Repairs Design Furniture

What drill need to drill a concrete wall. How to save on the perforator and drill a concrete wall with a regular drill? What are the drills on concrete

Construction, finishing of premises, repair, installation of equipment - the incomplete list of works, in the production of which can not do without drilling holes in the walls. Holes are needed for laying communications, power and telephone lines, heating and sewage pipes. And even if you just need to hang the mirror in the hallway, you have to drill. After all, the nail in the concrete wall will not have.

Electrode or Perforator

Concrete itself is very durable material. In addition, it often encounters a pieces of natural stone, which is added to the cement mortar to give additional strength. The usual drill is useless to drill such a wall. You can solve this problem in two ways:

  • use a drill with a winning tip;
  • use a bar with diamond spraying.

Both drill and perforator are designed to drill holes. But if the drill simply turns the drill or another nozzle, then the perforator combines the functions of thersion and impact. Drill can drill iron, wood, brick or foam block walls. There are drills that combine the functions of a twist and impact. Their power is enough to drill a concrete wall and without a perforator with a winning or diamond drill with a diameter of no more than 10-12 millimeters. The perforator has a greater power and is able to punch in the walls of the hole and larger.

What tool to choose is solved depending on the challenge. If you need to make a pair of holes in the wall in order to hang the locker, the usual drill with a winning drill will cope with this task.

If there is a lot to work and often, only the perforator will help. Especially if you need to carry out drilling in supporting structures with increased strength of concrete.

From theory to practice

In order to drill a small hole in the concrete wall, there is even a fairly unstressed electric drill with a winning drill. To do this, the drill will have to help a little. A hole, sampled in the wall, need from time to time to dwell with a metal pin-punch with a diameter of no one of the hole. Having done a few shots, you can continue to drill. In this way, alternating drilling with a breakdown, you can do the hole of the desired depth. It is long, but quite realizable.

For the same task, you can use and dried with diamond spraying. Then he will not have to dwell. You only need to drill a concrete wall correctly, watching the electric drill and the drill to be overheated.

The perforator with a winning drill is the most universal solution where you need to do a large number of holes not very large diameter.

If when drilling the plate, the drill rolled into the reinforcement, it is necessary to change it to the usual one. Winned drill crumble material, and does not cut it.

Crowns of large diameter

The problem of drilling large holes may occur when laying, such as sewage systems or ventilation. To do the holes of the significant diameter, special nozzles are used, which are called crowns. Their main difference from the coarse and drills is that they are inside the hollow. This allows you to spend much less energy to drill. The crown for drilling concrete is a hollow metal pipe. From one end it is several cutting protrusions with diamond spraying. On the other hand, a shank is welded to install a perforator or drill cartridge. Crowns are available in different lengths and diameters.

Diamond crown drilling can be done manually. But not all such works can be made by hand. Drill the hole in the concrete under the pipe of a large diameter, and even a manual tool, it is impossible. Holes in thick bearing walls drilled with the help of a whole set of equipment, which includes:

  • guide rack;
  • drive unit;
  • electric motor with clamping patron;
  • crown of the desired diameter.

The drilling process occurs as follows. A guide rack is fixed on the wall. It will move the drive with an electromotor installed on it. In the cartridge of the electric motor, the crown of the desired diameter is clamped. Cold water is continuously served to the drilling site, which cools the tool and prevents the formation of dust.

Holes drilled in this way have very clear boundaries and a smooth inner surface. It is also important that such installations allow drilling at a certain angle. This allows you to launch communications with minimal damage to the walls.

Installations for diamond drilling is expensive, so you should not buy them only in order to make a couple of small holes in the wall.


Of course, any person can drill a couple of small holes in a concrete wall. It is enough to have a good drill with a hit function or a perforator, as well as a winned or diamond drill of the desired size. If the pipes of a large diameter have to pull, for example, bring the ventilation pipe from the gas boiler to the street, it is better to trust this work to professionals. This will make it possible to perform work with the lowest and damage, and also will save the psyche not only the owner of the apartment, but also his neighbors.

