Repairs Design Furniture

What is phytostine. Plants for phytostine. Not a bouquet as a gift, but a whole garden

The very first thing I want to congratulate you, dear readers, the blog "your business" with the coming 2015, and wish you success in all your affairs that will no doubt bring you a regular visit to the blog pages. Despite the fact that it was all a joke, do not forget that in every joke, there is only some joke. The rest is pure truth.

All you probably heard the famous folk proverb "Prepare Sani in the summer, and in the winter." Therefore, in the remaining two or three months of winter, I will try to publish predominantly reviews of summer business ideas, so that if you enjoy the idea, you could have time to prepare it before the start of the season. However, there are so-called "all-season" ideas that can be implemented regardless of the time of year. One of these projects is phytosen.

Benefits of "living" walls

Actually, the name can be understood that this is a wall of plants. I already mentioned this idea in the material "". From the states and came to Russia this project. Since then, entrepreneurs who picked up new designer solutionWe managed to get your first (pretty good!) Profit, customers, what is called "entered the taste", and this business niche begins to expand rapidly.

Of course modern decoration Materials And the freshest designer sentences - above all silence, but, in my opinion, no 3D-wallpapers (on which the production of which can be found) will not replace living plants. Several pots on the windowsill and desks of employees - a picture of a regular office, looks dull and dim in comparison with a whole green wall.

By the way, phytosen is sometimes called - vertical gardens. However, it is possible to decorate plants only a certain section of the wall - the technologies of installation of phytosena allow you to make the design of any form - at the request of the customer. It can be the coating of the main walls, partitions from plants, or "live" floral patterns.

The advantages of using such interior innovations are obvious:

  • First, it is aesthetic side. Appearance at home or apartment, office, shopping center, or other premises are radically transformed for the better.
  • Next - the environmental component. Having ordered the installation of phytosta, the customer, in fact, receives a bio filter - ozonizer and air purifier in the "one bottle". Already a month after installing phytosena, it can be noted how the health of living or working in this room is improved.
  • Maintain a stable psychological state. Besides green color Consideration, safety, harmony, the presence of plants in large quantities in large quantities contributes to the prevention or removal of stress. In other words, speaking, putting in the office of Phytosten, the owner of the company will receive the increased productivity of adequate, healthy employees.
  • The design of the design is very simple and takes literally a few minutes a week.

Listed by the doubtful client all these advantages, you, no doubt, get an order for installing phytosten in its place.

Design of phytosten

In principle, if "hands grow from right place»Fitosten can be made for your home and independently - all this at first glance is not so difficult. True, perhaps it will cost spoiled: materials, nerves - their own and their homework, and time spent on the manufacture of phytosen. So it is better, nevertheless, it will probably be to order production, installation, and at the same time the service in the company engaged in this professionally.

We now turn directly to the installation technology:

  • At a distance of 5-8 centimeters from the wall of the wall installed design Metal or plastic profiles. The gap is needed for air circulation and avoid the appearance on the walls of dampness.
  • On this frame mounted required amount Small, narrow boxes with land.
  • Below, full of frame a narrow pallet is put For water collection.
  • By carcass conducted a system of hose automatic wateringconnected to a pallet and a special tank with water, equipped with a timer that will turn on the water, say 2 times a day for 30 minutes. So the watering system is closed. It will only be necessary to pour out once or twice a week in the reservoir.
  • After all, in the boxes can plant plantwhich form a solid "alive" green carpet, for which the design elements will be visible.

There is also another option to install small phytomaodules that occupy certain sections of the wall. In it, the frame is replaced with a plastic panel and a fabric base that is not susceptible to rot (synthetic felt, or something similar), on which fabric pockets are surface pockets for disembarking.

Plants for phytosten

Briefly about plants that are used for phytostine:

  • Ivy. The wing plant of the genus Hedera is suitable for phytosten as it is impossible.
  • Maranta, still known among flower water as a "prayer plant" due to the fact that closer to the night of her leaves rise up.
  • Stromanta is a low, beautiful plant.
  • SzindapSus - or Liana. Requires more frequent care - pinching to enhance growth.
  • Chlorofih - "office" flower feels perfectly by moving out of a pot on Phytosten.
  • Bilbergia is unpretentious (like all plants used in phytostine), and pretty.
  • Vriezia - This flower will be a bright spot in your design.

