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What does zodiac signs mean. Characteristics of twins of women. The most faithful zodiac sign

The horoscope is not only the cultural heritage of our ancestors, and the system that is extremely popular and distributed in our day. Using it, you can find out the meaning of the signs of the zodiac, the nature and compatibility of a person with other signs. You need to know only one thing - the date of birth, month and day. There are only 12 signs of the zodiac, and each person belongs to one of them. The day and month of birth is taken into account, regardless of year of birth.

Nowadays, every person knows about his belonging to a particular zodiac type. The word "zodiac" is translated as a "animal circle" and has ancient Greek origin. Animals denote the circle through which the sun, moon and separate planets make their way.

There are 12 zodiac signs, each of which has its own value. These types are divided by the elements, they are 4: water, air, earth, fire. Using the experience of our ancestors, we know the main features of each type, compatibility and much more. In addition, according to these types, you can choose not only the satellite of life, and the talisman, charm.


These people are very passionate, targeted and assertive. They have a rapid response, unbridled character and rapidly in actions. He will be able to convince any of what is right, and if someone does not agree with that, then he will not like it.

In love, as in the whole other, Aries will go across, until it gets what I dreamed of.


If you compare the Taurus with a milk, then it will be its direct opposite in terms of temperament. Tales used to weigh their decisions, it is quite serious about everything, giving meaning even to small things.

As for love, they are slow and preferred and preferred and romantic walks, slowly with intimate joy. Everything is your time - it is exactly that one of the earthly signs of the zodiac Taurus believes.


Among all the signs of the zodiac one of the most frivolous and flirty twin is considered. He loves to talk a lot and often can surprise the interlocutor with his knowledge of many topics.

In love, they are very active and their impermanent and playfulness is unlikely to look like a partner. In addition, it is very important for them to be the center of attention and catch admiring glances.


If there is someone complicated among all the signs of the zodiac, then this someone is cancer. They are very changeable and often incomprehensible. Their mood can change several times within one hour.

He loves tenderness, hugs and values durable marriageswhich are created in heaven. For his partner is ready to do everything to smile. And men, and women of this sign are very sexy and sensual.

a lion

The royal sign of the lion is characterized by nobility, mania of greatness and love for a flattery. Per good words He can do whatever, what is known to those who want to learn to manipulate such a person.

It doesn't matter that you tell you the truth or not, he will be happy to be the best in your eyes. However, it is not worth using too much and often.


Calculating and prudent virgin - the dream of any employer. Such an employee will scrupulously fulfill all the assignments in the hope of raising. In love this sign Very standard, that is, it follows its standards.

Rare emotions, faithful, but boring relationships are all about them. With an emotional and active person, they can be fun, but not long.


Stylish and fashionable scales seem to be born with an excellent sense of style. They adore all the antique and beautiful and do not like people who call it all the old. In making a decision, not the most active people, as too much doubt and weighed every step.

After prolonged thoughts, it may be too late to make a decision.


Relations with such a person are an experience. For someone positive, for someone is negative. In any case, it is unforgettable. Scorpio is very sexy, but at the same time very arrogant among all signs of the zodiac.

They know how to manipulate perfectly, to have an impact, revenge, but at the same time are capable of real deep feelings and affection.


Active and lovely Sagittarius is always in the search. In search of suitable partner, new adventure, delicious food. He never sits in place and always talking about something. FROM

cook for him is worse than death, so it often changes cities and countries, furnishings and scenery, friends and beloved.


For Capricorn, the financial situation plays great importance. By the way, it is very simple to achieve heights for them, which means that they can implement themselves.

They are also ambitious, responsible, characteristic. With such a person, anyone will feel like a stone wall.


Strange, wild, unusual - it's all about the Aquarius for which it does not play appearance. Among all the signs of the zodiac, they may have more than other marriages and divorces. And it is not surprising.

Spending, erudition and originality as a magnet attracts people opposite people who dream of falling in the network of water.


Romantic and emotional fish often live in a fictional world, expecting a prince or princess and paying attention to ordinary mortals. Of these, beautiful writers are obtained, artists, designers - in general, creative people for whom self-realization is important, and not a monthly income.

Sunny signzodiac signwhere the sun was at the time of your birth. Usually for a sunny sign in the media are printed horoscopes For a year, for a month, on day.

In general, "Zodiac" is a Greek word meaning a "animal circle", so the ancient Indians and the Egyptians gave the signs of the zodiac name from the animal and plant kingdom.

Dr. Norbert Schiller writes that the ancient wise men shared the year for the spring, summer, autumn and winter, appointed every time of the year the constellation through which the sun took place. They called Own (Baran) Constellation after March 21, as it was a time when sheep gave the rating.

Following constellationwhich goes in mid-April, got a name Tales (Bull), who plows the Earth. Constellation Twins He gave the name of the zodiac sign at the end of May - early June: at this time the goats usually brought a couple of goats, etc.

Everything zodiac signs are divided into signs fire Element, Earth Signs, Air and Water Element Signs.

Fire signs - this is Aries , a lion , Sagittarius . These signs strive for a leading position in life. In Aries, it is manifested in decisiveness, promotion, risk.

In Lev. - In the ability to manage, be in the center of events around which the grouping is roaming.

IN Streltsy It is to be a leader in the field of religion, philosophy, law or external education, ideas in the field of culture.

People signs Fire - Positive, aggressive, hot, creative, courageous. These properties are manifested in the life spheres.

Earth signs - this is calf , Virgo , Capricorn . They are combined by practicality. They know how to treat the matter and money. In whatever houses these signs are neither if they are emphasized, they mean practicalism.

Practical abilities Tales Manifest themselves in circulation with money and property, in the management of property, its multiplication.

