Repairs Design Furniture

The best entrance doors are the optimal combination of reliability, comfort and aesthetics. How to choose a reliable entrance door and protect yourself from intruders? How to choose an entrance door for an apartment

Metal doors are used to equip apartments, houses. Such products have high strength, wear resistance, do not affect moisture and keep warmly.

When selecting models, pay attention to the security system and technical reliability.

How to choose a metal door

  • The base of the metal door is made of aluminum or steel. Steel structures are stronger, provide high-quality noise and thermal insulation.

Aluminum sheets are light, so they are simply mounted. This material allows you to implement many finishing options.

  • Pay attention to the way to open the door. It is better to choose the designs that open with the left and on the right side. External or internal doors to choose - depends on taste preferences.
  • Consider the technical characteristics of the model, because it will be constantly under mechanical and temperature effects. In order for the product to last your appearance, choose a powder coating or an oak panel trim.
  • The level of noise and thermal insulation is important criteria. As a rule, the metal door is insulated with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, corrugated cardboard.

For internal filling, the product is best suited for mineral wool, it is environmentally material with high thermal insulation properties. Other materials are cheaper, but can quickly sprinkle.

  • The door must have a reliable system of protection against extraneous penetration. In metal structures, which are used for household purposes, locks 1-4 of classes of burglary are embedded.

By type, the locks are divided into suvalid with increased secrecy and cylinder, which are subject to transcoding in case of loss of keys. As a rule, modern models are equipped with these two locks.

  • Pay attention to the quality of the accessories. It includes door loops, handles, chains, eyes, other decorating elements. The aesthetics and beauty of these details also testifies to the reliability of accessories.

  • Pay attention to the door loops. Do not buy products that are equipped with less than three loops. Consider the design angle of the design: 90, 120, 180 degrees. The higher this indicator, the better.
  • It is better if the model is made of an allotted profile.
  • When choosing a door, specify the thickness of the door canvase. The minimum indicator is 40 mm, but the design will not be protected.

The thickness of the canvas, the more reliable protection and above thermal insulation characteristics. In conditions of harsh winters and constant frosts, the optimal option will be the thickness of 80-90 mm.

  • Pay attention to the sheet thickness, the optimal indicator is 2-3 mm. Do not purchase products with thickness of steel less than 0.5 mm, such structures are subject to the occurrence of dents, have a low operational period.

The thickness of the door box should be twice as much to withstand the fittings.

  • The most vulnerable areas of the door leaf must be sealed with rigidity ribs. This allows you to increase the performance characteristics of the product, reduces the risk of deformation.
  • Please note whether the product is equipped with a bron alphabet, this is a mandatory component of the kit.
  • Choose models with ball loops and antisillars that are attached from the looped.
  • The tightness of the design provides a two-round seal that protects against third-party stencils, drafts and well kept warm.
  • The diameter of locking riggers should be at least 16-18 mm.

    • The design and design of the door depends on your preferences. A popular finish option is plastic panels that are distinguished by wear resistance and impact resistance.

With the help of polymer painting, the design acquires a new color and protective characteristics. Pasta varnish is a type of coating with a high level of stability. The trim tree is the most environmentally friendly and efficient way of decor.

  • When choosing a color, follow your taste, but keep in mind that the dark canvases will continue to maintain a commodity look.
  • It is desirable that all the details of the accessories are made by one manufacturer.
  • The presence of a manganese plate will warn the door drilling.

Best metal door with thermal survey

NORTH Used in conditions of harsh winters, withstands the temperature to -39 degrees, the vulnerabilities are securely sealed with contours. The thickness of the canvas is 80 mm. The design is reliable, since it is equipped with 10 locking points.

Weight model average - 100 kg. Stylish design and beautiful appearance provides polymer-powder coloring model. The door is mounted simply, easily serviced, wear-resistant and durable with proper operation.


  • weight - 100 kg;
  • dimensions - 860 at 2050 (960 to 2050) mm;
  • 2 sealing circuit;
  • 10 locking points;
  • the thickness of the canvas is 80 mm;
  • polymer-powder coloring.


  • the design does not freeze, no land;
  • reliable protective system from penetration;
  • multilayer insulation system;
  • functionality;
  • thermal resistance;
  • wear resistance and durability;
  • average weight, transportability;
  • high-quality fittings, reliable fasteners;
  • convenient installation and care of the door.