How to make money on phytosten

Among those entrepreneurs who are engaged in phytosten, is now observed different types Business:

  1. Service installed phytostine - Periodic examination of plants and land, replace patient colors to healthy, checking the design, if necessary - small repair. In this case, it is necessary to have a contract with installation companies in the installation of phytossen, on the subject that they recommend you to their customers, of course, if they themselves do not offer such a service. It is possible to have a good earnings in this way only when you have several permanent customers.
  2. Sale, installation, and maintenance of phytostine (Sale in this situation implies resale from the manufacturer). Here you will need a team of trained personnel, which will be installed and maintaining structures.
  3. Production + sale, installation, and maintenance. A complete "service kit is somewhat more complicated, but the profit will be from it, respectively, more. By the way, no detailed instructions how to produce phytosen you will not find on the Internet, and yet nobody will share them with you, so the most the best way - Buy finished phytosten, disassemble it to understand the whole design, and try to collect your own option. How to know maybe you will be able to make some kind of highlight, which distinguishes your offer from other similar.

Focusing in prices

Phytosena - "contagious" thing. Seeing in some office such a design, someone necessarily wishes and install similar. In addition, "lived" with such a wall for several years, it is thoroughly get used to it, therefore, it is not at all possible that in 2-3 years the owner of the company contact you again.

Today is the main trend modern design - the manufacture of phytostine and phytomoduli, which do not occupy a lot of space and allow you to forget about the use of traditional kashpo. They create a healthy eco-environment and become independent and very expressive decor objects.

The increased need for interior landscaping is due not only to excellent decorativeness, but also the need to improve the microclimate in office and home environment. Even the smallest phytomaodul is created, as a rule, from 4 ÷ 8 plants and is able to significantly affect the condition of air indoors.

As plants affect the indoor microclimate:

  • The replication of pathogenic microorganisms decreases
  • The air is enriched with oxygen
  • The amount of dust and carbon dioxide decreases
  • Decreases the content in the air of poisonous substances (formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, trichloroethylene, etc.), allocated modern furniture, plastic, linoleum, dyes
  • Enrich air negative ions
  • Increases air humidity level
  • Air is saturated with antibacterial and useful aromatic compounds
  • The noise level is reduced in the range of 250 Hz-4000 Hz.

Phytomodul and phytosten - an innovative approach to landscaping

Fitomodul and phytosten, as vertical landscaping options, have long been and are actively used in world practice. In our country, this tendency only appears and the domestic consumer has not yet appreciated the fullests of their prospects and beauty. So what is this species Gardening?


Phytomodul For vertical landscaping is a hermetic plastic panel With one or more tiers on which live plants are placed, and includes hidden elements of the irrigation system.

In terms of organizing the life of plants, it is a closed eco-system and fully ensures their livelihoods. Representatives of the flora at a low angle are planted in separate PVC containers and fixed special brackets; Thus, the plants completely hide the body of the phytomodul and creates the effect of facing gardens in the air. Considering minor sizes seating For the root plant of plants, hydroponic substrates are used as soil, which accumulate moisture and dosage gives it plants. At the request of the customer, the phytomodul can manually irrigated (in this case it implies a periodic topping of water in the capacitive compartment) or to be equipped with an automatic irrigation system, as well as to connect to the smart home automatic controller.


Phytosten - This is a larger vertical composition that is recruited from individual phytomaodules. It is definitely possesses a more expressive aesthetic effect. On 1 m2 of phytosen can be located from 40 to 80 representatives of the flora, and the walls, and on the wall, respectively, is immeasurably. Therefore, the effect produces (without exaggeration) is stunning. In addition, such an impressive mass of plants forms a very favorable microclimate. The complexity is that phytosten requires combining individual blocks with plants into an integrated irrigation system to ensure automatic and uniform irrigation at all levels without exception.

