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Where to buy plastic windows? Choose a reliable supplier of PVC double glazing supplier. Reviews of plastic windows and window companies in the Moscow region The best firms on the installation of plastic windows

To date, it is difficult to find a house in which plastic windows would not be installed. Of course, there are those who prefer wooden structures, but still people who have convinced the benefits of PVC products becomes more every day. In this regard, everything appears more companiesproducing plastic windows and providing services on their installation. And what manufacturer choose not to be disappointed in the purchase?

How to choose a manufacturer of plastic windows

To select a reliable manufacturer of plastic windows worth paying attention to the following factors:

  • How long has the company working on the market. Naturally, novice manufacturers also can create high-quality products, but it is still better to trust the manufacturer's proven.
  • Customer reviews. The more the company trusts the company, the more reliable.
  • Availability of price. The cost of plastic windows from the manufacturer must comply with quality, but it should not differ significantly from the average market.
  • How high-quality materials are used. Of course, you will not be able to check the production workshop to check out what windows are created, but the opportunity to inspect finished goods you have.

If you find a suitable plant for installing plastic windows, look for both reviews about it on the Internet. If the company is large, probably about cooperation with it, customers have repeatedly wrote on the network.

After you stop at a specific option, come to the office and look around. Sign up the contract, wait for masters that will measure your window. Just think about how they work. Does it profess it or not? Of course, you as a person who does not understand these matters will hardly determine the level of professionalism of specialists, but it is worth trying.

By the way, very the best way Learn about the manufacturer of plastic windows - contact your friends and acquaintances. Surely your loved ones have once established PVC structures at home. Here and take the company's contacts specializing in the production of plastic windows.

Good day! Each person in life faces the question of choosing a high-quality plastic window. If you encountered such a problem, I suggest read this article.

My many years of experience in working with plastic windows gave me a lot of knowledge with which I will gladly share with you.

The plastic window is made of a multi-chamber system, which not only retains heat, but also removes the house from moisture, dust, wind and noise. To select high-quality windows, the manufacturer has a high-quality role. It is better to choose the windows manufacturer according to customer reviews, friends who put the windows. Most Popular Manufacturers: Rehau, Kbe, Veka, Salamander, Proplex.

The material from which the profile, glass and fittings are made of great role.

Reviews and tips of our customers on how to choose high-quality and best plastic windows

If you decide to install the windows, then you first need to decide which plastic windows to choose. It is important to know what to pay special attention to to avoid many problems. We give the following reviews about plastic windows that leave our customers. Perhaps they will help you to figure out the question - how to choose plastic windows.

Anatoly, 45 years, Moscow:

Pay attention to the type of profile used. The profile may be imported or domestic. Many specialists argue that imported quality - and this is so. Sometimes, in order to make an inexpensive profile, use secondary raw materials. Therefore, be sure to specify this moment in consultants. Carefully study the cut, which is shown to you for example - its thickness should be 1.5 mm, it must be made of galvanized steel. Only such a profile will be reliable and high-quality.

Try to carefully consider the accompanying fittings. High quality is German fittings. It depends on it simplicity and convenience of managing your plastic window.

Number aircases Inside the window must be at least three.

The company manufacturing plastic windows must have samples of work and sections of profiles. Production and installation must be certified. Never blend to demand confirmation documents and samples. It subsequently will save you from many worries.

