Repairs Design Furniture

Window flaps: varieties and design ideas. Are there standard sizes in plastic windows they can be


A three-range window can be found in residential buildings rarely. Typically, such structures are installed where the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is quite large, and the mounted several small windows does not allow the design or you need to create more light in the inner space of the building. However, such a design has several advantages.

Features and dignity

Typical dimensions

There is a standard three-grated window, the dimensions of which from different manufacturers may differ somewhat, but such a design can be purchased in the finished form. Most developers leave the window openings precisely on, whose acquisition will cost much cheaper than ordering the design of the desired size. Therefore, if you are only at the stage of design of the room, it is necessary to rely on the common structure. Standard three-range windows usually have the following parameters:

  • 170 × 141.
  • 170 × 142.
  • 142 × 203.
  • 141 × 203.
  • 142 × 268.
  • 142 × 236.
  • 110 × 236.
  • 141 × 205.
  • 141 × 170.

Knowing the size of a standard three-grained plastic window , it is possible not only to initially include them in the project, saving in the future at the cost of the structure and not bothering himself searching suitable in stores, but also calculate its approximate cost. After all, the order of a non-standard product can cost different companies in different companies.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that sometimes developers in apartments make openings under three-risk windows, but the following problem may arise: builders do not always comply with the requirements of GOST, which is why the window opening can have 10-15-centimeter discrepancies. Before buying the windows, you need to measure each opening: it is possible that in the same room, different window elements will be unequal. However, the unnecessary space can be laid, but if the opening is less than laid, it is not recommended to break it, it is better to order a window design of the desired size.

Types of three-range windows

The three-range plastic window may differ depending on the functional, there are designs of the following types:

  • : Folds do not open, the window is divided into three parts by the profile. This window can not be the only one, as it is necessary to air the room.
  • One, two or immediately all sash: the choice of design depends on the personal preferences of the customer. The more opening flaps, the window is easier to wash, but the cost will be higher.
  • Design with a window.
  • With Framuga.

The three-range PVC window, like any other plastic products, may differ by the opening mechanism. The following options are found:

  • swivel-folding;
  • folding;
  • combined;
  • sliding.

A three-range window can be equipped with any. Than thicker, the better the insulation of heat and noise, but the design itself is more expensive and the design itself.

Non-standard windows

The typical size of the three-risk plastic window is not always required. Windows can have not only different shapes, but also differ in the size of the sash and deaf inserts. Most often in the middle there is a deaf insert, which is the widest part of the design, but there are models when the insert is equal to the sash in size or even already what they are. The more deaf sash and the size of their size is more, the cheaper the construction will cost, but it is inconvenient to serve it.

The three-range window is the original solution for the dwelling. It will give more light, create a cozy and unusual interior. It is important to choose the right windows that will fit well into the design, suitable in size and will arrange you at a price.

Good afternoon!

The Internet is doing its own business, and many customers before buying windows it looks for useful information to go to the company already with the effort.

So lately there are increasing cases of misunderstanding of the size range of structures.

People are surprised why there are some standard size of windows on the Internet, and in fact other things are obtained.

But all the apartments are different.

Khrushchev has the windows of the same size, the "Stalinok" is already another.

To unravel porridge in my head, I suggest read the post dedicated to the size of standard windows of plastic.

Standard dimensions of plastic windows

Plastic windows have been dominated by more than fifteen years in the building materials market, but you are unlikely to find a ready-made frame and double glazing.

Since each window opening at home has its own sizes, the standard dimensions of plastic windows are quite widely vary.

Initially, they were made according to the standard sizes of window openings of panel houses, i.e. These are plastic windows 120 to 120, 130 per 140, etc. The generally accepted standard on plastic windows is a window with a size of 1200 x 1200.

Currently, standard plastic windows consist of one, two or three skeins (s of particular windows next to the balcony door). In the house by type "Khrushchev" the size of the window depends on the size of the windowsill.

In the presence of three flaps, the size of the PCW window will be 2040 x 1500, for a two-dimensional - 1450 x 1500 mm. If the windowsills are narrow, then the sizes of the windows must be as follows: 1300 x 1350 and 2040 x 1350.

As already mentioned, due to the incomprehensibility of standards, in numbers there may be errors to 10 cm. Therefore, the standard dimensions of plastic windows are the concept of relative and to a certain degree of blurred.

Non-standard plastic windows are windows that are made according to an individual order, and not according to the generally accepted dimensions. To date, these windows use the greatest demand.

The minimum size of the plastic window in this case can be 420 x 420 cm. However, the opening sash should be larger in order to more the service life of the fitness.

