Repairs Design Furniture

How to quickly eliminate the toilet zamor. How at home to clear the toilet to the blockage? We carry out preventive work

Each at least once in his life came across the solution of the problem, how to clear the blockage in the toilet.

Before you start active actions to eliminate disasters, it is important to assess the situation.

If the contaminated water is harvested through the edge and threaten to flood your home, call the emergency service immediately and in the control company.

Even in the night, on the day off, and you are not a permanent tenant, all this no longer matters.

An emergency will be eliminated by emergency services.

It is also necessary to overlap the sewer riser, notify other tenants.

All this must make utility services while you perform emergency actions in anticipation of the accident.

But if the situation is unpleasant, but not critical, the toilet has been hammered, the water accumulates and very slowly passes, during the descent of water, the drains rise in the sewage hole in the bathroom, there is an unpleasant smell, you can find a location of the location and try to find out how to eliminate the blockage in the toilet yourself.

It is necessary to eliminate the cause of pipe clogging, since the improper sewage operation threatens the sanitary condition of the room.

Lamb usually occur on bends, in transitions, joint joints.

On the straight and smooth section of the new pipe, the impassability of the pipe is unlikely. In old cast iron pipes, overgrown from within various deposits, everything is possible, but then you need to urgently change the risers of the sewage.

What can cause a pipe zoom?

Dense paper, newspapers, non-shredded food waste, rags, sponges, frozen fat, any items, randomly fallen into the sewer, lumps of hair, polyethylene packages used by hygienic agents.

Recently, commercial chemical fillers of feline toilets were added to the usual reasons for pollution.

Such means literally cement sewage, creating complete obstruction. Clean pipes in this case can only professionals can with special means.

To avoid the emergence of the impassability of sewage, it is very advisable to place a comfortable bucket in the toilet in the toilet with a lid for paper waste. If all the neighbors on the riser also arrive, the probability of the occurrence of traffic jams in the sewage will be minimized.

What are the cleaners exist?

Funds and methods from the toilet zerocan be divided into the following groups:

  • 1. Chemicals and washing.
  • 2. Mechanical means without pipe research
  • 3. Deep Mechanical Means (Plumbing Cables)
  • 4. Technical. Harvestering corrugations, pipe plot, complete or partial pipeline replacement. In such cases, it is better to call emergency services.

The overall task of all methods is to clean the dried section of the pipe and removal of pollution.

Chemical ways of pipe cleaning

Hot water

If you are sure of the quality of your plumbing, try cleaning the toilet to the toilet bowl, the bucket of hot water in the toilet. Caution, water should be hot, but not boiling. It is necessary to pour the toilet to be 80% and wait a couple of minutes, after which it is to try to break through the videos of the vehicle or just wash off the water.

By the way, this method works great if you scored a toilet toilet toilet.

Easy way - a bucket of hot water with soda

On the water bucket, about half of the pack of soda will need.

This is a rather aggressive composition, but it will not be able to cause damage to the pipes.

Soda effectively dissolves various organic pollution and fats.

By the way, the soda launders the burnt fat no less efficiently than praised branded gels.

Another thing is that the teflon surface of the soda can simply consider due to the lung abrasive effect.

If the plug is soluble, then the hot solution of soda will cope with it.

Mole and its modifications

Acid-based drugs, blockages are not dissolved, but it can damage the pipes.

To clean the toilet "Mole" is practically not suitable due to the presence of a water castle.

In the pipe, that is, the workplace "Mole" will fall only in a very diluted form, absolutely not able to dissolve the blockage, but damage the pipe is quite.

Why does acidic drugs do not differ efficity? The answer to this question lies in the course of the chemistry of 8-9 grade of high school and in the electoral action of various acids. Acids dissolving the organicity do not dissolve polyethylene, namely plastic packets cause half of the blocks.

Acids dissolving polyethylene do not dissolve the organic, but it is easily dissolved by plastic pipes and part of metal structures.

The use of "CROT", effective in past decades, to a significant propagation of plastic packaging, was very effective.

Currently, "Mole can be successfully used to dissolve organic blockages in the sewage system of private houses.

Focuses with Fairy

It is better to really pour half the Fairi vial into the toilet. If the zero of the fatty, "Fairi" will dissolve it without difficulty. But fat barrels often found in the kitchen are quite rarely found in fecal sewage.

Shampoos and ordinary foaming detergents in the sewer is extremely undesirable.

Folk remedies "Pepsi and Cola"

Effectively remove yellow raid and darkening from plumbing. It's true. On this use of these drinks is exhausted.

From the presented means, the most effective is a solution of soda in hot water.

Variants with a chlorine solution and the pouring of the bottles "White" in the sewer, we will not consider.

Chlorine solutions effectively prevent the occurrence of blocks when regular use.

A few decades ago, the disinfection of sanitary premises by chlorine was a mandatory procedure in all public areas.

In clinics, hospitals, medical groups, government agencies. From this procedure, refused due to the harmful effects of chlorine poisonous vapors on the body. Modern disinfectants have a viscous structure and are distinguished by a longer validity compared to liquid solutions and fewer harmful evaporation.

The use of disinfectants in the drain tank or in a bowl of toilet bowl reduces the risk of clogging.

Mechanical methods of cleaning

Mechanical methods of cleaning pipes are generally characterized greater efficiency compared to chemical methods. There are household methods to eliminate obstruction, such as tubuz and more technological, to eliminate blockages deep inside the pipes, using plumbing cables.

Use of Vantuza

Vanutuz is a necessary tool to effectively eliminate small blockages.

Vanutuz creates a hydraulic voltage in a pipe that destroys and push forward most of the contaminants.

How to use vanatuz?

Take Vanatuz for the handle, place the suction cup over the drain and perform 5-10 sharp and strong pushing movements. Place the vanatuz, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Usually there is enough several approaches and about 10 minutes to eliminate pollution. After eliminating pollution, in preventive purposes it is good to pour one into the toilet one - two buckets of warm water with soda.

Vanatuz must be kept clean and placed in disinfectant fluid After use or wash thoroughly.

Plastic bottle

In case of extreme need, a plastic bottle can replace the vehicle.

How to use a bottle for cleaning the pipe?

With a plastic bottle, the bottom cuts off, the cover is tightly screwed and the resulting device can be tried to create a hydraulic wave, like a vanatoux.

After use, the contaminated bottle should be immediately taken on the garbage.

Using a plumbing cable

There are several modifications.

From domestic, no more than 5 meters long, to professional devices, than you can easily break the blockage in the toilet or pipeline.

An ordinary plumbing cable is a metal elastic spring cable with a handle.

The cable is neatly introduced into the plumbing device and rotates, pushing and destroying the cause of the blockage. At the end of the cable, they often make a metal brush, with which you can get an object that served as the reason for obstruction.

If the cause of the pipe must be eliminated, refer to the plumbingserving your home. Elimination of the reasons for the obstruction of the pipe can take a long time and require special knowledge and skills.

In order not to take over the extra responsibility for flooding the neighbors with fecal masses as a result of non-professional action, it is better to seek help from specialists.

Video on the topic

Plumbing devices have a property to be clogged. This contributes to the deposition of salts of too tight water, urea and a different precipitate, entering pipes and a narrowing inner hole. And the owners have to choose: either to call a professional plumbing, or to look for ways to help clean the toilet on their own. We will analyze the best ways to clean plumbing.

How to determine the causes and degree of blockage

Sewerage may not work for two main reasons:

  • the plum system is incorrect;
  • incorrect use, disruption.

If the plum tube is mounted not by technology, for example, with a violation of the angle of inclination, then over-time will accumulate deposits in the pipe and the blockage will occur.

The lack of sufficient fan ventilation also leads to clogging sewage. This happens because of the reduction of the water drain rate if air does not flow into the riser pipe.

Violation of the conditions for using sewage drain often occurs through the fault of residents.

After all, it is not bent to merge the residues of food, born home blanks, like pickled tomato. And sometimes after cleaning the apartment, along with a dirty water, the randomly "runs away" and rag. After such a "feeding", the toilet refuses to work, blocking the passage of water in the pipes.

The same consequences leads to a clogging of the toilet toilet bowl and large slices of toilet paper. Clay, which is the basis of the compensation filler in the pipe.

Insoluble materials, objects, toys that accidentally fall into the drain, form a tube in the pipe. The same happens with sand, cement, other construction materials.

Without preventive fill with chemicals, your pipes will gradually taucas with salt sediment and stop letting the water even without additional blockages

When choosing tools to clean the toilet, first find out the degree of blockage and, if possible, its cause. Water can drag a slow trickle or not to pass perfectly. Find out it's easy: you need to pour about a liter of water into the toilet and look after half an hour, whether it went. You should not use a tank to check, because when you press the button in the toilet, the entire existing fluid will flow (and its at least three liters!). If the channel is scored tightly, then the water will begin to overflow the outside, on the floor of the toilet.

Next, check how local area is. Open the crane in the bathroom and in the kitchen and see how it is about the drain. If water leaves both points in the usual mode, it means that the pipe at the outlet of the toilet is hampered. It removes the liquid into the common sewer pipe. If the flow in all places is weak, it means that the problem is in common pipes, and more serious measures will have to apply.

So that the sewage pipes do not bother with a salt precipitate, at least once every three months to carry out prevention. For this, any chemical means are suitable for cleaning pipes. Pour fluid according to the night instructions when plumbing devices are not used. And then no precipitate will have time to settle on the walls of the pipes and turn into a stone, to deal with which is very difficult.

