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What are the requirements for fertilizers. Fertilizers will be recycled. It is best to feed with a solution of compost

One of the most important food crops in domestic agriculture is potatoes. It is grown in large volumes throughout the country. The fertility of land and climate in different regions differ markedly. Comfortable conditions for growing are not everywhere, but using fertilizers for potatoes, you can achieve high yields in any areas, and on any soils.

One plant for the growing season consumes up to 100 g of potassium, 20 phosphorus and 50 nitrogen. Fertilizers for potatoes must be made in much larger volumes than it consumes it, as part of the beneficial substances does not reach the plant. Useful macro- and trace elements steal weeds, and the part dissolves in the soil complex, and is excreted together with evaporating moisture.

Autumn preparation of the field under potatoes

The largest grooves of potatoes are usually getting when they are just starting to develop a site, in the first years after its development. Coleno is rich in all nutrients necessary to grow this root. But gradually the earth is poor. The potatoes are needed feeding, which are introduced both in the preparation of soil under the landing, and throughout the entire season of vegetation.

Most often, fertilizers for potatoes are combined by combining the organic and agrochemicals.

General recommendations for autumn deposits such: per 1 sq.m. Soils take 5-7 buckets of humus (or fresh manure, it reprovers over the winter). Parallel use mineral fertilizers. , which has long term The transition of the useful substances into the soil complex is traditionally made in autumn, about 30 g per M.KV. Phosphorus from this Tuka to spring will have time to transform into plants affordable for plants. Potassium sulfate is introduced together with phosphorus, at the rate of 15 g per 1 m.KV.

For fertilizer, you can use some agrochemicals, without organic organics. This is usually done on the soils infected with pests or pathogenic microflora, for which manure is a favorable habitat. In the autumn, in this case, you can apply a double superphosphate, and sulfate potassium, in the ratio of 1: 2, as potatoes consumes in a larger volume.

After cleaning the tops on a potato field, sites can be landed. But not all. Lupine, for example, will not even go through, and he does not want, he does not feel too much low temperatures. And growing - perfect option. For the formation of a sufficient number of vegetative mass, it is enough for three weeks. With the onset of colds, the Siderates will be polyut, and in the spring they can be thrown together with the soil.

When the plot is prepared in autumn periodThere is an opportunity to make a deep stealing of the earth, it is still loose after cleaning potatoes, did not have time to track. If the soil is processed by the tractor, then it must be pumped and proceed. When using a motoblock, the section pass twice, if the soil is clay, and one, if it is sandy. Hand resistance is performed on the full depth of the bayonet shovel. Major whiskers do not need to break - more chances that cold air will fall to the roots of weeds, and they will freeze.

If the soil on the area is sour, then in the autumn you can do the restoration of its normal balance. For this applies dolomitic flour, lime or. The rate of application is 200 g per 1 m.kv. It is possible to understand that the pH has changed, it is possible to appear on the beds of sorrel, moss, as well as in the color of the soil, which shines when zaking.

Spring feeding

The potatoes do not make stagnation of melt waters, and needs a good drainage, so the first task that needs to be solved in the spring, in the preparation of a landing plot - to ensure that there is extra moisture. To do this, organize stock ditch, and the plot itself, if possible, is located on the elevation. If level groundwater It remains high, when planting potatoes, the ridges form, or the ridges, on the top of which it is planted.

The most important element for the spring nutrition of plants - nitrogen. It is contained in the manure in huge quantities, which makes it organic connection with the best fertilizer for potatoes. But the greatest harvest increases with sharing organic and mineral fertilizers. There are many methods of their combined introduction, below are some of them. The dosage is calculated on 1 m.KV. Soil:

  • 1 bucket of humus, 1 cup of ash, 3 tbsp. nitroposki;
  • 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g potassium sulfate, make this mixture after the repairs together with the Siderators;
  • Peat manure (or compost), 20-30 g of nitroposki plus a second-row feeding of ammonium nitrate (20 g) and potassium sulfate (20 g).
  • 7-10 kg Pouring mixed with ammonium nitrate (20 g), potassium sulfate (20 g), superphosphate 30-40 g, Dolomitic flour - 450 g.
  • If there are no organic matter, you can use tuki without additional components, for example, nitroposku - 5 kg per weave, or - 3 kg per hundred.