W. Virgin Practicality is manifested in rationality, management of farms and crafts. In addition, she cares about proper care for its valuable material welfare - her body.

W. Capricorn. Practice is manifested in the organization and management, broad business and government organizations or in general in organizing and conducting business.

Air signs - Twins , Libra and Aquarius . They deal with human spiritual abilities, with intellectual and public relations, i.e. Communication in a broad sense of the word.

These characters always prevail spiritual or intellectual interests. In those life spheres that are engaged in air signs, social and intellectual abilities are manifested.

W. Twins This is the ability to collect information, use it and transmit further. In addition, it means originality and alteration of ideas.

Libra Create to weigh, balance, make the right assessments, they have a nose on human ties, talent in psychology and related regions.

W. Aquarius Intuition for comprehensive principles, care for the well-being of humanity.

Water signs - this is Cancer , Scorpio and Fish . They are associated with the area of \u200b\u200bfeelings and sensations, sensitivity, intuition, deep affects. In vitality engaged in water signs, deep feelings will be shown.

W. Cancec The deepest feelings of the house and family, to sensitivity in relationships.

W. Scorpion These are strong ties with death, to the collective unconscious, to all deep sources and the secrets of life.

W. Fish Mystical feeling to infinite. They are with people in the subconscious telepathic communication, sympathize to the world around the world. This leads to emergency sensitivity and influence from the subconscious.

Nowadays, few people do not believe in the dependence of the character of a person from the sign of the zodiac by date of birth. For several thousand years, research has been conducted on this topic and over the years has been identified a lot of information about the influence of the date of birth on the temper and the temperament of a person.

Currently, 12 constellations were revealed and studied, while the unidentified and controversial remains 13 constellations - snakes. The location of the planets of the Sun and the Moon at the time of the birth of a person affects the main characteristics of a person. True to get more detailed information about the character, you need to consider many more other factors - exact time, year and place of appearance on the light.

Many are trying to sort out themselves, to understand the reasons for their behavior in one situation or another, looking for answers to questions that science is not able to answer. Astrology can help in this.

Four main elements of the zodiac circle

The classic zodiac calendar consists of 12 characters, each of which belongs to one of the main elements: water, land, air and fire. These elements play a key role in the formation of the nature and understanding of the actions of a person who has born under certainly familiar. Each element belongs to three characters.

Under the rule of fire are:

  • Aries,
  • Lev I.
  • Sagittarius,

The kingdom of water is cancer, scorpion and fish.

To the elements of air belong:

  • Twins,
  • Aquarius.

The earth is subordinate to the signs of Taurus, Capricorn and Virgin.

Each elements is characterized by a well-defined character type and model of behavior.

So, the fire makes a person impulsive, energetic, aggressive, but at the same time believing in itself, sincere and workers. The element of the air brings the character of a person born under one of the signs subject to it, sociability, intellectual development and a living mind.

The Earth gives its signs hard work, practicality and a sober view of life. Elements of water introduces impulsiveness, intuitiveness and spirituality into the actions of people.

However, back to the main question: "How to determine the sign of the zodiac by date of birth?" All year is divided by 12 zones for 30 days, each of which has its own zodiac sign. For a more specific consideration, we divide all 12 characters at the time of the year by four groups: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Date of Birth Zodiac sign
March 21 - April 20 Aries
April 21 - May 20 calf
May 21 - June 21 Twins
June 22 - July 22 Cancer
July 23 - August 23 a lion
August 24 - September 23 Virgo
September 24 - October 23 Libra
October 24 - November 22 Scorpio
November 23 - December 21 Sagittarius
December 22 - January 20 Capricorn
January 21 - February 20 Aquarius
February 21 - March 20 Fish


Spring signs of the zodiac by dates are distributed in this way:

  1. Aries - from March 21 to April 20.
  2. Tales - from April 21 to May 20.
  3. Gemini - from May 21 to June 21.

Aries by nature are brave, hard spirit, assertors and ambitious. They are typical representatives of fire elements, because the main impact on them was mainly provided by the militant Mars. And only in the last decade of his domination, namely from April 12 to April 20, the militancy and aggression of Mars neutralizes the influence of calm and good Venus.

Tales are excellent intellectuals, have all the leaders' depositors and become good administrators. For them, there are serious influence on the whole three planets - this is Saturn, Mercury, as well as our satellite of the moon. Because of this, a look at life is even pessimistic.

Gemini - that's whole bouquet Different emotions and impressions. The soul of the company, an interesting interlocutor, intellectual, what else to search. Gemini is very easy to rise, very impressionable and can convince anyone in their right. However, despite such a positive, Mars and the Sun are familiar with the sign, therefore the twins may still be ulcers.

Summer signs of the zodiac by date of birth

Summer includes the following zodiac signs:

  • Cracks - from June 22 to July 22.
  • Lion - from July 23 to August 23.
  • Virgo - from August 24 to September 23.

Cancers by nature are curious and executive. They certainly know how to determine the sign of the zodiac by date of birth. Craks can become the greatest specialists in a narrow specialization, because they know how to solve clearly set tasks. The main planets for them are the Moon and Mercury.

Lion is the king! Everything is said here. Lions have a disassembled character, have excellent leadership characteristics and differ in determination in the selected path. It is clear, because the main impact on this sign is such planets like Saturn, Mars and Jupiter.

But going to the mark of the Virgin from the influence of the militant Mars, therefore they have a softer and more accurate character. However, the fact that Saturn and Jupiter affect the sign, therefore, the devices are characteristic of the vitality.


The following three signs are scales (September 24 - October 23), Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) and Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21). The scales belonging to the elements of air are under the rule of Jupiter and Mysterious Saturn. This cocktail issued a stunning result - the signs of the sign are distinguished by the resourcefulness and enterprise, they are very interesting interlocutors and dangerous opponents.