What to do if the toilet clogged

If the prevention was not carried out, and the pipes were still clogged, try the corner of the blockage, the bay of its special compositions.

Folk remedies

The simplest tools that are in each kitchen - soda and vinegar.

They act like this:

  1. Examine excess water, leaving a little bit in the place of the plum.
  2. Put 1/2 packs of soda and push it as deep as possible.
  3. Purify a glass of vinegar.
  4. Waiting for the end of the reaction (approximately 15-20 minutes).
  5. Poured in the toilet teapot boiling water.

The calcined soda, diluted in water, instantly gives the chemical reaction if the vinegar is splasp on it

If the owners prefer not to use aggressive chemistry, then you can resort to folk remedies that are checked for years and safe.

If the problem concerns an exclusively toilet bowl, then the mechanical method, chemistry and punching can be used.


More expensive version of chemical washing - shopping specials, such as "Mole", "Tyr", "Flup". They disperse everything that has accumulated inside the pipes (hair, lime precipitate, salt, fat, etc.). Applying these potent means should be taken with caution, they have a sharp smell, corrosive the skin, you can not allow them to get into the eyes, so it is desirable to work in gloves. Before cleaning, you must carefully read the instructions. After the elimination of the plugs from deposits, it is necessary to wash the sewer water.

You can not mix several different means or use them at one time. As a result of a chemical reaction, poisonous substances may form and the situation will only be aggravated.

But the maximum effect should be expected if the pipes are not too "thicket", and deposits are in the original stages. If the sediment will have time to become, then no chemistry is capable of piercing it. That is why it is recommended to regularly wash the sewage special means.

Mechanical cleaning

If some item (rag, apple, etc.) got into the descent of the toilet, and the owners guess the reason for traffic jams, then the first thing should be examined by the place of release and siphon. To do this, you will have to pull out all the water standing in the cup, pull the rubber glove on the hand and, if possible, close the nose with a marelier bandage, because the sparkle will not be pleasant. The hand is covered as deeply into the hole for the drain and find out to the touch, are there any objects in the pipe. A rag or sponge is easily pulled out with the help of fingers, and if some kind of vegetable or fruit got, then you can pose it with a cooler with a hook at the end.

If some item or a rag got into the toilet, you should not blow it out by air, otherwise you will drive the plug even further, where you can not remove

Use of Vantuza

If the cause of the blockage is exactly unknown, but the water slowly continues to drag, then you can use it. This device is almost everyone, so it's not difficult to find. The main thing - the diameter of the rubber suction cup must be larger than the diameter of the drain hole. Traditional models have a wooden handle, but more modern designs are produced. In this way, the zoom can be eliminated, which was formed in a siphon or a local tube, outlining the drain into a common sewer. Under the pressure of air and water, the trash cork will move deeper and will be released into the pipe of the larger diameter, after which it will be easily floating from the house.

The size of the rubber suction cup in the vehicle should be greater than the drain hole of the toilet, to hermetically close the zone that will be pierced

In order for the breaking to be as efficient as possible, it is necessary to close the hole for the lower and top discharge in the bathroom, the kitchen and harsh jolts to ride the water in the toilet water. With a slow drain, not only in the toilet, but in all sinks this procedure should be repeated in each plumbing device, closing the openings of the rest.

How to get rid of the score with the help of "Dolls"

Another homemade device, which plumbing is called "doll", is used to eliminate pipes. Sand falls asleep in a small bag and tied firmly, forming a punching "doll". It is fixed on the end of the curved thick wire and sharply lower in the drain hole, punching a blockage, pushing items or com toilet paper further into the pipe where he goes down the riser. After such a procedure, it is necessary to wash the toilet thoroughly.

"Doll" is a firmly knitted bag with sand

Cleaning with a plastic bottle

From the subwoofers that can always be found at home, the usual plastic bottle made of water with a volume of 1.5 - 2.5 liters is suitable. The cover is left twisted, cut off with a sharp knife with a knife and immerse in the toilet so that the sliced \u200b\u200bedge touched the cowlags. Make a sharp push down, repeat several times. We pushed such actions with such actions, applying a small hydrate and free the drain.

No less effective means in some cases will be the usual plastic bottle

Video: Using a plastic bottle to troubleshoot

Using a rubber hose

This method acts on the ground not only mechanically, but also hydrodynamically, with the help of pressure and high temperature. It works great in combination with a chemical way. One edge of the rubber hose is fed to the crane with hot water, and the other end is lowered to the blocking of the toilet as possible. Open the tap until it stops and let the hot water with strong pressure.

Cleaning corrugations

It often happens that the toilet is attached to the riser with the help of a corrugated pipe. In the case of a block case, such a constructive feature will help eliminate the plug. Water in plum must be deleted as far as possible, then remove the pipe, clean it and install it.

How to eliminate full system planning

Now we'll figure it out what to do if the toilet clogged finally, blocking the flow of water. In this case, they buy or are looking for special adaptations from neighbors. Of everything you can clean the toilet, the most efficient and convenient is considered special. It is quite flexible, has a metal lamp and a handle at the end.

A flexible sewer cable is capable of passing through the bends of the drain hole and pipes, but it needs to be helped by rotational movements of the handle

It is better to clean the pipes together, since the cable promotion gradually and at the same time make rotational movements with a handle. It is necessary to rotate so that the cable can go bending the pipe that is made for. Promoting a fixture to the maximum depth, it is necessary to move it several times to them backwards to stifling on the walls of the pipes.

When you get the cable after the end of the procedure, put the old rag on the floor and immediately wipe the removed part of the cloth moistened in the dishwashing facility. Otherwise, ourselves ignite, and the floor will suffer. And the smell on the hands will be felt very long.

Video: Flexible Sewage Cleaning Hose

Where to apply if the toilet clogged, but it was not possible to clean it

If you tried, as you could, clean the closed toilet, and the improvements did not come, it means that the problem can be with a common rummer through which the sewage from all the apartments are above. In this case, urgently call the service home organization, and let specialists are engaged in the problem.

In this case, water can not only stand in the toilet, but also to arrive at a considerable speed and after a short time to flow through the edge of the bowl and be in the apartment.

In this case, urgently call the emergency service, a brigade that is in each management company, the HOA, or call the serving home organization, and let specialists are engaged in the problem. You can call any Plumbing Service or Plumbing Masters. They eliminate the plug quickly with the help of professional equipment.

The problem of the toilet zero is solved, and so that it does not occur again, it is necessary to follow the condition of its plumbing and use it without disorders. Regularly carry out prevention with the help of special means and then in the house will reign the atmosphere of purity and comfort.

Probably, each owner of an apartment or a private house, equipped with central or autonomous sewage, has come across the problem of its gaps that may arise for various reasons. Discomfort, inevitably accompanying such a situation, requires immediate action from the owners. However, for one reason or another, it is not always possible to promptly call the plumbing. Therefore, the question arises how to clear the toilet from the score on their own.

There are several ways to restore the functionality of sewage communications. But first of all - it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the inconvenience and localization of the accident. From the fact that and where the impassability of the pipes will depend on the selection of the liquidation of blockages.

The causes of the occurrence of blockages

The unpretentiousness of the toilet may occur for various reasons. Most often they are associated with non-compliance with the rules of its operation.

  • Such reasons can be attributed to the sewage of thick paper, rags, polyethylene packages, hygienic female pads, diapers, and sometimes even children's toys.
  • However, the problem may occur because of the wrong installation or even design errors, as well as due to damage to the pipe system of the sewage system.

If the sewage system has violations in the design itself, or the toilet was connected to the violation of the rules, then the system will know about it, and it is often manifested immediately after its commissioning.

  • The common cause of the obstruction of the toilet is and deposits on the walls of its internal channel or the pipes departing from it. The thickness of the plaque can increase with time, making it difficult to the free outflow of water, which will inevitably lead to an emergency.

Find out how to spend with a step-by-step instruction, from our new article on our portal.

How can the toilet clog in the wrong circuit of its installation?

With incorrect design or when using pipes that do not correspond to diameter or made of material that does not have the necessary qualities for installing them into the sewer system, it is easy to fix the problem easier and will not work.

  • Violation of technology can lead to pipe sagging. As a result, it appears stagnation of water along with waste, which will inevitably lead to dense stamps.
  • In the autonomous sewer system of the private house, the pipes are not sufficiently deepened into the soil can be wrapped, which leads to their damage - plastic becomes fragile and can crack. In this case, the pipe is able to enter the pipe and overlap the water and waste lead. The consequences are obvious - a strong blockage, which is also very difficult to find and eliminate.
  • Invalid, a large number of pipe turns at a right angle is a frequent reason for the appearance of obstruction on the installation areas of the taps.

To get rid of frequently repetitive emergency situations with an incorrectly mounted sewage system, you will have to solve the problem drastically. That is, replacing the pipes or lay them on another, the correct scheme. Otherwise, such problems will not be avoided - they will arise again and again.

What are the requirements of properly organized sewage?

It is necessary to state that it is often the owners of houses, trying to save on materials and labor costs, go on a violation of the rules of installation, simplifying schemes, the use of components not designed for real conditions. All this usually ends sadly. In principle, in principle, prevent the prerequisites for accidents, when conducting, it should be strictly followed by the established rules. All this is very detailed in a special publication of our portal.

