Repairs Design Furniture

How to remove a mosquito net with a balcony door for the winter? How to remove or install mosquito nets on plastic windows? Mosquito net on the window how to remove

The most common variety of mosquito nets are frame meshes, which are a fine-eyed fabric on a plastic or aluminum frame. Enclosure to the window similar grids outside, using brackets. In the summer, when the windows are open, the mosquito net protects the room from insects, while dust falls into the house noticeably less. In winter, the grid is not needed, so is it worth shooting it, or just forget about her and so calm down?

In fact, the materials of which make mosquito nets are able to make very severe weather conditions. However, despite its high physical indicators, in winter, when constant freezing and thawing occurs, the burden of snow and ice acts on the mosquito net, which leads to its stretching. Therefore, in the spring it can be found that the mosquito net has seen several. For dust and mosquitoes, it will still be a good barrier, but its appearance most likely will not be ...

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Do I need to shoot a mosquito net for winter from the window?

The summer-autumn season and insects, seeking to penetrate the house through the open window, was practically no left. Cold is approaching, and the mosquito net, most of the year served as a protective shield against mosquitoes and flies, still stands in the window opening.

Of course, there are people, and they can be argued, most, which, even at the occurrence of winter, do not remove the mosquito net into the heated room. It is difficult to say than they are guided by without doing this simple, in general, the procedure. Perhaps this comes from ignorance of the rules of operation of this product, and maybe simply all its Majesty is lazy.

After familiarization with the information set out in this article and dedicated to the issue "shoot or no mosquito net for the winter", the reader will be able to decide for itself to decide whether to do this operation or you can leave everything "as is" before the next spring.

The design of mosquito nets.


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Our Eurosna has already been 5 years old, the grids for the winter were removed from them only in the very first year, and then they were scored and scored and the grids were perfect, did not break down and did not break. Yes, and where you can store these mosquito nets in the winter in the apartment if the repair has already been made and the place for them is simply not provided for, and why look for an excess headache if they are fine in winter on the windows and in the summer continue to perform their functions? The only thing that I can say is that the grid has become a little stretched, but it is completely insignificant, it simply does not have such a clear stretch as in a new grid, but I repeat - for all summer, not a single mosquito in the apartment did not miss any grid.
So how left the winter mesh behind eurocons so, probably, and I will ...

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Probably, you tried to remove the grids from the windows in the frost. In this case, the attachments can actually break, as they become very fragile in the cold. I recommend that you wait for thaw and carefully remove the grids, without the use of force. Bonked very easily change to new, even independently, they are usually attached to 2 screws, new can be purchased on the market, or if you have a warranty contact the window company that installed the window.

Recorded by

If the grid is shooting in the cold, then fasteners, first, heat the hairdryer.

Recorded by

Andrei Makarych

What to remove the mosquito net from the window, you must take two hands for plastic holders in the middle of a mosquito net and carefully pull up vertically. After that, the bottom of the grid must be left "from ourselves" by 2-5 cm and smoothly lower down ...

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Shoot a mosquito net for the winter?

Opinion first.
With mosquito nets in the winter nothing will happen if they do not touch them. You do not need to shoot.
Opinion second.
Take off! Otherwise, the grid will not last long.

According to the rules of operation, a mosquito net to shoot for the winter.

The reasons:
In winter, the blizzard outlows the snow in the grid, which in the sun turn into ice, and daily extensions and compression can tear the grid cells.
Frost, sun, wind - all these are aggressive plastic media. One of the most fragile parts of the grid is the attachment handles. After two years spent on the cold, they are easily bursting even with a slight pressure.
And finally, the grid may be subject to the attacks of Sparrow and other birds.

Often we are faced with questions:

Is it difficult to care for a mosquito net?

The answer is no, not difficult. Mosquito net is easy to clean. For this, a warm soap solution is suitable.

Is it possible to install mosquito nets on ...

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In the piggy bank of your experience

Do I need to shoot mosquito nets from windows for winter?

