Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a plastic window itself. Assembling modern plastic windows with your own hands How to solder plastic window profile with your own hands

During the construction site, one friend decided to buy the windows, while it was impossible to bypass the bill with the value of the material.

The developer was in a light shock! The price was almost twice below than the cost of the entire order. It was then that it was decided to purchase a profile and other materials at cost, and that plastic PVC windows will be made with their own hands.

The equipment required for work was collected also with their own hands. To obtain the desired welding device, a hand tool was used, which was at hand - in the form of drills, electric jigsaws, perforators, and other necessary tools.

The milling cutter was purchased - there, where they took a profile.

As the profile is available today in very diverse versions of form and design, it is recommended to view the product catalog before order.

Before buying, you should also make sure that the steel frame is present inside the profile, which enhances the rigidity of the window frame and prevents its fragility.

Stages of profile processing

First you need to make a measurement. After the measurement and markup, the ends of the profile should be milling, providing them with transverse compatibility. To cut off the cutting of the joints, the "CULLES" is used - the device cutting at a certain angle. Each acceleration of the profile should be driven up to a degree. All angles should be 45 degrees, respectively.

Spike carcass window

For the fastening of welding blanks, peculiar shoulders are used - one shoulder one can move along the guide clamps. For the manufacture of the heating element, two burners are taken from electric tiles, and covered with teflon cloth. Heating can be adjusted.

After heating, the workpiece must be pressing one to another with the pneumatic cylinder from the jack. Thanks to the system of stops, the molten edges of the blanks are not pressed one to another greater than 3-4 mm. Compressed air is injected into the receiver made of an old gas cylinder, due to the automotive compressor (up to 4 kg / s).

When the seam cools, we repeat the procedure with the next pair. Thanks to the clips system, you can mount the profiles of almost all types.
To stripping the weld in the plane, we take a wide chisel, from the ends - a knife.

Before the windows are installed, you need to make sure that all the angles are glued and fastened at an angle of 90 degrees. If at least one corner does not respond to this indicator, the window should be considered defective.

Glass windows for PVC windows

With the frame, we finished, then you need to insert the glass windows. It is several layers of glass connected in a certain way. There may be a different number of them - for example, 2 or 4. The glasses that measure and cuts out the glass cutter, you need to put one to another and between them make a special metal profile, and to fall asleep small balls that will absorb extra moisture. When the metal profile is ready, we put it between the glasses and smear the special polymer, similar to the rubber mixture. In this way between the glasses, it turns out a hermetic space that acts on the principle as in the thermos.

Disassemble glasses simple and energy-saving. The second type of windows is characterized in that it reflects heat and retains it indoors. Such PVC windows are respectively more expensive.

Before ordering, you need to decide on the type of glass package. If the winter is moderate enough in your winter edges, there will be a fairly single glass package. But where strong frosts are commonplace, it is better to install a window with two or three glasses.

Double glazing should be good, then you can go to the installation. They are inserted simply into the window frames that are made before. Usually in profiles there are so-called Chepika with rubber edging - such a design does not pass the air from the outside. These Chepika also cut the carbon in the size of the window frame, and then we insert the frame into the profile.


To the choice of accessories - pens, mechanisms, etc. It should be suitable for special attention. Consider the room where plastic windows are located, you need to constantly venture. That is, you will often open and close the window, and therefore use the fittings. The quality of the mechanisms directly depends on the service life of windows. Therefore, it is worth choosing more expensive, but reliable accessories, then not to mess with the repair of windows.

Installation of plastic windows

You should trust exclusively to professionals of this case. It is also not worth saving here, it is better to do once and high quality. After the windows are installed, it is recommended to check them several times - open, close. The design should work clearly, flawless, and quite easy. Installation foam should be applied evenly in the desired quantity, to ensure proper sealing. As a result, you will get comfortable in the use of windows, savings, sound insulation, and a stylish room interior and an external home.