Deposits on the walls

Deposits on the walls of the toilet canal and the tap tube are due to the sedimentation of the urinary and wheel stone, as well as rust and insoluble salts from constantly flowing into the water bowl with an incorrectly tuned drain

If in the visible region of toilet bowl, cleaning its surfaces is performed regularly, then the walls of the internal channel, that is, the so-called knee, is difficult to control. Therefore, inside it, the layer of the flyer with time can grow to thickness at 15 ÷ 20 mm across the entire circumference of the pipe, leaving a completely small hole to remove the toilet content.

So, mineral sediments on the walls of the pipe can quickly appear and actively increase in the following cases:

  • If you do not regularly wash with the toilet. This problem often occurs if there are small children in the house, which often just forget to start the drain key.

  • If the tank leaks, the flare is formed not only in the knee pipe, but also on the walls of the toilet bowl. Rust is quite difficult to go off the faience surface, so if the process is run, it may not be cleaned at all. And if the water supply is also "hard" water, a lime insoluble flare will be added.
  • The defective toilet, which has uneven surfaces or an uneven applied enamel coating, can also provoke accumulation of plaque, dirt and, accordingly, hazardous pathogenic microflora.
  • The old toilet, on whose coating for the period of operation, was formed by microcracks, in which organic and mineral sediments penetrate and, at the expense of a rough surface, delayed on the walls, forming solid growths.

As can be seen, mineral deposits are the main cause of insufficient treatment of toilet or sewer pipes. Therefore, in no case cannot be launched, and the fight for cleanliness should be started immediately after the installation of a plumbing device. Must be periodically, with the established regularity, preventive measures will be held, which will be described in a separate section of the publication.

What should I wash off in the toilet?

Another question that often occurs when a blockage occurs - can they appear from a tampon or toilet paper abandoned in the toilet? Therefore, it is necessary to clarify that it is impossible to throw anything except toilet paper that decomposes in the water. If the question concerns the autonomous system, then it is not recommended to lower even toilet paper, since if it is lingering in the pipes, then the blocking is not avoided over time.

It is impossible to drain fat in the toilet, formed in frying pans when cooking. They should be cleaned with a paper towel, which after that must be thrown into the trash can.

Another worst enemy of sewage is welding from tea that acts worse cement, taking pipes, especially if small deposits have already been formed on their walls.

Never wash off in the toilet and building dust, which is also capable of forming a plug inside the system.

Cleaning the toilet on their own

Preliminary measures before cleaning the toilet

Before you begin cleaning the sewage, it is necessary to revise the visible part of the system in the bathroom and in the kitchen, since if water flows into one riser, the blocking can be common. If the obstruction arose in the apartment of the high-rise building, then perhaps the plug was formed in a dormitory riser. And their personal actions will not be able to eliminate her.

In the autonomous sewage, the toilet zoom is most often occurring in the inner knee channel, at the joints of the pipes at a right angle, or because of the cracking of the plastic tube during its freezing. The latter option may occur if the sewage pipe runs above the level of the fruit of the soil, and it will have to deepen it.

If a common block formed, the water will not leave not only from the toilet bowl, but also from the sink in the kitchen and from the bath.

For accommodation in an apartment building in this case, you need to contact the management company, submitting an application for repairing the riser of the system.

In a private house, you will have to my own, or by providing specialists, punch the pipe laid from the house to the drain pit (septic).

If the water is bad only in one of the system's branches, then the cork must be signed in a specific area. Such localization simplifies a few task.

If the plot was not so much, but formed literally today or yesterday, it is necessary to act immediately to get rid of the discomfort as soon as possible.

Methods for cleaning the toilet from the blade are somewhat different from the ways to eliminate blocks of other species, so they should be considered separately.

But whatever cleaning method is chosen, it is necessary to prepare work on pumping water toilet. This process can be made using a plastic bottle from under shampoo or detergent, removing the cover from it.

By clicking on the bottle, it is lowered by a hole in the water and gradually release pressing - at this moment the liquid is closed into the container. After that, water from the bottle is poured into a basin or bucket. Then the procedure is repeated until the hole in the toilet will be empty. The vial in this case works as a scripture, only water in it is recruited much faster.

Folk methods to eliminate suddenly arising cork in the toilet

If the blockage occurred due to a small number of contaminants, contributing to the formation of a traffic jam, will easily help cope with the elimination of the malfunction of the methods, more than once proven in practice.

First option - the use of boiling water

The first method of getting rid of the bar is boiling water. However, this method and the rest in which boiling water is used can be applied if the toilet is connected to a plastic or metal pipe. If a corrugated pipe made from thin plastic is used to connect the toilet, then instead of boiling water, hot water should be applied.

  • For cleaning, it will take boiling water bucket. It is necessary to pour it as quickly as possible on the walls of the bowl of the toilet, but in his hole, so that boiling water immediately got into the knee channel.
  • Bay water, you need to wait 30 ÷ 35 minutes.

  • If boiling water has worked, and the water began to leave, then after its care, the procedure must be repeated. And so - until the normal function of the toilet is restored.

The second option - the use of soda

The second purification option is the use of soda. It is better suitable for punching the gap washing soda, but food is possible. Some experienced hostesses recommend adding also the usual salt - about twice as smoking.

  • A pack of soda is taken (500 grams) and falls out in the toilet.
  • Then the toilet is filled with a liter of boiling water. After that, the knee will begin inside the knee, which can also clean it from the crowding. Soda is an active alkali that can dissolve many substances, so quite often applied not only for cleaning plumbing, but also kitchen accessories.

Third option - a combination of soda and vinegar

The third method of purification also includes a calcined soda, but in addition to it, it uses vinegar and boiling water.

  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe drain, one and a half packs of soda (that is 750 grams).
  • A glass is poured into it or 0.5 liters of 9% vinegar. When the vinegar is infused, the reaction accompanied by the hissing and formation of foam should begin. This mixture must be left at 20 ÷ 25 minutes.
  • Waving this time, 2 ÷ 3 liters of boiling water are poured into the toilet, and leave again for 15 ÷ 20 minutes. After that, you can try to wash with ordinary water.

Fourth option - mustard and hot water

In this case, a powder mustard and hot water is used to clean the toilet (two liter of water, one small spoon of mustard powder is taken), and the manufacture of the composition occurs as follows:

  • 6 ÷ 8 liters of water heats up in a metal bucket or pan.
  • Then, 3 ÷ 4 spoons of mustard are absorbed into it and mixed.
  • The solution is poured into the toilet and leaves 15 ÷ 20 minutes.
  • After that, it is necessary to descend the water from the tank or from the recruited bucket.

If necessary, the process must be repeated several times.

Folk Methods for cleaning the toilet from blade and lime-plated

Of the folk methods of cleaning surfaces from the layer of mineral sediments, several, which are most often applied at home. All of them will be effective if the substances used are suited or poured into almost an empty toilet - the level of the remaining water can be no more than 10 ÷ 15 mm from the bottom.

  • Lemon acid. This substance can be used in a crystallized or liquid version. For one phase of cleaning the toilet, 200 grams of acid crystals or 300 grams of concentrated lemon juice, which, in fact, is the same acid. After that, the toilet must be left at 40 ÷ 60 minutes, and it is better to produce this procedure for the night when the toilet will not be used. After this time, it is necessary to wash off the acid with water from the tank, to additionally rub the hole of the toilet bowl. If the flask still remains, then the procedure must be repeated.

  • Electrolyteused for car batteries. This substance is also very aggressive sulfuric acid. It will require 0.5 liters. The tool is poured into the toilet and withstands from one and a half to two hours, depending on the thickness of the contamination, after which it is washed off. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

  • Popular drink "Coca Cola" It is an excellent tool from mineral plaque in the toilet. This means will require 1.5 liters, it must be pouring into a completely empty toilet bowl and leave until the reaction will end, that is, a hiss that continues until two hours. Then you can carry out the means. In addition to "Coca-Cola", "Fed" and "Sprite" is also used to clean mineral plates.

It will be interesting to notice that it is the "Coca-Cola", some owners of cats are used to clean the cat's trays, as it does not affect the smell of animals, unlike other detergents.

  • Chlorine powder and solution. This known means does not always work, although it gives a strong reaction and unpleasant odor. However, it is often used to remove a thin layer of plaque, as in this case it is most efficient.

450 ÷ 500 grams of chlorks falling out of the evening in the toilet and left until morning. In the morning, the bowl is additionally cleaned by the rod, and the mixture is washed off with water.

An alternative powder can be "whiteness" used for whitening tissues. One cleaning will require one liter bottle of solution. The inconvenience of the use of this fund is the duration of exposure, as well as a persistent unpleasant smell.

  • Oxalic acid - This is a special means for cleaning plumbing accessories, which can be purchased in household goods. Acid is sold in the form of a powder and copes well with difficult to clean the blades of blades and wheelchain, as well as with a durable rust on an enamelled surface.

Use this tool is easy. It is simply necessary to pour out the package into the drain hole of the toilet and leave for one or two hours. Then, the resulting mixture washed off and is considered with the help of the jarshik.

  • Soda, vinegar and iodine.This composition is good to use not only for cleaning the drain hole, but also for the rim to the toilet from the mineral plaque. For the preparation of the mixture, one glass of 9% vinegar is heated, a small spoon of iodine is added to it and a large spoon of soda. Everything is well mixed and poured into the toilet, and then the rod is distributed over the rim. For this tool, it will take 8 ÷ 12 hours, that is, it is best to leave on the surfaces at night. In the morning the mixture was washed off with clean water.