Right plastic windows will reliably serve you. I want to note that only professionals work in the company "Repair" of windows. You may undoubtedly entrust your home! "

Stanislav, 37 years old, Moscow region:

"... I want to advise all those who wish to buy the best plastic windows, pay attention to the quality of the glass packs.
High-quality glass should be:
A thickness of at least 32 mm;
Aircases in a double-glazing should be at least two;
Must have a heat transfer coating;
The glass brand must be M1 polished;
When I needed to change the window in the kitchen in my apartment, I turned to the Windows repair company. Double-glazed windows were really high-quality - any wind and frost are not terrible with them. Guys, thanks! "

Svetlana, 30 years old, Moscow:

"... Plastic windows - what better? In my opinion, such brands like Rehau, Veka, Kve should be trusted. Plastic windows are really high-quality - reliable thermal insulation, simplicity of control, anti-burglar system. The windows look solid, not heard noise from the street. I installed plastic in my apartment window Rehau., and parents - Veka. With such windows, cold winters are not terrible, and in summer it is quite comfortable with mosquito nets. Thanks to the staff of the company "Repair windows" for their advice and assistance in the installation! "

Contact our company and purchase high-quality plastic windows that will help to take a new look at the world around!


Choosing which windows to buy for home or office, each of you is looking for the best decision To preserve heat and comfort, trying to find optimal combination Prices and qualities. The manufacturer of a high-quality plastic profile recommends paying attention to the following PVC windows parameters:


There are several profile quality classes defined by the thickness of the outer wall. A thinner profile can cost cheaper, but it cannot always ensure the preservation of the consumer properties of the window - heat and noise insulation, geometric stability, durability. The best firms work with a class A profile that allows you to guarantee quality.

Fittings and components

The windows of good quality should be opened and closed without problems at any time of the year, to protect against dust and street sounds. Cheap seals, handles, swivel accessories and fastening elements not only reduce the cost of the window, but also reduce its quality. After all, with bad components, even a first-class profile will not save.


Pay attention to what the manufacturer uses. Good windows There are glass windows of polished glass, often with a sunscreen. A cheap Chinese glass may later upset you with muddy divorces, scratches and even cracks with severe frosts.


Whatever the best plastic windows, the wrong installation will turn around everything. We advise you to use the services of installing windows that offer manufacturers themselves. Attraction to the installation of people from the side or self installation deprive you of the right to warranty service.


The ultimate cost of the installation window depends on all previous points. You can find and put a cheaper window, however, the aggregate savings can be a maximum of 20%, and the service life will be unpredictable. Just find out how much maintenance and repair costs, and think about whether it is worth installing windows that can have to be repaired.

From the experience of cooperation with windows manufacturers, we confirm that the most private problems in the operation of the window are caused by poor-quality fittings and improper installation. It is better to spend a little more money, and install the highest quality window than to regret the tools spent and re-prepare for repairs.


The rating of plastic windows is one of those criteria by which it would be enough to determine the best plastic windows. However, such an objective and comprehensive rating you will not find. This is explained by a number of reasons.

Firstly, the rating of plastic windows cannot be objective, since the assessment will always be a subjective judgment. An expert or folk opinion is always only the opinion of subjects on the basis of any criteria, the set of which is very different.

Secondly, the ranking of windows cannot give a comprehensive assessment, because the window products are a technically complex product with characteristics versatile and multifaceted. It is not necessary at all necessary the best window must be made of the thick (wide) profile and not always the warmest windows are necessary when glazed.

Thirdly, the rating of plastic windows is not guaranteed the quality of PVC windows in operation. Even the best windows of the rating can be corrupted by poor-quality installation or perform their functions inappropriately due to the marriage of production.

What plastic windows are better: Veka, Rehau, Kbe?

As in any question: the fish is looking for a deeper, but a person where is better. In this regard, the usual consumer is always more interesting to buy a better product for favorable price. So having an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich product from the presented line has best characteristics - It is always easier to find it at an optimal price.

Choosing popular windows today on the basis of Reheau profiles, century, KBA, etc., man does conscious choice In favor of the famous and reliable brand. However, the windows on the basis of the best, from a technical point of view, the profile has excellent potential, but do not guarantee excellent performance.

After all, in addition to the profile itself, accessories, double-glazed windows, quality of the work of the manufacturer's window company and installers are present in the window. Thus, it is not necessary to window from the brand profile better windows KBE or century.

Why still do not have the best window company and the best plastic window?