Many leave mosquito nets to winter on the windows and argue that nothing terrible happens. Indeed, the materials from which the framework mosquito nets are manufactured, strong enough and can make pretty harsh weather conditions.

Despite its strength, then freezing, then thawing the mosquito net under the load of ice and snow, the mosquito net is noticeably stretched. Leaving a frame mesh for winter ...

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What crews about the conversation ???
Mosquito to shoot for the winter, definitely! For three winters, we had a mosquito on our kitchen window - as a result, a mesh cloth a little, so to speak, stretched and began to give. I had to order a new grid in the spring. Although there is a guarantee on the window of 5 years, it does not apply to the grid
HAVE HAVE THE MODE NOT RAKED, but in vain. There is nothing difficult, but needs accuracy and excerpt. From the tools only the mounting knife and screwdriver will be needed.
The first thing to do is to pick a cord at the junction and take it carefully.

Second, if the grid is a whole, then you can use it on a drawing, if not, a piece of a new grid is cut down and, putting the edge into the chute to fix it with the cord.

Here it is faithful, you will have to, especially when pulling the last direction. Do not be afraid to leave the edges of the mesh a little longer, they can then cut the flush.

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The most common type of mosquito nets - frame mesh. This is a fine tissue tensioned on an aluminum or plastic frame. To the window, such grids are attached from the outside, special brackets. In the summer, a mosquito net allows you to hold windows that are constantly open, protecting against insects and noticeably reducing the amount of dust falling from the street in the apartment. Well, in the winter, the grid is useless. What to do with it?

Many leave mosquito nets to winter on the windows and argue that nothing terrible happens. Indeed, the materials from which the framework mosquito nets are manufactured, strong enough and can make pretty harsh weather conditions. However, the Master window recommends removing mosquito nets from windows for the winter and store them indoors.

Despite its strength, then freezing, then thawing the mosquito net under the load of ice and snow, the mosquito net is noticeably stretched. Leaving a frame mesh on the window on the window, in the spring you will most likely see that it is no longer tightened tightly, but slightly ...

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Dusty summer in urban jungle behind, and many are prepared for the winter not only with the help of the acquisition of warm things, but also suggest orders in the apartment. Such a kind of autumn subbotnik. Surprise after removing mosquito nets on plastic windows is inherent in absolutely everyone: dirt flows under the jets of the shower watering can, and there seemed to her end. But the windows are hot, the curtains are hung up to shine, the mosquito net is installed ... Stop. Do I need to put it for the winter? Mosquitoes and flies do not seem to be. On a visual example, we will see everything.

Opinion first. With mosquito nets in the winter nothing will happen if they do not touch them. You do not need to shoot.

Opinion second. Take off! Otherwise, the grid will not last long. Judging by the reviews on the Internet, indeed, most people prefer the grid to shoot in the fall, when insects disappear, and put in spring. Here are the main reasons for this solution: in the winter blizzard, it is snowing in the grid, which in the sun turn into ice, and daily extensions and compression can ...

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How to remove or install mosquito nets on plastic windows?

Mosquito nets are the most affordable and effective means of combating annoying insects. Modern grids are very convenient, they do not prevent the penetration of sunlight and airly from durable materials and serve several decades. And the most important thing is that anyone can cope with their installation or dismantle. To do this, it is enough to learn a little, how to remove or install mosquito nets on plastic windows.

On the market you can find three main types of grids: frame, rolled and sliding. Structure in all three types - Different approach to their installation and removal also varies.

How to install a frame mosquito net on a plastic window?

Frame mosquito nets are a metal frame, which is stretched by the canvas.

To install such a grid, you will need: crepe elements (plastic or metal corners, pockets or hooks), ...

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And so why I advise you to remove the mosquito net for the winter. In the summer I was visiting friends, and noticed that their mosquito stack had small holes. The holes are certainly not very large, but still noticeable.

Well, I kind of decided to joke, and asked, really such healthy mosquitoes make your way. The joke, of course, succeeded, and followed the following answer. The holes in the grid make birds in winter and late autumn, when the temperature on the street is cold.