Video: Vinegar as a means of removing layers of urinary and limestone stone in the toilet

Household chemicals to eliminate blockages

Compositions for cleaning formed plugs

Ready chemical compounds can be used for punching blockages formed in sewage. They are in a wide range are presented in business stores and supermarkets.

Almost everyone familiar to all means such as "Mr. Muskul", "Tyr", "Mole", "Sanfor", "Domatest", "Flip". The compositions are sold in solutions, gels and granules, so you can choose the most convenient form for use.

Detailed instructions for using such chemicals are always on the package. And before proceeding to their application, it is necessary to get acquainted with it.

Use ready-made cleaning compositions is easy, especially since almost all the bottles are equipped with a convenient nose, allowing you to easily deliver a gel or a solution under the bezel toilet bowl.

The remedy is poured or sucks into the drain hole of the toilet in those doses that are indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions. After that, the toilet is left for a certain period, since the composition is necessary for its action. Next, the content is washed off into the sewer.

Chemicals for cleaning the toilet from blade

All the manufacturers listed above make several types of compositions with various purposes, including specifically to remove mineral plates. However, in addition to them, other effective compositions are also presented in stores:

Appearance packagingBrief characteristics of the cleaning agent
"BON" is a liquid highly efficient means for removing a mineral plaque made by the Czech manufacturer. It can be used not only for toilet bowl, but also for sink and bath. In addition, the means dissolves lime deposits on the surfaces of metal products. "BON" is also used to clean any plumbing accessories from rust and fat. The solution is not toxic and has a pleasant aroma. It is convenient to apply both visible and hidden surfaces, since the bottle is equipped with a pulverizer spray. Volume volume - 500 ml.
"Evroogarant" is a universal sanitary gel of Russian production. It is intended for dissolving and removing from the internal surfaces of the toilet bowl of the blade, lime deposits in the bath and sink, as well as for cleaning the tile. The volume of the bottle is one liter.
"Cillit Bang Anti-Nalet + Glitter" "Freshness of the Ocean" is an antiseptic cleaning agent of Russian production, which is able to save the surface and inner parts of plumbing from a lime flooring, blade, rust and other contaminants. The action of this funds starts after one minute after it is applied. In this case, its action is equivalent both under water and in its absence. The presence of convenient nose on the bottle makes it easy to apply a solution under the beet of the toilet. "Cillit Bang" removes not only contamination, but also unpleasant odors characteristic of the toilet and stagnant water in the sink plumbing and bath. To achieve the maximum result, it is enough to wait 30 minutes after applying means. Then you need to clean the toilet brush and wash off the water. Cillit Bang is suitable for cleaning enameled toilet bowls and shells, but it cannot be used for stainless steel products. The volume of the plastic bottle is 750 ml.
"Shumanit" is an Israeli product made in the form of a concentrated gel. It is designed to remove lime plates and blades, rust and serious pollution, for a long time to the toilet brilliance and freshness. "Shumanit" disinfects the surface, preventing the spread of microbes. The effectiveness of the means is not reduced under water, so when it is used, it is not necessary to completely volatile the drain hole of the toilet. The plastic bottle, a volume of 650 ml is easy to use due to the presence of nose.
The "Oro-Fresh" gel is a German tool for effective and rapid cleaning of the toilet from urolithia and lime deposits, fatty plates and other contaminants. The gel easily dissolves the flare accumulated on the walls, not leaving any divorces or other traces. The remedy is antibacterial and gives the surfaces of fresh lemon fragrance. The bottle having a volume of 750 ml is also comfortable to use, as it has a convenient form.

It should be noted that if the blast of the blade has a large enough thickness, then it is hardly able to cope with it. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, the process will have to spend several times.

Use potent chemicals is necessary with a well-known share of caution, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, the likelihood of damage to both metal and plastic pipes does not exceed the likelihood of damage. It is not recommended to use several drugs at the same time, since an unexpected chemical reaction may occur with unpredictable consequences.

Mechanical ways to remove traffic

Another direction in cleaning the closed sewage is mechanical methods that often solve the problem without the use of chemical or primary means. However, it is worth noting immediately that only it is mechanically impossible to remove bargains, provoked by a thick touch of blade or rust - a set of measures is applied to clean them.

First method - Cleanup Cleanup

This is also known and, perhaps, the most popular method that often provides good results. For example, in cases where a traffic jam was formed in or knee a toilet due to the coffee or teahouse constantly drained.

A vacuum with a nozzle having a cut cone at the end, with a cut-off diameter of 100 mm, works more efficiently.

When cleaning the sewage, the toilet can be filled with water. Then, the vetuz is installed in its drain hole and several swing presses are made. After that, the device dramatically pulls out of the hole. This procedure repeat this procedure several times. If the zoom was insignificant and not yet "deployed", after removing the nozzle from draining, the water actively alters into the pipe.

Second Method - Homemade Plastic Bottle Vatuz

In the event that there is no vanza in the house, and the toilet must be cleaned urgently, then the usual plastic bottle is suitable for half a liter. To turn the bottle in the likeness of the vehicle, the bottom is cut off with it, but the rounding around the hole should remain, that is, only its lower rigid part is removed.

The process is carried out by the same principle as using a regulatory carriage. The bottle of the cut side is lowered into the drain hole and is well pressed against its walls. Then several pressing movements are made, after which the "instrument" is pulled sharply from the drain.

Third way - use of a plumbing cable

Another device that will save from a break by 100%, if it was formed in the knee of the toilet or in the pipe before the general riser - this is a plumbing cable. The device is a rigid spring with the handle attached from one side. The cable can have a different length, depending on what conditions it will be applied. For autonomous sewage, a 15,000 mm long cable is sometimes required.

Cleaning with a metal cable is carried out due to its flexibility and ability to move into a sewer pipe to a significant depth through curvilinear sections.

Works are manufactured in the following order:

  • The end of the cable is descended into the plums of the toilet until the cork is preserved into the resulting plug.
  • After that, it is necessary to start slowly rotating the handle, pushing the cable inside the pipe. Moving, the cable will move from place and blocking.
  • The completion step of this procedure is washing pipes with hot water with the addition of technical soda.

If there is no cable, you can try to make clean and with a rigid, but flexible cable, the main thing is that it has the desired length and diameter. It is pushed into the tube of sewage through the toilet, periodically scrolling. Thanks to such actions, you can destroy the cork, a bumping pipe, or push the subject stuck in the pipe or knee.

Clearance cleaner should be carried out with extreme caution if the toilet is connected to a sewage pipe of a thin-walled corrugation. It is not necessary to break through such a wall.

Familiarize yourself with the types and its installation, from our new article on our portal.

Fourth Method - Film Vanatuz

In South Korea, a special high-strength film-vanatuz "PONGTU", which is easy to apply for any toilet bowl is designed and supplied to the Russian market.

The film is glued on top of the bowl of the toilet, filled with water, and then it is intense and rhythmically pressed with two hands. Thus, this device operates according to the principle of the tub, but there are no splashes flying in different directions or even in the person, which often happens during normal cleaning.

Two disposable films are included in the kit, and it is not bad to have it in the event of an unexpected blockage.

Video: The original effective method of cleaning the toilet bowl - film-Vanutuz "PONGTU"

An alternative to South Korean development can be a domestic wide scotch, which can also perform the function of the vehicle. It is used as follows:

  • The surface of the bowl is wiped into the scotch well glued to enamel.
  • Then, numerous scotch strips are glued on top, overlapping the bowl into several layers and firmly connecting the tape between them. The edges of the film are glued to the side surfaces of the bowl, after which, for greater reliability, the total strip is fixed. Scotch must be well tightened so that a peculiar membrane is turned out.
  • Then, several intense presses are made to the film, as a result of which the cork should be eliminated.
  • At the end of the workscarves is removed from the toilet surface.

Challenge Plumbing

If no method has coped with a blockage, and water continues to stand in the toilet, you will have to refer to professionals that solve the problem or determine what toilease will have to be replaced. The last option is inevitable if the plumbing accessory is old and the drain hole has managed to form the blade with a layer of 15 ÷ 20 mm, due to which the contents of the toilet goes into the sewer. You can remove it, only breaking the toilet.

If the cause of obstruction is associated with the formation of a mud tube or stuck it, using special equipment, plumbing will easily cope with the problem.

The master can also determine that local sewage is not with anything, but the reason lies in the climbing riser. However, the last option can be defined without a plumbing, since the problem of the blockage will arise not at one, but in several neighboring apartments that use one riser.

How to prevent traffic jams?

To reduce the risk of breaks and traffic jams in the toilet channels, it is necessary to periodically conduct preventive measures consisting in the following actions:

  • Do not allow any subjects to enter the toilet, which can be lined in one of the sections of the sewage and block the pipe completely or become a collection of waste, as a result of which a dense traffic jam is formed.
  • Periodically carry out the cleaning of the toilet with one of the chemical compositions or means that are present in each house is citric acid, soda, vinegar, etc. Moreover, these compositions must be applied even in cases where the toilet is functioning normally.
  • Daily processing of the bowl of detergent solutions or hot water will also contribute to its trouble-free long-term operation.