When dealing with the drilling of concrete walls, do not forget about the means of individual protection. In order not to step dust, you need to use the respirator. And special glasses will protect their eyes from entering the shallow concrete crumb.

Concrete - material durable and reliable. Many, if not most, buildings are erected from monolithic or precast concrete. As a rule, holes for laying engineering communications, pipelines, as well as recesses for the installation of electrical and low-current fittings, are provided during the formation of concrete structures. But their location often does not suit the owner of the premises, and you have to drill holes at new points. We will try to figure out how best to do it.

Choose tool

Initially, it should be determined by which tool is better and more efficient to drill a concrete wall. In the global sense, the choice is a small - a shock drill or a perforator. But the nuances can be a lot, because the power tool is of different power and functionality, there is also a lot of nozzles. Therefore, the goals and objectives should be determined, and then make a decision which tool may be needed. So:

  • In order to spin into the wall, a small screw under the picture is not necessary. In this case, you can drill a concrete wall with a regular drill, equipped with a drill with a winning tip.
  • When a small amount of work is assumed, and the diameter of the punched holes will not exceed 12 mm, then the shock drill should be selected.
  • The perforator is used to drill in the concrete hole of large diameters, as well as any sizes, but in significant quantities.

The advantage of the perforator before the drill, even with the impact function, consists not only in greater power and endurance. This tool as a worker sting uses not only drills of various sizes and quality, but also drill crowns. This is the main device than you can drill a hole in the concrete under the pipe.

Professional installers, punching a large diameter in the concrete, use special aggregates, which include:

  • electrical engine high power;
  • durable bracket with guide design;
  • drive for drilling;
  • drilling crowns with a diamond working area.

Such equipment allows you to make a hole or recess in the concrete wall with a diameter of up to 40 cm.

What is more effective to win or diamond?

When you need to do just a few holes under the construction dowel, and there is no perforator at hand, then use the usual drill with the winning drill is quite real. Also, this option is best suited if the working surface is concrete, but is made of a cellular material. The puncher will destroy it. But, working with a winning drill, remember that it is short-lived and requires periodic replacement. In addition, such a drill can "be forced" in concrete. Then he needs to help a manually with a piercer and hammer.

Drill the concrete wall of a shock drill, equipped with a diamond coating drill, much more efficiently. Diamond drills are somewhat more expensive than winners, but they serve lon longer. And another important point. In contrast to the winned diamond bob, the holes are punched not only in concrete and stone, but also in ceramic tiles, ceramic and metal. When working with a diamond instrument, it is not scary to stumble upon the reinforcement frame in the wall. Drills to acquire better with a set, which includes the drills of various diameters. It is more profitable than buying them by one.

When the wall is driving a hole with a diameter from 35 to 120 mm as a cutting device, diamond crowns are used. They are steel rings with a carbide attack on a working area covered with diamond spraying. For household purposes, crowns with a diameter of 6.8 cm are usually used, the holes of this diameter are needed to install electrical sockets and switches.

How to drill concrete

Work on breaking holes, like any other, requires preparation. In addition to tools and devices, you should be worse with water to cool the drills and crowns. Before drilling a concrete drill or a perforator, examine the wall for detection:

  • hidden pipelines heating, water supply;
  • electric wires, cables.

The search is performed by the metal detector, the identified communications indicate all their lengths. Wiring on the working surface is better disabled. Further:

  • Perform markup of the location of future passages. If the holes of the large diameter are assumed, the designation is made along the contour and axes.
  • The depth of the hole for a construction dowel is performed by 8-10mm more than its size in length.
  • To obtain a more accurate result, drove the concrete is necessary correctly. This means that the beginning of drilling must be performed on small engine speeds.
  • After it turns out a slight recess, the turns increase and translate the tool into the mode with the blow.
  • If possible, to the place of drilling to ensure water supply. In the absence of such a variant, the drill periodically wet the water in a predetermined container.
  • If drilling drill is performed in one position of the tool, then when drilling a crown, the perforator must be slightly swung. So from the resulting holes will be easily removed, waste and the crown will not embed.