Here, it is also necessary to take into account the principle of the window.

If the sash is opened by turning the Block, the height of the PCB window should be higher than the width, if it is folded, then with exactly the opposite.

In this case, the thickness of the window profile must be 70-80 cm. So that the temperature is maintained inside the room.

When installing a non-standard design, it is also necessary to ensure that a proportional balance in the window sizes remains, otherwise deformation and curvature of the window profile may occur.

Fortunately, today's technologies for the production of plastic windows allow any dimensions. Therefore, with an individual approach to the construction of houses, plastic windows and their typical dimensions also become strictly individual.

Simply put, non-standard sizes of PVV windows are rather rule than exception.


Standard windows size is convenient

Sizes of windows in household houses

Standard windows sizes, as well as the size of balcony windows and doors are determined by GOST and SNIPM ("Construction standards and rules").

These regulatory documents offer the optimal size of windows in typical houses and take into account:

  • room lighting intensity requirements
  • appointment of building (residential or non-residential premises)
  • dimensions of rooms
  • the level of natural lighting (depends on the geographical position of the object)
  • sveta window block (the number of glasses, the level of their pollution)

However, the size of the windows is both in panel houses of different series (P-44, P-44T, P-46, P-3, P-3M), and in the same house may differ for several centimeters.

The existing window dimensions in panel, brick, wooden and Stalinist homes encourage them to strive for the designs of buildings to subsequently do not create the problems of residents who have decided to change the old frames on new windows with double-glazed windows.

In a new typical five-story building in Moscow, a standard size for two-bedned wooden windows and for windows PVC 1300 mm in height and 1400 mm wide.

In "Khrushchev" these same parameters:

  • minimum 1300 mm and 1350 mm (if the windowsill is narrow)
  • maximum 1450 mm and 1500 mm (for wide windowsill)

Knowing the type of house, you can approximately determine the size of window openings and calculate the cost of the new window. However, it is better to take advantage of the services of qualified specialists and make a professional measurement with them.

Plastic windows - size matters

The question of "What is the size of the window?" It often occurs in the process of acquiring plastic windows. The sizes of PVC windows can differ significantly from standard, which can significantly affect their cost.

Modern technologies allow non-standard windows of various complexity based on the needs of the buyer. For example, in "Stalinky", where the windows of large sizes or for giving, where the size of the windows does not determine the GOST, and your fantasy.

When choosing plastic windows, the standard dimensions of which are described in GOST and LIGHTS, should be remembered that the windows made to order are not expensive.

The finished plastic window is convenient to acquire when urgency is needed.

The standard dimensions of plastic windows allow you to navigate with the independent selection of new windows and the calculation of their value.

At the same time, the windows made according to individual parameters will ideally stand into your window opening. Therefore, there will be no difficulty in the process of installation work.

Corporation "Window 21st Century" offers standard windows, made taking into account the type of building and windows, made according to individual sizes.

We can enjoy the turnkey windows, which includes:

  1. froze
  2. manufacturing window design
  3. delivery
  4. dismantling of the old and installation of a new window
  5. installation of sings and window sills
  6. finishing of slopes


A standard plastic window is considered as a rule, a window from PVC class A profile, having dimensions of 1.5 * 1.5 m and equipped with accessories and double-glazed windows.

Despite the fact that the window is called standard and has universal parameters, a variety of plastic windows is falling under this description.

Why are the windows of this size are standard?

Because these windows are in great demand, as the window openings of typical houses have the same dimensions.

We offer you several options for standard windows:

  • deaf plastic window;
  • plastic window with one swivel-folding flap;
  • plastic two-sided window;
  • three-stranded plastic window.

The most common size for a plastic single-stove window of a typical multi-storey house is 1200 * 1200 mm, and for a double-to-1300 x 1400 mm. If the house of the Khrushchev era, then 1300 * 1350 mm.

Three-rolled windows - 2050 * 1400 mm in a typical house and 2040 * 1350 mm in the house of Khrushchev time.

If you hear from our wizard phrase "Standard Plastic Window", do not be afraid, no one wants to confuse you. Know that this is a defined size window equipped with all necessary components.


Standard window sizes

As a rule, the process of designing buildings of any type provides for determining the size of window openings, taking into account the requirements of the intensity of the room lighting.

This indicator depends on the designation of the construction, its dimensions, and the level of natural solar lighting in a given geographic point.

The lighting capacity of the window block is equally important.

Based on the construction standards and rules, the percentage of the area of \u200b\u200bthe window submerity and the size of the room is calculated according to the generally accepted formula.