  • high price.

Best Metal Door with Tolstone

Blights Trio Metal, insulated with mineral wool, thickness - 80 mm. The model is sealed with three contours in places that are rapidly wear out. The loops on the bearings provide opening the door to 180 degrees, the eyes are responsible for a wide review.

Complete to the design go 2 locks and night valve. For interior decoration, a moisture-resistant PVC coating of the color of the white oak is used. Product with reliable protection against hacking, high heat and sound insulation.


  • the thickness of the canvas is 80 mm;
  • dimensions - 2050 at 880 (980) mm;
  • the molecule is filled with mineral wool;
  • three sealing circuit;
  • finishing MDF panel;
  • door with special powder coating;
  • fittings (2 locks, night valve, loop, eye, handle).


  • resistance to mechanical damage and atmospheric influences;
  • high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • comfortable equipment, reliable fittings;
  • stylish and high-quality interior and exterior finish.


  • hoofer and large-sized product.

Best Metal Door of Belarusian

Design Veldoors Chocolate Released in two sizes. The door opens on both sides. Beautiful design and high-quality finish with PVC. Easy geometric shapes and dark chocolate color give design elegance and special charm.


  • dimensions - 860 at 2060 (960 to 2050) mm;
  • 2 sealing circuit;
  • filler - Mineral Wool Isover;
  • the coating is a structured MDF panel;
  • accessories (2 loops with bearings, 2 locks, night valve, anti-blank pins).


  • the possibility of opening with the right and left side;
  • environmentally friendly insulation;
  • external and interior of MDF;
  • sealing of vulnerable sections of the metal sheet;
  • the main castle is protected by armored layout;
  • stylish design;
  • high-quality headset.


  • complexity in care;
  • accumulation of dust.

Best Metal Soundproofing Door

Design Leganza Forte. Ideally combines aesthetic appearance and high quality: noise insulation, insulation. Adjustable loops prevent the door canvase seed. A product with reliable protection against hacking, outer finish with powder coating.


  • modular layout;
  • the thickness of the canvas is 60 mm;
  • 5 rigid ribs;
  • double-foc
  • weight - 85-115 kg;
  • the maximum size of the opening is 1020 per 2300 mm;
  • fittings (loops, locks).


  • anti-corrosion protection;
  • castles with transcoding;
  • built-in protection against the most popular methods of hacking;
  • high sound and thermal insulation;
  • equipped with adjustable loops that prevent the sedimentation of the canvas;
  • comfortable and practical design.


  • large door;
  • low transportability.

Best apartment metal door

Design Acron 1. Reliable, wear-resistant, durable. The doors are made of a metal sheet with a thickness of 65 mm, provide good sound insulation. In vulnerable places are compacted by special contours.

Reliable protection provides accessories: loops, locks, anti-removable pins. The door has the main castle of Gardian 10.11 with the second class of burglary.

Mineral wool is used as a filler, the material is environmentally friendly, safe for health.


  • the thickness of the canvas is 65 mm;
  • filler - mineral wool;
  • 2 seal contour;
  • strengthening the canvas in unreliable places;
  • fittings (locks, anticipation pins, loops).


  • burglar resistance;
  • the dense canvas provides excellent noise insulation;
  • reliable fittings;
  • durability and wear resistance;
  • durability subject to the rules of operation;
  • high sound insulation.


  • heavy transported.

Best Metal Door With MDF Finishing

Design Phideo MD10. Webly and large sizes are suitable for registration of entrance and front door of the apartment. Thanks to the built-in stiffeners, the elastic metal sheet becomes reliability and durability.

The door is equipped with a reliable protection system, there are lower and top locks, eyes. Noise and thermal insulation model at the highest level, such a design will bring comfort and comfort to the house. MDF finishing is used to create a natural effect.


  • dimensions - 200 per 80 cm;
  • weight - 70 kg;
  • 2 pyramidal ribs;
  • finishing MDF;
  • amplification of the profile pipe;
  • shippoclezolation of the door rope;
  • accessories (two castle, eye).


  • the design is protected from extraneous penetration;
  • high-quality insulation model;
  • high sound insulation;
  • stiffness ribs provide wear resistance and reliability of the design;
  • MDF finishing brings the model to natural design.


  • weight construction.

