The angle at the top should be 30 ° ± 30.

The mass of the reference cone with a bar must be (300 ± 2).

Device for determining the mobility of the mortar mixture

1 - tripod; 2 - scale; 3 - reference cone; 4 - rod; 5 - holders;

8 - locking screw

laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-88;

steel rod with a diameter of 12 mm long 300 mm;

steel line 400 mm according to GOST 427-75.


3.3.1. Before testing the vessel is pre-weighed with an error to 2 The city is then filled with an excess mortar mixture.

3.3.2. The mortar mixture is sealing by pitching with a steel rod 25 Once I. 5-6 multiple light tapping about the table.

3.3.3. After sealing, the excess of the mortar mixture is cut by a steel line. The surface is thoroughly aligned with the edges of the vessel. The walls of the measuring vessel are purified by a wet rag from the solution that has fallen on them. Then the vessel with a solution mixture is weighed up to 2 G.

3.4. Processing results

3.4.1. Mixed densityr., g / cm 3, calculated by the formula


where m. - Mass of the measuring vessel with a mortar mixture, r;

m. 1 - mass of the measuring vessel without a mixture,

3.4.2. The density of the solution mixture is defined as the mean arithmetic value of the results of two density definitions "The mixture of one sample, differing from each other by no more than 5% From a smaller value.

With greater discrepancy, the determination is repeated on a new sample of the solution mixture.

3.4.3. Test results must be logged in form according to the application.

4. Determination of the dissolving solution of the mortar mixture

4.1. The resillability of the mortar mixture, which characterizes its connection under dynamic exposure, is determined by comparing the content of the mass of the filler at the bottom and upper parts of the fresh-appointed sample sample 150x150x150 mm.

4.2. Equipment

4.2.1. For testing applies: formal sizes 150x150x150 MM according to GOST 2 2685-89;

laboratory Vibling Type 435 BUT;

laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-88;

sieve with cells 0,14 mm;


steel rod diameter 12 mm, length 300 mm.

4.2.2. Laboratory vibrationboard in the loaded state must follow the frequency 2900 ± 100. per minute and amplitude ( 0.5 ± 0.05) mm. The vibrationboard must have a device, providing vibrating a rigid fastening of a shape with a solution to the table surface.

4.3. Testing

4.3.1. The mortar mixture is placed and compacted in the form for control samples with dimensions 150x150x150 mm. After that, the compacted solution mixture is subjected to vibrational effect on the laboratory vibrationboard for 1 min.

4.3.2. After vibrating the upper layer height ( 7.5 ± 0.5) mm from the form is taken to the tray, and the lower part of the sample is discharged from the form by tipping onto the second baking sheet.

4.3.3. The selected samples of the dissolve mixture are weighed with an error of up to 2 g and exposed to wet hassle on sieve with holes 0,14 mm.

In the wet russe, individual parts of the samples laid on the sieve are washed with a stream of clean water until the binder is completely removed. The flushing of the mixture is considered complete when pure water flows out of the sieve.

4.3.4. Mixed portions of the aggregate are transferred to a clean baking sheet, dried to permanent pepper 105-110 ° C and weighed with an error to 2 G.

4.4. Processing results

4.4.1. The content of the aggregate in the upper (lower) parts of the compacted mortar mixture V. A percentage is determined by the formula


where t 1 - the mass of the washed of the dried aggregate of the end (lower) part of the sample, r;

m. 2 - Mass of a dissolve mixture, selected samples upper (lower) part of the sample,

4.4.2. Measurement indicator of the solution mixture P A percentage is determined by the formula

where D. V.- the absolute value of the difference between the filler content in the upper and lower parts of the sample,%;

å V.- the total content of the filler of the upper and lower parts of the sample,%.

4.4.3. The discharge rate for each sample of the solution mixture is determined twice and calculated with rounding up to 1% as the average arithmetic value of the results of two definitions that differ from each other by no more than 20% of the smaller value. With greater discrepancy, the determination is repeated on a new sample of the solution mixture.

4.4.4. Test results must be logged in which:

date and time of testing;

sampling place;

brand and type of solution;

the results of private definitions;

medium-gradatic result.

5. Determination of the water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture

5.1. Water-holding ability is determined by testing the layer of a dissolve mixture with a thickness of 12 mm, laid on the sheep.

5.2. Equipment and materials

5.2.1. For testing apply:

sheets of watering paper size 150 ´ 150 mm on TU 13-7308001-758-88;

gaskets made of marlevic tissue size 250 ´ 350 MM according to GOST 11109-90;

metal ring inner diameter 100 mm, height 12 mm and wall thickness 5 mm;

glass plate size 150x150 mm, 5 mm thick;

laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-88;

the device for determining the water-retaining capacity of the mortar mixture (damn).

5.3. Preparation for testing and testing

5.3.1. Before testing 10 Sheets of clock paper weighed with an error to 0,1 r, laid on a glass plate, tops the gasket from the marlevary tissue, install a metal ring and weighed again.

5.3.2. A thoroughly mixed mortar mixture is placed in the edges of the metal ring, align, weighed and leave on 10 min.

5.3.3. The metal ring with a solution is carefully removed with the gauze.

Warming paper is weighed with the error to 0,1 G.

Device diagram for determining the water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture

1 - metal ring with mortar; 2 - 10 layers of clocking paper;

3 - glass plate; 4 - layer of marlevary fabric

hydraulic press according to GOST 28840-90;

rod steel diameter 12 mm, length 300 mm;

6.4. Preparation for the test

6.4.1. Samples made of mortar mixture by mobility 5 See must be made in shapes with a pallet.

The form is filled with a solution in two layers. Sealing layers of the solution in each compartment of the form produced 12 Press spatula: 6 push along one side in 6 - in a perpendicular direction.

An excess solution is cut into the edges of the shape with a varieved water with a steel line and align the surface.

6.4.2. Samples of mortar mixture mobility 5 cm and more manufactured in forms without pallet.

The form is installed on a brick, covered with newspaper paper moistened with water, or other non-jammed paper. The size of the paper should be so that it closes the side faces of the brick. Bricks before use should be put on manually one of the other to eliminate sharp irregularities. Brick apply a clay ordinary humidity no more 2 % and water absorption 10-15 % by weight. Bricks with traces of cement on edges are not reused.

6.4.3. Forms are filled with a mortar mixture for one reception with some excess and seal it by pinching with a steel rod 25 Once on the concentric circle from the center to the edges.

6.4.4. In the conditions of winter masonry for testing solutions with antiorrosal additives and without antiorrosal additives for each test period and each controlled portion are made by 6 samples, three of which are tested in the time required for floor monitoring of the strength of the solution after 3 hours of thawing them at a temperature not lower ( 20 ± 2.) ° С, and the remaining three samples are experiencing after their thawing and subsequent 28 -Conal hardening at a temperature not lower ( 20 ± 2) ° С. The thawing time must match the table specified in Table. .

6.4.5. Molds filled with a mortar mixture on hydraulic binders, withstand to the platform in a normal storage chamber at a temperature ( 20 ± 2) ° C and relative air humidity 95-100%, and forms filled with a mortar mixture on air binders, - indoors at temperatures ( 20 ± 2) ° C and relative humidity ( 65 ± 10.) %.

6.4.6. Samples are freed from forms through ( 24 ± 2) h after laying the mortar mixture.

Samples made of dissolved mixtures prepared on slagoportland cements, Pozzolan portland cements with additives of sealing seals, as well as samples of winter masonry, stored in the open air, are released from forms through 2-3 SUT.

6.4.7. After release from the forms, samples must be stored at temperatures ( 20 ± 2.) ° С. At the same time, the following conditions must be observed: samples from solutions prepared on hydraulic binders, during the first 3 days. Must be stored in a normal storage chamber with relative humidity 95-100 %, and the time remaining before - indoors with relative humidity of air ( 65 ± 10.)% (of air solutions) or in water (from solutions hardening in a humid environment); Samples made of solutions prepared on air binders should be stored indoors at relative air humidity ( 65 ± 10)%.

6.4.8. In the absence of a normal storage chamber, storage of samples prepared on hydraulic binders, in wet sand or sawdust is allowed.

6.4.9. When stored in the room, samples should be protected from drafts, heating the heating devices, etc.

6.4.10 before the compression test (for the subsequent density determination) is sampled with an error to 0,1 % and measured a caliper with an error to 0,1 mm.

6.4.11. Samples stored in water should be removed from it no earlier than 10 minutes before the test and witchlagted cloth.

Samples stored in the room should be cleaned by a hairbrush.

drying cabinet for OST 16.0.801.397-87;

steel rules according to GOST 427-75;

exicitor according to GOST 25336-82;

calcium chloride anhydrous according to GOST 450-77 or sulfuric acid density 1,84 g / cm 3 according to GOST 2184-77;

7.4. Preparation for the test

7.4.1. The density of the solution is determined by testing the samples in the state of the natural moisture content of the PAs of the normalized humid state: dry, air-dry, normal, water-saturated.

7.4.2. When determining the density of the solution in a state of natural humidity, the samples are tested immediately after their selection or stored in a steamproof package or a hermetic container, the volume that exceeds the volume of the samples laid in no more than in 2 times.