The most difficult obstacle that has to overcome when drilling a concrete wall is an armature framework. The steel bars of a small diameter of a diamond crown cuts independently. When drilling a shock drill, drills for metal should be used to combat reinforcement.

Work in protective glasses and respirator. Forming dust is convenient to collect a vacuum cleaner. Every 15 minutes of drilling, let's a response tool about the same period of time. To continue the operation, drill moisten with water.

By doing repairs in an apartment or house, the question of drilling the wall always arises. You can use different tools depending on the purpose of the opening and the material from which the surface is made.

When working with each instrument there are nuances, especially when drilling the wall. How to correctly make the desired hole, and what compliance with the recommendations?

Drilling holes in the wall correctly: general rules and recommendations than drilling

In order to truly dry the wall, you need to take into account the material from which it is made, based on this you need to choose a tool.

  • when working the tool, keep right. For example, the drill in the hands should be straight, and in the surface to enter the vertical direction;
  • for convenience, use an additional handle;
  • depending on the surface material, select the necessary swelling.

The material of the tool to which the work is performed must be harder than the drilled surface.

Tools for different surfaces:
  • concrete, stone, brick wall - use carbide drill, often winning;
  • metal - metal drill;
  • tile, ceramic tile - special cut for these materials, sometimes you can replace the drill along concrete with the surfacing of winning;
  • Chipboard, wood - for holes less than 10-12 mm fits the metal drill, for larger, special rolling rolled for wood.

Tools for work

For work use different tools, main: drill, perforator, screwdriver. When using each nuances exist.


The tool is suitable when you need to make several holes. You can use a regular drill. Immersing a winning drill in the body of the wall, sometimes you need to break the concrete by a punch, which coincides with the diameter with the hole. It is necessary when the drill begins to stick in the surface, stuck on too dense areas. The process is quite laborious.

For greater efficiency, you can use universal cutters that have a diamond spraying. They are installed only on a conventional drill or to the tool where the vibration function is disabled.

For work a large volume, a shock drill is used and rolled with winning tips. They are designed for holes up to 12 mm. Drill is suitable for work with metal, concrete.

So that the tool does not overheat, periodically need a drill with cold water.


Perforator - universal tool. With it, you can make a hole in the wall of wood, tile and concrete.

The tool has several functions - drilling, drilling with impact and impact mode. To make a hole, you need to select the desired drill depending on the surface and make a job by selecting the mode.


Screwdriver is one of the demanded tools when repairing and construction work. With it, you can twist and unscrew the screws, drill a tree, metal, chipboard, phaneur, tile, plywood, lightweight concrete.

What nozzles to choose

For each material uses a certain nozzle:

  • concrete, brick, stone - drill with a carbide plate or winning;
  • tile, glass - fused cones with diamond spraying;
  • metal - spiral-shaped drill with a cylindrical cone;
  • wood, drywall - for different hole diameter, used dried: first, ballerina, screw, saw crowns;
  • foam concrete - winners.

Is it possible to do without a drill and perforator

Make a hole without a drill and perforator, but not in a concrete wall. This will require a jumper or a displacement.

The jumper is a pipe with teeth at the end. The displacement has an end in the form of a tooth or a quadruphed.

The tool is applied to the place where the hole will be. On the opposite side of it, you need to apply heavy blows, rotating the tool after each turn.

How to drill without dust: options, the better

Construction work is always accompanied by dust and garbage, but using some recommendations and tips, it can be significantly reduced:

  • the perforator during work leaves a minor dust so that it does not fly around the room at the same time use the construction vacuum cleaner. Some tool brands have a built-in vacuum cleaner, which facilitates the task;
  • using a drill, it is best to make either a conductor to the end or a crook, or make an envelope under the hole so that the garbage fell into it.