Applying agrochemicals together with manure, it should be noted that under the early varieties of potatoes need to be made large quantity Tukov than under the late. Grade S. for a short time Vegetations just do not have time to take everything required substances From the organications. Then mineral fertilizers come to the rescue, which act much faster, and give the necessary food in full.

In the feeding of potatoes, it is possible to include microfertilizers, for example, molybdenum or copper, and on the soils containing lime use boric. They help to absorb the basic nutrients, "grind" their impact on the body of the plant.

Applying fertilizers when landing

It is believed that the nest, point making feeding when landing for each particular plant is much more useful, and more economical than the spreading of fertilizers on the field.

Fertilizers can be made directly into the hole. For example, if the choice fell on the organic, then 700 grams of dry ground and 5 tbsp can be introduced into each well. ash (handy placed in the hand of an adult).

And when using agrochemicals, you can follow the following scheme: 1 tbsp to each well. nitroposki and 0.5 cup of bone flour.

For local making when growing potatoes, you can use ready-made fertilizers, such as Kemir. This mineral feeding is added to the wells when landing, in quantities specified in the instructions for use.

Root feeding

This kind of feeding is usually produced before the bruises of the bushes, after light loosening, so that the components of the nutrient mixtures can easily reach the roots of the plant. After making fertilizers, you always need to rich landing.

  1. . Despite the aggressiveness of this fertilizer, it can be used even in a fresh form, diluted in the proportion of 1:10, and the strata of this suspension of the groove between rows of potatoes.
  2. . In 10 liters, the water is dissolved with a tablespoon of urea, and water the bushes under root, after light loosening, but to the first dip. The rate of application for one plant is 0.5 liters.
  3. . In water bucket (10 l), dissolve a liter of fresh cow manure, ferment, shed outwards.
  4. Herbal infusion. Prepare from any species of weed growing on the site. They are soaked in a barrel with water, waiting when infusion takes over, bred before receiving the color of a weakly brewed tea, watered potatoes in the evening, along the perimeter of the well. Stem preferably not hurt. It is best to carry out this feeding of potatoes in June, when the plant actively consumes nitrogen.
  5. Mineral fertilizers. For root feeding of potatoes, various agrochemicals are used, for example, a solution of ammonium nitrate (20g to 10l. Water). You can use a mixture, phosphoric and potash fertilizers in proportions 1: 1: 2, dissolving about 25 g of a mixture in 10 liters of water.

Extra-green subcords

Throughout the period of vegetation, potatoes are needed nutrients. Just one starting fertilizer soil is not enoughSince not all macro and trace elements fall directly to the cultural culture, a significant part of them is dissipated by virtue of various reasons.

A good method of processing, allowing to convey the power directly to the plant itself, is it extra cornering subcortex. It is best to produce after weeding potatoes, in the evening, so as not to cause burns of leaves. With this method of making fertilizers, they fall into a plant organism much faster, and the exchange processes are activated in it, significantly spurring its growth, the development of the root system and, accordingly, noticeably improving the quality and quantity. There are many types of flickering potatoes who have proven themselves well. Below are some of them:


The following doses are recommended: water - 5 liters, carbamide - 100 g, potassium monophosphate - 150 g, boring acid 5 g. It can be included in the fertilizer trace elements - boron, copper, manganese, zinc and cobalt in minimal dosages, not more than 1 g 10 liters

The first urbamide-based feeding is carried out two weeks after the appearance of complete germs on the entire field. The working solution is divorced by 2 times. The following feeders are carried out by the same composition, but in undeveloped form. Between them it is necessary to observe the interval in two weeks. Continue processing should be left before the onset of potato flowering.