The same standards give the normalized value of the coefficient of lighting public and residential premises, which are located south of 60 degrees and north of 45 latitude degrees.

All indicators must take into account the mandatory cleaning of the glasses at least twice a year for buildings that are not in contaminated areas of the city, and 4 times a year, for buildings with serious allocations of combustion products and similar elements.

For example, if the building is located southerly generally accepted 45 degrees of northern latitude, then the illumination must be multiplied by a coefficient equal to 0.75, if the building is located north of 60 degrees, then the coefficient increases 1.2 times.


All indicators take into account the mandatory cleaning of glasses at least twice a year.

Among other things, the indicators as the number of glasses and the distance between them affect the light-use ability of the opening.

Due to the refraction of light rays and the absorption of light more than two glasses, the illumination of the room can deteriorate significantly.

However, there are typical GOST on the size of the windows. Note that the dimensions specified in GOST to the greatest extent correspond to the parameters of certain buildings and can be adjusted if necessary.

Based on the types of window frames, typical sizes of windows that apply to:

  • window blocks of double glazing;
  • triple glazing;
  • single glazing, terraced frames.

GOST 11214-86, 23166-99 provides humidity in 8-12% and standard sizes of window openings with a height of 60; 90; 120; 135; 150 and 180 cm and 60 width; 90; 100; 120; 135; 150 and 180 cm.

The generally accepted standard dimensions of the windows consist of a set of sections and directly glass.

For example, take the standard window block whose width is 1320 mm, the lateral cross sections are 85 mm., The average section is 130 mm, while the width of the glass in each sash should be at least 525 mm.

Moreover, on each side, 7.5 mm glass should be included in the window strapping. Based on unacceptable calculations, we conclude that the visible glass width is 510 mm.

Also, the standard dimensions of the window openings depend on the design of the walls and quarter sizes.


Already more than fifteen years old plastic windows occupy a leading role in the construction market. However, they are not sold by ready-made double glazed windows, but are collected after lifting the size of an individual project.

This is due to the fact that each house or apartment has the individual dimensions of window openings, so the standard dimensions of plastic windows are strongly returned.

At the very beginning of its appearance in the domestic market, plastic windows were manufactured on the guest houses of the window openings of panel houses. Such a plastic window had a size of 120x120, 130x140, etc.

Today, the generally accepted conditional standard size of the plastic glass is considered 1200x1200mm.

Usually, standard plastic windows are three species: one, two and three-rissed.

Standard dimensions of plastic windows in such cases are:

  • the two-dimensional window - 1450x1500 mm;
  • three-rigid - 2040x1500 mm.

In Khrushchev, the size of the windows from PVC depends on the size of the windowsill. With the presence of a narrow window sill, the size of the plastic window is usually 1300x1350 or 2040x1350 mm.

It should be borne in mind that standards often do not match and the error is allowed up to 10 cm. From this it follows that the window from PVC standard size does not actually exist.

Now in the construction market, plastic windows are more often non-standard, i.e. Custom orders. It is these windows that are in high demand from the consumer.

In this case, the minimum size is 420x420 mm. But the opening flap is usually done a little more, so that the window fittings serve longer.

In the manufacture of such windows, the principle of operation of the window structure is taken into account.

Helpful advice!

When opening the sash, turning the Block, the height of the plastic window should be greater than the width. If the sash is leaking, then on the contrary, the width is greater than the height.

In such structures, the thickness of the window profile is usually 70-80 cm, to maintain indoors of the normal temperature mode.

The installation of such plastic windows requires an attentive attitude to preservation in the size of the proportional balance window to avoid the profile curvature.

Today's manufacturing technology of plastic windows allows any size of the window design, the main thing is that the proportions are not violated. This led to the fact that in practice, in the construction of private houses and repair of old residential premises, standard plastic window blocks turned into window frames collected by individual order.

Therefore, it does not make sense to meet the standards in the manufacture of windows.


Measure plastic windows: how to determine the size

Plastic windows today are no longer a luxury, but the need. Firstly, they are aesthetically look good, and secondly, they protect home from noise, dust and of course cold.

As a rule, plastic windows of standard sizes are installed in ordinary homes. These sizes are defined strictly according to GOST and construction standards and rules.

Regulatory documents contain information about the optimal sizes of windows in ordinary homes, and take into account:

  1. Requirements for the illumination of the room;
  2. Premises;
  3. Purpose of the room, they can be residential or not residential;
  4. Lighting level naturally;
  5. Window bandwidth.

But, despite this, the standard dimensions of plastic windows in panel houses may differ slightly, literally for several centimeters.