How to drill holes in a brick wall: a choice of tools and nozzles

To make a hole in the brick wall, it will suit the perforator with a brown or a shock drill, most often used the latter. Its power must be at least 600 watts, the minimum number of revolutions from 2500 per minute. It is best to use a drill with a smooth power adjustment and a quick clamp function.

Using the function of shock drilling, the drill becomes identical to the perforator. The speed and simplicity of work increases. To make a hole in a brick wall you need to use a dynamic method. Without this, the drill will not be able to cling to the inside of the brick.

Twisted must be winners. If it is necessary through drilling, then the bur

Than to drill the carrying wall in the panel house

In most panel houses, the walls are made of concrete to make a hole with a perforator, you need to apply winners.

In addition to them, you can use special crowns. They have attacks around the circumference. Using them, you need to turn off the perforator shock function.

Specialists use diamond drilling, for this you need powerful equipment and skills.

How to drill a shock drill reinforced concrete under the pipe

Using a shock drill for reinforced concrete, you need to use the perforator mode and the winner roller. Initially, the hole is less than the volume, then more. The drill periodically needs to cool.

Important! Working with concrete, you need not to get into the reinforcement, otherwise the drill will break. With the help of a special instrument, you can check where it is located.

How to do a hole in the concrete wall drill

An ordinary drill to drill a concrete wall is difficult. You need to install winners and choose small speed. Dowel is inserted into the right place to help the tool break the surface. Next, the drilling must be alternating with shocks in the dowel.

The drill must be constantly cooling, otherwise it burns.

If the drill does not have adjustment of revolutions, it will not be possible to make a hole.

How to do the hole of the concrete wall in the apartment drill

For a small hole, you can use a displacement. Makes, most convenient, from drill, diameter 8 mm. The end is sharply sharpened. The drill is put in the right place, turn, at the same time hitting it with a hammer. Periodically, the drill to wet so that it worked longer.

When working with tools, it is necessary to comply with the safety rules and general recommendations:

How can you close up a big drilled wall

Close up of unnecessary holes in the wall can be using a special construction mixture. It provides strength and durability. You need to select the composition depending on the area and the type of defect.

Using the shtlock, you can align the surface, including the concrete. There are several species of the shtlock:

  • cement - applied in the outer and interior decoration, suitable for concrete. Durable and moisture resistant. Dry long and often grid, which requires re-applying;
  • gypsum - applied in dry rooms, not resistant to water and is afraid of temperature differences. Not cracking when applied, so you can immediately apply a thick layer;
  • acrylic - finishing finish. You need to apply a thin layer, so suitable for small defects.

None of the mixtures are used to close the end-to-end holes.

Installation foam - universal material. It happens one-component (applied without preparation) and two-component (using a construction gun or mixer).

When applied, foam increases in volume and fills the desired space. Through and gives high-quality density. You can close deep holes.

Suitable for eliminating large defects. It has good adhesion, frost resistant, durable and durable.

Deciding to make a hole, carefully read the rules and recommendations. Choose a tool, depending on the surface of the surface, and swell. If you are not sure of your own skills, then trust the work by specialists.

Useful video

The design, damage the surface of which is far away, how to drill. But if the need for this nevertheless arose, then with the help of special equipment and compliance with some rules it is still possible. And now everything is in more detail.

General provisions

Let's first consider why the concrete wall is not drilled by conventional methods. And everything lies in the structure of so durable material:

As you can see, the action of all components is aimed at increasing the strength qualities of the finished product. Especially critical for ordinary rolled rolling is crushed, about which their cutting edges are instantly stupid.

And with all the complexity of processing a concrete wall, the need for this may occur very often.

For example, if necessary:

  • Hang the shelf on the wall or any other furniture interior.

  • Finish drywall.