7.4.3. The density of the solution at a normalized humidistic state is determined by the test of samples of a solution having a normalized humidity or arbitrary humidity with the subsequent recalculation of the results obtained on the normalized humidity according to the formula ().

7.4.4. When determining the density of the solution in a dry state, the samples are dried to a constant mass in accordance with the requirements of p.

7.4.5. When determining the density of the solution in air-dry state, the samples before testing are at least 28 Sut indoors at temperatures ( 25 ± 10.) ° С and relative air humidity ( 50 ± 20)%.

7.4.6. In determining the solution of the solution in normal humidity conditions, samples are stored 28 SUT in a normal hardening chamber, an excitator or other hermetic container at relative humidity of at least 95% and temperature ( 20 ± 2.) ° С.

7.4.7. When determining the density of the solution in a water-saturated state, the samples are saturated with water in accordance with the requirements of p.

7.5. Testing

7.5.1. The volume of samples are calculated by their geometric dimensions. Sample sizes are determined by a caliper with an error of no more 0,1 mm.

7.5.2. Mass samples with definition with an error of not more than 0.1%.

7.6. Processing results

drying cabinet for OST 16.0.801.397-87;

exicitor according to GOST 25336-82;


calcium chloride according to GOST 450-77.

8.5. Testing

Gypsum solutions are dried at a temperature of 45-55 ° C.

The constant is considered a mass at which the results of two consecutive weighing differ at no more than 0.1%. At the same time, the time between weighing is at least 4 hours.

8.5.2. Before repeated weighing, the samples are cooled in an exicor with anhydrous calcium chloride or with a drying cabinet to room temperature.

8.5.3. Weighing are made with an error to 0,1 G.

8.6. Processing results

8.6.1. MoistureW. M. In percent, calculate with an accuracy of up to 0.1% by the formula


where t. in - mass of the sample of the solution to drying, r;

t S. - mass sample solution after drying,

8.6.2. MoistureW. O. In percent, calculate with an accuracy of up to 0.1% by the formula


where r. about- density of dry mortar, determined by paragraph;

r. in- Water density taken equal to 1 g / cm 3.

8.6.3. The moisture content of the sample series is determined as the mean arithmetic results of determining the humidity of individual samples of the solution.

8.6.4. Test results must be logged in which:

place and sampling time;

humidity condition of the solution;

age of solution and test date;

sample marking;

moisture content of sample (samples) and series by mass;

humidity solution of samples (samples) and series by volume.

9. Determination of water absorption

9.1. Water absorption of the solution is determined by testing samples. The dimensions and the number of samples are accepted by paragraph 7.1.

9.2. Equipment and materials

9.2.1. For testing apply:

laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-88;

drying cabinet for OST 16.0.801.397-87;

capacity for saturation of samples with water;

wire brush or abrasive stone.

9.3. Preparation for the test

9.3.1. The surface of the samples is purified from dust, dirt and lubrication traces with a wire brush or abrasive stone.

9.3.2. Samples are in a state of natural humidity or dried to constant mass.

10.6. Preparation for the test

10.6.1. Samples that are subject to frost resistance, (basic) should be increasing, inspecting and seen defects (minor ferries or corners, painting, etc.) to put into the test log.

10.6.2. The main samples must be tested for frost resistance at 28-daily age after withstanding in a normal hardening chamber.

10.6.3. Control samples intended for compression test should be stored in a normal hardening chamber at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° C and relative air humidity at least 90%.

10.6.4. The main samples of the solution designed to test for frost resistance, and control samples intended to determine compression strength at 28-daily age, before testing should be saturated with water without pre-drying by keeping them for 48 hours in water at a temperature of 15-20 ° FROM. In this case, the sample must be surrounded from all sides with a layer of water with a thickness of at least 20 mm. The saturation time in water is included in the total age of the solution.

10.7. Testing

10.7.1. The main samples saturated with water should be placed in the freezer in special containers or installed on mesh shelves racks. The distance between the samples, as well as between the samples and walls of the containers and the overlying shelves, should be at least 50 mm.

10.7.2. Samples should be frozen in the freezing unit, providing the possibility of cooling the chamber with samples and maintain temperatures in it minus 15-20 ° C. Temperature should be measured at half the height of the chamber.

10.7.3. Samples should be loaded into the chamber after cooling the air to the temperature not higher than minus 15 ° C. If, after loading the chamber, the temperature in it will be higher than 15 ° C, then the beginning of freezing should be considered the moment of the air temperature setting minus 15 ° C.

10.7.4. The duration of one freezing should be at least 4 hours.

10.7.5. Samples after unloading from the freezer should be dishonored in a water bath at a temperature of 15-20 ° C for 3 hours.

10.7.6. The control inspection of samples should be carried out in order to stop the test for the frost resistance of the series of samples, in which the surface of two of three samples has visible destruction (bundle, through cracks, chipping).

10.7.7. After conducting alternate freezing and thawing samples, the main samples should be tested.

10.7.8. Samples on compression should be experienced in accordance with the requirements of section. of this standard.

10.7.9. Before the compression test, the main samples are inspecting and determine the area of \u200b\u200bdamage damage.

If there are signs of damage to the supporting faces of the samples (peeling, etc.) before the test, they should be aligned with their layer of the rapid compound with a thickness of no more than 2 mm. Samples in this case should be experienced after 48 hours after gravy, the first day the samples should be stored in a wet medium, and then in water at a temperature of 15-20 ° C.

10.7.10. Control, samples should be tested for compression in a saturated water before the start of freezing of the main samples. Before installing on the press, the support surfaces of the samples must be wiped with a wet cloth.

10.7.11. When evaluating frost resistance to the mass loss after the required number of freezing cycles and thawing, the samples are weighed in saturated water consumption with an error of no more than 0.1%.

10.7.12. When evaluating frost resistance according to the degree of damage, the samples are examined through each 5 Cycles of alternate freezing and thawing. Samples are examined after their thawed every 5 cycles.

10.8. Processing results

10.8.1. Frost resistance for loss of strength in compression of samples with alternated freezing and thawing is evaluated by comparing the strength of basic and control samples in a saturated water.

Loss of strengths formD. In percent, calculate the formula


where R. counter- the arithmetic average of the strength limit when compressing control samples, MPa (kgf / cm 2);

R. Osn - The average arithmetic value of the strength limit in compressing the basic samples after testing them to frost resistance, MPa (kgf / cm 2).

The permissible value of the loss of the strength of samples during compression after the alternate freezing and thawing is not more 25 %.

10.8.2. Loss of mass samples tested for frost resistance, M. In percent, calculate the formula


where m 1. - Mass of a saturated water of the sample before testing it on frost resistance, r;

m 2 - Mass of rich water sample after testing it on frost resistance,

The weight loss of the samples after testing on frost resistance is calculated as the arithmetic average value of the test results of three samples.

The permissible value of the mass of the samples after alternate freezing and thawing is not more 5 %.

10.8.3. The following data must be specified in the tests of samples on frost resistance:

the view and composition of the solution, the design brand in frost resistance;

marking, manufacturing date and test date;

sizes and weight of each sample before and after testing and loss of mass in percent;

conditions of hardening;

description of defects detected in samples before testing;

description of external signs of destruction and damage after testing;

limits of compressiveness when compressing each of the main and control samples and the change in the percentage of the percentage after the test for frost resistance;

the number of freezing and thawing cycles.



Determination of the strength of the solution taken from the seams,

On compression

1. The strength is solid as well by testing compression cubes with ribs 2-4 cm made of two plates taken from horizontal seams of masonry or joints of large-panel structures.

2. Plates are made in the form of a square whose side is in 1,5 The plate thickness should exceed the thickness of the seam.

3. Bonding the plates of the solution to obtain cubes with ribs 2-4 cm and the alignment of their surfaces is made using a thin layer of plaster test ( 1-2 mm).

4. It is allowed to cut samples of cubes from the plates in the case when the plate thickness ensures the result of the required size of the rib.

5. Samples should be experienced after the day after their manufacture.

6. Samples - Cubes from a solution with ribs long 3-4 cm test under this standard.

7. For testing sample cubes from a solution with ribs 2 cm, as well as precipitated solutions, use a small-sized tabletop press of the PS. Normal load range is 1,0-5,0 kN ( 100-500 kgf).

8. The strength of the solution is calculated by paragraph. Of this standard. The strength of the solution should be determined as an arithmetic value from the test results of five samples.

9. To determine the strength of the solution in cubes with ribs 7,07 CM follows the test results of summer and winter solutions that have hardening after thawing, multiply the coefficient shown in the table.


tests to determine mobility, medium density

mortar mix and compression strength, medium density

samples of solution

No. p / p.



pass registry solution


tel and address


solution, m 3


mixture mixture, see


mixes, g / cm 3



The size

sample, see




area, cm 2


sample, G.


sample, solution, g / cm 3


manomete-ra, n (kgf)



separate sample, MPa (kgf / cm 2)


strength in the series, MPa (kgf / cm 2)


sample storage tours° FROM


frosty additive





Laboratory Head _____________ _______________________________

Responsible for the manufacture

and testing samples ________________________________________________


* In the "Notes" column, sample defects should be indicated: sinks, extraneous inclusions and locations of their location, a special nature of destruction, etc.