Best Metal Door for Private House

Wear-resistant Arma Standard-1 Dense design with two seal contours. For the manufacture of the door, a bent metal profile with rigidity ribs is used. The product is equipped with a cylinder and suvalden castle, eye, chrome color fittings.

Reliable protection against hacking is provided by anti-blank pins. The metal door is painted with powder, counteracts corrosion and mechanical damage. Although the design is heavy, it opens easily and without unnecessary sound effects.


  • the size of the canvas is 880 x 2050 mm;
  • thickness - 80 mm;
  • filler - Mineral Blizzard "URSA GEO";
  • finishing MDF;
  • external powder copper coating;
  • fittings (Sealing contours, loops, pins, night valve).


  • large metal sheet thickness;
  • high noise insulation;
  • high-quality filler, high-quality insulation;
  • reliable protection against hacking;
  • the possibility of opening on both sides;
  • beautiful exterior design, stylish design;
  • comfortable equipment.


  • heavy design.

Best metal door for technical premises

2DP-1C. Installed in buildings and public use places are created from high-quality and wear-resistant materials.

The door is designed to take into account the newest technologies, equipped with reliable protection against hacking and fire resistance. Two types of seals were applied. Stylish design and beautiful finishing powder-polymer coating.


  • dimensions - 1400 per 1000 (2350 per 1750) mm;
  • outer finish by powder-polymer coating;
  • two contours of the rubber seal, thermorable seal;
  • execution of the box (with a threshold and without a threshold, in the lining or in the opening);
  • equipping fire mechanisms;
  • fittings (Rigels, Castles).


  • high technical safety;
  • several design options;
  • high-quality exterior decoration, beautiful design;
  • reliable insulation;
  • supply of fire safety system.


  • pretty heavy design;
  • difficulties in transportation.

Best bivalve metal door

DZ-98. Designed for wide doorways. It is approximately equally distributed to the severity on both parts of the door leaf, so the load on the loop is significantly reduced.

Design durable, wear-resistant and durable. Among the accessories are two castles, eyes with an overview of 180 degrees.


  • type - Parade two-dimensional;
  • dimensions - 2000 per 800 mm;
  • finishing (powder spraying);
  • equipped with top and bottom lock;
  • number of loops (2);
  • insulated mineral wool;
  • equipped with an eye overview 180 degrees.


  • uniform load distribution;
  • reliable penetration protection;
  • wear resistance, durability;
  • stylish design and good finish;
  • the design is insulated;
  • comfortable equipment.


  • suitable only for large opening.

Best metal door with internal opening

DS-7. Designed for installation in office and residential premises. The design is made of an allotted door leaf (two metal sheets, 4 stiffeners). The product is equipped with locks 3 and 4 class of burglar resistance.

Wear-resistant design with two seal contours, warmed by environmentally friendly mineral wool. Stylish design, wide selection for decorative trim. High-quality accessories will give reliable protection, comfort and comfort.


  • 4 stiffeners;
  • dimensions - 2000 at 880 (2100-980) mm;
  • two contours of the seal;
  • the design is insulated with mineral wool;
  • furnitures (loops, eyes, lining, handle).


  • a wide range of decorative finish;
  • environmental Safety;
  • high-quality fittings;
  • insulation of mineral wool;
  • 5 dimensions;
  • design wear-resistant and durable;
  • protection against hacking (3 and 4th grade);
  • durability and reliability.


  • no anti-blank clamps.

Which metal door is better to buy

Compare the basic specifications of the models to find out which of them are suitable for equipping an apartment or home best.

  • The thickness of the metal sheet should be at least 2-3 mm, presented in this ranking of the design correspond to the indicator.
  • We will pay attention to the thickness of the web, there are models with high (80-90 mm) and medium (60-70 mm) parameters. To support the form of a metal sheet, sealing contours and ribs are used.

Among the best doors - North, Trio Metal.

  • An important criterion is the level of heat and noise insulation, which depends on the thickness of the door of the door and the insulation used. All structures from the rating are insulated with an environmentally friendly mineral wool.

Excellent noise insulation has an anti-corrosion model of Leganza Forte.

  • We draw attention to the quality of the fittings: locks, loops, door handles. Buy models Acron 1, Arma Standard-1, they are equipped with the necessary accessories.
  • The security system depends on how much the design is protected from hacking. Products with high-quality protection - Leganza Forte, North, professional-MD10.
  • The finishing of products is diverse, shows the models with powder coating (Leganza Forte) and MDF (TRIo Metal).