To care for toilet with color enamel coating, it is better to use specialized chemicals manufactured in industrial conditions. On the packaging of such compositions, manufacturers usually specify the purpose - "for cleaning color plumbing", providing instructions for the use of solutions, gels or granules.

When applying people's cleaning methods is unknown, as the coating and paint will behave, with which he was dedicated to a certain shade. Enamel can crack or bright or dark spots are formed on it, as a result of which the toilet will be spoiled.

* * * * * * * *

In conclusion, it is worth recalling both the means of providing individual security that must be applied, starting the process of cleaning any plumbing accessories. Almost all means used for these purposes have aggressive properties and can easily harm skin cover.

Therefore, with preventive work and it is necessary to put on the hands of high rubber gloves. And if the events are carried out in order to remove traffic jams, it will be not bad to protect the eyes, putting at least ordinary glasses. This is due to the fact that concentrated compositions are used to remove blocks, and when cleaning, the splashing is not excluded and on the sides.

Residents of private and apartment houses are often faced with the problem of blocking the toilet. Such an unpleasant situation has many reasons associated with improper operation and poor installation. But, whatever the torture of the toilet, most importantly, you need to be able to quickly eliminate it.

This article will help this. It describes the main causes of pollution of the sewage. Effective ways of dealing with them are given, and useful tips on preventing blockages are given.

Signs of clogging toilet bowl

There are primary signs that signal the polluted state of the sewer system. If you are watching at least one of them, this is a reason to urgently start eliminating the blockage, without waiting for the deterioration of the problem.

  • filling the container of the toilet, returning the sewer liquid,
  • slow passage of water pipes in the sewer,
  • the appearance of the unpleasant smell of sewage waste.

From which the toilet clogs

The toilet is clogged over time. Like any other plumbing device, it is required to be removed periodically. To do this, it is necessary to determine why a traffic jam was formed. The blocking of the toilet occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Wrong installation. The cause of the break is often an incorrectly installed plum system. The sewer pipe has a small angle of inclination as a result of waste is poorly washed away. They are delayed and gradually accumulate, completely scoring the system.
  2. Organic waste. In the toilet, various foods are often washed. For example, porridge residues, potato cleaning, bones, apples and much more - the list can be listed for a long time.
  3. Household garbage. The third cause of the blockage is household pollution, such as glass fragments, stationery, paper, packages and more. This happens when the toilet is used as a garbage barrel.
  4. Feller for a cat tray. Modern fillers for animal toilets are created from concrete - special clay, which absorbs moisture and keeps it. Once in the toilet, clay lumps stick together, forming a cork in the channel.

Methods of cleaning toilet bowl

Depending on the type of contamination, various ways of cleaning the toilet are used. In order to return to the waterproof system to return to the waterproof system, use two main methods:

Serious blockages will be eliminated only mechanically. To cope with a little contamination, various chemicals are used. It is necessary to solve which method to use after determining the cause and complexity of the blockage.

Mechanical methods for removing a blockage

Mechanical methods of cleaning breaks are used most often. Such work is performed independently, without the involvement of professional plumbers. For cleaning, various mechanical devices are used.

The most common tool that is available in every home. He will help to cope with a shallow blockage. It is best for the toilet to the toilet suite, which has a special cone on the rubber nozzle.

Application: To use the vehicle, you must fill the toilet with water about one third. The tool is installed on the drain hole so that its edges overlap the plums as much as possible, and tightly adjacent to the surface of the toilet. Then reciprocating movements for the handle, you must create a pressure in the drain to break the blockage. The procedure is repeated until it eliminates the plot until the water starts to leave quickly.

Santechnic cable
Sanitary cable is often used to eliminate breaks. This is a long cable that is easily bent. At one end of the tool there is a handle (knob), and on the other special metal rod. Plumbing cable can have a different length. They are very conveniently cleaned by deep dusts of the sewer pipe. But in most cases, one meter of length is enough to clean the toilet bowl.

Application: Insert the cable into the drain hole of the toilet and impose it as deep as possible. The tool has a handle, rotating which it turns out to easily overcome the bends of the drain system. Reaching to the crowding, put it. Remove until the water from the toilet will begin to quickly leave the remnants of contaminants in the sewer. After eliminating the zero, clean the stock, richly flushing it with hot water with the addition of detergents.

Chemical defamation methods

To eliminate light pieces, use various chemicals. On the store shelves you can find a whole arsenal of chemistry. These substances are in the form of powders, liquids and granules. They help well clean the toilet, without damaging the drain system.

Soda and vinegar
The simplest and affordable chemical that can eliminate the block, is the usual food soda and a table vinegar. It will take to buy a pack of soda and one bottle, seventy percent, vinegar.

Application: First, pull out excess water, leaving a little in plum. Then pour half the pack of soda in the toilet and push it as deeply as possible. Fill a glass of vinegar on top and wait 15-20 minutes until the reaction is over. To improve the effect, use hot water. Pour it in the toilet and the zoom will disappear faster.

Pipe cleaning agents
These substances can destroy the resulting from fat, salts and other contaminants, a jam in sewage pipes. Depending on the type of pipes and the complexity of the bed, you can choose import or domestic products. Import chemicals are suitable for any pipes (from plastic and metal), and domestic for metal.

Popular foreign purifiers are: Domestos, Mr. Muscle and Tofix. These funds are suitable for any type of pipes. They carefully eliminate the blockage, as well as unpleasant odors.

From domestic products in demand: "Yersh", "Petrychist" and "Mole". These cleaning products are perfectly suitable if the toilet clogged. But do not forget that they can divert not only blockage, but also the walls of the pipes.

Application: Read the instructions and, by observing the dosage, fill the cleaning agent for pipes to the toilet. Then add the required amount of hot or cool water. Leave the cleaner for 1.5 -2 hours. After the expiration of the specified time, rinse the toilet with hot water.

Prevention blocks

  • Do not use the toilet as a garbage barrel. The trash thrown into it will certainly lead to full clogging of the sewer pipe.
  • Periodically, clean the waterproofing of the toilet, with the help of chemicals.
  • Rinse the hot water system every week.
  • If a background riser is installed in the system of your sewer, follow it so that it works fine.
  • After reading this article, you now have a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow to handle the sewage system to the sewer system. Eliminate the consequences of negligent use difficult, so observe preventive measures. Try to regularly monitor the status of the drain system. This will help to avoid big trouble.

    How to clear the toilet from the bed at home
    Many are faced with the problem of clogging toilet bowl. In this case, knowledge needs to help eliminate the blockage. This article brings several effective

    Clean the toilet with your own hands

    What to clean the toilet from the fly

    Coming to someone's visit to anyone, we fall into the hallway. It is considered a visiting housing card. But this is true only in part. It is this room at first glance says that the owners of the apartment are clean. But if you get into the bathroom or toilet, the view of the tenants of the apartment can change dramatically. And not always for the better.

    Not everyone boasts sparkling and clean toilet, and the knee black spoils the whole view. How to make a clean and shining toilet? Naturally, this task may well perform a "Domasestos" and "Toilet Docks", but only if they use them regularly. In order to prevent the formation of the rigging of the rod, you should study the cleaning of the toilet with your own hands at least once every seven days. To maintain purity, it should be wiped with an abrasive sponge dipped in powder and warm water.

    To soften the water and aromatization of air in the toilet, it is necessary to apply specially created tools. They are put in the tank, or attach to the rim toilet bowl.
    If it is necessary to clean the place in which water in the toilet is stirred, you need to use a cantuce and a one-time cup, remove the water, pour the tool for cleaning and give to stand for about an hour. When liquid cleaning products are used to work, they should be addressed. After that, the non-metallic item should remove all pollution from the edge, and then throw it out. When pollution and uncleanness are removed, you can use the rod, and then wash everything.

    But sometimes the radical methods are needed for cleaning. Especially when very thick raids and urinarystone were formed in the toilet, and the sponge is removed, it does not work. Consider more cardinal methods of cleaning in detail.

    How to clean the toilet homemade

    Clean the toilet ushius

    When regular cleaning of the toilet occurs, ordinary vinegar will be used to get rid of the lime. Apple vinegar can be used. Ideal is vinegar 70 percent, but the 9% option is suitable.

    You should pour into a saucepan or any container glass of vinegar and heat it. To avoid a sharp smell, the container should be pre-covered with a lid. Next, the warm vinegar is poured into the toilet and the soda and iodine is added. Leave for two or three hours, and then wash off. It is better to carry out this method of cleaning before bedtime. During the night, the stone should disappear. If the effect did not justify the expectation, the procedure should be cleaned a couple of times.

    White for cleaning

    The second method is based on white. At the first stage, water should be removed from the toilet bowl. And then pour a bottle of white there. This procedure is better spent on the night. Leave everything for the night, and in the morning it is washed away. You can apply this method several times until the result is desired.

    How to clean the toilet with citric acid

    Lemonic acid is also used to clean the toilet bowl and stone. It is necessary to pour a couple of acid packages in the toilet, close the cover to leave for several hours so that the tax is dissolved. And remove the scratch with water. Repeat several times. Until the result is excellent.

    But these methods will not help if the toilet is very dirty.

    How to remove the strongest pollution from the toilet?

    If the toilet bowl is old, and the hosts and the uncleans did not clean the hosts for a long time, then ordinary cleaning methods will not help. In this case, you must use one of the following options.