Construction solutions

Test methods

GOST 5802-86

MinStroy Russia

State Standard of the SSR Union

Construction solutions GOST

Test Methods 5802ѕ 86

Mortars. Test Methods. Inspend

GOST 580278.

Resolution of the State Committee of the USSR on the construction of December 11, 1985 No. 214, the deadline for introduction is established


This standard applies to mortar mixtures and mortars, made on mineral binders (cement, lime, gypsum, soluble glass), used in all types of construction, except hydrotechnical.

The standard establishes methods for determining the following properties of the mortar mixture and the solution:

mobility, medium density, decreasel, water-holding ability, water separation of the mortar mixture;

The standard does not apply to heat-resistant solutions, chemically resistant and straining.

1. General requirements

1.1. Determination of mobility, density of the solution mixture and strength to compress the solution is mandatory for all types of solution. Other properties of mortar mixtures and mortar are determined in cases provided by the project or rules for the production of work.

1.2. Samples for testing the solution of the mixture and the manufacture of samples are taken before the mixing mixture begins.

1.3. Samples should be selected from the mixer at the end of the mixing process, at the site of the application of the solution from vehicles or the working box.

Samples take away at least three places from different depths.

The volume of the sample must be at least 3 liters.

1.4. The selected trial before testing should be additionally mixed for 30 s.

1.5. The test of the mortar mixture should be started no later than 10 minutes after sampling.

1.6. The test of solidified solutions is carried out on samples. The shape and sizes of samples, depending on the type of test, must correspond to the specified in Table. one.

1.7. Deviation of the sizes of molded samples along the length of the edges of the cubes, aspects of the cross section of the pristence indicated in Table. 1, should not exceed 0.7 mm.

Table 1

Type of test

Sample shape

Geometric dimensions, mm

Determination of compressive strength and stretching when splitting


Rib length


Determination of tensile strength when bending

Prism of square cross section


Definition of shrinkage



Determination of density, humidity, water absorption, frost resistance


Rib length


Note. In the production control of solutions to which simultaneously prevent tensile strength requirements for bending and compression, it is allowed to determine the strength of the solution for compressing the halves of the samples of the prisms obtained after the bending test of the prisms according to GOST 310.481.

1.8. Before molding the samples, the inner surfaces of the forms are covered with a thin layer of lubrication.

1.9. All samples must be labeling. Marking must be immentable and should not damage the sample.

1.10. Made samples are measured by a caliper with an error of up to 0.1 mm.

1.11. In winter, for testing a solution with antiorrosal additives and without them, sampling and the manufacture of samples should be produced at the site of its use or preparation, and storing the samples in the same temperature and humidity conditions in which the solution laid in the design is located.

Samples should be stored on the shelf locking inventory box with mesh walls and a waterproof roof.

1.12. All measuring instruments and parameters of the vibropotchka should be checked within the deadlines provided by the Metrological Services of the State Standard.

1.13. The temperature of the room in which tests must be (20 ± 2) ° C, the relative humidity of the air is 5070%.

The temperature and humidity of the room are measured by an aspiration psychrometer of the MB-4 type.

1.14. For testing mortar mixtures and solutions of the vessels, spoons, and other devices must be made of steel, glass or plastics.

The use of aluminum or galvanized steel and wood is not allowed.

1.15. The strength of the solution taken from the seams of masonry is determined by the method described in Appendix 1.

The strength of the stretching solution during bending and compression is determined according to GOST 310.481.

The strength of a stretching solution during splitting is determined according to GOST 1018090.

Clutch strength is determined according to GOST 2499281.

Shrink deformation is determined according to GOST 2454481.

The dispersion of the mortar mixture is determined according to GOST 10181.081.

1.16. The test results of the samples of soluble mixtures and samples of the solution are logged on, on the basis of which a document characterizes the quality of the building solution is made.

2. Determination of mobility of the mortar mixture

2.1. The mobility of the mortar mixture is characterized by a submersion depth of the reference cone measured in centimeters.

2.2. Equipment

2.2.1. For testing apply:

device for determining mobility (damn 1);

2.2.2. The reference cone of the device is made of sheet steel or plastic with a steel tip. The angle at the top should be 30 ° ± 30.

The mass of the reference cone with a bar must be (300 ± 2).

Device for determining the mobility of the mortar mixture

1 tripod; 2 scale; 3 reference cone; 4 barbell; 5 holders;

6 guides; 7 the vessel for the solution mixture;

8 Stop screw

2.3. Preparation for testing

2.3.1. All cone and vessels in contact with a mortar mixture of the surface of the cone and a vessel should be cleaned and wipe with a damp cloth.

2.4. Testing

2.4.1. The magnitude of the immersion of the cone is determined in the sequence below.

The device is installed on the horizontal surface and check the freedom of sliding rod 4 In guides 6.

2.4.2. Vessel 7 Fill with a mortar mixture of 1 cm below its edges and seal it by connecting it with a steel rod 25 times and 56 to a multiple tapping about the table, after which the vessel put on the instrument site.

2.4.3. Top of cone 3 Speed \u200b\u200bin contact with the surface of the solution in the vessel, fix the rod cone locking screw 8 And make the first countdown on the scale. Then let the lock screw.

2.4.4. The cone must dive into the mortar mix free. The second count is removed on a scale after 1 min after the start of the cone immersion.

2.4.5. The immersion depth of the cone, measured with an error of up to 1 mm, is defined as the difference between the first and second sample.

2.5. Processing results

2.5.1. The depth of the immersion of the cone is assessed by the results of two tests on different samples of a solution mixture of one kneading as an average arithmetic value of them and rounded.

2.5.2. The difference in the indicators of private tests should not exceed 20 mm. If the difference is greater than 20 mm, then the tests should be repeated on a new sample of the dissolve mixture.

2.5.3. Test results are logged in shape according to Appendix 2.

3. Determination of the density of the mortar mixture

3.1. The density of the solution mixture is characterized by the ratio of the mass of the compacted mortar mixture to its volume and is expressed in g / cm 3.

3.2. Equipment

3.2.1. For testing apply:

steel cylindrical vessel with a capacity of 1000 +2 ml (damn 2);

Steel cylindrical vessel

steel rod with a diameter of 12 mm, 300 mm long;

steel line 400 mm according to GOST 42775.

3.3. Preparation for testing and testing

3.3.1. Before testing, the vessel is pre-weighed with the error until 2 g. Then filled with a solution with an excess solution.

3.3.2. The mortar mixture is sealing by pitching with a steel rod 25 times and 56 to a multiple tapping on the table.

3.3.3. After sealing, the excess of the mortar mixture is cut by a steel line. The surface is thoroughly aligned with the edges of the vessel. The walls of the measuring vessel are purified by a wet rag from the solution that has fallen on them. Then the vessel with a mortar mixture is weighed up to 2 g.

3.4. Processing results

3.4.1. The density of the soluble mixture R, g / cm 3, is calculated by the formula

where m. Mass of the measuring vessel with a mortar mixture, r;

m. 1 Mass of the measuring vessel without a mixture,

3.4.2. The density of the solution mixture is defined as the mean arithmetic value of the results of two density definitions "The mixture of one sample, differing from each other by no more than 5% of the smaller value.

With greater discrepancy, the determination is repeated on a new sample of the solution mixture.

3.4.3. Test results must be logged in form according to Appendix 2.

4. Determination of the dissolving solution of the mortar mixture

4.1. The resillability of the mortar mixture, which characterizes its connection under dynamic exposure, is determined by comparing the mass content of the filler at the bottom and upper parts of the freshly-appointed sample size of 150x150x150 mm.

4.2. Equipment

4.2.1. For testing applies: steel forms with dimensions 150x150x150 mm according to GOST 2268589;

laboratory vibration unit type 435a;

laboratory scales according to GOST 2410488;

drying cabinet for OST 16.0.801.39787;

sieve with cells 0.14 mm;


steel rod with a diameter of 12 mm, 300 mm long.

4.2.2. The laboratory vibrationboard in the loaded state should provide vertical oscillations with a frequency of 2900 ± 100 per minute and amplitude (0.5 ± 0.05) mm. The vibrationboard must have a device that provides a rigid fastening of a shape with a solution to the surface of the table.

4.3. Testing

4.3.1. The mortar mixture is placed and compacted in the form for control samples with dimensions of 150x150x150 mm. After that, the compacted solution mixture is subjected to vibrational effect on the laboratory vibrationboard for 1 min.

4.3.2. After vibrating the upper layer of the solution height (7.5 ± 0.5) mm, separated from the mold to the tray, and the lower part of the sample is discharged from the form by tipping into the second baking sheet.

4.3.3. The selected samples of the solution mixture are weighed with an error of up to 2 g and are subjected to wet hassle on the sieve with a holes of 0.14 mm.

In the wet russe, individual parts of the samples laid on the sieve are washed with a stream of clean water until the binder is completely removed. The flushing of the mixture is considered complete when pure water flows out of the sieve.

4.3.4. The washed portions of the aggregate are transferred to a clean baking sheet, dried to a constant mass at a temperature of 105110 ° C and weighed with an error to 2 g.

4.4. Processing results

where t. 1 Mass of the washed of the dried aggregate from the upper (lower) part of the sample, r;

m. 2 Mass of a dissolve mixture, selected sample from the upper (lower) part of the sample,

4.4.2. Measurement indicator of the solution mixture P A percentage is determined by the formula

where D. V. the absolute value of the difference between the filler content in the upper and lower parts of the sample,%;

e. V. The total content of the filler of the upper and lower parts of the sample,%.