All models are distinguished by a stylish design, the most original is the Veldoors chocolate.

So, among the best models - North, Trio Metal, Veldoors Chocolate, Leganza Forte. These are products with high wear resistance of a metal sheet, a good seal and insulation, a reliable protection system and a good exterior.

The theater begins with hangers, and the house is from the entrance door. Team TAM.BY launches new special project "Door Reception". In it, we will tell you how the entrance doors make, tell me which models are highly durable and reliable, explain how to properly care for those or other types.

Let's start with what we will understand how to choose a high-quality entrance door. Alexander Petrovich, deputy director for the development of the company "Steel Line" - producer No. 1 of the input metal doors *.

The first factor that needs to be considered when choosing an input structure is where it will be installed. Doors for the apartment and houses are significantly different in technical specifications. These are presented various requirements and produce various technologies.

How to choose an entrance door for an apartment?

The high-quality apartment door must have the following characteristics:

reliable noise insulation: You should not hear how the elevator opens or speak the neighbors in the entrance;

burglar resistance: The door must be durable so that it cannot be opened;

tightness: A tightly closing door will save you from a cold draft, as well as smells from the entrance;

durability: It is important that the locks work properly worked, the coating of the handles was not erased, the finish was not damaged, and so that the door closed softly and quietly all the time while you use it;

modern design: The entrance door is one of the elements of the interior, so it must be harmoniously combined with finishing, furniture, interior doors.

Each of these parameters affect various factors that need to be considered when choosing an entrance door.

Noise insulation

The index of noise insulation for the apartment door should be at least 32 dB. This indicator affects the thickness of the MDF panels, the number of sealing contours, the accuracy of manufacturing the design and the type of filler.

Metal skips sounds much better than MDF. Therefore, the panels should be installed on both sides of the door. The minimum MDF thickness that will provide good sound insulation is 10 mm. But even better with this task, a 16 mm thick panels are coping.

The more sealing contours on the input structure, the more reliable it protects against foreign sounds. The high-quality door must be at least two. But even ten contours of the seal will not provide proper sound insulation, if there will be gaps between the door cloth and the box. Therefore, you definitely pay attention to the accuracy of the construction of the structure.

As for the filler, the optimal version is mineral wool. Its thickness should be at least 50 mm. You need to remember about one characteristics of this material: from the vibration, the mineral wool is settled and misses the noise. To avoid this, the filler must be fixed over the entire height of the doorway.

Burglar resistance

Blossom resistance determines the reliability of the input structure. It is influenced by various characteristics of the door leaf, boxes, locks.

First of all, you need to evaluate the thickness of the steel: the optimal indicator ranges in the range of 1.0-1.5 mm. Constructions collected by point welding method are stronger than those manufactured using manual electric arc. The seams in the latter are fraught fragile and over time the door can be deformed. But the most reliable designs are manufactured using bending technology. This means that the canvas and the box are made from a solid sheet of steel, bending it with the help of high-precision equipment. The more folds, the stronger the geometry of the structure. There is a principle of automotive crash tests: the more ribs of hardness at the car building, the more reliable.

Resistance to hacking also depends on the accuracy of the manufacture of the input structure. If there are gaps in it, the attacker will be able to get to the edge of the canvas and beaten it.

It is important that the door is equipped with anticons and steel plates in the zone of the lock. Also need a mortise barnalog on a cylinder lock. In contrast to the invoice, the mortise armor is installed in the body of the castle, so it cannot be knocked down.

Also pay attention to the class of burglar resistance of the locks: it should be no lower than the third. Even more reliable locks of the fourth grade. It is best to proven products of Russian, Turkish and Italian production. Buying castles of proven brands that have long been on the market.


If the door is sealed, it reliably protects from drafts and strangers from the entrance. The accuracy of the manufacture of the entrance design largely determines its tightness: the fewer the gaps, the better. A durable seal is also needed, which is not crushed over time and does not require complex care.

Pay attention to the door leaf fit density to the box. It is best to purchase structures with a ribbon regulator. Thanks to him, you can regulate the density of the adjustment of the canvas and you will be sure that the door closes hermetically during the whole service life.

It is important that on the Suwalden Castle there was a pad with spring-loaded curtains. In the closed state, they close the hole for the lock and do not let the air from the entrance, which you can not say about the curtains without springs.