Therefore, building new buildings, developers are trying not to properly move away from the stated standards, so as not to create the problem to themselves and the tenants of these houses.

For example, in a new brick house, plastic brown windows are installed standard dimensions of which are 1300 mm in height and 1400 mm wide. Whereas Khrushchev homes, these parameters vary from 1300 mm to 1500 mm.

From this we can conclude that the standard dimensions of plastic windows are a very blurred concept and accurate digits for this.

Thus, if you know the type of construction, you can approximately calculate the cost of the glass package.

But still, do not everyone know how to measure the plastic window correctly, so in this case, the best way out will appeal to a specialist who will fulfill this work for you as quickly and efficiently.

If you still want to learn how to learn how to measure the plastic window, you will need to take into account some features, namely: the glass pump should be slightly wider or the same in size, in places where the frame comes into contact with the slopes; The glass should be a little already than the slope itself.

In order for the plastic window to be measured correctly in height, you will need:

  1. From the base of the window opening to the outer upper slope, it is necessary to take 2 centimeters;
  2. The resulting result must be added about 1.5-2.5 centimeters, it is necessary so that the window goes into the upper quarter;
  3. When using a coaching profile, which is a prerequisite when installing windows, it is necessary to take 3 centimeters from the received window.

The dimensions of the glass package, as a rule, should be less than the window opening of about 3-8 centimeters. It will be required for mounting seam.

If you have a quarter turned out to be more than 5 centimeters, then you have to use an extension profile.

If you still do not know how to measure the plastic window correctly, then you will need a specialist help.


The size of the glass package must be less than the window opening of about 3-8 centimeters.

Basically plastic windows, standard sizes that are written in GUT, according to the cost, cost much cheaper than non-standard windows, for private houses that were designated by individual order.

Thanks to the latest technologies, it is possible to make such windows in the shortest possible time, while the quality does not affect the quality, and the windows will delight you for a long time.

Also, when choosing a plastic window, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the size, but also the quality of the accessories, from which material they were fulfilled, mostly most companies produce windows from environmentally friendly materials that are not allergens and will not harm your health, as well as your health families.

Choosing a glassware design, few people think about such an element like a sash. An ordinary average person is uninterrupted that this element of the window may have several varieties that define its functionality. In addition, the sash is an element by which you can specify the architectural style of the structure, the uniqueness of the exterior and the interior.

What it is?

The window sash is a movable or fixed part of the window design, which is in classic form has a rectangular shape and provides opening, as well as closing the window. It is fixed on the loop of the window frame and can have a different way to open. The task of the sash is to ventilate the room, ensuring ventilation.

Depending on the variety, the sash consists of several parts:

  • frame profile;
  • accessories for operation of the opening and closing mechanism;
  • cross-impost-impost, dividing the sash to the part;
  • the stroke holding the glass in the sash.

In fact, it is a functional element of the window design, at the expense of which you can not only protect yourself from the cold, but also fill the house with the right amount of light. The base of the sash is the framework, which is built today from different raw materials (PVC, aluminum, aluminum with plastic, glued bar). Its configuration resembles the letter Z.

The top protrusion is responsible for the fastening of the glass, the lower part is pressed to the frame.

Inside the sash has filling, which is glass or double-glazed.Sometimes instead of glass inside the sandwich panel or sheet of plastic. The stroke profile reliably presses the glass unit to the protrusion (for example, by snapping in special grooves). Earlier in old window structures instead, a window dressing was used.

Folding furnishings is located outside. All its complex is called strapping. An interesting device is a children's security lock, which is installed on the shutters to block the rotary opening.

In addition, the sash has a seal, which is made in the form of a cord for a sealing groove. Material - polymers. The task of the sealer is the tightness of the seams of clamping to the frame. It provides a tight fit of the nip to any fill.


A distinctive feature of the window sash is the fact that they determine the functionality and the level of comfortability of the glass package. They can have a different size, which depends on the parameters of the entire window and its design design. The profile protruding them is the main element may be two types: plastic or metalplastic. In the second case, inside the plastic, the metal is installed, which increases the strength of the sash several times and prevents them from sending them during operation.

The profile plastic used may have a laminated film. It perfectly imitates any material for a specific exterior or the interior of the structure: from natural wood to metal and stone. If you wish, you can give windows an effect either the visibility of marble. Together with the main frame of the glass package, such windows can be decorated with any dwelling, point to the style of its design.

Depending on the windows window parameters, the double-glazed window can have one, two or three sash.At the same time, they may differ in functionality and work mechanism. For example, single options in most cases differ in the possibility of opening. In double species, one of the windows can remain stationary. Three-range options are an improved version of the frames with two rims - they can be different, combining all known mechanisms.