  • Implementation of electrical wiring, installation of new sockets and switches. At the same time, a cutting of reinforced concrete diamond circles is also carried out for laying the wire.

  • Connecting plumbing.

Technology execution

We dealt with the need and arising difficulties, now consider how to reverse the concrete wall properly.

Selection of tools

First of all, we define how to drill a concrete wall. , of course, are not suitable.

Select follows from the following options:

  • Rolled with attacks from winning. But it should be borne in mind that at the same time an impact function will also be required.

Tip: Do not use a cutting tool with a winner for drilling iron or wood, as it will crush them.

  • Roll with diamond spraying. Such edges can cut a stone even without hit, but also the price is much higher.

But the question is how to drill a concrete wall is not limited to choosing a consumable material.

It is also necessary to also decide with the tool:

  • Ordinary drill. Only if you do not have anything more suitable and you need to do only 2-3 holes. And in this case will have time from time to time, punch a layer of concrete with a steel pin personally.
  • Drill with shock function. It will cope with a small amount of work and in the event that the diameter of the required holes does not exceed 13 mm. The fact is that the blow in such a device is carried out at the expense of a metal "ratchet", which at intensive load is rapidly erased.

  • Perforator. I will master large volumes and even special nozzles in the form of a crown can use, which are ideal for drilling a nest under the outlet. In it, the strike is carried out at the expense of the piston system, which is much more powerful and less frequently in order than the "ratchet" of the drill.

To summarize and give the final answer to the question, the better drilling concrete walls, the following generalized table will help:

Conducting work

Now we will understand how to drill a concrete wall. To do this, take the perforator, as the explicit winner of the improvised competition.

The instruction of its operation is as follows:

  1. Check the trunk mine for garbage. If it is detected, we delete it.
  2. Insert the drill to click. At the same time, in some models it may be necessary to delay the slider part of the "nose" of the tool.
  3. Drive strictly perpendicularly and begin to drill, slightly pressed on it.

Tip: Wait from time to time, wipe the working part of the drill with water. It will protect it from overheating and extends the operational period.

  1. In the process of drilling a boring can be stuck. In this case, you should not try to break it in order to pull out, so you can break the tip. Just remove the tool from the device, insert the smaller diameter drill and try to expand the hole and release the captured product.
  2. Watch out for the equipment, giving it to cool.


We looked at how to drill a concrete wall, the process itself is not so complicated. The main thing is to choose the right tools and comply with some rules during work. The most practical and rational solution will be the use of a puncher with winners.

The video in this article will give you your attention to additional information regarding the material sets. Be careful, and everything will work out!

The repair process in the apartment includes many works related to the creation of holes in the walls: To do this, the tool of various design and power can be used. Many masters and those who are going to carry out repair on their own, want to learn how to drill a concrete wall with a regular drill and is it possible at all. For such work, the perforator is usually used, but it is not always suitable for this, besides, if the tool has to be bought, then its cost is much higher than that of a drill.

Features of the choice of tool

In most cases, it is better to use a perforator: it has an enlarged power, designed to penetrate solid surfaces, allows you to do large on the diameter of the hole. The use of the tool is inappropriate in the following cases:

  • need to drill the wall to a depth of 10-12 mm;
  • work with which crumble when processing perforator;
  • the paper requires no more than 10-15 holes.

Before drilling the wall, it is important to choose the drill itself: it should not be unknown, since such a kind of ineffective when drilling concrete, nozzle and cartridge almost immediately come into disrepair. The nozzles themselves must be winners, are intended for concrete works, a tip with a carbide coating.

In some cases, a successful solution will be the acquisition of a perforator drill: the device is more expensive than the classic model, but is characterized by an increased power, which can be adjusted.

What nozzles to choose?