Constructive phytosen can be made:

  • In the form of a cabinet made of thin-walled light profile with galvanized. This design is durable and reliable, attached only to the floor. Modules are simply mounted and disassembled.
  • From MDF - is also usually performed as a cabinet with cells in which modules are easily inserted. To collect moisture, the plastic pallet should be located at the bottom.
  • In the form of a staircase, on the steps of which plastic modules are located. The design is durable and stable.
  • In the form of pallets from durable, negligent material attached to the wall by self-draws.
  • In the form attached to the wall structure from the profile, on which "soft" modules with pockets are attached.

In principle, the options for performing a vertical garden can be invented many. Different areas, shape and even configuration (as a staircase, for example). But it must be a framework, modules, irrigation system, and, in the case of a fleet, controller and timer.

Fitosena can be:

  • Single and double sided
  • Built-in or hinged
  • Prouted (rigidly fixed on the wall)
  • Made in the form of columns, steles or panels.

You can buy either in Moscow or the Moscow region in Moscow or the Moscow region in the Landscape Studio "M.Art". To do this, fill out the feedback form on the site, or call the phone for communication +7 495 937-53-22.

Functionality of vertical gardens

Depending on the architectural and overall features of the room, a variety of phytosnes and phytomoduli can be used, the manufacture of which allows you to create mobile and stationary compositions.

With their help, you can:

  • Hide or decorated unavigractive room elements
  • Provide zoning space and separation of traffic flows
  • Emphasize architectural I. decorative features Interior
  • Select or emphasize individual parts of the apartment or office.

With significant sizes of phytosten in the apartment, office space and the exhibition pavilion contributes to a significant reduction in acoustic noise and intensive air reservation.

These designs are used by designers not only indoors, but also for landscaping facades of buildings. Plants in this case are performed not only by a decorative role, but also heat-insulating, noise absorbing.

Some structures of phytossen (galvanized profile cabinets) are successfully installed on summer holiday sites. They, occupying a small area, are beautifully zoning the territory, create an additional shadow, absorb urban noise.

Technological subtleties

Naturally, the vertical compositions of landscaping due to the mass of plants, substrates and water create significant weight loads and the design capabilities of the carriers and fastening elements should be determined before they are installed.

To install phytomoduli on wooden Walls and thin interior partitions We recommend using compact wall brackets or mounting panelsAnd for landscaping large areas, it is better to use reliable and mechanically strong longitudinal guides. Floor mobile frames - a great version of vertical gardening or apartment with small squares or with complex architecture.

With the variant of the wooden, felt modules of the wall-insulated design of phytosten, it is necessary to lay waterproofing on the back of the modules, in order to avoid moisturizing the surface of the wall of the room.

It is desirable that in the design it is possible to attach phytolamps for additional lighting.

Decorativeness and Plant Selection Rules

The phyomoduli for vertical landscaping of the interiors is filled with unpretentious species, resistant to temperature and humidity drops, to the presence of end-to-end air flow and insufficient illumination.

So that the phytostine in the interior looked at the most harmoniously and intently needs to choose the right plants, because its task is the unity of composition and interior. There are several basic rules for decorating the interior by floristic forms.

Plant selection rules for phytosten:

  • Excessive variety of floristic forms should be avoided. Even in very large compositions, it is not recommended to use more than 7 ÷ 10 species.
  • The plants used should be harmonized between themselves, having similarities in development timing and in a number external signs (coloring and shape of leaves, location and type of displacement of the sheet plate).
  • One species must dominate to form the main background of phytosten.

As background plants, monochrome and voyage plants can be used. The most commonly used ordinary and Canary ivy, drazes, peperomy, zebrins, callisses, spathiflumas, chlorophytums, Peris, Nebropis from Fernic, Aristoroche, Szindapsus. And to create color accents and textural fragments - anthuriums, rresia, phyttonium, sawmills, margrass and succulents. Ampelne species are better to have in the bottom or create structured lines and fragments with them.

When laying plants in a phyomoduli, it is important to observe the configuration of lines and use the same type of plants of an equal period of growth, otherwise the composition may lose decorative value and turn into the jungle.

Care of plants

The successful implementation of phytosen is not limited to only the skillful selection of plant species. Interior plants in their origin and biological features are very diverse, and for their normal growth and development it is necessary to provide comfortable lighting and correct water, nutritious and thermal regime.