The service life of the input structure largely depends on the quality of the loops. If something happens with locks or handle, they are easy to replace. But if the loop come out of the system, you will have to buy a new door.

So that the loops serve as long as possible, they need to be periodically lubricated. Each time it is uncomfortable to remove the heavy doorbell, so it is better if there will be special holes for lubrication on the hinges.

The design of the loop is also important. Over time, the house gives a shrinkage, which can change the geometry of the opening. In this case, the loop on the support bearing work unevenly and rapidly stepping. Much more reliable are the loops with a steel sphere based on. They are self-centered and continue to work evenly in any position.

The door to the apartment should not rust. For this corresponds to high-quality polymer coating. Before buying, pay attention, whether there is on the surface of the splashing, hairs, crumbs and other changes. If you discovered them, you are short-lived coating. Most likely, the door was painted manually with violation of technology. The first signs of rust will appear on the canvas for a year.

How to choose an entrance door for home?

The door of the house, unlike the apartment, goes straight to the street, and not in the entrance. Therefore, the input structure should provide good thermal insulation. It should not be wrapped and skipping cold air even at a very low temperature.

Another important characteristic is the weather resistance. The door of the house is operated in different climatic conditions: the sun rays, frost, rain and snow affect it. Therefore, the input structure should be made of weather-resistant materials.

Steel door

The main advantage of the steel door is a high level of burglary. The remaining characteristics differ depending on the quality of the input design.

Choosing a steel door for the house, pay attention to the sealing system. Mineral wool is not suitable for street structures, as it absorbs moisture and loses its heat shielding properties. It is important that the door is with a thermal survey: it will protect it from freezing.

Before buying the door, check with the seller, is there a layer of insulation between the ribs of the stiffness of the door canvase and the interior decoration. If it is not, then the canvas will freeze along the ribs. Finding is formed in places where metal parts protruding in the house (they are called moldings), in contact with the outer sheet of steel.

Remember that there would be a door anyway, from the point of view of thermal insulation, it will not perform its function if it is wrong to install. For any street construction, "warm installation" should be produced.

So that the door does not rust with high humidity on the street, it must pass a special anti-corrosion processing. The most vulnerable zones are the threshold and joints of the box elements: it is in them that begins corrosion. The first rusty implications can be seen already six months after installing the door.

Choose the doors in which the vulnerable elements are treated with a zinc-containing solution. Even more reliable designs of galvanized or stainless steel. They are not afraid of atmospheric influences.

Door panels must be made of thermal-resistant MDF. Such a coating has a greenish tint. It is processed by a special composition and resistant to moisture.

Aluminum doors


The doors made of aluminum and galvanized steel doors are a durable and durable option for home and office. Such structures are not afraid of temperature drops and humidity, refractory, are not subject to corrosion and skews, provide a high level of sound insulation. Also, aluminum doors are well preserved heat, but they must have a thermal separation.

The advantages of door structures from aluminum can be attributed to the fact that they do not require complex care. It is enough to lubricate locks, loops and other moving elements with machinery or lubrication.

Aluminum entrance doors have only one significant disadvantage - their high cost. In addition, over burglary, they are inferior to steel structures.

PVC doors


Input plastic structures are infrequently installed in residential buildings. They are more suitable for office and industrial premises. Nevertheless, the input structures from PVC provide good heat and sound insulation. In addition, they are resistant to any atmospheric effects.

Plastic doors are distinguished by low burglar resistance, so it is not recommended to install them into the house. In addition, a small variety of finishes is unlikely to make it possible to choose an option that perfectly fit into the interior.

Wooden doors


Entrance doors made of natural wood are suitable for those who love the classics and elegance. But this is not the most practical option for the house.

Wooden doors are environmentally friendly and beauty. In addition, in contrast, the wooden canvase is not terrible corrosion. However, the doors made of natural wood have a number of shortcomings. They have low fire prevention properties. But the problem can be solved by treating the door canvase with special means. Another minus of wooden doors is instability to external influence.

Due to the oscillations of moisture and temperature, the door canvas can swell or, on the contrary, shrink. And this means that the design will be badly closed. In addition, the temperature and humidity affect the coating of the wooden door: it can crack and braid. If you do not eliminate these defects on time, the moisture can get onto a wooden cloth and cause it to rot.