4.4.3. The discharge rate for each sample of the solution mixture is determined twice and calculated with rounding up to 1% as the average arithmetic value of the results of two definitions that differ from each other by no more than 20% of the smaller value. With greater discrepancy, the determination is repeated on a new sample of the solution mixture.

4.4.4. Test results must be logged in which:

date and time of testing;

sampling place;

brand and type of solution;

the results of private definitions;

medium-gradatic result.

5. Determination of the water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture

5.1. Water-holding ability is determined by testing the layer of a dissolve mixture with a thickness of 12 mm, laid on the sheep.

5.2. Equipment and materials

5.2.1. For testing apply:

sheets of watering paper in size 150x150 mm for TU 13-7308001-75888;

gaskets made of marlevary tissue with a size of 250x350 mm according to GOST 1110990;

metal ring inner diameter 100 mm, 12 mm height and wall thickness 5 mm;

glass plate with a size of 150x150 mm, 5 mm thick;

laboratory scales according to GOST 2410488;

the device for determining the water-retaining capacity of the mortar mixture (damn 3).

5.3. Preparation for testing and testing

5.3.1. Before the test of 10 sheets of wetting paper is weighed with an error to 0.1 g, laid on the glass plate, the laying of marlevic tissue is placed on top, and the metal ring is installed and weighed again.

5.3.2. A thoroughly mixed mortar mixture is placed in the edges of the metal ring, align, weighed and leave for 10 minutes.

5.3.3. The metal ring with a solution is carefully removed with the gauze.

Warming paper weighed with an error to 0.1 g.

Diagram of the device for determining the water-holding

the abilities of the mortar mixture

1 metal ring with mortar; 2 10 layers of clocking paper;

3 glass plate; 4 layer of marlevary fabric

5.4. Processing results

5.4.1. The water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture is determined expressed in the percentage of water content in the sample before and after the experiment by the formula

where t. 1 Mass of watering paper to tests, g;

t. 2 Mass of clocking paper after testing, r;

m. 3 Mass of the installation without a mortar mixture, r;

t. 4 Mass of installation with mortar mixture, G.

5.4.2. The water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture is determined twice for each sample of the solution mixture and calculate as the average arithmetic value of the results of two definitions, differing from each other by no more than 20% of the smaller value.

5.4.3. Test results must be logged in which:

date and time of testing;

sampling place;

brand and type of mortar mixture;

the results of private definitions and the medium-ray result.

6. Determining the strength of the compression solution

6.1. The strength of the compression solution should be determined on samples-cubes with dimensions of 70.7x70.7x70.7 mm aged, established in the standard or technical conditions for this type of solution. For each period of tests, three samples are manufactured.

6.2. Sampling and general technical requirements for the method of determining compression strength on PP. 1.11.14 of this standard.

6.3. Equipment

6.3.1. For testing apply:

detachable steel shapes with pallet and without pallet according to GOST 2268589;

press hydraulic according to GOST 2884090;

caliper in accordance with GOST 16689;

rod steel diameter 12 mm, 300 mm long;

spatula (Damn 4).

Spatula for sealing the mortar mixture

6.4. Preparation for the test

6.4.1. Samples from a mortar mixture mobility up to 5 cm should be made in shapes with a pallet.

The form is filled with a solution in two layers. The sealing of the layer of the solution in each compartment of the form is produced by 12 piping of the spatula: 6 pressure along one side in 6 per perpendicular direction.

An excess solution is cut into the edges of the shape with a varieved water with a steel line and align the surface.

6.4.2. Samples from a mortar mixture with a mobility of 5 cm and more manufactured in forms without pallet.

The form is installed on a brick coated with newsprint, moistened with water, or other non-flimsy paper. The size of the paper should be so that it closes the side faces of the brick. Bricks before use should be put on manually one of the other to eliminate sharp irregularities. Brick apply a clay ordinary humidity no more than 2% and water absorption of 1015% by weight. Bricks with traces of cement on edges are not reused.

6.4.3. Forms are filled with a mortar mixture for one reception with some excess and compact it by pinching with a steel rod 25 times along the concentric circle from the center to the edges.

6.4.4. In the conditions of winter masonry for testing solutions with antiorrosal additives and without antiorrosal additives for each test period and each controlled portion are made by 6 samples, three of which are tested in the time required for floor monitoring of the strength of the solution after 3 hours of thawing them at a temperature not lower (20 ± 2) ° C, and the remaining three samples are tested after their thawing and subsequent 28-daily hardening at a temperature not lower (20 ± 2) ° C. The thawing time must match the table specified in Table. 2.

GOST 5802-86

UDC 666.971.001.4:00 6.354 group z19

Interstate standard

Construction solutions
Test methods

Mortars. Test Methods.

OKP 57 4500.
Date of introduction 01.07.86

Information details

1. Designed and entered by the Central Research Institute of Building Constructions (TsNIIK them. Kucherenko) State Building of the USSR


3. Instead of GOST 5802-78

4. Reference regulatory and technical documents

NTD designation, to which the reference number is given
GOST 166-89 6.3.1, 7.3.1
GOST 310.4-81 1.7, 1.15
GOST 427-75 3.2.1
GOST 450-77 7.3.1, 8.4.1
GOST 2184-77 7.3.1
GOST 10180-90 1.15
GOST 10181-2000 1.15
GOST 11109-90 5.2.1
GOST 21104-2001 3.2.1, 4.2.1, 5.2.1, 7.3.1, 8.4.1, 9.2.1
GOST 22685-89 4.2.1, 10.5.1
GOST 23683-89 7.3.1, 10.5.1
GOST 24544-81 1.15
GOST 24992-81 1.15
GOST 25336-82 7.3.1, 8.4.1
GOST 28840-90 6.3.1
OST 16.0.801.397-87 4.2.1, 7.3.1, 8.4.1, 9.2.1
TU 13-7308001-758-88 5.2.1

5. Reprint. October 2002

This standard applies to mortar mixtures and mortars, made on mineral binders (cement, lime, gypsum, soluble glass), used in all types of construction, except hydrotechnical.
The standard establishes methods for determining the following properties of the mortar mixture and the solution:
- mobility, medium density, decreasel, water-holding ability, water separation of the mortar mixture;
- strength limit (hereinafter - strength) on compression, stretching when splitting, stretching with bending, shrinkage, medium density, humidity, water absorption, frost resistance of the solidal solution.
Standard does not apply to heat-resistant solutions, chemically resistant and strain solutions.

1. General requirements

1.1. The definition of mobility, the density of the solution mixture and the compressive strength of the solution is mandatory for solutions of all types. Other properties of mortar mixtures and mortar are determined in cases provided by the project or rules for the production of work.
1.2. Samples for testing the solution of the mixture and the manufacture of samples are taken before the mixing mixture begins.
1.3. Samples should be selected from the mixer at the end of the mixing process, at the site of the application of the solution from vehicles or the working box.
Samples take away at least three places from different depths.
The volume of the sample must be at least 3 liters.
1.4. Selected sample before testing should be additionally moved within 30 s.
1.5. The test of the mortar mixture should be started no later than 10 minutes after sampling.
1.6. The test of solidified solutions is carried out on samples. The shape and sizes of samples, depending on the type of test, must correspond to the specified in Table. one.

Table 1

Type of test Sample shape Geometric dimensions, mm
Determination of compressive strength and stretching when splitting cube Rib length 70.7
Determination of tensile strength when the prism of the square cross section is 40x40x160
Determination of shrinkage Same 40x40x160
Determination of density, humidity, water absorption, frost resistance cube Rib length 70.7

Note. In the production control of solutions, which simultaneously make tensile strength during bending and compression, it is allowed to determine the strength of the solution to compress the halves of the samples of the prisms obtained after the bending test of the prist samples according to GOST 310.4.

1.7. Deviation of the sizes of molded samples along the length of the edges of the cubes, aspects of the cross section of the pristence indicated in Table. 1, should not exceed 0.7 mm.
1.8. Before molding the samples, the inner surfaces of the forms are covered with a thin layer of lubrication.
1.9. All samples must be labeling. Marking must be immentable and should not damage the sample.
1.10. Made samples are measured by a caliper with an error of up to 0.1 mm.
1.11. In winter, for testing a solution with antiorrosal additives and without them, sampling and the manufacture of samples should be produced at the site of its use or preparation, and storing the samples in the same temperature and humidity conditions in which the solution laid in the design is located.
Samples should be stored on the shelf locking inventory box with mesh walls and a waterproof roof.
1.12. All measuring instruments and parameters of the vibropotchka should be checked within the deadlines provided by the Metrological Services of the State Standard.
1.13. The room temperature in which tests must be (20 ± 2) ° C, the relative humidity of 50-70%.
The temperature and humidity of the room are measured by an aspiration psychrometer of the MB-4 type.
1.14. For testing mortar mixtures and solutions of the vessels, spoons, and other devices must be made of steel, glass or plastics.
The use of aluminum or galvanized steel and wood is not allowed.
1.15. The strength of the solution taken from the seams of masonry is determined by the method described in Appendix 1.
The strength of the tensile solution during bending and compression is determined according to GOST 310.4.
The strength of the stretching solution during splitting is determined according to GOST 10180.
Clutch strength is determined according to GOST 24992.
Shrink deformation is determined by GOST 24544.
The dispersion of the mortar mixture is determined according to GOST 10181.
1.16. The test results of the samples of soluble mixtures and samples of the solution are logged on, on the basis of which a document characterizes the quality of the building solution is made.