In our time, no one will not surprise the plastic windows presented in a large assortment on the market. Not so long ago, for many it was a novelty, but now it is ordinary. If suddenly you got up before choosing, what PVC windows choose, then you need to know that 100 percentage is simply not. In this article, we will look at the technology of making windows, with all the trifles that will be useful to you when choosing this product.

Everyone agrees that comfort and comfort in each house certainly depends on heat, which means plastic windows - that item that contributes to its formation. What is the secret? Why are plastic windows hold much more heat than traditional? And why have they become so popular in our time?

Highlighted polymer is the material from which the windows are made, it is simply called "profile" in everyday life. This product is highly resistant not only to moisture getting, it is also not afraid of temperature drops, as well as sun rays. That is why you do not have to paint the windows every year because of their drying, to put watts for the winter, as our parents did, all these problems were "overboard".

The "profile" is of various shapes and design, usually before ordering the windows best view the profile forms directory. The company and the quality of the profile may not always be coincided with the original appearance.

Before you order the PVC windows, make sure that the steel frame is laid inside the profile, which prevents the fragility and adds the stiffness of the window frame.

The profile passes several stages of processing, before that time, as you can see the frame resulting from it.

The first stage is a frother. After the required size of the ends of the profile is measured and the necessary size of the profile for their transverse compatibility. The angular joints are cut off by a "corner" by a device that cuts at a certain angle. All the stakes of the profile must be fitted up to the degree, in all angle there must be a correspondence in 45 degrees.

Second stage-soldering and fasteners. Different parts of the profile are combined between each other in two ways: soldering and mechanical fasteners. The edges of the frame (pre-disconnected under 45 degrees) are put on a special device, the iron, which presses two profiles and smells them between themselves. Well, here, angular joints are ready. Internal profile compounds are attached with the help of accessories (corner-shaped plate) with special screws.

Before you install the windows, you will condone that all the corners are glued and fastened under 90 degrees. Otherwise, if one of the corners does not comply with this requirement, the window can be considered a marriage.

Frame ready is now worth inserting the glass windows. Double-glazed glass is an unusual connection of several glass sheets. From how many sheets of glass - 2,3 or 4, double-glazed windows are called double or triple, etc. The glass is pre-measured and cut with glass cutters together on each other, between them they lay a special metal profile into which small balls fall asleep - ... these balls suck out the extra moisture. After the metal profile is prepared, it is placed between the glasses and is lubricated with a special polymer (something similar to the rubber mixture). Thus, the space is formed between the glasses, while absolutely hermetic. This can be compared with the thermos system.

The glasses themselves are divided into categories: simple and energy-saving. Energy-saving windows reflect warm, keeping it into the house. The price of energy-saving glasses, of course, above.

Before you make an order, decide which double-barker you want to install. If you live in countries where winter is not such a swell, it is quite enough single, well, if the winter is very cold, then stop your choice on a double or triple glass.

After the glass packs are dried, they will become suitable for use. They are simply inserted into the pre-made window frames. As a rule, the profile has a "Chepika" with a rubber edging, this allows not to pass air from the outside. The "Chepika" themselves, are also cut into the side of the window frame, and then simply inserted into the frame profile.

It should be borne in mind that the choice of fittings: pens, mechanisms, etc. Very important part deserving special attention. It should be borne in mind that the room where plastic windows are installed are constantly needed in its ventilation. Therefore, you will often be able to open and close the windows, which means use the mechanisms. From how much high-quality accessories is installed on the windows of PVC depends on their life. It is better to spend a little more expensive, but be sure that your windows will not give you extra problems with their repair.

Installing windows is another item that should not slip out of your type. The team of professionals should know their job well. Check after installation all windows, open, close them several times, nothing should be cling or interfered with the discovery. The mounting foam should be applied evenly throughout the perimeter of the slots. After all, sealing the pledge of heat in the house.

The quality of the window sill may affect all the work. Choose the leading manufacturers so that it does not work so that after all the time you have had problems with the windowsill, which will require your replacement.