As I understood when it starts to get cold on the street, and it becomes less meal for feathered friends, they begin to fly off the windows near the lying houses, in search of food. And then the incomprehensible structure, in the form of a mosquito net, and sin will not try to bounce.

I forgot about all this, and the other day, sitting at the table, heard a knock near the window, and there damn the sparrow, pecks my window through the grid. I am generally nuts, like you are a friend that you are doing. Immediately remembered that conversation with friends, and began to shoot it from the window.

And friends and me ...

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Never removed the grid for the winter, I didn't even know that someone reject recommends))) everyone is standing and for minus 15, and with minus 20, nothing happens to the grid, never for many years , 12-14 exactly, did not change the grid, only the handles new on one altered twice))) but the fact that it is necessary to wash in front of winter and then in the spring, that's for sure, so much dust accumulates there. Mud, water already black runs when my bathroom under the shower, it seems to be normal. And then I take a washcloth and mine already with soap, it seems that I was originally soaps)) So it is necessary to wash three times, just rinse, then wash with a detergent, liquid soap, then the same thing, but just with a rag.
If you have, where to put this grid for the winter, I do not see any problems, you can shoot. But I would not recommend, because Dust This mesh delays when carrying out the room, even in winter such dust ...

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How to remove a mosquito net with torn handles?

For the second time I come across the situation when you need to remove a mosquito net with cut-off or damaged handles. For the first time, she pulled out in Nenarok, had to think. In the second neighbor turned to the same request. In both cases, the mesh was attached to the z shaped plates,

about them and will be discussed. With other fasteners, things did not have, therefore, I can't say anything about them.

How to remove a mosquito net to crash when installing a window?

It is not rare, when installing a plastic window, the future users of this window forget to ask the masters - how to remove the mosquito net installed by them. You can understand them. The joy of the fact that the repair is completed, the dirt is removed and the new window sparkles with its purity can make you forget such a trifle.

However, despite the fact that the installation and removal of the mosquito net is very ...

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View Full Version: Mosquito nets and winter

Do you remove mosquito nets from windows for the winter?
There is no excess place to store them. Is it harmful for their health to stay for winter on the window?
In research purposes, she studied the windows of the neighboring house. Many have not yet shot their grids. I suspect that some of them will not shoot.


19-11-2006, 15:26

I remove myself, and clean it to wintering :)) I can glue on the velcro to the window, so you can be twisted in the roll and compactly stored.

And in your framework, probably, I think that nothing will happen to them, but unless you will breathe mud, which has accumulated on them for the summer and autumn ...

We have just within. Do not remove. Periodically my and put back.


19-11-2006, 17:05

Do not remove.

I do not remove, but this year it is off. And suddenly Buran, icing, icicles, and fall. Weld like that of a mosquito.

In the article, tell me how to remove from the plastic window so as not to damage it. And also on what to do if the ears were crumbled - the holders in the form of a loop, for which it is convenient to pull out the design. First, give some tips that will simplify the process and make it safe.

How to remove the grid from the window:

Why fall mosquito in the fall

  • In snowy weather, snow falls inside the cells. It can turn into frown, which breaks the cell.
  • Under the weight of snow and sleep sags. This does not necessarily damage it, but the risk is. Strong wind also spoils the canvas.
  • At low temperatures, the handle can crack and break. Dismantling the design will be more difficult.
  • Birds can spoil the grid, they cling to it with sharp curls and unpack.
  • For the summer, a lot of dust accumulates on it. Leave the window in this form simply ugly, and the dirt reduces the shelf life of the product. That is, dismantling is needed for cleaning the design and glass package.
  • Through glass with a grid, much less of the world falls, and in the winter time and so does not indulge in sunny days.
  • Snow and rains contribute to the appearance of rust on holders.
  • If there is a warranty and it is damaged by frost or ice, it will not be free to repair it. Since the operating conditions are violated.