Adding soluble fertilizer to nutrient fluid will create excellent conditions for healthy metabolic processes and will support plants in a great condition throughout the entire period of growth, but it is recommended to begin to make feeding only from the 3rd week after a transplantation so as not to aggravate adaptation problems.

Phytosten in the interior of the office is exposed to more stringent conditions of growth and is strongly recommended to maintain moisture in the range of up to 40% and the temperature environment in the range from + 18 to + 25 ° C.

To form an extensive crown and maintain primary outlines in the process of growth, they should be terminated periodically. If exotic and flowering speciesthen when losing them decorative view It is necessary to replace plants.

The company "M.Art" provides an extensive range of services for landscaping premises and territories. You can not only order the creation of original phytosten, but also to entrust us care of plants than significantly extend the life to your own vertical garden. Contact phone +7 495 937-53-22, please contact, we will be happy to help.

From this article, you will learn what phytosten is and how to use in the interior vertical gardening by phytocartines. In the second part of the article, we will tell about how to make a phytostine with their own hands, and the installation description will help you organize a "green" wall on your own.

Vertical landscaping interiors

Fitodesign is very popular and fashionable to date the type of interior decoration. More spectacular use of plants reveals vertical landscaping - growing decorative plants in the vertical direction. The easiest example is the cultivation of various indoor lien. Today, landscape firms offer to use special designs - phytomaoduli, in which any plants can be planted, forming a vertical "green" area.

Fitosena use for scenery ordinary walls, their sites, as well as a mobile partition for zoning the room. The designs of phytomoduli can be different - the pyramid, cube, stela, which can be installed in a niche, having arranged in this way beautiful solution "Difficult" places in the interior. You can also use phytocartins, which in any room will become the center of the composition, attracting the eyes. If your house has columns, the use of green modules will be an excellent solution for their scenery.


  1. Phytomodul is a single design where you can land a large number of Plants.
  2. Plants are planted without land, and this avoids dirt.
  3. The weight of the whole design with the flowers is small, so the phytomodul can be mounted on the wall.
  4. Phyomoduli is very compact in depth (less than 0.2 m 2), occupy very little space when mounting on the wall / column, etc.
  5. The design provides for the presence of a system of automatic irrigation, and therefore the care of plants is much simplified.
  6. "Green" walls create a huge aesthetic effect, since it looks luxurious and noble.
  7. An indispensable influence of plants on the percentage of oxygen in the room.
  8. When using phytomodules on 1 m 2, you can place large quantity Flowers than if you used pots or vases installed on the floor or windowsill.

The disadvantages include the high price offered by the interior landscaping companies. The average cost of a phytomodul size of 1040x670 mm is about 10,000 rubles. Number of plants - 21-24 pcs.

Design structure of phytomodulules

The phoconstructors offered in the stores are made of plastic (PVC) and sealed on the back side. Therefore, the wall to which the phytodul is mounted or near which the phytomodul is installed. No additional hydrophobic sucks do not need to do.

On the vertical basis cells are located - plant landing zone. This cells contain automatic system. drip wateringHere a water tank and a motor for supplying water is provided to the top, as well as a humidity sensor.

On the control panel, you can set a specific water supply program to plants as soon as the sensor will show the lower humidity limit, the automatic irrigation system will immediately work, and the plants will again receive the water they need and develop.

The dimensions of phytomoduli are different, on average from 30x30 cm for paintings and 80x180 cm for phytostine. The thickness of such structures is about 15-17 cm.

How plants are planted

For vertical interior landscaping, almost any plants of medium and small sizes are suitable for vertical interior landscaping.

Prepare plants disembarking cells, pour into each of them small grains of 1/3 from the height.

The basis or "soil" for plant landing is a moss sphagnum. It is sold now in flower shops. Moss absorbs well and holds moisture for a long time. Thanks to the bactericidal properties, it prevents fungal diseases.

In order to plant a flower into a cell, you need to remove it from the pot and slide all the earth. Then trim the tips of the roots per 1-2 cm. If if root system Too big, then pruning on 1/3 of their length. Remains of the Earth wash in a basin with water.

After that, the roots of the plant wrapped in a wet moss and inserted in this form to the cell. If there is a place, put moss from above.