PVC profile welding is one of the main operations in the process of manufacturing PVC windows. The quality of the welding process ensures the operational properties of the finished window, its aesthetic appearance and technical

The welding of PVC profile for windows is one of the main operation in the process of production of PVC windows. The quality of the welding process provides the operational properties of the finished window, its aesthetic appearance and specifications.

Frames and sash profiles are welded in the window block. Profiles must fit tightly to the centers that completely repeat the profile configuration. The pressure of the climb should be so to eliminate the possibility of their offset and deformation during welding. Dissolio plates is not allowed. To ensure high quality seam, which means its durability, it is necessary to withstand the conditions of welding, which determines the manufacturer of this PVC profile.

Welding machines

Welding machines are distinguished by the number of welded heads. The most popular welding machines are considered one-, two-, and four-headed. Multi-headed row welding machines are used for simultaneous welding of contours and welts of imposses in one working cycle. Such technology is not popular in the manufacture of PVC windows in our country.
On a single-headed machine, the welding of one window of the window is performed in four cycles, two cycles are needed on a two-head welding machine, on a four-wheel - welding of all four angles occurs in one cycle in automatic mode. The most productive is the machine with four welding heads.

Single head welding machine

A single-head welding machine has the possibility of welding profiles under a non-standard angle, that is, not at 90 degrees. The same possibility is also provided on some two-headed welding machines where one of the welded heads has a similar mechanism. The four-headed welding machine is designed for welding standard angles and is used for large volumes of production of standard PVC windows.

Fourhead welding

There are two varieties of four-headed machines - vertical design and horizontal. Vertical welding machines are more compact, but do not have the ability to build automatic welding and credit lines. In such lines, horizontal four-headed welding machines are used. These lines occupy large areas on PVC window production, have greater performance and require less in the amount of labor involved.

Welding process

The process of welding PVC profile in the window production provides for strict compliance with the standards of welding technology, namely: heating the welded surfaces of the PVC profile, the duration of the melting surfaces, the welding temperature, sufficient cooling time of the welded profiles. It is also necessary to observe the purity of the working area, timely clean the melting elements of the machine and the PVC profile itself for proper and reliable welding of the profile. In the technical conditions for welding PVC profiles, strict compliance with the quality control rules of the welded window circuit prescribed, since the further strength of the finished product depends on the quality of the weld, that is, PVC windows, its operational longevity and safety.

In the process of welding, it is necessary to strictly withstand the necessary welding conditions:
The temperature of the welded knife is 230 - 250 ° C.
The surface of the knife must be clean.
The Teflon coating of the knife is wiped with a clean cotton or paper towel every hour, on the "hot", without the use of solvents.
Seam heating time - 25 - 40 seconds.
Seam welding time - 25 - 40 seconds.

Before installing the PVC profile on the welding machine, make sure that the surfaces of the welded surfaces are clean, as the lubricant, dust, the PVC profile or metal chips deteriorate sharply deteriorate the quality of the corner welding. After the end of the welding process, visual control of the quality of the weld of the metal-plastic window is performed:
The seam should have a white color (the darkening is not permissible, as it indicates that the temperature of heating the welding knife was overestimated or overheating is heating it).
Seam must be uniform over the entire length.

Billets should be cooked throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe welded surface. Control of the combat size of products according to the order form. Teflon film changes after 300-400 welding operations. Heating temperature, heating time and pressure exposure are specified for each batch of profiles.

When welding PVC profile, pay attention to the following
Moments (causes of possible errors when welding)

The durability in the corners is significantly reduced if the temperature of the welded profiles does not reach 17 ° Celsius, or there are
Large drafts;
From the correctness of the cutting profile on the Us, if the inaccuracy of the angle exceeds even 1 degree.
The temperature in the instrument indicators does not correspond to the temperature of the welded plate;
The welded plate is cooled on one side with a draft;
Temperature, time and pressure of the melt do not fit sufficiently to each other;
Welded seam limiters are installed too narrowly;
Insufficient pressure of clamping plates;
Compliance of the sizes of the Claws sizes and the configuration of the welded profile;
Welded surfaces are located due to improper fixing (adjustment of the welding machine) or cutting
In parallel to the heating plate.