As you can see, spoil the product, leaving it on the window, very simple. Maybe it does not break completely, but the cells are deformed and insects, fluff, dust will fall into the apartment. Therefore, we still advise you to shoot in the fall. Use instructions and videos from the article to do it quickly and correctly.

  • Remove the design into a windless, dry weather. The wind gust can snatch it from the hands - when the product is falling, it is most likely breaking. Well, the rain will just drip on you, which is unpleasant.
  • Do not rely on the canvas, as it is not fixed so reliably to withstand the weight of a person.
  • Ask someone to help you - to insulate. Some can be removed, just leaning out.
  • Do not press the product too much - plastic parts fragile and easy to break them.
  • After dismantling, wash and dry the design. Keep it in a dry, warm room - better in a horizontal position. Do not lean your other things to it not to damage the cells.

So, choosing a good day, you can proceed to dismantling. Its method depends on which the grid is installed and how it is attached to the frame.

How to remove the frame mesh

Frame in most cases can be pulled out from the inside. This is a rectangle with a plastic or metal profile, inside which anti-moskit protection is stretched. There are four types of fastening frames. Tell about each of them.

Pockets and Z-shaped holders

Remove such a grid easily, provided that the attachments are good. In this case, it is necessary to work in this order.

  • Remove all things with - they will prevent you.
  • Take the design for the ears and lift up - it should exit the lower brackets. As a rule, the ears are located in the middle.
  • The bottom of the canvase is a bit away towards the street. Act carefully.
  • Lower the cloth a bit down to free it from the top brackets.
  • Turn the product so that it is free to pass into the window opening.

Ready. It remains only to put it in a room or a balcony, clean and find a place of storage.


Sometimes instead of the usual holders on the profile hooks installed. They are attached to the self-tapping screw or screws.

  • Loosen the hooks fastening.
  • Expand them inside.
  • Remove the mosquito from the window opening for the handle.


This mount is stronger than the rest. Pins with springs or plungers are inserted into the opening of the profile and fix the web on the frame. To dismantle it, you need to pull out the pins at the bottom of the profile first, and then in the top. Or use the second way.

  • Rotate pins clockwise.
  • Extract them from the frame.
  • Turn the mosquito so that it enters the opening and put it in the room.

It is forbidden to rotate fasteners counterclockwise to avoid their breakdown.

Flag mounts

If a canvas with flags (lamb), it will take it a little more complicated, because the flags often bent not only from the inside, but also outside.

  • Open the second sash to get to the flags.
  • Turn them.

How to remove sliding construction

How to remove the grid from the plastic window from the inside if it is sliding? This design is attached using two guides for which it moves. To remove it, we do the same as with the frame.

  • Free the windowsill from things so as not to drop them in the dismantling process.
  • Lift the cloth.
  • Free the videos and take the lower part to the side, from yourself.
  • Lower a little down to pull out the product from the top rollers.

There are also pleated. They are more compact, convenient to use, removed according to the type of sliding.

How to remove roll

Rolled mosquitoes can not be removed for the winter, as they are easy to roll right on the window. But if there is a need to dismantle, it can be done as follows.

  • Collect the product in the container.
  • Remove it by twisting the screws to which it is attached.

This is a rather complicated process, as the design is attached outside at the very top. It is easier to wash it at the end of the summer with the help of a regular sponge.

Without fasteners

Such canvas are usually nailed on nails or screwed by self-tapping, so it will be necessary to dismantle nippers or screwdriver.

How to remove the mosquito net if the handles broke (ears)

The handles are damaged from rain and low temperatures, and in the heat dry and crack. Without them, remove the mosquito becomes problematic.

In a situation where the holders crumbled, do not try to dismantle the design without them. It may happen that you drop it and she will break. The role of the ears can perform conventional rings from the keys.


  • Remove the rings from the keys from the bundle and thread through the cloth in those places where the previous holders stood.
  • Firmly grasp the rings and lift the mosquito.
  • Take it a little toward the street, turn over and enter into the house.