At the end of the potato flowering, about a month before harvesting, good results gives an extraordinary feeding (especially of the secondary and late varieties) of superphosphate (100 g of superphosphate on 10 liters of water - for spraying 10 m.kv.). The phosphorus made in the form of feeding on the sheet increases the yield and at the same time increases the starch of potato tubers.


Planting can be started to process with the appearance on the 4th sheet plant, with periods between processing - 2 weeks. You can use, for example humate + 7, the rate of application is 3 l per weave, a working solution of 2 g per 10 liters.

Normal infusion

Potato is needed nitrogen, potassium, calcium, iron, which are contained in this fertilizer. Cooking the infusion is very simple - together with the tops are poured with water, and it is heated warm until complete fermentation. After that, the working solution will be tinted, diluted and handle the potato field, at intervals of 10 days.

Video: Mineral nutrition potatoes

Fighting diseases and pests

Many gardeners in the cultivation of potatoes are traditionally limited to the fight against the Colorad beetle, and finding spots, ulcers, rot, they say that the potatoes are sick. For the causes of what is happening, many are not deliberate, believing that this is the influence of weather factors. In fact, this is not so. This plant has many diseases and pests. Potatoes need protection against various negative factors throughout the growing season.

Preventive measures

The problem is always better to prevent than then heroically fight its consequences. Therefore, in the spring it is necessary to pay special attention to the protection of potatoes from common diseases and insects - pests. The measures taken greatly will help preserve the harvest and improve its qualitative indicators.

Protection during vegetation

Also potatoes can be mulched by applying sawdust for this. Under them will be created a favorable environment for breeding insects, destroying colorado beetles, such as ladybugs.

Fighting consequences

  • Before cleaning the potato, it is necessary to remove the sick bushes from the field, and cut off the tops of healthy, otherwise the arms of the fungus can get from the stalks on the tuber, infecting them.
  • Sick potatoes can be eaten by removing the affected places.
  • Seed material before cleaning for storage must be prepared. For prosperous wintering, potatoes are needed good drying in the sun and forced landscaping.

Video: Growing potatoes - Seminar "Good harvest at minimum cost"

The beginning of May in our territories is the traditional landing time of potatoes. So it's time to think what way to plant it this time, because in lately New, original - there are from anything to choose from.

Traditional ways of planting potatoes

The usual methods are three: smooth planting, grebdy and in trenches. Moreover, this is exactly the case when an arbitrary choice gives not the best results, because each of the options is intended for quite specific conditions and in others it can simply not justify themselves. Only basic requirements remain common: placing landing in the direction from the south to the north so that the plants will be illuminated evenly and receive a sufficient amount of light; Observe distances. In addition, do not forget about the application of fertilizers (I usually use ash and compost); Useful to add to the wells or trenches onion husks that protects landing from colorado beetle. Between rows of tubers: Between tubers in a row:
  • for early grades - 25-30 cm
  • for late varieties - 30-35 cm.
It is worth keeping in mind that the distance is indicated for tubers. standard landing size - Approximately C. egg; I often plant small tubers - for them, naturally, the distance in the row is proportionally reduced; The distance between the rows from the size of the landing tuber does not depend.

The distance between the plants is important to observe. Photo

Optimal is considered landing depth:

  • on light soils - 10-12 cm
  • on heavy and looglinka - 8-10 cm
  • on the clay soils - 4-5 cm.
Again, small tubers It should be planted as deeply as large (but in any case, the deviation from the recommended parameters is not recommended for more than 3 cm).

In this video, Dr. Biological Sciences, Head of the Genetic Resources Department of Potato Vir. Vavilov Kira Stepan Dmitrievich talks about how to identify the right landing deadlines and how to plant potatoes.

Grebel landing

This is a method in which the site intended for planting potatoes makes a ridge with a height of about 15 cm with a distance between them about 70 cm, and then the tubers are already putting in them.

It will be appropriate to this technology where close to the surface lie, the soil suffers from the convergence. Useful method and on heavy soils, which are quickly compacted, preventing air exchange. In practice, the crests sometimes use and simply because there is a tractor.