But the most dangerous and aggressive sign is still scorpion. Mars and Venus could not share this sign, so his representatives have an unpredictable character, closedness.

Scorpio may be offended because of a trifle, and then do not expect from it to refine. The shooter does not have the devastating force of scorpion, but is distinguished by an excellent imagination and a soft character.


Capricorn (December 22 - 20.01), Aquarius (21.01 - 20.02) and fish (21.02 - 20.03) - It is winter signs of the zodiac. As with the rest, planets have great influence on them. So, Mars and Jupiter make Capricors by passionate and fond of naturalness, famous for their stubbornness.

The Moon and Mercury very positively affect water, so they are distinguished by their delicacy and tenderness. Fishes under the influence of Mars and Jupiter were always known as true.

So all the signs of the zodiac were determined. Dates for years a little "jump", but in general remain within one day. But not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance. There is another sign ...

Mysterious snakers

The sun, making an annual circle, passes not 12 constellations, and 13. This is exactly the thirteenth, and is a snakecass. For his occasion, many astrologers already broke the spear, which is why this sign did not enter the classic zodiac calendar. However, it is impossible not to notice.

The fact is that because of him, confusion may arise in how to determine the sign of the zodiac by date of birth. For some reason, classical astrology forgets the fact that the sun is moving around the constellation of the snakes for some time.

  1. Therefore, you should make a new component in the signs of the zodiac - the snakecar.
  2. Date of birth to people of this sign should be within the limits from November 27 to December 17.
  3. And representatives of this sign are characterized by a very complex, dual approach to the world.
  4. They are more sensitive to the Astral world, but at the same time stand very firmly on their feet.

Characteristics of zodiac signs by date of birth

Characteristic Aries as a zodiac sign

  • Dates of birth: 03/21-20.04.
  • Managing Planet: Mars, Sun.
  • Element: Fire.
  • Colors: Fire (red, orange, yellow), as well as azure.
  • Metals: steel, iron.
  • Symbols: Baran, Baiga Head.
  • Talismans: Hammer, Golden Fleece.
  • Happy numbers: 9 and all numbers, multiple 9, as well as 1, 4, 7 and 11.
  • Favorable days: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday.
  • Adverse days: Friday, Saturday.

The nature of the Aries, as the sign of the zodiac, which opens the zodiacal circle, is perfectly transmitted by the symbols inherent in it - the planet Mars and the personification of the constellation - a ram.

  1. The manager Mars gives representatives of this sign by extraordinary energy and enterprise, whereas their zodiac animal clearly shows a favorite way to achieve a goal for Aries - to go on a break, to achieve their own by anything.
  2. Aries do not like long planning and not tolerant. Puting a target, even if not always achievable, they go to her the shortest road.
  3. Inborn optimists and maximalists, they will never retreat from their ideas and do not laugh in themselves. From such self-confidence may seem like egoism. And it really is inherent in Aries to some extent.
  4. However, this is a healthy egoism, and what happens quite often, in the case of the acquisition of Aries by any power, they will never be abused by it.

By the way, as for the career, Aries, as a rule, often quite quickly rise to position, but only if the work is interesting to them. This is one of the few signs that can succeed in almost any professional field if he is given freedom of action and the opportunity to express itself.

Friendship sign of the zodiac

Friendship with oams It has its pitfalls, because they are extremely straightforward and they say what they think, not particularly taking care of the feelings of others. Relax them in case of inappropriate is also hard as trying to help the Council. In addition, they are very hot-tempered, but, on the other hand, the same and depart. But if someone from the friends of the Aries will fall into trouble, he, thanks to his extreme to the extreme sense of justice, literally dries in a cake, trying to help.

In marriage Aries Always true spouse. Although in his youth, they are pretty windy and in love, having met their halves in a more mature age, they adhere to monogamy and jealously protect the family nest.

As for health, the Aries due to their rapid temperament often suffer from nervous disorders, chronic fatigue and insomnia. The most vulnerable place is the head and teeth.

Characteristic of a man of a man

A man-Aries in love is always a romantic and idealist. He is inclined to extremely romance to the object of his attraction, which usually entails avalanche of gifts and wide gestures. And although in his eyes just climb, but also easily and fall. In no case show obsession and do not try to intercept the initiative in the relationship.

  • An emotional and jealous man-Aries will never be provoked to jealousy. He always strictly keeps loyalty and requires the same from his companion.
  • Spontaneous flashes of rage, periodically happening in men-representatives of this sign, pass quite quickly, so during them it is better not to argue with men-Aries and do not try to prove their right.
  • However, with all the same, they want to see with them not a hazard doll, but a prevailing independent personality.

Fathers from them are obtained very loving, although very demanding.

Characteristics of a woman of a woman

  • In a relationship Woman Aries, as well, and in all other areas, is used to being at the principle position. However, although it, on the one hand, has some male features of character, including confidence, from time to time flowing into self-confidence, she is quite old-fashioned in love and is waiting for his knight in sparkling armor.
  • In love With a woman, it is never necessary to show restraint, but also a rough flattery will not charm her. She recognizes only sincere admiration for his own person. With his chosen one, she will divide everything that has, but he himself will never share with anyone.
  • Its in no case should not be locked in four walls - after the wedding and even the birth of a child, she will not want to give up career and their hobbies. Aries woman will be a good mother, although it will not devote all his free time to a child.

Characteristic Taurus as a sign of the zodiac

  • Dates of birth: 04/21-21.05.
  • Managing Planet: Venus.
  • Element: Earth.
  • Colors: red, orange, lemon.
  • Metals: copper
  • Symbols: horn and bull head.
  • Talismans: Owl, Golden Taurus.
  • Happy numbers: 2, 4, 16.
  • Favorable days: Monday, Friday.
  • Unfavorable days: Tuesday.