In the same way, fishing hooks of large sizes, clips or steel wire can be used. You can easily cope with the work, applying these remedies as helpers.

Look at the video with a visual example of such dismantling.

If you later want to attach conventional holders, then here is the instruction.

How to install new holders

Necessary things

  • Set of new handles (sold in a shopping store).
  • Roller to install a rubber seal or screwdriver.
  • Scissors or knife with rounded ends.

Installation Instructions

  • Place the mosquito horizontally.
  • With scissors or knives, it is very gently to get a sealing cord in those places where holders stood. It is not necessary to remove the entire seal.
  • Clean the resulting hole from plastic residues.
  • Put new holders.
  • Roller or screwdriver construct rubber cord back.

Now you know how to remove from the plastic window. Sometimes it is believed to remove it for the winter at all. This is not true. Here are some arguments against.

Mosquito nets are the most affordable and effective means of combating annoying insects. Modern grids are very convenient, they do not prevent the penetration of sunlight and airly from durable materials and serve several decades. And the most important thing is that anyone can cope with their installation or dismantle. To do this, it is enough to learn a little, how to remove or install mosquito nets on plastic windows.

On the market you can find three main types of grids: frame, rolled and sliding. Structure in all three types - Different approach to their installation and removal also varies.

How to install a frame mosquito net on a plastic window?

Frame mosquito nets are a metal frame, which is stretched by the canvas.

To install such a grid, you will need: the crepe elements (plastic or metal corners, pockets or hooks), drill and self-diameter screws. You can purchase the finished frame with the grid of the size you need or make to order.

Corners. More convenient to install frame mosquito nets on plastic windows using corners (brackets). Cheaper to buy corners of plastic, but for heavier grids or for the anti-car system (mosquito net of a special strength that claws cannot be broken) is used metal.

For the windows of the standard size of four corners will be enough. They are attached to the self-tapping screws from the outside of the window from below and on top of the profile. The frame with the grid is installed first into the upper corners, and then inserted into the lower. Please note that on the edges of the frame, as a rule, there are thickened inserts that prevent removal of the grid from the outdoor side.

Pockets for fastening the mesh are installed at the corners of the frame, the frame itself is attached in the same way as in the case of mounting on the corner: first in the lower mounts, then into the upper one.

Hooks, in contrast to their predecessors, are attached not to the profile, but on the robe itself.

How to remove or install similar mosquito nets on plastic windows is not much different from the installation of standard "mosquitoes", the only difference is that, in this case, the frame clings to the profile from the outside, and the hooks themselves are indoors.

How to remove a frame mosquito net with a plastic window?

Frame mosquito nets are convenient that they are equally easy to install and clean. To dismantle such a grid, you need to take it for the canvas and pull up, thereby take off the bottom mount. Then the mesh is completely pulled out of the upper grooves. It is not necessary to remove the attachments themselves, they do not interfere with the normal operation of the window.

How to install a roll (rolling) mosquito net?

Such mosquito nets on the principle of their action resemble rolled blinds or roller shutters. The whole mechanism and coil are located on the side of the room and are protected by a solid frame.

Despite the fact that the whole mechanism looks awesome, it is not difficult to install such a mesh. You get ready for the finished product all that is required - to attach the mechanism to the profile on the self-tapping screw. Remove the grid from the plastic window for the winter there is no need - you can raise it at any time or omit. Disadvantages may arise if you want to put horizontal blinds on your window, because there will be no place for their mounting on the profile.

How to install a sliding mosquito net?

The sliding mosquito net is another device that does not need to be removed for the winter, it acts on the principle of the door-coupe, moves along a special bridge in two directions. You can open one movement and close the grid.

Such grids are not convenient for standard windows with a conventional flap, you can only install them on the coupe window. In the design of such windows there is already a similar grid. If you want to install it yourself, you need to attach a bridge to the self-tapping screws, which will move the future grid, at the top and bottom of the profile. Then the frame runners is inserted into the upper bridge and later to the bottom.