    Technical sorval acid

    The strongest pollution from the toilet will help remove technical oxalic acid. It can be purchased in a dry form in the pharmacy. When it is used, you should put on gloves. It is necessary to wet the rag and pour a bit of acid, and lose areas where there is a lot of stone. You can just pour it into the toilet. Leave an hour and clean the scratch.

    Efficient battery electrolyte cleaning

    The use of electrolyte in order to purify the toilet bowl is an effective option. Should be very careful. To work, you will need to put on gloves, clothes, glasses, and when possible respirator, so as not to inhale the pairs. Electrolite should be pouring without sprinkling. This way can be used only if the toilet in a very deplorable state, and buy a new no opportunity. It is impossible to clean the electrolyte, if there are plastic pipes.

    How to clean the toilet coca cola

    Coca-Cola, how funny it did not seem to help clean the toilet. There are enough pair of bottle of colas, which should be pouring into the toilet, and after four hours it is washed off and clean up to the radiance of the Yarshik.

    Cleaning methods a lot. You can choose the most suitable. It all depends on the state of the toilet. Everything is very simple. Well clean the toilet media, which are specifically created for this. But in reality, not all means will be able to cope with the most soothed raid.

    How to clean homemade

    But with disinfection and constant cleaning, such funds are perfectly coped. Therefore, it is better to monitor cleanliness regularly than then look for an electrolyte for cleaning or make pipeline repair.

    Clean the toilet with your own hands
    In order to prevent the formation of the formation of the rod of the stones, it should be engaged in cleaning the toilet at least once every seven days. To maintain cleanliness it follows

    Toilet bowl - a common problem with which residents of apartment and private houses are faced. The cause can be an incorrect installation of plumbing or its illiterate operation. Whatever provoke the problem, it is important to know how to quickly eliminate and avoid negative consequences. How to effectively clean the blockage in the toilet and avoid its appearance in the future?

    Causes and Signs

    You can determine the presence of a blockage yourself. The problem is evidenced by the slow discharge of the sewage fluid, the unpleasant smell and the filling of the toilet bowl with water. If you have noted at least one of the signs, take action to eliminate the blockage as soon as possible.

    The factors presented below can provoke the problem.

    • Incorrect installation of plumbing, in particular, plum. As a result of the installation, the drain pipe has an insufficient slope, which leads to poor washes. They gradually accumulate and form a kind of cork.
    • Washing into the toilet of organic waste. Often, the hostesses are discharged into the sewage residue products (potatoes, porridge, vegetables and fruits), which lead to the formation of a blockage.
    • Lack of care. Toilet, like any other plumbing, requires regular prophylactic cleaning. Ignoring this rule is often the cause of cork formation.
    • Household and repair trash. Tubes are often formed in the apartments of those unrelated owners who use the toilet as a garbage tank. A broken glass, stationery, large lumps of paper fall into the drax.
    • Certain filler grade for cat toilet. Some modern hygiene products are made of clay, so they are able to absorb well and retain moisture. When the filler plums in the toilet, its particles stick together and form a single com, which makes it difficult to pass the fluid.
    • Household items. As a rule, it is sponges, washcloths, children's toys and other things that have fallen accidentally.

    Mechanical methods

    Mechanical methods are used to clean the toilet. They allow them to quickly and effectively eliminate the zoom with their own hands, without causing professional plumbers. For cleaning, you can use a plumbing cable or vanatuz. Depending on the tool selection, the cleaning procedure is different.

    If you are confident that the cause of the blockage was the hit of a foreign object, you can try to remove it yourself. Put long rubber gloves and gauze bandage. Shoot your hand into the drain and try to grab the stuck thing. If you managed it, get it out.

    Vanutuz is a simple plumbing tool that is easy to find in every home. It is used to eliminate a simple blockage.

    To use the vehicle to install it in draining so that it completely overlaps the hole and tightly adjacent to the edges. Keep the handle tool well. Perform reciprocating movements, applying enough effort to create pressure. This will help break the blockage. Repeat manipulations until the water starts to go fast.

    Changing the block can be eliminated using a plumbing cable. It is long enough and flexible, which allows him to walk to the place of traffic jam. At one end of the cable there is a handle, and on the other - a metal hero. If there is plastic pipes in the house, put on a special protective nozzle so as not to damage the surface. Such a tool can be used to clean the plugs formed deep in the pipe.

    To remove the toilet bowl, insert the cable into the drain hole and remove it to the maximum possible depth. During the procedure, rotate the hand that accelerates and facilitates the passage of wire on the sewer tube. Taking it up to the crowding, put it. Repeat the cleaning until the water becomes quickly go into sewage.

    After the end of the mechanical cleaning, be sure to keep the pipes using hot water and detergent. This will allow you to get rid of the unpleasant smell and completely eliminate the remains of the blockage.


    Chemicals will help to clean the toilet bowls. They are sold in almost all household chemical stores. Funds are presented in the form of fluid, powder and granules. Chemicals effectively cope with a blockage, while do not damage the drain and toilet system.

    Vinegar and soda. This is a simple and affordable combination of funds that help to fight a plug in sewage. For the procedure, food soda and 9% vinegar (acetic essence) will be required.

    To clean the toilet bowl, pull out the water from the plum, leaving only a small amount. Push up in the sewer 150 g of soda and push it as deeply as possible in the pipes using the rash or other fixture. Fill 1 l vinegar (130 ml of acetic essence) and leav for 15-20 minutes. After the reaction is completed, rinse the drain hot water to eliminate the interface.

    Special means for cleaning pipes. Such substances will help remove fat, salts and organic pollution in sewage. You can use the means of a domestic or imported manufacturer depending on the quality of the pipes and the complexity of pollution. So, imported to a greater extent suited for plastic sewage, and local - for metal.

    Popular and versatile means are Tofix, Tiret, Mr. Muscle, "Mole", "Pedainer" and Domestos. They are good for any type of pipes and quickly eliminate pollution. Also, help to fight the unpleasant severity of sewage and waste.

    Before using specialized funds, carefully read the instructions and make sure that they are suitable for your type of pipes. Fill or fall asleep the required amount of substance in the drain. Do not exceed the dosage indicated on the package. Then pour with water (hot or room temperature) and leave for a while. At the end of the procedure, wash the toilet bowl with hot water.

    Caustic is an extreme method of cleaning sewage. Caustic soda effectively eliminates any contamination in the pipes. For cleaning in aluminum containers, connect 5 liters of cold water and 2 kg caustic. The resulting solution is pouring into the toilet and leave for 15-60 minutes depending on the degree of contamination. After a while, rinse the pipe with a large number of hot water (approximately 10 liters).

    While working with chemicals, comply with the safety rules: work in rubber gloves, work clothes, and if necessary, in a mask.


    To avoid blocking toilet bowl, follow the prevention rules below.

    • Do not throw away the garbage, including personal hygiene products and organic waste, in the toilet - it is not intended for this.
    • Periodically, clean the drain using chemicals.
    • Rinse as possible with hot water toilet drain. You can add any detergent.
    • Do not allow children to play the toilet to the toys or other minor items fall into the drain.
    • Watch out for the normal operation of plumbing. When identifying problems, eliminate them in a timely manner or with the help of qualified plumbers.

    Clean the blockage in the toilet can be done with your own hands using special tools or chemicals. In order not to bring the situation to large-scale problems and troubles, avoid the formation of traffic jams, carry out regular preventive cleaning of plumbing and sewage.

    How to quickly and effectively clean the toilet
    It is possible to clear the toilet to the unit from the mechanical methods (using Vanatuz, Plumbing Cable) or Chemicals (Tiret, Mr. Muscle, Mole).

    How to clear the toilet to the blockage - instruction, prevention

    In homes and apartments periodically arise problems with the sewer system, it clogs. The reasons for this phenomenon are enough. But to exclude possible consequences, you need to know how to quickly clean the blockage. There are recommendations and tips from the masters, without which you cannot cope with the stagnation.

    How to clean the toilet? If you do not make manipulations to eliminate the problem on time, breakdown can occur. Everyone has the right to call the masters, but he does not always come quickly, and it is quite realistic to cope with your own hands. There are elementary tips that will help to understand that the plumbing was formed a blockage:

    • The toilet is filled, and long does not leave it a liquid.
    • Slow water flow through sewer pipes.
    • There was an unpleasant smell.

    Any sign indicates that there is stagnation and it should be urgently removed.

    Why is this happening?

    It is believed that with time any toilet can clog out. And in order to prevent serious problems, it is worth periodically to pay attention to this. How to clear the toilet at home? Effective actions will only if you know why there was a traffic jam. Causes may be as follows:

    • Violations in the installation process. Not everyone can know how to create a drain system, so at the installation level it needs to be remembered. If the angle of inclination is small, then flushing is bad. Waste begin to be fixed in some place, creating a dense stopper.
    • Unsuitable waste. Often tenants in the toilet wash off the remains of food. This includes a lot - potatoes, porridge, cleaning from fruits and vegetables, etc. As a result, a stagnation is formed, which accumulates in the system.
    • Rubbish. It is not uncommon. Wash out a lot - glass, paper, packages, etc. Unitaza is not a trash tank, and do not do it.
    • When animals in the house, the owners do not complicate their lives and wash off the used filler for the pan in the toilet. And in the composition - a special clay capable of keeping inside moisture. When lumps are in a wet space, then swell and stick. As a result, a dense traffic jam is formed.

    These are common causes of blockage. But how to clean the toilet at home? After finding out the cause begins the cleaning process itself.