The nature of the Taurus, as the sign of the zodiac, the second in the zodiacal circle, is distinguished by a balancedness, a calm attitude to what is happening around.

  1. Weighted actions
  2. lack of unnecessary fuss
  3. excerpt,
  4. dimension - the main characteristic features of the Taurus.

Having a kind and flexible character inside, externally, they remain strong and self-sufficient personalities.

Another important feature of the character of carts can be called persistence. Their skill is working, systematically move towards the goal, as a result, it gives fruit. Independence, some secrecy, makes representatives of this sign of the zodiac by individualists reluctantly opening the soul to the interlocutor, sometimes not devoted to even close people in their affairs.

Pretty patient signs undoubtedly relate to the relationship of the Taurus. Its condescension and long-term tolerance in a particular situation in the transition of a certain feature, the achievement of the highest point of burning, as a rule, is completed by breaking. With this outcome of the events, the calf from benevolent and calm turns into an unmanaged, evil and inadequate person, which is quite difficult to lead to a sense.


Career Teltsov For the most part, it is successful, since in the presence of excellent intuition, the desire to success gives them the opportunity to quickly overcome emerging difficulties. IN professional Plan they are able to master a lot different areas: to a lesser extent trade, public catering, in greater journalism, therapeutic matter. Direct relationship Taurus, as a sign of land, has to agriculture, work in nature.

  • Friendship with tales - This is what is needed easily excitable personalities. After all, this peace-loving sign can set up his friends to pleasant and quiet relationships, in which you can relax and do not think about problems.
  • Marriage with Taurus It will become a real happiness for a woman if she is able to completely conquer the good heart of his chosen one. Family for Taurus is the most important in life - it is she devotes her all his free time.
  • Health. The most problem zones to be paid close attentionTo avoid diseases - this is a back, legs, neck (especially the throat). It is not particularly complaining about the health of this health, but problems with blood circulation, overweight and, as a result, heart disease often have a place to be.

Characteristic Taurus Men

The equilibrium and the thoughtfulness of the actions may at first glance to see the laziness of the Male Taurus. It is very difficult to disperse, makes act faster. However, the men born under the zodiac sign are not believed to lazy people - they are unusually able-bodied and they will bring the work started to the end, no matter how much strength and time has taken.

Men are distinguished by attention, carefulness and very often indulge their women: wives, mothers, daughters. IN family life We have prosperity, respect and devotion to your spouse with them. The only negative side of the character of the sign is jealousy. However, despite this, marriages for the most part are durable.

Characteristic of a woman of a woman

Taurus woman gathered all the advantages at once:

  • beauty
  • tolerance,
  • great taste
  • charm.

For men, meeting such a woman is a real gift in life. In the company with women tales, partners feel always comfortable and pacifying, they perfectly complement their half in marriage.

In addition to the listed qualities, the woman is a lovely mistress, loving mother. In her house cozy, warm and sparkles cleanliness. Children and family occupy a special place in women, they are an example for their children.

Despite the extraordinary femininity, the representative of the wonderful sex sign is very efficient - they cope not only with work around the house, but still managed to improve the garden, garden. Probably, therefore, they are more likely to accommodate in the Nature, in a quiet quiet place.

Characteristics of twins as a sign of the zodiac

  • Dates of birth: 21.05. -21.06.
  • Element: Air.
  • Colors: Yellow, Blue.
  • Metals: gold, aluminum, copper, brass.
  • Symbols: Star, hand.
  • Talismans: Mask, Snake.
  • Happy numbers: 3, 5, 12, 18.
  • Favorable days: Wednesday, Sunday.
  • Adverse days: Thursday.

The nature of the twins, as the sign of the zodiac, the third in the zodiacal circle and after the caller, is distinguished by duality. People born under this sign often can not know themselves. Changed character traits often bring them many misunderstandings and misunderstandings from loved ones, children, colleagues.

  1. People born under the third sign of the zodiac are very "slippery" specials that do not enter into a direct encounter or an open conflict in an entangled or scandalous situation.
  2. They, with the help of natural tricks inherent in them, unscrew from any impasse, extend almost dry of water.
  3. These are talented seductors who tend to change actions and thoughts to completely opposite, they always act with the benefit and only to achieve their personal goals.

Career and friendship

It is quite difficult to unequivocally characterize the twins, they are not only freedom-loving personalities, but often hesitate their surroundings on the removal of any prohibitions, demonstrating the complete absence of morality in their actions. At the same time, they are always confident in their rightness, do not feel remorse.

Career twins Successful in many areas. Fast and energetic, they reach a high professional level in dentistry, jewelry production, trade, etc. They know how to influence people, they have a gift of convictions, therefore beautiful journalists come out, writers, poets.

The most basic priority in the career of twins is freedom of choice. However, over time, a favorite job may seem routine, and in the end they can easily change it, without regrets of the past.

Friendship with twins It's pleasant and not burdensome if it does not apply to her too seriously. The representative of this sign is always happy to draw up a spiritual company, he is a pleasant interlocutor, with him people feel fun and ease. Natural destination Gemini is a big advantage in close friendship with this sign, perhaps the result of such relations will be the joint opening of profitable business.

  • Marriage with twin It consists of first love, or after several failed marriages. For marriage, they are looking for a satellite, completely opposite to themselves. This is a sign that does not like routine, family obligations, so the twin often does not particularly strive for the Union. However, they, besides the foregoing, can sometimes fall in extremes and marry or marry literally the day after dating, surprising all close and acquaintances.
  • Health twinsdirectly depends on the full rest, in particular sleep, proper, balanced nutrition. The more air signs rest, the better their general physical well-being. Weak places in the health of the twin are hands, that is, rheumatism and arthritis are considered the main frequently contemplated diseases among this sign.