Thus, all other cells are filled. Try to plant plants so that there is no space between them. Form a beautiful "green" canvas.

What plants choose

All small plants are suitable for phytosta. Even cacti are suitable. If in the name of the plant in flower shops is the MINI prefix, then feel free to take this plant on the "wall". How to arrange the composition depends only on your imagination. You can use one species, for example, it looks good with spathiflow or anthurium. And you can make a picture from plants, for this it is perfect different kinds Molded. They grow long and do not lose their form.

How to care for plants

Care of plants is the periodic waterproof water to the tank of automatic irrigation. You can also add different feeding. Spraying plants do not require, because wet peat evaporates moisture and thereby creates optimum humidity and a special microclimate, required plants. As the plant grows, it will be necessary to cut down the discovers, remove dried leaves or flowers.

Installation of phytomodulules

Installation of phytocartine or phytomoduli is performed using fasteners, the same as for hanging the cabinet. First you need to make marking. Then drill holes in the wall and score a dowel there. Screw the screws not to the end. The module itself is screwed by the suspension. Now you can hang the module on the wall.

Lighting for phytosten

Lighting will be stylishly highlight the design in the overall room design. Luminaires can be mounted directly to the phytomodul (from above, on the sides, below) with the help of decorative screws and direct on the plants.

You can also use and lED backlight. To do this, you need to attach wooden barber (2.5 cm thick) from behind and on top of the FITOSEN framework. On the free edges of the frame and rear to glue on bilateral scotch lED ribbon. and connect it to the power grid. When the light is turned on, the effect of "Parsi" phytosten in the air will be observed.

How to make a phytomodul on a felt basis with your own hands

The above describes the design of ready-made phytomaodules, which are put up for sale landscaped and flower firms, but the cost of the products offered by them is quite large. Can I make a phytostine with your own hands? Can! And its advantage will be the low cost of materials, disadvantage - lack automatic system glaze.

For the device of phytostic from felt 25x50 cm, you will need:

  • frame - needed for the fortress of the structure and fastening on it felt fabric. Suitable board, pVC panel et al. (about 250 rubles);
  • film for waterproofing, it is desirable to take a film for greenhouses. (about 100 rubles);
  • slim felt or any other tissue that is not affected - for sewing pockets for planting plants in them. (about 300 rubles);
  • a small narrow pallet - to collect water from watering plants. As such a pallet, you can use narrow flower pots. If you work hard, you can find decorative options such tanks. (about 150 rubles);
  • scissors, construction staplermarker.

Total, our phytosten size 25x50 cm without plants will cost less than 1000 rubles.

The first thing you need to do is to attach to the frame to the frame using a stapler.

Now we make felt pockets (fix pockets for a frame can also be stapler).

The design of the phytomodul in the context: 1 - frame; 2 - waterproofing film; 3 - felt fabric

Water tank Breppy from below to the skeleton frame as shown in the design of the cutting section. Fastening the entire design to the wall is similar to the fastening of the phytomodules described above.

How to plant plants in a phytomodul on a felt basis

The technology of plant disembarks in pockets are different from plant landing in phytomoduli from PVC. For this phytosta, the roots of the plant also need to smoke from the ground, rinse and trim. Then the remaining tissue cut on the flap. Fabric flaps wrapped the roots of plants with a prepared new soil. Then we insert the resulting so-called pot with a plant in your pocket.

Important! Use special soil for plants, it is much easier than ordinary earth, so as not to lose design. For waterproof, add to the soil 1 part of the sfagnum moss.

This phytosten is not equipped with a vehicle system, so do not forget to water your plants as the soil drying. Such a design with proper operation and timely leave for plants will serve you about 5 years.

Fitodesign is very popular and fashionable to date the type of interior decoration. More spectacular use of plants reveals vertical landscaping - the cultivation of decorative plants in the vertical direction.

The easiest example is the cultivation of various indoor lien. Today, landscape firms offer to use special designs - phytomaoduli, in which any plants can be planted, forming a vertical "green" area.
Fitosena is used to decorate ordinary walls, their sites, as well as as a mobile partition for zoning the room. The design of phytomoduli can be different - pyramid, cube, stela that can be installed in a niche, thus organizing a beautiful solution of "difficult" places in the interior. You can also use phytocartins, which in any room will become the center of the composition, attracting the eyes. If your house has columns, the use of green modules will be an excellent solution for their scenery.