2. Determination of mobility of the mortar mixture

2.1. The mobility of the mortar mixture is characterized by a submersion depth of the reference cone measured in centimeters.
2.2. Equipment
2.2.1. For testing apply:
device for determining mobility (damn 1);

Device for determining the mobility of the mortar mixture

1 - tripod; 2 - scale; 3 - reference cone; 4 - rod; 5 - holders;
6 - guides; 7 - vessel for mortar mixture; 8 - Stop screw

2.2.2. The reference cone of the device is made of sheet steel or plastic with a steel tip. The angle at the top should be 30 ° ± 30.
The mass of the reference cone with a bar must be (300 ± 2).
2.3. Preparation for testing
2.3.1. All cone and vessels in contact with a mortar mixture of the surface of the cone and a vessel should be cleaned and wipe with a damp cloth.
2.4. Testing
2.4.1. The magnitude of the immersion of the cone is determined in the sequence below.
The device is installed on a horizontal surface and check the freedom of sliding of the rod 4 in the guides 6.
2.4.2. The vessel 7 is filled with a solution mixture by 1 cm below its edges and seal it by pinching with a steel rod 25 times and 5-6 to a multiple tapping about the table, after which the vessel put on the instrument site.
2.4.3. The molding of cone 3 leads to contact with the surface of the solution in the vessel, fix the rod cone locking screw 8 and make the first countdown on the scale. Then let the lock screw.
2.4.4. The cone must dive into the mortar mix free. The second count is removed on a scale after 1 min after the start of the cone immersion.
2.4.5. The immersion depth of the cone, measured with an error of up to 1 mm, is defined as the difference between the first and second sample.
2.5. Processing results
2.5.1. The depth of the immersion of the cone is assessed by the results of two tests on different samples of a solution mixture of one kneading as an average arithmetic value of them and rounded.
2.5.2. The difference in the indicators of private tests should not exceed 20 mm. If the difference is greater than 20 mm, then the tests should be repeated on a new sample of the dissolve mixture.
2.5.3. Test results are logged in shape according to Appendix 2.

3. Determination of the density of the mortar mixture

3.1. The density of the mortar mixture is characterized by the ratio of the mass of the compacted solution mixture to its volume and is expressed in g / cm3.
3.2. Equipment
3.2.1. For testing apply:
steel cylindrical vessel with a capacity of 1000 + 2 ml (damn 2);
steel rod with a diameter of 12 mm, 300 mm long;
steel line 400 mm according to GOST 427.

Steel cylindrical vessel

3.3. Preparation for testing and testing
3.3.1. Before testing, the vessel is pre-weighed with the error until 2 g. Then filled with a solution with an excess solution.
3.3.2. The mortar mixture is sealing by pin with a steel rod 25 times and 5-6 to a multiple tapping about the table.
3.3.3. After sealing, the excess of the mortar mixture is cut by a steel line. The surface is thoroughly aligned with the edges of the vessel. The walls of the measuring vessel are purified by a wet rag from the solution that has fallen on them. Then the vessel with a mortar mixture is weighed up to 2 g.
3.4. Processing results
3.4.1. The density of the mortar mixture, g / cm3, is calculated by the formula
where m is the mass of the measuring vessel with a solution mixture, r;
m1 - mass of the measuring vessel without a mixture, G.
3.4.2. The density of the solution mixture is defined as the mean arithmetic value of the results of two density density determinations from one sample, differing from each other by no more than 5% of the smaller value.
With greater discrepancy, the determination is repeated on a new sample of the solution mixture.
3.4.3. Test results must be logged in form according to Appendix 2.

4. Determination of the dissolving solution of the mortar mixture

4.1. The resillability of the mortar mixture, which characterizes its connection under dynamic exposure, is determined by comparing the mass content of the filler at the bottom and upper parts of the freshly-appointed sample size of 150x150x150 mm.
4.2. Equipment
4.2.1. For testing apply:
forms steel with dimensions 150x150x150 mm according to GOST 22685;
laboratory vibration unit type 435a;
laboratory scales according to GOST 24104;
drying cabinet for OST 16.0.801.397;
sieve with cells 0.14 mm;
steel rod with a diameter of 12 mm, 300 mm long.
4.2.2. The laboratory vibrationboard in the loaded state should provide vertical oscillations with a frequency of 2900 ± 100 per minute and amplitude (0.5 ± 0.05) mm. The vibrationboard must have a device that provides a rigid fastening of a shape with a solution to the surface of the table.
4.3. Testing
4.3.1. The mortar mixture is placed and compacted in the form for control samples with dimensions of 150x150x150 mm. After that, the compacted solution mixture is subjected to vibrational effect on the laboratory vibrationboard for 1 min.
4.3.2. After vibrating the upper layer of the solution height (7.5 ± 0.5) mm, separated from the mold to the tray, and the lower part of the sample is discharged from the form by tipping into the second baking sheet.
4.3.3. The selected samples of the solution mixture are weighed with an error of up to 2 g and are subjected to wet hassle on the sieve with a holes of 0.14 mm.
In the wet russe, individual parts of the samples laid on the sieve are washed with a stream of clean water until the binder is completely removed. Washing the mixture is considered finished when

GOST 5802-86 is designed to establish methods for determining the properties of construction solutions and mixtures prepared on mineral binding materials - cement, lime, gypsum, soluble glass used in all types of construction, excluding hydrotechnical. The standard does not apply to heat resistant, chemically resistant and strain solutions. GOST 5802-86 is valid from 01.07.86.

GOST 5802-86

Group w19.

State Standard of the SSR Union

Construction solutions

Test methods

Mortars. Test Methods.

Date of introduction 1986-07-01

* Developed by the Central Research Institute of Building Designs (TsNIIK them. Kucherenko) Gosstroke USSR

* Artists:

V.A.Kameiko, Cand. tehn Sciences (head of the topic); I.T. Kotov, Cand. tehn sciences; N.I.levin, Cand. tehn sciences; B.A.Novikov, Cand. tehn sciences; G.M. Kirpichenko, Cand. tehn sciences; V.S. Martynova; V.E.Budreka; V.M. Kosarev, M.P.Zaitsev; N.S.statkevich; E.B.Madorsky, Cand. tehn sciences; Yu.B. Volkov, Cand. tehn sciences; D.I.Prokofiev

* Made by the Central Research Institute of Building Designs (TsNIIK them. Kucherenko) Gosstroke USSR


* Information about developers and performers is given from the publication: State Standard of the USSR - Publishing House Standards, 1986. Note "Code".

Approved and put into effect by the Resolution of the State Committee of the USSR on the construction of December 11, 1985 N 214

Reprint. June 1992

This standard applies to mortar mixtures and mortars, made on mineral binders (cement, lime, gypsum, soluble glass), used in all types of construction, except hydrotechnical.

The standard establishes methods for determining the following properties of the mortar mixture and the solution:

mobility, medium density, decreasel, water-holding ability, water separation of the mortar mixture;

The standard does not apply to heat-resistant solutions, chemically resistant and straining.

1. General requirements

1.1. Determination of mobility, density of the solution mixture and strength to compress the solution is mandatory for all types of solution. Other properties of mortar mixtures and mortar are determined in cases provided by the project or rules for the production of work.

1.2. Samples for testing the solution of the mixture and the manufacture of samples are taken before the mixing mixture begins.

1.3. Samples should be selected from the mixer at the end of the mixing process, at the site of the application of the solution from vehicles or the working box.

Samples take away at least three places from different depths.

The volume of the sample must be at least 3 liters.

1.4. The selected trial before testing should be additionally mixed for 30 s.

1.5. The test of the mortar mixture should be started no later than 10 minutes after sampling.

1.6. The test of solidified solutions is carried out on samples. The shape and sizes of samples, depending on the type of test, must correspond to the specified in Table. one.

1.7. Deviation of the sizes of molded samples along the length of the edges of the cubes, aspects of the cross section of the pristence indicated in Table. 1, should not exceed 0.7 mm.

Table 1

Type of test

Sample shape

Geometric dimensions, mm

Determination of compressive strength and stretching when splitting

Rib length 70,7

Determination of tensile strength when bending

Prism of square cross section

Definition of shrinkage

Determination of density, humidity, water absorption, frost resistance

Rib length 70,7

Note. In the production control of solutions to which the tensile strength requirements at bending and compression are presented at the same time, it is allowed to determine the strength of the solution to compress the halves of the samples of the prisms obtained after the bending test of the prist samples according to GOST 310.4-81.

1.8. Before molding the samples, the inner surfaces of the forms are covered with a thin layer of lubrication.

1.9. All samples must be labeling. Marking must be immentable and should not damage the sample.

1.10. Made samples are measured by a caliper with an error of up to 0.1 mm.

1.11. In winter, for testing a solution with antiorrosal additives and without them, sampling and the manufacture of samples should be produced at the site of its use or preparation, and storing the samples in the same temperature and humidity conditions in which the solution laid in the design is located.