Characteristics of the twin man

Men twins Nature generously gave all sorts of talents.

  • They are smart, very sociable, so they have so many friends.
  • For women, such men are extremely attractive, but they are not passionate lovers, even if they are in love with their half insanely.
  • Men air signs need caress, care and attention from their beloved.

If the man twin is poverty, it will break the relationship without explaining the causes of separation. These men-boys are not jealous and do not consider elects their own property. This zodiac sign is represented as two people, both male and women's start, therefore, and other inherent duality.

Male twin - good husband, Father, he will always be a good friend for his children. But my wife needs to get used to that at any moment her husband could slip out of the house without saying not a word. Male twins do not like discipline, they do not welcome the strict life routine, they love freedom and value it.

Characteristics of women twins

The priesthood of a twin woman may be unpredictable and non-permanent.

  • However, women of this air sign are pleasant in the company,
  • with them fun and ease
  • they know how to support any topic of conversation.

A woman born under this sign is a reliable and faithful companion, cheerful and energetic; Apparently, so with all the affairs, including homely, copes very quickly.

It is worth noting that with the openness and kindness of their nature, the twin woman can be demanding and will not be silent when she doesn't like something. Most women and girls dream of great love, and this zodiacal sign is no exception in this case.

However, it is quite difficult for them to find their perfect chosen one, since they are too picky and will definitely pay attention to the slightest flaws not only in the nature of the man, but also treason will be treated with its appearance.

Coming out married, they become a real support family relationships, beautiful wives, mothers. Men like their choice, but you need to remember that women twins love flirts and at any moment they can slip out of the arms even a beloved man.

Cancer characteristic as a zodiac sign

  • Dates of birth: 22.06. - 22.07.
  • Managing Planet: Moon.
  • Element: Water.
  • Colors: green, white, blue, silver, pale purple.
  • Metals: silver.
  • Symbols: crab, cancer.
  • Talismans: Heart, Clover
  • Happy numbers: 2,4,5,8.
  • Unfavorable days: Tuesday, Saturday.

  1. The character of the crayfish is a controversy and wise people.
  2. No matter is allowed for samothek, each of his step they think about long and in detail. As a result, practically no matter does not end in their failure.
  3. This is the most prudent and reasonable sign from the entire zodiac circle. Moving slowly, but right and in the right direction, cancer can always achieve the goals.
  4. A very watertic nature does not give him to the end to relax, so even with a prosperous outcome of any case, he is constantly waiting for some kind of trick, because before the end ever confident.

Having reached certain vertices both family and financial, cancers never give "their own." It is also not typical for cancers, they love to wait for the right moment patiently.

Career and friendship

Financial Plan Cancer as a zodiac sign is quite stuck, he always has money. In addition, he has talent not only to make money, save them, but also profitable to invest in real estate, securities.

At the same time, it is successfully attaching its accumulations. Equipment and inner alertness makes the home focus of representatives of this sign of the zodiac circle of the full bowl, in the literal sense of the word.

House, family - These are the two most important foundations that most worry crayfish in life. The house for representatives of this sign is the best and most desirable place. Only in his house cancers feel completely protected and happy. This place where a thin, sensual nature can dream, fantasize, spend a pleasant time with relatives and loved ones. Comfort, comfort, cleanliness is what is important and necessary for cancer.

  • Health of cancer It depends on its emotional state and mood. The slightest troubles may adversely affect his health and overall health. But some kind of pleasant news, the joyful event will not leave a trace of their ailment and depression.
  • In marriage crayfish Very faithful and are committed, they will never betray and will not change.

Lev characteristic as zodiac sign

  • Birthdays: 07/23 - 23.08.
  • Managing planet: sun.
  • Element: Fire.
  • Colors: gold, scarlet, black, yellow-brown.
  • Metals: gold.
  • Symbols: Swan, lion.
  • Talismans: Ladybug, Eagle, Leo.
  • Happy numbers: 1, 5, 9, 11.
  • Favorable days: Sunday.
  • Adverse days: Saturday.

The fifth sign of the zodiac circle is the lion.

  1. By the nature of the Lion - the leader, with everything in everything. This is one of the most cheerful signs that easily and easily solves its problems, especially not surviving on trifles.
  2. Representatives of this Zodiac sign Always surrounded by numerous friends, but it's not so easy to agree on something or enter into confidence.
  3. People born under the sign of the zodiac lion practically do not change the previously made conclusions about the act of one or another person and, that is characteristic, rather vindictive.

Friendship and Sign Career

Pride is one of the main features of the character of Lviv. Representatives of the fifth sign of the Zodiac Circle adore flattery, which for them serves as a mental balm. If you need to find an approach in one situation or another, then the right way is to find it, but it is worth remembering that the criticism for such people is absolutely unacceptable.

Criticism can destroy all the plans in one second and the agreements reached earlier, as it is too arrogant and believes that everything is done in everything and everywhere correctly and never mistakes.

The most vulnerable places in the health of the lion is the heart, spine, chest, throat. Often during the disease can rise high temperature. However, despite all the alert, it quickly recovers, although injuries are susceptible to accidents.

In the work of the Lion, it is very disciplined, in most cases reaches the goals set, finds the right way out of a difficult situation, knows how to overcome obstacles that met on the way. Representatives of this sign love to make others constantly admired them, and try to do everything possible for this.

  • Lions adore luxury, so love to silent money, spending large sums For entertainment and travel. The house in people born under this sign is distinguished by comfortable, comfort and often look like a royal castle.
  • Love is the stimulus of their lives, probably, therefore, the situation is rarely remained bachelor and old devices.