This question is tormented by buyers and sellers of windows, journalists of popular magazines and editors. Increasingly, the question is asked on the topic of choosing better PVC windows at construction forums and in search engines. But the answer is definitely fair and properly found on it. Why?

One of the reasons is the complexity of the design itself, as we have described earlier, which is a large number of items. Here can be used as expensive and high Quality Accessories and less expensive, less reliable.

Add here a human factor that is present in any process of assembling and manufacturing using a living person's workforce. It turns out a black box with large number Unknown at the entrance and mysterious according to the properties of the product at the exit.

Another component, which also takes place when determining the quality of the installed window is the installation process. To imagine the situation when in the whole perfectly manufactured window will be irrevocably spoiled by anonymous-installer completely simple.


It was the complaint about such a unit to hear in the process of "secantation" of residential buildings. The installation of plastic windows was trusted by non-professional, and, as a result, initially good in the quality of the windows, turned into a non-suitable and low-quality element of the window opening as a result.

If, all the same, determine best window, To do this, it is necessary to compare and select products according to the following rules or one of the following ways: by price, in quality, by the optimal price-quality ratio.

The method of independent rating of plastic windows, giving an interesting buyer assessment, as seen, should have based on absolute values \u200b\u200brelated to the window structure directly. The quality of service services (delivery, installation) can be rated already in relation to the window, but to a specific window company.


  • In the rating, goods should participate - plastic windows and PVC doors - one "weight" category. Possessing similar if not the same technical specifications. Windows of different segments must be compared in their subgroups.
  • The rating should be assessed by the same parameters for a predetermined list - the most meaningful characteristics From the point of view of the consumer of windows.
  • The rating should be drawn up by an independent group of experts or to form a public opinion - a representative sample from the set of all possible consumers of windows.

Only working in such a way, the results obtained will have at least some meaning, and the rating of plastic windows will be in demand, useful and relevant when choosing windows and buy them.


What plastic windows better put?

At first glance, the design of plastic windows is very simple - glass, frame, handles. However, the windows of different manufacturers differ from each other both in quality and price. Choosing the windows of the famous brand, the buyer pays not for a loud name, but for reliability and durability. Consider in more detail all the elements from which the windows consist and find out what plastic windows are better.

What plastic windows are better to put in an apartment or house? Good plastic windows do not just close the window opening - they perform many functions.

The main one in our latitudes, of course, heat resistant. The owners of poor-quality windows know well what problem they can become winter. Cold and drafts - the inevitability for those who decided to save and put the cheapest model of handicraft production.

But the best plastic windows provide perfect thermal insulation - for example, when -5 o C, the temperature near the inner glass never falls below +20 o C. Summer windows can protect the apartment from the heat and too bright sun - for the south rooms, You can select windows with tinted double-glazed windows and protection against infrared radiation.

An important feature of plastic windows is sound insulation, especially this is important for those who live nearby from the busy road. Noise insulation depends on glass thickness and distances between them.
The windows also protect the house from illegal penetration.

Helpful advice!

Famous manufacturers are constantly improving the hack resistance of windows, and many models are not easy to open outside. And, of course, do not forget about such trifles as insect protection with mosquito net. And from the light with the help of blinds.

Firms producing plastic windows are about 10-15 largest manufacturers (Kve, Rehau, Veka, Salamander, Schuko, Kommerling, Proplex, DeceUninck, Montblanc, LG Chem and others) and a few more dozen smaller. Each company offers a number of lineur windows - from democratic priced to luxury options.

It is not easy to understand this quantity of proposals, it is even harder to say which companies are better than plastic windows. When you select the window, it should be repeated not from the brand or, moreover, prices, but from our own needs. This is what you should pay attention to when selecting the window:

Material and uniformity profile

Usually, the profile for plastic windows is made of PVC reinforced with metal. PVC is resistant to deformations, harmless to humans and ambientis not afraid of temperature drops, moisture, oils, acids and solvents. From PVC you can make not only standard square and rectangular windows, but also the designs of any form are round and semicircular, triangular, etc.