Make sure that the frame is tightly sat in the mount and did not fall.

How to install grid-pls?

There is a variety of sliding mosquito net, which is suitable for the window with a standard sash - Plearse mesh (pleated). It is as well as the usual sliding grid, moves along a special bridge, its difference is that when closing it is folded into the harmonic.

Sliding and pleated mosquito nets are installed on a plastic window according to one principle.

How to remove the old sample mosquito net from the window?

Most recently, "Mosquito" was fucked on the profile itself without the use of frames and crepe details. Such structures were uncomfortable to use, needed a frequent replacement and spoiled the appearance of the window, leaving traces from the soles and nails on the profile.

In order to get rid of such a mesh, you need to remove nails with bodies or passages and remove the cloth. It is possible to block traces from nails using a self-adhesive film for the profile. You can buy it from the windows manufacturer. Unfortunately, it is not capable of restoring all sound insulation and thermal protection properties of the window, which will suffer due to the mounting of the grid.

We talked about the main types of grids and how to install and remove them. But these are not the only rules for the operation of the grid from mosquitoes. Do not forget that the canvas need to be washed periodically, because dust and dirt accumulates. Wash the mesh is better with the usual gel for washing dishes and a soft sponge. Prepare a soap solution and moisten to them well, leave for a few minutes, then rinse the foam and wipe the grid dry. Such wrap must be carried out at least once a month.

The presence on the mosquito mesh window does not allow insect to fall inside the room. As a rule, the design is used only in a warm period when frequent ventilation is required. Asking how to properly remove the mosquito net with a plastic window, you need to figure out several nuances.

To prevent common errors when disassembled design, you need to consider simple general rules. Including:

  • remove the product better in favorable and windless weather;
  • if possible, the grid from the inside must hold the assistant;
  • you can remove the fasteners through the adjacent window sash.

Main ways by fastening types

Before you begin to dismantle, you should find out the design features of plastic windows, since the attachments may have distinctive characteristics. Modern mosquito nets are mounted both outside and indoors, which is especially convenient if there is a spring pint.

Such a type of fastening is more expensive, but easy to install and appreciates the strength.

Most of the premises are installed mosquito products of the framework, which are a frame with a fine grid. There are also grids on suckers, rolled and others. Some varieties can be twisted either to assemble to protect against external influence, and simpler design variants will need to be removed.


This type is attached to the plastic windows with the help of the corners, pockets or checkboxes flags. The mount is carried out for the corners of the product from the street side. To remove the design, you need to reject the lower part from the opening and immediately start lifting behind the plastic handles. When the corners located below come out of the mounts, the frame must be picked up and in the horizontal position to put into the room.

The product with fastening corners, recorded on the frame, is dismantled in the same way - the design is lifted, deflect and removed from the retainers. The grid with hooks is easily removed when lifting and deviation from the frame. In this case, the clamps themselves from the frame will not dismantle.


The sliding version of the grids is fixed on the openings using a built-in guide, which simultaneously performs the function of the rails along which the product moves. There are structures with two guides - in this case, they are located below and from above.

To dismantle the sliding grid, you need to raise it and pull the roller from the hole. Then it remains to lower the design and separate from the opening.

The subspecies of the sliding mosquito net is pleated design. It is characterized by more miniature dimensions and convenient folding when opening. A similar product is dismantled by analogy with a classic sliding option.

On plungers

Plunger type involves the use of pins and is considered the most durable. The grid is fixed in the window opening on the pins with springs, which are inserted into specially equipped recesses. To remove the product, you need to remove the pins from the holes by typing clockwise. It is not allowed to rotate the plunger in the opposite direction, as it may damage the part.

Old sample

To dismantle mosquito nets of an old sample that nailed nails are either fastened with self-draws, they will need to use a screwdriver or nippers. Locks are pulled out of the frame, after which they remove the product itself. Hide the remaining recesses in the frame can be using a putty. If the grid is held on the loop, you need to remove the design, lifting up.