For example, in the village, where I had a cottage, everyone plowed plots for potatoes by a tractor. And since the tractor driver was and required devices For emphasis, put in the ridges - to minimize manual labor. I abandoned this idea, at least we have loams: in dry years, there are very quickly from such moisture ridges, and a rich watering is required. And where I live now, and the sandy soil is at all - even the beds have to do with sides, because the earth is sat down. Yes, and moisture in such a soil is not delayed, so another method is more suitable for us.

Planting potatoes in trenches

This, in fact, combs on the contrary: on sandy soils, poorly holding moisture, as well as in dry climate conditions, we do not raise tubers over the level of land, but on the contrary - weaulting, laying in the trenches, laid taking into account all recommended distances.

Naturally, if you use this method on sites with high humidity Or very dense soil, there is a risk that our potatoes will simply fall or rotate in crude soil.

Smooth planting

If you got a plot on the southern slope, where the soil is quickly heated, and the soil is loose enough and moderately moisture, you can plant the "under the shovel" method. This is most convenient to do together. Rows of future landings are scheduled, then one of the participants in the process, moving around the planned line, makes small wells (someone just raises the lands of the earth to lay the tuber under him, someone prefers the wells - then the soil from the next "point of landing" falls asleep Previous). The second goes next and lays the tubers.

Such a method we used at one time, planting potatoes in the first year for just plowed virgin. The tractor left behind the huge layers of the Earth - to portray any ridges or trenches would not be possible anyway. Somehow cracked large cloves and under the blade was laid by tubers - right as it is, as it turns out. Already by the fall, the site was transformed - due to loosening, the weeds were noticeably less, and there were almost no largecomers left. The method justified himself, I used it in the future.

Unusual ways of planting potatoes

I think that I will not list all options anyway - the inventiveness of our summer residents does not know borders. Usually, new method It is invented to solve any particular problem (tasks). For example, the area overgrown in the grass, but forces to raise the virgin, no. Or the place is not enough, and I want to grow potatoes. Then, if attending himself justified, you can develop it.

And the planting material and botanical potato seeds for growing their own seed tubers can be chosen in our catalog, which unites the offers of large garden online stores. .

Perhaps you are known and other ways of planting potatoes? Or did you experience one of the new methods in practice? Tell us in the comments - How do you put potatoes, do you plan any experiment this season?

A good harvest pleases the gardener, but in the process of its growth, the plants are pulled out of the soil a huge number of useful trace elements. In order for autumn to be happy with the rich collection of vegetables, you need to collect information in advance than to fertilize the potatoes when landing. Gardeners use the schemes spent over the years, why don't you apply their experience in your garden plot?

What affects the yield

First of all you need to choose good varietyDecide S. planting material. Despite the high-quality agricultural engineering, when choosing bad seeds of a good harvest, you should not wait. An important factor These are weather conditions during the growing season. On the crop will affect both the absence of watering and too much moisture. An important factor is proper technique The cultivation of the soil. That is, timely glue and weeding. All this affects the quality of the harvest. But still one of the main questions is "than to fertilize potatoes when landing." For the formation of the tuber, the presence of sufficient nutrients in the soil is important. That is, timely making required fertilizers Guarantees an increase in the crop.


Another digression, before moving to the most important thing (than to fertilize the potatoes when landing). The root system of this culture practically does not penetrate the soil deep, it is all distributed over the surface. This is precisely the need to make fertilizers regularly sufficient quantities. This, on the one hand, disadvantage, since he strongly limits the plant along the power area. On the other hand, you can make fertilizers directly to the root development center and avoid excess costs for feeding.

Required fertilizers

Not only high yield, but also resistance to diseases, as well as nutritious taste and the appearance of tubers - all this is directly connected with the plant nutrition, so the question "than to fertilize the planting potatoes" is very important. An example is: if the plant did not receive feeding, the protein content in it does not exceed 1%, and with optimal macelerements, it reaches 2%. Each ton of grown tubers takes out 5 kg of nitrogen from the soil, 8 kg of potassium and 2 kg of phosphorus.