Samples should be stored on the shelf locking inventory box with mesh walls and a waterproof roof.

1.12. All measurement tools and parameters of the vibrationboard should be checked within the deadlines provided for by the Metrological Services of the State Standard.

1.13. The room temperature in which tests must be (20 ± 2) ° C, the relative humidity of 50-70%.

The temperature and humidity of the room are measured by an aspiration psychrometer of the MB-4 type.

1.14. For testing mortar mixtures and solutions of the vessels, spoons, and other devices must be made of steel, glass or plastics.

The use of aluminum or galvanized steel and wood is not allowed.

1.15. The strength of the solution taken from the seams of masonry is determined by the method described in Appendix 1.

The strength of the stretching solution during bending and compression is determined according to GOST 310.4-81.

The strength of a stretching solution during splitting is determined according to GOST 10180-90.

Clutch strength is determined according to GOST 24992-81.

Shrink deformation is determined by GOST 24544-81.

The water separation of the mortar mixture is determined according to GOST 10181.0-81.

1.16. The test results of the samples of soluble mixtures and samples of the solution are logged on, on the basis of which a document characterizes the quality of the building solution is made.

2. Determination of mobility of the mortar mixture

2.1. The mobility of the mortar mixture is characterized by a submersion depth of the reference cone measured in centimeters.

2.2. Equipment

2.2.1. For testing apply:

device for determining mobility (damn 1);

2.2.2. The reference cone of the device is made of sheet steel or plastic with a steel tip. The angle at the top should be 30 ° ±.

The mass of the reference cone with a bar must be (300 ± 2).

Device for determining the mobility of the mortar mixture

7 - vessel for mortar mixture; 8 locking screw

2.3. Preparation for testing

2.3.1. All cone and vessels in contact with a mortar mixture of the surface of the cone and a vessel should be cleaned and wipe with a damp cloth.

2.4. Testing

2.4.1. The magnitude of the immersion of the cone is determined in the sequence below.

The device is installed on a horizontal surface and check the freedom of sliding of the rod 4 in the guides 6.

2.4.2. The vessel 7 is filled with a solution mixture by 1 cm below its edges and seal it by pinching with a steel rod 25 times and 5-6 to a multiple tapping about the table, after which the vessel put on the instrument site.

2.4.3. The molding of cone 3 leads to contact with the surface of the solution in the vessel, fix the rod cone locking screw 8 and make the first countdown on the scale. Then let the lock screw.

2.4.4. The cone must dive into the mortar mix free. The second count is removed on a scale after 1 min after the start of the cone immersion.

2.4.5. The immersion depth of the cone, measured with an error of up to 1 mm, is defined as the difference between the first and second sample.

2.5. Processing results

2.5.1. The depth of the immersion of the cone is assessed by the results of two tests on different samples of a solution mixture of one kneading as an average arithmetic value of them and rounded.

2.5.2. The difference in the indicators of private tests should not exceed 20 mm. If the difference is greater than 20 mm, then the tests should be repeated on a new sample of the dissolve mixture.

2.5.3. Test results are logged in shape according to Appendix 2.

3. Defense of the density of the solution mixture

3.1. The density of the solution of the mixture is characterized by the ratio of the mass of the compacted mortar mixture to its volume and is expressed in g / cm.

3.2. Equipment

3.2.1. For testing apply:

steel cylindrical vessel with a capacity of 1000 ml (damn 2);

Steel cylindrical vessel

steel rod with a diameter of 12 mm, 300 mm long;

steel line 400 mm according to GOST 427-75.

3.3. Preparation for testing and testing

3.3.1. Before testing, the vessel is pre-weighed with the error until 2 g. Then filled with a solution with an excess solution.

3.3.2. The mortar mixture is sealing by pin with a steel rod 25 times and 5-6 to a multiple tapping about the table.

3.3.3. After sealing, the excess of the mortar mixture is cut by a steel line. The surface is thoroughly aligned with the edges of the vessel. The walls of the measuring vessel are purified by a wet rag from the solution that has fallen on them. Then the vessel with a mortar mixture is weighed up to 2 g.

3.4. Processing results

3.4.1. The density of the mortar mixture, g / cm, is calculated by the formula

where - the mass of the measuring vessel with the mortar mixture, r;

Mass of the measuring vessel without a mixture,

3.4.2. The density of the solution mixture is defined as the mean arithmetic value of the results of two density density determinations from one sample, differing from each other by no more than 5% of the smaller value.

With greater discrepancy, the determination is repeated on a new sample of the solution mixture.

3.4.3. Test results must be logged in form according to Appendix 2.

4. Determination of the dissolving solution of the mortar mixture

4.1. The resillability of the mortar mixture, which characterizes its connection under dynamic exposure, is determined by comparing the mass content of the filler at the bottom and upper parts of the freshly-appointed sample size of 150x150x150 mm.

4.2. Equipment

4.2.1. For testing apply:

steel forms with dimensions 150x150x150 mm according to GOST 22685-89;

laboratory vibration unit type 435a;

laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-88;

sieve with cells 0.14 mm;


steel rod with a diameter of 12 mm, 300 mm long.

4.2.2. The laboratory vibrationboard in the loaded state should provide vertical oscillations with a frequency of 2900 ± 100 per minute and amplitude (0.5 ± 0.05) mm. The vibrationboard must have a device that provides a rigid fastening of a shape with a solution to the surface of the table.

4.3. Testing

4.3.1. The mortar mixture is placed and compacted in the form for control samples with dimensions of 150x150x150 mm. After that, the compacted solution mixture is subjected to vibrational effect on the laboratory vibrationboard for 1 min.

4.3.2. After vibrating the upper layer of the solution height (7.5 ± 0.5) mm, separated from the mold to the tray, and the lower part of the sample is discharged from the form by tipping into the second baking sheet.

4.3.3. The selected samples of the solution mixture are weighed with an error of up to 2 g and are subjected to wet hassle on the sieve with a holes of 0.14 mm.

In the wet russe, individual parts of the samples laid on the sieve are washed with a stream of clean water until the binder is completely removed. The flushing of the mixture is considered complete when pure water flows out of the sieve.

4.3.4. Fixed portions of aggregate are transferred to a clean baking sheet, dried to a constant mass at a temperature of 105-110 ° C and weighed with an error to 2 g.

4.4. Processing results

where is the mass of the washed of the dried aggregate from the upper (lower) part of the sample, r;

Mass of the dissolve mixture, selected sample from the upper (lower) part of the sample,

4.4.2. The indicator of the residency of the solution mixture in percent is determined by the formula

, (3)

where is the absolute value of the difference between the filler content in the upper and lower parts of the sample,%;

The total content of the filler of the upper and lower parts of the sample,%.

4.4.3. The discharge rate for each sample of the solution mixture is determined twice and calculated with rounding up to 1% as the average arithmetic value of the results of two definitions that differ from each other by no more than 20% of the smaller value. With greater discrepancy, the determination is repeated on a new sample of the solution mixture.

4.4.4. Test results must be logged in which:

date and time of testing;

sampling place;

brand and type of solution;

the results of private definitions;

medium-gradatic result.

5. Determination of the water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture

5.1. Water-holding ability is determined by testing the layer of a dissolve mixture with a thickness of 12 mm, laid on the sheep.

5.2. Equipment and materials

5.2.1. For testing apply:

sheets of watering paper in size 150x150 mm for TU 13-7308001-758 - 88;

gaskets made of marlevary tissue with a size of 250x350 mm according to GOST 11109-90;

metal ring inner diameter 100 mm, 12 mm height and wall thickness 5 mm;

glass plate with a size of 150x150 mm, 5 mm thick;

laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-88;

the device for determining the water-retaining capacity of the mortar mixture (damn 3).

5.3. Preparation for testing and testing

5.3.1. Before the test of 10 sheets of wetting paper is weighed with an error to 0.1 g, laid on the glass plate, the laying of marlevic tissue is placed on top, and the metal ring is installed and weighed again.

5.3.2. A thoroughly mixed mortar mixture is placed in the edges of the metal ring, align, weighed and leave for 10 minutes.

5.3.3. The metal ring with a solution is carefully removed with the gauze.

Warming paper weighed with an error to 0.1 g.

Device diagram for determining the water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture

1 - metal ring with mortar; 2 - 10 layers of clocking paper; 3 - glass plate; 4 - layer of marlevic tissue

5.4. Processing results

5.4.1. The water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture is determined expressed in the percentage of water content in the sample before and after the experiment by the formula

, (4)

where is the mass of watering paper to tests, r;

Mass of watering paper after testing, r;

Mass of installation without a dissolved mixture, r;

Mass of installation with mortar mixture,

5.4.2. The water-holding capacity of the mortar mixture is determined twice for each sample of the solution mixture and calculate as the average arithmetic value of the results of two definitions, differing from each other by no more than 20% of the smaller value.

5.4.3. Test results must be logged in which:

date and time of testing;

sampling place;

brand and type of mortar mixture;

the results of private definitions and the medium-ray result.

6. Determining the strength of the compression solution

6.1. The strength of the compression solution should be determined on samples-cubes with dimensions of 70.7x70.7x70.7 mm aged, established in the standard or technical conditions for this type of solution. For each period of tests, three samples are manufactured.