    Methods of elimination of traffic jam

    Methods of cleaning the toilet enough. The method is selected with the occurrence of the problem. For an apartment or at home, you can choose any option - mechanical or chemical. When the cork is too big, the chemistry will be powerless. Small wools are cleaned without the use of mechanical exposure. Assessing the current situation, having studied the scale of the cork and the reason, which created it, choose the work technique. Anyone will cope with it, if you follow the elementary rules.

    Mechanical method

    This option is common, because as efficient as possible. It is not necessary to call the plumbing to do this. Possessing time and tool, you will remove in a short time. You only need to have a fixture in the apartment. There are several of them:

      Vanutuz. Such a device is easy to find. Most often acquire the tool before installing the toilet in the house. Its system works in such a way that there are shavers quickly leave. It is better to apply a special tool for toilet bowls, and not universal. His difference is a cone on the rubber nozzle. If there is no it in an apartment or house, they need to be renewed. If a toilet crashed, how to clean it? Plumbing is filled with water by a third. Vanatuz is installed so that completely blocked the drain entrance and tightly in contact with the walls of the toilet. We have to create pressure with discharge, lifting and lowering the device. It is done until the water starts to quickly leave. In working with him, complexity rarely appear.

    These are two simple ways that do not require large investments and do not have difficulty performing. Even a person without experience will be able to clean the drainage structure. Sometimes it happens that even such methods do not help to come to the desired effect. In this case, you will have to call the masters, although they can use this. What else will help to remove the blockage?

    Chemical substances

    That's how to clean the toilet can still be. There are many different funds on sale. After entering the pipe, they struggle with the problem. They are produced in different state - liquid and bulk. Do not worry - the drain system does not deteriorate even with long-term contact. Below will look at what means are effective.

    Vinegar and soda

    These components are available in the kitchen of any apartment and at home. They will great help solve the problem. If there were no such means, you can buy them at any store. You need to buy one pack of soda and a bottle of vinegar (70%). How to clear the toilet zamor at home with these funds? You need to remove water if it is too much. After the soda is rumped up and pushed by a stick as deep as possible. Then 200 grams of acetic essence is poured. So that the reaction goes faster, hot water is applied. According to people, such a means helps after 20 minutes. But it is worth exercising caution so as not to burn the skin.

    Chemistry for cleaning pipes

    The basis is chemical elements capable of destroying fat, salts and other components. There are both domestic and foreign manufacturers on store shelves. But it is previously necessary to read the instructions and understand that one or another product can be used for what pipes. In addition to the crowding, the unpleasant smell is removed. How does such a method work? According to the instructions, the remedy is selected and the required amount is poured into the pipe. Next - hot water in the desired proportion. After such manipulations, it is impossible to use a toilet at least one hour. When the time passes, the toilet is washed with hot water or from a drain barrel.

    The problem of fixing the problem is not difficult. Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent the appearance of a blockage than to clean it. In the house or apartment it is worth watching the drain system, otherwise a serious emergency may occur in one day.

    Preventive actions

    In order not to look for an answer to this question, it is worth following the elementary rules for using the drain system. Difficulties in this will not be:

    • The toilet should not become a garbage bucket. After all, any waste is food or domestic - sooner or later create a solid cork.
    • Sometimes (once a week) It is worth applying chemicals to avoid a serious blockage.
    • In order not to have such problems, it is necessary to periodically wash the system using a bucket of hot water.
    • It happens that in the room there is its work will be effective with constant health. If the riser does not work, it is possible to form a blockage.

    Elementary manipulations help remove the tap in the sewer pipe quickly, not attracting the wizard. But you do not need to make mistakes - you should fully control the work.

    How to clear the toilet to the blockage - instruction, prevention
    You need to buy one pack of soda and a bottle of vinegar (70%). How to clear the toilet to zavor at home with these funds? Need to remove water if

    It is believed that life in a private house requires constant concern for its owners of various systems and communications. At first glance, accommodation in an apartment building allows not to think about such a need, because to control the health, eliminate the problems of the systems is the care of the workers of the housing workers. In fact, residents of urban apartments are often faced with the problem of tolap the toilet.

    Water does not leave, rises in a bowl of the toilet, an unpleasant smell appears - all this "symptoms" of a cloud. However, you can handle it with your own hands.

    Why is it clogging?

    The causes of clogging may be many, but if we talk about the nature of clogging, then There are only two options for reasons.

    • Unexpectedly, acutely arising blocks appear as a result of entering the stem holes, the dimensions of which are superior to the drain diameter. Naturally, the object is stuck, paralyzing the entire sewer system. Often such objects are textile products, food waste, hygiene objects or solids, voluntarly or unwittingly washed into the toilet.
    • Chronic blockages usually arise gradually. First, the difficultness of water outflow is found, which is increasingly aggravated, goes into the complete absence of outflow. The causes of such a block are the deposition of organic (fat, hair) and inorganic (salt deposits, scale, contained in water) character.

    Before you fight a blockage, you should try to establish its reason, because it is from this that the choice of a block elimination method depends. As a rule, remembering the last events of the day, it is possible to establish whether the problem is caused by foreign objects in the drain canal.

    What problems arise?

    Toilet bowl is an unpleasant problem under which several types of incorrect operation of the sewer system can be understood. While this problem does not affect a specific user, he may not think about it, and at the mention even with a grin remember the words of the song about the punched "through the blue toilet". However, it is not possible to fully insure this trouble that occurs as unexpectedly, no one is capable of.

    Vomor can manifest itself a slowdown or violation of the outflow of water from the toilet toilet in the inlet pipe, an increase in the level of wastewater in the inlet pipe, the occurrence of unpleasant odor and bugged sounds, the tower in the pipe. With all these difficulties you can cope with your own. If there is no opportunity or desire to eliminate the break, you can invite a specialist from Hweak. Such situations are not critical, so you can wait for it to arrive within a few hours or one or two days.

    A strong mustor manifests itself with an increase in the level of sewage waters to such an extent that they are poured from the bowl of the toilet bowl. Certificate of criticality of the situation is and a torn valve on a common pipe. In this case, it is necessary to immediately call the emergency service, and to the arrival of the riser.

    Often, water is absorbed in the toilet bowl or other malfunctions appear due to improper design of sewer pipes. It can be a sagging and freezing of pipes, too sharp bends in inappropriate places. As a rule, the problem is not immediately detected, but after some time of operation. Solve the problem quickly and exclusively on its own forces is unlikely to succeed. The only exit is dismantling the system, error correction.

    Sometimes there is a question or you can climb the sewer toilet paper. The answer is negative, since modern products are completely dissolved in water. However, it is impossible to say this about ordinary paper for writing, drawing, as well as newspapers. Cellulose incoming in them swells under the influence of moisture, after which even a small lump of paper increases 2-3 times and risks getting stuck in the pipe.

    It is unacceptable to drain fat and used oil from the pan, as it settles on the walls of the pipes, over time turns into a plug. Poured into the toilet, sleep tea in the pipes turns into a real "cement" - welding comes and compacted. It is unacceptable to rinse the toilet objects of hygiene, diapers, packaging film and plastic bags. Who descends these things in the toilet, should not be surprised that he has been scored.

    One of the reasons why water does not go out of the bowl is the growing of the blade. It appears on the surface of the bowl of the toilet bowl and the sewage pipes due to urine stagnation in the device. This may be associated not only with the fact that users do not press the drain button after urination, but also for other reasons. Thus, the leaking tank contributes to the spread of mineral deposits. Brand or outdated plumbing with damage is also subject to the attack of the blade. In cracks, scratches, recesses accumulates of urine and bacteria.

    The blade is not only aesthetic problem, but also a serious threat to the integrity of the lumen of the toilet pipes. The fact is that raging, deposits close this clearance. You can get rid of the blade with a mechanical or chemical method.

    Could it be that the toilet clogged because of the neighbors? If you live in an apartment building, maybe. This is due to the peculiarities of the organization of the sewer system. The sewer risker is common to all residents of the house ("line" of apartments over each other from the first on the last floor), the main output is connected to it from each apartment. The diameter of the total riser is not more than 100 mm.

    If the zoom goes beyond the main pipes of your neighbors, but it does not go down to riser, sooner or later a plug is formed in this place. Another option for the development of unpleasant events - a foreign object was hit to the toilet toilet siphon. Instead of pulling it out, they pushed him into a common riser, where the outsider is stuck.

    Evidence of a common riser at the apartment level above or below the floor is a gradual increase in water level in the toilet. That is, it rises by itself. Eliminate such a blockage will not be able to independently, you need to quickly call the emergency service. To eliminate the plumbing break, uses a long cable or other device capable of reaching a seat. In more launched cases, they resort to the dismantling of the pipe.

    What to clean?

    The manifold of cleaning methods can be divided into two groups.

    • Mechanical. As a rule, they suggest the use of vanza and cable, as well as other devices. This method is suitable if some object is stuck in plum. The use of various liquids eliminating blockages is useless, because they will not be able to dissolve, for example, stuck apple or rag.
    • Chemical. Effective in the formation of a blockage caused by deposits in the sewer pipe. The principle of operation of such funds is based on chemical reaction, during which the blockage dissolves.

    In some cases, only a combination of these methods allows you to cope with the problem. As a rule, this applies to those cases when a stranger is stuck in pipes with deposition. The pushing to its undergraduate means or cables does not help, so first dissolve the deposits. As a result of the chemical effect, the diameter of the pipe becomes the same (that is, it increases compared to what was at the time of jams), and the subject passes through the pipe.