However, a large number of flaps negatively affects the bearing wall. Due to the high weight of a glass package, which can consist of three glass cloths, installation of such a design can lead to a wall collapse. Therefore, too narrow flaps to install in the openings are unacceptable.

In the case of wide analogues, it is necessary to think through the opening mechanism in order not to create the difficulties of laying furniture, discomfort to households.


All types of flaps that produce trademarks can be classified by several varieties.

They can be:

  • deaf;
  • swivels;
  • swivels along the axis;
  • folding;
  • suspended;
  • sliding;
  • folding.

Each type has its own characteristics and principle of operation, whether it is an option with a lifting, rotary, additional, upper or lower system of the opening mechanism.

The only flaw that does not open is deaf. This is the simplest, but by the cheapest variety.

It has a little functionality, complex in washing. Such flaps are installed with the options open. Ordered them more often due to cost, but they do not differ comfort.

Rotary or swollen analogues open and close horizontally on the principle of the door. They are convenient for the user, easy to leaving and washing. These windows are attached on two vertical loops. There were no longer on the market for a long time, but today such structures are in demand from buyers. Today they constitute a considerable part of orders from developers.

Analogs of rotary type along the axis are divided into two categories: Their opening can be performed vertically or horizontally. These varieties have small sizes. Such a sash is fixed on two axial loops. In the process of opening or closing, it turns on them.

Sliding models can be shifted to the right and left over the guide profile. These products can move freely, including by loops. They save space, as they do not need it when opening, so they are often ordered for glazing balconies and loggias. The sash shifts, opening the window opening, with simultaneous tight pressed to the frame with the help of existing fittings.

Folding with a folding mechanism of work is called Framen. The window of this type opens from top to bottom. Today, such structures are recognized as the best for typical metal-plastic double-glazed windows.

Flashing frame may have two positions. The clearance can be maximum and minimal. Wash such products is difficult, although they are used in panoramic glazing systems.

Folding options are recognized as the most difficult in the case when it matters not only the opening system, but also clamp with a sufficient level of tightness. The accordion systems are complex in the installation, and the cost has a greater thing that forces the customer to look after acceptable options.

In addition, varieties can combine different opening mechanisms.For example, they may be swivel. In them, the sash not only open, but also lean, forming the gap. The uniqueness of such structures is the fact that they can draw off not only from above, but also from the bottom.

The difference in the sash mechanism allows the buyer to choose the best option, taking into account the pattern of premises and its own preferences, whether either options with opening sash, or an analogue of axial-type with a raise, or classic fittings on the principle of the door.

At the same time, you can always think about the principle of opening (for example, a design that goes outside, or internal type).


Knowing varieties of sash, the design can create a special project in which the windows are a stylish element of the structure. At the same time it does not matter, vertically-sliding, lifting, deaf or external systems are selected for windows. For example, even the most laconic form can be originated by color or imitation of natural material. Beautifully watch plastic panoramic windows under metal or wood, if you need to show the construction of the construction to modern style. White color today goes into the background, giving way to the natural and dark range of color shades.

If you want to do something special, you can perform a French window on the whole wall, while the sash can be different in shape and size. Recently, in private structures, it is customized to mix the shape of the windows for different rooms. For example, a window can have 2 or 3 identical flaps from below and one deaf from above in the form of a triangle. In addition, the sash can be decorated with paint sputtering, which can make them elegant. And if you pick up a stained glass film and decorate the window with it, it will emphasize the ownership of windows to the directions of country, Provence and other styles.

If the sash is made of wood, then they can be used under the flower shelves.To do this, they nourish two corners and put a glass cloth. Decorating the shelf with small colors, you can make the windows with elegant, turning them into a small greenhouse. If the idea of \u200b\u200bthe decoration of the shelves is not suitable due to the profile of plastic or the lack of blind flaps, you can place windows with a special film.

For example, a mirror or tinted film on the glasses looks stylish and expensive with dark plastic sash. Such a design will hint on the well-being and special taste of the owners of the house. Wood flaps can be painted or lacquered, emphasizing the natural texture of the array. Their update will allow to extend the operation of the window structure, as well as give the array expressiveness against the background of the facade or the internal finish of the house.


The dimensions of the flaps can be the most diverse and depend, first of all, on the preferences of the customer, as well as the parameters of the available window openings. In addition, they may differ depending on the total number in one double-glazed. However, during production there are limitations of the lengths in length and width. For example, the maximum width of the plastic window sash is 100 cm at a height of 150 cm. With a height of 220 cm, the width should not exceed 70 cm.