High-quality PVC is homogeneous, its surface is smooth, without grain, irregularities and divorces, it is absolutely deprived of the smell.

Thickness profile

Profile is a design with internal partitions. Thickness of external I. inland walls Profile is normalized. Depending on it, the profile belongs to one of three classes - A, B or C.

  1. Class A - outer walls with a thickness of 2.8 mm, internal - from 2.5 mm. The windows from such a profile provide good heat and noise insulation, they are installed in residential premises.
  2. Class B - outer walls with a thickness of 2.5 mm, internal - from 2.0 mm. Class B profile windows recommended for installation in non-residential premises. They are less durable, worse they keep warm and do not provide sufficient protection against noise.
  3. Class C - all other profiles that are not suitable for standards A and V. To the class C profile, strict requirements are not presented.

Obviously, the thicker profile, the more stronger and better. Most modern window profiles have the thickness of the outer walls from 3 mm.

Number of aircases

Inside the profile there are several cavities - aircases providing protection from cold and loud sounds from the street. The minimum number of cameras in profile is 3, the maximum - 8. The most common 3 and 5-chamber profiles are most common. The 3-chamber is suitable for windows overlooking the quiet courtyard or south, 5-chamber is better to choose for windows overlooking the road or north-oriented.

The glass is called a glass of glasses, hermetically interconnected. The space between the two sheets of glasses is the camera. Many confuse cameras in the profile and cameras in the double-glazing, but these are different concepts.

The most common double-glazed glass is a two-chamber consisting of three glasses and two cameras between them. However, both three-, and four-chamber windows for a particularly cold climate are found. Single-chamber packages are suitable only for glazing loggias, balconies or arbors.

The quality of the glass has no less value than the number of cameras in the double-blade. Normal glass - The cheapest, but today many choose glasses with additional properties. For example, a glass of coated reflective infrared rays is as transparent as an ordinary glass, but at the same time maintains heat in winter and pleasant coolness - in the summer.


There are refractory glasses that do not break even when exposed to extremely high temperatures, and glass laminated by a triplex - such a window is almost impossible to break down, but even if someone succeeds, there will be no sharp fragments when breaking.

Quality of seals

Seals are needed so that the window closes tightly, as well as to ensure the tightness of the glass packs. Seals are made of rubber, rubbing, silicone or natural rubber. The most inexpensive (and short-lived) option - rubber, in the windows of more expensive install rubber and silicone seals. They are not deformed even after a long use, temperature drops also do not affect their quality.

Profile width

The profile width must be at least 50 mm. Most of the best plastic windows have a width of 58-70 mm and more. The thickness mainly depends on the number of glasses - than them more, the window "warmer" and wider. In most cases, the width of 58-70 mm is enough to provide heat and silence in the house, wider profiles are in demand in the harsh northern climate or in very noisy areas.


The plastic window is a rather heavy design, and it is constantly exposed to loads - the windows are open and closed daily. Therefore, accessories for such windows should be particularly reliable. Most often, the owners of cheap poor-quality windows complain about the accessories - the handles are smalleled and fail, and then fall off, the window loops are hidden and thrown out.

To avoid such troubles, buy windows of solid manufacturers, which not only strictly control the quality of fittings, but also constantly develop new, more convenient and durable systems. Adjustable accessories are better unregulated - it allows you to open the window exactly as much as required, and special stoppers will not allow a draft window to shut.

Anti-burglar systems will not give attackers to penetrate the house (this is especially true for apartments on the first floor, cottages and private houses). To decent manufacturers window fittings You can attribute Roto, Aubi, Winkhaus, Siegenia.

The best manufacturers of plastic windows and prices




Cost (for two-chamber glass windows 1400x1600 mm)

Durability, high rates of heat and noise insulation, eco-friendly plastic. The windows of the Kve are sealed, withstand the temperature differences from +50 ° C to -50 o C. The well-thought-out ventilation system that does not allow windows to foggle.