The temperature in industrial premises should not be descended below 17 ° C, the relative humidity of the air is not higher than 70%. The area of \u200b\u200bthe angular weld, as well as its quality, along with the nature of the imposteral attachment, is determining for the spatial work of the window block under the action of operational and installation loads.
A light filtered roller near the weld means that the welding was carried out correctly. Billets should be cooked throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe welded surface. Seam must be uniform and not to have cracks.
If, when welding a white profile, a filtered brown roller with a rough surface is formed, this means that there is a material facing due to too high welding temperature or too long melting time. At low seam temperature bubbles.

Windows with such defects are not accepted for installation in the openings, and is unambiguously subject to rework.
When welding controlled on the instrument scale. Indicators of temperature, pressure, cycle time, cleaning surfaces for welding, as well as the size of profiles in length before and after welding, welding angle, diagonal frames and sash,
Sizes in width and height.

After welding, the framework of welded angular connections is checked. For this, corners of 250x250 mm sizes from PVC profile at least 10 pcs. and conduct their tests according to GOST 30674-99 \\ "Window blocks from
Polyvinyl chloride profiles \\ ".

Cooked profiles should cool about 5-10 minutes before they can be processed further. You should not cool the welds with an accelerated method using compressed air and not allow contact with a cold floor, which leads to the formation of uncontrolled stresses in the material and the possibility of breaking the welded parts.

Automation of the welding process

The automation of the welding process is carried out using the so-called welding process controller.
The controller provides semi-automatic control of the welding process and maintain the desired heating temperature.
Its main functions:
- measurement and indication in the digital layer plate temperature (knife);
- Start and stop the machine for a given program;
- automatic adjustment of the plate temperature;
- indication in the digital form of the machine operation algorithm;
- operational setting of the required plate temperature;
- The operational task of the required duration of heating and welding.
The average power consumption of the controller is about 20 W. The average service life is at least 10 years.

According to the materials of the center of modern technologies "Universal", the company STK

Mark "Different Stamps" in the Equipment Catalog \u003e\u003e\u003e
Brand "Different Stamps" on Equipment Stock Registration \u003e\u003e\u003e
Various stamps brand suppliers in the catalog of firms \u003e\u003e\u003e

Many people have already felt the advantages of plastic windows, compared to old window systems. If you still have modern eurowindows in your home or apartment, then you need to do it urgently. The presence of high-quality window profiles and double-glazed windows in plastic windows allows them to reliably protect your home from temperature drops and from outsided sounds. After installing plastic windows in your house there will always be a comfortable temperature both in the winter and in the summer, it will be cozy and pleasant.

The installation of plastic profiles with double and triple glass packs reliably protect the house from the penetration of cold air and street noise.

Often, people prefer to save money to save money, and this is a completely affordable task. Despite the fact that the window itself has a complex design, putting the installation of plastic windows with their own hands is easy, and for this you do not need to have special equipment or knowledge.

Features of performance

Before starting the installation of plastic windows with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for these works, comply with the steps and sequence of these works:

  • measurement windows are performed;
  • dismantling of old windows is carried out;
  • surface preparation is performed;
  • install new windows.

After performing measurements, and it is necessary to do it quite accurately, you need to contact the company you trust, and order the manufacture of windows on the dimensions you specify.

One of the problems that may occur when installing plastic windows with your own hands, maybe something that you will not be guaranteed, since in most cases the warranty is provided if all work will be carried out by employees of the company.

For the specified window type, there are no standards in size and form, they can have a window block of any size and shape, are made individually. Measurements must be paid special attention if they are made wrong, the installation of PVC windows will be difficult, they may be greater than or less window opening, which will lead to additional costs of time and money.

Installation of PVC windows has its own characteristics that must be observed, otherwise all the advantages, which has PVC windows will be minimized. But do not be upset if you comply with the installation recommendations, taking into account the individual parameters of the house or apartment, then you can install high-quality plastic windows and independently, without attracting specialists.