The phytomodul is a single design where a large number of plants can be planted. Plants are planted without land, and this avoids dirt.
The weight of the whole design with the flowers is small, so the phytomodul can be mounted on the wall. Phyomoduli is very compact in depth (less than 0.2 m2), occupy very little space when mounting on the wall / column, etc.
The design provides for the presence of a system of automatic irrigation, and therefore the care of plants is much simplified.
"Green" walls create a huge aesthetic effect, since it looks luxurious and noble.
An indispensable influence of plants on the percentage of oxygen in the room. When using phytomoduli on 1 m2, you can place more colors than if you used pots or vases installed on the floor or window sill.
The disadvantages include the high price offered by the interior landscaping companies. The average cost of a phytomodul size of 1040x670 mm is about 10,000 rubles. Number of plants - 21-24 pcs.
Design structure of phytomodulules
The phoconstructors offered in the stores are made of plastic (PVC) and sealed on the back side. Therefore, the wall to which the phytodul is mounted or near which the phytomodul is installed. No additional hydrophobic sucks do not need to do.
On the vertical basis cells are located - plant landing zone. This cells contain a system of automatic drip irrigation, a water tank and a motor for supplying water is provided here, as well as a humidity sensor is installed.

On the control panel, you can set a specific water supply program to plants as soon as the sensor will show the lower humidity limit, the automatic irrigation system will immediately work, and the plants will again receive the water they need and develop.
The dimensions of phytomoduli are different, on average from 30x30 cm for paintings and 80x180 cm for phytostine. The thickness of such structures is about 15-17 cm.
How plants are planted
For vertical interior landscaping, almost any plants of medium and small sizes are suitable for vertical interior landscaping.
Prepare plants disembarking cells, pour into each of them small grains of 1/3 from the height.
The basis or "soil" for plant landing is a moss sphagnum. It is sold now in flower shops. Moss absorbs well and holds moisture for a long time. Thanks to the bactericidal properties, it prevents fungal diseases.
In order to plant a flower into a cell, you need to remove it from the pot and slide all the earth. Then cut the roots' tips for 1-2 cm. If the root system is too big, then pruning on 1/3 of their length. Remains of the Earth wash in a basin with water.
After that, the roots of the plant wrapped in a wet moss and inserted in this form to the cell. If there is a place, put moss from above.

Thus, all other cells are filled. Try to plant plants so that there is no space between them. Form a beautiful "green" canvas.
What plants choose
All small plants are suitable for phytosta. Even cacti are suitable. If in the name of the plant in flower shops is the MINI prefix, then feel free to take this plant on the "wall". How to arrange the composition depends only on your imagination. You can use one species, for example, it looks good with spathiflow or anthurium. And it is possible to make a picture from plants, for this purpose the various types of MEDICAL. They grow long and do not lose their form.
How to care for plants
Care of plants is the periodic waterproof water to the tank of automatic irrigation. You can also add different feeding. Spraying plants do not require, because wet peat evaporates moisture and thus creates optimal humidity and a special microclimate required by plants. As the plant grows, it will be necessary to cut down the discovers, remove dried leaves or flowers.
Installation of phytomodulules
Installation of phytocartine or phytomoduli is performed using fasteners, the same as for hanging the cabinet. First you need to make marking. Then drill holes in the wall and score a dowel there. Screw the screws not to the end. The module itself is screwed by the suspension. Now you can hang the module on the wall.
Lighting for phytosten
Lighting will be stylishly highlight the design in the overall room design. Luminaires can be mounted directly to the phytomodul (from above, on the sides, below) with the help of decorative screws and direct on the plants.

You can also use LED backlight. To do this, you need to attach a wooden bar (2.5 cm thick) from behind and on top to the Fitosen Frame. On the free edges of the frame and rearly glue the LED tape on the bilateral scotch and connect it to the power grid. When the light is turned on, the effect of "Parsi" phytosten in the air will be observed.
How to make a phytomodul on felt-based basis do it yourself
The above describes the design of ready-made phytomaodules, which are put up for sale landscaped and flower firms, but the cost of the products offered by them is quite large. Can I make a phytostine with your own hands? Can! And its advantage will be the low cost of materials, disadvantage - the lack of an automatic watering system.