Relatively high price. Plastic with time can be glad a little.

From 13 000 rubles

Strength, good sound and thermal insulation, wide the lineup, environmental Safety, frost resistance.

A small height of the flaps and somewhat large, in comparison with other brands, cost.

From 13 500 rubles

Low cost, durability, adaptation to Russian conditions, plastic, distinguished by durability and whiteness.

The design of some models is morally outdated. No international certification.

From 11 000 rubles

Durability, high noise and thermal insulation, tightness, wide range of models. Rubber seal, which is not afraid of low temperatures.

Relatively high price.

From 12 500 rubles

Low cost, very good design, adaptation to Russian conditions, a wide selection of models, strength, complete control over production cycle.

Lack of quality management certificate, weak accessories, unpleasant chemical smell from the seal.

From 10 000 rubles

High quality, good temperature and insulating characteristics, concise design, high-quality glossy plastic, good value for money.

More often found in the Far East than in the central part of Russia. Consumer properties of the window from this profile Not fully studied, due to a relatively recent commissioning of the central part of Russia.

From 12 000 rubles

Very rigid design, resistant to deformations, good design, reliability, good tightness, wide range of models.

Heavy profile, not very well suitable for doors, built-in blinds that break in a few years.

From 12 000 rubles

As can be seen from this table, the products of each company have their pros and cons, so the choice depends on your preferences. And it is better to seek advice from the Company's specialists establishing plastic windows - they are aware of all weak and strengths Each brand and intricacies of operation.

Plastic profile window design - convenient, beautiful and practical. But the window is not only complementary by the detail of the interior ensemble. Given its sizes in the room, the technical characteristics are of great importance, especially with such popular extensive parameters today. Therefore, the choice of plastic windows is very important in the process of selecting a suitable design.

Looking through the rating of firms on plastic windows, keep in mind that it is important not only occupied by the company, although it assumes a certain quality guarantee. Accidental attention to the technical indicators of the profile and accessories specified by the manufacturer.

According to standards, the profile is formed at least 2 airspace cameras inside. Depending on the requirements for the level of the protective mechanism from foreign sounds and the maintenance of heat, their number changes to 6 parts. Each departments necessarily be loaded.

Accessories should provide uninterrupted operation when opening and closing, adjust the specified position, eliminating the encoding in incorrect formulation.


View video instructions for selecting plastic windows by technical characteristicsIt is clear to imagine a suitable model.

Window functions

Please note that the window functionality is a complex. performance characteristics, not individual moments. Regardless of the type of design and firms for the manufacture of plastic windows, the selected product must meet such requirements:

What kind of plastic windows is better?

When choosing a manufacturer, keep in mind that the highest prices - not necessarily the indicator of the same performance characteristics. But also to be cheap and loud proposals free services Also not worth it.

High-quality structures require the appropriate configuration of the details. That is, given the cost individual elements The windows of proper quality, manufacturers of many famous brands simply cannot lower the price bar. Therefore, too low the price will soon indicate or the lack of professional skills of workers, or to low-grade components. In both cases, the duration of operation and ease of use will not correspond to expectations.

Be sure to review the reviews about the company's work. Note for yourself how satisfied customers, some time after installation:

  • how often fails
  • what details fail
  • how competent and quickly eliminate the problems of the company.

Important! To obtain such information, use not only the Internet, but also from the responses of friends (it is their opinion usually truthfully and preferably).

The main criteria for choosing a brand

Consider the proposals of the plastic windows market, focusing on several criteria, which are really important for the subsequent period of operation or affect the warranty provision. Pay attention to the working conditions and the services provided by the company on the plastic windows set forth in the list below:

Brief overview of companies

  • representatives of the German tradition - Veka, Rehau, Salamander, Trocal, Funke
  • domestic corporations, well-proven themselves - Montblank, Proplex, Plafen, Krauss
  • korean systems of good quality at a very democratic price, but with a small species nearby - Slidors, LG Chem.