It is worth noting the fact that it encourages the installation of PVC windows with its own hands, that some unrelated representatives of firms that perform the installation of windows, quite often neglect certain stages of the installation, thus saving their time. Even if you constantly control their work, they may not listen to your wishes and comments, so many people decide to install PVC windows independently.

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Conducting measurements

Consider how the windows without a quarter, which need to perform actions in the event of freelance situations.

If the rectangular opening is measured, then it is measured its width and height, do not forget to add the windowsill thickness. When determining the width of the window, it is necessary to take the dimensions of the installation gaps from the result, and when it is determined its height, the widths and the height of the installation profile. It is necessary to carry out the measurements at least in 3 different places of the opening and focus on the minimum result.

In order to determine the deviations of the opening in the vertical plane, use a plumb, in the horizontal plane uses a water level. If they are significant, then everything must be fixed on paper, according to this, the size of the window will be determined. If the width of the openings may differ in size, the height of the windows should be the same, this condition must be performed at least on one side of the house. The window must be installed at a distance that is 2/3 from the width of the wall. It can be placed on only when you will insulate the walls, which will increase their thickness.

To determine the hoist width, it is enough to take the width of the window opening and add 5 cm for the bend. The hoist width will be the distance from the frame to the edge of the wall + the protrusion of about 3 cm and the reserve for its bend. Experts recommend sloping after installing the window.

The window frame is raised at the bottom of the construction scrap and is dismantled.

If the window openings with a quarter are measured, then when determining the width, it is necessary to add 2 quarters in the frame, in general, it is from 5, it is 8 cm, when calculating the height, it is necessary to add an approach to the upper quarter -2.5-4 cm.

To determine the size of the balcony window, the length of the parapet is measured and 6-7 cm is taken on both sides, which is necessary for mounting an angular profile. The height will be the distance from the parapel to the ceiling, taking into account the mounting gaps. The sizes of side window blocks are determined in the same way.

If the building is old, then the slopes there can be a large amount of solution, and it must be knocked down to determine the real size of the window opening. This will allow not only reliably and efficiently install the window block, but also increase its width.

After you have determined all sizes, you can access the window block manufacturer and, together with it, it will be necessary to decide on the window block form, the presence of opening flaps and deaf parts, choose accessories.

There are two types of mounting windows:

  • through frame;
  • using the pre-installed support of the reinforcement.

When choosing the first option, you will need to remove all the double glazing and swinging flaps so as not to damage them during the installation process. The use of the second option is more preferable, since it is not necessary to disassemble the design, which eliminates the ability to disrupt its tightness, but you can not insert the window in this way, since it has a fairly large weight.

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Conducting preparatory work

Anchor is inserted into the holes of the frame and are screwed to the wall of the electric drill.

Materials and tools needed to perform work:

  • plumb;
  • water level;
  • nail holder;
  • lomik;
  • bulgarian;
  • perforator;
  • electric drill;
  • rubber hammer.

After you delivered the order, you can begin work on the preparation of the surface of the opening. Clean the space near the window, floor and heating appliances are covered. If necessary, the shutters are removed from the window block and the deaf windows are pulled out. To stretch the glass, first remove the vertical strokes. Then remove the lower and top stack to put them in place, be sure to make marks. If the frame is tilted, the double-glazed glass should get out of it yourself, gently retire it aside.

To remove sash with canopies, they first remove the plugs, and then unscrew the clamping bolts, then release the upper part of the opening sash and from the bottom canopy takes out the hook. After such operations, you will have a naked frame. Make a minimum of 3 holes on each side and 2 top and bottom for anchors on the inside of the frame. For reliable mounting, there will be enough anchors with a diameter of 8-10 mm.

If the mounting of the window block is performed on the pre-installed fittings, then you just need to fix, without disassembled the windows, for this use special screws that come in the kit.

Since no gostas provide for the fact that the standing profile must be filled with foam, most of the plastic windows installers ignore the specified operation. In order not to form a thermal bridge, it is necessary to fill the installation profile with foam, it is best to perform the specified operation per day before the installation of the window block is started.