On hooks

Dismantling on hook models are performed by weakening the screws and turning the hooks inside. Bottom hooks should not be rotated. Then the designs are pulled out and removed from the opening.


The most difficult way to remove the rolled variety, as it takes a disassembly of a holistic mechanism along with the guides. The complexity lies in the fact that the mount is located on the street side, and when unscrewing the screws, you need to keep the whole design on weight. The easiest to turn the product to the roll and hide in a special container.

The product with a simple fastening type should always be removed for the winter, because due to the exposure of the cold it may be damaged. Dismantling should be taken carefully, so as not to disturb the structure of the material. If the design is made of durable material, it is allowed to use it on an ongoing basis. By deciding on the need to dismantle, it is necessary to take into account weather conditions and a variety of products.

With the onset of cold weather, the need for mosquito nets disappears, as annoying insects disappear before spring, and the windows open to ventilating much less often. To make the grids not dust in vain and did not wear them, it is recommended to shoot and clean it, even if they do not interfere with the windows (or doors) sash (or doors) open and close.

The procedure for removing products is quite simple, but it differs slightly depending on what type of mesh is required to dismantle. It depends on the method of fastening the design to the window or window to the window.

General principles for disassembling grids

  • It should remove the designs with favorable weather without wind.
  • It is desirable that the grid hold helpers (if there is such an opportunity).
  • You can remove the fasteners through the window sash next door.

How to remove the grid on the frame

The mesh on the frame is the design of a quadrangular shape from the elements of a metal or plastic profile, between which the mesh canvas is stretched. It is joined by one of three ways to the window: with the help of corners (PVC or metal), pockets, foxheart flags. The mount is made for angular parts from the outside.

This mesh is removed by lifting for plastic handles with a simultaneous deviation from the bottom frame. After the lower corners leave the mounts, the frame can be intercepted with one hand at the bottom and, turning horizontally, enter the room.

The product is similar to the fastener placed on the frame - the design is lifted, deviates and removed from the mounts.

The grid is easily removed with the hooks fastening (hooks are located on the grid and cling to the window profile from the inside of the room). When climbing and deflecting the frame, the anti-mosquito protection is easily separated from the window. Fastening themselves from the frame are not cleaned.

How to shoot sliding grids

Mesh from insect sliding type are attached to the window using a special guide that simultaneously performs the role of rails along which the design moves. The product may have one or two guides that are placed at the top and (or) bottom of the frame. To remove such a grid, it is lifted in such a way that the roller leaves from the recess of the guide. Then the design is lowered and removed from the window.

Pleated anti-mosquito net is one of the options sliding. It is more compact and conveniently consistent when opening. Remove the design follows in the same sequence as the usual sliding grid.

How to shoot nets on plungers

The pin mount, which is more commonly called plunger, is considered the most durable and durable. It provides for fixing the grid in the window opening using pins with springs inserted into specially prepared holes. For removal design, the pins need to be removed from the recesses, for which they should be checked several times in the direction of the clockwise movement. It is not allowed to rotate the elements in the opposite direction, as this may cause the plunger's promotion and scattering it to the part.

How to remove the grids of other species

To dismantle old grids, nails or screwed screws, you will have to use a screwdriver or nippers. Fasteners should be removed from the frame, and then remove the grid itself. The holes in the frame can be sealing with a scotch tape or putty composition.

Grids that are attached to the door or window frames with hinges must be removed from them, lifting up the design up.

Modern rolled models are filmed in the assembled form along with the penalty, which removes the canvas.

Certain difficulties may occur when removing the grid with a flag mount - after all, the mounts located outside must first bent. The procedure is quite risky, so it should be performed only with insurance or with an assistant who will support you. The "flags" of fastening from the street is being fucked, while you need to get out of the neighboring part of the window. After the attachments are unbuttoned, the grid is easily removed.

In principle, the process of removing the grid is quite simple and does not require special skills and skills. Nevertheless, so that no faults and difficulties may not arise, this operation can be performed once under the guidance of specialists during the design of the structure.

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