Competent wooden door care will help avoid many problems. Remember that wooden doors poorly tolerate temperature and humidity drops, so you should not put the heaters, humidifiers, air conditioners next to them.

If the coating of the wooden door is strongly extended or scratches appeared on it, it is worth updating it completely. But this work is better to entrust professionals.

"Steel Lynіya" Golk 20 Year of the stem. We are Vedaytsi in 14 cracks light. We are rapidly high yakasy our Dzvyarei I s soul Standing Yes Kozernaya stage of the warmer. Dzzykuh our Pakupnikov for the title of Violets №1 of respectful metal Jindarei in Belarus *.

* Pa Vynіki competition "Vybar of the Year"

The choice of a new metal door is not an easy lesson. Now the market presents a huge number of doors companies, various types of locks, etc. To choose the right door correctly, we define what criteria it must match, and what to pay attention to when choosing.

Metal door selection criteria

  • protection functions - the door must confront not only the "smart" hacking of cunning thiefs (which is achieved by the complexity of locks), but also a rough physical strength (the design of the door should be durable and reliable);
  • the service life is the more, the better. Manufacturers give warranty on their products. Unfortunately, the warranty for some doors is only 1 year.
  • the quality of the filling of the door - such important moments as heat and noise insulation depend on this indicator;
  • appearance - In this matter you are limited only to your fantasy, but still it is worth paying attention to the fact that the door does not creak, did not fit and was made not from toxic materials.

Doors which producer country choose?

When choosing a door, the first question often arises from the manufacturer's country. At the moment we can choose from the production of Russia, China and Europe. Of course, everywhere there is both pros and cons. The doors made in China are cheap, but their protective function leaves much to be desired - they can be performed instead of some wooden, but not an iron door. The doors of European producers are somewhat more expensive than domestic. They also have certain sizes that are not always suitable for our openings. And if you want to put such a metal door not in the apartment, but in your home, it is worth considering that the climate of our country and the manufacturer's country can differ significantly. With the doors made in Europe, we can easily compete our Russian. Doors are manufactured on various technologies, in a number of characteristics are superior to foreign.

1. Design of the door itself:

    • frame must be cute-welded. Specify the consultant so that there are no corner frames, profile pipes, etc.
    • elastic over the perimeter of the door, i.e. the seal, it is better to choose a tubular, and not in the form of the letter W (such put in refrigerators), it will ensure the absence of drafts.
    • the canvas - the door must be consisting of two sheets. Solid (1.5mm) or nudo-welded (2 mm) to choose a canvas - your business is not so important. Filling the door - preferably mineral wool (stove) - it is here that such a moment is manifested as sound and thermal insulation.
    • the presence of ribs of stiffness inside the door is enough 2-3-5.

2. Protective functions:

    • it is advisable to choose the door, in the kit of which 2 locks: ,. You can choose Italian manufacturers (Cisa, Mottura) or Russian (Gardian).
    • the loops can be the usual (service life of 5-7 years), with bearings (the door will walk more smoothly), hidden (do not allow you to remove the door, even if the loops are spilled; it can be achieved with anti-removable pins), adjustable loops (most durable ).
    • to prevent door flexion, you can install the T-shaped molding.
    • pocket for riggers - even if you knocked part of the wall near the castle, it will not allow you to score the rigle in the castle. There are also vertical riglels that can be locked up the door from below, but it should be noted that during the fire they often fail and can completely block the door.
    • Baronmarklacks - from them you can refuse without a conscience - protect except from hooligans.

3. Finish:

  • better, if outside (especially if you put the door to your own home) there will be a powder painting with a polyester weather-resistant coating. You can put the panel, but then you should choose atmospheric. Even moisture-resistant laminate and veneer will not stand for more than 2-3 years (but for the door in an apartment building is a good option). Preferably - MDF is an excellent appearance, good heat and sound insulation characteristics.

Correct time to select a metal door

If you make repairs and thought about installing the door, it is better to directly install the door not at the very end of the repair, when the finishing finish is already completed. Pay attention to the weight of the door - a reliable and durable door should weigh 80-100 kg.
So, you should not hurry when choosing a metal door. Arrange priorities - what is more important for you - appearance, protection, price? Think of all the little things - even in which direction your new door will open. And on the basis of its requests, read the models offered by manufacturers. Knowledge of the main points that were set out in this article will help you make the purchase pleasant for both you and for your wallet.