Based on this, it is not difficult to understand than to fertilize potatoes when landing in the well. He is very responsive to organic fertilizers, that is, manure and compost. Organizer is able to increase yield several times. There are reliable information that gardeners, regularly introducing manure into the soil, began to collect 10 buckets from each planted. For comparison: without feeding, this figure is usually true to three buckets collected from one planted. In addition, mineral feeding, seedrates, chicken litter and ash are used.

Spring subcord

Let's wonder than most efficiently. In the spring period, optimal are however, it is necessary to very accurately observe the proportions in order not to harm the plants. So, in the spring, the sulfate potassium is introduced at the rate of 2 kg per weave, double superphosphate - 1 kg per hundred. Immediately before planting, you can also contribute to the villagers actively use ash - 5 kg per hundred. Now you imagine how to fertilize the potatoes when landing. Selitra and other mineral supplements are also in the composition of which much more convenient. This "nitroposka" is a consumption of 5 kg per hundred, that is, one hole you will need a teaspoon with a slide.

Autumn soil preparation

Today we are talking about how you can fertilize potatoes when landing. However, it is very important to prepare the soil in advance so that it will meet the spring, full of nutrients. In the fall is made overwhelmed manure or compost. In the spring, this greatly saves the time of the gardener, since it is no longer necessary to think than you can fertilize the potatoes when landing, it is enough to put it in the ground, and then feed mineral mixtures. There is another advantage: an organizing agent for winter time has time to prohibit well, and in the spring to eat with thawed waters to give all the nutrients to the future plants. Someone prepares the wells in advance and lays down the manure into each of them (about 2 handstone), but most often it is simply scattered along the site at the rate of 10 kg per one hundred.

Mineral feeding and Siderats

Spring - time is hot, so mineral fertilizers can be added in advance. To do this, take a sulcitory potassium (2 kg per hundred) and (1 kg per hundred). Very well increases soil fertility and increases the yield of sowing winter wiki. it green manure accumulates in nitrogen sprouts and other necessary trace elements. There are also better known sites that can be used in spring. This is clover and peas, Lupine and Espartz. They contribute to the growth that produce nitrogen. At the same time, the method of using this fertilizer is very simple: before planting potatoes it is simply splashing into the soil.

If the feeding is not made on time

Do not despair if you did not know how to fertilize potatoes when landing. You can still fix. If the feeding was not made in the fall and in the spring, then the plants must be maintained in the course of their growth and development. To do this, it is best to use a korovyan. If you take fresh, then it is necessary to breed it with water 1:10, the lying and peeling can be breeding in a smaller proportion - 1: 8. For feeding uses a dung alive, diluted in the ratio of 1: 4 clean water.

The feeding is performed when the top of the height is 12 cm. In this case, the liquid mixture is very good because it can be made directly under root system Without its damage. Do not forget that the falling solution on the Buck Complex is extremely undesirable. Usually, the organic feeding is performed at the first dipping. After about 3 weeks of the plant, the high growth rate is gaining, and re-emphasis is required. At the same time, make a solution of mineral fertilizers in the soil. It can be a mixture of potash, phosphate and nitrogen additives, which will be needed for the growth of large and delicious tubers.

Chicken litter

This is a concentrated tool that provides rapid growth of potatoes, but it is impossible to use it in its pure form - burn the roots of the plants. To prepare a litter to use, it is bred by water in proportion 1:15 and insist in a warm place for several days. After that, the fluid is used for watering plants. It is necessary to adhere to the norm: one liter of the solution under each bush.

All these fertilizers can be used on your cottage plot. They are sufficiently available and do not require special knowledge to be successfully applied in the garden plot.

Potatoes are planted into the soil rich in organic fertilizers. Ash pour into the wells, laying the graze grass, compost, and in the aisle even the execution of weeds.
Between the rows, the mustard is evinted, the visco-oat nutritional mixture is cut off without giving blossom and leave under potatoes so that there is no open land. Rye and mustard, by the way, will be expelled from a plot of a wireman. If you sit in the fall in the fall, they can not be mounted, they will overtake themselves and disappear, they will support the plot.
From the beetles to spray potatoes best, harmless to humans "Phytoverm".