    You must stop more in each of the methods.

    Mechanical cleaning is effective if the toilet is badly descending water, which is caused by a stained subject in the pipe at no further of the siphon. Armed with long gloves, scale and bucket, you can proceed to the diagnosis of the problem. Your task at this stage is to maximize the water from the toilet. After that, we gently examine the siphon space. Soft items can be removed by hand, solid - get the wire, having preheated its end.

    You can try to clean the toilet bottle. The principle of action is based on the possibilities of the hydroudar, with which the stuck item is pushed into a wider tube. To implement this method, take a bottle whose diameter coincides with the toilet diameter. Cut its bottom, tighten the neck with a lid. Start slowly immersing the resulting device in the toilet until you feel the air resistance. At this moment, sharply press the bottle even deeper into the toilet, and then quickly pull it out.

    Such actions must be performed several times until the required result is reached.

    After the first hydrowards it may seem that the situation remains unchanged. However, with each new manipulation, the subject is gradually moving towards a pipe of a larger diameter. That is why you need to make a "series" of hydrowarders. If the bottle was not at hand, use a stick or mops on which the rags are wound. The diameter of the resulting winding should correspond to the diameter of the input drain of the toilet. The process is performed in the same way as when using the bottle.

    A specialized tool for creating a hydroudar is Vanutuz.Unlike improvised analogues, it does not need to be placed in the producing hole. On the contrary, the diameter of the vehicle must exceed the diameter of the hole. With this tool, a vacuum is created, and then hydrate with which it is possible to remove the blockage. The procedure will be more efficient if it is possible to close the drain and overflow holes of the plumbing in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

    Bluster for sink, bath and toilet will also create a hydrodynamic blow. This device is equipped with a piston, with which the air is pumped into blaster, high pressure occurs. After that, the unit should be attached to the drain hole, click the Start button. The convenience of the device is that it has several nozzles for different diameters of the discharge hole, therefore it is universal.

    Another tool that are used both professionals and ordinary people is a flexible sanitary cable. Completed from metal, it has a spiral tip with a pointer, due to which the solid layer of deposits is punched. The cable should be smoothly introduced into the drain channel, while performing rotational movements. (The device has a handle, so it is convenient to use it).

    Through the blockage, you should make movements back and forth to get rid of deposits on the walls of the pipe and increase its inner diameter. Fully eliminate the problem of the plumbing cable will not be able.This tool is "ambulance" when there are stamps. After the outflow is restored, sewer pipes should be cleaned using chemicals.

    If neither a bottle, nor vestion, nor a cable, you can try to create a hydraulic impact using a food film. For this we fold it 3-4 times to increase its strength. After that, the film is hermetically glued with scotch all over the entire circumference of the toilet cover. You must tighten the film from one edge of the toilet cover to another, fix the web with a scotch.

    After that, water is recruited into the bowl of the toilet, until it starts to touch the film. Now you need to press the surface of the film several times, provoking the occurrence of hydraulic impact. Actions need to be repeated until the blockage breaks through or before that moment until it becomes clear that in your case the method is ineffective.

    In general, any healthy subject can help break through the blockage. There are quite a few stories in the network, as they made a stick, rack, even for a fork. At the same time, the improvised dipstick need not just push forward, but to turn to quickly destroy the cork.

    Chemicals can be shopping and self-made. The simplest way to clear the toilet from deposits is boiling water.It is necessary to pour it into the plums of toilet bowl. This method is effective only if the blockage is caused by the formation of a fatty tube in the pipe. Boiling water will allow it to dissolve, and the water will start to leave. Pour boiling water is needed at right angles, quickly.

    This method helps in limited cases, but it will not be applied. You can add a little soda in boiling water or pre-pour into the toilet ¼ part of the bottle of dishwashes. It is unacceptable to pour boiling water in the toilet, if it has a thin connecting corrugation. In this case, quite just hot water.

    The simplest chemical way to solve the problem is a method based on alkaline vinegar reaction with soda. It is necessary to extract water to increase the concentration of the composition. After that, the pack of soda falls asleep into the plum hole. It is necessary to give it 15-20 minutes so that the soda is dated on the surface of the pipe and blocking. After this time, 200 ml of vinegar is poured 9%. As a result of the chemical reaction, it is sometimes possible to break through the ground in the most thin place.

    If necessary, the procedure is repeated, but no more than two times. If, after two-time use of soda with vinegar, positive results did not appear, it is worth searching for other methods.

    It is believed that solutions based on aggressive acids have the greatest efficiency.They truly corrupt the blockage, and with it and the surface of the sewer pipes. To use such recipes should be careful and only if the entire sewage system is cast-iron. In the store you can purchase products based on weakly concentrated acids. They may have the shape of the gel, powder, pills.

    Among the most popular, they allocate such means as "Mole", Tiret, Mr. Muskul, Flup (has the shape of granules). When using them, it should be protected by gloves, prevent the composition of the mucous and skin. The remedy is poured or falling into the drain according to the instructions. After the time recommended by the manufacturer, you should wash off the toilet with a large amount of water.

    Please note that not every tool is suitable in order to break through the blockage if the apartment has a porcelain toilet.

    On the Internet you can find a lot of original ways to clean the coca-cola. However, this drink will help in the fight against a slight chain on the surface of the bowl of the toilet bowl. It is impossible to break the blockage. It is ineffective and whiteness cleaning method. It can be used as a prophylactic agent and no more.

    One of the reasons for the blockage is the born blade. It can be removed mechanically, leaning out water and simply cutting off the sediment and reading the surface with a rigid rash. However, this method is practically not used, because after it the surface of the toilet is covered with cracks and chips.

    It is much more convenient and safer for sanitary coverage to use store "chemistry".Mr. Muskul has demonstrated its effectiveness in the fight against considerable growths of the blades, "Mr. Muscul" in the granules, Domestos Pink gel (designed specifically to combat clouds) and "Toilet duckling".

    It is important to follow the instructions, to observe the accuracy of the exposure time of the drug. Otherwise, you can get an unpredictable result of cleaning.

    As for folk methods, they exist. And sometimes surprised by their radicality. The effective means of metal pipes is the use of automotive electrolyte for the battery. First of all, you need to dry the bowl of the toilet, and then pour the electrolyte on the problem space and leave for 1.5 hours. After the specified period of time, the raid is considered a rash (it should not be non-metallic).

    More conservative, but also effective ways is clearance with citric acid or chlorine (in powder form).To do this, we pour out the chlorine package or 4 packaging of citric acid into a plums of toilet bowl, we leave overnight, after which we rub the deposits with the ram and wash the water.

    How to clean yourself?

    Not having the opportunity to contact the HEEK or third-party specialists, many are forced to look for ways to clean at home, that is, on their own. However, it will be done not always - the elimination of your own colorages is possible if it formed directly in the drain canal of the toilet. If the problem affected all the drain points, you will have to look for help in the housing.

    So, proceeding to eliminate the blockage, the following actions should be taken:

    • make sure the blockage has a local character. Otherwise, call the "emergency";
    • determine the place of the formation of a blockage (no further of the toilet siphon);
    • try to establish the nature of the blockage and the cause of its occurrence;
    • if foreign objects get into the pipe, try to remove them manually. At the same time pull the object back to the apartment, and not push into the common riser;
    • when overgrown with pipes, use chemical cleaning chemicals using store or folk methods. When they are implemented, protect your hands and respiratory organs;
    • if the blockage occurred as a result of the simultaneous fall into the pipe of the foreign object and decrease the diameter of the drain due to the growth of deposits, the pipe should be combined. It is necessary to do this by the chemical bay. After the deposits are dissolved, it will be easier to get the item one of the mechanical methods.

    If none of the ways have brought a positive result, call plumbing. Vomor may be associated with improper installation of pipes or toilet bowl. In any case, the professional will establish the cause and eliminates the blockage. It is not recommended to use the toilet at the time of the cloud - it will aggravate the situation.

    Reduce the risk of blockage will allow regular prevention. First of all, it should be monitoring that foreign objects do not fall into the channel.. You should not merge into the toilet spoiled products, nutritional waste and hygiene products. If you pour out water after cleaning, make sure that the bucket does not have a rag, a piece of soap or other large items.

    Call the water tap can enter the fillers for a feline toilet, various litters for home rodents. For its basis, they have wood or more modern materials absorbing moisture. It is easy to assume that it will happen with sawdust in the water. They will simply keep it in themselves and will significantly increase in volume. It is so significant that the diameter is not only able to fill in the diameter, but also a common riser.

    If folk remedies, like other methods, do not allow to solve the problem, it is better to call to the HOSE and ask to send the wizards. Calling plumbing follows and if the blockages arise constantly without visible reasons (that is, the rules of operation of plumbing are not broken). Pipes can be mounted incorrectly or they approaches the period of operation. Replacing pipes and changing the method of their installation will allow you to forget about the clouds.

    Once every three months, pour into the toilet to the toilet means that eliminate the lime bloom and deposits from the surfaces of the sewer pipes. And once a week you can resort to prophylactic cleaning with boiling water. Prevent the formation of urinary stone growths will allow the daily cleaning of the toilet, as well as the washout behind each user. Washing should be made with plenty of water.

    It is also useful to acquire special toilet tank tablets and helium blocks that are attached under the brine of the toilet.