6.2. Sampling and general technical requirements for determining the strength of compression strength - according to PP. 1.1-1.14 of this standard.

6.3. Equipment

6.3.1. For testing apply:

detachable steel shapes with pallet and without pallet according to GOST 22685-89;

hydraulic press according to GOST 28840-90;

caliper in accordance with GOST 166-89;

rod steel diameter 12 mm, 300 mm long;

spatula (Damn 4).

Spatula for sealing the mortar mixture

6.4. Preparation for the test

6.4.1. Samples from a mortar mixture mobility up to 5 cm should be made in shapes with a pallet.

The form is filled with a solution in two layers. The sealing of the layer of the solution in each compartment of the form is produced by 12 piping of a spatula: 6 pressure along one side, 6 - per perpendicular direction.

An excess solution is cut into the edges of the shape with a varieved water with a steel line and align the surface.

6.4.2. Samples from a mortar mixture with a mobility of 5 cm and more manufactured in forms without pallet.

The form is installed on a brick coated with newsprint, moistened with water, or other non-flimsy paper. The size of the paper should be so that it closes the side faces of the brick. Bricks before use should be put on manually one of the other to eliminate sharp irregularities. Brick apply a clay ordinary humidity no more than 2% and water absorption of 10-15% by weight. Bricks with traces of cement on edges are not reused.

6.4.3. Forms are filled with a mortar mixture for one reception with some excess and compact it by pinching with a steel rod 25 times along the concentric circle from the center to the edges.

6.4.4. In the conditions of winter masonry for testing solutions with antiorrosal additives and without antiorrosal additives for each test period and each controlled portion are made by 6 samples, three of which are tested in the time required for floor monitoring of the strength of the solution after 3 hours of thawing them at a temperature not lower (20 ± 2) ° C, and the remaining three samples are tested after their thawing and subsequent 28 daily hardening at a temperature not lower (20 ± 2) ° C. The thawing time must match the specified in Table. 2.

table 2

6.4.5. The shapes filled with a mortar mixture on hydraulic binders are kept to the platform in a normal storage chamber at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° C and the relative humidity of 95-100%, and the forms filled with a mortar mixture on air binders - indoors at temperatures ( 20 ± 2) ° C and relative humidity (65 ± 10)%.

6.4.6. Samples are released from forms through (24 ± 2) h after laying the mortar mixture.

Samples made of mortar mixtures prepared on slag-farlocements, Pozzolan portland cements with additives of setting retarders, as well as samples of winter masonry, stored in the open air, are released from forms after 2-3 days.

6.4.7. After release from the forms, samples should be stored at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° C. At the same time, the following conditions must be observed: samples made of solutions prepared on hydraulic binders, during the first 3 days should be stored in a normal storage chamber at a relative humidity of 95-100%, and the time remaining to the test - indoors at the relative humidity (65 ± 10)% (from air solutions) or in water (from solutions hardening in a humid environment); Samples made of solutions prepared on air binders should be kept indoors at relative humidity of air (65 ± 10)%.

6.4.8. In the absence of a normal storage chamber, storage of samples prepared on hydraulic binders, in wet sand or sawdust is allowed.

6.4.9. When stored in the room, samples should be protected from drafts, heating the heating devices, etc.

6.4.10. Before a compression test (for the subsequent density determination), the samples are weighed with an error to 0.1% and measured with a caliper with an error of up to 0.1 mm.

6.4.11. Samples stored in water should be removed from it no earlier than 10 minutes before the test and wiped with a damp cloth.

Samples stored in the room should be cleaned by a hairbrush.

6.5. Testing

6.5.1. Before installing the sample on the press from the edges of the sample of the PRESS support plates, the particles remaining from the previous test are thoroughly removed.

6.5.2. The sample is installed on the lower plate of the press centrally relative to its axis so that the base serve the faces in contact with the walls of the form during its manufacture.

6.5.3. The scale of the testing machine or press is chosen from the condition that the expected value of the destructive load should be in the range of 20-80% of the maximum load allowed by the selected scale.

Type (brand) of the test machine (press) and the selected Silozer scale is recorded in the test log.

6.5.4. The load on the sample should increase continuously with a constant speed (0.6 ± 0.4) MPa [(6 ± 4) kgf / cm] per second before its destruction.

The maximum force in the process of testing the sample is taken for the amount of destructive load.

6.6. Processing results

6.6.1. The strength of the compression solution is calculated for each sample with an error to 0.01 MPa (0.1 kgf / cm) by the formula

Working area of \u200b\u200bthe sample section, see

6.6.2. The design section of the samples is determined by the measurement results as the mean arithmetic value of the areas of two opposite faces.

6.6.3. The strength of the strength of the compression solution is calculated as the average arithmetic value of the test results of three samples.

6.6.4. Test results are logged in shape according to Appendix 2.

7. Determination of the average density of the solution

7.1. The density of the solution is determined by the test of sample cubes with an edge of 70.7 mm, made of a solution of a solid mixture of a working composition, or a plate size of 50x50 mm, taken from the designs of structures. The thickness of the plates must correspond to the thickness of the seam.

In terms of production control, the density of solutions is determined by the test of samples intended to determine the strength of the solution.

7.2. Samples are manufactured and experiencing series. The series must consist of three samples.

7.3. Equipment, Materials

7.3.1. For testing apply:

technical scales according to GOST 24104-88;

drying cabinet for OST 16.0.801.397-87;

caliper according to GOST 166-89;

steel rules according to GOST 427-75;

exicitor according to GOST 25336-82;

calcium chloride is anhydrous according to GOST 450-77 or sulfuric acid with a density of 1.84 g / cm according to GOST 2184-77;

paraffin according to GOST 23683-89.

7.4. Preparation for the test

7.4.1. The density of the solution is determined by the test of the samples in the state of the natural humidity or normalized humidity condition: dry, air-dry, normal, water-saturated.

7.4.2. When determining the density of the solution in a state of natural humidity, the samples are tested immediately after their selection or stored in a steamproof package or a hermetic container, the volume of which exceeds the volume of the samples laid in it by no more than 2 times.

7.4.3. The density of the solution with a normalized humidistic state is determined by the test of samples of the solution having a normalized humidity or arbitrary humidity, followed by recalculation of the results obtained on the normalized humidity according to formula (7).

7.4.4. When determining the density of the solution in a dry state, the samples are dried to a constant mass in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 8.5.1.

7.4.5. When determining the density of the solution in air-dry state, the samples before testing withstand at least 28 days indoors at a temperature of (25 ± 10) ° C and relative humidity (50 ± 20)%.

7.4.6. When determining the density of the solution in normal humidity conditions, the samples are stored 28 days in the chamber of normal hardening, the excicator or other hermetic container at relative humidity of at least 95% and temperature (20 ± 2) ° C.

7.4.7. When determining the density of the solution in a water-saturated state, the samples are saturated with water in accordance with the requirements of clause 9.4.

7.5. Testing

7.5.1. The volume of samples are calculated by their geometric dimensions. Sample sizes are determined by a caliper with an error of no more than 0.1 mm.

7.5.2. Mass samples are determined by weighing with an error of no more than 0.1%.

7.6. Processing results

7.6.1. The density of the sample solution is calculated with an error of up to 1 kg / m by the formula

, (6)

where - the mass of the sample, r;

Sample volume, see

7.6.2. The density of the sample series of samples is calculated as the average arithmetic value of the test results of all samples of the series.

Note. If the determination of the density and strength of the solution is carried out by testing the same samples, the samples rejected when determining the strength of the solution are not taken into account when determining its density.

7.6.3. The density of the solution with a normalized humidity condition, kg / m, calculated by the formula

, (7)

where - the density of the solution at humidity, kgf / m;

Normalized humidity solution,%;

The humidity of the solution at the time of the test determined by section. eight.

7.6.4. Test results must be logged in form according to Appendix 2.

8. Determination of the humidity of the solution

8.1. The humidity of the solution is determined by the test of samples or samples obtained by crushing samples after their testing of the durability or extracted from finished products or structures.

8.2. The greatest size of fragmented slices of solution should be no more than 5 mm.

8.3. Sampling samples are crushed and weighed immediately after the selection and store them in a steamproof package or a hermetic container, the volume of which exceeds the volume of samples laid in it no more than twice.

8.4. Equipment and materials

8.4.1. For testing apply:

laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-88;

drying cabinet for OST 16.0.801.397-87;

exicitor according to GOST 25336-82;


calcium chloride according to GOST 450-77.

8.5. Testing

8.5.1. Prepared samples or samples are weighed and dried to a constant mass at a temperature (105 ± 5) ° C.

Gypsum solutions are dried at a temperature of 45-55 ° C.

The constant is considered a mass at which the results of two consecutive weighing differ at no more than 0.1%. At the same time, the time between weighing should be at least 4 hours.

8.5.2. Before repeated weighing, the samples are cooled in an exicor with anhydrous calcium chloride or with a drying cabinet to room temperature.

8.5.3. Weighing are made with an accuracy to 0.1 g.

8.6. Processing results

8.6.1. The humidity of the mass solution in percent is calculated with an accuracy of up to 0.1% by the formula

, (8)

where is the mass of the sample of the solution to drying, r;

Mass sample solution after drying,

8.6.2. The moisture content of the volume in percentage is calculated with an error to 0.1% by the formula

where - the density of the dry solution, determined by paragraph 7.6.1;

8.6.3. The moisture content of the sample series is determined as the mean arithmetic results of determining the humidity of individual samples of the solution.