Characteristic of virgin as zodiac sign

  • Dates of birth: 24.08. - 23.09.
  • Managing Planet: Mercury.
  • Element: Earth.
  • Colors: blue, yellow, white.
  • Metals: copper, tin.
  • Symbols: Virgo.
  • Talismans: Astra, Grasshopper, Caban.
  • Happy numbers: 3,5,6,12,20,27.
  • Favorable days: Wednesday.
  • Unfavorable days: Thursday, Friday.

Sixth sign of the zodiac circle - Virgo, the most kind and compassionate.

  • It is not difficult to describe the virgins: a caring and sensual nature, which will always be the best friend and partner. If such a person is next to you in a difficult moment, then protection and participation at the right moment are guaranteed.
  • A distinctive feature of the nature of virgins as a sign of the zodiac is faith in people who often enjoy the surrounding.
  • However, helping others, representatives of this sign do not like to make help from others. For their kind, they are independent, independent and very hardworking. It is difficult to see people of this sign sitting without a case, they are always in bustle, concerns are real "cleany" and the accumathers.
  • In the house, the virgin is always very clean, even if it is quite modest, all things lie in their places.

Work for punctual, disciplined by the nature of the Virgin is often the meaning of life, it is not afraid to take for complex and confusing cases, every minute is ready to help colleagues and colleagues, and if necessary, then sacrifice free time.

Friendship and love sign

An independent business is not entirely suitable for representatives of this sign, the closest in the workplace is in subordination.

  • Health Born under the constellation the Virgin is strong, even by surviving to deep old age they look stronger and healthier than their peers. But, problem place Nevertheless, it is an abdominal cavity, therefore infectious diseases, appendicitis, rather serious intestinal disorders, etc. are possible.
  • Despite this, it is quite easy to avoid such troubles. By keeping the power mode, introducing unloading Days, Conducting rest in the mountainous area or outside the city. Very shown daily watch holiday alone.

Specifications of weights as a sign of the zodiac

  • Dates of birth: 24.09. - 23.10.
  • Managing Planet: Venus.
  • Element: Air.
  • Colors: pastel tones, blue.
  • Metals: bronze, copper.
  • Symbols: Scales.
  • Talismans: book, heart.
  • Happy numbers: 2,6,7,8,9,15.
  • Favorable days: Friday, Saturday.
  • Adverse days: Tuesday, Sunday.

As a seventh sign of the zodiac circle, scales are speaking. In its highest development, scales are honest, educated, tactful and fair. However, sometimes they do not get equilibrium and harmony. Under the lowest development scenario, representatives of this zodiacal sign of false, madness, not reliable. Permanent search life Balance Often it becomes the meaning of their existence. In most cases, weighing as a result, it is still possible to gain the necessary balance in a particular sphere.

Sign Career Zodiac and Friendship

Work. The high development of the signs of the sign affects the intensities of their labor, receiving new knowledge, permanent work on themselves. These people are completely and completely given to his beloved business. However, despite this in business and work weighs the best work in the team, as it is rather difficult for them alone completing the cases started, to make profitable deals.

By character scales - sign

  • very responsive
  • sensitive,
  • which is always ready to listen to the interlocutor
  • to help,
  • give the faithful advice.

Healthin some cases, it may depend on previously applied bypass, as weight scales are often very wounded. The most problematic parts of the body - kidney, bladder, spine, leather. Consequently, special attention in the treatment of diseases arising should be reversed first on the listed parts of the body. The problem may be in them. For the prevention of diseases, frequent walks in the park, dancing, yoga, unloading days, etc. are useful.

House Weighs Different with cleanliness and comfort. Plus, if representatives of this sign manage to meet their "half", which will be able to provide the necessary balance in relations, then in such a house will always reign the atmosphere of heat and happiness.

Scorpio characteristic as zodiac sign

  • Dates of birth: 24.10-21.11
  • Managing Planet: Mars, Pluto
  • Element: Water.
  • Colors: scarf, crimson, green.
  • Metals: steel, iron.
  • Symbols: Eagle, Pyramid, Scorpio.
  • Talismans: Beetle, Scorpio.
  • Happy numbers: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 100, 666.
  • Favorable days: Tuesday.
  • Unfavorable days: Monday, Friday.

Friendship and Love Scorpion

The eighth zodiac sign is scorpion, whose character is rather emotional, hot-tempered and stubborn.

  1. Representatives of this sign have huge internal potential - these are volitional individuals who can achieve their goals due to their perseverance.
  2. However, with damage for scorpions, aggressiveness, secrecy and vitality are characteristic.
  3. Tracting for leadership in everyday life and at work makes the lives of people born under this sign, rich and intense.
  4. Scorpions in the nature of punctual, executive, enduring and very patient.
  5. Under certain circumstances, the desire to power at any cost sometimes forces people born under this sign, arrange of different kind Intrigue, invent gossip, lie to get the desired.

In the youth to representatives of the sign, luck is very rare, but after reaching the 30-year-old age, Fortuna favors them, compensating for past deprivation.

In work Often scorpions achieve success in the share of business, team, with partners, etc. The frivolity is not inherent in them, this sign refers to work seriously and with full return. Despite some nervousness of his character, in difficult situations these people can compare, help the weak and disadvantaged, show sympathy.

Health Scorpio is usually strong, thanks to its natural endurance. Characteristic diseases are gynecology, urology, endocrine system. The beneficial effect on the body has a diet, sports, walking in the fresh air, trips to nature, etc. The most problematic zones are the bottom of the abdomen, the venous system, throat, nose and eyes.

Scorpio's family relate to their family with great trepacy and respect, the value of those with whom they are close.