Delete the old window is needed on the day of installing a new block. If you do not plan to further use the old frame, then after removing the sash, it is written and easily removed. After the window box was dismantled, you need to remove the insulation and the seal, which is under it to the wall surface, with the help of a perforator, it is necessary to remove part of the slopes, dismantling the windowsill.

It is necessary to clean the ends out of dust and dirt, if the house is wooden, then under the frame it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing. After that, it is necessary to make all the garbage and we can assume that the stage of dirty works is completed. At this stage of the preparatory work is considered to be finished, and can be moved directly to the installation.

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Installing the window and its correct fastening

All gaps between the walls and the frame of the installed window are filled with the mounting foam and are covered with waterproofing film.

The bottom edge is laying the substrates, it can be wooden bars or you can buy ready-made plastic linings. They are installed at the edges and in the center of the frame, and already on the substrate they refine the frame or fully the window assembly, it will depend on the installation method that you have been selected.

To secure the window on the sides, pegs are also used, they are installed at the edges not to cause the skew frame. Using the water level, the window is carried out along the horizon, the use of bubble level is undesirable, as it has a smaller accuracy. The plane vertical installation is used with a plumb. After that, you can install anchor.

If the block is fastened through the frame, then the holes are made at first with the help of the electric drill and the holes in the wall are drinked. At first, the window is attached on both sides below, the correctness of its installation is checked and then the anchor is bent up and in the midst. Once again it is checked by the installation of the installation and the anchors are tightened.

If you are fixed through special fasteners (ears), then they already have a place for anchors. In this case, it is also first to fasten the lower part, and then the average and top and at each stage is controlled by the correct installation.

For fastening waterfronts in the frame there is a special groove, an additional attachment to the frame can be performed using screws.

After installing the frame, the window is assembled, everything is performed in the reverse order, which was when disassembling it. After installing the glass pack, you first install the upper and lower, and then side staps, do it using a rubber hammer. Places are installed and check as they open, they should not open or close.

The next step is to carry out the sealing of the gap between the frame and the wall. Usually use mounting foam. The disadvantage of foam is that under the action of natural factors, it loses its properties, and it is necessary to create a good hydrobarier for its protection.

From the inside it is necessary to cover the foam with a special hydraulic vapor insulation self-adhesive ribbon, it does not glue downstairs. With an outdoor, moisture-resistant, but vapor-permeable film. The bottom is glusted from the bottom with a fooling surface, then it closes the windowsill. After one edge of the film is glued to the frame, the space is filled with foam. To the foam is better polymerized, the surface must be mixed with water, then the tape is attached to the wall.

The windowsill must enter the window opening until it stops into the lining profile, the windowsill should enter 5-10 cm in the wall and have a small bias towards the room. The space under it is filled with foam or solution, the windowsill is fixed with the help of self-samples.

A desire to make windows yourself? Let's try to figure out how to make the manufacture of plastic windows with your own hands.

The first step will be the acquisition of the equipment necessary for work. You will need several machines, somewhere about 4:

  • for cutting PVC;
  • for milling holes;
  • for PVC welding;
  • for milling the ends of the impost.

From hand tools you need to have:

  • Electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • bulgarian, etc.

Materials for plastic windows:

  • seals
  • pVC profiles
  • furnitura
  • glass windows

Attention! The main material for the manufacture of plastic windows with their own hands is the polymer (profile) with maximum resistance to external natural factors.

Stages of work:

Measurement. Initially, the profile is measured and noted, and its ends are milling, for their further transverse alignment. The joints on the corners are cut off with a stub (gelling) at a certain angle.

Soldering and fasteners. Certain parts of the profile are soldered and attached to each other. To do this, the extreme side of the frame is put on the iron (special. Device) and with it, both profiles are connected. Connections inside the profile are secured by special screws.

Installing the glass package. Pre-prepared glasses on which measurement and cutting was performed are placed one to another, and special balls are covered inwards for their resistance from moisture. The finished metal profile is embedded between the glasses and is lubricated with a polymer. After a certain time, the plastic window will dry and ready.