For the device of phytostic from felt 25x50 cm, you will need:
Frame - needed for the fortress of the structure and fastening on it felt fabric. Board, PVC panel, etc. (about 250 rubles);
Film for waterproofing, it is desirable to take a film for greenhouses. (about 100 rubles);
Slim felt or any other tissue that is not affected - for sewing pockets for planting plants in them. (about 300 rubles);
A small narrow pallet - to collect water from watering plants. Narrow flower pots can be used as such a pallet. If you work hard, you can find decorative versions of such tanks. (about 150 rubles);
Scissors, construction stapler, marker.
Total, our phytosten size 25x50 cm without plants will cost less than 1000 rubles.
The first thing you need to do is to attach to the frame to the frame using a stapler.
Now we make felt pockets (fix pockets for a frame can also be stapler).

The design of the phytomodul in the context: 1 - frame; 2 - waterproofing film; 3 - felt fabric
Water tank Breppy from below to the skeleton frame as shown in the design of the cutting section. Fastening the entire design to the wall is similar to the fastening of the phytomodules described above.
How to plant plants in a phytomodul on a felt basis
The technology of plant disembarks in pockets are different from plant landing in phytomoduli from PVC. For this phytosta, the roots of the plant also need to smoke from the ground, rinse and trim. Then the remaining tissue cut on the flap. Fabric flaps wrapped the roots of plants with a prepared new soil. Then we insert the resulting so-called pot with a plant in your pocket.
Important! Use special soil for plants, it is much easier than ordinary earth, so as not to lose design. For waterproof, add to the soil 1 part of the sfagnum moss.
This phytosten is not equipped with a vehicle system, so do not forget to water your plants as the soil drying. Such a design with proper operation and timely leave for plants will serve you about 5 years.

The use of environmentally friendly materials is one of the trends of the modern interior decor. The embodiment of this principle in the housing will be the phytosten and phytomaodul made by their own hands from living plants and flowers. Despite the seeming difficulties of this element of the eco-decoration of the house, it is possible to make it quickly enough. Main points new technology You will learn from this material.

What is a phytostine

The phytomaodul and phytosten in the interior is ready to use the design on a plastic or other durable basis planted in special excavations of living colors and decorative elements.

At your discretion, the design can be equipped with an automatic watering system, connecting to alarm system or panel " smart home" The parameters of such a decor can vary from 0.5 to 5 m 2, depending on the size of the dwellings and the financial capabilities of the hosts.

Types of decorative details of the Green Wall

Modern interior design multigl. Phytosten in the apartment is several types:

  • Vertical phytosten. This is a volumetric whole composition, plants in which are placed in the niche allotted for them. Often it is "green" islands, which are placed in one place and do not imply move.

  • Phyomoduli for vertical landscaping are made on the previous system, but their main difference is compacted and the possibility of transporting from place to place.

  • "Green Painting". These are small elements in size, and their use is similar to the use of ordinary artistic canvases.

  • Mobile phytosten. It is used in the form of a self-sufficient screen or even doors when using zoning the territory. Due to the specifics of the application of the decor, its service life is shorter than vertical landscaping. However, such a hedge can revive any dwelling and cause interest and admiration.

  • Ceiling type. By name is the location of its location. The ceiling or its plots is drawn up. Often are used in the kitchen or winter garden.

Interesting! The choice of form depends only on your idea. The basis for the flight of fantasy and the location of greenery can be columns, cubes, round flower beds.

Life expectancy of phytostine and modules

The life of the decorative addition to the interior depends on several factors:

  • the age of vegetation;
  • the level of wear resistance of the base. (When choosing plastic, the term is unlimited).

Important! Middle time Services is about 7 years.