So, we reviewed the basic criteria that affect the choice of metal doors. Of course, the right choice is primarily influenced by awareness, because a knowledgeable person will always find an acceptable option in terms of price / quality ratio in any price segment. , After all, there will be many more interesting articles on the door, castles, protection methods, and so on. Do not miss!

Evgeny Sedov

When the arms grow out of the right place, live more fun :)


Those times have long passed, when the status and material status of a person was judged by the entrance door in his apartment. What she is massive, the richer its owners. In modern life is protection and personal safety. The question is how to choose an inlet metal door, will not put you in a dead end, thanks to our recommendations.

When choosing an input design for their housing, pay attention to:

  1. Appearance of the product.
  2. Heat and sound insulation characteristics.
  3. Protection, locks.

So that the selected entrance construction was reliable and served for a long time, it should perform its basic functions qualitatively. They are only 4:

  • Protection against unbelievable guests (preventing robbery).
  • Access control to your housing (using eye and video surveillance).
  • Isolation from noise and prevent heat leakage from home.
  • Aesthetics (the appearance should cause positive emotions).

Selection of appearance doors

There are two types of doors: wooden and metal. The appearance of the latter is the ability to choose yourself. It can be a canvas with powder coating or paint, tighting with artificial leather, cladding "lining", decoration of MDF panels.

Powder coating consists of polymer and metal, applied in a special chamber, forms a reliable protective layer and has a pleasant appearance. The plant-producer has prepared stamps of external coatings of doors and offers a rich color design. Molding is actively used for decorating - convex parts that make up a specific pattern or pattern. You can also galvanize the surface of the input structure (apply a layer of gold or silver as decoration).

Cut the vinilies, hamper with a veneer or "clap" offer more and less. These methods already relate to the "Retro" style.

The MDF panels provide the ability to create a unique designer model.

The choice of external appearance of your input door depends on individual preferences and flavors. Tip: Consider all the characteristics, do not only rely on the appearance of your acquisition.

  • PVC doors entrance and interroom - where to buy and how to choose, review models with characteristics and prices
  • Electromechanical lock - Model review and price. How to choose a mortise or overhead electromechanical lock
  • Door handles for interior doors - how to choose mortise or overhead by manufacturing material and design

The metal design you chose will be durable and durable if you know what it consists of. Here is a brief description of its device:

  • Facial and rear steel sheet. It is better solid, without seams. The joints of the seams are easy to start scrap and damage with one impact of a heavy item; Thickness 2- 4 mm - it will be acceptable for a regular urban apartment. Thicker steel will have to open autogen, hardly robbers will go to the city jungle.
  • Platbands. Close the gap between the door and the door box.
  • Internal feeders cover the same slot with a closed door, protect against exposure to scrap and rubbish.
  • The framework on which steel sheets are attached.
  • Stiffness ribs provide stability and structural strength.
  • Polyurethane foam provides thermal insulation.
  • Soundproofing materials - cotton wool, foam, foam rubber.
  • The sealant prevents the penetration of odors.
  • The loops and pins do not allow you to remove the door, their quantity depends on the severity of the design, to prevent abrasion, the loops must be equipped with bearings.
  • Vertical and horizontal riggers hold the entire design, the struts prevent deformation.
  • Lock.
  • Eye.
  • A pen.

You can use this list as a check page so that when buying does not miss any view of a single product characteristic. A visual example of the door device, see the photo below.

Heat and sound insulation

Soundproofing and thermal insulation properties of the entrance doors are important criteria. Choosing a product, pay attention to the following points:

  • How warmth and quiet will be in your home will depend on the quality of the materials filling the inner space of the entrance door. For this use mineral or basalt cotton wool, polyurethane foam. These components are not ignited, absorb noise, do not bring heat and do not let the cold.
  • Decorative panels from MDF plates or plywood, and nachets are better protection against noise.
  • In order for the input design corresponds to the effect that you expect from it, it must be correctly installed. Scrolls and skews are not allowed, which deprive you heat and skip the noise and cold. Silicone seals need to use silicone seals.
  • It is important to eliminate the empty space between the doorway and the door frame using the mounting foam.


Reliability and safety provide special locks for metal doors. You need to choose several types of shutters. The lock must correspond to the selected door model, its weight, design, location and material from which it is made.