Before driving a hole in a concrete wall, it is necessary to choose the nozzle of the appropriate design. For work apply the following varieties:

  1. Shock-type gear crowns designed for drilling. When working with concrete, it is recommended to use varieties of separate soldering teeth, made of the most durable metal alloys. Many crowns are equipped with SDS tails for installation in a drill with a quick-sample chamber. The drills are well suited for concrete walls, however, when contacting the metal can begin to collapse, so before drilling a reinforced concrete wall, it is necessary to check that there are no fittings that are used to enhance.
  2. Diamond crowns that are intended for unstressed drilling holes. Such nozzles are more modern, with their help make a hole in the concrete wall easier. The edge of the crown has an abrasive structure and special cuts, in production it is treated by spraying diamond crumb or corundum. Before making a hole in the wall, it is only necessary to choose the desired nozzle length: a variety of up to 100-120 mm with a diameter is used in everyday life, larger crowns are used in professional work. A distinctive feature is the possibility of drilling without risk to damage the adaptation of the reinforcement.
  3. COP crowns that have a cutting edge with crystal diamond particles. Such nozzles are used for most solid walls, including concrete slabs, external walls and stone structures.

Before drilled or partition, it is necessary to make sure that the wires or cables will not be affected during the work, if so, are laid inside.

How to drill a concrete drill to drill?

Usually, similar works are performed in the following cases:

  • rough decoration of premises;
  • installation of embedded furniture and technology;
  • installation of wiring and plumbing when communications are required to concrete.

When using a winpe nozzle during the work, it takes from time to time to use a metal displacement, which is selected for the size of the formed hole. Such a tool allows drill to do not swap with deep dive drill: the dispersion is placed in concrete and deepen through the hammer blows to make a hole in the wall, destroying the seal.

This process is quite a long, alternative to the use of diamond crowns: a drill equipped with such nozzles will not be stuck in concrete.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Before driving a hole in the wall, you need to install the desired nozzle, previously making sure the tool and the integrity of the drill.
  2. A drilling concrete is required carefully, when using low-power equipment, the duration of continuous operation of the drill should not be more than 10-12 minutes. If the drilling has been dragged into time, it is required to take breaks to make the motor cooled.
  3. After drilling the concrete wall it became clear, then in addition it is worth considering that for each new opening it is required to handle the nozzle. You can moisten the surface with water to facilitate the procedure and save the metal from the deformation.

The whole work process can be viewed on the video:

If you are confronted with a drill jam, you can not extract it by force: it leads to the rustling of the device, as a result of which the tip will remain in concrete. The nozzle is required to be disconnected, select the crown of the reduced diameter and with it to pull out the stuck item.

Before deciding than drilling concrete walls, and get started, it is worth paying attention to the following recommendations:

  • if the hole diameter exceeds 12 mm, and the depth is 10-11 cm, it is better to use a perforator or a hybrid device (drill perforator);
  • if the holes are made under the plastic dowels, the depth must be more than the size of the fastening element by 7-10 mm, since concrete dust and small particles remain inside;
  • the beginning of the work is recommended to perform on small revolutions so that the nozzle is not shifted due to the increased torque, and the shock mode includes when the drill is 2-4 mm in depth;
  • dust, which appeared in the process of drilling, can be removed by a vacuum cleaner, it is advisable to perform this in the process, periodically stopping the drill and cleaning the hole from the particles of concrete;
  • be sure to comply with the security technique: it is necessary to put on gloves to eliminate the risk of sliding handles and safety glasses so that the crumb does not get into the eyes and damaged the mucous membrane.

In most cases, the concrete wall is drilled by a perforator, going around without a drill. If, as part of the repair, no more than 15-20 holes or wall are made of foam concrete, the use of a drill is the optimal choice that will save time and means.

Before you break through the hole, you need to make sure that the wiring is not held in this place, and whether the nozzle is suitable for such works (from how the drill will be equipped with a drill, the duration and efficiency of work). I solve how to dry the wall, you should pay attention to the winners of the crowns: such a drill using a drill without much difficulty can be breaking the hole with a depth of 10-12 cm.