Characteristic of the Sagittarius as a sign of the zodiac

  • Birthdays: 22.11-21.12.
  • Managing Planet: Jupiter.
  • Element: Fire.
  • Colors: purple, blue, blue.
  • Metals: tin, zinc, iron.
  • Symbols: Wand, Star.
  • Talismans: Horseshoe, Salamandra.
  • Happy numbers: 3, 4, 9.
  • Favorable days: Thursday.
  • Unfavorable days: Wednesday.

By the nature of the Sagittarius - the ninth sign of the zodiac circle is a faithful friend, devoted and honest comrade.

  • Dreamability, optimism inherent to all people born under this sign.
  • Adventures, travel, thrust for abundance, luxury, restlessness allow representatives of this sign to achieve the desired different areas Life.
  • Straightness in relation to the surrounding sometimes creates conflict situations. Despite this, it will not be possible to keep offense for a long time, he will always find a way to reconciliation.
  • It is worth noting that people born under this sign are very developed intuition, they see the interlocutor, which is called through.
  • Romantic, passionate, they sincerely believe in love, friendship, idealizes everything around.

Even with lesions, continue to believe in the best times, which someday may come. Eviorismability, emotionality are the main features of the character that allow to be located in the thick of the events, to be a soul company at parties, holidays, etc.

Career Sagittarius

Career Sagittarius There may be teaching activities, research, political. Some people born under the sign have a tendency to writing books, proactivity and successfully presenting the interests of their customers in court. Some individuals find their vocation and in administration. The impulsiveness inherent in the nature of the Sagittarius helps them very quickly convince their interlocutor in anywhere, including in its right.

Love for Sagittarius - This is temperament, ardent feelings, perseverance. However, instantly breaking romantic feelings can also quickly fade, caused irritation from communicating with a partner. Marriage and family these signs appreciate and value. Their marriage ties, as a rule, for life, durable and strong.

Capricorn characteristic as zodiac sign

  • Dates of birth: 22.12-20.01.
  • Managing Planet: Saturn.
  • Element: Earth.
  • Colors: dark brown, blue, green, ash, yellow.
  • Metals: Lead.
  • Symbols: Staircase, tower clock, goat.
  • Talismans: Devil.
  • Happy numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8.
  • Favorable days: Tuesday, Saturday.
  • Unfavorable days: Monday, Thursday.

Capricors differ from previous signs of the zodiac circle strong character, fearless, perseverance, pride and stubbornness.

Capricorn career

  1. Externally modest and compliant, self-confident and courageous - these are the main features of the character of Capricorn.
  2. People born under this sign are patient, not conflict and calm. In domestic troubles that are able to derive, representatives of this sign retain comprehension and restraint.
  3. In the character of Capricorn, practicality is occupied, probably, for this reason, they do not take hasty emotional decisions, and consider everything to the slightest details.
  4. However, such people born in winter time, you can not call "Tugodums", no matter what they are able to take volitional and fast solutions. From any seemingly hopeless situation Capricorn always overlook.
  5. Often because of the excessive pride and pride, it is difficult for them to recognize their wrongness, even by themselves.
  6. Characteristic dedication, hardworking allows Capricorn slowly, but it is right to achieve success in various life spheres.

Not afraid of the hardest, painstaking work, representatives of the specified sign, besides these qualities have an excellent gift of conviction. They can be both managers and subordinates.

Honest, self-confident, hardworking Capricorns are all that they have achieved by their work, not counting on the aid from the part. The brightest character character features are manifested in a senior position.

In the family honor traditions, they often find a partner in the calculation, less often for love.

Problem places in the health of the Capricors are a heart, a nervous system, a back, therefore, possible diseases - osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, etc.

Aquarius characteristic as zodiac sign

  • Birthdays: 21.01-18.02.
  • Managing Planet: Uranus, Saturn.
  • Element: Air.
  • Colors: Purple, purple, gray.
  • Metals: lead, titanium.
  • Symbols: icon, aquarius, wings.
  • Talismans: Icon
  • Happy numbers: 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 13.
  • Favorable days: Wednesday, Saturday.
  • Adverse days: Sunday.

  • Aquarius in character is responsive, sociable and very far from. This particular feature of the nature of people born under this zodiac sign, plus well-developed intuition helps to accurately predict and plan the future development of events.
  • Among other things, the Aquarius is free, which does not tolerate excessive obsessions, does not like to be subordinate, to perform someone's teams, etc.
  • Cheerful, sociable, pleasant in communication, this person will never let him be bored to his companion, even if he is unfamming.
  • The work of the Aquarius should be based on complete trust, which he needs to constantly feel from partners or colleagues.

The choice of profession in most cases is not spontaneously, but by calling, thereby the next characteristic feature for this sign you can allocate a conscientious attitude to work and responsibilities.

Features of Aquarius

However, sometimes excessive freedom-lies lead to a frequent change of work, the search for a new one. Many people born under this type are familiar, it is quite difficult to find a decent job. They are in constant search. There are practically no rich water, but they won't call them poor - rather, "middling".

On Health Aquarius can negatively affect the wrong power mode, lack of food containing phosphorus, calcium, etc. Representatives of this sign are the problem parts of the body are the eyes, a blood system, nervous, shin, caviar and ankle. Showing hiking, single walks in the forest area, in the water, in the mountains, away from the city noise.

Loneliness is that which moments do not have enough communicable in the nature of thequail, because quite a large number of Energies they spend on communicating with others. Lost energy needs from time to time to restore.

Fish characteristic as zodiac sign

  • Dates of birth: 19.02-20.03.
  • Managing Planet: Neptune, Jupiter.
  • Element: Water.
  • Colors: steel, blue, red.
  • Metals: Tin.
  • Symbols: Wave, Fish Couple, Sink.
  • Talismans: Narcissus, knot.
  • Happy numbers: 6, 11, 7.
  • Favorable days: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
  • Unfavorable days: Wednesday.