Check the information below to correctly solve what kind of plastic windows to choose.

Profiles of Russian production

Plastic windows, manufacturers of Germany

  1. PROFINE GMBH - Corporation, which includes KBE, Kommerling, Trocal.
  2. Kbe. Company experience - more than 40 years. One of the first to appear in the Russian market. It was this company that the first certified its products in accordance with ISO 9001 standards. Plants in our country are located in Khabarovsk and Voskresensk. The service line is also on the proper level.
    Popular profiles series:
  3. Trocal. The company that the first in the world has developed plastic windows in 1954. Production was launched at the beginning of the 60s. In our country, products are produced in conjunction with KBE. Distinctive features The windows of this brand are a wonderful design and constructive innovation of solutions that ensure non-falling popularity, despite the higher price category.
    These forms are especially popular:
  4. Rehau. The market presents more than half a century. During this period, a fairly wide species row of rigid plastic has developed. Branches-plants on the territory of our country are located in the Moscow region, and the network of service centers is present in many regions, which ensures the rapid supply of components.
    The following profiles are in demand in our country:
  5. Salamander. The largest company founded in 1885. Refilled in 1973 from the production of shoes on the production of plastic windows. Plants are located not only in Germany, but also in Belarus, Poland. Systems presented in our market:
  6. Veka. Production system Pretty powerful, mastered in 1970. Expanded the network in our country, plants in Novosibirsk and the Moscow region. Equivalent to the competitor to the above companies.
    Species in Russia:
  7. Funke. Corporation for Release plastic pipes, which began its activities in 1962. And at the end of the XX century, expanding its production profile window systems. Russia has placed a wide network of warehouses and representative offices, which are responsible for organizing the sales process. Sustainable forms:

Korean production profiles

Slidors. Development and delivery is carried out by Hanwha Chem Corp. Since 1993. Distinctive characteristics - Using a specially designed system connection of structural elements on screws and corners without welding. The principle of system operation is a sliding displacement of the sash. The market is positioned in our market, as a glazing company.

LG Chem. The production of plastic windows has been debugged since 1995 in China, Korea and India. It is quite successfully conquering the Russian market, although the company has been represented by two types of profile system:


Make a purchase only after you have made the company's full compliance and window designs to all requirements. Such an approach will not only provide long-term operation and uninterrupted operation. installed systems. Correctly picking specialists, you will save on the constant repair of an unreliable canvas and save calm while enjoying the comfort of the house.

6 , window

Moscow, Tver, Dolgorukovskaya Street, 21, p. 1, fl. 3, of. № 303.


Moscow, Maryino, meadow passage, 5, k. 1

10 , windows, doors

Moscow, Kosino-Ukhtomsky, Saltykovskaya Street, 8/18, of. № 302-A

11 , PVC windows

Moscow, Printers, South Street Street, 5, of. No. 31.

108 reviews "A few days ago we installed plastic windows into the consult window. Everything turned out perfectly! Very good, according to the installers, everything measured the measureer. Nothing didn't have to do anything, the frames approached exactly! Many thanks to Vyacheslav! AND..."
13 , production of window fittings

Moscow, Sviblovo, Urzhumskaya Street, 4, p. 1


Orekhovo-Zuyevo city, Lenin Street, 78, fl. 2.


Moscow, Printers, South Street Street, 5, k. 7, fl. 3, of. No. 307.

17 , PVC windows

Moscow, Dorogomilovo, Kutuzovsky passage, 16, of. № 605


Moscow region,
Mytishchi city, Sharapovsky passage, 2, p. 3, (TC "Red Kit", of. 7)

20 , PVC windows

Russian Federation, Moscow region,
Elektrostal city, Soviet street, 5, of. Number 3