8.6.4. Test results must be logged in which:

place and sampling time;

humidity condition of the solution;

age of solution and test date;

sample marking;

moisture content of sample (samples) and series by mass;

humidity solution of samples (samples) and series by volume.

9. Determination of water absorption

9.1. Water absorption of the solution is determined by testing samples. The dimensions and the number of samples are accepted by paragraph 7.1.

9.2. Equipment and materials

9.2.1. For testing apply:

laboratory scales according to GOST 24104-88;

drying cabinet for OST 16.0.801.397-87;

capacity for saturation of samples with water;

wire brush or abrasive stone.

9.3. Preparation for the test

9.3.1. The surface of the samples is purified from dust, dirt and lubrication traces with a wire brush or abrasive stone.

9.3.2. Samples are in a state of natural humidity or dried to constant mass.

9.4. Testing

9.4.1. Samples are placed in a container filled with water with such a calculation so that the water level in the tank was above the top level of the laid samples by approximately 50 mm.

Samples are placed on gaskets so that the sample height is minimal.

The water temperature in the tank should be (20 ± 2) ° C.

9.4.2. Samples are weighed every 24 hours of water absorption on ordinary or hydrostatic scales with an error of no more than 0.1%.

When weighing on ordinary scales, samples taken out of the water are pre-wiping with a moist cloth.

9.4.3. The test is carried out until the results of two consecutive weighing will differ from no more than 0.1%.

9.4.4. Samples experienced in a state of natural humidity, after the end of the water saturation process, dried to a constant mass of paragraph 8.5.1.

9.5. Processing results

9.5.1. The water absorption of the solution of a separate sample by weight in percent is determined with an error of up to 0.1% by the formula

, (10)

where - the mass of the dried sample,

Mass of a water-saturated pattern,

9.5.2. Water absorption of a solution of a separate sample by volume in percents is determined with an error of up to 0.1% by formula

where is the density of dry mortar, kg / m;

Water density taken equal to 1 g / cm.

9.5.3. Water absorption of the sample series of samples is defined as the arithmetic mean value of the test results of individual samples in the series.

9.5.4. The journal in which test results enters, the following graphs should be provided:

marking of samples;

age of solution and test date;

water absorption of the solution of the samples;

water absorption of the sample series solution.

10. Determination of the frost resistance of the solution

10.1. The frost resistance of the building mortar is determined only in cases specified in the project.

Grades 4 solutions; 10 and solutions prepared on air binders are not experiencing on frost resistance.

10.2. The solution on frost resistance is tested by repeated alkaliable freezing of sample cubes with an edge of 70.7 mm in a state of saturation with water at a temperature of minus 15-20 ° C and thawing them in water at a temperature of 15-20 ° C.

10.3. For testing, 6 sample cubes are prepared, of which 3 samples are freezing, and the remaining 3 samples are control.

10.4. For a margin of a frost resistance solution, the largest number of variable freezing and thawing cycles are taken, which, when tested, withstand samples.

The marks of the frost resistance solution should be made according to the requirements of the current regulatory documentation.

10.5. Equipment

10.5.1. For testing apply:

camera freezing with forced ventilation and automatic temperature control within minus 15-20 ° C;

capacity for saturation of samples with water with an instrument that maintains water temperature in a vessel within plus 15-20 ° C;

forms for the manufacture of samples according to GOST 22685-89.

10.6. Preparation for the test

10.6.1. Samples that are subject to frost resistance, (basic) should be increasing, inspecting and seen defects (minor ferries or corners, painting, etc.) to put into the test log.

10.6.2. The main samples must be tested for frost resistance at 28-daily age after withstanding in a normal hardening chamber.

10.6.3. Control samples intended for compression test should be stored in a normal hardening chamber at a temperature of (20 ± 2) ° C and relative air humidity at least 90%.

10.6.4. The main samples of the solution designed to test for frost resistance, and control samples intended to determine compression strength at 28-daily age, before testing should be saturated with water without pre-drying by keeping them for 48 hours in water at a temperature of 15-20 ° C. In this case, the sample must be surrounded from all sides by a layer of water with a thickness of at least 20 mm. The saturation time in water is included in the total age of the solution.

10.7. Testing

10.7.1. The main samples saturated with water should be placed in the freezer in special containers or installed on mesh shelves racks. The distance between the samples, as well as between the samples and walls of the containers and the overlying shelves, should be at least 50 mm.

10.7.2. Samples should be frozen in the freezer, providing the possibility of cooling the chamber with samples and maintain temperatures in it minus 15-20 ° C. Temperature should be measured at half the height of the chamber.

10.7.3. Samples should be loaded into the chamber after cooling the air to the temperature not higher than minus 15 ° C. If, after loading the chamber, the temperature in it will be higher than 15 ° C, then the beginning of the freezing should be considered the moment of air temperature minus 15 ° C.

10.7.4. The duration of one freezing should be at least 4 hours.

10.7.5. Samples after unloading from the freezer should be dishonored in a water bath at a temperature of 15-20 ° C for 3 hours.

10.7.6. The control inspection of samples should be carried out in order to stop the test for the frost resistance of the series of samples, in which the surface of two of three samples has visible destruction (bundle, through cracks, chipping).

10.7.7. After conducting alternate freezing and thawing samples, the main samples should be tested.

10.7.8. Samples on compression should be experienced in accordance with the requirements of section. 6 of this standard.

10.7.9. Before the compression test, the main samples are inspecting and determine the area of \u200b\u200bdamage damage.

If there are signs of damage to the supporting faces of the samples (peeling, etc.) before the test, they should be aligned with their layer of the rapid compound with a thickness of no more than 2 mm. Samples in this case should be experienced 48 hours after gravy, and the first day the samples should be stored in a wet medium, and then in water at a temperature of 15-20 ° C.

10.7.10. Control samples should be tested for compression in a saturated water before the start of freezing the main samples. Before installing on the press, the support surfaces of the samples must be wiped with a wet cloth.

10.7.11. When evaluating frost resistance of mass loss after the required number of freezing cycles and thawing, the samples are weighed in rich water with an error of not more than 0.1%.

10.7.12. When evaluating frost resistance according to the degree of damage, the samples view every 5 cycles of alternate freezing and thawing. Samples are examined after their thawed every 5 cycles.

10.8. Processing results

10.8.1. Frost resistance for loss of strength in compression of samples with alternated freezing and thawing is evaluated by comparing the strength of basic and control samples in a saturated water.

The loss of the strength of samples in percent is calculated by the formula

, (12)

where is the average arithmetic value of the strength limit in compressing control samples, MPa (kgf / cm);

The weight loss of the samples after testing on frost resistance is calculated as the arithmetic average value of the test results of three samples.

The permissible value of the mass of the samples after alternate freezing and thawing is not more than 5%.

10.8.3. The following data must be specified in the tests of samples on frost resistance:

the view and composition of the solution, the design brand in frost resistance;

marking, manufacturing date and test date;

sizes and weight of each sample before and after testing and loss of mass in percent;

conditions of hardening;

description of defects detected in samples before testing;

description of external signs of destruction and damage after testing;

limits of compressiveness when compressing each of the main and control samples and the change in the percentage of the percentage after the test for frost resistance;

the number of freezing and thawing cycles.



Determination of the strength of the solution taken from the seams, compression

1. The strength of the solution is determined by testing the compression of cubes with edges 2-4 cm made of two plates taken from horizontal seams of masonry or joints of large-pointed structures.

2. Plates are made in the form of a square, the side of which is 1.5 times to exceed the thickness of the plate, equal to the thickness of the seam.

3. Bonding the plates of the solution to obtain cubes with edges 2-4 cm and the alignment of their surfaces is made using a thin layer of plaster test (1-2 mm).

4. It is allowed to cut samples of cubes from the plates in the case when the plate thickness ensures the result of the required size of the rib.

5. Samples should be experienced after the day after their manufacture.

6. Samples-Cubes from a solution with ribs 3-4 cm long test under clause 6.5 of this standard.

7. For testing sample cubes from a solution with ribs 2 cm, as well as precipitated solutions, a small-sized tabletop press of the PS is used. The normal range of loads is 1.0-5.0 kN (100-500 kgf).

8. The strength of the solution is calculated by paragraph 6.6.1 of this Standard. The strength of the solution should be determined as an arithmetic value from the test results of five samples.

9. To determine the strength of the solution in cubes with ribs 7.07 cm, the results of testing cubes of summer and winter solutions that have resulted after thawing, multiply by the coefficient shown in the table.

Type of solution

Cube rib size, see


Summer solutions

Winter solutions, hardening after thawing

Appendix 2.

tests for the determination of mobility, mean density of the solution mixture and compressive strength, the average density of samples of the solution


Laboratory Labor Code _____________________________________________________

Responsible for the manufacture

and testing samples _________________________________________________________


* In the "Notes" column, sample defects should be indicated: sinks, extraneous inclusions and locations of their location, a special nature of destruction, etc.

The text of the document is drilled by:

official edition

MinStroy Russia -

M.: Publishing House Standards, 1992