  1. The duality of the nature of the fish, the twelfth sign of the zodiac circle, primarily due to the management of two planets. People born under the last water sign, rather contradictory and unpredictable by their nature, are very dreamed.
  2. By the nature of fish are good-natured, generous and always ready to help those who weaker them or need support.
  3. Sensitivity, indulgence, ability to forgive, bugs are the main features of the nature of the fish.
  4. Congenital intuition of the sign gives its representatives a unique opportunity to determine the right direction in business, choosing a profession, etc.
  5. Often the actions of fish are intuitive and sometimes deprived of any logic.


If you fail, the signs of the sign become closed and secretive. They are quite difficult to teach to a certain power, sleep, rest. However, short-term closure is simply necessary for these people to relax, restore the lost energy during the experienced vital turmoil. It is impossible to say that fish melancholic is 100%, they have their own character. If they are removed from equilibrium, they may be evil and vascular, very long to calm down after a quarrel.

Fish health Directly associated with poor mood, overwork and improper power. The most problematic parts of the body are the heart, digestive and lymphatic system. Characteristic diseases are nervous and mental disorders, neuralgia, colds, viral infections, liver failure, eczema, psoriasis, etc. Natural lethargy, fast fatigue affects legs, feet and ankles.

In the work of fish Do not seek to high earnings, they do not want to be millionaires, but at the same time love luxurious life. Rich are becoming in cases where they meet in their path of a profitable partner. Musical hearing, photo and video filming, painting, medicine, religion - the main activities for most of the representatives of this sign.

Zodiac passes through 13 constellations, however, the zodiacal circle is divided into 12 equal partsUnlike constellations. Each part is one zodiac sign, the name that is given depending on the location on this section of the sky of the corresponding zodiacal constellation.

According to the signs of the zodiac, the movement of all the planets. The full range of signs of the zodiac gives us 1 year. The land is in the center.

Basic property - activity. General features of the signs of the cardinal cross: action, activity, perseverance, desire, desire and ability to influence environment; Hence the desire for change. Energy is directed from the center on the outer side.

Negative features: Egoism, dissatisfaction, irritability. These properties are dictated by excess energy. These people love fights, fight. They always go towards the fight, she lights them and gives pleasure. Victory can be caused by movement, military actions, challenged to the duel. But the result does not always give victory. Other factors are also involved here.

People born under the cardinal signs are active, energetic and prone to change; It also generates energy and easily spreads in all directions, almost without gravity. People of cardinal signs are paving the paths for which others follow, and begin the cases that are completed. Breaths are bravely launched in bold enterprises and adventures. The nebid cancers lay new ways in housing and nutrition. Scales become innovators in the field of literature, art and social activities, and Capricorn - pioneers in business and industry. Signs of cardinal quality generate innovators.

Fixed cross.

The basis of this cross is constant. The main quality is courage. General features: People of this Cross succeed in defense. The product is their efforts in the form of a positive result - excerpt, patience, waiting. This man is a fortress. They suffer from weak will and cowardice, but from masculinity. They are characterized by constancy, durability, but also unshakable in the event of an attack. They can give a brilliant rebuff (depending on the sign). They have great performance, reliability, inflexible will. Implementation of energy depending on efforts in any sphere.

Negative features: self-confidence, conservatism, stubbornness, excess proudness, which is expressed in the peculiarity and to their own way. Also inertness, not love for change, authority, authoritarianism, despotism.

Under the signs of fixed quality, quite adamable, decisive and persistent people are born. Solid bodies are seriously changing the shape or location; Similarly, people of fixed quality are deeply tied to the usual atmosphere, the usual manner of professional duties and the familiar style of thinking. They have a huge strength of resistance to any external pressure, enduring and patient, distinguished by perseverance and perseverance, delve into the details. These are not innovators and not energetic developers, but when development reaches the climax, they are finalizing the details and enhanced. Fixed quality signs generate improvements.

Movable cross.

It includes signs: | | |

The basic quality is variability. General features: mobility, stagnation, flexibility, diplomaticity, courtesy, sociability, liftingness. These signs are endowed with the flexibility of perception. This is a very valuable quality that gives them the opportunity to quickly adapt to change. Possess the ability to find unconventional solutions. These signs do not need a fight. They are strong in originality, resourcefulness, negotiations, because moving and dual.

Negative features: talkativeness, narcissism, selflessness, self-conceit. Basically, there is a desire to speak only about yourself. The duality of these signs is based on a combination of fixedness and cardinality, which gives as a result of the constancy of motion.

Mutable signs are golden mean Between the crazy activity of cardinal signs and stubborn resilience of fixed. The liquid cannot with the same ease as the gas, leak through the gap, but if it continues to continue for it, it will quickly flow along the smallest resistance line. People born under mutable signs are rarely pioneers and innovators, but easily followed in the footsteps. As fluid easily takes the shape of a vessel in which there is so mutable people easily adapt to new atmosphere And someone else's people. Mutable quality marks rarely generate pioneers and innovators. These are mainly developers.

Anatomical links of zodiac signs

1. Aries - symbolizes his head, the forehead and face is responsible for immunity (for leukocytes - participating in immune system). Pathology: Head and dental pain.

2. Taurus - interburs, throat, neck and ears, almonds, lymphatic system in general (all lymphatic glands in different parts Body). Joint I. vocal cords, tendon. Pathology: Diseases of the throat - Otitis, Angina, Larygitis, etc. All sickness of the throat.

3. The twin - the language, hands, shoulders, clavicle, vision, eyebrows, light, nervous system, large semi-hare (gray matter). Pathology: myopia (hyposticity), memory violation and speech (bark), inflammatory processes associated with light, neuritis (inflammatory processes are related to nervous system). Neuralgia, neuritis (upper shoulder belt), neurasthenia.