  • By the type of fastening, the locks are divided into mortise, overhead and mounted.
  • According to the type of mechanism, they are divided into suvalid, cylinder and code.

The Suwald Castle is a set of plates that come into motion, thanks to the protrusions on the key of the key. This lock has a latch controlled by a handle, and tightly presses the door itself to the seal. If the lock is installed correctly, the door closes without pressing the handle, smoothly.

The cylinder lock is characterized by a small size. Inside it are pins that turn only with the appropriate key. The insert portion of the cylinder is easy to replace, and the outer is better to increase the cornmarklack, which will protect it from knocking out.

The leaders of the production of highly secret locks are considered:

  1. MUL-T-LOCK, which produces the best cylindrical and mounted locks, machine tools and machine cutting machines.
  2. German concern IKON - manufacturer of locks for entrance, balcony and window systems.
  3. The Chinese company MasterLock offers low prices, acceptable quality, a decent appearance of mortise and mounted aluminum U-shaped locks.

The use of different shutter systems for the entrance door will complicate the work of robbers. Even better if they are from different manufacturers. The optimal option is 2 locks: the main one is a suvalid, additional - cylinder.

The high degree of protection against hacking is ensured by using new developments in the production of keys. For example, laser keys have special recesses that set the opening code of the lock. And on the keys with perfocart are special recesses, which provide a large number of combinations of shutter systems.

Choose a lock with a short, it cannot be opened with a launder, knock out a sledgehammer, it does not encourage and does not allow you to open the door with the key outside. Give preference to the dash, valve or constation - these mechanisms will give you additional confidence in the reliability of your design.

Installing the inlet metal door

Knowing how to choose an inlet metal door, you can figure out the features of its installation. In order to avoid unpleasant situations associated with the inability to get into the house, entrust the installation of this complex design by a specialist.

Recommendation: It will be fine if the installation of the input structure will produce workers of the same company in which you bought it. If the doors marriage will be found, they will not be able to make responsibility, arguing that the installers are to blame!

Basic installation rules:

  1. It is impossible to install a heavy metal structure, if the wall thickness is less than 15 cm, and it is made of crumbling material. It is better to prepare a special framework that will ensure the stability of the entire door block.
  2. The increase in the doorway is not performed by shock methods, to avoid damage to the beams, use only a grinder with special discs.
  3. The measurer must conduct preparatory work, make measurements, pick up the desired door size, give recommendations for the preparation of the doorway, dismantling the old design.
  4. Be sure to align the floor in the area of \u200b\u200bthe doorway using a screed.
  5. After that, secure the door frame using an anchor method. In this case, the anchors act as reliable clamps.
  6. Empties are filled with mounting foam, after its drying, plaster is applied.


The manufacturers of entrance doors are conventionally divided on domestic and imported. Those and others have their pros and cons.

  • Representatives of domestic brands offer products of low quality from low-cost materials. Here consumers suite more.
  • Imported suppliers offer better-quality door products. But there is a big minus - their doors do not always correspond to the sizes of our openings. As a rule, they are always wider than necessary, it entails additional costs.

By drawing up the purchase budget, you need to decide on the choice of manufacturer of entrance doors. Here is a brief list of leading firms:

  • Italian concern "Dierre" - for owners of the sophisticated taste and connoisseurs of real beauty. The company owners do not save money on the introduction of the latest technologies in production.

  • "Gardesa" originally from Italy - eliminates the marriage, uses point welding, automated production system. Gardesa products are quality, comfort, safety.

  • The Israeli firm "Magen" is available prices, acceptable quality. To date, all the technological capacities of the company are postponed to Russia. Distinctive features - the use of MUL-T-LOCK lock systems.
  • "Superlock" is a company that is located in Israel. It is characterized by a high level of protection of its products, elegance, special developments in the field of gate mechanisms. Systems "Superlock", developed by Israeli technologists, are actively used by the manufacturers of entrance doors in other countries.
  • "FORPOST" - a Moscow company offering a special system for locking the entrance doors at once in 12-points, models are suitable for use in Russian conditions.

  • Torex plant produces high-quality steel doors with anti-vandal coating. Uses special Italian and Japanese equipment that has no analogues in Russia.
  • The Russian company "Gardian" - offers entrance doors of any price category. The company stores are located in 135 cities of Russia.