Pros of the use of "green" modules

This design carries many advantages not only from the point of view of aesthetics, but also from the practical side:

  • natural air conditioning due to the possibilities of the absorption of the greenery "Mud";
  • it is possible to install it anywhere for all the dimensions of the apartment;
  • environmental friendliness, high safety and health intake;
  • the ability to regulate the level of humidity in the room;
  • unlimited design possibilities;
  • improving the performance and concentration of the attention of the inhabitants of the room;
  • the ability to hide the shortcomings of the interior in the form of wires, overlappings and deaf zones.

Phytosten and phytomodul with their own hands - a fierce scheme

It is much easier to purchase an eco-element in the store, but such a decision will cost you a penny. If you are interested in how to make a phytostine with your own hands, we suggest you familiarize yourself with simple technology.

Start of work on eco-decor

  • decide with the location;
  • develop design and pick up vegetation;
  • decide additional decorative elements;
  • prepare materials and proceed to assembling the plan.

Eco Module Collection Rules

  • Consider the proximity of the location of light sources.
  • Measure the dimensions and transfer them to the Contour sheet.
  • Straighten the space on the compartments necessary for each plant.

Selection of decorative plants

The manufacture of phytosenas involves the use of such versions of plant filling:

  • Main Forest Ivy, Fern, Drazes, Zebrins, Liana, and TD.
  • Brightness- orchids, succulents, saws, ripenes, phyttonium and so on.

Important! The number of plants in one composition depends on the level of your horticultural experience.

Ideas of decorative equipment

As an additional decor, everything that may seem interesting to you:

  • shells;
  • mirrors;
  • lamps;
  • glass baguettes;
  • improvised waterfalls.

Important! Wall or phytomaodul made with their own hands will look organically if an additional decor will not disturb the overall composition.

Tools and Materials for Manufacture

Your attention technology, how phytomoduli with autopolis is made.

You need:

  • Frame from boards, metal profile or plastic.
  • Warm cloth. It will not give to leak by moisture. It can be a polypropylene or PVC cloth.
  • Tubes of the desired section for the device of optimal drip irrigation.

  • Fabric for pockets from felt thread in order to prevent rotting.
  • Submersible pump low power In order to pump water aquarium type. The rules are: on the walls with a height of 1 m, it is necessary to 1.5 M height of lift pump.
  • A suitable pallet for the fence of extra liquid.
  • Priming. Better hydroponics and ceramzit. They do not wash out and scares insects.

Important! Photo module you can see below.

Build and installing eco-wall

Prepare such tools:

The scheme of action is as:

  1. Collect frameworks on the scheme proposed above.
  2. Sew the cloth on the markup.
  3. Look for pockets, process the seams so that the niches do not break.
  4. Attach the finished base on the plastic sheet with a stapler or glue. This will not only provide waterproofing, but also give the structure of stiffness.
  5. Attach the base of screws to the wall at a distance of about 2 cm. The distance will provide ventilation and prevent moisture accumulation.
  6. In the upper part between the profile and cloth, place PVC tube to provide watering. On the one hand, the pipe must have a plug, and in advance along the entire length of the pipe, make a plurality of holes so that the liquid is evenly flowing to the plants.
  7. Attach the hose to the tube in such a way that it hides under felt.
  8. At the bottom of the product place the pallet for fluid fence.
  9. Install aquarium pump in it. Connect the pump through the timer, it will work twice a day and disconnect after half an hour.
  10. Remove flowers from pots in turn.
  11. Slightly smooth the excess soil.
  12. Fur wrap in felt flap, wet them with water.
  13. Place flowers in pockets according to the scheme.

Important! Carefully make sure that the plants are correctly correcting, since it will be possible to change them in places only the next 2-3 days. And after the flowers are already rooted in felt.

How to care for a module or a wall with plants

Artificial phytosten needs less care, but the real creates a special mood and atmosphere in the apartment.

  • If necessary, do not forget to pour fluid into pockets if you decided not to install automatic watering.

  • If your choice fell on a model with automatic irrigation, then first time paying attention to the graphics poliva, so that the water is always in free access.

  • Strengthening increasing shoots.
  • Check the help of pump and irrigation pipe.

The phytosten from moss and colors is simply manufactured, and at the same time the result is beautiful and original. Next to this decor element you will spend many pleasant moments, you will be able to improve health and get a charge of cheerfulness and strength.

Video: Designer Fitokartina do it yourself