Wake up and sleep again

We are looking for optimal methodsTo grow a good crop of delicious potatoes. It is impossible to plant potatoes early when the land is not warmed, and it is impossible late when the spring moisture left.

Tubers before planting are soaked in the "radiance" preparation made of cereal bran.
Before boarding potatoes should be germinated. But it is impossible to do it in the sun or in the dark. We need light and air, the cold and heat are dangerous, and it is better to carry out narrovization at 18 degrees, for example, on the floor of the loggia. If you were late with the narrivation and not enough time left, then, raising the temperature, you can shorten the timing. When sprouts and roots appeared, you need to sprinkle with wet sawdresses with a layer of 3-4 centimeters, the temperature to reduce up to 12 degrees to formed a developed root system.
Before boarding for a week, potatoes need to be covered again from light, tubers must get used to the dark.

Do not waters

It is not necessary to plant deep potatoes, on heavy soils you can place it in general on the surface, sticking mulch or straw. It is best to bury potatoes so that its upper part is at the level of the earth's surface. Often it is not necessary to plant potatoes, the crop will be less, and even smaller. The distance between the tubers can reach a half-meter. Saw two potatoes, how many gardeners do, it is impossible. And it is necessary to climb the risks down. Then the stems will be widely extinguished from the ground, and this increases the harvest, because each of them will give its potato nest. It is necessary to impair potatoes, you need not pressing one sprout to another, the blade of the Earth must be thrown into the center of the bush to separate, and not bring the "bouquet". Each "trunk" should receive as much light as possible, heat and moisture. No need to plant in the shade, under apple tops.
It is known that potatoes can be planted with parts, eyes and even sprouts. Cut the potatoes only across and immediately before landing. The cut dip in the ash and dried.

Other Methods of Growing Potatoes

Potato pyramid

According to this method, the land does not jump with rows, but on each square meter The garden form a pyramid. From above, donomose is drilled by a vertical hole - then the potatoes are pouring through it. Potatoes are planted on the helix. Such a garden is easier to process, weeds almost do not grow, and it is not necessary to extort. And the crop speak four times the usual! Perhaps you should try!

Potato under Seine

Many gardeners turn out to be grown in potatoes in this way: there is a row of tubers on a flat wet and warm Earth with rows of tubers, and then covered with dry hay (can also be straw, mulch, burly). The layer should always be about 25 cm (otherwise the potatoes will green). Neither so much nor water. Weeds can not break through, moisture from the soil does not evaporate. In summer, you can gently cut off the shelter, choose larger young tubers for food and cover again. And in the fall to collect a great harvest!


Boobs will help

Potatoes are good to plant beans. On their roots there are small growths that allocate nitrogen, and it significantly increases the crop of potatoes, and the harvest of beans is also good. This is done as follows: in the hole, along with Katosina, Bob throws, and they grow together. Then the harvest of beans is removed first, and after the potatoes are digging. If there is still a place in the garden, then you can put a cabbage, it also gets good with potatoes.
Growing well on potato sections of beets and carrots.

Lunar tips

The harvest may depend on what day the grain is thrown into the ground.

Gardeners gardeners resort to different tricks to grow a good harvest on their plot. A considerable role is played in this and the rhythms of nature, in particular, the influence on the entire living moon. Back in antiquity, depending on its phase, our ancestors could determine favorable and unfavorable days for planting plants. We follow their example!
* Full moon and new moon do not contribute good harvest. On this day, agriculture is better not to do.
* The phase of the decreasing moon is well suited for landing roots (potatoes, carrots, beets, and so on.) Trimming trees. And on the growing moon, it is better to plant those plants whose fruits ripen over the surface of the earth (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, greens ...)
* And of course, love the Earth. After all, this is the main thing!